HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 15, 2015 - PlanningCOMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Council Chambers Thursday, October 15, 2015 6:30 p.m. – O’Connor Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN (a) Appointment 3. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 4. APPLICATION(S) (a) Minor Variance Application A-06/15 O'Connor - Request for variance to grant relief from Zoning By-law Z456-2003 Section 10.8 - minimum front yard depth, Section 10.9.2 - minimum side yard depth, Section 10.4 - minimum lot frontage and Section 10.3 - minimum lot area to meet condition of Consent Application E96/14 5. STAFF PRESENTATION 3 - 13 (a) Report DS-65/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment - Minor Variance - A06/15 O'Connor File: C-07 / D12.OCON 6. PRESENTATIONS BY APPLICANT/AGENT 7. PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS 8. COMMITTEE QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION 9. DECISION OF COMMITTEE (Motions) (a) Decision Page 1 of 13 Committee of Adjustment Agenda October 15, 2015 Page 10. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment Page 2 of 13 REPORT DEVELOPMENT SERVICESK94b*3 o‘p°1'tunity 1s“° TO:Mayor 8.Members of Council FROM:Margaret Underhill,Secretary/Treasurer Committee of Adjustment DATE:October 15,2015 REPORT:DS-65/15 FILE NO.C-07/D12.0CON Roll #34-01 -000-004-14550 Roll #34-01-000-004-14600 SUBJECT:Committee of Adjustment -Minor Variance —A-06/15 0’Connor BACKGROUND: Randy 0’Connor has submitted a minor variance application for his two properties located on the north side of Heritage Line,east of Garnham Street,known municipally as 56353 Heritage Line and parcel 11R9958 Part 2.The property is designated “Residential”on Schedule B - Municipality of Bayham:Straffordvillez Land Use and constraints in the Official Plan;and zoned Village Residential (R1)in the Bayham Zoning By-law Z456-2003. The minor variance is a condition of Consent Application E96/14 granted by the Land Division Committee on February 11,2015 for the creation of a lot described as Part 2 of Registered Plan 11R9958. THE PURPOSE of the variances is to grant relief for the existing dwelling: -From Section 10.8 to reduce the minimum front yard depth from 7.0 m to 6.47 m -From Section 10.9.2 to reduce the minimum side yard depth from 1.7 m to 1.17 m And grant relief for the proposed lot: -From Section 10.4 to reduce the minimum lot frontage from 20.0 m to 16.0 m -From Section 10.3 to reduce the minimum lot area of 900 m2 to 648 m2 For lands in a Village Residential (R1)Zone on property located on Lot 6 Plan 205 on the south side of Heritage Line east of Garnham Street known as 56353 Heritage Line Straffordville. THE EFFECT of the variance will be to allow the retention of the existing single detached dwelling and the construction of a new single detached dwelling on the proposed lot. DISCUSSION: Council must be satisfied with the Planning Act four “tests”when considering an application for a minor variance.The attached p|anner’s memorandum dated October 1,2015 provides an analysis of these tests. Staff and planner concur the application meets the criteria and would recommend granting the Report DS-65/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment - Minor Va...Page 3 of 13 / Staff Report DS—65/15O'Connor Page 2 variances to satisfy the condition of Consent E96/14. At the time of writing this report,no public comments have been received regarding this application. ATTACHMENTS 1.Application for Minor Variance A-06/15 2.IBI Memorandum dated October 1,2015 RECOMMENDATION 1.“THAT the Committee of Adjustment Secretary-Treasurer’s report DS—65/15 regarding the O’Connor minor variance be received; 2.AND WHEREAS the Committee agrees that the proposed variances meet Section 45.1(1)of the Planning Act and the variances are considered minor; 3.THEREFORE application A-06/15 submitted by Randy O'Connor,pursuant to Section 45 of the Planning Act for minor variance,is granted the following four (4) variances to the Village Residential (R1)Section 10 of the Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law 2456-2003 to allow relief from: For the Existing dwelling: Section 10.8 —Reduction in the minimum front yard depth from 7.0 m to 6.47 m and Section 10.9.2 —Reduce the minimum side yard depth from 1.7 m to 1.17 m For the Proposed lot: Section 10.4 —Reduce the minimum lot frontage from 20.0 m to 16.0 m and Section 10.3 -Reduce the minimum lot area of 900 m2 to 648 m2 Respectfully Submitted by:Reviewed by: Marg et Underhill Secretary/Treasurer Committee of Adjustment 1 CAO Report DS-65/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment - Minor Va...Page 4 of 13 APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE Planning Act,R.S.O.1990,O.Reg 200/96 as amenq??aW_M.T.:I"‘..l-1'The undersigned hereby applies to the Committee of Adjustment for the MUNICIPALITYOF BA YHAM P.O.Box 160,9344 Plank Rd. STRAFFORDVILLE,ON Telephone:519 866-5521 Fax.‘519 866-3884 Under Section 45 of the Planning Act,R.S.O.1990 for relief,as described infromBy-law No.Z456-2003 (as amended)Municipalityof Bayham. 5-_-711.?’l8 35015 " £'r.‘?.i—‘:’?’."H.‘-‘.?V'i this application, Application to be accompanied by the fee of $2000.00 in cash or cheque made payable to theMunicipalityofBayham. 1.0WNER(S) a)Name am, A _ b)MailingAddress lg C‘_[,\e .\_R I 3 F ST_'THo/vxok,/)KBSR i\,’l c)Telephone No.Home:519 3 g 7,C t;0g Work: d)Fax NO. .1.‘3 2.SOLICITORI AUTHORIZEDAGENT a)Name b)MailingAddress c)Telephone No.Home:Work: d)Fax No. Send correspondence to:E/Owner(s)j Solicitor/AuthorizedAgent II FOROFFICEUSEONLY Application No.:{>\‘O (1 //Date Received: Fee Received:Qcgao "‘° (X//-5-J.Date of Meeting: :2:-1 CommitteeDecision:File Nozkf?,OCOy\) Q90;41:52‘says’ 11/03/2015 MinorVariance 2015 Report DS-65/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment - Minor Va...Page 5 of 13 QMunicipalityofBayham Application for MinorVariance Page 2 3.Names and address of any mortgages,holders and charges or other encumbrances: Name Address WC;_‘itoo \iV\\\lQ€'5“;‘b\()"\)‘ed“l""»‘Elooca,rgQm.i.\'W9«-.>€r "L30 -3\—o GL1 M :3 S 81$“: Location of Land a)Lot and Plan or Concession No.: b)Street/911 #&Name: Lav (Q l>t_y\,g 'Zo'§ _ S l~—\e.v~\'~\‘o_%’;§\~\:rQ_<_a'1”i*0\‘:-F‘-3rC§‘\3.\\—Q_s .3 Q0‘!1l=‘»=3€/'0/00000‘//9/"M 5,0/'7"Nature and extent of relief applied for: f‘(\~"~or \)oJ‘~c~~\C-Q,*0 Cow\¥;\~.3 VUI:*”\l\$£.\)e.ro.vxC.g’ NOTE: Why is it not possible to comply with the provisions of the By-law? In the case of a Supplementary farm dwelling,a Development Agreement is required. e»“t’?\‘\-‘k£‘2'~L\o{is Rex/Q \.o\ >!Qr‘,gs~,L_€,9.4-‘qt;--.-’<’,c;‘l\Co.’Qwko ?at-xgk \‘>r\(\gr3Q!:_F€.(\Qnvu-‘\§ < ‘ _ -5 L ‘ ‘Z 1 —2'LC)Dimensions of the land affected:UN’0 'Q?“'0”ML“T //,Q €775? a)Frontage (m)_2Z‘Q 3;*“ \L:_O L 3 M / I/47579‘b)Depth (m).40,-2-‘gq M \\Q V233 “” c)Area (sq.m/ha)C‘H‘gq SWM -(oqg 1 Sq '~'\ Particulars of all buildings and structures on or proposed for the subject land (specifygroundfloorarea,gross floor area,number of storeys,width,length,height,etc.) a)Existing \;ag><’.€.V11 ‘N Sq M ‘'\T*»Lmu~<\e,c)\\i3s>.m'\‘-Ha~ 5 (sq M ’ b)Proposed <.»>a~_W€foxovc Q\<b_\§x_mk‘L9’~\OJ_\\c\‘~(\(\ id lo%_l_}<DO§Date of acquisition of subject land: 1 1/03/2015 Minor Variance 2015 Report DS-65/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment - Minor Va...Page 6 of 13 Municipalityof Bayham Application for MinorVariance Page 3 \\0\.'>S 0;\3'”"‘‘\ 10.Date of construction of all buildings and structures on subject lands:\\C—‘\\E5 11.Existing uses of the subject property .....C ('3 K x 12.Length of time and existing uses to the subject property have continued:3 .nae,\<>BO 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Existing uses of abutting properties: 3) b) C) d) North (lags \c\«a,:\\L ct}. East South West Services available (check appropriate space(s)) 3) b) Present Official Plan designation: Method of Water Supply (if applicable) Public Water Supply System l‘_'l Private Communal Well El Other (please specify) Private IndividualWell 9/ Method of Sanitary Waste Disposal (if applicable) Private Septic Tank and Tile Field System El Other (please specify) \/1&3\r\e~x\\ Private Communal System El 5 '’\,_..\c 10*Mo 2-:Public Sanitary Sewer System Q“Lbs ‘J ‘ “V0 \30,'\.v\$~s:x\.a=(\gnu.-\—O\" Present Zoning Bylaw classification: _ Xl?my §2.«X;r&CQ \3 Has the owner previously applied for a minor variance in respect to the subject property? 8)Yes D No 2/ If Yes,describe briefly: is the sgtyectproperty the subject of a current application of )Yes No [II ' C.—°M'?/<*\ 11/O3/2015 Minor Variance 2015 Report DS-65/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment - Minor Va...Page 7 of 13 STATUTORYDECLARATION of the in the Q/av'-\\uk 09 C’5\O\U‘ (County/District/Region) information,exhibits and statements provided in this application as required under Section 45 of the Planning Act R.S.O.1990 and Ontario Regulation 200/96 as amended are true; THAT lNVe shall assume responsibility for any additional costs exceeding the deposited amount related to the said application and understand and agree that payment of said additional costs shall be a condition of this signed application.l/\Ne also agree to accept all costs as rendered; AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true,and knowing that it is of the same force and affect as if made under oath and by virtue of the “Canada Evidence Act”. DECLAREDbefore me at the ,..’)?7é//’I/C1/7c'z0/"01% (City.Municip?lity.TOW".TOWFISP )Signature of Applican AuthorizedAgent* '),2 ,,.) inthe amp 4/42/,-a > 4/"f", (County/Di trict/Region))Signature ofApp|ican‘t .¢¢_,)I ’ ~ —this /0 day of v’¢<¢’aJ‘f2o_/_§‘) )Signature of Applicant ) 7 ) /) //> )A C missioner,etc. *lf authorized agent,a letter of authorization fromtheownerofthepropertymustaccompanythis application. 11/O3/2015 Minor Variance 2015 Report DS-65/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment - Minor Va...Page 8 of 13 %<‘.g,\\cm \D C»~m.~\.m x.-A cu-,«\\N¥L\ Z0 M €>cp\\‘0<\\CD»‘3 Q \..o\-(brag Mfn qoo ""1‘ gc’.C’\—\<>'-\x0 .2 CM“‘Fa-em:\\9r‘d c3\e;\.>.\ ‘W3 3&6/\go‘.\\o ,0\.2 , /' \'”““3\*1 V\Qrc\u-.9-\dxAJ\/» vim) Q\*cj_§iOi_$€_c§\‘ L0’T \Le.c:~z%““ (042.2 “‘ Nlxx \\\{A NIA \\\lA, L,,.~\‘1 ”‘ \,\‘\~\ Report DS-65/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment - Minor Va...Page 9 of 13 ..__.....--~.._..._.-.:.»....--.- 20.117 WIDE REGISTERED PLAN 205)(SEE TOWNSHIP _OF_BAYHAM BY-LAW No.9916) P.l.N.35.336 H ,,3 /W//K W58 Q \ .‘?.Er7 4 201"; Géb?wQ Q{.K\%%rD 83'47'30"w ‘:v‘iUN!i‘.iF’AL.iT‘fDFBAYHAM (19.329 P2)(2o.117 P3)I‘'3 M *20.117 (P1.P2 3.320 If -3 NORTHEASTCORNER ,\-or LOT 6 A 2 COVER .3 V E 9 3. *3 2; 3 E ‘* Z V’E2 2 0%3 am 3 _.I5 , 55 2 $0 N?‘S /\E § 3 E‘E 3T °i ‘“° 3 2 |\ I 3'?)V is - §“’3,§. 2 ‘.9,3 ‘N /\ “’3 _5 1 i”E E STrsauPH523 f\ I -'>°»°RC)/—\D \"\‘<T =3 ' 8 /-\JJD LP .2 V 3 E M Z .0 3 I’) '_-3 ‘r* '2 O1 2 __ OHANUNK FENCE L308 (M)(19.32:P2)19.527 (M)(19.47 P2) .4 -:’’‘--*'W ‘-;..._._.-.4.-:.;’~::~I-'~~~'—k——--r——~~——v ’ \ 30..w (M) 3 ®\b%q)Q 39.335 (M)(39.368 P2)\:bq,‘\« 0-x .|-(ZL'.I'.'..\.-3 ._.--1.--..-_...l..(‘.>.T-.-__R I 1 (‘VF Report DS-65/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment - Minor Va...Page 10 of 13 LOT 5 LC\—(4 p\Qh 10$ STR E95-r o:.‘PL.(~\—N\CRD "Yu:P ($0.33\~o«vv\[31 $’\‘F‘0\C.Corawf\\e..H3 'op LA L, 9°“Ermzmmrm$TK€€T 'P 3 :1: 3‘1,348 M 3 .3:1m w cam, “I T,I qé-aom-)* I / 4‘ ——1..\MQ5T STQ*»:‘Ef ';_;3v~\ v Q! F7 L Mage +c\o«zS».v-as-erx $e.\sa(?—d\‘.ono\nL\c>\u)'\o 'LAT5 (‘€—\~c..‘\ne:)~-.- . haw-Se.'.HOUSC 3<>m2+'-9* Shack-.S '\NQ—\\:® /.r2“~.JJae Report DS-65/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment - Minor Va...Page 11 of 13 IBI GROUP 203-350 Oxford Street West London ON N6H 1T3 Canada tel 519 472 7328 fax 519 472 9354 ibigroup.com Memorandum ToIAttention Municipality of Bayham Date October 1,2015 From William Pol,MCIP,RPP Project No 3404 -591 cc file Subject 0'Connor -Application for Minor Variance to Zoning By—|aw#Z456- 2003 Pt.Lot 6,Plan 205,Straffordville,56353 Heritage Line A06/15 We have completed our review of an Application for Minor Variance,submitted by Randy O’Connor,for a property located 56353 Heritage Line Straffordville,located on the south side of Heritage Line east of Garnham Street.The applicant is requesting a variance to Zoning By—law#Z456—2003 to accommodate the construction of a new dwelling unit on lands surplus to the existing dwelling.The subject lands are designated "Residential”,as shown on Schedule B —Municipality of Bayham:Straffordvillez Land Use and Constraints; and zoned Village Residential "R1”in Zoning By-law #Z456—2003. The subject lands have an existing single detached dwelling built in 1880 and a barn constructed in 1915.The proposal is to retain the existing dwelling on the westerly lot and build a new dwelling on the lot to the east.Surrounding land uses are single detached dwellings in all four directions.Both lots will be serviced with public sewage system and private water systems.There are no constraints to the lands for construction of the buildings. The applicants are requesting the following four (4)variances to the Village Residential (Rl)Section 10 of ZBL #Z456—2003 to accommodate the proposed development: Existing dwelling: —Section 10.8 Reduction in the minimum front yard depth from 7.0 m to 6.47 m -Section 10.9.2 reduce the minimum side yard depth from 1.7 m to 1.17 m Proposed Lot: —Section 10.4 reduce the minimum lot frontage of 20.0 m to 16.0 m -Section 10.3 reduce the minimum lot area of 900 m’to 648 m2 Section 45.(1)of the Planning Act outlines the four “tests"with which the Committee of Adjustment must be satisfied with when considering an application for a minor variance to the Zoning By-law.The following outlines our analysis of these tests: i.Are the variances minor in nature? -The reduction in the front yard depth and side yard depth for the existing dwelling are minor in nature given the distances of 0.53 m for the lot frontage and 0.53 m for the side yard depth to recognize the existing location.Yes these variances are minor. -The reduction in the lot frontage for the proposed lot is 4.0 m and reduction in lot area of 252 m2.These changes are minor where the lot will function for safe access and access to private water service. IBI Group is a group of ?rms providing professional services and is af?liated with IBI Group Architects Report DS-65/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment - Minor Va...Page 12 of 13 IBI GROUP MEMORANDUM Municipalityof Bayham —October 1,2015 ii.Are the variances desirable for the use of the lands? For the existing dwelling it is desirable to recognize the location of the dwelling in relation to the front and side yards.It is desirable for the continued use of the building and lands. For the proposed lot it is desirable to allow reduced lot frontage and area because there is sufficient lot area to locate and design a dwelling in keeping with the character of the area. iii.Do the variances maintain the general intent and purpose of the Zoning Bylaw? Existing dwelling —The purpose of the front and side yard depth is to allow sufficient light,air and access for the dwelling.The location of the dwelling on the east side of the lot provides sufficient space for vehicular access to the west and there is sufficient side yard depth to allow for air and access in keeping with the intent of the Zoning By-law. Proposed lot —The purpose of the lot frontage and area is to allow safe access and egress from the lot and sufficient area for a private well service. There is sufficient frontage on the new lot to allow for safe access and the plans submitted show a well on both properties.There is sufficient lot area to provide outdoor amenity space.The variances are in keeping with the intent of the Zoning By-law. iv.Do the variances maintain the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan? Existing Dwelling and new lot—The intent of the “Residential”land use designation for both sites is to permit single detached dwellings on both the existing and new lot.The variances provide for these uses and maintain the safety of access to the public road.The requested variances maintain the intent and purpose of the Official Plan. 5.Based on our review of this application we would have no objection to the minor variances for both the retained single detached dwelling and the new lot for a single detached dwelling to Zoning By-law #Z456-2003. William Pol IBI GROUP William Pol,MCIP,RPP Affiliate IBI Group Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham Report DS-65/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment - Minor Va...Page 13 of 13