HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 01, 2021 - Planning - Committee of AdjustmentCOMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM MUNICIPAL OFFICE 56169 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Thursday, April 1, 2021 6:30 p.m. A. Franz & Helena Guenther A-05/21 B. Fred & Judy Froese A-06/21 C. Jacquelin Ditchfield A-07/21 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: ED KETCHABAW RAINEY WEISLER C. VALERIE DONNELL DANFROESE SUSAN CHILCOTT STAFF PRESENT: CAOICLERK THOMAS THAYER SECRETARY/TREASURER MARGARET UNDERHILL DEPUTY CLERK BRENDA GIBBONS SIGNED IN ATTENDEES: None CALL TO ORDER E. Ketchabaw called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared. 3. REVIEW OF ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA A. PROCEDURAL MOTION Moved by: V. Donnell Seconded by: S. Chilcott THAT Section 6.15.1(K) of the Municipality of Bayham Procedural By- law be suspended for the duration of the April 1, 2021 Committee of Adjustment Meeting due to the functional abilities of the electronic meeting platform. A recorded vote was held on the Procedural Motion: Member of Committee of Adjustment YES T x x NO C. Valerie Donnell Dan Froese Susan Chilcott x Raine Weisler x _ x s i Ed Ketchabaw CARRIED Statutory Planning Minutes — Committee of Adjustment April 1, 2021 4. APPLICATION A. Minor Variance Application A-05/21 Franz & Helena Guenther THE PURPOSE of the variance is to permit accessory building height of 4.8 m (15.7 ft) whereas 4.5 m (14.7 ft) is the permitted maximum; and, to permit combined accessory building floor area of 104.3 m2 (1,123 ft2) whereas 65 m2 (700 ft2) is the permitted maximum, as per Zoning By-law Section 10.11, located at 9499 Plank Road, west side, north of Fourth Street, in the village of Straffordville. THE EFFECT of this variance will be to allow the development of an oversized accessory building with floor area of 95.3 m2 (1,026 ft2) for personal storage and the storage of work vehicles and equipment in addition to the existing 9 m2 (96.9 ft2) shed. 5. STAFF PRESENTATION A. Report DS-17/21 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer re Committee of Adjustment Minor Variance Application A-05/21 F & H Guenther, 9499 Plank Road, Straffordville Secretary/Treasurer M. Underhill presented Report DS-17/21. 6. PRESENTATIONS BY APPLICANT/AGENT None. 7. PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS None. 8. COMMITTEE QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION None. 9. DECISION OF COMMITTEE (Motions) Moved by: S. Chilcott Seconded by: R. Weisler THAT the Committee of Adjustment Secretary/Treasurer's report DS-17/21 regarding the Guenther minor variance be received; AND THAT the Committee of Adjustment considered all written and oral submissions received on this application, the effect of which helped the committee to make an informed decision; AND WHEREAS the Committee agrees that the proposed variances as presented meet Section 45.1(1) of the Planning Act and are considered minor; THEREFORE application A-17/21 submitted by Franz and Helena Guenther, pursuant to Section 45 of the Planning Act for minor variance, is granted to allow relief from Statutory Planning Minutes — Committee of Adjustment April 1, 2021 Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Z456-2003: Section 10.11 Reaulations for Accessory Buildings Subsection b) to permit maximum height of 4.8 metres whereas 4.5 metres is the maximum permitted height in the R1 Zone, and Subsection c) to permit a combined accessory building floor area of 105 m2 whereas 65.0 m2 is the maximum permitted floor area in the R1 Zone Condition: Year-round driveway access be provided for emergency services. CARRIED 10. APPLICATION A. Minor Variance Application A-06/21 Fred & Judy Froese THE PURPOSE of the variance is to permit the placement of a portable structure on the subject lands for the purpose of accommodating a supplementary farm dwelling, located at 55974 Light Line, north side, east of Plank Road. THE EFFECT of this variance will be to allow the permitted use of a supplementary farm dwelling on the subject lands. 11. STAFF PRESENTATION B. Report DS-18/21 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer re Committee of Adjustment Minor Variance Application A-06/21 F & J Froese, 55974 Light Line, Vienna Secretary/Treasurer M. Underhill presented Report DS-18/21. 12. PRESENTATIONS BY APPLICANT/AGENT None. 13. PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS None. 14. COMMITTEE QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION None. 15. DECISION OF COMMITTEE (Motions) Moved by: V. Donnell Seconded by: S. Chilcott THAT the Committee of Adjustment Secretary/Treasurer's report DS-18/21 regarding the Fred and Judy Froese minor variance be received; AND THAT the Committee of Adjustment considered all written and oral submissions 4 Statutory Planning Minutes — Committee of Adjustment April 1, 2021 received on this application, the effect of which helped the committee to make an informed decision; AND WHEREAS the Committee agrees that the proposed variances as presented meet Section 45.1(1) of the Planning Act and are considered minor; THEREFORE application A-06/21 submitted by Fred and Judy Froese, pursuant to Section 45 of the Planning Act for a minor variance, is granted to allow relief from Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Z456-2003: • Section 5.2 Permitted Uses - to permit one supplementary farm dwelling in the form of a portable building with a maximum floor area of 98m2 (1055 ft2) to accommodate a maximum of six (6) seasonal farm labourers at 55974 Light Line Condition: Development Agreement to be executed within 60 days of the minor variance approval. ATM C11d1:1197 16. APPLICATION C. Minor Variance Application A-07/21 Jacquelin Ditchfield THE PURPOSE of the variance is to permit zero (0) lot frontage whereas new development is not permitted on lands without street frontage and 20 m (65 ft) is the required minimum in the Village Residential (131) zone, as per Zoning By-law Section 4.18 and 10.4. The lands are located at 2 Elizabeth Street, east side, south of Wellington Street, in the village of Port Burwell. THE EFFECT of this variance will be to recognize existing zero lot frontage where access to the lands is by way of easement to permit the owners to enlarge the existing dwelling. 17. STAFF PRESENTATION C. Report DS-19/21 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer re Committee of Adjustment Minor Variance Application A-07/21 Ditchfield, 2 Elizabeth Street, Port Burwell Secretary/Treasurer M. Underhill advised a concern has been presented regarding legal easement to the property and recommends this application and report be deferred until the April 15, 2021 meeting. 18. PRESENTATIONS BY APPLICANT/AGENT 19. PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS 20. COMMITTEE QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION 21. DECISION OF COMMITTEE (Motions) R Statutory Planning Minutes — Committee of Adjustment April 1, 2021 Moved by: V. Donnell Seconded by: D. Froese THAT application A-07/21 submitted by Jacquelin Ditchfield be deferred to the April 15, 2021 meeting. CARRIED 22. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: R. Weisler Seconded by: V. Donnell THAT the Committee of Adjustment hearing for consideration of Minor Variance Applications A-05/21, A-06/21 and A-07/21 be adjourned at 6:45 p.m.; AND THAT in accordance with the regulations of the Planning Act, Notices of Decision be circulated by the Secretary -Treasurer accordingly. CARRIED DATE: CHAIRPERSON SECRET R T EASURER