HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 03, 2020 - Planning - Committee of AdjustmentCOMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM MUNICIPAL OFFICE 56169 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Thursday, December 3, 2020 6:45 p.m. B & S Crevits Farms Ltd. A-13/20 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3. APPLICATION A. Minor Variance Application A-13/20 B & S Crevits THE PURPOSE of the variance is to to permit the placement of a portable structure on the subject lands for the purpose of accommodating an additional supplementary farm dwelling, located at 57575 Light Line, south side, east of Godby Road. THE EFFECT of this variance will be to allow the permitted use of a third supplementary farm dwelling in addition to previous Minor Variance A-05/11 granted August 4, 2011 permitting a second supplementary farm dwelling on the subject lands. 4. STAFF PRESENTATION A. Report DS-77/20 re Minor Variance Application A-13/20 B & S Crevits Farms Ltd. 5. PRESENTATIONS BY APPLICANT/AGENT 6. PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS 7. COMMITTEE QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION 8. DECISION OF COMMITTEE (Motions) 9. ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED MINOR VARIANCE IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM APPLICANT: B & S CREVITS, 57575 LIGHT LINE TAKE NOTICE that the Municipality of Bayham has received a completed application for a proposed Minor Variance (A-13/20). AND TAKE NOTICE that the Committee of Adjustment of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham will hold a public meeting on Thursday, December 3rd, 2020 at 6:45 pm. in the Municipal Council Chambers, 56169 Heritage Line in Straffordville to consider a proposed Minor Variance to Zoning By-law No. Z456-2003 under Section 45 of the PLANNING ACT. THE PURPOSE of the variance is to permit the placement of a portable structure on the subject lands for the purpose of accommodating an additional supplementary farm dwelling, located at 57575 Light Line, south side, east of Godby Road. THE EFFECT of this variance will be to allow the permitted use of a third supplementary farm dwelling in addition to previous Minor Variance A-05/11 granted August 4, 2011 permitting a second supplementary farm dwelling on the subject lands. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting adhering to mask and physical distancing requirements and/or make a written or verbal representation in support of or in opposition to the proposed minor variance. *** Given the current COVID-19 legislative restrictions and limitations, land use planning meetings remain open to public comment. Please be advised that equal consideration is given to all written and oral presentations provided to the municipality at a public meeting in regards to land use planning applications. When possible please consider utilizing written correspondence. IF YOU WISH to be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment, you must make a written request to the undersigned. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed minor variance may be obtained by contacting the Municipal Office. DATED at the Municipality of Bayham this 19th day of November 2020. Margaret Underhill Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator Municipality of Bayham 56169 Heritage Line, P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, ON, N0J 1Y0 T: 519-866-5521 Ext 222 F: 519-866-3884 E: munderhill@bayham.on.ca W: www.bayham.on.ca Staff Report DS-77 /20 Crevits Page 2 Planning Act Section 45. (1) for a minor variance to the zoning by-law. The planner's memorandum dated November 25, 2020 outlines the variances required for compliance and the full analysis of the four "tests". Staff and planner concur the application meets the criteria for minor variance. At the time of writing this report, no written public comments have been received. As a condition of the minor variance, the draft Development Agreement is attached to this Report outlining the requirements for the use, placement, servicing, and occupation of the three (3)supplementary dwellings. The By-law to approve the Development Agreement is on the regular agenda for Council's consideration. ATTACHMENTS 1.Application for Minor Variance A-13/20 Crevits 2.181 Memorandum dated November 25, 2020 3.Draft Development Agreement By-law 2020-088 RECOM MENDATION THAT the Committee of Adjustment Secretary-Treasurer's report DS-77/20 regarding the Crevits minor variance be received; AND THAT the Committee of Adjustment considered all written and oral submissions received on this application, the effect of which helped the committee to make an informed decision; AND WHEREAS the Committee agrees that the proposed variances as presented meet Section 45.1 (1) of the Planning Act and are considered minor; THEREFORE application A-13/20 submitted by Brian and Susan Crevits, pursuant to Section 45 of the Planning Act for minor variance, is granted to allow relief from Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law 2456-2003: •Section 5.2 Permitted Uses -to permit one additional supplementary farm dwelling in the form of a school portable with a maximum floor area of 72 m2 (768 ft2) to accommodate a maximum of six (6) seasonal farm labourers for a total of three (3) supplementary farm dwellings accommodating maximum total of twenty-two (22) seasonal labourers at 57575 Light Line Condition: Development Agreement to be executed within 60 days of the minor variance approval. Respectfully Submitted by: /�MargaetUncierhill SecretarylTreasurer Committee of Adjustment Reviewed by: Paul Shipway CAOIClerk