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June 20, 2019 - Planning - Public - Official Plan Amendment
THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STATUTORY PLANNING MEETING AGENDA MUNICIPAL OFFICE 56169 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Thursday, July 20, 2019 7:45 p.m. — Official Plan Amendment 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3. CHAIRMAN'S REMARKS ON THE PURPOSE OF THE MEETING 4. PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT A. Application submitted by the Municipality of Bayham The purpose of the public meeting is to consider an application to add employment and industrial land uses as land uses eligible for financial incentive programs. In addition, financial programs are also proposed for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of brownfield sites (contaminated lands requiring remediation prior to development). The amendment applies to the existing Community Improvement Project Area as designated by By-law No. 2015-059 as it applies to the entire municipality and no key map is provided. The existing Elgincentives Community Improvement Plan for the Municipality of Bayham was adopted in 2015 and provides a framework for encouraging the rehabilitation and improvement of private lands and buildings in key locations throughout the municipality. The Community Improvement Plan provides policies that enable Council to offer financial incentives to private property owners, which currently apply to commercial, mixed-use, and tourism-related land uses. These incentives are intended to encourage property owners to improve the appearance of their lands and buildings, which ultimately benefit residents and visitors within the Municipality of Bayham. The effect of the amendment will be to enable Council to offer financial incentives to private property owners in the entire municipality for the improvement of private employment, industrial and brownfields lands. 5. STAFF PRESENTATIONS A. Alan Smith, General Manager, Economic Development County of Elgin 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 7. CORRESPONDENCE 8. OTHER BUSINESS 9. ADJOURNMENT CIP/Public Notification INN:YHA/itNOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING PROPOSED 4111=i'' AMENDMENTS TO THE ELGINCENTIVES / � COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN rl IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ,JI,o tUnity I •011" APPLICANT: MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM TAKE NOTICE that the Municipality of Bayham is initiating proposed amendments to the Elgincentives Community Improvement Plan adopted in 2015. AND TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham will hold a statutory public meeting on Thursday, June 20, 2019 at 7:45 p.m. in the Municipal Council Chambers, 56169 Heritage Line, Straffordville to consider a proposed Community Improvement Plan pursuant to Section 28 of the PLANNING ACT. THE PURPOSE and EFFECT of this amendment is to add employment and industrial land uses as land uses eligible for financial incentive programs. In addition, financial programs are also proposed for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of brownfield sites (contaminated lands requiring remediation prior to development). The amendment applies to the existing Community Improvement Project Area as designated by By-law No. 2015-059 as it applies to the entire municipality and no key map is provided. The existing Elgincentives Community Improvement Plan for the Municipality of Bayham was adopted in 2015 and provides a framework for encouraging the rehabilitation and improvement of private lands and buildings in key locations throughout the municipality. The Community Improvement Plan provides policies that enable Council to offer financial incentives to private property owners, which currently apply to commercial, mixed-use, and tourism-related land uses. These incentives are intended to encourage property owners to improve the appearance of their lands and buildings, which ultimately benefit residents and visitors within the Municipality of Bayham. THE EFFECT of this amendment will enable Council to offer financial incentives to private property owners in the entire municipality for the improvement of private employment, industrial and brownfields lands. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make a written or verbal representation in support of or in opposition to the proposed amendments. IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Bayham before the amendments are adopted, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY does not make oral submissions at a public meeting, or make written submissions to the Municipality of Bayham before the by-laws are passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so. IF YOU WISH to be notified of the adoption of the proposed amendment, or a refusal of a request to amend the Community Improvement Plan you must make a written request to the undersigned. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed amendments may be obtained at the Municipal Office, at the following website: http://www.progressivebynature.com/business- resources/elgincentives or by contacting the Elgin County Economic Development staff: 519- 631-1460 ext. 137. Dated at the Municipality of Bayham this 29th day of May 2019. Margaret Underhill Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160, 56169 Heritage Line Straffordville, ON, NOJ 1Y0 T: 519-866-5521 Ext 222 F: 519-866-3884 E: munderhi11( bayham.on.ca W: www.bayham.on.ca Elginceriifes Community Improvement Program $ 3 883 , 455 invested into the local business community E1ginceñ1Jes Community Improvement Program What is Elgincentives? • A planning document that sets out tools and strategies for improving the built, economic, and social environment in defined areas. • Otherwise known as a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) Elginceres County-Wide Vision and Implementation Document EI ,tINIPLANNING ® $ tantec Updated March 2019 El ginCncmp�tlV,es Steps Towards Creating Elgincentives • Project Initiation/Consultations — Fall 2014 • Consultation with Ministry — January 2015 • Visioning Document Finalized — February 2015 • County Council Endorsement — March 2015 • Municipal Partner Adoption — Spring/Summer 2015 • First Approved Applicants — October 2015 ElgtrIof o LnY , r. Why Elgincentives? B To stimulate To improve quality economic growth of place for Goals of the and diversification. residents and visitors. Community Improvement Plan r#': C .i� To improve the stability and sustainability of the tax base. Elgi nce tines Community Improvement Program Elgincentives Vision and Implementation Guidelines (Non-Statutory Statement of Intent" endorsed by County Council) -7 T , West Elgin Dutton/Dunwich Southwold Central Elgin Malahide Aylmer Bayham Elgincentives CIP Elgincentives CIP Elgincentives CIP Elgincentives CIP Elgincentives CIP Elgincentives CIP Elgincentives CIP Statutory documents prepared under the Planning Act and adopted by local Councils ElgiCn cer( LnY es Program Vision and Implementation Guidelines Overview • Convey the County's Vision for the Elgincentives CIP • Set out the County's intentions for: • administering the CIP, in partnership with the local municipalities; and • Providing funding for the financial incentive programs. • No Planning Act requirements • Original CIP Endorsed by County Council — March 2015 • Industrial CIP Endorsed by County Council — May 2019 Elgtp f,,,ro LnY , , Elgincentives : Community Improvement Plans • Meets statutory requirements of the Planning Act; • Establishes goals and objectives for community improvement; • Identifies a Community Improvement Project Area for each of the Local Municipalities; • Provides a set of financial incentive programs that may be put into place; • Adopted by all 7 Municipal Partners — Spring/Summer 2015 Elgtpc1 m LnY ,,s CIP Area COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX ury OF LONDON MALAH IDE CENTRAL ELGIN i — - ^O^ 7 SOUTH WOLD '`— DUTTON/DUNWICH /�, i"�1o.- L,-,,,,,,,,,,,i.. I, r yy ~�'r'--1•F O.1' Faynes Mills COUNTY of MIDDLESEX • �iry ���. Station 3 D� � � COUNTY OF OXFORD / w ���� a H ay ✓ Ly hu t '3 ngswnlLwners P 9 dos WEST ELGIN :s, .1 . ,,1 E .. r t eedan .� sr. NOnnas p � ` 3 mi-it-m,-7, M - ,z sz .aca.nm 0`gc� .901 4, I Al: .. a-a .� me slut en 1. �`'�1 5" Ea...a t.0 2 • A �., t°SH, R .�•� -" -2Flngal Nw.71.'aN` . , AYLMER l �� men \..„ :* e • 1q '14 s%N,y ar r 9 i umme.s corners / Nortlr Nall u- r 1� •8oulhG Eden a aan / �nI r t P s ��'' p1 % n me — -_ SpaML .Fe C� , 3 ERiq is..1r rr % i T r;;- > 'sG.✓. , .g canon ..r i/ 1 syn .o a.nhaaen •i .5y'N t oel 4. ..la'��- :fir r �i4 r nr m L xarn i .s, .. 00"_>. oho4tw++. . New DNegde u• © . 1. 4 II Loral Community Improvement Project Naas PNun Areas —Prot Inde)Highway Data SOME Schedule'C' " Data provided by IMe rNNNy my Sub-Areas �reeneen Ceridw Prsrtly Area —Ceunly Road w d I Elgin and the MlnMry Elgincentives Community -SeXknenh SubA.ea ®Lekegboe Priority wee Proposed Tr...wain.Lon,dw y4il Of Nal @I RaeO a&Land Infolmatbn OMenn Improvement Plan LiAgculluelSuo-Aee Other Map Elements O IntrrNange Copyright queen's Printer The Employment lands SubAreaspplisc tole.. -P.,,,naalh aSenWaOWEIIE. of Oaten.2015. Count -wide Framework designer.ler mduatruleEmplayrnent Land Uses 0 5 1D 15 20 PLANNING 5. Y t.Ne Vocal al l Meal Plan.See the Ofldal P Land Use ghtts forme Er,bywent LandssuaJna. km Merc1.3,3015 UNA.OdWer20.18 Elgin cer LnY ,eU Financial Incentives TAX Tax Increment 4 Outdoor Art Equivalent Grant IIIII Grant _e iiknit Façade, Signage, and [Erli Feasibility/ Design MV .+�W Property Improvement ❑ =ir StudyGrant ■ ■ Grant 1111 Building Improvement/ [Er=Niel 11 Application and Permit wwww Restoration Grant ❑ —A Fees Rebate iti 1111Building Conversion/ LI It Multiple Property Owners wwwwwwww iti Expansion Grant liti Supplemental Grant EI_i 1 Energy Efficiency Y. t aids `11Savour Elgin/ avour Elgin in Arts Trail Supplemental Grant 710.7j," Retrofit Grant w , g pp E1gincicle s Elgincentives Process Pre-consultation Application Committee Approved Applicant Upon Completion Grant is Paid Meeting Submitted to Makes Undertakes Work of Work Final Committee Decision Inspection Elgin c�empI es Elgincentives Funding Overview 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Yearly Allocation $100,000 $250,000 $200,000 $175,000 $150,000 $125,000 Vacant Property NA NA NA $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 Funds Total Funds Available $100,000 $271, 407 $200, 584 $283, 095 $272, 371 $205, 000 Total Grants Approved $78, 593 $270, 823 $199, 343 $240, 724 $147, 525 NA *As of May 31, 2019 Total Funds Available: $1 , 240,000 Elgincitc, LnY , , Elgincentives Funding By Municipality By Municipality # of Applications Grant Value Value of Projects Aylmer 25 $140,083 $540,953 Bayham 14 $74,780 $297,934 Central Elgin 52 $310,425 $1 ,224,732 Dutton Dunwich 13 $91 , 104 $341 ,539 Malahide 15 $56,812 $269,692 Southwold 27 $137,948 $408,087 West Elgin 21 $106,503 $825,322 * Data as of May 31, 2019 Elgtcnc1 'mprovi.LnY ,e , Success of EIg i n ce ntives „ , $ 897753 -/ $3, 883 ,455 Approved in Approved in Total Value of Applicants Grants Project Costs E1girnEcmpI J es Success of Elgincentives (Continued) Counties and Municipalities have inquired about ....e Elgincentives Framework to utilize as a Best Practice Award from the Ontario Professionals Planning Institute for Excellence in Planning I Planning & Building Initiatives award from the Economic Developers Council of Ontario in the Physical Infrastructure & Redevelopment category Elgt�ncer LnY ,eU Elgincentives Update 2019 Amendment of program to include Industrial and Brownfield Properties at-r6 _1 o-• it, , • r -t_- . . w. ** Will be contained within the current Elgincentives budget Elgin cempIbyes Steps towards Elgi ncentives Update • Retained planning consultant • Workshops — Manufacturers, Municipal Partners • Report/Memo to Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing • Revisions by planning consultant • Endorsement of amended Vision Document by County Council • Public Meeting Elgin ftc, LnY , r Key Areas of Economic Activity • Downtowns/main street areas; • Agricultural areas; • Ports/lakeshore areas; • Other key tourist and outdoor recreational areas; and • Employment areas miginglimpi ... „, 'A k, ‘11 „ JIMMII 1 ° ,t e' 4, � l i� `r� `., a _k Elgin c�emp�tJV,es New Financial Incentives Environmental Study Grant Brownfield Incentive ■ .6C3 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Elgtpncee'mpI a ,eU Environmental Study Grant • Intended to assist owners of brownfield sites in undertaking environmental studies to generate more and better information with respect to the type of contamination, environmental risks, and potential remediation requirements and costs. a6) • 50% of the eligible cost of the improvements to a maximum of $8,000, or the total value of eligible costs related to the project, whichever is less. (41 • E.g. Phase II ESA, Remedial Action Plan and Risk Assessments. • Contained within the existing budget of Elgincentives. E1gtn nig eU Brownfield Tax Assistance Program • Supports the remediation and redevelopment of brownfield (contaminated) sites by providing tax assistance during the clean-up (remediation) and redevelopment stage. G•• • Cancellation of all or part of the Municipal and/or County portion of the taxes on a site during the rehabilitation and development period, up to a period of 3 years, as defined in the Municipal Act, 2001 . • Can apply to the Minister of Finance, to match property tax assistance through the cancellation of the education portion of taxes Elgin Lprovi..LnY res Higher Density Residential Uses • Desired intensification projects where approved through the local Municipal Official Plan • Tax Incremental Equivalent Grant (TIEG), and Brownfield Programs Elglci:Ing �tlJ,es Next Steps 1 . Local adoption in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act: • CIP is to be made available for public review and comment • Statutory Public Meeting under the Planning Act • Council Adoption 2. Official Plan Amendments go to County Council for final approval 3. Appeal Period 4. Industrial portion of CIP is now open for applications ElgtBftc, LnY , r Amendments to Elgincentives CIP Additional objectives: • To encourage the expansion of business activity within the manufacturing/industrial sector. (Section 3.3.A3) • To reduce the number of vacant industrial/employment building spaces throughout the Municipality. (Section 3.3. C2) • To encourage the infill and redevelopment of vacant employment lands throughout the Municipality. (Section 3.3. C3) Elgt�ncer LnY ,eU Amendments to Elgincentives CIP Employment Lands added to the Sub-Areas of the CIP (Section 4.2.3) Eligible Uses updated to include (Section 5.2): • Higher density residential uses (desired intensification projects where approved through the local Municipal Official Plan) may be eligible for TIEG, and Brownfield Programs (see project specific eligibility). • Industrial and employment uses (as designated by the Municipal Official Plan). Elgtpf,,,ro LnY , r. Amendments to Elgincentives CIP Industrial property owners able to apply for the existing incentive programs (Section 5): Tax Increment Equivalent Grant; Facade, Signage, and Property Improvement Grant; Building Improvement/Restoration Grant; Building Conversion/Expansion Grant; Energy Efficiency Retrofit Grant,- Outdoor Art Grant; Feasibility, Design, and Study Grant; Application and Permit Fees Grant,- Multiple Property Owners Supplemental Grant Addition of two incentive programs specific to Brownfield properties: Environmental Study Grant (Section 5. 13) Brownfield Financial Tax Assistance Program (Section 5. 14) Elgt�ncer LnY ,eU Request Hold Public Meeting/ 20 Day Notice Elgincemrftives Elginc1 'mpI LnY ,eU