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Zoning By-law No. Z130-1985
THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. Z130-85 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2040 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to amend its Zoning By-law No. 2040; THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows : 1. THAT Schedule "E" to By-law No. 2040, as amended, is hereby further amended by deleting from the Rural Industrial (M2) Zone and adding to the Hamlet Residential (HR) Zone those lands enclosed in heavy solid lines and designated HR on Schedule "A" to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2 . THAT By-law No. 2040, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Section 12 - Rural Industrial (M2 ) Zone Regulations by adding a new subsection 12.10.5 to subsection 12 .10 Exceptions - M2 Zone after subsection 12 . 10 . 4 as follows: "12 .10. 5 12.10. 5.1 Defined Area M2-5 as shown on Schedule 'A' to this By-law. 12 .10. 5.2 Minimum Lot Area 1780 . 0 square metres" 3 . THAT Schedule 'E' to By-law No. 2040, as amended, is hereby further amended by deleting from the Rural Industrial (M2 ) Zone and adding to the Special Rural Industrial (M2-5) Zone those .Iands enclosed in heavy solid lines and designated M2-5 on Schedule 'A' to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 4 . THIS By-law comes into force: (a) where no notice of objection has been filed with the Township' s Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act, 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the expiration of the prescribed time; or (b) where notice of objection has been filed with the Township' s Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act, 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. Ad READ a FIRST time this0:041 this . day of , 1985. READ a SECOND time this Amn day of '= , 1985. READ a THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this day of cia, 1985. REEVE CLERK FORM 1 PLANNING ACT. 1983 NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM TAKE NOTICE THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PASSED BY-LAW Z130-85 ON THE 4TH DAY OF JULY • 1985 UNDER SECTION 34 OF THE PLANNING ACT, 1g83. AND TAKE NOTICE THAT ANY PERSON OR AGENCY MAY APPEAL TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN RESPECT OF THE BY-LAW BY FILING WITH THE CLERK OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM NOT LATER THAN THE 8T DAY OF AUG . , 1985, A NOTICE OF APPEAL SETTING OUT THE OBJECTION TO THE BY-LAW AND THE REASONS IN SUPPORT OF THE OBJECTION . AN EXPLANATION OF THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF THE BY-LAW, DESCRIB- ING THE LANDS TO WHICH THE BY-LAW APPLIES, AND A KEY MAP SHOWING THE LOCATION OF THE LANDS TO WHICH THE BY-LAW APPLIES (OR, ALTER- NATIVELY, AN EXPLANATION AS TO WHY A KEY MAP IS NOT PROVIDED) ARE ATTACHED. THE COMPLETE BY-LAW IS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION IN MY OFFICE DURING REGULAR. OFFICE HOURS . DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THIS 6TH DAY OF JUNE, 1985. J. Al PETRIE CLERK OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BOX 160 STRAFFORDVILLE , ONTARIO NOJ 1YO EXPLANATORY NOTE The purpose of By-law No. Z130-85 is to change the zoning on two adjacent properties in Lot III , Concession 6, in the hamlet of Richmond. The rezoning is necessary to recognize and permit the transfer of a narrow piece of property with approximate dimensions of 10 metres by 51 metres from the Rural Industrial (M2) Zone to the Hamlet Residential (HR) Zone. The effect of this By-law will be to permit an existing Rural Industrial Zone on a property which is approximately one half an acre ( 0.2 hectares) in size. orip �,i Township of Bayham „ . .. KEY MAP ill NA�tiG�Ay © 4` Ap1A� IIIPMII• iF ►+ „ mit ii.,-ir e d T 91,1411rAPIL tt41 . ' ARA ,, Gaa G�e21 22Bk r:IN�.1;100°- 4111pGispile /�`r f3tt3?t33� 0 129 7>rlbot lRwd m111 #1111104141Pri AA •,411 �� It'll" side o Ta - illig r 111 � Saulh4114 { KEY MAP SHOWING LOCATION NO.LZ130-85 APPLIESY_LAW IN -r -Orquitolird , 214 , II 16 4171111111 IIi...)___Vie.,1 nna Illj 11 1.� 77 24 ll _ iiiiiii3 IB �� �� �� r ' 1 II, o Port Burnell q 44,`4 SCHEDULE "A" TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM RICHMOND Lot 2 (110) Lot 3 (111) Lot 4 (112) N.S.T.R. . N.S.T.R. N.S.T.R, 1,,,,,,., ''...%-4%-'1lllkIlP..41'( 44 .,4.0 ° V'S*4 # / Ljt Lot 2 (110) IIIILot 4 (112) S.S.T.r. WI Ni 2-5 S.S.T.R. num ot 3 (111) yr S.S.T.R.' This is Schede e "A" to�y-1 aw No. Z130-85 passed the day of , 1985. 0 100 metresill. RE VE 0 400 feet CLERK