HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning By-law No. Z277-1992 FORM 1 PLANNING ACT, 1983 NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham passed By-Law No. Z277-92 on the 5th day of November, 1992 under Section 34 of THE PLANNING ACT, 1983. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Township of Bayham not later than the 9 day of December, 1992, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-law, describing the lands to which the By-law applies, and a Key Map showing the location of the lands to which the By-law applies (or, alternatively an explanation as to why a key map is not provided) are attached. The complete By-law is available for inspection in my office during regular office hours. DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THIS DAY OF 1992. Mrs. L Moore Acting Clerk Township of Bayham Box 160 STRAFFORDVIL 1 F., Ontario NOJ 1Y0 EXPLANATORY NOTE The purpose of By-law No. Z277-92 is to change the zoning from the Agricultural (Al) Zone to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone on a 0.4 hectare (one acre) parcel of land situated in Part Lot 24, Concession 9 in the Township of Bayham, as shown on the key map below. The effect of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment will be to permit the creation of a retirement lot and a single detached dwelling pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance. Township of Bayham KEY MAP SUBJECT LANDS 4111/ ti LOT 23 LOT , CONCESSION IX � ar THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. Z277-92 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2387 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to amend its Zoning By-law No. 2387; THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. THAT By-law No. 2387, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule "A", Map 14 by deleting from the Agricultural (Al) Zone and adding to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone, those lands enclosed in heavy solid lines and marked RR on Schedule "A" to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2. THIS By-law comes into force: a) where no notice of objection has been filed with the Township's Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act, 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the expiration of the prescribed time; or b) where notice of objection has been filed with the Township's Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act, 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST TIME THIS LC-A DAY OFn"°1111/;1992. READ A SECOND TIME THIS DAY O , 1992. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS DAY OFA 4'' , 1992. REEVE CLERK Nap 8 RR, I I LOT 21 LOT 22 LOT 23 I LOT 24 CONCESSION IX M Q 11111111 r o. to to E 4. k. Y . };w A I ROAD p - t Ma 27 ;-' 'h :;ta .i , This is Schedule A; Map No. 14 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM to By-law No. 2277-92 passed the SCHEDULE 'A' 5th day 01 November, 1992. 9 250m 500m Scale: 1:10,000 REEVE CLERK MAP No. 14 '110- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. Z277-92 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2387 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to amend its Zoning By-law No. 2387; THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. THAT By-law No. 2387, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule "A", Map 14 by deleting from the Agricultural (Al) Zone and adding to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone, those lands enclosed in heavy solid lines and marked RR on Schedule "A" to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2. THIS By-law comes into force: a) where no notice of objection has been filed with the Township's Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act, 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the expiration of the prescribed time; or b) where notice of objection has been filed with the Township's Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act, 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST TIME THIS DAY OF hrivititA; 1992. READ A SECOND TIME THIS S-. 1) DAY OF/147/64?-4-', 1992. y READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THISSit DAY OF ��0-71992. REEVE CLERK i Nap a LAI ' RR, ■ f111117 LOT 21 LOT 22: LOT 23 I LOT 24 CONCESSION IX 1 . ti t•— Sita Asta o. id I *' I �'�, v I I CQUNIY Rp D 0. .til, i. �� I iiikc_ rr{,, r„ x,"4 ' Map 21 -,;Lys --""t This is Schedule A; Map No. 14 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM to By-law No. Z277-92 passed the _ SCHEDULE .A. 5th day of November, 1992. 9 21pm 500m Scale: 1:10,000 REEVE CLERK MAP No. 14 i85p TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • •,E1P.Q.Box 160 Straffcrdville,Ontario NW.1Y0 telephone(519)866-5521 ,' fax(519)866-3884 1 AA HO" August 24, 1992 Mrs . Anna Stuba 10 Christopher Court Tillsonburg, Ontario N40 4W5 Dear Mrs. Szuba: . • • Your application for zone change 'at Lot 25, Concession 9 has now been reviewed by Council and the TownShip planning consultants . The report of our consultants recommends that .a ,zone change not be considered. A copy ' is enclosed for your information. Council agrees with their recommendation. Accordingly, your application is 'refused by council. and your cheque is returned herewith. . Should you wish to pursue this matter with Council ; please advise me. Yours truly, • A4..tte / Lorraine Moore Acting Clerk William Bogue,A.M.C.T. , James Gibborie Lorraine Moore Dwayne Daniel Clerk Treasurer Road Superintendent Tax Collector Chief Building Official By-Law Enforcement Officer Drainage Superintendent 32a 519 472 9354 CJJ1;;ING COC!:BURA 02 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF IlAYHAM NOTICE 4"..2uncllc th Co.rporation of .:ie Township i Bay-ham will hold public inretbig on Tilln•"-Al2,y, Ni-:-..-erfkl,er 5th, 1992 300 p.min the Township Council Charnben in Straffonivilk.... tocon5idt-2r in.oposeci fly-law Amendment under t ion 34 of the PLANNING ACT, 1986, r.-zpo.. e of the .k-mindme.nt (-• change the onng from the Agriculktural (Al) Zone masWential (iR) onCI 0.4 heeme (one. acre) parcel of land si!-.uated in all 24, Concession 9 in the Township of 't3iyharn any shown on The key map below. The. e.ff;,-e croV;ied Z. Bylaw ArLedmen will bL to permit the creation of a detetheC,1 „ well;_y..!g puts.uant to he process of . everance and ccnveyn ANY PRRSON May tele the public "reeling and/0'; make a 'wilier, or verbal represeata tic:ri it utpc rt r in opposition to the proposed ,,:,:mendment. AD- IlMtk.tVri.10-14 the proposed .:7.oning By-law Amendment ma lw obta, t%e. To,mhip Municipal Ora: .),NFED at flle "ith S-P OF BAYFiAivi this ltd dzy-- of Octobea, 1992. Mrs. L. Moore Acting Clerk Township ofli:% Box 160 Strafforftile, Ontario NW 1Y0 Telephone (519) 866-5521 1C/05/$2 12:32 $ 5. 472 9354 CUMMINS COC.:BURN 03 lbwitehip ot Mayhem KEY MAP UBJE LANDSi / ,4 LOT 23 if 24 The Manning Art, R.S.D. 1970, chapter 349, section 3 5 (10) APPLICATION FOR ZONE CHANGE BY AMENDMENT TO RESTRICTED AREA BY—LAW NO. 2387 TOWNSHIP of BAYHAM _in the COUNTYof—ELGIN ._._- ____ (Name of Municipality) (Name of rirgion,County or Uisuict) NAME OF OWNER: AN/14 .SZL66-4 NAME OF APPLICANT: ./44____._SXLe "9 ADDRESS: 10 CtiKISTOP/f>'~f/ Cr-49itRT ADDRESS: .—_io C ileet572,e,91,---t3'- C'_O L T_.__ -___ ihAsoilau- G— c�AJr -T.A...s 0,03 rcRG _.--�'„v„,:- TELEPHONE: SSC A _ S'5 r/O TELEPHONE: .Frye"55LOCATION OF REQUESTED ZONE CHANGE Street and Civic Address: A $44, /x 50,14 6Lie , F1NT FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Lot Number: 11 _and a.5. Registered Plan Number: '7?.(( Application Number: Township Lot: ,AYHAi1 Concession Number if cr /a _ NOTE: A legal survey plan or a property plan accurately drawn Date of Submission: '14........—.. to scale will be required when the application is submitted bmit �— — (DIMENSIONS OF LAND AFFECTED 1 Checked By: Frontage: C 1 Average Width: pf, ' - Average Depth: Date of Acceptance: �7 A�ea: (square feet) {acres}- f i • Official Plan Policies: - LAND USE..• Existing Uses (if any): Non -rr-��cxt- Il --�—---� -- — Proposed Use of Land: /'1.f.2-�rt to � 41- Adjacent Land Use: #c,rm 6L-9D;Gu../tc�r&( - -, ill r Existing Zoning: PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT —___- 1. RESIDENTIAL INFORMATION (if applicable) Proposed Zoning: Number of Units: 1 .. ,..--,- Number of Storeys: I Pertinent Restrictions and Remarks: Ground Floor Area: Type & No. of Units: Bachelor_l Bedroom_2 Bedroom -.- ----. 3 Bedroom v/ 4 Bedroom ---- No. of Parking Spaces: (surface) I (underground) (see zoning by-law for requirements) — 2. COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL INFORMATION (if applicable) Connected Services: ii Dimensions of Building: Water Sanitary Sewer Li Total Floor Area: (ail floors) No. of Parking Spaces: Storm Sewer Physical Development to Start and End: General Comments: (approximate time) Brief Summary of Reasons for Requesting Change: _ , _ ,. d PLANS REQUIRED: IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO SUBMIT PRELIMINARY SITE PLANS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AT THE TIME OF THE FILING OF THIS APPLICATION. (Signature of Applicant) (Date) Submit Copies of Application and Plans ' ~ i ' . ' , , \ .6S ' ' /0 v \ . / . / _ . — ' ' ` --_ ""� /� � � � nwm^= . "" w;' �---^------ '~�-------� ^' ,w°°'`v wet/ 21, II, ~— N y� —~ -----�� �°7( \ --� IT-\\ • kilo i i . . / | / ' / \ ` � / .. / � .� ' � ` ' �"^ , / � �* ,w�w '' ;1, mrww~�'���,��=� I. �o �, / ���� �� . —'' -- I / vn^� * *w ' / �a�� u � ^" ",. " ^~° ° �= ' " �� 111 1 = = / / � } ."5 � * k � A. /' 1� ' ^ IFy � / + i I. I % i • " | %...-.....• II, N.10.4•111 "°, . . The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, chapter 349, Rection 35 (10) APPLICATION FOR ZONE CHANGE BY AMENDMENT TO RESTRICTED AREA BY-LAW NO. 2387 TOWNSHIP of BAYHAM _ in the COUNTY of ELGIN (Name of Municipality) (Name of Region,County or District) NAME OF OWNER: /iA/M _ S7-1(6.4 _ NAME OF APPLICANT: 11N _.. 41 __ ADDRESS: 10 OHR/S Pf ae Cad 47- ADDRESS: _ t V/,t°/5TZ( _Ie . _COU . . __ _ --....l� saN&u G #V4' _ /_ _ • LLsew3 V& -4W5 TELEPHONE: pa - 876-4o TELEPHONE: ria-r5W6 /LOCATION OF REQUESTED ZONE CHANGE 1 / Street and Civic Address: .e 4:''V' L` - 9 //�f we 7...4 weerOR OFFICE USE ONLY Lot Number: 26 ._.Registered Plan Number: 4 +17 Application Number: Township Lot: A 6.-- —Concession Number_ 7 NOTE: A legal survey plan or a property plan accurately drawn Date of Submission: to scale will be required when the application is submitted DIMENSIONS OF LAND AFFECTED f Checked By: Frontage: .25()/ Average Width: Average Depth: . '/::' ' Date of Acceptance: Area: (square feet) 7l1(r,C C (acres) I Official Plan Policies: LAND USE ,J Existing Uses (if any): /'lgr/cta ILYA/ Proposed Use of Land:._,id hS,a.l /(.a Adjacent Land Use: a/ , % i _ . • _ , J Existing Zoning: PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ' • 1. RESIDENTIAL INFORMATION (if applicable) Proposed Zoning: Number of Units:. ___ —__.- Number of Storeys:_i_ Pertinent Restrictions and Ground Floor Area: _ Remarks: T Type & No. of Units: Bachelor___1 Bedroom_2 Bedroom - 3 Bedroom�4 Bedroom No. of Parking Spaces: (surface).. .2 (underground) (see zoning by-law for requirements) ------ 2. COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL INFORMATION (if applicable) Connected Services: ED Dimensions of Buildin g� Water — Sanitary Sewer ElTotal Floor Area: (all floors) No. of Parking Spaces:_ _ Storm Sewer n Physical Development to Start and End: General Comments: (approximate time) ___ Brief Summary of Reasons for Requesting Change: _J ` J PLANS REQUIRED: IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO SUBMIT PRELIMINARY SITE PLANS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AT THE TIME OF THE FILING OF THIS APPLICATION. L�-z,___..: ----_--_ /99.2- 07 / - --(Signature of Applicant) (Date) Submit_LCopies of Application and Plans