HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning By-law No. Z276-1992 FORM 1 PLANNING ACT, 1983 NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham passed By-Law No. Z276-92 on the 20th day of August, 1992 under Section 34 of THE PLANNING ACT, 1983. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Township of Bayham not later than the2 3rdday of September, 1992, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-law, describing the lands to which the By-law applies, and a Key Map showing the location of the lands to which the By-law applies (or, alternatively an explanation as to why a key map is not provided) are attached. The complete By-law is available for inspection in my office during regular office hours. DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THIS 25th DAY OF AUGUST, 1992. Lorraine Moore Acting Clerk Treasurer Township of Bayham Box 160 STRAFFORDVIL.LE, Ontario NOJ 1YO EXPLANATORY NOTE The purpose of By-law No. Z276-92 is to change the zoning on a parcel of land comprised of approximately 1.6 hectares (4.0 acres) situated on the east side of County Road No. 46 in Part Lot 6, Concession X, in the Township of Bayham, from the Agricultural (Al) Zone to the Special Rural Residential (RR-19) Zone and to the Special Agricultural (A1-42) Zone. The effect of this By-law will be to permit the creation of a rural residential building lot in conformity with the Infilling Policies of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM KEY MAP sourP ° wtssagyp OF SUBJECT LANDS LOT CONCESSION X ,� 1 410 COF�N H THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYI-IAM BY-LAW NO. Z276-92 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2387 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to amend its Zoning By-law No. 2387; THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. THAT By-law No. 2387, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Section 7.13 Exceptions-Rural Residential Zone by adding the following subsections: "7,13.19 Defined Area RR-19 as shown on Schedule 'A' Map No. 4 to this By-law. Minimum Lot Area 03 hectares (0.7 acres)" 2. THAT By-law No. 2387, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule 'A', Map 4 by deleting from the Agricultural (A1) Zone-and adding to the Special Rural Residential (RR-19) Zone, those lands enclosed in heavy solid lines and marked RR-19 on Schedule 'A' to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 3. THAT By-law No. 2387, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Section 5.11 Exceptions-Agricultural Zone by adding the following subsections: "5.11.40 Defined Area A1-42 as shown on Schedule 'A', Map No. 4 to this By-law. Minimum Lot Area 1.2 hectares (3.0 acres)" 4. THAT By-law No. 2387, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule 'A', Map No. 4 by deleting from the Agricultural (A1) Zone and adding to the Special Agricultural (A1-42) Zone those lands outlined in heavy solid lines and marked Al-42 on Schedule 'A' to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. -2- 5. THAT By-law No. 2387, as amended by By-law No. Z275-92, is hereby further amended by deleting all references to the "Special Agricultural Al-39 Zone" and replacing said references with the "Special Agricultural Al-41 Zone". 6. THIS By-law comes into force: a) where no notice of objection has been filed with the Township's Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act, 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the expiration of the prescribed time; or b) where notice of objection has been filed with the Township's Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act, 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST TIME THIS 20TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1992. READ A SECOND TIME THIS 20TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1992. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 20TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1992. REEVE CLERK owns�lp ° 5°Uth _We { st 00"4 A1-42 . \- RR-19 I I f, 1 LOT 5 i LOT 6 LOT LOT 8 0 CONCESSION X to I .4. ,to: in o E 11 I t7 C_, 1 * ,34,1 0 WI' CORINtN t ir Map 10 This is Schedule'A; Map No. TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM to By-law No. 2276-9/. passed the SCHEDULE .A. 20th day of August ,1992. 0 250m 600m !Beak,: 1:10,000 REEVE CLERK MAP No. 4 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. Z276-92 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2387 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to amend its Zoning By-law No. 2387; THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. THAT By-law No. 2387, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Section 7.13 Exceptions-Rural Residential Zone by adding the following subsections: "7.13.19 Defined Area RR-19 as shown on Schedule 'A' Map No. 4 to this By-law. Minimum Lot Area 0.3 hectares (0.7 acres)" 2. THAT By-law No. 2387, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule 'A', Map 4 by deleting from the Agricultural (A1) Zone and adding to the Special Rural Residential (RR-19) Zone, those lands enclosed in heavy solid lines and marked RR-19 on Schedule 'A' to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 3. THAT By-law No. 2387, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Section 5.11 Exceptions-Agricultural Zone by adding the following subsections: "5.11.40 Defined Area A1-42 as shown on Schedule 'A', Map No. 4 to this By-law. Minimum Lot Area 1.2 hectares (3.0 acres)" 4. THAT By-law No. 2387, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule 'A', Map No. 4 by deleting from the Agricultural (A1) Zone and adding to the Special Agricultural (A1-42) Zone those lands outlined in heavy solid lines and marked A1-42 on Schedule 'A' to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-Iaw. -2- 5. THAT By-law No. 2387, as amended by By-law No. Z275-92, is hereby further amended by deleting all references to the "Special Agricultural A1-39 Zone" and replacing said references with the "Special Agricultural A1-41 Zone". 6. THIS By-law comes into force: a) where no notice of objection has been filed with the Township's Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act, 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the expiration of the prescribed time; or b) where notice of objection has been filed with the Township's Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act, 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST TIME THIS 20TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1992. READ A SECOND TIME THIS 20TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1992. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 20TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1992. /Z., C ;5- .1)) Mire-? //l - REEVE CLERK 1- Township °f outi1�-WeS� Ox{°rd 1 5 A1-,42 S K RR-19 I I e' LOT 5 ; LOT 6 LOT 8 � "' (aLOT 7 b x CONCESSION X 1 0 1 at0 0 le 0 0 [ 0 . . I 01D1'14 �# I 11 ""•---...;_,,................_...._;.- I V Map 10 This is Schedule"A; Map No. 4 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM to By-law No. Z276-92 passed the SCHEDULE A' 20th day of _ Auaust ,1992. 0 260m 690m Scale: 1:10,000 "" :. 61":1-4F (2"47/1744-frrajlim REEVE CLERK(�. 0 MAP No. 4 TOWNSHIP OF HAW.. rc 5 P.O.Box 160 ' `.., Straffordville,ontarid.NOJ 1Y0 . '. • . , ,:. - • telephone(519)866-5521`'4", fax(5i9)866-3884•••' ,f. • - • ,. ;t: . BA YHA"'` , July 7, 1992 Township of South West Oxford` .Nj1• R. R. # 1 • • :. . Mount Elgin, Ontario NOJ 1N0 Dear Sirs The Township:of Bayham,,ak +consid2fing• an Official: ` Plan and- Zoning.,Amendment for'. H.s•'A. and J::=_A. Hughes,: .on: Lot 5 Conc 10 in the Township 'of-"$ayhaltl. •` • ' Please' forwerdJ .allnames."arid 'addresses. Of the property _owners in' South. West: O ford :that `.a eY�w th n :400 .feeC. 'of this property. t A map showing the prope'rt:y: in :question ha'§ been enclosed. '• . Yours truly: Lorraine Moore. encl . • William Bogue,A.M.C.T. James Gibbons Moore Dwayne Daniel Clerk Treasurer Road Superintendent +, Tax'Collector, Chief Building Official '' By-Law Enforcement Officer ' Drainage Superintendent West Ox{ord 1 cnsh{c, °{ s0uth' s1r5 Al Al Si,cS S' 147 f p i I ca. LOT 5 Lor s LOT r LOT 8 to0 to s v CONCESSION X S ') 2 I w o I 0 a s I., Al " it "L"*y 1� 4 * I L- I r.....CHIN A. ,!1:.!'' I Al Map 10 This is Schedule-A; Map No. 4 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM to By-law No. 2387 passed the _ SCHEDULE A 7th day of January ,1985. 0.._ 250m 5o0m Scale: 1:12,500 MAX STEWART J.A. PETRIE REEVE CLERK MAP No. 4 APPLICATION FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, chapter 349,section 17 -%0..1.sNi1' of €A-yyA.N in the rosx^riy of CL.G�..� . (Name of Municipality) {Name of!legion,County or District) Name of Owner M.A. - .i..4 . Na,;ft'ES Address •Q / 5.�'nU�,�/s J;r._c.E O.J r /c.c. Telephone No. moi/ `t f77 0795' ' Name of Applicant Al t, y \T ,4. / /44--s Address oee' / .eW4,tsf1r Le-- C eki No4 ,co Telephone No. Juairl � Signature of Applicant /4 �7 • ", I Date �' /9� t� (PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION Lot No. n/o4'r 1".x4'-( L 07• 5 Registered Plan No._ 1/ 4130'7 Township Lot /0,4 Concession /0 Location (Street or Streets & Civic Address) /e. ' 14/ Ovr LAND USE Existing Land Use Adjacent Land Use 4c,'A..r cae_ 6e L Proposed Land Use (Briefly describe proposal)Q/'l' ,esi?».0 Z, -t_ 44.revz _y7,./ v L r / S Ti 1- Z AMENDMENT Proposed Official Plan Amendment Reasons for Amendment FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date-Received Amendment No. Checked By Date of Acceptance Existing Official Plan Designation Pertinent Policies - APPLICATION CONCERNING: Land Use Parks Major Streets Description or Amendment Required The Planning Act,R.S.O. 1970, chapter 399,section 36 (10) r' //9 APPLICATION FOR ZONE CHANGE BY AMENDMENT TO RESTRICTED AREA BY-LAW NO. 2387 TOWNSHIP _of BAYHAM —_ .in the COUNTY of ELGIN Marne of Municip&ltyl (Name.of Region,County or District) NAME OF OWNER:M.4 -, J-7A //u61-ftr. NAME OF APPLICANT: M.A i .,,TA . lx C6ffES: ADDRESS: A9,• 1/ iietkkI.,,tcJit-l.. ADDRESS: £r4 / 4 sl<fale/S_il/cwt' CWT. A/o /Ct) On) 7- .Vo L. /GU — TELEPHONE: S/N S277 c29.52? TELEPHONE: c'1`? 6'77 -29.4 /LOCATION OF REQUESTED ZONE CHANGE 1 Street and Civic Address: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Lot Number: /L c77'S Registered Plan Number: 1/ .e307 Application Number: Township Lot: Concession Number /0 __ NOTE: A legal survey plan or a property plan accurately drawn Date of Submission: to scale will be required when the application is submitte, DIMENSIONS OF LAND AFFECTED Checked By: Frontage: /o q Averae"jge Width: Average Depth: Date of Acceptance: Area: (square feet) (acres). 4 e Oe. cir Official Plan Policies: LAND USE �/7� Existing Uses (if any): /CF.`S i t�PA/T/AL_ y Proposed Use of Land: / r P-ViAF_-Nr;,..1L_ Z� r> Adjacent Land Use: f4f�,�'1+<crt.Tu.�4t- Existing Zoning: IROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 1 • 1. RESIDENTIAL INFORMATION (if applicable) Proposed Zoning: Number of Units: __MM__.., Number of Storeys: Pertinent Restrictions and Ground Floor Area: Remarks: Type & No. of Units: Bachelor_A Bedroom_2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 4 Bedroom No. of Parking Spaces: (surface) (underground) (see zoning by-law for requirements) 2. COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL INFORMATION (if applicable) Connected Services: Dimensions of Building: Water 0 • Total Floor Area: (all floors) Sanitary Sewer❑ No. of Parking Spaces: Storm Sewer Physical Development to Start and End: General Comments: (approximate timet Brief Summary of Reasons for Requesting Change:_ PLANS REQUIRED: IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO SUBMIT PRELIMINARY SITE PLANS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AT THE TIME OF THE FILING OF THIS APPLICATION. Jir,1li /7 . t='',/,/-2 • I - allirdw 6 L 1-'2' • / Z CienZr/Y. --... fSignaty • of Applicant) / (Date)' Submit 1 _Copies of Application and Plans 1 F 4s C.... • `1/2"4:1•••• '0 __ _ --_ --. . .4„;2• --. . i . t ' li , 1 i1..,. ri.`.• i . . _. .. . . t 5 ii- 1 1 e'l ...- 0 .1 i \ I _c_e_cielatak_ r i _ zakei6etzels..46_1—__a_r_____ V) ..... :-• P: 1 . • i . _ — 4-32. 0" : .._. /36'4. ir:... —— -2/5'. —-- . I - CO trW TY_ _ A-P, 4-eo _ _ __ _ . __ 1 • , _. [• . --____ ...s. ..,. TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH-WEST OXFORD � � ,�O HELEN L. PROUSE Phone:Brownsville 877-2702 Clerk Ingersoll 485.0477 A. FORRESTER, B.A.,A.M.C.T. , Deputy Clerk and Treasurer 1 1112-.11. ADDRESS IRMA PRIESTER,A.M.C.T.A. Vii/ RR 1,MOUNT ELGIN Tax Department `� NOJ 1NO +'c0RD cove' MOUNT ELGIN, ONTARIO July 14, 1992 Township of Bayham P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 Attention: Lorraine Moore Dear Madam: RE: List of Names & Addresses Township of South-West Oxford O.P. and Zoning of Hughes Please find enclosed the list of names and addresses within 400 feet of your request of July 7, 1992 for a Official Plan and Zoning amendment for M.A. and J.A. Hughes, on Lot 5, Concession 10 in the Township of Bayham. For your information. Yours truly, ,_-_-2 Irma Priester, Assistant Treasurer South-West Oxford Township Encl. � i 4y JUL 22 1992 miLvi recycled PUB PA T os.. 4ie.'f�G: 08. 20/92 1047 13%51J 428 1520 LONG PT.KEG CONS -,-,- BAI1L-01 DU) LZI 001 r-----------, - Ptamilns Actt , 11*(1'3 . :12-P r -e4' ';'';'7-7-----Zt 401.6 IA= ,` P A rueLIC ,lrEs1 t like.i I.. p„ i7i, r- .. z....0 1 ....,... „...„,.... 1 73.1 1 IS t .4 I...1, 4 .0.-,MI 4,-,I i ,, AI4. 1 .., iRii:Itak....„. 1 L;" , 4, to 1 .;/'1*II •._ __ --.... r,{ , -- 4. . .1, okr. • '1.1 i.C7A . , _ - —I , -k - - , ''ir ::r. 1:1„.41°'i",v. • 0 Alt ,4,.. ._. r , Kt_le MAP 744, Flow ittlik4 WitsagyouA /41).-: Itv —VA • N .0444M F t't 4 , . . I. ..- 1 ' i 1 I ... (; s -k Ttoneortrif.t. 1 1 t 1 r : t ttivtlxhip cA RayhAm .x4te,,. .2.11Koix 1 , I ! Silo?. 1CO 1 0 0r 1 thrio ,t. '4.qtl-ili.:3,7114 I0 , ToleThone (519) as6-5521 i 1 i , 11.1111111111111111L----1 ....140°!'" 1 I -.- - . FORM 1 PLANNING ACT, 1983 __-- 1 1\ 1 ' F �f r .'.1.:. NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham passed By-Law No. Z276-92 on the 20th day of August, 1992 under Section 34 of THE PLANNING ACT, 1983. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Township of Bayham not later than the23rdday of September, 1992, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-law, describing the lands to which the By-law applies, and a Key Map showing the location of the lands to which the By-law applies (or, alternatively an explanation as to why a key map is not provided) are attached. The complete By-law is available for inspection in my office during regular office hours. Mew/ Natural Roeourcea Ontario We are replying to your letter with margtnal notations nn the DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THIS 25th DAY OF AJYaiitgrf, 1992. This informal method makes possible immediate response --and we hope you will agree that promptness Is more Wiper. tent than formality. 1 Many Thanks. �ya, -'i ,fr' E-, 'cam`-i'- William Bogue, A.M.C.T. Clerk Treasurer - w!— Township of Bayham r7-03 a-r'.:�e:Y TJt.•riSC.'• •ri'.`.:i'..'.:�1 Box 160 r\Ci r. _rd STRAFFORDVILLF, Ontario 026;12-0i0 1Y0 d 992 CANAD p L ti'Z.\. ... C.-...-'VRCE ' ONT/.^JO 02672-010 c MEMORANDUM August 7, 1992 2001 TO: The Corporation of the Township of Bayham FROM: Gary Blazak SUBJECT: Hughes Application for Rezoning in Part Lot 5, Concession X • This memorandum is further to our review of an earlier application to create 4 non-farm residential lots by the above-noted applicant. • We have reviewed the Hughes' revised application to create only one new building lot between their existing home and the residence on the adjoining property to the south. • We are pleased to report that an official plan amendment will not be required in order to rezone the property to recognize the new lot. • Since the application now conforms with Section 4.2.9 - Infilling in the Agricultural designation of the Official Plan, the proposed lot qualifies as an agriculturally - related severance subject only to rezoning to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone. • Due to the positioning of the existing dwellings, the requested infill lot cannot be reasonably configured to meet the RR Zone requirement for lot area of 0.4 hectare (1 acre). We are, however, prepared to recommend a site specific RR Zone Exception for a lot area of 0.3 hectare (0.7 acre) because of the infill nature of this proposal. The retained lot in the Agricultural (Al) Zone with the applicants' existing dwelling will also require rezoning. The retained lot would be rezoned to a site specific Agricultural (Al) Zone to recognize its reduced lot area. Al CUMMING COCKBURN LIMITED Gary Blazak, M.A. Consulting Planner to the Township of Bayham algin st.thoras 99 Edward Street Telephone: (519)631-9900 St.Thomas, Ontario N5P 1Y8 Fax: (519)633.0468 health unit Thomas N Wilson, MD, CCFP, MHSc Director and Medical Officer of Health September 25, 1992 Mr. W. Bogue, Clerk Township of Bayham P.O.Box 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario NOJ 1YO Dear Mr. Bogue: Re: Zoning By-Law: Part Lot 6; Concession X; Bayham Township A determination of whether or not this lot is suitable for development purposes can only be made when the following criteria have been met by the applicant. The health Unit needs to be assured that: • a percolation test on the native soil of the smallest parcel of land ( . 7 ares) shows that a conventional private sewage system (septic tank and leaching bed) can be installed in the native soil. • subsurface land drainage systems on the subject lands will not potentially be involved with any future conventional sewage systems that may be approved for installation. Yours truly, /j/X/41 D. L. Holmes, C.P.H.I. (C) , C.E.H.A. ' Assistant Director ' Community Health Inspection Service \ . Std .. • , j ;` DLH:kt r'z"` rR .11! Aylmer: (519)773-3961 Dutton:(519)762-2745 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAMc,6 ,c ,E3 P.O.Box 160 • Straffordville,Ontario NOJ 1Y0 telephone(519)866-5521 • fax(519)866-3884 • QArHP September 29, 1992 Maurice Hughes Jacqueline Hughes R. R. #1 • Brownsville, Ontario NOL 1C0 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Hughes RE: .Zbn3-naa' Amendment No. 216/92, Please be advised that the appeal period for the above zoning by-law has now expired with no objections received. Attached is a copy of a letter received from the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit:' •- Should' a :severance be applied for, you should be aware of these comments: Yours truly, 004741-211. Lorraine Moore Acting Clerk William Bogue,A.M.C.T. Jaime Gibbons Lorraine Moore . Dwayne Daniel Clerk Treasurer Road SuperintendentTax Collector . Chief Building Official By-Law Enforcement Officer Drainage Superintendent • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM eag • • P.O.Box 160 Straffordville,Ontario NOJ 1YO. • ; telephone(519)866-5521 ' fax(519)866-3884 } • Jul 3, 1992 • ' • • Cumming Cockburn Ltd. ' '" - 350 Oxford Street,,:;Test Suite 203 • y ° London, Ontario ATTENT ION: , GARY BLAZAN • Dear Garp , We are 'enclosing ' an application' to ' t";:'Official. : Flan and Zoning Amendments for the••following' ,' • M.A. and J.A. Hughes. 1) : `: Application for Official: Plan- Amendment'-, 2) •. .Application .:for Zone change 3) Applicant's 'sketch` r . 4) Copy of Zoning Map No:'=4 • 5) Copy, of :Circulation.`letter:' Please: submit..key map for circulation letter and advertisement, • ' A• public meeting for this ' application' 'is '.'scheduled to be held Thursday, August ,20 r :1992. • . .. • -~Yours` vet y:.trul Wm Bogue . � Clerk. Treasurer WB/dn - • • William Bogue,A.M.0 T.• James Gibbons LomineMoore ' . ' Dwayne Daniel - Clerk Treasurer Road Superintenden .t "Fait Collector Chief Building Offidal ' " r •By-Law Enforcement Officer `' Drainage Superintendent Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING To Be. Held By MYNAH TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Respecting Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. The Amendment to be considered is as follows: APPLICATION The purpose of the proposed amendment is to change the zoning on a parcel of land situated on the east side of County Road No. 46, North Part of Lot 5, Concession 10 in the Township of Bayham, as shown on the accompanying key map from the Agricultural (Al) Zone to the Estate Residential (RE) Zone and Special Agriculture Zone. The subject lands have an approximate area of 0.4 hectare (1 acre) The effect of the amendment will be to permit the creation of a Residential Lot by severance by the Elgin Land Division committee. The PUBLIC MEETING will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS at STRAFFORDYILLE commencing at 8:00 P.M. on THURSDAY, August 20, 1992. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk (866-5521) Dated at the Township of Bayham this 14th day of July, 1992 Wm. Bogue Clerk Treasurer Township of Bayham Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 Telephone (519) 866-5523. • 01 Soutr' vest 00°4 16400, Al Al . I • LOT 5 LOT d got 7 LOT s CONCESSION X I 1 Al 4 I Al Mep ?O This is Schedule A; Map No...A4 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM to By-law No., 2381 ,passed the SCHEDULE A .Jth._dsy of .0. .&rY.,1988. o 250m IQOm Scala: 1:12,500 MAX STEWART J.A. PLElRIE REEVE CLERK MAP No. 4 Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING To Be. Held• By •BATRAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Respecting Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments TARE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. The Amendment to be considered is as follows: APPLICATION The purpose of the proposed amendment is to change the zoning on a parcel of land situated on the east side of County Road No. 46, North Part of Lot 5, Concession 10 in the Township of Barham, as shown on the accompanying key map from the Agricultural (Al.) Zone to the Estate Residential (RE) Zone and Special Agriculture Zone. The subject lands have an approximate area of 0.4 hectare (1 acre l The effect of the amendment will be to permit the creation of a Residential Lot by severance by the Elgin Land Division Committee. The PUBLIC MEETING will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS at STRAFFORDVILLE commencing at 8:00 P.M. on THURSDAY, August 20, 1992. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk (866-5521) Dated at the Township of Bayham TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM this 14th day of Jul y,1992 KEY MAP vast 011,t �-; ofWnit - • BUBJF-CII owns \\\ I Wm. Bogue r I Clerk Treasurer LOT 5 nor 6 *•-_~.`� gat 7---. Township of Bayham CONCESSION X I Box 160 g ` Straffordville, Ontario NOJ IYO I Telephone (519) 866-5521 immiimili__.. ...._ _ 1 -ate- __ ► p*— - 1 coltiiNtN �--, ___/ TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM1850 oEt P.O.Box 160 Straffordville,Ontario NOJ 1Y0 telephone(519)866-5521 • fax(519)866-3884 \ e gAYHA� • May 22 , 1992 • Mr. Maurice and Jacqueline Hughes R. R. No. 1 Brownsville,Ontario NOL 1C0 - . • Dear Mr. & Mrs. Hughes : Please be advised that your application for an Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning of: your property to create four non farm residential lots has been reviewed by Bayham Township Council A copy of the Planning Consultant report 'is enclosed for your information. . • Council are in agreement with the' Planning. Consultant report that one new lot on an infilling basis wouldbe acceptable, Please advise as to which direction 'you wish to proceed. Your cheque will be held untilfurther -direction from you. Yours very truly, • Wm..' Bogue - Clerk Treasurer WB/dn William Bogue,A.M.C.T. James Gibbons Loraine Moon Dwayne Daniel Clerk Treasurer . Road Superintendent Tax Collector Chief Building Official By-Law Enforcement Officer Drainage Superintendent Page.../2 April 16, 1992 The Corporation of the Township of Bayham In consideration of the facts that, most of the Infill policies of Section 4.29,_and the Estate Residential policies of 4.3.2 are generally met;_and-further the existing land use in the`-areals generally of a.non-farm and built up character, we are in a position to supportiplications for Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments which would permit the creition•of.six estate residential lots including four new building lots on the subject lands-pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance. -� 2) Hughes • The applicant intends to create four non-farm residential lots on approximately 4.02 acres of land presently designated and zoned for Agricultural use in the north part of Lot 5 Concession 10 in the Township of Bayham. An existing residence is situated on one of the four proposed lots. • With the exception of one non-farm dwelling directly to the south of the subject lands, it appears that surrounding land uses are predominantly agricultural. There are in fact, what appear to be intensive livestock operations within approximately 270 metres to the north of the existing dwelling, albeit in the County of Oxford. • The proposed lot between the existing dwelling on the subject lands and the non- farm dwelling to the immediate south would, in our opinion, qualify as an infilling situation under section 4.2.9 of the Official Plan. The creation of two additional estate residential lots to the north of the existing dwelling could not be defended under our existing planning policies for infilling, Estate Residential Development,or with respect to the MDS of the Agricultural Code of Practice. • It is our recommendation to accept and process amended applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments which will legalize the creation of one new lot on an infilling basis. Since it appears that the existing dwelling to the south of the subject lands is not part of a larger farm holding, it would be advisable to also include that property in the proposed estate residential designation. PG '' 3 i $ ./000, 4-7(1 TREASURER'S OFFICE No 27 / TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM \la 4 1 3 19.l....5 RECEIVED ,------• I Pi • FROM Mul rj-;4.4.4 ,1.1' • %-i 4, /la &ties . 1 ----- • ---.- ee hesumof 0eV100 DOLLARS OLLARSi ; for Z(„),t1/4,6 21 01 g, Aiore /,...../4-7-or cm./, Entered Folio t"ra. /F4-4" - .>" t. .1,