HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning By-law No. Z232-1990 THE ELGIN-ST. THOMAS HEALTH UNIT V. M. MAI, M.D., M.H.Sc. DIRECTOR AND MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH .'� • ` (519) 631-9900 25 John Street South 2 WOOD STREET ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO Dutton,Onn treet ario Ontario N5H 2C1 Duon,Ontario NOL 1J0 (519)773-3961 N5R 4K9 (519)762-2745 March 9, 1990 Mr. J. A. Petrie, Clerk Township of Bayham P.O.Box 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario NOJ 1YO Dear Mr. Petrie Re: Zoning By-Law Amendments; Lot 126 & 127, Con.7; Bayham Twp. Owner - Roger and Jacqueline Declercq We have no objection regarding this amendment. Yours truly , J � 1, D . . Ho mes, C.P.H.I. (C) , C.E.H.A. Assistant Director Community Health Inspection Service DLH/kt s'. . PPP"'}}}.. ; 111 Wi.- ., .r� �, -+-*►,, yre S APPLICATiON FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970,chapter 349,section 17 Township of F yhara in the_-._,-Q.O.mnty _. _of_El.g:i.r_-- {fName of MunicipQlityi C--- (Namit )r Region,County or Districi) "L1 Name of Owner _-._41-LLL_ `i -,c « 4...., , -c•?.-.�C , __._.__.-_.----_ Address , &7 r 1` -_ t r" :.,�d Telephone No. _,W4' . . * ::,,I .3 ______ Name of Applicant Address --_ - __ , Telephone No. -_ Signature of Applicant -I-_l °��- ,�. � [.•�< ','' �'. �.' Date ,,,.:A A.FA,0 s 'PROPERTY IDENTIFICA ION 1 Lot No. __ Registered Plan No. — .. Township Lot 1 L'2l 9' Concession /27,---K\ __ Location (Street or Streets & Civic Address) J 1-..AND USE 1 it"---;',e. f--� Existing Land Use 2 t., r" 4 ,r -Cr t( 1.--, c'. ) Adjacent Land Use_ - 1L r-,r,t.-Z--Z. � c.e. ,c-- c.r :- Proposed Land Use (Briefly describe oposal) i �.c ttr: o _> cs'= {� 1AIVIENDMENT Proposed Official Plan Amendment - f"T / 0 of '( -c�t �� Via. C...-2-0,A. Reasons for Amendment7:7- y rFOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received -- Amendment No. -- - Checked By __.._ _ • Date of Ac-. ptance _.-.-- __ __ , Existing Of ficial Plan Oesirtnaii-in .._.._-___ __ .__-._.___---..__._____. ______ _- - ..-._- Pertinent Prilicies ______ -. .... .- .._._- ____ ....._...-_.._.__.._..._. _ ________ !-,PPLICA f ION CONC:EfiHINti: I.:.tid We_....._. . ..._ .- .-___--_._____- - --- _-- Parks — �.--- --- Major Streets._. Description of Amendment Required L J The rimming AO, 11.ti.O. 1970, chapter 319, Firearm 7G (10) APPLICATION FOR ZONE CHANGE BY AMENDMENT TO RESTRICTED AREA BY-LAW NO. 2387 _...„... _TOWNS,1'. nn of _ BA HAS.. ..._ .. ......._- in the COUNTY 01_ ELGIN iNruof nicIpality) MName of Hellion,County or District) NAME OF OWNER: e f•I' --'c to JZ NAM �OF APPLICANT: ADDRESS: ,,, y_- _-__ 1.-- - ADDRESS: —_ -....______41a#344/._ TELEPHONE:__, .511,,C- 3_ .Y. 3 ' TELEPHONE: LOCATION OF REQUESTED ZONE CHANGE Street and Civic Address: ___._.__._.— - FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Lot•Nurnber: _. l Registered Plan Number: Application Number: Township Lot:_. /r9Z7 Concession Number /2,17- NOTE: A legal survey plan or a property plan accurately drawn Date of Submission: .to scale will be required when the application is submitted. (-DIMENSIONS OF LAND AFFECTED Checked By: f=rontage:_______/t..)0- Z 1 2) Average} Width:/ o 4 d)1, Average Depth: g r . ,1r__. }.L _ Date of Acceptance: Area: (square feet)--2� ,- ill/� _(acres)__ _' rt.Cl Official Plan Policies: AND USE ' U.c. tr.... Existing Uses (if any): P,.1 L'LL i l .e. . - n J '�`� itz,eft eic: Proposed Use of Land: �:t-s�:i� � � - Adllcent Land Use: ____<1.C. A1.4..c.i,c. f- ':.... .4-.t.tgr � « - "J! Existing Zoning: PROPOSED DEVELOP . ENT • 1. RESIDENTIAL INFORMATION (if applicable) Proposed Zoning: Number of Ut';ts: �_..____.__..—T_._..,. • - Number of Storeys: _ Pertinent Restrictions and Ground Floor Area: __ Remarks: Type & No. of Units: Bachelor 1 Bedroom.__.2 Bedroom . 3 Bedroom 4 Bedroom No. of Parking Spaces: (surface) (underground) (see zoning by-law for requirements) . Connected Services: 2. COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL INFORMATION (if applicable) , . Water • D Dimensions of Building: •, ' Total Floor Area: fall floors) Sanitary Sewer 0 :- Storm Sewer D No. of Parking Spaces: . Physical Development to Start and End: _ _ General Comments: (approximate time) - - - -- Brief Summary f Reasons for Requestin Change: �17 Lr._.. ..2.;4 c r5-x t. '3 � � 1..`t< _-(? . te PLANS REQUIRE IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO SUBMIT PRELIMINARY SITE PLANS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AT THE TIME OF THE FILING OF THIS APPLICATION. /,` IL”' - i IS jazure of Applicant) Mete) ! ' 'Submit 1 ..Copies of Application and Plans r: 1m-l1)i 1 71.l.a^S - # a:�T.C.a5 7 T S-soll -Ti r' �-[ TiE L . Ari>.C X HN N ti Cl - \, 1 6r1.vc.H-,1 ed \ , �- j • I-7 ,Z7 7 I 1!113 i .• wi.00, N \ i \:1/41:16;) I \\\\\\'' o L' }J 14 .:- \\\: ' '''' ' i. t ti 77,-,),,A1 -i -. . in v. 7 i 6� . 6' Ifiz.3 r ,3.0..0.'+-"-37 I 1 1\ \ 1/.111111111r71 - i rte.• ��..�1 Q<aoti'g S' Hyams - g - es. D ,sr,,., _ fri i t vi C4 CI w 9 •aol a z 9'LI, .- r— 7kier _ . - - -- Ito 61 e 1 , .' ;. Li j..,..:' 1:: \ . , r-, M N/ 1; ,.1)63\rA -c. \ -L fi 401110041 - . � / / . 41111116K,A,\ li 10.1,01,8 0 ...-i FORK 1 PLANNING ACT, 1983 NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham passed By-Law No. Z232-90 on the/25th day of April, 1990 under Section 34 of THE PLANNING ACT, 1983. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Township of Bayham not later than the Set day of May, 1990, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-law, describing the lands to which the By-law applies, and a Key Map showing the location of the lands to which the By-law applies (or, alternatively an explanation as to why a key map is not provided) are attached. The complete By-law is available for inspection in my office during regular office hours. DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THIS ''t th DAY OF APRIL, 1990. J.A. Petrie Clerk Township of Bayham Box 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 EXPLANATORY NOTE The purpose of By-law No. Z232-90 is to change the zoning on a parcel of land comprised of approximately 0.8 hectares (2 .0 acres) situated on the west side of Highway No. 19, in Part Lot 126, Concession N.S.T.R. , in the Township of Bayham, from the Agricultural (A1) Zone to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone. The effect of this By-law will be to permit the creation of three (3) rural residential lots pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance. This By-law is intended to implement the policies of Official Plan Amendment No. 72 which designates the subject lands as "Rural Residential" . Township of Bayham KEY MAP Map 26 k � Map 27 ` 1 � k i I I I s k � I l LOT 125 LOT 126 LOT 127 LOT 126 N.S.T.R. SUBJECT LANDS M d. $ I / f � f STRAFFOROVILLE I I k � Map 42 ✓ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. Z232-90 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2387 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to amend its Zoning By-law No. 2387; THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. THAT By-law No. 2387, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule 'A' , Map 35 by deleting from the Agricultural (Al) Zone and adding to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone, those lands enclosed in heavy solid lines and marked RR on Schedule 'A' to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2 . THIS By-law comes into force: a) where no notice of objection has been filed with the Township's Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act, 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the expiration of the prescribed time; or b) where notice of objection has been filed with the Township's Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act, 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST TIME THIS kTH DAY OF APRIL, 1990 . READ A SECOND TIME THIS TH DAY OF APRIL, 1990. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THISiTH DAY OF APRIL, 1990. eZeir. MAYOR CLE Map 26 I I 1 -.. Map 27 I I } I I I I i 4%1 I I 1 LOT 125 LOT 126 LOT 127 LOT 128 N.S.T.R. ;I AR: M m e Ci_ X / I 1 / " - / / / Py 1 +' ! I I r'-` I I 1it I .r ..4, I ?_ I _"Jt I ' S1RAFFORDVILLE I +' I j I I I Map 42 f r---- . , This is Schedule-A; Map No. 35 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM to By-law No. Z232-90 passed the SCHEDULE AA alth day of April ,1990. 0 250m 500m JOP► Scale: 1:10.000 _....,.rrr: -(1)- REEVE CLE a K MAP No. 35 FORM 1 PLANNING ACT, 1983 NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham passed By-Law No. Z232-90 on thellth day of April, 1990 under Section 34 of THE PLANNING ACT, 1983, AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Township of Bayham not later than the gst day of May, 1990, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-law, describing the lands to which the By-law applies, and a Key Map showing the location of the lands to which the By-law applies (or, alternatively an explanation as to why a key map is not provided) are attached. The complete By-law is available for inspection in my office during regular office hours. DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THIS nth DAY OF APRIL, 1990. MWMryd Natural Natu ta Reputes Ontario We are replying to your teller with marginal notations on the letter itself. This informal method makes possible Immediate response —and we hope you will agree that promptness Is more impar• J.A. Petrie tent than formality. Clerk Many Thanks. ' Township of Bayham Box 160 ,�!' STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario SIG o 07�JC 6f/; NOJ 1Y0 /r- 0 7; y 17.4-7-1/ (Fr e (7;4777 1.7a- / 771 7777"Z" -173--- • -(7---,e/ 37. 1/)'77- -‘-"P toz: 1- /7 -/ / 7 Y ." / -OPT 17' *--` 7 • 7 # Y / 11V 041 -c °7/ . ./t 62 .6tece _ / 0 / -1-7 2 - -3' Lf ,di.q&A,t1 ke-Fe./ 44 - / 3 .6 dy / 3 6 d 6L-,5 14 - 3 ILed7 I mk/hz-77Z2.,-L-i fi cay jj-/ 41 -1 3 051_ 4.-- / 3 e „Zre-LAW.,„Zycz-ee "or # ___ f/. 7 et-,0:7/7 - 74( 6 ! . Plans Administration Division Ministry of Housing County Mr . R. G. Moore 56 Wellesley St. West County Engineer 8th Floor ( 2 copies) 450 Sunset Drive 'TORON'T'O, ONTARIO Ste . c'hr�mas, Ontario PITA 2K4 N5R 5V1 7 . !'hr Director11 . Elgin St . Thomas Health Unit Ministry of the Environment 2 Wood St 985 Adelaide St S St. Thomas, Ontario LONDON, ONTARO N5R 4K9 N6E 1V3 15 . Ministry of Agriculture and Food 3 . District Manager K .2c, 7 St. Thomas, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources ysP '3 x/ A 353 Talbot. St W Iv Attn:A fuer , Ontario Attn: dim Miller ir y P N511 2S8 4 . Ministry of Transporation & Communication Corridor Control Section 1201 Wilson Ave 3rd Floor-West Tower Manager Industrial Development DOWDOt4NSVIEW, ONTARIO C N Rail 1J8 Suite 701 , 277 Front Street West TORONTO, ONTARIO 5 _ Long Point Region Conservation Authority ) MSV 2X7 R. R . # 3 ,rlt Simcoe , Ontario ( 1 fr\ Industrial Development Engineer N3Y 4K2 of C N Rail Suite 503 , 277 Front Street West 6 . Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell TORONTO ONTARIO Box 5 Tillsonburg , Ontario M5V 2X7 N4G '1113 Attn : Ian Linton and any Clerk of Municipality 7 . Natural "Tnource Gas Company if within 1 Kilometer of P. O . !lox 3 [17 , Terminal A property y LONDON, ONTARIO ro N6A 4J4 8 , Union Gas Co. Ltd 50 Keil Dr N Chatham, Ontario 117M 5M1 9. Elgin County Board of Education 400 Sunset Drive St . Thomas , Ontario N5R 7 "� �• i? 10. Elgin R . C . S .S . Board 21 Parish Street St . Thomas , Ontario N5R 4W7 11 . Supervising Planner Room 118 B 16 Land Use and Environmental Planning Department Design and Development Division - Transmission Ontario Hydro 700 University Avenue TORONTO, ONTARIO M5G 1X6 12 0 . C . Leverton, Clerk County of Elgin 150 Sunset Drive St . Thomas , Ontario N5R 5V1 h i c��V31I1iE� cel 13ay ia11i ilium 519•-866-5521 J. A. PEI 111r, A.M.C.T. STRArronrvll.lF, OMnnrn CLrRK L4 111F.ASURE11 Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING To Be Held By 13AXUAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Respecting Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act . The Amendments to be considered are as follows : APPLICATION ROGER AND JACQUELINE DECLERCQ; - Lot 126 & 127 , Cone 7, to rezone a portion of their lands from Al to Rural Residential to create 3 residential lots by severance by the Elgin county Land Division Committee - The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at SUraffordville commencing at 2: 00 P-M. on Thursday April 5, 1990 Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk (866-5521 ) J . A. Petrie Township Clerk Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ IY0 4 E OWt1S11111 01- Baylt�tin Pliono 519-866-5521 J. A. rE1f1U1". A.M.C.T. STRAFFOROVILIF, OPJTAIIIF) CISflK T4 1NI'ASUITER Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING To Be Held By DAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Respecting Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. The Amendments to be considered are as follows: APPLICATION ROGER AND JACQUELINE DECLERCQ: - Lot 126 & 127, Conc 7, to rezone a portion of their lands from Al to Rural Residential to create 3 residential lots by severance by the Elgin county Land Division Committee. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at StRraffordville commencing at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday April 5, 1990 Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk ( 866-5521 ) J. A. Petrie Township Clerk Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 Township i `� Towns Jip 01 Bayham Phoria 519-8G6-6521 .1. A. PEI A.M.C,T. s.TnAFFORnvn.LE. OnTAnin CLERK & 1ItFASIJHE11 Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING To Be Held By 13AYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Respecting Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act . The Amendments to be considered are as follows : APPLICATION ROGER AND JACQUELINE DECLERCQ: - Lot 126 & 127 , Conc 7, to rezone a portion of their lands from Al to Rural Residential to create 3 residential lots by severance by the Elgin county Land Division Committee , The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Straffordville commencing at 2: 00 P.M. on Thursday April 5 , 1990 Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk ( 866-5521 ) J. A. Petrie ,Township Clerk Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 � 1 T owes I i p ol. Bayham Phone 519-866-5521 J. A. !ci flIF, A.M.C,T. STRAFFORDVR.I.E, ON1ARIO CLF.iIK 111I.ASURER Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING • To Be Held By BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Respecting Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. The Amendments to be considered are as follows: APPLICATION ROGER AND JACQUELINE DECLERCQ: — Lot 126 & 127 , Conc 7, to rezone a portion of their lands from Al to Rural Residential to create 3 residential lots by severance by the Elgin county Land Division Committee . The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Stfraffordville commencing at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday April 5, 1990 Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk ( 866-5521 ) J. A. Petrie ,Township Clerk Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 Township Of J3aylliull Phonn 919—866-6521 J. A. ['EMIL fiIF A.M.C.T. sTnArror►nvn.r F. nrilnnlo cunt( 14 1r1IASUIrER Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING To Be Held By I3AYIIAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Respecting Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. The Amendments to be considered are as follows : APPLICATION ROGER AND JACQUELINE DECLERCQ: -- Lot 126 & 127 , Conc 7, to rezone a portion of their lands from Al to Rural Residential to create 3 residential lots by severance by the Elgin county Land Division Committee . The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Strpffordvilie commencing at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday April 5, 1990 Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk ( 866-5521 ) J. A. Petrie Township Clerk Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 Ma. 26 1 • r Ma. 27 I \-----------1----__ ll Al I a I 1 /./ Nii 1 I / it/44pV / Al LOT 125 LOT 126 LOT 127 LOT 128 N.5.T.R. } os i / Lip cn V RR . I �° Al .... / iiiir 1 1 ` 3 1 / . 4:k 1 i1/4 I 1 I I .rr •‘' I l STRAFFOROVILLE „ I I I I I I I I I I I ► Al 1.1. If ;IC ;q, 1"'1 • ' I i , . Map. 42 eM r......„-- , . 1, This is Schedule-1CMap No. 35 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM to By-law No._ 2387 passed the SCHEDULE `A 7th day of January p1988. 0 250m 500m Scale: 1:10,000 MAX STEWART _ 'LA. PETRIE / / REEVE CLERK MAP No. 35 � lO .11 1i!) o Bay11aur1 Mono 519"-866-5521 J. A. PEI l RIF, A.M.C.T. STRArroilnvil i F. OUInnun cit t1K & 1(t{"ASUIIER Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING To Be Held By I3AYIIAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Respecting Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. The Amendments to be considered are as follows: APPLICATION ROGER AND JACQUELINE DECLERCQ: — Lot 126 & 127 , Conc 7, to rezone a portion of their lands from Al to Rural Residential to create 3 residential lots by severance by the Elgin county Land Division Committee. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at 5trp.ffordville commencing at 2 : 00 P.M. on Thursday April 5 , 1990 Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk (866-5521 ) J. A. Petrie Township Clerk Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1YO Ma, 26 ,m, Ma. 27 l \---- 1 Al I ' 4111% 1 4011%, • t Al LOT 125 LOT 126 LOT 127 LOT 128 . N.S T.R. OS M Al RR", I r r Illr I i r SPA I a d , Q. I P. r I I �* I 1 STRAFFDRDVILLE Q'' I I I I I I I I .I I I I Al RR I Map 42 t TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM This is Schedule-N: Map No. 35 „ to By-law No...� 2387 passed the SCHEDULE A 7th day ofJanuary ,1988. 0 260m 600m Scale: 1:10,000 MAX STEWART J .A. PETRIE REEVE CLERK MAP No. 35 Township of Bayham Phone 619-868.6523 J. A. PEIR1E, A.M.C.T. STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO CLERK & TREASURER February 21 , 1990 The Tillsonburg News P.O. Box 190 Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 4H6 Gentlemen Please print the following advertisement in your issue of February 27, 1990:- Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING To Be Held By BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Respecting Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. The amendments to be considered are as follows : APPLICATIONS FRED HERMANN:- ,Lot 136 , Conc 7, to change the zoning of a portion of his lands from Al to Rpral Residential. This will permit the creation of a residential lot by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. continued - 2 - ROGER JACQUELINE DECLERCQ:- Lot 126 & 127, Conc 7, to rezone a portion of their lands from Al to Rural Residential to create 3 residential lots by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. GRAHAM THOMSON:- Lot 15 , Conc 3 , to rezone his lands from Al to Rural Residential to create 2 residential lots by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. JOHN WALKER & JON WALKER:- Lot 1 , Conc 5, to rezone a portion of their lands from Al to Al Special to create an agricultural parcel of less than 20 hectares and permit a severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Straffordville, commencing at 2 :00 P.M. on Thursday, April 5, 1990. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk ( 866-5521 ) . J. A. Petrie Township Clerk Box 160 Strafforldville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 Yours truly J. A. Petrie Clerk JAP/lm FORM 1 PLANNING ACT, 1983 NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham passed By-Law No. Z232-90 on thei2th day of April, 1990 under Section 34 of THE PLANNING ACT, 1983. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Township of Bayham not later than the Sst day of May, 1990, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-law, describing the lands to which the By-law applies, and a Key Map showing the location of the lands to which the By-law applies (or, alternatively an explanation as to why a key map is not provided) are attached. The complete By-law is available for inspection in my office during regular office hours . DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THIS lith DAY OF APRIL, 1990. J.A. Petrie Clerk Township of Bayham Box 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 EXPLANATORY NOTE The purpose of By-law No. Z232-90 is to change the zoning on a parcel of land comprised of approximately 0.8 hectares (2 .0 acres) situated on the west side of Highway No. 19, in Part Lot 126, Concession N.S.T.R. , in the Township of Bayham, from the Agricultural (A1) Zone to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone. The effect of this By-law will be to permit the creation of three (3) rural residential lots pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance. This By-law is intended to implement the policies of Official Plan Amendment No. 72 which designates the subject lands as "Rural Residential" . Township of Bayham �p KEY MAP Map 27 � I 41 I . � I I I I I I 1 4 LOT 125 LOT 126 LOT 127 LOT 128 N.S T.R. 9' UBJECT LANDS � n a 1 I I I ' s 1 � I ' StRA#FORornLE I I I I I o a 1 WIC* Map 42 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. Z232-90 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2387 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to amend its Zoning By-law No. 2387; THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. THAT By-law No. 2387, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule 'A' , Map 35 by deleting from the Agricultural (Al) Zone and adding to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone, those lands enclosed in heavy solid lines and marked RR on Schedule 'A' to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2 . THIS By-law comes into force: a) where no notice of objection has been filed with the Township's Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act, 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the expiration of the prescribed time; or b) where notice of objection has been filed with the Township's Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act, 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST TIME THIS'iTH DAY OF APRIL, 1990. READ A SECOND TIME THIS'iTH DAY OF APRIL, 1990. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS' TH DAY OF APRIL, 1990. MAYOR CLERK Map 26 I 1 ; r Map 27 f \-------------A I S I t 1 I 1 I 44111 11 11 1 I I 1 .� T J LOT 125 LOT 126 LOT 127 LOT 128 N.S.T.R. (.1_& RR: fx.Q I , 1 ,. ..., _y Qat��' i 1 i 1 i a� 1 r t I I . ` STRAFFOROVIELE 1 f I 1 r, , : ,., , ,_,, l i Map 42 III ►,..-- _, This is Schedule-A; Map No. 35 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM to By-law No. Z232-90 passed the SCHEDULE 'A' J th day of April ,1990. 0 250m 500m ;scale: 1:10.000 REEVE CLERK MAP No. 35 . FORM 1 PLANNING ACT, 1983 NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham passed By-Law No. Z232-90 on the11th day of April, 1990 under Section 34 of THE PLANNING ACT, 1983. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Township of Bayham not later than the gst day of May, 1990, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-law, describing the lands to which the By-law applies, and a Key Map showing the location of the lands to which the By-law applies (or, alternatively an explanation as to why a key map is not provided) are attached. The complete By-law is available for inspection in my office during regular office hours. DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THIS If DAY OF APRIL, 1990. J.A. Petrie Clerk Township of Bayham Box 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 EXPLANATORY NOTE The purpose of By-law No. Z232-90 is to change the zoning on a parcel of land comprised of approximately 0.8 hectares (2.0 acres) situated on the west side of Highway No. 19, in Part Lot 126, Concession N.S.T.R. , in the Township of Bayham, from the Agricultural (Al) Zone to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone. The effect of this By-law will be to permit the creation of three (3) rural residential lots pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance. This By-law is intended to implement the policies of Official Plan Amendment No. 72 which designates the subject lands as "Rural Residential" . Township of Bayham KEY MAP Map 26 Nr 8aP 271 \ I I 1 ' � I �.J I . I I I I I I I I40% _________, '� LOT 125 LOT 126 LOT 127 LOT 128 LST.R. wiri-VIr . OBJECT LANDS D. 1 a / AI. 0 G." I art.. Li .:m t bil `I _. 1 STRRFFOROFILLE I I " 01 1 v. It I.Yi I,I 'I T I Map 42 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. Z232-90 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2387 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to amend its Zoning By-law No. 2387; THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. THAT By-law No. 2387, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule 'A' , Map 35 by deleting from the Agricultural (A1) Zone and adding to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone, those lands enclosed in heavy solid lines and marked RR on Schedule 'A' to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2. THIS By-law comes into force: a) where no notice of objection has been filed with the Township's Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act, 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the expiration of the prescribed time; or b) where notice of objection has been filed with the Township's Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act, 1983 and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST TIME THISiTH DAY OF APRIL, 1990. READ A SECOND TIME THIS'iTH DAY OF APRIL, 1990. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS TH DAY OF APRIL, 1990. MAYOR CLERK w Map 26 I I � • Map 27 1 \--______________1l I I 1 I t 414* --1 , 4 i LOT 125 LOT 126 LOT 127 LOT 128 N.S.T.R. ' RR . co ctstl M I i a_ in I , 11 , . . _ 1 `'- Q•`��'ti , , `. I I - I �' I . ' STRAFFORDVILLE I .Y I I I I I I . ., I Map 42 .______ r--- 1 This is Schedule"A; Map No. 35 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM to By-law No. Z232-90 passed the SCHEDULE 'A J) th day of April ,1990. 0 250m 500m I. Scale: 1:10.000 REEVE CLERK MAP No. 35 Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING To Be Held By B WH RespectingAMTOWNSHIP ProposedCOUNCIL. Official Plan and tonin By-Law Amendments. 9 Y TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public , in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act.The amendments to considered are as follows: 1 APPLICATIONS FRED HERMANN:-Lot 136,Conc.7,to change the zoning of a portion of his lands from Al to Rural Residential.This will permit the creation of a residential lot b•severance by the Elgin County Land Division Commit- tee. ROGER & JACQUELINE DECLERCO: - Lot 126 & 127, Conc. 7, to rezone a portion Of their lands from Al to Rural Residential to create 3 residential lots by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Commit- tee. GRAHAM THOM,BON:-Lot 15,Conc.3,to rezone his lands from Al to . Rural Residential Ito create 2 residential lots by severance by the Elgin County Land Divi ion Committee. JOHN WALKER JON WALKER:-Lot 1,Conc.5,to rezone a portion of their lands from Al to Al Special to create an agricultural parcel of less than 20 hectares and permit a severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. V The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Straffordville, commencing at 2:00 P.M.on Thursday,April 5, 1990. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk (866-5521). V J.A.Petrie • eF:Yz Township Clerk " Box 160 Straffordvllle,Ontario' - NOJ 1Y0 Mintstty et r i I ili' Natural I4V 011gillj) lB . ayi1E1tIl Resources Ontario Mono 519--866-5521 1. A. rrY15P cAr.?r to your letter STnAFFoftnvpl.l F, olirnm() cl-rmc MittAlattilltri notations on the letter Itself. ' Planning Act, 1983 This informal method makes NOTICE OF A perAble immediate response PUBLIC MEETING - -and we dace ycu wtil agree }-.._.._.. _ thatpeolltpImsal,rncretmpar- To Be Held By tans thwn !srmi,ty. I3AYITAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL { {yp ` t`'That k , �/ / - Respecting Proposed ' � �• Q Official Plan a•,;. I tOR.- Tt _ f —j--- i and iuG,E.1$, i I Zoning By-Law Amendments 1'°- '"-----jj— J �TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham wii1 hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act . The Amendments to be considered are as follows: APPLICATION ROGER AND JACQUELINE DECLERCQ: - Lot 126 & 127, Conc 7, to rezone a portion of their lands from Al to Rural Residential to create 3 residential lots by severance by the Elgin county Land Division Committee. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Striaffordville commencing at 2 : 00 P.M. on Thursday April 5, 1990 Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk (866-5521 ) J. A. Petrie Township Clerk Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0