HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 04, 2015 - CouncilTHE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA Thursday, June 4, 2015 MUNICIPAL OFFICE STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Public Meetings - Planning (CIP) & (Zoning) Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3. REVIEW OF ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS 5. DELEGATIONS 6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) 5 - 12 (a) Regular meeting of Council held May 21, 2015 7. MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTION 8. RECREATION, CULTURE, TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 8.1. Correspondence 8.1.1 Receive for Information 8.1.2 Requiring Action 8.2. Reports to Council 9. PHYSICAL SERVICES - EMERGENCY SERVICES Page 1 of 102 2015 Regular Council Agenda June 4, 2015 Page 9.1. Correspondence 9.1.1 Receive for Information 9.1.2 Requiring Action 9.2. Reports to Council 10. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - SUSTAINABILITY AND CONSERVATION 10.1. Correspondence 10.1.1 Receive for Information 13 (a) Notice of Public Meeting re Proposed Community Improvement Plan 14 (b) Committee of Adjustment Certified Notice of Decision for File No. A-02/15 (Murray) 15 (c) Notice of Adoption of Official Plan Amendment No. 16 16 (d) Notice of passing of Zoning By-Law Z637-2015 10.1.2 Requiring Action 10.2. Reports to Council 11. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 11.1. Correspondence 11.1.1 Receive for Information 17 (a) Town of Aurora re Community Mailboxes 18 - 19 (b) Township of Greater Madawaska re Hydro One Rates 20 - 22 (c) Town of St. Marys re VIA Rail and Network Southwest Action Plan 23 - 24 (d) Forum for Young Canadians re 2015 - 2016 sessions 25 - 26 (e) Town of Aylmer re Elgin-St. Thomas Municipal Page 2 of 102 2015 Regular Council Agenda June 4, 2015 Page Association 27 - 38 (f) Township of North Stormont resolution re power rates 39 - 41 (g) Deborah Apps, Trans Canada Trail President & CEO re Trans Canada Trail highlights and progress (information update publication available upon request) 11.1.2 Requiring Action 42 (a) Notification of Special Event re Bayham Beachfest (formerly tubdaze) 11.2. Reports to Council 43 - 46 (a) Report CAO-29/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Advisory Boards & Committees 47 - 55 (b) Report CAO-30/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Straffordville Concession Booth - Agreement No. 153 56 - 57 (c) Report CAO-32/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re First Quarter Efficiencies 58 - 60 (d) Report CAO-33/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Canada 150 Fund 61 (e) Report CAO-34/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Polestars Banner Initiative 12. BY-LAWS 62 - 63 (a) By-Law 2015-062 Being a By-law to adopt the Capital Estimates for the year 2015 64 - 101 (b) By-Law 2015-063 Being A By-law to establish a levy for the year 2015 to adopt tax rates, provide for penalty and interest in default of payment and the collection thereof 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 14. OTHER BUSINESS 15. BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL Page 3 of 102 2015 Regular Council Agenda June 4, 2015 Page 102 (a) By-lay 2015-064 Being a By-law to confirm all actions of Council 16. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment Page 4 of 102 ._._._moox_uom>.._oz01:._mzEz_o__u>_.=.<O."w><_._>_s 00:20::_smm._._zm_s_zS.mm ._.=:_.mnm<.2.3.E.Ea _scz_o__u>_.o_u_u_om m..m>_“_uoxu<__._.m.oz._.>w_o .38Pa... 98P3.no:=:_=mo2>&:m==¢:. 00:30:3832.393F3.3..mas:can.»man—.mno:<m-in 2 en»_u...:. ._.:m3mc_m:33,3ow=5Ooc:o__2Em_<_::_o_um_=<Q.mm<:m3Emm ran on ._.::_.mam<‘_<_m<meM03.2:600:30:o_._m3Um_.m._u_1mmm:»s5_.m_<_m<oa_um:_mam.Doug?_<_m<o_.._.o3 mo:.:<<_ox_oo::o___o_.m_»m:n_<_w_.m<m:<<m<:¢omm_m«manmaxm8_._mcmE.96 _um:_w:_u<<m<man06}_.§%_<=__m_d. _u_m::_:moooa_:m8lUmucéO_m:A§m_.mm_.mHc.a2:___.360:52 m<._.m<<m_.___o3m3m:_ 0309._~m:Q<<<:=m.man._.$mm:_.¢.._.o3m._m3mmEma_:mnmaqmaoo8 uammma.=5:_.mmumnn_<m_.muo:m. O>_u_u._.Oowomm _<_m<2mamom__ma=6Bwmzzm8cam:m.#8P3. 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AND TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham will hold a public meeting on Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 7:30pm in the Municipal Council Chambers at 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville to consider a proposed Community Improvement Plan in accordance with Section 28 of the Planning Act. THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT of the Community Improvement Plan is to expand the areas subject to Community Improvement to include agricultural areas. Any specific existing Community Improvement Plans would be repealed and replaced by a new Community Improvement Plan applying to the Municipality of Bayham in its entirety. The County of Elgin, being the upper-tier municipality with a coordinating role over the seven municipalities which comprise the County, including the Municipality of Bayham, has recently undertaken the preparation of the Elgincentives Community Improvement Plan as a component of a strategic County-wide framework for community improvement that is to be administered and funded in partnership within the Municipality. With the new Community Improvement Plan in place, the Municipality would be eligible to avail itself of various programs and funding sources. The Community Improvement Plan will potentially affect any and all lands situated in the Municipality and, accordingly, a key map is not considered necessary. ANY PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Council of the Municipality of Bayham before the proposed CIP is adopted, or before the By-laws are passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the Municipal Council to the Ontario Municipal Board. If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting, or make written submissions to the Council of the Municipality of Bayham before the By-laws are passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do so. IF YOU WISH to be notified of the adoption of the proposed Community Improvement Plan, or the refusal of a request to adopt the Plan you must make a written request to the undersigned. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed Community Improvement Plan may be obtained at the Municipal Office. DATED at the Municipality of Bayham this 8th day of May 2015. Margaret Underhill Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Rd, PO Box 160 Straffordville ON N0J 1Y0 Tel: 519-866-5521 Fax: 519-866-3884 www.bayham.on.ca munderhill@bayham.on.ca Notice of Public Meeting re Proposed Community Improvement P...Page 13 of 102 Committee of Adjustment Certified Notice of Decision for Fil...Page 14 of 102 N o t i c e o f A d o p t i o n o f O f f i c i a l P l a n A m e n d m e n t N o . 1 6 P a g e 1 5 o f 1 0 2 N o t i c e o f p a s s i n g o f Z o n i n g B y - L a w Z 6 3 7 - 2 0 1 5 P a g e 1 6 o f 1 0 2 % AIQRA The Honourable Lisa Raltt Federal Minister of Transport DELIVERED BY E-MAIL RE:Community Mailboxes Dear Minister Raitt, Further to a decision by Aurora Town Council at its meeting of Monday,May 11,2015,in support of the City Post of Hamilton’s opposition to the installation of community mailboxes,I am requesting that Canada immediately cease the installation of community mailboxes and adhere to its Five-point Action Plan requirement to engage in full and meaningful consultation with all stakeholders,including the Town o fAuroraanditsresidents. For your reference,I attach Aurora Council’s resolution: NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Town of Aurora endorse the City o fHamilton’s opposition to the elimination of home mail delivery and installation of community mailboxes;and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Council direct the Mayor to send a letter,copied to Members o fParliament,Ontario Members of Provincial Parliament,and all Ontario municipalities,that requests the Federal Minister of Transport,who oversees Canada Post,to require Canada Post to halt installation of community mailboxes immediately and adhere to its Five-point Action Plan requirement to engage in full and meaningful consultation with all stakeholders,including the Town and its residents;and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Council direct staff to bring forward recommendations to the next Council meeting to align the Town’s by-laws with the City of Hamilton’s By-law Number 15-091 which regulates the installation of equipment on roads;and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Council direct staff to develop appropriate standards to require Canada Post to apply for permits with an appropriate fee that reflects the resources required and costs incurred by the Town to install and maintain community mailboxes in established neighbourhoods;and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT staff bring back a new bylaw for Council’s enactment at the next Council meeting. I look forward to your response at your earliest opportunity. M or Geoffrey awe Town of Aurora Co:All Members of Parliament All Members of Provincial Parliament All Ontario municipalities Town of Aurora 100 JohnWest Way,P.O.Box100 0Aurora,ON L4G6J 1mayor@aurora. ca Town of Aurora re Community Mailboxes Page 17 of 102 SMCI 21¢‘ wmmorcdozu <<:mmm>mEmcom.o.35.6:mm88.3man3mo3mommmm3o_.m Em:8ca_3 E Em umm...<m<mm.m“m:a <<:mmm>mEmoom.mo.m_moEo_.<EEm_u8<Eomo.O:.m:o _m.o_.o_:occasmmmmm.o oo:mEm_._mm<EoEm m_.mm“man <<:mmm>m3m:<.m3=_mmm_.m:m<Eoa_3oc_.<xmmasucu<sE Em...3o:E_<_om<3m:.m.man <<:mmm>mEm_u3<Eom_mroam._.m_.3m:m_.o<_u_m:m:._o__um.mmEm.oo:mc3m_.m <<___.mom35.6 _.m.mmEm.5:. 2mm33.x.o<m_.Emzmx..._<m.8<mm.m“mag <<_._mmm>m..ammmm:._m_Em.Em_.mmam:.mmagccmimmmmmo.Em 4o<<:w_.._uo.o_.mm.m_._<_mam<<mmxm.o :m<m moommm.om_..o_dma_m3<Q_..O.oE_..<mmanEomumnman <<:mmm>mooc:o._camw_o_.o<Eo.m_«m_.m..oO:.m_..o_._<a_.oO:m 0:m.o3m_.m .o _.m._mo.Em Emmsm o._..:m_ _.mmEm:.m.o_.mmmo:mc_<moommm333E_.o:c:m_.m<.m<<o._u8<Eo_m_uo=o.mmmanEm...mcmaammEm.mm. 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U_mo_omma:_m\:m_.>_..m=.:6_6w2wV.<mom$a:m\:mS:m=.wmmzwv. mc?mima2.03a.mocmm_o:manma:2<o$ _umom3oq mm emmaoézmmz.9.. h..J.wxO.WN>WE >>E UB9 3 _<_mKBa _<_o<maw<_oo::o___o_._<_mo_u:mqmo: m82a8_U oo::o___o«IE3 29 mmwo_:._o:2o...8;m _u.mcom=_o:”o>mm_mo. _83 2o”m.om.8 Oam mm?om Ooc:o__mmmo_S_o:_uo_.3 T o w n s h i p o f G r e a t e r M a d a w a s k a r e H y d r o O n e R a t e s P a g e 1 8 o f 1 0 2 T o w n s h i p o f G r e a t e r M a d a w a s k a r e H y d r o O n e R a t e s P a g e 1 9 o f 1 0 2 TOWN OF ST. MARYS P.O. Box 998, St. Marys, ON. N4X 1B6 Telephone: 519-284-2340 ● Fax: 519-284-3881 May 15, 2015 Dear Mayor and Members of Council, In the past three decades, passenger rail and intercity bus services have diminished in many Southwestern Ontario communities (please see the attached infographic). While the Ontario government supports GO Transit, High Speed Rail and Metrolinx projects, VIA Rail continues to struggle. Advocacy groups have begun to form in St. Marys, Sarnia and Stratford in response to reductions in VIA Rail service. The Southwestern Ontario Transportation Alliance (SWOTA) has proposed a practical solution that combines passenger rail and bus services: the Network Southwest Action Plan. Now SWOTA needs our support so their message can be heard by all levels of government. We invite you to join our coalition of municipalities in support of VIA Rail and Network Southwest, by passing the attached resolution. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Al Strathdee, Mayor Town of St. Marys 519-284-2340 ext. 246 2%. Town of St. Marys re VIA Rail and Network Southwest Action P...Page 20 of 102 TOWN OF ST. MARYS P.O. Box 998, St. Marys, ON. N4X 1B6 Telephone: 519-284-2340 ● Fax: 519-284-3881 Figure 1 – Infographic by the Southwestern Ontario Transportation Alliance 2%. Network Southwest 0!Palslseiv5:/Ee‘r'_5:.‘,?e7'il;.’i‘dBusServicAc a 4 Connectivity Accessibility GE Mg Eliminate unlit road crossings Intermodal connections New |ow—f|oortrains More staffed stations One ticket for bus and train Accessible buses Network Southwest Services 1982 2020 E London-Brantford-Toronto 7 E London-Stratford-Toronto 5 6 Windsor-London 5 5 §Sarnia-London 4 3 E Niagara Falls-Toronto 3 5 Intercity Bus Routes 25+ Communities Served $400 million over five years is... 1 km 2.8%2 12 km Of newToronto Of Ontario's $14bn Timbits®per Of si><—|ane subwaytunnel infrastructure pledge citizen per week toll highway www.swota.ca/network-southwest S O-l-A southwesternnmuvm ©2015 SWOTA.E&OE.Updated 2015/03/09.ll??ill?ll?ll?rl UHHJME Town of St. Marys re VIA Rail and Network Southwest Action P...Page 21 of 102 TOWN OF ST. MARYS P.O. Box 998, St. Marys, ON. N4X 1B6 Telephone: 519-284-2340 ● Fax: 519-284-3881 Resolution in Support of VIA Rail Whereas, reductions in VIA Rail service led to the formation of advocacy groups such as Save VIA (www.savevia.ca); and Whereas, citizens of all ages and backgrounds, especially those with no license or vehicle, rely on VIA Rail; and Whereas, passenger rail provides safer and more eco-friendly transportation than driving; and Whereas, enhanced VIA Rail service heightens connections between communities, thereby promoting tourism and economic development; and Whereas, the Southwestern Ontario Transportation Alliance, with the support of advocacy groups, businesses and municipalities in the region, has published the Network Southwest Action Plan to address the need for reliable and sustainable rail-based passenger transportation in Southwestern Ontario; and Whereas, it is time for all levels of government to stop thinking passenger rail service is only a federal responsibility, and begin providing support for intercity transportation services in communities beyond the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA); Now, therefore, I, Mayor of _______, do hereby proclaim that VIA Rail is important to my municipality; and urge my fellow citizens as well as all levels of government to consider the Network Southwest Action Plan as presented March 18, 2015 and available at www.swota.ca. 2%. Town of St. Marys re VIA Rail and Network Southwest Action P...Page 22 of 102 IFEEFORUMFORYOUNGCANAWANSFORUMPOURJEUNESCANADENSStudent's can now apply online for the 2015-2016 sessions of Forum.WithForumcelebratingit's 40"‘anniversary,the upcoming sessions will be excitingandhistoric,we want your students to be part of it!Forum for Young Canadians is proud to be a leader in the ?eld of experiential civics learning for youth,engagingtheminCanada’s federal political system.This year marks the 40”‘anniversary of the program,Forum remainsvitalforthecontinuationofCanada’s informed and active young citizens.Year after year,young leaders fromacrossthecountrymeetinOttawatoexchangewithMembersofParliament,Senators,senior public servants,members of the national media and business leaders.They share their voice and become even more engaged inthetapestrythathasshapedCanada’s history for almost 150 years.If you know a young person with a desire to learn about the Canadian federal political system and the desire tosharetheirvoice,they belong at Forum.Forum’s learning program is 9 months,for 3 months prior and 6 monthsa?er their week in Ottawa youth can engage in continued learning and expanding their networks through virtualactivities.Attending Forum for Young Canadians means having the opportunity to: Gain a better understandingof the national decision—makingprocess in Canada and its history; Gain an insight into Canadian politics and public affairs; Share ideas and acquire tools for community engagement; Enhance leadership and second of?cial language skills; Network with other young leaders and organizations from across the country; Represent a school and community at a national youth Forum; Travel to Ottawa and experience the richness of Parliament Hill;and Have a rewarding,exceptional and memorable experience. Active citizenshipamongst our youth is even more important with the upcoming Election A key component of the Forum program is to inspire and support youth in engaging in the voting process in Canada.Through Forum’s online presence,youth can access information and projects aimed at increasing their understanding of federal elections and engaging. Looking for more idea for your students?Need resources? Visit vw/w.forurn.ca for a list of resources offered by companies and organizations across the country.In some cases they have activities for your students,in other they have teaching resources for you. Do you know a Student perfect for Forum? They can apply directly online at www.forum.ca.This online application form is easy to complete and submit.To receive a PDF version of the application form,if you have questions,or for any other information,please contact Catherine McDonald,Manager of Programs and Outreach at cmcdonald@forum.ca or 613-233-4086 I W , Forum for Young Canadians re 2015 - 2016 sessionsPage 23 of 102 BE A VOICE!BE PART OF IT!PRENDS TA PLACE!PRENDS-Y PART! =o n u n ;a Va umsonvaunauuuuuuuuu as.......as Q chunvsus APPLY NOW/INSCRIS-TOI FORUNLCA Forum for Young Canadians re 2015 - 2016 sessionsPage 24 of 102 T o w n o f A y l m e r r e E l g i n - S t . T h o m a s M u n i c i p a l A s s o c i a t i o n P a g e 2 5 o f 1 0 2 T o w n o f A y l m e r r e E l g i n - S t . 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P a g e 3 9 o f 1 0 2 D e b o r a h A p p s , T r a n s C a n a d a T r a i l P r e s i d e n t & C E O r e T r a n s C a . . . P a g e 4 0 o f 1 0 2 Emmmm ?mm D e b o r a h A p p s , T r a n s C a n a d a T r a i l P r e s i d e n t & C E O r e T r a n s C a . . . P a g e 4 1 o f 1 0 2 N o t i f i c a t i o n o f S p e c i a l E v e n t r e B a y h a m B e a c h f e s t ( f o r m e r l y . . . P a g e 4 2 o f 1 0 2 REPORT CAO TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Paul Shipway, CAO DATE: June 4, 2015 REPORT: CAO-29/15 SUBJECT: ADVISORY BOARDS & COMMITTEES BACKGROUND On December 2, 2014 the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham passed the following resolution: THAT Report CAO-02/14 re 2014-2018 Board & Committee Appointments be received for information; THAT Council approves the 2014-2018 legislated Board and Committee appointments as indicated in Appendix 'A', as amended; AND THAT, upon completion of the Operational Budget, Strategic Priorities and creation of corresponding Advisory Boards and Committee structures and terms of references, staff bring forward a by-law for appointments to Boards and Committees for Council consideration. As per the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Policy philosophy reads as follows: Advisory Boards and Committees have been, and will continue to be, an integral component of the Municipality. Advisory Board and Committee Members complement and support the work of Councillors and staff, accomplish important tasks that would not otherwise be done, and support programs that could cease to exist without Advisory Board and Committee Member participation. The Municipality recognizes and greatly values the commitment and contributions of Advisory Board and Committee Members to furthering the mandate, objectives and activities of Advisory Boards and Committees of the Municipality. Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Members enhance and augment programs within the Municipality. Advisory Board and Committee Members bring a wide variety of skills, knowledge and experience, all of which combine to strengthen the Municipality. Therefore, the Municipality strives to provide Advisory Board and Committee Members with a meaningful portfolio that suits their skills, as well as a rewarding and challenging community-oriented experience for all those interested in the goal of enhancing the Municipality of Bayham. Before presenting Terms of Reference in accordance with the policy, a thorough review of existing and historical Advisory Boards and Committees was conducted against the financial and human resources of the Municipality in 2015. From assessment of historical Advisory Boards and Committees, and municipal best practices, it is beneficial that all Advisory Boards and Committees have staff representation to ensure the Advisory Board and Report CAO-29/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Advisory Boards & C...Page 43 of 102 Committee work plan have the required corporate knowledge to proceed efficiently and effectively. Community Centre Committee Relevant By-laws: 2001-015, 2005-107, 2014-082 Statement of Purpose: To oversee the management and operation of the Bayham and the Vienna Community Centre’s and to co-ordinate the provision and promotion of hall facility rental services and ensure that the facilities serve the needs of the people of Bayham and the surrounding area. Objectives: The Committee shall be established to be responsible for the maintenance, service and operation of the Community Centre facilities, as outlined in the statement of purpose, being subject to budgetary requirements and limits, as approved by the Council of the Municipality of Bayham. Role of the Committee: The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, as owner of the Bayham and Vienna Community Centre’s, has appointed the Bayham Community Centre’s Committee to assist in the planning and decision making process, providing advice to Council in regard to the management, service, operation, promotion and programs of the two facilities as appropriate, following the procedures and policies of the Municipality of Bayham as applicable. Discussion Staff respectfully recommend that Community Centre Committee not be reappointed and that the responsibility for operations and maintenance of municipal facilities be conducted and managed by staff. The Hall Manager contract is up for renewal and the same be modified to reflect municipal management of the facilities, inclusive of an oversight mechanism to ensure facility maintenance and capital requirements are considered annually and on an ongoing basis. Museums Bayham Board Relevant By-laws: 2010-059 Mission Statement: Museums Bayham exists to educate the citizens of Bayham and the community beyond about the history of the Bayham area. This includes Port Burwell and its lighthouse in relation to the local and marine heritage of the Great Lakes, and also Vienna's Canadian connection to the Thomas Alva Edison family heritage, fostering an appreciation for the relationship of Bayham's past to its present and future development. To this end, Museums Bayham collects, records, preserves, researches, shares, promotes and presents exhibits and interprets documents and artifacts related to the history of Bayham. Mandate: The Marine Museum and Lighthouse have been established to serve the inhabitants of Port Burwell and the Bayham area, with a strong appeal to tourists visiting the region. The museum collection will focus on marine documentation and artifacts that illustrate the relationships between marine life on the Great Lakes together with domestic and commercial life of the Village as a port on Lake Erie. The Edison Museum has been established to promote recognition of the extent and impact of Thomas Alva Edison, the inventor, on the local area, and worldwide, by his many inventions and family artifacts on display, and promote and preserve the historical artifacts and records of the Bayham area and its inhabitants. The Board is established to be responsible for the maintenance, service, programming, and operation of the museums, being subject to budgetary requirements and limits, as approved by the Council of the Municipality of Bayham, following the procedures and policies approved by Bayham Report CAO-29/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Advisory Boards & C...Page 44 of 102 Council. The Board shall work towards compliance with Provincial government standards and policies for Museum operations. The Board will communicate and work with local historical and heritage related organizations for the benefit of the Bayham museum sites and collections. Discussion Staff respectfully recommend the Museums Bayham Board continue as it historically has with a redrafted Terms of Reference in accordance with the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Boards and Committee Policy and that the Terms of Reference give specific direction to ensure the Edison Museum and the Marine Museum are equally represented on the same. Otter Valley Trail Committee Relevant By-law: 2013-068 Mandate: The Committee will provide advice, assistance, and support to Bayham Council in regard to the development, improvement, and promotion of the Otter Valley Trail located within the former rail lands from Port Burwell to Tunnel Line. Objectives: The Committee will develop and recommend to Council strategies and works for the maintenance, improvement and enhancement of the trail. The Committee will concentrate on initiatives and activities for the improvement of the trail to provide beautification and safe use compatible with neighbouring properties. The Committee may consult with other related groups and agencies including the Otter Valley Chamber of Commerce, Otter Valley Naturalists, and Port Burwell Provincial Park. The Committee shall be cognizant of the joint ownership of the lands with the Town of Tillsonburg. Discussion Staff respectfully recommend that the Otter Valley Trail Committee not be reappointed. The Municipality has gone through a cycle of attempting to establish a trail on the designated loop three times with no holistic results. It is recommended the Municipality address the capital issues pertaining to the trail (drainage and culverts), make a certain determination, based on resolution of Council, to move ahead with the trail and at such time as the aforementioned has been determined with Tillsonburg in accordance with the Joint Venture Agreement, the Advisory Committee be reconsidered. Cemeteries Board Relevant By-law: 2012-065, as amended Purpose & Objectives To co-ordinate and support the efforts in pursuing consistency among the Individual Bayham Cemetery Boards, and ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Funeral, Burial, Cremation Services Act, 2002 (FBCSA) and Regulations, as amended from time to time. Discussion Staff respectfully recommend the Cemeteries By-law be updated and a Terms of Reference in accordance with the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Boards and Committee Policy be drafted to improve cemetery related processes. Harbourfront Committee Relevant By-laws: 2009-133, 2010-076 Mandate: The Committee will provide advice, assistance, and support to Bayham Council in regard to the development, improvement, and promotion of the Bayham harbourfront area and related Report CAO-29/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Advisory Boards & C...Page 45 of 102 infrastructure. The Committee will work towards the creation of a vibrant harbourfront area to promote a strong economic base with enhanced tourism and inclusion of natural and heritage resources. The Committee will develop and recommend to Council strategies and works for the maintenance, improvement and enhancement of the harbour area. Objectives: The Committee will concentrate on the development of strategies, initiatives, and activities for the improvement of the harbour area to include infrastructure improvements, beautification, and tourism development, with the goal to contribute to employment opportunities, community renewal and beautification, recreational opportunities, and commercial opportunities. In particular, the committee will review and investigate opportunities for a navigable harbour for commercial and recreational vessels and work with all levels of government to investigate funding and obtain permissions for dredging of the channel. Discussion Staff respectfully recommend the Harbourfront Committee not be reappointed. The key functions of the committee pertain to capital improvements which are required to be considered during capital budget deliberations. Further, the operating budget possesses a Tourism and Marketing budget which largely considers the key portfolio items of the Harbourfront Committee. In the past decade, the Municipality has also appointed the following Committees: Cenotaph Committee – By-law No. 2009-040 Economic Development Committee – By-law No. 2008-081 Tourism & Marketing Committee – By-law No. 2006-034 Business & Commerce Committee – By-law No. 2006-033 In general, a Council can consider multiple avenues to source public insight on various issues. Specifically, the Municipality can leverage the expertise of those with significant resources for specific aspects. The Elgin County Economic Development Advisory Group is a key example of the aforementioned. Also, the public may submit ideas and initiatives through Council or through the Municipal Office for Council consideration. The public may also establish committees separate from the Municipality in an effort to produce various ideas and initiatives for Council consideration. RECOMMENDATION 1.THAT Report CAO-29/15 re Advisory Boards and Committees be received for information; 2.AND THAT Council direct staff to prepare terms of reference for the Cemeteries Board and Museums Bayham Board in accordance with the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Policy for Council consideration. Respectfully Submitted by: Paul Shipway CAO Report CAO-29/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Advisory Boards & C...Page 46 of 102 REPORT CAO TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Paul Shipway, CAO DATE: June 4, 2015 REPORT: CAO-30/15 SUBJECT: STRAFFORDVILLE CONCESSION BOOTH – AGREEMENT NO. 153 BACKGROUND On June 7, 2007 the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham passed By-law No. 2007-062 to authorize Agreement No. 153 to operate the concession booth on the Straffordville Community Centre lands with the Lions Club of Straffordville. A copy Agreement No. 153 is attached hereto as Appendix ‘A’. DISCUSSION In reviewing agreements, staff realized this agreement was in need of renewal and updating. Staff provided the agreement to the Straffordville Lions Club and the Club proposed the following revisions: Item 3 (g) all garbage in the park to be removed and disposed by the Municipality at public expense Item 3(k) change the proper order of any and every event to "the proper order of every club event" Item 5 (j) change will be its own property to "will be the clubs own property" Schedule B: Water and sanitary sewer services to the food booth and washrooms be provided at municipal expense and the club responsible only for the plumbing and fixtures within the building. All equipment not permanently attached to and becoming part of the structure remain the sole property of the club and be retained or disposed at the clubs discretion. General Amendments In addition to the amendments to the current contract the Straffordville Lions would like to have committed to paper an agreement with the Municipality to continue to maintain the storage barn in the park provided the club retains control of the structure's use. Also the club is agreeable to become the sole booking agent for the municipality for the park and would ask for authority to charge a nominal fee for any use requiring washrooms and or power. This would be used to offset the expenses incurred providing these services. Report CAO-30/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Straffordville Conc...Page 47 of 102 Staff Comment Generally staff would recommend accepting all revisions with certain due diligence items added into the agreement including: 1)Requirement for Municipality to inspect both facilities prior to new agreement; 2)Rental procedures and rates established by the Municipality prior to agreement; 3)Single point of contact for Lion’s for booking; 4)Single point of contact for Lion’s to contact the Municipality; 5)Monthly inspections conducted by the Lions; 6)Monthly reporting on rentals and revenues; RECOMMENDATION 1.THAT Report CAO-30/15 re Straffordville Concession Booth be received for information; 2.AND THAT Council direct staff to bring forward a by-law and agreement for the Straffordville Community Centre lands for Council consideration. Respectfully Submitted by: Paul Shipway CAO Report CAO-30/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Straffordville Conc...Page 48 of 102 OlS% [,0.9’ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW N 0.2007-062 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE LIONS CLUB OF STAFF ORDVILLE FOR THE OPERATION OF A FOOD CONCESSION AND WASHROOM FACILITY 1.The Municipality is the owner of lands and Premises known as the Straffordville Community Centre and Park,being a community park including passive park,playgound,baseball,and other facilities located in Plan 205,Pt Lot 124,STR,more particularly described in Schedule “A”annexed hereto and made part of this agreement. 2.The Straffordville Community Park includes Premises known as the Food Concession and Washroom,to provide concession services and washroom facilities at the Community park. 3.The Municipality and the Lions Club of Straffordville are desirous of entering into an agreement whereby the Club will agree to maintain and operate the food concession and facilities. 4.Pursuant to Section 11 (2)of the Municipal Act,2001,S.O.2001 c.25,a lower tier municipality may pass by-laws respecting matters withinthe spheres of jurisdiction described in the Table to this section. 5.The said Table authorizes a lower tier municipality to pass by-laws respectingculture,parks, recreation,and heritage. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. 1.THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with the Lions Club of Straffordville; 2.THAT the said Agreement is attached hereto as Schedule ‘A'and forms a part of this by- law. 3.THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon ?nal passing. READ A FIRST,SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7"‘day of June 2007 . l.Cgg?lsmon MILLARD.CLERK “""‘"1 _..aof_1_f;~.tfrrporatioaof_the Munlclpal?yof Bayham,cs:.fwomgISa cem?ed true copy D;:-.-.....3a‘!_0_ay of Report CAO-30/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Straffordville Conc...Page 49 of 102 H» THIS AGREEMENT made the‘?day of Mu,2007 BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM hereinafter referred to as the “MUNICIPALITY” .AND_ LIONS CLUB OF STRAFFORDVILLE hereinafter referred to as the “CLUB” Whereas: l.The Municipality is the owner of lands and Premises known as the Straffordville Community Centre and Park,being a community park including passive park,playground, baseball,and other facilities located in Plan 205,Pt Lot 124,STR,more particularly described in Schedule “A"annexed hereto and made part of this agreement. The Straffordville Community Park includes Premises known as the Food Concession and Washroom,to provide concession services and washroom facilities at the Community park. .The Municipality and the Club are desirous of entering into an agreement whereby the Club will agree to maintain and operate the food concession and facilities described in Schedule “B”annexed hereto. Pursuant to Section 11 (2)of the Municipal Act,2001,S.O.2001 c.25,a lower tier municipality may pass by—lawsrespecting matters within the spheres of jurisdiction described in the Table to this section. .The said Table authorizes a lower tier municipality to pass by-laws respecting culture,parks, recreation,and heritage. NOW THEREFORE,this agreement witnesseth that in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth on the part of the said Club,to be observed,and performed,the Municipality and the Club agrees to and with each other as follows: (1) (2) (3) De?nition In this agreement: a)Club means the Lions Club of Straffordville b)The Lands means the Straffordville Community Centre and Park located in Plan 205, Pt Lot 124,STR described in Schedule “A”annexed hereto and made part of this agreement The Premises means the facilities as outlined on Schedule “B”annexed hereto and made part of this agreement. Municipality means the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham. 0) d) Term Subject to Article 6,the term of this agreement shall be ?ve (5)years from the date of execution of this agreement by the parties. The Club covenants with the Municipality as follows: (a)To operate the Premises as a food concession booth and public washroom facility for services at the Straffordville Community Park. Report CAO-30/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Straffordville Conc...Page 50 of 102 (b) (f) (g) (11) G) (k) (1) To the best of its ability,co-ordinate hours of operations at the Premises with sports, recreational and other community events at the community park in the interest of community service and to strive to expand and improve these activities and programs with a view of encouraging greater use of the lands. To maintain the Premises and appurtenances thereto to standards that are consistent with those standards established by the Club and that are satisfactory to the Council of the Municipality. To appoint a Superintendent and additional persons,if necessary,to co-ordinate the operations of the Premises.The Club shall annually advise the Municipality of those representatives for contact purposes and in order to discuss any matters and costs relating to the operation and maintenance of the Premises; To pay all capital and maintenance costs of the Premises and appurtenances thereto including but not limited to all costs of maintaining the building,inspections, equipment,and utilities,all appurtenances,and any associated utility costs and labour costs. To supply all materials and supplies,including all electric light bulbs,all garbage containers or bags,all toilet paper and paper towels within the Premises associated with the concession services and washroom facility operations. To arrange to retain all waste generated from the operation in a closed waste container in the Premises or other area approved by the Municipality and to cause the containers to be emptied at the Club’s expense with suf?cient regularity to avoid odours and vermin. To ensure all maintenance or other equipment and all material are stored in a safe and secure manner. No machinery,equipment,heavy merchandise,or anything liable to injure or destroy any part of the lands shall be taken into it without the consent of the Municipality in writing,and the Municipality shall in all cases retain the power to limit the weight and indicate the place where such machinery or the like is to stand, and the cost of repairing any and all damage done by taking in or putting out such machinery or the like or during the time it is in or on the Premises shall be paid for by the Club. Not to commit,suffer,permit or carry on anything on the lands that shall be deemed or result in a nuisance or which shall be offensive or any annoyance to the Municipality or its residents; To maintain or cause to be maintained,the proper order of any and every event held in the Premises and agrees not to hold,sponsor,or promote any functions deemed to be publicly or morally offensive or that in any way would contravene any Statute, Law or Legislation of the Government of Canada,or the Province of Ontario,or the County of Elgin,or the Municipality. To indemnify the Municipality and each of its servants,employees,and agents of, from,and against all actions,suits,claims and demands which may be brought against or made upon the Municipality,its servants,employees,and agents or any of them and from and against all loss,costs,charges,damages and expenses which may be incurred,sustained or paid by the Municipality,its servants,employees,and agents or any of them arising out of the use of the lands and any buildings,facilities and appurtenances thereon in any manner whatsoever by the Club by virtue of the provision of this agreement; The Club agrees to provide at its cost general liability insurance including products liability for the sum of $3,000,000 insuring the Club in respect of any claim or claims for damages,injury or death by reason of,arising out of,or in consequent of, this agreement,and the operation of the Club,and shall include the Municipality as an additional insured therein. Report CAO-30/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Straffordville Conc...Page 51 of 102 (4) (5) (m)To give prompt written notice to the Municipality of any accident or safety concern; (n)Not to assign or transfer the rights or obligations it obtains under this agreement without the prior written consent of the Municipality and such consent may be arbitrarilyrefused by the Council of the Municipality in its sole discretion; (0)To abide by any and all statutory requirements,regulations,rules or by-laws of every Federal,Provincial,Municipal or other authority which in any way may affect or relate to the operation,maintenance or use of the Premises; MUNICIPALITY’S COVENANTS The Municipality convenants with the Club as follows: (a)For the quiet enjoyment of the Premises; (b)To continue to insure the Premises and appurtenances that are capable of insurance coverage for the loss thereof; PROVISOS Provided always and it is agreed between the parties as follows: (a)The Club shall pay to the Municipality to total sum of $Nil for rental payments. (b)Alterations —Any alterations,additions,or changes made to the Premises or the facilities by the Club during the term of this lease shall be done by the Club at its expense.Changes or additions to buildings,facilities,equipment,or landscaping shall not be undertaken without the written consent of the Municipality.The Club acknowledges that all alterations to the lands and all alterations,additions, improvement,and fixtures upon facilities,shall remain of the lands and are the property of the Municipality. (c)Signs/Advertising —the Club agrees that no sign or notice of advertising of any nature shall be inscribed,painted,or af?xed by the Club on any part of the Premises unless ?rst approved by the Municipality. (cl)Holding 0ver-If the Club remains in possession of the lands after the expiration of the term of this lease,it shall be deemed to be from month to month,and to be subject to the provisions of this agreement in so far as they apply. (e)The Club shall be responsible for all damages to the Premises and appurtenances; (t)The Club shall ensure that all renovations,alterations,proposed uses,and rentals comply with all regulatory requirements including but not limited to Fire Code and Building Code requirements and Health Unit requirements,and shall be responsible for all associated costs. (g)The Municipality shall have the right to enter the lands to examine or to make repairs and alterations as it shall deem necessary for the safety and preservation of the Premises.The Municipality shall,prior to any such action,consult with the Club regarding appropriate arrangements (h)Liability for damage to persons and property —The Municipality shall not be liable for any injury or damage to persons or property in or on the Premises resulting from any cause whatever.The Municipality shall not be liable for any damage to any property at any time in the Premises,nor for the the?of any of the said property,nor for any accident to the property of the Club.All property kept or stored on the lands shall be at the sole risk of the Club. (i)Inspection of Lands —The Club agrees that there is no promise,representation or undertaking binding upon the Municipality with respect to any alteration, remodeling,redecorating,or installation of equipment or ?xtures on the lands. Report CAO-30/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Straffordville Conc...Page 52 of 102 (6) (1')All goods,equipment,facilities brought or constructed by the Club on the lands are and will be its own property and that it will not executeany chattel mortgage,lien, charge or bill of sale on any of its plant,merchandise,equipment and furniture without first obtaining permission from the Municipality in writing to do so; (k)The Municipality shall have the right to make such other and further reasonable rules and regulations and to alter,amend,or cancel all rules and regulations as in its judgment may from time to time be needed for the safety,care,and cleanliness of the lands and for the preservation of good order therein and the same shall be kept and observed by the Club,and its members.The Municipality shall,prior to any such action,consult with the Club representatives. (1)Alcoholic beverages must not be served unless permission is granted by the Council of the Municipality of Bayharn,authorized by the Special Occasions permit issued for a speci?c event and the Municipality’s by-laws governing such events.The Club will not store or serve alcohol in the facility except in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario,and the requirements pertaining to any Special Occasions Permit for the facility. (m)The Club is responsible for obtaining and displaying a Special Occasions Permit should it elect to hold or sponsor a special event involving the serving of alcoholic beverages. (11)Registration of Lease —The Club will not register this lease,nor notice of it,against the title to the Premises. (0)Nothing in the lease shall give the Club exclusive rights for concession services within the Lands.Other concession,food,and refreshment services shall be permitted at the sole discretion of the Municipality including such services associated with community events. Default In the event the Club shall be determined to be in default of this agreement,notice shall be given and the Club provided 30 days from the issuance of such notice to correct any default/de?ciency.Failure to correct any default may result in the termination of this agreement by the Council of the Municipality of Bayharn. IN WITNESS WHEROF the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals and the Corporation has affixed its corporate seal under the hands of its proper officers duly authorized that behalf. SIGNED: On Behalf of the Municipality of Bayhamcw Report CAO-30/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Straffordville Conc...Page 53 of 102 Schedule “A” The Lands subject of this lease agreement are described as Plan 205,Pt Lot 124,STR Pts Otter, Erie,Centre Streets Report CAO-30/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Straffordville Conc...Page 54 of 102 Schedule “B” The Premises subject of this lease agreement are described as the Food Concession and public washroom building (cement block building)and appurtenances thereto located on property described as Plan 205,Pt Lot 124,STR Pts Otter,Erie,Centre Streets,including as follows: "P Hydro,Natural Gas,Water,and Sanitary Sewer Services to the Food Booth and Washrooms ;>The following equipment and ?xtures: I 2 pop coolers I 3 freezers I 1 refrigerator I 2 gas grills I 1 gas deep fryer I 1 bun warmer I 1 microwave I 3 electric deep fryers I 2 electric grills Report CAO-30/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Straffordville Conc...Page 55 of 102 REPORT CAO TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Paul Shipway, CAO DATE: June 4, 2015 REPORT: CAO-32/15 SUBJECT: FIRST QUARTER EFFICIENCIES BACKGROUND In an effort to deliver efficient and cost effective services staff have been working diligently at reducing operational and capital expenses by sourcing sustainable and creative solutions to various projects. DISCUSSION Wastewater Capital The Wastewater Capital Budget included the following projects: 1)Air Valve Replacements – 6 years @ $15,000/year ($90,000) a.Revised Air Valve Replacements – 1 year @ $15,000 or less 2)Concrete Rehabilitation 6 years @ 25,000 ($150,000) a.Revised Concrete Rehabilitation – 1 year at $17,000 Estimated Savings $208,000 General Government - Administration The Treasurer initiated a telecommunications audit in 2015. The purpose of the audit was to document particular aspects of the telecommunications services and their related costs, then obtain one or more cost-effective solutions to meet the Municipal telecommunications needs. The findings demonstrated an estimated savings of $10,000/year when averaged out over the next five years. Staff are in the process of implementing the findings of the audit. Wastewater/Public Works LED Retrofit In 2014 the Water/Wastewater Operations Supervisor, now the Manager of Public Works and Operations initiated a lighting assessment for the Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Public Works Building. The combined facilities currently utilize approximately 160 lights with the following costs: Report CAO-32/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re First Quarter Effic...Page 56 of 102 The project, without including maintenance expenses represents an annual estimated savings of $5,924.73, which represents a project payback period of 4.6 years (again noting this excludes maintenance savings). The LED lights are expected to last twenty-five years. RECOMMENDATION 1.THAT Report CAO-32/15 re First Quarter Efficiencies be received for information; 2.AND THAT the Council direct staff to reallocate 2015 Wastewater Capital funds and utilize Wastewater reserves to complete the Wastewater LED retrofit project. Respectfully Submitted by: Paul Shipway CAO Location Annual Existing Costs Estimated Annual Operating Costs Estimated Annual Operating Savings Capital Costs Wastewater Treatment Plant - Interior $1,784.16 $367.05 $1,417.11 $8,325.00 Wastewater Treatment Plant Accessory Building - Interior $2,112.01 $1,183.10 $928.91 $3,484.50 Wastewater Treatment Plant - Exterior $2,542.01 $553.54 $1,988.47 $7,307.00 Public Works Yard $5,654.79 $3,821.04 $1,833.75 $9,724.50 Total $12,092.97 $5,924.73 $6,168.24 $28,841.00 LED Retrofit Project Report CAO-32/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re First Quarter Effic...Page 57 of 102 REPORT CAO TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Paul Shipway, CAO DATE: June 4, 2015 REPORT: CAO-33/15 SUBJECT: CANADA 150 FUND BACKGROUND Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation is in 2017 and is a pivotal milestone for the country that allows the public to connect with the past, celebrate who we are, honour exceptional achievements, and build a legacy for tomorrow. The overarching theme for Canada 150 is Strong, Proud, and Free – three words that define and characterize present-day Canada. A Canada that is a strong leader in the world with one of the most robust economies. A Canada that is proud of its identity and achievements as well as its natural beauty and resources. A Canada that is free with an open, diverse, and pluralistic society. This theme connects us with our past, embraces the present, and builds towards the future. The goal of the Canada 150 Fund is to create opportunities for Canadians to participate in local, regional, and national celebrations that contribute to building a sense of pride and attachment to Canada. DISCUSSION The Department of Canadian Heritage (PCH) is the lead department for the celebrations of Canada 150 and has created the Canada 150 Fund; a funding initiative that aims to promote Canadian values, culture and history, generate national pride and bring citizens together to celebrate Canada 150. Funding is available in the form of grants or contributions for projects that support the objectives below and meet the criteria described. The goal of the Canada 150 Fund is to create opportunities for Canadians to participate in activities that contribute to building a sense of pride and attachment to Canada. Examples of eligible projects under the Canada 150 Fund include: •Celebratory or commemorative activities and events; •Community building activities and events; •Sport and active-living activities and events; •Exhibits; •Plaques, monuments and permanent installations; •Ceremonies for site dedications; •Interpretive programming and tours; •Documentary films; •Learning materials and activities; •Theatrical or musical performances; Report CAO-33/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Canada 150 Fund Page 58 of 102 •Large-scale artwork projects; •New Canada 150 fairs and festivals; and •Specific Canada 150 programming added to regular or recurrent fairs and festivals. Ineligible Projects •Lobbying or advocacy activities; •Major infrastructure projects such as the building of roads and buildings; •Ongoing activities such as the publication of regular issues of newsletters, magazines and periodicals; •Projects that are designed for fundraising purposes, or that generate advantage or profit; •Any activity taking place outside Canada. The key assessment criteria for the Canada 150 Fund is as follows: •The applicant has the capacity to deliver the project; •The community has demonstrated its support for the project and, where relevant, key community stakeholders have been engaged; •Where agreements for collaboration are required to ensure the successful delivery of the project, contributors have confirmed their participation; •The extent to which the project will be inclusive of Aboriginal communities, official-language minority communities, ethno-cultural communities and youth; •The project objectives are specific and realistic and clearly support the objectives of the Canada 150 Fund; •The project is new and innovative and will not duplicate other initiatives; •The proposed approach will allow for the successful and timely delivery of the project; •The project will effectively reach the identified target audience(s) and produce results that represent good value for money; and • The proposed budget is sufficiently detailed, reasonable and balanced. There is no established deadline to submit a funding application under the Canada 150 Fund. MP Joe Preston has organized and held a meeting to ensure all local organizations are involved and submit for funding under the Canada 150 Fund and will continue working with organizations for application purposes. The Canada 150 Fund has the possibility to develop projects that will improve the quality of place of the Municipality of Bayham in both the short and long term. RECOMMENDATION 1.THAT Report CAO-33/15 re Canada 150 Fund be received for information; 2.AND THAT the staff be directed to circulate the notice attached hereto as Appendix ‘A’ for public input for Council consideration. Respectfully Submitted by: Paul Shipway CAO Report CAO-33/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Canada 150 Fund Page 59 of 102 NOTICE OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation is in 2017 and is a pivotal milestone for the country that allows the public to connect with the past, celebrate who we are, honour exceptional achievements, and build a legacy for tomorrow. The overarching theme for Canada 150 is Strong, Proud, and Free – three words that define and characterize present-day Canada. A Canada that is a strong leader in the world with one of the most robust economies. A Canada that is proud of its identity and achievements as well as its natural beauty and resources. A Canada that is free with an open, diverse, and pluralistic society. This theme connects us with our past, embraces the present, and builds towards the future. The goal of the Canada 150 Fund is to create opportunities for Canadians to participate in local, regional, and national celebrations that contribute to building a sense of pride and attachment to Canada. The Municipality is seeking public input on potential projects for Council consideration. Examples of eligible projects under the Canada 150 Fund include: •Celebratory or commemorative activities and events; •Community building activities and events; •Sport and active-living activities and events; •Exhibits; •Plaques, monuments and permanent installations; •Ceremonies for site dedications; •Interpretive programming and tours; •Documentary films; •Learning materials and activities; •Theatrical or musical performances; PO Box 160 9344 Plank Rd, Straffordville, ON N0J 1Y0 Or at: consultations@bayham.on.ca Written submissions will be received until June 29, 2015 before 4:30 PM. Report CAO-33/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Canada 150 Fund Page 60 of 102 REPORT CAO TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Paul Shipway, CAO DATE: June 4, 2015 REPORT: CAO-34/15 SUBJECT: POLESTARS BANNER INITIATIVE BACKGROUND In 2014 the Municipality donated $1,000 to the Polestars banner initiative. The Municipality also provided traffic control on the event day. Hydro One, the Port Burwell Public School and Polestars handled purchase of the banners and installation of the same. It has become apparent that the banners were not properly lagged into the poles by Hydro One and a number of banners have been taken down by Public Works staff or are currently twisted on the poles (the actual brackets have come right out of the poles). Approximately nine are held either at the school or the public works yard. Public Works staff have/are being asked what is being done to rectify the situation and have taken down a few of the banners about to fall (when twisted on the poles the banners do not look great). This is not something Public Works budgeted for (time wise or money wise). Although the Municipality is not technically involved in the Polestars banner initiative beyond the donation, staff are looking for direction on how to proceed: 1)Request Hydro One fix or take all banners down; 2)Public Works take all banners down; 3)Public Works fix all the banners; 4)Other direction of Council, In the future, although it may take a bit more time, it may be prudent to have an agreement in place to lay out the responsibilities beforehand so that all parties know what is expected of them at present and into the future, and also what the consequences of non-compliance are. The extra time in the beginning, will most certainly be worth it when compared to the amount of time trying to sort out issues after the fact. RECOMMENDATION 1.THAT Report CAO-34/15 re Polestars Banner Initiative be received for information; 2.AND THAT the Council provide staff direction. Respectfully Submitted by: Paul Shipway CAO Report CAO-34/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Polestars Banner In...Page 61 of 102 B y - L a w 2 0 1 5 - 0 6 2 B e i n g a B y - l a w t o a d o p t t h e C a p i t a l E s t i m a t e . . . P a g e 6 2 o f 1 0 2 B y - L a w 2 0 1 5 - 0 6 2 B e i n g a B y - l a w t o a d o p t t h e C a p i t a l E s t i m a t e . . . P a g e 6 3 o f 1 0 2 B y - L a w 2 0 1 5 - 0 6 3 B e i n g A B y - l a w t o e s t a b l i s h a l e v y f o r t h e y . . . P a g e 6 4 o f 1 0 2 B y - L a w 2 0 1 5 - 0 6 3 B e i n g A B y - l a w t o e s t a b l i s h a l e v y f o r t h e y . . . P a g e 6 5 o f 1 0 2 B y - L a w 2 0 1 5 - 0 6 3 B e i n g A B y - l a w t o e s t a b l i s h a l e v y f o r t h e y . . . P a g e 6 6 o f 1 0 2 B y - L a w 2 0 1 5 - 0 6 3 B e i n g A B y - l a w t o e s t a b l i s h a l e v y f o r t h e y . . . P a g e 6 7 o f 1 0 2 B y - L a w 2 0 1 5 - 0 6 3 B e i n g A B y - l a w t o e s t a b l i s h a l e v y f o r t h e y . . . P a g e 6 8 o f 1 0 2 B y - L a w 2 0 1 5 - 0 6 3 B e i n g A B y - l a w t o e s t a b l i s h a l e v y f o r t h e y . . . P a g e 6 9 o f 1 0 2 B y - L a w 2 0 1 5 - 0 6 3 B e i n g A B y - l a w t o e s t a b l i s h a l e v y f o r t h e y . . . P a g e 7 0 o f 1 0 2 B y - L a w 2 0 1 5 - 0 6 3 B e i n g A B y - l a w t o e s t a b l i s h a l e v y f o r t h e y . . . P a g e 7 1 o f 1 0 2 B y - L a w 2 0 1 5 - 0 6 3 B e i n g A B y - l a w t o e s t a b l i s h a l e v y f o r t h e y . . . 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P a g e 1 0 2 o f 1 0 2 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COUNCIL MEETING ADDENDUM Thursday, June 4, 2015 MUNICIPAL OFFICE STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO Page 1. ADMINISTRATION 1. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 2 - 3 (a) Memorandum re OPP Contract and the Elgin Group Police Services Board 2. OTHER BUSINESS 4 - 5 (a) 2015 Budget Infographic Release 6 - 7 (b) Report CAO-31/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re 6215 Plank Rd - Potential Edison Museum Location (c) Closed session item regarding litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board (2014 Election Action) Page 1 of 7 ._.0”*.:mmas®*0:0_u0__0mmm2_0mmwoma_<_::_0_0m__*_mm.Q0_.00m_O>Om _u..0::02.:_<_m:_0:0:0*Emmas®_.0:0_u0__0mmm_.<_0mm_.u.0m*0 on"ma;040:0_u0__0mmm_.<_0mmwoma _w*m0_u_m:_m6:.masO_u_uUm*m0:3m:*00330009 Um*m*,_::m*.Ba m.:_0_.m0*_O_u_uO0_._*_.m0*ms:Emm_E9.0:_u0=0mmm_.<_ommwoman. ._.:m*0__0<<E0*m0033m:0m*_0:<<mmm000*m0::m:_30:m_<0<Emmas08:0_u0__0m mm2_0mmwomam***mm0m0_m_3mm*EuEma0:_<_m<33.N03” *._._>*.Emmas08:0_u0__0mmm_.<*0mmwoma0m3mE*mEm0*0**mmm0:m0* m**_0_m:0<ms:00*m:*_m_000*mm<E0m“m:0_ ._.I>+mm_x<mm*00:**m0*<<_EEmO:*m*_0_u*0<E0_m__u0__0m0m*m0033m:0m0 *0*m:00*mm3m:*ms:mxm0:*_0:0<Em0m_.*_0_0m*E03::_0*0m__*_mm<<_EEm ::0m*m*m:o_EuEm*Em00:**m0*3m<0m*m*3Em*m03.030..m__0m:_0_0m*E© 3::_0_0m__*_mm<<_E00m<mm*<<:**m::0*_0mmmo_mm0*Em0Emm0*_0:mu0*Em 00:**m0*. -Om*_._m0C:m:_30:m_<. >0<0:mmm<<m*m**030*m<_0:m0_m0:mm_0:mm:000:mm00:o_m:0m_Em:m<<m.x303E 00:**m0*<<_EEmO_u_umx0_*mm0:._::m8;.N03”_*m:m<<00:**m0**000*mxm0:*m00< E_mmx0_20m*m.Em:m__0mE0*0m*_:m3:_.._0_0m__*_mm<<___m*___0m00__0m00<EmO_uU0:*2.: 0m<<*E0:*m00:**m0*-00330:?*m*m:m0*0mmmmm0*_0:3mm2_0mE0_u0__0mm.m2*0mm 08.3.._.:m3.0.:_30__0m**0:0**m<m**Eo*0m:0:-00:**m0*3::_0_0m=*<_mEm_0mm0* 9m:*msE_0*._<<0:_0_0mm:*03m*_0. .210m:0:-*m*300:**m0*Emm0:*00mm_<mm*m_0__m:m0*0m__0<<*_3m*00m*m*3Em_*9020*0* _u0__0mm.m_.<_0mmwomam<<m*m@030*000:*E:m.>*Em*_3m0*Em<<*_*E©0*EH.3m30.m 0m*E_*_<mm:m<<m*0:Emm*m*:m0*Emmm9m:*m?<0_.E30*mEm:030.89:0030*0mm: *m:0m*m00<Em_<_E_m*_.<. _._0<<m<m*_sEm*_m0m**mE.0Em*Emmm9m:*m<<:_0m*E_*m_<30*00:*E:m_*Em_.u.0m*0 0_mm0_<mm0*_*mm3m__m*90:00*3::_0_0m__*_mmqmoamm*0*0::mm3m__m*woma.._.:m 0::m:*m:m:mm3m:*E<0_<Emm*x3::*0_0m__*_mm0*0<_n_mmm0:*_0m_Emmmms:0:m__*_mmEm 90:0*0*Em0:_.*m:*9m:*m.>:<*m0:0*_0:EEmm_Nm0*Em90:0_.m00m*0_Nmmm_6_0_=*<. ...m M e m o r a n d u m r e O P P C o n t r a c t a n d t h e E l g i n G r o u p P o l i c e S e r v i c . . . 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P a g e 3 o f 7 Assessment Class Assessed Value Annual Increase Over 2014 Levy Monthly Increase over 2014 Levy Residential $250,00 $68.23 $5.66 Farm $400,00 $27.27 $2.27 Commercial $250,00 $69.49 $5.79 Industrial $250,00 $121.34 $10.11 *Includes County and Education Rates 2015 Budget Infographic Release Page 4 of 7 General Government $1,259,648 Council $76,128 Fire Services $510,783 Police Services $925,985 Conservation Authority $58,802 Building $96,510 Bylaw Enforcement $38,748 Roads $1,446,906 Winter Control $107,000 Street Lights $54,000 Water $845,462 Waste Water $782,287 Waste Disposal $493,368 Cemeteries $19,000 General Assistance $10,000 Parks $53,439 Community Centres $88,350 Libraries $66,000 Museums $74,408 Planning and Development $90,947 Tourism and Marketing $52,500 Environmental Services $23,850 2015 Budget Infographic Release Page 5 of 7 REPORT CAO TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Paul Shipway, CAO DATE: June 4, 2015 REPORT: CAO-31/15 SUBJECT: 6215 PLANK RD – POTENTIAL EDISON MUSEUM LOCATION BACKGROUND At the Special Council meeting of May 11, 2015 the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham passed the following resolution: THAT staff be directed to post a Request for Proposal (RFP) to place static displays of Edison Museum artefacts in Vienna for the 2015 summer season; AND THAT the RFP also include provisions for proposals for operational, staffed exhibits in Vienna for the 2015 summer season; AND THAT staff report back to Council on available properties in Vienna to place the Edison Museum for 2015; AND THAT staff be directed to hire five (5) museum students for the summer of 2015. The RFP closes on June 5, 2015. Staff investigation on available properties, not owned by the Municipality, are as below. DISCUSSION The main location which was identified was 6215 Plank Rd. The location which Elgin County previously leased for the Emergency Response Unit (ERU). For Council information the terms of the Elgin County lease were as follows: Term: 1 year (August 2014-July 2015) Rent: $600/month + HST + Utilities + Property Taxes Termination: 90 Days Notice The Municipality approached the property owners and were presented with a standard rental agreement similar to the Elgin County agreement with the following terms: Term: 6 Months Rent: $500/month + HST + Utilities OR Termination: 60 Days Notice Term: Month to Month Rent: $550/month + HST + Utilities Termination: 60 Days Notice Report CAO-31/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re 6215 Plank Rd - Pot...Page 6 of 7 Photographs of the interior of the premises are as below: For additional information, the Edison Museum attendance statistics for the last five years, from May- September, are as follows: Edison Museum Attendance 2014 511 2013 524 2012 511 2011 455 2010 436 Additional considerations: 1)Should, through rental, or the RFP process, the Edison Museum incur additional costs, such as rent, Council will need to direct staff where to allocate funds from. 2)Should Council request Public Works staff to move artefacts, it is respectfully recommended that such work be offered on weekends as overtime so the Public Works scheduled projects do not fall behind. RECOMMENDATION 1.THAT Report CAO-31/15 re 6215 Plank Rd – Potential Edison Museum Location be received for information; 2.AND THAT the Council provide staff direction. Respectfully Submitted by: Paul Shipway CAO Report CAO-31/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re 6215 Plank Rd - Pot...Page 7 of 7