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December 6, 2018 -Council
THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MUNICIPAL OFFICE 56169 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Thursday, December 6, 2018 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND INAUGURAL PROCEEDINGS A. Call to Order— CAO I Clerk B. Declaration of Elected Offices C. Statements by Council Elect 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3. REVIEW OF ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA A. Report PS-07/18 by Ed Roloson, Manager of Capital Projects —Water/Wastewater re Drinking Water Quality Management Standards added as Item 10.2-A 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS 5. DELEGATIONS A. 7:10 p.m. —Aaron LeDuc and Judy Maxwell, Long Point Region Conservation Authority re 30-Day Notice to Affected Municipalities — 2019 Draft Long Point Region Conservation Authority Budget B. 7:15 p.m. —Thomas Manley re proposal for Citizen Representation on the LPRCA Board 6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) A. Regular Meeting held November 15, 2018 B. Public Meeting held November 15, 2018 re Branch 'A' of the No.1 Drain 7. MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTION 8. RECREATION, CULTURE, TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 8.1 Correspondence 8.1.1 Receive for Information 8.1.2 Requiring Action 8.2 Reports to Council 9. PHYSICAL SERVICES — EMERGENCY SERVICES 9.1 Correspondence 2018 Council Agenda December 6, 2018 9.1.1 Receive for Information 9.1.2 Requiring Action 9.2 Reports to Council 10. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES — SUSTAINABILITY AND CONSERVATION 10.1 Correspondence 10.1.1 Receive for Information 10.1.2 Requiring Action 10.2 Reports to Council A. Report PS-07/18 by Ed Roloson, Manager of Capital Projects —Water/Wastewater re Drinking Water Quality Management Standards added as Item 10.2-A 11. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 11.1 Correspondence 11.1.1 Receive for Information 11.1.2 Requiring Action 11.2 Reports to Council A. Report CAO-77/18 by Paul Shipway, CAO I Clerk re Advisory Board & Committee Policy 12. BY-LAWS 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 14. OTHER BUSINESS 14.1 In Camera 14.2 Out of Camera 15. BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL A. By-Law No. 2018-099 Being a by-law to confirm all actions of Council 16. ADJOURNMENT Long Point Region Conservation Authority 4 Elm St., Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 004 519-842-4242 or 1-888-231-5408 . Fax 519-842-7123 Email: conservation@lprca.on.ca www.lprca.on.ca November 14, 2018 File: Paul Shipway, CAO Municipality of Bayham 56169 Heritage Line, PO Box 160 Straffordville ON NOJ 1Y0 Re: 30-Day Notice to Affected Municipalities —2019 Draft LPRCA Budget Dear Mr. Shipway, At a Special Board of Directors meeting held on Friday, November 9th, the Draft 2019 Operating and Capital Budgets for LPRCA were approved. The overall increase for the municipal levy is 3.79% versus last year's increase of 6.6%. The overall municipal support requested for the 2019 operating budget of$4,182,984 is $1,607,452. The overall municipal support requested for the 2019 capital of $878,350 is $387,650. Specifics for each municipality can be found in attachments 5 and 6. Ontario Regulation 139/96 calls for a 30-day notice to affected municipal partners in order for them to consider and provide comment regarding the draft budget. The Regulation also requires that the notice be accompanied by the financial information used to determine that levy. As such, please find attached the following information on LPRCA's budgets for its member municipalities: 1. 2019 Draft Consolidated Budget Summary 2. 2019 Draft Statement of Operations 3. Five-year Draft Capital Budget 2019-2023 4. LPRCA Draft 2019 Municipal Levy- Consolidated 5. Five Year Summary by Municipality of Levy Apportioned by CVA % 6. Capital Levy by Municipality Apportioned by CVA % LPRCA is requesting any comment regarding the Draft 2019 Budget to be forwarded to this office no later than noon Friday, December 21st, 2018. The weighted vote for the Final 2019 LPRCA Budget will take place the evening of Wednesday, January 9th, 2019 as part of the regular meeting of the LPRCA Board of Directors. On behalf of the LPRCA Board of Directors, I would respectfully request the opportunity to present the draft budget to your council at its earliest convenience. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact myself at 519-842-4242, ext. 224. Sincerely, Ifqqd,),t,e4_ Judy Maxwell General Manager Long Point Region Conservation Authority 2019 Draft Budget Summary 2018 2019 2019 Change from % of Budget Draft Budget 2018 Budget Approved $ $ $ % Budget Total Operating Expenditures 4,073,985 4,182,984 109,000 2.7% 82.6% Total Capital Expenditures* 691,650 878,350 186,700 27.0% 17.4% Total Expenditures 4,765,635 5,061,334 295,700 6.20% 100.0% SOURCES OF REVENUE Municipal Levy-Operating 1,553,674 1,607,452 53,779 3.46% 31.8% Municipal Levy-Capital 368,550 387,650 19,100 5.18% 7.7% Municipal Levy 1,922,224 1,995,102 72,879 3.79% 39.42% Municipal Levy-Special Norfolk 48,100 48,100 1.0% Total Municipal Levy 1,922,224 2,043,202 120,979 6.29% 40.4% Provincial Funding 65,355 37,111 (28,244) (43.2%) 0.7% MNR Grant 68,240 68,240 - 1.3% MNR WECI & Municipal Funding 157,500 95,000 (62,500) (39.7%) 1.9% Federal Funding 42,147 154,339 112,192 266.2% 3.0% User Fees 2,072,585 2,163,963 91,378 4.4% 42.8% Community Support 309,485 296,380 (13,105) (4.2%) 5.9% Interest on Investments - - - 0.0% Land Donation - - - 0.0% Gain on Sale of Assets - - - 0.0% Bayham ALUS - - - 0.0% Deferred Revenue/Reallocation 128,100 48,100 (80,000) (62.5%) 1.0% Contribution from(to) Reserves - 155,000 155,000 3.1% TOTAL REVENUE 4,765,635 5,061,334 295,700 6.20% 100.0% *The Capital Expenditures in the 2019 Draft Budget are proposed to be funded by Municipal Levy of$387,650,WECI$95,000, Federal Natural Disaster Mitigation Program of$144,500, prior year Municipal Levy of$48,100 and$155,000 from Reserves. Attachment 1 Long Point Region Conservation Authority Statement of Operations 2018 2019 2019 Change from Contribution Increase to Budget Draft Budget 2018 Budget (to)from Levy$ $ $ % Reserves$ Program: Watershed Planning and Technical Services 285,357 288,618 3,262 1.1% - 1,437 Watershed Flood Control Services 236,822 231,360 (5,462) (2.3%) (5,462) Healthy Watershed Services 200,527 186,006 (14,521) (7.2%) (14,801) 27,888 Communication and Marketing Services 147,632 113,332 (34,300) (23.2%) - (35,300) Backus Heritage and Education Services 626,256 628,140 1,884 0.3% - (14,300) Conservation Parks Management Services 767,115 773,975 6,860 0.9% (248,125) No levy Public Forest Land Management Services 227,515 234,062 6,547 2.9% (65,938) No levy Private Forest Land Management Services 116,397 122,926 6,529 5.6% - No levy Other Conservation and Land Management Services 507,208 518,459 11,251 2.2% - (10,986) Corporate Services 959,156 1,086,107 126,951 13.2% 328,863 90,501 Total Program Expenditures 4,073,985 4,182,984 109,000 2.7% (0) 53,779 Objects of Expenses: Staff Expenses 2,703,140 2,744,806 41,666 1.5% Staff Related Expenses 48,128 54,130 6,002 12.5% Materials and Supplies 260,142 272,482 12,340 4.7% Purchased Services 971,904 1,017,679 45,775 4.7% Equipment 26,350 28,300 1,950 7.4% Other 64,321 65,587 1,266 2.0% Bayham ALUS - - - Amortization - - - Total Expenditures 4,073,985 4,182,984 109,000 2.7% Sources of Revenue: Municipal Levy-Operating 1,553,674 1,607,452 53,779 3.5% Provincial Funding 65,355 37,111 (28,244) (43.2%) MNR Grant 68,240 68,240 - 0.0% MNR WECI&Municipal Funding - - - 0.0% Federal Funding 9,647 9,839 192 2.0% User Fees 2,072,585 2,163,963 91,378 4.4% Community Support 304,485 296,380 (8,105) (2.7%) Interest on Investments - - - 0.0% Land Donation - - - 0.0% Gain on Sale of Assets - - - 0.0% Bayham ALUS - - - 0.0% Contribution from(to)Reserves - - 0 (0) 0.0% Total Revenue 4,073,985 4,182,984 109,000 2.7% Attachment 2 Long Point Region Conservation Authority FIVE YEAR DRAFT CAPITAL BUDGET 2019-2023 CORPORATE SUMMARY PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total OBJECTS OF EXPENSES Watershed Services Flood Control Structure Repairs and Studies 190,000 450,000 432,500 430,000 435,000 $1,937,500 NDMP Flood Forecasting and Warning 59,600 $59,600 NDMP Floodplain Mapping 130,000 94,500 $224,500 NDMP Shoreline Flood&Erosion Hazard Study-Norfolk County 123,100 110,600 $233,700 Backus Heritage and Education Services Backus Education Centre Roof Replacement 55,000 $55,000 Backus Hydro Upgrades 10,000 25,000 $35,000 Homestead Roof Replacement 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 $50,000 Heating and Cooling System Backus Village 10,000 $10,000 New Comfort Station in Campground 45,000 $45,000 Pool Deck Concrete Replacement 18,000 $18,000 Security Fence Around Maintenance Barn and Workshop 10,000 $10,000 Education Centre Flooring Replacement 25,000 $25,000 Mill Footbridge Replacement 10,000 10,000 $20,000 Two pavilion upgrades with hydro and security lighting 20,000 $20,000 Conservation Parks Management Services Deer Creek CA Dock Replacement and Expansion 10,000 $10,000 Deer Creek CA Cabin - 10,000 $10,000 Deer Creek CA Pump House Replacement 20,000 $20,000 Haldimand CA Hydro Upgrades 10,000 10,000 $20,000 Haldimand CA North Gate 20,000 $20,000 Haldimand CA Washroom 55,000 $55,000 Haldimand CA Boat Launch 30,000 $30,000 Norfolk CA Hydro Upgrades 10,000 10,000 25,000 $45,000 Norfolk CA Washroom 55,000 $55,000 Norfolk CA Beach Access Upgrades 15,000 $15,000 Waterford North CA Gatehouse Building 18,500 $18,500 Waterford North CA Water and Electrical Additions 146,700 $146,700 Waterford North CA Dumping Station 15,000 $15,000 Other Conservation and Land Management Services Vehicle Replacement(1 minivan or SUV) 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 $150,000 Utility Task Vehicle 28,000 14,000 $42,000 Equipment Replacement(1 front mount lawnmower) 22,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 $82,000 Parks signage 5,000 5,000 $10,000 Foresty Tract Signage 6,450 6,450 5,400 $18,300 Forestry Tract Gates 4,000 4,000 $8,000 Corporate Services Computer Upgrades 10,000 8,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 $33,500 $ 878,350 $ 963,550 $ 605,400 $ 537,500 $ 562,500 I $ 3,547,300 SOURCES OF REVENUE MUNICIPAL GENERAL LEVY-Capital $ 387,650 MUNICIPAL SPECIAL LEVY-Capital $ 48,100 Grants-Provincial(MNR)(WECI) $ 95,000 Grants-Federal-Natural Disaster Mitigation Plan $ 144,500 Reallocation of General Levy-Capital $ 48,100 Reserves $ 155,000 $ 878,350 Attachment 3 LPRCA 2019 MUNICIPAL LEVY - CONSOLIDATED - Draft LEVY AMOUNTS PER CAPITA PER CAPITA MUNICIPALITY OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL (Watershed) (Municipality) Haldimand County $226,963 $54,734 $281,697 $20.26 $9.39 Norfolk County $845,974 $204,014 $1,049,988 $20.52 $19.49 Norwich Twp. $108,341 $26,127 $134,468 $21.16 $15.66 South-West Oxford Twp. $34,709 $8,370 $43,079 $23.10 $6.93 Tillsonburg $201,207 $48,523 $249,730 $19.15 $19.15 Total Oxford County $344,257 $83,020 $427,277 Brant County $105,228 $25,377 $130,605 $25.45 $4.35 Bayham Municipality $73,371 $17,694 $91,064 $16.71 $16.71 Malahide Township $11,659 $2,812 $14,471 $21.45 $2.15 $1,607,452 $387,650 $1,995,102 $20.44 $12.19 Increase over 2018 $53,780 $19,101 $72,881 Per Capita Increase over 2018 $0.55 $0.20 $0.75 Attachment 4 5 Year Summary by Municipality of Levy Apportioned by CVA% LPRCA Draft Budget Operating Levy Draft Budget Capital Levy Total Levy $ 1,607,452 $387,650 $1,995,102 Municipal Levy-Operating Municipal Levy-Capital Municipal Levy-Combined $Increase %Increase $Increase %Increase $Increase %Increase Amount of %of Total Year over Year over Amount of %of Total Year over Year over Amount of %of Total Year over Year over Municipality Year Levy Share Levy Year Year Levy Share Levy* Year Year Levy Share Levy Year Year Haldimand County 2015 $164,510 14.49% $25,229 14.49% $189,739 14.49% 2016 $204,043 14.44% $39,533 24.03% $38,854 14.44% $13,625 54.01% $242,897 14.44% $53,158 28.02% 2017 $207,125 14.17% $3,082 1.51% $49,485 14.17% $10,631 27.36% $256,610 14.17% $13,713 5.65% 2018 $218,044 14.03% $10,919 5.27% $51,723 14.03% $2,238 4.52% $269,767 14.03% $13,157 5.13% 2019 $226,963 14.12% $8,919 4.09% $54,734 14.12% $3,011 5.82% $281,697 14.12% $11,930 4.42% Norfolk County 2015 $600,471 52.94% $92,089 52.94% $692,560 52.94% 2016 $748,430 52.90% $147,959 24.64% $142,515 52.90% $50,426 54.76% $890,945 52.90% $198,385 28.65% 2017 $776,193 52.98% $27,763 3.71% $185,445 52.98% $42,930 30.12% $961,638 52.98% $70,693 7.93% 2018 $822,699 53.09% $46,506 5.99% $195,154 53.09% $9,709 5.24% $1,017,853 53.09% $56,215 5.85% 2019 $845,974 52.63% $23,275 2.83% $204,014 52.63% $8,860 4.54% $1,049,988 52.63% $32,135 3.16% Oxford County* 2015 $243,499 21.41% $37,343 21.41% $280,842 21.41% 2016 $302,500 21.45% $59,001 24.23% $57,602 21.45% $20,259 54.25% $360,102 21.45% $79,260 28.22% 2017 $314,084 21.41% $11,584 3.83% $75,040 21.41% $17,438 30.27% $389,124 21.41% $29,022 8.06% 2018 $333,558 21.48% $19,474 6.20% $79,124 21.48% $4,084 5.44% $412,682 21.48% $23,558 6.05% 2019 $344,257 21.42% $10,699 3.21% $83,020 21.42% $3,896 4.92% $427,277 21.42% $14,595 3.54% Brant County 2015 $67,630 5.91% $10,372 5.91% $78,002 5.91% 2016 $84,213 5.96% $16,583 24.52% $16,036 5.96% $5,664 54.61% $100,249 5.96% $22,247 28.52% 2017 $89,378 5.96% $5,165 6.13% $21,354 5.96% $5,318 33.16% $110,732 5.96% $10,483 10.46% 2018 $97,809 6.11% $8,431 9.43% $23,201 6.11% $1,847 8.65% $121,010 6.11% $10,278 9.28% 2019 $105,228 6.55% $7,419 7.59% $25,377 6.55% $2,176 9.38% $130,605 6.55% $9,595 7.93% Bayham Municipality 2015 $50,983 4.47% $7,819 4.47% $58,802 4.47% 2016 $63,434 4.49% $12,451 24.42% $12,079 4.49% $4,260 54.48% $75,513 4.49% $16,711 28.42% 2017 $65,058 4.49% $1,624 2.56% $15,543 4.49% $3,464 28.68% $80,601 4.49% $5,088 6.74% 2018 $70,301 4.45% $5,243 8.06% $16,676 4.45% $1,133 7.29% $86,977 4.45% $6,376 7.91% 2019 $73,371 4.56% $3,070 4.37% $17,694 4.56% $1,018 6.10% $91,064 4.56% $4,087 4.70% Malahide Township 2015 $8,044 0.68% $1,234 0.68% $9,278 0.68% 2016 $10,060 0.71% $2,016 25.06% $1,916 0.71% $682 55.27% $11,976 0.71% $2,698 29.08% 2017 $10,290 0.71% $230 2.29% $2,458 0.71% $542 28.29% $12,748 0.71% $772 6.45% 2018 $11,261 0.70% $971 9.44% $2,671 0.70% $213 8.67% $13,932 0.70% $1,184 9.29% 2019 $11,659 0.73% $398 3.53% $2,812 0.73% $141 5.27% $14,471 0.73% $539 3.87% 2019 $1,607,452 $53,780 3.46% $387,650 $19,101 5.18% $1,995,102 $72,881 3.79% Operating Capital Combined 2015 $ 1,135,137 $ 174,086 $1,309,223 2016 $ 1,412,680 $ 277,543 24.45% $ 269,002 $ 94,916 54.52% $1,681,682 $ 372,459 28.45% 2017 $ 1,462,128 $ 49,448 3.50% $ 349,325 $ 80,323 29.86% $1,811,453 $ 129,771 7.72% 2018 $ 1,553,672 $ 91,544 6.26% $ 368,549 $ 19,224 5.50% $1,922,221 $ 110,768 6.11% 2019 $ 1,607,452 $ 53,780 3.46% $ 387,650 $ 19,101 5.18% $1,995,102 $ 72,881 3.79% Total $ 7,171,069 $1,548,612 $8,719,681 Notes:Operating Notes:Capital Notes:Combined 2015 $11.67 per capita 2015 $1.79 per capita 2015 $13.46 per capita 2016 $14.37 per capita 2016 $2.74 per capita 2016 $17.11 per capita 2017 $15.04 per capita 2017 $3.59 per capita 2017 $18.63 per capita 2018 $16.03 per capita 2018 $3.80 per capita 2018 $19.83 per capita 2019 $16.47 per capita 2019 $3.97 per capita 2019 $20.44 per capita Oxford County Apportionment: Oxford County Apportionment' Oxford County Apportionment: Norwich Twp. $ 108,341 Norwich Twp. $ 26,127 Norwich Twp. $ 134,468 South-West Oxford $ 34,709 South-West Oxford $ 8,370 South-West Oxford $ 43,079 Tillsonburg $ 201,207 Tillsonburg $ 48,523 Tillsonburg $ 249,730 $ 344,257 $ 83,020 $ 427,277 Attachment 5 2019 Draft Capital Levy By Municipality Apportioned by CVA % LPRCA Haldimand Norfolk Norwich South-West Brant Bayham Malahide Project County County Township Oxford Twp. Tillsonburg County Municipality Township Total Watershed Services $ 23,579 $ 87,889 $ 11,256 $ 3,606 $ 20,904 $ 10,932 $ 7,623 $ 1,211 $ 167,000 Backus Heritage and Education Services $ 1,412 $ 5,263 $ 674 $ 216 $ 1,252 $ 655 $ 456 $ 73 $ 10,000 Conservation Parks Management Services $ 15,560 $ 57,996 $ 7,427 $ 2,379 $ 13,794 $ 7,214 $ 5,030 $ 799 $ 110,200 Other Conservation and Land Management Services $ 12,771 $ 47,602 $ 6,096 $ 1,953 $ 11,322 $ 5,921 $ 4,129 $ 656 $ 90,450 Communication and Marketing Services $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Corporate Services $ 1,412 $ 5,263 $ 674 $ 216 $ 1,252 $ 655 $ 456 $ 73 $ 10,000 TOTAL $ 54,734 $ 204,014 $ 26,127 $ 8,370 $ 48,523 $ 25,377 $ 17,694 $ 2,812 $ 387,650 Attachment 6 Long Point Region Conservation Authority 2019 Draft Budget Municipality of Bayham Long Point Region Conservation Authority Judy Maxwell, General Manager December 6, 2018 LPRCA LPRCA is community-based environmental agency dedicated to protecting, restoring, and managing the natural resources in our watershed. Through more than 60 years of conservation, we have worked in partnership with the provincial and federal governments, our eight member municipalities and the community to increase natural areas coverage, improve water quality, protect people and property from flooding and erosion and provide education and recreation opportunity. Vision To Build a Healthy and Resilient Watershed. Mission Providing services in partnership to protect, enhance and restore a healthy watershed. I Who We Are Watershed Management • Planning, implementing, monitoring, reporting Flood & Erosion Control & Prevention • Structures, monitoring & warning systems, maintenance, prevention Water Quality & Quantity Management • Monitoring networks, source protection, watershed reporting, Dams, reservoirs, stormwater, wetlands, septic approvals Development, Interference & Alteration Regulation • Regulate development & activities in or adjacent to river or stream valleys, Great Lakes and large inland lakes shorelines, watercourses, hazardous lands & wetlands I Who We Are Natural Heritage • Sensitive land acquisition & securement, tree planting, official plan input and review, land management Watershed Stewardship • Rural water quality programs, rehabilitation and restoration programs fish & wildlife, Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program, woodlot management Technical Support for Land Use Planning • Plan input & review, technical advice & studies, community sustainability plans, Class EA reviews, EIS reviews, emergency response, engineering and hydrogeologic support, fishery reviews, geotechnical reviews, stormwater/low impact studies, natural heritage systems design Education & Recreation • Outdoor recreation activities, environmental education programs and centres, outreach activities, water festivals r) ,1s f),`JJ,-\JiJJ Municipal Levy • Municipal levy increase of 3.8% or $72,879 (2018 — 6.3%) • Operating levy increase of 3.46% or $53,779 • Capital levy increase of $19, 100 or 5. 18% 2019 Draft Bud • et Considerations • Consumer Price Index (CPI ) rose 2.2% year-over-year • Cost of Living Allowance increase of 1 .75% was applied to the pay grid • 2019 CPP rate increased from 4 .9% to 5. 1 % or a 3% increase • OM ERS rates remained constant • 2019 WSIB rate decrease 1 .6% from 3.2% to 3. 15% • El rates decreased from $ 1 .66 to a $ 1 .62 per $ 100 in wages 2019 Operatin • Bud • et Operating Budget • Non-levy revenue of $2,575,532 — 62% of total revenue • Municipal levy of $1 ,607,452 — 38% of total revenue • User fees of $2, 163,963 — 4.4% increase or $91 ,378 • Community support of $296,380 — 2.7% decrease or $8, 105 • Operating expenditures - $4, 182,984 — 2.7% increase of $109,000 • Salaries, wages, and benefits $2,744,806 or 65.6% of total operating expenditures 2019 Capital Budget • Total Draft Capital Budget of $878,350 an increase of $ 186,700 or 27% over 2018 • Municipal Capital Levy of $387,350 an increase of $ 19, 100 or 5. 18% • Special Capital Levy of $48, 100 — Norfolk County • WECI capital projects $95,000 • FNDMP capital projects $ 144,500 • Prior year Municipal Levy $48, 100 • Reserves $ 155,000 LRCA 2019 Municipal Lev Consolidated - DRAFT p LPRCA 2019 MUNICIPAL LEVY - CONSOLIDATED - Draft LEVY AMOUNTS PER CAPITA PER CAPITA MUNICIPALITY OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL (Watershed) (Municipality) Haldimand County $226,963 $54,734 $281,697 $20.26 $9.39 Norfolk County $845,974 $204,014 $1,049,988 $20.52 $19.49 Norwich Twp. $108,341 $26,127 $134,468 $21.16 $15.66 South-West Oxford Twp. $34,709 $8,370 $43,079 $23.10 $6.93 Tillsonburg $201,207 $48,523 $249,730 $19.15 $19.15 Total Oxford County $344,257 $83,020 $427,277 Brant County $105,228 $25,377 $130,605 $25.45 $4.35 Bayham Municipality $73,371 $17,694 $91,064 $16.71 $16.71 Malahide Township $11,659 $2,812 $14,471 $21.45 $2.15 $1,607,452 $387,650 $1,995,102 $20.44 $12.19 Increase over 2018 $53,780 $19,101 $72,881 Per Capita Increase over 2018 $0.55 $0.20 $0.75 LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY = -0-- 2019 Draft Consolidated Bud • et Long Point Region Conservation Authority 2019 Draft Budget Summary 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 Change from %of Actual Actual Sept 30 YTD Budget Draft Budget 2018 Budget Approved $ $ $ $ $ $ % Budget Total Operating Expenditures 4,159,763 4,267,254 3,080,890 4,073,985 4,182,984 109,000 2.7% 82.6% Total Capital Expenditures* 269,000 349,326 691,650 691,650 878,350 186,700 27.0% 17.4% Total Expenditures 4,428,763 4,616,580 3,772,540 4,765,635 5,061,334 295,700 6.20% 100.0% SOURCES OF REVENUE Municipal Levy-Operating 1,412,680 1,462,129 1,553,673 1,553,674 1,607,452 53,779 3.46% 31.8% Municipal Levy-Capital 269,000 349,326 368,550 368,550 387,650 19,100 5.18% 7.7% Municipal Levy 1,681,680 1,811,455 1,922,223 1,922,224 1,995,102 72,879 3.79% 39.42% Municipal Levy-Special Norfolk 48,100 48,100 1.0% Total Municipal Levy 1,681,680 1,811,455 1,922,223 1,922,224 2,043,202 120,979 6.29% 40.4% Provincial Funding 82,365 60,327 200,354 65,355 88,291 22,936 35.1% 1.7% MNR Grant 68,240 68,240 68,240 68,240 17,060 (51,180) 0.3% MNR WECI &Municipal Funding 75,225 29,105 - 157,500 95,000 (62,500) (39.7%) 1.9% Federal Funding 50,070 53,754 57,766 42,147 154,339 112,192 266.2% 3.0% User Fees 2,060,212 2,157,454 1,817,855 2,072,585 2,163,963 91,378 4.4% 42.8% Community Support 375,956 427,969 332,623 309,485 296,380 (13,105) (4.2%) 5.9% Interest on Investments 35,671 28,078 - - - - 0.0% Land Donation - 50,000 - - - - 0.0% Gain on Sale of Assets - (1,805) - - - - 0.0% Bayham ALUS 156,561 158,748 233,748 - - - 0.0% Deferred Revenue/Reallocation 128,100 48,100 (80,000) (62.5%) 1.0% Contribution from(to)Reserves (157,216) (226,744) - - 155,000 155,000 3.1% TOTAL REVENUE 4,428,763 4,616,580 4,632,808 4,765,635 5,061,334 295,700 6.20% 100.0% *The Capital Expenditures in the 2019 Draft Budget are proposed to be funded by Municipal Levy of$387,650,WECI$95,000,Federal Natural Disaster Mitigation Program of$144,500,prior year Municipal Levy of$48,100 and$155,000 from Reserves. LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY = -(0 2019 Draft Operating Budget Long Point Region Conservation Authority Statement of Operations 2016 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 Change from Contribution Actual Actual Sept 30 YTD Budget Draft Budget 2018 Budget (to)from Increase to $ $ $ $ $ % Reserves$ Levy$ Program: Watershed Planning and Technical Services 218,132 225,066 186,633 285,357 288,618 3,261 1.1% - 1,437 Watershed Flood Control Services 287,576 306,457 224,495 236,822 231,360 (5,462) (2.3%) - (5,462) Healthy Watershed Services 268,234 249,186 168,319 200,527 186,006 (14,521) (7.2%) (14,801) 27,888 Communication and Marketing Services 135,608 183,386 54,043 147,632 113,332 (34,300) (23.2%) - (35,300) Backus Heritage and Education Services 573,334 617,349 486,248 626,255 628,140 1,885 0.3% - (14,300) Conservation Parks Management Services 666,512 617,866 600,619 767,115 773,975 6,860 0.9% (248,125) No levy Public Forest Land Management Services 226,599 240,850 135,195 227,515 234,062 6,547 2.9% (65,938) No levy Private Forest Land Management Services 121,063 152,245 99,673 116,397 122,926 6,529 5.6% - No levy Other Conservation and Land Management Services 528,577 539,484 383,961 507,208 518,459 11,251 2.2% - (10,986) Corporate Services 1,134,128 1,135,364 741,705 959,156 1,086,107 126,951 13.2% 328,863 90,501 Total Program Expenditures 4,159,763 4,267,254 3,080,890 4,073,985 4,182,984 109,000 2.7% (0) 53,779 Objects of Expenses: Staff Expenses 2,378,832 2,472,184 1,906,800 2,703,140 2,744,806 41,666 1.5% Staff Related Expenses 50,297 44,116 24,106 48,128 54,130 6,002 12.5% Materials and Supplies 259,973 315,411 224,460 260,142 272,482 12,340 4.7% Purchased Services 1,105,194 1,061,367 763,351 971,904 1,017,679 45,775 4.7% Equipment 26,424 25,495 46,089 26,350 28,300 1,950 7.4% Other 48,845 56,396 50,898 64,321 65,587 1,266 2.0% BayhamALUS 156,561 158,748 65,185 - - - Amortization 133,638 133,538 - - - - Total Expenditures 4,159,763 4,267,254 3,080,890 4,073,985 4,182,984 109,000 2.7% Sources of Revenue: Municipal Levy-Operating 1,412,680 1,462,129 1,553,673 1,553,674 1,607,452 53,779 3.5% Provincial Funding 82,365 60,327 251,534 65,355 37,111 (28,244) (43.2%) MNR Grant 68,240 68,240 17,060 68,240 68,240 - 0.0% MNR WECI&Municipal Funding 75,225 29,105 - - - - 0.0% Federal Funding 50,070 53,754 57,766 9,647 9,839 192 2.0% User Fees 2,060,212 2,157,454 1,817,855 2,072,585 2,163,963 91,378 4.4% Community Support 375,956 427,969 332,623 304,485 296,380 (8,105) (2.7%) Interest on Investments 35,671 28,078 - - - - 0.0% Land Donation - 50,000 - - - - 0.0% Gain on Sale of Assets - (1,805) - - - - 0.0% Bayham ALUS 156,561 158,748 233,748 - - - 0.0% Contribution from(to)Reserves (157,216) (226,744) - - 0 (0) 0.0% Total Revenue 4,159,763 4,267,254 4,264,258 4,073,985 4,182,984 109,000 2.7% LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY =tr** 5 Year Summary by Municipality of Levy Apportioned - CVA Municipality of Bayham Municipal Levy-Operating Municipal Levy-Capital Municipal Levy-Combined $Increase %Increase %of $Increase %Increase $Increase %Increase Amount of %of Total Year over Year over Amount of Total Year over Year over Amount of %of Total Year over Year over Municipality Year Levy Share Levy* Year Year Levy Share Levy* Year Year Levy Share Levy* Year Year Bayham Municipality 2015 $50,983 4.47% $7,819 4.47% $58,802 4.47% 2016 $63,434 4.49% $12,451 24.42% $12,079 4.49% $4,260 54.48% $75,513 4.49% $16,711 28.42% 2017 $65,058 4.49% $1,624 2.56% $15,543 4.49% $3,464 28.68% $80,601 4.49% $5,088 6.74% 2018 $70,301 4.45% $5,243 8.06% $16,676 4.45% $1,133 7.29% $86,977 4.45% $6,376 7.91% 2019 $73,371 4.56% $3,070 4.37% $17,374 4.56% $698 4.19% $90,745 4.56% $3,768 4.33% Township of Malahide Municipal Levy-Operating Municipal Levy-Capital Municipal Levy-Combined $Increase % Increase % of $Increase %Increase $Increase % Increase Amount of % of Total Year over Year over Amount of Total Year over Year over Amount of % of Total Year over Year over Municipality Year Levy Share Levy* Year Year Levy Share Levy* Year Year Levy Share Levy* Year Year Malahide Township 2015 $8.044 0.684% $1.234 0.68% 59.278 0.68% 2016 $10.060 0.71% 62.016 25.06% $1.916 0.71% 5682 55.27% 611.976 0.71% 52.698 29.08% 2017 $10.290 0.71% 6230 2.29% 52.458 0.71% $542 28.29% 612.748 0.71% $772 6.45% 2018 $11.261 0.70% 6971 9.44% 62.671 0.70% S213 8.67% 613.932 0.70% $1.184 9.29% 2019 $11.659 0.73% 5398 3.53% 32.761 0.73% 590 3.36% 614.420 0.73% $488 3.50% LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY I Ba ham Pro'ects & Services Restoration • In partnership with ALUS Elgin planted 8,480 trees on eight sites. • Four wetlands projects in partnership with Eglin ALUS. In total the 2018 ALUS Elgin goal was 75 acres and 135.4 acres was accomplished. • 2018 — 26.25 acres in Bayham and 8.4 acres in Malahide. I Bayham Projects & Services Flood Forecast and Warning • Vienna and Port Burwell flooding (Feb. 2018). Flood warning messages issued, information, decision support, and LPRCA staff on site. • Installed automatic data collection system as part of the Federal National Disaster Mitigation Fund. • Joined the Western Ontario WISKI hub. • Installed some flow gauges in the Big Otter watershed through Bayham and continuing in 2019 to improve forecasting tools and warnings. 2019 — We have made an application for federal funding to update floodplain mapping along Big Otter Creek to support municipal planning, flood proofing and emergency response. *WISKI — Water Information Systems by KISTERS Questions Judy Maxwell , General Manager jmaxweIIIprca.on .ca I 519-842-4242 ext. 224 4 Elm St. , Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 004 Municipality of Bayham Nov. 26, 2018 P.O. Box 160 56169 Heritage Line Straffordville, Ontario. NOJ 1Y0 Open Letter to Bayham Council (elect), First let me congratulate each of you as you form our newly elected Council. As Bayham property owners my wife Lorraine and I want to thank you in advance for your service to the municipality. I am writing in regards to Bayham representation on the Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA) Board of Directors. Traditionally a Bayham Municipal Councilor has fulfilled this position. I am asking Council's consideration to break this tradition by appointing a 'citizen representative'to the LPRCA Board. A citizen representative can offer some advantages to Council. During the time when you are adjusting to your new responsibilities, a citizen representative can provide some workload relief. The monthly'package', delivered to LPRCA Board members, often requires significant time for study. Additionally, decision- making by CA Boards is enhanced when board members have background knowledge of the Conservation Act and CA responsibilities. My attendance at many LPRCA meetings has given me exposure to typical functioning and issues faced by the board. Many municipalities engage citizen representation. One such representative is Stan Caveney on the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority Board. Please accept this letter as an expression of my interest in representing Bayham on the LPRCA Board. The next LPRCA Board meeting is in early January 2019. This is an important meeting as the budget is usually presented for approval. Bayham (and Malahide's) control over the LPRCA levy is limited to debate by the Board, followed by a weighted vote. (The 2018 weighted vote was; Bayham 4.81%, Malahide .77%) I have requested delegation status at your Dec. 6, 2018 council meeting where I wish to introduce myself to Council, speak a little of my background and most importantly, respond to your questions. Consider the attached resume as my application to the position should council see merit in the proposal. Sincerely, Tom Manley 10 Chatham St., Port Burwell, ON. 55669 Lakeshore Line, woodlot/nature preserve Resume Tom Manley 10 Chatham St., Port Burwell, ON. NOJ 1T0 519-532-2556 • Retired Air Traffic Controller (Concerned citizen) • Member of the Otter Valley Naturalists (OVN) currently serving as secretary. Participation in volunteer community initiatives for the OVN including the 'East Beach Project' and the maintenance of select Long Point Basin Land Trust properties. • Member of the Lake Erie North Shore Landowners Association (LENSLA) `Stewards of the Land'. A group of landowners dedicated to responsible shoreline erosion mitigation, protection of the bluff and collaboration with government agencies to achieve balanced, responsible approaches to environmental challenges along the north shore. • A lifelong passion for the outdoors and associated recreation activities. e.g.: hiking, camping, cross country skiing,birding, and all aspects of the natural world. • Volunteer attendance at many conservation authority meetings with a focus on the LPRCA. My wife and I currently care for a 16-acre bush lot on the Lake Erie shoreline. Initiatives include the planting of native tree species and the building of a trail network. We are taking control measures against invasive species while also providing protection to threatened and endangered trees including the American Sweet Chestnut (in cooperation with the Canadian Chestnut Council). THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MUNICIPAL OFFICE 56169 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Thursday, November 15, 2018 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. — Public Meeting Branch 'A' of the No.1 Drain PRESENT: MAYOR PAUL ENS DEPUTY MAYOR TOM SOUTHWICK COUNCILLORS RANDY BREYER ED KETCHABAW ABSENT WAYNE CASIER STAFF PRESENT: CAO I CLERK PAUL SHIPWAY DEPUTY CLERK BRENDA GIBBONS DEPUTY CLERK I PLANNING COORDINATOR MARGARET UNDERHILL CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DRAINAGE SUPERINTENDENT BILL KNIFTON 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared. 3. REVIEW OF ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA A. Other Business Item 'A' Agreement No. 0608 Straffordville Hall Foundation Donation 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS None 5. DELEGATIONS A. 7:05 p.m. —Arlyne Williams, Bayham Policing Committee President re Community Signage Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT the request from Mr. Arlyne Williams, Bayham Policing Committee President re Community Signage be received for information; AND THAT approval be granted for staff to install signage provided by the Bayham Policing Committee on new Community signs; AND THAT staff work with Bayham Policing Committee to advise of new signage dimensions. CARRIED 2018 Council Minutes November 15, 2018 6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) A. Regular Meeting held November 1, 2018 B. Public Planning Meeting held November 1, 2018 re Dorothy Emerson C. Public Planning Meeting held November 1, 2018 re John Fehr Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting held November 1, 2018, Public Planning Meeting re Dorothy Emerson held November 1, 2018 and Public Planning Meeting re John Fehr held November 1, 2018 be adopted. CARRIED 7. MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTION 8. RECREATION, CULTURE, TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 8.1 Correspondence 8.1.1 Receive for Information 8.1.2 Requiring Action 8.2 Reports to Council 9. PHYSICAL SERVICES — EMERGENCY SERVICES 9.1 Correspondence 9.1.1 Receive for Information 9.1.2 Requiring Action 9.2 Reports to Council 10. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES — SUSTAINABILITY AND CONSERVATION 10.1 Correspondence 10.1.1 Receive for Information A. Notice of Public Meeting re Branch 'A' of the No.1 Drain Moved by: Councillor Breyer Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT correspondence item 10.1.1-A be received for information. CARRIED 2018 Council Minutes November 15, 2018 10.1.2 Requiring Action 10.2 Reports to Council A. Report DS-62/18 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk I Planning Coordinator re By-Law 2018-092 Official Plan Amendment No. 24 Emerson Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT Staff Report DS-62/18 regarding the Official Plan Amendment submitted by Dorothy Emerson be received for information; AND THAT, pursuant to Planning Act Regulations Bill 73 Smart Growth for our Communities Act, 2015, it be pointed out that at the public participation meeting held November 1, 2018 associated with these applications, there were no written public submissions regarding this matter and that all considerations were taken into account in Council's decision passing this resolution; AND THAT the proposed amendments are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement 2014, the Elgin County Official Plan and the Municipality of Bayham Official Plan as outlined in the IBI Group memorandum of November 1, 2018; AND THAT By-law 2018-092, being an adopting By-law for Official Plan Amendment No. 24, regarding lands designated as "Open Space/Hazard Lands" being changed to "Residential" in the Municipality of Bayham Official Plan be presented for enactment; AND THAT adopted Official Plan Amendment No. 24 be forwarded to the County of Elgin for approval. CARRIED B. Report DS-64/18 by Bill Knifton, Chief Building Official I Drainage Superintendent re Eden Drain — Branches B and C Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT Report DS-64/18 regarding the Eden Drain — Branches B and C be received for information; AND THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham acknowledges the receipt of Report #206114 dated October 31, 2018 for the Eden Drain — Branches B and C, as prepared by Spriet Associates, and filed with the Clerk on November 2, 2018; AND THAT Council set a date for the Public Meeting to he held on December 20, 2018 at 8:00 pm to consider the Report, hold the Court of Revision and Award the Contract; AND THAT Staff be directed to mail a Notice of Public Meeting and Report to all persons assessed to this drainage works in accordance with the Drainage Act. CARRIED 2018 Council Minutes November 15, 2018 11. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 11.1 Correspondence 11.1.1 Receive for Information A. Municipality of Bayham Winter Control Operations B. Elgin County Land Division Call for Membership Applications C. St. Thomas and County of Elgin re Parent & Caregiver Survey D. Long Point Region Conservation Authority approved minutes of meeting held October 3, 2018 Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT correspondence items 11.1.1-A— 11.1.1-D be received for information. CARRIED 11.1.2 Requiring Action A. Ken Andrews request to build and maintain an outdoor ice-skating rink for the 2018 — 2019 winter season Moved by: Councillor Breyer Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT Council approve the placement of the Outdoor Skating Rink at the Straffordville Concrete Pad Surface for the 2018 — 2019 winter season; AND THAT Council approves the Fire Department providing water for the initial flooding of the rink. CARRIED B. Southwestern Public Health re Smoke-free Ontario Act (SFOA), 2017 Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT correspondence from Southwestern Pubic Health re Smoke-free Ontario Act (SFOA), 2017 be received for information. CARRIED 2018 Council Minutes November 15, 2018 11.2 Reports to Council A. Report CAO-74/18 by Paul Shipway, CAO I Clerk re Post Municipal Election Accessibility Report Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: CouncillorBreyer THAT Report CAO-74/18 re Post Municipal Election Accessibility Report be received for information. CARRIED B. Report CAO-75/18 by Paul Shipway, CAO I Clerk re Accessibility Plan Update — Status Report Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT Report CAO-75/18 re Accessibility Plan Update — Status Report be received for information. AND THAT the 2018 Municipality of Bayham Accessibility Plan — Status Update be posted on the municipal website. CARRIED C. Report CAO-76/18 by Paul Shipway, CAO I Clerk re Agreement No. 0584 — KDN Pavement Marking Ltd. Moved by: Councillor Breyer Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT Report CAO-76/18 re Agreement No. 0584 — KDN Pavement Marking Ltd. be received for information; AND THAT staff be directed to bring forward a by-law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement with KDN Pavement Marking Ltd. for the provision of line painting services within the Municipality of Bayham. CARRIED Council recessed for a break at 7:45 p.m. and reconvened for the Public Meeting at 8:00 p.m. 12. BY-LAWS A. By-Law No. 2018-092 Being a by-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 24 regarding lands designated as "Open Space/Hazard Lands" being changed to "Residential" in the Municipality of Bayham Official Plan (This by-law follows the recommendation made in 2018 Council Minutes November 15, 2018 Report DS-62/18 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk I Planning Coordinator during the regular meeting of November 15, 2018) B. By-Law No. 2018-093 Being a Provisional by-law to provide for Drainage Works in the Municipality of Bayham in the County of Elgin known as Branch 'A' of the No. 1 Drain (This by-law follows the recommendation in Report DS-63/18 by Bill Knifton, Chief Building Official I Drainage Superintendent during the Public Meeting of November 15, 2018) First and Second Reading Only C. By-Law No. 2018-095 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and Underhill Trucking Ltd. (This by-law follows the recommendation made in Report CAO-70/18 by Paul Shipway, CAO I Clerk during the regular meeting of November 1, 2018) D. By-Law No. 2018-096 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and Johnston Bros. (Bothwell) Ltd. (This by-law follows the recommendation made in Report CAO-71/18 by Paul Shipway, CAO I Clerk during the regular meeting of November 1, 2018) E. By-Law No. 2018-097 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and Johnston Bros. (Bothwell) Ltd. (This by-law follows the recommendation made in Report CAO-71/18 by Paul Shipway, CAO I Clerk during the regular meeting of November 1, 2018) Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT By-Law No. 2018-093 be read a first and second time only; AND THAT By-Laws No. 2018-092, 2018-095, 2018-096 and 2018-097 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. CARRIED 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 14. OTHER BUSINESS A. Agreement No. 0608 Straffordville Hall Foundation Moved by: Councillor Breyer Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham accepts the donation of a Microwave from the Straffordville Hall Foundation, pursuant to Section 6.4 of Agreement No. 0608; AND THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham thanks the Straffordville Hall Foundation for the donation of a microwave. CARRIED 2018 Council Minutes November 15, 2018 B. Councillor Ketchabaw, on behalf of the incoming Council expressed thanks to Mayor Ens, Deputy Mayor Southwick, Councillor Casier and Councillor Breyer for their years of service to the community. 14.1 In Camera 14.2 Out of Camera 15. BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL A. By-Law No. 2018-098 Being a by-law to confirm all actions of Council Moved by: Councillor Breyer Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT Confirming By-Law No. 2018-098 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed CARRIED 16. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Councillor Breyer Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 8:15 p.m. CARRIED MAYOR CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM DRAINAGE PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES MUNICIPAL OFFICE 56169 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Thursday, November 15, 2018 8:00 p.m. — Branch 'A' of the No.1 Drain PRESENT: MAYOR PAUL ENS DEPUTY MAYOR TOM SOUTHWICK COUNCILLORS RANDY BREYER ED KETCHABAW ABSENT WAYNE CASIER STAFF PRESENT: CAO I CLERK PAUL SHIPWAY DEPUTY CLERK BRENDA GIBBONS CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DRAINAGE SUPERINTENDENT BILL KNIFTON SIGNED IN ATTENDEES: Susan Hermann 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ens called the public meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and asked those in attendance for the Drainage Public Meeting regarding the Branch 'A' of the No.1 Drain to place their name and contact information on the sign-in sheet provided at the podium. 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared. 3. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING A. Branch `A' of the No. 1 Drain Public Notice Pursuant to Chapter D17, Section 41 of the Drainage Act the purpose of the public meeting is to consider the proposed reconstruction of the drainage as outlined in the Branch `A; of the No. 1 Drain Engineer's Report #218030 dated October 17, 2018 as prepared by Spriet Associates 4. STAFF PRESENTATION A. Report DS-63/18 by Bill Knifton, Chief Building Official I Drainage Superintendent re Branch `A' of the No. 1 Drain Consideration 5. ENGINEERS REMARKS John M. Spriet provided an overview of the design of the drain. 2018 Public Meeting Minutes November 15, 2018 Branch 'A' of the No.1 Drain 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Susan Hermann had questions about the materials used in the design, the direction as well as the process. John Spriet provided all details 7. CORRESPONDENCE None. 8. DISPOSITION Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT in accordance with Section 78 of the Drainage Act, Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham hereby adopts Spriet Associates report #218030 dated October 17, 2018, referred to as the "Branch A of the No.1 Drain" report; AND THAT Provisional By-law#2018-093 be given first and second reading; AND THAT the Clerk be directed to distribute copies of the Provisional By-law and Notice of the time and place of the first sitting of the Court of Revision to the affected parties pursuant to Section 46 (2) of the Drainage Act; AND THAT a date of December 20, 2018 at 8:00 p.m. be set for the first sitting of the Court of Revision." CARRIED 9. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Councillor Ketchawaw Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT Pursuant to the Drainage Act requirements the Public Meeting is now complete and the Provisional By-law will be considered during the regular meeting. CARRIED MAYOR CLERK MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM liSXYillialf lib if 011111kii; Ilk 410.01 DPP GI ilq4... 45' 16°- 134`4- 'let 4.1AIit) 14 Bayham Water Distribution System Quality Management System Operational Plan PREPARED BY: MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TEAM Revision 1.12 November 30, 2017 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OPERATIONAL PLAN Table of Contents 1. Quality Management System Pg. 2 2. QMS Policy Pg. 2 3. Commitment and Endorsement Pg. 2 4. QMS Representative Pg. 3 5. Document and Records Control Pg. 3 6. Drinking Water System Pg. 4 7. Risk Assessment Pg. 4 8. Risk Assessment Outcomes Pg. 4 9. Operational Structure, Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities Pg. 5 10. Competencies Pg. 5 11. Personnel Coverage 24/7 Pg. 6 12. Communication Pg. 6 13. Essential Suppliers and Services Pg. 7 14. Review and Provision of Infrastructure Pg. 8 15. Infrastructure Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Renewal Pg. 8 16. Sampling, Testing and Monitoring Pg. 8 17. Measurement and Recording Pg. 9 18 Emergency Management Pg. 9 19. Internal Audit Pg. 10 20. Management Review Pg. 10 21. Continual Improvement Pg. 10 APPENDIX A - Council and Top Management Endorsement Pg. 11 APPENDIX B — Organizational and Operational Structure Pg. 12 APPENDIX C - Process Flow Chart Pg. 13 APPENDIX D - Operational Responsibilities and Authorities Pg. 14 Procedure A - Document and Record Control Pg. 16 Procedure B - Risk Assessment and Outcomes Pg. 18 Procedure C - Personnel Coverage 24/7 Pg. 26 Procedure D - Water Supply Emergency Plan Pg. 27 Procedure E - Internal Audit Pg. 34 Procedure F - Management Review Pg. 36 Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 1 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System 1. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM This document will be the Quality Management System Operational Plan for the Bayham Water Distribution System (DWS#260004748). The Municipality of Bayham is the owner and operating authority of the said system. The Quality Management System for Bayham covers the transmission and distribution of potable drinking water to consumers within the Municipality of Bayham. Treated potable drinking water is purchased from the producer, Elgin Area Water Treatment Plant. The water enters the Bayham distribution system from the Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply System. The Bayham Water Distribution System transmits and distributes potable drinking water to the communities of Port Burwell and Vienna. 2. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM POLICY The Municipality of Bayham and its water distribution system is committed to comply with applicable regulations set forth by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) 2002 — Ontario Regulation 170/03 Drinking Water Systems Regulation and Ontario Regulation 169/03 Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards and other requirements. The Municipality of Bayham will supply clean safe drinking water to meet consumer requirements and is committed to the maintenance and continual improvement of the Quality Management System. (March 2009) This Quality Policy is applicable to all water department employees and is displayed in public areas of the municipal administrative offices located at 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, the Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant at 1 Chatham Street, Port Burwell, and on the municipal website (www.bayham.on.ca). 3. COMMITMENT AND ENDORSEMENT The owner (Mayor and Council) has passed a motion to endorse the operational plan of the DWQMS and the plan be reviewed annually with revisions made as necessary to maintain and continually improve the quality management system. Upon major changes to the system, change in top management and/or council, the operational plan requires re-endorsement by the Owner and Top Management. See Appendix A (pg. 11) Through water publications, association memberships, ministry newsletters and on-going training requirements, these resources of regulatory requirements help Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 2 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System to maintain and improve the quality management system. Any actions undertaken to completion are tracked through the Document Management Spreadsheet 4. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REPRESENTATIVE The Water/Wastewater Operations Manager will be the QMS representative or in his absence, a Certified Operator. The QMS representative will develop, implement, maintain and report the effectiveness, including the need for improvement, of the QMS to the owner and ensure that the current versions of the documents required by the QMS are in use at all times. The representative will promote the QMS throughout the water department and see that personnel are aware of all current legislation and regulatory requirements that are relevant to the operation. 5. DOCUMENT AND RECORDS CONTROL All records required by the Ministry of the Environment 0 Reg. 128/04 and O. Reg.170/03 to demonstrate compliance and or conformance shall be maintained per the regulations. In summary, the following documents and records are retained; 2 years - Operational and Maintenance Checks Records, Microbiological Sampling and Testing Results and Corrective Action Reports For Microbiological (AWQI) 5 years — Logbooks 6 years — THM and Lead Parameter Sample Results and Annual Summary Reports 15 years — Engineering Reports if applicable The operational plans that were the subject of an audit, as required by Section 4.0.1 of the Director's Directions Minimum Requirements for Operational Plans (July 2007), will be retained for 10 years. All documents and records received is reviewed, acted upon if needed, filed in labeled folders in a file cabinet, or placed in a binder and retained for five years at the water department office. After 5 years, all documents and records will be archived at the wastewater treatment plant. The municipality complies with Provincial Records Management through By-Law 2014-091 Records Retention and Document Control. See PROCEDURE A (pg. 16) Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 3 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System 6. DRINKING WATER SYSTEM The Municipality of Bayham is the owner and operating authority of the Bayham Distribution System (DWS#260004748). As shown on the organizational structure, the Mayor and Council are the head of the Municipality, and this responsibility is delegated to the staff. See Appendix B (pg. 12) for the organizational structure. The Bayham Water Distribution System transmits and distributes potable drinking water to the communities of Port Burwell and Vienna. A system description can be found in the Bayham Water Distribution System Operations/Management Manual Section 1 — Distribution System Operations and Management. All customers within the Bayham Water Distribution System are metered and the meters are read on a bi-monthly basis. There is no discount within our system for larger users. All bills are calculated on a cubic metre rate. Treated potable drinking water is purchased from the producer, Elgin Area Water Treatment Plant. The most recent annual and quarterly water quality reports can be found in the Bayham Water Distribution System Operations/Management Manual. The water enters the Bayham distribution system from the Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System. The Port Burwell Area Secondary System runs along Nova Scotia Line to the Port Burwell Tower and Lakeview Re- chlorination Facility. Both of these facilities maintain secondary disinfection using sodium hypochlorite complete with continuous on-line analyzers, data loggers and alarms. On Nova Scotia Line, the services and hydrants are the responsibility of the municipality (Bayham and Malahide) in which they are located. Water volumes entering the Bayham Water Distribution System are metered at the Port Burwell and Vienna water meter chambers. Event driven fluctuations are originated from the Elgin Area Water Treatment Plant (i.e. Taste and odour) and along the Port Burwell Area Secondary System (ie pressure changes related to water tower levels). The Bayham Water Distribution System has no control over these event driven fluctuation. Bayham is the end user of the Elgin Area Water Treatment Plant/Port Burwell Area Secondary System and rely on the safe delivery of the water to our distribution system. See APPENDIX C (pg. 13) 7. & 8. RISK ASSESSMENT AND OUTCOMES See PROCEDURE B (pg. 18) Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 4 Municipality of Bayham —Bayham Water Distribution System 9. OPERATIONAL STRUCTURE, ROLES, RESPONSIBLITIES AND AUTHORITIES The Water/Wastewater Operations Manager shall keep the operational structure, organizational structure, respective roles, responsibilities and authorities current, and shall communicate this information to the owner and personnel. (See Municipality of Bayham Essential Supplies, Services and Emergency Contact List in the Bayham Water Distribution System Operation/Management Manual Section 3 — Contact List regarding names of persons having top management responsibilities.) See APPENDIX B (pg. 12) See APPENDIX D (pg. 14) 10. COMPETENCIES The following table illustrates the competencies required by personnel whose duties directly affect drinking water quality Function _ Required Competencies Desired Competencies Water/Wastewater • Minimum Class I Distribution • Development of all Operations Manager certification capital and regular • Minimum 10 years Class I plans operation • WHMIS • First Aid (including CPR) • Leadership Training • Confined Space Training • Operator in Training to • Internal auditor Operators Distribution Class I certification training • WHMIS • Confined Space Training • First Aid (including CPR) The Municipality of Bayham's Water Department provides for training in their annual budget process. At a minimum the training budget includes funding for legislated and required training to maintain operator certification in accordance with O.Reg.128/04. Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 5 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System Training or knowledge gain may take the form of on or off-site training sessions and seminars, on-the-job training, distance learning or courses of study. Where appropriate, proof of participation or proficiency will be required as proof of competency. Through internal audits, risk assessments of the operational plan, QMS changes/updates through staff meetings (communications), annual training (On- The-Job and/or Director Approved), personnel are aware of the relevance of their duties and how they affect safe drinking water quality. 11. PERSONNEL COVERAGE The water department is staffed from Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm five days per week. The Water/Wastewater Operations Manager is the primary overall responsible operator (ORO) and the back-up ORO is tracked through the water system logbook and time sheets. The 24/7 personnel coverage procedure shows how after hour emergencies are handled. Spectrum Communications bumps numbers until either the superintendent or one of the operators is contacted. See PROCEDURE C (pg. 25) An on-call operator is assigned by the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager on a weekly basis to respond to after-hours and weekend emergencies. When on-call, the operator is required to remain within one hour driving time of the municipal water system. The Municipality of Bayham is a member of OnWARN (Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network). OnWARN is a network of utilities helping other utilities to respond to and recover from emergencies. The OnWARN contact list can be found in the Richmond Community Water System Operations/Management Manual Section 6 — Contact List and Forms. If the municipality requires assistance in recovering from and responding to emergencies, the CAO and Treasurer have access to the OnWARN list and the authority to request for external Operator assistance. The municipality is committed to ensuring that adequate staff meet the required competencies are available for duties that affect drinking water quality. 12. COMMUNICATION The QMS representative shall ensure the owner (Mayor and Council) is provided with a current copy of the Operational Plan. The QMS representative shall keep the owner informed of any changes to the QMS, the adequacy of infrastructure Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 6 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System requirements, the outcome of management reviews and other issues related to the QMS on an annual basis. Personnel will be informed of the QMS and of any changes or updates through staff meetings with the QMS representative. A current version of the Operational Plan is available for review by staff at the water department office and at the municipal office. Essential suppliers shall receive information regarding the QMS from the purchaser if and when necessary. Consumers may be informed of the QMS and any significant changes by newsletters, flyers or hand-outs. The QMS policy will be posted at the water department office and at the municipal office. It can also be viewed on the municipal web site. 13. ESSENTIAL SUPPLIERS AND SERVICES Where applicable, supplies must meet or be equal to AWWA, NSF or ANSI specifications. Supplies are verified against the order requisition when received. Laboratory analysis services provided require accreditation through CALA (Canadian Association For Laboratory Accreditation Inc.). Accreditation certificate copies and a list of licensed laboratories available from the Ministry of the Environment can be found in the Bayham Water Distribution System Operations/Management Manual Section 10 — Scope of Accreditation of Applicable Laboratories Verification/Calibration of measurement and recording equipment (ie. portable chlorine analyzers) services provided, a copy of the Statement of Qualifications/Accreditations is located in the Bayham Water Distribution System Operations/Management Section 3 — Calibration Reports. A list of suppliers and contractors has been developed and can be found in the Bayham Water Distribution System Operations/Management Manual Section 3 — Contact List (Municipality of Bayham Water Department Essential Supplies, Service and Emergency Contact List) in the water department office. This list is reviewed annually by the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager to ensure that it is current and up-to-date. The Municipality of Bayham is a member of OnWARN (Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network). OnWARN is a network of utilities helping other utilities to respond to and recover from emergencies. The OnWARN contact list can be found in the Bayham Water Distribution System Operations/Management Manual Section 3 — Contact List. Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 7 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System Only authorized municipal employees can purchase or engage service providers as listed as set out in By-Law 2012-122 Procurement Policy. 14. REVIEW AND PROVISION OF INFRASTRUCTURE The Water/Wastewater Operations Manager will communicate with the owner on an annual basis during budget deliberations, the infrastructure necessary to operate and maintain the QMS. The adequacy of the infrastructure to operate and maintain the distribution system may be assessed based on Water department staff suggestions, water quality trends and consumer complaints. The Water/Wastewater Operations Manager will communicate to the owner, during the annual budget deliberations, the infrastructure deemed necessary to operate and maintain the Bayham Distribution System. 15. INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE, REHABILITATION AND RENEWAL The following routine planned maintenance is conducted on the Bayham Distribution System: annual valve inspection/exercising, annual hydrant flushing, annual hydrant inspection, annual pressure testing, leak detection as required, minimum annual inspection of water main chambers, as well as the activities required for maintaining the Vienna Booster station as listed in the preventative maintenance binder at the water department office. All records are maintained at the water department office in the appropriate binders using the forms maintained in the back of the binder. All planned maintenance is scheduled and communicated to staff by the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager. All records are retained at the water department office. Water main or other equipment replacement is conducted on an as-needed basis. Once per year, the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager prepares a summary of the infrastructure maintenance, rehabilitation and renewal programs and specifically reviews any unplanned maintenance to determine if additional planned maintenance is required. This summary will be communicated to the top management during the yearly Management Review meeting. 16. SAMPLING, TESTING AND MONITORING All sampling, monitoring and testing is conducted at a minimum in accordance with SDWA O. Reg. 170/03. Adverse water quality incidents are responded to and reported as stated in the Operations Manual. Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 8 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System Samples are submitted to an accredited and licensed laboratory according to the facility's sampling schedule as stated in the Bayham Water Distribution System Operations/Management Manual Section 1 — Distribution System Operations and Management. All analytical results from laboratory reports are kept and maintained as per Document and Record Control. Sampling, testing and monitoring results are readily accessible to the owner. As a minimum, owners are provided with an annual summary of sampling, testing and monitoring results through SDWA O.Reg. 170/03 sections 11, schedule 22 and through the Management Review process. Upstream Quarterly Water Quality Reports, Annual Reports and Compliance Reports from the Elgin and Area Water Supply System are available in Section 25 of the Bayham Water Distribution Operations/Management Manual or on the website www.watersupply.london.ca . 17. MEASUREMENT AND RECORDING EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION AND MAINTENANCE A contractor will perform a verification/calibration test on the portable chlorine analyzers annually. Verification/calibration records are located in the Bayham Water Distribution System Operations/Management Manual Section 3 — Calibration Reports. The manufacturer calibrates the residential water meters on an "as-needed" basis. The records of calibration are maintained and kept as per Documents and Records Control 18. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT The contamination of the treated water supply and a major or prolonged loss of water supply are deemed to be emergency situations. The Risk Assessment chart contained in the QMS Operational Plan (PROCEDURE B pg. 18) can be referenced, for emergency procedures and contingency plans. The Municipality of Bayham has created an Emergency Response Plan as established under By-law 2006-113. The custodian of this plan shall be the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Community Emergency Management Coordinator and Community Emergency Management Program Committee, who are responsible for the annual review, revisions and testing of the plan. A specific water supply emergency plan (PROCEDURE D pg. 26) forms part of the said Municipal Emergency Response Plan along with contingency plans and Procedural Guideline of Providing Water within the Bayham Distribution System During a Prolonged Outage (Bayham Water Distribution System Operations/Management Manual Section 5) . A list of emergency contacts and essential suppliers and services along with OnWARN (Ontario Water/Wastewater Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 9 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System Agency Response Network) member contact list are also kept with the emergency plan. Both can also be found in the Bayham Water Distribution System Operations/Management Manual Section 2 — Contact List (Municipality of Bayham Water Department Essential Supplies, Service and Emergency Contact List in the water department office. The QMS Representative will keep the emergency contacts and essential suppliers and services list current. The responsibilities of all affected positions within the municipality during an emergency are listed in the municipal emergency plan as is in the emergency protocol. All water department staff is required to review the emergency plans to coincide with the risk assessment every 3 years. Desktop simulations will be planned and documented to keep all water personnel up to date on the emergency procedures. 19. INTERNAL AUDIT See PROCEDURE E (pg. 33) 20. MANAGEMENT REVIEW A management review will be completed annually with the QMS Representative and the Chief Administrating Officer (Top Management) evaluating the adequacy and effectiveness of the QMS. See PROCEDURE F (pg. 35) 21. CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT The Municipality of Bayham shall strive to continually improve the effectiveness of its Quality Management System through the use of corrective actions from the annual audits and management review. Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 1 0 Municipality of Bayham —Bayham Water Distribution System APPENDIX A COUNCIL ENDORSEMENT Municipality of Bayham—Bayham Water Distribution System APPENDIX A COUNCIL ENDORSEMENT Date:05 Jun 2014 Moved by 366 oZ Seconded by: • 10(a) "That Staff Report 2014-004 be received; THAT Council and the Administrator be authorized to endorse both the Municipality of Baybam Water Distribution System and the Richmond Community Water System Operational Plans; AND THAT the Plans be reviewed by staff and revisions made,as necessary to maintain and continually improve the quality ement system,on an annual basis." CARRIED - / r DEFEATED MAYOR MAYOR TOP MANAGEMENT ENDORSEMENT Top Management(CAO)hereby endorses the Municipality of Bayham Operational Plans for the Bayham Water Distribution System and the Richmond Community Water Supply System and that revisions to the plans be reviewed annually to maintain and continually improve the quality management system. Pa plus • / Operational Plan—Revision 1.9 13-Mar-14 Il Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 11 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System APPENDIX B ORGANIZATIONAL AND OPERATIONAL STRUCTURE MAYOR AND COUNCIL (OWNER) \ / � 1 CHIEF ADMINISTRATING OFFICER (TOP MANAGEMENT) WATER/WASTEWATER OPERATIONS MANAGER (QMS REPRESENTATIVE) Receives return call assesses and provides direction / ACCOUNTING CERTIFIED CLERK OPERATORS Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 12 U [ c .\ . „....)1(i---.--------,---- 11 ii CI ,.... __ ....0........1"....7Y W '" � THOMAS RESERVOIR AND - I Il r CL A ST. THOMAS 6p STER PUMPING STATION , - L _ ELEVATED ISTQRAGE Q I Q STORAGE: 54-5 ML (12 MIG) ` 0.6 ML (200.000 gal) I --,%-''' nr e PUMPS. I ---- Y.I ` 1- --.-L I , AI BOTH \ • ; ST. THOMAS - 3 CO 263 1 1' ti. ii,, f s LONDON 2 335.E/S I 614 i5yuma ,-- I 1 - • t1 ' „' ALYMER - 2 0 1.001/5 ' ` I • l iy - ! '41E4.{ I x, a* � r ,h I r= :LLI E _ I - r MA AH1QEf -,� ] Vii_ !' r� 'co e a • ,-r7 — --L i -- a 0 Ilb 14 SURGE TANK1 — Cl) y�. '' VIENNA By',STEER LU PORT ST LEY i ELEVATED STORAGE PUMPING • ATiON 4? V ELEVATED STORAGE ' 4 iid- 1.52 IAL (334,400 gal) i `r 0 3.0 ML (702,000 gal) ty ,,s "'ye ,1 I E CL0 O N -...,sol co m >TANLEr N P jj; Pnrt Burwell Area Seccndar'' BR XI Supply System E c 0 CO k w L 7UPNLII 5 ELGIN AREA CO WATER TREATMENT Barharn'V',eter PLANT strik tI n c _ CO 1500 INTAKE Sysyle r d To Q o ..0 2 C a) 7 0- 2 O Municipality of Bayham —Bayham Water Distribution System APPENDIX D OPERATIONAL RESPONSIBILITES AND AUTHORITIES Mayor/Council (Owner) Responsibilities Authorities -Complete oversight of the entire distribution system -Financial,administrative authority related to and the QMS the distribution of safe drinking water - Ultimate responsibility for the provision of safe drinking water - Ensure compliance with applicable legislation and regulations Chief Administrating Officer(Top Management) Responsibilities Authorities -Complete oversight of the entire distribution system -Financial, administrative and technical authority - Endorse and lead the development and related to the distribution of safe drinking water implementation and maintenance of the QMS -Provide and/or obtain resources for the QMS and necessary infrastructure and resources to operate and maintain the drinking water system safely and effectively - Ensure the system is operated in accordance with all applicable legislation and regulations -Lead for Management Reviews -Communication with Mayor and Council about QMS and the water distribution system -Communications lead during emergencies Water/Wastewater Operations Manager Responsibilities Authorities -Complete oversight of the entire distribution system -Financial,administrative and technical authority -Overall Responsible Operator related to the distribution safe drinking water to the -Quality Management System representative Municipality of Bayham -Provide and/or obtain resources for the QMS and -Staffing-within the guidelines of the Municipality and necessary infrastructure and resources to operate any in-force collective agreements and maintain the drinking water system safely and -Activity/program scheduling within the department effectively -Oversee adverse water quality incidences and - Ensure the system is operated in accordance with all responses applicable legislation and regulations - Identify and oversee staff training needs -Lead for management reviews -Make changes to the QMS -Communication with mayor and council about the -Delegate ORO to certified operator in absence QMS and the water distribution system -Preparation of budget and planning materials - Recommendation of system improvements -Develops procedures and processes for assuring water quality - Emergency response planning,training Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 14 Municipality of Bayham —Bayham Water Distribution System Accounting Clerk Responsibilities Authorities -Communication/liaison with Operations Manager, -Recommend changes to the QMS operators -Update and document changes to QMS as required -Communication of water shut-offs to superintendent or operators due to non-payment of account - Respond to and document public complaints -Prepare reports as required by regulations and circulate to management and council -Generate bi-month water billings -Communication during emergency -Treasurer backup in the absence of accounting clerk Operators Responsibilities Authorities -Daily chlorine residual testing -Monitor process and equipment -Weekly testing of water system -Respond to public complaints as relayed from - Regular maintenance superintendent, or accounting clerk - Report any incidents of non-compliance -Recommend changes to the QMS - Respond to repairs directed from operations manager, and accounting clerk -Water shut-offs as directed by accounting clerk -Bi-monthly water meter reads -Knowledge of QMS Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 15 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System PROCEDURE A DOCUMENT AND RECORD CONTROL QMS Document Control This procedure is applicable to the following QMS documents: • Operational Plan • Procedures • Audit Checklists • Forms • Equipment Manuals • As Built Drawings Creating New or Updating Existing Documents • The need for document changes or for new documents or procedures may be identified through audits or management reviews. The Water/Wastewater Operations Manager will delegate the task of creating the new document • Any employee of the Water Department may request a change to an existing QMS. The request must be made in writing, dated and submitted to the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager. The request must include the following information: 1. Reason for new or changed document - must belong in one or more of these categories: ▪ Required by the DWQMS ▪ Enhances process control ▪ Reduces risk ▪ Supports regulatory requirements ▪ May improve operational efficiency 2. Outline of document change or new document content ▪ Narrative format is acceptable • The requester shall develop the new/changed document and submit it to the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager for approval. • Document changes or the need for new documents or procedures may be identified through audits or management reviews. Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 16 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System • Electronic versions of the new/changed documents will be created by the Office Assistant and approved by the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager. Approving Documents • All QMS related documents shall be approved by the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager. • The Water/Wastewater Operations Manager shall be responsible for ensuring that copies of the new or changed document show the revision number and date modified and are distributed. Obsolete documents (due to changes) shall be collected and destroyed. Reviewing Documents • The Operational Plan and procedures shall be reviewed annually for applicability and relevance. Document Identification, Storage, Availability and Control • Documents are identified in the Master Document List by the title and revision number/date of the document. • Hard copy of the Master Documents will be kept at the water department office in a file cabinet. • Electronic copy of the Master Documents will be kept on the laptop computer at the water department. • Backup copy of the electronic file of the Master Documents will be saved on the master server at the municipal office. There is a secondary back-up server at the municipal office and four times a day everything is backed to an offsite DATTO Cloud. • All procedures, instructions, forms and checklists are retained in the QMS binders at the water department office. • Original sets of equipment manuals and specifications are kept at the water department office. • As appropriate, copies are kept at the pumping station. • Logbook specific to the pumping station is kept at the pumping station. Logbook specific to distribution system is kept at the water department office. QMS Record Control This procedure is applicable to all records that demonstrate conformance to DWQMS requirements. Ontario Regulations 170/03 and 128/04 cover all records that demonstrate compliance. Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 17 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System Manual Records • The record title shall be clearly visible and legible • Manual records shall be legible. Pencil or any other erasable marker shall not be used to record process or product information or data. • QMS records shall be filed by type by date • QMS related water distribution records will be available at the water department office. • QMS records shall be stored in such a manner as to prevent deterioration. • All manual records shall show the name or initials of the recorder and the date (and time if appropriate) the record was generated. PROCEDURE B RISK ASSESSMENT AND OUTCOMES The QMS team consists of the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager, certified operators and the accounting clerk. The QMS team will identify the potential hazards and hazardous events, which could affect the water system, the control measures to address the hazards, identify the Critical Control Points (if applicable) and control limits, and associated methods of monitoring critical limits and responding to deviations. Equipment reliability, accuracy, and redundancy are all reviewed on an annual basis as stated in Element 17 (pg. 9). Hazardous events and hazards were assessed on the basis of likelihood, severity and detectability. The assessment criteria are summarized in the following tables and values were combined to give an overall level of risk as shown Every year the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager will review the risk assessment and ensure that the information and assumptions remain current and valid. Every 3 years the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager will assemble a team to conduct a new risk assessment. Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 18 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System Description Likelihood of Hazardous Event Occurring Rating Rare May occur in exceptional circumstances, and has not 1 occurred in past Unlikely Could occur at some time, historically has occurred less 2 than once every 5-10 years Possible Has occurred or may occur once or more per year 3 Likely Has occurred or may occur on a monthly to quarterly 4 basis Very Likely One or more occurrences on a monthly or more frequent 5 basis Description Severity of Hazardous Event Occurring Rating Insignificant Insignificant impact, little public exposure, little or no 1 health risk Minor Limited public exposure, minor health risk 2 Moderate Minor public exposure, minor health risk 3 Major Large population at risk 4 Catastrophic Major impact for large population, complete failure of 5 systems Description Detectability of Hazardous Event Rating Very Easy to detect, visual 1 Detectable Moderately Visually detectable (ie. Flow Rates) 2 Detectable Normally Visually detectable but not on rounds or regular basis 3 Detectable Poorly Visually detectable but not inspected on a regular 4 Detectable basis Undetectable Cannot detect 5 Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 19 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System _N .= Q I Activity or Potential oo - _o t Description of Available Monitoring& Emergency Procedure or s co a o Process Result of Comments — > • U s CCP? Hazard Control Measures Contingency Plans m � N c N Step Hazard Y 0 — E J 0R L O 1- 1— Monitor HMonitor residual at furthest sampling points Communication essential with Elgin Area Treatment Plant— depending on levels/demands at other reservoirs and locations o Communication essential with ET_ the Port Burwell Secondary System—dependent on E levels/demands at the tower m I' ~ Notification by Elgin On-going discussions with Elgin m Contamination Area Treatment Plant— Area Water Treatment Plant Adverse on-line monitoring operators;see if water quality of source water Water and/or system chlorine residual No Below risk 2 and/or unable to has been restored Q supply water No control Notification by operating 1 3 1 5 threshold for (Water Supply Unable to authority of the Port Discuss water quality with CCP °' supply Burwell Secondary T Shortfall) water System—on-line Medical Officer of Health(MOH) a monitoring and daily and Elgin Area Treatment Plant cc) chlorine residuals operators(should have been reported Ministry of the a� Environment(MOE)). ca Communicate boil °0' water/drinking water advisory if issued by MOH 0 See Contingency Plans (Contamination of Source Water and/or Unable to Supply Water, AWQI and Procedural Guideline During A Prolonged Outage) Section 5 of Operations/Management Manual Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 20 Municipality of Bayham —Bayham Water Distribution System Y N_ '= R II Activity or Potential o w _a t Description of Available Monitoring& Emergency Procedure or 2 y as °�U s° CCP? Process Result of Comments — Hazard Control Measures Contingency Plans d a>i m ?ci N Step Hazard x a) Jco d rt2c- 0 0 H H Contact secondary operating authority to maintain adequate tower level to maintain pressure in system. AdverWater Se No on-line notification, No Power Loss feedback by consumers Reconfigure distribution system 3 1 1 5 Below risk Loss of complaints,visual (i.e.open loop),if required threshold for Pressure checks daily basis CCP See Contingency Plans(Vienna Booster—Power Loss)Section 5 of Operations/Management Manual Call police and contact MOH and MOE Spill Action Centre, if No o .2 necessary Vandalism/Terro Adverse Drive by visual checks 1 2 3 6 No control at in rism Water everyday. See Contingency Plans this point (Vandalism/Terrorism)Section 5 0 of Operations/Management o m Manual ca Contact secondary operating C authority to maintain adequate a) j tower level to maintain pressure in system. Reconfigure distribution system Adverse No on-line notification, (i.e.open loop),if required No Failure of Water feedback by consumers booster pump complaints,visual See Contingency Plans(Vienna 3 1 1 5 Below risk Loss of Booster—Failure of Booster threshold for Pressure checks daily basis Pump)Section 5 of CCP Operations/Management Manual Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 21 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System _N R. - - II Activity or Potential o - _c L Description of Available Monitoring& Emergency Procedure or L co rn Cl- o Process Result of Comments — > • U L CCP? Hazard Control Measures Contingency Plans mc) N a� Step Hazard Y m _ a J 0 R O 1- 1— Customer HCustomer complaints; Low pressure or high flows,visual if at ground, Repair;watermain disinfection no on-line procedures per Operations indication/monitoring of Manual,training. flows from tower. Repair parts ect.Stocked. Yes Adverse V001 and E038 Flow Watermain No control of Water Elevated monitoring through the If necessary issue boil water Break within distribution event taking distribution system checks of the flow advisory after consultation with place.CCP are Low meters and graphing MOH. 3 2 2 7 system causing storage in identified with-in pressure/ through the week. low pressure/no Port Burwell the AWQI water back- Secondary See Contingency Plans(Main Contingency siphoning May not be aware of Break,AWQI and Procedural Plan. fire/break. Guideline During A Prolonged o Outage)Section 5 of .= Looping has improved Operations/Management ability to isolate areas Manual v, and also maintain flow in 6 event of breaks. Mapping Contact secondary operating authority to maintain chlorine Loss of chlorine Daily residual testing at residual. Flush the system and residual far end of system, resample.Corrective actions No (secondary Adverse Legislated weekly microbiological required by O. Reg. 170/03. disinfection from Water under O. sampling at locations in 1 4 1 6 Below risk Reg. See Contingency Plans(Low secondary water town,values are tracked threshold for system) 170/03 &trended on data Cl2 Residual and AWQI) CCP spreadsheet Section 5 of Operations/Management Manual Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 22 Municipality of Bayham —Bayham Water Distribution System Y N_ '= R II Activity or Potential o • _a t Description of Available Monitoring& Emergency Procedure or r y as °IUs° CCP? Process Result of Comments — Hazard Control Measures Contingency Plans -> > m ?c.) N Step Hazard x a) J N d rt2c- 0 0 O H 1 ~ Follow corrective action per O.Reg. 170/03. Follow procedures for If necessary,communicate disinfection of new issuance of boil water advisory Commissioning watermains using after consultation with MOH. No of new Adverse AWWA Standard— watermain/servic Water C605-05. See Contingency Plans 1 2 1 4 Below risk e installation (Contamination of threshold for Check chlorine residuals Commissioning of New CCP and conduct Watermain/Service Installation microbiological testing. and AWQI)Section 5 of Operations/Management Manual V001 and E038 Flow Check pressure and chlorine C residual. Discussion with MOE o monitoring through the checks of the flow and MOH if low. .N meters and graphing If necessary,communicate o through the week. issuance of boil water advisory Water hammer, after consultation with MOH. Adverse consumer complaints. Water Restore pressure and chlorine No Loss of pressure residual.Conduct sampling per —watermain Low Backflow contamination MOH and MOE direction. 1 2 2 5 Below risk break,major fire pressure prevented by 2"double threshold for /back- check valves on all See Contingency Plans(Loss of CCP siphoning connections of Pressure, Main Break,AWQI concerns. and Procedural Guideline Backflow preventor During A Prolonged Outage) required(residential& Section 5 of commercial)through by Operations/Management law Manual Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 23 Municipality of Bayham —Bayham Water Distribution System Y N_ = 0: II Activity or Potential o w _a t Description of Available Monitoring& Emergency Procedure or r y as °�U s° CCP? Process Result of Comments •— Hazard Control Measures Contingency Plans -> a>i m ?c) N Step Hazard x a) Jco d rt2c- 0 0 O H H Inspect homes/commercial properties in area, install backflow preventor. Isolate area:Flush the system Meters are installed and sample as appropriate. throughout. Backflow from Backflow Notify MOH and MOE Spill No Adverse preventors private plumbing Water on all new Backflow preventor Action Centre. If necessary, 1 2 3 6 Below risk (Cross connections required(residential& communicate issuance of boil threshold for connection) of concern commercial)through by water advisory after consultation CCP law with MOH. See Contingency Plans o (Backflow Failure and AWQI) a Section 5 of - Operations/Management t' E Manual Visual inspection of pipe breaks,reduced flow in pipes,inability to maintain chlorine See Contingency Plans(Biofilm residual —Taste/Colour/Odour/Other No Adverse Customer Complaints or Biofilms Water Flushing and swabbing. Adverse Water and AWQI) 2 2 1 5 Below risk Section 5 of threshold for Replacement of old Operations/Management CCP watermains based on Manual material,age, observations. Mapping Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 24 Municipality of Bayham —Bayham Water Distribution System Y N r I Activity or Potential oo - 1E t Description of Available Monitoring& Emergency Procedure or s co rn o o- Process Result of Comments •— > U = V r CCP? Hazard Control Measures Contingency Plans d U N Step Hazard x m d J co d R t o — H On-line monitoring with alarms(SCADA).Back- up power generator on- Adverse site. Water Schedule maintenance Loss or Activities reduction of See Contingency Plans Extreme (Contamination of Source Water Weather Events source water Operational checks and/or Unable to Supply Water, No—Below and Sustained Power Failure and Loss of 1 4 1 6 Risk Thershold Extreme Potential for Pressure)Section 5 of for CPP—No Temperatures AWQI Public Advisory—water Operations/Management Control ban or restriction Manual Damage to Municipality to supply an critical alternate source of equipment drinking water Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 25 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System PROCEDURE C PERSONNEL COVERAGE 24/7 REGULAR HOURS AFTER HOURS Call Call 519-866-5521 or 519-874-4761 519-866-5521 Office Staff Follow Prompts Operations Manager Spectrum Communications receives pages ORO assesses bumps numbers until answered provides direction Staff ORO contacts On-Call Operator. Makes necessary repairs ORO directs staff as required Staff makes necessary repairs Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 26 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System PROCEDURE D WATER SUPPLY EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN AIM: The aim of this plan is to: • Provide a guideline to assist the Municipality in responding to water supply emergency affecting residents, community or infrastructure within the Municipality of Bayham. ➢ Define the roles and responsibilities of municipal staff and departments, and supporting agencies during a water supply emergency. AUTHORITY AND CUSTODIAN: This plan is published as an Annex to the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Emergency Response Plan as established under By-law 2006-113, and the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, RSO 1990. The Custodian of this plan shall be the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Community Emergency Management Coordinator and Community Emergency Management Program Committee, who are responsible for annual review, revisions and testing of the plan. WATER SUPPLY EMERGENCY DEFINITION: A water supply emergency is defined as a situation wherein the lives or property of the Municipality of Bayham and residents of the municipality are threatened by the effects of a water supply emergency from: ➢ Contamination of the treated water supply ➢ A major or prolonged loss of water supply (24 hours or greater) NOTIFICATION AND IMPLEMENTATION: This plan may be implemented in whole or in part, as required, by the Municipality of Bayham ➢ Head of Council ➢ Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) ➢ Water/Wastewater Operations Manager ➢ Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC), or ➢ Municipality of Bayham Community Control Group with or without the declaration of an emergency by the Head of Council. This plan may be activated through the notification of the Head of Council, CAO or CEMC. Upon implementation, all participating departments and agencies will respond in accordance with the guidelines described within this plan. Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 27 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System AGENCY/INDIVIDUAL ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES: Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit ✓ Issuing a Seek Alternative Source Water Advisory or Boil Water Advisory v Request the activation of the Emergency Operation Centre(s) in the event of an emergency resulting from a major or prolonged water supply event. ✓ Act as lead agency to coordinate the County's response during a prolonged water supply emergency. ✓ Contact known schools and day care facilities who may be at high risk of severe health impacts due to water supply loss or contamination. ✓ Print and distribute materials on the Seek Alternative Source Water Advisory or Boil Water Advisory. ✓ Provide 24/7 "on call" service to respond to public inquiries regarding water related issues and refer concerned citizens' calls, as appropriate. ✓ Make necessary logistical arrangements for news conferences, as required. Water/Wastewater Department, Municipality of Bayham ✓ Determine the source of the water supply emergency. ✓ Immediate and ongoing consultation with the Ministry of Environment and Medical Officer of Health and will advise CEMC. ✓ Coordinate the delivery of potable water where vulnerable people are likely to gather, if required. ✓ Coordinate the delivery of potable water to designated pick-up centers, as required. ✓ Once water supply is restored, flushing of the system and the collection of samples for lab analysis until the Seek Alternative Source Water Advisory or Boil Water Advisory is lifted. Fire Department ✓ Increase awareness of, and report on, persons who may be vulnerable to the water supply emergency. ✓ Increase vigilance of how the water supply emergency affects firefighters' performing duties. ✓ Arrange alternate supply sources for fire protection in areas normally protected by municipal hydrants. Emergency Management Ontario (if necessary) V Provide advice, assistance, and liaison with the EOC Canadian Red Cross (if necessary) V Provide shelter management in times of declared disaster. ✓ Train on recognition of potential illness, first aid and personal disaster assistance training for staff and volunteers of community agencies who serve vulnerable clients. Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 28 Municipality of Bayham —Bayham Water Distribution System Human Resources Manager (As Designated) ➢ Register and coordinate volunteer assistance Emergency Information Officer ➢ Coordinate communications with County/Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit of all press releases and information fact sheets issued. ➢ Coordinate local public inquiry messaging for staff. ➢ Develop public education strategies for vulnerable populations within the Municipality. Ontario Works ➢ Liaison with Red Cross for co-ordination of evacuation and emergency shelters Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 29 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System NOTIFICATION GUIDELINE: Elgin St. Thomas Public Health y The Medical Officer of Health (or designate) activates a Seek Alternative Source Water Advisory or Boil Water Advisory and provides relevant fact sheets by fax or email to the regional media if an extended alert is anticipated. Municipality of Bayham y The Medical Officer of Health notifies the Mayor or CAO when a Seek Alternative Source Water Advisory or Boil Water Advisory. • The Municipality is responsible for internal notification of its staff and for the notification of their external partnering services. • The Mayor, CAO and CEMC will consult with each other to determine if the Municipality of Bayham Community Control Group (CCG) will assemble to discuss the impacts of the issued Water Supply Emergency Alert. ✓ If the CCG is to be assembled CCG members shall be notified in accordance with the Municipality of Bayham Emergency Response Plan Notification Protocol. Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 30 Municipality of Bayham —Bayham Water Distribution System RESPONSE GUIDELINE: When a major or prolonged water supply emergency event is declared by the Warden of Elgin County and/or the Mayor of any municipality in Elgin County, the lead will be the Emergency Community Control Group at Elgin County. The Elgin County Community Control Group will provide direction to municipalities involved in the emergency in accordance with the mandate of the Elgin County CCG. The following guideline shall be followed when water supply conditions pose a threat to municipal infrastructure, property and/or residents. ➢ The Municipality of Bayham CCG will assemble upon request from the Elgin County CCG. ➢ The Municipality of Bayham Emergency Operation Center will be activated upon receiving a request from the Elgin County CCG for assistance or deployment of municipal resources. ➢ Upon activation of the EOC, the CCG will determine the most appropriate method of providing emergency response resources to facilitate effective response pertaining to the request of the Elgin County CCG. In the event the Elgin County CCG requests assistance from the Municipality of Bayham and the Bayham EOC is activated, the roles and responsibilities of municipal departments/representatives will include the following in addition to roles and responsibilities outlined in the Bayham ERP: Emergency Information Officer ➢ Develop and issue emergency evacuation information ➢ Coordinate communications with County of all press releases and information fact sheets issued. ➢ Coordinate local public inquiry messaging for staff. ➢ Develop public education strategies for vulnerable populations within the Municipality. Water/Wastewater Department ➢ Immediate and ongoing consultation with the Ministry of Environment and Medical Officer of Health and will advise CEMC. ➢ Coordinate the delivery of potable water where vulnerable people are likely to gather, if required. ➢ Coordinate the delivery of potable water to designated centers, as required. ➢ Increase awareness of, and report on, persons who may be vulnerable to the water supply emergency. ➢ Implement/incorporate "Procedural Guideline of Providing Water, Within The Bayham Distribution During A Prolonged Outage" if applicable. ➢ Increase vigilance of how the water supply emergency affect water/wastewater employees working outside and performing duties. Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 31 Municipality of Bayham —Bayham Water Distribution System Fire Department ➢ Increase awareness of, and report on, persons who may be vulnerable to the water supply emergency. ➢ Increase vigilance of how the water supply emergency affects firefighters' performing duties. ➢ Arrange alternate supply sources for fire protection in areas normally protected by municipal hydrants. Roads Department ➢ Increase awareness of, and report on, persons who may be vulnerable to the water supply emergency. ➢ Increase vigilance of how the water supply emergency affects road employees working outside and performing duties. Deputy Clerk ➢ Set up of EOC ➢ Coordinate connection of EOC communications (e.g. phones, fax, email, etc.) ➢ Coordinate set up of public inquiry avenues (e.g. website update, phone inquiry messaging) Administrative Support Staff ➢ Registering members of public attending a water pick-up center(s) ➢ Staffing public inquiry phone lines ➢ Updating municipal website information and municipal sign ➢ Monitoring of water pick-up center supplies Clerk ➢ Register and coordinate volunteer assistance ➢ Coordinating volunteers and or municipal employees to staff (supervise) water pick-up center(s) RESOURCES Water Canadian Kool Water—53104 Vienna Line, Port Burwell, ON — Ph. 519-765-4970 Roses Sandytown Variety— 9292 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON — 519-866-5800 Mudford Family Food Town — 54362 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON — 519-866-5505 GFS Bulk Water Services — Greg —519 633-1391 Water Pick-Up Facilities Municipal Council Chambers, 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON Bayham Community Centre, 54164 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON Vienna Community Centre, 26 Fulton Street, Vienna, ON Straffordville Fire Station, 55264 Third Street, Straffordville, ON Port Burwell Fire Station, 55451 Nova Scotia Line, Port Burwell, ON Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 32 Municipality of Bayham —Bayham Water Distribution System TRAINING AND SUPPLIES Each participating agency is responsible for defining and providing the training required by its own staff in performing its emergency roles at its own cost. All costs and/or damages resulting from a water supply emergency will be forwarded to the Treasurer of the Municipality of Bayham for consideration and resolution. RECOVERY Recovery procedures will be implemented in accordance with the Municipality of Bayham Recovery Plan/Business Continuity which is currently under development. Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 33 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System PROCEDURE E INTERNAL AUDIT Internal audits will be conducted to ensure that the QMS conforms to the requirements of the Municipality of Bayham and of the DWQMS. These requirements include ensuring that the QMS has been effectively implemented and properly maintained. The Municipality of Bayham may, from time-to-time, request that trained auditors from a neighbouring municipality conduct internal audits. In turn, the Municipality of Bayham may provide the same service to other municipalities as the case arises. Audits Conducted by Bayham Auditors • All internal auditors must have successfully completed a recognized 14 hour Internal Auditor workshop Internal Audit Schedule • Each element of the Standard is audited at least once during the fiscal year. Audit Planning • The auditor shall review all related QMS documentation and obtain the current version of the DWQMS checklist prior to the audit, which will include results from the previous internal and external audits. Conducting the Audit • The auditor shall observe activities, review records and interview personnel as necessary to ensure that the status of the audited element of the QMS has been effectively covered. Reporting the Results • The auditor shall submit a completed checklist and report to the QMS Representative. • The report shall include any requirement for corrective actions. Corrective actions shall be communicated to the responsible individual and included as part of Management Review input. Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 34 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System Audits Conducted by Another Municipality Auditors • Outside auditors must provide proof of competency prior to conducting an audit. • Current version of the DWQMS checklist must be used during the audit. Audit Schedule • Audits are to be conducted per the Municipality of Bayham schedule. Planning and Conducting the Audit and Reporting the Results • Audits may be planned and conducted per the procedures of the auditing Municipality. Prior approval by the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager. • Audit results may be reported per the procedures of the auditing municipality as long as the results are documented. Requirements for corrective action must be indicated. • A document management spreadsheet is used to track and document any changes to documents, corrective action report, opportunities for improvement, management review, emergency response testing and internal audit findings and/or actions taken. • Previous internal and external audits to be reviewed prior to the commencement of a new audit. Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 35 Municipality of Bayham —Bayham Water Distribution System PROCEDURE F MANAGEMENT REVIEW This procedure defines the Management Review process to ensure the continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the QMS. Review Frequency Management Reviews shall be conducted on an annual basis. Review Participants The QMS Representative convenes the management review. Attendees shall include the QMS Representative and the Chief Administrating Office (Top Management). Review Input The QMS Representative shall provide information and data concerning the following categories, for the review: ▪ Incidents of regulatory non-compliance ▪ Incidents of adverse drinking water tests ▪ Deviations from critical control point limits and response actions ▪ Efficacy of the risk assessment process ▪ Results of internal and 3rd party audits ▪ Results of relevant emergency response testing ▪ Operational performance and water quality trends including raw water supply ▪ Follow-up on actions items from previous management reviews ▪ Status of action items (if any) identified between reviews ▪ Changes in resource requirements, infrastructure, process, personnel, Drinking Water Quality Management Standard or regulations that could affect the QMS ▪ Resources needed to maintain the Quality Management System ▪ Operational plan currency, content and updates ▪ Consumer feedback (including consumer complaint reports), and ▪ Staff suggestions Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 36 Municipality of Bayham — Bayham Water Distribution System Review Process The Management Review shall be a planned event. An appropriate time shall be set aside by the participants to ensure a thorough review of the QMS is conducted. Each input category shall be reviewed in order to identify if, where and when improvements to the QMS and its procedures are required. The QMS Representative shall make note of any changes or action items required during the course of the review. Review Output A list of changes required to be made to procedures or other QMS based documentation and processes and/or amendments must be made prior to the next annual internal audit. Complete a list of "action" items if applicable. Action items shall identify the individual responsible. A list of recommendation(s) for any human or financial resources may be required to maintain and improve the QMS. The QMS Representative shall maintain minutes of management review. These minutes shall include the date and time of the review activity and the name of participants. The QMS Representative shall review findings to the owner by March 31 of each year. Operational Plan—Revision 1.12 30-Nov-17 37 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ioNY H4-41 -41.....„4-..;., , qii,.. , . al'i' iiii 411141.1* .frogr*---rwr..4111k1 pp 10 tik - 4-, -ela (lit) Is. Richmond Community Water Supply System Quality Management System Operational Plan PREPARED BY: MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TEAM Revision 1.3 June 19, 2015 Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OPERATIONAL PLAN Table of Contents 1. Quality Management System Pg. 2 2. QMS Policy Pg. 2 3. Commitment and Endorsement Pg. 2 4. QMS Representative Pg. 3 5. Document and Records Control Pg. 3 6. Drinking Water System Pg. 4 7. Risk Assessment Pg. 4 8. Risk Assessment Outcomes Pg. 4 9. Operational Structure, Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities Pg. 4 10. Competencies Pg. 5 11. Personnel Coverage 24/7 Pg. 6 12. Communication Pg. 7 13. Essential Suppliers and Services Pg. 7 14. Review and Provision of Infrastructure Pg. 8 15. Infrastructure Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Renewal Pg. 8 16. Sampling, Testing and Monitoring Pg. 9 17. Measurement and Recording Pg. 9 18 Emergency Management Pg. 10 19. Internal Audit Pg. 10 20. Management Review Pg. 10 21. Continual Improvement Pg. 11 APPENDIX A - Council and Top Management Endorsement Pg. 12 APPENDIX B - Organizational Structure Pg. 13 APPENDIX C - Process Flow Chart Pg. 14 APPENDIX D - Operational Structure Pg. 15 APPENDIX E - Operational Responsibilities and Authorities Pg. 16 Procedure A - Document and Record Control Pg. 18 Procedure B - Risk Assessment and Outcomes Pg. 20 Procedure C - Personnel Coverage 24/7 Pg. 31 Procedure D - Water Supply Emergency Plan Pg. 32 Procedure E - Internal Audit Pg. 39 Procedure F - Management Review Pg. 41 Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System 1. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM This document will be the Quality Management System Operational Plan for the Richmond Community Water Supply System (DWS # 260074854). The Municipality of Bayham is the owner and operating authority of the said system. The Quality Management System for Richmond covers the wells, treatment and distribution of potable drinking water to consumers within the village of Richmond. 2. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM POLICY The Municipality of Bayham and the Richmond Community Water Supply System is committed to comply with applicable regulations set forth by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SWDA) 2002 — Ontario Regulation 170/03 Drinking Water Systems Regulation and Ontario Regulation 169/03 Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards and other requirements. The Municipality of Bayham will supply clean safe drinking water to meet consumer requirements and is committed to the maintenance and continual improvement of the Quality Management System. (May 2014) This Quality Policy is applicable to all water department employees and is displayed in public areas of the municipal administrative offices located at 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, the Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment plant at 1 Chatham Street, Port Burwell, the Richmond Pumphouse at 9190 Richmond Road, Richmond and on the municipal website (www.bayham.on.ca Departments >> Environmental Services >> Richmond Community Water System >> Quality Management System Policy). 3. COMMITMENT AND ENDORSEMENT The owner (Mayor and Council) has passed a motion to endorse the operational plan of the DWQMS and the plan be reviewed annually with revisions made as necessary to maintain and continually improve the quality management system. Copies of updated applicable drinking water regulations are retained in the Richmond Community Water Supply System Operations and Management Manual. Upon major changes to the system, change in top management and/or council, the operational plan requires re-endorsement by the Owner and Top Management. See Appendix A (pg. 12) Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 2 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System 4. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REPRESENTATIVE The Manager of Public Works will be the QMS representative or in his absence, a Certified Operator. The QMS representative will develop, implement, maintain and report the effectiveness, including the need for improvement of the QMS to the owner and ensure that the current versions of the documents required by the QMS are in use at all times. The representative will promote the QMS throughout the water department and see that personnel are aware of all current legislation and regulatory requirements that are relevant to the operation. 5. DOCUMENT AND RECORDS CONTROL All records required by the Ministry of the Environment 0 Reg. 128/04 and O. Reg. 170/03 to demonstrate compliance and or conformance shall be maintained per the regulations. In summary, the following documents and records are retained; 2 years - Operational and Maintenance Checks Records, Microbiological Sampling and Testing Results and Corrective Action Reports for Microbiological (AWQI) 5 years — Logbooks 6 years — THM, Nitrate/Nitrite and Lead Parameter Sample Results and Annual Summary Reports 15 years — Sodium, Fluoride, Inorganic, Organic and Radiological Parameter Sample Results, Corrective Action Reports for Chemical, Radiological, Pesticides and Sodium (AWQI) and Engineering Reports if applicable The operational plans that were the subject of an audit, as required by Section 4.0.1 of the Director's Directions Minimum Requirements for Operational Plans (July 2007), will be retained for 10 years. All documents and records received is reviewed, acted upon if needed, filed in labeled folders in a filing cabinet or placed in a binder and retained for five years at the water department office. After 5 years, all hard copy documents and records will be archived at the Water Department Office at the Port Brurwell Wastewater Treatment Plant, 1 Chatham Street, Port Burwell. The municipality complies with Provincial Records Management. See Procedure A (pg. 18) Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 3 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System 6. DRINKING WATER SYSTEM The Municipality of Bayham is the owner and operating authority of the Richmond Community Water Supply System (DWS # 260074854). As shown on the organizational structure, the Mayor and Council are the head of the Municipality and this responsibility is delegated to the staff. See Appendix B (pg. 13) for the organizational structure. The Richmond Community Water Supply System supplies, treats and distributes potable drinking water to the village of Richmond. A system description can be found in the Richmond Community Water Supply System Operations/Management Manual Section 1 — Richmond Community Water Supply System Operations and Management Manual. Process Diagram and Distribution Map can be found in the Richmond Community Water Supply System Operations/Management Manual Section 3 — Process Diagram and Distribution Map. All customers within the Richmond Community Water Supply System pay a rate which is determined on an annual basis. See Appendix C (pg. 14) 7. & 8. RISK ASSESSMENT AND OUTCOMES See Procedure B (pg. 20) 9. OPERATIONAL STRUCTURE, ROLES, RESPONSIBLITIES AND AUTHORITIES The Manager of Public Works shall keep the operational structure, organizational structure, respective roles, responsibilities and authorities current, and shall communicate this information to the owner and personnel. See Appendix B (pg. 13) See Appendix D (pg. 15) See Appendix E (pg. 16) Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 4 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System 10. COMPETENCIES The following table illustrates the competencies required by personnel whose duties directly affect water quality Function Required Competencies Desired Competencies Manager of Public • Minimum Class I Distribution • Development of all Works and Supply Subsystem capital and regular certification plans • Minimum 10 years Class I • WHMIS operation • First Aid (including CPR) • Leadership Training • Confined Space Training • Operator in Training to Limited • Internal auditor Operators Surface Water Subsystem training certification • WHMIS • Confined Space Training • First Aid (including CPR) The Municipality of Bayham Water Department provides for training in their annual budget process. At a minimum the training budget includes funding for legislated and required training to maintain operator certification in accordance with O. Reg. 128/04. Training and knowledge gained may take the form of on or off-site training sessions and seminars, on-the-job, distance leaning or courses of study. Where appropriate, proof of participation or proficiency will be required as proof of competency. Through internal audits, risk assessments of the operational plan, QMS changes/updates through staff meetings (communications), annual training (On- The-Job and/or Director Approved), personnel are aware of the relevance of their duties and how they affect safe drinking water quality. Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 5 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System 11. PERSONNEL COVERAGE The water department is staffed (two operators) from Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM five days per week. The Manager of Public Works is the primary overall responsible operator (ORO) and the back-up ORO is tracked through the water system logbook and timesheets. The Richmond Community Water Supply System operation is ultimately controlled based upon the demand in the village via pressure discharge measurements. The Municipality's SCADA system indicates to the WTP's PLC when treated water is required to be pumped into the distribution system. A series of treatment and process alarms in the alarms system on the SCADA system as described in the Richmond Community Water Supply System Operations/Management Manual Section 1 Subsection 8 — Unit Operations and Section 4 Design Brief and Control Narrative send out alarms to an on-call operator via alarm dialer. The alarm dialer bumps numbers until either the manager or one of the operators is contacted. The 24/7 personnel coverage procedure (general public alarms) shows how after hours emergencies are handled. Spectrum Communications bumps numbers until either the manager or one of the operators is contacted. See Procedure C (pg. 31) An on-call operator is assigned by the Manager of Public Works on a weekly basis to respond to after-hour and weekend emergencies. When on-call the operator is required to remain within one hour driving time of the municipal water system. The Municipality of Bayham is a member of OnWARN (Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network). OnWARN is a network of utilities helping other utilities to respond to and recover from emergencies. The OnWARN contact list can be found in the Richmond Community Water System Operations/Management Manual Section 6 — Contact List and Forms. If the municipality requires assistance in recovering from and responding to emergencies, the CAO and Treasurer have access to the OnWARN list and the authority to request for external Operator assistance. Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 6 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System 12. COMMUNICATION The QMS representative shall ensure the owner (Mayor and Council) is provided with a current copy of the Operational Plan. The QMS representative shall keep the owner informed of any changes to the QMS, the adequacy of infrastructure requirements, the outcome of management reviews and other issues related to the QMS on an annual basis. Personnel will be informed of the QMS and of any changes or updates through staff meetings with the QMS representative. A current version of the Operational Plan is available for review by staff at the water department office and at the municipal office. Essential suppliers shall receive information regarding the QMS from the purchaser if and when necessary. Consumers may be informed of the QMS and any significant changes by newsletters and flyers or handouts. The QMS policy will be posted at the water department office and at the municipal office. It can be also viewed on the municipal website. 13. ESSSENTIAL SUPPLIERS AND SERVICES Where applicable, supplies must meet or be equal to AWWA, NSF or ANSI specifications. Supplies are verified against the order requisition when received. Laboratory analysis services provided require accreditation through CALA (Canadian Association For Laboratory Accreditation Inc.). Accreditation certificate copies and a list of licensed laboratories available from the Ministry of the Environment can be found in the Richmond Community Water Supply System Operations/Management Manual Section 7 — Sampling Practices and Lab Accreditation. Verification/Calibration of measurement and recording equipment (ie. portable chlorine analyzers) services provided, a copy of the Statement of Qualifications/Accreditations is located in the Richmond Community Water Supply System Operations/Management Manual Section 15 — Calibration Reports. A list of suppliers and contractors has been developed and can be found in the Richmond Community Water Supply System Operations/Management Manual Section 6 — Contact List and Forms (Municipality of Bayham Water Department Essential Supplies, Service and Emergency Contact List) in the water department office. This list is reviewed annually by the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager to ensure that it is current and up-to-date. Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 7 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System The Municipality of Bayham is a member of OnWARN (Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network). OnWARN is a network of utilities helping other utilities to respond to and recover from emergencies. The OnWARN contact list can be found in the Richmond Community Water System Operations/Management Manual Section 6 — Contact List and Forms. Only authorized municipal employees can purchase or engage service providers as listed as set out in By-Law 2012-122 Procurement Policy. 14. REVIEW AND PROVISION OF INFRASTRUCTURE The Manager of Public Works will communicate with the owner on an annual basis during budget deliberations, the infrastructure necessary to operate and maintain the QMS. The adequacy of the infrastructure to operate and maintain the distribution system may be assessed based on Water department staff suggestions, water quality trends and consumer complaints. The Manager of Public Works will communicate to the owner, during the annual budget deliberations, the infrastructure deemed necessary to operate and maintain the Richmond Community Water Supply System. 15. INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE, REHABILITATION AND RENEWAL Routine planned maintenance is conducted on the Richmond Community Water Supply System following manufacturer's recommendation in the manufacturer's maintenance and operations manuals. All records are maintained at the water department office in the appropriate binders using the forms maintained in the back of the binder. All planned maintenance is scheduled and communicated to staff by the Manager of Public Works. All records are retained at the water department office. Watermain or other equipment replacement is conducted on an as-needed basis. Once per year, the Manager of Public Works prepares a summary of the infrastructure maintenance, rehabilitation and renewal programs and specifically reviews any unplanned maintenance to determine if additional planned maintenance is required. This summary will be communicated to the top management during the yearly Management Review meeting. Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 8 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System 16. SAMPLING, TESTING AND MONITORING All sampling, monitoring and testing is conducted at a minimum in accordance with SDWA O. Reg. 170/03. Adverse water quality incidents are responded to and reported as stated in the Operations Manual. Samples are submitted to an accredited and licensed laboratory according to the facility's sampling schedule as stated in the Richmond Community Water Supply System Operations/Management Manual Section 7 — Sampling Practices and Lab Accreditation. All analytical results from laboratory reports are kept and maintained as per Document and Record Control. Sampling, testing and monitoring results are readily accessible to the owner. As a minimum, owners are provided with an annual summary of sampling, testing and monitoring results through SDWA O.Reg. 170/03 sections 11, schedule 22 and through the Management Review process. Sampling schedule and monitoring and control can be found in the Richmond Community Water Supply System Operations/Management Manual Section 1 — Richmond Community Water Supply System Operations and Management Manual. 17. MEASUREMENT AND RECORDING EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION AND MAINTENANCE A contractor will perform a verification/calibration test on the portable hand—held chlorine, turbidity and nitrate analyzers annually. Verification/calibration records are located in the Richmond Community Water Supply System Operations/Management Manual Section 3 — Calibration Reports. The continuous on-line chlorine, nitrate and turbidity analyzers are recommended to be checked regularly to ensure accuracy. This is accomplished through the comparison with the portable hand-held and calibrated units. The continuous on- line analyzers are calibrated following manufacturer's manuals and recommendations. A contractor will perform calibration on the raw well and treated flow meters on an annual basis. The records of calibration are maintained and kept as per Documents and Records Control. Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 9 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System 18. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT The contamination of the treated water supply and a major or prolonged loss of water supply are deemed to be emergency situations. The Risk Assessment chart contained in the QMS Operational Plan (PROCEDURE B pg. 20) can be referenced, for emergency procedures and contingency plans. The Municipality of Bayham has created an Emergency Response Plan as established under By-law 2006-113. The custodian of this plan shall be the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Community Emergency Management Coordinator and Community Emergency Management Program Committee, who are responsible for the annual review, revisions and testing of the plan. A specific water supply emergency plan (PROCEDURE D pg. 32) forms part of the said Municipal Emergency Response Plan. A list of emergency contacts and essential suppliers and services along with OnWARN (Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network) member contact list are found in the Richmond Community Water Supply System Operations/Management Manual Section 6 — Contact List and Forms (Municipality of Bayham Water Department Essential Supplies, Service and Emergency Contact List) in the water department office. The QMS Representative will keep the emergency contacts and essential suppliers and services list current. The responsibilities of all affected positions within the municipality during an emergency are listed in the municipal emergency plan as is in the emergency protocol. All water department staff is required to review the emergency plans to coincide with the risk assessment every 3 years through informal or formal review and/or training. Desktop simulations will be planned and documented during review of emergency plans to keep all water personnel up to date on the emergency procedures. 19. INTERNAL AUDIT See PROCEDURE E (pg. 39) 20. MANAGEMENT REVIEW A management review will be completed annually with the QMS Representative and the Chief Administrating Officer (Top Management) evaluating the adequacy and effectiveness of the QMS. See PROCEDURE F (pg. 41) Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 10 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System 21. CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT The Municipality of Bayham shall strive to continually improve the effectiveness of its Quality Management System through the use of corrective actions from the annual audits and management review. Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 11 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System APPENDIX A COUNCIL ENDORSEMENT Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System APPENDIX A COUNCIL ENDORSEMENT Date:05 Jun 2014 Moved by C--��(�2-- of Seconded by: 10(a) "That Staff Report 2014-004 be received; THAT Council and the Administrator be authorized to endorse both the Munidpality of Bayham Water Distribution System and the Richmond Conununity Water System Operational Plans; AND THAT the Plans be reviewed by staff and revisions made,as necessary to maintain and continually improve the quality ement system,on an annual basis." CARRIED DEFEATED MAYOR MAYOR TOP MANAGEMENT ENDORSEMENT Top Management(CAO)hereby endorses the Municipality of Bayham Operational Plans for the Bayham Water Distribution System and the Richmond Community Water Supply System and that revisions to the plans be reviewed annually to maintain and continually improve the quality management system. Paul Shipway,CAO Operational Plan—Revision 1.1 30-May-14 11 Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 12 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System APPENDIX B ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE r MAYOR AND COUNCIL (OWNER) I I CHIEF ADMINISTRATING 1- MANAGER OF PUBLIC OFFICER WORKS (QMS REPRESENTATIVE) (TOP MANAGEMENT) Receives return call assess and provides direction I I ACCOUNTING CERTIFIED CLERK OPERATORS Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 13 U/ N Z kY - N ' _ • a , 5 • - +:r . -- ya"�:'......-,6.-A.: • ' ,''; tr I— +' ,'t �. ,,.v P P _ ;,! ,, '"- r CO O Legend + / �.d `� TD_ . elow•OH + l*� a� ° . r a a • ▪- a °� cn N Main Valve + �Fa,+, T� e4 \\ N N � r r ▪I S`rw m LLL F? Treatment Pump House +` 2�• , V LNell i • c • Tee/Fitting E ., E d , Curb Stop ; fn ✓ System �� rr c `f -c -••.East Distribution o 6 E ••. •West D istributian •,. Co. U_ ; E -Service Line r.4 •; O 6f 6 ,25 ... a°s ',1,. 1.4,000 rn �(H CC Projection:NAD 83 Vilage ofRichmond Date45 UTM SeptZon3,7 ii Date:Sep23,2413 To To o o- 6 •. 2013 Water System Asessment p;y�leimer 0 °+*rnt[y +yon This drarr'ing is neither a legally recorded neap nor Q 2 a.survey and is nal intended to be used as one. 0 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System APPENDIX D OPERATIONAL STRUCTURE Manager of Public Works - Overall total responsibility and reports to owners - Directs all general operations (QMS REPRESENTATIVE) Accounting Clerk Certified Operators - Communicates with all water - Communicate and work with works staff public works staff - Communication during - Oversee contractors and work emergency - Communication during - Respond to and document public emergency complaints Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 15 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System APPENDIX E OPERATIONAL RESPONSIBILITES AND AUTHORITIES Mayor/Council (Owner) Responsibilities Authorities - Complete oversight of the entire treatment and -Financial,administrative authority related to distribution system and the QMS the treatment and distribution of safe drinking water - Ultimate responsibility for the provision of safe drinking water - Ensure compliance with applicable legislation and regulations Chief Administrating Officer(Top Management) Responsibilities Authorities - Complete oversight of the entire treatment and - Financial, administrative and technical authority distribution system related to the treatment and distribution of safe - Endorse and lead the development and drinking water implementation and maintenance of the QMS - Provide and/or obtain resources for the QMS and necessary infrastructure and resources to operate and maintain the drinking water system safely and effectively - Ensure the system is operated in accordance with all applicable legislation and regulations -Lead for Management Reviews - Communication with Mayor and Council about QMS and the water distribution system -Communications lead during emergencies Manager of Public Works Responsibilities Authorities - Complete oversight of the entire treatment and - Financial, administrative and technical authority distribution system related to the treatment and distribution safe drinking -Overall Responsible Operator water to the Municipality of Bayham -Quality Management System representative - Staffing-within the guidelines of the Municipality and - Provide and/or obtain resources for the QMS and any in-force collective agreements necessary infrastructure and resources to operate -Activity/program scheduling within the department and maintain the drinking water system safely and - Oversee adverse water quality incidences and effectively responses - Ensure the system is operated in accordance with all - Identify and oversee staff training needs applicable legislation and regulations -Make changes to the QMS -Lead for management reviews -Delegate ORO to certified operator in absence - Communication with mayor and council about the QMS and the water distribution system - Preparation of budget and planning materials - Recommendation of system improvements - Develops procedures and processes for assuring water quality - Emergency response planning,training Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 16 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System Accounting Clerk Responsibilities Authorities - Communication/liaison with Manager of Public -Recommend changes to the QMS Works, operators -Update and document changes to QMS as required - Communication of water shut-offs to operations manager or operators due to non-payment of account - Respond to and document public complaints - Prepare reports as required by regulations and circulate to management and council -Generate bi-month water billings -Communication during emergency -Treasurer backup in the absence of accounting clerk Operators Responsibilities Authorities -Chlorine residual testing -Monitor process and equipment -Weekly pump-house checks(3 times per week) - Respond to public complaints as relayed from - Reviewing and sign-off of daily summary sheets superintendent, or accounting clerk -Weekly sample collection of water system -Recommend changes to the QMS - Regular maintenance - Report any incidents of non-compliance - Respond to repairs directed from manager and accounting clerk -Water shut-offs as directed by accounting clerk Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 17 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System PROCEDURE A DOCUMENT AND RECORD CONTROL QMS Document Control This procedure is applicable to the following QMS documents: • Operational Plan • Procedures • Audit Checklists • Forms • Equipment Manuals • As Built Drawings Creating New or Updating Existing Documents • The need for document changes or for new documents or procedures may be identified through audits or management reviews. The Manager of Public Works will delegate the task of creating the new document • Any employee of the Water Department may request a change to an existing QMS. The request must be made in writing, dated and submitted to the Manager of Public Works. The request must include the following information: 1. Reason for new or changed document - must belong in one or more of these categories: ▪ Required by the DWQMS ▪ Enhances process control ▪ Reduces risk ▪ Supports regulatory requirements ▪ May improve operational efficiency 2. Outline of document change or new document content ▪ Narrative format is acceptable • The requester shall develop the new/changed document and submit it to the Manager of Public Works for approval. • Document changes or the need for new documents or procedures may be identified through audits or management reviews. Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 18 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System • Electronic versions of the new/changed documents will be created by the QMS Team Members and approved by the Manager of Public Works. Approving Documents • All QMS related documents shall be approved by the Manager of Public Works. • The Manager of Public Works shall be responsible for ensuring that copies of the new or changed document show the revision number and date modified and are distributed. Obsolete documents (due to changes) shall be collected and destroyed. Reviewing Documents • The Operational Plan and procedures shall be reviewed annually for applicability and relevance. Document Identification, Storage, Availability and Control • Documents are identified in the Master Document List by the title and revision number/date of the document. • Hard copy of the Master Documents will be kept at the water department office in a file cabinet. • Electronic copy of the Master Documents will be kept on the laptop computer at the water department. • Backup copy of the electronic file of the Master Documents will be saved on the master server at the municipal office. There is a secondary back-up server at the municipal office and four times a day everything is backed to an offsite DATTO Cloud. • All procedures, instructions, forms and checklists are retained in the QMS binders at the water department office. • Original sets of equipment manuals and specifications are kept at the water department office. • As appropriate, copies are kept at the Richmond Pump House. • Logbook specific to the pumping station is kept at the Richmond Pump House. QMS Record Control This procedure is applicable to all records that demonstrate conformance to DWQMS requirements. Ontario Regulations 170/03 and 128/04 cover all records that demonstrate compliance. Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 19 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System Manual Records • The record title shall be clearly visible and legible • Manual records shall be legible. Pencil or any other erasable marker shall not be used to record process or product information or data. • QMS records shall be filed by type by date • QMS related water distribution records will be available at the water department office. • QMS records shall be stored in such a manner as to prevent deterioration. • All manual records shall show the name or initials of the recorder and the date (and time if appropriate) the record was generated. PROCEDURE B RISK ASSESSMENT AND OUTCOMES The QMS team consists of the Manager of Public Works, certified operators and the accounting clerk. The QMS team will identify the potential hazards and hazardous events, which could affect the water system, the control measures to address the hazards, identify the Critical Control Points (if applicable) and control limits, and associated methods of monitoring critical limits and responding to deviations. Equipment reliability, accuracy, and redundancy are all reviewed on an annual basis as stated in Element 17 (pg. 9). Hazardous events and hazards were assessed on the basis of likelihood, severity and detectability. The assessment criteria are summarized in the following tables and values were combined to give an overall level of risk as shown Every year the Manager of Public Works will review the risk assessment and ensure that the information and assumptions remain current and valid. Every 3 years the Manager of Public Works will assemble a team to conduct a new risk assessment. Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 20 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System Description Likelihood of Hazardous Event Occurring Rating Rare May occur in exceptional circumstances, and has not 1 occurred in past Unlikely Could occur at some time, historically has occurred less 2 than once every 5-10 years Possible Has occurred or may occur once or more per year 3 Likely Has occurred or may occur on a monthly to quarterly 4 basis Very Likely One or more occurrences on a monthly or more frequent 5 basis Description Severity of Hazardous Event Occurring Rating Insignificant Insignificant impact, little public exposure, little or no 1 health risk Minor Limited public exposure, minor health risk 2 Moderate Minor public exposure, minor health risk 3 Major Large population at risk 4 Catastrophic Major impact for large population, complete failure of 5 systems Description Detectability of Hazardous Event Rating Very Easy to detect, visual 1 Detectable Moderately Increased flow rates 2 Detectable_ Normally Visually detectable but not on rounds or regular basis 3 Detectable Poorly Visually detectable but not inspected on a regular 4 Detectable basis Undetectable Cannot detect 5 Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 21 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System Table 1: Risk Assessment Table for the Richmond Community Water Supply System Y co != 0 A Activity or °o = .0 r Process Description of Potential Result Available Monitoring& Emergency Procedure or r S R aim m Z CCP? Step Hazard of Hazard Control Measures Contingency Plans Y y d x V co J co ti C L O I- I- Alternate HAlternate Well Public Advisory—water ban or See Contingency Plans(Contamination No-Below risk Well Casing Loss of Raw Water restriction of Source Water and/or Unable to 1 1 5 threshold for Collapse Supply Water and AWQI)Section 5 of CCP Municipality to supply an Operations/Management Manual No control alternate source of drinking water. _ On-line monitoring with alarms(SCADA) m Spare pump available on site t Alternative Well See Contingency Plans(Contamination No-Below risk co Well Pump Loss of Raw Water of Source Water and/or Unable to 2 3 1 6 threshold for Failure Public Advisory—water ban or Supply Water and AWQI)Section 5 of CCP a restriction Operations/Management Manual cK Municipality to supply an alternate source of drinking I water Monitor and sample See Contingency Plans(Contamination No-Below risk Contamination of Source Water and/or Unable to threshold for of Source Water Adverse Water Municipality to supply an Supply Water and AWQI)Section 5 of 2 4 1 7 CCP alternate source of drinking Operations/Management Manual No control water Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 22 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System Table 1: Risk Assessment Table for the Richmond Community Water Supply System Y N E A Activity or °o = .0 r Process Description of Potential Result Available Monitoring& Emergency Procedure or r �, R aima s° CCP? Step Hazard of Hazard Control Measures Contingency Plans Y a� d =v J co 0 L O I- I- Alternate HAlternate Well Public Advisory—water ban or restriction See Contingency Plans(Contamination No-Below risk Wells Loss or reduction of Source Water and/or Unable to threshold for Overdrawn of raw water Municipality to supply an Supply Water and AWQI)Section 5 of 2 3 1 6 CCP alternate source of drinking Operations/Management Manual water Routine well level check Routine sampling of well _ On-line monitoring with 1 Loss of disinfection alarms(SCADA) Low chlorine Back-up chemical feed residual pumps with auto switchover See Contingency Plans(Chemical Feed Chemical feed (redundancy) Pump Failure, Low Chlorine Residual o pump failure Inadequate and AWQI)Section 5 of t inactivation of In-house residual testing and Operations/Management Manual w pathogens dosage calculation(CT) c •o, Yes— O Potential for AWQI Schedule maintenancei Mandatory CCP a' activities co E On-line monitoring with a alarms(SCADA) Unknown chlorine See Contingency Plans(Chlorine Analyzer Failure residual levels In-house residual testing and Analyzer Failure, Low Chlorine dosage calculation(CT) Residual and AWQI)Section 5 of Potential for AWQI Operations/Management Manual Schedule maintenance activities Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 23 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System Table 1: Risk Assessment Table for the Richmond Community Water Supply System Y co != 0 A Activity or °o = .0 r Process Description of Potential Result Available Monitoring& Emergency Procedure or r �, Cu aima ° CCP? Step Hazard of Hazard Control Measures Contingency Plans Y d x s v co J Cl) ti C L O I- I- On-line HOn-line monitoring with Inadequate alarms(SCADA) Low Supply of disinfection See Contingency Plans(Low Chlorine Sodium In-house residual testing and Residual and AWQI)Section 5 of Hypochlorite Potential for AWQI dosage calculation(CT) Operations/Management Manual Chemical availability Low level alarms on-line Inadequate CT for monitoring(SCADA) I primary disinfection See Contingency Plans(Contamination u) Schedule maintenance of Source Water and/or Unable to m Low Level activities Supply Water and AWQI)Section 5 of Inadequate treated Operations/Management Manual C water supply Public Advisory—water ban or =o restriction Yes— = On-line monitoring with Mandatory CCP a, Inadequate CT for alarms(SCADA) Level Indicator primary disinfection See Contingency Plans(Contamination o Schedule maintenance of Source Water and/or Unable to w Failure activities Supply Water and AWQI)Section 5 of (Milltronics) Inadequate treated water supply Operations/Management Manual Public Advisory—water ban or restriction Redundancy(3 HL pumps) I 0. On-line monitoring with E Loss of treated alarms(SCADA) See Contingency Plans(Contamination No-Below risk c of Source Water and/or Unable to High lift pump water supply threshold for Schedule maintenance Supply Water, Loss of Pressure) 3 3 1 7 failures CCP JSection 5 of Operations/Management Loss of pressure activities Manual No control Operational control Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 24 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System Table 1: Risk Assessment Table for the Richmond Community Water Supply System Y co != 0 A Activity or °o = .0 r Process Description of Potential Result Available Monitoring& Emergency Procedure or r S R aima s° CCP? Step Hazard of Hazard Control Measures Contingency Plans Y y d =V J co ti C L O I- I- On-line HOn-line monitoring with alarms(SCADA) See Contingency Plans(Contamination Loss of treated No-Below risk E of Source Water and/or Unable to Th ' Power Loss water supply Schedule maintenance Supply Water, Power Failure and Loss 4 2 1 7 threshold for pp y CCP >, Activities of Pressure)Section 5 of co Loss of pressure Operations/Management Manual No control m Operational checks E Locked(well site and m Contamination of pumphouse) Call police and contact MOH and MOE No-Below risk I- Spill Action Centre,if necessary t Vandalism/Terro the water supply threshold for co On-line On-line intrusion monitoring See Contingency Plans 1 2 3 6 CCP Damage to critical with alarms(SCADA) (Vandalism/Terrorism)Section 5 of No control equipment Operations/Management Manual Regular visits by personnel _ Redundancy(4 UV Units) Loss of treated water supply Operational control N (automatic and manual See Contingency Plans(Contamination Loss of pressure valves) of Source Water and/or Unable to Yes— UV unit failure Supply Water, Loss of Pressure and Mandatory CCP Inadequate On-line monitoring with AWQI)Section 5 of disinfection alarms(SCADA) Operations/Management Manual Potential for AWQI Schedule maintenance activities N Redundancy(2 filter trains °' Loss of treated and turbidity analyzers) >, See Contingency Plans(Contamination co water supply Operational control of Source Water and/or Unable to Q Turbidity Yes— >. analyzer failure Loss of pressure On-line monitoring with Supply Water, Loss of Pressure and Mandatory CCP alarms(SCADA) AWQI)Section 5 of Ts Manual 3 Potential for AWQI Schedule maintenance I- activities Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 25 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System Table 1: Risk Assessment Table for the Richmond Community Water Supply System Y N E A Activity or o = .0 r Process Description of Potential Result Available Monitoring& Emergency Procedure or r S R aim m Z CCP? Step Hazard of Hazard Control Measures Contingency Plans Y d x v co J co C rig L o I- I- On-line I- On-line monitoring with alarms(SCADA) Manual override of the Loss of treated operation of wells(Milltronics) See Contingency Plans(Contamination water supply of Source Water and/or Unable to PLC Failure High lift pumps operation on Supply Water, Monitoring Equipment 2 2 1 5 Loss of pressure local control panel Failure, Loss of Pressure and AWQI) Section 5 of Operations/Management Potential for AWQI Chlorine chemical feed Manual a) pumps operation through PID E Controller '9 No-Below risk CT Daily operator checks _ threshold for o) On-line monitoring with CCP .o alarms(SCADA) c Loss of system o monitoring and/or Manual override of the data loss operation of wells(Milltronics) See Contingency Plans(Contamination of Source Water and/or Unable to Loss of treated High lift pumps operation on Supply Water, Monitoring Equipment SCADA Failure water supply local control panel Failure, Loss of Pressure and AWQI) 2 2 1 5 Section 5 of Operations/Management Loss of pressure Chlorine chemical feed Manual pumps operation through PID Potential for AWQI Controller Daily operator checks Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 26 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System Table 1: Risk Assessment Table for the Richmond Community Water Supply System Y N E A Activity or o = .0 r Process Description of Potential Result Available Monitoring& Emergency Procedure or r S R aim m Z CCP? Step Hazard of Hazard Control Measures Contingency Plans Y a� d =v J co ti CL 0 I- I- On-line I- On-line monitoring with alarms(SCADA) Loss of call-out to operator of Manual override of the potential alarms operation of wells(Milltronics) See Contingency Plans(Contamination of Source Water and/or Unable to Alarm Dialer Loss of treated High lift pumps operation on Supply Water, Monitoring Equipment 2 2 1 5 Failure water supply local control panel Failure, Loss of Pressure and AWQI) Section 5 of Operations/Management Loss of pressure Chlorine chemical feed Manual pumps operation through PID Potential for AWQI Controller Daily operator checks _ Loss of disinfection On-line monitoring with 1 Low chlorine alarms(SCADA) residual Back-up chemical feed See Contingency Plans(Chemical Feed Chemical feed pumps with auto switchover Pump Failure, Low Chlorine Residual -FS pump failure Inadequate (redundancy) and AWQI)Section 5 of c inactivation of In-house residual testing Operations/Management Manual o pathogens Schedule maintenance Yes— i activities Mandatory CCP 0 Potential for AWQI c ° On-line monitoring with i a) Unknown chlorine alarms(SCADA) See Contingency Plans(Chlorine Analyzer Failure residual levels In-house residual testing Analyzer Failure, Low Chlorine Schedule maintenance Residual and AWQI)Section 5 of Potential for AWQI activities Operations/Management Manual Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 27 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System Table 1: Risk Assessment Table for the Richmond Community Water Supply System Y co != 0 A Activity or °o = .0 r Process Description of Potential Result Available Monitoring& Emergency Procedure or r �, Cu aima ° CCP? Step Hazard of Hazard Control Measures Contingency Plans Y d x s v co J Cl) ti C L O I- I- Inadequate H Inadequate On-line monitoring with Low Supply of disinfection alarms(SCADA) See Contingency Plans(AWQI)Section Sodium Hypochlorite In-house residual testing 5 of Operations/Management Manual Potential for AWQI Chemical availability Customer complaints; Low Repair;watermain disinfection pressure or high flows,visual procedures per Operations Manual, if at ground training. Watermain On-line indication/monitoring Repair parts ect.Stocked. Break within Adverse Water of flows from SCADA No-Below risk If necessary issue boil water advisory distribution not be aware of break. after consultation with MOH. 3 2 2 7 threshold for system causing Low pressure/ CCP low pressure/no back siphoning Follow procedures for See Contingency Plans(Main Break, water disinfection of watermains Low Pressure and AWQI)Section 5 of using AWWA Standard— Operations/Management Manual o C651-05 P Mapping g t' 0 Flush the system and resample. Corrective actions required by O.Reg. 170/03. Loss of chlorine Daily residual testing at far No-Below risk residual in end of system,weekly See Contingency Plans(Low Cl2 Adverse Water g• p g Residual and AWQI)Section 5 of threshold for distribution microbiological sampling at 1 4 1 6 CCP system locations in town,values are Operations/Management Manual tracked&trended on data spreadsheet Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 28 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System Table 1: Risk Assessment Table for the Richmond Community Water Supply System Y co = E A Activity or °o = = r a Process -45 Description of Potential Result Available Monitoring& Emergency Procedure or r G, R ma- s CCP? Step Hazard of Hazard Control Measures Contingency Plans Y > d = c) co J Cl) C rig L O I— I— Follow HFollow corrective action per O.Reg. 170/03. Follow procedures for If necessary,communicate issuance of disinfection of new boil water advisory after consultation Commissioning watermains using AWWA No-Below risk of new Adverse Water Standard—C605-05. with MOH. threshold for watermain/servic See Contingency Plans(Contamination 1 2 1 4 CCP e installation Check chlorine residuals and of Commissioning of New conduct microbiological Watermain/Service Installation and testing. AWQI)Section 5 of Operations/Management Manual Isolate area: Flush the system and sample as appropriate. Notify MOH and MOE Spill Action Backflow from No-Below risk private plumbing Contamination Design standards during Centre. If necessary,communicate threshold for (Cross upgrades issuance of boil water advisory after 1 2 3 6 CCP connection) consultation with MOH. See Contingency Plans(Backflow Failure and AWQI)Section 5 of Operations/Management Manual Visual inspection of pipe breaks,reduced flow in pipes, See Contingency Plans(Biofilm— inability to maintain chlorine Taste/Colour/Odour/Other Customer No-Below risk Adverse Water residual Complaints or Adverse Water and threshold for Biofilms Flushing and swabbing. 2 2 1 5 Replacement of old AWQI)Section 5 of CCP watermains based on Operations/Management Manual material,age,observations. Mapping Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 29 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System Table 2: Indentified Critical Control Points (CCPs) Identified Critical Control Points of the Richmond Community Water Supply System CCP Critical Control Limits Monitoring Procedures Response, Reporting and Recording Procedures SCADA(continuous on-line analyzers) Refer to: Free Chlorine Residual Alarms—Pre Weekly operator checks via plant data -Chemical Feed Pump Failure Primary Disinfection Alarms tracker—trend,review and sign-off as per Contingency Plan Low set point=0.85 mg/L O. Reg. 170/03 -Low Chlorine Residual Contingency Plan High set point=3.00 mg/L Operator on-site checks including CT -AWQI Contingency Plan caciculations if required SCADA(continuous on-line level Refer to: measurement) -Contamination of Source Water and/or Storage(Holding)Tank Low Level Alarm Weekly operator checks via plant data Unable to Supply Water Contingency Plan Storage(Holding)Tanks Low set point=0.50 meters tracker—trend,review and sign-off as per -AWQI Contingency Plan O. Reg. 170/03 Operator on-site checks including CT caciculations if required SCADA(continuous on-line analyzers) Refer to: Weekly operator checks via plant data -Contamination of Source Water and/or Turbidity Analyzers Turbidity Analyzer High Level Alarm tracker—trend,review and sign-off as per Unable to Supply Water Contingency Plan High set point= 1.00 NTU O. Reg. 170/03 -AWQI Contingency Plan Operator on-site checks including manual confirmation using hand-held unit Refer to: SCADA(continuous on-line monitoring) - Contamination of Source Water and/or UV Units UV Unit Failure Alarm Operator on-site checks Unable to Supply Water Contingency Plan -AWQI Contingency Plan SCADA(continuous on-line analyzers) Refer to: Weekly operator checks via plant data -Chemical Feed Pump Failure Free Chlorine Residual—Post Alarms tracker—trend,review and sign-off as per Contingency Plan Secondary Disinfection Low set point=0.40 mg/L O. Reg. 170/03 -Low Chlorine Residual Contingency Plan High set point=4.00 mg/L Operator on-site checks including CT -AWQI Contingency Plan caciculations if required Distribution chlorine residuals as per O. Reg. 170/03 Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 30 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System PROCEDURE C PERSONNEL COVERAGE 24/7 REGULAR HOURS AFTER HOURS Call Call 519-866-5521 or 519-874-4761 519-866-5521 Office Staff Follow Prompts Manager of Public Works Spectrum Communications receives pages ORO assesses bumps numbers until answered provides direction Staff ORO contacts On-Call Operator. Makes necessary repairs ORO directs staff as required Staff makes necessary repairs Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System PROCEDURE D WATER SUPPLY EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN AIM: The aim of this plan is to: ➢ Provide a guideline to assist the Municipality in responding to water supply emergency affecting residents, community or infrastructure within the Municipality of Bayham. ➢ Define the roles and responsibilities of municipal staff and departments, and supporting agencies during a water supply emergency. AUTHORITY AND CUSTODIAN: This plan is published as an Annex to the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Emergency Response Plan as established under By-law 2006-113, and the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, RSO 1990. The Custodian of this plan shall be the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Community Emergency Management Coordinator and Community Emergency Management Program Committee, who are responsible for annual review, revisions and testing of the plan. WATER SUPPLY EMERGENCY DEFINITION: A water supply emergency is defined as a situation wherein the lives or property of the Municipality of Bayham and residents of the municipality are threatened by the effects of a water supply emergency from: ➢ Contamination of the treated water supply ➢ A major or prolonged loss of water supply (24 hours or greater) NOTIFICATION AND IMPLEMENTATION: This plan may be implemented in whole or in part, as required, by the Municipality of Bayham ➢ Head of Council ➢ Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) ➢ Manager of Public Works ➢ Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC), or ➢ Municipality of Bayham Community Control Group with or without the declaration of an emergency by the Head of Council. This plan may be activated through the notification of the Head of Council, CAO or CEMC. Upon implementation, all participating departments and agencies will respond in accordance with the guidelines described within this plan. Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 32 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System AGENCY/INDIVIDUAL ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES: Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit ✓ Issuing a Seek Alternative Source Water Advisory or Boil Water Advisory v Request the activation of the Emergency Operation Centre(s) in the event of an emergency resulting from a major or prolonged water supply event. ✓ Act as lead agency to coordinate the County's response during a prolonged water supply emergency. ✓ Contact known schools and day care facilities who may be at high risk of severe health impacts due to water supply loss or contamination. ✓ Print and distribute materials on the Seek Alternative Source Water Advisory or Boil Water Advisory. ✓ Provide 24/7 "on call" service to respond to public inquiries regarding water related issues and refer concerned citizens' calls, as appropriate. ✓ Make necessary logistical arrangements for news conferences, as required. Water/Wastewater Department, Municipality of Bayham ✓ Determine the source of the water supply emergency. ✓ Immediate and ongoing consultation with the Ministry of Environment and Medical Officer of Health and will advise CEMC. ✓ Coordinate the delivery of potable water where vulnerable people are likely to gather, if required. ✓ Coordinate the delivery of potable water to designated pick-up centers, as required. ✓ Once water supply is restored, flushing of the system and the collection of samples for lab analysis until the Seek Alternative Source Water Advisory or Boil Water Advisory is lifted. Fire Department ✓ Increase awareness of, and report on, persons who may be vulnerable to the water supply emergency. ✓ Increase vigilance of how the water supply emergency affects firefighters' performing duties. ✓ Arrange alternate supply sources for fire protection in areas normally protected by municipal hydrants. Emergency Management Ontario (if necessary) V Provide advice, assistance, and liaison with the EOC Canadian Red Cross (if necessary) V Provide shelter management in times of declared disaster. ✓ Train on recognition of potential illness, first aid and personal disaster assistance training for staff and volunteers of community agencies who serve vulnerable clients. Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 33 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System Human Resources Manager (As Designated) ➢ Register and coordinate volunteer assistance Emergency Information Officer ➢ Coordinate communications with County/Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit of all press releases and information fact sheets issued. ➢ Coordinate local public inquiry messaging for staff. ➢ Develop public education strategies for vulnerable populations within the Municipality. Ontario Works ➢ Liaison with Red Cross for co-ordination of evacuation and emergency shelters Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 34 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System NOTIFICATION GUIDELINE: Elgin St. Thomas Public Health ➢ The Medical Officer of Health (or designate) activates a Seek Alternative Source Water Advisory or Boil Water Advisory and provides relevant fact sheets by fax or email to the regional media if an extended alert is anticipated. Municipality of Bayham • The Medical Officer of Health notifies the Mayor or CAO when a Seek Alternative Source Water Advisory or Boil Water Advisory. • The Municipality is responsible for internal notification of its staff and for the notification of their external partnering services. ➢ The Mayor, CAO and CEMC will consult with each other to determine if the Municipality of Bayham Community Control Group (CCG) will assemble to discuss the impacts of the issued Water Supply Emergency Alert. • If the CCG is to be assembled CCG members shall be notified in accordance with the Municipality of Bayham Emergency Response Plan Notification Protocol. Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 35 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System RESPONSE GUIDELINE: When a major or prolonged water supply emergency event is declared by the Warden of Elgin County and/or the Mayor of any municipality in Elgin County, the lead will be the Emergency Community Control Group at Elgin County. The Elgin County Community Control Group will provide direction to municipalities involved in the emergency in accordance with the mandate of the Elgin County CCG. The following guideline shall be followed when water supply conditions pose a threat to municipal infrastructure, property and/or residents. ➢ The Municipality of Bayham CCG will assemble upon request from the Elgin County CCG. ➢ The Municipality of Bayham Emergency Operation Center will be activated upon receiving a request from the Elgin County CCG for assistance or deployment of municipal resources. ➢ Upon activation of the EOC, the CCG will determine the most appropriate method of providing emergency response resources to facilitate effective response pertaining to the request of the Elgin County CCG. In the event the Elgin County CCG requests assistance from the Municipality of Bayham and the Bayham EOC is activated, the roles and responsibilities of municipal departments/representatives will include the following in addition to roles and responsibilities outlined in the Bayham ERP: Emergency Information Officer ➢ Develop and issue emergency evacuation information ➢ Coordinate communications with County of all press releases and information fact sheets issued. ➢ Coordinate local public inquiry messaging for staff. ➢ Develop public education strategies for vulnerable populations within the Municipality. Water/Wastewater Department ➢ Immediate and ongoing consultation with the Ministry of Environment and Medical Officer of Health and will advise CEMC. ➢ Coordinate the delivery of potable water where vulnerable people are likely to gather, if required. ➢ Coordinate the delivery of potable water to designated centers, as required. ➢ Increase awareness of, and report on, persons who may be vulnerable to the water supply emergency. ➢ Increase vigilance of how the water supply emergency affect water/wastewater employees working outside and performing duties Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 36 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System Fire Department ➢ Increase awareness of, and report on, persons who may be vulnerable to the water supply emergency. ➢ Increase vigilance of how the water supply emergency affects firefighters' performing duties. ➢ Arrange alternate supply sources for fire protection in areas normally protected by municipal hydrants. Roads Department ➢ Increase awareness of, and report on, persons who may be vulnerable to the water supply emergency. ➢ Increase vigilance of how the water supply emergency affects road employees working outside and performing duties. Deputy Clerk ➢ Set up of EOC ➢ Coordinate connection of EOC communications (e.g. phones, fax, email, etc.) ➢ Coordinate set up of public inquiry avenues (e.g. website update, phone inquiry messaging) Administrative Support Staff ➢ Registering members of public attending a water pick-up center(s) ➢ Staffing public inquiry phone lines ➢ Updating municipal website information and municipal sign ➢ Monitoring of water pick-up center supplies Clerk ➢ Register and coordinate volunteer assistance ➢ Coordinating volunteers and or municipal employees to staff (supervise) water pick-up center(s) RESOURCES Water Canadian Kool Water—53104 Vienna Line, Port Burwell, ON — Ph. 519-765-4970 Roses Sandytown Variety— 9292 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON — 519-866-5800 Mudford Family Food Town — 54362 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON — 519-866-5505 Beattie Bulk Water Supply— Mark Dreighie - 519 688-5076 GFS Bulk Water Services — Greg —519 633-1391 Water Pick-Up Facilities Municipal Council Chambers, 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON Bayham Community Centre, 54164 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON Vienna Community Centre, 26 Fulton Street, Vienna, ON Straffordville Fire Station, 55264 Third Street, Straffordville, ON Port Burwell Fire Station, 55451 Nova Scotia Line, Port Burwell, ON Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 37 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System TRAINING AND SUPPLIES Each participating agency is responsible for defining and providing the training required by its own staff in performing its emergency roles at its own cost. All costs and/or damages resulting from a water supply emergency will be forwarded to the Treasurer of the Municipality of Bayham for consideration and resolution. RECOVERY Recovery procedures will be implemented in accordance with the Municipality of Bayham Recovery/Business Continuity Plan. Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 38 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System PROCEDURE E INTERNAL AUDIT Internal audits will be conducted to ensure that the QMS conforms to the requirements of the Municipality of Bayham and of the DWQMS. These requirements include ensuring that the QMS has been effectively implemented and properly maintained. The Municipality of Bayham may, from time-to-time, request that trained auditors from a neighbouring municipality conduct internal audits. In turn, the Municipality of Bayham may provide the same service to other municipalities as the case arises. Audits Conducted by Bayham Auditors • All internal auditors must have successfully completed a recognized 14 hour Internal Auditor workshop Internal Audit Schedule • Internal audits are scheduled throughout the year. The assigned auditor's name will appear on the schedule. • Each element of the Standard is audited at least once during the fiscal year. Audit Planning • The auditor shall review all related QMS documentation and obtain the current version of the DWQMS checklist at least one week prior to the audit, which will include results from the previous internal and external audits. Conducting the Audit • The auditor shall observe activities, review records and interview personnel as necessary to ensure that the status of the audited element of the QMS has been effectively covered. Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 39 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System Reporting the Results • The auditor shall submit a completed checklist and report to the QMS Representative. • The report shall include any requirement for corrective actions. Corrective actions shall be communicated to the responsible individual and included as part of Management Review input. Audits Conducted by Another Municipality Auditors • Outside auditors must provide proof of competency prior to conducting an audit. • Current version of the DWQMS checklist must be used during the audit. Audit Schedule • Audits are to be conducted per the Municipality of Bayham schedule. Planning and Conducting the Audit and Reporting the Results • Audits may be planned and conducted per the procedures of the auditing Municipality. Prior approval by the Manager of Public Works. • Audit results may be reported per the procedures of the auditing municipality as long as the results are documented. Requirements for corrective action must be indicated. • Previous internal and external audits to be reviewed prior to the commencement of a new audit. Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 40 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System PROCEDURE F MANAGEMENT REVIEW This procedure defines the Management Review process to ensure the continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the QMS. Review Frequency Management Reviews shall be conducted on an annual basis. Review Participants The QMS Representative convenes the management review. Attendees shall include the QMS Representative and the Chief Administrating Office (Top Management). Review Input The QMS Representative shall provide information and data concerning the following categories, for the review: ▪ Incidents of regulatory non-compliance ▪ Incidents of adverse drinking water tests ▪ Deviations from critical control point limits and response actions ▪ Efficacy of the risk assessment process ▪ Results of internal and 3rd party audits ▪ Results of relevant emergency response testing ▪ Operational performance and water quality trends including raw water supply ▪ Follow-up on actions items from previous management reviews ▪ Status of action items (if any) identified between reviews ▪ Changes in resource requirements, infrastructure, process, personnel, Drinking Water Quality Management Standard or regulations that could affect the QMS ▪ Resources needed to maintain the Quality Management System ▪ Operational plan currency, content and updates ▪ Consumer feedback, and ▪ Staff suggestions Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 41 Municipality of Bayham—Richmond Community Water Supply System Review Process The Management Review shall be a planned event. An appropriate time shall be set aside by the participants to ensure a thorough review of the QMS is conducted. Each input category shall be reviewed in order to identify if, where and when improvements to the QMS and its procedures are required. The QMS Representative shall make note of any changes or action items required during the course of the review. Review Output A list of changes required to be made to procedures or other QMS based documentation and processes and/or amendments must be made prior to the next annual internal audit. Complete a list of "action" items if applicable. Action items shall identify the individual responsible. A list of recommendation(s) for any human or financial resources may be required to maintain and improve the QMS. The QMS Representative shall maintain minutes of management review. These minutes shall include the date and time of the review activity and the name of participants. The QMS Representative shall review findings to the owner annually. Operational Plan Revision 1.3 19-June-15 42 -v,AYHAdv? * k • REPORT - # k y PHYSICAL SERVICES App_-l"tunit3' Is���� TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Ed Roloson, Manager of Capital Projects—Water/Wastewater DATE: December 6, 2018 REPORT: PS-07/18 SUBJECT: DRINKING WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT STANDARDS BACKGROUND Municipal drinking water systems owners are required to operate their water systems with a valid license and incorporate a quality management system into their operations as implemented under • the Safe Drinking Water Act. Licenses are issued by the MECP (Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks)to the owners upon approval of a drinking water works permit, an acceptable operational plan from the operating authority that documents a quality management system (endorsed by the system owners), an accredited operating authority, a financial plan for the system(s), and a permit to take water if applicable. DISCUSSION In order to comply with the requirements set out in the Drinking Water Quality Management Standard the owners (Council) of the systems) must re-endorse the quality management system at the beginning of a new Council term. The current operational plans for the Bayham and Richmond Water Systems are attached hereto for review. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Staff Report PS-07/18 re Drinking Water Quality Management Standards be received for information; 2. AND THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham endorse both the Bayham Water Distribution System and the Richmond Community Water System Operational Plans; 3. AND THAT the Bayham Water Distribution System and the Richmond Community Water System Operational Plans be reviewed annually by staff and revisions made as necessary to maintain and improve the quality management system. Respectfully Submitted by: Reviewed by: Ed Roloson Paul Shipway Manager of Capital Projects — CAOICIerk Water/Wastewater 16XIM4-4/: 4,4rippi --i ,, *of 16011-411111 REPORT 4111111111.•- OP .1?) CAO ppu unity Is�o� TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Paul Shipway, CAOICIerk DATE: December 6, 2018 REPORT: CAO-77/18 SUBJECT: ADVISORY BOARD & COMMITTEE POLICY BACKGROUND: On December 21, 2017 the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham passed By-law No. 2017-126, being a By-law to establish an Advisory Board & Committee Policy. On January 4, 2018 the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham passed By-law No. 2018-006, being a By-law to appoint Board and Committee Members. DISCUSSION Generally Council reviews all Advisory Boards and Committees and their respective mandates at the commencement of each term of Council prior to appointments for the same. ADVISORY BOARD &COMMITTEE POLICY Pursuant to Section 5— Municipal Responsibilities of the Advisory Board & Committee Policy the Municipality is to: • Provide Advisory Board and Committee Members with written Advisory Board and Committee portfolios outlining the mandate of each Advisory Board and Committee. On September 7, 2017 Report CAO-56/17 re Port Burwell Blue Flag Beach Feasibility Study presented the results of the Port Burwell Blue Flag Beach Feasibility Study including recommendations to obtain Blue Flag Beach Status. One of the recommendations was as follows: • Form a Beach Management Committee o The Harbourfront Committee does not have a quorum of members. The Committee could have a name change and a new terms of reference drafted with requests for members of LPRCA and the Otter Valley Naturalists to join the Committee to satisfy this requirement. On March 15, 2018 the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham passed By-law No. 2018-036, being a by-law for prescribing standards for the maintenance and occupancy of property within the Municipality of Bayham. By-law No. 2018-036 repealed the following By-law Nos. 2002-009, 2002-10, 2002-087, 2004-017, 2004-092, 2012-077. Attached hereto as Appendix 'A' is the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board & Committee Policy including revised and/or new Terms of Reference for the following Advisory Boards and Committees: • Museums Bayham o Removal of reference to Edison Museum and 14 Snow Street o Addition of Curator role to the Terms of Reference • Bayham Joint Cemetery Board o No Changes to Terms of Reference • Blue Flag Beach Advisory Committee o New Terms of Reference • Property Standards Committee o New Terms of Reference No other changes have been made to the Advisory Board & Committee Policy. 2018-2022 COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM APPOINTMENTS At the commencement of each term of Council and as required the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham makes appointments to the following Boards & Committees: Name Meeting Frequency Municipality of Bayham Court of Revision As required (Council Chambers) Municipality of Bayham Committee of Adjustment As required (Council Chambers) LPRCA Monthly (LPRCA Administration Office) Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System Joint Quarterly (City of London)—Township of Board of Management Malahide attends as the administering Municipality Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply System Quarterly (Township of Malahide) Elgin Group Joint Police Services Board Quarterly (Elgin County Administration Building) Joint Otter Valley Utility Corridor Board of As required (Municipality of Bayham or Town of Management Tillsonburg) Elgin County Land Division Committee I Monthly (Elgin County Administration Building) Further to the above noted information on November 1, 2018 the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham passed the following resolutions: Resolution No. 1 THAT correspondence from the County of Elgin re Land Division Committee be received for information; AND THAT staff be directed to post a notice to recruit an applicant to serve as a member of the Land Division Committee; AND THAT a letter of thanks be sent to Mr. Brent Stewart for his years of service. On November 27, 2018 the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin passed the following resolution: THAT County Council proceed with local appointments to the Land Division Committee as requested by County CAO on October 2, 2018 and continue with the ongoing review of the Land Division Committee, land division process and fees and report the results to the next term of County Council; and THAT County Council, on a one-time basis, permit the three (3) members who have served two consecutive terms to reapply to the committee, forgoing the sunset clause in Council's Procedural By-Law 18-38 (Section 37). Elgin County Land Division applications are attached hereto as Appendix Resolution No. 2 THAT correspondence from the County of Elgin re Elgin Group Police Services Board be received for information; AND THAT the correspondence be deferred for consideration to the 2018— 2022 term of Council. RECOMMENDATION NO. 1 1. THAT Report CAO-77/18 re Advisory Board & Committee Policy be received for information; 2. AND THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham approve the Terms of Reference for Municipality of Bayham Advisory Boards and Committees as presented; 3. AND THAT staff be directed to bring forward a by-law to adopt the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board & Committee Policy for Council consideration; 4. AND THAT staff be directed to bring forward a by-law to repeal By-law No. 2018-006 for Council consideration; 5. AND THAT staff be directed to post notice for recruitment pursuant to the Advisory Board and Committee Policy. RECOMMENDATION NO. 2 1. THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham appoints persons as follows: a. Committee of Adjustment i. Appointees: • Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham • Secretary-Treasurer— Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator Margaret Underhill • Chairperson — Mayor • Alternate Chairperson — Deputy Mayor b. Court of Revision i. Appointees: • Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham • Chairperson — Mayor • Alternate Chairperson — Deputy Mayor c. Long Point Region Conservation Authority i. Appointees (Representing Malahide & Bayham): • d. Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System Joint Board of Management i. Appointees (Representing Aylmer, Malahide & Bayham) • • (Alternate) e. Port Burwell Secondary Water Supply System i. Appointees • • (Alternate) f. Elgin Group Joint Police Services Board i. Appointees (Representing Malahide & Bayham) • g. Joint Otter Valley Utility Corridor Board of Management i. Appointees: • • • h. Elgin County Land Division Committee i. Appointees • 2. AND THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham direct staff to bring forward an Appointment By-law for Council consideration at the conclusion of the Advisory Board & Committee recruitment process for Council consideration. Respectfully Submitted by: Paul Shipway CAOICIerk v,xyHAA,z #47,14A ofit 4116.— 4e, Portunity I�4 j0 Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Date of Council Approval: December 6, 2018 Date of Latest Revision: Policy Name: Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Policy Section 1 - Purpose The Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Policy will guide a consistent, accountable approach to working with Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Members. The Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Policy in conjunction with the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Rules of Procedure, attached hereto as Appendix 'A', will guide current and future Advisory Board and Committee Member activity throughout the Municipality of Bayham. The Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Policy is part of a broader Municipal effort to participate in meaningful, transparent engagement with all residents of the Municipality of Bayham. Section 2 - Scope The Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Policy governs Municipal responsibilities to its Advisory Board and Committee Members, as well as the selection, orientation and safety of Advisory Board and Committee Members. The Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Policy also governs Advisory Board and Committee Member rights and Advisory Board and Committee Member responsibilities to the Municipality. Section 3 - Philosophy Advisory Boards and Committees have been, and will continue to be, an integral component of the Municipality. Advisory Board and Committee Members complement and support the work of Councillors and staff, accomplish important tasks that would not otherwise be done, and support programs that could cease to exist without Advisory Board and Committee Member participation. The Municipality recognizes and greatly values the commitment and contributions of Advisory Board and Committee Members to furthering the mandate, objectives and activities of Advisory Boards and Committees of the Municipality. Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Members enhance and augment programs within the Municipality. Advisory Board and Committee Members bring a wide variety of skills, knowledge and experience, all of which combine to strengthen the Municipality. Therefore, the Municipality strives to provide Advisory Board and Committee Members with a meaningful portfolio that suits their skills, as well as a rewarding and challenging community-oriented experience for all those interested in the goal of enhancing the Municipality of Bayham. Section 4 - Advisory Board and Committee Member Recognition Program The Council of the Municipality of Bayham shall every four years, in the final year of a term of Council recognize Advisory Board or Committee Members and Community Volunteers by hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Night. All Advisory Board and Committee Members and Community Volunteers will have the opportunity to attend and celebrate volunteerism in the Municipality of Bayham. Section 5 — Municipal Responsibilities In working with Advisory Boards and Committees, the Municipality will fulfill the following responsibilities: a) Ensure that Councillors and staff recognize the role of Advisory Board and Committee Members; b) Provide Advisory Board and Committee Members with the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Rules of Procedure outlining the conduct of business at Advisory Board and Committee Meetings; c) Provide Advisory Board and Committee Members with written Advisory Board and Committee portfolios outlining the mandate of each Advisory Board and Committee, a copy of which is attached hereto as Appendix 'B' and shall be amended from time to time; d) Provide Advisory Board and Committee Members with appropriate orientation to the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Policy and supporting documentation. Section 6 - Selection and Placement Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Members are appointed and operate based on the concept of Equal Opportunity and Diversity. The Municipality maintains a strong policy of equal opportunity. The Municipality accepts, and dismisses Advisory Board and Committee Members on the basis of personal competence, performance and dedication, without regard to race, colour, ancestry, national origin, age, gender, or sexual orientation. The process for selection, placement and dismissal from Municipality of Bayham Advisory Boards and Committees is as detailed in the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Rules of Procedure. An applicant must submit the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Application Form, a copy of which is attached hereto as Appendix 'C', to initiate the selection and placement process. Section 7 - Orientation Every Advisory Board and Committee Member shall be required to attend one (1) orientation session. It is the responsibility of the CAOICIerk to: a) Provide an overview of the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Members rights and responsibilities, including Advisory Board and Committee Member responsibilities pertaining to confidentiality; b) Provide a comprehensive Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Accessibility Handbook to all Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Members. Additionally, every Advisory Board and Committee Member shall have a clearly identified Advisory Board or Committee Chair and a Council or staff representative who will be available for consultation and support. Section 8 - Advisory Board and Committee Member Responsibilities Advisory Board and Committee Members have the responsibility to fulfill the role of an Advisory Board and Committee Member as outlined in the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Rules of Procedure and Code of Conduct in addition to the following: a) Act as an ambassador of the Municipality of Bayham in the community in an effort to spread knowledge and understanding of the mandate of the specific Advisory Board or Committee; b) Not falsely represent the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Boards and Committees to outside partners, agencies or the public; c) Respect confidences and privacy of the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Boards and Committees; d) Be held accountable for their actions; e) Be wiling to learn and grow in the Advisory Board and Committee position; f) Work cooperatively with Municipality of Bayham Councillors and staff, recognizing and appreciating differences of opinion; g) Be considerate, respect competencies and work as a team with all staff and other Advisory Board and Committee Members; h) Complete the training and/or orientation provided; i) Immediately clarify any uncertainties with the Advisory Board or Committee Chair, Councillor or staff representative; j) Follow all applicable policies, procedures and by-laws established by the Municipality of Bayham. k) Be required to sign a confidentiality statement; I) Advisory Board and Committee activity participants under the age of eighteen (18) years must be accompanied by an adult (either a parent, guardian, staff person or Advisory Board and Committee Member supervisor); Section 9 - Accessibility The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) received Royal Ascent on June 13th, 2005 and is legislation which impacts persons, businesses and other organizations across Ontario in both the Public and Private sector. The main purpose of the legislation is the achievement of accessibility for all Ontarians with disabilities with respect to goods, services, facilities, accommodation, employment, building structures and premises on or before January 1st, 2025, by developing, implementing and enforcing standards of accessibility. Compliance is mandatory and AODA has strong enforcement provisions including inspections, orders and significant penalties. While serving on any Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board or Committee, all Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Members shall comply with all Municipality of Bayham Accessibility Policies. Municipality of Bayham Advisory Boards and Committees shall also ensure that adequate provisions are made to ensure that Places of Meeting, Agenda and Minute formats, communications and conduct of meetings are accessible, to provide maximum participation. Reference may be made to the provisions of the Municipality of Bayham Accessibility Handbook, a copy of which is attached hereto as Appendix 'D'. Section 10 - Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act applies to all local government organizations, including: a) municipalities e) fire departments b) school boards f) conservation authorities c) public utilities g) boards of health d) transit and police commissions h) other local boards The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act requires the Municipality to protect the privacy of an individual's personal information existing in government records and provides a right of access to information held by the Municipality. The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act creates a privacy protection scheme the Municipality must follow to protect an individual's right to privacy. The scheme includes rules regarding the collection, use, disclosure and disposal of personal information in the custody and control of the Municipality. The Municipality, as a whole, including Advisory Boards and Committees, are accountable for complying with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. It is against the law to release any personal information to anyone other than the person that the information is about. As such, all Advisory Board and Committee members must sign the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Confidentiality Statement, attached hereto as Appendix 'E'. The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 48, provides for penalties for contravention of the said Act. Examples of personal information include, but are not limited to, the following information about an identifiable individual: a) race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital or family status; b) education, medical, psychiatric, criminal or employment history; c) financial transactions involving an individual; d) any identifying number assigned to an individual; e) home address, telephone number; f) fingerprints, blood type; g) personal opinions of or about an individual; h) correspondence between an individual and the Municipality of a confidential nature; i) individual's name if it appears with other personal information or disclosure of the name would reveal other personal information. The Municipality of Bayham CAOICIerk is responsible for processing all access requests, gives direction to Municipal staff on informal information requests and implements privacy protection practices. If an Advisory Board or Committee Member is unsure about the requirements pertaining to information or a record in their possession, the Advisory Board or Committee Member should contact the Municipality of Bayham CAOICIerk prior to disclosure of any record or information for instruction. Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160 56169 Heritage Line Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 Phone: 519-866-5521 Web site: www.bayham.on.ca Section 11 - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act strives to control the actions of elected and appointed Municipal representatives by obliging them to publicly disclose any direct or indirect pecuniary interests they have in a matter before Council, Committee and Advisory Boards or Committees. Conflict of interest legislation is limited to pecuniary interests. The term "pecuniary interest" is not defined in the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, but includes direct, indirect and deemed pecuniary interests. Its dictionary definition is "to relate to money". The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act captures several scenarios that are not immediately apparent as conflicts; a) A direct or indirect pecuniary interest is a financial interest that an Advisory Board or Committee Member (which includes an Advisory Board or Committee Member's parent, spouse, partner, child (not restricted to a person 18 years of age. It includes natural children, adopted children, and those or treated as child. Accordingly, stepchildren, nephews and nieces, foster children)) or controlling interest in a corporation, has in a matter before an Advisory Committee or Board; b) An Advisory Board or Committee Member who is a partner of a person, or who is in the employment of a person or body that has a pecuniary interest in a matter must declare a conflict of interest; c) Whether the financial interest is positive or negative is immaterial for the purposes of Municipal Conflict of Interest; d) Municipal Conflict of Interest Act lists a number of conflicts of interest that do not need to be declared under the statute. If an Advisory Board or Committee Member has a conflict of Interest the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires: a) the Advisory Board or Committee Member to disclose the pecuniary interest; b) the Advisory Board or Committee Member to not influence before, during or after a vote; c) the Advisory Board or Committee Member to not participate in the discussion or decision making; d) the Advisory Board or Committee Member to leave the room, if the matter is dealt with in-camera under the provisions of the Municipal Act, 2001; In the event of an alleged contravention, an elector may bring an application before a Judge of the Ontario Court of Justice for a determination of whether an Advisory Board or Committee Member has contravened the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. Section 12 - Advisory Board and Committee Member Health and Safety Advisory Board and Committee Members should never be asked to do anything unsafe, and have the right to refuse any request, function or activity they feel is unsafe. The Municipality of Bayham has a wide range of interactions with Advisory Board and Committee Members and therefore expects that different approaches shall apply to different Advisory Board and Committee activities. It is important that approaches be designed within an overall policy framework across the entire Municipality of Bayham. The health and safety of Advisory Board and Committee Members is paramount and will be managed in accordance with the same principles and processes as that of Councillors and staff. All Advisory Board and Committee projects will comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations, and the Municipality of Bayham Occupational Health and Safety Policies. Health and safety instruction and training relevant to the specific Advisory Board and Committees will be provided to Advisory Board and Committee Members based on their specific Advisory Board and Committee Health and Safety Profile, which shall include access to the Municipality of Bayham Health and Safety Policy Manual. Training for Advisory Board and Committee Members shall comprise of a health and safety introduction and specialized training or continuing training as required for each specific Advisory Board and Committee. The introduction shall ensure that Advisory Board and Committee Members understand their duties, rights, responsibilities, health and safety issues and accident and emergency procedures. Advisory Board and Committee Members shall have the following responsibilities: a) Be familiar with the applicable requirements of the Municipality's Health and Safety Policy and the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations, and ensure compliance with the same; b) Take every possible precaution to protect themselves, fellow Advisory Board and Committee Members and the public from health hazards and unsafe situations; c) Properly wear and use personal protective equipment where required; d) Familiarize themselves with the location and operation of all safety equipment including first-aid kits and fire extinguishers; e) Be responsible for the prompt reporting to their Chair, Councillor or staff person of health and safety hazards, unsafe acts or conditions, accident and injuries; f) To not engage in any prank, contest, feat of strength, unnecessary running or rough boisterous conditions. Advisory Board and Committee Members must report all accidents and injuries to their Chair, Councillor or staff person immediately. The Chair, Councillor or Staff person shall notify the Health and Safety Committee of the accident or injury immediately. Advisory Board and Committee Members are prohibited from using or possessing illicit drugs, alcohol or using prescription drugs in any way that is illegal. Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Members under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol will not be tolerated, and will result in the Advisory Board and Committee Member's dismissal. Section 13 - Insurance and Liability The issue of liability is based on the principle that people are responsible for their conduct in the course of daily activities. Failure to conduct oneself in a responsible and reasonable manner could result in a tort. A tort is a civil wrong as opposed to a criminal wrong and occurs when negligent conduct results in some injury to others. Negligent conduct can include acts of commission or omission. The resulting damage might be to either person or property. Advisory Board and Committee Members, inclusive of Student, Affiliate and single day volunteers, while acting within a specific Advisory Board and Committee established mandate and under the control and direction of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham are covered by the Municipality of Bayham General Liability Insurance Policy. Advisory Board and Committee Members acknowledge the following: 1. Advisory Board and Committee Members shall not be covered by Workplace Safety Insurance Board coverage. 2. Advisory Board and Committee Members will abide by all applicable Municipal by-laws, policies and rules, as may be amended from time to time. 3. Advisory Board and Committee Members will not use facilities, equipment and property owned by the Municipality without approval of a Municipal staff person, and will not use them for personal purposes. RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM TABLE OF CONTENTS - ADVISORY BOARD AND COMMITTEE PROCEDURAL BY-LAW MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM SECTION TITLE 1 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION 2 GENERAL PROVISIONS 3 DUTIES OF ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 4 MEETINGS 5 ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 6 AGENDAS AND MINUTES 7 ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS 8 RULES OF DEBATE AND CONDUCT 9 MOTIONS 10 VOTING ON MOTIONS 11 CONDUCT OF AUDIENCE 12 ADMINISTRATION BY-LAW NO. 2018- OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BEING A BY-LAW TO GOVERN THE PROCEEDINGS OF MUNICIPAL ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMITTEES OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND OF THE CONDUCT OF ITS MEMBERS WHEREAS Section 238(2) of the Municipal Act, S.O.2001, c.25 as amended, requires every Municipality to pass a Procedural By-law for governing the calling, place and proceedings of meetings; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham supports and acknowledges the value of Advisory Boards and Committees and there Members; AND WHEREAS the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it advisable to enact a By-law to govern the proceedings of Municipal Advisory Boards and Committees, the conduct of its Members and the calling of Meetings, and to provide for procedures and statutory requirements in accordance with the Act; NOW THEREFORE the Council for The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: Section 1 — DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION 1.1 For the purposes of this By-law; unless stated otherwise or the context requires a different meaning: "Advisory Board or Committee" shall mean a board or committee appointed by Council to act in an advisory capacity to Council on operational and strategic issues during the full term of Council. "CAOICIerk" shall mean the CAOICIerk of the Municipality of Bayham. "Chair" shall mean the Member appointed as such by the Advisory Board or Committee. "Council" shall mean the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham. "Councillor" shall mean a person elected or appointed as a Member of Council but does not include the Mayor. "Delegation" shall mean a person or group of persons desiring to verbally present information or to make a request to the Advisory Board or Committee. "Mayor" shall mean the Head of Council for the Municipality. "Meeting" shall mean any Meeting of the Advisory Board or Committee. "Member" shall mean a Member an Advisory Board or Committee of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham. "Motion" shall mean a question or proposal to be considered by the Advisory Board or Committee and which is moved and is subject to debate. When a Motion is adopted, it becomes a Resolution. "Municipal Act" shall mean the Municipal Act, 2001,(S.O.2001, c. 25), as amended or replaced from time to time. "Pecuniary Interest" shall mean a direct or indirect Pecuniary Interest within the meaning of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, R.S.O.1990, chapter M.50, as may be amended. "Point of Order" shall mean a statement made by a Member during a Meeting drawing to the attention of the Chair a breach of the Rules of Procedure. "Point of Privilege" shall mean the raising of a question that concerns a Member, or all of the Members of Council, when a Member believes that his rights, immunities or integrity or the rights, immunities or integrity of the Advisory Board or Committee as a whole have been impugned. "Presiding Member" shall mean the Chair of the Meeting. "Quorum" shall be as defined in Section 4.8 of this Procedural By-law. "Resolution" shall mean a formal expression of opinion or intention by and Advisory Board or Committee. "Rules of Procedure" shall mean the rules and requirements contained within this Procedural By-law. "Secretariat" shall mean the person elected by the Advisory Board or Committee responsible for the preparation of Agendas and taking of Minutes for the Advisory Board or Committee "Municipality" shall mean the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham. "Vice Chair" shall mean such Member of an Advisory Board or Committee who has been elected to act in the place and stead of the Chair when such Chair is absent from a meeting of the Advisory Board or Committee for any cause and who shall exercise all the rights, power and authorities of the Chair. "Website" shall mean the Municipality of Bayham website address identified as www.bayham.on.ca Section 2 - GENERAL PROVISIONS 2.1 Applicability 2.1.1 Save as otherwise provided herein, the procedural rules and requirements of this by-law shall be observed in all Advisory Board and Committee Meetings and shall be the rules and requirements which govern the order of their business. 2.1.2 This By-law applies to the creation, amendment and dissolution of Advisory Boards and Committees and to appointments for representation of the public, Staff and Members of Council as authorized by Council on Advisory Boards and Committees. 2.1.3 This by-law outlines a fair and equitable approach and process for the establishment and operation of Advisory Boards and Committees. 2.2 Issue not Addressed 2.2.1 If an issue is raised that is not expressly addressed in this By-law, the issue shall be decided by the Chair or Vice Chair, subject to an appeal to the Advisory Board or Committee, as the case may be. 2.2.2 All points of order or procedure not provided for in these Rules of Procedure shall be decided in accordance with the rules of procedure known as Robert's Rules of Order. 2.4 Communication Devices 2.4.1 All communication devices shall be switched to `silent' upon entering the location where any Council or Committee Meeting is being held. Section 3 - DUTIES OF ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 3.1 Duties of the Chair 3.1.1 It shall be the duty of the Chair to carry out the following responsibilities: a) to open the Meeting of the Advisory Board or Committee by taking the Chair and calling the Members to order; b) to announce the business before the Advisory Board or Committee in the order in which it is to be acted on; c) to receive and submit, in the manner prescribed by this Procedural By-law, all Matters of Business presented by Members; d) to recognize any Member who wishes to speak and to determine the order of the speakers; e) to put to vote all questions which are regularly moved or necessarily arise in the course of the proceedings and to announce the results; f) to participate as an active and voting member, encouraging active participation by all Advisory Board and Committee members; g) to decline to put to vote motions which contravene the provisions of this Procedural By-law; h) to enforce the provisions of the Procedural By-law; i) to enforce on all occasions, the observance of order and decorum among the Members; j) to call by name, any Member refusing to comply with this Procedural By-law and to order the Member to vacate the place of Meeting; k) to cause to be expelled and excluded any member of the public who creates a disturbance or acts improperly during a Meeting; I) to authenticate, by signature, all Meeting minutes; m) to rule on any points of order raised by Members; n) to represent and support the decisions of the Advisory Board or Committee, declaring its will and explicitly and implicitly obeying its decisions in all things; o) to be the point of contact with Council, staff and any media relations; p) to review the goals and objectives of the Advisory Board or Committee and ensure the work plan is realistic, up-to-date and being followed; q) to recognize workload limitations of the Advisory Board or Committee; r) to adjourn the Meeting when the business is concluded. 3.2 Duties of the Vice Chair 3.2.1 Where the Chair gives notice that he will be absent from the Advisory Board or Committee, or of his absence through illness, or he refuses to act, then the Vice Chair shall act in his place and instead of the Chair and, while so acting, has and may exercise all the rights, powers and authority of the Chair. 3.3 Duties of the Members of Advisory Boards and Committees 3.3.1 It shall be the duty of the Members to carry out the role of the Advisory Board or Committee as set forth in the Advisory Board or Committee mandate, in addition to the following responsibilities: a) to deliberate on the business submitted to the Advisory Board or Committee; b) to vote when a motion is put to a vote, except where otherwise disqualified from doing so by law; c) to apply and respect the Rules of Procedure; d) to attend all scheduled and special Advisory Board or Committee meetings, sending regrets otherwise; e) to understand his role and expectations, including all applicable Municipality Policies; f) to follow the agenda and stay focused on the topic at hand; g) to understand and follow the mandate of the Advisory Board or Committee, including its relationship to Council; h) to understand and respect the role and expectations of all participants; i) to develop and maintain a climate where mutual support, trust, respect, courtesy, teamwork, creativity and a sense of humour are valued; j) to maintain a high degree of professionalism, discharging all duties with honour and integrity in order that the member may merit the trust and confidence of the citizens of the Municipality of Bayham, Council and staff; k) to respect the individual worth and dignity of other members and, at all times, work together to achieve a common vision for the community, utilizing the diverse knowledge, expertise and talents of all members to optimal advantage; I) to challenge ideas and not people, creating a climate where it is okay to disagree; m) to communicate directly, concisely and honestly, listening without interruption, and be open-minded, allowing a variety of opinions to be heard; n) to work effectively with the administration to provide excellent service to residents, recognizing the professional obligations of staff as an employee of the Municipality and not intervening in administrative practices; o) to respect that resolutions made shall reflect the majority view of the Advisory Board or Committee; p) to respect that decisions of Council are final and accurately communicate the decisions of Council even if they disagree with the majority decision of the Advisory Board or Committee; q) to respect confidential information; r) to attend any training session for Members. 3.3.2 Members shall adhere to the Advisory Board and Committee Code of Conduct attached hereto as Schedule "A", as adopted by Council and as amended from time to time. 3.3.3 Advisory Boards or Committees may appoint Affiliate or Student Members from time to time. Affiliate or Student Members shall be bound by Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 of this Procedural By-law; however, Affiliate and Student Members shall have no voting privileges. 3.4 Duties of the Council Members and Staff on Advisory Boards and Committees 3.4.1 It shall be the duty of Council Members and staff appointed to Advisory Boards and Committees to carry out the role of the Member as set forth in the Section 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 of this By-law, in addition to the following responsibilities: a) to contact Advisory Board or Committee Chairs if issues or concerns related to Members or staff arise and ensure conflict resolution mechanisms are employed, where appropriate; b) to assist the Advisory Board or Committee by offering policy advice on matters within the purview of the Advisory Board or Committee; c) to assist the Chair in preparing any reports or action items. 3.4.2 Council Members and staff shall only vote if the Terms of Reference or mandate of the individual Advisory Board or Committee permit. 3.5 Duties of the Secretariat of Advisory Boards and Committees 3.5.1 It shall be the duty of the Member elected as Secretariat to the Advisory Board or Committee to carry out the role of the Member as set forth in the Section 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 of this By-law, in addition to the following responsibilities: a) to prepare agendas including relevant resolutions in cooperation with the Chair; b) to electronically distribute agendas to Members before a meeting; c) to arrange for or set up of meeting areas, giving consideration to the nature of the matters to be discussed, any audio-visual requirements, attendance by the public and ensuring accessibility for all in compliance with the Municipality Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Handbook; d) to arrange for attendance of invited guests at meetings, in conjunction with the Chair; e) to record when the meeting started and adjourned; f) to record the Members present and absent; g) to take minutes, recording a summary of the discussion for each item, actions to be taken and recommendations, including the names of the movers of motions; h) to finalize minutes for distribution. Section 4 - MEETINGS 4.1 Place of Meeting 4.1.1 Unless otherwise directed by the Advisory Board or Committee, all Meetings shall be held in Municipal facilities. 4.2 Inaugural Meeting 4.2.1 The Inaugural Meeting of the Advisory Board or Committee shall be held at a time determined by the Council or staff Member appointed to the Advisory Board or Committee. 4.2.2 The Advisory Board or Committee Council or staff Member shall be responsible for the location, content and format of the Agenda for the Inaugural Meeting and all arrangements related thereto. 4.3 Regular Meetings 4.3.1 Regular Meetings of Advisory Boards and Committees shall be held on a set schedule with fixed start times to be determined by the Advisory Board or Committee at its Inaugural Meeting, which schedule will be provided to the CAOICIerk immediately following the Inaugural Meeting. 4.3.2 Where a change is made to the day and time of an Advisory Board or Committee Meeting, the Chair shall give notice of the change to all Members via email. 4.6 Meetings Open to Public 4.6.1 Subject to Section 4.7 of this Procedural By-law, Meetings shall be open to the public and no person shall be excluded therefrom except for improper conduct. 4.6.2 The Chair may request that members of the public vacate the Place of Meeting if their behaviour is deemed to be disruptive to the business at hand. The Chair may unilaterally suspend the Meeting until order is restored in the Place of Meeting. 4.7 Closed Meetings 4.7.1 Except as otherwise provided herein, all Meetings shall be open to the public. 4.7.2 The Advisory Board or Committee may, by resolution, close a Meeting or part of a Meeting to members of the public if the subject matter being considered is: a) the security of the property of the Municipality or Local Board; b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including Municipal and Local Board Employees; c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Municipality; d) labour relations or employee negotiations; e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the Municipality; f) the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; g) a matter in respect of which the Council is authorized by another provincial statute to hold a closed meeting; h) information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board by Canada, a province or territory or a Crown agency of any of them; i) a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization; j) a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial or financial information that belongs to the municipality or local board and has monetary value or potential monetary value; or k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board. 4.7.3 A motion by the Advisory Board or Committee, to close a Meeting or part of a Meeting to the public shall state: a) the fact of the holding of the closed Meeting; b) the general nature of the subject matter to be considered at the closed Meeting. 4.7.4 Where a Meeting or part of a Meeting is closed to the public, the Advisory Board or Committee shall request those persons not specifically invited to the closed Meeting to vacate the Place of Meeting. 4.7.5 A Meeting or part of a Meeting shall not be closed to the public during a vote. 4.7.6 The Motion to rise from "In Camera" shall include the time that the Advisory Board or Committee arose. 4.7.7 The Secretariat shall record without note or comment all resolutions, decisions and other proceedings at a Meeting of the Advisory Board or Committee when it is closed to the public. 4.7.8 Members shall ensure that confidential matters disclosed to them during closed Meetings are kept confidential. Any breach of confidential matters disclosed during closed Meetings shall be subject to the sanctions contained in the Advisory Board and Committee Code of Conduct. 4.8 Quorum 4.8.1 Quorum shall be a simple majority of the total Advisory Board or Committee Members, including any vacancies. Subcommittees and Working Groups are subject to quorum rules Advisory Boards and Committees may appoint working group and sub committiees). 4.8.2 If a Quorum is not present within thirty (30) minutes after the time appointed for the Meeting, the Secretariat shall record the names of the Members present and the Meeting shall stand adjourned until the date of the next Regular Meeting or other Meeting called in accordance with the provisions of this Procedural By-law. 4.9 Adjournment - Due Hour 4.9.1 Except as provided in Section 9.1.16 of this Procedural By-law, a Regular or Special Meeting of an Advisory Board or Committee shall adjourn at the hour of 11:00 p.m., if in session at that time, and shall reconvene at such other day and time as the Advisory Board or Committee, by resolution, may direct. 4.10 Cancellation of Meeting 4.10.1 The Chair or the Vice Chair, in the Chair's absence, or the Secretariat, in the absence of both the Chair and Vice Chair, may cancel any Meeting of the Advisory Board or Committee if he is of the opinion that weather conditions or an emergency warrant. The Chair shall inform as many Members as he is able to reach, and any persons that are scheduled to be in attendance. 4.10.2 Postponement of the Meeting shall not be for any longer than the next regularly scheduled Meeting of the Advisory Board or Committee. 4.11 Accessibility 4.11.1 Adequate provisions shall be made by the Chair to ensure that Places of Meeting, Agenda and Minute formats, communications and conduct of meeting are accessible, to ensure maximum participation. Reference may be made to the provisions of the Municipality of Bayham Accessibility Handbook. Section 5 — ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 5.1 Establishment of Advisory Boards and Committees 5.1.1 Advisory Boards and Committees are proposed by resolution of Council and established by by-law. Each by-law shall incorporate the mandate for the specific Advisory Board or Committee. Prior to Council's establishment of any Advisory Board or Committee staff shall submit a report to Council including the following information: a) inventory of previous and existing activities related to the matter, including public consultation initiatives; b) membership composition and level of expertise or specialization required by committee members for the selection process; c) orientation, training and facilitation needs. 5.2 Review of Advisory Boards and Committees 5.2.1 Council may review all Advisory Boards and Committees and their respective mandates at any time during the term of Council. The CAOICIerk shall assist in this effort by providing an overview of all Advisory Boards and Committees when requested. 5.2.2 Council may abolish an Advisory Board or Committee at any time during the term of Council with fully substantiated reasoning. 5.3 Orientation Sessions 5.3.1 Orientation sessions shall be conducted for Advisory Board and Committee appointees at the beginning of each term of Council. All Members benefit from orientation. Further sessions may be conducted for appointees during the term of Council, as required. Electronic orientation handbooks will be distributed to all Members for reference purposes. 5.4 Appointment Process for Advisory Board and Committee Members 5.4.1 Where a Provincial Statute prescribes the type of appointments to be made by the Municipality to a given Advisory Board or Committee, the Statute shall be complied with. 5.4.2 Where the Municipality makes appointments to Advisory Boards or Committees of its own creation the vacancies for citizen appointments shall be publicly advertised on the Municipality of Bayham website. 5.4.3 To apply to serve as a Member on a Municipality Advisory Board or Committee, interested individuals shall be invited to apply and submit an application, which is available on the Municipality of Bayham website. These appointments enable local citizens from various backgrounds to participate in local government and voluntarily give their time and expertise to help formulate the direction of certain programs. 5.4.4 All appointments to Advisory Boards or Committees shall be subject to compliance with the Municipality Advisory Board and Committee Policy, inclusive of all screening requirements. 5.4.5 The duration of Advisory Board or Committee appointments are the same as the term of Council. While appointees may serve on more than one Advisory Board or Committee, Council shall give the first consideration to individuals who are not already appointed to another Advisory Board or Committee. 5.5 Elections 5.5.1 The Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretariat shall be elected to a term as agreed upon by the Advisory Board or Committee at the Inaugural Meeting. 5.5.2 Election shall be by show of hands, with each member receiving one vote. 5.5.3 The Council Member or staff are not eligible to serve as Chair or Vice Chair. 5.6 Resignation and Dismissal Process 5.6.1 Advisory Board and Committee members wishing to resign their appointment shall submit a letter of resignation which shall be forwarded as soon as possible to the CAOICIerk. 5.6.2 Council may, with or without the advice of the Advisory Board or Committee, and with a supporting rationale, make changes to the Advisory Board or Committee membership. 5.7 Attendance Management 5.7.1 After two consecutive absences by any Member at regularly scheduled meetings, the following process shall be followed: a) The Council Members shall informally contact the absent Member to determine if they plan to attend the next regularly scheduled meeting, noting any reasonable or compassionate circumstances which would prohibit their attendance. b) If no reasonable or compassionate response is given, the Council Members shall inform the absent Member that if they are absent from the next regular meeting (the third meeting), the Advisory Board or Committee shall declare their seats vacant and recommend to Council the removal of the Member. c) If the Council Member is unable to reach the absent member or if there was no reasonable or compassionate grounds for absences given at the time of preparing the Agenda for the third meeting: i) The Secretariat shall include the item "Absentee Member" on the Agenda under the Matters of Business heading. ii) Upon consideration of the item, the Secretariat shall briefly identify the requirements of the Advisory Board and Committee Procedural By-law and the name of the absent Member. iii) The Advisory Board or Committee shall recommend to Council the absent Member's seat be declared vacant. d) Removal from Advisory Board or Committee Membership shall be made by resolution of Council. Council may, by resolution, based on evidence of absenteeism due to compassionate or reasonable grounds waive the attendance requirements of the Advisory Board and Committee Procedural By-law. Section 6 - AGENDAS AND MINUTES 6.1 Advisory Board and Committee Agenda 6.1.1 The Secretariat shall cause to be prepared an electronic Agenda under the following headings for the use of the Members at Meetings of the Advisory Board or Committee: Call to Order Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest Delegations Adoption of Minutes Matters of Business Adjournment 6.1.2 The Agenda shall be emailed to each Member no later than two days preceding the commencement of the Regular Advisory Board or Committee Meeting in question. 6.1.3 The business of the Advisory Board or Committee shall be considered in the order as it appears on the Agenda, unless otherwise decided by a vote of the majority of the Members present and voting. 6.2 Meeting Minutes 6.2.1 Meeting structure, Agenda and Minute formats should meet the individual needs of Advisory Boards and Committees, while ensuring consistency, completeness and accountability. An Advisory Board or Committee may choose to follow a more informal procedure and allow for a consensus approach to discussion. It is recommended that the following components be included in Agendas, where specific subject items are described in each component and the use of the minute template, as approved by the CAOICIerk. 6.2.2 The Secretariat shall cause the Minutes to be taken of each Meeting of the Advisory Board or Committee, whether it is closed to the public or not. These minutes shall include: a) the place, date and time of the Meeting; b) the name of the Presiding Officer or Officers and the record of attendance of the Members; should a Member enter after the commencement of the Meeting or leave prior to adjournment, the time shall be noted; c) declarations of pecuniary interest; d) the reading, if requested, correction and confirmation of the minutes of prior Meetings; and e) all resolutions, decisions and all other proceedings of the Advisory Board or Committee, without note or comment. 6.2.3 The Minutes of each Advisory Board or Committee shall be presented to the Members for confirmation at the next Regular Meeting. Section 7 - ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS 7.1 Call to Order 7.1.1 As soon as a Quorum is present after the hour set for the holding of the Meeting, the Chair shall call the Members present to order. 7.1.2 If the Chair does not attend a Meeting within fifteen (15) minutes after the time set for the Meeting and a Quorum is present, the Vice Chair shall preside over the Meeting and shall exercise all duties and responsibilities of the Chair as outlined in this Procedural By-law until the Chair is present at the Meeting and able to perform his responsibility to assume the chair. 7.1.3 If the Vice Chair is also not present within fifteen (15) minutes after the time set for the Meeting and a Quorum is present, the Secretariat shall call the Meeting to order, and the Members present shall appoint a Presiding Member who shall act as Chair of the Meeting until the arrival of the Chair or Vice Chair, whoever is the first to arrive and is able to assume the chair. 7.2 Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest 7.2.1 Where a Member, either on his own behalf or while acting for, by, with or through another, has any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in any matter and is present at a Meeting of the Advisory Board or Committee at which the matter is the subject of consideration, the Member shall: a) prior to any consideration of the matter at the Meeting, disclose the interest and the general nature thereof; b) not take part in any discussion of or vote on any question with respect to the matter; and c) not attempt in any way before, during and after the meeting to influence the voting on any such question. 7.2.2 Where the Meeting is not open to the public, in addition to complying with the requirements of Section 7.2.1 of this Procedural By-law, the Member shall immediately leave the Meeting or part of the Meeting during which the matter is under consideration. 7.2.3 Where a Member is absent from a Meeting which includes a matter for which the Member has a pecuniary interest, the Member shall disclose this interest and otherwise comply at the first Meeting of the Advisory Board or Committee attended by him after the particular Meeting. 7.3 Delegations 7.3.1 Delegations shall be permitted to speak on a matter only once within a six (6) month period and shall be limited to speak for no more than ten (10) minutes and be so advised in advance of their delegations. An extension to speak may be decided, without debate, by a majority of the Members present. Where a delegation consists of a group of three or more persons, the group may address the Advisory Board or Committee for no more than fifteen (15) minutes. 7.3.2 No Delegation shall: a) speak disrespectfully of any person; b) use improper language or unparliamentarily language; c) speak on any subject other than the subject for which they have received approval to address the Advisory Board or Committee; or d) disobey the rules of procedure or a decision of the Chair. 7.3.3 The Advisory Board or Committee may refuse to hear delegations when, in the opinion of the Advisory Board or Committee, the subject of the presentation is beyond the jurisdiction of the Advisory Board or Committee. 7.4 Matters of Business 7.4.1 Any matters presented, considered, referred or tabled or any delegations not otherwise disposed of through the consideration of another Agenda heading, shall be disposed of during this portion of the Meeting. 7.4.2 Items of business requiring the direction of the Advisory Board or Committee or a formal resolution will appear under this heading in the Agenda. These matters should generally pertain to information items and can include correspondence and Members' Reports. 7.4.3 All Matters of Business intended to be presented to the Advisory Board or Committee shall be legibly written or printed, shall not contain any impertinent or improper matter or language, shall identify the author(s) by name and municipal address and shall be filed with the Secretariat before it is presented to the Advisory Board or Committee 7.4.4 All matters to be considered under this heading of the Agenda shall be received by the Secretariat no less than five (5) days prior to the Advisory Board or Committee Meeting date. 7.5 Adjournment 7.5.1 See Section 9.1.14 of this Procedural By-law Section 8 - RULES OF DEBATE AND CONDUCT 8.1 Duties and Conduct 8.1.1 Advisory Boards and Committees work on behalf of Council for the citizens of the Municipality of Bayham. Advisory Boards and Committees may consult with community stakeholders or engage in activities that puts Members in direct contact with citizens and various organizations. Members shall reflect a professional and courteous manner when interacting with the public. Should a Member exhibit a pattern of inappropriate conduct, the Advisory Board or Committee or staff may request that Council rescind the Member's appointment. 8.1.2 No Member shall: a) speak disrespectfully of the Reigning Sovereign, or of any Member of the Royal Family, or of the Governor-General, the Lieutenant-Governor of any Province, of any member of the Senate, the House of Commons of Canada or the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario; b) use offensive words or unparliamentarily language or speak disrespectfully against the Advisory Board or Committee, against any Member or against any officer or employee of the Municipality of Bayham; c) speak on any subject other than the subject being debated; d) disobey the Rules of Procedure or a decision of the Chair, whoever is in the chair for the Meeting or a portion of the Meeting, on questions of Points of Order or procedure or upon the interpretation of the Rules of Procedure except where the ruling of the Chair is reversed by the Advisory Board or Committee pursuant to subsection 8.6.2. If a Member persists in any such disobedience after having been called to order, the Chair shall forthwith order that Member to vacate the Place of Meeting, but if the Member apologizes, he may, by majority vote of the Members, be permitted to retake his seat; e) speak in a manner that is discriminatory in nature based on an individual's race, ancestry, place of origin, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age, colour, marital status, family status or disability; f) where a matter has been discussed in a closed Meeting, and where the matter remains confidential, disclose the content of the matter or the substance of the deliberations of the closed Meeting to any person. 8.2 Address the Chair 8.2.1 Any Member desiring to speak shall signify a desire to speak in such manner as the Chair may direct, and upon being recognized by the Chair, shall address the Chair, only. 8.3 Order of Speaking 8.3.1 When two or more Members signify a desire to speak, the Chair shall recognize the Member who, in the opinion of the Chair, so signified first and next recognize in order the other Members. 8.4 Point of Privilege 8.4.1 Where a Member considers that his integrity or the integrity of the Advisory Board or Committee as a whole has been impugned, the Member may, on a Point of Privilege, rise with the consent of the Chair for the purpose of drawing the attention of the Advisory Board or Committee to the matter. 8.4.2 When a Member is permitted to raise such matter of privilege, it shall take precedence over other matters, but the Member shall not be permitted to enter into any argument or introduce any Motion related to the Point of Privilege. 8.4.3 When a Point of Privilege is raised, it shall be considered and decided by the Chair immediately and the decision of the Chair under this section shall be final. 8.5 Point of Order 8.5.1 When a Member desires to call attention to a violation of the Rules of Procedure, the Member shall ask leave of the Chair to raise a Point of Order and, after leave is granted, shall succinctly state the Point of Order to the Chair and the Chair shall then decide upon the Point of Order and advise the Member of the decision. 8.6 Appeal of Ruling of Chair 8.6.1 With respect to a ruling on either a Point of Privilege or a Point of Order, if the Member does not appeal immediately thereafter to the Advisory Board or Committee the decision of the Chair shall be final. 8.6.2 If the Member wishes to appeal the decision of the Chair, he shall appeal immediately to the Advisory Board or Committee otherwise the decision of the Chair is final. 8.6.3 If the decision is appealed, the Chair will give concise reasons for his ruling and will call a vote by the Advisory Board or Committee, without debate on the following question: "Will the ruling be sustained?", and the decision of the Advisory Board or Committee is final. The Chair may vote on this question. In the event of a tie of votes, the ruling of the Chair shall be deemed to be sustained. 8.7 Members Speaking 8.7.1 When a Member is speaking, no other Member shall pass between the Member and the Chair, or interrupt the Member except to raise a Point of Order. Section 9 - MOTIONS Reading 9.1.1 All motions must be introduced by a mover before the Chair may put the question or motion on the floor for consideration. Withdrawn 9.1.2 After a motion is properly moved, it shall be deemed to be in possession of the Advisory Board or Committee, but may be withdrawn by the mover at any time before decision or amendment. No debate until properly moved and seconded 9.1.3 No Member shall speak to any motion until it is properly moved, and the mover is entitled to speak first if the Member so elects. Motion ruled out of order 9.1.4 Whenever the Chair is of the opinion that a motion is contrary to these Rules of Procedure, the Chair shall rule the motion out of order. Not within jurisdiction of Council 9.1.5 A Motion in respect of a matter which requires the exercise of a legislative power by the Advisory Board or Committee which is not within its jurisdiction shall not be in order at a Meeting the Advisory Board or Committee. Motion to Amend 9.1.6 A motion to amend: a) shall be presented in writing if requested by the Chair; b) shall relate to the subject matter of the main motion; c) shall not be received proposing a direct negative to the question; and d) shall be put to a vote in reverse order to the order in which the amendments are made. 9.1.7 Only one motion to amend an amendment to the original motion shall be allowed and any further amendment must be to the original motion. Motion to table 9.1.8 A motion simply to table is not debatable except where instructions are included, in which case, only the instructions shall be debatable. Such motion cannot be amended. 9.1.9 The matter tabled shall not be considered again by the Advisory Board or Committee until a motion has been made to lift from the table the tabled matter at the same or subsequent Meeting. 9.1.10 A motion to lift a tabled matter from the table is not subject to debate or amendment. Reconsideration 9.1.11 A resolution or any question or matter which has been adopted previously by the Advisory Board or Committee may be reconsidered by the Advisory Board or Committee subject to the following: a) a majority of the Advisory Board or Committee agree to such reconsideration by Resolution. Only a Member who voted thereon with the majority may make a Motion to Reconsider; b) such motion must be supported by two-thirds (2/3) of the Members present and voting in favour of such reconsideration before the matter is re-opened for debate; c) debate on a motion to reconsider must be confined to reasons for or against the subject of the reconsideration; d) if a Motion to Reconsider is decided in the affirmative, such reconsideration shall become the next order of business, unless the motion calls for a future date, and debate on the question to be reconsidered may proceed as though it previously had never been voted on; and e) a vote to reconsider a particular matter or decision will not be considered more than once during the term of the Advisory Board or Committee. Motion to recess 9.1.12 A motion to recess shall provide for the Advisory Board or Committee to take a short intermission within a Meeting which shall neither end the Meeting nor destroy its continuity and after which, proceedings shall immediately resume at the point where they were when interrupted. 9.1.13 A motion to recess is not debatable, but it is amendable as to the length of the recess and is not in order when another motion is on the floor. Motion to Adjourn 9.1.14 A motion to adjourn is not debateable or amendable and shall always be in order except: a) when another Member is in possession of the floor; b) when a vote has been called; c) when the Members are voting; or d) when a Member has indicated to the Chair his desire to speak on the matter before the Advisory Board or Committee. 9.1.15 A motion to adjourn, if carried, without qualification, will bring a Meeting or session of the Advisory Board or Committee to an end. 9.1.16 A motion to proceed beyond the hour of 11:00 p.m.: a) shall not be amended or debated; b) shall always be in order except when a Member is speaking or the Members are voting; and c) shall require the support of two-thirds (2/3) of the Members present and voting. Section 10 - VOTING ON MOTIONS Unrecorded Vote 10.1 A simple majority vote of the Members present shall be followed. Recorded votes shall not be permitted. 10.2 The manner of determining the decision of the Advisory Board or Committee on a motion shall be at the direction of the Chair and may be by voice, show of hands, standing, or otherwise. 10.3 Every Member present at the Meeting, when the question is put, shall vote thereon unless disqualified under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act to vote on the question. 10.4 Except where the Member is disqualified under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act from voting, if a Member does not vote when a question is put, that Member shall be deemed to have voted in the negative. 10.5 A Member not in his seat when the question is called by the Chair is not entitled to vote on that question. 10.6 Each Member has only one vote. 10.7 The Chair shall announce the result of every vote. Section 11 - CONDUCT OF THE AUDIENCE 11.1 Members of the public who constitute the audience in the Advisory Board or Committee Place of Meeting, during a Meeting, shall respect the decorum of Advisory Boards and Committees, maintain order and quiet and may not: a) address the Advisory Board or Committee without permission; b) interrupt any speaker or action of the Members or any person addressing the Advisory Board or Committee; c) speak out; d) applaud; e) behave in a disorderly manner; or f) make any noise or sound that proves disruptive to the conduct of the Meeting. 11.2 Placards, signs, posters, etc. or any advertising devices shall not be permitted in the Place of Meeting. 11.3 The Chair may request that a Member or Members of the public vacate the Place of Meeting if his behaviour is deemed to be disruptive to the business at hand. Section 12 - ADMINISTRATION 12.1 Unless the context otherwise requires, in this Procedural By-law the words used in the male gender shall include the female gender and the singular includes the plural, and vice-versa, as the context requires. 12.2 This By-law shall be administered by the CAOICIerk. 12.3 This By-law shall come into full force and effect on the 20 day of December, 2018. 12.4 The short title of this By-law is the "Advisory Board or Committee Procedural By-law" READ A FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time and finally passed on the 20 day of December, 2018. Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Profile Municipality of Bayham Joint Cemeteries Board Statutory - Discretionary Statutory Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 Municipal of Bayham Cemeteries Regulatory By-law Acronym BJCB _ Mandate To co-ordinate and support the efforts in pursuing consistency among the Bayham Cemetery Boards, and ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Funeral, Burial, Cremation Services Act, 2002 (FBCSA) and Regulations, as amended from time to time. Sub-Committees forming Individual Boards shall be established to be responsible for the maintenance and operation of each of the following cemeteries in the Municipality of Bayham and be known as: The Straffordville Cemetery Board The Smuck Cemetery Board The Eden Cemetery Board The Calton Cemetery Board The Guysboro Cemetery Board The Dobbie CemeteryBoard The Best Cemetery Board The Bayham West Cemetery Board The Sub-Committee Boards may initiate and undertake other projects, in regard to cemeteries without any individual Board structure, either individually or jointly. Other Municipal Cemeteries acknowledged as having no individual board structure at this time include: Light Cemetery Edison Cemetery Claus Cemetery Stanton Cemetery Firby Cemetery Old Eden Cemetery Old Richmond (Godwin) Cemetery Otter Valley Cemetery Estherville Cemetery Amerman Cemetery Abandoned Cemetery Hemlock Creek Cemetery Hutchison Cemetery _ Composition Nine (9) members of the public Council Representation One (1) Member of Council — no voting privileges Staff Representation One (1) Staff person — no voting privileges Base Municipality of Corporate Health and Safety Policy Bayham Health and Safety Profile Date Profile Approved December 6, 2018 Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Profile Municipality of Bayham Museums Bayham Board Statutory - Discretionary Discretionary (By-law No. 2006-082, Collections & Records Management Policy, By-law No. 2006-083, Education Policy, By-law No. 2007-018, Staff Training Policy) Acronym MB Mandate Museums Bayham exists to educate the citizens of Bayham and the community beyond about the history of the Bayham area, subject to budgetary requirements and limits as approved by the Council of the Municipality of Bayham, following the procedures and policies approved by Bayham Council. This includes Port Burwell and its lighthouse in relation to the local and marine heritage of the Great Lakes. To this end, Museums Bayham collects, records, preserves, researches, shares, promotes and presents exhibits and interprets documents and artifacts related to the history of Bayham, in accordance with the financial realities of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham. The premises known municipally as 20 Pitt Street and 17 Robinson Street and known as the Port Burwell Marine Museum and Lighthouse, respectively, shall continue to be maintained and identified as the Port Burwell Marine Museum and Lighthouse. The Marine Museum and Lighthouse have been established to serve the inhabitants of Port Burwell and the Bayham area, with a strong appeal to tourists visiting the region. The museum collection will focus on marine documentation and artifacts that illustrate the relationships between marine life on the Great Lakes together with domestic and commercial life of the Village as a port on Lake Erie. Service and Operation Programming The Curator with assistance of the Board and Staff will be responsible for the preparation and review of policies and procedures for service, operation, programming, and long-term planning goals for the museums. Artifacts Ownership of any and all donated items lies with the Municipality of Bayham, who will provide adequate insurance coverage including on-loan items, subject to consideration of Council considering recommendations of the Board. Acquisition, disposal, and records of documents, objects and artifacts will be governed by the Museums' collection development and management policy as adopted by the Council of the Municipality upon recommendation of the Board. Ownership by the Municipality of Bayham may be assigned to its successors, administrators and assigns absolutely. Displays and exhibits will be approved by the Curator. Finance and Budgeting The Board in communication with the appropriate staff, will prepare, review and submit annual operating budget requirements, including long-term capital projects, to the municipal administration, for Council's consideration and approval annually as required. The Curator will monitor the budgets throughout the year. Reserves/Reserve Funds may be established as approved by Council through the budget process. Bequests and financial donations will be accounted for through Municipal administration. Purchasing Purchasing is to be coordinated through staff in accordance with the Municipal Procurement By-law. Any such purchases must be within the Budgets established and approved by Council, and must be approved by the Board. A Petty Cash Fund(s) may be permitted at the discretion of the Board. Such petty cash fund will be administered by staff. Human Resources Museums Bayham and staff shall be governed by Council through the CAOICIerk in accordance with municipal policies and procedures. The Curator will provide general direction of staff at the museums, assisted by the Board and municipal staff as appropriate, within the guidelines of the annual budget and personnel policy, as approved by Council. Special Events and Exhibits The Board, with assistance of museum staff and volunteers, may undertake special events, displays, and exhibits at its discretion, within the guidelines of the annual operating budget as approved by Council. Fundraising and Donations The Board, with assistance of museum staff and volunteers, will undertake and promote fundraising and donation programs to the best of its ability. Such programs may be for general operating assistance or special programs/capital projects (approved by Council). All accounts shall be accounted for through Municipal administration. Facility Management The Board will provide input/information to municipal administration for the Capital and Operating needs of Museum facilities. Such needs shall be considered in the preparation of budgets presented to Municipal Council. Composition Eleven (11) members, including six (6) community members, one (1) member from the Port Burwell Historical Society, one (1) member from the Bayham Historical Society, one (1) expert representative from a professional heritage facility (active or retired), if possible. Council Representation One (1) Member of Council — no voting privileges Staff Representation Two (2) Staff persons — no voting privileges Base Municipality of Corporate Health and Safety Policy Bayham Health and Safety Profile Date Profile Approved December 6, 2018 Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Profile Blue Flag Beach Advisory Committee Statutory - Discretionary Discretionary Acronym BFBAC Mandate The Blue Flag program is an international eco-label awarded to beaches and marinas. The program began in Europe in 1985 and is administered by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) in Denmark. In Canada Blue Flag is operated by Environmental Defence, a national charitable organization committed to protecting the environment and human health. To be awarded a Blue Flag, the applicant must offer or promote at least five environmental education initiatives. These can include the following: • Passive participation: Exhibits, films, presentations, conferences, debates, etc. • Active participation: Guided nature walks, educational games, beach cleanups, photography or art contests, eco-scavenger hunts, etc. • Training activities: Training sessions for teachers, municipal staff, lifeguards, cleaners, summers students, etc. • Publishing and media: The production of brochures, stickers, t-shirts, interpretive signage, newsletters, books, posters, and radio broadcasts, etc. • Blue Flag Environmental Information Centre: This is where specific information about Blue Flag and environmental issues can be provided. A common meeting area can be used as an information centre, so long as it offers activities and/ or exhibitions and provides environmental information for the general public. Environmental Defence recommends collaborating with local environmental organizations or community groups such as the Long Point Region Conservation Authority or Otter Valley Naturalists; activities offered by these groups can be promoted by the Municipality at the beach and through various communications channels. Environmental education can also be undertaken by setting up tables at community events. Scheduled activities must be posted at the beach. The Municipality of Bayham Blue flag Beach Advisory Committee will meet twice annually (Spring and Fall) to discuss the management of the beach and ensure that all Blue Flag Beach criteria are being met. Composition Nine (9) members of the public including one (1) member from LPRCA, one (1) member from the Otter Valley Naturalists, if possible. Council Representation One (1) Member of Council — no voting privileges Staff Representation One (1) Staff person — no voting privileges Base Municipality of Corporate Health and Safety Policy Bayham Health and Safety Profile Date Profile Approved December 6, 2018 Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Profile Municipality of Bayham Property Standards Committee Statutory - Discretionary Statutory Ontario Building Code Act, 1992 Municipal of Bayham Property Standards By-law Acronym BPSC Mandate Pursuant to the provisions of the Building Code Act the Municipality of Bayham Property Standards Committee deals with matters related to the Municipality of Bayham Property Standard By-law and the Official Plan. The Municipality of Bayham Property Standards Committee, in hearing appeals, has all the powers and functions of the officer who made the order. The Committee may do any of the following things if, in the Committee's opinion, doing so would maintain the general intent and purpose of the Municipality's Property Standards By-law and of the Official Plan or Policy Statement: 1. Confirm, modify or rescind the order to demolish or repair. 2. Extend the time for complying with the order. Membership & Responsibility When the owner or occupant, upon whom an order has been served by a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, is not satisfied with the terms or conditions of the order, the owner or occupant may appeal to the Municipality of Bayham Property Standards Committee. The Secretary for the Committee sets a date and time for the hearing and takes the minutes of the hearing. The Committee in hearing the appeal has all the powers and functions of the enforcement officer and may confirm the order to demolish or repair or may modify or quash it, or may extend the time for compliance. The Committee's decision should uphold the intent and purpose of the Municipality of Bayham Property Standards By-law and the Official Plan. The Committee's decisions may be appealed to the Ontario Court (General Division) by the Municipality or the owner/occupant affected by such decision. The Members of the Committee elect one of themselves as Chair. Municipality of Bayham Property Standards Committee members must: • Be available to conduct site inspections of subject properties; • Be a qualified elector in the Municipality of Bayham pursuant to the Municipal Act and able to demonstrate compliance with all relevant by-laws of the Municipality, enforced by said Committee; • Be organized, available and committed to attend all Committee meetings; • Be objective, possess relevant education component or equivalent experience and have an open mind in order to fully consider the evidence provided. Remuneration is $75/meeting as called by the Secretary. (Covered by Appeal Fee) Composition Five (5) members of the public Staff Representation One (1) Staff person — no voting privileges (Secretary) Base Municipality of Corporate Health and Safety Policy Bayham Health and Safety Profile Date Profile Approved December 6, 2018 IN YHA 4111111111111wr 4.`" rtunity Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board & Committee Member Application Form I am interested in participating as a volunteer on the following boards and/or committee(s): Explain why you would like to serve on each board or committee identified above, including any skills or experience which would be of value to the committee or board: Do you have any experience volunteering? OYES ONO if Yes, in what capacity: We want to ensure persons with disabilities are able to participate on municipal committees. If you have a disability, what accommodations, if any, would you need to carry out this position? Please provide any additional information which may be of assistance in the selection process. Applicants Signature: Date: Municipality of Bayham documents are available in alternate formats upon request. Please fill out the Accessibility Request for Alternate Formats Form at www.bayham.on.ca or contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 519-866- 5521 or at accessibility©bayham.on.ca. NOTE: Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act c.M56 s.29(2) and will be used to appoint citizen members to municipal boards, or committees. Information on this form will be disclosed to the public for candidate selection purposes. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Municipal Clerk at the address indicated at the top of the application. INNY11.44 11011illill 11 .* 4g I I"I ii.I V 14 r 1.1: rtunity Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Member Confidentiality Statement The Municipality of Bayham and its Boards, Committees, Volunteers and Employees adhere to the requirements of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, I, , am an Advisory Board or Committee Member serving as a volunteer citizen member of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham. I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTAND THE FOLLOWING: THAT the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act provides that all persons appointed or chosen under the authority of a municipal council are governed by the said Act and includes citizen members of boards, committees and volunteers appointed by Council from time to time; THAT the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 48, provides for penalties for contravention of the said Act; I FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTAND THAT in the course of carrying out my volunteer role, I may have access to and may be dealing with records containing confidential information and/or personal information which reveals the identity of the person who is the subject of the record or identify a person who has provided information about the subject of the record; I HEREBY AGREE to hold such information confidential and, except as may be legally required, will not disclose or release it to any person at any time without proper consent or authorization; I FURTHER AGREE to take appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access to confidential information. DATED at the Municipality of Bayham this day of , 20_ Signature: Witness: Municipality of Bayham documents are available in alternate formats upon request. Please fill out the Accessibility Request for Alternate Formats Form at www.bayham.on.ca or contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 519-866-5521 ext. 209 or at accessibility(a�bayham.on.ca. iNxICH.44 oi to it /OA* y nity 3-9 Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Accessibility Standards Training for Advisory Board & Committee Members Section 1 — Overview The Municipality of Bayham is committed to creating and maintaining an accessible and inclusive community for all residents. To do this, the Municipality must recognize and acknowledge the diverse needs of residents, including the needs of persons with disabilities. On July 1, 2011, the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (Ontario Regulation 191/11) under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, was enacted into law. Each regulation requires the Municipality to train all of its employees, volunteers, and third party contractors on the Regulation and the Ontario Human Rights Code, as it relates to people with disabilities. Under the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Municipality has a legal obligation to accommodate any person with a disability, regardless of whether they are an employee, volunteer or resident. It is important to provide accessible formats, communication supports or workplace accommodations in a timely and efficient manner upon request. Section 2 -Accessible Customer Service SERVICE ANIMALS Service animals are allowed in all parts of municipally owned or operated facilities in areas that are open to the public. If an animal is excluded by law, the Municipality is not required to allow the animal entrance into its facilities. A service animal is categorized by the following: (a) the animal can be readily identified as one that is being used by the person for reasons relating to the person's disability, as a result of visual indicators such as the vest or harness worn by the animal; or (b) the person provides documentation from one of the following regulated health professionals confirming that the person requires the animal for reasons relating to the disability: (i) A member of the College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario. (ii) A member of the College of Chiropractors of Ontario. (iii) A member of the College of Nurses of Ontario. (iv) A member of the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario. (v) A member of the College of Optometrists of Ontario. (vi) A member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. (vii) A member of the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario. (viii) A member of the College of Psychologists of Ontario. (ix) A member of the College of Registered Psychotherapists and Registered Mental Health Therapists of Ontario. SUPPORT PERSONS The Municipality welcomes individuals to be accompanied by a support person to Municipal programs and services. The Municipality will waive admission fees for the support person, where applicable. The individual needs to make this known to Municipal staff or volunteers; otherwise admission fee will be charged. SERVICE DISRUPTION If a Municipal service is temporarily disrupted, it is the Municipality's responsibility to provide notice to the public. Notice of disruption must include the following information: the reason for the disruption, how long it is expected to be unavailable and if there is a way to provide an alternative service. This information should be posted in a conspicuous area within the facility and on the Municipality's website. Section 3 General Requirements ESTABLISHMENT OF POLICIES, PROCEDURES AND BEST PRACTICES Municipal Council approved the Corporate Accessibility Policy. The policy provides direction and guidance to staff on how the Municipality will comply with the standards and the various requirements. ACCESSIBILITY PLANS The Municipality's multi-year accessibility plan provides a high-level overview of the actions staff will undertake to meet all of the Municipality's compliance obligations. It can also be found on the Municipality's website. PROCURING OR ACQUIRING ACCESSIBLE GOODS, SERVICES OR FACILITIES To ensure that the Municipality is receiving accessible goods and services from third-party contractors, accessibility criteria has been incorporated into the general terms and conditions that accompany any RFP, bid or tender published by the Municipality. TRAINING In order to train all volunteers on the Accessible Customer Service Standard, Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation and the Ontario Human Rights Code this brochure has been developed. FEEDBACK Receiving feedback on the accessibility of the Municipality's goods, services and facilities is an effective way to ensure the Municipality is meeting the needs of the Municipality's residents with disabilities. Residents can submit their feedback in person, by phone, by email or in writing. The Accessibility feedback form can be found on the Municipality's website. ACCESSIBLE FORMATS The Municipality is only required to provide any of its documents in an accessible format upon request. Accessible formats can be produced by contacting the Municipality's Accessibility Coordinator. An accessible format could include large print, Braille, audio, plain language, or an electronic format such as PDF or formatted Word document. COMMUNICATION SUPPORTS An American Sign Language Interpreter is an example of a communication support. Upon receiving a request, the Municipality is obligated to provide communication supports for any of its programs, events or services. The Municipality's Accessibility Coordinator can arrange for a communication support, if requested. Please fill out the information below and return it to the Municipality. Name: INN.YHAAt- Date: ~ Signature: 7.11 O��'oi'tu �y nzty INAY11.44E C 26201d VE Airpok*,,,.pv__: -6' ' 4 i ,-', NOV 8 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHANM O �y ampul"tunity Is' ° Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board & Committee Member Application Form I am interested in participating as a volunteer on the following boards and/or committee(s): c:Lt: CO(�. i'-'.-(1 1,p\-1 A- v\S (CD-) Explain why you would like to serve on each board or committee identified above, including any skills or experience which would be of value to the committee or board: -cc I (0rv\ Co 0._ I'-Q'vt c A Doi t. ,vc� CO 4 i (oQr c cp,A.Y.,� Lac, 'D0,6...„nfr T 1,g5IAC5 ItNNvs-' '7 (iz .1.es � tis Ca�,.ic.`C4, U --- iDc. PwZY i4AAYa2 1/3 i3 A,/ Ham- (4- yr - Do you have any experience volunteering? EYES ONO if Yes, in what capacity: _ 1;01 SCG.,-?S--- LC-p,V ' 0.LJ.,,J C ,SC, FKKA,atS - Tacits4 et -,,,,°1- tv t n-0^� s Q4L 5, '7 700 ii sp,zi ad kr,-0 - 6p- rtie,,.rl�.° �'(4-sr t L- )i,, SC S&v.-%c(a-i ret-i x i,qo__ 06,-.^w.c 7-f cf ,J y r-.6tia:... o-Ti is t cwvi.9,c. We want to ensure persons with disabilities are able to participate on municipal committees. If you have a disability, what accommodations, if any, would you need to carry out this position? (*IA' Please provide any additional information which may be of assistance in the selection process. k\160‘..,CO --0 vi- 0A,{. - t\1',. -1-1 ivvef -t r3 6 c , i1/4-4-1 C to 4-.2 -r L I T.i,t<-1CO O tkc‘ A-t..- . CY-r(2-'5' vC L,k)-SO - --sC- Cxet-1 (0,1CL;- is. Al- Applicants Signature: X43` � j\. Date: Nt i �.I 1 ir Municipality of Bayham documents are available in alternate formats upon request. Please fill out the Accessibility Request for Alternate Formats Form at www.bayham.on.ca or contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 519-866- 5521 or at accessibility(a,,bayham.on.ca. NOTE: Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act c.M56 s.29(2) and will be used to appoint citizen members to municipal boards, or committees. Information on this form will be disclosed to the public for candidate selection purposes. Questions about this collection should he directed to the Municinal Clerk at the address indicated at the ton of the annlication. Land Division Committee Application John Seldon November 15, 2018 RECEIVE . Response to Section 1 of the application form: 5 2018 NOV 1 Land Division Committee MUNICIPALITY OF UAYHAM Response to Section 2 of the application form: From my regular attendance at Bayham Council meetings, I have come to appreciate the importance of citizens seeking consent on land division issues. Where consent is certainly a simpler process than a plan of subdivision, it may also reflect complexity, a need for timeliness and fairness by the committee when being addressed. I feel I would be able to contribute to the committee with these considerations in mind. Response to Section 3 of the application form: 1. Yes. 2. Election official in Bayham for the October 2018 Municipal Elections. Response to Section 4 of the application form: Not applicable. Response to Section 5 of the application form: • I have an observer's knowledge of Bayham's Municipal Council operation. • In my working career I have been employed in the public sector by the Ontario government(Ministry of the Environment),the City of Barrie and the Regional Municipality of York. • In mid-career I studied planning at the graduate level (M.A.,University of Waterloo, School of Urban and Regional Planning) and subsequently acquired my Registered Professional Planner(RPP) certification in 2003 through the Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI). (I have since resigned, in good standing, from OPPI.)I feel this demonstrates my personal and professional interest in municipal planning. By being a member of the Land Division Committee, I feel I would be able to make a positive contribution to Bayham. John Seldon, B.Sc., M.A. LET v,AYHA - 1e41:411110 �' 11,rlir Opo moa � 1"tunity is Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board & Committee Member Application Form I am interested in participating as a volunteer on the following boards and/or committee(s): Explain why you would like to serve on each board or committee identified above, including any skills or experience which would be of value to the committee or board: Do you have any experience volunteering? ®YES ONO if Yes, in what capacity: We want to ensure persons with disabilities are able to participate on municipal committees. If you have a disability, what accommodations, if any, would you need to carry out this position? Please provide any additional information which may be of assistance in the selection process. Applicants Signature: :II'-, V--^ Date: \ -1. ,,.-- IS)20/& Municipality of Bayham documents are available in alternate formats upon request. Please fill out the Accessibility Request for Alternate Formats Form at www.bavham.on.ca or contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 519-866- 5521 or at accessibilitvbavham.on.ca. NOTE: Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act c.M56 s.29(2)and will be used to appoint citizen members to municipal boards, or committees. Information on this form will be disclosed to the public for candidate selection purposes. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Municipal Clerk at the address indicated at the top of the application. 41111111 r ‘ Ofriasifroppiii, 111 110P ' �c" 47' � tunny � Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board & Committee Member Application Form p lam interested in • artici atin • as a volunteer on the followin • boards and/or committee s : Eigifl Co %et n v-) C' () IV t j 1 0 yvi 1 e Explain why you would like to serve on each board or committee identified above , including any skills or experience which would be of value to the committee or board : a ,�• t , l"e v' r s PI-e d) 1 ;1 t-A ' f E'1 y ; .t C.01L vctii c;. v‘ .. +ke- ict pc& i "A- 4/ c7 ‘10.w\ • S +r1occli cij Pkv' 5 P P sr Pe ce o >-, FC' LDC • Do you have any experience volunteering? YES ONO if Yes, in what capacity: 1 s r 61 '41-11- 7C 6Ic �an b / t4' 5 r40**� Ce'114 jl-t z9e �� � +r` S We want to ensure persons with disabilities are able to participate on municipal committees . If you have a disability, what accommodations , if any, would you need to carry out this position? It/a Ivig Please provide any additional information which may be of assistance in the selection process . `1 z. ✓ e elev. ci 1 /.1 .41-- 3 :fete, rr'5 f.: .- C d /tee ve e. AI 'M- 71A.e_ e,cci / Ph C,� G� ✓1 <- 1 _ l ,� < y Poi) - 372-ek• �_ �-Z� r� �/`G' 4 1 Applicants Signature ? ANI1111W Date: j ) OP 111111., J Municipality of Bayham documents are available in alternate formats upon request. Please fill out the Accessibility Request for Alternate Formats Form at www.bayham .on .ca or contact the AccessibilityCoordinator at or at accessibilitybayham .on .ca. NOTE : Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information on and Protection of Privacy Act c. M56 s.29(2) and will be used to appoint citizen members tom iboards, committees. Information on this form will be disclosed to the municipal o r public for candidate selection purposes. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Municipal Clerk at the address indicated dicated at the top of the application . THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2018-099 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR THE REGULAR MEETING HELD DECEMBER 6, 2018 WHEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held December 6, 2018 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 6th DAY OF DECEMBER, 2018. MAYOR CLERK