HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 21, 2015 - Planning - Ward COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA
9344 Plank Road, Straffordville
Council Chambers
Thursday, May 21, 2015
6:30 p.m.
(a) Appointment
(a) Minor Variance Application A-02/14 Ward - Request for
variance to grant relief from Zoning By-law Z456-2003 Section
5.1 - Permitted Uses in the Agricultural (A1) Zone on a parcel of
land located in Part Lot 26, South Gore on the east side of Coyle
Road, south of Lamers Line to permit up to three (3) mobile
homes as supplementary farm dwellings on an agricultural lot.
3 - 19 (a) Report DS-31/15 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer
Committee of Adjustment re Committee of Adjustment - Minor
Variance - A-02/15 Murray
File: C-07 / D121.MURR
(a) Decision
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Committee of Adjustment Agenda May 21, 2015
(a) Adjournment
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ppo unity I&�o�
TO: Mayor&Members of Council
FROM: Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer Committee of Adjustment
DATE: May 21,2015
REPORT: DS-31/15 FILE NO. C-071 D12.MURR
SUBJECT: Committee of Adjustment-Minor Variance—A-02115 Murray
Wm. Dan&Carolyn Murray have submitted a minor variance application for their 27.6 hectare
(68.2 acres)property located on the east side of Coyle Road, south of Lamers Line property
described as Concession South Gore Part Lot 26, known municipally as 7744 Coyle Road.
The property is designated"Agricultural"and"Natural Gas Reservoir"with"Hazard Lands"
constraints in the Official Plan and zoned Agricultural(A1)in the Bayham Zoning By-law Z456-
THE PURPOSE of the variance is to grant relief from:
• Section 5.1 —Permitted Uses in the Agricultural(A1)Zone
THE EFFECT of the variance will permit up to three (3) mobile homes as supplementary farm
dwellings on an agricultural lot in accordance with Section 2.1.10 of the Official Plan.
Council must be satisfied the submitted justification meets the criteria in the Official Plan
regarding need, existing dwellings, location, size and type, services and vehicular access.
Council must also be satisfied the application meets the Planning Act four"tests".
Staff and planner concur the application meets the criteria as outlined in the planner's
memorandum attached to this report. Approval is subject to a development agreement to
address the general concerns outlined in the Official Plan. A draft agreement is attached for
Committee comment and will be considered for approval in the May 21st regular Council
Report DS-31/15 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer C... Page 3 of 19
Staff Report DS-31/15 Murray Page 2
1. Application for Minor Variance A-02115 Murray
2. IBI Memorandum dated May 12, 2015
3. Draft Development Agreement
1. "THAT the Committee of Adjustment Secretary-Treasurer's report DS-31115
regarding the Murray minor variance be received;
2. AND WHEREAS the Committee agrees that the proposed variance meets Section
45.1(1)of the Planning Act and this variance is considered minor;
3. THEREFORE application A-02!15 submitted by Wm. Dan&Carolyn Murray,
pursuant to Section 45 of the Planning Act for minor variance, is granted to allow
relief from Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Z456-2003:
• Section 5.1 —Permitted Uses—to permit the placement up to three(3)
mobile homes as supplementary farm dwellings on an agricultural lot
identified as 7744 Coyle Road in accordance with Section 2.1.10 of the
Official Plan
Condition of Minor Variance: Subject to a Development Agreement with the
Municipality of Bayham to be executed within 60 days of minor variance
Respectfully Submitted by: Reviewed by:
Margafet Underhill ul S. - ay I
Secretary/Treasurer Committee of Adjustment CAO
Report DS-31/15 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer C... Page 4 of 19
001,44t File No. A-o?/Jzr
Planning Act, R.S.O.1990,O.Reg 200/96 as amended
The undersigned hereby applies to the Committee of Adjustment for the
P.O.Box 160, 9344 Plank Rd.
Telephone:519 866-5521
Fax:519 866-3884
Under Section 45 of the Planning Act, R.S.O.1990 for relief,as described in this application,
from By-law No.Z456-2003(as amended)Municipality of Bayham.
Application to be accompanied by the fee of$2000.00 in cash or cheque made payable to the
Municipality of Bayham.
a) Name 1/J atieo up) fi I
b) Mailing Address .5-6 gd 9 jkacsa,,1 G,,,� /
FO, I r NfJT/ D
c) Telephone No. Home: �/ _c Lb Sl Work:
d) Fax No.
a) Name
b) Mailing Address
c) Telephone No. Home: Work:
d) Fax No.
Send correspondence to: X Owner(s) Solicitor/Authorized Agent
Application No.: 1 - Date Received: /4i a 7/S Date of Meeting:/774 y 8,14-g b:30101
File No.rDi3,mc-K I Fee Received: 9c o o I Committee Decision:
11/03/2015 „v
Minor Variance 2015 //'Iv'
Report DS-31/15 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer C... Page 5 of 19
Municipality of Bayham
Application for Minor Variance
Page 2
3. Names and address of any mortgages,holders and charges or other encumbrances:
Name Address
�e e 4- / t' 1(i E:r✓s/JA- l() • S/m rt,E 0,1)T N3 �•✓
4. Location of Land
a) Lot and Plan or Concession No.: LO jJ S b,�� N L-07- 2L,
b) Street/911 #&Name: 77Lie L/
5. Nature and extent of relief applied for:
-76 Pe-re/m-7- .57.,i 4 6Ien)771-,z r ,�-, ���.� �� e S
/Tro7a Ex.I5-77 p.16- 45/ver:cE M(40 2 /ha6 fee f/UmE
NOTE: In the case of a Supplementary farm dwelling,a Development Agreement is required.
6. Why is it not possible to comply with the provisions%� of the By-law?
Zorvr,✓ /.)
6- Ye D'es N'rr 1 kA?iIT rf'raCEYrI�"Tvrnky //79
1?r�EU-IA 6-5 /Y7/NN,P i//}✓'tr" '75 tArfe ,
7. Dimensions of the land affected:
a) Frontage(m) S�f
b) Depth(m) </O 6. 6 m .
c) Area(sq.m/ha) biE" Rc ete5
S. Particulars of all buildings and structures on or proposed for the subject land(specify
ground floor area,gross floor area,number of storeys,width,length,height,etc.)
a) Existing RE-5/Oewce /5D0- /1706/Ce/imc x/q/
L/ KF/,2/6c*s 6"zrv5 f' 41
b) Proposed 19N) / ig/CE h6rr+E '5/8 °X /,v gorb
72;4 /neat- /4m6 acs' x / (Po Ss/r at!.6)
9. Date of acquisition of subject land: c,70 QC)
Minor Variance 2015
Report DS-31/15 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer C... Page 6 of 19
Municipality of Bayham
Application for Minor Variance
Page 3
10. Date of construction of all buildings and structures on subject lands: 05 r~ /001-years
11. Existing uses of the subject property:unc/ a/her'/arm (1,23.6e-r4 s
44o.ha, it,PILL id.he- /19.hsu
r:tiad ru,t.- - as, '"-a r 5, ,o fs�- Cucu1m� -s & 'Ce
Ciq,s 167/- /e. y421- 45 yea-1- L1- - Sc Shi r.,t.s �I,errri-s
Z.-:6,710/61/ FO S c S0e76N e /y:`'e
12. Length of time and existing uses to the subject property have continued: /0 0 f yeah
13. Existing uses of abutting properties:
a) North 45 tr- L-e--"116 .
b) East .9�,er L
c) South 7T�� 1
d) West L ,---'
14. Services available(check appropriate space(s))
a) Method of Water Supply(if applicable)
Public Water Supply System 0 Private Individual Well yj
Private Communal Well 0
ether(please specify) !�OuSE + 7kA/[&-y1 - ,,TSE yvC:i.
b) Method of Sanitary Waste Disposal(if applicable) /,P y pm
Private Septic Tank and Private Communal System ❑
Tile Field System 4 Public Sanitary Sewer System ❑
ether(please specify) FAD uSc ail) c p 8
-Two -T.er9r/-&7zs 51.1797e En /E-7_,E) 6dN
15. Present Official Plan designation: /96-re/c u4-Tu,z
16. Present Zoning Bylaw classification: /96-7e/Cu 7c,„ie.; <A /)
17. Has the owner previously applied for a minor variance in respect to the subject property?
a) Yes 0 No X
If Yes,describe briefly:
18. Is the subject property the subject of a current application of consent 1 severance?
Yes 0 No ig
Minor Variance 2015
Report DS-31/15 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer C... Page 7 of 19
I/We, DA-r✓ Cr+►4Ct.Yn/ /2ZUZ f9 y of the
Name of Applicant(s)
7 /vIC("--/ry' of &"//, 'T-i in the �ounrri or 61.6i/A-1.
(City, Municipality, Town,Township) (County/District/Region)
SOLEMNLY DECLARE/AFFIRM THAT to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, all of the
information, exhibits and statements provided in this application as required under Section 45
of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990 and Ontario Regulation 200/96 as amended are true;
THAT I/We shall assume responsibility for any additional costs exceeding the deposited amount
related to the said application and understand and agree that payment of said additional costs
shall be a condition of this signed application. I/We also agree to accept all costs as rendered;
AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it
is of the same force and affect as if made under oath and by virtue of the "Canada Evidence
DECLARED before me at the
(D' /51-4in)
(City,Municipalitown,Townshi ) Signature of Applicant or Authorized Agent
in the r
a L—1 ) I --
(County/'District/Regio ) Signature of Applica
this y of ✓r/
igna ure o pplicant
6.6 )
A Co missioner,etc. )
' If authorized agent, a letter of authorization from
the owner of the property must accompany this
Minor Variance 2015
Report DS-31/15 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer C... Page 8 of 19
fr'4 '54� s31, r 0,Orelr'A ell42 i A}aa,v `,.-°
earth feet 500
meters 100
11� 4ei 4-0, `G .
Report DS-31/15 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer C... Page 9 of 19
I Oxford Street
London ON H �Canatdl a 472 7328
n 8354
TolAttention Municipality of Bayham Date May 12,2015
From Derek Dudek,MCIP,RPP Project No 3404-597
cc file
Subject Murray-Application for Minor Variance to Zoning By-law,Pt Lot 26,
South Gore,Coyle Road
1. We have completed our review of the Application for Minor Variance A-02/15 submitted by
Wm.Dan&Carolyn Murray for a parcel of land located on Part Lot 26,South Gore on the
east side of Coyle Road,south of Lamers Line,and known municipally as 7744 Coyle
Road T-eiibettine The applicant is requesting a minor variance to Zoning By-law Z456-
2003 to grant relief from Section 5.1 -Permitted Uses in the Agricultural Zone to allow up
to three(3)mobile homes as supplementary farm dwellings in accordance with Section
2.1.10 of the Official Plan.The subject lands are zoned Agricultural(A1)in Zoning By-law
Z456-2003 and designated'Agriculture'and'Natural Gas Reservoir with'Hazard Lands'
constraints in the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham.
2. The subject lands are 27.6 hectares _� .
(68.2 acres)in area and
characterized as an agricultural
property with a mix of cultivated fields
and wooded valleylands associated
with a tributary of the South Otter
Creek. Buildings on the site are all " f
located in the southwest corner of - -�
the subject lands(see circle at right)
and include one(1)existing single-
dwelling;one(1)mobile q o
home;four(4)barns;and four(4)
tobacco kilns. Surrounding uses are . .
characterized as a similar mix of
agricultural and wooded valleylands I
in all directions with the closest -.
residence being located - —
approximately 430 metres northwest
of the aforementioned cluster of
buildings on the subject lands. 4111
3. Section 2.1.10 states that the Municipality supports the erection or placement of additional
dwellings on farm parcels where the size or nature of the farming operation warrants
additional dwellings. Such dwellings may only be permitted by a minor variance to the
Zoning By-law and may not be severed from the farm operation. Such dwellings may be
temporary dwellings in the form of a mobile home or modular home;or a permanent
dwelling in the form of a converted dwelling or bunkhouse. Farming operations shall refer
to any parcels owned,or owned in part by an applicant. The applicants are seeking
IBI Group Is a group of firms providing professional services and is affiliated with 181 Group Architects
Report DS-31/15 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer C... Page 10 of 19
Municipality of Bayt am—May 12,2015
approval for up to two(2)new mobile homes in addition to the one(1)existing mobile
home mentioned above.
4. Establishment of supplementary farm dwellings will be permitted subject to the following
a) Need: Is there a need for such a dwelling based on the type,scale,and/or size of
the farm operation. The applicants have provided information indicating that they
require farm help in the form of 80 people for the hand picking of various
vegetable crops including 40 hectares of asparagus, 16 hectares of peppers,12
hectares of tobacco, 12 hectares of cucumbers,8 hectares of squash and 1.6
hectares of raspberries for a total of 89.6 hectares(221 acres)of land.
b) Existing Dwellings: Is there justification for permitting the proposed new dwelling,
where existing on-site accommodations may exist. The applicants should provide
an inventory of the total number of existing and proposed supplementary farm
dwellings currently located on those parcels constituting the 89.6 hectares noted
above to determine if all three(3)mobile homes on site will be required.
c) Location: The location of the proposed dwelling should utilize existing services
(driveways, wells,septic systems)where feasible and be sited so as to not impact
any surrounding land uses. Our review of the conceptual sketch provided by the
applicants and the most recent aerial photographs indicates the existing mobile
home and one of the new mobile homes will be located in an area close to the
existing cluster of farm buildings,driveway and water/wastewater infrastructure in
the southwest corner of the subject lands. No information has been provided for
the proposed third mobile home. This area is suitably buffered from on-site and
off-site agricultural uses,and as indicated above would be suitably removed from
the nearest off-site dwelling to minimize any potential nuisance impacts. It is our
opinion that this is the most suitable location on the subject lands for
supplementary farm dwellings to be located.
d) Size and Type: The proposed dwelling must meet building code requirements for
public health and safety and should not be any larger than necessary to
accommodate the needs of the farm help residing in the dwelling. The proposed
mobile homes are the preferred form of housing as they can be more easily
removed from the property. The Chief Building Official should be satisfied that the
mobile homes can meet public health and safety requirements for the total
number of persons to be housed.
e) Services: The proponent must illustrate adequate water and sewage treatment
and disposal services for the proposed dwelling. The application indicates that an
existing well will service all dwellings,while two septic systems are located on the
subject lands.
f) Vehicular Access: The proponent should illustrate how the proposed dwelling will
not contribute to any traffic-related hazards. The proposed dwellings are all
located within close proximity to the existing farm buildings and the existing
driveway which avoids the need for additional driveways.
Report DS-31/15 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer C... Page 11 of 19
Municipality of Bayham—May 12,2015
5. Section 45.(1)of the Planning Act outlines the four"tests"with which the Committee of
Adjustment must be satisfied with when considering an application for a minor variance to
the Zoning By-law.The following outlines our analysis of these tests:
• Is the variance minor in nature?
The variance of use is minor in nature, insomuch as dwellings are permitted
on agricultural lots, and the Municipality has stated support for additional
supplementary farm dwellings in accordance with the above criteria.
• Is the variance desirable for the use of the lands? The proposed
supplementary farm dwellings include an existing mobile home and at least
one of the proposed new mobile homes is in immediate proximity to the
existing mobile home which has been identified above as the most desirable
location for all additional housing to be located on the subject lands.
Provided there is no history of ongoing adverse impacts,the variance can be
deemed as a desirable use of the lands.
• Does the variance maintain the general intent and purpose of the
Zoning By-law?
The Zoning By-law permits a variety of agricultural uses in the Al Zone.The
requested supplementary farm dwellings are deemed to be complementary
to agricultural uses as they would provide additional support to continue
normal farming operations; and therefore the variance would meet the intent
and purpose of the Zoning By-law.
• Does the variance maintain the general intent and purpose of the
Official Plan?
- The intent and purpose of the'Agriculture'land use designation is to
provide for all types,sizes,and intensities of agricultural uses and
normal farm practices. It is our opinion that supplementary farm
dwellings maintain the intent of the'Agriculture'land use designation.
- With respect to the aforementioned'Natural Hazard'constraint,the
Long Point Region Conservation Authority should be consulted to
ensure there are no issues with the location of the future mobile
With respect to the'Natural Gas Reservoir designation,the policies of
Section 2.5-Petroleum and Salt Resources of the Official Plan do not
preclude agricultural activities on the surface of said lands.
Report DS-31/15 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer C... Page 12 of 19
Municipality of Bayham—May 12,2015
6. Based on our review,we have no objection to the proposed variance to the Zoning By-law
as requested subject to an agreement to address general concerns outlined herein.
Section states that the Municipality may enter into an agreement with the
applicant relating to such matters as location,maintenance,buffering,removal,and period
of occupancy of any dwellings,as well as any other matters deemed appropriate to
ensure that the dwelling is used for its intended purpose of providing house for farm help.
A draft copy of such an agreement is attached to this memorandum for Council and Staffs
Derek Dudek,MCIP,RPP
Consulting Planner to the
Municipality of Bayham
Report DS-31/15 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer C... Page 13 of 19
7744 Coyle Road, North Part Lot 26,South Gore
Municipality of Bayham
Report DS-31/15 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer C... Page 14 of 19
THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 21st day of May 2015.
Hereinafter called the"OWNER"
Hereinafter called the"MUNICIPALITY"
WHEREAS the Owner is the owner in fee simple of the lands situate in the Municipality of Bayham,in the County
of Elgin being Part of Lot 26, South Gore, more particularly described in Attachment"A" attached hereto (and
hereafter referred to as the"Lands");
AND WHEREAS the Owner intends to locate up to three(3)mobile homes in accordance with the Conceptual Site
Plan attached hereto,as Attachment"B"(and hereafter referred to as the"Plan");
AND WHEREAS the Municipality,as a condition of the location of a mobile home on the Lands requires the Owner
to enter into a Development Agreement;
NOW THEREFORE in consideration of other good and valuable consideration and the sum of Two Dollars($2.00)
of lawful money of Canada by each to the other paid(the receipt whereof is acknowledged by each),the Owner
hereby covenants and agrees with the Municipality as follows:
1. The Owner agrees that the three(3)mobile homes shall be located on the Lands in general accordance
with the area identified on the Plan.
2. The Municipality, through its servants, officers and agents, including its Chief Building Official and Fire
Chief, may,from time to time,and at any time,enter on the premises of the Owner to inspect the mobile
home for the purposes of ensuring public health and safety, in specific regards to condition of the mobile
home;fire protection;the provision of potable water;and the proper treatment and disposal of sewage.
3. The Owner shall remove the mobile homes from the Lands if the buildings cease to be used for the purpose
of housing supplementary farm labour for a period longer than two(2)calendar years;
4. The Owner shall not permit the mobile homes on the Lands to be occupied by any persons between the
period of December 1St and March 31st of any calendar year.
5. The Owner further agrees that:
Report DS-31/15 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer C... Page 15 of 19
a) all necessary provisions for service connections on site will be made to the satisfaction of the
b) upon failure by the Owner to do any act identified herein, that the public safety or convenience
requires,in accordance with this Agreement,upon seven(7)days written notice,the Municipality,in
addition to any other remedy,may go in and do same at the Owner's expense,and collect the cost
in like manner either as municipal taxes or from the Letter of Credit deposited as performance
c) nothing in this Agreement constitutes waiver of the owner's duty to comply with any by-law of the
Municipality or any other law.
6. The Owner shall be responsible for consulting with and obtaining any necessary approval from the Ministry
of Transportation, if applicable.
7. The Owner shall satisfy all the requirements in relation to the fire protection for the building(s) to the
satisfaction of the Municipality's Fire Chief.
8. In the event of any servant,officer or agent of the Municipality,upon inspection,be of the opinion that the
state of maintenance is not satisfactory,such servant,officer or agent shall forthwith,forward notice of such
opinion,by registered mail,to the Owner,at the last known address,and the Owner shall forthwith correct
the deficiency or appeal to the Council of the Municipality of Bayham,as hereinafter provided.
9. In the event that the Owner should disagree with the opinion of the servant, officer or agent of the
Municipality,as to the state of maintenance,such Owner shall appear before the Council of the Municipality
of Bayham, which after hearing the Owner, shall express its opinion as to whether the maintenance is
satisfactory, by resolution,which shall constitute a final determination of the matter.
10. In the event that an Owner shall fail to correct a deviation or deficiency after notice or after notice of an
opinion, which the Council of the Municipality of Bayham determines is correct, the Council of the
Municipality of Bayham,may by by-law,direct,on default of the matter or thing being done by the Owner,
after two(2)week's notice,to it by registered mail,at the last known address of the Owner,pursuant to the
last revised assessment roll of passage of such By-Law, that such matter or thing be done by the
Municipality, at the expense of the Owner, which expense may be recoverable by action as municipal
11.This Agreement and the provisions thereof,do not give to the Owner orany person acquiring any interest in
the said lands any rights against the Municipality with respect to the failure of the Owner to perform or fully
perform any of its obligations under this Agreement or any negligence of the Owner in its performance of
the said obligations.
12.The Owner agrees that it will not call into question,directly or indirectly in any proceeding whatsoever in law
or in equity or before any administrative tribunal the right of the Municipality to enter into this Agreement
and to enforce each and every term,covenant and condition herein contained and this Agreement may be
pleaded as an estoppels against the Owner in any case.
Report DS-31/15 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer C... Page 16 of 19
13.The Owner agrees on behalf of themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, to save
harmless and indemnify the Municipality,from all losses, damages,costs, charges and expenses which
may be claimed or recovered against the Municipality by any person or persons arising either directly or
indirectly as a result of any action taken by the Owner, pursuant to this Agreement.
14.All facilities and matters required by this Agreement shall be provided and maintained by the Owner at its
sole risk and expense to the satisfaction of the Municipality and in accordance with the standards
determined by the Municipality and in default thereof,and without limiting other remedies available to the
Municipality, the provisions of Section 326 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990,shall apply.
15.This Agreement shall be registered at the expense of the Owner,against the land to which it applies,and
the Municipality shall be entitled, subject to the provisions of The Registry Act, to enforce its provisions
against the Owner, named herein,and any and all subsequent Owners of the land.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties hereto have hereupon,affixed their Corporate Seal,duly attested to by their
authorized signing officers in that behalf.
Wm. Dan Murray Witness(signature)
z 1
Carolyn Murray Witness(signature)
Report DS-31/15 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer C... Page 17 of 19
Legal Description: Concession South Gore, North Part Lot 26, Municipality of Bayham,
County of Elgin
Municipal Address: 7744 Coyle Road
Report DS-31/15 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer C... Page 18 of 19
C7 t
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World Street Map
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is for reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be
WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxlllary_Sphere accurate,current,or otherwise reliable.
®Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION