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April 16, 2015 - Council
THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA April 16, 2015 MUNICIPAL OFFICE STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO IN CAMERA 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. (Closed to the Public) REGULAR MEETING 7:00 p.m. Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3. OTHER BUSINESS AND REVIEW OF ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA (a) In Camera (b) In Camera Meeting regarding litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board and advice that is subject to solicitor- client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose (Project Ojibwa Legal Action), and a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. (c) Out of Camera 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS 5. DELEGATIONS 6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) 6 - 15 (a) Regular meeting of Council held April 2, 2015 7. MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTION 8. RECREATION, CULTURE, TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Page 1 of 217 2015 Regular Council Agenda April 16, 2015 Page 8.1. Correspondence 8.1.1 Receive for Information 8.1.2 Requiring Action 8.2. Reports to Council 9. PHYSICAL SERVICES - EMERGENCY SERVICES 9.1. Correspondence 9.1.1 Receive for Information 9.1.2 Requiring Action 9.2. Reports to Council 16 - 50 (a) Report FR-02/15 by Randy White, Fire Chief/By-law Officer re New Bylaw to Establish a Fire Department (E&R) 51 - 53 (b) Report FR-03/15 by Randy White, Fire Chief/By-law Officer re Placing an Emergency Response Unit in the Port Burwell Fire Hall 54 - 55 (c) Report PS-03/15 by Vance Czerwinski, Manager of Public Works re 2015-2017 Landscape Services Tender Results and Recommendation 56 - 57 (d) Report PS-04/15 by Vance Czerwinski, Manager of Public Works re 2015 Roadside Grass Cutting Tender Results and Recommendation 58 (e) Report PS-05/15 by Vance Czerwinski, Manager of Public Works re Stop Sign Installed at Bayham Norfolk Boundary Road & Goshen Road Intersection 59 - 60 (f) Report PS-10/15 by Vance Czerwinski, Manager of Public Works re 2015 Port Burwell and Vienna Storm Sewer Line Condition Report Request for Quotation Results and Recommendation 61 (g) Report PS-11/15 by Vance Czerwinski, Manager of Public Works re Washroom & Change Room Cleaning Services Request for Quotation Results and Recommendations 62 - 76 (h) Report PS-12/15 by Ed Roloson, Water/Wastewater Operations Manager re Quarterly Reports for The Bayham Page 2 of 217 2015 Regular Council Agenda April 16, 2015 Page Water Distribution System, The Municipality of Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells, The Richmond Community Water System and Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant Compliance Summary 10. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - SUSTAINABILITY AND CONSERVATION 10.1. Correspondence 10.1.1 Receive for Information 77 (a) Notice of passing of Zoning By-Law Z636-2015 Best Line Farms Ltd 78 (b) Notice of Official Plan Amendment No. 15 Robert & Michele Deryk Farms Ltd. 10.1.2 Requiring Action 10.2. Reports to Council 79 - 80 (a) Report DS-24/15 by Bill Knifton, Chief Building Official, Drainage Superintendent re 1st Quarter Report 81 - 84 (b) Report DS-25/15 by Bill Knifton, Chief Building Official, Drainage Superintendent re Petition for Drainage 85 - 92 (c) Report DS-27/15 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re Consent Applications E65/13 and E61/14 93 - 112 (d) Report DS-28/15 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re Site Plan Agreement - Etienne and Marie-Louise Borm 11. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 11.1. Correspondence 11.1.1 Receive for Information 113 - 122 (a) Cheque Register being Cheque #018428 to Cheque #018491 inclusive and totaling $116,953.41 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending March 29, 2015, 2015 totaling $56,533.85 Page 3 of 217 2015 Regular Council Agenda April 16, 2015 Page 123 - 127 (b) Museums Bayham draft minutes of meeting held April 8, 2015 128 (c) Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade re Lincoln M. Alexander Award 2015 129 - 134 (d) Ontario Provincial Police re Year 2014 Reconciled Contract Policing Costs and 2015 Billing Statement Adjustment 135 (e) Stewardship Ontario re March Payment for Municipal Blue Box Recycling for the 2014 Program Year 136 - 138 (f) Ministry of Transportation re Ontario Investing $25 Million in Cycling Infrastructure 139 - 140 (g) Association of Municipalities of Ontario Policy Update re Ministry of Education Releases New Process for School Closures 141 - 142 (h) Safe Wind Energy for All Residents re Charter Challenge 143 - 144 (i) The Township of Madawaska Valley re Hydro Rates resolution 145 (j) Jeff Yurek, MPP Elgin-Middlesex-London re initiatives of the Ontario Phragmites Working Group 146 (k) Joe Preston, MP Elgin-Middlesex-London re National Health and Fitness Day 147 - 154 (I) Lisa Thompson, MPP Huron-Bruce re Bill 66 Great Lakes Protection Act, 2015 155 - 157 (m) Canadian Society of Landscape Architects re World Landscape Architecture Month 158 - 161 (n) Taking Care of Your Drinking Water Guide for Municipal Council Members (full publication available upon request) 11.1.2 Requiring Action 162 - 164 (a) Event Road Closure Reqest Form re Canada Day Celebration and Parade 165 - 168 (b) Sylvia Jones, MPP Dufferin-Caledon re Bill 36, Private Member's Bill the Respecting Private Property Act 11.2. Reports to Council Page 4 of 217 2015 Regular Council Agenda April 16, 2015 Page 12. BY-LAWS 169 - 182 (a) By-Law 2015-043 Being a By-Law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between Etienne and Marie-Louise Borm (ETBO Tool & Die) and The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham 183 - 216 (b) By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a Fire Department for the Municipality of Bayham 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) Preliminary Facilities Discussion 14. OTHER BUSINESS 15. BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL 217 (a) By-Law 2015-045 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 16. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment Page 5 of 217 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Thursday,April 2,2015 MUNICIPAL OFFICE STRAFFORDVILLE,ONTARIO IN CAMERA 6:00 p.m.-7:00p.m.(Closed to the Public) REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P.M. Council recessed at 7:50 p.m.for a short break and reconvened at 8:00 p.m. PUBLIC MEETING-Drainage 8:00 p.m. The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday,April 2,2015 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Paul Ens,Deputy Mayor Tom Southwick,Councillors Randy Breyer,Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw,Administrator Paul Shipway and Clerk Lynda Millard. Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Margaret Underhill,Chief Building Official/Drainage Superintendent Bill Knifton and Treasurer Lome James were in attendance to present their respective reports. Water/Wastewater Operations Manager Ed Roloson was in attendance in regard to the presentation of the Grand River Conservation Authority. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST&THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared. 3. OTHER BUSINESS AND REVIEW OF ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA (a) In Camera Moved by:Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Southwick "THAT the Council do now rise to enter into an"In Camera" Session of Committee of the Whole at 6:00 p.m.to discuss: • litigation or potential litigation,including matters before administrative tribunals,affecting the municipality or local board; • advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege,including communications necessary for that purpose CARRIED (b) In Camera Meeting regarding litigation or potential litigation,including matters before administrative tribunals,affecting the municipality or local board and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege,including communications necessary for that purpose (Project Ojibwa Legal Action) Page of 9 Regular meeting of Council held April 2,2015 Page 6 of 217 Council Minutes April 02,2015 (c) Out of Camera Moved by:Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the"In Camera" session at 6:47 p.m.with nothing to report. CARRIED 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS (a) Mayor Ens reported that The Municipality of Bayham raised the Autism flag on April 2,2015 at 10:00 a.m.in recognition of World Autism Awareness Day 5. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:05 p.m.Martin Keller,Source Protection Program Manager with the Grand River Conservation Authority re Source Water Protection Update Mr.Keller provided a powerpoint presentation regarding Source Water Protection for the Village of Richmond. Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT the Source Water Protection Update provided by Martin Keller be received for information. CARRIED 6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) (a) Budget meeting of Council held March 17,2015 Regular meeting of Council and Public meetings held March 19,2015 Moved by:Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by:Councillor Casier THAT the minutes of the budget meeting held March 17,2015 and the regular and public meetings held March 19,2015 be adopted. CARRIED 7. MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTION S. RECREATION,CULTURE,TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1. CORRESPONDENCE Page 2 of 9 Regular meeting of Council held April 2,2015 Page 7 of 217 Council Minutes April 02,2015 1.1 RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION 1.2 REQUIRING ACTION 2. REPORTS TO COUNCIL 9. PHYSICAL SERVICES-EMERGENCY SERVICES 1. CORRESPONDENCE 1.1 RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION 1.2 REQUIRING ACTION 2. REPORTS TO COUNCIL 10. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES-SUSTAINABILITY AND CONSERVATION 1. CORRESPONDENCE 1.1 RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION 1.2 REQUIRING ACTION 1.3 PUBLIC MEETING (a) 8:00 p.m.-Stewart Drain#1-to consider Spriet Associates Engineer's Report #208367 dated March 5,2015 Moved by:Councillor Casier Seconded by:Councillr Ketchabaw THAT the Council meeting be adjourned in order to hold a Public Meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Drainage Act. CARRIED 1.4 DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared. 1.5 STAFF PRESENTATION (a) Report DS-18/15 by Bill Knifton,Chief Building Official,Drainage Superintendent re Stewart Drain No. 1 1.6 PUBLIC COMMENTS (a) Marty Hutcheson and Lorrie Shepherd expressed concerns regarding the proposed location of the drain and the effect on mature trees. Terry Pittao expressed concern regarding the effect of the proposed drain on his well. Karen Clements expressed lack of understanding of the Drainage Act requirements for responsibility for payment. Page 3 of 9 Regular meeting of Council held April 2,2015 Page 8 of 217 Council Minutes April 02,2015 1.7 COUNCIL COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS 1.8 ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Councilor Casier Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT the Public meeting be adjourned and the Council meeting be reconvened at 8:43 p.m. CARRIED 1.9 DISPOSITION OF ITEM Moved by: Councilor Casier Seconded by:Councillor Ketchabaw THAT in accordance with Sections 44 to 46 of the Drainage Act,Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham hereby adopts Spriet Associates report #208367 dated March 5,2015,referred to as the"Stewart Drain No. 1"report; THAT Provisional By-law#2015-037 be given first and second reading; THAT the Clerk be directed to distribute copies of the Provisional By-law and Notice of the time and place of the first sitting of the Court of Revision to the affected parties pursuant to Section 46(2)of the Drainage Act; AND THAT a date of May 7,2015 at 8:00 p.m.be set for the first sitting of the Court of Revision. CARRIED 2. REPORTS TO COUNCIL (a) Report DS-19/15 by Bill Knifton,Chief Building Official,Drainage Superintendent re Magyar-Dielman Drain Award Contract Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by:Councillor Ketchabaw THAT Staff Report DS-19/15 be received; THAT Council accept the tender for provision of drainage works set out in the Form of Tender for the Magyar—Dieleman Municipal Drain,as submitted by Freese Excavating in the amount of$65,664.59(plus HST)with work to commence on after April 1,2015 and work to be completed on or before April 15,2015 Page 4 of 9 Regular meeting of Council held April 2,2015 Page 9 of 217 Council Minutes April 02,2015 AND THAT By-Law 2015-038 authorizing the execution of contract documents be presented to Council for enactment. CARRIED (b) Report DS-20/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re New Hope Baptist Church Request to Rezone Moved by:Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT Report DS-20/15 be received for information; AND THAT Council directs Staff to continue the process initiated by the Municipality in 1999 to rezone lands identified as 57272 Talbot Line,owned by New Hope Baptist Church; AND THAT Council directs Staff to prepare a Mutual Drain Agreement to address the Green Line road drain affecting the lands identified as 57272 Talbot Line, owned by the New Hope Baptist Church. CARRIED (c) Report DS-21/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re Official Plan Amendment No. 15-Surplus Farm Dwelling Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT Report DS-21/15 be received for information; AND THAT By-law 2015-039,being an adopting By-law for Official Plan Amendment No.15 regarding amending Official Plan Section c)be presented for enactment. CARRIED (d) Report DS-22/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re Rezoning Application-Best Line Farms Ltd. Moved by:Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by:Councillor Ketchabaw THAT Report DS-22/15 be received for information; AND THAT Zoning By-law Z456-2003,as amended,be further amended in accordance with conditions of Elgin County Land Division Application E95/14 by changing the zoning on the subject lands known as 55035 Green Line,owned by Page 5 of 9 Regular meeting of Council held April 2,2015 Page 10 of 217 Council Minutes April 02,2015 Best Line Farms Ltd.,from the Agricultural(Al)Zone to Special Agricultural(A2) on the retained lands and to site-specific Rural Residential(RR-26)on the severed parcel containing the surplus farm dwelling; AND THAT Zoning By-law Z636-2015 be presented to Council for enactment. CARRIED (e) Report DS-23/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re Site Plan Agreement-Froese Vegetables Inc. Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by:Councillor Ketchabaw THAT Report DS-23/15 be received for information; AND THAT By-law No.2015-041,being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between Froese Vegetables Inc.and the Municipality of Bayham for development at the property known as 56618 Calton Line be presented for enactment. CARRIED 11. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 1. CORRESPONDENCE 1.1 RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION (a) Cheque Register being Cheque#018361 to Cheque#018427 inclusive,except Cheques #018385,#018388 and#018406 and totaling$547,995.91 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending March 15,2015 totaling$57,212.33 (b) Minister Responsible for Seniors Affairs re June as Seniors Month (c) Minister Responsible for Seniors Affairs re 2015 Senior of the Year Award (d) Ernie Hardeman,M.P.P.Oxford,PC Critic for Municipal Affairs and Housing re Housing Services Corporation Accountability Act (e) Berva Alderwood re Water Charges (fl Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held March 11,2015 (g) Elgin County re French Immersion Public School student relocation (h) Ontario Chamber of Commerce re Ontario's Path from Recovery to Growth(full report available at the Municipal Office) Page 6 of 9 Regular meeting of Council held April 2,2015 Page 11 of 217 Council Minutes April 02,2015 (i) Province of Ontario re Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act,2005- Reporting Requirements 2015-What Municipalities Need to Know Moved by:Councillor Casier Seconded by:Councillor Breyer THAT correspondence items 11.1.1(a)-11.1.1(i)be received for information. CARRIED 1.2 REQUIRING ACTION 2. REPORTS TO COUNCIL (a) Report TR-06/15 by Lome James,Treasurer re 2014 Investment Report Moved by: Councillor Breyer Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT Staff Report TR-06/15 be received for information. CARRIED (b) Report TR-07/15 by Lorne James,Treasurer re 2014 Surplus Allocation Moved by: Councillor Breyer Seconded by:Councillor Ketchabaw THAT Staff Report TR-07/15 be received for information; AND THAT the 2014 accumulated surplus of$47,948 be transferred to the Contingency Reserve to accommodate future unexpected expenses. CARRIED 12. BY-LAWS (a) By-Law Z636-2015 Being a By-law to further amend By-Law Z456-2003 (Best Line Farms) (b) By-Law 2015-037 Being a Provisional By-law to provide for drainage works known as the Stewart Municipal Drain No. 1 (c) By-Law 2015-038 Being a By-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreement with Froese Excavating Ltd.for the provision of the drainage works for the Magyar-Dielman Municipal Dratin (d) By-Law 2015-039 Being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment#15 Page 7 of 9 Regular meeting of Council held April 2,2015 Page 12 of 217 Council Minutes April 02,2015 (e) By-Law 2015-040 Being a By-law to adopt the Accessibility Plan—Policies (f) By-Law 2015-041 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with Froese Vegetables Inc. Moved by: Councillor Breyer Seconded by:Councillor Casier THAT Provisional By-Law 2015-037 be read a first and second time only; AND THAT By-Laws Z636-2015,2015-038,2015-039,2015-040 and 2015-041 be read a first,second and third time and finally passed. CARRIED 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) Straffordville Ball Diamond Usage by the fastball and youth teams was discussed. Council directed staff to send correspondence advising time will be awarded on a first come/first serve basis. (b) Discussion regarding Straffordville Ball Diamond bleachers. Council decided to defer removal of bleachers to 2016 Budget deliberations for formal consideration. Moved by:Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Southwick That decision regarding removal of the Straffordville Ball Diamond bleachers be referred to 2016 Budget deliberations for financial consideration. CARRIED 14. OTHER BUSINESS 15. BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL (a) By-Law 2015-042 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by:Councillor Breyer "That confirming By-Law 2015-042 be read a first,second and third time and fmally passed." CARRIED Page 8 of 9 Regular meeting of Council held April 2,2015 Page 13 of 217 Council Minutes April 02,2015 16. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment Moved by:Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by:Councillor Ketchabaw "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 8:46 p.m." CARRIED MAYOR CLERK Page 9 of 9 Regular meeting of Council held April 2,2015 Page 14 of 217 Regular meeting of Council held April 2,2015 Page 15 of 217 V•10(1144 -- 4 REPORT FIRE DEPARTMENT Pp�i'�unty Is00, TO: Mayor&Members of Council FROM: Randy White, Fire Chief/By-law Officer DATE: April 16, 2015 REPORT: F -02/1:- FILE NO.C-07 I-K-6.1i/5 SUBJECT: New Bylaw to Establish a Fire Department(E&R) BACKGROUND: Subsequent to the certification of a local bargaining unit at the Port Burwell fire hall,a Collective Agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and the Teamsters Union Local has been successfully generated. CURRENT SITUATION: To ensure compatibility between the regulations and procedures in the Collective Agreement and the Bylaw to Establish and Regulate a Fire Department(E&R), an updated version of the existing Bylaw(#2012-031)is proposed. Disciplinary procedures, minimum attendance requirements,and remuneration have been aligned between the two documents. In addition, Schedule"E" has been removed from the E&R due to the creation of an overall General Fees Schedule that includes Fire Services. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That a new version of the Fire Department Establishing and Regulating(E&R)Bylaw be enacted and the previous version repealed. Respectfully Submitted by: Reviewed by: Randy White Paul Shipway Fire Chief/By-law Officer CAO Page 1 of 1 Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 16 of 217 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NUMBER 2015-044 BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH AND REGULATE A FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WHEREAS the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, permits Council to enact a by-law to establish and regulate a Fire Department; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, provides that a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, provides that Sections 8 and 11 shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on municipalities to (a)enable municipalities to govern their affairs as they consider appropriate and (b)enhance their ability to respond to municipal issues; AND WHEREAS the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, requires every municipality to establish a program in the municipality which must include public education with respect to fire safety and certain components of fire prevention and to provide such other Fire Protection Services as it determines may be necessary in accordance with its needs and circumstances; AND WHEREAS the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, requires a municipality that establishes a Fire Department to appoint a Fire Chief; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS A BY-LAW AS FOLLOWS: Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 17 of 217 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NUMBER 2015-044 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH AND REGULATE A FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WHEREAS the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, permits Council to enact a by-law to establish and regulate a Fire Department; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, provides that a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, provides that Sections 8 and 11 shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on municipalities to(a)enable municipalities to govern their affairs as they consider appropriate and (b)enhance their ability to respond to municipal issues; AND WHEREAS the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, requires every municipality to establish a program in the municipality which must include public education with respect to fire safety and certain components of fire prevention and to provide such other Fire Protection Services as it determines may be necessary in accordance with its needs and circumstances; AND WHEREAS the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, requires a municipality that establishes a Fire Department to appoint a Fire Chief; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS A BY-LAW AS FOLLOWS: Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 18 of 217 SHORT TITLE This by-law may be cited as the "Bayham Fire& Emergency Services By-law". Section 1-Definitions For the purpose of this By-law: 1.1 "Apparatus"shall mean any vehicle, tool, object or thing used by the Fire Department to assist with accessing, controlling or making safe incidents; 1.2 "Approved" shall mean approved by Council; 1.3 "Chief Administrative Officer"shall mean the Chief Administrative Officer(CAO)of the Corporation the Municipality of Bayham; 1.4 "Collective Agreement" shall mean the contractual agreement in place governing the employment conditions between those members designated as included in the bargaining unit and the Municipality; 1.5 "Council"shall mean the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham; 1.6 "Deputy Fire Chief' shall mean the Deputy Fire Chief of the Municipality of Bayham Fire Department, as may be appointed by Council; 1.7 "Fire Chief" shall mean the Fire Chief of the Municipality of Bayham Fire Department or his designate, as appointed by Council; 1.8 "Fire Department" shall mean the Municipality of Bayham Fire Department; 1.9 "Fire Protection Services"shall include, but not be limited to fire suppression,fire prevention, fire safety education, communications, training of persons involved in the provision of fire protection services, rescue and emergency services, and the delivery of those services; 1.10 "Highway" shall mean a highway within the meaning of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended and Highway Traffic Act R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER H.8, as amended. 1,11 "Head of Council" shall be the person elected by general vote, in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, or shall be appointed by the members of council; Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 19 of 217 1.12 "Incident"shall mean any event that requires the attendance of the Fire Department that: a) is immediately threatening to life, health, property or environment; b) has already caused loss of life, health detriments, property damage or environmental damage; or c) has a high probability of escalating to cause immediate danger to life, health, property or environment. 1 13 "Member"shall mean any person employed in, or appointed to the Fire Department and assigned to undertake fire protection services and shall include officers, probationary firefighters and administrative persons; 1.14 "Motor vehicle"shall mean an automobile, a motorcycle, a motor-assisted bicycle unless otherwise indicated in this Act, and any other vehicle propelled or driven otherwise than by muscular power, but does not include a street car or other motor vehicle running only upon rails, a power-assisted bicycle, a motorized snow vehicle, a traction engine, a farm tractor, a self-propelled implement of husbandry or a road-building machine; 1 15 "Municipal Law Enforcement Officer"shall mean a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer appointed to enforce the by-laws of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham; 1.16 "Officer' shall include the Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief, Fire Prevention Officer and all Captains and Acting Captains; 1.17 "Owner"shall mean any person or persons identified by the most current Municipal Assessment Roll as being the owner of the property or the owner of a piece of property; 1.18 "Part-Time Firefighter" shall mean a Member who provides fire protection services either voluntarily or for a nominal consideration, honorarium, training or activity allowance; 1.19 "Person" shall include an individual, a sole proprietorship, a partnership, an unincorporated association, a trust, a body corporate or a natural person; 1.20 "Police Officer"shall mean a Police Constable of the Ontario Provincial Police or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police; 1.21 'Property" shall mean a parcel of land which is shown as a lot or block on a registered plan of subdivision or described in a transfer/deed of land of legal effect registered in the Land Registry Office and includes any part of a building, structure, mobile building or mobile structure on the Property or Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 20 of 217 any item owned by a person. Property shall mean personal and real property. Section 2-Establishment 2.1 A Fire Department for the Municipality, to be known as the Municipality of Bayham Fire Department, is hereby established and the head of the Department shall be known as the Fire Chief and shall provide the fire protection services as outlined in Appendix'A' attached hereto. Section 3-Composition 3.1 The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department shall consist of the Fire Chief, and may consist of Deputy Fire Chief, Officers, and such other number of Members as may be deemed necessary by Council to provide fire protection services, as per the organizational chart attached hereto as Appendix 'B'. Section 4-Employment 4.1 The Fire Chief may hire any qualified person as a Member of the Fire Department, subject to the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, and the hiring policies and procedures of the Municipality. 4.2 A Person appointed as a Member of the Fire Department shall be on probation for a period of twelve (12) months, during which period he shall take such training and examinations as may be deemed necessary by the Fire Chief. 4.3 A Member on probation that fails such examinations, or is found to be unsatisfactory during the probationary period, as outlined in Section 4.2 of this by-law, may be discharged from the Fire Department by the CAO without cause upon recommendation by the Fire Chief, subject to terms of any applicable collective agreements. 4.4 Subject to the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, the remuneration and other terms and conditions of employment or appointment of the Members that comprise the Fire Department shall be determined by Council in accordance with policies and programs established or approved by Council, including applicable collective agreements. 4.5 The Fire Chief may, in writing, reprimand, suspend or recommend termination, subject to terms of any applicable collective agreement, of any Member to the CAO for an infraction of any provisions of this By-law, Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 21 of 217 policies, general orders and Fire Department rules that, in the opinion of the Fire Chief,would be detrimental to the discipline or the efficiency of the Fire Department. 4.6 The procedures for termination of employment prescribed in the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, shall apply to all Members of the Fire Department, subject to terms of any applicable collective agreements. 4.7 A Member shall not be terminated without an opportunity for a review of termination, subject to terms of any applicable collective agreements, if they make a written request for such a review within seven (7) days after receiving notification of the proposed dismissal. A person appointed by the CAO who is not a Member of the Fire Department shall conduct the review within ten (10)days of the submission of written request. 4.8 If a medical practitioner licensed in the Province of Ontario finds a Member is physically unfit to perform assigned duties (Presumptuous Legislation) and such condition is attributed to, and a result of employment in the Fire Department, and such claim is approved by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, then the provisions of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997. S.O. 1997, C. 16. Schedule A, as amended, shall apply as well as any supplementary benefits that may be provided by the Municipality of Bayham that are approved by Council. 4.9 A Member shall maintain a minimum of 70% attendance to required training and 50% attendance to incidents subject to individual requests for variance due to personal circumstances. Failure to maintain the aforementioned attendance rates over a rolling six(6) month average shall result in termination. 4.10 A Member that fails to report for any emergency calls or training for a period of three (3)consecutive months is deemed to be terminated. 4.11 Members shall conduct themselves in accordance with rules and regulations of the Fire Department, established pursuant to Schedule 'C' attached hereto, and shall give their whole and undivided attention, while on duty, to the efficient operation of the Fire Department and shall diligently and faithfully perform the duties assigned to them to the best of their ability. 4.12 Working conditions, remuneration and other terms of conditions of employment or appointment of the Officers and Members shall be determined by the Council as outlined in Schedule 'D' Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 22 of 217 4.13 Members of the fire department will be supplied with green lights for use in responding to emergencies as defined by the Ontario Highway Traffic Act. These lights will remain the property of the Municipality of Bayham and will be returned by the member up on termination or retirement. The program will supply new members with one light and will replace any one existing unit only upon failure. 4.14 The Municipality of Bayham recommends that all members obtain their HEP shots and maintain the appropriate level of protection during their tenure as firefighters. Upon submission of a receipt for required shots, the Municipality will reimburse a member for any out of pocket expenses required to meet the recommendation. Section 5-Delegation of Authority 5.1 Unless otherwise indicated, the execution of duties, responsibilities and authority of this By-law is assigned by Council to the Fire Chief who may delegate the performance of any and all of his functions under this By-law from time to time as occasion requires. 5.2 The Deputy Fire Chief shall be the second ranking officer of the Fire Department and shall be subject to and shall obey all orders of the Fire Chief and shall perform such duties as are assigned to him by the Fire Chief and shall automatically be delegated authority to act on behalf of the Fire Chief in case of injury, absence, vacancy or inability to act in the office of the Fire Chief. 5.3 Where the Fire Chief designates a Member to act in the place of an Officer in the Fire Department, such Member, when acting, has all the powers and shall perform all duties of the Officer replaced. 5.4 The Members and administrative support staff of the Fire Department while on duty shall be under the direction and control of the Fire Chief or the next ranking Officer present in any place. Section 6-Core Services 6.1 The core services of the Fire Department shall be those contained in Schedule"A", attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 6.2 Nothing in this By-law shall restrict the Fire Department to provide only core services or limit the provision of Fire Protection Services. Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 23 of 217 Section 7-Fire Department Divisions 7.1 The Fire Department shall be organized into Divisions such as Administration, Emergency Operations, Support Services, Communications, Training, Fire Prevention and Public Education. 7.2 Each Division of the Fire Department is the responsibility of the Fire Chief and is under the direction of the Fire Chief or a Member designated by the Fire Chief. Designated Members shall report to the Fire Chief about Divisions and activities under their supervision and shall carry out all orders of the Fire Chief. 7.3 The Fire Chief may assign or re-assign such Members to a Division to assist him in the administration and operation of that Division. 7.4 The Fire Chief, with prior approval of the CAO, may establish, re-organize and/or eliminate Divisions as may be required to ensure the proper administration and efficient operation of the Fire Department and the effective management of Fire Protection Services for the Municipality. Section 8-Authority of the Fire Chief 8.1 The Fire Chief shall have all powers, rights, and duties assigned to a Fire Chief under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, including, without limitation, the authority to enforce compliance with Ontario Regulation 213/07-the Fire Code. 8.2 The Fire Chief shall be ultimately responsible to Council, through the CAO, for proper administration and operation of the Fire Department including the delivery of Fire Protection Services. 8.3 The Fire Chief shall be a fully contributing member of the Municipality's Senior Management Team reporting to the CAO and shall perform the duties of an Emergency Control Group member, including being Community Emergency Management Coordinator(CEMC)as required. 8.4 The Fire Chief shall be authorized to make such general orders, policies, procedures, rules and regulations for the proper administration and efficient operation of the Fire Department and the effective management of Fire Protection Services for the Municipality and without restricting the generality of the foregoing; a) For the care and protection of all property belonging to the Fire Department; • Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 24 of 217 b) For arranging for the provision and allotment of strategic staffing and proper facilities, apparatus, equipment, materials, services and supplies for the Fire Department; c) For arranging and implementation of automatic aid, mutual aid and other negotiated fire protection and emergency service agreements within the Municipality's borders and/or within the municipal borders of adjoining municipalities, subject to approval by Council; d) For determining and establishing the qualifications and criteria for employment or appointment and the duties of all Members and administrative support staff of the Fire Department; e) For the conduct and the discipline, subject to terms of any applicable collective agreements, of Members and administrative support staff of the Fire Department; f) For reporting to the appropriate crown attorney or other prosecutor or law enforcement officer the facts upon the evidence in any case in which there is reason to believe that a incident has been the result of criminal intent or negligence or in which there is reason to believe an offence has been committed under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended; g) For keeping an accurate record, in an accessible form for reference, of all incidents responded to by the Fire Department and reporting of same to the Office of the Fire Marshal of Ontario; h) For keeping such other records as may be required by the Municipality and the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.0. 1997, c.4, as amended; i) For preparing and presenting the annual estimates of the Fire Department to Council and for exercising control over the budget approved by Council for the Fire Department. 8.5 The Fire Chief shall periodically review all policies, orders, rules, operating procedures and guidelines of the Fire Department and may establish an advisory committee of such Members of the Fire Department as the Fire Chief may determine from time to time to assist in these duties. 8.6 The Fire Chief may liaise with the Office of the Fire Marshal of Ontario and any other office or organization (local, regional, provincial or federal)as required by Council or as considered necessary or advisable by the Fire Chief for the proper administration and efficient operation of the Fire Department and the effective management of Fire Protection Services for the Municipality. Section 9-Authority of the Fire Chief—At Incidents 9.1 The Fire Chief shall take all proper measures for the prevention, control and extinguishment of fires and the protection of life and property at all incidents and shall exercise all powers mandated by the Fire Protection Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 25 of 217 and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, and the Fire Chief shall: a) have command at incidents over all Members of the Fire Department and all other persons who may be present and may direct the extinguishment of the fire or other incident and the protection of life and property; b) suppress any fire or other hazardous condition by extinguishing it or by other reasonable action and,for this purpose, may enter private property, if necessary, to do so; c) investigate or cause to be investigated incidents and report to the Office of the Fire Marshal of Ontario as required by the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended; d) be empowered to authorize pulling down or demolishing any building or structure to prevent the spread of fire; e) take all necessary actions which may include boarding up or barricading of buildings or property to guard against fire or other damage, risk or accident,when unable to contact the property owner; f) request other appropriate persons or agencies present at an incidentto assist in extinguishing fires, pulling down or demolishing buildings or structures to prevent the spread of fire, initiate crowd and traffic control or suppression of fires or other hazardous conditions in other reasonable ways. Section 10-Conduct at Incidents 10.1 The Fire Chief and all other Members of the Fire Department shall protect and guard all property entrusted to their care and the Fire Chief and all Members, insofar as lies in their power, shall take proper measures to protect all Members of the Fire Department from accident, injury or death as a result of duty. 10.2 During an incident and for the time after it has been extinguished and/or attended to by the Fire Department, and the time required to remove the apparatus and equipment of the Fire Department and render the location and vicinity safe from incident, no person shall park, stop or stand a motor vehicle on any highway within two-hundred (200) metres of: a) the scene of an incident or apparent incident; or b) a vehicle involved in an incident. 10.3 Subsection 10.2 of this By-law shall not apply to a person who is at the scene of an incident at the request or direction of a Police Officer, a Member of the Fire Department, a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer or a person involved in the incident. Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 26 of 217 10.4 No person shall drive any vehicle over a fire hose except on the specific order from a member of the Fire Department. Section 11-Refusal to Leave 11.1 No person present at an incident shall refuse to leave the immediate vicinity of two-hundred (200) metres of the incident when required to do so by a Member of the Fire Department or a Police Officer. Section 12-Emergency Responses outside the Limits of the Municipality 12.1 The Fire Department shall not respond to a call with respect to an incident outside the limits of the Municipality except with respect to an incident; a) that in the opinion of the Fire Chief threatens property in the Municipality or property situated outside the Municipality that is owned or occupied by the Municipality; b) in a municipality with which an agreement has been entered into to provide fire protection services, c) on property with respect to which an agreement has been entered into with any person to provide Fire Protection Services; d) at the discretion of the Fire Chief to a municipality authorized to participate in a Mutual Aid plan established by a fire coordinator appointed by the Ontario Fire Marshal, emergency fire service plan and program or any other organized plan or program on a reciprocal basis; e) on those highways that are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transportation or other agency within the Municipality; f) on property beyond the Municipal boundary where the Fire Chief or his designate determines that immediate action is necessary to preserve and protect life and/or property and the correct department is notified to respond and/or assumes command or establishes alternative measures acceptable to the Fire Chief or designate; g) due to a request for special assistance as required through a declaration of a provincial or federal emergency and such request has been approved by the Fire Chief, the CAO and the Head of Council. Section 13-Property 13.1 No person shall use or remove any apparatus, equipment or other property of the Fire Department for any personal or private use without the express written permission of the Fire Chief. 13.2 No person shall willfully damage or render ineffective or inoperative any apparatus, equipment or other property belonging to or used by the Fire Department. Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 27 of 217 Section 14- Fire Alarm 14.1 No person shall prevent, obstruct, or interfere in any manner whatsoever with the communication of a fire alarm to a Member of the Fire Department or with a Member of the Fire Department responding to a fire alarm that has been activated. Section 15-Interference 15.1 No person shall impede, obstruct or interfere with or hinder a Member of the Fire Department in the performance of his duties. Section 16-Recovery of Costs-Additional Expenses 16.1 The Fire Chief may require occupants, owners or persons within or outside the municipality to pay costs or fees for incident response or other administrative services provided to them. Invoicing for response services or recovery of fees shall be conducted in accordance with the Municipal Rates and Fees By-law as amended from time to time. 16.2 If as a result of a Fire Department response to an incident, the Fire Chief determines that it is necessary to incur additional expenses, retain a private contractor, rent special equipment not normally carried on a fire apparatus or use more materials than are carried on a fire apparatus in order to suppress or extinguish a fire, preserve property, prevent a fire from spreading, control and eliminate an incident, or prevent damage to equipment owned by or contracted to the Municipality, assist in or otherwise conduct incident investigation or determination or otherwise carry out the duties and functions of the Fire Department and/or to generally make "safe"an incident or property, the owner of the property requiring or causing the need for the additional service or expense shall be charged the full costs to provide the additional service including all applicable taxes. Section 17-Notice 17.1 Notice given to the Fire Chief pursuant to Section 4.7 of this by-law shall be sent to: Fire Chief Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, ON NOJ IVO Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 28 of 217 17.2 Any notice or request made by the Fire Chief, pursuant to this By-law, shall be given and is effective: (a)on the date on which a copy is hand delivered to the person to whom it is addressed; (b)on the fifth (5°)day after a copy is sent by registered mail to the person's last known address. 17.3 Every person served with a notice under this by-law shall comply with such notice within the time provided by such notice. Section 18-Enforcement 18.1 A Member of the Fire Department, a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer appointed by Municipality of Bayham By-law, a Police Officer, person authorized by Council or an assigned individual with the responsibility for enforcing and administering this By-law shall be responsible for the enforcement of this By-law. Section 19-Infraction and Penalties 19.1 Any person who violates any provisions of this By-law is, upon conviction, guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine, subject to the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.33, as amended. 19.2 The conviction of a person for the contravention of any provision of this by- law shall not operate as a bar to the prosecution against the same person for any subsequent contravention of this by-law. 19.3 If this by-law is contravened and a conviction entered into, the court in which the conviction has been entered and any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may make an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence by the person convicted. Section 20-Administration 20.1 Unless otherwise indicated, the administration of this By-law is assigned to the Fire Chief who may delegate the performance of his functions under this By-law from time to time as occasion requires. 20.2 In this By-law, unless the contrary intention is indicated, words used in the singular shall include the plural and words used in the male gender shall include the female gender or vice versa, where applicable. 20.3 If there is a conflict between a provision in this By-law and a provision of any other Municipal By-law, the provision that establishes the highest Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 29 of 217 standard to protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public shall apply. 20.4 Appendix'A' attached hereto shall form part of this by-law. 20.5 If a court of competent jurisdiction should declare any section or part of a section of this By-law to be invalid, such section or part of a section shall not be construed as having persuaded or influenced Council to pass the remainder of this By-law and it is hereby declared that the remainder of this By-law shall be valid and shall remain in force. 20.6 That By-law 2012-031, as amended, be repealed in its entirety. 20.7 This By-law shall come into full force and effect on the date of its passing by Council. READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD TIME and finally passed this 16th day of April,2015. MAYOR CLERK Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 30 of 217 By-law No. 2015-044 SCHEDULE 'A' APPROVED DELIVERY OF CORE SERVICES YES Service approved by Council - Presently trained, equipped, and providing service RP Service not approved by Council LLS Limited Level of Service approved by Council Purpose: To provide a summary of the core services that The Bayham Fire Department provides. Emergency Response: 1 Basic Firefighting-no expected rescue component I YES, 2 Structural Firefighting-Including Rescue DEC 3 Vehicle Firefighting YES 4 Wildland Firefighting YES 7 5 Marine Firefighting-Shore Based EYES,I1 6 Automatic/Mutual Aid-Per Council Approval Y EST7 Tiered Medical Response - Per Agreement between Thames 8 EMS,London CACC and Bayham Council 1S 9 Hazardous Materials Response-Awareness Level nrES'-1 10 Hazardous Materials Response-Operations Level PLLS] 11 Hazardous Materials Response -Technician Level • 12 Vehicle Accidents including Extrication h ES—I 14 Transportation Incidents including Aircraft,Trains and Watercraft 15 Water and Ice Rescue-Awareness Level YES7 16 Water and Ice Rescue-Operations Level(Shore Base) IES] 17 Water and Ice Rescue-Technician Level(Water Entry) YES7 18 Other Public Assistance YES 19 Ambulance Assistance YES_ 20 Police Assistance 21 Public Utilities Assistance 23 Urban Search and Rescue 24 Rope Rescue-Awareness Level, 25 Rope Rescue-Operations Level YE 26 Rope Rescue-Technician Level rY11 1 27 Confined Space Rescue I Farm and Silo Rescue LLS Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 31 of 217 Fire Prevention and Education: 1 Complete Inspection on Complaint or Request L, 9_I 2 Complete Routine Inspections EFN 3 Issue/Revoke Burn Permits 4 Prepare Reports and Written Responses to Inspections C',- 5 Develop, Deliver and Maintain a Smoke Alarm Program C,•2s 6 Provide Public Education Programs ,,• tz.7.1 7 Provide Media Releases and Media Access 8 Liaise with Municipal Departments to Ensure Code Compliance YE:--7 Develop, Deliver and Maintain Educational Programs Unique to the 9 Needs of the Municipality of Bayhamr—YE'` 10 Develop and Maintain a Residential Home Inspection Program FrEs7 Fire Investigation: 1 Determine Fire Cause and Origin for all Fires I fa I 2 Determine Fire Code Compliance C � 3 Determine Fire Suppression Effectiveness '1 ] 4 Liaison with Ontario Fire Marshal Investigators YE s7 5 Liaison with Law Enforcement and Other Agencies FYE-I 6 Support Criminal Prosecutions YE: 7 Prepare for and Testify in Legal Proceedings F'-lrS—I Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 32 of 217 CD 0 .-r1 0 N N C I`d ry >y Bayham Mayor and SD ` CnuncEt „,:I:1I -t CD n C_i-i0 I t 1 met; i O ,mid CD CD o Deputy Fire Chef — 1 IIIII IN UPI .4 i , ____.__Th ,_____.____ , . . . _ ,___L_.. 1 „ , .. „ Captain Captain Captain 1 Captain 1 Captain Captain Captain ) Captain l I Auxiliary J Il FF's f4 zirefmE-.teal (4 F--chgh.i�j 14 Ji uf7 `ttal 14 F. hghtcrs.1 4 7 Erefigl�.e:-s 1�4 f irfiz;'tersl 14 Fireitemo t' r4 Pii hetet r} ` II 4 f I I II I I E - d ry oc N o SCHEDULE 'B' to By-Law 2015-0441 N r J SCHEDULE"C" TO BY-LAW#2015-044 JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND MISSION STATEMENT C-1 District Chief C-2 Captain C-3 Chief Prevention Officer C-4 Chief Training Officer C-5 Fire Fighter C-6 Auxiliary Fire Fighter C-7 Mission Statement Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 34 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-1" MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Job description DISTRICT CHIEF GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: The District Chief reports directly to the Fire Chief and is in charge of firefighting and station administration in a supervisory role under the overall direction of the Fire Chief. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE RANK: This is supervisory work involving responsibility for performing and directing work at the strategic or tactical level at an emergency scene or around the fire station. The work is done in accordance with established policies and requires the exercise of good judgment in emergency situations. This person is also responsible to oversee station operations and is to maintain discipline within the fire station ranks. The above work is performed under the direction of the Fire Chief and all policy matters are referred to the Fire Chief. The District Chief has a high degree of responsibility for the protection of lives and property and is responsible to ensure all work is carried out in a safe manner. EXAMPLES OF WORK: • Responds to all alarms of emergency and may assume command of the scene. • Supervises the fire ground to ensure that the officers and fire fighters operate in a safe manner consistent with established procedures and accepted firefighting methods • Determines causes of fires in conjunction with other officers and ensures that the necessary forms are completed • Advises the Fire Chief of any changes in procedures or methods necessary to maintain or increase the firefighting efficiency • Advises the Fire Chief of any repairs necessary to maintain the vehicles, equipment and stations • Maintains discipline and morale of the volunteers in the firefighting ranks • Maintains a performance appraisal system, conducts regular reviews of all staff and recommends personnel for promotion Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 35 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-1" cont'd • Ensures that the station and equipment is maintained and kept in good repair REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILL AND ABILITIES: • The District Chief shall ensure that all records for firefighters, equipment and incidents are maintained and updated in FirePro. • Ensure all policies and procedures, including Standard Operating Guidelines are adhered to by all members of the station. • In order to be considered for promotion to District Chief a candidate must have attained the certification of NFPA Fire Officer Level II. This policy only comes into effect May 31, 2012 and is not retroactive. • Any other duties as assigned by the Fire Chief ATTENDANCE: The District Chief must meet the Fire Department minimum attendance requirements. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Recommend at least five(5)years satisfactory experience as an officer and have received additional training at the Ontario Fire College, regional fire schools or educational seminars. WORKING CONDITIONS: The District Chief will be expected to respond and work in all types of weather and less than ideal conditions. He/she could have to enter hazardous atmospheres and areas and will be expected to work in a safe manner. The District Chief shall work scheduled administrative hours as approved by the Fire Chief to ensure all paperwork and documentation in FirePro is completed and accurate. Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 36 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-2" MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Job Description CAPTAIN GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: The Captain reports to the District Chief and has responsible charge of firefighters in his/her company. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE RANK: This is supervisory work involving responsibility for performing and directing work at the task level at an emergency scene or around the fire station. The work is done in accordance with established policies and requires the exercise of good judgment in emergency situations. The Captain responds to emergency calls assigned to his/her company, will act as a sector officer and may assume command until relieved by a senior officer. Captains are required to coach firefighters in their companies to ensure appropriate attendance levels at training and emergency calls. EXAMPLES OF WORK: • Responds to alarms assigned to his/her station • Operates as a sector officer at the task level in the IMS system • Assigns personnel to lay out and connect hose lines and nozzles, turn water on and off, direct hose streams, raise ladders, ventilate buildings, perform salvage, perform rescue operations, stabilize hazardous materials scenes and any other life and property saving functions which the station may be involved in, within one's own capabilities • Supervises the cleaning, checking and replacement of tools and equipment after an emergency • Supervises the work of the fire fighters to ensure that it is done safely and in accordance with established procedures • Inspects equipment, grounds and station to insure proper order and conditions • Reports deficiencies to the District Chief • Maintains discipline • Trains and drills fire fighters • Provides a record of training activities to the Chief Training Officer Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 37 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-2" cont°d • Meets on a regular basis with the Fire Chief, Deputy Chief and District Chief to discuss the overall operation of the station • Any other duties as assigned by District Chief REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILL AND ABILITIES: • Good knowledge of modern firefighting and fire prevention methods • Good knowledge of the municipality and surrounding areas protected by agreement • Good knowledge of the type of buildings in his/her assigned area • Good knowledge of rescue and first aid procedures • Good knowledge of safety procedures, rules and equipment • Must have the ability to supervise fire fighters, maintain discipline, have sound judgment, be resourceful and in good physical condition • In order to be considered for promotion to Captain a candidate must have attained the certification of NFPA Fire Officer Level I and be willing to become certified to Fire Officer Level II within three years of being promoted. NFPA Fire Service Instructor Level I is desired. ACCEPTABLE TRAINING: The Captain must meet the Fire Department minimum attendance requirements. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Recommend five(5)years satisfactory experience as a fire fighter and have received additional training at regional fire schools or educational seminars. WORKING CONDITIONS: The Captain will be expected to respond and work in all types of weather and less than ideal conditions. He/she could have to enter hazardous atmospheres and areas and will be expected to work in a safe manner. Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 38 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-3" MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Job Description CHIEF FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: The Chief Fire Prevention Officer is in charge of the fire prevention division under the direction of the Fire Chief and reports to the Fire Chief monthly. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE RANK: The rank holds the responsibility for coordinating and directing the activities of the fire prevention and education division of the department. This person is also responsible for providing fire prevention training to other members of the station. The above work is performed under the direction of the Fire Chief and all policy matters are referred to the Fire Chief. This position has a high degree of responsibility for the prevention of loss of lives and property in the municipality. EXAMPLES OF WORK: Assists the Fire Chief to: • Conduct fire prevention inspections of premises • Enforce fire prevention by-laws in consultation with the Fire Chief • Examine building plans • Make presentations to the public on fire prevention and education • Develop and implement an in-service fire prevention inspection program • Receive, process and follow up reports of fire prevention inspections conducted by firefighting companies Also to perform the following: ■ Comment on site plans, re-zonings, subdivision agreements and new buildings as requested • Determine causes of fires in conjunction with other officers and ensures that the necessary forms are completed • Advise the Deputy Fire Chief of any changes in procedures or methods necessary to maintain or improve the fire prevention programs of the department G Meet regularly with the officers and Fire Chief to assist in developing and maintaining a progressive and efficient training program • Any other duties as assigned by the Fire Chief Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 39 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-3" cont'd REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILL AND ABILITIES: • Good knowledge of modern firefighting and fire prevention methods • Good knowledge of the municipality and surrounding areas protected by agreement • Good knowledge of the type of buildings in the municipality • Will maintain all inspection and education records in FirePro • Will enforce the Ontario Fire Code when required • In order to be considered for promotion to Chief Fire Prevention Officer a candidate must have attained the certification of Ontario Fire College Company Officer Level I and be willing to become an Ontario Fire College Certified Fire Prevention Officer within five years of being promoted. This policy only comes into effect May 31, 2012 and is not retroactive. ACCEPTABLE TRAINING: The Fire Prevention Officer must meet the Fire Department minimum attendance requirements.. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Recommend having at least five(5)years satisfactory experience as a fire fighter and have received additional Fire Prevention Officer training at the Ontario Fire College, regional fire schools or educational seminars. NFPA 1031 Fire Inspector is desired. The Chief Fire Prevention Officer shall work scheduled administrative hours as approved by the Fire Chief to ensure all paperwork and documentation in FirePro is completed and accurate. Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 40 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-4" MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Job Description CHIEF TRAINING OFFICER GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: The Chief Training Officer is in charge of the fire training division under the direction of the Fire Chief and will report to the Fire Chief on training activities monthly to ensure quality training is being performed. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE RANK: This rank holds the responsibility for coordinating and directing the activities of the fire training division and all trainer facilitators in the department. The above work is performed under the direction of the Fire Chief and all policy matters are referred to the Fire Chief. This position has a high degree of responsibility for the training of fire department members. EXAMPLES OF WORK: • Meets regularly with the officers and District Chief to assist in developing and maintaining a progressive and efficient training program Develops and implements an in-service fire training program • Receives, processes and follows up reports of fire training activities conducted by firefighting stations • Advises the Fire Chief of any changes in procedures or methods necessary to maintain or improve the fire training programs of the station • Attends all major emergencies • Attends all post-emergency evaluations • Involved in all major pre-emergency planning • Maintains all training and related personnel records in FirePro • Any other duties as assigned by Fire Chief Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 41 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-4" cont'd REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILL AND ABILITIES: • Must have a sound basis in the principles of training and education • Good knowledge of modern firefighting and fire prevention methods • Good knowledge of the municipality and surrounding areas protected by agreement • Good knowledge of the type of buildings in the municipality • Good knowledge of rescue and first aid procedures • Good knowledge of safety procedures, rules and equipment Must have the ability to supervise fire fighters, maintain discipline, have sound judgment, be resourceful and in good physical condition • In order to be considered for promotion to Chief Training Officer a candidate must have attained the certification of NFPA Fire Officer Level I and be willing to become an NFPA Fire Service Instructor Level II within five years of being promoted. This policy only comes into effect May 31, 2012 and is not retroactive. ACCEPTABLE TRAINING: The Chief Training Officer must meet the Fire Department minimum attendance requirements. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Recommended at least five(5)years satisfactory experience as an officer and have received additional training at the Ontario Fire College, regional fire schools or educational seminars. NFPA Fire Service Instructor Level II is desirable. WORKING CONDITIONS: The training officer will be expected to respond and work in all types of weather and less than ideal conditions. He/she could have to enter hazardous atmospheres and areas and will be expected to work in a safe manner. The Chief Training Officer shall work scheduled administrative hours as approved by the Fire Chief to ensure all paperwork and documentation in FirePro is completed and accurate. Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 42 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-5" MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Job Description FIRE FIGHTER GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: Performs firefighting duties and other related work as required. Fire Fighters are to report to their assigned Captain. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE RANK: This is manual work of a hazardous nature involving the fighting of fires, salvage, rescue work and some first aid generally under the direct supervision of superior officers. Regular training and some maintenance work on the fire station and vehicles are required. Fire fighters may be required to make decisions and work without supervision until an officer arrives at the scene. EXAMPLES OF WORK: • Responds to fire, rescue, hazardous materials emergencies and other emergencies assigned to his/her station • Lays and connects hose lines, nozzles and other related appliances, turns water on and off • Holds fire hose and directs fire streams • Operates a pressure pump as assigned • Operates elevating devices as assigned • Drives fire apparatus as assigned • Carries, puts up and climbs ladders • Operates rescue equipment • Performs salvage work at fire and emergency scenes using salvage covers, vacuums, mops, squeegees, etc. • Performs ventilation by making openings in buildings, using exhaust fans or fog streams • Enters burning or contaminated buildings, structures and other areas to fight fires and/or perform rescues while wearing required clothing and safety equipment • Assists in giving first aid to the injured • Assists in cleaning firefighting equipment upon return to the station after an emergency call or a practice Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 43 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-5" cont'd • Attends regular training sessions to practice existing procedures and to learn and practice new firefighting and rescue methods • Cleans and maintains areas of the fire station used by the members as scheduled • Assists with the fire prevention program • Other duties as assigned by an Officer REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: • Mental alertness, mechanical aptitude, ability to get along well with others, willingness to perform and task assigned, conscientious and dependable, good physical conditions, holder of a valid Class"D" license complete with "Z"endorsement or able to obtain such license when training is provided. • In order to be considered for promotion to Firefighter an Auxiliary Firefighter must have completed the JTAG Recruit Training Program or equivalent(NFPA 1001) ACCEPTABLE TRAINING AND PHYSICAL CONDITION: All Firefighters must meet the Fire Department minimum attendance requirements. WORKING CONDITIONS: The fire fighter will be expected to respond and work in all types of weather and less than ideal conditions. He/she could have to enter hazardous atmospheres and areas and will be expected to work in a safe manner. Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 44 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-6" MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Job Description AUXILIARY FIRE FIGHTER GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: Auxiliary Fire Fighters report directly to the Chief Training Officer. They shall participate in regular training sessions and perform non-life threatening duties at emergencies under the direction of a Sector Officer or the Incident Commander. No activity shall be performed that the auxiliary firefighter has not received training on. EXAMPLES OF WORK: • Responds to fire, rescue, hazardous materials emergencies and other emergencies assigned to his/her station when required, but does not work in any hazardous situations • Lays and connects hose lines, nozzles and other related appliances, turns water on and off • Holds fire hose and directs fire streams • Operates a pressure pump as assigned • Carries, puts up and climbs ladders • Operates rescue equipment • Performs salvage work at fire and emergency scenes using salvage covers, vacuums, mops, squeegees, etc. when required • Assists in cleaning firefighting equipment upon return to the station after an emergency call or a practice • Attends regular training sessions to practice existing procedures and to learn and practice new firefighting and rescue methods • Cleans and maintains areas of the fire station used by the members as scheduled • Assists with the fire prevention program • Other duties as assigned by the Chief Training Officer REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Mental alertness, mechanical aptitude, ability to get along well with others, willingness to perform tasks assigned, conscientious and dependable, good physical condition and successfully passed the Bayham Fire Department's pre- employment job related performance test. Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 45 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-6" cont'd ACCEPTABLE TRAINING AND PHYSICAL CONDITION Auxiliary firefighters must meet the Fire Department minimum attendance requirements. As part of the application process, a note from a physician as to medical suitability must be produced. WORKING CONDITIONS: The fire fighter will be expected to respond and work in all types of weather and less than ideal conditions. He/she could have to enter hazardous atmospheres and areas and will be expected to work in a safe manner during training sessions. Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 46 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-7" BAYHAM FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES MISSION STATEMENT The Bayham Fire and Emergency Service's mission is to provide a range of progressive programs and compassionate, prompt services designed to protect the lives and property of all who live,work, and visit our community from the adverse effects of fires and other emergencies, manmade or natural. Through training, effective emergency response, education and prevention we will strive to be a progressive emergency service reviewing and keeping current with industry recognized best practices. We will accomplish this mission by maintaining a well-equipped, highly trained, and motivated force of volunteer fire fighters and rescue personnel. Not only will we respond to the emergency needs of the community,we will promote safety through fire prevention and other public safety education programs. Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 47 of 217 SCHEDULE"D" TO BY-LAW#2015-044 Fire Chief: The Fire Chief shall receive an annual salary and benefit package as set out in the Municipal Personnel Policy. Deputy Fire Chief: The Fire Chief shall receive an annual salary and benefit package as set out in the Municipal Personnel Policy. District Chief: District Chiefs shall be paid for emergency calls as outlined in the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services point system.They shall also be paid$25.00 per hour for scheduled work in addition to emergency responses approved by the Fire Chief. Chief Training Officer: The Chief Training Officer shall be paid for emergency calls as outlined in the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services point system. They shall also be paid$25.00 per hour for scheduled work in addition to emergency responses approved by the Fire Chief. Chief Fire Prevention Officer: The Chief Fire Prevention Officer shall be paid for emergency calls as outlined in the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services point system. They shall also be paid $25.00 per hour for scheduled work in addition to emergency responses approved by the Fire Chief. Captain: Captains shall be paid for emergency calls as outlined in the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services point system. Firefighter: Firefighters shall be paid for emergency calls as outlined in the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services point system. Auxiliary Firefighter: Auxiliary Firefighters do not receive any remuneration with the exception of a$500.00 honorarium if they successfully complete the JTAG Recruit Training Program while an Auxiliary Firefighter for the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services. Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 48 of 217 BAYHAM FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES POINT SYSTEM 1. Times for the calls as it relates to additional points shall be the official times as recorded in FirePro. The start time will be the dispatch time and the end time will be when all apparatus are back in service. Additional points are awarded in their entirety at the start of each hour. 2. The value for a point will be$11.00 3. Captains will receive points at the rate of 110%of the basic point value. 4. The District Chief's,Chief Training Officer and Chief Fire Prevention Officer will receive points at the rate of 115%of the basic point value. TRAINING/SEMINAR PAY 1. Members of the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services,excluding the Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief shall receive remuneration for attending training and seminars as approved by the Fire Chief. This does not include regular scheduled bi-monthly departmental training or make up training sessions for scheduled bi- monthly training. 2. The remuneration outlined below includes all meal allowances. CATEGORY REMUNERATION Courses/Seminars 4 hours or less/day $50.00 plus mileage @ municipal rates Courses/Seminars 4 hours or more/day $100.00 plus mileage @ municipal rates Elgin County Mutual Aid/Chiefs $25.00 per meeting plus mileage @ Meetings municipal rates POINT VALUE ALLOTMENT: CATEGORY INITIAL POINTS/ ADDITIONAL POINTS/ DURATION DURATION Emergency Response—All 4 points/first 2 hours 2 points/each additional Response Types hour Meetings&Other Duties 2 points total Nil Approved By Fire Chief Scheduled Bi-Monthly 3 points total Nil Training _ Scheduled Monthly 3 points total Nil Specialty Team Training Refilling Air Cylinders 2 points/first hour plus 2 points/each additional mileage @$0.45/km hour Fire Cause and 2 points/first hour 2 points/each additional Determination/OFMEM hour Investigations Apparatus Checks/Station 2 points total Nil Duties Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 49 of 217 NOTE:ONLY THE MEMBERS WHO RESPOND TO A MUTUAL AID CALL ARE ELIGIBLE FOR ADDITIONAL POINTS FOR THE DURATION OF THE CALL. IF MEMBERS ATTEND THE STATION AND ARE NOT REQUIRED AT THE CALL,THEY WILL BE AWARED 4 POINTS. Report FR-02/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 50 of 217 8AY _ �,� �„'.�� 4 REPORT k____ iii ti .e--40,. Op p4640 FIRE DEPARTMENT Pp° y rtaniiI&' TO: Mayor& Members of Council FROM: Randy White, Fire Chief/By-law Officer DATE: April 16, 2015 REPORT: FR-03/15 FILE NO. C-07 SUBJECT: Placing an Emergency Response Unit in the Port Burwell Fire Hall BACKGROUND: In January of 2013 the Elgin County Council approved a pilot project of staffing an emergency response unit(ERU)in the Bayham area in an attempt to mitigate response times that were in excess of Municipal benchmarks and Ministry of Health response time standards. The ERU (currently an ambulance)staffed with a single paramedic, Monday to Friday from 0700 to 1700 was initially housed in the Straffordville Fire Station. Subsequently in August of 2014 a temporary`posting' location was established in Vienna. This was done is response to no significant changes in response times in the region of Bayham. Moving the ERU further south did improve response times in the region as a large percent of calls occur in the southern (Port Burwell area) portion of the Municipality. The current posting location does not have garage facilities and the ERU remains parked outside of the office location which is currently being rented by Medavie EMS Elgin Ontario(MEMSEO)for paramedic crew(s).A previous search for a suitable location with garage facilities was unsuccessful. In December of 2014 this was identified as an issue during a facility inspection with County officials and MEMSEO began looking for alternatives. In January of 2015 an updated piece of fire apparatus was added to the Straffordville Fire Station which necessitated moving the ERU within the Page 1 of 2 Report FR-03/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 51 of 217 station to an area that is problematic both for the firefighters and the paramedics. This is due to the physical footprint of the building resulting in tight quarters for parking, lack of wash facilities and no external power(charging)source for the ERU. CURRENT SITUATION: Paramedics report for duty at the Straffordville Fire station and after checking the ERU drive south to Vienna where the vehicle remains outside and crew in temporary office location until near the end of shift where the ERU is driven back to Straffordville. The ERU is able to respond within the community from this location. A further search for an alternative location within Vienna was unsuccessful. There are no existing facilities suitable for the ERU in Vienna unless land was purchased and a new building built. In February of 2015 MEMSEO met with Chief Randy White of the Bayham Township Fire Station 1 located 55451 Nova Scotia Line in Port Burwell to discuss options. During this meeting it was suggested that the ERU could be moved to the Port Burwell Fire Station. The station has ample room, storage facilities,washroom and kitchen facilities as well as a separate crew area for the paramedic(s). RECOMMENDATION: 1. Based on an analysis of EMS response data and the facility issues identified previously, that a trial commences having the ERU respond from the Bayham Township Firehall 1 commencing in April of 2015. MEMSEO will provide crew quarter furniture, computers, related storage and apparatus floor items(power cord etc.). Respectfully Submitted by: Reviewed by: Randy White Paul Shipway Fire Chief/By-law Officer CAO Page 2 of 2 Report FR-03/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 52 of 217 ElginCounty April 14, 2015 Mayor Paul Ens Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Rd, P.O. Box 160, Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Dear Mayor Ens and Members of Council: Please be advised that the following resolution was adopted by Elgin County Council at its meeting held on April 14, 2015: "THAT the County of Elgin direct Medavie EMS Elgin Ontario Incorporated to relocate the Bayham EMS station to the Port Burwell Fire Station subject to the concurrence of the Municipality of Bayham; and, THAT assuming the Municipality of Bayham concurs with the move to Port Burwell, Medavie EMS Elgin Ontario provide an update to County Council in August 2015 in regards to the EMS base at the Port Burwell Fire Station. - Carried. (signed)Warden Paul Ens" As indicated in the resolution, Elgin County respectfully requests your consideration of this request as this move will result in an estimated annual cost savings of$18,000 and should improve response times within Bayham. Yours truly, Lih Katherine Thompson, Marketing and Communications Coordinator cc Clayton Watters, Director of Engineering Services, Elgin County Steve Pancino, General Manager, Medavie EMS Elgin Ontario County of Elgin Administrative Services 450 Sunset Drive St.Thomas,ON N5R 5V1 Phone:519-631-1460 www.elgincounty.ca Progressive by Nature Report FR-03/15 by Randy White,Fire Chief/By-law Officer re... Page 53 of 217 .15 -YR44-4f REPORT '` ' PHYSICAL SERVICES IPP o _ .4t•ponii8��� TO: Mayor&Members of Council FROM: Vance Czerwinski, Manager of Public Works DATE: April 16, 2015 REPORT: PS-03115 FILE NO. C '` 1 SUBJECT: 2015—2017 LANDSCAPE SERVICES TENDER RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATON BACKGROUND: The following report details the results and recommendation from the 2015—2017 Landscape Services Tender. A tender was issued to invite contractors to deliver landscape services for the Municipality. The tender was based on bids for 9 area maps and cemeteries. Each map essentially represented each of the communities within the Municipality and the cemeteries. Interested contractors were requested to bid on a"per cut" basis for each area map. During the review, the tenders were examined to determine if the contractors met the required specifications and that the bid forms were complete. The results of the tender are as follows: AREA/MAP SWANTECH WILSON'S SOUTHWEST NATURE'S PRO FOR INDUSTRIES LAWNCARE PROPERTY CHOICE GRASS YOUR MAINTENANCE LEISURE MAP 1 PORT BURWELL $415.00 $441.00 $800.00 $600.00 MAP 2 VIENNA $240.00 $202.50 $500.00 $350.00 MAP 3 STRAFFOROVILL $260.00 $203.75 $400.00 $300.00 $475.00 MAP 4 EDEN $90 00 $90.00 $350.00 $350.00 $185.00 $160.00 Report PS-03/15 by Vance Czerwinski,Manager of Public Works... Page 54 of 217 MAP 5 CORINTH $100.00 $71.25 $300.00 $150.00 $95.00 $140.00 MAP 6 RICHMOND $35.00 $100.00 $175.00 $100.00 $50.00 $100.00 MAP 7 SECTION A $195.00 $800.00 $385.00 MAP 8 SECTION B $215.00 $800.00 $300.00 MAP 9 SECTION C $95.00 $400.00 $140.00 Bayham West Eden $145.00 $400.00 $210.00 Smuck $55,00 $350.00 $95.00 Straffordville $240.00 $400.00 $230.00 Guysboro $80.00 $400.00 $140.00 Calton $90.00 $400.00 $120.00 TOTALS $2,255.00 $1,108.75 $825.00 $6,250.00 $3,200.00 $875.00 DISCUSSION: The bids in the table above marked in yellow and bold print are the lowest received. All contractors with the exception of one met all of the specified requirements. Based on the bids received for the cemetery work, staff would recommend that Council have the all areas cut on an as-needed basis to keep costs down. All cemetery work will be billed back to the respective cemetery board. In the case of the two contractors that are tied with a bid of$90.00,the successful bid should be offered to Wilson Lawn Care as they have an overall satisfactory performance record as per section 9.3(d)of the Procurement Bylaw. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report PS-03-15 be received for information; 2. AND THAT Council accepts the lowest bid for landscape services as indicated in the table above. Res.ectfully ,ubmitted by: Reviewed by: Vance Cze i s'a /aul '7"-p '! Public Works Manager CAO Report PS-03/15 by Vance Czerwinski,Manager of Public Works... Page 55 of 217 voxiLitilf -m'';. REPORT ,_ .:' 0'., 411PHYSICAL SERVICES 41dref .40*o po ai ty Ili TO: Mayor&Members of Council FROM: Vance Czerwinski, Manager of Public Works DATE: April 16, 2015 REPORT: PS-04115 FILE NO. SUBJECT: 2015 ROADSIDE GRASS CUTTING TENDER RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATON BACKGROUND: The following report details the results and recommendation from the 2015 Roadside Grass Cutting Tender. A tender was issued to invite contractors to deliver roadside grass cutting services for the Municipality. The tender was based on bids for two cuts per year for Elgin County Roads and Municipal Roads. There are 97 km of County roads and 212 km Municipal Roads. Interested contractors were requested to bid on a"per cut" basis for each jurisdiction of roads. During the review, the tenders were examined to determine if the contractors met the required specifications and that the bid forms were complete. The results of the tender are as follows: AREA/MAP Nature's Choice Griffin Landscape Management Solutions Inc. MUNICIPALITY $8,080.00 $7,070.00 ROADS FIRST CUT COUNTY ROADS $7,840.00 $7,350.00 FIRST CUT MUNICIPALITY $8,080.00 $7,070.00 ROADS Report PS-04/15 by Vance Czerwinski,Manager of Public Works... Page 56 of 217 SECOND CUT COUNTY ROADS $3,920.00 $3,430.00 SECOND CUT HOURLY RATE $100.00 $95.00 TOTAL TENDERED $27,920.00 $24,920.00 PRICE DISCUSSION: The bids in the table above marked in yellow and bold print are the lowest received. All contractors met all of the specified requirements. Based on the bids received for roadside grass cutting, staff would recommend that Council not accept the bids received as they are over the allocated budget for 2015. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report PS-04-15 be received for information; 2. AND THAT Council does not accept the lowest bids for roadside grass cutting services as indicated in the table above. Resiectfully Submitted by: Reviewed by: Vance Cze ins - S Public Works Manager CAO Report PS-04/15 by Vance Czerwinski,Manager of Public Works... Page 57 of 217 VPXY4411rikri*AtZ'ay,,,.. -,7-IL AliAlif REPORT d s�� PHYSICAL SERVICES po nity 1911 TO: Mayor&Members of Council FROM: Vance Czerwinski, Manager of Public Works DATE: April 16, 2015 REPORT: PS-05/15 FILE NO. C -0 1 SUBJECT: STOP SIGN INSTALLED AT BAYHAM NORFOLK BOUNDARY ROAD S,GOSHEN ROAD INTERSECTION BACKGROUND: The following report addresses the concern about the need for stop signs on Bayham Norfolk County Road at the Goshen Road intersection. Drivers have raised concerns over the poor sight lines at the Bayham Norfolk County Boundary Road and Goshen Road intersection and have requested that a stop sign be installed on Bayham Norfolk County Boundary Road; there are currently stop signs on Goshen Road. DISCUSSION: After reviewing the request and inspecting the intersection, staff have installed stop signs to effectively address the poor sight lines at the intersection on Bayham Norfolk Boundary Road; stopping traffic before crosses Goshen Road. "New Stop Sign Ahead"warning signs have also been installed. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report PS-05-15 be received for information; Res i ectfully•ubmitted by: Reviewed by: Vance Cze in���'.4raidgiLf 4, �-aul r � Public Works Manager CAO Report PS-05/15 by Vance Czerwinski,Manager of Public Works... Page 58 of 217 $AYH441. REPORT PHYSICAL SERVICES o ° nfty i8 �$t TO: Mayor&Members of Council FROM: Vance Czerwinski, Manager of Public Works DATE: April 16, 2015 REPORT: PS-10/15 FILE NO. C-01 SUBJECT: 2015 PORT BURWELL AND VIENNA STORM SEWER LINE CONDITION REPORT REQUEST FOR QUOTATION RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATON BACKGROUND: The following report details the results and recommendation from the 2015 Port Burwell and Vienna Storm Sewer Line Condition Report Request for Proposal. As per the 2015 Capital Budget, council has approved funding for the storm sewer condition report for Port Burwell and Vienna. A Request for Quotation was issued to three engineering firms to submit a quote to submit a report that details the condition assessment of the storm sewer lines and associated flushing, camera, and replacement Engineering Firm Spriet Associates Cyril J. Demeyere Meritech Limited Engineering Consulting Engineers Cost for Engineering $49,000.00 $22,500.00 $52,291.22 Cost for Storm Sewer To be Tendered $80,500.00 $49,616.34 CCTV Sub-Total Cost NA $103,000.00 $101,907.56 DISCUSSION: After a review of the quotations submitted, the lowest quote is from Meritech Engineering. Meritech also provided a very detailed cost estimate for all aspects of the Condition Report PS-10/15 by Vance Czerwinski,Manager of Public Works... Page 59 of 217 Assessment. The timeline to complete the assessment that Meritech provided in their report was significantly better than the others. This timeline, along with the current budget allocation, would likely provide the opportunity to replace the Erieus Street Storm Sewer Line in 2015. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report PS-10-15 be received for information; 2. AND THAT Council accepts the quotation from Meritech Engineering at the price of $101,907.56 plus H.S.T. 3. AND THAT if there is sufficient funding after the Condition Assessment is complete that the Erieus Street Storm Sewer Line be replaced in 2015. Res•ectfully Submitted by: Reviewed by: Vance Czerwini aul Public Works Manager 0 Report PS-10/15 by Vance Czerwinski,Manager of Public Works... Page 60 of 217 V9XY11141411 r ,, (......,.3:: `'14- REPORT ' - PHYSICAL SERVICES 10 �o anitl:y 0111 TO: Mayor&Members of Council FROM: Vance Czerwinski, Manager of Public Works DATE: April 16, 2015 REPORT: PS-11/15 FILE NO. C-()-1 SUBJECT: WASHROOM&CHANGE ROOM CLEANING SEVICES REQUEST FOR QUOTATION RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS BACKGROUND: The following report details the results and recommendation from the 2015 Washroom and Change Room Cleaning Services for the Port Burwell Municipal Beach request for quotation. Council may recall that staff was directed to advertise for the cleaning services for the Port Burwell Municipal Beach. The quotation was based on the scope of work which details the cleaning services to be completed daily, and is a lump sum for the entire season from May to September. DISCUSSION: During the review,the quotations were examined to ensure that the forms are signed and complete. The results of the request for quotation were as follows: 1. Cerna Enterprises $10,500.00 All of the above prices do not include H.S.T. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report PS-11-15 be received for information; 2. AND THAT Council awards the contract for Washroom & Change Room Cleaning Services for the Port Burwell Municipal Beach to Cerna Enterprises at the quoted price of$10,500.00 plus H.S.T. Res•.-ctfully bmitted by: Reviewed by: 'Ake Vance Czerwi .k' - . ..1.40111111111111' Public Works Manager CAO Report PS-11/15 by Vance Czerwinski,Manager of Public Works... Page 61 of 217 itsxymtivi REPORT PHYSICAL SERVICES off _ Pp° unity igloo TO: Mayor&Members of Council FROM: Ed Roloson,Water/Wastewater Operations Manager DATE: April 16, 2015 REPORT: PS-12/15 FILE NO: C-07 SUBJECT: Quarterly Reports for The Bayham Water Distribution System,The Municipality of Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells,The Richmond Community Water System and Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant Compliance Summary BACKGROUND: The Municipality is required to provide quarterly and annual reports in regard to Water/ Wastewater Services. ATTACHMENTS: Quarterly Reports ending March 31,2015 for: The Bayham Water Distribution System The Municipality of Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells The Richmond Community Water System Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant Annual Compliance Summary RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report PS-01/15 regarding quarterly reports be received for information. Respectfully Submitted by: Ed Roloson Water/Wastewater Operations Manager Report PS-12/15 by Ed Roloson,Water/Wastewater Operations M... Page 62 of 217 Quarterly Report for The Bayham Water Distribution System for the period ending March 31, 2015 Waterworks#260004748 Section 1 -Introduction: This report is a summary of the quarterly water quality, published in accordance with Ontario's Drinking Water Protection Regulation. It includes important information regarding the source of water, analytical test results, and how these compare to the standards set by the Province. Section 2-Compliance With Provincial Regulations: The Municipality of Bayham water system is operated in accordance with provincial regulations. The following is the criteria used: • Use of Accredited Labs: Analytical tests to monitor the water quality are conducted by a laboratory audited by the Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories(CAEAL)and accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Accreditation ensures that the laboratory has acceptable laboratory protocols and test methods in place. It also requires the laboratory to provide evidence and assurances of the proficiency of the analysts performing the test methods. • Operation by Licensed Operators: The water distribution system is operated and maintained by the Municipalities competent and licensed staff. The mandatory licensing program for operators of drinking water facilities in Ontario is regulated under the Ontario Water Resources Act(OWRA) Regulation 128/04. Licensing means that an individual meets the education and experience requirements and has successfully passed the certification exam. Report PS-12/15 by Ed Roloson,Water/Wastewater Operations M... Page 63 of 217 • Sampling and Analytical Requirements: The Municipality follows a sampling and analysis schedule required by the Ontario Regulation 170/03, the Ontario Drinking Water Standards. More information on sampling and analysis, including results are available in this report and from the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. • Adherence to Ministry Guidelines and Procedures: To ensure the protection of the public's health and operational excellence, the Municipality adheres to the guidelines and procedures developed by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Health. Section 3-System Information: Facility Name: Bayham Water Distribution System Contact: Municipal Location: Municipality of Bayham Water and Wastewater Operations Manager: Ed Roloson (overall responsible operator) Water and Wastewater Operators: Bob Butler&Adam Swance Service Area: Port Burwell and Vienna Service Population: 2500 Operational Description: Bayham Water System is serviced by the Elgin Area Water System. Including the Municipalities of Central Elgin and Malahide. Raw Water Source: Lake Erie Treated Water: Elgin Area Water System Disinfection Method: Gas chlorination at Elgin Area Water Plant Secondary Disinfection Method: The sodium hypochlorite is residual and flow paced at the Port Burwell Tower and Lakeview Rechlorination Facility. Report PS-12/15 by Ed Roloson,Water/Wastewater Operations M... Page 64 of 217 Section 4-Analytical Test Results: Micro biological i Quarter Parameters January February March Summary MAC/IMAC Total Coliform CFU/100mis Number of Samples 12 19 15 46 Number of Detectable Results 0 0 0 0 Min/Max Absent Exceedences 0 0 0 0 Resample Fecal Coliform or E-Coli Count CFU/100mIs Number of Samples 12 19 15 46 Number of Detectable Results 0 0 0 0 Min/Max Absent Exceedences 0 0 0 0 Heterotrophic Plate Count 1 Background Number of Samples 12 19 1 5 46 Number of Detectable Results 0 0 0 0 Min/Max 500/200 CFU Exceedences 0 0 0 0 Resample Typical Source of Microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, may come from Contamination septic systems, agricultural livestock operations, wildlife, and wastewater treatment plants. Comments: Samples are collected weekly from the Port Burwell Works Yard, Port Burwell Wastewater Treatment Plant and in Vienna at the Community Centre. Report PS-12/15 by Ed Roloson,Water/Wastewater Operations M... Page 65 of 217 Operational January February March Quarter MAC/IMAC Parameters summary Chlorine Daily chlorine testing is done at the extremities of Vienna&Pt.Burwell. Residual Free(daily) Number of Samples 62 56 62 182 Number of Detectable Results below Reg. requirements 0 0 0 0 Min/Max. mg/I 0.05 Min. Port Burwell 0.32—1.24 0.30— 1.30 0.34- 1.57 0.30—1.57 Min/Max. mg/I 0.05 Min. Vienna 0.59— 1.41 0.53— 1.36 0.65—1.44 0.53—1.44 Section 5- Discussion of Analytical Results: It was found through thorough sampling that there were no adverse results during this time period. Section 6- List of all Compounds Detected in Analysis of Water Samples: Parameter Compound MAC or IMAC Trihalomethanes 55 ug/L 100 ug/L (quarterly) Lead Pb (tested in 2nd & 0.01 mg/L MAC 3nd quarter) Report PS-12/15 by Ed Roloson,Water/Wastewater Operations M... Page 66 of 217 Section 7—Flows Comparison of Port Burwell and Vienna main meter reads vs. residential reads: Jan— Feb=80%capture--- February 2nd main break along Nova Scotia Line resulted in a 2200m3 water loss. Section 8- Definitions and Abbreviations: • MAC - Maximum Acceptable Concentration. • IMAC - Interim Maximum Acceptable Concentration. • Coliform Bacteria- A group of commonly occurring rod shaped bacteria. Their presence in a water sample is indicative of inadequate filtration and/or disinfection. • Fecal Coliform Bacteria- Refers to a subgroup of coliform bacteria present in the digestive system of warm blooded animals and humans. • Heterotrophic Plate Count(HPC)- A method of measuring bacterial content in water samples. Also known as Standard Plate Count. • Organic Parameter- A group of chemical compounds containing carbon. • Inorganic Parameter- A group of chemical compounds not containing carbon. • Raw Water- Surface or ground water available as a source of drinking water that has not received any treatment. Report PS-12/15 by Ed Roloson,Water/Wastewater Operations M... Page 67 of 217 Quarterly Report for The Municipality of Bayham Small Municipal Non-Residential Wells for the period ending March 31, 2015 Straffordville Community Centre Bayham Municipal Office Straffordville Library Straffordville Firehall Eden&Area Community Centre Section 1 - Introduction: This report is a summary of the quarterly water quality, published in accordance with Ontario's Drinking Water Protection Regulation. It includes important information regarding the source of water, analytical test results, and how these compare to the standards set by the Province. Section 2-Compliance With Provincial Regulations: The well systems listed above are operated in accordance with provincial regulations. The following is the criteria used: • Use of Accredited Labs: Analytical tests to monitor the water quality are conducted by a laboratory audited by the Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories(CAEAL)and accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Accreditation ensures that the laboratory has acceptable laboratory protocols and test methods in place. It also requires the laboratory to provide evidence and assurances of the proficiency of the analysts performing the test methods. • Sampling and Analytical Requirements: Sampling and analysis schedule required by Ontario Regulation 319/08, and the Ontario Drinking Water Standards are fully complied with. More information on sampling and analysis, including results are available in this report and from the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. • Adherence to Ministry Guidelines and Procedures: Report PS-12/15 by Ed Roloson,Water/Wastewater Operations M... Page 68 of 217 To ensure the protection of the public's health and operational excellence, the Municipality adheres to the guidelines and procedures developed by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Health. Section 3-Analytical Test Results: Micro biological Quarter Parameters 1 January February March Summary MAC/IMAC Total Coliform counts/100mis Number of Samples 2 0 0 2 Number of Detectable Results 0 0 0 0 Min/Max Absent Exceedences 0 0 0 0 Resample Fecal Coliform or E-Coli Count counts/100mis Number of Samples 2 0 0 2 _ Number of Detectable Results 0 0 0 0 Min/Max Absent Exceedences 0 0 0 0 Resample _ Absent Heterotrophic Plate Count& No longer Background required under Count new regulation Number of Samples 0 0 0 0 _ Number of Detectable Results 0 0 0 0 500 Counts/mL Min/Max 200 Counts/mL Exceedences 0 0 0 0 Sampling frequency at the Straffordville Community Centre has been reduced from bi-weekly to monthly, the Straffordville Fire Hall and the Eden Community Centre have been reduced to once every 3 months, the Municipal office and Report PS-12/15 by Ed Roloson,Water/Wastewater Operations M... Page 69 of 217 library are no longer required to be tested as per the Elgin St.Thomas Health Unit's direction. Section 4- Discussion of Analytical Results: It was found through thorough sampling that there were no adverse microbiological test results during this time period. Section 5- List of all Compounds Detected in Analysis of Water Samples: Parameter Compound MAC or IMAC Nitrates No longer required to be 10 mg/L MAC tested under new regulation Straffordville Community Sodium Centre=41.9 mg/L,Fire hail 20 mg/L MAC =37.6 mg/L,Eden Comm. Centre=99.2mg/L Section 6- Definitions and Abbreviations: • MAC- Maximum Acceptable Concentration. } IMAC - Interim Maximum Acceptable Concentration. • Coliform Bacteria- A group of commonly occurring rod shaped bacteria. Their presence in a water sample is indicative of inadequate filtration and/or disinfection. • Fecal Coliform Bacteria- Refers to a subgroup of coliform bacteria present in the digestive system of warm blooded animals and humans. • Heterotrophic Plate Count(HPC)- A method of measuring bacterial content in water samples. Also known as Standard Plate Count. • Organic Parameter- A group of chemical compounds containing carbon. • Inorganic Parameter- A group of chemical compounds not containing carbon. • Raw Water- Surface or ground water available as a source of drinking water that has not received any treatment. Report PS-12/15 by Ed Roloson,Water/Wastewater Operations M... Page 70 of 217 Quarterly Report for The Richmond Community Water System for the period ending March 31, 2015 Waterworks#260074854 Section 1 - Introduction: This report is a quarterly summary of water quality, published in accordance with Ontario's Drinking Water Protection Regulation. It includes important information regarding the source of water, analytical test results, and how these compare to the standards set by the Province. Section 2-Compliance With Provincial Regulations: The Richmond Community Water System is operated in accordance with provincial regulations. The following is the criteria used: - Use of Accredited Labs: Analytical tests to monitor the water quality are conducted by a laboratory audited by the Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories(CAEAL)and accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Accreditation ensures that the laboratory has acceptable laboratory protocols and test methods in place. It also requires the laboratory to provide evidence and assurances of the proficiency of the analysts performing the test methods. Operation by Licensed Operators: The Richmond Water System is operated and maintained by the Municipalities competent and licensed staff. The mandatory licensing program for operators of drinking water facilities in Ontario is regulated under the Ontario Safe Drinking Water Act. Licensing means that an individual meets the education and experience requirements and has successfully passed the certification exams. Report PS-12/15 by Ed Roloson,Water/Wastewater Operations M... Page 71 of 217 • Sampling and Analytical Requirements: The Municipality follows a sampling and analysis schedule required by the Ont. Regulation 170/03 and the Ontario Drinking Water Standards. More information on sampling and analysis, including results are available in this report and from the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. • Adherence to Ministry Guidelines and Procedures: To ensure the protection of the public's health and operational excellence, the Municipality adheres to the guidelines and procedures developed by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Health. Section 3-System Information: Facility Name: Richmond Community Water System Municipal Location: Richmond Contact: Water and Wastewater Operations Manager: Ed Roloson (overall responsible operator) Water and Wastewater Operators: Bob Butler and Adam Swance Service Area: Community of Richmond servicing 51 residents Operational Description: Small Municipal year round residential drinking water system. Raw Water Source: Groundwater under the direct influence of surface water (GUDI). Production Wells#2 and #3 in use. Disinfection Method: Sodium hypochlorite flow paced with raw water pumping. Secondary Disinfection Method: Ultra violet light Report PS-12/15 by Ed Roloson,Water/Wastewater Operations M... Page 72 of 217 Section 4-Analytical Test Results: Distribution, Raw, Plant Distribution Micro biological Parameters Jan. Feb. March MAC IIMAC Free Chlorine residual range 1.10 - 1.49 1.10 - 1.65 1.06 - 2.00 Min = 0.05 Total Coliform CFU/100mL Number of Samples 8 8 10 Number of Detectable Results 0 0 0 Min/Max Absent Exceedences 0 0 0 Resample Fecal Coliform or E-Coli Count CFU/100mL Number of Samples 8 8 1 0 Number of Detectable Results 0 0 0 Min/Max Absent Exceedences 0 0 0 Heterotrophic Plate Count/Background Number of Samples 8 8 10 Number of Detectable Results 0 0 0 Min/Max <10/<10 CFU Exceedences 0 0 _ 0 Resample Typical Source of Microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, may come from septic Contamination systems,agricultural livestock operations, and wildlife. Comments: Samples are collected weekly from the east and west distribution blow offs. Report PS-12/15 by Ed Roloson,Water/Wastewater Operations M... Page 73 of 217 Operational Parameters January February March MAC/IMAC _ Raw Water Total Well#2 Well#2 Well#2 Coliform/ 0/0 0/0 0/0 E.Coli Well#3 Well#3 Well#3 CFU/100mL 0/0 0/0 0/0 Operational Parameters January February March MACIIMAC Treatment Plant Water Daily Free Chlorine Residuals and Continuous Continuous Continuous Turbidity on-line on-line on-line samples monitoring monitoring monitoring (total) Turbidity 1 NTU NTU Treated min. and max. 0.00—2.00 0.002—2.00 0.008—2.00 Treated CL2 min.and max. 0.87—2.29 0..74—2.99 0..79—2.84 Total Flows 461 m3 428 m3 466 m3 East avg.daily= avg.daily= avg.daily= Distribution 15.4 m3 15.3 m3 14.6 m3 West 394 m3 376 m3 458 m3 Distribution avg.daily= avg.daily= avg.daily= 13.1 m3 13.4 m3 14.3 m3 Report PS-12/15 by Ed Roloson,Water/Wastewater Operations M... Page 74 of 217 Section 5- Discussion of Analytical Results: It was found through thorough sampling that there was no microbiological exceedences for this quarter. Low level treated chlorine residuals and high level treated turbidity results as noted above are as a result of equipment calibrations, which do not represent non-compliance. Section 6- List of all Compounds Detected in Analysis of Water Samples: Parameter Compound MAC or IMAC Trihalomethanes East Distribution 3.9 ug/L 100 ug/L (quarterly) Lead Pb (tested in 2nd& 10 ug/L MAC 3rd quarter) Jan =8.91 mg/L 10 mg/L Nitrates Feb = 2.56 mg/L Mar=6.15 mg/L Sodium 319 mg1L 20 mg/L Section 7- Definitions and Abbreviations: • MAC- Maximum Acceptable Concentration. • IMAC - Interim Maximum Acceptable Concentration. • Coliform Bacteria- A group of commonly occurring rod shaped bacteria. Their presence in a water sample is indicative of inadequate filtration and/or disinfection. • Fecal Coliform Bacteria- Refers to a subgroup of coliform bacteria present in the digestive system of warm blooded animals and humans. • Heterotrophic Plate Count(HPC)- A method of measuring bacterial content in water samples. Also known as Standard Plate Count. • Organic Parameter- A group of chemical compounds containing carbon. • Inorganic Parameter- A group of chemical compounds not containing carbon. • Raw Water- Surface or ground water available as a source of drinking water that has not received any treatment. Report PS-12/15 by Ed Roloson,Water/Wastewater Operations M... Page 75 of 217 Wit ®. 115 ■. i, W §! |! EE §S Ily23; ;, &IV-“j: ,_ In .. ■ E. i• - g £5|| .-■ ;_ t |§|§ g . „ *1 k! . |t ®|n||§■ - p i! l Pi .i;| lii m pilii iiill w !�! ©li M1 §§.2� l�.��� . ,-■|| ! glir! P §t||§|! || !_ -,■■■■aass„■�;�■- | $ii”'''''''.......,�; % q }�|§e! !!,_ _; | |!!! §| 1 | | hi RT—' .g i! 1 !I :H;!h |Itz§B!§!!§!!!!|!M! 11115V-3 ■S:7 W5 IS:7W5 / Ilii.. !e !la.,, a!'Iei"|■|!|■ooci 1" ' 2,e } ||■■ _;_ | - -▪ t! | - t . . � t ■|i§E || i t§'.■■LME!!$"3"0! i ..��� - | § § 12:12 10 \:v2 | g ||1120 �..� M I2 !' a 0 , @�;�,a�,,,■, ■ 18g.., , el @ !■!§§ e B� _ 11 . I—E k' I/2 i§ 11, t. U e % |2§d§ §E§§ 1| .!� © © § . �!| | fi, f I. !|-§§| :fk( a = v , !!� 7,14, i ■ ; !�!!|■--||| - •_ | ) = e | |4e||!!#|g 1 WR| Wg Ig) . ■ | Report P»12/15b Ed Roloson,Water/WaearOpr as M. Page 76 of 217 Ceejca f T' 40y- val,Y1144.1 PLANNING ACT NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF ZONING BY-LAW 2636-2015 BY oTHE CORPORATION OF THE ,, lty a� MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM APPLICANT: BEST LINE FARMS LTD. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham passed By- Law No.2636-2015 on the 2"41 day of AprII 2015 under Section 34 of THE PLANNING ACT. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Municipality of Bayham not later than the 30"' day of April 2015 a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection. THE PURPOSE of this By-law is to change the zoning on a recently severed lot measuring 0.47 hectares(1.16 acre)in area,from the Agricultural(A1)Zone to the site-specific Rural Residential (RR-26)Zone,and to change the zoning on the retained 30 hectares(76 acres)of land from the Agricultural(A1)Zone to the Special Agricultural(A2)Zone in the Zoning By-law Z456-2003.The subject lands are located on Part Lot 9,Concession 10,on the southwest corner of Green Line and Pressey Road and known municipally as 55035 Green Line. THE EFFECT of this By-law will be to accommodate the severance of a surplus dwelling with site- specific regulations for an undersized lot frontage,and to prohibit the establishment of any new residential dwellings on the retained agricultural lands in accordance with the land severance policies of the Official Plan. Lands are subject to Elgin County Consent Application E95/14. ONLY INDIVIDUALS,CORPORATIONS AND PUBLIC BODIES may appeal a by-law to the Ontario Municipal Board.A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group.However,a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or the group on its behalf. NO PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY SHALL be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless,before the by-law was passed,the person or public body made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to the council or,in the opinion of the Ontario Municipal Board,there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party. The complete By-law is available for inspection in the municipal office during regular office hours. DATED AT THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM THIS 10"1 DAY OF APRIL 2015. Margaret Underhill KEY MAP Planning Coordinator/Deputy MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Clerk Municipality of Bayham P.O.Box 160,9344 Plank Rd. t Straffordville,ON,NOJ 1Y0 LOT10 r.OT .� TAT 9 cuv a 11 Tel: 519-866-5521 Fax: 519-866-3884 !fJ munderhillAbavham.on.ca auLANDS sum= NOTE; The fee for BEng an objection or appeal of ■Zeaing By-law to the Ontario Municipal Board is presently set at 5125.00 by the Province of Ontario. LOTS LOT LOT 8 LOIN1t iD\111 Notice of passing of Zoning By-Law Z636-2015 Best Line Farms... Page 77 of 217 L l Z Jo 8L aa'd ...au ajatlatj t.agoN S[ 'oN tuautpuauld acid l'Pli303o 3011°N C44 LI-1-1N- 407,106-- '0YHAt '644"m tarPLANNING ACT i`r Tote" NOTICE OF THE ADOPTION OF OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO.15 BY THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM APPLICANT:ROBERT&MICHELE DERYK FARMS LTD. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Baybam passed By- Law No. 2015-039 on the 2" day of April 2015 in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT. ME, PURPOSE of the official plan amendment is to add the new section in the Agriculture land use policies as it relates to farm consolidation and the severance of surplus farm dwellings. The amendment applies specifically to lands located in Part Lot 109, Concession 6, STR,and known municipally as 53443 Heritage Line. THE EFFECT of the amendment would be to specifically allow the severance of a surplus farm dwelling from a consolidated farm operation within the Municipality, where the retained primary farm dwelling is located within an abutting neighbouring municipality, whereby under the standard policies of the Official Plan, the primary dwelling must be located within the Municipality of Bayham. THE COMPLETE By-law and Official Plan Amendment No. 15 is available for inspection in the Bayham Municipal office during regular office hours. ANY PERSON or public body is entitled to receive notice of the decision of the approval authority if a written request to be notified of the decision is made to the approval authority, namely the County of Elgin,County Administration Building,450 Sunset Drive,St.Thomas, Ontario,N5R 5V1 Attention:Steve Evans. The official plan amendment is not exempt from approval under subsection 17(9) or(10) of the Act. DATED AT THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM THIS 10th DAY OF APRIL 2015. KEY MAP MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM F_ j Margaret Underhill, Loa 109 OF AD EAST Lo1�110 NORTH TA BOT ROAD� LOT Planning Coordinator/Deputy • LOT 1:1 LOT 112 11' Clerk SUBJECT LANDS LOT'113..�) LOT 115 Municipality of Bayham OT 11 Box 160,9344 Plank Rd STRAFFORDVILLE ON NOJ 1Y0 ` l Tel:519-866-5521 h'yt 5. Fax:519-866-3884 LOT 109 0 i ^''� munderhill(ui bayham.on.ca Lor ,110 LOT 1a 1 SOUTH OF¶1150T 0050 EAST 0° 1,0T 112 LOT 113LOT'114-LOT 115 LOT 116 LCt .CON ..pr 2 ''� 1 01 1 u SAw44,/ Y L REPORT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 411=.0 _ ponunity Isco TO: Mayor&Members of Council FROM: Bill Knifton, Chief Building Official, Drainage Superintendent DATE: April 16, 2015 REPORT: DS-24/15 FILE NO. C-07 SUBJECT: 1ST QUARTER REPORT BACKGROUND: The purpose of this report is to inform Council of the activities of the Building Services and Drainage department for the first quarter of the year for 2015. DISCUSSION: Building Services: The summary of building permits issued in the first quarter is as listed on the chart below: Year 2015 2014 2013 No. permits issued 8 7 11 Permit fees $10,030 $5417 $11765 Construction Value $888,500 $488900 $930800 Houses 1 1 3 Farm Buildings 0 1 2 Other 7 5 6 Report DS-24/15 by Bill Knifton,Chief Building Official,Dr... Page 79 of 217 Drainage: Drainage work for the first quarter of 2015 is noted below: New Drains: Drain Name Status Mueller Drain Contract awarded, construction summer 2015 Magyar-Dieleman Drain Contract to be awarded Phillips Drain Construction completed January 2015 Centre Street Drain North Survey done, Eng mtg w/landowners spring Nova Scotia Drain Survey done,final design in progress Tollgate Drain Survey done, design progressing Stewart Drain No 1 Engineer report to Council for consideration Drain Maintenance: No maintenance activities were done in the 1 st quarter of this year. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Staff Report DS-24-15 regarding the activities of the Building Services&Drainage Department for the first quarter of 2015 be received for information. Respectfully Submitted by: 1/44.47ritK I Bill Knifton ` •- hi! =y Chief Building Official Admi- strator Drainage Superintendent Report DS-24/15 by Bill Knifton,Chief Building Official,Dr... Page 80 of 217 -,AYRtit.4f 1 REPORT H ,,,,0 - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ---* , rio nity I9 TO: Mayor&Members of Council FROM: Bill Knifton, Chief Building Official, Drainage Superintendent DATE: April 16,2015 REPORT: DS-25115 FILE NO.C-07/E09 SUBJECT: PETITION FOR DRAINAGE BACKGROUND: This report is to present Council the Petition filed with the Clerk, of the Municipality of Bayham, on April2,2015.The petition is for a drainage works for lands owned by Greg Vermeersch of VanMeer Farms being Part Lot 26, Con 9. Section 4(1)of the Drainage Act provides for a petition for the drainage by means of a drainage works of an area requiring drainage as described in the petition may be filed with the clerk of the local municipality in which the area is situate by: (a) The majority in number of the owners,as shown by the last revised assessment roll of lands in the area, including the owners of any roads in the area: (b) The owner or owners,as shown by the last revised assessment roll,of lands in the area representing at least 60%of the hectarage in the area; (c) Where a drainage works is required for a road of part thereof,the engineer, road superintendent or person having jurisdiction over such road or part,despite subsection 61(5); (d) Where a drainage works is required for the drainage of lands used for agricultural purposes,the Director. The Drainage Act provides that Council must give consideration to the petition and,within thirty days(Section 5.1.a)of the filing, decide whether or not it will proceed. If Council decides not to proceed then written notice of its decision must be sent to each petitioner. A petitioner may appeal to the Ontario Drainage Tribunal if Council decides not to proceed,or if Council does not act on the petition within 30 days. It may be difficult for Council to make a decision on the validity of the petition as it is based on definition of the"area requiring drainage". Initially, the petitioner(s) define this area on the petition they submit, however the area must be defined by an engineer at the"on-site meeting" to determine the validity of the petition. Report DS-25/15 by Bill Knifton,Chief Building Official,Dr... Page 81 of 217 If the Municipality decides to proceed then written notice of its decision must be given to (Section 5.16): (a) each petitioner; (b) the Clerk of each local municipality that may be affected; (c) the Conservation Authority that may be affected; (d) the Ministry of Natural Resources; (e) The Ministry of Agriculture, Food&Rural Affairs. The Municipality must appoint an engineer within sixty days(Section 8.3)of giving notice to proceed. The choice of engineer is the decision of Council. When appointed by Council to prepare a report on the drainage work,the engineer is to file said report within six(6)months (Section 39.1)of the appointment. Following the appointment the engineer must(Section 9.1)cause the Municipal Clerk to send a written notice, specifying the time and place of an"on-site meeting".The notice must be served seven days prior to the proposed site meeting. DISCUSSION: Greg Vermeersch wants to tile his field and a portion of the field drains towards the Baynor Road ditch,therefore he requires a legal outlet for the 20 to 25 acres that drains to the road ditch. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Council of the Municipality of Bayham acknowledges the filing with the Clerk of the Petition for drainage works from Greg Vermeersch of VanMeer Farms. 2. THAT Report DS-25/15 regarding the petition for drainage and for drainage improvement be received; 3. AND THAT Council wishes to proceed with this matter and appoints Spriet Associates, Engineers,to prepare a report on the proposed drainage area pursuant to Section 5 and Section 8(1)of the Drainage Act,for Council's consideration. Respectfully Submitted by: Bill Knifton ' r% � Chief Building Official Admi ' ra ., Drainage Superintendent Report DS-25/15 by Bill Knifton,Chief Building Official,Dr... Page 82 of 217 Mtntatry ofAgAcutture, Petition for Drainage Works by Owners Ontario Food and Rural Affairsure, For_ ti Drainage Act,R.S.O.1990,c.D.17,clause 4(1)(a)or(b) This form is to be used to petition municipal council for a new drainage works under the Drainage Act.It Is not to be used to request the Improvement or modification of an existing drainage works under the Drainage Act. To: The Council of the Corporation of the 4tu�.n.r,(1 ctt,r-t`( of "a- It A r* The area of land described below requires drainage(provide a description of the properties or the portions of properties that require drainage improvements) 1- '- 2 Co t.) �l TSL.., qsit..0c bAyNcj& Qi)- Vs2 )(Z.Q.,(X C' E O �( In accordance with section 9(2)of the Drainage Act,the description of the area requiring drainage will be confirmed or modified by an engineer at the on-site meeting. As owners of land within the above described area requiring drainage,we hereby petition council under subsection 4(1)of the Drainage Act for a drainage works.In accordance with sections 10(4),43 and 59(1)of the Drainage Act,if names are withdrawn from the petition to the point that it is no longer a valid petition,we acknowledge responsibility for costs. Purpose of the Petition(To be completed by one of the petitioners.Please type/print) Con Person(Last Name) (First Name) Telephone Number erm.e e c5 c,� Gr-ec, 0,43342 Address Road/Street Number Roe reel Name 699 iYcu,ia .s /414 Location of Project Lot Concession MuOjcipality 1Former Municipality(if applicable) What work do you require?(Check all appropriate boxe) ❑Construction of new open channel IA Construction of new tile drain ❑ Deepening or widening of existing watercourse(not currently a municipal drain) ❑Endosure of existing watercourse(not currently a municipal drain) ❑Other(provide description♦) Name of watercourse(if known) Estimated length of project General description of soils in the area Wha 's the purpose of the proposed work?(Check appropriate box) �� Tile drainage only I=1 Surface water drainage only 111 Petition filed this , r.,.) day of ixt,LS ,20 15- Name of Clerk(Last,first name) Signature r 'm` = t 0Cc)ryr L.. r� �. LI Z 0173E(2012106) a queen's Printer for Ontario,2012 Deponide en frencals Pagel Report DS-25/15 by Bill Knifton,Chief Building Official,Dr... Page 83 of 217 Property Owners Signing The Petition Page of • Your municipal property tax bill will provide the property description and parcel roll number. • In rural areas,the property description should be in the form of(part)lot and concession and civic address. • In urban areas,the property description should be in the form of street address and lot and plan number if available. • If you have more than two properties,please take copy(ies)of this page and continue to list them all. Number Property Description 127_ U-1, 2_ CrD EJ 9 Ward or Geographic Township Parcel Roil Number c - 3c. c -. I hereby petition for drainage for the land described and acknowledge my financial obligations. Ownership ❑Sole Ownership Owner Name(Last,First Name)(Type/Print) Signature Date(yyyy/mm/dd) ❑ Partnership(Each partner in the ownership of the property must sign the petition form) Owner Name(Last,First Name)(Type/Print) Signature Date(yyyy/mm/dd) Corporation(The individual with authority to bind the corporation must sign the petition) Name of Signing Officer(Last,First Name)(Type/Print) Signature Name of Corporation V Atd R. c PQ-44/ arid* . on. e .rporatio Position Title Date(yyyy/mm/dd) of-(cit Number Property Description Ward or Geographic Township Parcel Roll Number I hereby petition for drainage for the land described and acknowledge my financial obligations. Ownership ❑Sole Ownership Owner Name(Last,First Name)(Type/Print) I Signature 'Date(yyyy/mm/dd) ❑Partnership(Each partner in the ownership of the property must sign the petition form) Owner Name(Last,First Name)(Type/Print) Signature Date(yyyy/mmldd) ❑Corporation(The individual with authority to bind the corporation must sign the petition) Name of Signing Officer(Last,First Name)(Type/Print) Signature Name of Corporation I have the authority to bind the Corporation. Position Title Date(yyyy/mm/rid) ❑Check here if additional sheets are attached Clerk initial Petitioners become financially responsible as soon as they sign a petition. Once the petition is accepted by council,an engineer is appointed to respond to the petition.Drainage Act,R.S.O.1990,c.D.17 subs.8(1). After the meeting to consider the preliminary report,if the petition does not comply with section 4,the project is terminated and the original petitioners are responsible in equal shares for the costs.Drainage Act,R.S.O.1990,c.D.17 subs.10(4). - After the meeting to consider the final report,if the petition does not comply with section 4,the project is terminated and the original petitioners are responsible for the costs In shares proportional to their assessment in the engineer's report Drainage Act,R.S.O.1990, c.D.17 s.43. If the project proceeds to completion,a share of the cost of the project will be assessed to the involved properties in relation to the assessment schedule in the engineers report,as amended on appeal.Drainage Act,R.S.O.1990,c.D.17 e.01. Notice of Collection of Personal information Any personal information collected on this form la collected under the authority of the Drainage Act,R.S.O.1990,c.0.17 and will be used for the purposes of administering the Act.Questions concerning the collection of personal Information should be directed to: where the form Is addressed to a municipality(municipality to complete) and where the form is addressed to a territory without municipal organization,the Drainage Coordinator,Ministry of Agriculture,Food and Rural Affairs,1 Stone Rd W,Guelph ON NIG 4Y2,519 820-3552. 0177E(2012108) Report DS-25/15 by Bill Knifton,Chief Building Official,Dr... Page 84 of 217 $NY REPORT 111Lo DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ortunity TO: Mayor&Members of Council FROM: Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator DATE: April 16, 2015 REPORT: DS-27/15 FILE NO. C-07 D9.14 Patricio Martins Roll#3401-002-001-27500 D9.13 571515 Ontario Inc. E65113 Roll#3401-000-007-12502 SUBJECT: Consent Applications E65113 and E61/14 (D10.13 571515 Ontario Inc.and D10114 Patricio and Martins BACKGROUND: Consent Application E65/13 submitted by 571515 Ontario Inc.was granted a lot addition involving the severance of a parcel of land containing a garage to be added to the residential parcel located on a property known as 53695 Heritage Line, hamlet of Richmond. Consent Application E61/14 submitted by A. Patricio and J. Martins was granted a lot addition involving the severance of rear lands to be added equally to the adjacent residential parcels identified as 24 Brock St(corner lot)and 9 Erieus St. Conditions of both consents included the requirement for the merger of the severed lands with adjacent parcels. Solicitors representing each applicant have separately contacted the municipality explain the same scenario that the merger cannot occur without the conveyance of a 1 square foot parcel to the Municipality. DISCUSSION: For detailed explanation regarding the Planning Act requirements, see the attached solicitors' letters referencing each file. Staff reviewed and support the requests for the Owners'conveyance of the 1 square foot parcels to the Municipality in order to facilitate the completion of the consents. In 2014 the Municipality agreed to a similar conveyance pertaining to the Morse Consent in Richmond. Report DS-27/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 85 of 217 Staff Report DS-27/15 2 ATTACHMENTS 1. Ferguson Patterson Professional Corporation-correspondence dated March 31,2015 2. John R. Holmes Professional Corporation—correspondence dated April 1, 2015 RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report DS-27115 be received for information; 2. AND THAT Council directs staff to proceed with Ferguson Patterson Professional Corporation regarding the Dykstra's request for conveyance of a 1 square foot parcel to the Municipality to accommodate a severance; 3. AND THAT Council directs staff to proceed with John R. Holmes Professional Corporation regarding the Patricio and Martins Consent E61114 request for conveyance of a 1 square foot parcel to the Municipality to accommodate a severance; 4. AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents to complete the conveyances. Respectfully Submitted by: Reviewed by: 7 7;°..°V. 1 -.4/0 Marga et nderhill 'aul Shi• AM- - Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator 'Administra or Report DS-27/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 86 of 217 John R. Holmes 28 Harvey Street Professional Corporation Tillsonburg,Ontario N4G eJ8 Telephone (519)8424474 BARRISTER-SOLICITOR-NOTARY PUBLIC Fax (519)842 4888 EurIVED April 1,2015 ` APR -72015 Municipality of Bayham ;fit€RI1;I l:ll y OF 96yliAM 9344 Plank Road, P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1 YO Attention: Margaret Underhill Re: Consent Application#E 61/14 Alvaro Patricio and Joaquim Martins Part Lots 9& 10,Registered Plan 12,Municipality of Bayham In relation to the above-noted application, it has become necessary that a request be made to convey to the Municipality a 1 foot by 1 foot parcel of land set out as Part 1 on the enclosed draft Reference Plan. The reason for this request is as follows: (a) The Elgin Land Division Committee has consented to a severance of Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R-9835, copy of such Reference Plan being enclosed, with such property to be consolidated on a boundary adjustment basis with the property to the immediate east owned by Alvaro Patricia, that property being Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R-466l. A copy of that Reference Plan is enclosed as well. (b) Part 1 on Plan 11R-4661 was the subject matter of previous consent granted by the Land Division Committee in 1991. (c) Notwithstanding that there is to be a consolidation application registered to consolidate the two parcels described as Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R-9835, and Part I on Reference Plan 11R-4661, on the basis of"the once a severance always a severance rule", it is the concern of the Land Division Committee that notwithstanding the consolidation, either parcels even subsequent to the consolidation could be dealt with separately. (d) To alleviate this potential problem the Land Division Committee has put in the condition that the property to the immediate east(being Part 1 on 11R-4661)be reduced so that the reduced parcel of land would not be the identical parcel given in their consent in 1991 as noted above. (e) By the proposed conveyance of the 1 foot by 1 foot parcel from the property to the Municipality, that condition would have the effect of truly allowing the two properties to merge on the consolidation, as there would not be any prior consent for the identical parcel of the land as given in 1991. Report DS-27/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 87 of 217 Page-2- I trust this explains the necessity for the request for the conveyance of the I foot by I foot parcel to the Municipality in order to accommodate the above-noted severance. I look forward to hearing from you as to the Municipality's response to such request as soon as possible, as we are fast approaching the expiration date on the above-noted severance. If you have any questions in relation to the foregoing, please feel free to give me a call. Yours very truly, //We- John R. Holmes JRH/se encl, Report DS-27/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 88 of 217 /,r/V ,q / ti-i5 BROCK STREET (66" fMDE - REC157ERED PLAN 12) �(9 P.I.N. 35324 '- 0172 y41�"' '1,:,'"� � 11 yy21 45 l�1 LvdE,'ANA I--C N 66.56'30'W l (NEFERENCE BE FDNC)ll2-O 0,tOx0 --[ 61.50'(PI,P3 Al) ›.-1 (P1.P2.P3&M) 46.00'(P1.P3&M) t 46,00'(P1,P3 @ M) v 60.50' 4 m'e,.v6,'30-E-- KI: 666.00'(P1 B 5) PART 1 k1 1 1 I NORTHEAST CORNER r W I OF LOT TO, 11E9T OF Ca 14 .,I 1` J1 ERJEUS S>RE-ET N BC .!LW." gI 3 r 4 `° „, PART I A a 41 a LOT "' )�� JO _ v fi � v "� 1-' + I; +� i9, l o N O U) 1 W 14 n I m d i 2 1, m 2 Z IX Ig 1 m P.I.N. 35324 0141 n F ^f w I t1 LAX' 11 o y e I � , - 1 N66'40'30•W I - -- - 118.,57'(P1.P3(k M) Y. • 35.50'(P3 A M) ---c — , j 1 CP1flER s t.•' 0'�Y 63.07'(P1.PS h M) 4-1 ` S1 1.1.. W Y I i L ;1 1 �S 0 14 N F I W z w L Is II 41 b 18 PART 2 '17_,a. 1— LOT il n'•a• T `ate' �~" q n 4 1 a a!h z mi o W )""' 0 111 ti I v Q I 4 i n P.I.N. 35324 - 0140 m S L., a o 0 4 S 1 ' z o Y_ 3550'(P7.P3kY) Y { a _� �s-il� ._-._. *-I` 64,83'e64,83'0.1.. P3 A M) .{ I V I 0.MUT 25'OD'W }- to' 120.15'(P1,P3&Al) 1141 I n -1 I1o L L n al i PART 1 11R S558 w ya. 1 • P.I.N. 35324 - 0130 LL) F. LOT 8 I Report DS-27/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 89 of 217 2015-Mar-31 08:31 AM FP Law 519-963-0159 1/4 '' 11.4 it:7 March 31,2015 I' AV ViA FACSIMILE 519-366488414 Pages onivi AND REGULAR MAIL ;7 rrT. , ,,,..„..1. ktiy � ' t ,; YI MUNICJPAUTY OF BAYIIAM �_.'t Municipal Office 11,6,R 51, 21F 9344 Plank Road P,0.Box 160 ef& 6;1iir1 ,.,'.0 . 5,: :. > Straffordvllie,ON NOJ iY0 Attention: Mrs.Margaret Underhill, Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Dear Sirs: Re: 53695 Heritage Line.R.R.#1.Aylmer.Ontario Further to our letter of January 23, 2015 and our subsequent telephone discussion, I am pleased to enclose the following draft documents for your review: (a) The draft reference plan showing the creation of a 1 square foot parcel designated as Part 4 on the draft plan, (b) Draft transfer/deed of land conveying Part 4 to the Municipality of eayhem. As we discussed,the purpose of conveyancing Part 4 to the municipality Is to change the legal description of Mrs. Dykstra's property to nullify the prior Planning Act consent granted In connection with this property. Would you please advise whether the Township will consider Mrs. Dykstra's request to Implement the severance of Part 4 so she can complete the lot addition of Part 2 on the draft reference plan to her property and satisfy the Elgin Committee of Adjustment and if so,what additional information or terms would be required. Should you wish to discuss our request or require additional Information,please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. I would appreciate an opportunity to discuss the foregoing with you at your earliest convenience and would ask that you advise as to when I may contact you. Y.urs very truly, 4 I � J il 1 Fergus.� Ends. Ferguson Patterson Professional Corporation 360 Queens Avenue London ON N6B 1X6 P:519-963-0162 an 519-963-0259®Toll free 1-877.433.87660 www.fp1aw.ca Report DS-27/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 90 of 217 J ?l S /06-'Sa'✓ 1 a 91 i II ij ¢ I 9 a g i iiIII 1 i, ; ili' i iI Ili I Qf1 I_11 FIIIIÜ ae 3� E9 k ill i�1 I.i P,- i 1:5 + f 6 Ii f i� •I I a ii i'1 a i gi i ypil f� e a a� !! EII �, Ili i g iI - , , li I9 �a mill is a 1 1 i ` , ,i P' 4,441' 4.." ' '.ts..,' .41 I,,,.. e ---,:-....„ .°� L k ``. +ate• r ``-,'1 ` ''`` ', «• 107 �' `, iN,,, :�, 1r 4ip :�'�� 1,fi a i'�t� , r t sr, `iF i i. 7 t 107 $ E7 4 a +c '..7 ad pt, 4 R si t t 401` tt i. ..,e..._.— ,..._......p. —•.....,,... tl . A) ! e Np$; III Y Report DS-27/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 91 of 217 R i 1 O.. �� * N a�7 P`r o•• ef.. ° t r 1 44,„......,�4 roti_ T CZID s# 1 �3 r r �'`` 'S DECO. a ;;;'r g 141110 1 Tte. 11 .,� v� / /r NORTH WEST t I* • ``�1 �a r e rr B / LOT 16, R.P. . x i`u�i f 71R -d7�,tf W N ryy1 /ySd� 34 w peey��I�} a, t x ;O�a• - lro Q4i4/ �7s N P f/P ,2 b 4 x 7 P ♦ ',e. / E BOJ E /, / 4.43'4. x rbs. Q4, / ' // , y ti �hS I,� / �� �� R►s ( • • / J509k0717 / r 11R-9.62 ' / vs II \ y„, -mak Q IP , •g , 11R--.98712 AVIVr . a ''P 1V //9 r 79 / \ / h / '� /r 9 /' DETAIL Nor 70 SCALEAi9 ee P4 V 1R--99123 1O Asv sura 4-025P • MN 45.110 - 9;:v L m_ i i ®c if t I /. Report DS-27/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 92 of 217 1$1*-Y114-4 10, REPORT oDEV gyp° nity I&' .,camDEVELOPMENT SERVICES TO: Mayor&Members of Council FROM: Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator DATE: April 16, 2015 REPORT: DS-28/15 FILE NO. C-071 D10.BORM15 Roll#3401-000-007-00200 SUBJECT: Site Plan Agreement—Etienne and Marie-Louise Borm (D11.BORM15) BACKGROUND: A site plan control application was received on March 23, 2015 and deemed complete April 1, 2015 from Etienne Borm(ETBO Tool&Die)for their property located at 7288 Richmond Rd. The application proposes an industrial warehouse addition of 2676 m2(28,800 sq.ft)to the east of the existing warehouse. The subject lands are designated "Industrial"in the Official Plan and Site-specific Rural Industrial(M2-8). DISCUSSION: Staff reviewed the final site plan drawings and approve of the drawing details. The owners have reviewed the site plan agreement and agree to it moving forward for Council consideration. Based on the review,the site plan approval application and accompanying final drawings received on April 1,2015, staff concur that it meets the intent of the Official Plan,the requirements of the Zoning By-law and the site-specific Minor Variance A-07/13 granted September 19, 2013 regarding relief from maximum lot coverage and minimum rear yard depth. The attached site plan agreement is the municipality's standard site plan agreement and includes the site-specific development drawings. Staff recommends approval of the site plan agreement as presented. ATTACHMENTS 1. Site Plan Application 2. Copy of Minor Variance Secretary-Treasurer's Certificate A-07/13 3. Draft By-law 2015-043-Site Plan Agreement attached. Report DS-28/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 93 of 217 Staff Report DS-28/15 2 RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report DS-28115 be received for information; 2. AND THAT By-law No.2015-043,being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between Etienne and Marie-Louise Borm and the Municipality of Bayham for development at the property known as 7288 Richmond Road be presented for enactment. Respectfully Submitted by: Reviewed by: ..i..41101111111111PPI"'Age MargaretUnderhill -a '. Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator Administrator/ Report DS-28/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 94 of 217 FILE No. S i"�? �O 3/1i/,i ��`f 2?`• EEC'D: , 0-6//5--- opo <$ DATE APPLICATION CONSIDERED �r-untty ISYS COMPLETE: ifr//!s FEE RECEIVED:$.`acv c"-° MUNICIPALITY OF BAYIIAM P4 E C E I V E SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION FORT MAR 23 2(115 The undersigned hereby request the Municipality of Bayham to consider a Site Plan Control application pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act on the lands hereinafter tindistiribisBAram application is accompanied by a fee of$500($250 fee+$250 deposit for properties with accumulative building area of 150 in2 or less)QR$2000($1000 fee&$1000 deposit for accumulative building area 151 in2 or greater)by cash or cheque made payable to the Municipality of Bayham. I.BACKGROUND INFORMATION a) Applicant's Name Et1zniQ &pRi,p, AppIicant's Mailing Address V'4'- Telephone Numbk crs I-3--5111- Fax Number(Sl ) – S►S� b) Registered Owner(if other than applicant) S hr c-t✓ Owner's Address 'Nei.m Telephone Number Sek .a Fax Number Se,n.Q c) Location of Subject Land Lot Number(s) Plan No.or Concession 4' Part Number(s) I Reference Plan Ile.— 63R 1 911 Address(if any) '}Z$Q IL01,4-c,p (l The subject land is located on the coot side of R-d (2between r.rrks lane and C<14On V ne d) Existing use of Subject property 1^rj.US-r.o�l e) Specific indication of proposed uses of land and buildings i r`dv c+9. * w c 1c •oL$e. f) Official Plan Designation g) Zoning By-law-Existing Zoning Ira- -Requested Zoning S rr Report DS-28/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 95 of 217 2.SITE INFORMATION a)Zoning Provisions REQUIRED PROPOSED Lot Frontage _ Lot Depth — 15L r~M Lot Area HOZ Lot Coverage 19 cAl Front Yard q(D Rear Yard 11, Interior Side Yard _ Exterior Side Yard(corner lot) e Set .1 Landscaped Open Space(%) 1 o- ,Fkv S No.of Parking Spaces No.of Loading Spaces Width of Planting Strip Driveway Width _ Handicap Spaces Other(Specify) Off-Street Parking and Loading Facilities Total number of off-street parking spaces existing M �* Number of off-street parking spaces proposed(include existing&proposed) t T} Number of off-street loading facilities existing Number of off-street loading facilities proposed(include existing&proposed) .– b) Proposed Building Size: �:l Ground Floor Area of Existing Buildings(s) --- Ground Floor Area of Proposed Development g M Total Ground Floor Area (including existing&proposed) '728 Number of Storeys proposed 1 Building Height Proposed I D rv--) Total Gross Floor Area Proposed 1 (including existing and proposed) 3. COMPLETE AS APPLICABLE: a) MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Landscaped Area N/A. sq m Conversion or Addition to Existing Residential Buildings Yes No Amenity and/or Children's Play Area Yes No UNIT BREAKDOWN Type Number of Units Floor area of Unit Type Bachelor One-Bedroom _ Two-Bedroom _ Three-Bedroom 2 Report DS-28/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 96 of 217 3. COMPLETE AS APPLICABLE:-(cont'd) a) MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL-(cont'd) Other Facilities provided(eg.play facilities,underground parking,games rooms, swimming pool,etc.) b) COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL/INSTITUTIONAL/OPEN SPACE OR OTHER USES (as applicable) No.of New Buildings Proposed Conversion or Addition to Existing Building Yes ,- No Describe Gross Floor Area(breakdown by type of use,eg.-office area,retail,storage, manufacturing area,etc.) ca S e Oar, Seating Capacity(for rest.or assembly hall,etc.) NIA. Describe Type of Business Proposed t+a,re1,n,jjt. t,.,,;R.y4., No.of Staff Proposed-Initially In future(5 yrs) Same, Open Storage Required Yes No Describe type,location,and buffering(if any) s Phasing if any t 6 A. Describe Type of Use Proposed L ty.•�� fit, C No.of Beds(if applicable) ru /;� Gross Floor Area by Type of Use / (eg.office,common rooms,storage,etc.) Landscaped Area sq m If residential use proposed as part of,or accessory to commercial/industrial/open space/other use,please specify Type Number of Units Floor area of Unit Type Bachelor One-Bedroom Two-Bedroom Three-Bedroom I \\\ Dated this lc _day of �1 .kR.y ,20 IC Signature of Owner/Agent Signature of Owner/Agent I lJ 7E&JPJ�r nA of the fitf6*? al'/ of 13A�Y(lAf�. in the of e-u/A./ DO SOLEMNLY DECLARE THAT: All of the statements contained in this application are true and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under Oath and by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. �n DECLARED b fore me at the !/i%�?ie • of ,yy in the rC•un of 67, ' - this 'day of 4it,'. 20 /5"---- " Sig 'rice of/�- y, A' t r.7ni/SS:orte,r• A C "a Signature of Owner/Agent Attachments: Site Plan Control By-law 2005-061 with Schedule"A"only 3 Report DS-28/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 97 of 217 . H.44. Submission No.A-07/13 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM p`r ltyisxd° COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT SECRETARY-TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE COPY Pursuant to Subsection 14 of Section 45 of the Planning Act,R.S.O.1990,as amended,I hereby certify that no appeal was filed with this Office within the prescribed period against Application A-07/13 and that the Decision of the Municipality of Bayham Committee of Adjustment dated the 19th day of September 2013,became final and binding on the 10s'day of October 2013. The decision of the Committee is now final and binding in that: OWNER: Etienne Bonn Marie-Louise Bonn 7288 Richmond Road RR 6 Aylmer ON N5H 2R5 ASSESSMENT ROLL: #34-01-000-007-00200 LOCATION: 7288 Richmond Road,Municipality of Bayham,County of Elgin,is granted: DECISION: In the matter of Section 45 of the Planning Act and the Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law No.Z456-2003,an application for minor variances to allow: Relief from Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Z456-2003: 1.Section Lot Coverage of 25%of the minimum lot area,where 15% is permitted 2.Section Rear Yard Depth of 10 metres,where 30 metres is required NOTES: The minor variance is in full force and effect. M. .:aret dnderhill Secretary-Treasurer Committee of Adjustment October 10,2013 Report DS-28/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 98 of 217 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2015-043 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A SITE PLAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN ETIENNE AM)MARIE-LOUISE BORM(ETBO TOOL&DIE)AND THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WHEREAS subsection 41(2) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter P.13 provides in part that where in an official Plans an area is shown or described as a proposed site Plans control area, the council of the local municipality in which the proposed area is situate may, by by-law, designate the whole or any part of such area as a Site Plan Control Area. AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham has enacted a Site Plan Control Area By-law pursuant to Section 41 of the said Planning Act. AND WHEREAS subsection 41 (4)of the said Planning Act provides in part that no person shall undertake any development in an area designated under subsection(2)unless the Council of the municipality or,where a referral has been made under subsection (12), the Municipal Board has approved one or both,as the Council may determine,of the following: 1. Plans showing the location of all buildings and structures to be erected and showing the location of all facilities and works to be provided in conjunction therewith and of all facilities and works required under clause(7)(a). AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it necessary to enter into a Site Plan agreement with Etienne and Marie-Louise Borm. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Site Plan Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and Etienne and Marie-Louise Borm affixed hereto and forming part of this By-law as Schedule"A". 2. THAT the executed agreement be registered at the owner's expense against the land to which it applies under the Land Titles Registry Elgin# 11. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 16th day of April 2015. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 16a'day of April 2015. MAYOR CLERK Report DS-28/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 99 of 217 Schedule"A"to By-law 2015-043 SITE PLAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN ETIENNE AND MARIE-LOUISE BORM (ETBO TOOL AND DIE) Concession 4 Part Lot 1 Roll#34-01-000-007-00200 AND THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Report DS-28/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 100 of 217 THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 16th day of April 2015. BETWEEN: ETIENNE AND MARIE-LOUISE BORM Hereinafter called the"OWNER" OF THE FIRST PART -AND- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Hereinafter called the"MUNICIPALITY" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Owner is the owner in fee simple of the lands situate in the Municipality of Bayham, in the County of Elgin being Concession 4 Part Lot 1, more particularly described in Attachment"A"attached hereto(and hereafter referred to as the"Lands"); AND WHEREAS the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham in effect, designates the entirety of the Municipality as a Site Plan Control Area; AND WHEREAS the Owner intends to develop lands in accordance with the Site Plan drawings attached hereto,as Attachment"C"(and hereafter referred to as the"Plans"); AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it necessary to enter into a Site Plan Agreement with Etienne and Marie-Louise Borm. NOW THEREFORE in consideration of other good and valuable consideration and the sum of Two Dollars($2.00)of lawful money of Canada by each to the other paid(the receipt whereof is acknowledged by each), the Owner hereby covenants and agrees with the Municipality as follows: 1. The Owner agrees that no building permit will be available until the Agreement has been approved by the Municipality, and further agrees that work will not commence prior to the issuance of the building permit. 2. The following Attachments, which are identified by the signatures of the parties to this Agreement, and which are attached hereto, are hereby made a part of this Agreement, as fully and to all intents and purposes as though recited in full herein: ATTACHMENT"A"—LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT LANDS Report DS-28/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 101 of 217 ATTACHMENT"B"-CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ATTACHMENT"C"— OVERALL SITE LOCATION PLAN SERVICING AND PARKING LAYOUT PLAN(Drawing SP1) ATTACHMENT"D"—SITE GRADING PLAN(Drawing SP2) ATTACHMENT"E"—SITE DETAILS(Drawing SP3) 3. Attachment"A"hereto describes the lands affected by this Agreement. 4. Attachments "C", "D" & "E" - Overall Site Location Plan Servicing & Parking Layout Plan, Site Grading Plan and Site Details shows: a) the location and height of all buildings and structures existing and/or to be erected; b) the location of vehicular entrances and exits; c) the location and provision of off-street vehicular loading and parking spaces, including driveways for emergency vehicles; d) building finished floor elevations(if deemed necessary by the Municipality); e) all proposed structures showing setback measurements and dimensions 5. The Owner agrees that the building or buildings will be erected or developed in accordance with the Plans approved, subject only to such changes as have received advance approval. 6. The Owner agrees that the site development and servicing will be in accordance with the Plans as approved,subject only to such changes as have received advance approval. 7. The Owner further agrees that(as applicable): a) final grades and elevations will be established to the satisfaction of the Municipality. The Owner will provide proof of final grades and elevations certified by a professional land surveyor or civil engineer,prior to the final release of the Letter of Credit. b) all necessary provisions for service connections on site will be made to the satisfaction of the Municipality. c) construction work will be carried forward expeditiously in good and workmanlike manner, in accordance with good trade practice and so to cause a minimum of nuisance. d) all necessary precautions to avoid dust, noise and other nuisance and to provide for the public safety will, so far as possible,be taken and which comply with The Construction Safety Act. Report DS-28/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 102 of 217 e) all necessary care will be taken to see that mud and soil is not tracked or spilled onto any public street, and where such tracking occurs, the street shall be cleaned at the end of each working day. f) unless otherwise provided, all parking lots and walkways will be finished with hot-mix asphalt, concrete, gravel or paving stones to the satisfaction of the Municipality and have permanent bumper curbing along all parking areas that abut the property limits. g) no topsoil shall be stockpiled on any other portion of the Owner's lands except those lands identified in Attachment"A"to this agreement;and all topsoil shall be stockpiled and maintained in a manner which allows for the maintenance of weeds; and the Municipality may go in and do the same at the Owner's expense, and collect the cost in like manner either as municipal taxes or from the Letter of Credit deposited as performance security. h) stock-piling of snow will not be allowed on the site where it will constitute a hazard to public right-of-ways. i) the electrical servicing of the property shall be subject to the approval of Hydro One. j) upon failure by the Owner to do any act during the development period herein, that the public safety or convenience requires,in accordance with this Agreement, upon seven (7) days written notice, the Municipality, in addition to any other remedy, may go in and do same at the Owner's expense, and collect the cost in like manner either as municipal taxes or from the Letter of Credit deposited as performance security. k) the Municipality may treat any breach of this Agreement as a breach of the Building By-Law, and upon twenty-four (24) hours written notice to the Owner, stop work until the breach is rectified. 1) nothing in this Agreement constitutes waiver of the owner's duty to comply with any by-law of the Municipality or any other law. 8. The Owner shall; a) be responsible for consulting with and obtaining any deemed necessary approvals from the County of Elgin for any matters that relate to County Road 43 b) be responsible for consulting with Hydro One regarding any matters that relate to services provided by Hydro One. Report DS-28/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 103 of 217 9. The Owner shall be responsible for consulting with and obtaining any necessary approval from all regulatory bodies such as,but not limited to,the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and the Ministry of the Environment as deemed necessary. 10.The Owner shall satisfy all the requirements in relation to the fire protection for the building(s)to the satisfaction of the Municipality's Fire Chief. 11.The Owner agrees to pay for damages to public property including but not limited to municipal drain, ditches, street surfaces, sidewalks, storm and sanitary sewer systems, which may occur during the period of construction. Any such repair may be undertaken by the Ministry of Transportation and/or the Municipality at the expense of the Owner, within thirty(30)days notice. 12.Any and all lighting shall be installed and maintained so as to not, in the opinion of the Municipality, interfere with the use or enjoyment of adjacent properties, or with the safe flow of traffic on abutting or adjacent streets. 13.If the Ontario Building Code requires that an Architect or Professional Engineer or both, shall be responsible for the field review of any new building or extension,provided for in this Agreement, the Owner shall not occupy or use or permit to be occupied or used, any said new building or extension,until after an Architect or Professional Engineer has given to the Municipality, a letter addressed to the Municipality, and signed by the said Architect or Professional Engineer,certifying that all construction and/or services on or in the said lands, required for this development or redevelopment, newly installed by the Owner in connection with this development or redevelopment,have been installed and/or constructed in a manner satisfactory to the Architect or Professional Engineer. 14.The Municipality, through its servants, officers and agents, including it's Chief Building Official, Fire Chief, and Municipal Engineer, may, from time to time, and at any time, enter on the premises of the Owner to inspect: a) the progress of development; b) the state of maintenance as provided for in this Agreement. 15.In the event of any servant, officer or agent of the Municipality, determining, upon inspection,that the development is not proceeding in the strict accord with the Plans and specifications filed, such servant,officer or agent shall forthwith,place a notice requiring all work to be stopped upon the premises and forward a copy, by registered mail, to the Owner at the last known address, on the last revised assessment roll, and the Owner shall forthwith correct the deficiency or deviation. 16.In the event of any servant,officer or agent of the Municipality,upon inspection,be of the opinion that the state of maintenance is not satisfactory, such servant, officer or agent Report DS-28/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 104 of 217 shall forthwith, forward notice of such opinion, by registered mail, to the Owner, at the last known address, and the Owner shall forthwith correct the deficiency or appeal to the Council of the Municipality of Bayham,as hereinafter provided. 17.In the event that the Owner should disagree with the opinion of the servant, officer or agent of the Municipality, as to the state of maintenance, such Owner shall appear before the Council of the Municipality of Bayham, which after hearing the Owner, shall express its opinion as to whether the maintenance is satisfactory, by resolution, which shall constitute a final determination of the matter. 18.In the event that the Owner shall fail to obey a stop work order issued under Section 17 hereof, the Owner recognizes the right of the Municipality to apply to the Courts for a restraining order. 19.In the event that an Owner shall fail to correct a deviation or deficiency after notice pursuant to Section 17 or after notice of an opinion, which the Council of the Municipality of Bayham determines is correct, under Section 17, the Council of the Municipality of Bayham, may by by-law, direct, on default of the matter or thing being done by the Owner,after two(2)week's notice,to it by registered mail,at the last known address of the Owner,pursuant to the last revised assessment roll of passage of such By- Law,that such matter or thing be done by the Municipality, at the expense of the Owner, which expense may be recoverable by action as municipal taxes, or from the Letter of Credit deposited as performance security. 20.Unless otherwise authorized,in the event of the Owner wishing to change at any time,the buildings,structures or facilities described in Attachment"C",it shall make application to the Council of the Municipality of Bayham,for approval,and shall not proceed with such change until approval is given by such Council, or in default by The Ontario Municipal Board,under the procedure set out in Section 41 of The Planning Act, 1990,herein before referred to. 21.The Owner agrees to pay to the Municipality all administration costs incurred in connection with this Agreement, and the fulfillment of this Agreement, including legal, engineering and inspection costs. 22.LIABILITY INSURANCE Before commencing any of the work provided for herein, the Owner shall supply the Municipality with a Liability Insurance policy in the amount of $2,000,000 per occurrence, and in a form satisfactory to the Municipality,indemnifying the Municipality from any loss arising from claims for damages,injury or otherwise,in connection with the work done by or on behalf of the owner of the development. The said policy shall be provided at the time of the signing of the Agreement and remain in force, until the Report DS-28/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 105 of 217 development is complete and all required documentation as per Article 15 has been filed with the Municipality. 23. 24.PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE The Owner hereby defines the completion date of this Agreement and project to be completed on or before April 16,2016. It will be the Owner's responsibility to require,in writing, an extension to this agreement/project, within sixty(60) days of the above stated completion date,should an extension be required. As security for the performance and completion of all works required by this agreement, the Owner shall supply the Municipality with a Letter of Credit, equal to $ nil . The Letter of Credit will be based on the estimated cost of alterations to public property, roadway, curbs and gutters and drains, and any repairs for damages to public property,roadway, sidewalks,curbs and gutters and drains,plus all site specific components as defined by the Site Plans and Site Servicing Plans, Attachment"C", which are approved under this Agreement. The amount of the Letter of Credit shall be established by the Municipality. The irrevocable Letter of Credit from a Chartered Bank expressed to be pursuant to this Agreement and payable to the Municipality at any time or in part, from time to time, upon written notice from the Municipality, shall be provided at the time of signing of this Agreement,and shall remain in force,until Twelve(12)months following the completion of this project. 25.This Agreement and the provisions thereof, do not give to the Owner or any person acquiring any interest in the said lands any rights against the Municipality with respect to the failure of the Owner to perform or fully perform any of its obligations under this Agreement or any negligence of the Owner in its performance of the said obligations. 26.In the event that no construction on the said lands has commenced within one (1) year from the date of registration of this Agreement the Municipality may,at its option,on one month's notice to the owner, declare this Agreement to be subject to re-negotiation, whereupon the Owner agrees that it will not undertake any construction on the said lands until this Agreement has been re-negotiated. 27.The Owner agrees that it will not call into question, directly or indirectly in any proceeding whatsoever in law or in equity or before any administrative tribunal the right of the Municipality to enter into this Agreement and to enforce each and every term, covenant and condition herein contained and this Agreement may be pleaded as an estoppels against the Owner in any case. 28.The Owner agrees on behalf of themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns,to save harmless and indemnify the Municipality,from all losses, damages,costs, Report DS-28/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 106 of 217 charges and expenses which may be claimed or recovered against the Municipality by any person or persons arising either directly or indirectly as a result of any action taken by the Owner,pursuant to this Agreement. 29.All facilities and matters required by this Agreement shall be provided and maintained by the Owner at its sole risk and expense to the satisfaction of the Municipality and in accordance with the standards determined by the Municipality and in default thereof, and without limiting other remedies available to the Municipality, the provisions of Section 326 of The Municipal Act,R.S.O. 1990,shall apply. 30.This Agreement shall be registered at the expense of the Owner,against the land to which it applies, and the Municipality shall be entitled, subject to the provisions of The Registry Act, to enforce its provisions against the Owner, named herein, and any and all subsequent Owners of the land. 31.A Certification of Compliance attached hereto as Attachment "B", shall be filed by the Owner, following completion of the development to ensure all details of the Site Plan Agreement have been complied with. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have hereupon, affixed their Corporate Seal, and duly attested to by their authorized signing officers in that behalf. We have the authority to bind the Corporation. Witness Etienne Bonn Witness Marie-Louise Bonn THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Paul Ens,Mayor Lynda Millard,Clerk Report DS-28/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 107 of 217 ATTACHMENT'A' Property Assessment Roll No.: 34-01-000-007-00200 Municipal Address: 7288 Richmond Road Legal Property Description: Concession 4 Part Lot 1 RP 11R6372 Parts 1 and 2 RP 1189081 Part 1,Municipality of Bayham,County of Elgin PIN# Report DS-28/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 108 of 217 ATTACHMENT'B' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE To be completed and submitted to the Municipality once all works are complete. PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION: Municipal Address: 7288 Richmond Road Property Roll#: 34-01-000-007-00200 Owner(s): Etienne and Marie-Louise Borm This document serves to certify that the development project on the above noted lands has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Site Plan Agreement By-law No. DATED: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE DECLARATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT. I have the authority to bind the Corporation. Witness Etienne Borm Marie-Louise Borm Address: Phone Number Report DS-28/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 109 of 217 p # , 1 � •dd1 1!`1 1i 1 lf. h i iA e !IIdl g ill: a �& iiYiiaa Ci 8 IA ' _ il ` !1 0 i"Eil 1 rf s_ Lc1 iI!ii !!fiiiiii ! ' ii!iiltltl tg i9 g II rIIIi °ll I7 �,i ii , lb � ar Elk . 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Page 112 of 217 2014.04.01 8.0 9759 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 04/01/2015 1:59PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 04/01/2015 Invoice Invoice Cheque Cheque Payee Number Date Type Amount Number J 001647 1255475 ONTARIO LTD 773759 SCREWS,POSTS 03/30/2015 I 66.11 018428 Cheque Amount- 66.11 000154 CANADIAN KOOL WATER 14504 WATER BOTTLES 03/31/2015 I 64.00 018429 Cheque Amount- 64.00 000167 CARSWELL 3127476 POCKET ONT H&S ACT®S 03/25/2015 I 357.89 018430 Cheque Amount- 357.89 001584 COCO PAVING INC. 13895873 OPR 03/23/2015 I 1,375.20 018431 Cheque Amount- 1,375.20 001984 COMMISSIONAIRES 115949 BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT 01/31/2015 ! 200.32 018432 Cheque Amount- 200.32 000100 CORPORATE EXPRESS 38161633 PENS,SHEET PROTECTORS 03/27/2015 I 117.94 018433 Cheque Amount- 117,94 001901 DATASOFT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS 2015029 RESTORE UV PROGRAM LOSS 03/27/2015 I 987.35 018434 Cheque Amount- 987.35 000295 ELGIN COUNTY MUTUAL AID ASSOC 2015 Dues MEMBERSHIP DUES 03/26/2015 I 100.00 018435 Cheque Amount- 100.00 002270 EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES 902086443 BIOXIDE,ADDITIONAL DROPS 03/11/2015 I 6,520.11 018436 Cheque Amount- 6,520.11 000427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Mar 200002670501 PUMP#8 03/25/2015 139.00 018437 Mar 200025823690 MILTON&WATERLOO STL 03/25/2015 I 15.08 018437 Mar 200028426930 LIBBYE AVE LIGHTS 03/20/2015 67.05 018437 Mar 200033109101 PUMP#1 03/20/2015 I 214.66 018437 Mar 200056959175 EAST ST STRAFF STL 03/20/2015 I 24.81 018437 Mar 200123522494 PUMP#7 03/25/2015 77.51 018437 Mar 200124278488 STRAFF STL 03/20/2015 67.05 018437 Mar200033109101 PUMP#1 03/25/2015 759.27 018437 Cheque Amount- 1,364.43 001003 JARDINE LLOYD THOMPSON CANADA Page Cheque Register being Cheque#018428 to Cheque#018491 inclu... Page 113 of 217 2014.04.01 8.0 9759 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 04/01/2015 1:59PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 04/01/2015 Invoice Invoice Cheque Cheque I Payee Number Date Type Amount Number 544904 INSURANCE 03/20/2015 I 3,006.72 018438 544905 INSURANCE-BURWELL STATION 03/20/2015 I 1,406.16 018438 544906 INSURANCE-STRAFF STATION 03/20/2015 I 1,674.00 018438 Cheque Amount- 6,086.88 000534 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 9303132678 GREASE.NUT&BOLT LOOSENER 03/12/2015 I 148.92 018439 Cheque Amount- 148.92 000633 NATURAL RESOURCE GAS LIMITED E 45409-01 March PUMP#2 03/23/2015 I 16.64 018440 Mar E12378-01 STRAFF FIREHALL 03/23/2015 I 711.11 018440 Mar E20469-01 RICHMOND WATER STATION 03/23/2015 I 98.99 018440 Mar E22380-01 PUMP#5 03/23/2015 I 16.64 018440 Mar E45407-01 OFFICE 03/23/2015 I 333.26 018440 Mar E45410-01 STRAFF LIBRARY 03/23/2015 Q 98.99 018440 Mar E51600-01 GARAGE 03/23/2015 I 1,805.27 018440 Mar F19290-01 EDISON MUSEUM 03/30/2015 I 322.67 018440 Mar F26864.01 PUMP#6 03/23/2015 i 16.64 018440 Mar G06210-01 PB LIBRARY 03/24/2015 175.24 018440 Mar 006305-01 MARINE MUSEUM 03/24/2015 392.70 018440 Mar G06307-01 PB FIREHALL-PITT ST 03/24/2015 15.26 018440 Mar G40407-01 PB WORKS GARAGE 03/24/2015 I 552.92 018440 Mar G79205-02 FIREHALL-NOVASCOTIA LINE 03/24/2015 I 558.37 018440 MarF20600-01 VIENNA COMMUNITY CENTRE 03/23/2015 I 42.77 018440 March E24200-01 STRAF COMMUNITY CENTRE 03/23/2015 i 488.22 018440 Cheque Amount- 5,645.69 002418 OE CANADA INC. 432746 COPIER METER READING 03/25/2015 773.64 018441 432747 COPIER METER READING 03/25/2015 I 124.04 018441 Cheque Amount- 897.68 000665 ONTARIO GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION 33603 2015 MEMBERSHIP FEES 03/30/2015 I 808.46 018442 Cheque Amount- 808.46 002275 PITNEY WORKS 6100 908001420116 POSTAGE METER 03/25/2015 I 148.57 018443 Cheque Amount- 148.57 000718 PRINCESS AUTO 1789622 RATCHET,WRENCHES,HAMMER 03/20/2015 I 212.35 018444 Cheque Amount- 212.35 000722 PROUSE ELECTRIC LTD. Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque#018428 to Cheque#018491 inclu... Page 114 of 217 2014.04.01 8.0 9759 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 04/01/2015 1:59PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 04/01/2015 Invoice Invoice Cheque Cheque Payee Number Date Type Amount Number 1 23893 INSTALL WALL PACKS,FIXTURES 03/16/2015 I 3,045.35 018445 23894 INSTALL WALL PACKS,FIXTURES 03/16/2015 I 1,073.50 018445 Cheque Amount- 4,118.85 000755 RICHMOND UNITED CHURCH rental fee-mtg SOURCE WATER PROTECTION 03/26/2015 I 125.00 018446 Cheque Amount- 125.00 000771 ROGERS 1501161821/200-5876 CELL PHONE-R WHITE 03/14/2015 56.50 018447 1501161821/617-1156 CELL PHONE-V CZERWINSKI 03/14/2015 56.50 018447 1501161821/617-1294 CELL PHONE-B BUTLER 03/14/2015 22.60 018447 1501161821/619-7656 CELL PHONE-A SWANCE 03/14/2015 I 22.60 018447 1501161821/636-5709 CELL PHONE-PB FIRE DEPT 03/14/2015 i 22.60 018447 1501161821/636-5787 CELL PHONE-ROADS DEPT 1 03/14/2015 I 22.60 018447 1501161821/636-6069 CELL PHONE-B KNIFTON 03/14/2015 56.50 018447 1501161821/636-6178 CELL PHONE-STRAF FIRE DEPT 03/14/2015 22.60 018447 1501161821/636-6198 CELL PHONE-E BRADFIELD 03/14/2015 I 56.50 018447 1501161821/636-6368 CELL PHONE-E ROLOSON 03/14/2015 I 56.50 018447 1501161821/902-1249 CELL PHONE-ROADS DEPT 2 03/14/2015 22.60 018447 Cheque Amount- 418.10 000806 SGS CANADA INC 10854239 LAB FEES 03/26/2015 4 350.30 018448 10854254 LAB FEES 03/26/2015 I 818.12 018448 10854291 LAB FEES 03/26/2015 1 517.54 018448 10854297 LAB FEES 03/26/2015 I 11.30 018448 Cheque Amount- 1,697.26 000829 SPECTRUM COMMUNICATIONS LTD 0000714273 ANSWERING SERVICE 02/15/2015 105.41 018449 0000715975 ANSWERING SERVICE 03/15/2015 137.10 018449 0000716521 3 MONTHS AIRTIME 03/15/2015 : 57.63 018449 Cheque Amount- 300.14 000857 STRONGCO EQUIPMENT 822855 SPROCKETS,DAMPER,BOLTS 03/26/2015 I 119.78 018450 Cheque Amount- 119.78 001482 SUN MEDIA CORPORATION DM01410339 TENDERS-LANDSCAPE SERVICE 03/04/2015 I 117.97 018451 DM01410370 CLEANING SERVICES,BOOTH 03/11/2015 I 147.47 018451 Cheque Amount- 265,44 001002 TILLSONBURG FIRE&SAFETY EQUIPMENT 26637 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTION 03/26/2015 . 122.83 018452 Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheque#018428 to Cheque#018491 inclu... Page 115 of 217 2014.04.01 8.0 9759 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 04/01/2015 1:59PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 04/01/2015 Invoice Invoice Cheque Cheque r Payee Number Date Type Amount Number 26647 HOOD RANGE INSPECTION-VCC 03/27/2015 I 109.33 018452 Cheque Amount- 232.16 000913 TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE 005104 JTAG WEEK#2 TRAINING COSTS 03/12/2015 I 673.31 018453 Cheque Amount- 673.31 Cheque Run Total- 33.051.94 Page .1 Cheque Register being Cheque#018428 to Cheque#018491 inclu... Page 116 of 217 2014.04.01 8.0 9759 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 04/09/2015 1:00PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 04/09/2015 Invoice Invoice Cheque Cheque 11 Payee Number Date Type Amount Number 000075 AYLMER EXPRESS 0000190023 GRASS CUTTING,WSHRM CLEANI 03/27/2015 I 217.68 018454 Cheque Amount 217.68 000078 AYLMER GARDEN CENTRE 3173 . MARCH SNOWPLOWING 03/31/2015 I 1,836.25 018455 Cheque Amount- 1,836.25 000091 BARRY R.CARD 212015-92 LEGAL SERVICES 04/01/2015 r 1,383.69 018456 212016-92 LEGAL SERVICES 04/01/2015 I 8,168.21 018456 Cheque Amount- 9,551.90 002425 BILL WELLS replacement SPRINKLER REPLACEMENT 04/02/2015 I 42.90- 018457 Cheque Amount- 42.90 000141 CAIN'S AUTO SALES&SERVICE 359 WIPERS,FLUID,LOF 03/18/2015 I 72.48 018458 Cheque Amount- 72.48 000166 CARRIER TRUCK CENTERS F250990001 ANNUAL PUMP TEST&INSPECTIC 04/09/2015 590.43 018459 F250990002 PUMP TEST 04/09/2015 I 395.50 018459 F250990003 PUMP TEST 04/09/2015 I 395.50 018459 F250990004 PUMP TEST 04/09/2015 I 395.50 018459 Cheque Amount- 1,776.93 000272 DYNAMIC FLUID PRODUCTS INC 1-57402-0 HOSE ASSEMBLY 03/31/2015 I 192.30 018460 Cheque Amount- 192.30 001708 EASTLINK 8127522450139559Mar OFFICE INTERNET 03/24/2015 579.12 018461 Apr 5198665521 MONTHLY TELEPHONE 04/01/2015 1,280.92 018461 Cheque Amount- 1,860.04 001016 FARM&CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 030615A CALIBRATION SERVICE 03/06/2015 i 387.02 018462 Cheque Amount- 387.02 000334 FASTENAL CANADA 0NTTIS89577 PART 03/26/2015 I 1.67 018463 Cheque Amount- 1.67 000357 G&K SERVICES CANADA INC 1518425656 FLOOR MATS-FIREHALL 04/06/2015 I 58.58 018464 1518425661 SHOP TOWELS,FLOOR MATS 04/06/2015 I 349.51 018464 Page 1 Cheque Register being Cheque#018428 to Cheque#018491 inclu... Page 117 of 217 2014.04.01 8.0 9759 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 04/09/2015 1:00PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 04/09/2015 Invoice Invoice Cheque Cheque Payee Number Date Type Amount Number Cheque Amount- 408.09 002415 GORD HUNT Mar17-Mar31 CUPE,FIRE CONTRACT 03/31/2015 I 875.00 018465 Mar31/15 CUPE NEGOTIATIONS EXPENSES 03/31/2015 212.17 018465 Cheque Amount- 1,087.17 002107 GRAFIKS MARKETING&COMMUNICATIONS 14698MM/PB AD IN ONTARIO PARKS 04/07/2015 I 898.35 018466 Cheque Amount- 898.35 000991 HORVATH AUTO PARTS 251061 CREDIT RETURN 03/02/2015 C -81.39 018467 251264 FILTERS 03/03/2015 I 183.66 018467 251287 FILTER 03/04/2015 I 30.58 018467 251668 GLOVES 03/17/2015 I 48.45 018467 252002 UTILITY LAMPS 03/30/2015 I 108.48 018467 Cheque Amount- 289.78 000427 HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC Apr 200028502207 HWY 19 BURWELL STL 04/02/2015 i 2,149.29 018468 Apr 200033005532 MACNEIL CRT STL 04/02/2015 41.25 018468 Apr 200067775786 STRAF STL 04/02/2015 1,494.30 018468 Apr 200089740933 RICHMOND STL 04/02/2015 265.50 018468 Cheque Amount- 3,950.34 000446 JACKIE RINGLAND Mar16-Apr16/15 MANAGER FEES 04/07/2015 I 856.61 018469 Cheque Amount- 856.61 000157 K&S WINDSOR SALT LTD. 5300178783 BULK SAFE-T-SALT 02/16/2015 I 5,954.95 018470 Cheque Amount- 5,954.95 002426 KELLY IRVINE reimburse credit CREDIT ON WATER ACCT 04/09/2015 I 125.85 018471 Cheque Amount- 125.85 000510 KLASSEN AUTO PARTS 1-215115 COMPACT 03/03/2015 1 3.23 018472 1-215215 CAP TAPE 03/04/2015 I 21.55 018472 1-215250 CLEANER,GLOVES 03/05/2015 I 47.71 018472 1-215536 AUTOSOL 03/09/2015 I 9.71 018472 1-215586 PARTS 03/10/2015 I 1.03 018472 1-215641 CUTTING TIP 03/10/2015 I 21.07 018472 1-215646 BUFFING BALL 03/10/2015 I 42.01 018472 Page 2 Cheque Register being Cheque#018428 to Cheque#018491 inclu... Page 118 of 217 2014.04.01 8.0 9759 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 04/09/2015 1:00PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 04/09/2015 Invoice Invoice Cheque Cheque 7 Payee Number Date Type Amount Number 1-215710 PRIMER,RUST CONVERTER 03/11/2015 I 245.39 018472 1-215715 SUPER ENAMEL. 03/11/2015 I 47.12 018472 1-215750 BATTERY 03/11/2015 I 43.48 018472 1-215752 BODY GUARD 03/11/2015 I 22.36 018472 1-215756 FILTER,OIL 03/11/2015 1 44.96 018472 1-215802 SUPER ENAMEL 03/12/2015 I 113.09 018472 1-215807 AUTOSOL 03/12/2015 I 9.71 018472 1-215856 GASKET MAKER 03/12/2015 9.13 018472 1-215858 PERFECT-1T 03/12/2015 R 69.57 018472 1-215917 PRESSURE GUAGE,FITTINGS 03/13/2015 I 53.93 018472 1-216081 DUST MASKS,RESPIRATORS 03/16/2015 16.95 018472 1-216135 TIP 03/16/2015 I 8.80 018472 1-216185 TOWELS,GLOVES,BUSHINGS 03/17/2015 106.81 018472 1-216195 DRILL BIT,LENS 03/17/2015 I 26.36 018472 1-216947 ENAMEL 03/25/2015 I 28.27 018472 1-216979 BATTERIES 03/25/2015 1 354.68 018472 1-217043 WRENCHES 03/26/2015 I 55.44 018472 1-217247 HEATER HOSE.WATER FITTING 03/27/2015 r 153.68 018472 1-217248 CLAMPS 03/27/2015 I 6.33 018472 1-217282 VALSPAR TRACTOR&IMP 03/28/2015 I 10.33 018472 Cheque Amount- 1,572.70 000526 LAEMERS TRUCKING LTD March'15 SNOWPLOWING 03/31/2015 I 5,206.47 018473 Cheque Amount- 5,206.47 000564 LYNDA MILLARD F2105-04 REIMBURSE EDSIONFEST PURCH 04/09/2015 I 475.95 018474 Cheque Amount- 475.95 000588 MCBAIN SIGNS&GRAPHIC DESIGN 15432 911 SIGN-55037 03/09/2015 I 50.85 018475 Cheque Amount- 50.85 000623 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Feb-Mar'15 FEB-MAR PETTY CASH 04/08/2015 I 118.59 018476 Cheque Amount- 118.59 002416 ONTARIO ONE CALL 201555906 NOTIFICATIONS 03/31/2015 I 22.15 018477 Cheque Amount- 22.15 002304 PAUL SHIPWAY 018 Apr'15 REIMBURSE CELL PHONE USE 04/07/2015 I 55.00 018478 Cheque Amount- 55.00 Page 3 Cheque Register being Cheque#018428 to Cheque#018491 inclu... Page 119 of 217 2014.04.01 8.0 9759 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 04/09/2015 1:OOPM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 04/09/2015 1 Invoice Invoice Cheque Cheque I Payee Number Date Type Amount Number 1 001323 PBS BUSINESS SYSTEMS 104669 WINDOW ENVELOPES 03/30/2015 I 209.05 018479 Cheque Amount- 209.05 000716 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION 20578550 CYLINDER RENTALS 03/27/2015 I 29.05 018480 Cheque Amount- 29.05 000722 PROUSE MECHANICAL LTD 29-051168 FURNACE REPAIR-FIREWALL 02/28/2015 I 1,007.44 018481 Cheque Amount- 1,007.44 000737 RAMONA PEIDL 232806 MARCH'15 CLEANING 03/31/2015 I 1,372.95 018482 232807 MAR'15 VCC CLEANING 03/31/2015 I 732.24 018482 Cheque Amount- 2,105.19 002281 RANDY WHITE various expenses JTAG,CUPE,OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/02/2015 I 424.66 018483 Cheque Amount- 424.66 000743 RBC ROYAL BANK 4516050005279124MarcMCDONALDS 02/27/2015 I 10.16 018484 4516050005279124Mch TIM HORTON 03/05/2015 I 11.49 018484 4516050005279124MrchGO GLASS&ACCESSORIES 03/05/2015 254.25 018484 Mrch4516050005279124KELSEY'S 03/05/2015 40.24 018484 Mrh4516050005279124 WALMART-PHONE CASE 03/09/2015 21.33 018484 Cheque Amount- 337.47 000770 RODGER MARTIN #2 Feb'15 FEB'15 K-9 CONTROL 02/28/2015 i 1,446.40 018485 #3 2015 MARCH'15 K-9 CONTROL 03/31/2015 1243.00 018485 Cheque Amount- 2,689.40 001922 S&B SERVICES LT. 7091 CHAIN,FLANGE,PINS 03/04/2015 I 256.09 018486 Cheque Amount- 256.09 000857 STRONGCO EQUIPMENT 824051 MIXED BRUSH SET 03/30/2015 I 1,436.13 018487 824052 HANDLE,BOLT,NUTS,SPROCKET 03/30/2015 1 591.44 018487 824847 HANDLE,DRIVE SPROCKET 03/31/2015 I 98.63 018487 825532 DRIVE SPROCKET 03/26/2015 I 532.30 018487 Cheque Amount- 2,658.50 002246 SWISH MAINTENANCE LIMITED S037771/E GPS DATA FEES 03/31/2015 I 289.28 018488 Page 4 Cheque Register being Cheque#018428 to Cheque#018491 inclu... Page 120 of 217 2014.04.01 8.0 9759 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 04/09/2015 1:00PM Accounts Payable Royal Bank Cheque Register- 04/09/2015 Invoice Invoice Cheque Cheque Payee Number Date Type Amount Number Cheque Amount- 289.28 000913 TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE 000028 FEB 2015 WATER BILLING 04/01/2015 1 24,914,48 018489 Cheque Amount- 24,914.48 002332 TUC MANAGED IT SOLUTIONS LTD. CW25620 NETWORK SUPPORT 03/31/2015 I 2,625.72 018490 CW25770 SERVICE AGREEMENT 04/01/2015 1,433.12 018490 Cheque Amount- 4,058.84 002391 WARD&UPTIGROVE 36737 HUMAN RESOURCES FEB/MAR 03/31/2015 I 7,910.00 018491 Cheque Amount- 7,910.00 Cheque Run Total- 83,901.47 Page 5 Cheque Register being Cheque#018428 to Cheque#018491 inclu... Page 121 of 217 n .- 0 X n as ,-.- n cr ADP CANADA RUN: MAR 31 2015 NO: A PAYPOLL TECHNOLO .; IES PAGE: 1101 OQ r) DAILY UPDATE REPORT ✓ 80RW C OMPANY IDTALS HST REG: 100057413RT0004 n ,n MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COMPANY PAGE: 3 (D DEBIT DATE: MAR 31, 2015 CD TOT PACKETS - 2 DATE OF PAY: APR 2, 2015 00 -P CURRENT ADJUST-DR ADJUST-CR CURRENT TOTAL YTD ADJUST YTD TOTAL N 00 Ei FEDL TAX 9,645.53 9,645.53 66,288.77 FEDL TAX n NR TAX HR TAX ✓ PROV TAX PROV TAX .fl EI CONT 2,351.10 2,351.10 16,374.88 EI CONT QPIP QPIP Cl CAN PEN 5,160.34 5,160.34 35,928.02 CAN PEN QC PEN QC PEN O_ QC HSF QC HSF 00 A ON EHT 1,092.04 1,092.04 7,673.59 ON EHT ,SD MB HET MB HET NL HAPSET NL HAPSET 'Cr; TOT STATS 18,249.01 18,249.01 126,265.26 TOT STATS C CHEQUES CHEQUES DEPOSITS 38,132.31 38,132.31 271,014.60 DEPOSITS US DEPS US DEPS DED DEPS DED DEPS SAV DEPS SAY DEPS TOT MPAY 38,132.31 38,132.31 271,014.60 TOT NPAY RRSP RRSP RTI RTI TOT PAYROL 56,381.32 56,381.32 397,279.84 TOT PAYROL SERV CHRG 134.98 134.98 1,554.46 SERV CHRG HST 17.55 17.55 202.07 HST GRAND TOT 56,533.85 56,533.85 399,036.39 GRAND TOT 0 CD ANALYSIS OF SERVICE CHARGES GC CD ITEM UNITS CHARGE ITEM UNITS CHARGE ITEM UNITS CHARGE N SALARIED WORKPAYS 17 31.11 HOURLY WORKPAYS 11 20.13 PAYROLL RUNS 1 53.53 N PAY ADVICE FOLD 28 7.28 COURIER FEE 1 13.41 DELIVERY SURCHARGE 1 1.50 SOR CRA 1 4.01 SOR EHT 1 4.01 '-h N TOTAL S/C SUBJECT TO HST IS 134.98 J TOTAL PAYROLL DEBIT IS 56,533.85 DEBIT INFORMATION: XXX XXXXX XXX1923 MUSEUMS BAYHAM Minutes of April 8,2015 Meeting Bayham Municipal Office,Straffordville,Ontario Present:Chair-Bev Hickey,Vice Chair-Chuck Buchanan,Secretary-Lynn Acre, Matt&Anna Schafer,Ray Maddox, Susan Start,Albert White,Ron Bradfield,Lynda Millard. Regrets:Kimberly Legg Absent: Council rep 1. CALL TO ORDER:Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 2. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST: None 3. AGENDA:It was moved by R. Bradfield and seconded by M.Schafer that the agenda be approved as presented. Motion Carried. 4. MINUTES: It was moved by L.Acre and seconded by C.Buchanan that the minutes of the March 11, 2015 meeting be approved as presented. Motion Carried. 5. CORRESPONDENCE: none 6. MATTERS OUT OF THE MINUTES a) Colorful Communities Dulux paint give-back: Both chairman B.Hickey and vice-chairman C.Buchanan separately visited the St.Thomas store to investigate how we might take advantage of this free offer of paint. Although they both spoke to the manager,they were both told that they would be contacted with the details.Neither has heard back as yet. b) 175th Anniversary Celebration of Lighthouse: Plans are going forward to commemorate this anniversary on July 1, along with our regular Canada Day celebration. S.Start distributed posters to members for displaying throughout the community. The usual parade route will be changed so that it will pass by the lighthouse before returning to the Legion. C.Buchanan will submit to Council an amended parade route plan. The Elgin County Town Crier will lead the parade and give a"cry" at the lighthouse. The organizers are looking for an actor to represent Col. Mahlon Burwell. They plan to contact Rev. Nick Wells to represent Col. Thomas Talbot. They will also invite the Amish carpenter who did the major restoration of the lighthouse. S.Start contacted the editor of the international magazine, Lighthouse Digest, and has submitted information and photos for a free article. Museums Bayham draft minutes of meeting held April 8,2015 Page 123 of 217 -2- c) Hamilton Boat& Fishing Show 2016: Defer until next meeting. d) Tillsonburg Home& Garden Show 2015: We are too late to reserve a table for this year. e) Hercules Boat Model Loan: The owner has been notified of our interest. We are waiting for the response. I) Summer Students: L.Millard has applied for various government grants to subsidize the wages for 5 summer students. It is unknown how many we will receive approval for. Interviews are expected to take place in early May. L.Millard will notify the entire committee of the possible dates and seek to enlist the help of a few committee members for the interview process. In regards to the students creating a`Slog" for the website, our municipal CAO advises against it until a process is put into place whereby all submissions to the website are screened. S.Start is still interested in seeking a workable process for this to take place, with committee members volunteering to screen the website submissions first. It was noted that both museums still have recent artefact acquisitions that need to be catalogued and numbered. g) New Committee Member: Although this committee recommended to Council the appointment of Kimberley Legg in March 2015, Council will not be making any appointments to any committees until it decides if the current committee structure will remain intact. This is expected to happen after the budget process is completed. In the meantime, K.Legg is invited to continue in her non-official capacity as a member of Museums Bayham. h) Membership to OMA and CMA: In regards to our recent inquiries, L. Millard ensured that we are already current members of both of these organizations. C.Buchanan reported that he has recently completed and submitted surveys for both of these organizations, so that they may better design programs for the future. NEW BUSINESS: a) Edison Building Committee Report:M. Schafer reported that the Edison Building Committee met on Saturday April 4 at 10:30 am to discuss an appropriate response to Bayham's Facilities Study report. The Building Committee produced two recommendations. The first represented their preferred course of action and follows; Museums Bayham draft minutes of meeting held April 8,2015 Page 124 of 217 -3- It was moved by Harris Teal and seconded by Ray Maddox that the Edison Museum Building Committee hereby recommends and requests that the Museums Bayham Committee support and recommend to Council the following; 1. While the Edison Museum Building Committee appreciates the fact that there are savings to be had by relocating facilities under one roof,it strongly feels that the Edison Museum should be located on the property at the north end of Vienna,purchased for such,being 6342 Plank Road. This superior location was chosen for its excellent exposure to tourists traveling on our major north/south route.The size of the lot is sufficient to accommodate the new building,plenty of parking and outdoor activities and presentations.All necessary services(water, sewer,electricity and natural gas)are presently located at the roadside. This site has a direct connection to both the Edison family and to the village of Vienna,adding another layer of rich historical significance. We encourage Council to consider how moving this piece of heritage away from Vienna would affect the local community and any future attempts of fund raising.Therefore the Edison Museum Building Committee and the members of Museums Bayham support the relocation of the Edison Museum,within a new building,at 6342 Plank Road. 2. And That Council utilize the following methods of support,as deemed necessary, *use of Edison Museum Reserve Funds,and *proceeds of sale of museum property at 14 Snow Street,(including abutting lot to the south). Motion Carried. A second motion was also approved by the Building Committee,to act as a secondary option, in case the preferred option was rejected by Council. It was moved by Lew Acre and seconded by Lynda Millard That the Edison Museum Building Committee hereby recommends andrequests that the Museums Bayham Board support and recommend the following to Council: 1. That,although the Edison Museum Building Committee confirms that the preferred location for a new museum facility is on the lot at the north end of Vienna,purchased for such,being 6342 Plank Road,the Committee members and the members of Museums Bayham,support the inclusion of the Edison Museum in a new municipal services facility,or,in a converted shared municipal services facility,that includes suitable and sufficient museum space to accommodate the existing and potential future Bayham/Edison artifact collection; 2. And That Council utilize the following methods of support,as deemed necessary, either of which must include a suitable allocation of space to a Bayham/Edison Museum *use of Edison Museum Reserve Funds,and *proceeds of sale of museum properties at 6342 Plank Road, 14 Snow Street,(including abutting lot to the south). Motion Carried. Museums Bayham draft minutes of meeting held April 8,2015 Page 125 of 217 -4- b) Bayham Facilities Study comment:It was agreed that Museums Bayham should submit only one recommendation to Council. The following motion was then presented for discussion and a recorded vote was requested. It was moved by Matt Schafer and seconded by Lynn Acre that Museums Bayham hereby recommends and requests that the Bayham Council consider and support the following; 1. Whereas Museums Bayham appreciates the fact that there are savings to be had by relocating facilities under one roof, And even though it continues to strongly feel that the Edison Museum should be located on the property at the north end of Vienna,purchased for such,being 6342 Plank Road, acknowledging that this superior location was chosen for its excellent exposure to tourists traveling on our major north/south route, and that the size of the lot is sufficient to accommodate the new building,plenty of parking and outdoor activities and presentations, and that the lot has all necessary services(water,sewer,electricity and natural gas) located at the roadside, and whereas it realizes that this site has a direct connection to both the Edison family and to the village of Vienna,adding another layer of rich historical significance to the collection, And while it respectfully encourages Council to consider how moving this piece of heritage away from Vienna would affect the local community and any future attempts of fund raising, Notwithstanding the above arguments, the Museums Bayham Committee members would support the inclusion of the Edison Museum in a new municipal services facility, or,in a converted shared municipal services facility,that includes suitable and sufficient museum space to accommodate the existing and potential future Bayham/Edison artifact collection; 2. And That Council utilize the following methods of support,as deemed necessary, either of which must include a suitable allocation of space to a Bayham/Edison Museum *use of Edison Museum Reserve Funds,and *proceeds of the sale of both museum properties(6342 Plank Road and 14 Snow Street, -including the abutting lot to the south). Recorded vote; Lynn Acre in favour Chuck Buchanan in favour Ron Bradfield opposed Ray Maddox opposed Anna Schafer in favour Matt Schafer in favour Susan Start opposed Albert White opposed Bev Hickey in favour Motion Carried 5-4 Museums Bayham draft minutes of meeting held April 8,2015 Page 126 of 217 -5- c) What to do with the Edison Artefacts During Museum's Closure: Since the artefacts are not deemed to be in any danger, it was decided not to move them to another location. The Bayham Historical Society may want to consider moving their artefacts and property to another location though. Static displays of some of the Edison artefacts could be merged with the Marine Museum's collection for the 2015 season and also at Edison Fest. d) Donation of Artefact: Chairman B.Hickey has received from Louis Toth a donation of a 1917 cheque in the amount of$9.96 made payable to a Mr. Samuel Shipp which was payment for one week's wages in 1917. It was moved by R.Bradfield and seconded by R.Maddox that we accept this artefact and that the appropriate acquisition papers be filed. Motion Carried. e) Historical Society Guest Speaker:R.Maddox advised that tomorrow night, April 9, 2015 a gentleman from Tavistock is coming to the Vienna Community Centre to speak about Edison phonographs. Everyone is welcome. 9.NEXT MEETING: Wednesday,May 13, 2015, at 7:00 pm Municipal office. 10.ADJOURNMENT: Moved by Albert White that the meeting be adjourned at 8:50 pm. Motion Carried. Chairman Bev Hickey Secretary Lynn Acre Museums Bayham draft minutes of meeting held April 8,2015 Page 127 of 217 Ministry of Citizenship, Ministate des Affaires civiques, Immigration and international de i'immigration et du Commerce 4.1 Trade International ::NM Minister Ministre 8t Floor e Stage Ontario 400 University Avenue 400,avenue University RECEIVED Toronto ON M7A 2R9 Toronto ON M7A 2R9 Tei.:(416)325-6200 151.: (416)325-6200 Fax:(418)325-6195 Talk.:(416)325-6195 APR -2 2015 April 2015 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM LINCOLN M.ALEXANDER AWARD 2015 Dear Friends, Every year since 1993,the Government of Ontario has presented the Lincoln M.Alexander Award to honour young Ontarians who have demonstrated exemplary leadership in contributing to the elimination of racial discrimination. I am pleased to ask you to support this program by nominating an outstanding young person whom you believe to be deserving of recognition.As the Minister of Citizenship,Immigration and International Trade,I will join the Lieutenant Governor in officially recognizing the award recipients at a special ceremony at Queen's Park on January 21, 2016,to mark Lincoln Alexander Day In Canada. Nomination forms and information outlining details of the program are available on my ministry's website at www.ontario.ca/honoursandawards Please take this opportunity to acknowledge a young person from your school or community who has made an important contribution to eliminating racial discrimination in Ontario. For further information,please contact the Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat: 416 314-7526,toll free 1 877 832-8622 or TTY 416 327-2391. The deadline for nominations is May 31,2015. Thank you for taking the time to consider a deserving young Ontarian for the Lincoln M. Alexander Award. Yours truly, Michael Chan Minister Ministry of Citizenship,Immigration and International Trade... Page 128 of 217 Municipal Policing Bureau 0.P.P. Bureau des services policiers des municipalites Ontario Police Provincial provinciale Police de('Ontario 777 Memorial Ave. 777,ave Memorial R E Orillia(ON) L3V 7V3 Orillia ON L3V 7V3 Tel: 705 329-6200 Tel.: 706 329-6200 MAR 3 12015 Fax: 705 330-4191 Telec.: 705 330-4191 File number/Reference: 6041 March 26,2015 MUNICIPALITY BAYNAM Administrator The Municipality of Bayham P.O.Box 160 9344 Plank Road Straffordville,ON ON NOJ lY0 Dear Sir/Madame Re: Year 2014 Reconciled Contract Policing Costs and 2015 Billing Statement Adjustment- Ontario Provincial Police(OPP) Please fmd attached the 2014 Policing Cost Summary and 2015 Billing Statement Adjustment, reconciling the municipality's OPP allocated policing costs for the calendar year and adjusting the 2015 Billing Statement costs to reflect the 2014 Reconciled Policing Costs for the phase-in adjustment for 2015. As stated in the 2015 Municipal Policing Billing Statements issued September 29, 2014, we have completed a recalculation of the phase-in adjustments for 2015 taking into consideration the final results of the 2014 costs. Further,the capped decrease per property rate(if applicable)has been adjusted based on the final year end status of costs. The fmal credit or invoice combining the 2014 Policing Cost Summary and 2015 Billing Statement Adjustment will be sent to the municipality directly by the Ontario Shared Services(OSS)in April. If you wish to use the credit(if applicable)amount against your current balance(or a future invoice),please clearly indicate this request on your remittance(cheque stub or remittance advice)to OSS to ensure your credit is properly applied on your account. If you have any questions regarding the attached 2014 Policing Cost Summary or 2015 Billing Statement Adjustment,please contact your local Detachment Commander. Regards, R.A.(Rick)Philbin,Superintendent Commander Municipal Policing Bureau /ate Attachments c: : Chair,Bayham Police Services Board Detachment Commander Elgin County OPP ec: Regional Commander,West Region Ontario Provincial Police re Year 2014 Reconciled Contract P... Page 129 of 217 2015 Billing Statement Adjustment Bayham M Property Count:2764 $/Property 1 Total$ Reconciliation$ 2014 Final Year End Reconciliation Amount -51,953 2015 Revised Phase-In Adjustment Billing Summary Final Reconciled 2014 Costs(see below) 790,388 285.96 2015 Calculated Cost per Property 330.67 913,985 Cost per Property Variance (Increase) 44.72 2015 Adjustment(Maximum per property) (Increase) 40.00 Actual 2015 Phase-In Adjustment 4.72 13,037 Revised Billing for 2015 900,948 Original Billing for 2015 913,985 2015 Billing Statement Adjustment -13,037 2014 Reconciliation Results and 2015 Adjustment Total -64,991 The combined 2014 Reconciliation results and 2015 Adjustment credit will be issued by Ontario Shared Services. The following was excluded from the Final Reconciled 2014 Costs: Revenue One Desktop Computer One Administrative Vehicle Ontario Provincial Police re Year 2014 Reconciled Contract P... Page 130 of 217 Elgin Group Property Count:18269 5/Property Total$ Reconciliation$ 2014 Final Year End Reconciliation Amount -387,855 2015 Revised Phase-In Adjustment Billing Summary Final Reconciled 2014 Costs(see below) 5,900,615 2015 Calculated Cost 6,121,614 Cost per Property Variance 2015 Adjustment(Maximum per property) Actual 2015 Phase-In Adjustment (total net decrease) 10,993 Revised Billing for 2015 6,110,621 Original Billing for 2015 6,163,324 Balance -52,703 2014 Reconciliation Credit and 2015 Adjustment -440,558 The phase-in adjustment for this group contract is based on the total of the phase-In adjustments for each of the municipalities included in the contract. The following was excluded from the Final Reconciled 2014 Costs: Revenue One Desktop Computer One Administrative Vehicle Ontario Provincial Police re Year 2014 Reconciled Contract P... Page 131 of 217 O.P.P.COSTING SUMMARY • .Elgin Group Actual Policing Costs for the period 365 Days in period January 1,2014 to December 31,2014 365 Days in Year (Sae Attached Notes) Salaries and Benefits Uniform Members (Note 1) Positions $ Inspector... ... .. 0.67 95,064 Staff Sergeant-Detachment Commander - - Staff Sergeant 0.67 77,416 Sergeant 2,66 289,814 Constables. 34.54 3,167,418 Part-Time Constables (Note 2) 1.25 90,626 Total Uniform Salaries (Note 9) 3,720,339 Overtime(Actual) .... (Note 3) 129,189 Contractual Payout(Vacation&Statutory Holidays) (Note 4) 132,028 Shift Premiums (Note 5) 25,954 Benefits(26.6%of Salaries;2%of Overtime,Part-time 20.6%)... (Note s) 986,756 Total Uniform Salaries&Benefits 4,994,266 Civilian Members (Note 1) Positions $ Detachment Administrative Clerk ... 2.66 160,097 Communication Operators (Note 7) 205,476 Prisoner Guards/Expenses (Note 8) 54,035 Office Automation Support Salaries&Benefits (Note 9) 15,476 Telephone Support Salaries&Benefits (Note 10) 4,655 Operational Support Salaries&Benefits (Note 11) 153,510 Total Civilian Salaries 593,251 Benefits(25.5%of Salaries;19.1%Part-Time).. (Note 6) 40,825 Total Civilian Salaries&Benefits 634,076 Total Salaries&Benefits 5,628,342 Other Direct Operating Expenses (Note 12) Communication Centre 10,107 Operational Support 35,930 RHQ Municipal Support 79,819 Vehicle Usage 320,628 Administrative Vehicle (Note 12 e) 9,788 Telephone 45,042 Detachment Supplies&Equipment .,... 21,089 Accommodation 23,397 Uniform&Equipment 46,713 Cleaning Contract 12,056 Mobile Radio Equipment Repairs&Maintenance 31,474 Office Automation-Uniform (Note 121) 57,137 Office Automation-Civilian 4,487 Total Other Direct Operating Expenses 697,667 2014 Total Actual Gross Policing Cost 6,326,009 Revenues Collected on Behalf of the Municipality... .... (Note 13) (42,153) Provincial Services Usage (Note 14) (414,986) FINAL RECONCILED 2014 COSTS $ 5,868,670 Less TOTAL AMOUNT BILLED PER ESTIMATE $ 6,416,844 DIFFERENCE $ (547,974) SEMI-ANNUAL RECONCILIATION CREDIT(if applicable) $ 160,119 FINAL YEAR END RECONCILIATION AMOUNT � (387,855) Ontario Provincial Police re Year 2014 Reconciled Contract P... Page 132 of 217 Q.P.P.COSTING SUMMARY - Elgin Group Actual Policing Costs for the period January 1,2014 to December 31,2014 NOTES TO STATEMENT 1)Uniformed salaries used for the reconciliation to actual costs are the January 1,2014 salaries negotiated with the Ontario Provincial Police Association(OPPA). Civilian salaries are the salaries negotiated with the OPPA effective January 1,2014. 2)Part-time Constables are classified as casual part-time.They are included in the overtime and shift premium calculations. They are not entitled to the Contractual payouts.They are entitled to certain benefits which are calculated at 20.6%of their salaries.Their positions are also taken into consideration for the calculation of other direct operating expenses. 3)Salary&overtime reconciliation by rank and classification are detailed on the attached Schedule"A".Salaries(uniform and civilian). 4)Contractual Payouts are calculated using actual costs. 5)Shift Premium is calculated at$675 per Sergeant and Constable. 6)The benefit rates are 26.6%of salaries for uniformed officers,25,5%for civilian staff,20.6%for Uniform part-time staff,19.1%for Civilian part-time staff and 2%for overtime payments. 7)Communication Operator costs are calculated at$5,184 per uniformed member. 8)Prisoner Guards/Expenses are calculated at$1,358 per uniformed member. 9)Office Automation Support Salaries&Benefits are calculated at$389 per uniformed member. 10)Telephone Support Salaries&Benefits are calculated at$117 per uniformed member, 11)Operational Support Salaries&Benefits are calculated at$3,858 per uniformed member. 12)Other items are calculated as follows: a)Communication Centre is calculated at$254 per uniform member. b)Operational Support Is calculated at$903 per uniformed member. c)RHQ Municipal Support is calculated at$2,006 per uniformed member. d)Vehicle Usage is calculated at$8,058 per uniformed member. e)Administrative Vehicle is calculated at$9,788 annually. f)Telephone cost is calculated at$1,132 per uniformed member. g)Detachment Supplies&Equipment are calculated at$530 per uniformed member. h)Accommodation Is calculated at$588 per uniformed member. i)Uniform&Equipment is calculated at$1,174 per uniformed member. j)Cleaning Contracts are calculated at$303 per uniformed member. k)Mobile Radio Equipment Maintenance is calculated at$791 per uniformed member. I)Office Automation-Uniform is calculated at$1,402 per uniformed member,included In the cost is one additional OPP Standard desktop computer at an annual cost of$1,351 required for the Administrative Sergeant position. m)Office Automation-Civilian is calculated at$1,687 per civilian member. 13)Revenues collected on behalf of the municipality for the period January 01 to December 31,2014 as provided by detachment. Total Revenue Reimbursed to Municipality $42,152.61 14)A Provincial Services Usage(PSU)reduction of 6.56% of the actual policing cost Is given to the municipality.This PSU compensates the municipality for the deployment of officers to other areas In response to investigations or other occurrences deemed to be provincial responsibilities. Ontario Provincial Police re Year 2014 Reconciled Contract P... Page 133 of 217 O.P.P.COSTING SUMMARY - ELGIN GROUP Actual Policing Costs for the period 365 Days in Period January 1,2014 to December 31,2014 365 Days in Year Reconciliation of Salaries 2014 Regular Overtime FTE Actual Actual Contract Annual #of Hours Hours Positions Salary Overtime Rank Positions Salary Provided Provided by Rank Dollars Dollars (Note 1) (Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 3) (Note 2) Inspector 0.67 Inspector 141,887 984 - 0.67 95,064 - Total-Inspector. 984 - 0.67 95,064 - Staff Sergeants 0.67 Staff Sergeant 1-23+ 124,151 29 - 0.03 4,175 - Staff Sergeant 1-17-22 121,433 - - - Staff Sergeant 1-8-16 118,714 - - - Staff Sergeant 1-0-8 115,995 .. - - - - Staff Sergeant 3-23+ 115,092 554 26.75 0.64 73,241 1,475 Staff Sergeant 3-17-22 112,374 - - - - - Staff Sergeant 3-8-16 109,655 - - - - - Staff Sergeant 3-0-8 106,936 - - - - - Total-Staff Sergeant... . 583 26.75 0.67 77,416 1,475 Sergeants 2.66 Sergeant 1-23+ 110,557 2,932 89.63 1.60 177,159 4,748 Sergeant 1-17-23 107,839 1,329 58.88 0.73 78,321 3,042 Sergeant 1-8-17 105,120 482 8.25 0.26 27,689 418 Sergeant 1-0-8 102,401 - - - - Sergeant 2-23+ 103,308 - - - - - Sergeant 2-17-23 100,590 - - - - - Sergeant 2-8-17 . 97,871 124 1.50 0.07 6,645 70 Sergeant 2-0-8 95,152 - - - - - Total-Sergeants 4,868 158.26 2.66 289,814 8,276 Constables: 34.54 1st Class 1-23+ 98,777 11,121 516.75 6.84 675,578 24,456 1st Class 1-17-23 96,059 5,004 147.75 3.08 295,633 6,800 1st Class 1-8-17 93,340 20,656 983.83 12.70 1,185,756 43,989 1st Class 1-3-8 90,621 10,855 623.25 6.66 604,971 27,061 2nd Class 80,658 5,048 243.76 3.10 250,380 9,420 3rd Class 72,501 3,479 216.00 2.14 155,100 7,503 4th Class 63,434 - - - - - Part-Time Constables 1.25 72,501 2,255 6.00 1.25 90,626 208 Total-Constables 58,417 2,737-14 35.79 3,258,044 119,438 Total-All Ranks 64,852 2,922.15 39.79 3,720,339 129,189 Total Hours Worked in Contract 64,852 Minimum Hours Required in Contract 58,372 Hours Provided to Municipality Above Required Minimum 6,480 Notes: 1)The number of hours provided includes regular hours only and does not include overtime hours. 2)The overtime hours are accumulated by rank and classification and are charged at the appropriate hourly rate. 3)The full time equivalent(FTE)number of officers(Inspector 1 Staff Sergeant Detachment Commander, Staff Sergeant,Sergeant and Constable)were obtained by dividing the number of regular officer hours provided in each classification by the total number of regular officer hours. That percentage is multiplied by the number of positions in the contract. Actual salary dollars are then obtained by multiplying the FTE number by the annual salary for each classification. Ontario Provincial Police re Year 2014 Reconciled Contract P... Page 134 of 217 0 Thinking beyond the box RECEIVED Stewardship Ontario APR -2 2015 BAYHAM, MUNICIPALITY OF MUNICIPALITY OF DJIYNJIID 9344 Plank Road Straffordville ON NOJ 1Y0 RE:March Payment for Municipal Blue Box Recycling for the 2014 Program Year March 30,2015 Dear Mayor and Members of Council: Packaging and printed paper companies,represented by Stewardship Ontario,fulfill their responsibilities to fund 50%of the reasonable net costs incurred by municipalities as a result of the Blue Box Program by making cash payments to municipalities on a quarterly basis.The current payment represents your allocation for the final payment of the 2014 obligation,which was set as$115,172,322 by the Honorable Robert Armstrong. The total obligation and payments to individual municipalities for 2015 have not yet been determined by the Municipal Industry Program Committee(MIPC),a subcommittee of the Waste Diversion Ontario(WDO)Board.MIPC is currently in discussions to determine the method for calculating the obligation in accordance with the requirements of the Blue Box Program Plan,as amended,and the findings of Mr.Armstrong. I welcome any comments or questions you may have regarding the Blue Box Program and the payments you receive from Stewardship Ontario. On behalf of the producers,brand owners and retailers we represent,I would like to thank you for your partnership and commitment to waste diversion in this province. Sincerely, David Pearce Supply Chain Officer Stewardship Ontario 1 St.Clair Avenue West T.416.323.0101 www.stewardshipontario.ca 7th Floor F.416.323.3185 Toronto,Ontario info®stewardshipontario.ca M4V 1K6 Stewardship Ontario re March Payment for Municipal Blue Box... Page 135 of 217 Subject:Ontario Investing $25 Million in Cycling Infrastructure News Release Ontario Investing $25 Million in Cycling Infrastructure April 1,2015 Province Supports Safe,Active Transportation As part of Ontario's 20-year#CycleON strategy,the province is moving forward with a$25-million investment over three years to create a more cycling-friendly future for the province. This includes$15 million for cycling routes that provide key connections and linkages on provincial highways,such as paved highway shoulders and barriers on bridges that separate cyclists from vehicles. Early proposals include: • Highway 33 west of Kingston(part of the Waterfront Trail) A Highway 137 structure over the 1000 Island Parkway(part of the Waterfront Trail) • Highway 6 on Manitoulin Island and south of Highway 17 at Espanola(part of the Georgian Bay Cycling Route) • Highway 17B and Highway 17 between Sault Ste. Marie and Espanola(part of the Lake Huron North Channel Cycling Route) The province has also dedicated$10 million to the Ontario Municipal Cycling infrastructure Program to help municipalities: • Expand their local cycling routes • Connect with provincial cycling routes • Launch pilot projects to make cycling improvements Ministry of Transportation re Ontario Investing$25 Million... Page 136 of 217 Consultations on the municipal program have concluded and the launch is on track for spring 2015. Work is also underway to identify a provincewide network of cycling routes in collaboration with a broad range of cycling stakeholders. Investing in infrastructure is part of the government's economic plan for Ontario.The four part plan is building Ontario up by investing in people's talents and skills,building new public infrastructure like roads and transit,creating a dynamic,supportive environment where business thrives,and building a secure savings plan so everyone can afford to retire. QUICK FACT:', • According to the National Trauma Registry,Ontario has the second-lowest cycling injury rate of all Canadian provinces. • Ontario has enhanced the Driver's Handbook to include information about sharing the road safely with cyclists. • Ontario's public education efforts to promote cycling safety include Cycling Skills,Young Cyclist's Guide,a partnership with TVOKids targeting children and parents and support for stakeholders to deliver public education resources at the community, regional and provincial level. • According to the Canadian Medical Association,a 10 per cent increase in physical activity could reduce direct health-care expenditures by$150 million a year ADDITIONAL REESOURCES- • CycleON:Ontario's Cycling Strategy c Cycling Safety Ministry of Transportation re Ontario Investing$25 Million... Page 137 of 217 (.UO7S 'We know that working with our partners is key to creating a more cycling-friendly Ontario. We'll continue to engage municipalities, road users, businesses,advocacy groups and non- governmental organizations to make sure we get it right." —Steven Del Duca,ivlinister of Transportation "Cycling helps to build more healthy,active and prosperous communities as it generates a wide range of health,economic,environmental,social and other benefits." —/Cathryn ivicGarry,Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Transportation "We're pleased to continue our partnership with the province as we share the vision to make Ontario a premier cycling destination in Canada." —Jamie Stuckless, Executive Director,Share the Road Cycling Coalition ) Patrick Searle Minister's Office 416-327-1815 Bob Nichols Communications Branch 416-327-1158 Ministry of Transportation htto://www.ontario.ca/transoortation Ministry of Transportation re Ontario Investing$25 Million... Page 138 of 217 Subject:AMO Policy Update-Ministry of Education Releases New Process for School Closures March 27,2015 Ministry of Education Releases New Process for School Closures The Ministry of Education has revised the Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines(PARG)that governs the local School Board process to consider school closures. In addition,the Ministry has released a new Community and Planning and Partnerships Guideline(CPPG)which outlines how School Boards are to work with municipal governments and other community partners to fill underutilized space in schools. The CPPG mandates that School Boards,prior to initiating a Pupil Accommodation Review, must reach out to municipalities and other community partners to obtain planning related information and to explore potential partnership opportunities for underutilized space.Only after completion of a capital planning process can a School Board initiate a review to consider whether a school should be consolidated or closed.This is a positive development. There are a number of significant changes to the newly revised PARG including: • a new obligation of School Boards to formally consult with municipal governments; • a shift away from considering the impact of school closures to community well-being and the local economy toward a more exclusive focus on student achievement;and, • a reduction in the minimum duration and number of public meetings required for the Pupil Accommodation Review process. AMO raised many issues and provided practical suggestions about the guidelines before they were finalized by the Ministry,not all of which are reflected in the final version. It is positive to see a municipal role formally incorporated into the process through a new obligation of School Boards to notify and consult with municipalities. However,AMO is disappointed that School Boards will not be mandated to invite interested municipalities to sit as members on the Accommodation Review Committees(ARCs). There are other significant concerns with the new guidelines.Of primary concern is a new shift away from considering the impact of school closures to community well-being and the local economy toward a more exclusive focus on student achievement.All the value considerations are valid and should be considered in a holistic manner. If not,there may be a disconnect between School Board decisions and local municipal planning priorities that seek to create strong communities and strong local economies. The municipal sector is also concerned that the new changes will serve to reduce public engagement in the Pupil Accommodation Review process rather than enhance it. It is important to note that the new guidelines only set out minimum standards for School Boards to follow.The guidelines are flexible. Boards may choose to exceed the provincial standards if community voices express the need. Municipalities are encouraged to review the guidelines and make representations to School Board Trustees on what the local standards should be in their community. On a related matter,AMO welcomes the recent appointment of Karen Pitre as the Premier's Special Advisor on Community Hubs. It is hoped that this appointment and creation of an advisory group will accelerate the development of a province-wide policy.An avenue with great potential are approaches Association of Municipalities of Ontario Policy Update re Mi... Page 139 of 217 that grow schools into community hubs by integrating local programs and services,such as libraries and community centres within existing school infrastructure,where it may be practical and cost efficient for municipal governments.Space may also be well utilized by non-profit organizations.The community hub model is an opportunity that could work well in some parts of Ontario and may serve to avert unnecessary school closures in many cases. Please see the Ministry of Education website to view the new guidelines. Please see AMO's letter dated December 18th,2014 providing feedback on the proposed guidelines. AMO Contact: Michael Jacek,Senior Advisor, mjacek@amo.on.ca,416.971.9856 ext.329. PLEASE NOTE:AMO Breaking News will be broadcast to the member municipality's council, administrator,and clerk. Recipients of the AMO broadcasts are free to redistribute the AMO broadcasts to other municipal staff as required.We have decided to not add other staff to these broadcast lists in order to ensure accuracy and efficiency in the management of our various broadcast lists. DISCLAIMER:Any documents attached are final versions.AMO assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have been transmitted with this electronic version.The printed versions of the documents stand as the official record. Association of Municipalities of Ontario Policy Update re Mi... Page 140 of 217 Dear Council Members: We are aware that municipal and county councils across the province are now in the process of budget discussions and, ultimately, finalization of a budget for the 2015 year. It is with this in mind that we are writing to ask you to consider making a commitment to financially support the Charter Challenge of Ontario's wind turbine approval process. The Charter Challenge could be the best approach to protect your residents and minimize your own need for legal action. Here is a brief synopsis of the Charter Challenge to date: Superior Court - 2013: Justice Grace of the Superior Court ruled that Charter and constitutional challenges of the province's wind turbine approval process should be heard at the Environmental Review Tribunal (ERT) level. In his Decision, he also stated the following: "I am acutely aware that some may conclude that this ruling forecloses judicial involvement in the dispute. With respect,it does not do so. The statutory process is in its early stages. A right to appeal to Divisional Court on a question of law is expressly given". Environmental Review Tribunal Hearings - 2013-2014: As directed, the ERT process was followed. In each of the three hearings (Dixon/Ryan-St. Columban, Drennan-K2 Wind & Kroeplin-Armow), the ERT took the position that it lacked the jurisdiction to rule on whether or not the Ministry of the Environment Director's decision to issue a Renewable Energy Approval (REA) met the constitutional requirements of section 7 of the Charter. Divisional Court—2014: The next logical step was to go back to Justice Grace's decision and appeal to Divisional Court. The appeal was dismissed. The panel of judges at Divisional Court found that the ERT did not err in the way in which it dealt with the Appellants' (families')claims even though Justice Grace of the Superior court was assured by government lawyers in Goderich that the ERT had the right and jurisdiction to hear constitutional and Charter issues. The Appellants (families) were seeking to change the test of how a renewable energy project is approved from"must prove serious harm to human health" to "a project should not be approved where there is a reasonable prospect of serious harm to human health". This issue was not specifically addressed by the Divisional Court in its decision. Ontario Court of Appeal — 2015: The families have now filed a Notice of Motion for Leave to Appeal to the Ontario Court of Appeal. Falconers LLP is preparing a factum setting out the reasons for appeal and will be submitting it to the Ontario Court of Appeal by March 10, 2015. The Ontario Court of Appeal will review the factum and decide whether or not to hear the appeal. If it's a yes, the appeal can move forward. The court has set no timeline for providing a decision on the leave to appeal request. The County of Lambton and fourteen community groups intervened in support of the case,bringing their record of issues that were relevant to municipalities and communities. The County of Lambton has already confirmed that they will be intervening at the Ontario Court of Appeal level if leave is granted and the Charter Challenge proceeds. There are some very legitimate reasons for your council to consider this request. They are as follows: 1. Two very important acknowledgements have been made by the court system in Ontario as this challenge has progressed. In September of 2014, Justice L.C. Leitch of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice acknowledged that "there is a serious issue to be tried, or in other words, that the appeal is neither vexatious nor frivolous". In early March of this year the three Divisional Court judges who heard the appeal in November of 2014 released their costs decision. The cost awards were dramatically reduced from what the wind companies requested and, in their decision, the three judges stated that "although the appellants obviously had a private interest in the litigation, their appeals contained a strong public interest component raising, as they did, the constitutionality of part of the legislative regime governing the Safe Wind Energy for All Residents re Charter Challenge Page 141 of 217 construction and operation of wind farms in this province. Any award of costs must reflect that strong public interest component". 2. You have the right and the responsibility to protect the best interests of your residents and ratepayers. 3. This is indeed public interest litigation. It is not fair or reasonable to expect a few to fight for and fund something that stands to benefit so many. We can and must help each other. 4. A good deal of time, effort and money has gone into getting this case to this point. A significant record has been created. For anyone to start from scratch would be very costly and, essentially,a duplication of effort with no real advantage. The economics and science of industrial wind turbines is unsettled and evolving. The Charter Challenge is, of course, part of a much broader ongoing discussion across the province on the industrial wind turbine front. Other concerns related to industrial wind turbine developments, shared by councils and citizens alike,include: - the overall economics of the provincial wind energy development regime. - increased hydro rates for municipal,business and residential customers. - property values (lower property values leading to lower property assessments, a lower tax base and higher mill rates). - impacts on animal health, tourism, source water protection, wildlife habitats and migratory routes. - the drain on local extractive resources. - the loss of longstanding municipal rights and authority; the loss of local democracy; the loss of prime agricultural land for food production; the loss of future development potential within wind developments and the loss of trust among family members, friends and neighbours in our communities. The following links may be of interest to you as well: http://www.owensoundsuntimes.com/2015/01/20/anti-wind-farm-group-seeks-leave-to-appeal-in- charter-fight http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/ontario-families-fight-massive-legal-bill-from-wind-farm- companies/article23238169/ http://www.therecord.com/news-story/5466259-cou rt-slashes-340-000-Iega I-bi I I-for-wi nd-farm-foes-to- manageable-67-000/ www.falconers.ca and www.halt-safe.ca The more we can work together on all wind turbine related matters,the better it will be for all of us. To support the Charter Challenge, please make your cheque payable to SWEAR c/o Dave Hemingway, R.R.#2 Bayfield, Ontario NOM 1GO. All contributions go directly to the Charter Challenge. Thank you. Dave Hemingway,President-email davehemingwayna,gmail.com Anita Frayne, Secretary/Treasurer Gerry Ryan,Rob Tetu&Tom Melady(HEAT) Kevin McKee&Deb Morris(HALT All On Behalf of SWEAR(Safe Wind Energy for All Residents) 2 Safe Wind Energy for All Residents re Charter Challenge Page 142 of 217 THE CORPORATION OF THE ,w TOWNSHIP OF MADAWASKA VALLEY 00; 85 Bay Street, P.O. Box 1U[)il, Barry's Bay, Ontario l {}J 1B0 • 4 ; TEL: (613,756-2747 FAX: (613) 756-0553 E-MAIL - info rnadawaskavulley.ca. J '. V 4sKr01. Tuesday,April 7,2015 Dear Municipal Leader, The Township of Madawaska Valley recognizes the struggle that many of its ratepayers in our rural area are experiencing with rising hydro rates and feels that,as a collective of municipalities,we must let our voices be heard to the Province. Similar to many municipalities across Ontario,we have an aging community, many on a fixed income,who have a decreasing ability to make ends meet. Similarly, industrial and commercial growth in rural Ontario is becoming increasingly difficult because of rising hydro rates; it is preventing younger families from relocating to our communities to help them grow. To that end,the Council of the Township of Madawaska Valley, at their March 23,2015 regular meeting of council, passed the following resolution: Moved by:Councillor Bromwich 14-2303-15 Seconded by:Councillor Archer 23 IVlarch 2015 BE IT RESOLVED: WHEREAS the cost of hydro has doubled and in some cases more than doubled in the past five years; and WHEREAS the costs of electricity in the Province of Ontario is forcing businesses to consider leaving the area;and WHEREAS many families are having difficulty keeping up with their monthly payments;and WHEREAS the Province's Long Term Energy Plan anticipates that consumers will face hydro rates that will rise by 42%over the next five(S)years;and WHEREAS it is essential that the residents and businesses of the Madawaska Valley to have access to affordable hydro to thrive and prosper;and WHEREAS Council urges Provincial relief to Ontario Hydro One Customers to reflect the means of rural residents to reasonably access hydro through a review of Provincial policies and their agencies that set Ontario rates for electricity,distribution charges,debt retirement,global adjustments costs and carbon taxes.Council requests,that this review would include consultation with rural and urban municipalities; and WHEREAS Council reminds Rural municipalities to advocate the investigation by the Ontario Ombudsman regarding the major systemic issues identified by complaints involving overcharging of hydro,an explanation of line items on billing and, resolve of related matters;and WHEREAS it is imperative that the Province of Ontario review their energy policies and utilize The Rural and Northern Lens advocated by the Rural Ontario Municipal Association to evaluate and assess the needs of rural municipalities so that they can succeed and thrive_Many rural municipalities have a population of SO%or more seniors on fixed incomes who are struggling to keep warm in low population density communities with colder temperatures that do not benefit from the heat retention in The Township of Madawaska Valley re Hydro Rates resolution Page 143 of 217 condominium residences and whom are challenged by geography and climate scales.Our core sectors of economic development in our region, lumber mills and farming,are often under-employed and are subject to rates that are higher than other provinces due to impact of high delivery charges and global adjustment fees(that can be up to 2.5 times higher than the actual hydro used)and threaten the sustainability of families and agro-food sectors in rural Ontario;and WHEREAS all municipalities that have a significant amount of citizens moving into the seasonal residences,that they are encouraged to inform those residents to seek relief from seasonal hydro rates through direct communication of such to their electrical utility provider; WHEREAS all municipalities should be encouraged to monitor,through specific data categories,smart meter electrical fires and/or smart meter malfunctions that have resulted in explosions,and further to better assess their impact and the potential need of CSA approved meters employing codes and standards used globally by regulators and industry to facilitate safer and more sustainable products. NOW THEREFORE RE IT RESOLVED THAT the Township of Madawaska Valley CALL ON Premier Wynne and the Province of Ontario to take immediate action to prevent these and any other rate increase from being implemented;and THAT premier Wynne and the Province of Ontario be encouraged to do something to bring these rates down to a reasonable level and to do so as quickly as possible;and THAT this motion be circulated to all Ontario municipalities for support. The Township of Madawaska Valley is a smaller municipality, in the western quadrant of Renfrew County with approximately 4300 permanent residents,with a larger summer population. For more information on our municipality, please visit us online at www.madawaskavallev.ca. Like many rural Ontario municipalities,we are faced with increasing adversity to growth. It is the Council's desire to show support for the Township's homeowners by passing this resolution and asking for immediate relief from the Province. On behalf of the Council of the Township of Madawaska Valley, please endorse our resolution and send it to the appropriate representatives at Queen's Park, Sincerely, Kim Love Mayor,Township of Madawaska Valley cc. Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Province of Ontario MPP John Yakabuski, Renfrew-Nippissing-Pembroke Peter Eman,Warden,County of Renfrew The Township of Madawaska Valley re Hydro Rates resolution Page 144 of 217 Queen's Park Office: Constituency Office: fir( MPP Room 445,Legislative Building 750 Talbot St.,Suite 201,West Wing Jeff Yurek_ M! P Queen's Park o,OntarioM7A1A8 St. (519)61-066 N5P1E2 Tel. 631-0666 ontwio Elgin-Middlesex-London Tel.(416)325-3965 Toll Free 1-800-265-7638 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Fax(416)325-3988 Fax(519)631-9478 E-mail:jeff.yurek@pc.ala.org E-maihjeff.yurekco@pc.ola.org March 4,2015 RE C E I V E MAR 272015 Warden Ens&Councillors 450 Sunset Drive MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM St.Thomas,Ontario N5R 5Vl Dear Warden Ens&Coucillors, Thank you for copying me on your letter to Minister Leal,Minister Murray,Minister Mauro, Minister Coteau&Minister Del Duca. I have met with both Mr. Dave Collins and.Dr.Janice Gilbert of the Ontario Phragmites Working Group and support their initiatives. i feel that it is imperative that all levels of government work together to ensure the viability of our wetlands protect our biodiversity and minimize the economic impacts caused by this invasive species. I commend you for your letter of support to the provincial government and look forward to working with you on this issue. All thest, , Je 'Y ek,MPP, in-Middlesex-London C Critic of Natural Resources&Forestry Cc: Joe Preston,MP,Elgin-Middlesex-London Dr.Janice Gilbert,Ecologist&Co-Chair of the Ontario Phragmites Working group Mr.Dave Collins Lower-Tier Municipalities Jeff Yurek,MPP Elgin-Middlesex-London re initiatives of the... Page 145 of 217 RECEIVED F MAR 31 2015 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM HOUSE OF COMMONS CHAMBRE DES COMMUNES Wednesday March 25,2015 CANADA Joe Preston MP Elgin-Middlesex-London TO:The Municipality of Bayham RE:National Health and Fitness Day Please participate in Canada's National Health and Fitness Day. With the passage of Bill S-211,the first National Health and Fitness Day will be held on June 6th,2015. It will consist of all facilities opening up their doors to allow children the opportunity to participate in physical activities for the day.With many chronic diseases being preventable through moderate physical activity and a healthier lifestyle,it is important that we start reinforcing the importance the role in physical activity plays in each child's health,happiness and overall quality of life. In Canada,a third of all children and youth are overweight or obese and only 4 percent of Canadian children are getting the recommended 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity daily.We hope this National Health and Fitness Day will slowly start changing these statistics and teaching children the importance of healthy living through physical activity. I hope your municipality will get involved by opening your local facilities to your constituents to participate in National Health and Fitness Day. Can we include your municipality in the list of participating municipalities? ISincerely, House of Commons Room 1080 La Promenade Building Ottawa,Ontario K1A 0A6 Joe Preston Tel.:613-990-7769 Member of Parliament Fax:613-996-0194 Elgin-Middlesex-London joe prestonCdparl.gc.ca Constituency 24 First Avenue Unit 2 St Thomas,Ontario N5R 4M5 Tel.:519-637-2255 Toll-Free:1-866-404-0406 Fax:519-637-3358 joe(ajjoeprestonmp.ca www.joeprestonmp.ca Joe Preston,MP Elgin-Middlesex-London re National Health an... Page 146 of 217 Ontario LEGISLATIVE ASSEiAaLY _ _ ;:_�" --: .�._ - kms:. .. Lisa Thompson,MPP Queen's Park Office: Huron-Bruce APR -8 2015 Room 430,Legislative Building Toronto,ON M7A1 A8 March 27,2015 Tel.(416)325-3467 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Fax(416)325-3490 E-mail:lisa.thompsonCpo.ola.org RE:Bill 66:Great Lakes Protection Act,2015 Dear Mayor and Members of Municipal Council: I am writing to you today with regard to Bill 66:Great Lakes Protection Act,2015.The stated purpose of the bill is "protect and restore the ecological health of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin"and"to create opportunities for individuals and communities to become involved in the protection and restoration of the ecological health of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin." It goes without saying that the Ontario PC caucus is fully supportive of improving and protecting our Great Lakes eco-systems. However,Bill 66 has raised questions with regard to the duplication ofgovernance,the absence of funding-to implement initiatives,uncertainty surrounding stakeholder representation at meetings of the Guardians`Council and the potential for further erosion in the power of local planning authorities and municipalities. As you consider the impact of Bill 66 I would encourage you to apply the Rural and Northern Lens created by the AMO Northern&Rural Working Group.The lens is meant to be employed by provincial ministries to assess the impacts of new policy initiatives or changes in existing programs before they are implemented. I have attached a copy of ROMA's rural lens for your reference. I have also included a map that shows that 105 out of 107 ridings across Ontario are affected by the Great Lakes-St.Lawrence Basin Watershed. As Bill 66 progresses I invite you to submit your feedback so that I can bring your views on Bill 66 forward during debate and committee hearings. Please visit www.bill66feedback.ca to find a copy of the bill and to submit your amendments, concerns and suggestions.I encourage you to share this with your council and colleagues as well. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, 6:&10.4, LI mpson, MPP Huron-Bruce Lisa Thompson,MPP Huron-Bruce re Bill 66 Great Lakes Protec... Page 147 of 217 Lisa Thompson,MPP Huron-Bruce re Bill 66 Great Lakes Protec... Page 148 of 217 The Rural and rth r: Leas' ,_ A Way Forward , ' . . rt: • At the end of the day the rural and northern lens is about people. It is 4,-,� about the livelihoods of nearly 2 million people who call rural and northern communities their home. It is about te communities these people live .. if'r ,_ within,their jobs,their built and natural environment,the services they receive and the quality of their lives. Ili, The Rural and Northern Lens provides vs with an invitation. An invitation to all levels of government to do better with what they have and to ensure that the needs and requirements of ru,al and northern residents are met 0 so that they may thrive and succeed.The Lens is particularly important for the provincial government.Various ministries must accommodate the needs of a large and urbanizing province and it is critical to ensure that Rural and Northern needs are not lost in the development of policy. This Lens can help. It is a tool culminating in the sample chart below. It provides a quick visual representation of the positive and negative impacts of public initiatives.The need is obvious. 1 — +4 Positive11 +3 +2."1"1""PI - — ' +1 Neutral 0 -1 -2 -3 Negative 1110111160. -4 Does the initiative have a positive,neutral or negative impact related to: i/61 // 4"/ if/ / / 1 , Fole c, / .4611/4 CS 1 161‘, S144' " �{) Rural Ontario Municipal Association: A Voice for Rural Ontario ,. roma.ona Lisa Thompson,MPP Huron-Bruce re Bill 66 Great Lakes Protec... Page 149 of 217 UWW theL. fl Respond to the 12 questions. Score your response as Positive, Neutral or Negativa, using the +4 to -4 scoring system. +4 Positive +3 __ fi . _ I +2 - - _ +9. i Neutral I 0 -T _ -1 I •2 — Negative _ j -- _,� L I 4 _ Does the initiative have a positive, neutral or negative impact related to: (b QJ Q° `\ as ` �� ��40 '�<2, Qom® �� cc. `fig Q° oQ/# < '/ # \� �� 0® G <. .41 ts, 4. Lisa Thompson,MPP Huron-Bruce re Bill 66 Great Lakes Protec... Page 150 of 217 The Rural and N'o:rthern Lens G A Dozen Questions For Rural and Northern Ontario does the prPoposed 1.Benefit or hinder the fiscal realities of Rural am Northern Ontario? .1111111116 2.Have a business case that accounts for low and sparse populations? 3.Enhance opportunities in Rural and Northern Ontario? 4. Help or hinder goals of sustainability blending environmental, social and economic factors? 5. Consider how and if rural people will be able to access it? B. Consider all options for delivery, ensuring effici€ncy, the potential for co-delivery and an acceptable administrative impact on municipalities? 7. Account for the needs of special populations (such as youth, elderly and immigrants)? B. Have adequate human and financial resources to be effective? 9. Ensure that Rural and Northern communities are receiving equitable treatment or services relative to others in the province? 10. Recognize the geography,weather and scale of Rurai and Northern Ontario and include adjusted program criteria to accommodate these realities? 11. Accommodate the aspirations of residents from rura communities and the north? 12. Build upon the input and advice of rural residents, communities and municipalities? Lisa Thompson,MPP Huron-Bruce re Bill 66 Great Lakes Protec... Page 151 of 217 ROMA �3 Rural Rural Ontario The Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) is committed to the betterment of Rural and Northern Ontario. ROMA acts as the rural municipal voice in Ontario when considering and responding to proposed legislation while proactively working with the Government on solutions. ROMA takes pride in promoting, supporting and enhancing strong and effective rural governments. R_ The ROMA discussion paper-A Voice for Rural and Northern a . Ontario, serves as a reference point for future provincial pclicy development and implementation. The paper reflects the interests of rural and northern municipal governments in order to u t call attention to their communities'needs and requirements so _'' they can thrive and succeed. s - The paper provides a "lens" by which policy can be questioned, _ —=• evaluated and decided upon. The "Rural Lens" brings focus to the potential impacts of proposed policy, decisions and new actions on rural municipalities. It helps to ensure that questions are asked in a structured, objective and consistent manner. It helps to assess impacts in advance of decisions. It promots education and understanding of issues by staff and elected officials at all levels of governmui,1 ROMA requests that the Province filter all policy decisions and legislation through this lens to help ensure that rural and northern communities thrive alG succeed. The Lens will also be used by ROMA and is provided to rural municipalities for their use. Lisa Thompson,MPP Huron-Bruce re Bill 66 Great Lakes Protec... Page 152 of 217 ..t 1.r i'.''::' '."'':''''''' ,,:::'-.1;:)!:4 , ' -.:, '''. -'-!;'-'' :' .,-'''''':_11. --- -4 ' '-.1'f',-•-.1. ' - - at -- •0 -, . ' '.I-• .. Y7 L st 'I--- _ ;.!..1.--„, J• Y=11.' Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Basin Watered -- CJ Riding boundary `-- _ Lisa Thompson,MPP Huron-Bruce re Bill 66 Great Lakes Protec... Page 153 of 217 Lisa Thompson,MPP Huron-Bruce re Bill 66 Great Lakes Protec... Page 154 of 217 CSLA AAPC ECEtVE �u ta[�i.�n`Ge rh rt l 4s.[-[.:hem .r.JYC:�;tt e:r. �. :1n:�.�.•,,�. as��p�^ sL r.,i3�la�s APR --8 2015 CSLA CELEBRATES WORLD LANDSCAP L'AAPC CELEBRE LE MOIS MONDIAL DE ARCHITECTURE MONTH IN APRIL �VIl1NICIpA11TY0FBAYFIAMI'ARCHITECTURE DE PAYSAGE EN AVRIL April 2015 Avril 2015 The Canadian Society of Landscape Architects(CSLA)is a L'Association des architectes paysagistes du Canada professional organization with over1,900 landscape (AAPC)est une association professionnelle nationals qui architects as members represented by provincial and represente plus de 1900 architectes paysagistes membres territorial associations plus academic programs across the dune association provinciale ou territoriale,de meme que nation.As the voice of the profession in Canada,the CSLA le monde de I'enseignement universitaire a travers le pays. is an advocate for its members on issues such as urban En tant que porte-parole des architectes paysagistes, renewal,sustainable development and cultural heritage. I'AAPCjoue un role de premier plan clans la defense de dossiers tels le reamenagement urbain,le developpement This is the eighth annual observance of World Landscape durable et le patrirnoine culturel. Architecture month(WLAM).April is selected in recognition of Earth Day(April 22nd)and the birthday of II s'agit de la huitieme edition du Mois mondial de Frederick Law Olmsted(April27th),founder of the ('architecture de paysage(MMAP).Le mois d'avril a ete landscape architecture profession in North America. choisi en reconnaissance du Jour de la Terre(le 22 avril)et de l'anniversaire de Frederick Law Olmsted(le 27 avril),le WLAM is in keeping with the global awareness of the fondateur de!a profession en architecture de paysage en escalating significance of environment stewardship for Amerique du Nord. protecting our collective futures.The enclosed poster illustrates this very important message.This month allows Le MMAP est en phase avec la prise de conscience globale us to call for actions to celebrate.We encourage you to look quanta l'importance grandissante de la gerance for opportunities to celebrate landscape architecture in environnementale visant a proteger notre avenir collectif. April and throughout the rest of the year. L'affiche ci-jointe iliustre cet important message.Ce mois d'avril nous incite a poser des gestes de celebration.Nous To get you started,we have included the winning poster in vous encourageons a chercher des occasions de celebrer the CSLA's World Landscape Architecture Month Poster ('architecture du paysage en avril et tout au long de Competition. ['armee. For further information,please contact Michelle Legault, Pour vous aider a demarrer, nous avons in.clus I'affiche Executive Director,CSLA at executive-director@csla- gagnante du contours d'affiche sur le Mois mondial de aapc,ca or visit the CSLA website at www.csla-aaoc.ca.The l'architecture de paysage de I'AAPC, World Landscape Architecture Month header also contains examples of projects you can do in your community to Pour plus d'information,veuillez communiquer avec highlight World Landscape Architecture Month. Michelle Legault,directrice generale de I'AAPC a executive- director@csla-aanc.ca ou consulter le site Web de I'AAPC a Regards, www.csla-aapc.ca.La page du Mois mondial de l'architecture de paysage contient egalement des The Canadian Society of Landscape Architects exemples de projets a realiser clans votre communaute pour mettre en evidence le Mois mondial de('architecture de paysage. Cordialement, L'Association des architectes paysagistes du Canada 12 Fcrillon.Ottawa ON K2M 2W5 1-866-781-9799 executive-director@csla-aapc.ca wmJ.csla-aapc.ca Canadian Society of Landscape Architects re World Landscape ... Page 155 of 217 'mac` y, •'g: N 4�; r 4 Y fx x 'v V y. JS 4 <-. `,,,:-'1 .I ' e.r4031,,, h'rrk . f Lti.T}~� - v,t K " V rf V exii........ -,,,,- . ir:bin)) ,t,._„.,..A..-.-7 4,..., 4,,,i . eikt L„ ,//1 The Canadian Landscape Charterrecognize,protect,manage and celebrate Canadian landscapes. La Charte canadienne du paysage I reconnoitre,proteger,gerer et celebrer les paysages du Canada. April 2015 World Landscape Architecture Month Avril 2015 Le Mois mondial de l'architectute de paysage ` '1-';. ww.v.csla-aapc.ca u7Hl moi. VQI(fN � J '' izt b 1 CSLA AAPC Canadian Society of Landscape Architects re World Landscape ... Page 156 of 217 CHARTECANADIENNEDUPAYSAGE/CANADIAN LANDSCAPE CHARTER Le paysage canadien est a l'image de sa diversite:un Canadian landscape is as diverse as Canada itself: tertitoire d'eau,de neige,de montagnes,de forks, land of water,snow,mountains,forests,prairies but de prairies,mais il est aussi un paysage habite.Ces it is also a living environnement.Those landscapes, paysages tantot naturels,tantot construits sunt le natural or built,are the reflection of their richness. relict des tichesses qu'ils tecelent.De cette facon, This poster represents this diversity where each l'afflche cherche a souligner cette diversite par le icon is associated to a different canadian landscape bilis d'icfnes representant differentes typologies typology.The Canadian Landrcape Charteris a paysagetes canadiennes.Enfin,la Chas*eaxadienne des reconnaiscance of yesterday and today's landscapes Paysages est la reconnaissance de la valour des paysages and acts as a legacy for a sustainable future. d'hier et d'aujourd'hui et serf d'empreinte pour un avenit durable. Fanny B.Penns Etudiante f nissante ala malaise en architecture de paysage/Master student Landscape Architecture Universite de Montréal Water landscapes .4Paysages aquatiques Prairies Prairies Urban landscapes1j Paysagesurbains Mountains il 1. Monter. 1 ;rr: 1` r .,. isasts Fulls Nordic landscapes `,1. c �' Paysages nordiques Canadian Society of Landscape Architects re World Landscape ... Page 157 of 217 r Revised 2014 410, _ �� - 6411111 _ _ -_'�'r -.f ' T- it - 9 ..."'"11111171411111 ,1117 J I yofi 1111 k hi AlIk Mk 114 i lil M "4 i A ii4 k I A GUIDE FOR MEMBES OF MUNICIPAL COUNCIL " O. 1 -_ 4, r r -10.1 ' , J . ___47. - i ;1A_, , . ;; + ` . . I is. _ ,\ , i it 1 Ntiltur. • RECEIVED APR - 1 2015 www.ontario.ca/drinkingwater MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 4 Ontario Taking Care of Your Drinking Water Guide for Municipal Counc... Page 158 of 217 tg to C Acknowledgements to Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change would like to acknowledge the contributions of the C following people and associations in the development of this guidance document, and thank them for sharing their time and expertise: former Councillor André Rivest, Councillor Brian Coleman,Craig Reid, former Mayor Delbert Shewfelt, Doug Parker, Councillor Jack Miller,former Councillor Ken Graham, C former Mayor Michael Power, Councillor Paul Hubert, Councillor-at-Large Rebecca Johnson, Brian Jobb, Dr.Saad Jasim,Adam Sikora,Alexa Pagel,Ann Darby,Ann Marie Weselan, Barbara Stokes, Brenda Korbee, Brian Alton, Brian Gildner,Carol Salisbury, Cheryl Davis, Christine Campbell,Christine Mettler,Christopher Manning, Indra Prashad,Jakob Rehlinger,JillMarie Bourgeault, Krys Potapczyk, Laurence Borg, Matt Uza, Peter Feniak, Rhobi Chacha,Siobhan Corr,Terry Bulman,Stephen Hetherington,Valerie Capalbo,the Association of Municipalities of Ontario,the Ontario Water Works �r Association and the Ontario Municipal Water Association. G • For answers to general questions,contact the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change at 1-800-565-4923 ▪ Legal Disclaimer-This guide should not be viewed as legal or other expert advice. For specific questions regarding the legal application of the Safe Drinking Water Act(SDWA) Cr and its regulations, please consult a lawyer and/or review the text of the Act at www.e-laws. gov.on.ca Sources Much of the material in this guide has been adapted from the Ontario Municipal Water Association's 2004 handbook"Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Responsibilities"with their permission. Information C was also obtained from the following sources: • American Water Works Association, 2009, Water Basics for Decision Makers • Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management,2010, Emergency Management Doctine for Ontario C • Environment Canada, 2011, 2011 Municipal Water Use Report: 2009 Statistics • Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General, 2002, Part Two Report of the Walkerton Inquiry Ontario Ministry of the Environment,2006,The Clean Water Act: Promoting Municipal Awareness and Understanding C, • Ontario Ministry of the Environment, 2007, "Drinking Water 101"course materials C • Ontario Ministry of the Environment, 2007, implementing Quality Management:A Guide for Ontario's Drinking Water Systems • Ontario Ministry of the Environment, 2007,Toward Financially Sustainable Drinking-Water and rte Wastewater Systems • Ontario Ministry of the Environment, 2009,Annual Report 2007-2008 Chief Drinking Water Inspector • Pollution Probe, 2006,The Source Water Protection Primer e e Taking Care of Your Drinking Water Guide for Municipal Counc... Page 159 of 217 a a TABLE OF CONTENT ' a INTRODUCTION A Message from the Chief Drinking Water Inspector of Ontario 4 A Message from Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health 4 What You Need to Know About Your Drinking Water Responsibilities 5 UNDERSTANDING YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES FOR OVERSEEING DRINKING WATER Protecting Ontario's Drinking Water 6 A Legislative and Regulatory Framework for Protecting Water 7 4 Key Sections of the SDWA for Municipal Councillors 8 What Should i be Asking? 13 Check Your Knowledge 14 OVERVIEW OF DRINKING WATER MANAGEMENT TOPICS Organizational and Governance Models 15 Municipal Licensing 16 The Operational Plan and You 16 Drinking Water System Reports and Inspections 18 Managing the Risks to Drinking Water 19 Infrastructure Planning 21 Sustainable Financial Planning for Drinking Water Systems 23 3 Communicating With Your Operating Authority 25 73 Emergency Planning for Drinking Water 25 Drinking Water System Operators 27 Water Conservation 29 LEARN MORE ABOUT DRINKING WATER 3 Sources of Water 30 Drinking Water Treatment Processes 32_. Water Distribution 34 For Further Information 35 Glossary _ 36 Taking Care of Your Drinking Water: A Guide for Members of Municipal Councils 3 Taking Care of Your Drinking Water Guide for Municipal Counc... Page 160 of 217 L74, C t A Message from the Chief Drinking A Message from Ontario's Chief C" Water Inspector of Ontario Medical Officer of Health F- Safeguarding drinking Safe drinking water is one :. water,now and for our of the key pillars of public Co future generations,is a health in Ontario.Protection Co vitally important role.It of our drinking water is a requires leadership,vigilance vital responsibility shared byli'"° Co Iqgr and ongoing collaboration many partners. NI C. between the province and The Ministry of Health and ' C' Sr, Ontario municipalities. Long-Term Care shares C. More than 8o per cent of a strong commitment to Co Ontario's population receives excellence with the Ministry their drinking water from of the Environment and a municipal drinking water system.Drinking Climate Change by supporting Boards of Health to water quality and inspection results show that and communities to provide safe drinking C. Ontario's municipalities are achieving strong water in the province.Ontario's Boards of to and consistent performance levels.It is because Health work together with municipalities in to of this dedication to excellence at the municipal many ways to protect the public,including level that Ontario's drinking water continues to when your community's drinking water may 'L be of the highest quality. not be safe for consumption. t As good as current results are,constant attention As municipal councilors with oversight o is needed to keep our drinking water safe. responsibilities for municipal drinking water G If you are a municipal councillor with decision- systems,you are a critical partner in providing G making responsibilities for a municipal safe drinking water to the people of Ontario. co drinking water system or have oversight of I encourage you to use this resource guide, an accredited operating authority,you have a in your paramount role,to help protect L serious and unique role in protecting the people Ontario's drinking water and keep yourcoo of your community.This guide will help you community healthy. G understand your responsibilities under the Safe Dr.David Mowat ito Drinking Water Act,2002 and provide you with Interim Chief Medical Officer of Health of Ontario information on how Ontario's drinking water is protected.It will help answer questions about "Since Dr.John Snow's 1854 " Coo your statutory standard of care responsibilities, discovery in London,England, IG and it provides some basic reference material on that drinking water could kill people by drinking water. transmitting disease, the developed world C. I look forward to continue working with has come a long way towards eliminating municipalities to further improve how we protect the transmission of water-borne disease. G and manage our water resources for the benefit The Walkerton experience warns that G we may have become victims of our own of Ontarians. success, taking for granted our drinking G Susan Lo water's safety. The keynote in the future G Chief Drinking Water Inspector of Ontario should be vigilance. We should never be complacent about drinking water safety." — Justice Dennis O'Connor, C 2002,Report of the Walkerton Inquiry C 4 I Taking Care of Your Drinking Water: A Guide for Members of Municipal Councils C Taking Care of Your Drinking Water Guide for Municipal Counc... Page 161 of 217 EVENT ROAD CLOSURE REQUEST FORM (This form must be submitted to Council at least 6 weeks prior to event) Name of Organization Making Request-_Port Burwell Historical Society. RName of Special Event- Canada Day Celebration and Parade E C E I V E D MAR 3 12015 Date of Special Event-_July 1, 2015 MUNICIPALITY BAYNAM Start-time of Event—11:30 a.m. Finish—4:00 p.m. Route—(*Map provided-please highlight route) Wellington Street From the Canadian Legion to Robinson Street to Pitt Street,East to Erius Street,and ending at The Cenotaph. An additional ceremony is to take place at the Lighthouse,on Robinson Street,following the Parade,to commemorate The 175th Anniversary of The Port Burwell Lighthouse,so vehicle traffic will need to be curtailed for 1 hour,following the parade. Specific Request(Road Closure,Traffic Control etc.)—County of Elgin to approve the use of Wellington Street from Elizabeth Street,West to Robinson Street. Maximum Number of people expected to attend- 1000. Any Special Needs—Bayham Public Works to take necessary precautions for Traffic Control, Public Safety,and Signage requirements. Applicant Organization's Authorized Member Name_Charles E.Buchanan & Signature i Municipal Representative Signature- Event Road Closure Reqest Form re Canada Day Celebration and... Page 162 of 217 Organizers are to notify the following a minimum of one month prior to proposed event: Ontario Provincial Police Tillsonburg Fire Dispatch 42696 John Wise Line, RR5 80 Concession Street East St.Thomas,ON N5P 3S9 Tillsonburg,ON N4G 4Z8 Phone: 519-631-2920 Phone: 519-842-2905(non-emergency#) Fax: 519-631-2923 Fax:519-842-2190 Cell: 519-878-6029 Elgin-St.Thomas EMS Central Ambulance Communications Centre Duty Manager 1510 Woodcock Street,Suite#20 Fax: 519-637-3484 London,ON N6H 5S1 Phone: 519-637-3098 Phone: 519-661-1784 Fax: 519-661-1799 ...2 Page 2 Upon Council approval,a copy of this notice and the map submitted will be provided by the Municipality to the following: Vance Czerwinski,Manager of Public Works Clayton Watters,Engineer Municipality of Bayham County of Elgin PO Box 160 450 Sunset Drive 9344 Plank Rd., St.Thomas,ON N5R 5V1 Straffordville,ON NOJ 1Y0 Phone: 519-631-1460 Fax: 519-633-7661 Phone:519-866-5521 Fax: 866-3884 Fire ChiefBLEO&Station Chiefs Municipality of Bayham PO Box 160 9344 Plank Rd., Straffordville,ON NOJ 1Y0 Phone: 519-866-5521 Fax: 866-3884 Event Road Closure Reqest Form re Canada Day Celebration and... Page 163 of 217 -M V Vi X if m ai eI 0 ,--- ....1 , izi ui cl. , „ ..7 lev - :z \:3 a Z may �s r �r C / _11w',r` 1111;I1111111 � 11111I1111�` -'�- ��1.1111II � ;.. cDo. ,.--,\ .� /1111111T� 11111111111! : .._. i , _:,,,,. ,........= „ 1v 1.111 I_ ,!_ _____ .„ '" �/ ' moi' "IE 1111111 �� rums= J .: J — alma.° ;13 1111111aleillithilPi i ����i)211111 : 1111lL 0, i t,/i . J1 IIII ,_, _ - th Nkk::_:. �11r _ £L. / i1111 1 1 I . _ pi6 � ,�. ..111. Ilr 1m,1 / 1ffP' IiIJItI .%.T'IIII1ttiii �/ 11e 1 (1-0 � : taill:1-----\17 x . 11111 gal t i, _ Event Road Closure Reqest Form re Canada Day Celebration and... Page 164 of 217 Onte,Eo LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 244 Broadway 12596 Regional Road 50 Out(srin-Caledon Orangeville.Ontario Bolton,Ontario L9W 1K5 L7E 1T6 Tel.(519)941-7751 Tel.(905)951-9382 Fax(519)941-3246 Fax(905)951-1807 March 2015 1-800-265-1603 E c E v E E-mail:sylvia.jonesco@pc.oia.org Paul Ens and Council hi Municipality of Bayham APR -8 2015 9344 Plank Road PO Box 160 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Straffordville,ON NOJ.1 Y0 Dear Mayor Ens and Councillors: I wanted to let you know that my private member's bill,Bill 36 the Respecting Private Property Act passed second reading in the Legislature with all-party support.It has been referred to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy for public consultation. Bill 36 has received support from residents and a wide range of stakeholders,including the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. If enacted,Bill 36 would amend the Trespass to Property Act by creating a minimum fine of $500 for trespassing and increase the maximum compensation for damages to$25,000. Currently the Trespass to Property Act has no minimum fine for those who trespass,and has a maximum limit of$1,000 on compensation for damages. Bill 36 would ensure property owners are fairly compensated for destruction of their property, and signal that trespassing is a serious issue that will not be taken lightly in the justice system. I would like to hear your thoughts on Bill 36 the Respecting Private Property Act and would appreciate your support.If you are interested in reviewing the bill and have any questions please visit www.sylviajonesmpp.ca or call 416-325-1898. Sincerely, Sylvia Jones,MPP Dufferin-Caledon Encl: Sylvia Jones,MPP Dufferin-Caledon re Bill 36,Private Membe... Page 165 of 217 Sylvia Jones,MPP Dufferin-Caledon re Bill 36,Private Membe... Page 166 of 217 Bill 36 - Respecting Private Property Act SYLVIA JONES, MPP - Dufferin-Cafedon , , f;r.iii 1,111.__1 • I•f; • 1, :F •II KP A r 1. I 7I.. lil lu 'hj-I6o3 1,w.�.t:�_ 951 l oI IIo"yIioiirari4.04.01 c i,C y I=f r.507 cj+,rk'3,Jorian e •. Support Sylvia Jones' Private Members Bill Bill 36, Respecting Private Property Act Currently there is no minimum fine for trespassing The Respecting Private Property Act will make on private property and the Trespass to Property necessary changes to the Trespass to Property Act limits the maximum compensation a property Act.This bill will establish a minimum fine of$500 owner can receive for damages due to trespassing for trespassing.As well, it would increase the limit to$1,000. for compensation on damages to$25,000 from the current limit of$1,000. "We must find a way to discourage trespassing on private property and create a system of fair "The Respecting Private Property Act will make compensation for individuals who experience necessary changes to the 7J'espass to Property Act. damage on their property as a result Increasing the limit on compensation for damages of trespassing." allows property owners to be fairly compensated for destruction of their property, and a minimum —Sylvia Jones MPP,speaking during 2nd reading of Bill 36 fine will also send a message that trespassing is a serious issue and will not be taken lightly" —Sylvia Jones MPP,speaking during The Ontario Federation of Agriculture(OFA) has 2nd reading of Bill 36 been asking for changes to be made to the Trespass to Property Act.The OFA would like a minimum fine for those who trespass and an increase in the limit Increasing the limit on compensation for damages for compensation for damages. allows property owners to be fairly compensated for destruction of their property.A minimum fine will One of the problems that arise when people also send a message that trespassing is a serious trespass on private property is they can end up issue and should not be taken lightly. damaging the property, including crops, livestock and fencing. Unfortunately, it is left to the property owners to repair these damages, and the costs can quickly add up to thousand's of dollars. Sylvia Jones, MPP - Dufferin-Caledon www,sylviajonesmpp.ca Sylvia Jones,MPP Dufferin-Caledon re Bill 36,Private Membe... Page 167 of 217 Sylvia Jones, MPP .. Dufferin-CaledOn • www.sylvMaJoncsmpp.ca How YOU Can Help • If you support the intention of Bill 36 ; encourage you to contact the Chair of the Committee on Justice Policy MPP Shafiq Qaadri at sqaadri.mpp@liberaLola.org to ask that public hearings are scheduled. Please be sure to cc the Clerk Tamara Pomanski at tpomanski@ola.ora, and myself at sylviajonesqp@paola.org. • To get a copy of Bill 36, go online to www.sylviaionesmpp.ca or call 416-325-1898. • Share this information with friends, family, and anyone interested in promoting the protection of property owner's rights. • If you have questions, please email svlviajonesaa@pc.ola.orq. Support for Bill 36 "The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) is proud to support Sylvia Jones MPP's Bill 36, the Respecting Private Property Act. The OFA has been working with government and policy makers to amend the Despass to Property Act for many years. We need this act updated to reflect the severity of trespassing and the damages that result from thoughtless or reckless behaviour." -Keith Currie, Vice President, Ontario Federation of Agriculture "Our members are seeing an increase in trespassing, both on foot and on motorized off-road vehicles. Crops are damaged, animals have escaped from gates left open. All the garbage left behind is left for us to clean up. There is also an increased risk in liability to our members, if injury occurs on their property. We fully support this bill, it will encourage deterrence from exposure to such cases, and we thank Sylvia Jones MPP for all her efforts." -Randy McLeod, President, Peel Federation of Agriculture If you would like more information or have questions about Bill 36, please contact the office of Sylvia Jones, MPP for Dufferin-Caledon at: Room 443, Legislative Building, Queens Park,Toronto, ON, M7A 1A8, (416)325-1898 or 244 Broadway, Orangeville, ON, L9W 1K5, 1-800-265-1603 or 12596 Regional Road 50, Bolton, ON, L7E 1T6 YOU/. Email:sylviajonesqp@pc.ola.org t/1jboltkL&tJ Sylvia Jones,MPP Dufferin-Caledon re Bill 36,Private Membe... Page 168 of 217 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2015-043 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A SITE PLAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN ETIENNE AND MARIE-LOUISE BORM(ETBO TOOL&DIE)AND THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WHEREAS subsection 41(2) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter P.13 provides in part that where in an official Plans an area is shown or described as a proposed site Plans control area, the council of the local municipality in which the proposed area is situate may, by by-law, designate the whole or any part of such area as a Site Plan Control Area. AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham has enacted a Site Plan Control Area By-law pursuant to Section 41 of the said Planning Act. AND WHEREAS subsection 41 (4)of the said Planning Act provides in part that no person shall undertake any development in an area designated under subsection(2)unless the Council of the municipality or,where a referral has been made under subsection (12), the Municipal Board has approved one or both,as the Council may determine,of the following: 1. Plans showing the location of all buildings and structures to be erected and showing the location of all facilities and works to be provided in conjunction therewith and of all facilities and works required under clause(7)(a). AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it necessary to enter into a Site Plan agreement with Etienne and Marie-Louise Bonn. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Site Plan Agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and Etienne and Marie-Louise Bonn affixed hereto and forming part of this By-law as Schedule"A". 2. THAT the executed agreement be registered at the owner's expense against the land to which it applies under the Land Titles Registry Elgin# 11. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 16th day of April 2015. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 16th day of April 2015. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2015-043 Being a By-Law to authorize the execution of.. Page 169 of 217 Schedule"A"to By-law 2015-043 SITE PLAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN ETIENNE AND MARIE-LOUISE BORM (ETBO TOOL AND DIE) Concession 4 Part Lot 1 Roll#34-01-000-007-00200 AND THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM By-Law 2015-043 Being a By-Law to authorize the execution of.. Page 170 of 217 THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 16t''day of April 2015. BETWEEN: ETIENNE AND MARIE-LOUISE BORM Hereinafter called the"OWNER" OF THE FIRST PART -AND- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Hereinafter called the"MUNICIPALITY" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Owner is the owner in fee simple of the lands situate in the Municipality of Bayham, in the County of Elgin being Concession 4 Part Lot 1, more particularly described in Attachment"A"attached hereto(and hereafter referred to as the"Lands"); AND WHEREAS the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham in effect, designates the entirety of the Municipality as a Site Plan Control Area; AND WHEREAS the Owner intends to develop lands in accordance with the Site Plan drawings attached hereto,as Attachment"C"(and hereafter referred to as the"Plans"); AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it necessary to enter into a Site Plan Agreement with Etienne and Marie-Louise Bonn. NOW THEREFORE in consideration of other good and valuable consideration and the sum of Two Dollars($2.00)of lawful money of Canada by each to the other paid(the receipt whereof is acknowledged by each), the Owner hereby covenants and agrees with the Municipality as follows: I. The Owner agrees that no building permit will be available until the Agreement has been approved by the Municipality, and further agrees that work will not commence prior to the issuance of the building permit. 2. The following Attachments, which are identified by the signatures of the parties to this Agreement, and which are attached hereto, are hereby made a part of this Agreement, as fully and to all intents and purposes as though recited in full herein: ATTACHMENT"A" - LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT LANDS By-Law 2015-043 Being a By-Law to authorize the execution of.. Page 171 of 217 ATTACHMENT"B"-CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ATTACHMENT"C"— OVERALL SITE LOCATION PLAN SERVICING AND PARKING LAYOUT PLAN(Drawing SP1) ATTACHMENT"D"—SITE GRADING PLAN(Drawing SP2) ATTACHMENT"E"—SITE DETAILS (Drawing SP3) 3. Attachment"A"hereto describes the lands affected by this Agreement. 4. Attachments "C", "D" & "E" - Overall Site Location Plan Servicing & Parking Layout Plan,Site Grading Plan and Site Details shows: a) the location and height of all buildings and structures existing and/or to be erected; b) the location of vehicular entrances and exits; c) the location and provision of off-street vehicular loading and parking spaces, including driveways for emergency vehicles; d) building finished floor elevations(if deemed necessary by the Municipality); e) all proposed structures showing setback measurements and dimensions 5. The Owner agrees that the building or buildings will be erected or developed in accordance with the Plans approved, subject only to such changes as have received advance approval. 6. The Owner agrees that the site development and servicing will be in accordance with the Plans as approved,subject only to such changes as have received advance approval. 7. The Owner further agrees that(as applicable): a) final grades and elevations will be established to the satisfaction of the Municipality. The Owner will provide proof of final grades and elevations certified by a professional land surveyor or civil engineer,prior to the final release of the Letter of Credit. b) all necessary provisions for service connections on site will be made to the satisfaction of the Municipality. c) construction work will be carried forward expeditiously in good and workmanlike manner, in accordance with good trade practice and so to cause a minimum of nuisance. d) all necessary precautions to avoid dust, noise and other nuisance and to provide for the public safety will, so far as possible,be taken and which comply with The Construction Safety Act. By-Law 2015-043 Being a By-Law to authorize the execution of.. Page 172 of 217 e) all necessary care will be taken to see that mud and soil is not tracked or spilled onto any public street, and where such tracking occurs,the street shall be cleaned at the end of each working day. f) unless otherwise provided, all parking lots and walkways will be finished with hot-mix asphalt, concrete, gravel or paving stones to the satisfaction of the Municipality and have permanent bumper curbing along all parking areas that abut the property limits. g) no topsoil shall be stockpiled on any other portion of the Owner's lands except those lands identified in Attachment"A"to this agreement;and all topsoil shall be stockpiled and maintained in a manner which allows for the maintenance of weeds; and the Municipality may go in and do the same at the Owner's expense, and collect the cost in like manner either as municipal taxes or from the Letter of Credit deposited as performance security. h) stock-piling of snow will not be allowed on the site where it will constitute a hazard to public right-of-ways. i) the electrical servicing of the property shall be subject to the approval of Hydro One. j) upon failure by the Owner to do any act during the development period herein, that the public safety or convenience requires, in accordance with this Agreement, upon seven (7) days written notice, the Municipality, in addition to any other remedy, may go in and do same at the Owner's expense, and collect the cost in like manner either as municipal taxes or from the Letter of Credit deposited as performance security. k) the Municipality may treat any breach of this Agreement as a breach of the Building By-Law, and upon twenty-four (24) hours written notice to the Owner, stop work until the breach is rectified. 1) nothing in this Agreement constitutes waiver of the owner's duty to comply with any by-law of the Municipality or any other law. 8. The Owner shall: a) be responsible for consulting with and obtaining any deemed necessary approvals from the County of Elgin for any matters that relate to County Road 43 b) be responsible for consulting with Hydro One regarding any matters that relate to services provided by Hydro One. By-Law 2015-043 Being a By-Law to authorize the execution of... Page 173 of 217 9. The Owner shall be responsible for consulting with and obtaining any necessary approval from all regulatory bodies such as,but not limited to,the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and the Ministry of the Environment as deemed necessary. 10.The Owner shall satisfy all the requirements in relation to the fire protection for the building(s)to the satisfaction of the Municipality's Fire Chief. 11.The Owner agrees to pay for damages to public property including but not limited to municipal drain, ditches, street surfaces, sidewalks, storm and sanitary sewer systems, which may occur during the period of construction. Any such repair may be undertaken by the Ministry of Transportation and/or the Municipality at the expense of the Owner, within thirty(30)days notice. 12.Any and all lighting shall be installed and maintained so as to not, in the opinion of the Municipality, interfere with the use or enjoyment of adjacent properties, or with the safe flow of traffic on abutting or adjacent streets. 13.If the Ontario Building Code requires that an Architect or Professional Engineer or both, shall be responsible for the field review of any new building or extension,provided for in this Agreement,the Owner shall not occupy or use or permit to be occupied or used, any said new building or extension,until after an Architect or Professional Engineer has given to the Municipality, a letter addressed to the Municipality, and signed by the said Architect or Professional Engineer,certifying that all construction and/or services on or in the said lands, required for this development or redevelopment, newly installed by the Owner in connection with this development or redevelopment,have been installed and/or constructed in a manner satisfactory to the Architect or Professional Engineer. 14.The Municipality, through its servants, officers and agents, including it's Chief Building Official, Fire Chief, and Municipal Engineer, may, from time to time, and at any time, enter on the premises of the Owner to inspect: a) the progress of development; b) the state of maintenance as provided for in this Agreement. 15.In the event of any servant, officer or agent of the Municipality, determining, upon inspection, that the development is not proceeding in the strict accord with the Plans and specifications filed, such servant,officer or agent shall forthwith,place a notice requiring all work to be stopped upon the premises and forward a copy, by registered mail, to the Owner at the last known address,on the last revised assessment roll, and the Owner shall forthwith correct the deficiency or deviation. 16.In the event of any servant,officer or agent of the Municipality,upon inspection,be of the opinion that the state of maintenance is not satisfactory, such servant, officer or agent By-Law 2015-043 Being a By-Law to authorize the execution of... Page 174 of 217 shall forthwith, forward notice of such opinion, by registered mail, to the Owner, at the last known address, and the Owner shall forthwith correct the deficiency or appeal to the Council of the Municipality of Bayham,as hereinafter provided. 17.In the event that the Owner should disagree with the opinion of the servant, officer or agent of the Municipality, as to the state of maintenance, such Owner shall appear before the Council of the Municipality of Bayham, which after hearing the Owner, shall express its opinion as to whether the maintenance is satisfactory, by resolution, which shall constitute a final determination of the matter. 18.In the event that the Owner shall fail to obey a stop work order issued under Section 17 hereof, the Owner recognizes the right of the Municipality to apply to the Courts for a restraining order. 19.In the event that an Owner shall fail to correct a deviation or deficiency after notice pursuant to Section 17 or after notice of an opinion, which the Council of the Municipality of Bayham determines is correct, under Section 17, the Council of the Municipality of Bayham, may by by-law, direct, on default of the matter or thing being done by the Owner, after two (2)week's notice,to it by registered mail,at the last known address of the Owner,pursuant to the last revised assessment roll of passage of such By- Law,that such matter or thing be done by the Municipality, at the expense of the Owner, which expense may be recoverable by action as municipal taxes, or from the Letter of Credit deposited as performance security. 20.Unless otherwise authorized,in the event of the Owner wishing to change at any time,the buildings, structures or facilities described in Attachment"C",it shall make application to the Council of the Municipality of Bayham,for approval, and shall not proceed with such change until approval is given by such Council, or in default by The Ontario Municipal Board,under the procedure set out in Section 41 of The Planning Act, 1990,herein before referred to. 21.The Owner agrees to pay to the Municipality all administration costs incurred in connection with this Agreement, and the fulfillment of this Agreement, including legal, engineering and inspection costs. 22.LIABILITY INSURANCE Before commencing any of the work provided for herein, the Owner shall supply the Municipality with a Liability Insurance policy in the amount of $2,000,000 per occurrence, and in a form satisfactory to the Municipality,indemnifying the Municipality from any loss arising from claims for damages,injury or otherwise,in connection with the work done by or on behalf of the owner of the development. The said policy shall be provided at the time of the signing of the Agreement and remain in force, until the By-Law 2015-043 Being a By-Law to authorize the execution of.. Page 175 of 217 development is complete and all required documentation as per Article 15 has been filed with the Municipality. 23. 24.PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE The Owner hereby defines the completion date of this Agreement and project to be completed on or before April 16,2016. It will be the Owner's responsibility to require,in writing, an extension to this agreement/project, within sixty(60)days of the above stated completion date,should an extension be required. As security for the performance and completion of all works required by this agreement, the Owner shall supply the Municipality with a Letter of Credit, equal to $ nil . The Letter of Credit will be based on the estimated cost of alterations to public property, roadway, curbs and gutters and drains, and any repairs for damages to public property,roadway, sidewalks, curbs and gutters and drains,plus all site specific components as defined by the Site Plans and Site Servicing Plans, Attachment"C", which are approved under this Agreement. The amount of the Letter of Credit shall be established by the Municipality. The irrevocable Letter of Credit from a Chartered Bank expressed to be pursuant to this Agreement and payable to the Municipality at any time or in part, from time to time, upon written notice from the Municipality, shall be provided at the time of signing of this Agreement, and shall remain in force,until Twelve(12)months following the completion of this project. 25.This Agreement and the provisions thereof, do not give to the Owner or any person acquiring any interest in the said lands any rights against the Municipality with respect to the failure of the Owner to perform or fully perform any of its obligations under this Agreement or any negligence of the Owner in its performance of the said obligations. 26.In the event that no construction on the said lands has commenced within one (1) year from the date of registration of this Agreement the Municipality may,at its option,on one month's notice to the owner, declare this Agreement to be subject to re-negotiation, whereupon the Owner agrees that it will not undertake any construction on the said lands until this Agreement has been re-negotiated. 27. The Owner agrees that it will not call into question, directly or indirectly in any proceeding whatsoever in law or in equity or before any administrative tribunal the right of the Municipality to enter into this Agreement and to enforce each and every term, covenant and condition herein contained and this Agreement may be pleaded as an estoppels against the Owner in any case. 28.The Owner agrees on behalf of themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns,to save harmless and indemnify the Municipality, from all losses,damages,costs, By-Law 2015-043 Being a By-Law to authorize the execution of... Page 176 of 217 charges and expenses which may be claimed or recovered against the Municipality by any person or persons arising either directly or indirectly as a result of any action taken by the Owner,pursuant to this Agreement. 29.All facilities and matters required by this Agreement shall be provided and maintained by the Owner at its sole risk and expense to the satisfaction of the Municipality and in accordance with the standards determined by the Municipality and in default thereof, and without limiting other remedies available to the Municipality, the provisions of Section 326 of The Municipal Act,R.S.O. 1990,shall apply. 30.This Agreement shall be registered at the expense of the Owner,against the land to which it applies, and the Municipality shall be entitled, subject to the provisions of The Registry Act, to enforce its provisions against the Owner, named herein, and any and all subsequent Owners of the land. 31.A Certification of Compliance attached hereto as Attachment "B", shall be filed by the Owner, following completion of the development to ensure all details of the Site Plan Agreement have been complied with. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have hereupon, affixed their Corporate Seal, and duly attested to by their authorized signing officers in that behalf. We have the authority to bind the Corporation. Witness Etienne Borm Witness Marie-Louise Borm THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Paul Ens,Mayor Lynda Millard,Clerk By-Law 2015-043 Being a By-Law to authorize the execution of... Page 177 of 217 ATTACHMENT'A' Property Assessment Roll No.: 34-01-000-007-00200 Municipal Address: 7288 Richmond Road Legal Property Description: Concession 4 Part Lot 1 RP 11R6372 Parts 1 and 2 RP 1189081 Part 1,Municipality of Bayham,County of Elgin PIN# By-Law 2015-043 Being a By-Law to authorize the execution of... Page 178 of 217 ATTACHMENT`B' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE To be completed and submitted to the Municipality once all works are complete. PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION: Municipal Address: 7288 Richmond Road Property Roll#: 34-01-000-007-00200 Owner(s): Etienne and Marie-Louise Bonn This document serves to certify that the development project on the above noted lands has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Site Plan Agreement By-law No. DATED: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE DECLARATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT. I have the authority to bind the Corporation. Witness Etienne Borm Marie-Louise Bonn Address: Phone Number By-Law 2015-043 Being a By-Law to authorize the execution of.. Page 179 of 217 x $11/ '.17f317s !s s ill di 4 ;IP/1 11, il :is::t 1 11 ill f(47 ilg i • zi a'-' ap I!IiIIi ! ! IIiIiI °o 0 0 o e ` §i1 A d °.1 u , 1 1 F11 fix it Il10 I ! 1 . 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SP 6 00 Al C ETIPMECrJAG .......rm.n O N , y 3 m THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NUMBER 2015-044 BEING ABY-LAW TO ESTABLISH AND REGULATE A FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WHEREAS the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, permits Council to enact a by-law to establish and regulate a Fire Department; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, provides that a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, provides that Sections 8 and 11 shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on municipalities to (a)enable municipalities to govern their affairs as they consider appropriate and (b)enhance their ability to respond to municipal issues; AND WHEREAS the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, requires every municipality to establish a program in the municipality which must include public education with respect to fire safety and certain components of fire prevention and to provide such other Fire Protection Services as it determines may be necessary in accordance with its needs and circumstances; AND WHEREAS the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, requires a municipality that establishes a Fire Department to appoint a Fire Chief; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS A BY-LAW AS FOLLOWS: By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 183 of 217 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NUMBER 2015-044 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH AND REGULATE A FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WHEREAS the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, permits Council to enact a by-law to establish and regulate a Fire Department; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, provides that a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, provides that Sections 8 and 11 shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on municipalities to(a)enable municipalities to govern their affairs as they consider appropriate and (b)enhance their ability to respond to municipal issues; AND WHEREAS the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, requires every municipality to establish a program in the municipality which must include public education with respect to fire safety and certain components of fire prevention and to provide such other Fire Protection Services as it determines may be necessary in accordance with its needs and circumstances; AND WHEREAS the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, requires a municipality that establishes a Fire Department to appoint a Fire Chief; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS A BY-LAW AS FOLLOWS: By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 184 of 217 SHORT TITLE This by-law may be cited as the"Bayham Fire& Emergency Services By-law" Section 1-Definitions For the purpose of this By-law: 1.1 "Apparatus"shall mean any vehicle, tool, object or thing used by the Fire Department to assist with accessing, controlling or making safe incidents; 1.2 "Approved" shall mean approved by Council; 1.3 "Chief Administrative Officer"shall mean the Chief Administrative Officer(CAO)of the Corporation the Municipality of Bayham; 1.4 "Collective Agreement" shall mean the contractual agreement in place governing the employment conditions between those members designated as included in the bargaining unit and the Municipality; 1.5 "Council"shall mean the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham; 1.6 "Deputy Fire Chief' shall mean the Deputy Fire Chief of the Municipality of Bayham Fire Department, as may be appointed by Council; 1.7 "Fire Chief' shall mean the Fire Chief of the Municipality of Bayham Fire Department or his designate, as appointed by Council; 1.8 "Fire Department" shall mean the Municipality of Bayham Fire Department; 1.9 "Fire Protection Services" shall include, but not be limited to fire suppression,fire prevention,fire safety education, communications, training of persons involved in the provision of fire protection services, rescue and emergency services, and the delivery of those services; 1.10 "Highway" shall mean a highway within the meaning of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended and Highway Traffic Act R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER H.8, as amended. 1 11 "Head of Council" shall be the person elected by general vote, in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, or shall be appointed by the members of council; By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 185 of 217 1 12 "Incident"shall mean any event that requires the attendance of the Fire Department that: a) is immediately threatening to life, health, property or environment; b) has already caused loss of life, health detriments, property damage or environmental damage; or c) has a high probability of escalating to cause immediate danger to life, health, property or environment. 1.13 "Member" shall mean any person employed in, or appointed to the Fire Department and assigned to undertake fire protection services and shall include officers, probationary firefighters and administrative persons; 1.14 "Motor vehicle"shall mean an automobile, a motorcycle, a motor-assisted bicycle unless otherwise indicated in this Act, and any other vehicle propelled or driven otherwise than by muscular power, but does not include a street car or other motor vehicle running only upon rails, a power-assisted bicycle, a motorized snow vehicle, a traction engine, a farm tractor, a self-propelled implement of husbandry or a road-building machine; 1.15 "Municipal Law Enforcement Officer" shall mean a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer appointed to enforce the by-laws of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham; 1.16 "Officer" shall include the Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief, Fire Prevention Officer and all Captains and Acting Captains; 1.17 "Owner" shall mean any person or persons identified by the most current Municipal Assessment Roll as being the owner of the property or the owner of a piece of property; 1 18 "Part-Time Firefighter" shall mean a Member who provides fire protection services either voluntarily or for a nominal consideration, honorarium, training or activity allowance; 1 19 "Person"shall include an individual, a sole proprietorship, a partnership, an unincorporated association, a trust, a body corporate or a natural person; 1.20 "Police Officer"shall mean a Police Constable of the Ontario Provincial Police or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police; 1.21 "Property"shall mean a parcel of land which is shown as a lot or block on a registered plan of subdivision or described in a transfer/deed of land of legal effect registered in the Land Registry Office and includes any part of a building, structure, mobile building or mobile structure on the Property or By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 186 of 217 any item owned by a person. Property shall mean personal and real property. Section 2-Establishment 2.1 A Fire Department for the Municipality, to be known as the Municipality of Bayham Fire Department, is hereby established and the head of the Department shall be known as the Fire Chief and shall provide the fire protection services as outlined in Appendix'A' attached hereto. Section 3-Composition 3.1 The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department shall consist of the Fire Chief, and may consist of Deputy Fire Chief, Officers, and such other number of Members as may be deemed necessary by Council to provide fire protection services, as per the organizational chart attached hereto as Appendix Section 4-Employment 4.1 The Fire Chief may hire any qualified person as a Member of the Fire Department, subject to the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, and the hiring policies and procedures of the Municipality. 4.2 A Person appointed as a Member of the Fire Department shall be on probation for a period of twelve (12) months, during which period he shall take such training and examinations as may be deemed necessary by the Fire Chief. 4.3 A Member on probation that fails such examinations, or is found to be unsatisfactory during the probationary period, as outlined in Section 4.2 of this by-law, may be discharged from the Fire Department by the CAO without cause upon recommendation by the Fire Chief, subject to terms of any applicable collective agreements. 4.4 Subject to the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, the remuneration and other terms and conditions of employment or appointment of the Members that comprise the Fire Department shall be determined by Council in accordance with policies and programs established or approved by Council, including applicable collective agreements. 4.5 The Fire Chief may, in writing, reprimand, suspend or recommend termination, subject to terms of any applicable collective agreement, of any Member to the CAO for an infraction of any provisions of this By-law, By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 187 of 217 policies, general orders and Fire Department rules that, in the opinion of the Fire Chief, would be detrimental to the discipline or the efficiency of the Fire Department. 4.6 The procedures for termination of employment prescribed in the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, shall apply to all Members of the Fire Department, subject to terms of any applicable collective agreements. 4.7 A Member shall not be terminated without an opportunity for a review of termination, subject to terms of any applicable collective agreements, if they make a written request for such a review within seven (7) days after receiving notification of the proposed dismissal. A person appointed by the CAO who is not a Member of the Fire Department shall conduct the review within ten (10)days of the submission of written request. 4.8 If a medical practitioner licensed in the Province of Ontario finds a Member is physically unfit to perform assigned duties (Presumptuous Legislation) and such condition is attributed to, and a result of employment in the Fire Department, and such claim is approved by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, then the provisions of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997. S.O. 1997, C. 16. Schedule A, as amended, shall apply as well as any supplementary benefits that may be provided by the Municipality of Bayham that are approved by Council. 4.9 A Member shall maintain a minimum of 70% attendance to required training and 50% attendance to incidents subject to individual requests for variance due to personal circumstances. Failure to maintain the aforementioned attendance rates over a rolling six(6) month average shall result in termination. 4.10 A Member that fails to report for any emergency calls or training for a period of three (3)consecutive months is deemed to be terminated. 4.11 Members shall conduct themselves in accordance with rules and regulations of the Fire Department, established pursuant to Schedule 'C' attached hereto, and shall give their whole and undivided attention, while on duty, to the efficient operation of the Fire Department and shall diligently and faithfully perform the duties assigned to them to the best of their ability. 4.12 Working conditions, remuneration and other terms of conditions of employment or appointment of the Officers and Members shall be determined by the Council as outlined in Schedule'D' By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 188 of 217 4.13 Members of the fire department will be supplied with green lights for use in responding to emergencies as defined by the Ontario Highway Traffic Act. These lights will remain the property of the Municipality of Bayham and will be returned by the member up on termination or retirement. The program will supply new members with one light and will replace any one existing unit only upon failure. 4.14 The Municipality of Bayham recommends that all members obtain their HEP shots and maintain the appropriate level of protection during their tenure as firefighters. Upon submission of a receipt for required shots, the Municipality will reimburse a member for any out of pocket expenses required to meet the recommendation. Section 5-Delegation of Authority 5.1 Unless otherwise indicated, the execution of duties, responsibilities and authority of this By-law is assigned by Council to the Fire Chief who may delegate the performance of any and all of his functions under this By-law from time to time as occasion requires. 5.2 The Deputy Fire Chief shall be the second ranking officer of the Fire Department and shall be subject to and shall obey all orders of the Fire Chief and shall perform such duties as are assigned to him by the Fire Chief and shall automatically be delegated authority to act on behalf of the Fire Chief in case of injury, absence, vacancy or inability to act in the office of the Fire Chief. 5.3 Where the Fire Chief designates a Member to act in the place of an Officer in the Fire Department, such Member, when acting, has all the powers and shall perform all duties of the Officer replaced. 5.4 The Members and administrative support staff of the Fire Department while on duty shall be under the direction and control of the Fire Chief or the next ranking Officer present in any place. Section 6-Core Services 6.1 The core services of the Fire Department shall be those contained in Schedule "A", attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 6.2 Nothing in this By-law shall restrict the Fire Department to provide only core services or limit the provision of Fire Protection Services. By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 189 of 217 Section 7-Fire Department Divisions 7.1 The Fire Department shall be organized into Divisions such as Administration, Emergency Operations, Support Services, Communications, Training, Fire Prevention and Public Education. 7.2 Each Division of the Fire Department is the responsibility of the Fire Chief and is under the direction of the Fire Chief or a Member designated by the Fire Chief. Designated Members shall report to the Fire Chief about Divisions and activities under their supervision and shall carry out all orders of the Fire Chief. 7.3 The Fire Chief may assign or re-assign such Members to a Division to assist him in the administration and operation of that Division. 7.4 The Fire Chief, with prior approval of the CAO, may establish, re-organize and/or eliminate Divisions as may be required to ensure the proper administration and efficient operation of the Fire Department and the effective management of Fire Protection Services for the Municipality. Section 8-Authority of the Fire Chief 8.1 The Fire Chief shall have all powers, rights, and duties assigned to a Fire Chief under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, including, without limitation,the authority to enforce compliance with Ontario Regulation 213/07-the Fire Code. 8.2 The Fire Chief shall be ultimately responsible to Council, through the CAO, for proper administration and operation of the Fire Department including the delivery of Fire Protection Services. 8.3 The Fire Chief shall be a fully contributing member of the Municipality's Senior Management Team reporting to the CAO and shall perform the duties of an Emergency Control Group member, including being Community Emergency Management Coordinator(CEMC)as required. 8.4 The Fire Chief shall be authorized to make such general orders, policies, procedures, rules and regulations for the proper administration and efficient operation of the Fire Department and the effective management of Fire Protection Services for the Municipality and without restricting the generality of the foregoing; a) For the care and protection of all property belonging to the Fire Department; By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 190 of 217 b) For arranging for the provision and allotment of strategic staffing and proper facilities, apparatus, equipment, materials, services and supplies for the Fire Department; c) For arranging and implementation of automatic aid, mutual aid and other negotiated fire protection and emergency service agreements within the Municipality's borders and/or within the municipal borders of adjoining municipalities, subject to approval by Council; d) For determining and establishing the qualifications and criteria for employment or appointment and the duties of all Members and administrative support staff of the Fire Department; e) For the conduct and the discipline, subject to terms of any applicable collective agreements, of Members and administrative support staff of the Fire Department; f) For reporting to the appropriate crown attorney or other prosecutor or law enforcement officer the facts upon the evidence in any case in which there is reason to believe that a incident has been the result of criminal intent or negligence or in which there is reason to believe an offence has been committed under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended; g) For keeping an accurate record, in an accessible form for reference, of all incidents responded to by the Fire Department and reporting of same to the Office of the Fire Marshal of Ontario; h) For keeping such other records as may be required by the Municipality and the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended; i) For preparing and presenting the annual estimates of the Fire Department to Council and for exercising control over the budget approved by Council for the Fire Department. 8.5 The Fire Chief shall periodically review all policies, orders, rules, operating procedures and guidelines of the Fire Department and may establish an advisory committee of such Members of the Fire Department as the Fire Chief may determine from time to time to assist in these duties. 8.6 The Fire Chief may liaise with the Office of the Fire Marshal of Ontario and any other office or organization (local, regional, provincial or federal)as required by Council or as considered necessary or advisable by the Fire Chief for the proper administration and efficient operation of the Fire Department and the effective management of Fire Protection Services for the Municipality. Section 9-Authority of the Fire Chief—At Incidents 9.1 The Fire Chief shall take all proper measures for the prevention, control and extinguishment of fires and the protection of life and property at all incidents and shall exercise all powers mandated by the Fire Protection By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 191 of 217 and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended, and the Fire Chief shall: a) have command at incidents over all Members of the Fire Department and all other persons who may be present and may direct the extinguishment of the fire or other incident and the protection of life and property; b) suppress any fire or other hazardous condition by extinguishing it or by other reasonable action and, for this purpose, may enter private property, if necessary, to do so; c) investigate or cause to be investigated incidents and report to the Office of the Fire Marshal of Ontario as required by the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.4, as amended; d) be empowered to authorize pulling down or demolishing any building or structure to prevent the spread of fire; e) take all necessary actions which may include boarding up or barricading of buildings or property to guard against fire or other damage, risk or accident,when unable to contact the property owner; f) request other appropriate persons or agencies present at an incident to assist in extinguishing fires, pulling down or demolishing buildings or structures to prevent the spread of fire, initiate crowd and traffic control or suppression of fires or other hazardous conditions in other reasonable ways. Section 10-Conduct at Incidents 10.1 The Fire Chief and all other Members of the Fire Department shall protect and guard all property entrusted to their care and the Fire Chief and all Members, insofar as lies in their power, shall take proper measures to protect all Members of the Fire Department from accident, injury or death as a result of duty. 10.2 During an incident and for the time after it has been extinguished and/or attended to by the Fire Department, and the time required to remove the apparatus and equipment of the Fire Department and render the location and vicinity safe from incident, no person shall park, stop or stand a motor vehicle on any highway within two-hundred (200)metres of: a) the scene of an incident or apparent incident; or b) a vehicle involved in an incident. 10.3 Subsection 10.2 of this By-law shall not apply to a person who is at the scene of an incident at the request or direction of a Police Officer, a Member of the Fire Department, a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer or a person involved in the incident. By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 192 of 217 10.4 No person shall drive any vehicle over a fire hose except on the specific order from a member of the Fire Department. Section 11-Refusal to Leave 11.1 No person present at an incident shall refuse to leave the immediate vicinity of two-hundred (200) metres of the incident when required to do so by a Member of the Fire Department or a Police Officer. Section 12-Emergency Responses outside the Limits of the Municipality 12.1 The Fire Department shall not respond to a call with respect to an incident outside the limits of the Municipality except with respect to an incident; a) that in the opinion of the Fire Chief threatens property in the Municipality or property situated outside the Municipality that is owned or occupied by the Municipality; b) in a municipality with which an agreement has been entered into to provide fire protection services, c) on property with respect to which an agreement has been entered into with any person to provide Fire Protection Services; d) at the discretion of the Fire Chief to a municipality authorized to participate in a Mutual Aid plan established by a fire coordinator appointed by the Ontario Fire Marshal, emergency fire service plan and program or any other organized plan or program on a reciprocal basis; e) on those highways that are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transportation or other agency within the Municipality; f) on property beyond the Municipal boundary where the Fire Chief or his designate determines that immediate action is necessary to preserve and protect life and/or property and the correct department is notified to respond and/or assumes command or establishes alternative measures acceptable to the Fire Chief or designate; g) due to a request for special assistance as required through a declaration of a provincial or federal emergency and such request has been approved by the Fire Chief, the CAO and the Head of Council. Section 13-Property 13.1 No person shall use or remove any apparatus, equipment or other property of the Fire Department for any personal or private use without the express written permission of the Fire Chief. 13.2 No person shall willfully damage or render ineffective or inoperative any apparatus, equipment or other property belonging to or used by the Fire Department. By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 193 of 217 Section 14- Fire Alarm 14.1 No person shall prevent, obstruct, or interfere in any manner whatsoever with the communication of a fire alarm to a Member of the Fire Department or with a Member of the Fire Department responding to a fire alarm that has been activated. Section 15-Interference 15.1 No person shall impede, obstructor interfere with or hinder a Member of the Fire Department in the performance of his duties. Section 16-Recovery of Costs-Additional Expenses 16.1 The Fire Chief may require occupants, owners or persons within or outside the municipality to pay costs or fees for incident response or other administrative services provided to them. Invoicing for response services or recovery of fees shall be conducted in accordance with the Municipal Rates and Fees By-law as amended from time to time. 16.2 If as a result of a Fire Department response to an incident, the Fire Chief determines that it is necessary to incur additional expenses, retain a private contractor, rent special equipment not normally carried on a fire apparatus or use more materials than are carried on a fire apparatus in order to suppress or extinguish a fire, preserve property, prevent a fire from spreading, control and eliminate an incident, or prevent damage to equipment owned by or contracted to the Municipality, assist in or otherwise conduct incident investigation or determination or otherwise carry out the duties and functions of the Fire Department and/or to generally make"safe"an incident or property, the owner of the property requiring or causing the need for the additional service or expense shall be charged the full costs to provide the additional service including all applicable taxes. Section 17-Notice 17.1 Notice given to the Fire Chief pursuant to Section 4.7 of this by-law shall be sent to: Fire Chief Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 194 of 217 17.2 Any notice or request made by the Fire Chief, pursuant to this By-law, shall be given and is effective: (a)on the date on which a copy is hand delivered to the person to whom it is addressed; (b)on the fifth (5th)day after a copy is sent by registered mail to the person's last known address. 17.3 Every person served with a notice under this by-law shall comply with such notice within the time provided by such notice. Section 18-Enforcement 18.1 A Member of the Fire Department, a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer appointed by Municipality of Bayham By-law, a Police Officer, person authorized by Council or an assigned individual with the responsibility for enforcing and administering this By-law shall be responsible for the enforcement of this By-law. Section 19-Infraction and Penalties 19.1 Any person who violates any provisions of this By-law is, upon conviction, guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine, subject to the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.33, as amended. 19.2 The conviction of a person for the contravention of any provision of this by- law shall not operate as a bar to the prosecution against the same person for any subsequent contravention of this by-law. 19.3 If this by-law is contravened and a conviction entered into, the court in which the conviction has been entered and any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter may make an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence by the person convicted. Section 20-Administration 20.1 Unless otherwise indicated, the administration of this By-law is assigned to the Fire Chief who may delegate the performance of his functions under this By-law from time to time as occasion requires. 20.2 In this By-law, unless the contrary intention is indicated, words used in the singular shall include the plural and words used in the male gender shall include the female gender or vice versa, where applicable. 20.3 If there is a conflict between a provision in this By-law and a provision of any other Municipal By-law, the provision that establishes the highest By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 195 of 217 standard to protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public shall apply. 20.4 Appendix'A' attached hereto shall form part of this by-law. 20.5 If a court of competent jurisdiction should declare any section or part of a section of this By-law to be invalid, such section or part of a section shall not be construed as having persuaded or influenced Council to pass the remainder of this By-law and it is hereby declared that the remainder of this By-law shall be valid and shall remain in force. 20.6 That By-law 2012-031, as amended, be repealed in its entirety. 20.7 This By-law shall come into full force and effect on the date of its passing by Council. READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD TIME and finally passed this 16th day of April,2015. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 196 of 217 By-law No. 2015-044 SCHEDULE 'A' APPROVED DELIVERY OF CORE SERVICES YES Service approved by Council - Presently trained, equipped, and providing service Service not approved by Council LLS Limited Level of Service approved by Council Purpose: To provide a summary of the core services that The Bayham Fire Department provides. Emergency Response: 1 Basic Firefighting-no expected rescue component I YES 2 Structural Firefighting–Including Rescue YE$-1 3 Vehicle Firefighting YLS-1 4 Wildland Firefighting 5 Marine Firefighting–Shore Based YES7 6 Automatic/Mutual Aid–Per Council Approval VST 8 Tiered Medical Response – Per Agreement between Thames EMS, London CACC and Bayham Council 9 Hazardous Materials Response–Awareness Level 10 Hazardous Materials Response–Operations Level 11 Hazardous Materials Response -Technician Level C 12 Vehicle Accidents including Extrication 14 Transportation Incidents including Aircraft,Trains and Watercraft 'rE 15 Water and Ice Rescue–Awareness Level 16 Water and Ice Rescue–Operations Level(Shore Base) 17 Water and Ice Rescue–Technician Level(Water Entry) 18 Other Public Assistance 19 Ambulance Assistance 20 Police Assistance 21 Public Utilities Assistance 23 Urban Search and Rescue 24 Rope Rescue–Awareness Level F` 25 Rope Rescue–Operations Level 26 Rope Rescue–Technician Level 27 Confined Space Rescue/Farm and Silo Rescue LLS By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 197 of 217 Fire Prevention and Education: 1 Complete Inspection on Complaint or Request 2 Complete Routine Inspections CSC 3 Issue/Revoke Burn Permits 4 Prepare Reports and Written Responses to Inspections yE , 5 Develop, Deliver and Maintain a Smoke Alarm Program 6 Provide Public Education Programs PEST 7 Provide Media Releases and Media Access C•'- ] 8 Liaise with Municipal Departments to Ensure Code Compliance YES] Develop, Deliver and Maintain Educational Programs Unique to the 9 Needs of the Municipality of Bayham VE., 10 Develop and Maintain a Residential Home Inspection Program 1--1/TS-1 Fire Investigation: 1 Determine Fire Cause and Origin for all Fires , YES', I 2 Determine Fire Code Compliance YES7 ] 3 Determine Fire Suppression Effectiveness LYES] 4 Liaison with Ontario Fire Marshal Investigators YES—I 5 Liaison with Law Enforcement and Other Agencies YES7 6 Support Criminal Prosecutions C 7 Prepare for and Testify in Legal Proceedings YES By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 198 of 217 t:ci ry lu © cn O coCO cm m w Cayham t"Pa Mayor and Council , o I CD I Cao 1 I I ii, `'= C. CD SID 7 [Deputy Fire Chief IIIIII iY }` . .----, . .c—i---' I — f 1 1 1 , Captain Captain Captain Captain Captain Captain Captain Captain Auxiliary FF•s I I [4irefirrr IT in f,ii:rf;i A Frr.lrght yrs (4 Frr.frg'.1•;-� 4'irr;rpi:•..+r: F4 Fr Cir''tr.,s i i1 F,�ti,L,'t.:r" re r i�ii:1. 1 IE I f trq CD o SCHEDULE 'B' to By-law 2015-044 N SCHEDULE"C" TO BY-LAW#2015-044 JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND MISSION STATEMENT C-1 District Chief C-2 Captain C-3 Chief Prevention Officer C-4 Chief Training Officer C-5 Fire Fighter C-6 Auxiliary Fire Fighter C-7 Mission Statement r'._Y By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 200 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-1" MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Job description DISTRICT CHIEF GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: The District Chief reports directly to the Fire Chief and is in charge of firefighting and station administration in a supervisory role under the overall direction of the Fire Chief. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE RANK: This is supervisory work involving responsibility for performing and directing work at the strategic or tactical level at an emergency scene or around the fire station. The work is done in accordance with established policies and requires the exercise of good judgment in emergency situations. This person is also responsible to oversee station operations and is to maintain discipline within the fire station ranks. The above work is performed under the direction of the Fire Chief and all policy matters are referred to the Fire Chief. The District Chief has a high degree of responsibility for the protection of lives and property and is responsible to ensure all work is carried out in a safe manner. EXAMPLES OF WORK: • Responds to all alarms of emergency and may assume command of the scene. • Supervises the fire ground to ensure that the officers and fire fighters operate in a safe manner consistent with established procedures and accepted firefighting methods • Determines causes of fires in conjunction with other officers and ensures that the necessary forms are completed • Advises the Fire Chief of any changes in procedures or methods necessary to maintain or increase the firefighting efficiency a Advises the Fire Chief of any repairs necessary to maintain the vehicles, equipment and stations • Maintains discipline and morale of the volunteers in the firefighting ranks • Maintains a performance appraisal system, conducts regular reviews of all staff and recommends personnel for promotion By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 201 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-9" cont'd • Ensures that the station and equipment is maintained and kept in good repair REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILL AND ABILITIES: • The District Chief shall ensure that all records for firefighters, equipment and incidents are maintained and updated in FirePro. • Ensure all policies and procedures, including Standard Operating Guidelines are adhered to by all members of the station. • In order to be considered for promotion to District Chief a candidate must have attained the certification of NFPA Fire Officer Level II. This policy only comes into effect May 31, 2012 and is not retroactive. • Any other duties as assigned by the Fire Chief ATTENDANCE: The District Chief must meet the Fire Department minimum attendance requirements. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Recommend at least five(5)years satisfactory experience as an officer and have received additional training at the Ontario Fire College, regional fire schools or educational seminars. WORKING CONDITIONS: The District Chief will be expected to respond and work in all types of weather and less than ideal conditions. He/she could have to enter hazardous atmospheres and areas and will be expected to work in a safe manner. The District Chief shall work scheduled administrative hours as approved by the Fire Chief to ensure all paperwork and documentation in FirePro is completed and accurate. By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 202 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-2" MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Job Description CAPTAIN GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: The Captain reports to the District Chief and has responsible charge of firefighters in his/her company. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE RANK: This is supervisory work involving responsibility for performing and directing work at the task level at an emergency scene or around the fire station. The work is done in accordance with established policies and requires the exercise of good judgment in emergency situations. The Captain responds to emergency calls assigned to his/her company,will act as a sector officer and may assume command until relieved by a senior officer. Captains are required to coach firefighters in their companies to ensure appropriate attendance levels at training and emergency calls. EXAMPLES OF WORK: • Responds to alarms assigned to his/her station • Operates as a sector officer at the task level in the IMS system • Assigns personnel to lay out and connect hose lines and nozzles, turn water on and off, direct hose streams, raise ladders, ventilate buildings, perform salvage, perform rescue operations, stabilize hazardous materials scenes and any other life and property saving functions which the station may be involved in, within one's own capabilities • Supervises the cleaning, checking and replacement of tools and equipment after an emergency • Supervises the work of the fire fighters to ensure that it is done safely and in accordance with established procedures • Inspects equipment, grounds and station to insure proper order and conditions • Reports deficiencies to the District Chief • Maintains discipline • Trains and drills fire fighters • Provides a record of training activities to the Chief Training Officer By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 203 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-2" cont'd • Meets on a regular basis with the Fire Chief, Deputy Chief and District Chief to discuss the overall operation of the station • Any other duties as assigned by District Chief REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILL AND ABILITIES: • Good knowledge of modern firefighting and fire prevention methods • Good knowledge of the municipality and surrounding areas protected by agreement • Good knowledge of the type of buildings in his/her assigned area • Good knowledge of rescue and first aid procedures • Good knowledge of safety procedures, rules and equipment • Must have the ability to supervise fire fighters, maintain discipline, have sound judgment, be resourceful and in good physical condition • In order to be considered for promotion to Captain a candidate must have attained the certification of NFPA Fire Officer Level I and be willing to become certified to Fire Officer Level II within three years of being promoted. NFPA Fire Service Instructor Level I is desired. ACCEPTABLE TRAINING: The Captain must meet the Fire Department minimum attendance requirements. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Recommend five (5)years satisfactory experience as a fire fighter and have received additional training at regional fire schools or educational seminars. WORKING CONDITIONS: The Captain will be expected to respond and work in all types of weather and less than ideal conditions. He/she could have to enter hazardous atmospheres and areas and will be expected to work in a safe manner. By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 204 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-3" MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Job Description CHIEF FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: The Chief Fire Prevention Officer is in charge of the fire prevention division under the direction of the Fire Chief and reports to the Fire Chief monthly. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE RANK: The rank holds the responsibility for coordinating and directing the activities of the fire prevention and education division of the department. This person is also responsible for providing fire prevention training to other members of the station. The above work is performed under the direction of the Fire Chief and all policy matters are referred to the Fire Chief. This position has a high degree of responsibility for the prevention of loss of lives and property in the municipality. EXAMPLES OF WORK: Assists the Fire Chief to: • Conduct fire prevention inspections of premises • Enforce fire prevention by-laws in consultation with the Fire Chief • Examine building plans • Make presentations to the public on fire prevention and education • Develop and implement an in-service fire prevention inspection program • Receive, process and follow up reports of fire prevention inspections conducted by firefighting companies Also to perform the following: • Comment on site plans, re-zonings, subdivision agreements and new buildings as requested • Determine causes of fires in conjunction with other officers and ensures that the necessary forms are completed • Advise the Deputy Fire Chief of any changes in procedures or methods necessary to maintain or improve the fire prevention programs of the department • Meet regularly with the officers and Fire Chief to assist in developing and maintaining a progressive and efficient training program • Any other duties as assigned by the Fire Chief By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 205 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-3" cont'd REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILL AND ABILITIES: • Good knowledge of modern firefighting and fire prevention methods • Good knowledge of the municipality and surrounding areas protected by agreement • Good knowledge of the type of buildings in the municipality • Will maintain all inspection and education records in FirePro • Will enforce the Ontario Fire Code when required • In order to be considered for promotion to Chief Fire Prevention Officer a candidate must have attained the certification of Ontario Fire College Company Officer Level I and be willing to become an Ontario Fire College Certified Fire Prevention Officer within five years of being promoted. This policy only comes into effect May 31, 2012 and is not retroactive. ACCEPTABLE TRAINING: The Fire Prevention Officer must meet the Fire Department minimum attendance requirements.. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Recommend having at least five (5)years satisfactory experience as a fire fighter and have received additional Fire Prevention Officer training at the Ontario Fire College, regional fire schools or educational seminars. NFPA 1031 Fire Inspector is desired. The Chief Fire Prevention Officer shall work scheduled administrative hours as approved by the Fire Chief to ensure all paperwork and documentation in FirePro is completed and accurate. By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 206 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-4" MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Job Description CHIEF TRAINING OFFICER GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: The Chief Training Officer is in charge of the fire training division under the direction of the Fire Chief and will report to the Fire Chief on training activities monthly to ensure quality training is being performed. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE RANK: This rank holds the responsibility for coordinating and directing the activities of the fire training division and all trainer facilitators in the department. The above work is performed under the direction of the Fire Chief and all policy matters are referred to the Fire Chief. This position has a high degree of responsibility for the training of fire department members. EXAMPLES OF WORK: • Meets regularly with the officers and District Chief to assist in developing and maintaining a progressive and efficient training program • Develops and implements an in-service fire training program • Receives, processes and follows up reports of fire training activities conducted by firefighting stations • Advises the Fire Chief of any changes in procedures or methods necessary to maintain or improve the fire training programs of the station • Attends all major emergencies • Attends all post-emergency evaluations • Involved in all major pre-emergency planning • Maintains all training and related personnel records in FirePro • Any other duties as assigned by Fire Chief By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 207 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-4" cont'd REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILL AND ABILITIES: • Must have a sound basis in the principles of training and education • Good knowledge of modern firefighting and fire prevention methods • Good knowledge of the municipality and surrounding areas protected by agreement • Good knowledge of the type of buildings in the municipality • Good knowledge of rescue and first aid procedures • Good knowledge of safety procedures, rules and equipment • Must have the ability to supervise fire fighters, maintain discipline, have sound judgment, be resourceful and in good physical condition • In order to be considered for promotion to Chief Training Officer a candidate must have attained the certification of NFPA Fire Officer Level I and be willing to become an NFPA Fire Service Instructor Level II within five years of being promoted. This policy only comes into effect May 31, 2012 and is not retroactive. ACCEPTABLE TRAINING: The Chief Training Officer must meet the Fire Department minimum attendance requirements. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Recommended at least five(5)years satisfactory experience as an officer and have received additional training at the Ontario Fire College, regional fire schools or educational seminars. NFPA Fire Service Instructor Level II is desirable. WORKING CONDITIONS: The training officer will be expected to respond and work in all types of weather and less than ideal conditions. He/she could have to enter hazardous atmospheres and areas and will be expected to work in a safe manner. The Chief Training Officer shall work scheduled administrative hours as approved by the Fire Chief to ensure all paperwork and documentation in FirePro is completed and accurate. By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 208 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-5" MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Job Description FIRE FIGHTER GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: Performs firefighting duties and other related work as required. Fire Fighters are to report to their assigned Captain. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE RANK: This is manual work of a hazardous nature involving the fighting of fires, salvage, rescue work and some first aid generally under the direct supervision of superior officers. Regular training and some maintenance work on the fire station and vehicles are required. Fire fighters may be required to make decisions and work without supervision until an officer arrives at the scene. EXAMPLES OF WORK: • Responds to fire, rescue, hazardous materials emergencies and other emergencies assigned to his/her station • Lays and connects hose lines, nozzles and other related appliances, turns water on and off • Holds fire hose and directs fire streams • Operates a pressure pump as assigned • Operates elevating devices as assigned • Drives fire apparatus as assigned • Carries, puts up and climbs ladders • Operates rescue equipment • Performs salvage work at fire and emergency scenes using salvage covers, vacuums, mops, squeegees, etc. • Performs ventilation by making openings in buildings, using exhaust fans or fog streams • Enters burning or contaminated buildings, structures and other areas to fight fires and/or perform rescues while wearing required clothing and safety equipment • Assists in giving first aid to the injured • Assists in cleaning firefighting equipment upon return to the station after an emergency call or a practice By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 209 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-5" cont'd • Attends regular training sessions to practice existing procedures and to learn and practice new firefighting and rescue methods • Cleans and maintains areas of the fire station used by the members as scheduled • Assists with the fire prevention program • Other duties as assigned by an Officer REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Mental alertness, mechanical aptitude, ability to get along well with others, willingness to perform and task assigned, conscientious and dependable, good physical conditions, holder of a valid Class"D" license complete with "Z"endorsement or able to obtain such license when training is provided. • In order to be considered for promotion to Firefighter an Auxiliary Firefighter must have completed the JTAG Recruit Training Program or equivalent(NFPA 1001) ACCEPTABLE TRAINING AND PHYSICAL CONDITION: All Firefighters must meet the Fire Department minimum attendance requirements. WORKING CONDITIONS: The fire fighter will be expected to respond and work in all types of weather and less than ideal conditions. He/she could have to enter hazardous atmospheres and areas and will be expected to work in a safe manner. By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 210 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-6" MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Job Description AUXILIARY FIRE FIGHTER GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: Auxiliary Fire Fighters report directly to the Chief Training Officer. They shall participate in regular training sessions and perform non-life threatening duties at emergencies under the direction of a Sector Officer or the Incident Commander No activity shall be performed that the auxiliary firefighter has not received training on. EXAMPLES OF WORK: • Responds to fire, rescue, hazardous materials emergencies and other emergencies assigned to his/her station when required, but does not work in any hazardous situations • Lays and connects hose lines, nozzles and other related appliances, turns water on and off • Holds fire hose and directs fire streams • Operates a pressure pump as assigned • Carries, puts up and climbs ladders • Operates rescue equipment • Performs salvage work at fire and emergency scenes using salvage covers, vacuums, mops, squeegees, etc. when required • Assists in cleaning firefighting equipment upon return to the station after an emergency call or a practice • Attends regular training sessions to practice existing procedures and to learn and practice new firefighting and rescue methods • Cleans and maintains areas of the fire station used by the members as scheduled • Assists with the fire prevention program • Other duties as assigned by the Chief Training Officer REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE,SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Mental alertness, mechanical aptitude, ability to get along well with others, willingness to perform tasks assigned, conscientious and dependable, good physical condition and successfully passed the Bayham Fire Department's pre- employment job related performance test. By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 211 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-6" cont'd ACCEPTABLE TRAINING AND PHYSICAL CONDITION Auxiliary firefighters must meet the Fire Department minimum attendance requirements. As part of the application process, a note from a physician as to medical suitability must be produced. WORKING CONDITIONS: The fire fighter will be expected to respond and work in all types of weather and less than ideal conditions. He/she could have to enter hazardous atmospheres and areas and will be expected to work in a safe manner during training sessions. By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 212 of 217 SCHEDULE "C-7" BAYHAM FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES MISSION STATEMENT The Bayham Fire and Emergency Service's mission is to provide a range of progressive programs and compassionate, prompt services designed to protect the lives and property of all who live, work, and visit our community from the adverse effects of fires and other emergencies, manmade or natural. Through training, effective emergency response, education and prevention we will strive to be a progressive emergency service reviewing and keeping current with industry recognized best practices. We will accomplish this mission by maintaining a well-equipped, highly trained, and motivated force of volunteer fire fighters and rescue personnel. Not only will we respond to the emergency needs of the community, we will promote safety through fire prevention and other public safety education programs. By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 213 of 217 SCHEDULE"D" TO BY-LAW#2015-044 Fire Chief: The Fire Chief shall receive an annual salary and benefit package as set out in the Municipal Personnel Policy. Deputy Fire Chief: The Fire Chief shall receive an annual salary and benefit package as set out in the Municipal Personnel Policy. District Chief: District Chiefs shall be paid for emergency calls as outlined in the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services point system.They shall also be paid $25.00 per hour for scheduled work in addition to emergency responses approved by the Fire Chief. Chief Training Officer: The Chief Training Officer shall be paid for emergency calls as outlined in the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services point system. They shall also be paid$25.00 per hour for scheduled work in addition to emergency responses approved by the Fire Chief. Chief Fire Prevention Officer: The Chief Fire Prevention Officer shall be paid for emergency calls as outlined in the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services point system. They shall also be paid$25.00 per hour for scheduled work in addition to emergency responses approved by the Fire Chief. Captain: Captains shall be paid for emergency calls as outlined in the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services point system. Firefighter: Firefighters shall be paid for emergency calls as outlined in the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services point system. Auxiliary Firefighter: Auxiliary Firefighters do not receive any remuneration with the exception of a$500.00 honorarium if they successfully complete the JTAG Recruit Training Program while an Auxiliary Firefighter for the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services. By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 214 of 217 BAYHAM FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES POINT SYSTEM 1. Times for the calls as it relates to additional points shall be the official times as recorded in FirePro. The start time will be the dispatch time and the end time will be when all apparatus are back in service. Additional points are awarded in their entirety at the start of each hour. 2. The value for a point will be$11.00 3. Captains will receive points at the rate of 110%of the basic point value. 4. The District Chief s,Chief Training Officer and Chief Fire Prevention Officer will receive points at the rate of 115%of the basic point value. TRAINING/SEMINAR PAY 1. Members of the Bayham Fire and Emergency Services,excluding the Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief shall receive remuneration for attending training and seminars as approved by the Fire Chief. This does not include regular scheduled bi-monthly departmental training or make up training sessions for scheduled bi- monthly training. 2. The remuneration outlined below includes all meal allowances. CATEGORY REMUNERATION Courses/Seminars 4 hours or less/day $50.00 plus mileage @ municipal rates Courses/Seminars 4 hours or more/day $100.00 plus mileage @ municipal rates Elgin County Mutual Aid/Chiefs $25.00 per meeting plus mileage @ Meetings municipal rates POINT VALUE ALLOTMENT: CATEGORY INITIAL POINTS/ ADDITIONAL POINTS/ DURATION DURATION Emergency Response—All 4 points/first 2 hours 2 points/each additional Response Types hour Meetings&Other Duties 2 points total Nil Approved By Fire Chief Scheduled Bi-Monthly 3 points total Nil Training Scheduled Monthly 3 points total Nil Specialty Team Training Refilling Air Cylinders 2 points/first hour plus 2 points/each additional mileage @$0.45/km _hour Fire Cause and 2 points/first hour 2 points/each additional Determination/OFMEM hour Investigations Apparatus Checks/Station 2 points total Nil Duties By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 215 of 217 NOTE:ONLY THE MEMBERS WHO RESPOND TO A MUTUAL AID CALL ARE ELIGIBLE FOR ADDITIONAL POINTS FOR THE DURATION OF THE CALL. IF MEMBERS ATTEND THE STATION AND ARE NOT REQUIRED AT THE CALL,THEY WILL BE AWARED 4 POINTS. By-Law 2015-044 Being a By-Law to establish and regulate a F... Page 216 of 217 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2015--045 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR THE REGULAR MEETING HELD APRIL 16, 2015 WHEREAS under Section 5 (1)of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001. Chapter 25, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 5 (3)of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held April 16, 2015 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by- law. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 16th day of April,2015. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2015-045 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council Page 217 of 217