HomeMy WebLinkAboutVienna Council Minutes 1997 VILLAGE OF VIENNA COUNCIL MINUTES 1997 1/7 COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 16/97 File: 9701 min The Regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were Reeve Gundy Goutouski, Councillors, Doug Brackenbury, Rick Marlatt, Keith Underhill and C. V. Donnell, and Clerk Lynda Millard. Also present was C.B.O. Dwayne Daniel. Approval of Minutes MOVED BY: C.V.Uonnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury • THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on December 12/96 be approved CARRIED There was no declaration of Pecuniary Interest MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna move into Committee of the Whole CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the whole now rise without reporting CARRIED Dwayne Daniel left the meeting. 1. &9. Elgin Land Division Committee Application #E114/96- Menard-Twp of Bayham - The Municipal Appraisal Sheet is not to be completed as the property is assessed in the Township of Bayham. A letter to that effect is to be written to the Committee. 2. MMA info- 1997 Municipal Support Grant for Vienna will be$44,580. This is$8207 less than 1996 amount of$52,788. = 15.55%less. Vienna's 1997 annual repayment limit respecting long-term debt &financial obligations,based on the 1995 Financial Info Return, is$48,465. - FILED 3. Copy of Village of Port Burwell letter to LPRCA re LBORP- FILED 4. Class EA Phase I& II(Water& Sewer)Reports for Straffordville&Eden by CJ Demeyere. - FILED A Public Meeting will be held'in the Straffordville Community Centre,Thursday, February 6/97, at 7:30 p.m. • 5. Better Roads Coalition- News Release& Position Paper on Roads& Unconditional Grants to Municipalities- FILED Necessary street upgrade and resurfacing in Vienna are to he considered for this year. 6. It was agreed to renew the AMO 1997 Membership at $366 13 7. Various info regarding Dr. Leatherdale's request for"under-serviced" designation of the area- FILED Bayham is setting up a Committee to pursue obtaining a Medial Doctor. Vienna Council declined to appoint a representative from Vienna. //r 8. As the future of local municipalities and the Ontario Clean Water Agency itself, is uncertain, Council requested arrangements he made to meet with Phyl Pressey regarding the OCWA Draft New Agreement for operation & maintenance of the Water System. The letter from Malahide Twp. regarding same to be discussed at that time. 9. (see I above) 10. A person to shovel snow as needed, at the Village Library&Office, and Community Centre is to be sought by local notice. Other Business • - Locations for new street.lights are to be determined and quotations for installation sought. - Price Quotations are being sought by Cyril J. Demeyere for drainage improvements at King Street East. -An ad is to be placed in the Aylmer Express and locally for a Water Meter Reader replacement. - Council agree to support reappointment oflack Petrie as representative to L.P.R.C.A. Accounts MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum of Vienna, being Cheque# 148 to Cheque# 151, and totalling S 782.70 be paid CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque# 250 to Cheque #276, and totalling S 11,859.88 be paid as presented by the Clerk CARRIED Adjournment MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the meeting be adjourned,to meet again on Febuary 13, 1997 at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED • REEVE . 111 CLERK • . .. =y • Date Approved: , mob /3/9 7 • /i9 SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 24/97 File: 9701 sp A Special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. Present were Reeve Gundy Goutouski, Councillors, Doug Brackenbury, Rick Marlatt, Keith Underhill and C. V. Donnell, and Clerk Lynda Millard. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Elgin County/City of St. Thomas Re- Engineering Study- Second Interim Report by R. J. Chowen, and the Final Draft of the Fiscal Impact of Selected Re-Engineering Options,as prepared by C.N. Watson & Associates Ltd. - Council was in agreement that the accuracy of the resulting assumptions presented from the prepared figures was highly unlikely. Depending upon what direction the Re-Engineering Committee and Elgin County Council pursue, February 17/97 is being kept open as a tentative date for a Public Meeting in Vienna. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. 41111Pt REEVE ...---- • • ��CLERK w�_ r2t •.,_. Date Approved: -db /3/97 1L, /-/e SPECIAL EET N , FEBRUARY 10/97 File: 9702sp A Special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. Present were Reeve Gundy Goutouski, Councillors, Doug Brackenbury, Rick Marlatt, and C. V. Donnell, and Clerk Lynda Millard. Councillor K. Underhill was ill The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the latest developments in the Elgin County/City of St. Thomas Re-Engineering Study. The City of St. Thomas has withdrawn from the discussions as they are not interested in joining with the County. • County Council will be meeting again on Friday,February 14/97 to discuss amended Option 3A, as well as Option 4A(East,West,Central without the City). Depending upon the action of Elgin County Council the weeks of February 17th and 24th are being kept open for tentative dates for a Public Meeting in Vienna. MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna move into Committee of the Whole CARRIED MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the whole now rise without reporting CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m REEVE - •c CLERK ,` j/ _ J Date Approved: b 1 3)97 /a/ COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 13/97 File: 9702min The Regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were Reeve Gundy Goutouski, Councillors, Doug Brackenbury, Rick Marlatt,and C. V. Donnell, and Clerk Lynda Millard. Also present was Arthur Goethals, Community Policing representative. Approval of Minutes MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on 10 January 16/97 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on January 20/97 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R, Marlatt THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on February 10/97 be approved CARRIED C. Valerie Donnell declared Pecuniary Interest in regard to item#13 Arthur Goethals was in attendance in regard to update on Community Policing. Valerie Donnell is to attend a Committee meeting at Bayham Township on March 5/97 between 7:00 and 9:00 p.m., as Vienna's representative. Council supported a Neighbourhood Watch program for Vienna. - A Community Policing Workshop will be held in Orillia on April 9/97. It was agreed that Keith Underhill go if possible. 1. LDC Application 4E114/96- Menard Twp of Bayham has been Granted- FILED 2. LPRCA Fax notice of election of Larry Chanda as Chairman, &re-election of George Backus as Vice-Chairman. - FILED The LPRCA Annual meeting will be held Feb. 28/97 at 1:00 p.m - C.V. Donnell, Council representative is to go. 3. Min of Agriculture&Food review of Farm Practices Protection Act request for comments- FILED 4. County of Elgin minutes of joint road department operations meeting-Jan 14/97 - FILED . 5. Health Unit letter&Schedule regarding fee structure effective March 1/97-A request for an explanation of classes is to be submitted 6. Property Standards B/L administration &enforcement procedure changes introduced by proposed Tenant Protection Act- FILED 7. Twp of Keppel letter regarding education-TABLED 8. Town of Tecumseh letter regarding membership in AMO&response of AMO- FILED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R`Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the Resolution of AMO in response to the Provincial Government's"Who does What" announcements CARRIED Notice of AMO meeting with Key Ministers on February 12/97- FILED yap 9. THIRD READING- Impact of Megaweek on Local Govts- FILED 10. O.P.P. info THE CONTRACT CONNECTION- FILED 11. Elgin Municipal Association 1997 dues- $25. Council no longer wishes to participate and Annual dinner meeting tickets for March 5/97 are to be returned. 12. Aylmer&East Elgin Agricultural Society letter requesting financial 1997 support -FILED 13. Personnel- MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury • SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna accept the resignation of Len Claus as water meter reader,effective following the March 1997 reading CARRIED C. Valerie Donnell left the room while Council discussed applications. MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna appoint Jeanette Baldwin as water meter reader,at the rate of$.75 per meter read CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna hire Allen Ferris at the rate of$6.85 per hour, as needed, for mow shovelling and/or odd jobs CARRIED C.V. Donnell returned. Other Business A tender request is to be made to install eight new street lights in the Village. Accounts MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum of Vienna, being Cheque# 152 and Cheque# 153, and totalling$ 306.40 be paid CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R Marlatt THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque #277 to Cheque # 302, and totalling$ 12,788.47 be paid as presented by the Clerk CARRIED • Adjournment MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the meeting be adjourned,to meet again on March 13, 1997 at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED REEVE t • J�-�- CLE' ..,41110A,Mrai: Date Approved: M /.23 - SPECIAL. EETING FEBRUARY 17!97 File: 9702spec A Special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. Present were Reeve Gundy Goutouski,Councillors, Doug Brackenbury, Rick Marlatt, and C. V. Donnell, and Clerk Lynda Millard. Councillor K Underhill was absent. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the presentation of information regarding Elgin County restructuring proposals scheduled to be presented at the Vienna Community Centre for the Village only public meeting on Monday, February 24/97, at 7:30 p.m. As well, the planned presentation by Richard Chowen,to the joint Village and Township of Bayham public meeting on Wednesday,February 26/97, at 7:30 p.m. was also discussed. Other scheduled restructuring public meetings are to be attended by Council as able. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. REEVE ....�... .' CLERK .4110,II71. Date Approved:"-cmc", ) )11 c / Z y VIENNA PUBLIC MEETING FEBRUARY 24/97 File: 9702PUB 1 A Special meeting for the Public of the Village of Vienna was held at the Community Centre at 7:30 p.m. Present were Reeve Gundy Goutouski, Councillors, Doug Brackenbury, Rick Marlatt, C. V. Donnell,and K Underhill, and Clerk, Lynda Millard. The purpose of the meeting was to present information regarding Elgin County restructuring proposals scheduled to be presented at the Vienna Community Centre for the Village and Township of Bayham public meeting on Wednesday, February 26/97, at 7:30 p.m. Reeve Goutouski welcomed those present, and outlined the process of restructuring /amalgamations being undertaken within the County of Elgin,which had included the City of St. Thomas until late January. Councils are being pressured into almost immediate decisions as 1997 is the year for Municipal elections in Ontario. It is proposed that the present term of office for Councillors be extended to December 31/97,with new Councillors taking charge of the restructured municipality on January 1, 1998. Failure to reach a consensus at the County level would likely lead to the appointment of a Commissioner. A Commissioner is now in Chatham-Kent and his restructuring plan, which is binding, is expected to be in place by mid-April. Although the Report to be presented cites savings,if any were to be realized,they would be lost in the light of the Megaweek announcements. The County of Elgin foresees an additional cost of S 18.2M across the county. It would seem to be very evident that Premier Mike Hams is bent on reducing the Provincial debt by transferring massive costs to the local level. It was generally agreed that this is not a democratic process. Provincial highways, with their added costs, are to be transferred to the County as early as April 1/97,with more to come in 1998. The Port Burwell/Tillsonburg pursuit of yet another alternative was also mentioned. Apparently Oxford County faces an estimated Megaweek downloading of $19.3M. The planned presentation by Richard Chowen,the facilitator for the County of Elgin,the alternative proposals and their ramifications,and the impact of the"Megaweek" downloading by the Province were all discussed at length. For either proposal to proceed to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs a majority vote at County Council and local Council support is required. Although there were only about 20 persons in attendance, it was felt that all came away with a better understanding of what was happening albeit overwhelming, The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:00 p.m. REEVE • - 7�-�-- CLERK _. alt,, Date Approved: 3/97 .5- VIENNA VIENNA PUBLIC MEETING FEBRUARY 26/97 File: 9702PUB2 A Joint Village of Vienna/Township of Bayham Public Meeting was held at the Vienna Community Centre at 7:30 p.m. Present were: Vienna Reeve Gundy Goutouski, Councillors, Doug Brackenbury,C. Valerie Donnell, and Keith Underhill, and Clerk, Lynda Millard. Also present were: Bayham Township Reeve Vane Chute, Deputy-Reeve Joe Volkaert, Councillors Wayne Casier, Jack Barclay and John Nezezon,Clerk Maureen Beatty, and Administrator-Treasurer Lynn Buchner The meeting was chaired by Chuck Knapp,with the Restructuring Report presentation • given by Facilitator for the County of Elgin,Richard Chowen. Chuck Knapp welcomed those present, introduced members of both Councils, and turned the meeting over to Mr. Chowen. The presentation outlined the process and options of the restructuring/amalgamations being undertaken within the County of Elgin,which had included the City of St. Thomas until late January. A question and answer period followed. Some questions asked included,but are not limited to the following: Q. C.D. Phillips questioned why one-tier without the City of St. Thomas was not being pursued as it appeared to offer the greatest savings. Wouldn't "Megaweek" have less impact under one-tier? A. Figures related to savings were only assumptions and guestimates. Any possibilities disintegrated in light of the Provincial government's"Megaweek" announcements. One-tier would not be as accessible for local ratepayers. Q. Tony Csinos questioned the need for an Upper-tier,why not eliminate the bureaucracy? A. With the"Megaweek" downloading,the need for co-ordination will be greater. Q. Brian Evans asked about tax rate reductions in relation to "Megaweek". A. Not likely Q. Bill Underhill related some historical notes and stated that he felt the north/south corridor was more practical for investigation. Q. Debra Peters questioned that if St. Thomas and Aylmer stayed the same,why not the remainder of the County. Q. Florence Ferris asked about fate of reserve monies/debt. A. This is something to be decided by the Implementation Committees(2 members from each present Council). Both could be set up as area-rated and designated similarly to Local Improvements. . Q. Mr. Knapp was questioned on the current proceedings in the Chatham- Kent restructuring under Commissioner Meyboom. A. The terms of reference do not allow him to pursue a "Community of Interest" outside the boundaries of Chatham-Kent, even though that may have been more practical/acceptable. Q. Welfare returning to the local municipalities? A. Welfare is presently administered at the County level-This is the "local" municipality. What is coming, is responsibility for 100%of the funding. Q. Clayton Watters questioned further reduction of County roads departments when additional roads will be transferred to the County from the province. 6 A. It is proposed that local municipalities will maintain roads,with the County determining the standards,collecting the costs across the County and then disbursing them as needed. Major construction will continue to be contracted out and overseen by the County. Q. Henry Reimer asked about the decline of service vs increase of costs as was the case in the Haldimand-Norfolk restructuring. A. It is the obligation of Councils to implement service levels and maintain costs. Q. Jack Matthews asked what would happen if we"do nothing"? If Mr. Chowen were appointed the Commissioner,what would he support? A. He indicated preference for the larger-scale, merging 4 or 5 municipalities in the west-end of the County. Q. Lana Verstraeten questioned why the Port Burwell/Tillsonburg alternative was not being pursued? A. It was explained that Vienna and the Township of Bayham had both agreed that an Elgin County option should be sought first. One cannot go chasing after every option at one time. Bill Underhill expanded on his thoughts that the area had always seemed to naturally follow a north/south direction, citing the Otter Creek, CP Railway line and Highway#19. Q. Bill Gheysen questioned pursuing new options now might lead to no vote for Elgin by the appointment of a commissioner. He feels that we need to be realistic. A. It was stated that we have until 1999 to pursue further restructuring, deal with Elgin now,pursue Oxford later if desirable. Vienna Reeve Goutouski addressed the realities vs the unknowns in attempting to pursue the north/south relationship. Port Burwell would not be just joining with Tillsonburg-the province is not encouraging the creation of any new municipalities- they would be joining Oxford County. Do we know if Oxford is even interested in accepting any of us? Leaving Elgin would also require the blessing of that County Council as well. Even though we are now at the very east end of Elgin, if we were in Oxford, we'd be at the very south end. We're never going to be in the centre of anywhere! Oxford County faces an estimated increase of over S19M compared to Elgin's$18M. Q. Ron Phillips questioned the extent of the debt of Tillsonburg. What do they have to gain with Port Burwell? A short break was taken. Q. Dave Fletcher questioned the higher costs associated with an aging population. Would further amalgamations even begin to be enough? Q. Bill Gheysen questioned the possibility of Homes for the Aged/extended care being turned over to the Private sector. A. Legislation is currently under review. This is an important issue in regard to future availability of funds to support these type of services. Bayham Reeve Chute commented on the Tillsonburg pursuit of part of the Township regarding Waste disposal, and that they did not support that whatsoever. Also mentioned was that Bayham had been negotiating for the CP Railline,when Port Burwell& Tillsonburg had purchased it out from under them. Joint talks with Tillsonburg, Port Burwell and Vienna regarding policing, roads, fire and other servicing arrangements had already taken place. The made in Elgin Alternative 3A for Port Burwell/Vienna/Bayham leaves the option open to pursue a north/south relationship at a later date. Also mentioned were elimination of farm tax rebates with municipalities bearing the cost of a reduced land rate of taxation/lack of industrial tax base in Elgin Vienna Reeve Goutouski reiterated her comments as to any benefits for us in Oxford County. A former Harwich Township(Oxford Count))ratepayer commented that taxes there were already higher than here. Dave Fletcher questioned as to were there not only two options 3A and 4A to be considered, which finally got the meeting back on track. Following a few more comments, a vote was taken showing the majority of both Vienna and Township of Bayham people in support of Alternative 3A as amended. • Mr. Knapp thanked everyone for coming and the meeting adjourned at approximately 10:00 p.m. REEVE 41. CLERK � , � ,,,,., 12. li. Date Approved: �v,,,4/3/9"7 SPECIAL MEETING MARCH 5, 1997. 9703sp A Special Meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council chambers at 6:30 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski, Councillors D. Brackenbury R. Marlatt, K. Underhill and C. Valerie Donnell, and clerk L. Millard. The purpose of the meeting was to decide on support for the Elgin County restructuring proposals 3A as amended,or 4A. Following a short discussion, a recorded vote, requested by Councillor Doug Brackenbury,was taken on the following resolution: MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: K Underhill WHEREAS,Section 25.2(2)of the Municipal Act authorizes a municipality to make a restructuring proposal to restructure municipalities, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the Option, 3A as amended,County of Elgin restructuring proposal, dated February 1997, in its entirety. • Those in favour Those against Those of the Motion the Motion_ Abstaining Doug Brackenbury Rick Marlatt Keith Underhill C. Valerie Donnell Gundy Goutouski MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ge • REEVE ; CLERK,Al ► g'- ,,,/ L Date Approved:\rrVs/7 i 3/97 SPECIAL MEETING MARCH 6,1997. 9703spc A Special Meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski,Councillors D. Brackenbury R. Marlatt, and K. Underhill and Clerk L. Millard. C. V. Donnell was absent. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the"Decision Points" for Alternative 3A as amended,which had been approved at the Elgin County Council meeting earlier in the day. These items are to be discussed with Richard Chowen,Township of Bayham and Village of Port Burwell Councils on Monday, March 10/97 in Straffordville at 8:00 p.m. MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: K. Underhill THAT Councillor Doug Brackenbury and Reeve Gundy Goutouski be the Implementation Committee rpresentatives for the Village of Vienna CARRIED All Councils are to attend the Elgin County Administration building for the presentation of the final restructuring proposal on Tuesday, March 18, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. Following that meeting Councils are requested to return to their own chambers and vote on the final document. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. AP REEVE 1MI . n CLERK—. - Date Approved: i f 97 ,d 9 COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 13/97 File: VVMin/9703min The Regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were Reeve Gundy Goutouski,Councillors, Doug Brackenbury,Rick Marlatt,Keith Underhill and C. V. Donnell, and Clerk Lynda Millard. Approval of Minutes MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on February 13/97 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on February 17/97 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the minutes of the restructuring public meeting for the Village of Vienna on February 24/97 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the minutes of the joint restructuring public meeting for the Village of Vienna and the Township of Bayham on February 26/97 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on March 5/97 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: K Underhill THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on March 6/97 be approved CARRIED Reeve G.Goutouski declared Conflict of Interest regarding item#10. It was noted that: I)The 1996 Recreation Grant has been received 2)MMA Notice of Further&Final Approval of Official Plan of the Village of Vienna was received Feb 18/97. 1. MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the Township of Keppel Motion # 012/97 CARRIED 2. OCWA 1996 Year End Report- Letter from New President &CEO, D. Blair Tully Also 1996 Elgin Area System Annual Statement& 1997 Billings/Statement FILED 3. Copy of County of Elgin letter to Mike Harris regarding Megaweek- FILED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C. V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the Township of Biddulph resolution #46/97 CARRIED 43 a 4. Copy of City of St. Thomas letter to Health Minister Wilson regarding Long-term Care Services/Community Care Access Centre- FILED 5. Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit letter re Public Health Care funding- FILED 6. Min of Solicitor General - Policy&Protocol on OPP Policing in Municipalities Info MANUAL Criminal&Traffic statistics for the County was recently compiled to help in determing costing for the individual Twps or Villages. This info is not the only info used to determine the costs of policing,but should be useful as you analyze the policing in your community- FILED 7. LPRCA 1997 Budget&Levy& 1996 Audited Financial Statements- FILED 8. Bayham Twp notice of Zoning By-law Amendment re Menard- Special Zoning B/L FILED 9. AMO Municipal Alert info (1) Feb 21 - Municipalities to have a say as partners on WDW Reforms (2) Backgrounder WDW Provincial/Municipal Transition Team (3) Backgrounder WDW Social&Community Health Services Transition Team (4) ALERT- Summary of 9(1, 2, 3 above) (5) Bill 98- Development Charges Act (6) AMO Status report (7) ALERT-Consultation paper on new Municipal Act (8) The New Municipal Mandate- Understanding the Gov'ts Announcements -ALL FILED 10. Reeve Goutouski vacated the chair and left the room. MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT Doug Brackenbury be appointed as Acting Reeve to deal with item#10 CARRIED MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve the Municipal Appraisal Sheet for Land Division Committee Submission # E 17/97 as completed. CARRIED Reeve Goutouski returned and reassumed the chair. II. MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the Town of Ridgetown Resolution #97-31 CARRIED -The Clerk is to advertise for a Roads worker. Applications to be due by noon March 27/97. -Tenders are also due on March 27th for the replacement of the Community Centre roof, and the installation of eight new street lights. -Cyril Demeyere is to be contacted concerning street repairs. -The SCP application is to be completed requesting 3 students for the summer. MOVED BY: R Marian SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT By-laws be prepared to establish a Reserve Fund, and that the required Consolidated Reserve Fund bank account be opened at the Province of Ontario Savings Office, and that signing officers be the Clerk, Lynda Millard and either Reeve, Gundy Goutouski or Finance Chairman C. Valerie Donnell. CARRIED 13, Accounts MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum of Vienna, being Cheque# 154 to Cheque# 157,and totalling S 419.91 be paid CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque# 303 to Cheque # 335, and totalling S 44,519.93 be paid as presented by the Clerk CARRIED Adjournment MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the meeting be adjourned,to meet again on April 10, 1997 at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED REEVE " 4 , CLERK t\ta. , / Date Approved: ap.A.Lpi0/ 7 SPECIAL ME .T N , MARCH 17.1997.. 9703spe A Special Meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council chambers at 7:00 p.m Present were Reeve G. Goutouski, Councillors D. Brackenbury R. Marlatt, K. Underhill,and C.V. Donnell,and Clerk L. Millard. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the County of Elgin Municipal Restructuring Proposal,prepared by Richard Chowen,to be presented at County Council on March 18/97. All Councils are to attend the Elgin County Administration building for the presentation of the final restructuring proposal on Tuesday, March 18, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. Following that meeting Councils are requested to return to their own chambers and vote on the fmal document. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. REEVE . •- - CLERK Date Approved: /0)41 /3� SPECIAL MEETING MARCH 18. 1997. 9703spec A Special Meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 8:30 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski, Councillors D. Brackenbury R Marlatt. K. Underhill, and C.V. Donnell, and Clerk L. Millard. The purpose of the meeting was to vote on the County of Elgin Restructuring Proposal dated March 18/97 which had been presented and approved at County Council earlier in the evening, and was to be submitted to the Minister of Municipal Affairs the next day. • MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: K Underhill WHEREAS, Section 25.2(2)of the Municipal Act authorizes a municipality or local body in a locality,to make a restructuring proposal to restructure municipalities; AND if there are any matters included in the attached proposal that the Minister does not have the authority to implement,the Minister is authorized to implement the remainder of the proposal. It is the expectation of the municipalities involved in this restructuring that after the restructuring exercise that the municipalities and local boards will implement on their own any matters that the Minister cannot include in a restructuring order; NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Vienna supports the attached restructuring proposal dated March 18th, 1997 in its entirety. Councillor Doug Brackenbury requested a recorded vote. Those in favour Those against Those of the Motion the Motion __ Abstaining Doug Brackenbury Rick Marlatt Keith Underhill C. Valerie Donnell Gundy Goutouski MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: R Marlatt THAT the Village of Vienna and the Edison Museum Board donate S 5000 each to the Ontario Heart &Stroke Foundation in memory of Douglas Howard CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. REEVE Amindissarr. A„MP• CLERK ._ .. ,i Date Approved: ,_._f u)) 97 /3 3 SPECIAL M . .TIN . MARCH 27. 1997. 9703tdrs A Special Meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 12:30 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski,Councillors D. Brackenbury, K. Underhill, and C.V. Donnell, and Clerk L. Millard. Rick Marlatt was absent. The purpose of the meeting was to deal with tenders and job applications. Tenders received for the replacement of the Community Centre roof exculding GST: 1) Ed Matthews Carpentry $4,600.00 2) Norfolk Elgin General Contractors 5,146.00 3) Andy Ralf 5,360.00 4) Lamers General Contractors 3,633.04 5) Grassmere Construction Ltd. 5,475.00 MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K. Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the tender for the Vienna Community Centre roof repair by Lamers General Contractors in the amount of$3,633.04,excluding GST,be accepted as submitted CARRI E D Applications for the Works Department position of seasonal general maintenance person were discussed. MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT David Mitts be hired for the 1997 season as general maintenance person in the Vienna Works department, at the rate of$9.00 per hour, AND THAT the position and rate of pay be reviewed at the end of June, 1997 CARRIED Tenders received for the installation of eight street lights excluding GST were: I) Fuller Electric $ 2,770.00 2) Koolen Electric 2,720.00 3) MWT Electric 4,464.32 (Mark Taylor) MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the tender for the installation of street lights in the Village of Vienna,by Koolen Electric,in the amount of$2,720.00, excluding GST, be accepted as submitted CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m. 41IP REEVE ; CLERK _ _ . is . Date Approved: pLi i Of 97 /3x SPECIAL MEETING MARCH 27, 1997. 9703cmwh A Special Meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski,Councillors D. Brackenbury, K. Underhill, K. Marlatt and C.V. Donnell, and Clerk L. Millard. Also present were Tammy Christians of Barker, Stanley&Partners, and William McKay of Gunn &Associates. MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna move into Committee of the Whole CARRIED MOVED BY: C.VDonnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the whole now rise without reporting CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. REEVE CLERK — . _ , Date Approved: rip/0/91 1 /3.6- SPECIAL 3.6SPECIAL MEETING APRIL 3, 1947. 9704sp A Special Meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski, Councillors D. Brackenbury, R. Marlatt, and C.V. Donnell, and Clerk L. Millard. Keith L'aderhill was absent. Also present was O.C.W.A. representative Phyl Pressey. Phyl Pressey informed Council on the methods of calculating the various rate charges for water usage. Possible double billings in 1997 are to be looked into. Council was informed that there is a refund of approximately S 11,000.00 for 1996 due to the Village. • MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the tender by Hewbank's Paint and Wallpaper to refinish the Community Centre floors, in the amount of S 4,333.84, including tax, be accepted as submitted CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.97-01 being a by-law to set up a Sanitary Sewer Capital Reserve Fund be now read a FIRST TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.97-01 be now read a SECOND TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.97-01 be now read a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.97-02 being a by-law to set up a Water System Capital Reserve Fund be now read a FIRST TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.97-02 be now read a SECOND TIME........ CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.97-02 be now read a THIRD TIME and 1.1 FINALLY PASSED CARRIED MOVED BY: C. V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna transfer the Water Reserve,in the amount of$ 50,000.00 to the Water Reserve Fund CARRIED MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna transfer the Water Reserve, in the amount of S 89,621.74 to the Sewer Reserve CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna transfer the 1996 Surplus, in the amount of$77,620.00 to the Sewer Reserve CARRIED MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna transfer the Sewer Reserve,in the amount of$375,941.74 to the Sewer Reserve Fund CARRIED • The meeting adjourned at approximately 11:30 p.m. •REEVE .—.'`. �- CLERK APAI / Date Approved: "vY\a-, • g7 COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 10/97 File: 9704min The regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski,Councillors D. Brackenbury, K Underhill and C.V. Donnell, and Clerk L. Millard. Also present were Debra Peters and Petra Brandow. At 8:30 p.m. Valerie Clark of O.M.A.F.R.A. and at 9:00 p.m. Dwayne Daniel also attended. Approval of minutes MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: K Underhill THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on March 13, 1997 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on March 17, 1997 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on March 18, 1997 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K Underhill THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on March 27, 1997 at 12:30 p.m. be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on March 27, 1997 at 7:30 p.m. be approved CARRIED There was no declaration of pecuniary interest. I. LPRCA-Annual Report- FILED 2. LDC Application#E17/97-Consent granted- FILED 3. O.P.P. letter regarding amendments to the Police Services Act- FILED Town of Gananoque letter&request for support of resolution - FILED 4. Notice that responsibility for administration of Retail Business Holidays Act transfer from Min of Solicitor General to Business Division of the Min of Consumer& Commercial Relations- Infoline-1-800-268-1142- FILED 5. OPSEU president Leah Casselman letter regarding downloading- FILED 6. Town of Goderich letter&request for support of Resolution- FILED Also response letter from Ontario Hydro- FILED 7. 8:30 p.m.-Valerie Clark presentation re Agricultural&Rural Services outlining O.M.A.F.R.A. services that are available to local municipalities or groups. A question and answer period followed. 8. AMO info: 1) Municipalities table alternatives to WDW proposals (2) Changes proposed to New Development Charges Act (3) Changes to Trustee Determination &Distribution process for 1997 (4) AMO makes presentations to Standing Committees on Libraries, Fire Services &Fair Municipal Finance Acts (5) AMO responds to changes to Long-term Care Legislation ALL FILED ,Jr 9. Town of Belle River letter requesting delay of 1997 Municipal election- FILED 10. Notice of Discharge of Trustee in Bankruptcy of Christina Diana DeRuysscher -FILED 11. County of Elgin B/L#97-7 establishing the 1997 Vienna Requisition at $40,654. Mill rates Res: 74.505 Com: 87.653 -FILED 12. Dwayne Daniel Copy of Bayham Twp &Nagy letters re division of apartment ,properties were discussed and FILED Debra Peters requested an extension of the deadline regarding an Order to Remedy. It was MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna extend the deadline of the Order to Remedy Violation#01/97 to July 10, 1997 CARRIED 13. Health Unit Sewage System Class info previously requested- FILED 14(I) Bayham Twp. letter regarding Big Otter Trail Utility Corridor- The Clerk is to request that Bayham Twp. keep us informed as to the date of any public meeting. (2) MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna endorse the resolution of the Township of Bayham,as contained in their letter dated April 3, 1997, regarding designation of the local community as underserviced in regard to health care services CARRIED (3) Map Submission to Assessment office for Voting Subdivisions-FILED 15. Order in Council transferring Hwy#19 from MTO to County of Elgin-to be signed and returned. 16. Electrical Utility Supply options meeting April15/97, 7 p.m. - St. Thomas- FILED -MMAH- Conference Dec. 5/97- London-All of Council would like to attend. Approval of Accounts MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum of Vienna, being Cheque# 158 to Cheque# 162, and totalling$2,376.98 be paid CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque#336 to Cheque #360, and totalling$ 10,240.28 be paid as presented by the Clerk CARRIED Committee of the Whole MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna move into Committee of the Whole CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole now rise without reporting CARRIED /37 MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.97-03 being a By-law to set up an Edison Museum Reserve Fund be now read a FIRST TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.97-03 be now read a SECOND TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.97-03 be now read a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED CARRIED • MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna transfer$ 7,787.30 to the Edison Museum Reserve CARRIED MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna transfer the Edison Museum Reserve, in the amount of$22,000.00 to the Edison Museum Reserve Fund CARRIED Adjournment MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the meeting be adjourned,to meet again on May 8th, 1997 at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED REEVE4---(14‹ qrjrs"`"' Jr�-- CLERK Date Approved: ' . 1191 • $/o SPECIAL MEETING APRIL 17, 1997. 9704spc A Special Meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski, Councillors D. Brackenbury, R Marlatt, K. Underhill and C.V. Donnell, and Clerk L. Millard. After discussion of the current budget estimates presented it was MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna transfer S 8,800.00 from ' the equipment reserve to the Sewer reserve Fund CARRIED MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve the 1997 Current Budget Estimates, attached as Appendix"A",reflecting a Village portion mill rates at Residential 107.757, and Commercial 126.773,and that the appropriate mill rate by-law be prepared reflecting the Village portion, along with that of the County of Elgin and the Public and Separate School Boards. CARRIED Reeve Goutouski vacated the chair and left the room. MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT Doug Brackenbury be appointed as Acting Reeve to deal with Land Division Committee application # 17/97 CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna instruct the Clerk to send a letter to the Land Division Committee stating that the requirements of the Village of Vienna are being met in regard to application #E17/97 CARRIED Reeve Goutouski reassumed the chair. The Clerk was requested to leave the room. Upon return of the Clerk,the meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. '__ g A . . REEVE CLERK _ ,. • . .I Date Approved: 1.�a,,B gfe97 t /) I t ..! I I-' / VILLAGE OF VIENNA BUDGET 1997 MILL RATE CALCULATION ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES S GENERAL GOVERNMENT Salaries 33,500 Council 15,000 Materials, services etc. 30,000 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 78,500 PROTECTION TO PERSONS& PROPERTY Fire 4,500 Conservation Authority 661 Protective Inspection 1,500 11/ Animal Control 2.400 TOTAL PROTECTION 8,661 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Salaries 10,000 Materials&Services 10,000 Winter Control 7,500 Street Lighting 4,300 Street Lighting Capital 2,920 Roads Capital 130,000 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 164,720 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Waterworks Salaries 4,000 Materials&Services 45,000 Garbage Collection 20,000 Disposal 5,000 Sewage Environmental Assessment Study 32,745 TOTAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 106,745 RECREATION& CULTURAL SERVICES Parka& Recreation Salaries 6,000 Materials& Services 15,000 Capital Expenditures 18,542 Libraries Materials&Services 3,500 Salaries 500 Other Cultural Salaries 5,620 Materials&Services 4,000 Capital Expenditure X444 TOTAL RECREATION& CULTURAL 60,162 PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT 544 544 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 5412,288 5412,288 File: expss97B Ofafai VILLAGE OF VIENNA BUDGET - 1997 ESTIMATED REVENUE S TAXATION Residential 51,506 Commercial& Business 7,292 Supplementary 100 TELEPHONE GROSS RECEIPTS 4,357 WATER BILLINGS Own Municipality 45,000 Other Municipality 22,000 Frontage&Connection 5,657 OCWA Adjustment 11,000 GRANTS Federal , SCP 3,124 Provincial Block Funding 44,580 Environmental Study Report 41.56%of Exp 13,610 Transfers from Reserves Working Capital Bal 20000. 75,000 Equipment 43,000 Waste Management 3,000 Recreation 13,000 Roads 10,000 OTHER REVENUE Rents - Community Centre 8,500 - Library 6,216 Licenses&Permits 9,000 Interest&Penalties on Taxes 5,600 Fees&Service Charges 7,250 Investment Income 4,000 Donations&Miscellaneous 13,000 Museum 13,496 TOTAL REVENUE 41942118 File: revss97A • -\\ Q�u.� .a c 3 VILLAGE LEVY-1997 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 419,288 ESTIMATED REVENUES 364.490 TOTAL TO BE LEVIED 58.798 MILL RATE CALCULATION ASSESSMENT ` ' COM1 RC[AIU '" 5'1,519 @ 100% 57,519 RESIDENTIAL • 477,984 @ 85% 406.286 TOTAL ASSESSMENT FOR CALCULATION PURPOSES 463.805 AMOUNT TO BE LEVIED COMMERCIAL&BUSINESS --------------------------------- X 1,000 126.773 ASSESSMENT RESIDENTIAL @ 85 %OF COMMERCIAL 107.757 PROOFING COMMERCIAL $7,291.86 RESIDENTIAL 51,506.14 TOTAL TO BE LEVIED $58,798.00 • /S/, COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 8/97 File: 9705min The regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski,Councillors D. Brackenbury, K. Underhill R. Marlatt and C.V. Donnell, and Clerk L. Millard. Also present was John Scott of Barker Stanley&Partners, Village auditor,and Gilles Menard. Approval of minutes MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on April 10, 1997 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K. Underhill THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on April 3, 1997 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: R Marlatt THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on April 17, 1997 be approved CARRIED There was no declaration of pecuniary interest. John Scott presented the 1996 Financial Statements for the Village of Vienna and answered questions regarding the statements and related matters. MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve the Financial Statements for 1996 as prepared by the Auditiors, Barker Stanley&Partners CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna direct the interest earned prior to January 1, 1997 on GIC investments to the appropriate Reserve Funds CARRIED 2. The following were received: (a) Elgin County Roman Catholic Separate School Board Mill rates for 1997 Res. 189.517 Corn. 222.961 Requisition S 4,057. (b) Elgin County Board of Education Mill rates for 1997 Res. 187.972 Corn. 221.144 Requisition $98,544. A budget incorporating the County, School board and Village mill rates and representing a Public supporters decrease of 11.78%and a Separate decrease of 11.07%was presented by the Clerk for discussion. MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.97-04 being a by-law to set the 1997 Final Mill Rates at : Res. Public 370.234 Corn. &Business Public 435.570 Res. Sep. 371.779 Com&Bus. Separate 437.387 with due dates of August 28&November 27, 1997 be now read a FIRST TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.97-04 be now read a SECOND TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.97-04 be now read a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED CARRIED There being no further questions for the Auditor,he left. • Gilles Menard was in attendance regarding adjustment of property lines at Lots 5, 6& 7 E/S Oak&W/S Elm Streets by way of a severance application. Council had no opposition to his submitting same. Mr. Menard left. 3. MMA&Municipal Alert info regarding the following were all FILED: (A) Participation by the Province re Infrastructure Works (B) MMA update re concessions by province to AMO proposals (C) Municipal Alert- update on same (D) Municipal Alert- Toward a New Municipal Act (E) AMO position regarding Bill 84: Fire Protection &Prevention Act -Bill 109: Control of Public Libraries Act -Bill 106: Fair Municipal Finance Act (F) AMO Board reviews Transition Team strategy&Development Charges info (G) Municipal Alert of Provincial Budget 4. OPSEU Memo regarding Bill 106&Divestment of Property Tax assessment - FILED 5. Highway Traffic Act amendments effective March 3/97- FILED - info regarding approval of Municipal Bridges&Culverts- FILED - minutes of Co-operative road dept operations on April 15/97- FILED 6. Request from Regional Assessment regarding authorization- FILED 7. Bayham Twp. letter&resolution confirming appointment of Jack Petrie as LPRCA representative for area. - FILED 8. M.O.E. &E. letter regarding Bill 107- Transfer of Water&Sewage Systems OCWA- The Waterline Newsletter- FILED 9. In response to letter from Brown&Brown it was: MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO. 97-05 being a By-law to authorize the Reeve . and Clerk to sign documents in regards to the discharge of a mortgage on property located at Lot 10, Part Lot 11,E/S Oak Street be now read a FIRST TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.97-05 be now read a SECOND TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.97-05 be now read a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED CARRIED 10. Appropriate documents are to be prepared for the water agreement renewal for Otter's Edge Park. 11. MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve the write-off of uncollectible business taxes as follows: YEAR ROLL# AMOUNT 1994 001-006-00-0001 53.64 1994 001-164-12-0001 1.42 1995 001-002-00-0004 204.43 1995 001-038-00-0001 102.06 plus applicable penalties to date CARRIED • Accounts Payable MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum of Vienna, being Cheque# 163 to Cheque# 165, and totalling$334.05 be paid CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: K. Underhill THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque t# 361 to Cheque #p0, and totalling S 25,478.88 be paid as presented by the Clerk CARRIED Adjournment MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R Marlatt THAT the meeting be adjourned, to meet again on June 12th, 1997 at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED REEVE , - r ' 1 CLERK .. �� i Date Approved: Qt /a/99 • "19 SPECIAL MEETING MAY 20, 1997. 9705sp A Special Meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski, Councillors D. Brackenbury, R. Marlatt, K Underhill and C.V. Donnell,and Clerk L. Millard. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss items to be addressed at the local municipal implementation committee(MIC)meetings to be held now that an Order from the Minister of Municipal Affairs,dated May 15, 1997,was received. Reeve Goutouski updated Council on the proceedings at County Council on Friday, May 16/97 in regards to same. Richard Chowen has been retained as Transition Co-ordinator. Each local Council is to prepare a budget for the Implementation committee. To start with two MIC meetings a month are planned. The first is to be held in Bayham Township Council Chambers on Wednesday,June 4th at 7:00 p.m. It is expected that two special council meetings a month will be required as well. The County of Elgin is to apply for funding assistance on behalf of all lower tier municipalities. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. REEVE �*-�-- • CLERK ._A2 , ' - .-! Date Approved: Q ,t.,, /Ail? 0 Z SPECIAL EETING MAY 29, 1997. 9705spc A Special Meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers following interviews for the positions of Museum Supervisor and Tour Guide. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski, Councillors D. Brackenbury, R. Marlatt, K. Underhill and C.V. Donnell, and Clerk L. Millard. Amanda Oud, Dave Dawson, Stephanie Watters,Melissa Lemon, and Cora Norman had been interviewed. MOVED BY: C.Valerie Donnell SECONDED BY: Doug Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna hire Dave Dawson as the Museum Supervisor for the 1997 summer season beginning June 9th, for 35 hours per week, at the rate of S 6.85 per hour CARRIED MOVED BY: Rick Marlatt SECONDED BY: Keith Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna hire Cora Norman as a Tour Guide for the Museum for the 1997 summer season beginning June 30th for 35 hours per week, at the rate of S 6.85 per hour CARRIED MOVED BY: Doug Brackenbury SECONDED BY: Keith Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Clerk treasurer enrol in the Municipal Accounting Course, Unit 2 CARRIED Q . REEVE .timl% CLERK ��. ,_. s�i•, _ Date Approved: Q ce,r, /a./9 9 IMPLEMENTATION MEETING MAY 29/97 A Special Implementation Meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 9:30 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski, Councillors D. Brackenbury, R. Marlatt, K. Underhill and C.V. Donnell, and Clerk L. Millard. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the draft agenda for the Municipal Implementation Committee meeting to be held in the Township of Bayham Council Chambers on Wednesday,June 4, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. C. Valerie Donnell is to be the alternate Committee member. The meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. �• REEVE ��� A CLERK Date Approved: {�(icy, /2/9 7 y6 COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 12/97 File: 9706min The regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski, Councillors D. Brackenbury, K. Underhill, R. Marlatt and C.V. Donnell, and Clerk L. Millard. Approval of minutes MOVED BY: C. V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on May 8, 1997 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on May 20, 1997 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: R Marlatt THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on May 29, 1997 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: K. Underhill THAT the minutes of the special Implementation meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on May 29, 1997 be approved CARRIED .There w23 no declaration of pecuniary interest. I. Town of Tillsonburg challenge in the Monster Bike race for the Sunshine Foundation - July 1/97- FILED 2. Young Canada Works in both Official Languages- 50- 80% funding- FILED 3. EXPERT OPINION-Assessment info from OPSEU- FILED 4. MMA&H Legislative changes to Municipal Act in regards to debt issuance& investment ALSO- Citizens Guides on Planning Brochures- FILED 5. Ministry of Education&Training- Draft Guidelines for Trustee Determination & Distribution - FILED 6. L.P.R.C.A. minutes of meeting of May 7/97- FILED 7. In response to the City of North York request it was: MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna endorse the resolution of the City of North York regarding Telephone Gross Receipts Tax dated May 28th ,1997 CARRIED 8. MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve the Canada/Ontario Infrastructure Works funding application for the North and King Streets Drainage Project in the amount of S 3,399.00 net CARRIED �Si 7 9. AMO Info: 1) Comments&Recommendations regarding proposed New Municipal Act 2) Impact of education& social assistance funding announcements 3) Response to mandatory tax relief for low-income seniors&persons with disabilities 4) Update on fiscal &labour policy 5) Proposed Public Sector Transition Stability Act info 6) Development of municipal Bridge&Road standards 7) Business Education Tax Review panel consultations 8) Announcement of Advisory Council on Social Housing Reform 9) MMA&H social housing view -ALL FILED 10. The clerk was instructed to write a letter to Jardine OME Insurance Ltd. stating that Vienna declines the invitation to join the insurance reciprocal at this time as we are now under a Restructuring Order and that perhaps tenders will be called regarding insurance coverage for the new municipality. 11. Keith Underhill was to contact Cyril Demeyere regarding the catch basin problem in front of the property of Judy/Marlin Gee. 12. Minutes of Restructuring Transition board meeting on June 4/97 will not be available until approved by the board at the next meeting on June 17/97. 13. MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve the recommendation for a catch basin at#22,between Lots 2 and 3 N/S Front Street as submitted by Dwayne Daniel CARRIED MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the application to L.P.R.C.A for a building permit for a garage at# 50 Main Street, as the elevation is above 590' CARRIED 14. Township of Bayham notice of passage of a Zoning By-law in regard to Kennel Establishments in all Rural Industrial Zones- FILED Other Business MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna authorize the installation of a fence,by Ruckus Fence, at a cost of$ 3,703.09 plus GST, at the"Edison Field" Ball Park, subject to a 50%contribution by the Vienna Lions Club CARRIED Accounts Payable MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum of Vienna, being Cheque# 166 to Cheque# 168, and totalling S 262.03 be paid CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque# 391 to Cheque #421, and totalling$ 56,058.40 be paid as presented by the Clerk CARRIED 'Zr Council agreed that no expenses for flowers that have been incurred without previous Council approval will be paid. C. Valerie Donner volunteered to represent Vienna on the Bayham Community Health Care Centre Committee. Adjournment MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY:D.Brackenbury THAT the meeting be adjourned,to meet again on July 10th, 1997 at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED REEVE . CLERK _' . Date Approved: 9 f.. io jqi t COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 10/97 File: 9707min The regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski, Councillors K. Underhill, and C.V. Donnell, and Clerk L. Millard. Approval of minutes MOVED BY: C. V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K. Underhill THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on June 12, 1997 be approved CARRIED There was no declaration of pecuniary interest. 1. LPRCA Minutes of meeting of June 4/97- FILED Agenda-Next LBORP meeting to be held here on July 30/97 at 1:30 p m. Reeve Goutouski to attend. 2. In regard to the Town of Aylmer request,it was MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Village of Vienna agree to share the financial costs associated with a local delegation to recruit doctors to the East Elgin area as outlined in the Town of Aylmer memo dated July 3/97 CARRIED 3. Notice of Ontario Energy Board Interim Rate Order for NRG regarding large usage rates- FILED 4. Request by Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association for support of Michael Power,Mayor of Gershon for President of AMO- FILED 5. Heinz Homeless Pets letter of acknowledgement of our participation in program- also cheque for$50. - FILED 6. Recycling Council of Ontario letter regarding Waste Reduction Week- Nov. 3 - 9 &request for donation- FILED 7. Pollutech offer of consulting services regarding proposed turnover of water& wastewater facilities to local municipalities- FILED 8. County of Elgin: 1) Minutes of County Implementation Committee meetings- May 26&June 10 2) MTO letter&list of Highways to be transferred Jan. 1/98 to County 3) County Road Info memorandum 4) County B/L to establish minimum&desirable roadway service standards 5) Co-op student's viewpoint regarding the operation of the administration of the County of Elgin-ALL FILED 9. Ministry of Community&Social Services info regarding the Social Assistance Reform Act which includes Ontario Works Act&Ontario Disability Support Program- AMO Summary- FILED 10. Municipal Info Faxes 1) Provincial-Municipal Reform continues 2) Health Services update 3) Mm of Finance-Next step to a fair&equitable Property Tax system 4) Tough standards set for Aggregate&Petroleum Industries iso 5) MMA WDW Education &Training partnership 6) Innovative Service Delivery Awards to 6 winners 7) Gov't commits further$25million to fight serial predators 8) LAS- investing municpal funds -ALL FILED 1 I. Transition Board minutes of lune 4/97 meeting- FILED Other Business 12. MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve the application by NRG to bore under Fulton&Oak Streets to supply service to the Giesbrecht property CARRIED MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: C.V.Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve payment of S 1,87500 toward the cost of repairs, due to vandalism,to Dave Mitts car CARRIED Accounts Payable MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K. Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum of Vienna, being Cheque# 169 to Cheque# 174, and totalling$ 1,116.69 be paid CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K Underhill THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque#422 to Cheque #454, and totalling S 17,355.73 be paid as presented by the Clerk CARRIED Adjournment MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the meeting be adjourned, to meet again on August 14th, 1997 at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED dir , S • REEVE .er. CLERK , `e/.e Date Approved: p iy19? COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 14/97 File: 9708min The regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski, Councillors D. Brackenbury, and C.V. Donnell,and Clerk L. Millard. Also present were Jack Petrie,John &Jean McMurdo and Wayne Underhill. Approval of minutes MOVED BY: C. V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on July 10, 1997 be approved CARRIED There was no declaration of pecuniary interest. FYI-Correspondence -MINUTES of County&Local Transition Board meetings -Letter from Premier Harris acknowledging our endorsement of the Resolution of the City of North York regarding the transfer of the gross receipts tax. -Info for the determination for Trustee representation on the Elgin County Public(2)& Separate School(1)Boards. - ALL FILED Delegations: Jack Petrie was present regarding a proposed severance application for Gilles Menard at Lots 5 &6 W/S Elm&Lots 5-7 EJS Oak St.- Option #1 was preferred. The proposed application will require a Minor Variance,to which Council, as Committee of Adjustments,has no objections at this time. Wayne Underhill, Jean&John McMurdo regarding availability of water to supply property at Lot 16 Bayham Twp.-(East on Chapel Street)-Wayne Underhill agreed to contact the Abatement Section of M.O.E.&E. in London to obtain the necessary criteria to be followed. 1. Ministry of Finance info: Status of the Province-wide Reassessment- FILED 2. LPRCA Minutes of the meeting of July 16/97- FILED 3. Memorandum from John Wiebe regarding the site meeting July 30/97-King/North Streets and other proposed work - REFERRED to August 20/97 Special meeting with Cyril Demeyere 4. Copy of County of Middlesex County Warden's letter to Premier Harris regarding lack of information on vital items for assumption of responsibilities for 1998 -FILED 5. Memos from Dick Chowen on behalf of the Transition Board: 1) Requesting application for the position of Administrator for the New Municipality by July 28/97 Also charts for proposed structure 2) Memo regarding outstanding obligations 3) Resolution agreed by consensus"THAT the combined Road staff of Bayham/Port BurwelVVienna is sufficient to meet our needs, and we do not require any County staff employees." -Noted,discussed& FILED 6. Letter from Elgin Historical Society offer to receive any archival materials- Reeve Goutouski to look into fiuther 7. LBORP Minutes of meeting of July 30/97- FILED 'sa 8. MMA info next level of detail on estimated changes in municipal costs&revenues resulting from WDW package announced May 1/97. AMO summary on above-ALL FILED 9. Kent Citizens for Local Democracy letter- FILED 10. O.P.P. Policing costing for 1996,Elgin County Policing costs and letter from J.D. Stephens, Detachment Commander offering a presentation to discuss the above -ALL FILED 11. Request for support&response regarding a resolution: "THAT the Restructuring Committee of Malahide/South Dorchester/Springfield questions the use of a draft or lottery to determine selection of personnel. • Unless there is clarification missing in the memorandum of July 22/97, from Mark McDonald regarding the process;this restructuring committee finds this proposal totally unacceptable. And further that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all the reeves of the existing municipalities requesting their support." - FILED 12. Toronto Corporate Services letter requesting support- FILED 13. Letter from the Restructuring Committee for Malahide/South Dorchester/Springfield regarding Joint management for Recreation Facilities- FILED 14. Bayham Twp. Staff Report regarding the 1997 Municipal Election - FILED Accounts Payable MOVED BY: Councillor D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: Councillor C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum of Vienna, being Cheque# 175 to Cheque# 182(A) and totalling S 2,022.34 be paid. CARRIED MOVED BY: Councillor C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: Councillor D. Brackenbury THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque#455 to Cheque #479 and totalling S 20,321.99 be paid as presented by the Clerk. CARRIED Adjournment MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the meeting be adjourned,to meet again on September 11th, 1997 at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED S . _ REEVE .0 A CLERK ,, P7-a-c-e49 Date Approved:_hot" /11917 Z • i SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 20/97 File: VVmin/9708sp A special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m Present were Reeve Gundy Goutouski Councillors Doug Brackenbury&Keith Underhill,Clerk Lynda Millard, and Village Engineer Cyrl Demeyere. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proposed road work to be done this year, and also to provide council with an update on the Environmental Study Report status. Tender documents have been prepared for the proposed road work with a deadline for 0 submission of August 27/97 at 12:00 noon. Mr. Demeyere informed council that application forms for sewer capital funding will be available this fall. Priority status will be determined by need in regard to health and environmental issues,while funding support may be partially determined by the average per household income of the community. Mr. Demeyere is to check as to the advisability of completing the ESR prior to application. Mr. Demeyere is also to provide a response to questions regarding the Canada/Ontario Infrastructure Works application. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. 4. REEVE: 411.1601"-.40 4 CLERK: Date approved:,JA02: /)/91 .--- \ • S /O--y SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 28/97 File: VVmin/9708spc A special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. Present were Reeve Gundy Goutouski,Councilors Doug Brackenbury, Rick Marlatt&C. V. Donnell,and Clerk Lynda Millard. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the tenders submitted for proposed road work Tenders received had been opened at 12:00 noon, Wednesday,August 27/97, at the office of Cyril J. Demeyere Ltd. by Reeve Gundy Goutouski, Cyril J. Demeyere,&John D. Wiebe. The following tenders were received: GENERAL CONTRACT-ALL WORK EXCLUDING HOT-MIX ASPHALT Viewcon Construction Ltd. $84,007.81 Sierra Construction(Woodstock)Ltd. $91,776.20 969774 Ontario Ltd. (Elgin) $97,285.79 HOT-MIX ASPHALT ONLY ALW Paving Co. $28,590.00 Sierra Construction(Woodstock)Ltd. $34,875.00 Stebbins Paving&Construction Ltd. $39,494.00 969774 Ontario Ltd. (Elgin) $54,000.00 A breakdown of the two lowest tenders is as follows: General Contract Vi Sierra $ $ Part I Ann Street Storm Sewer 10,762.36 12,620.20 Part 2 Chestnut&Elm Street Roadwork 33,481.90 38,155.00 Part 3 Walnut Street Drainage 28,360.80 29,076.00 Part 4 King Street Drainage 6,518.00 9,066.00 Part 5 Creek Road(Main St.)Culvert 4,874.75 2,859.00 TOTAL General Contract(Excl. GST) 844007.81 41,776.20 Hot-Mix Asphalt ALW Part 2A Chestnut &Elm Streets 13,400.00 16,595.00 Part 3A Walnut Street 12,140.00 15,030.00 Part 4A King Street Area(North Street) 3.050.00 3,250.00 TOTAL Hot-Mix Asphalt(Excl. GST) 28.590.00 34,875.00 Upon recommendation of Cyril J. Demeyere Ltd. it was: MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna accept the tender for road work, General Contract submitted by Viewcon Construction Ltd. in the amount of $84,007.81 plus G.S.T., and the tender submitted by ALW Paving Co. Ltd. for Hot-Mix Asphalt in the amount of S28,590.00 plus G.S.T. CARRIED 09,_ REEVE: • CLERK: , /11‘4,, Date approved: ///17 15:5- COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 11/97 File: 9709mm The regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski, Councillors D. Brackenbury, R. Marlatt and C.V. Donnell,and Clerk L. Millard. Councillor K. Underhill was absent. Approval of minutes MOVED BY: C. V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on August 14th, 1997 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on August 20th, 1997 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: C. V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R Marlatt THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on August 28th, 1997 be approved CARRIED There was no declaration of pecuniary interest. 1. Information regarding determination of number of trustees- French Language Public School District # 58- London, Middlesex,Perth,Oxford&Elgin at 1 - FILED 2. MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the week of October 20- 26, 1997 be proclaimed as Ontario Library Week in Vienna CARRIED 3. L.P.R.C.A. minutes of meeting of August 6/97- FILED 4. Village of Port Stanley request for support of resolution regarding police services- FILED 5. Gov't Ministry Correspondence- (a) Health- Land ambulance service costs- FILED (b) MMA- Services Improvement Actand Background info- FILED (c) MMA- Proposed Tenant Protection Act amendments- FILED (d) MCSS-Consolidation for proposed Social Assistance Reform Act& proposed Services Improvement Act- FILED (e) MMA- Social Housing Reform summary&Backgroun info- FILED (0 $200 million Provincial Water Protection Fund set by MOEE for water& sewer-To be referred to Cyril Demeyere Further info &application have been requested 6. AMO Municipal ALERT info: (a) WDW Transition Teams request meeting with Premier Harris (b) No discussion or prior notification with municipal transition members or AMO regarding Services Improvement Act (c) Request for volunteers to serve on AMO committees (d) Minister Witmer to meet with AMO on Bill 136-Public Sector Transition Stability Act, 1997 - Update- AMO did meet with Minister regarding Bill 136- Sept 3/97 (e) AMO viewpoint on 5 (e)above- ALL FILED /S6 7. The County of Elgin has requested submission of names,by September 30th,for consideration to fill a position on the Land Division Committee. K. C. Emerson is to be contacted to see if he would be interested. MOVED BY: C. V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna authorize back payments owing to the Clerk treasurer for 1995 and 1996 of$500. and$700. respectively CARRIED MOVED BY: C. V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna present$ 50. to Dorothy Hendrick in appreciation of Memorial Park beautification CARRIED The Clerk was instructed to request tender proposals for Snow Plowing, Snow Removal, &Salting and Sanding of Vienna streets for the 1997-98 winter season as per usual. Don Horton did not attend regarding water shutoffs for delinquent accounts. Council requested that a memo be prepared from Don Horton authorizing Dwayne Daniel to perform duties of the Superintendent of Water Works, as his assistant, at the request of the Clerk treasurer or Council. The Clerk is to attend the Roadwork Preconstruction meeting to be held at the office of Cyril Demeyere on Friday, September 12/97 at 10:00 a.m. Accounts Payable MOVED BY: Councillor D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: Councillor C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum of Vienna, being Cheque# 183 to Cheque# 188 and totalling$ 1,344.64 be paid. CARRIED MOVED BY: Councillor R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: Councillor D. Brackenbury THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque#480 to Cheque # 515 and totalling $60,069.36 be paid as presented by the Clerk. CARRIED Adjournment MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the meeting be adjourned,to meet again on October 9th, 1997 at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED REEVE fir CLERK ,_1 J Date Approved: QJ q 7 /S7 SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 24/97 File: VVMin/9709sp A special meeting of Council was held in Council Chambers at 4:10 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski,Councillors D. Brackenbury,C. V. Donnell and Keith Underhill, Clerk, Lynda Millard, and Ontario Clean Water Agency representative,Andy Valikis. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the recent announcement that a Provincial Water Protection Fund has been established allowing for application for Capital funding assistance for water and/or sewer projects. Applications must be received by the M.O.E.E. by October 31/97. Andy Valikis suggested that an application be submitted,even though the Class Environmental Assessment Study Report is not yet complete. Different variations of information already assembled on the alternatives were discussed. Mr. Valikis gave a short description of services that OCWA could provide in regard to the solution of the Big Otter Creek pollution situation. Mr. Valikis is to submit a proposal to Council, regarding his involvement as the Project Manager,using his expertise to assist Cyril J. Demeyere in preparation and submission of an application for funding by the deadline date. He also suggested that Council pass a resolution instructing Cyril Demeyere to prepare and submit a Capital funding application. The meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m. e REEVE: - CLERK:� ,/ Date Approved: pct V 97 /.5-8 PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT September 24, 1997 7:30 p.m. The Council of the Village of Vienna met as Committee of Adjustment in Council Chambers,with Chairman Reeve Gundy Goutouski, members Doug Brackenbury, Rick Marlatt and C. Valerie Donnell, Clerk treasurer Lynda Millard, and Jack Petrie present The meeting was called to consider Minor Variance application A/1/97,by Gilles and Denise Menard concerning property described as Part of lots 5, 6, &7 East of Oak Street, lots 5,&6 West of Elm Street Plan 54. 1. Call to Order Chairman Reeve Goutouski called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m and advised that the purpose of the meeting was to consider an application submitted by Jack Petrie (Agent for Gilles and Dennise Menard). 2. There was no disclosure of pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof by any member of the Committee. 3.Staff Report The Clerk treasurer, as secretary, reviewed the application as follows: hugs= The applicant is seeking relief of the Zoning by-law requirement for a minimum lot depth of 130 feet to an average lot depth of 107.2 feet,permiting the eventual severance of a parcel of land,creating one additional residential lot in the Residential R I Zone. Effect The granting of relief will legalize a vacant building lot with frontage on Oak Street created, pursuant to severance, of this through lot of an existing dwelling with frontage on Elm Street. Comment' Having reviewing the noted application with Gary Black,it was suggested that since the lot line to the south side of the property of the lot being created along Lots 5,6,&7 E/S of Oak Street has a depth of 127.2 feet,relief is only required for less than 3 feet. It was understood that removal of the entry addition located on the W/S of the existing residence would need to be removed to meet depth request requirements. Recommendation Since the application is minor in nature,maintains the spirit and intent of the Zoning By- law desirable for land development,and is consistent with adjacent land uses, it is recommended that relief be granted,allowing a minimum lot depth of 127.2 feet, with an average depth of 107.2 feet. 4. Presentation by Applicant/Agent The applicants were represented by Jack Petrie,who confirmed the comments of the secretary, adding that the entry may not need to be removed to meet depth requirements. S. Public Comments No members of the public were in attendance to discuss the application. The Sectretary noted that a written response from the Long Point Region Conservation Authority had been received and stated that they had no comments regarding this application. 6. Committee Questions& Comments Rick Marlatt questioned the advisability of support under the ongoing Pollution of the Otter Creek Class Environmental Assessment Report. It was agreed that the lot size for a proposed severance application was within the Health Unit guidelines of a minimum of 20,000 square feet. /S 9 7. Decision of Committee MOVED BY: Doug Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C. Valerie Donnell THAT the application by Gilles and Dennise Menard pursuant to Section 45 of the Planning Act for a minor variance to allow: --Relief from Minimum Lot Depth requirement to 127.2 feet with an average lot depth of 107.2 feet as opposed to the required 130 feet on Lots 5,6 W/S of Elm Part of Lots 5,6&7 East of Oak Street Plan 54 be granted as the variance requested is minor in nature, maintains the spirit and intent of the Zoning By- law desirable for land development, and is consistent with adjacent land uses. AND THAT the applicant be advised that in order to pursue a severance,they will be required to demolish the existing entry addition attached to the residence and obtain the necessary demolition permit if necessary. Disposition: Motion Carried Unanimously 8. Adjournment Upon adjournment Chairman Goutouski announced that Council would hold a Special Meeting to discuss legal matters. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. a (L , CHAIRMAN: - ..e• 7� "— 4 1 SECRETARY: Date Approved: elcc e 9/9 7 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 24/97 The meeting was called to order at 7:46 p.m. by Reeve Goutouski. Also present were Councillors D. Brackenbury, R. Marlatt and C. Valerie Donnell, and Clerk, Lynda Millard. 1. Upon request of the Reeve it was: MOVED BY: Councillor R.Marlin. SECONDED BY: Councillor C. Valerie Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna move into Committee of the Whole CARRIED MOVED BY: Councillor D.Brackenbury. SECONDED BY: Councillor R_MadatL AND RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole now rise without reporting. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. REEVE: - - CLERK: 4�/�l:"� Date Approved: > - 2/9 7 L File: VVMIN/9709MVA I 60 SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 2/97 File: VVMin/9710sp A special meeting of Council was held in Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski, Councillors D. Brackenbury,C. V. Donnell and Rick Marlatt, Clerk, Lynda Millard, and Village Engineer Cyril J. Demeyere. There was no declaration of pecuniary interest or the general nature thereof. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss matters related to the submission of an application to MOEE, for capital funding assistance to provide a solution in regard to the pollution of the Big Otter Creek,which is due by October 31/97. Discussion was had concerning the status of the ESR and information to be supplied with the application. It was agreed that it was necessary to submit an application as soon as possible, even though the study is not yet complete, and that a public meeting be held once the funding support level has been determined. It was: MOVED BY: Councillor R.Marlatt. SECONDED BY: Councillor D.Brackenbury, AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna retain Andy Valikis as Project Manager representing the Ontario Clean Water Agency,to assist in the Class EA process, and completion of the ESR for Vienna, in conjuction with Cyril J. Demeyere Ltd., for a lump sum payment of$ 3,900. plus GST, and that a Project Management Agreement be prepared. CARRIED Also it was: MOVED BY: Councillor D. Brackenbury. SECONDED BY: Councillor C. Valerie Donnell. AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna hereby instructs and authorizes Cyril J. Demeyere Ltd. to prepare and submit an application,prior to October 31/97, for capital funding to MOEE, under the Provincial Water Protection Fund, for a sewage construction project to address the pollution of the Big Otter Creek in Vienna. CARRIED Mr. Demeyere updated Council on the status of roadwork being carried out in the Village. It was: MOVED BY: Councillor D.Brackenbury. SECONDED BY: Councillor R. Marlatt. AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna authorize payment to Viewcon Construction,Progress payment No. 1, in the amount of$41,897.29 for roadwork CARRIED Meeting adjourned 9:00 p.m 411 REEVE: _ CLERK: Date Approved: £c.t 9/9 7 /iof COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 9/97 File: 9710min The regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski, Councillors D. Brackenbury, R. Marlatt and C.V. Donnell, and Clerk L. Millard. Councillor K. Underhill was absent. Also present were Edison Museum Board members Darlene Abuda,Mary Beth Hevenor, Jack Petrie and Arthur Goethals. Approval of minutes MOVED BY: C. V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R Marlatt THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on September 11th, 1997 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna at 4:10 p.m. on September 24th, 1997 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: C. V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the minutes of the special public meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna as Committee of Adjustment at 7:30 on September 24th, 1997 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna at 7:46 on September 24th, 1997 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: C. V. Donnell THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on October 2nd, 1997 be approved CARRIED There was no declaration of pecuniary interest. Delegations: Members of the Edison Museum of Vienna Board were in attendance to discuss proposed installation of new windows at the Edison Museum. Various price quotes had been received . MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve spending for windows and installation at the Edison Museum up to$7,000. CARRIED The Board is also to look into additional work required. I. Minutes of Pre-Construction meeting regarding roadwork at the office of C.J. Demeyere Ltd. on September 12/97 at 10:00 a.m. - FILED 2. NRG permission granted Sept. 25/97 to bore under Oak Street Replacement of lines on Walnut &King Streets is also planned, coinciding with our roadwork. - FILED 3. LPRCA minutes of meeting of Sept. 3/97- FILED 4. County of Elgin Resolution &letter sent regarding roadside grasscutting-FILED 5. Memo from Harbour Lights Crop Management Systems- it has since been learned that information contained therein was inaccurate- FILED 6. It was agreed that the Village support the Annual Legion Poppy Campaign in the amount of S26. 7. Request for imput regarding national unity&other governmental relationship matters as well as support for resolutions, from Inky Mark- FILED 8. Village of Blyth letter regarding Education Tax Campaign- FILED 9. Ont Federation of Agriculture info regarding the new Fanning&Food Production Protection Act, 1997- Question &Answer page- FILED 10. MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna authorize advertising for the Great Hospitals Lottery in Vienna by Black Fund Development Inc. CARRIED 11. Ministry of Consumer&Commercial Relations&Ministry of Citizenship, Culture& Recreation information regarding charitable gaming initiatives- FILED 12. AMO ALERT Sept 17/97 regarding public hearings on Bill 136(Public Sector Transition Stability Act)set to begin. Sept 18 notice that Gov't retreats on Bill 136 -FILED 13. Update on WDW- Sept 23/97&Oct. 6/97- FILED 14. MMA&H clarification on implementation of User fees by municipalities- FILED 15. The following tenders were received for winter maintenance of streets: SNOW PLOWING: Laemers Trucking Ltd. S40. per hour Gilles Menard $31. per hour SNOW REMOVAL: Laemers Trucking Ltd. Loader- $60/hr plus Truck -$40./hr Gilles Menard Loader& Single Axle Dump -$40./hr SALTING/SANDING Laemers Trucking Ltd. -$40./hr material not included Salt @$70./ton loaded on sander Salt/Sand mix @$20./ton loaded on sander MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna accept the tender submitted by Laemers Trucking Ltd. for a salting/sanding mix at S20. per ton, and at a rate of S40. per hour, on an as needed basis, as determined by the Road Superintendent, for the 1997/98 winter season CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna accept the tender submitted by Gilles Menard for snow plowing village streets, at the rate of S31. per hour, and snow removal;by supplying a loader and one single axle dump truck at the rate of S40. per hour, on an as needed basis, as determined by the Road Superintendent, for the 1997/98 winter season CARRIED 16. Council had no concerns regarding the License Application to sell auto parts by Trevor Herron at #21 Front Street, Vienna Seminars The Clerk is to attend the Freedom of Information Session on Thursday,Nov. 20/97- 1:00- 4:00 p.m. at the Aylmer Police College.nd the MMAH Conference in London on Dec 5/97 /4,14 Other business A proposed Open House for Vienna ratepayers&residents will be discussed at the November 14th meeting. MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna move into Committee of the Whole CARRIED MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Committee of theWhole now rise without reporting CARRIED Approval of Accounts MOVED BY: Councillor R Marlatt SECONDED BY: Councillor D. Barckenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum of Vienna, being Cheque# 189 to Cheque# 194 and totalling$ 571.90 be paid. CARRIED MOVED BY: Councillor D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: Councillor R Marlatt THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque# 516 to Cheque # 544 and totalling S 70,854.17 be paid as presented by the Clerk CARRIED Adjournment MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the meeting be adjourned,to meet again on November 13th, 1997 at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED REEVE •I dipm_m • CLERK , �/ .` .0 Date Approved:Y1 N / 3)9 7 'w Ao SPECIAL COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 22/97 7:30 p.m. File: VVmin/9710spcm 1. Call to Order Reeve Goutouski called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Present were Councillors, Doug Brackenbury and C. Valerie Donnell,and Clerk Lynda Millard. Absent were Councillors R. Marlatt and K Underhill. 2. There was no declaration of pecuniary interest or the general nature thereof 3. Business (i) regarding the submission of an application to MOEE, for capital funding to provide a solution to the pollution of the Big Otter Creek, it was: MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: Doug Brackenbury "WHEREAS the Village of Vienna has identified a problem area within its municipality due to malfunctioning septic tank systems causing an environmental impact and pollution of the Big Otter Creek; AND WHEREAS Council would like to apply for financial assistance under the Provincial Water Protection Fund to assist in constructing the proposed sewage works to alleviate the problems identified; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Village of Vienna has reviewed the available alternatives to resolve the identified problems and concur with the recommended solution of constructing a communal sewage collection system utilizing gravity sewers and pumping _ stations;a sewage forcemain to the Port Burwell Sewage Treatment Plant;and the expansion of the Port Burwell Sewage Treatment Plant to accommodate the additional sewage flows; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Village of Vienna will establish a sewage reserve account once the proposed works have been constructed; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Village of Vienna will establish an active preventative maintenance program to ensure the proper operation and maintenance of the communal sewage system; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Village of Vienna has no discretionary capital budget expenditures planned that can be deferred; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Village of Vienna has no opportunity to reduce current or planned debt financing through better matching debt terms to asset life or by reducing debt burden through lower interest rates; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Village of Vienna will pass all the necessary by-laws to establish a cost recovery program which will ensure that the full cost of providing municipal sewage services will be recovered from the users; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Village of Vienna is willing to own and operate the proposed sewage system." CARRIED: Gundy Goutouski REEVE /40.5" (ii) regarding an Agreement with the Ontario Clean Water Agency it was: MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.97-06 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign an agreement with the Ontario Clean Water Agency for the provision of Project Management for Project No. 50-0078-01 be now read a FIRST TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.97-06 be now read a SECOND TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.97-06 be now read a THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED CARRIED (iii) regarding an Agreement for the Canada Ontario Infrastructure Works program it was: MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.97-07 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign an agreement regarding the Canada Ontario Infrastructure Program be now read a FIRST TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell. SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.97-07 be now read a SECOND TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.97-07 be now read a THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED CARRIED 4. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. 110 • RE3Vk t CLERK l.' Date Approved: N ' /3)97 /66 COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 13/97 File: 9711 min The regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski, Councillors D. Brackenbury, R Marlatt, C.V. Donnell, and K Underhill,and Clerk L. Millard. Also present was ratepayer David Simmonds. Approval of minutes MOVED BY: C. V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R Marlatt THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on October 9th, 1997 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: K Underhill THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on October 22nd, 1997 be approved CARRIED There was no business arising from the minutes. There was no disclosure of pecuniary interest or the general nature thereof 1. MNR letter regarding role in Fish Habitat Management and news Release- FILED 2. Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit- Summary of Services offered- FILED 3. Minutes of LPRCA meeting of October 1/97- FILED 4. In response to the City of Stratford letter of request for support it was: MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the resolution of the City of Stratford in regard to provincial downloading and fiscal neutrality CARRIED 5. AMO summary of Gov'ts decision to withdraw Bill 109, Local control of Public Libraries Act, 1997- FILED 6. MMAH -notice of filing of Ontario Regulation 379/97 to eliminate municipal authority to impose conditions with respect to the sale or service of liquor. Municipalities will continue to have authority to license bars&restaurants& impose conditions relating to other aspects of the business. - FILED -Social Housing Recommendations- FILED 7. MCSS letters regarding Ontario Works- FILED 8. Canadian Firearms Centre Bulletin# 10- FILED 9. In response to the application to Council for adjustment of taxes it was: MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve assessment/tax adjustments as follows: Realty portion Roll# 001-006-00 S 91.73 Business 001-006-00-0001 182.74 CARRIED /l0 7 10. MMAH letter regarding assessment&taxation changes&Bulletin- FILED 11. Update re seminar Nov 4th regarding WDW(Provincial Downloading) --Social Assistance-Elgin&St. Thomas will be required to have only one delivery agent -Shared-Benefits 80/20% Admin 50/50% --Child Care- Mandatory 80/20% --Public Health- Mandatory Programs only offered- 100% —Land ambulance- 100%2-year transition period --Social Housing- 100%from province to mun- Federal funding maintained --Children's Aid Societies- 100%by province --Septic System Inspections into Building Code- cost recovery basis by locals --Policing 100%to munic --Provincial Offences- Revenues 100%Request for proposal to take over court system Part I& III 2-year phase-in --Libraries --Property Assessment-cost-recovery basis-Mid-1998- Ontario Property Assessment Corporation-eventually to local municipalities- some already have proposed to take it back(Oxford for one) --Managed forests and conservation lands from rebates to reduced tax rates --Farm tax rebate-to reduced tax rate --Gross Receipts Tax- Revenue 100%to province (We may be required to collect for them) --Preliminary Reassessment Data sheets- ALL FILED Community Investment Fund&Capital&Operating Restructuring Fund- info to be forthcoming Other business -The street lights not working are to be repaired. -A recipient for the Vienna Citizen Award was discussed. Approval of Accounts MOVED BY: Councillor IC Underhill SECONDED BY: Councillor C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum of Vienna, being Cheque# 195 to Cheque# 197 and totalling S 90.61 be paid. CARRIED MOVED BY: Councillor D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: Councillor R Marlatt THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque# 545 to Cheque # 582 and totalling $91,181.44 be paid as presented by the Clerk CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna move into Committee of the Whole CARRIED MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole now rise CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna authorize a rate increase for Len Claus of$1.00 per hour CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna authorize a bonus payment to the Clerk treasurer for 1997 in the amount of$2,500.00 CARRIED /lam? Adjournment MOVED BY: R Mariatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the meeting be adjourned,to meet again on December 11th, 1997 at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED P . , REEVE Ni 46.4 CLERK a► / «2 Date Approved: /VZ ,-r„Lei /)11-1 V • • 6,9 COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMDER11127 File 97I2min The regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski, Councillors D. Brackenbury, R. Marlatt. C.V. Donnell, and K. Underhill, and Clerk L. Millard. Also present were ratepayers David Simmonds and Bill Gheysen. Approval of minutes MOVED BY: C. V. Donnell • SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on November 13th, 1997 be approved CARRIED Business arising from minutes The Clerk is to contact Ken Sproul regarding the purchase of a cement park bench for the Citizen Award for 1997. There was no disclosure of pecuniary interest. I. MMAH notice regarding amendment to Order providing for the name change of the new municipalities in Elgin to The Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin, The Corporation of The Township of Malahide. and The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham. - FILED 2. Schedule of Water rates for Vienna for 1998. The Clerk informed Council that she had contacted Phyll Pressey regarding the rates received, and confirmed there was an error in calculations, as the debt on Vienna's portion had been paid out in 1996. She was also informed that a sizeable credit was also being accumulated for 1997. Council agreed that no further payments on billings he made until the credit is applied. Supporting documentation of the established rate calculation for 1998 is also to be requested. 3. Canadian Firearms Centre/Dept of Justice information & News Release regarding Regulations tabled Oct. 30/97 More info or plain language guide to proposed Regulations is available at 1-800-731-4000- FILED 4. LBORP notes of meeting of Nov 6/97- FILED 5. MMA&H Regulation eliminating municipal licensing of transportation busigesses- FILED • 6. MUNICIPAL ALERT-FYI i) AMO comments on Education Bill 160- FILED ii) Amendments to Bill 149(Fair Municipal Finance Act(No.2)- FILED iii) Update on Bill 142, Social Assistance Reform Act Bill 152, Services Improvement Act &Third Reading Proposed Funding announcement - FILED iv) City of Brockville endorsement of Resolution regarding Charity Gaming Clubs- FILED v) Proclamation of Bill 105, Police Services Amendment Act,1997- FILED - 7. MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve the assessment/tax adjustments for 1997 on the following properties: Realty Roll No. 001-095-01 S 20.52 Business 001-095-01-0001 41.02 Realty Roll No. 001-036-00 41.60 Business 001-036-00-0002 81.70 CARRIED • 8. MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: RMarlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve the Municipal Appraisal Sheet for Land Division Committee Submission # E107/97 as completed CARRIED 9. B/L regarding contract for winter maintenance of roads- FILED 10. Bill Gheysen was in attendance regarding a request to sell Nevada tickets at Menard's Service Centre MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C. V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna authorize the Vienna Lioness to sell Nevada tickets at a Third Party Outlet in Vienna CARRIED Approval of Accounts MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum of Vienna, being Cheque# 198 to Cheque#202 and totalling$ 8,189.38 be paid. CARRIED MOVED BY: Councillor D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: Councillor R. Marlatt THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque# 583 to Cheque # 611 and totalling $66,485.75 be paid as presented by the Clerk CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna move into Committee of the Whole CARRIED • Mr. Simmonds and Mr. Gheysen left. MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole now rise CARRIED Other Business MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna transfer$ 25.000. from the Water Reserve Fund to the Sewer Reserve Fund CARRIED /7, MOVED BY: C. V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna transfer S 10,000. from the 1997 Revenue Fund Surplus to the Sewer Reserve Fund CARRIED Adjournment MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: K. Underhill THAT the meeting be adjourned , to meet again on December 29th, 1997 at 7:30 p.m. CARRIED REEVE4111°. o' • CLERK _ .� .," „ ..� ' v Date Approved: ,(t/or,-rr,k a 919 7 v VIENNA COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 29/97 File: 9712minf The final meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. Present were Reeve Gundy Goutouski, Councillors Douglas Brackenbury, Rick Mariatt,C. Valerie Donnell, and Keith Underhill,and Clerk Lynda Millard. Approval of minutes MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: K Underhill THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on • December 11th, 1997 be approved CARRIED Business arising from minutes- Citizen Award 1997 It was suggested that park benches with cement ends and 2"x 6"backs and bottoms be incorporated into the pavilion planned by the Vienna Lions Club at Memorial Park. A plaque would be placed in the bench. MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna transfer the Citizen Award funds to the Vienna Lions Club to administer,in the amount of S 719.61 CARRIED The clerk is to write a letter to the Vienna Lions Club reflecting Council's direction. There was no disclosure of pecuniary interest 1. Ministry of Health-Request for comment of Draft "Personal Health Information Protection Act" - FILED 2. Twp. of Delhi request for support of Resolution regarding curtailment of Smoking. - FILED 3. Ont Liquor Boards Employees' Union letter- FILED 4. LPRCA- Minutes of meeting of December 3/97- FILED 5. County of Elgin Land Division Committee Decision regarding Application E/107/97 GRANTED-FILED 6. Minister of Finance info regarding Community Reinvestment Fund- Elgin/Bayham- and Province-wide info- FILED 7. MUNICIPAL ALERT-COMMENTS ON: • 1) Province announces new funding arrangement&savings targets&releases final numbers 2) AMO calls upon Province to achieve same savings targets as imposed on municipalities 3) Additional News from Queen's Park 4) AMO request for Background info relating to Provincial financial data 5) AMO to hold special meeting to formulate plan to deal with Province -ALL FILED 8. MMA&H Conference Package- FILED �3 9. MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna write off Business taxes on Property Roll Number 001-002-00-0004 as follows: 1996 Business 209.84 Penalty 40.84 1997 Interim Business 104.92 Penalty 11.15 CARRIED 10. In regard to OCWA Water billings information update it was: MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury • SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Village of Vienna accumulated credit balance with the Ontario Clean Water Agency,in regard to water, as at December 31, 1997,be credited to the Vienna Water Reserve Fund when received CARRIED Other Business Council requested that Rodger Wolfe be instructed to install the replacement light at the basketball court in Memorial Park,which has been on order for some time, when it becomes available. Valerie Donnell questioned whether a replacement culvert could be put at the MacDonald! Cole properties as the present one has become damaged. It was suggested that the owners contact Dwayne Daniel. Approval of Accounts MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: R.Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum of Vienna, being Cheque# 202 to Cheque#206 and totalling$2,484.86 be paid. CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque#612 to Cheque #635, including cheque# 606,and totalling $25,903.45 be paid as presented by the Clerk. CARRIED MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: C. V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna transfer$2,000. from the Edison Museum account to the Vienna Community Centre and Recreation Reserve • CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT By-Law No. 97-08 being a by-law to confirm actions of Council from December 1, 1996 to December 31, 1997 be now read a First Time .... CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT By-law No. 97-08 be now read a Second Time CARRIED / 7 / MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT By-law No. 97-08 be now read a Third Time and Finally Passed CARRIED Adjournment MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C. V. Donnell THAT the final meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna be adjourned .... CARRIED • MAYOR,MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM CL RK,VILLAGE OF VIENNA L Date Approved: 90-k.,a_zb2.,,t) O,al q V •