HomeMy WebLinkAboutVienna Council Minutes 1996 VILLAGE OF VIENNA COUNCIL MINUTES 1996 COUNCILMEATIES JANUARY 11/96 File: 9601min The Council of the Village of Vienna met in Council chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were- Councillors, Doug Brackenbury, Rick Marlatt, Keith Underhill. C. Valerie Donnell, Clerk Lynda Millard and ratepayer William Gheysen. In the absence of Reeve Goutousl i it was: MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna appoint Douglas Brackenbury as Acting Reeve. CARRIED Approval of Minutes MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on December 14, 1995,be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: R Marian SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve the minutes of the public meeting of December 18, 1945 CARRIED MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on December 18/95 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R Marlatt THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on December 19/95 be approved- CARRIED There was no Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest. L OCWA Third Quarter Report and copy of Pt. Burwell letter to OCWA- FILED 2 Request by Village of West Lorne for support regarding Fire fighter training. FILED 3 Possible proposed Tillsonburg Police& Fire Service area submission for consideration - FILED 4. MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V Donnell • AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the Township of Hagarty&Richards resolution dated Nov. 21/95 in opposition to the establishment of commercial activities by the Ministry of Natural Resources within their parks CARRIED 5. MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: R. Marlin AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the Village of Belmont Resolution of December 19/95 in regard to the 19%County of Elgin requisition .CARRIED r 7.3 MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the Village of Belmont resolution of December 19/95 in regard to the 1996 School Boards requisitions CARRIED 6. LPRCA& MNR info regarding changes to provincial grants&proposed changes to the CA Act and Minutes of LPRCA Meeting of December 6195 - FILED MOVED BY: C V Donnell SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the reappointment of lack Petrie ac the representative of Vienna. Bayham& Port Burwell to • the Long Point Region Conservation Authority for the 19%terra CARRIED 7 MMA& Housing info regarding Bill 20, Apts in Houses, & Development Charges info -FILED Draft for Discussion - Provincial Policy Statement- Bill 20- Land Use Planning Comments requested by March 4/96 C. V. Donnell is to study&return for discussion at the February meeting. 8. Amtelecom submission regarding CRTC application re 9-1-1 service- FILED 9, MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the December 1995 resolution of the County of Elgin in opposition to the proposed closing of the St. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital. CARRIED Possible closure of St. Thomas court facilities was opposed b} resolution at Dec 14th meeting 10. MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the Tillsonburg Memorial Hospital Board and staff in regard to their opposition to Bill 26 CARRIED II The Weed Control Act Questionnaire was discussed and completed for submission 12. MMA&Housing info regarding Block Funding& 19%repayment limit respecting long-term debt & financial obligations- FILED 11 MOVED BY: R Marian SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT By-law No 96-01 being a by-law to confirm 1995 actions of Council be now read a FIRST TIME . CARRIED • MOVED BY K Underhill SECONDED BY: It Maran AND RESOLVED THAT By-law No. 96-01 be now read a SECOND TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT By-law No. 96-01 be now read a THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED. CARRIED MOVED BY: R. Marian SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT By-law No. 96-02 being a by-law to appoint Municipal Officers for 19%be now read a FIRST TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: R. Marian AND RESOLVED THAT By-law No 96-02 be now read a SECOND TIME CARRIED MOVED BY C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K. Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT By-law No 96-02 be now read a THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED. CARRIED MOVED BY: R Marian SECONDED BY: K. Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT By-law No. 96-03 being a by-law to set the 1996 Interim Mill Rates at: Res 204.420 Com& Bus 240.495 With Due Dates of Feb. 29&May 30, 1996 be now read a FIRST TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V Donnell SECONDED BY: R Marian AND RESOLVED THAT By-law No 96-03 be now read a SECOND TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT By-law No 96-03 be now read a THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED CARRIED 14. MOVED BY: R Marian SECONDED BY: K. Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT By-law No. 96-04 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign an agreement with Bayham Township for the operation of a Joint Fire Department be now read a FIRST TIME. CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R Marian AND RESOLVED THAT By-law No. 96-04 be now read a SECOND TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT By-law No. 96-04 be now read a THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R Marlen AND RESOLVED THAT By-law No. 96-05 being a by-law to establish Mutual Aid in regard to Fire Services be now read a FIRST TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: R. Marian SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT By-law No 96-05 be now read a SECOND TIME C ARRIE D MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT By-law No. 96-05 be now read a THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED. CARRIED 15. By-law enforcement was discussed. 15 16 Approval of the 1995 Roads Expenditure was delayed Council was updated by K. Underhill& L. Millard on the WMMP meeting on January 10/96 in Aylmer. Approval of Accounts MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable to the Edison Museum being Cheque k 121, and totalling 834.34 be paid CARRIED MOVED BY: R Marlatt . SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Vienna Community Centre& Recreation Board,being Cheque tt 074 to Cheque#078 and totalling 82,019.97 be paid.. .. CARRIED MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY'. R. Marian THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque 4 898 to cheque 4 923, and totalling S 25.381.94 be paid as presented by the Clerk CARRIED MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the meeting be adjourned,to meet again on February 8/96 at 8:00 p m. CARRIED REEVE - CLERK . •, a -.-! Date Approved:-.d." gi 9 SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 16/96 The Council of the Village of Vienna met in Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. Present were Reeve G. Goutouski,Councillors: D Brackenbury, R. Marian, K Underhill, &C V Donnell,Clerk, L. Millard. Also present were Village Engineer,Cyril Demeyere, Dr. Wilson, MOH, Bill Baskerville, LPRCA, and Bruce Boland,OCWA. Rod Baird of MOE&E was unable to attend. Reeve Goutouski welcomed those present. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss matters in relation to the upcoming Public Meeting on January 25/96 at the Community Centre in the pursuit of an acceptable solution to the Otter Creek pollution situation. Village Engineer, Cyril Demeyere brought those present up to date regarding the Environmental Study Report progress since the previous Public meeting in September of 1994. There was discussion&questions regarding the various alternatives and preliminary costs, funding assistance source possiblities, solutions being pursued by other localities as well as other comments. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.rn REEVE • —_ l - -2 - CLERIS %s- Liz ea -a Date Approved: 7b a SPECIAL MEETING Thursday.January 18/96 File: 9601 Tndr A special meeting was held m Council Chambers at 10 00 p m, following an earlier public meeting with Gar Knutson, local I iteral MP, at the Vienna Community Centre. Present were: Reeve G. Goutouski,Councillors D Brackenburv, R Mariatt, K Underhill and C Valerie Donnell. and Clerk L. Millard. Tenders received for the repairs and restoration at the Edison Museum were opened Tenders were received from (I) Staley General Contracting Ltd (2) Latos General Contracting Ltd (3) And Ralf It was agreed to meet with the Edison Museum Board to further discuss the tenders received. In regard to the 1995 Roads Expenditure to be submitted it was MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R Marian AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve the 1995 Roads Expenditure in the amount of S 45,946.18 CARRIED The meeting adjourned. REEVE �• •� CLERK ,ATm Date Approved:dj b dJ 9 6 77 PUBLIC MEETING JANUARY 25,19% File 4601 pub A Public meeting was held at the VIENNA COMMUNITY CENTRE on Thursday. January 25th, 1994 at 700 p.m, in accordance with requirements of Schedule C projects under the Class Environmental Assessment for Water& Wastewater Projects. NOTICE of the meeting had been given in The Tillsonburg News and The Aylmer Express, as well as flyers being placed in Vienna post office boxes, and mailed to ratepayers outside Vienna Full council present included Reeve Gundy Goutouski, and Councillors Douglas IP Brackenbury, Rick Marian, Keith Underhill and C Valerie Donnell, and Village Clerk Lunda Millard Reeve Goutouski chaired the meeting, introducing the head table guests which were Phil Pressey, from Ontario Clean Water Agency. John Taylor and Martha Giesbrecht of the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit, Bill Baskerville from the Long Point Region Conservation Authority. Elgin MPP Peter North, and Village Engineer, Cyril Denevere Rod Baird scheduled representative of the M.O E & E. was absent due to illness. Also present were representatives of the Township of Bayham and the Village of Port Burwell, and Bob de la Penotiere of Peter North's office. There were approximately a total of eighty-five people in attendance. Copies of the Class Environmental Assessment Discussion of Alternative Solutions prepared by Village Engineer Cyril Demeyere were distributed at the door. The various alternatives, along with the positive as well as the negative impacts and the estimated costs involved were presented by Cyril Demeyere. A Summary of Costs of Alternative Solutions as presented is inserted following these minutes. A brisk question period followed,with over 35 questions being answered by either Mr Demeyere, Reeve Goutouski or the head table members. Following the question period, a show of hands, regarding the three long-term alternative solutions presented, indicated preference for a mechanical treatment plant located in Vienna The meeting adjourned about 9:30 p.m. Coffee was served. REEVE Cu i!► INAD` Date Approved:.i 10. SUMMARY Of COSTS OF ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS - NOTE COSTS DO NOT INCLUDE GST Oa r,' It is anticipated that the preferred alternative solution will be eligible for financial assistance under the Municipal Assistance Program. page 3 23 January 1996 Since the level of financial assistance can vary from 704 to 854, 77.54 is used for the purpose of comparing alternatives. The following is 9420 a comparison of the economic impact on the residents for various alternative solutions BASED ON 77.54 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: I 2 3 4 S 6 7 II 1 III AMOUNT TO BE COST AFTER FUNDED BY VIENNA NET AMOUNT TYPICAL ANNUAL DEDUCTING 77.54 FOR ASSESSMENT TO BE ASSESSED COST PER ANNUAL PAYMENT COST PER HOUSEHOLD OPERATING MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL FINANCIAL AGAINST FUTURE AGAINST mo SEN0l0 OR • 10% INTEREST TO CONNECT INCLUDING COST PER INFORMATION DESCRIPTION OF ALTERMATIV[ ESTIMATED COST ASSISTANCE DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES YACJINT LOT 10 YEARS 20 YEARS PLUMBING MODIFICATIONS M71294 9N FUTURE LOTS A) REBUILD SEPTIC SYSTEMS 11,130,000' $ 254.250 S - S 254.250 52.250' 5365 - $ 500 s - - I) INSTALL MOLDING TANKS $ 150,000' $ 33.750 S - $ 33.750 $ 675' $110 - S 500 52.080 - C) SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT (MECHANICAL) IN VIENNA. INCLUDING SANITARY SEWERS $6,100,000 51.507.500 1227.250 ''""6-""" $1,210,250 55,N0' $922 S675 51.500 S 695' • COST INCLUDES SERVICE 4 �� �' CONNECTION TOTAL 36 D) PUMP SEIMGE TO PORT BUIWELL, INCLUDING SANITARY SEWERS 55.350.000 51.203.750 $1141.7500 ''"'""" $1.062,000 54.720' 5765 5562 $1,500 S 615' • WILL REQUIRE CHARGE OF ___ TOTAL _ N %•-•1••• 52.000 PER LOT • COST INCLUDES SERVICE E) SEWAGE TREATMENT IN SIENNA CONNECITON USING RECIRCULATING SAND FILTERS AND REED BEDS WITH *STEP' SYSTEM CONSISTING OF INDIVIDUAL SEPTIC TANKS AND SMALL DIAMETER SEWERS FOR COLLECTION ('STEP' - SEPTIC TAN[ EFFLUENT PUMPING) 55.000,000 $1,125.000 $139,500 ""'"'"'r-n s 985,500 $4,310' $710 SS22 $750 $350' • WILL REQUIRE SEPTIC TOTAL 112.2221 CC�(CTION VICE ' Based on 113 households 11. INFORMATION ON NUMBER OF LOTS 12. ASSESSMENT AGAINST FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ' Based on 50 households ' Based on 225 properties Number of occupied lots including With respect to the three alternative Based om 180 households commercial. institutional 180 solutions involving the Installation of ' See Sections 11 and 12. Based on 101 sanitary sewers and the treatment of sewage. of Sanitary Sewers. 204 of Balance of Vacant lots with separate roll number it is suggested that a portion of the capital the Capital Works after deducting on serviced streets 20 cost of the worts after deducting the financial assistance of 77.54 and the financial assistance be assessed against assessment against 25 future lots. Future lots that can be created on future development as follows: serviced streets from larger parcels of land (to be funded by Vienna) 2.5 • 104 of the Sanitary Sewers THIS SCH ED ULE IS • 20% of the Pumping Station and Forcemain TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS CONSIDERED PRELIMINARY AND IN DETERMINING PER LOT COST •• assessment 20%sessment fforof the25 future Sewage Treatment re lots lots SUB J ECT TO FUTURE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT TO REACH NOTE: The CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION to Port ADJUSTMENTS BY DESIGN POPULATION OF 700 Burwell for capacity in their sewage (to be funded by Vienna) treatment plant is based on 180 COUNCIL • existing households. Future TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS IN DESIGN YEAR development will be allipped $2,000 per lot. 7? SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 29,1996 FBe: 9601 Mus The Council of the Village of Vienna met with members of the Edison Museum Board to discuss the tenders received for the renovations to the Museum Present were: Reeve G Goutouski, Councillors, D Brackenbus. R Marlatt. K Underhill&C.V. Donnell, Clerk L Millard, Museum Board members. D Abuda. J Petrie, J. Racz,A Goethals, and C Franklin The tender proposals were discussed at length. It was agreed that the totals of tenders • submitted for all works requested were too high to be acceptable and alternatives must be sought Discussion followed for the possible elimination of certain work at this time Those members present that would be available, agreed to meet at the Museum the following dad to investigate alternatives. The Museum Board members left. In regard to Elgin Waste Management Planning it was MOVED BY: D. Brackeabury SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve the service requirement as shown on the attached revised Table 2 Local Municipal Waste Management Service Requirements for the purpose of the Request for Proposal call being issued by the Joint Board for Waste Management Planning for the County of Elgin/City of St Thomas. _ _. CARRIED The meeting adjourned REEVE - L _ - _ CLERK _,�, Date Approved:_aa.b $/q(c • SPECIAL METIN{ TUESDAY.FEBRUARY_6.19% File 9602tndr The Council of the Village of Vienna met in council Chambers at 7 30 p nt with Reeve G Goutouski, Councillors D Brackenbury, R Marlatt, K. Underhill and C Valerie Donnell, and Clerk L Millard present Reeve Goutouski informed members of Council that the Museum Boud had met the previous evening to discuss the renovations and proposed that the Odd Jobs list and the removal of the chimney be eliminated and that less extensive work be done in the Bathroom/Office area for a reduction in cost of the Tender submitted by Andy Ralf in 11, the amount of$5,682.00 MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: C V Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna accept the tender of Andy Ralf for museum renovations in the amount of$34,948.00, to be paid by infrastucture federal and provincial share of$12,070.00, and the balance by the Museum Board funds. Councillor Brackenbury requested a recorded vote. Those in ihnikAgniald Councillor C.V. Donnell Councillor D. Brackenburti_• Councillor K Underhill Councillor R. Marlatt Reeve G. Goutouski The Resolution CARRIED 4 - 1 The meeting adjourned REEVE: CLERK: , Date approved: .. b g)q' COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 8/96 File: 9602mo The Regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna, was held in Council Chambers at 8 00 p m. Present were Reeve, Gundy Goutouski, and Councillors, D Brackenbury, C Valerie Donnell, Keith Underhill and Clerk Lynda Millard Councillor R Marian was absent. Also present were J Petrie, M. Chico, S Straub, R Nikitsch, R Brindley, R Pettigrew, F Hartmann, and L Drieghe Approval of Minutes • MOVED BY D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: K Underhill THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on Januar' II'96 be approved. CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on January 16/96 be approved.. _CARRIED MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY C V Donnell THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on January 18/96 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the minutes of the Public meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on January 25/96 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: C V Donnell SECONDED BY D. Brackenbury THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on January 29/96 be approved.. . CARRIED MOVED BY: D Brackenbury SECONDED BY. K Underhill THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on February 6/96 be approved CARRIED There was no declaration of pecuniary interest. Delegation present: 3 LPRCA representative Jack Petrie updated Council regarding the recent Provincial • funding cuts re Bill 26 and the implications and effects upon the Authority. - minutes of January 10/96 meeting-J. Petrie Per Diem for 1995 - S945. + Travel (`i .30)$468.30 =S 1,413.30 - FILED I Provincial Policy Statement - Bill 20- Land Use Planning- Draft for Discussion- from January meeting was presented by C. Valerie Donnell- The Report encourages the establishment of water and sewer services in the urban areas. No comments are to be submitted. 2 Elgin County R C S.S. Board and Elgin County Board of Education letters acknowledging our resolution regarding 1996 mill rates-FILED 4. Request by the CNB for grant funding to support a CNIB Library user @ up to S300. -FILED 5 Aylmer& East Elgin Agricultural Society letter of request for grant in support of the Aylmer Fair-- Financial Statement to October 1995 - FILED 6 Update from Min of Solicitor General and Training requirements for firefighters mfo -FILED 7 Port Burwell Legion request for a donation toward expansion of their Branch to be included in our 19%budget. - FILED MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the Port Burwell Legion's request to withdraw funds from the Poppy Fund as requested in their letter of February 7/96 CARRIED 8 As a result of the Twp. of Elizabethtown letter requesting support it was. MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the Resolution of the Township of Elizabethtown regarding the Ontario Municipal Board and review of its operation .CARRIED 9. OCWA update info regarding meeting at Port Stanley on January 23;96 by clerk- & Update re ESR funding and reference material re: Tastes& Odours, Zebra Mussels, Cryptosporidium- FILED 10. MIG Letter of interest in regard to servicing- To be contacted re a presentation I I. Update of recent meeting at Bayham Twp with reps regarding Emergency services- FILED 12. As a result of County of Elgin letter dated February 5 %it was: MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna agree to provide assistance to the County of Elgin roads Department in emergency situations on a reciprocal basis as required.. RR CARRIED 13. MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: C.V Donnell THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve the Assessment adjustment for Property Roll#001-206-00 due to house being demolished CARRIED 14. MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the establishment of a Car Dealership located at #43 - 45 Front Street CARRIED Approval of Accounts MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna,being Cheque#924 to Cheque # 947, and totalling S 14,730.06 be paid as presented by the Clerk .CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum, being Cheque # 120 and Cheque# 122 to Cheque# 123, and totalling S 3,918.79 be paid CARRIED 3 MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Vienna Community Centre& Recreation Board,being Cheque#079 to Cheque#082 and totalling S 712.76 be paid CARRIED MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna move into Committee of the Whole CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell • THAT the Committee of the Whole now rise without reporting .CARRIED MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the meeting be adjourned,to meet again on March 14, 1996 at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED REEVE: CLERK: - Date Approved: YiThoi cL I /94 1/ • SY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 14. 1996 File: 9603min The Regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna,was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were: Reeve,Gundy Goutouski, and Councillors, Doug Brackenbury, Rick Marlatt, C. Valerie Donnell, and Keith Underhill, and Clerk Lynda Millard. Resident S. Straub arrived between 8:30 and 9:00 p.m. Approval of Minutes MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on February 8/96 be approved CARRIED Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest Reeve Goutouski declared a Pecuniary interest in item# 12. 1. In response to the Village of West Lome request it was: MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the Resolution of the Village of West Lorne regarding the elimination of the dual school board system in Ontario CARRIED 2. The Village of Port Burwell Resolution&Memorandum- FILED A copy is to be sent to C. J. Demeyere Ltd. 3. OCWA Reserve&Operating Funds Dec. 31/95 & 1996 Billings- FILED 4. LPRCA Minutes of meeting of Feb. 7/96, 1996 Levy info& 1995 Financial Statements -FILED In response to the County of Oxford letter of request it was: MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the Resolution of the County of Oxford that efforts be made to reduce the administration costs by the Long Point Region Conservation Authority .CARRIED 5. In regard to the ROMA Insurance Program request it was: MOVED BY: C. V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the Resolution of the Roma Insurance Program Inc. regarding pertinent legislation relating to municipal liability CARRIED 6. The Pilot Project Partnership with Human Resource Development Canada submitted for an Employer User Pay Agricultural&Rural Employment Agency to service the areas of Elgin-Norfolk, Oxford&Middlesex counties from Aylmer, and requesting financial support from the Federal Gov't in the amount of$96,000. - FILED 7. MMA info regarding Bill 26- Summary- FILED Reeve Goutouski updated Council on the progress of the County Study Committee. S'3 8. MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna grant approval to the Ontario Sports&Recreation Centre to conduct the Wish'N Win media bingo as described in their March 1996 letter CARRIED 9. County of Elgin letter regarding "No Parking By-Laws" and enforcement- FILED 10. Industry Canada letter&info regarding Radio Station Licensing fees- FILED 11. Workplace signage requirements are to be looked into. 12. Reeve Goutouski vacated the chair and left the room MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: C. V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna appoint Doug Brackenbury as Acting Reeve to deal with item# 12 CARRIED The Municipal Appraisal sheet for comment in regard to Bayham Severance application #E 21/96 by G. Goutouski was discussed. G. Goutouski was requested to return to the room to address concerns raised by Council. MOVED BY: C. V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna request that the Severance Application#E 21/96 question#10 response state that Municipal water capacity is presently available,but water line would have to be extended to subject property at owner's cost CARRIED Reeve Goutouski reassumed the chair. By-laws were discussed and appropriate changes made. MOVED BY: C.V.Donnell SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.96-07 being a By-law to license and regulate Transient Traders be now read a FIRST TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.96-07 be now read a SECOND TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.96-07 be now read a THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.96-06 being a By-law to regulate and license dogs be now read a FIRST TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO. 96-06 be now read a SECOND TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.96-06 be now read a THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED CARRIED 86 MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.96-08 being a By-law to authorize granting of moving permits be now read a FIRST TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.96-08 be now read a SECONDED TIME .CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO 96-08 be now read a THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED CARRIED Approval of Accounts MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Vienna Community Centre and Recreation Board,being Cheque#083 to Cheque#086, and totalling$469.58 be paid CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum,being Cheque # 124 to Cheque# 125, and totalling$8,034.50 be paid CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: K Underhill THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque#948 to Cheque #979,and totalling$ 52,666.67 be paid as presented by the Clerk CARRIED Committee of the Whole MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna move into Committee of the Whole CARRIED Mr. Straub left the room. MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole now rise without reporting CARRIED MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the meeting be adjourned,to meet again on April 11, 1996 at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED REEVE W..��.;.. CLERK , `!• .� Date Approved: ., J /)�4 1p Er 7 COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 11/96 File: 9604min The Regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna,was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were: Reeve, Gundy Goutouski, and Councillors, Doug Brackenbury, Rick Marlatt, and C. Valerie Donnell, and Clerk Lynda Millard. Councillor K Underhill was absent. Delegations present: 8:15 p.m. Randy&Greg Underhill re water application 8:30 p.m. Lloyd& Frances Southwick re Bldg Permit Approval of Minutes MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on March 14/96 be approved CARRIED There was no disclosure of pecuniary interest. 8. Randy&Greg Underhill were in attendance regarding an application for water supply &service. It was: MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve the application submitted for water service by Underhill Farms Ltd., subject to the conditions of the Elgin Area Water Agency as outlined in their letter of April 9/96, THAT permission be obtained from the Township of Bayham to bore under their roads and place pipe in the road allowances, THAT the locates for applicable Utility companies be obtained prior to any digging, AND THAT work be done in accordance with Village By-law No. 91-4 CARRIED 9. In response to the Building permit application request by Lloyd&Frances Southwick it was: MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the application to the Long Point Region Conservation Authority by Lloyd& Frances Southwick for permission to add a 10' x 10' storage room to their existing dwelling at#3 King Street, Vienna CARRIED 1. Min of Attorney General letter regarding Ont. Court facilities- FILED 2. MMA&Housing letter regarding Planning Act amendments- FILED 3. CMHC letter that Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services has been selected to provide services on behalf of CMHC locally- FILED 4. OCWA Financial Report ending Dec. 31/95 - FILED 5. County of Elgin Land Division Committee Notice of Decision re Application E 21/96 - Goutouski- Granted- FILED 6. Education Board. letter containing resolution "THAT the Elgin County Board of Education support the initiative of the Council of the Village of West Lorne re: one public system in Ontario". - FILED 7. Cty of Elgin info regarding Urban Road rebates phase-out by 1997. Also results of Re- engineering study survey questionnaire. FILED Fr 10. A letter of response is to be sent to the Port Burwell Baseball Assoc. 11. In regard to Police Servicing it was: MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna request an information meeting with representatives from the Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correctional Services to discuss options for providing police services and the impact Provincial initiatives could have on the local areas CARRIED 12. Village of Blyth letter requesting support regarding the discontinuance of collection of Education Taxes by municipalities-TABLED 13. Town of Kincardine letter requesting support opposing the privatization of Ontario Hydro- FILED 14. LPRCA minutes of meeting of February 28/96& 1995 Annual Report- FILED 15. Federal Throne Speech- FILED 16.County of Elgin 1996 Budget&Mill Rate-Requisition-$ 39,949. Res. 74.658 Com. 87.833 FILED 17. In response to a request for support from Legion for the Annual Catfish Derby it was: MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the Port Burwell-Bayham Royal Canadian Legion Catfish Derby in the amount of$ 100.00, and the Building addition in the amount of$200.00 CARRIED 18. MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna proclaim the weeks of April 27th to May 12th, 1996 as Arbor Weeks CARRIED Accounts MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum being Cheque# 126 to Cheque# 129, and totalling$ 10,478.63 be paid CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Vienna Community Centre& Recreation Board,being cheque#087 to Cheque#094, and totalling$ 3,465.66 be paid .CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury] THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque#980 to Cheque #996, and totalling$ 8,880.40 be paid as presented by the Clerk CARRIED Committee of the Whole MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna move into Committee of the Whole CARRIED F9 MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole now rise without reporting CARRIED MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the meeting be adjourned,to meet again on May 9th at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED REEVE • ; .�- CLERK4; .j`��, Date Approved: 9/9 6 ' SPECIAL MEETING MARCH 21/96 File: 9603 Sp The Council of the Village of Vienna met in Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. to interview applicants for the outside Maintenance worker for 1996. Present were: Reeve Gundy Goutouski, Councillors: D. Brackenbury, R. Marlatt, K. Underhill, &C.V. Donnell, and Clerk,L. Millard. Following interviews of applicants,it was: MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna appoint Randy Claus as Maintenance worker for the 1996 season, and that a By-law be drawn up accordingly, subject to meeting required qualifications CARRIED The meeting was adjourned. REEVE Ami CLE' ,, Date Approved: 1-ncr-i 1)9(0 90 SP_EC'IAL MEETING APRIL 18/96 File: 9604 Sp The Council of the Village of Vienna met in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. following a Community Centre&Recreation Board meeting. Present were: Reeve Gundy Goutouski, Councillors: D. Brackenbury, R. Marlatt, and C.V. Donnell, and Clerk, L. Millard. MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna move into Committee of the whole .CARRIED MOVED BY: DBrackenbury SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole now rise .CARRIED MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna readvertise for a seasonal maintenance worker due to failure of successful applicant to meet required qualifications.. CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V.Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the Town of Tillsonburg in regard to opposing the merger of the three County hospitals into one new Oxford County hospital with a single governing board CARRIED The meeting was adjourned. REEVE 11 CLERK,_ Date Approved: t 9/9 t, 9i SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 25, 1996 File: 0496spec The Council of the Village of Vienna met on Thursday,April 25th, at 7:00 p.m., in Council Chambers. The meeting, attended by Councillors D. Brackenbury, R. Marlatt & C.V. Donnell, and clerk, L. Millard, was chaired by Reeve G. Goutouski. Councillor K. Underhill was absent. Also present were Village Engineer Cyril 1. Demeyere, Lynn Reiche of Delta Engineering, and Richard W. Connelly. . Mr. Connelly made a presentation on the Small Bore Sewer system. Ms. Reiche gave a slide presentation on"Snowfluent"- How&why it works,results, and components of a typical plant. Various aspects including capital&operating costs, as well as land area required were discussed. Cyril Demeyere and Council members asked various questions concerning the information presented. The meeting adjourned. REEVE „. � �” CLERK, \ " • Date Approved: 1 9/94, 9� COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 9/96 File: 9605min The Regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna, was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were: Reeve, Gundy Goutouski, and Councilors, Doug Brackenbury, Keith Underhill, and C. Valerie Donnell, and Clerk Lynda Millard. Councillor Rick Marlatt was absent. Also present was resident Steve Straub. Approval of Minutes MOVED BY: K Underhill • SECONDED BY: C. V. Donnell THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on April - 11/96 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C. V. Donnell THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on March 21/96 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on April 18/96 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: C. V. Donnell THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on April 25/96 be approved CARRIED There was no declaration of pecuniary interest. I. Tillsonburg Distrcit Chamber of Commerce letter regarding the Thames Valley District Health Council "Open House" - FILED 2. LPRCA Minutes of meeting of April 3/96- FAX of April 25th regarding proposed Levy&Budget - Notice received that fees will be charged for processing applications. - FILED 3. Ministry of Municipal Affairs&Housing info regarding the Land Use Planning& Protection Act/96 - Draft Regulations - Info Session - Ramada Inn -,London- May 23/96 1:00- 5:00 p.m. - Letter of acknowledgment regarding our Resolution in support of the Twp. of Elizabethtown(re: OMB)- FILED • 4. Village of Blyth letter regarding discontinuance of collection of Education Taxes by municipalities Item Tabled from April 11/96 meeting- TABLED pending further info 5. KMK Consultants Ltd. letter of introduction of services- FILED 6. Twp. of Bayham letter regarding Transfer Ticket sales in 1995 - FILED 7. A letter of response is to be sent to the County of Elgin letter regarding Co-operation of Road departments. 8. Roma Insurance Pregram Inc. info regarding implementation of a reciprocal exchange for Municipal Liability risks- FILED 9.3 9. OCWA letter of changes to be implemented in 1996- FILED 10. Elgin County Board of Education 11996 Budget &Mill rates Res. 182.502 Comm 214.708 5%increase Requisition 98,518. up 9,823. from 88,695. in 1995 - FILED 11. Elgin County RC.S.S. Board Budget&Mill Rates Res. 180.903 Comm.212.827 4.29%increase Requisition 3,252. (1995 - 3,494.) FILED 12. MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve the Financial Statements for 1995 as prepared by the Auditors Barker, Stanley& Partners CARRIED 13. Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit letter re Pollution- FILED 14. Drainage- Catch Basins-Trees&limbs to be looked into by the Road Department Approval of Accounts MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum being Cheque# 130 to Cheque# 131, and totalling 5 8,090.00 be paid CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Vienna Community Centre& Recreation Board, being cheque#095 and Cheque# 19 to Cheque#022, and totalling S 1,406.84 be paid .CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque#997 to Cheque # 1001, and Cheque# Ito Cheque# 18 and totalling$ 20,168.68 be paid as presented by the Clerk CARRIED Committee of the Whole MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna move into Committee of the Whole CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole now rise without reporting CARRIED MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the meeting be adjourned,to meet again on June 13th at 8:00 p.m CARRIED REEVE CLERK � J Date Approved: 3/96 9`y SPECIALMEETING MAY 14/96 File: 9605Sp The Council of the Village of Vienna met in Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. to interview applicants for the Grounds Maintenance worker for 1996. Present were: Reeve Gundy Goutouski, Councillors: D. Brackenbury, R. Marlatt, K Underhill, &C.V. Donnell, and Clerk, L. Millard. Following interviews of applicants, it was: MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna appoint David Mitts as Maintenance worker for the 1996 season, at the rate of$8.00 per hour subject to meeting specified requirements .CARRIED In regard to the need for reform of Ontario legislation to protect municipalities from unnecessary lawsuits, it was: MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT WHEREAS the Province of Ontario has indicated its intention to revise the Municipal Act; AND WHEREAS recent judicial interpretations of the provisions of the Municipal Act and the Occupier's Liability Act have increased the financial burden on municipalities by shifting responsibility for allocating resources away from elected municipal representatives and towards appointed judges; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Minister of Municipal Affairs be requested to protect municipalities from unwarranted litigation arising from sewer backups,burst watermains, road maintenance,building inspections, or accidents occurring on municipal property, as requested by the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay in its risk management submission of December 19th, 1995 .CARRIED The meeting was adjourned. REEVE liScnz CLERICS /zL Date Approved: c.,,c � 3/16 95- SPECIAL EETIN = MAY 30. 1996. File: 9605spec The Council of the Village of Vienna met at 8:00 p.m. in Council Chambers. Reeve Gundy Goutouski chaired the meeting, attended by Councillors D. Brackenbury, R. Marlatt, K. Underhill, &C. V. Donnell and Clerk L. Millard. Also present was Richard Chowen,the Facilitator for the County/City Re-Engineering Study. The purpose of the meeting was to express the various views of council members in regard to possible restructuring, sharing of services etc. • Topics discussed included vision,goals,growth potential, and services sharing. Possible options and foreseen advantages/disadvantages were suggested and discussed. Mr. Chowen will be meeting with all councils within the County and the City of St. Thomas for input, and compiling the information gathered. Although no major advantages to restructuring were foreseen for Vienna at the present time, an open mind must be kept in regard to further proposed Provincial funding cuts and their potential impact locally in future years. The Clerk was instructed to confirm by letter the availability of water in regard to Land Division Committee Application # E 113/95. MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna hereby authorizes the Clerk treasurer, Lynda Millard,to transfer Village funds within the various Bank Accounts and/or invest funds in the name of the Village CARRIED The meeting was adjourned. REEVE �) P, V Date Approved: ,,.. X3/94. /�Qom1 • 9.46 COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 13,1996. File: 9606min The Regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna,was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were: Councillors. Doug Brackenbury, Keith Underhill, and C. Valerie Donnell, Rick Marlatt and Clerk Lynda Millard. Reeve G. Goutouski was absent. Ratepayer Wm. Gheysen was present. Dwayne Daniels was present at 9:15 p.m. MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: K. Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT Doug Brackenbury be appointed as Acting Reeve for this meeting CARRIED Approval of Minutes MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: R Marlatt THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on MAY 9, 1996 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on May 30, 1996 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: K. Underhill THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on May 14, 1996 be approved CARRIED There was no disclosure of pecuniary interest It was agreed that the ART GOETHALS AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN GEOGRAPHY will be presented Tuesday June 25th, at 7:30 p.m. at the Strafford►'ille Public School bt' Councillor C.Valerie Donnell Correspondence filed: - Note of thank you from the Pt. Burwell Legion for donation to building fund. -Thank you letters from Premier Harris, Al Leach(MMA), Jim Wilson(MOH) regarding our recent Resolutions. -Gar Knutson letter acknowledging approval of our funding application under the Student Career Placement Programme. 1. Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit notice of merge with Kent Chatham. The Health Unit will be making a presentation regarding a "Raccoon Rabies Community Contingency Plan for Elgin County"to County Council on June 25/96 Flyer- FILED 2. City of Timmins&Twp of S. Dumfries letters requesting financial assistance due to recent floodings. - FILED 3. Ont. Municipal Board letter re boundary changes- FILED 4. LPRCA- Minutes of meeting of May 1/96- FILED "Programs& Services" summary&ranking sheets are to be completed&returned 5. MMA&HOUSING info regarding a recent coroner's report- INCLUDED .7 6. MMA& HOUSING info regarding the following, effective May 22/96: I) Land Use Planning& Protection Act(Bill 20) 2) Provincial Policy Statement 3) New regulations dealing with Official Plan&Amendments, Plans of subdivision, consents,Zoning by-laws& Minor Variances 4) Summary tables 5) Summary of changes to the Ont. Heritage Act 6) Records to be forwarded to MMA for an O.P. or amendment -Summary of above&- Implications for the issuance of Permits for Apartments in Houses- ALL FILED 7. MMA&Housing"WHO DOES WHAT?"panel info News Release- MMA & HOUSING "Business Plan" - FILED • 8. Management Board Secretariat News Release- May 29/96- FILED 9. OCWA letter regarding interior inspection of the Port Burwell elevated water tank Recoating is expected to be required in the next 3 to 5 years. - FILED 10. Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services letter re local housing- FILED 11. Ministry of Education & Training letter regarding the Agreement on Internal Trade- FILED Approval of Accounts MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum of Vienna. being Cheque# 132 and totalling S 90.00 he paid CARRIED MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque# 1002 &# 1003. and Cheque# 23 to Cheque# 59 and totalling S 65,293.81 be paid as presented by the Clerk CARRIED MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna hire Jason Palmer under the S.C.P. program for the summer CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna hire David Tenk under the S.E.E.P program for the summer CARRIED . MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.96-09 being a By-law tp appoint David Mitts as Maintenance Worker for the 1996 season be now read a FIRST TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: C V Donnell SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.96-1)9 be now read a SECOND TIME .CARRIED MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO 96-09 be now read a THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED CARRIED 11. Committee of the Whole MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village move into Committee of the Whole CARRIED Mr. Gheysen left the building. MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole now rise without reporting • .CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R. Marian AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna request that Mike and Katie Weber attend the July 11th Community Centre&Recreation Board meeting at 7:30 p.m. CARRIED MOVED BY:R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: C. V. Donnell THAT the meeting be adjourned,to meet again on July 11th at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED 41, 41 • REEVE � . CLERK �, - _- Date Approved:69.2 1,,7)))49 4./ 1 99 COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 26,1996. File: 9606sp A Special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna,was held in Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. Present were: Reeve Gundy Goutouski, Councillors, Doug Brackenbury. Keith Underhill, C. Valerie Donnell, and Rick Marlatt,Clerk Lynda Millard, and Chief Building Official Dwayne Daniels. Also present were: Ratepayer Debra Peters and Solicitor Scott Campbell. Committee of the Whole MOVED BY: K Underhill • SECONDED BY: R Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village move into Committee of the Whole CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole now rise without reporting... ....CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna authorize the Chief Building Official to extend the temporary building permit #t 03/96 for ninety(90)days to September 29th, 1996 CARRIED MOVED BY COUNCILLOR: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.96-10 being a By-law to set the 1996 Final Mill Rates at: Public Residential 419.675 Public Commercial 493.735 Separate Residential 418.076 Separate Commercial 491.854 Due dates: August 29th and November 28/96 Be now read a First Time CARRIED MOVED BY COUNCILLOR: K. Underhill SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT By-Law No.96-10 be now read a Second Time CARRIED MOVED BY COUNCILLOR: R Marlatt SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT By-Law No.96-10 be now read a Third Time and Finally Passed CARRIED • MOVED BY COUNCILLOR: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR: C.V.Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna accept the tender of Andy Ralf to replace the Community Centre roof with 28 gauge steel, in the amount of S 11,224.05, subject to tender requirements CARRIED The meeting adjourned. 411. REEVE , — -- CLERK _ 4\ ` Date Approved:,. /1/96• /oo COUNCIL MLNUTES JULY 11/96 File: 9607min The Regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna,was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were: Reeve, Gundy Goutouski, and Councillors, Doug Brackenbury,Keith Underhill, and C. Valerie Donnell, and Clerk Lynda Millard. Councillor Rick Marlatt was absent. Also present was ratepayer Frank Martens and resident Steve Straub. Approval of Minutes MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on June 13/96 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C. VDonnell THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on June 26/96 be approved CARRIED There was no declaration of pecuniary interest. 1. Minister of Finance letter of response re Village of Bayfield/Education finance reform FILED 2. MMA News Release &info re Crombie recommendations- FILED OPSEU info regarding Property Tax Assessment- FILED Assoc. of Mun. info letter re: "Who Does What" - FILED MOVED BY: C. V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna become a member of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for 1996 CARRIED 3. County of Elgin Road Dept. minutes of meetings of lune 6&24/96- FILED Keith Underhill to attend the meeting of July 23/96 at 1:30 p.m. Presentation: Frank Martens was in attendance regarding driveway access to his property at # 24 Fulton Street. Mr. Martens is to provide a copy of his property survey with the preferred access area plotted for K. Underhill to present to County Engineer Fred Groch on July 23/96 for discussion. 4. In response to the NRG request it was: MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve the request by NRG to bore under Oak St.to supply service to#34 Oak St. CARRIED 5 Jardine OME Insurance info requesting commitment to a "Reciprocal". FILED The Company is to be informed that Council is not interested in participation at this time. 6. Ministry of Community& Social Services"Ontario Works" info regarding work for welfare- FILED / / 7. Request by Village of Blyth for support regarding discontinuance of collection of Education tax,tabled from April 11/96 was FILED Fair Tax Commission Report Highlights from February 11/93 - FILED 8. The WATERLINE- OCWA Newsletter-the Municipal Assistance Program administration has been returned to MOE&E- FILED 9. MMA Restructuring info- FILED 10. Municipal ALERT infor regarding Video Lottery Terminals(VLTs)- FILED 1 1. The Clerk was instructed to look into requirements for a Taxi service for the Village. C. V. Donnell had questions regarding the Minor Ball Association committee. K. Underhill updated Council regarding Village sidewalk inspection, and that any necessary repairs were being undertaken by the Roads staff. Approval of Accounts MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum being Cheque # 133, and totalling$38.45 be paid CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque# 60 to Cheque # 89, and totalling y0,432.78 be paid as presented by the Clerk CARRIED Committee of the Whole MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K. Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna move into Committee of the Whole CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole now rise without reporting CARRIED Adjournment MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the meeting be adjourned,to meet again on August J.5th at 8.00 p.m CARRIED REEVE ,.,."�., • CLERK ' /„/ Date Approved:a/5/9(F /O� SPECIAL MEETING JULY 23/96 File: 9607Sp A Special Meeting was held in Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. Present were: Reeve Gundy Goutouski, Councillors: D. Brackenbury, R. Marlatt, K. Underhill, &C.V. Donnell, and Clerk, L. Millard. MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna move into Committee of the Whole CARRIED MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the whole now rise CARRIED hi response to a memo from the Town of Tillsonburg it was: MOVED BY: Councillor Rick Marlatt SECONDED BY: Councillor Doug Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Vienna is not willing to consider exploring a new municipal structure based on social and economic communities of interest,which will meet current provincial initiatives, together with the Township of Bayham, the Village of Port Burwell and the Town of Tillsonburg CARRIED Unanimously There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned. REEVE ' CLERK ._A_$.•?! > i ! Date Approved: L / U COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 15/96 File: 9608min The Regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were Reeve Gundy Goutouski, Councillors, Doug Brackenbury, Rick Marlatt, Keith Underhill, and C. V. Donnell, and Clerk Lynda Millard. Approval of Minutes MOVED BY: K Underhill SECONDED BY: K. Marlatt THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on July 11/96 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C. V. Donnell THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on July 23/96 be approved CARRIED There was no disclosure of Pecuniary Interest I. It was agreed that 25 Village and 25 Museum lapel pins be donated to the Scout & Venturer groups for their 1997 Canadian Jamboree in Thunder Bay. 2. H.J. Heinz letter re Fundraising - Survey form to be filled out&returned. 3. MMA & Housing info regarding requirements to be met prior to submission of applications for Subdivision/Condominium or Consent to Approval Authorities. Applicants are being required to obtain certain info from Health Unit/MTO etc prior to application submissions. - FILED 4. Town of Iroquois Falls request for support of Resolution regarding School Crossing Guards- FILED 5. Bayham Twp. Reeve Public statement regarding Proposed Landfill to accommodate Metro Toronto's Waste, &letters from Bayham Twp. &the Village of Port Burwell concerning looking into Restructuring with Tillsonburg- FILED 6. In response to a request by Town of Aylmer it was MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K. Underhill WHEREAS the Council of the Village of Vienna has serious concerns regarding the future health care of local residents THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the request by the Town of Aylmer that the Ministry of Health designate the local area as underserviced with respect to general family practitioner services, AND THAT one of the three full-time resident physicians requested be designated to the Vienna area CARRIED 7. Tillsonburg PUC water&electrical supply info- FILED 8. Minutes of meeting of May 8/96 with the Aylmer Police Services Board- FILED 9. The Reeve is to send a letter of support to the City of London in their bid for the 2001 Canada Games 10. City of Toronto letter regarding a proposed new province-wide property assessment system- FILED 1 I. Future Goals for Ont Colleges& Universities- Discussion Paper- Advisory Panel appointed- FILED L.) e,/ 12. County of Elgin Waste Management Services reports&letter- FILED 13. MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve the assessment reduction for property roll#001-101-00,business and realty, for 1996 as submitted CARRIED 14. Results of LPRCA Questionnaire regarding Programs& Services Review- FILED 15. County of Elgin Roads update-transfer of Highways to County effective April 1/97 &Minutes of Road superintendents meeting of July 23/96- FILED 16. In response to information from OCWA regarding a Water Reserve refund it was: MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna hereby instructs the Clerk to send a letter to Phyllip L. Pressey of the Ontario Clean Water Agency agreeing with the procedures taken in regard to the Elgin Secondary Reserve Account and that the refunded amount be set up as a reserve CARRIED 17 Canadian Mental Health Assoc. - Elgin Branch letter requesting S 5.00 Membership - FILED 18. A meeting is to be set up with John Taylor of the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit Approval of Accounts MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum of Vienna, being Cheque# 134 to Cheque# 136, and totalling S 264.76 be paid CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: K Underhill 'CHAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being cheque 3 90 to Cheque# 121, and totalling S 26,789.16 be paid as presented by the Clerk CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the meeting be adjourned,to meet again on September 12, 1996 at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED REEVE t �. . .' CLERK Date Approved: , p,t is pk, jos SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 4/96 File: 9609Sp A Special Meeting was held in Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. Present were: Reeve Gundy Goutouski,Councillors: D. Brackenbury, R. Marlatt, &C.V. Donnell, and Clerk. L. Millard. The Clerk was instructed to fax a letter to J.S. Spencer of the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital in support of their application to the Ministry of Health to have the Tillsonburg Tri-County area designated as underserviced in regard to health care. Items to be addressed in response to the letter of August 9/96 from John Taylor of the 11/ Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit at a Special meeting to be held Monday. September 9/96 were discussed. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned. REEVE • CLERK.,4`1I/`,.��►il Date Approved:.,'a)9!p SPECIALMEETING SEPTEMBER 9/96 A Special meeting was held in Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. Present were Reeve Gundy Goutouski, Councillors C.V. Donnell, K. Underhill&R. Marlatt, and Clerk, L. Millard. Also present were Village Engineer Cyril Demeyere and John Taylor of the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit. The Otter Creek pollution problem, and the status of the Village of Vienna's Environmental Study Report were discussed at length. Various options, capital funding availability, priorities, regulations and other items were discussed. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. • REEVE: .� .� CLERK: A11).l!!.�:.'/.l► Date Approved:-ipa/.219i' los .. SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 4/9k File: 9609Sp A Special Meeting was held in Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. Present were: Reeve Gundy Goutouski, Councillors: D. Brackenbury, R. Marlatt, &C.V. Donnell, and Clerk. L. Millard. The Clerk was instructed to fax a letter to J.S. Spencer of the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital in support of their application to the Ministry of Health to have the Tillsonburg Tri-County area designated as underserviced in regard to health care Items to be addressed in response to the letter of August 9/96 from John Taylor of the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit at a Special meeting to be held Monday, September 9/96 were discussed. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned. REEVE • • t 9_2— CLERK;,.AIM Ila Date Approved:..,42,./iaiq 4, SPECIAL EETING SEPTEMBER 9/96 A Special meeting was held in Council C:tambers at 7:00 p.m. Present were Reeve Gundy Goutouski, Councillors C.V. Donnell, K. Underhill&R. Marlatt, and Clerk, L. Millard. Also present were Village Engineer Cyril Demeyere and John Taylor of the Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit. The Otter Creek pollution problem, and the status of the Village of Vienna's Environmental Study Report were discussed at length. Various options, capital funding availability, priorities, regulations and other items were discussed. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. REEVE: • - 7r CLERK: A►� ;%� Date Approved:/.2/4(e lt.,, COUNCILIMUTES File: 9609 min SEPTEMBER 12/96 The Regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were Reeve Gundy Goutouski,Councillors, Doug Brackenbury,Rick Marlatt and C. V. Donnell, and Clerk Lynda Millard. K. Underhill was absent. Also present were Ratepayers Ted and Ruth Beattie and Debra Peters. Approval of Minutes MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell • THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on August 15/96 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on September 9/96 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on September 4/96 be approved CARRIED There was no declaration of pecuniary interest. Ted and Ruth Beattie were in attendance regarding the recent drainage work at their property on Ann Street. It was agreed that costs would be paid by the Village. Debra Peters was in attendance regarding the extension of the Temporary Building Permit for her trailer. It was: MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve the extension of the temporary building permit#03/96 for two months,to November 29/96 CARRIED 1. The Hospital for Sick Children will be conducting a Wishing Well Lottery between August 28 and December 18/96 under Provincial License# P 964877- FILED 2. OCWA Second Quarter/96 Report(Break-even in Operations achieved)- FILED 3. Extensive info regarding Crombie Panel Recommendations on Assessment&Property Tax Reform&Ministry of Finance letter on Reassessment, Etc. - FILED • 4. Twp. of Mariposa letter regarding Review of Drainage Act- FILED 5. Town of Fergus letter re Petition to amend the Municipal Act- FILED 6. City of York letter regarding the MMA& Housing review of the Ont. Building Code -FILED 7. Min. of Economic Development Trade&Tourism info regarding requirement for open advertising between Ont. &Quebec for contracts over$100,000. -FILED 8. Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit Info Packages for new businesses letter- FILED 9 Minutes of Road Dept. Co-operation meeting of Aug. 27/96- FILED /06 /0 7 10. Council agreed to support the Legion request to hold a Poppy Campaign in Village& to purchase a wreath. 1 1. MOVED BY: D. Brackenbwy SECONDED BY: It Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve the Part- time SEEP reconciliation report from October/95 to June/96 as submitted CARRIED 12. Request from the Village of Morrisburg to endorse Resolutions regarding National Unity&Adult education funding-FILED 13. Notice that the Canadian Diabetes Assoc.has joined the Wish'n Win TV Bingo -FILED 14. Request by St. Thomas Mayor Steve Peters to proclaim Oct. 1-7/96 as Community Parks Week-FILED 15. LPRCA Newsletter CONSERVATION MATTERS-INCLUDED 16. The Clerk is to look into further information regarding the Water System debt/surplus with OCWA. The Kettle Creek Conservation Authority will be holding its Annual Tour via the Pt.Stanley Terminal Rail on Sat. Oct. 5/96 9:00 a.m.to noon Accounts Payable MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum of Vienna, being Cheque# 137 to Cheque# 139,and totalling S 839.95 be paid CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque# 122 to Cheque# 159,and totalling S 46,443.12 be paid as presented by the Clerk CARRIED Adjournment MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the meeting be adjourned,to meet again on October 10, 1996 at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED REEVE • CLERK ,ARM Date Approved:®moi,/9(, t /0g SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 17/96 File: 9609Spec A Special Meeting was held in Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. Present were: Reeve Gundy Goutouski,Councillors: D. Brackenbury, R Marlatt, &K. Underhill,and Clerk, L. Millard. The Elgin County Re-Engineering Study- Interim Report,which had been given previously to members of Council,was discussed. Reeve Goutouski, a member of the Study Committee,updated Cotutcil on#5 uEleading st��°p to the and Central Comdor)'on of and #7(one Alternatives#3(Townships and City), tier only)for further consideration by C.N. Watson. Council had concerns that the elimination of the County and having only local government bodies was not included as an alternative. It was generally agreed that none of the alternatives were impressibly attractive. The Recommendations are to come before Elgin County Council on Tuesday, September 24th. Vienna Council will meet that evening at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the County response. In response to a request for facilities to instruct English as a Second Language classes. the Clerk was instructed to contact Sue Langley at the Elgin County Board of Education offices. In reply to an earlier proposal from the Ontario Clean Water Agency it was: MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna request that the accumulated surplus in the operating account of the Vienna Water System#BU 698 be applied by the Ontario Clean Water Agency to the Capital account debt, and that payment of the balance of S 42,963.00 be authorized CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. . REEVE --� CLERK 11 .t <_ — Date Approved: (fix/019!o /09 SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 24/96 File: 9609Spc1 A Special Meeting was held in Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. Present were: Reeve Gundy Goutouski,Councillors: D. Brackenbury,R Marlatt, C.V. Donnell, & K. Underhill, and Clerk, L. Millard. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the meeting earlier in the day by the Elgin County Council in regard to the Elgin County Re-Engineering Study- Interim Report. Reeve Gundy Goutouski informed Council members that an amendment to Alternative#3 was submitted and passed by the County Council. • The amendment was to include an option prepared by Bayham Township Council. Included in this option was that Aylmer remain as its own municipality, and that the boundaries of St. Thomas remain unchanged,with the option of joining the County. The financial analysis(costs and/or savings involved)by C.N. Watson, for the Alternatives#3(as amended), #6&#7 are to be calculated,compared to the status quo, and brought to County Council for further discussion. Several questions were asked and discussed. It would appear that there are no benefitting factors at this time. The meeting adjourned. REEVE • 4 CLERK _ , Date Approved:0,,rrio/94, U • //0 COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 10196 File: 9610min The Regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were Reeve Gundy Goutouski,Councillors, Doug Brackenbury, Rick Marlatt and C. V. Donnell, and Clerk Lynda Millard. K. Underhill was absent. Approval of Minutes MOVED BY: R Maflatt SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell . THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on September 12/96 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on September 17/96 be approved CARRIED MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the minutes of the special meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on September 24/96 be approved CARRIED There was no declaration of pecuniary interest. I. Restructuring: A)- Village of Belmont letter regarding amendment of alternatives- FILED 13)- County of Elgin Resolution of Amendment of Alternative # 3 &Bayham Option- FILED C)- Offer by Personnel Management Associates to assist in process- Copy of World Municipal article- FILED D)- Village of Stirling letter requesting support that a moratorium be placed on Restructuring until the"Who Does What?" panel defines municipal responsibility MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the Village of Stirling request that a moratorium be placed on municipal restructuring CARRIED 'E)- MMA- A Guide to Municipal Restructuring- FILED F)- Recommendation of Sub-Panel on Emergency Services- FILED G)- AMO response to Panel on Municipal Administration- FILED Al Leach Speech to AMO Conference- FILED . AMO letter re excessive towing fees- FILED H)- AMO-ACAO Joint Protocol Info- FILED 2. Ont. Federation of Agriculture proposal for reform of Property Tax System- FILED 3. Pilgrims of St. Michael letter regarding the creation of money- FILED 4. Request for support by Dr. C.L. Leatherdale regarding underserviced status& resolution passed by Bayham Council MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the request by Dr. C.L. Leatherdale to the Ministry of Health that the local area be designated as underserviced with respect to general family practitioners CARRIED 5. Ont. Sewer&Watermain Construction Assoc. Bulletins- FILED "UNDERGROUNDER" Available 6. OCWA"The Waterline"-The Cost Crunch Newsletter- FILED 7. MOEE response to Health Unit request for info&Project info- FILED 8. Elgin County Bd. of Education questionnaire to be completed as applicable Approval of Accounts MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum of Vienna, being Cheque# 140 to Cheque# 141, and totalling$ 309.50 be paid CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque# 160 to Cheque# 186,except Cheque# 172, and totalling$ 56,275.15 be paid as presented by the Clerk CARRIED Adjournment MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury THAT the meeting be adjourned,to meet again on November 14, 1996 at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED REEVE CLE' � s rr Date Approved:'f n u -r-'kutv /4119 COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 14/96 File: 961 I min The Regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 p.m. Present were Reeve Gundy Goutouski,Councillors,Doug Brackenbury, Rick Marlatt, Keith Underhill and C. V. Donnell,and Clerk Lynda Millard. Delegations present -O.P.P.reps: Staff Sergeant John Stevens&Dennis Harwood. Community Policing Officer Glegson attended briefly. -Port Burwell/Tillionburg Intermunicipal Review Committee:Chairman,&Port Burwell Councillor,Jim Hevenor,Tillsonburg Councillor Dave Beres(Vice- Chairman), Chris Coles,Chief of Police,Tillsonburg,and Tim Harris,Manager, Tillsonburg P.U.C. Approval of Minutes MOVED BY: R. Marlatt SECONDED BY: Doug Brackenbury THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on October 10/96 be approved CARRIED There was no declaration of Pecuniary Interest Debra Peters was in attendance regarding an extension of the temporary building permit at her property. MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna approve the extension of the temporary building permit#03/96 for one month,to December 29/96 CARRIED I. County of Elgin Winter Road Maintenance Information Notice- FILED 2. Letter from Brenda Chamberlain M.P. Guelph-Wellington requesting support for a Private Member's Bill to establish a pledge(oath)of allegiance to the Canadian flag- FILED 3. O.P.P. Reps. - Staff Sergeant John Stevens&Constable Dennis Harwood presentation regarding O.P.P. Restructuring&update. 4. Tillsonburg/Pt. Burwell Committee presentation regarding a joint aspect of information &services sharing as well as an invitation to Vienna Council to participate. Discussion followed. Both Delegations left. After discussion it was agreed that Vienna Council decline the invitation to participate at this time. 5. Village of Blyth info&request for support regarding Education/Property tax Also WDW Panel News Release on Province/Education costs- FILED 6. Business Computer Services 1997 tax billing rates: 1997 1.211 Interim S 290. S 278. Final 488. 466. MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: K. Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna engage Business Computer Services for the preparation of the 1997 tax billings. CARRIED ► //3 7. Jardine OME Ltd. Insurance renewal proposal was accepted as presented. 8. Bayham Oct.billing information for road work at North St.-FILED Willow tree at Centre St.-Owner to be contacted 9. Copy of letter to CIBC regarding Letter of Credit#T329692- FILED 10. MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Village of Vienna support the Mayors of the Metropolitan Toronto municipalities as per their letter of November 8/96,in regard to local government amalgamation CARRIED • Approval of Accounts MOVED BY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum of Vienna, being Cheque# 142 to Cheque# 145,and totalling S 187.05 be paid CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: K. Underhill THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque# 187 to Cheque #219, and Cheque# 172,except Cheque#213 and totalling S 19,552.58 be paid... CARRIED Adjournment MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: R Marlatt THAT the meeting be adjourned, to meet again on December 12, 1996 at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED 4110 , B ' REEVE CLERK .. . Date Approved: km. ..//a.19(Q • COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 12/96 File: 96 12min The Regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna was held in Council Chambers at 8:00 pal Present were Reeve Gundy Goutouski,Councillors,Doug Brackenbury, Rick Marlatt, Keith Underhill and C. V. Donnell,and Clerk Lynda Millard. Also present was Gilles Menard. Approval of Minutes MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury- SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Vienna on November 14/96 be approved CARRIED There was no declaration of Pecuniary Interest Delegations: -Gilles Menard was present regarding moving the house located on Lots 5,6,&7 E/S Oak Street. Mr. Menard is to contact the Health Unit for approval prior to application for a building permit. 1. MMA info regarding the Land Use Planning&Protection Act -Minor amendments to correct errors to regulations -Bill 86- an Act to provide for better local govt-Municipal Elections& Municipal Act -AMO Bill 86 Amendments update -1996 Ont Economic& Fiscal Outlook-Creating Jobs-ALL FILED 2. CIBC request for tax payments to be made by Direct Deposit- FILED 3. Letter of interest from Consultant Robt. Hughes of"Paragon Engineering Ltd. - FILED 4. RW. Connelly Assoc. info re Sewage collection systems-Copy to be sent to Cyril J. Demeyere Ltd. 5. Heinz Homeless Pets Program(at your Tillsonburg A&P)-update was given by Councillor Donnell Letters are to be sent to those not having purchased current dog tags. 6. Cty of Elgin Roads Dept meeting Minutes and Accident reports-FILED K. Underhill is to contact C.J. Demeyere and get prices for drainage at King Street for next meeting. The Clerk is to look into costs to install additional street lights 7. Insurance Policy Renewal- FILED 8. OCWA- 3rd Quarter Report& 1997 rates. Letter re system check for leaks. Update re billings info&Philip.Utilities letter-all FILED Phyl Pressey is to be contacted regarding system info. 9. Adjustment of taxes for Roll tt 001-002-00 S 43-45 Front St.-Refused as a new business is being operated there. Appropriate action to be taken. 10. MOVED Bl': R. Marlatt SECONDED BY': D. Brackenhuir AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.96-11 being a by-law t`o confirm actions of Council from December I. 1995 to November 30, 1996 be now read a FIRST TIME CARRIED // MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO 96-11 be now read a SECOND TIME ........—CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V.Donnell SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO. 96-11 be now read a THIRD TIME and FINALLY' PASSED CARRIED MOVED BY: C.V.Donnell SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt ' AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.96-12 being a by-law to appoint Officers for the Village of Vienna for 1997 be now read a FIRST TIME .......-- CARRIED MOVED BY: D. Brackenbury SECONDED BY: K. Underhill AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO 96-12 be now read a SECOND TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.96-12 be now read a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED CARRIED MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.96-13 being a by-law to set Interim Mill Rates for 1997 at Residential- 209.838,Commercial- 246.868 with due dates of February 27 and May 29, 1997 be now read a FIRST TIME CARRIED MOVED BY: C. V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO 96-13 be now read a SECOND TIME .... CARRIED MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED Bl': D. Brackenbury AND RESOLVED THAT BY-LAW NO.96-13 be now read a THIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED CARRIED Other Business Community Policing representative Arthur Goethals is to be requested to up date Council at the February meeting. Approval of Accounts • MOVED KY: C.V. Donnell SECONDED BY: R. Marlatt AND RESOLVED THAT the Accounts Payable for the Edison Museum of Vienna, being Cheque# 146 and Cheque# 147.and totalling S 11,953.12 be paid CARRIED I- MOVED BY: K. Underhill SECONDED BY: C.V. Donnell THAT the Accounts Payable for the Village of Vienna being Cheque#220 to Cheque #249,and totalling$60,186.14 he paid as presented CARRIED /b Adjournment MOVED BY: R Marlatt SECONDED BY: K Underhill THAT the meeting he adjourned, to meet again on January 16, 1997 at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED REEVE • � CLERK ! /� 1.