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Vienna Council Minutes 1988
VILLAGE OF VIENNA COUNCIL MINUTES 1988 7 idaza,,t__,I,c, M h_9 k it __ ____ _ ___ __ ... . / .1.... Gov, - ,,,, -,...- ,,,_ k (47,..zi.,„ J 1 U.,./'' t. .., .,' u/i, X11/ , ie ., i _ — 47,141,... 12.7 , .. , • 11 6t/r)g 1 f i #A, 1 Ar ," ILAZ.: i e.o •7/..t,L., ll &c i . . __ __ __-_ _arizAhz4ida_ 0A,d_t_ )-2 ,yax)- __4 _ ______ r, /i, , L .,I / L[,000L _q�1�lA2L[1`j-., /JV //K!A'-[�/, - - - , , ,' ad v(42 LI/e �d 1)'�-4 i��(�9. 0 d- /D j a 3 , . C' d--- It • I G v i ..,,L a,41 vAret4, id Ia. o /Ie" -- 5\411-4 -; • 12907/4,2-1/zez.-, , , : --77, .., - •,,,Y i. - . t/2-4 I ,. ..1. '4117•7_07 ' aik//4;7 ,t '.. f 2/i e,,,h;,,,_.4il,;,,,, �., 1 .- �� i /�4, I. - _. qua _ /.% e1, Gidary_ IP , , , ,' ./ _ te,;,,, 1 0/47,...ria, - .J /dam 7I Lhrl,s .a., 4t - 1 !'A 6 .A,-- .4diatfis:g0Piiih"/Z02., „ ,„ . • .- / 4 ie. 4,,,../ ae...2e6c _ `4-'/). ',a24 ,,/ „ / ,, / II, , i 4 ' . // -A IA,O . I. i __#.4 ._---,0 .1.f;,., ,..„ _Iziezrze,a/ *‘:/..d.. 4: 'fez/ 2 2 ,,..., --_ ! } 1.51 . ,,„ , ,../_ y ,, . karize_ 4 67774wee.4.1;44s;12 4'.* giLifielit* • aii s- - • ----------- - - -- . oz,,,,___ eh,..,dt... ,-,/,‘,...4,... . , r, _ _4(_esv.622eze4---212A-Z _ ar3.644e.a4 cd WS 4 - A., eh s11/, a 17-/ , zt -- . ., .•r ..`. - e1/ ' � $! 262 4 flat. & ; - --- cewnediex. %(aI eege-/4, ,W . Y3V ' a y - ieex„ adzhu , A 0 ►9 30, 2s` A. �. ✓ua aT t 4cOF'6d/4y dour 4 tea-,vow a,-74/ 2,,d,/(40/ �� . -/� '7W . 0,y Gc �zety vuad ,.-6ce9-7d e 1,2eatr. 42'° Al 9..0 Y3/ Ze ad 0 a67 ecus , co)1a d /y eon a. & &edict, Qmd vitooCried /1, Came,-/ QPM f 9 mot • j 7 y.c).3' 3 La' &oma d c a, ;crn.._.(a:4_ rncr,„,,r 0‘ g6 p2zrorl y uoufgemiL),-7-ebtif yen_ )A7. , , , •. d 6‘i Coin, -iNh ch &fae-Anz3.4 " " . p2../ .,e//LQ.u/IQ,il )41. Q� 19ig6 ciizaziA “ fit37; x3 J°607d` ezve.fr,cd& &� a/77d vaaei k4 41 ?(Ia/x4,4- e-oriv,,ze,r)c4 / /9f I a/ 5 . a',ist,1 , kL t• S0. °°yrs, 444.. 11._ea 6\)0\- (7 d(, e 2 Ih_ Yfl& 9. gas a. -A' t- i200. 4„da. defd I c »‘,._ /, JOY_iv' SS&. '_ a, al ytY, /W4)7* ea, Q a_ . �Gd a Q d Lzrzeo, Zinc.-a14d al 044 vita, a d � 4 ... , - y 263 t _ ____ *kid e41.4a , v& ,tt4; _ , _ —_4,Alteaxa ZI, ecredh. yella47(4444, --— i , Cii . I an, vilaoli/el 4/Pat 4-/dc4/ /W. 8'.3 Ze"..g:h9 a 4-44/ Zi ,2411- __I. ___ 1>iL Zsginia/ui c a(6 toe/ea-2 3,97zza a, a/J/V/W 7‘2 . +LA./ u gd• ._ )16,r and i.ot 442,a/ Z1/177:4•,-•eby24;.0? 1, iinezili i/ted a j4., ./ Zne... .0,..,d 712,ocitol . . . ea/144;d . . itAtitve41 detz,liez:/ft, d44.au,t1 ai.,6/L,zid.oze,id kid.; , _ ' 1 ,i4rt )4 aniilyz&n:2,1, 6/)," a,,d4eitiaza,,L, a„d. : .._. 4,../..;/. I , - 76a.v.)7‘,/4 Sac-41w.,, ---- . Lilo, 4,/ cor,07,A. Ali4.1 een7auce/c,ee/ A./ . Jeloixor..t. SIZ a ce-avoC yoaya& -a. .9Q? aitt . ;eg,,,ngge,72,45. 1/,6/3la. )4 )44j CaX ii; pvez 1.2- -'*€c", eca4iez./4.., &)c.",sdrzer . ,./_, &er..b,,c(1/4‘.., ,,,,,, z ,,,,,e,e.i , , ... .zetz,if ._. . 0. ..„& ..../ Q ,, e....„... z‘ „of,/ ap: 7.d. ,/, /9n a/ r oP P/72. I 4* v. 61 -1 , • , -tele Ve eL&F.JC L a _ -- • - --- • 'L r ..----- - - 1!- .------- '1 ------------ gr ----- --- --- ----- . _......., _. _ .,._ ii ,, •_., _ .,._. ... a ,.„..12,__ _ . . .. , ,,, ,,,,,,. .. . .._. • __, .• 4. at 43,2441i C.414e,Ite —idefigeal--2ad_Are—itik --_., erY01. 11.1, 11,--_ 7; 3_6 .., ,ec (,,,,,...„„). ._ _____., 4 1.-.i. e....d ; aidC Neje,i-ZiLZ.vi • --- :, .. .- ,' + , 40,, lAi • ._______ ----- i...... .., \ iv citi "z",-,-1 1(3,-,,:.,, . ! . ,,„,-„, C.... -_•_._ .4,.......___:. _ . ..... . -.a / 6 cilli mir.1 , 0 A. ' ' AP A ' .. .... .4 (AIt 7;30 • --- st____ Zat.i 17 •• _____ aert'‘a4d- _L__..atZ__..Pg7ef,--e.,ZA.it141 i __-- d&Celnalid t4 thS1.0/ '-41 7414 N.:Aat a.., ,1•Y‘.44,0414 .44.1/ &_.„24.., ,L,24, ) 0. 1 _____+ . 1& & Y $aAitd, ••,) 06042,14d/ -• 0 ft,a4L-,404- 1/1/______4 J..• .i •-. • •.--....- ,ii /111 . _* ' . • •. I.- t).A44..ft . • ;IL' .,...__ a910,12.0•44) ‘.,412-1. : , ?#t") ------- 4. 41-1,24/ ar-r4Zierarai W49/ ____ • - - -;.• ..- -,d.ft .. , •,'_..I_ 4..1 _______H - 4 _ e.eXae2444.ed ----- tdf.41.1-, Z --- ,,t4Z---,4.-defair42e_gztn,Le44_..--i1W-actit) Ct431.4 /2 dA 5 e n 'i _ - • - -- - '4 ze/ ti. -- itryvv-)1444-0.L44—sz-1-41—ar4LAL ------ ________ i. c4",„,,,...2. ..,..t. t. __,Le,„ • ez-...e. I • .. . Lt 6 4‘17'4Z1 Chi 4.Ajatridga_CENLidaa.%A., 4.0,4..-...2- , .).Di‘71-1`--e.4. 1t - . PD 4_ J --- — ________e;2 I.d,ad• ../ZZA _ 1.G e e _Isq.,4 I . • ___ - -.12j,44114d--11.‘Al-- 44.1&4-Z-_---",C)---C-`1:1-41.64 °ItA2411 . ---- ',I___ a ' ,,•- ° '..i tndeleilAi- 4f2:1461, 1211,41,,Z ....,......m..........,......----- 2e5 `+4,t ^1s i4le., -,,..-rte .y � ncyJen,..74. tot_ 114.11a.r., ec taL at p. : C--ZifylmAterr., t.1t d &a2Zi , Cit. 4i.e2tb , tt--- 44f-t* et. ) )"• 0,i,Lik CJIALcIs) liegAtruf,11.), _ 22.17.1 , I _Z2/41.0,-1,1A-a 4f3f114:ats4Z4s,d /.)-a-gdgmtr- i4 i y gg —G.., app, er..d . 1„-ime44-ZgaraitaLgage9eida21 4C12L___a4.A6 r")- 44,&)..1 dicipt-ov-tat. ,, 0 �a ae�a..a��S�— � rem-f�. /Lo.1 ��u �'l1•.•-. 4.41..eldead,-&-tad tAL Le;., e4e4,14)LLti ta/A1,Ap„,...�,z /2441,014tAd 40°11- -; )11-a.°122--thi- tred,)AtL a'Ad_i&Lria,t 400/ .Z.At . ,Q I to C a.� ..,12'..0G�,.d 6 61, kGTAazn-I te_tiA. Ely - !}� W-n4,•t a...) • • , Jac's) (e-Aefe ds„ip„L.n a -t.t_ Qat . pPa.� // iP.3/.242 px.7 .3, t/+ 21111 d V1 x4.444 r- a.✓ •� i2.. 3077 - , . �'cd.e X09. C� C _ 4#.) - . 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Cc,,,, . ____e; �.Y -d-.4 C6(4,4,-0id 6-a.LZC,i. , ,o.t-c cti,dLd .- a.0 ,Q,w,,-- ,y. c. e e Y - tJ4 4 -..1.4.._., Y3 7 - iu.Qz/aacc.rnet 4triAtd J 1120-1 -a , ra.te-ervoild -ZAa d.t.. a U..:a C i°``...,`'€4, . : . c .4., . _____:i `e CA. ,., .rw ♦pfr6 e.. / ms-/ .,LL c..•,.11 . .d >2 el-. `X07,69 �e-•-,z .DJ,,. / $ a.t 7.' .3 6 p m.L_ ---- �.ad. 0.,:.)4...i -- kt L,, z.i P42 3 d Cd.(....‹ a__. , ,.i2 L.,-µi cm O. & Zic.tA d 4), ,a 4 a,/,_& leu cIA. v 4, oi 2L.,„,„...).../-z-pa.,.../ . -0!lam f 6 d 15.00-1Z4.. , AL,e..4"r - Le. /3 0-n..,i• . . cisi./...4:1• 44444 u.;c, ci,. ,rr.,.., Q � s4....4 ex,,,..„-e 6 ,rr1 if 01-44±;04Nn a L I v/ a t S p.r,. r 1nr� 9 °ii 0-.4,1%.‘11 - /-01,x._ _ .44,4.6- 44,2 is/h' 'I r 1 V imui : 11112i_d___ 0 i /?,12 Cc, / n28tZ 14.1 -274______-- _____ • T..,,.. 1 . l_...AA-A-IL,I.-Zli ,til a 1-I•n 41.A.C141144.)/e e i•''• dALIA1.•-Atti (2/0.4/ ._ - AO I7 a—•! '4- - I /, .. . . / A� . : .4, ... . 4, / .tit.4. 4 4., /. ' •i, .• _.. I/ • / _ _ iii i /. . - / a - - / �u�.2,��- .�C2.- k R6,A AX atft 2,iftz,vmd Lam„ 4411.1_44ti,,,, ,- ., 1,a-'- ..4.v /AL, „„.„......tiate,,.,,,,...st : (2.,/,...,26,,,,,,,,„„,-, - - . b .i_.-ix._ '_- _ r . , oats/ _ ► i t 4,7-� d.' t4 6 -. 4 3 Lion __------ i_ ,'fin' k6„2„i t,J AatI 7 ,Q 1<w,..s.s,,.,„fz ,// 4.42.4 ,Z6 Ii)_ . UAL. 3 e_.4.1,...w..../ t...,.Z...iA/rz, „,_.,--,04,,_..,/ ...44.4_,........„, ,0"..20444,it .. -- i igaiedi,/ wa-a' to ` 4 er . d, 4..:/.1�, �,,'1-1227.1_1_.,__ --- 1..-11.-t I-A.42d-..41-1.141- epi.4_, (Le 1-1‘d 014././"..904 10,1„ins_2_,' . �� ' � :_•._ 1. _,0 - - A' •4• I! i_ . 11(1/x�,.,J i-c, 10--la.. t, a,►,./ 62-1 ,07.1 4.)(4•3440/J./i ,.ti}.p2i - • ii ------ - - •i , a y 1 • a,7a2 ie/PI 219 i .7.-I-.7. -IrN a"12 /o. 9 C --- _ i' . , I IJ ' , _ ' , T al n4e... C[.(i..) ,p11... .,.X /a...ln..., 41d1/41.4.,d G /7l C_,.__—. � \ , „ \ ^ v/11_n.pk.J- II.,,gYrs d,.c.) J `�t..��� z�; �� ids,„/ .Bi..J7 J.•�,`I 62-1.--e -1 (--2L-1 (yi.isy,�Y,.c �Lj,_ L. _ n/ye / .,.L.L,[ ,-r„../.,,i.;q, - 4 _,yt,_s fll. Gr_ .s ..,0 I , ,:2,d 1 ^ I be� �/. ..... J! �/ _. .. �.. �._�._• • - - a • .46:WI1,tal __,1_.4_,L•j 2 Le C 4 d am , yI/If m.,_ . - _jam- J– ..i)I ,..• . .. _. ./.•_-• .._. (1-11-210, - L I ' / / V,// 1111 In✓n t,dv a,z1z.)....14,_43.41.6,4, tizt •_..e y��.//tea.,�.. t�/ &d-AL) .-- ..1_, ,-),..r1Rd AT"._Lt , Q .'42,d4r,,4 l ' . .. ?..4. - , r.2/. L. I Iumt Y„ Jest {,i, d. .},...fib•., m,..d.,d,w a_-dC,ii ) L__. •_ I .a. •I , / 1-,.__a .. I. . 411 �/ •_' ,. _ Pep .___.. „o ----ceaz /D•y•oo — - ,46 ,litt •./ 1,,l...o.A•a. ,lQs�.� £i.e1., 1•.-e8 11.IIA)---__ ----- 4itct t ;ff i ,.Q,2ta.., y..d..t,k /z / 5 9 2 _ _ . c,.,vu.A. -- ate/ QAll (JL U - • . •. fir' .. • ILAti•L*0445t p. -ice ' . . . y//.r/ . • . , r , 1 }/ � !!. i 270 —_ - “tot8 ,L44,. 13 y -_ „t2i, £i4 ai4 CGS 6 ,4247-,,) - . 4f2z1 t 13, Iillo,,..J -ittpekt a io-e2 A14, , .malrr. .„z;,- bG & Q&J, ,• t, s"ddi__A7l , tt .o..4.7 ✓ ai /;,-t,, o,L, \^Y10-1,444 . &t,,,-e. f , st t 6'� .r *' 3 9 0,44 � 1Ot acs[. . . . catt0A- 44ce LA/xi/6 -4L ��LO /93 . c�� _ 333 A.as ers. , ems ,. .4244•44tu..✓ I .• • (2., .A t4444, 4• .1.4 .[fie► -i . 1.• /�,-�fir, p��.J_ k ted .,L[etoe 4u /I.to !t'�rtQ,. . 4214?) eni)4 r. 114•48 at,e _ . j .. _ C. 4,1„2„,±2 p 3 ..�- D toa .l I 271 Zig4e1L4ryLA , . . . . �, ,44-o1 ,aLz,ya.* - .-t . . 6 Q.., 6.tf --4.a - I azz. �iG ,Y, mac. e a.0„) eytgAlw ca __- ..42._;,to_r_.„;,., 6, 4., i/v _ PAP. to a. r � ,,,;Q 2 /921 t `„P --� /9, /99V. 741,14,1:1, d.44,-tiaAAT•pJ . -iu..ptrf Jn.4, 1 031-0 .14- aPkt.t. ei a.4 -t ) (07 1, -0 41.,r11AA)ZI" p /`�-�,1,�,••��,Y,�;�O,)✓�'-,�CY,.�.G.�.� 7/ D 4.1. U CotA,Ae.-, I 2.2.112,�- ,od,a.omelii..41 G.-t t bkL ftz . 4 .. et. aw2- Ltztt-L-ti P . . . cQ.,,L..41 . . . C . y d<41<-;40:14-t-45-K, d-,ytcu•,u;g C-4 .1-4447 ,.N _,e � el. �„s ,� �,.r a�'!r� •�..� CAL-Z 41 ii a _ r , d,1 /, /911 ca ,,s% p a..‘,0_ __ - axle— 272 _‘ ,47zoo , v ii zit jeact4t Am4;.,I 1.77.4 416) _ de, • a a _S2nrazt.a.o...f.dd..•6ee A24114", y G,loo e - ; Nrv.a.a. 4-1.i.4tow z3Loi -1111110144 ohrad_ d; L.L.re LZI.,-;7 ; Lad1.4.d I2,A Li4 i;Ca th, 4.0e,i aJ tr CL't p_ / p2A4-: zf,:Xsc-Z-141-erzA-, / /11./j2of (Ad.e.ti f41, c.f./ i• e471A-.:_l _144::AY2itinimalAS•ea,A*stA+t viidd+ _ _ - - • •A !• •I • ,„ &at accisci:_ei,peas. /(41,,- :dtzAm2,asga4k=„2 dL tL LI- • 44.61ft+ovitaN-.J P/ _QeadAm_:AAp.raid_4:LigaPAInv d-0441v-14 444ZLid a,4 _eilasida:LnpfkiasAgAts&L, y irki- Ne.alrid44.446 '414/1"ad -t44"ficlitanAl441-1,1410\-140 ebalpie —e,a002--Alie - / e • - friddiead I! 273 i ----/� _N,; -•Q.v( 7 ey G 6074,44_,..a ,i Z4 fax .A.,e:y.4l__.._- !fes•yr-/,.. .,i-Lid 4 I. I'/(/Q1 ._fay ,_...-L -.,•, .1( 6,,,:,,o, o Sf 3 _ 4.1%.• a:.-az,}d a..k. ; CL-41.4) / �ys,dn, ----• .45,14 tz;ilez;- -61-tj at.A.Z4,244), . 7/CA e - j ,Y--(1a4c /6/82 , %.at ,.......,-.)_)162.4., ,z,,_,,ou.a, „...,.,_,,,,,i_.% 4614JL.44.v „&v,„4,..&„ "45.e-eA/447Q4-r QK C,4 4 ,-...,)Cle .,,,,L.,,,,z7aayounk4---, . I . _ -- o ., . _ . 4 .ri-,Iee,t,u-c, a a.o, J i 0-37.s-Ad o_.-4,-it ;:h_ - -- I • -fp,a_t t .,-).„„..4.—.._ ).0,-Lz..- ', p,a.K r_„e,.`.;4 i, , Oa _A__...,-,..) )►deal —LI C ,.i z .u,,, . L,( , �. ",*.,tit .a.4.-�,, "/ /9F 1 -�_ ___ i Q, _'a inn eai i. e..:.'4,,..,/.1. n �� ___ r, �iea�, /J a .. E.@�1 Lcw 7 a-, .-n,4-_,_.-,-.,./ c., GA -. ,k,Sy rLsaL -- 6 ..bf,i-L.�a-c -fu,z,z.-,-a..,,or.) 7 . is;zg �/,d�a. �,, ✓ . ':a1 _ . � z� YYJ. -- I -; • ' AL_Pc..-c-).--ad /-n-if-Ctee, (1-14 lc-14d . y, ___ --- 1,......-AL , r'az.._A. B ct _,rw . S ,... 4 -dam.,-w L t _azisd.u6 _ J; ---- ! t -- ,,....-cduile.6....dzi.zr, ,....,....„4,2..2aatzt.,..A.,..., 4'L a g lit.w . 8'5�0- a. l<r.►- 16_ 1 � 4'L 2/9- od -4.././_,,t � .. . , c1u-sae/ ta jnoti.47 a� .1 L., 1*i yU.�u�u•ea/ a-�aco-nd�-m� •_�..Ga4.t�ati ----- -_ d ai,E.c ...1,L /Af,,.cu A-i 40.. .*L.r890 i ....A..- ,a,.s a A L` . a..d ,--,a.4 10414,,fe . • - ., e..a4A-'-'.a4 - II 272 . • • 0.1 - • - .- . 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ACI.d..4,e)WA1A)Xy 9F 7. __42,—&-Zti-1-.14-n-- *741- Va' _ _____ 4.22.,,........LYtei • e.4.-Tyu-cz , ;-.).es-L.J.,_ it.."0-e--4.12 . <2./. .,,,,,,-1--.4i 1( i a , erv-4-1-)a,r,L.S. et-er1.47L—AL,,,e--- ---1-,/,..1-,,,--L.Q.-e - ',`"7 4,0,CL „.&,, 4:)..,..,a.„-z,,L.,....„..„;J ,/a.,.....%."44.4<k2...i,..„-- 4"(B.CIZy.g.-&:41.1 -1-- --- 4L- Lf , / s ,--Lw---ii, al444--t de 4 I , . . z__90..e.-2,L ,...0.i-Z67)."d,t,tetac...e--u.A.L A/4 A-kil ------ ..' / AL. P0.4,17yx... ,-)16..te. t JL,1etipri -r-r1,<r11-4-(1) dA .. , .1 r, ,, 1 _ __ ac,Z a_ gv . 3et,,,,j 'Th) . yio,.....1.4. 442,, ,...,4...p a (-2-rri-e-rtelt Ari 1 — frlaa..-71 1..:_ rke4A7 -'1-L- ) ILL__ ,-7- -v- 4i, C0Luetva4tr-4-d filwc-,,,ci (24-ttedio-atill,/ .,. lyi- 1 , A 4 . . el,i _in.w_ier...) 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