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Vienna Council Minutes 1987
VILLAGE OF VIENNA COUNCIL MINUTES 1987 r-- .__ . .... , . ____ __, ___ _. .._ _____ _____ i * 760 TYVV17 3 ' • ' 71-a-PlYV C7/4-----------------.i 1.R _477,17/-77vv-wr 'fir p ' ,drl r '7'9 ig '' /‘ 1471 - 7"?'"7- .--r/4'71177- . ... .... '-)tir1771nC Et" ---7-1-74g-crw." 2 QS- _______ / Jr .. if . v ,irof _____/ } -fir,--- d v i ) 11Y.71"fr _ ..„Illy" --.....---_. / ..f •.,Ar 7orpr---797ipppi,rP---Av 4. 1 . eirepx-arwit-77-1---Ay. --a a cr-nf----o---7—vh---, ...._ --) II '-7-' r'V7t--)''IP'A'r` 0247,er-- • r r , •• - `.rf - , , Aide, ;r + I / ' if, /, , •/ .//' , - 1 k......." tz, / ..- I . -*/A9‘ ._ ., 7.____77;ipifrywii,7...),. . : _ ,., freey.",„,;,1_ 7.....y.._,..17 ,w / / I di I I - __72,7,v7-44:;474,-x---,i -3.-A---- -77- _ 4-- --)9 • . 1 # - 1 , /A's .7( /11.`'' '-- PWr /7-)-7-47 7' i'lhi __, p_o_w___,, 7?, io- )--72_0-177- pf 0 li ON t- .,/ ' ---= 'ti /17"Vg 77/e3 .- 4-"c9 C71/7 - --- II} 7 i .90 ?,voiyr)::, ),. e. 1,- • •"icrif ..1 _, 4,----er-vic-r--yucT;A ,--4-z-a-77,e,e rs)---ivr1.7"7.71"(75- "9-r i — , .1--- . - _ . _ .,,._ _ II, .• , If - .4 -._ . /777i.A2/.7,7Ci } '_� p 1,Apr a 717 l'Iro7 27c. ' _ t7'PAr'W ) . 7—q -7,77- ._____i 6 __. __._______ -2 .._ , j i t. ----, •. - to'"/ ' , ' ?---(1_,--x-e . 7-m17)1--1D , _ (77/v"?r •e3 . R9 "Pry 0, TP R p 31 - _.... --- , - -- - - - , , , - , -, . .. 1 , .... -7170----7-7 ,77‘te, _,;;437_04_7,7,„ 4 --1 _.e. ---wd 1 i , 77?3'›Fi --. 7*--77r-AP-157;zr& , •iDiv--"-x-7‘v ., __, . --------7-Anmor27-47;4,7„,,,,; ,_ . i- 7---,-?-t77- ---0-7---0-0-.7,----A-0-4. ___.., -------P'w-ve;73 --4-7-e----) -trie...,.....,„ , 7/„... ,,,,......7_ /77_ 0,2wv.... ..''' ?"1"1"ig'7.7 Jar, ,aelf7",..-r.- / 1 PK_P.2.2rlir7,- 25r---/poli----------- -7747'"1- /"C /' P. ' # • __._ 7---/;------- . '- Z i ° c____ - +- - S 1 ___... L . L. L 202 �_ . :aktD ig-tYavit, 40' . 1!,tz, A)-' e?;/. . - ,46 "e-cf), ez-661,44,44Fac- 4 1 _1 edr akcn ,_4ev, . ad-X-3kAi<LA‘LAi 2\Y----C-(!get.4472,1-Aste._____Q&)(A27_,Le-,' d ,eea.�..-«C. 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V.e.„5".a 2 r1t 12-42d424---"•---"----C-4a6 __ _ _________ -1 A K•ve 0 gie ; atz_s. _.40_ . ,.._ .,_ac_2Thczo_fra._if4e. e_atigrit ,/./...V..../ ' - ' - _4 /._-6 . 161-1 4 I 47/i15J ° ° ri __ -_,4•4:_t- 1/4/ a*0 / ab.-..-•..4d 4i , , .• 41. / /C6 .00 i I r/le , --.. _...1•4__444.4,e2e.e.A4--, - - - - _._.• : __22!., / - 1, _ • irt.A.i..t.e A/yeAL::_-,e222‘.i."-Z.. __tie_ 7_,I.,,,,ii - . 5"" .6-7" .4„..SP/ • in --1.f-a41-444.1.4 -4.-c-d -_,442(AAita-cA--f ,. . __ 5 '6? • -(2244i_Faa.14;,..- - -4.-1 a Geal_ -_-_ • ,4 , i - 5.-..a.o 1 , 9-4., e-d ile a-t-a-i 4 4 1____7—4,0 a da) _______ .___ I. 16 6/--1÷14".1 j2i-a-44-4 41-G4z€' • , - , ---tat- --‘d A - gar4.3/V - titzt-t-1, 4 I ... , d .r.....2ftt.e. _ ,ea_., 4 .i.,..4.,4.9e 100- '20 I A i. / 40 . , . 4 ' ib"0-41-- 97:99 1 , - - - A,aft. - -4 aia-t _ .. Ilb:- 4` • - J- --ita9A/ C4-4'(' ----edeetret0e___ 4:2.2•S-C) . i 1 •/ /9-,06..0"../4.At'aLog 't` 2/ ' ,. . . c <D fix P 42./64-1-0 ZA•i ) — a.- 642...6-.- __itae---rty.ezi..a..4.24...;•(..44..4.d.t....ts-,,,-/- . j( /. 00 - /7,2A , , ,C2/7-.;ae., . ;. r , . _ ..*; .r. if / i fr , -,0, 411611r1r741 :4111111 .6",rfs 14.1111,40 , , •Agro _ I distz" .0, / r,..1 17 ,,) Az, 414/ . ,..;ir.,.arrm.;rpm., ... .1•••••.....•rr,IlIol_MIP,EI _ _ ..0 _ , all c'" / ..i / / - I — , 4 4 ler4r-' " , 0 I' (1.1'W‘F' _'!0' 0,::: .7".•Aller•4P'-.'I rillrAiry" •!•,,,, dir - • / ../ / ,-.4"-., ,r, - -• ____ / 1 _11_ E 204 co AtA Ai> "y. - , de • hAay 4i11Y9j'- CK 1...41. Ca 4 4 4•I ; . e7 0 • 4/13. 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Lt_ily . .......___LL___.4 vat__1_.. __torh-L...e___f1____A__jA.,f_A y6,_141.41...A., L„.j et4_, ----- -----—I . 041.4... ar_ 43,-rh_ 3,_21Ap cla-tj.44- / i i tA.11 )&‘ 1 1 - iritA 4 A •�+41 Lc 4v1 eiv.d he zi fita. i - - -_ ' _e0111 04 1.4 N ICA Ti Dn(S -.------ ►).. __—J ' `t/h J - 0(.4_41.-&:•. / ' / /► l , . . /.lis ht / o_,�C_p - -- � _ .,dam ��. Ace, g -- s).._. G(: _4_ 7 1°can t c.c A1.4 C -4flokA_Lo-- D -- Li) WI fris jAilciae.: . , / ; 4 / - (abia_AA'a I . 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Lloi iia, i ..CCONCE GN d a c Pj -d .,1 /kh ' $z o Ge `QA..I Lv ie,,J Anti of teek.e pato: . y ,D w d �� ate- at 1�� /4„7 4-r4 a 01 1587 d ?low ea-1 A Jc e cm,,E D. n o✓E p B wtd - sgcoontEp ay : RP ( 4 4.4s ta-� - • ____ ry- 228 t ,..4... .... ...t, , , , AL I . / -.1 44'e - • • CA444 6 6 ' ,, _21.'., .., e. _- piouc. 0. ali_ a.414..ict ii, 0.. : s P_F-Zth : P,a ,4ele a.,ed td aa .444....i &Id lij -41 AID . z ith.,.______ a____ ___' J... . 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N° 57 --- "P r Wrav rr --r'J : hi/ (13no 1 - 1 _ ' – — v 1)VYd v - -r1 I ' £moo -- /A•US Ar iv...7r "Ap 7iq....wr, i 0. .., ^'nr 'yam' ___o r oc 'b5 , wrIll i 0 / . s.-1, $ rr y-`� . 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Iipezaa 440a "... . /a„,,tz 9/ a'4 4o 40- 2XL 4649/ 4 .43.01 4/.46c4.., „ft a,‘,/va404,(4/ wy __ Cont 4,./ ay9aier,<- igzew.c._ (ince4t;y 601., 9, / r7 ,16,2,u1 ha nel zi A_ 1000 4; S dAe.4 1.zea.. .-, 3 I ,ofecc, ezrnweizaz ._e,04.- co.„„,./c/zeteo, 4 A . adeee‘tZ-A4 . a ‘,06.1.4„,ta ,?‘; %,„ J .14'/101/4/,agndtnex. icti5v)120 .- opz.z...4 A. .j.izet4.07e.,i- ee7vpee ,00er...ler') vStoi - —- dsitiztry1040 )&e.t at9il 4 Lia.,410,2/.2t 401/4. /cu.- ai7d etn7Ztei Clmei 71.2S --f 1/176t/e., (1,0zepediel • -ace_rdd# azoiedict, Zzade4c: aiaolzied J4.7' e,eceole‘taafidera44, ,4,2‘104-rcew.L. 'a/ > ze‘vc,/Vit 4nedz04.- 0/L ' d Ox ox .90)4/ ./f77/diVe 1.1,12•Ci „ _ J Z &X idT,-.t,i.zeit- Ify/e4A; ter.z4b into e. A.•=kij , � uI1J2n �-GL 046;., 1.E.A.o &pu /+: Jci l?ind Aieihr#,9,> 47,pm ) 4..,#dinaily-)b,„,did t th 2,v a ,. ria1,I1 zi 41d112711..&7-9,. 0 6 A tifia,le. 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An isaidi/ll al e)... an't a. - de a/77,4(4 4 C' au/ ,,eez,v,pi 466.7 ; a49d o1 d -, I./L//).7,d&-4,-/t,0 i - 32�y _____ /02/44, 4p2ize, - --- 1a- r° -- Jl1 A!1 , L L 4/A ------' -3 , -,N a-1(__Si2t_/9l.DE. j22/ )) ---- ai L. /1 h.L / _ ?1. 1 _ - h. /2 ?L:1. fW 222-d1-- . ,,_ j�i/t 579. as-_ `�'llLrf n« 4-,c2r- — _ -gyp 9 241 42z4 /- 4d - nratex Adao - Pal ? - _ - �o.So • 11uy.2nil. igrnt- e'i47 - l7). c3 . fid_ 9et. iwo 3 / G3 ,nom► lb7 lull 6E2 Vi 4J4t/nf mo.ob. 664 . ham. e.e20. 6° Kime,(487,- -df 27) - ( ' -J 3. g 79. c eo collet. & .fid v;ed seoa.d.'1E44S4aria,,, Ymn4 140-aft a/16, , a7�/� 359. 4.f do G 11u a/ a 4-/ rto K.27 Zei",;1 gai Qu"-tecrieli cv (4aL .4,4.; p . Ir Zia/ 1.5.y3 /• rt and Gom/~4u c ' I //MD !. .lTaua.:341/ I . (7461-4 4.041 ' • , .2*• 141 14",-Joid..cd YAe,-/ g27 It*Pail __4___ vL •dgai . I /a,z___Vid--27 A ..d a � a f�' . 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C4Pire-17.177W7X72 1-1/C?"P 246 ..gid,// d YhI 6.1.,-12‘4.. b 30 G� /cow c,uad a I - Cid { . ff acrd Gy coin 6,le.. .�Je cerndb o/ G-y cover,41i0L &ac4i-1 bwu, Qi,,d ✓1 ucd 14 r - Jo 3Q Gc.t. , cued_a - ,d t2 c/ 4 ia4 Le4aapd. , • *lova ova - dear b.f../ cam,a4. S e ataz•-6,<d ` M (/w ,a adue-t ,, (67 C6,1. 4%u 1d eve nccoum C_-ba a.4._14,paeagaiTiatitlyk_24.4 k -, �hpa dLyCZ.44nr )4 4 G_1� JOo,_ � �:rn` - - go•°° � . i -ee, eoyad&h.lkatizr2._eEttoa4ate,sUroafrAf_dza. 33/6D 1u S3 S0 (amaalz Pot alp, ldax - 31Q.6b (1 qBa,ha _1 cS AaL,A4 .37. - . ads •*daq,e. 93•r) - - - - OL firm , Comp,„ri,„, ooJ.y3 Cf R kJ /v QS: 9a — • ./JC. l'w. 4/o7. `9 . �A,Z� ibteta. olid, 35- • r� • ' AftsX2&1 . 4.,YZ 4 &tea"- . moi.?r -- 247 -_ ____ S161214/U1morta. 2.64, eA, A eel 4 . (. 1444. . 14,04/ 4 " ,&./.7zth - - & 0, 4eAr,,,,„ 62÷/ou,"_ asvi A,,Wel' al Ail eixo,eL, opp1ia ezzki,,t p a a14. )41 - ____ loaAd. / , . 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