HomeMy WebLinkAboutVienna Council Minutes 1986 VILLAGE OF VIENNA COUNCIL MINUTES 1986 " lr 150 ) o /yci9'4. ..ica4-t, a-ey 0 ,', /9 -6 . .eao-t le.i& a V ' i-e_ e.,__) 62444.41.at4 __ _AA:Lset42.c4x_A.,v, a w„ .i./.1A (2e . ' / . // , / --L • 4. _. , • - . - - -- , I . - ,-- ---- -=- ' . ..: ' --.// / t.e4 .diaii&a At D.cIfta ' ±-7 \ 4 ,04,5401g- 'a zz - __4_,/ .e...-/.7.iiii..t-- ar-z.c.-0, .. . e- -7-i•LcilAio‘ - ____ , - , - • Yritibei 004:11/ ,e,0e. .146tgil-e,07/.. -.401-ti--ed,d4e;16-e----10.4-- 4re-diiiiLAC Agt--/__.-e--,:rnu,t.e.4e:A.E .2,-eide-h..,idages,16 ,4a 4 ,ee: -it...„4 ,c_,24.,,,e (7-a-yze-sese-xl--zi-e-crAzie-,140_.. .1-0-t14141446.4.4.---1- 12-ci-iaz-c-r-e- g-,4-ea-rf..-17‹, • i _ ardre4,81,,a)z.Ai CZ- - --- 16) 0,11S4eiz b&r.Z 41.414)ge,fisLc.. -_Ifra .1 L5-;-op v 4, . ,-,tottrAtk.,w2d,„,,Af& ,..044,174 -Qoz.,:g./W. 3.1 L-91io-p lid t?I,o 1 a 1 f.e-/I :ersmA0 /1 4,-.1441 4 hitZ gsY%s*640• I9.14 — • . #‘0 de;a (1 /0,ee4 / . .._, / ___ li,414,4 ,/ . _, _ . • 4 /46,4,_ .4.J4 .... ..4.4__,:t.ixe-1.0.0a4 Alf. --462s1.44•Ped.Y- • .z. 4 .X242feOtal ' - / r-ezia/a*t.--Z4 ell.atrik.a,ot-*.4Z‘:.a.s.2teZ__‘470e)or:z_Z,17 ,7111:reb_AeLY_ __Seedz. _ rSEcsizaAkadc- _41.2___14- :„_-_,‘, ,e.,„,z.e_,0e. y.-k 11,41ae.,fae.az,,duviots„.„ ,.e:g:iitiaa..asesc.. 4-1,Zdt.diez-AfJa --21(4,e-+141t.4 WA!,t_'lier-4 4-A 04.sX1-4 _44& L -g-1/14,4 Urt67- i • . 1- — , ..,c-ni-elz4/4-1-e- 9/--Z. i /___22L--- .5y.t/ , 61,,, ,e- -5i1-- -- ,.4,t/..i .szi..,:-1 L,4 ,,,•a',.6 ..d.,„e„ ! - '. t fr t-(__e v_., -- -4,./...-ee--ilei , ,e,ar,-t--4e44 -- -- -- -- -------- 4 Cosi occh _ed . a -&.-e - ---- ------ :. atiZ a4'41C- r114.-7.4i rerg_4( 4 /9,Y___)444-A-la__XV g 0/,',15-_./e--0,co-es,'. -- - - , / - e-e-:sa,(12 —AtAt.ch .i.di , avii2,8%Y: e Lt,...eL.- i , F. . , 44.„,„,,,- .. .2.46 4t., de-c4f-4,,pe, •_./C-1.44--4..e. .. . 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