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Vienna Council Minutes 1984
VILLAGE OF VIENNA COUNCIL MINUTES 1984 1 79 ,, .^ , frx.) • • _-- �� , t P-444-Q � .eC,yi �- , � �, u -- -..ha r._�e 8 Y. Lp. .... -_ -- _. . /.. c_ Irl,c•L,70--7_ ��c� .4 cc-"/' —- I lr-L2../ 4 J 1 / - ?a. 4114-L A : ---- — H 4a - d ,..aQ- z - -- _ei _ - - - 3 • rf4 °i4 - 7P� w . . &'- 4 --iem -- ..4, 34,,,.;.), rie4,44.,.404.4.„q /141-611-1--44__5...4..er.4.3iL........e--..,L.4, . ___1_6, j1,44,,z4,,,1?-411,i,- _ ___..,,,e,e,„,,,&,-4..... 4.4.-ky-. t, t.,* - -d 4. .- ate , z-zg. e.0- - .13 /7 °' ------ 4,2 4.,4.1,. _.--rt -. „... _„&2 ..SccoN be 8r': .L, 4,1zi•Aje..4.-tirrort...f„.±.,6, .6t,,.)• Ae4.4,6,,ie...-.....4,2.41412.,:cr..4.44 . fc.Q._ ate. 4,,-,6,-,- - - e_ARRIE-111 . . - _-------- L___ 444.) 1) 4 ,La . 3c=c-orud0 Bis Ci- -- - --- __ ,... e% J2 .16.4 .e-L,ox. _ii1 !J - . Zit, _ LI.get...4" : _et-1../_.4j.d4.1_4_164.1,0:4. ...-6.-0 ___ 11_A___a4-4-1 . Seil,AdzA4l,.44.4..i...//5..rd-4 ideo-LJ_2- 1-,1-a 4.4.1/NV.r- 'eagle/Ph•.f-a _,t&--co,tJ 015 ili /f — ,,,t4e ,. &., • imii_PiPP142") )&4.4.141" 4,,„„..L1.4 -... , ./._./ ! . ._<. Ilt teez42_4,0 811,6u ED B`1 ie-- --_- - ----- -------- 80 1 Iti . • . - t A rt 2' A -- • I CD • - ► - io /_ Lji Q• _ ' . $trotNaebR^ 4 7119 �, - - 1' A n s • ygil w. _-- V3r-cai-,, - n_e4J/2ti,, pytu✓ifs _ 4o.o o PAc. - .31414) oQo--A5 437. 7o u W 1* ,�.. _ VIS. CP._. ; i 1 4 0 4 4,4'I, , '( f MA_ . H_________ -, , i i/.4,44,2_7_51rw Id sa-xxl 0140,0D _ — _ L— /12 3 L.<r,�r ,.)t.-/AA, of o as;�, -- 40 / I - ! _ • -o / /^v '' _.-A,42.24...6,--xi T. ..-,),) ih.,- ,..a-v, e eei<— . 81 1 i ow- . __ 4 t2 ./ tf _ ,, za - - , , ....,..., ./__,....m.t.:4-, - ....._e_--/ 4, ,C.,4-,.._.6..„'„,4 , ,t-J. 446.44_4_ ,, ..,;;%., _/mien!) a v, A 1-4.- -7 -0Atheo BY,i____e_ric- .) r-- _. 0_ . _ , .. 4-4.-r-- r4-e --‘0_,‘4-f,..___t41 aer - 4 ..-ilefre- 7/ i . y liaAii_ •_,_/,91)4 cf'i_e_ 4(.." er4.4-0-ee e-A• xtie i v....et 1 4 e-cc.) aze.--r/442r-2./. . -- _____ _Aghterdr.exa.,. .e-t-e-c.4.6, 24t.egd.1.14.4..e40:11kict_. --------------.HAIL , 7._ - - . . , 46..kg., . . a4- 41,1-07-41- .. , -449.41-1- - . _ ,/ - .e-L•s:,' -_ - ---.j... ' • • ' - . i radli•-4-e-e4-2-Ca3----t. - -------- i - - ---q--74-----EL- 4„et.z_ J Z.0 n_1 d Z A_.44..(1 , 744-ct,t _______ .. 12__ . __ .....,2 13 • ___ z, ..,,/te:49-2.. ;z4c4.4,,,- ,! --ci--td -Ai', pf-e-,te- ./zi.s,._,,,... , F • Icw-ON6eh e Y.' 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Al,1 - ••rNMmI A- Agulmori,i-ttcwAri.;:,- __ . r : A - _ Am _ . -- an inr evelfrAk'F,'w ar.„:./dErhit igurr. 71/1/11,.77 ,_ ....,. ,- ,._ i• .07 a ue--45 : 4_!-_,Li_ydza-Zre=i-- _a_ 7 , i _(e/i, Z_Lii_.-,... 2•64.4d..ciiYij ,et/ ii.i........".-1. .or t_pazfilsTT -tleill4( di aenviviet ' 4 - _.__• - 1 1 EV 0 Nile-0_.el.,e otO . __ _ 41 -414-'41-"1-v _____. _______ ....1-imr- .2*-4.;.-6 . _. ' . _._.___H. tj4L "'"1-,',-'14-244' ___ si.A.A. ipa.s...04-01-• a....c..........4.,0 _7:-E-.4 . • • -_ , ffej 464o 41444.4re-N., ..-I-EcoA)6 zb _ - litti: eeck, .,..... ... _ 40 r-4-0-c,-.—At4.1-,se-e-e-0,4,1J,t-l_ -4. . • a 0.421-,0- : — 0 w if i_g , , / - - 4.-e-ril 440 - / ___,A1, 4 el ' 4a-4.4.-ZA.--Zera-Vt440. ad24-c-v _____M.4-0 1 ri-V- Ilyeli-e Pd44. 61-.07.5- _ '' i-ii- - .C-c4 La 4,,_ . c•__ ___Air._s-,(0 . f it. ki 1404 I 0 i .tv• 77 . •::/1-LcIA0 7500,4-. .17_32.414,4i. _ art 77, Jr0. __ __e_hwi,.. _` _ _ 71_ L_.5o___ -IL-- f-4 •-4'-- le-te, -I _____ ___ A al 1.- /a 0 0 • 0 0 (720-0 lb 0 - , '‘.t• it/21LL-4 "-- 42y.5,‘ a_--. -- -, eaX,i_.._ ,/A 7"/ 414eV-4 ‘- - _ : 2 --A ' 4 I ----- 24421";.. .. R &-1/k-- • 83 / J T,C.1..a..fiw 4t0/24;-0-4,,,g-) BSc co i6Ys. Q - /r/vi'-ce x,.L�w114c4 aL,9 -� L�L�: 4 -. '7f$$ / /41(4 - A .0 /fas- O '�,7iC,,c�L.,�.G/,�G�,z. .L.c cLG-G,J',_•� �� i.�lA/..�C1=C7�-�1.GL�►..a��/4 (L^A-1.��_ -�GZ�.C.CQ¢is�,t_��f'�it C�-C. L2-.(7-X27- 6#4- ) 7 nca /rx jc� . , - t�oE'�C��... . .t-e- .aE -a¢ 1'-' ° <^,-eia • . 7,/,,ems - �G ���,� ,yiv • . .�. — , - 'SEC0/V el) ST j _) +�-4f,■ J -& QP�,p..LL��V ., _,4-)A . AeetlAxi 37 'AS ° 'A ,p& -1 s.°o H P. /.Aid/� ��---. n „figuiAi `%c X8- ---- •l , lN�""' f�I ------ ---w M - /00. Ae isk) .Pias.- ,fir--.1 u,, ... 641..kta . 63 9 S6 _ . T " J il ....W __ i rs-2- re-ad--0,1,42ipa ..tw— . ____1_ 0, - - /913 z,......zwidi..r...r._n_earimikaSaJouIS _24.4.V4 -A4.....m-I-A-4... /41.42,Pd' .1.1_2-,_S-o , 4 ! -K-4-*- -ia-4.,Z-04,,iti.di Id-Ai. - 3‘343 ,9p _ig E-;#ISci-tZ14.4fISIM .&&,.A, 7"1-1jA7 q__41,0.0 - hnrah.44,11_____feT1Za4.Lia-(:tia/ . 1 II 3-SO , _.3t/ , 1.10-t4-4,410--Ss-s...o W eP_L—Siseme. I _ irl.z.A-4 -7.-gfrxi_Nrum-4-4P-44._____,UltAiiiisiF."atvi_-*_-d __,____ .37_vs- _,f-A.t • 1/7-14.4_ . i_ le C A /f 2 O_Agiedloc Lis:.z, . , -6a-a4-..,-, L---A-Th..0-, __ •s:9?-e_Ad -dAtra __ ...r.l...c .C.4.4:1 2a-,,_-=_ ,443A.1 ez_47du4.4.. t— - , ..-7- „art.;.--) _i_etzd.Le,.. /if g 1 a.. .t_e_,,,i) , -- - . - . ----4 -12.1a -- i 0 -v:21-k-g-i fr-14.4.gdo. "Jar dield12____65__ ., e_ti., .i...._4.4.4-1,____,144,..,.... tf.4 .4.... ..c..._€, --e-E-zr_. , Algiggerti-4tEcalrxda,Z),110-..) -1----;:- - - ........ , ..' 014 U 1..v.46 A r , ...4, ji_ _.;_, .) ./ _ ,,Sg-CoN.oet 13l . 41 J ,ate-x-440/714.0,4-2_,..i,Ilk ,04.44.4..endo_1( - 119 lar-Le-et /1-1 /_ 4i, AL4.12 Astir*ii4;2,..; • ibex lew-e !..a.) .4.41:,,,, a„,c) ..,..2„6,„.;,4 4„,_i _ _ .. . ,,,.. ) • • _ ,P 40 - - - -!•_________49_1_$__ZW1 r- a( 44si___ V ______ - /f 1,V1--J-)c-S________- - .___ . „... , a.c.A..d. ,c0( _/.2rn..)• 141 ;:,.111,44_7_1 •- ..,e DAJ/ip .4004,... - --- ----_____ Axiik• 17, - At ' - -- - •1 agsw.--t, - 44 •,-) - .42p I p A -- 41,,„ .ata_y_ • -__ _ — 1 85 / . I • . fie ' / / /_ • / .4!''- . AO • Ale - - ' / i‘IW/ • • _. . 1 _ ___ ., 3 eco•vpc,Fc. / i • • L . , 1 - _ ..' • • / . / _ : -4-g..41.."..6-0 - ' • AL.' -- ,../.• / , /40 / / . - ste 'id 4-2- •-0, ___ - • • e.AR. Afk_3_ • • ' . ______ • . 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VS,. 75.4_ _ Pat _,6.1 Piyar 3.2.0 0 1,14.44 9, s'o .1.51.So /t s*ve- a A.E Y2 g._ iiiAldis.1 /51/ /gi n - - 4 .1.4-/-4, 1-427414-4:La";-.4.--#-, 1-14 P........6-6-;) 41,4_0.124.Las____ -.4:41 .. . 14/S61 402 PA i..crttiL___ , V6._LA-44.er12114-1.t. — J-Levi 11_6_4)si , -4 0/7'a cLA., -- ----A2 - ' -kat" 40ILLO Q — —__ / _ 1/iii \/ .mac ..�.-. . 1 eh 4 to l L1-14 Ad I g`�`"! / 0 I / F!, A. 1 1/ d -_ ' . /; 147—ri 14itaa hi Ail 2 i ...ed-4P-A-1,...Le:6R, i z04,..44.,.. lete.cx.4,-47-eit-ce.A.e .../emie 4 • '04,.. i — AEC•iuD 8Y. .0. _ , t /2'1, / !7 . ' . . . . 89. -' • --A–-_!__- witeege_______: O, Aiic (.-1-a i. _ .2..Ait,Coa D 8 , , k )/..„,.. ..) _ i • . __--_ - _dg,...4 -- ..-, --- -- -appe-•-e--4- z.4.4 ,zw____L-, _ 1 -4,14 )-;-‘' :i /2-98-44-4- -Atfl-- c1:946", 16110-1.;4)• •- e 49I 2 i 1/hr•S. . . ei 0 Ob_ . 0.,ti_62_ _ --r_co/WI/lb BY: A. 44.x4i..., . • ______ ....f.xt. .eit4;,40a4,44.a..np 1-/46-he-4.e9t .ezd I,• , • ____'1 . 4 1 _ - _J& -e-+6 ; -,41.1,__ Lf_ ,237/0•,-;11,) 'S-L'.- f"i'l/9.,f- , • - .e_grm//e-es — - . • . Aegi) al)s 40, L4A44A41E&o _ 0iLebilita.,4,..a..44. - —..ifia2Sizo,-u-•&-4,2,-, ___ --4.&•16:._it2L2i2445. .ir ?4,44-!-__•.4.44fdAi_stli.144-2:4- L /414../ 4Q L4 4/_e, PAIng..0,_. le/gt - _,At - eifiLzAMLL2i.a4:0-• . 1 • \ oi ____I ,.. ,.. .• .. , . , ., •; L..‘"ff 7 - • .'. • • _f,AatTRALIF,b _.,, - - ---, ./ iouk b ? . ,i_p_ 25.....A...../. zi • - . 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