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Vienna Council Minutes 1980
VILLAGE OF VIENNA COUNCIL MINUTES 1980 licl)ef . /0 / . • 1//// �'�"�" �. �� `'�`� ��%g .� 9 �l p.--- dex.,..„.4cfati4,, 0,,y. .92„..t,c4mc, , J. i _.,t44.2:e.t.. A_ iva. ..t.-a, st--- „.,.._, A, /5„,.. 4.,., , deezeiledsr...„„,_), , - /116 id ar : Q .&..L-Qa s«o..�ee a � ; JZII ..,A,,,, zit ......,......„2„. -1-4°--"'”) 1-1"--'1-) -44"1"""-12-4421 --0--4-.4----4441-4, . eit_e_ dc44) a-"/ „, :::26 >9.1.0..e.Ae. '49- .xLericitatc. ._ _ Crit../-4141170.-1 0 „e,..__e 47 R X i R-LS - .... ame .... ....-- -. . .. -• - , _ AGE NAH -. __________----- z2,,,,,,,,,,,,,z2 ) m••• torra...jd,:"terc 7' 4,41.1 dr 7° IL i /4rk./ /7789 i * ")2}.‘ 11467.°7 r %.'. IAW# 122.4.4 t ilt#40.e4A42... . ... r // _ fwdi00-GAFa /�./�,,�Iii Zi.4&?; ,P'50t.le..' 485 i _ _ .._ /4.0.--A....c_i_c_L-- age LIAL-A-1V- ✓2€ 441., ��.2. e-a-- 4441.,IZIV. _ _..i.././ .4.4.riei:LIreetAiy./. t _ . , 4/t/. aaa,%-e--1k . -Z9-ZP ,l-a "£ � ,Z . . / 13 .t9 ): Cyr• �,r�i 2-o 3 COiJ 6 .e' Ad, -_ .... __ 3i"""i `Cb 56,4_..,_.✓ .L'1 U,,uQ r 2/.../...,ux'e/. . . co/9ir,/rfD. .. —---- .�/ 4.- _vls ZLu �Gt-G-f-o-c c.,z ..cmc/ cLL�/ G /rn e.-. . 4- c./. O —_ 476.0E08 Y: 4' 4; 22c.Q/ Jccckt/DE O ,81 = ,�6- l�.e. -•, ---.. .ems✓ y( - O./R o i Calc- �6.1�l..'2{o ---- .. . ::h..) . . 4. - s7. 0 7 aid . ,ea., m aZ. F g)a). -g r c-,. .A..� 7 . 0. 4 e,/ c_/.)_ ,9„,_,„_,0.--//4„/ /f74/ 7 5-2). oa - .�.G.Q ea,[, . R- y. 8 • 7 S . 47414' - /777 �::.4 '53_ /s 4 ir-L.' i4,,,,i.(1,/,..;Zed-A-LX--- - /777 I, __ ___ v---a. - d--.-1 -x-/7? -1- -. -1 9,< ,1-7 . 5,2vie,g„.,,..¢Q �ay - ..,ez/. y. G O 0� T / t.,z2, .-A . - 22‘,..). (./....u.,,, 4'3 7,o co ti /41 4/C. SSL 1 e"1741f ( 3eig. . — /Q- --1 cl7C!0' .-, �. cro .¢, z, t C' v 1 - jxt.A a��-�✓-Z 2.L ai�-.✓ �J a .EJ - /4, /d - - - e A�P.e%� - - • / 9 / ' 2L.6_( 3,/Ag.a.-L.) ,eE,vk--- e4e-oe/<. __ r . . Ir.,t L.a-ti irns 47-4 ..---/(4j i-ec-. c y�% !/,LLx-r4-. Lx-1-42,1-1 - 7e z ff�1.„...4_, Az 4. -1.o..,-„,,,,/ --- 5- 6a4, ;r6--:) x7/- <91-t-.41 , 6. . 4-4 , z, : .„ - 2 4.e irl eer /. /120& , O 4) : � I: . L•!--c•i ANS sr C`c�.cJO L-D B/; �-J. 4-2:4;4, �/u e---41 7a c-u-ce., 4 _ �.r '/i/JJi-rI-C-2-7 .t tt.�s 0i1Q c , C/ l, fCt C/.c.r.e444.4... i /f/da M .: (2,124.0-a421 CI- —176 ffrf..441.4-4. /4 Attioit-Z;d4z, ge-e2aVeLP -- -4 6-x../ 404.9— - - - eARQ/.tG - - s 486 s ------ IQ ' Q. 46114/1•1 11"4 . - - - — - ._ - �ir�,a.v �•.�.. ._—(s7r A-1/4/1440/ • 72___.. ---- :i_ e/ d .✓i -• /-3/e .,, , _ e . At es e2✓,.,1sT _4.4,4- -+,a.4 F L%eii .4 / (4l12 d - ,esi4.4.4-r4.441-.4 A.40. Ailzstr.or..-a4u-i.4... n v chi„ ,I_Yt/ , .. l , -_._-___ /mue6 __�.Y t_ •c.ua sL�s�i,tbE 0 454;___A_•.__4•,-1Z4-4.,_._ -ds -- _--- _. - ------_ •--dds da-,- -.�'ILI80 '/ a 6 -_6.1,00 )41140".;:ifri- .. N .' •' _.. - (J ' - --- --- itttst r au.o d 8. _',.,- .-•..-40 C cr-- ----• ----12.4,71. , 'S-(4-1--ir--- °2-"1" ee/20--6" 414., i!ic _-_ -- 1fr-' /1026., .44.4.6...a..4-44 t, ei<«-....�..o _._--_ - _ - . . _ -4Z P� q' -: _ 4� ril".`" &".4.4A.i,z,AZzAdat..14-f ---------- , . A . , . . e-9RA,ip6 . _ ` - A,461.4._4/: O. l / 4.1 A.c.v S E c cout.ra w/.- .C. .•i - i AlouL b 8V1. MO 1) _ ..tiL4.0 . ,/-4; 4,-1244,1 - v-L/A4-1, gp4s61, hei, 4.az..-4-4-1,8zety _____ do--__ gf --- 7 by,, 4.4(4.aG,t � tach'.al-i&4 <.n. 3i, 3 7 £ Sir- ,,✓ /rA 7,1° --i-242.. --)'-7r,r. g.tcsir 77,07z 'I'll,(,,•7, ?(/).-'''-'77'7.77 I. 4.-7 7,cl ow _._ - - p,,,—'r-. --- iv- 4 e 7 r__ �` ' 07 -xv - . 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Y a' 7/1-8.22 -_ �n 4trVf2P7, , I� pT/71i/7rj Tsac 7'�fli- eya c.f.-7g — CICCCvJ!!!! , !/ y yam` .'elV va7OrrD79S ?r'v "'-fid' p ' '9' pnvu/! —... -_--- i" .z,7"''''97 /Y,rl .- _,7.,0�. ,�snc`273 ' '-?1 '0/ "°.4-,-m •r1 " ,,,, ____ /7-21,V707-77 J/,.,�,rr,-tfjb -, F+�art!, o r ---- r 01 --- 01 F/ r7";'' ► 'Tr3/ar3 - - 4 ,-;,-Feity/lisrv-x--,----- ------ _ - - ç77/ b'? • - ' or-0/1 --pc-27 off` Ei /-r-vim' r-IF-TP. ---. /(/'7,/1 ./:- /1 - arl o •1 s�. - -1,1-P6)- 1779,/-9,n sr "I€JA-. , der-of, c" orl-r'7(7- ,;:, - r4 r' . .,,,•pg Gov --„o-• _ r•V-415= y� ,�o . `,o -% ("17/ 6,7.7:•005/1' -^rJy. 9774- -L� �aJ`y V 05 75S Gr7`lJr 44 ' - /*7' 7. e-9,7 . . _. SE-off Y -16 yc ' //.1°/>� •c r — /74/ ,rcr,• _. ,.. nR '?7 �77n r-p-- - c-,ca-s .,, 0 ++7�'/ v —5/.-/,,/ ,,u;44-- ''7c--,ci ,..51 •/.9 0--40,-rr .0-273.•7/'- ----. --. , [188 . ., . . -4-4 uziiij A-,-,!..zet," .... - e..oet/e I) . . - ,4 I, lat-tz /PAID St c,Ai DE 6 IN : (•', 1.,74-Le.., t 4, w., -....,:z.4, ,__, It0 ak-d-a-0--71-0.--1 ..et--I._/r1-42-f.01.4-'--•-7 •-:4----- -——-.-,- 74444.61 12 (..) 1-s&/ w -n7"171-4- 2AA-mv - . 42( 412114-1 /4 0 .3ti .• 7 04-4'#.41 1 --- • • /-a 3.1- • ___ _ . .-'17r_t teLa.2r-tz /- cos-70, _—..•••. .,,cie..7..., r7i..,....._,.......__, ,.? .- ,_ . d it.,, ,I:i0 I . 03,1 -00 -000 . ) _. _ ._ -4.4-1- 14-44 _/ 1,11e-A.) e4-1-0-4 -01 , • /- en ,c, . . . ..44ER,er, . „ ',. ./no ',vb 49 .,,.. 47.. 4-641:4-1,... 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S-7 /..ZILiv-€()1- -ci /710 . . e_A IZ.4 i i-1* • • . ; a. .4.,•-•-9- 4, secorube6 47, ,..-, I,a,‘,.... / _ :exiL, z.J24 ,e6_444_, x ,t_<• _ ,-- ez it-4, --)-i,e e-. --J . ._,,,,, . a_..• . &_ _IL-- ...___ _______. $/ , • e4RA7*--6 • , ; Iiedr-7-16- .94)6 sec0 '6-' 8-,-) - .J Itic:L,-/ __.t-,-;& ,!2/z.A. p -, ey a-e...-e-e-c4-4...ro/At) PL'a 67042 ild-a4-4-4: 641"4-) . , .A.-- )//ca-t- re--41- •0") , i4ff," i.eleA),iie.- grn ,,,,...•••_.- k= ., A de X/X-7",a • - - . , -- t''' 4, - . .8.-.-7 Po-c--....)-'. .161. e_.---4,..-- acc...-1rie Igo 6.2..A4j 37 yi.oo ,.9.t 76. Co • (07L. Ai 9 Let-0 • 41-"43-4-y 4.- 4 2.1 '-_--- I - 490 __.- --1 N'*" att-,c., S ....- 61,L ' . fj s y a . 1 aT.-G-. C-o p• .. 9 J( 1J-a-a-c%+v hRy V&fC_, 0. -- ._____i f. :4,Ai � Z-�ct . U / 6e, ---- _ i 13.u.... R, 9 Ser-p..-c. 5.t-...f2. q gO. o _._.___ 1 t'. .� 44L.,� G� � d .� - 4/798.,f7 __. ..__4 iia, . &,„f�6 . - -k . ....x-Sot-,..f,24_,,-.17 /65�. 7 s V(/ -4.:A., i1 ,d41-4..) , bzif/k.I.413 a .ao * /4/6 7. a7__. 1 c9-ca.- .39/ 00O �- /3ag d ) - 795--- a2 ' / J..w ,9-77 m r�- `?' 33 0 , . __ ©-,�-- . Hal .� .�,�� -. / • -a9 - __ - ____ " , p - a G 9 . 8 6__ 4., i a,-frie-c;.A.A,.) n-ko)---- 1 _ . /, -, eyed 16e . . , ,911114-b . . . / --- - - S • Cr ! / ktk-uc - C'44.- I4._ L.X:rxe_r _, idedytidee Cri:-/Lotit-C_, r ---.,..._.,-,........_) _. _ -- _._ _,_.,_,.....J . _,._,z, 2;4 ),.7d'v.-) /�'�.G.,..,.4 .�.�-c, /< .eO . v --__... ,6.,�Q c o e•� , 'n o� ai a t.�o , �. , . i __ -a.. r cfL2—. 6.�.1.t�.a¢.a� .ci,t- , "Iva 0, +QY 1. Sec-0x,0 ez 8y : „ , . (97_,2_4,1/4 , _Lip a4/Qfo k-4nP /d.c.,( .�a..�J-Z-7-41-AL"--P A6ru bn / _ .__.___ 42�•-.. . ty �.s. sw- /9fo may,12:8'. (:)- �4- --------_—.-- V)9--- (�b,•..,.,,. � - 0 SAP /42.4i,t4.Je_F� eI J. ¢- Le-7,n,- gesZte.-4;Af".441.1u_e( ' _____, 4-o-c.v.-L.-it- 4_0-1,t. -,82-e• As_€:/_;-•-a-o- -<.)pe---•-.1-A--r-.-g-4>-.g.-1 H, _ , ,.1 . 4- r` e - ,,_ „It.e , -- - —. -. 4eAr .r Ci4. , 1(417S1( W”. ea477-t,°`7 teletpr,ej A64114.0 T . ", , .� ,� - t. .�L . ,� • J.4 1979 7f C44 .6 Tit .iice _ ✓✓ r - - - r,„,:,...,_ •,d dd.,)Am G & �.)nh8 (� �,.o7,- _, , -4("- - -r r,� - '• 47h' /'"�'�' t - ('" -----e /:t, �0 G_7 ciN 9 7s afyv �T�'y 7 .e4 A -Fn V/ . ..____ •//�,r,-�-��oa��r-p yo ;v�i- 22 /'I !' 7-77-z2--r P ' ---7- '� 7 ' o---(a°`G ir-~en ( r'"'-`-.1-11-17 .2 iY '"' "7" 7l' 7 .v4r -r- , 1 . • - 1/p, v e ? 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L,/, ,./,,,7., r/ 41441 . 00 �,..,MOMin. w • /) 71 .► elL eea____L____„.„uAa,__,__h-4..ati • y - .- , ." 4r 41:-'-') g°'-li." a ir 4a/if._i<S_ ,..‹..-aa,It.i- /-€.7. ) 41. -40a_sr 1,., I 7. 0 a 77'1-- 7/.‘,/ , pr_............. ..../44.Lao et < _.._._.._ .v . 9 . - ' h..,......_........... . _... .. ... . _.-4...ze.--A_e_;, -,7.4.4141:,-0,4e4.0-1---4-411‘,€4-4 ._-....._ -. F10#4 4--- /----g ia. A..i • 91/4 i._. .,z9 P /12 . . . c,_/2 of:wz.4-7.4s _,_ ._. • ( ,. - /1111-‘4te(A41-1e7-1/ ez,K./___ TO ",,d/4/iji/M117:44P7;111"4-"fita- :7 Please be advised that your member ( s ) appoi ied to the East Elgin Planning Board ; Mr ( s ) . attended J meeting ( s ) and that Mr ( g .Ljne( 144.4C-A° attended / meeting ( s ) during the month fA721ML/> 19g •• "1""." 'e etary- reasurer IrETINCS ATTENDED TO: I .4411.„44, 44. Please be advised that your member ( s ) appointed to the East Elgin Planning Board ; Mr ( s ) . i 49.4.: 4 attended 1 meeting( s ) and that MIr(s) . attended meeting ( s ) during the month of , 19 p . L;;;Let46 oecretary- r'F ensurer MEETINGS ATTENDED if 1 4-1 /-71--)"'-TO ' .� ,/ ( Please be advised that your member ( s ) appointed to *14 7 f the East Elgin Planning Board ; Mfr { s a . attended rneeting( s ) and that Mr ( s ) . attended~ meeting( s ) during the month ofs-„Ad,e.......1 19 ecretaryf- rea surer .......i=:2122j igETINGS ATTENDEp TO: UhIid4A /�. Please be advised that your member ( s ) appointed to the East Elgin Planning Hoard ; Ntr ( s ) , 41144.147:44 attended ,' meeting( s ) and that Mr ( s ) . attended meeting( s ) during the month of.... / 4( 19'10. ecretary- reasurer IIIMUNLAUfigai TO: Please be advised that your member ( s ) appointe• o tha East Elgin Planning Board ; Mr ( s ) . -, / ,i/ attendod Notting( s ) aid. that M} ( s ) . - ► CC" ,4(0' att ndikk gating( s ) during the month o d'-0444 19 fa pec isry- r+ aaurer