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Vienna Council Minutes 1962
VILLAGE OF VIENNA COUNCIL MINUTES 1962 COMES f rill" MUST BE FILED FOR a EACH ELIGIBLE PRO)ECTa FEDERAL PROVINCIAL MUNICIPAL WINTER WORKS INCENTIVE PROGRAM 1961-1962 Department of Municipal Affairs of Ontario 501 Bay Street, Toronto t, t nrarto STATEMENT OF FINAL CLAIM The Corporation of title _V../Al.A.4.1-x....01... L/E/t'/f/If-....._ . .... Project No. O-/t 9 1. - Address fr'ii A 1A/A,- _fl4/t A. . Description of Project td. _tea. .. ..dam;.x.. ..Aa►Liet..brI /,Bet/..*ld.VA111..Y. rr11 in.(,e is./t...t ...d rald.rl.. /..t.r..s fs... T.a.4....s.41.e...4WI a fat.../ret ort Ct..siAthe.st.s.rrs.x.....1s..A.m...._.7:.rili rAid.1....e.f tt/tiac... I.T.. Sart :pr I. .as .s.f..40 r1 c..f' s/e.r.it,'G.vsrrvefim sf...1ttaglifilegarrAllyirfral Jame and address of contractors and subcontractors employed on the above prole(t f^. A . Cl/AtiY , !fit/.. oA/A.....d.Wt- local number Numtrr d sen d esalored mss-days Amount A. Total d t payroll costs incurred during the period q from .I t!YC.L o w2 OI1y. .5/ 2 VA 7� i. _ 2. 0 !f ,• t 1 B. Deduct direct payroll coats Incurred but not eligible for subsidy 3 91 =__10‘,A6 C. Eligible direct payroll costs incurred ....222.1. 1 L G 4- $ s' •c ' ' U. Federal Reimbursement Amount 50%of ('above $ /Q.(•q 7� /2•S2 Deduct Federal interim payment if any Balance payable by the Government of Canada $ 9 i- 1� �r E. Ontario Reimbursement Amount 25%of C above $ V 9 4• a 4 Deduct I Ontario interim payment if any $ 2 Amount of other subsidies received . . or receivable from the Province of Ontario — ------___._-- Balance payable by the Department of Municipal Affairs $ y Q . 14 n F Balance of Federal and Ontario Reimbursement i_ %Ar Where the term -direct payroll costs"is used it shall mean "direct labour and fringe benefit expenditures." MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE a 1 cart tlhat lie abaft MshtesBt d Oita divert payroll costs incurred is in accordance with the books of account of the aoladialkg or thlatotra Mai tttaltame by the contractors or su -cxmtractan of the proistt dent ed above and that I•gig mplvvion, the amount of Misr subsidies received or receivable from the Province of Ontario is'correct- Tnvaatr�r Date - .2 2 1962 The Corporaticm of the 1//L.44 6t .of //UM/Ai* I a • N. JN--ri•I ANION ,�es.sii&NNW UNINIM... ,.......4,r• Form of Notice of Equalized Assessment of Union School Section by Assessors Scctson III, Public;Schools Act (L S.0. 19117, chapter 997) 1 The7nofth2Mun1c1. h% 9t7• .- -it, - u co<rm-st.40492 ' _L:1,044 ' • ai is stS714-#.4•1 authorized and required by section 39 of The Public Schools Act, hereby give notice to the Clerks of the said Municipalities that they have met and determined the proportion of the annual requisition for school purposes of th Public School Trustees of Union Section N which shall be levied upon and collected from the sable property of the respective Municipalities out of which the Union Section is formed,as follows School Section No.I1l. 44s nicipa:ity of...... ..._ A.A.,/,.4.,...4...0—. 44.4, per cent " 1.-1-‘14,0,. " .. Atthieute 513 i.2— - Total 100 ,. This proportion of assessment, so fixed and determined by us, shall remain in force for five years from date of this notice, sub t to the provisions of sub-section one of said section thirty-nine. Dated at ..4.4.40100014e.. . ,*(v..7 this day of. ]ti i/Z .._._rodeed.L..441914,114.1 _-Assessor, Meaicipaity el-.__-- _—_ -Assessor. 1[snicipalit7 of 4 -- _-_- ._Assessor. lfasicipaSty d_ Assessor, lfaairipeAep d..____.__._--. — - - — Assessor. Mssicipsrtp d _ Mgt Mt] t d duels Ilkabi t et.—____ A�sl eosstp� sit ibis �r by ibsejcsize1 s,staill bs No elmieb to sl"s s. Mist et tats Csmdb ewsresi.air is tit iser+lrf 4 lbs 48419161 er ' 7 ,8 4` v/ '_.S // ,6' r rrep // , rri`".. ' c '/ /SS '6/ / . - , s. s // 7rlir - /7a/ /779-75°1'477 P47.1ZI •--- - - - goy- 8'6 • ///5sZ ,s6 ','/ r---6 / f '51 - td •ST GWr' - z7,/, / i --!... 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