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Vienna Council Minutes 1961
VILLAGE OF VIENNA COUNCIL MINUTES 1961 411111(4•406. .OW,1111111610 l 9 dl Moved by fr4/0"*1 • • datelle441.4144 _ .44,, ,Atlyeame " • Ari.A4L s 44.0104, tlri �.' "" ► 14 • • t r Ik No .Session 19 N . Moved by 411 Seconded t j .;I et..4_,,,L.,• .6 All 10:01 ile 4414shizer _,. ,aliaid 0114 re elf4 / f If V Cr ' 4E ' ,r (i'01 /4114-- igkie.Sded"1"-x- . Z--‹-e--6--4-g 4•••••- .044 Zttliz5L:git )1kie ' "frikikligal/C24 .121142:" q- ,. agigethisti ._2401•01144. , .•= ev/itrt, *%,!4a11447 ‘ / , ._ _ __..__ _-- .____ _ . . , ,44,_,„„c ,M„ „ .. ... i1� 34.4Nva, ........ .7.1' , Moved by ..�..._�... Seconded by :,,,..Wil 1._ • . 115 3 %AA") -.4 a A 4 to....4. Z.' _ ,...,....i Nr.:".'' dul")4 414...'.14'41.11.411 4 ,, , , ... . ...... .. „,,i, . _7 cIgo e )11.1 't An _. . _ i r-d ip► 4 3 fro . , 1 444122s- ,01, ..., _. ii., ,..., _ • .d, , se _ifibraiLtA,..___ lim _____, ,.r.......F..� ,,,r . . . 7 s.. _ dr., c:/ripsvit .. .., / MINI 411. .. .. . * 40 -.-.. ile oil .., 414 441:411111.1 rita• - - - i► .ter.• - ............. - ,+► r. - ..........www4 ' dliP _ .d.�.-�... �r "r” " 411101.0 ' ' e 4.i.e....k,dt,,w,ta,....„,„„,,,,,,_se.„4„,„,„A..„„„,,,.,.....____/- ,....,,,,,,ere Moved by - �� Sec ondtd by .7 S •. r'"'• Allt dr as i 'r""—'111Faillhill÷6114.111.144.'2' 4,7114/(41344.6.— 41:41. ' 61:11=___ —16. 1,1 • el," 0.-•-•464....‘44-4.4.--A-441-4. ..21.:21,1244;), (11144 Seligisitbe-6:- _____2(444,14.,....40164.04._r 7 . d44`vw.vi , _____44..taz ,..,,.4.7 40644 _______ .............. —Orgitioums-c-At -...iril:a.g.cre...-44 . c.1:,iff.Va..44.4. Son 19 ‘j No Moved by/ oer1*(7X Seconded by fliggA4alile- 04d4AL gi • r- z ,10•14-4•- •#\.k. St►wan 19 ----42-441"141LEP. ' „„,,7rth„„,_ _ ... .._ elle,iklipierir ,,,,1 . ...„,, :/kAja--- "idg&-eeh-"-it-m"-dlljZ-. ellr .%.0% V . ur:Aztt, i 0 41 ..................... .4* eirthois.04,12•4Y4 IP 40 • • R ........„..______, 6 . .. . • . • t'a5l ) 41i 4 , .4rA44411_ , 6-rt_ 7,( .4... _. % i P 41,t.-r--4-4-i--1 e---21bA-4-4•-g—"L'r- --- , , 41Z.P417-1M-1'4"-#-e-la-- /174?11 __i, , ---- e., ..,..„ i._...6," 44 *3 4. 11-"" _A-4-4------tTrvii ____ -------,---a-4.4---t--r.---• .....0.4.4_ ii.......ii * dA.L......4.6 ______ .2 e.4...4.-. dI "V V 47tr--Z/1110•44- . Ltio, 4(14Le./ 4r- Cei%llie llom4L'ELtieleil CLI .IA.1441 #1•Ist. (Prs4; )e.-e,01 . I. 44--41-*A-1 a_4_ ei.Wk. lAtIZIG-1‹...7*tri at-• L.0,•-A • ' f- I ' ... 4,.."- A..e.-47....- - .. V.,,a-rtei..44 ______ , 44•-'-ha,,,(2. u6 .,7 I ,•z-,Ii , .27L_ /944 __ eo,AA,,i4( el.tL,4. j4L / , .r. 4." . .' 2. 1 / '%-<-4. / __ ___ i ' qv.,„_;._..„ ,,i- q __ 00. ro , ay,,,"-, allA°"'&4' -r---egtol-mn•Visni&alid.g..— • , ) . 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