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Vienna Council Minutes 1960
VILLAGE OF VIENNA COLTNCIL MINUTES 1960 .am '01✓'•.wM+YF V...a I.'- - .... N..............i+...Ml.u.•••••• ._.V' -, ......! _'MM•... rM..lM+.t-......W7. y. _e...,..'.. , a if , f 1 ...."... , i '1, . I f /.___,J,,a.,/i----- ...144:iit, r ,,,--' • • I • m / f • sir.ri.4k..,1r.,...,...:...r-...v.,..a..•.....w......w.•. wow w - ._�.. -.... _ -�.w� ..• .F .....-.............,....,..n..r..An..,,....q..._....._.....r ... .....w.....« 4 I' / ..'?$*44°‘°41.VVI ‘ f 1 r ,, ,,f,..A.A.4.10,10 .............. .4 ar ."... .....isr ilIP . :), .._.. IDLip.„..„,,,.... „............._ / / a..........,44 i 6L,A" ,,,e4t.4.4. . . , ..„,.,., .. , . a 4 .... _4 , / 10. . v., _. , ,.. 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THOMAS Miss Elaine MacDonald, Clerk-Treasurer, Village of Vienna, Vienna, Ontario . C7‘46V4*(1 "6 O. Jo«M D.?MONSON Apri l 19th, Miss Elaine MacDonald, Clerk-Treasurer, Village of Vienna, Vienna, Ontario. Dear Madam: This is to advise you that Judge J. F. McMillan has appointed Wednesday, April 25th, 1962, at ten a. m. for hearing the Appeal of the Village of Vienna with respect to By-Law No. 1808 of the County of Elgin, A By-Law to Equalize the Assessment dolls of the County of Elgin, for the year, 1962 . Yours truly, / \71,0-3-24-4-4-v`---- JDT/mf Clerk-Treasurer, County of Elgin. t a i ,,,. _ .,._ ... ,. ie.r.7._ - ‘sissism 19, ''..,0 No. •-,._. • 42"-- Mov qty' ........ _ -- _____•+--.�.. _......oar.�......�..�+r..-...-..-.-.-. cif i� JJ .srri .`.�.. r giAtf- ---d4 / / 11 'Or' . ; ' ''I4-P '. 1(3, 0 6 d' / stip . , 1, w : _ i • i . . - p. . . - t Rati 4.---ot .41,rA4-3/ , isjilit._..i y. ., i t 7._.__ _ _ . I. / , .,- -,1. • i - )1 eafr& i........_______ 40 r.. , - . 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" _.._, A411 ‘ i 6:70' ,.........____fgai - u w.., .. /1"-tA' v, ..4404.46,11. .4,110142,,,&;"440...plei„ ' „, .. . . , .,. sA2filtaiem,,.. J4 ..•_ _.__. i , i' !; • ...,,,, ., , „,....___,t- „ , , i . ..6---0 , , 44... Air 4 ‘_4_ , 4$ if 4,'°0 0 ..iirlit---4%!---11 ' f...... gigyr-- ,6_,0 I !f` ida _I ideifA" / 3 • •0 .41P 4411.<00 A , • • -1k V 1 . ..._--- _ . .. )10,0„. --;1-e— vis, .. • Moved by ". yei:-....1" Seconded by '� -----4- M • 6a .. .. ..., A � r• .,....Y_ I t". 'if = L ' i _.�: ( '�sir. ` f - L/:' C f ( f _. t Semi= 19 d No Moved b v - ...4 c_:...., ,I3i0efi ,:i.:2>'_ Seconded • " t,,,ht ,..4.--k-nly'fr'ktieedia .._ 44 • • ...__. __ _..___. ‘3,...6471 ... . i 424 , 1 r". 61112101116.14111,114PNy ,,,,t/L. 0 / .# 424... A. . ..ilaiit.,409 Pod/ - Alla.4,------ .. 1.0, dric ,,, ......A. • . elele't id.. • f I i 4 • ,_ ... . ••1°Afr 14 i 1 • . ipppiv . lir fir •dep - . - . —........r....._ .. / ?'. " r-'14/ .1--411°. 21 -_ ‘7-•-4, ‘AA----4-• C,-11A--Iti .2 5'i.7 f r j f 1/ Ate/ oew.------A.A f 4 .c° aD P4'4,---414----...u.4-17glut's is 'Z ' t d y� M 04 icry ci,J14-d) ;s'• 'et l'ic-Sell Caj 111 f it 1 .i Zs's n( Dtv.1,-/lii. 3 3, f 1 13 ir:4-1/41-1,4„. `o � , 6 1 / 9 Ill g4� `> .,. 1 • VILLAGE OF VIENNA1 . ; 97r-Y ‘ 0, 7 , / 9d crt 2z0-,,,,(:_.,_._ 2,,f,„_., _„,,,, %I( 1 !-17'rif- t i-- /4 ' Zi7n1}.0, >Ic $- 7.9?, ;t'/4, :‘ . _4-_ ' , ' / -L 4f,,,-e_ ate--` , d - - 1- 1 7// tk-a-t-4-Uf Ilii -4-t-.,:. 4 97-4t-..<} „Zel,-/-ft G G� /1 e, efrALA 1 1 4-4 Ai,t(7 A/A-L,0 .Le,4- 4 117 40.kfrti- Celli -o-e7:1C-mUl. , 1 e • ),&,--Liez_17_,_.„14(74-(! ,4_t_._,,t .,4_,„.4,0_47 ,4414 ,00,_,_ 1 i.,._ _. ,,.. ,. . . 0 1, ,,q „ , 11. 21,,,,„1 1 , ri / i ‘ , .• a 4 . I )4. f"( '1 " Ale r-t 7.- - If :/4A17 01"f"--7 : &C-e-- 'k ,, P , , AllW kif'42 • f / P1; 4 , Aq . 0 2 t,-,/y 1 ;( '' 7 -C- - IT. pi4 i .4 , s 7 i_,,t 4:t. / etn-, . j,t,,,T.LL., - , • , f i: —. „ W k#,-c - - vl)71.1/4,,e.u,„ .___3,,i, - „,...1„. C''-1,,,,( r 30 a_,,,_,( ,--;4 e/ ..4.t ..4-.;)-, ,y' 44,„a„ _.-----m-„,,L„..t.i..-. ".2 ia... .,,,.... 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