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Vienna Council Minutes 1958
VILLAGE OF VIENNA COUNCIL MINUTES 1958 2 N 5 ' , .f . . a1• frtyy..I'' . - o. M • -.., J - _...�....r...r� + .,_.•.....�_y,�..,.,� .wrr.,r:«. .. ....r.f ter-.+mow_+......+.. Y ..�. _ - . 14,,,t... idi,._,_ ... c<Liv . _ . , / / , i - ' ,. OW . 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FROST, Q.C., PRIME MINISTER OF ONTARIO, AT THE SIXTY--THIRD ANNUAL CONVENTION OF TEE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION, HELD AT THE CLEARY AUDITORIU4, WINDSOR, ONTARIO, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 29TH, 1961, AT 7:15 P.M. I would like at the outset to express my appreciation for this opportunity of addressing the members of the Ontario Municipal Association which, as a body and in its membership, has a great and honourable record of service. During my 18 years as Treasurer and as Prime Minister, no problems have received greater attention and consideration than those of our municipalities. We are living in days of great growth and change. To meet these challenges we have evolved a strong provincial-municipal partnership such as has never existed before. Part of this success is premised on the Government's recognition of the need for municipal autonomy and responsibility. In my judgment these are indispensable. I spoke of change. In the last 15 years our population has increased by about one-half. We are providing services for over two million more people and for thousands of additional industries. With this growth have come problems of education, accentuated by the increase in enrolment which has more than doubled in the last 15 years. In this period it has been necessary to recruit teachers and provide buildings and accommodation for over 700,000 additional children. In other words, we have had to do in this period more than was done in the first 150 years of our history altogether. Today we have three times as many motor vehicles as we had 15 years ago, which has meant in many ways that we have Baca _ 2- - had to build almost a brand new highway system. Industry has come to our Province because of the attractive environment. We have had new capital investment exceeding $30 billion. On every hand is the evidence of growth, development and change. The Province has been acutely aware of the difficulties of the municipalities in meeting these challenges. We have increased our municipal assistance from $21 million in 1945 to $344 million last year, and this year we have increased it by another $55 million. Thus our total assistance to municipalities in this current year is nearly $400 million, or 19 times as much as it was in 1943. May I point out that this vast sum is $50 million over and above everything the Province will receive from personal income, corporation income and succession duty taxes. It represents 45 per cent of all of the Province's revenues, compared with only 18 per cent 18 years ago. While dealing with provincial assistance to our muni- cipalities, may I refer again to education. Going back 18 years, the grants to elementary and secondary schools were a little in excess of $8 million. Today this sum has grown to $191 million - 23 times as much. This year, on top of all this, the Province has initiated a plan which, by the end of the third year, will cost $54 million more. The effect of this plan is that, without interfering with our existing grants system, the Province will pay each school board the sum of $5 per pupil in our elementary and secondary schools; in the second year, $12 per pupil; and in the third year, $20 per pupil, to be increased in some cases in the secondary school system to $30 and $40 per pupil. I think - 3 - you will agree that this is a tremendous assistance to our municipalities. The program which has been initiated this year is primarily directed at the reduction of taxes on residential and farm property. The purpose is quite plain. Residential property owners and, in many cases, farmers cannot treat their school taxes as a deductible item for personal income tax purposes. The introduction of this grant, therefore, is of greatest importance to home and farm owners on whom the burden of local taxation bears the most heavily. There is the vast problem of vocational eduction about which much is being said and much is being done in these days. Attention has been directed to the means of providing training for unskilled persons who have become unemployed. Last year 52 composite vocational schools, 15 purely vocational schools and five special industrial commercial schools were operated in the Province with the co-operation of the local school boards. These 72 schools had an enrolment of over 62,000 students. We have established provincial institutes of technology at Toronto, Hamilton, Ottawa and Windsor. Plans are now under way to build additional technical training facilities, taking advantage of the federal offer to pay, up to the 31st of March, 1963, 75 per cent of the capital cost incurred in such building. Under this program it is estimated that at least $100 million will be spent throughout the Province without any cost to the municipalities for capital purposes. Since the announcement of the federal-provincial plan to which the Federal Government contributes 75 per cent and the Province - 4 25 per cent, 126 boards of education have come into the plan, and the erection of very extensive additions to secondary schools throughout the Province will commence immediately. Of the boards of education availing themselves of this plan, about half have never before attempted vocational or commercial education. There are a very great many applications now under consideration and it is hoped that, across the Province, we will be able in the next 18 months to provide enough accommodation to take care of this very far-reaching plan without cost to the municipalities. A major change in secondary education will take place. No longer will the emphasis be so exclusively on the academic. The skills and ability of young people acquired in vocational and commercial work will open to them new horizons of opportunity and can lead to university and higher education in these subjects. Announcement has already been made relative to the new courses, new options and new objectives which undoubtedly will, in the five-year plan envisaged, completely revamp the outlook of our secondary schools and our approaches to higher education. One of our major problems in education is to provide for about 70,000 additional children in our elementary and secondary schools each year. By the end of 1965 our school population will reach about 1,800,000 - three times as great as it was in 1945. We are going to be hard-pressed to do this job. Building, equipping and staffing the schools is indeed a formidable task, and lying beyond that is the problem of building new teachers' colleges, training the teachers so vitally needed and providing library services, education for retarded and infirm children, scholarships to enable our bright young people to go on to higher areas of - 5 - • learning and facilities for adult education. The universities themselves present an enormous problem. The university family has grown from three in the late '40's, to a dozen today. The university enrolment then about 13,000, is now over 28,000 and by 1D75 this will reach about 100,000. This gives you some idea of the challenges of the growing, developing Ontario. I would like you to take a look at the problem of roads for a moment. At the end of 1945 the Province was providing about $6 million in municipal subsidies. This year the Province's assistance to roads will total$77 million, while the Ontario highway bill will have reached this year the huge sum of nearly $275 million. Travel across the face of Ontario and you will observe what is, in very many ways, a brand new system - a yardstick of the progress that has been made. The year after next - 1963 - will see the four-lane 401 Highway from the St. Clair River through to the Quebec border completed and in operation. This, linked up with the system being completed in the State of Michigan, will provide the longest four-lane freeway in the world - over 760 miles long. There are many otner aspects of our municipal assistance program which, for lack of time, I cannot discuss here. I could speak to you about what has been done in connection with hospitals. This problem used to be a yoke around the neck of the municipal office. Today, with our Hospital Services Plan and our unconditional per capita subsidies to the municipalities, the problem from a municipal standpoint has virtually disappeared. This is also true of welfare costs and costs of the administration of justice. In past years these matters were the - 6 - subject of unending complaint upon the part of the municipalities. Today, by reason of our conditional and unconditional grants, I hear very little about the problem. Arguments are sometimes advanced that the Province should assume the total cost of welfare. As a matter of fact, this is very largely being done now. In many municipalities, because of our unconditional grants which now cost the Province nearly $30 million a year, the municipalities are actually receiving what they pay for welfare and justice. Probably what is intended to be said is that the Province should take over the administration of all welfare services. If this is what is meant, I can point out to you that this would be a poor service to the taxpayers of Ontario, both municipal and provincial. The Province requires the painstaking knowledgeable administration of municipalities in the welfare field. If this service were removed, there would be diseconomies, in my judgment, to the taxpayers of Ontario. We must remember that all of us contribute to taxes, whether they be federal, provincial or municipal. It is our job to perform the things we have to do as efficiently and as economically as possible. There is no doubt that in many fields, including large areas of the welfare field and in the administration of justice, municipal government can perform services more efficiently than can the other levels of government. The method we have followed, and I am sure that the method is sound, is to allow the municipalities to do this important welfare work and for the Province to compensate them by conditional and unconditional grants and subsidies. This method provides the incentive for the municipalities to do an economical job. In some cases, it provides the municipalities r - 7 with revenue in excess of the cost which they incur. I could also speak to you about the work of the Ontario Water Resources Commission, which was devised only six years ago. Everywhere across +he Province one sees progress being made in the installation of water systems, purification systems and sewage disposal plants. This is, by every standard, the greatest program '. in aid of conservation ever attempted in this Province. The matter of "conflict of interest" has been a subject of public discussion in the months past. I have specifically asked that the municipal associations, of which this is a very important one, should give consideration to this matter. I have had from Mayor Langmuir of Brockville, your President, a consideration of this subject which I have no doubt he has discussed with you. In any event, you no doubt have all given consideration to the matter. As you well know, the matter of defining "conflict of interest" in any statute is a difficult, if not an impossible, task. I have looked over the attempts that have been made in this regard in some other countries and I have shuddered at the thought that similar enactments would be made here. If such enactments were to be made here, in my judgment they should not be in the form taken by those in effect elsewhere. I might point out that for well over one hundred years, the Statutes of Ontario have not imposed a compulsory disclosure of interest, although going back to the original Municipal Act of 181+9 there has been a provision which has been altered from time to time, providing that no person - in the words of the enactment - having by himself or partner any interest or share in any contract with or on behalf of the municipality - 8 - in which he resided should be qualified to be elected as alderman or councillor. This matter has been left to the electors to use their own judgment in electing their own municipal representatives. It has also very obviously been left to the honour of the elected representatives to aid the injunctions imposed by the Statutes. I am bound to say that after almost a lifetime of association with elected municipal representatives and indeed those in the service of municipalities, I have found them in overwhelming proportion to be honourable persons, anxious to give service to their communities. I have likewise found that the electors have been excellent in their judgment and that as a result of the exercise of this good judgment, together with the high quality of the thousands of persons elected to councils, boards and commissions in Ontario's several hundred municipalities in these days of change and expansion, the derogations from the statutory injunctions have been few indeed. Nevertheless what I have referred to as "derogations from the statutory injunctions" have been serious enough and have been publicized enough to point up the fact that we are living in days when the conditions of municipal service are much different from what was the case before. On one hand is the pressing require- ment for men knowledgeable and qualified in municipal affairs to serve. On the other hand is the vastly more complex economy in which we live. It is difficult to obtain men to serve who are entirely free of interests which might, under some circumstances, conflict with their public service. The problem therefore arises - what is "conflict of interest"? - - I can assure you that this is extremely difficult and indeed impossible to define. The more one endeavours to give a likely definition to these words the more difficulties there are. The more one looks at the statutes enacted elsewhere the more these difficulties are revealed. The words involve really the meaning of the term "ethics" . In very many ways "conflict of interest" is summed up in the rather nebulous vords of what people think. • Again, probably the best judges of the matter are the public; in other words, the jury of the people, who are able to appraise better than anyone else the ethics of any situation. The other problem is that if there is a definition of "conflict of interest" then should there be a penalty for the violation of the same. But mandatory penalties - large or small - are invariably bad. It may be that by the definition in the statute some honourable person may be guilty of an offense which the jury of the people in his community would not assess as such and yet he may be faced with the penalties contained in such an enactment. This condition is one which can limit the services rendered to the municipalities by people who are willing to serve. I was very much interested in the results of an enactment recently passed in the United Kingdom which had the effect of ' making it practically impossible to get a quorum of certain municipal boards and of the council itself because of the fear of being involved in possible infractions of the law. It is said that in matters, say, involving theatres - that no theatre man would have anything to do with it. As a result it was left to a person less qualified - say a real-estate man. Conversely, with a real estate problem, the disposition was left to the theatre man - 10 -- who knew very much less about the subject than others who had high qualifications. These are the difficulties with which we are faced - firstly definitions and secondly penalties. Rising out of all of these considerations, the Legislature this year passed the following section: (1) "If a member of a council or of a local board as defined in The Department of Municipal Affairs Act, has any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in any contract or proposed contract, with the council or local board, as the case may be, or in any other matter in which the council or local board, as the case may be, is concerned and is present at a meeting of the council or local board, as the case may be, at which the contract, proposed contract or other matter is the subject of consideration, he shall, as soon as practicable after the commencement of the meeting, disclose his interest and shall not take part in the consideration or discussion of, or vote on any question with respect to, the contract, proposed contract or other matter. (2) If the interest of a member of a council or of a local board as defined in The Department of Municipal Affairs Act has not been disclosed as required by subsection 1 by reason of his absence from the meeting referred to therein or by reason of such interest having been acquired subsequent to such meeting, he shall disclose such interest at the first meeting of such council or local board attended by him after the meeting referred to in subsection 1 or after acquiring such interest, and shall not take part in the consideration or discussion of, or vote on any question with respect to, the contract, proposed contract or other matter. - 11 - (3) Subsection 1 does not apply to an interest in a contract, proposed contract or other matter that a member may have as a ratepayer or elector or as a user of any public utility service supplied to him by the council or local board in like manner and subject to the like conditions as are applicable in the case of persons who are not members of the council or local board, or to an interest in any matter relating to the terms on which the right to participate in any service, including the supply of goods, is offered to the public. (4) The failure of one or more members of a council or local board to comply with subsection 1 does not invalidate the proceedings of such council or local board in respect of the contract, proposed contract or other matter mentioned in subsection 1. (5) Every disclosure of interest at a meeting shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting by the clerk of the municipality or secretary of the local board, as the case may be. (6) .there it appears at any meeting that a disclosure of interest that should have been made at the meeting or at any previous meeting was not made, the fact that the disclosure of interest was not made shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting by the clerk of the municipality or local board, as the case may be." In this section it will be noted that the statutory duty of disclosure is imposed. No attempt is made to define pecuniary or other interest and no penalty is imposed. The sanction is that if there is a failure to discuss, it is recorded. If there • - 12 is disclosure, it is recorded. It is the great body of the public who vote and elect their representatives who have the power to pass upon any penalty. They may or may not vote for such a person. In other words, it is the jury of the people with its unerring judgment which has the say. I came here to ask the Ontario Municipal Association - an honourable body composed of honourable people, in very many cases with service going back many years - to give consideration to this problem. We are anxious that the municipal bodies should be autonomous, that they should be responsible to the people. For myself, I am sure that no policeman in the form of the Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs in Queen's Park can police a thousand municipalities. I doubt that any attempt at such should ever be made. I think, however, that reasonable, workable rules can be laid down which allow the people themselves to pass a judgment. At this time there is being distributed a little booklet setting out the duties and responsibilities - and indeed the ethics - attached to municipal service. These are defined by statute and in most cases have been defined for years. Please take this and read it over. It will be given hereafter to all members of municipal councils and of boards and commissions. Communicate your view to your executive, which has been very helpful in its suggestions. I can assure you that the Government would be glad to have the views of the Municipal Association on this matter as expressed by yourselves. In the time which I have at my disposal, I have endeavoured to give you a very general picture of our problems and the progress - 13 - which has been made. May I say something about our Department of Municipal Affairs. It is being revamped and modernized to meet the increasing demands of this day. We want it to be regarded as a department created and operating to assist the municipalities. We do not want the Department to be regarded as a policeman with a big stick. It is our view that we must work together. I have used the words "provincial-municipal partnership" . These words emphasize this thought. It is true that the municipalities have very great problems. It is true that, in some of them, there have been difficulties. I want to say, however, that in over- whelming proportion the municipalities have done a magnificent job and that the municipal representatives and servants are dedicated, honourable people. That is the way our Department wants to treat them. We have no intention of destroying municipal autonomy or taking away the responsibilities of municipal officials. It is our intention in every way to increase and strengthen municipal autonomy and responsibility. We are satisfied that the best results can be obtained by a department which will counsel and help our thousands of municipalities in their varied problems. We wish to do everything possible to improve our organization so that we may help our municipal governments. We feel, however, that the Department's functions should be largely service functions, and I assert again as I have many times, that there is no substitute for local autonomy and initiative. Strong viable local government units are of fundamental importance to a free democratic society. ..., , 2 4 i ,,,.,--4-„,,.....„...,,...•_„_,_ --,,,z,,..„.„,.‘,,,, • . . . . . , . . . . ., .. . . . , , ., ,. • _ . , . • . , . . . ., .. , . , . , , . . • Y l . . 1 ,„,„,,,.: ... ..?./.1.r .N.. . .45..4.4......,44.4"... _ F-44 • _ Atoe...tr..1,Aref......c.4„.„,"#-:--......,-...--.................-3-456_4-11..A.S , . . e.... ........_ / refill,1.-..........._ ?....1144-- ii 'AI e s-1 4 I. it eele-41 . ,..Atard..&%..--4-4-1---_ , /".24,2 # ... _ 1 i _._,........_._ ____ , , . -1--iti9 9v7X_ . 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