HomeMy WebLinkAboutVienna Council Minutes 1954 VILLAGE OF VIENNA COUNCIL MINUTES 1954 - a. • ii (,.-,.r•....,.+.w+.....w.... ,s......_,__'..+..., .+ r►_...+"y r_w__......1+.. +.a.-wrw+��y.w.r..-�..+�.+.w.-..�..�..�+r wee-...wa...w-+..s+v.r.-�.,r�w..r+s+.•r -.�rvr...-.e-..w ++-.+....+...�..•srrrr<..q+�..,..�..:..ate...a�'-,r• �.-.•+r.'.. 1 , .. . .. • • . . ,.. A I i • il E/ twir( -..-........• __„.....••••••••,•-•.............••••••••••••••...•-•••.-..•••••-••••-• ...................................................... .................................,.................... eek..ve........„‘„..40:ff"'"'' / -.......iry..o...-., .....tee...w..w..........+.........►. .. �. .. .,.....�...w .... ..- - -. / , i - illia..ew.t. ....' • / d ..In..w.R'Yw^."• aafr..1“ 1"1 ,Ifr:ric3,71I igil,,,, e,.........AA„-cit 1 q.Y/.-.w.¢�".4•TilTi P..-..A.. 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Irl/ � , -----___._—.-_.__ � , • i o Aca 1 n// 17 / -.-. r----- r•/J 7—'"7' `1--r'� ( '1 Z° // 'G , ... -- . 416....."•••••• 1.� • P �t ti ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 149 BY-LAW NO. 1462 To Provide for Licensing and Regulating Victually Houses, Ordinaries and Houses Where Victuals are Sold to be Eaten therein and Places for the Reception, Refreshment or Entertain- • ment of the Public. The Council of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No person, firm or corporation shall keep, operate or maintain a victualling house, ordinary or house where fruit, fish, oysters, clams or victuals are sold to be eaten therein or a place where food and drink are served to the public or for the lodging, reception, refreshment or entertainment of the public in the County of Elgin unless a license therefor shall have been first obtained from the Clerk of the County of Elgin. 2. Licenses may be issed under this By-law to permit of the keeping, operating or maintaining of such houses, ordinaries, and places, subject to the requirments in connection with the issue of same as hereinafter set out, as follows: (a) A Restaurant License. (b) A Refreshment or Dairy Bar License. (c) An Ice Cream Stand License. 3. Every erson, firm or corporation to whom a license is is- sued under this By-law shall pay to the Clerk of the County of Elgin; on obtaining, (a) A Restaurant License, a fee of Two Dollars. (b) A Refreshment or Dairy Bar License, a fee of Two Dollars. (c) An I•.,e Cream Stand License, a fee of One Dollar. • and every such li^ense shall expire on the last day of December following the issue therof. It is understood that this By-law does not Preclude the right of local municipalities to impose license fees in lieu of business tax. 4. Application for such licenses shall be made in writing to I 150 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL the Clerk of the County of Elgin on forms to be provided by him and approved by the Medical Officer of Health of the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit. 5. The Clerk of the County of Elgin shall not issue any such licenses until he shall have received a certificate from the said Medical Officer of Health that the house, ordinary or place for which the license is to be granted have been inspected by him or his representatives and is satisfactory to him and in conformity with the provisions of this By-law for the type of license desired. 6. No establishment licensed hereunder shall serve milk ex- cept in the original container and in half-pint, pint or quart Im- perial measure. 7. No keeper or operator of any such house, ordinary or place where fruit, fish, oysters, clams, victuals, foods and drink are sold to be eaten therein shall suffer or permit any vagrant, drun- ken or disorderly person or persons of loose or immoral character to be or remain therein nor shall such keeper or operator permit any disorderly conduct to take place therein. 8. It shall be the duty of the keeper or operator of every such house, ordinary or place mentioned in this By-law to see that the provisions of this By-law are carried out, and any such keeper or operator permitting any violation of any of the pro- visions hereof shall be subject to the penalties hereinafter im- posed. 9. All licenses granted or issued under the provisions of this By-law shall be subject to revocation at any time by the Council in its discretion, or on the recommendation of the Medical Offi- cer of Health. RESTAURANTS 10. All the provisions of this By-law numbered 1 to 9 inclu- sive, 11 to 38 and Section 45 shall apply to persons, houses, ordin- aries or places licensed as a restaurant. 11. Every house, ordinary, place, apartment, or room in ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 151 which food and drink are served or which are set apart for the serving of food and drink, must be properly lighted and ventilat- ed and all plumbing constructed must be satisfactory to the Med- ical Officer of Health or inspectors acting under his authority. 12. All rooms, apartments or places in every house, ordinary or place et apart for the storage of food or food-stuffs shall be properly lighted and ventilated and must at all times be kept in a strictly sanitary condition. 13. All rooms, apartments or places in every house, ordinary or place used for the purpose of cooking or the preparation of foodstuffs or ice creams, shall be used exclusively for that pur- pose, and no such rooms or apartments shall be situate, located or in the basement of said house, ordinary or place without the writ- ten consent of the Medical Officer of Health. 14. All rooms in every house, ordinary, apartment or place used for cooking and preparing or serving of foodstuffs or ice cream shall have floors and walls so constructed as to exclude rats, mice, vermin, etc., and kept in a state of good repair. Floors must be either of impervious material or of hardwood with tight joints or covered with linoleum. 15. No dogs, cats, or other animals shall be allowed in any house, ordinary, apartment or place where food or ice cream is kept or prepared. 16. The rooms in every house, ordinary, apartment or place must be kept in a strictly sanitary condition at all times. The walls and ceilings of any apartments or rooms used for cooking and preparing foodstuffs or ice cream shall be painted light color with enamel finish or whitewashed. If painted they shall have two coats of paint, wfhich must be renewel at least every two years. If whitewashed. the whitewashing must be renewed every six months. 17. The portion of the walls of said rooms for six feet from the floor must be so constructed and finished as to be capable of being thoroughly cleansed with soap and water as frequently as 152 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL may be required to keep them clean at all times. 18. All furniture, tables, counters, ranges, stoves, etc., and all appliances in such rooms shall be so arranged as to permit of ready and easy cleaning, and all utensils, implements, furniture and other appliances shall be kept and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. 19. No sleeping-rooms, lavatories or washrooms shall be within the room or apartments used for the preparation or cook- ing of foods or ice cream for the storing of foods, nor shall they communicate directly with suchroms, but either with the open air or through a properly ventilated and lighted passageway. 20. No wearing apparel, boots, shoes, or other wearing ef- fects not being worn shall be kept in any kitchen, or any place where food or ice cream is prepared, and a suitable place, seper- ate from said rooms, shall be provided for such clothes. 21. All such houses, ordinaries, apartments, restaurants, or places shall maintain for the use of cooks, helpers and others en- gaged in the preparation or cooking or serving of foods, sanitary 111- toilet and washing facilities satisfactory to the Medical Officer of Health. 22. Any person so engaged visiting any sanitary conven- ience must always carefully wash the hands with soap and water before returning to his or her duties. 23. No person shall work or be empl^ved in cr about any such house, ordinary, apartment, restaurant, kitchen or place during the time in which there is any communicable disease in his home, nor thereafter until the quarantine has been removed by the Health Unit. No person shall be employed in or about any such house, ordinary, apartment, restaurant, kitchEn or place who is suffering from any communicable disease. 24. If any sleeping places are located on the same flocr as • the Restaurant, they shall be well ventilated and Lighted and must not communicate directly with the aforesaid room 3. r • ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 153 25. All working men and emloyees, while engaged in the handling or preparing of food or ice cream shall be provided with slippers or shoes, and a suit of washable material, which shall be uesd for that purpose only. Those garments must at at all times be kept clean. 26. All said houses, ordinaries, apartments, restaurants, or places shall provide, in places where foodstuffs or ice cream are 4 kept, prepared, cooked or served to customers, full protection from dust, dirt, flies and vermin, by glass cases where necessary, or wire screens and other modern methods, and shall cause the abatement and detruction of flies and vermin whenever found. 27. All such houses, ordinaries, apartments, restaurants or places shall be equipped with covered metallic cans for retain- ing and keeping their garbage and waste in a sanitary condition which shall be kept in such place and manner as will preclude nuisance and contamination of the kitchen and such rooms from odors, and all such refuse must be removed from the premises at least once in every twenty-four hours. 28. All such houses, ordinaries, apartments, restaurants or places shall be provided with a store-room or suitable place for the keeping of food and foodstuffs; and all refrigerators shall be kept thoroughly cleaned in all parts, and drained in a sanitary manner, but no refrigerator shall drain by direct communication with any sewer. 29. No dry sweeping shall be permitted in any house, ordin- - ary, apartment, restaurant or place where food or ice cream is prepared or served for human consumption. 30. Restaurant kitchens and other rooms connected there- with and Refreshment and Dairy Bars shall be provided with ample facilities for washing and sterilizing all utensils, and with a proper supply of hot and cold water. Sinks may be of porce- lain, cast iron, enamelled, wood lined with 14-ounce copper. There must be two, or more where necessary. The section used for sterilizing must be at least twelve inches deep and of suffi- • 154 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 1 cient size to do the work properly. Sinks must be put in place in a secure manner. All work done in connection with waste pipes and water pipes must be to the satisfaction of the Medical Officer of Health. 31. Milk and butter shall be kept in an ice-box or refriger- ator separate from meat, vegetables and other articles of food. 32. All kitchen and dining-room floors shall be carefully, mopped and cleaned or oiled at least once every twenty-four hours. 33. All knives, forks, spoons, dishes and other tableware shall be thoroughly washed and cleaned to the satisfaction of the Medical Officer of Health. 34. No table linens, napkins, etc., shall be permitted to be used for a second person. . 35. All rooms and apartments in such houses, ordinaries, restaurants or places where food or foodstuffs or ice cream are stored, prepared, cooked or served shall be adequately screened and protected from dust and flies from April 1st to November 15th in each year. 36. No cloths or towels shall be used for the drying of dishes and, or cutlery after a reasonable degree of soiling and wetting. 37. No cloths or towels shall be used for washing, wiping or drying table or counter tops after a reasonable degree of soiling. In cases of repeated failures to comply with this provision, the Medical Officer of Health, or the Sanitary Inspector may require the use of table cloths or paper serviettes to cover such tables or counters. 38. Wash basins and toilets for use of the public must be thoroughly washed and a suitable teriliszing solution applied to all sources of human contact at least once daily. The floors and walls must at all times be kept clean. Single service towels or paper towels may be used. In places where odors occur, a suit- A • -s . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL 155 able deodorant must be used. REFRESHMENT OR DAIRY BARS 39. Sections numbered 1 to 9 inclusive and Sections num- bered 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, and 44 shall apply to persons, houses, ordinaries or places licensed as a Refreshment Dairy Bar. 40. No fruit, fish, oysters, clams, victuals, foods or drink other than milk and milk products, soft drinks and bottled drinks, sandwiches, confectionery, ice cream and ice cream dishes shall be served in or from any house, ordinary or place licensed as a Refreshment or Dairy Booth. ICE CREAM STANDS AND BOOTHS 41. Sections numbered 1 to 9 inclusive and Sections num- bered 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 35, 36, 38, and Sections 41 to 44 inclusive of this By-law N. shall apply to persons, houses, ordinaries places or vehicles li- censed as an Ice Cream Stand. 42. No fruit, fish, oysters, clams, victuals foods or drink oth- er than ice cream and bottled soft drinks shall be served in or from any house, ordinary place or vehicle licensed as an Ice Cream Stand and then only from an ice cream or soft drink cab- inet. 43. No ice cream or drinks may be served in a house, ordin- ary or place licensed as an Ice Cream Stand except from a con- tainer disposed of after being used once or from its original bot- tle container, and no such container may be used more than one time. 44. Any persons convicted of a breach of any of the provis- ions of this By-law shall forfiet and pay, at the discretion of the convicting Magistrate, a penalty not exceeding the :um of Fifty Dollars for each offence, exclusive of costs, and in default of payment of the said penalty and costs forthwith, the said penalty and costs, or the costs only, may be levied by distress and sale of th^ goods and chattels of the offender, and in case of there • �.r • .� 4 • 156 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL being no distress found out of which such penalty can be levied, the convicting Magistrate may commit the offender to the com- mon gaol of he County of Elgin, with or without hard labur, for any period not exceeding six calendar months unless the said penalty and cost (if any) including the cost of the said distress and of the committal and conveyance of the offender to the said gaol are sooner paid. • READ a first time this 22nd day of November, 1945. READ a second time this 22nd day of November, 1945. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of No- vember, 1945. J. D. THOMSON, C. D. COYLE, Clerk. Warden • • L . i 1 i . i ! i •i : ' C\2 v...1 , , 1 . I .. 1 1 1 .....14 . , i ! t . - I s ! '4 - 1'. 1.i*""1 tOMA,3,,,,,Wil.. • 4 1 SO I 1 I I ,; 1 . , . .. i ,.,. ...........,- . . t ',, .' • - . , , 4 r- 41\bc44 , , • 1 ; .... --N i ‘i 1\-1 '1 1 i . ! . ...,, - Nkb i 1 1111 , I ' i i 1 1 i .„., - 1 • ! 1 I 1 . I i • i , _ . 1 , 1 1 . i , , 1 .,,,. •,.----- • i , ,. - , ;.,.,•,„R , . ,. . .. i, 1 i 1 i 1 I • ' 1, • _. ., , _ .., . _, , . ,.,• 1 1 • , , 1 H1 t I . _.., . - -•• ,.• •• --. -, i•••-•,,••••,-,•,•_•.,-,•-...,;.;.„,, ,,,,..•,...--,,,.:,..„•''':',----•• ,.•, •,.•• .-_,',.....--...',,.•,-.'-: •........',. -,....;,,'. ,•.,'',r4,•-•,;:.,:••• •4: ..'.4*'','.-.:,.,' i.:'.' -. 7 - - .'. ' -'' - ''.--'•-''''''-`:',',74-1.!.‘: ' - . 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