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Vienna Council Minutes 1953
VILLAGE OF VIENNA COLTNCIL MINUTES 1953 - c---- \ — — — — 7 , , — 1 r ,,Yew,ar .,..., _.;+-t , ..4-i .,�. y�..y.�.�.,. ,•,y.,��-. .+r.�r� yi�A�.�/--�+'+ws..vw�.�.�.•.��.yr.. �. . .....z.0(- 1 0...5''' 3#111°1A I 4—1:3-.1 ......-+-►-++�-+n.......... ..+wr:w�:�. �`�•^+.xea.. o�wa...sr.-+w.v.�-d�.vw+�..r....,._.� ,_ jT21- , / 1 er.74..,4_,L......e .....igzee._ 4404-4, ....._,..................._ . 4a.r.-- ' ....#6................. / /Vale ,. .. ..„., „,.. i I ' ::.,,,,.,„4,,,,.„..,.,. ..A.. 4.1)16:°:tA -11 -441...i' ' ."....'"" ]- eAs..70........4...c.....4:0.4.4....ar . 0 r • if.e.,e. 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BY LAW ';0. or/ 3 Of the Municipal Corporation of the Village ofVienna To provide for restraining and regulating the running at large of dogs, and for imposing a license fee thereon. Now therefore the Municipal council of the Municipal Corporation of the Village mf Vienna enacts as Follows.- I, (a) In this By-Law the word dog shall include both male and female dogs. (b) For purposes of this By-Law, a dog shall be deemed to be running at large when found in a highway or other public place within the Village of Vienna and not under the control of any person. 2. The owner, possessor or harborer of every dog in the Village of Vienna shall forthwith after the passing of this By-Law for the Year 1953 and annually thereafter not later than the first day of May in each year cause the same to be registered with the license inspector, and take out a license therefore, which shall expire on the 31st day of December in the year in which the same is issued, and shall cause every dog so licensed to wear around the neck a collar to which shall be attached a metal plate or check,bearing figures and marks thereon indicating that the license fee on • such dog has been paid for the current year and such metal plate or check shall be supplied by the License Inspector on payment of the license fee. eat- 71,0 J-'/ 3. There shall be levied and collected by the License Inspector from the owner of every dog in the Village of Vienna an annual license fee or tax of two dollars if only one add two dollars for each additional dog.iowned by him, andfour dollars for a bitch if only one and four dollars for each additional bitch owned by him. 4 The license Inspector shall k,ep a book in which he shall enter and register a description of every dog and the ampr name of the owner thereof on which the license fee has been paid 5. No owner, possessor or harborer of a dog shall suffer or permit such dog to run at large in any street of the said village unless the same is under the control of some competent person, and has around its neck the collar and metal plate or check mentioned in the second settbon of this By-Law, indicating that the current years licene fee has been paid, 6. Any dog found running at large on any street orpublic place in the village and not under the control tfsome competent person and not having around its neck the collar and metal plate indicating the current year' s license fee has been paid shall be liable to be killed or impounded and any person appointea by the Council for such purpose, may kill or impound any dog found running 613; large contrary to the provisions of this By-Law. 7. No license fee shall be required to be paid onany dog until it is six months old. 8. No person shall remove a collar or plate from a li censed dog. _ _ _._ __ _ lir" / .70Z, 1514 S-13 49 . 7". -**,, ,• ‘ \ ____ -. 9. Any dog known to be rabidsoor of ted by the rabies shall be 1. immediately destroyed. I0. No owner , possessor or harbore of any dog shall suffer or pm such dog to attack any person on : ; street or publicplace or do any damage whatsoever, and if any emplaint thereof is made to the council or police, and they : • satisfied that such complaint i , is proved, order such owner,posse=.or or harborer to deliver such dog over to the police or person =' .ointed by this council as dig catcher, in order that it may be •:stroyed or impounded T > accordingly, and if such owner, assessor ob harborer shall ;,`,t; refuse or neglect to deliver sucSdog to the police or dog catcher ~ within twenty four hours after n• ification he or she shall be liable to the penalties of this : -Law. II. There shall be established a pound for dogs withinthe Village of Vienna and the council of the said Village shall appoint from time to time, a pound keepr to have charge of such pound. I2. Any police officer or person appinted by the council for such purpose who seizes any dog for the purpose of impounding the _ . _ same, shall forthwith after makimg such seizure for such purpose deliv,r such dog to the poundkeeper of thevtllage add it shall behis duty to supply it with water and food, if neessary, add in case the dog shall not be reclaimed, as herein after r provided,within thirty-six hours after it h-s been delivered 1 to the poundkeeper, it shall be the duty of the poundkeeper to destroy such dogor i.. :a such other disposition of the dog as the poundkeeper may deem proper or expedient. q ? . fi t Y. W7r7 13. The owner, possessor or harborer of any dog impounded,as provided ' for by the next preceding section hereof, may within thirty-six hours after such dog shall have been 'tielivered to the poundkeeper i reclaim the dog on application to the poundkeeper and on proof of his ownership to the satisfaction of the poundkeeper and on further proof that the dog tax has been duly paid and on payment of the sum of two dollars,one dollar of whihh shill be retained by the poundkeeper and one dollar to the person impounding the dog. 1 .' I4. Any person in possession of a dog or who shall harbour or suffer any dog to be or remain in or about his home or premises, shall be deemed the owner of such dog for the 1 purposes of this By-Law. 15.Any person convicted of a breach of any of the provisions . I of this By-Law shall forfeit and pay, at the discretion of the convicting magistrate, a penalty not exceedigg the sum of fifty dollars for each offence,exclusiveol costs and in default of payment of the said penalty and costs forthwith, the said penalty and costs only, may be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the offender,and in the case of their being no distress found,out of which such penalty can be levied, the convicting magistrate may commit the offended to the common Gaol of the oountyof Elgin, with or without hard labour, for any period not exceeding six months unless the said penalty and coats are sooner paid. 11. 16. All previous By-Laws inconsistent with this By-Law are hereby repealed. Read a third time this 6 day of97*-7AAA4i /7.5"3. and sed, si d se ed and numbered -� $ • �r..i oe,..,{,1, (• O Y . • Village of Vienna. By-law No. '0 • B. ing a 9y-Law to license and regulate taxicabs ithi toe Village of Vienna. WHEWAS it is deemed necessary and xpedient to establiso regulations for :.he purpose of governing the operations of taxicabs within he Village of Vienna. AND WREREAS this authority is provided by subsection 4 section 423 Chapter 266, R.S.C. 1937. THEREFO E :E, II ENACTi.D by the MUnicipal Council of tie Corporatiou of the Village of Vienna as Follows, I. This RY-law may be cited as the Taxicab 6y-law. 2.That In this '3y-law "Taxicab" shall mean and include an automobile or vehicle drawn, propelled or driven „4: any kind of power, for which a license has been issued by the clerk of the Village of Vienna, to carry or transport vssengers for hire ' l_ from any place within ,.he said Village of Vienna. - F 3.That it shall be required that all vehicles as mentiondd � 1- Liabove section No. 2 be licensed and that an annual fee of 45.00 for one taxio�-: , and five dollars for each additional taxicab w operated by the Omer who is a resident of the Village of Vienna avid ,25.00 for one taxicab and 4I0.00 for each additional taxicab operated by the owner who is not a resident of the Village ^f Vienna,suohlioense to continue in for-e far one y ar from the date of issue and no longer, and suen license shall not be transferable. 4. That no vehicle shall ;Ai licensed as a taxicab which is not registered in the name of the owner with the Ontario -_ Department of Public Highways. ---�---�' 1 5. That all taxicab licenses shall bear the serial numbep,lioense number,and the make and kind of oar, for which suen lioense is issued. 6.That taxicab operators shall be permitted to charge fares accordA.1g to the follo: ing schedule provided that Lhe minimu fare shall be 25¢. Daytime fares not to exceed 25% per mile, Night time " 25% " " Daytime fares shall be in effect between the hours )f 7 odloe.{ A.M. 'band 9 0 'clock P.M. A card showing the fares schedule shall be prominently displayed within the taxicab. 7. That the operators of taxicabs shall be at least twentyen years of age, of good moral character and fully oompetent to operate , the vehicle under their charge. 3 - t . y /� -Z- 671,A( S / S T:4_ ,./e-7-7‹.42.. . B.That no operator of a taxicab shall drink an intoxicating liquor during the time he is on duty or at any time use intoxicating 1 liquor to excess. 9.That no license to operat a taxicab be issued to any person Aho is not covered by "Passenger Hazard oovt;rage",which meets with the approval of the Municipal Council, and shall have as e .dolseneltt attachedto ta1d coverage,making it mandatory for the insurance company to notify the Village Clerk should t.le olioy lapse or be cancelled. IO.That no license to operate a taxicab be issued to any person ithout the permission and sanction of the Municipal Council of the Village of Vienna. II. That all licensed taxicabs and their operators snail at all tines be under tht. supervision and direction of an;" and all police Constables and Police Officers. 12.The operators of taxicabs who transport a person or persons from any point in the Village of Vienna to any terminal point at the request of such person or persons, shall be entitled to the fare or fares enacted by section six of this By-law and ,_. any and every person who refuses or neglects to pay such fare immediately upon arrival at suon terminal ?oint shall be deemed to have oo ' mitted ai offence against this 3y-law. ,_f 13. Any person or persons ho violate any of .he provisions of Lais By-law shall for every offence incur a penalty of not less than one dollar and not more than filty dollars together wiihtheeosts and in default of immediate payment, to be imprisoned in the __J common gaol of the County of Elgin for a period not exceeding twenty-one days. I4All penalties under this By-law shall be recoverable under the Summary Convictions Act. _ 15. This By-law shall come into force and beoom, effective fro.f, the date of the final passing thereof. �' Road a first time this day of II.- 1953. '"'� Read a second time this r'" day of7 1953 Read a third time and finally passed this dayof *fr. 195. Reeve. 44: Clerk. J 4)- f� ' , . _ . . . 103 3 . .• • . .. , • .,_ :-.-.., • . - - , . , . . t* :;,,,,., .. , • 4 I.. I 1-4-14.-._ ........,_ ......... . , . - / ...-N17.04.._, -0,1 -el.1 I 1 4""""1 l'4:1 4"-.-" F".-0.0,1 a,iffr -14 4 &44.47A. 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