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Vienna Council Minutes 1951
VILLAGE OF VIENNA COUNCIL MINUTES 1951 — ", f---".- 7 ,%--c.i.-0-4,-............, ..„... . _ • • _ . ........ f .....1/1--t pirm....,7t...c:‘,,e . 21449.,..---t7>iti ... 1 :,--, -.----40,1-1-44-7 -0'etstorrete‘—”, /M., 4C-a-lk- '-')--"A - ‘i,/, . n _441;1 ..6„....s.Li • • . , _•• • .. igi.„...„ // / ) .,.) . trilLefrtiji4.4 I / —#41±12 r DT'4:77,1,ft.../, --- 1 i .„.......- ... • --7-2/1.04—... ...L. ailt.,..i.21.., .. /....„...„.. . 7,,o , ,,,i,,L..Livi- ....._ i ava...„,_ , ,,. , _. .....".w et,i_itz2-5,-/ __,..... . „.....................,t,,..01......11 .......................... ._., • ._..,. . .. i.�q,.y,.a�Yr-.,_'1'A AI�,':.o.,�.Aii♦w..eb�Mfr-.an.��v.F�„��_.�.14:tiis-wn. • � ^1.�:.bdfPk.c./Y_'_,le_wii.i.Ya.47li..a..ryF•—�� - ...r Y�rv.rr. - - L�1l�Oi..�y..+'r nom,a.Or^..wt'+_.a•. • r _ V i i. r 38 • • ,,,Z__,.4„,,,_- _,eti...76;iirt4 ...c--ig:e_rif"-e-- r--e-- __ /9.5-0_ -i....e44. _ ctietr-1-1 i /-1-,t,ift-e_A- iti,...41:-.4., ,“.-,-k /,'- rk 4-------i-4 ,- 'fit 4,2 ,1tita! r 0 = j•.2 O f 3 - - 4,01 , / i÷4 --Z/ut-C , . :or:'''''4----ii;t4-. rt.:.iill . ._____ , i i-1:,( , / 0 40V* _ 3 s .i �- _c,-,-.4aej ,-7 _.,..t L. iii--- iiii it;. , t,,,fat it __i4Alot at,,.. a,, t _,,t-gtA7 yti/t/V 1-a--%-dA-,-06 i?-4-7 " - i - /fr 77\1"1) W-X41- 7 r - __ - e,,„ moo. f��.„. �..e..a.0 , z/21-,,--/ 4. 47 -2-4/- -6 _------------ 4/''''"4,711rite°1 , ,L4_1,//:1,r-t 4 7_s-/ „.,6-4._ 4-----,f . ' ...7-C-i.t.-e- ri i0/2-r›l'tA- '-'1- --4-'s----7 11`41 o -ZOO • .c. C,-eLft-c :C,AA/tt'-d-L'i( ,j 7J I . ef.:_r_ d--i"Li jr,-¢4.. 41./.e.0 4.4- /, A ... , til-se - -- "LIA-.4- "4-e‘-141,1,&. YdAiLL.,...1-, )77-64-4••tirri /1'24"- - e /11,. ,r-12 . al 4-4-t---‘-'. u -c - if,/ _hr litz- ___ ireL 1 6 (...A4.,,..4_, _ --_ �.3 --,4,,-41(71-i--3 ‘14441/. _------- - •c �.1 _ ______ _., 4r/ Irlftti 4/4,,,_..,„--,--4- /i5---•.--.11-8 ' .4,./ fitA,r 1(7,--ta l'"/ -4"1/ j,"t '`-`sr' D v ?" r Tt---A.'''L: ::eZ,i • I 7.14 4-C AC-2,frt; r _ . i S,,„.. ..,,,„,„T*i•,.'N► .,,,,, ,.+.i,} ,,, a4,: PpYlv , . 3 9 .-7:`..-7•''' '..' ''',1.'.:,.:Tf---'.' ••.-— .- p 4 —...—........—._. . i 41 le,--a,---41 17 2471.1//2„..,... „ _,,,,,„,,,-1.-4/--.1 44nd, ,..2...„.. _ I ' ,,>r—L,,, ,rite _1., _--kALI e z I r ., - . _, L,r Q (j o eV = -!�! 4 .e- a. .� - r r•-l��c�f. 2s:Lri7 IAA, . - (” . Jt- r 1.4-<-,--44-4( .:Zt 6*---,---06-- ,a-e--.-e---4,/ t,-, 1 „- 1 K. . . - -- --r jojoi - e _____ ___ __., 2:4'L.ficheiAzirx.t.-/. - EARI-4 bry.4 / , ,1 r 7-d &J,1> L1 . _ 22by.t..._ .. _______ift ..,...,Liir_e4.4.d... _ 9,x....„4, ,irti- I 34,74z,z,... e„....,,,,,.” ___ . _ . , ,,,_; ....._ 7--- -.",,1 , ofr„.../.— ei-.7d,„ ......„...„,..4..i. ),,47.,t_ r. ,„..,.._:, , • fi:k.i.-: ..,..„, v , fr,,,,,..2-- _,,,7_, .„,,.,_, ... .,..___,,,,.. ... _...,..4,„„:,,,, ,/,,,/,„ , „./...z.Lp iz.,....„.... t^ ' _ eii_.,,,,,,.A.:4. .„. ...,_, . .:„,„,,_.,„. , ,,z,,. . J,--44-4,_4 11_,LL___0( .x- 1.......e. .__ . .adi,L:t--- ,____. ' -• - rr:4-7-,;4 q .. _______Jzzt-,i,• r. /71 Jilt ,, _ _....._ _______:....frii___,f A ''' -e-i,....r.dLill ir 4,..117" - ___. _................._______. :.,_ ,.„. , LL_.-,�..-777- .-_�.,,�...�.,..,. _ .. f � Phi � l -._ _ . - -- - 1 z#44 kiLe4,4,4",ft-C 1' ,,,,,t,fri,/rcit, ,, / •,,,,,,,.: .7-. 1 a 1 . - ,!...armirgill' . Airif i ----I e ..,-/-,L__ . .___ _ -. _ _ - .we a...t.,t,LA, , _ _. . . .. . ,37--- , , . . , ,. . . . _ . ....„--0-0_ a. d.,,,...;_,...---,,I 0__„, - 9 , •,,.' . irk - , , r • --_- -_ _. _ 41, _ / .i. i.• 7,..., . • -' - — ,--kv-tt.iz .„,..eit, . - * __:. , _ )77_47, —5.-555....—,. -- -4------ __ --)."-e--.,--4-4-e ---..f.t.4x..... 0,...d - . ., ......... i ..4.0....-• .. . 1 . a , / ( / . , ..-._.. , . ---- -.4411.114A4m4.0 -13LIT .,' ,.i.l..4..Z--- h. 47: t .CLOW. ,471101/4.42.11 e-.-.A._i,z,a#,,,t, l ./ w ....,477 444,,, ,,,,, . _ .. i ; ._ ... - .._._i L...„,..„...„,Liartirott . * /. %ut - .._...._ -Lilo" .4,--1...*--.1 ' .. . _ , _ . _ . ___ .,...• i 4,, ..,,,,,,,,e,"-- „....),. .7 . A s K, _ -..44_4_ __. .. .,,, ,,,,, -.5,1 /9 1 • •, -i:h %14-)- J 4/A-1- 2 --Of/ )7/1 -‘177 — 1 i( • • _ •___________ _ • 0-0 %•CE/Ad---711;- it4 Ala') i.0- 414i -- —— ---4,t Li6 - ‘14'eI. 1,--d I A,L w Ale 414Airr-)14-0-- - 4 -7 (141,7 04,L46YV j-) -7,-d- if&z,r,-441. • A/74Pa-c-e-. \ # ao-l- gy Ok7fLA"' )tx) i—d ° -1-(' J-<-•-1/c-Cerz .1-1- -r.v•i> • ,-Ll'" \ - -4 v 12 c74 2$. 1_,,jt: -1-L4-- -- -t . . .4, -tt— 1:._.:21-0-4 ; ryt /f..1-r-4.4 eAIA.,......,( /6. .:-.e, _ ..7f, 3 A4-4/ • i i • • ,.. V...-4,CIA-a . •• ., /7, J ":0 kziaL,4_:-.1 / 3 1.4.,0 J. (O 7 al-4,1rrr-1/ , /-2,4.,-- „ / .,6„), 10 \ 0; 00\ ,,,,,,,,_27n -s- , &IT:4 2/.,,,._ ,2 s -, ,,r s/\ - - - ---- '44-a---1 ,d2,,, ,t, ,1,7 • -e4....) .t.-k-.,-.-_<--Y I : /:i-, - ---T.-4 &cif % -(-v--i-- , ----:---- - Y114-- , -t-,- :7-; AeLot--vi---144-71}-144--- -re-4- ; e ,4)i- ‘ , I ?" ---- r - 1 lqr ____ . '4,,,,,j114..Z4:4Z.,,,e :4 6 a? -, -.1.4 414.....fir- .,114-.L,'1:,34.-.. -"i• ipir: ' . : . , - ,:, !•;.1C C-i 44-:1 4 141044 -2;- Ce -/ t- '44- I All • T.v.. 9 ' 0v9 vAl. t Jr I EES S\O�E�,`C„�� By-Law nu. _ 1 — F OVV� . 1 ,�>- ----------------- • A :7L� s'• .• FOR THE 1943 EXPENDITURE ON ROADS OR STka.,_ ��11 IN THE VILLAGE OF -- LIia? IN THE OF WHEREAS under Part IV C of The Highway Improvement Act a by-law to provide for expenditure on roads or streets may be submitted annually to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said t*°N4i- enacts as follows: / /� village (1) The sum of $ [33 is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for expenditure on construction and maintenance of the roads of streets in said town during the year 195.7 as follows: village ROADS & BRIDGES & STREET& CULVERTS TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $ $ $ / MAINTENANCE $ - -4.2 J I) $ i_Q-0--- _ [ _3_.3 TOTALS $ /1 3 -- $ /a tI $ / 3 3 6 / (2) The said monies shall be expended on work performed in accordance with the Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than the 28th day of February of this year. Passed at �tCirt�,t, th i s____,7__ _ day of___ ____ ____ A.D. 1927 APPROVED P ( SEAL ) , LiAj glir,/ /f / CHIEF MUNICIPAL Na •.D.H.O.' lir / ()--"il641,--"E:ka----7,"-- 'CLE RS _ �-` MAYOR of REEVE I, � .' .' 0:rtt �'e 1-- Clerk of the corporation of the 4°."- village of d.4_71�21.4Ll do hereby certify that the foregoing is a ter copy of By-law No. j._ d passed by the council of the said corporation on the ____J day of__ 19_.i_,__ , OrrIla.;ficet /49.- 61)'tjt-16V cs.irrnc • 3 E, - • ' , 4 4.:44. .".71-'41 ,412-114 1,63164;e:t -*-19fr:LAA.A.g-ail__ •r • / • ,1 I ____________ 4-A04,1-Gt -9/i/t?-'4--# 4-et-',,,, ' �,A-/. QA- fr...-I-tt- - ___: _ fL__4,4!i_,,)i,,,it,k/jilf-4- ---/A `i` _e-A-Lj____,e4e,._-_c. / / / _.A..--at•-- -d-,1,,,c_ai.' c _ -4-7 '.4. ..7 _*7-_,,,_,.-e_____ . . Ar.. 7 4f,,r___1,40„..- 2).;4, _......_•,_ r-v-WLe— . - - 4/ Ar / i 4 / 21.a.,71...-7.1.40••••••:_,,..2.2._740302,412,14. 44---: au, /411" . . '2,7'lt---a As-024--1:4-0(iii..,,,....__ _... -( : t,,,/,/- 'A-- +"- . / allaillill . _ / / . t / „ im4-01:74.0/- 25—. ...t--- Sef:kirshelit4& iI..0, ____. , _..,, ,,./7 . _ ,4las.,44_,),L6....4 ,./...1_17.4._..s.:i2t. i _ . /4-4--1-----4-----/ , . • 1474/z4— - / ,,,,/ 74....-„,, _____ _ , _ , 70 . , _ _ (... 4.4.44....ejl 1.,.e.i.:e....L 74. ;e 74 .5"D.2 • ,..._ .w i/ - -� - . _ • .1.i - 4..4f Prtir.a i . - / I ' '".e/ / /� 41 A . ,,, . _ _ _ 4...i., t.) e,,,,_„_„:4 , 0 _,17. A frai:n4f , r- , L1 -at a-e-cyd 111.4 y i __ _-_,!-.,,-___44: 4,„..i,„i, ,48,,,./L A- zg, . I . Q Cfe4,14 . \ ---_-. ,24. _ei.aa -f-v.,t 5- 6-442--t if.,,,,--4.)- 4-1fq , t,4_ ,.,__..___,_,./ .10,a 0,...4,..„,,,4„# .1-27 --,,--<-12:4)4 e,..-....../Al -Z>, „_.._/* 14,87, z a.44,,ip"471 14-42--_-.44--7-)-z4) )4_4744. 1.. .,,-- -zzt (4:4 5144-1.(D ,,,_44„,..iiy--„.1.‘,........4_4__ _____ ' ____ — -414.k. Nit-J f/Q-1-61 b 1 Y t'it41 — • .... AL- L4244-"-- ) 117-"-'4 AL'il,r41,aL4A% / 1 f„.4 . ._ ./fanut , 97/4/0 e? ,14 , i*,414-,t/c44 , . ofriz...t, ,..cre.1 -24.1_,4..:, --/.„---. iz_te_..._4.,.,- p- f _ 'ri� -J.4I _i-- A, g—I-. A ‘ -,I—i-L- -4-e, 17 _ /47e rho r3 - 112 (7' o I! ete4,4i,a.f-az4 -- T ;274 ,14_ er24-,,..j AA- . e)--il '"Iii--,-r A.,4 4 -040tc,47,- ----- -- -- "1 ilL7L7 0 0....y-t------4-----r- .v. 01. 4 __17..it-14.... i....,,,_ foiy __41....4... , ,___ __ ..• , • - _ ► i ._ )476 tl-u- ' — ..a../.44,m, , . : _ i► r oma- / / z' ---,4- .../___ _____._ ire,...4.44,./.—i .. , 43 . , . . . i I, •4, 1 ___. •11:=1Lei 117-4., IC".'lf - - I' ...• oiizve7 / . _ .. 1 / _ A•t_ th.6-2,vvi v ' • , ---e...-a)---1-f/Z( ---e---1.--.0----g-ir ----- ,--1 o 5/JAW 9,yzi /1;4.42,/ --"„teiA.1 C1}/I- .--,^--(—. - - ,:-' 1)-v--t4/. /i-•-</-,-r-4-17 '171 . --V....41.1...t. 1/ 1 ...., I dj--2Z ---1 ' r -v /4/ 3 N O%et Cdii 1; r 7.2r4 e 7 A.AL,-L-41_ -0 4_1_ / )7-4, ---/ri, b ;,..s-4•14-7/ --``-''t Al - &-1-"Ii / 1): ; izti / /._..fc , -o /l-j- i: .21 , . fr-a____i_f___s-6 _2,44 ,A,Ii.... ...4 S- ---- - ,I _. v ZLiN_ /2•%.4 k ja.e...w,.4.... i,..e-A' .1 _. .L.__...) ___ _ HA _i____6c. I__ , _ I - -- ' ' _- -- , „. / rrA-4 _ of ' ',I / g i i t441.11)A114 '4.° . ,. ---. C/114/,,%•‹..;f d 1 1 &7,1 .1'. . ... / , /..e.P.4..4.,e.1 1.f. 411101r7 ' -W -4 1 IAA 1. . 7e4a>Weali 4-4.2 .--fx,•ec.--,4-... X-- ,.44- ----:.-- ;. 17 .44 . 44 ,1 I elfg--1-4-41 1 2 I-1 ki---.7-P-4 41 >,,f-e-,-7-, ?,.,-; ,i- , 41-'4'...16•40 40//fL t ir...e.e...-3"-e.....-4-1.-e-M--c-#1 144.4.4/ _ _ . <�/��a.(,a-rte✓ ; / -- .------ ... _._-. , , r -- - 14v,-0....e- -u•vt�"- I ► �'�► ":24 ,4,7) G--( - , ' - .z,,,,_ 41- A. Li 7 0 64 . &/.(....f-, ealLi-e) , ', . ttc-___we.4.4 14.4..w___/- x F---hvr,--(-1.1 06,46,1...." i / --24--c-ev.1,-, //72,--s-, wife-L.1/ a&-f" - .4.4,44-.4-0--e ..1--;,:j/ .9-,4,...,,,e-4-.-.4-- ,d1-& ..c.4.7 •,4 - Gtr-r- A.....,-Ifli 2.1.."...1- _ ---4:1://, may 4{ �, t S DD � 13D o 17-4- . �44,-1 -4 era-~.1 ----- .� eLI s'9.2 7 - /7.f'o ",-„I. •, / - er _______.__. L vji,' /r% z4 3-t- 0 -/• .g. . /‘ .747— . i ti . .�� .�o. . . _ .-_._ vi,„..ii s'a• roN-2...477.4.1":.r.44.?)...,=z-x— /2-1.4. .4_.__.A._4!_- a . y. e-v\ ..Y,,, 41-..‘.""L'( o`, �/ i+4e6o -- -_ /fl-e-c- 2 7-1 -' /j,1 A. 4 1 I , . __ __ _ - .,..,,_ ,,,, .1e ,t,..,..a_e ...4„,..,fta.,__ - - c?"4_,i ,c,.q..„,..v.„ ,7/ - - - - f'-)fiddi444.riLl#j .'a'r.''.r's 4'LI j T9C 1 ts....4.Z4j'77° - S 1-4 4.4 i.4...OM.I....4 I...4 a KO I A•4 I NA e 0...S..44. er14.,..1712‘14. ..t...j,d 4.4.4.g 4 I e a/714 eg 4,,,,..„,,.....- 4 /7...i.......„- ; .r ___ .L......_ta,.,,,.‘ „,„..1 ,,,,..„........ , _____, 7)..m �_., . .,. . %,•-e _11.e._..4.....p , *tau "It/erg; �?.a j i /1 . -1141 .X.70{4-4...--)..--,.4-----footi_t____ ____ ___ _ . : i . _) ! - __.2,___,,,—.z.:T z2r,,...„....f 7,,v7),....,,,„( i - ve4f. _ - _ . ixe.„....„...c .. - - - ,z A °s* , x ,4 • __ - _ . • aZi .or• .. r`c -r a Z":' --, frr-i9#4/ - 4/ - • I i 1>-t, • /pc-- i---- _, / ,...,..„..,..„g — _ it. _7:1- , — 74 - /5r1i44`c ...-77/ iir-----7-;: rg'sr—cs,704, 7--P4-7;747'/P. i i ' ' r I, • /•„Ail, 7 ______ _- / / ---•- ii( 5- , 7/ -i 4-r-----a---z- 94v g0.- ---v-3-e- ! r...„,-,.< 7,,,,,- .4-, •,,....----„,„z __,,,,,y-e-c,-1„,.4......,--re.- -7-rir (2se 744 )X. ---- 4 3""-*/ •‘-'r17 (vir --P-1-"-1. -?'-g A /p...--) .-14.-o-7717,77 ---- ; 777-Ar ri- ve) l's° .e)7 6 -4-- ' 1 i (P7-4--'7427174<c; 4 7?1/"'S 7 ?-f(drs '",(r )r 7‘16Iiiitf4 , 7.4".--7-3Hry4/. 0 --).--,71-----„tr?-7,-07-6- ,_. 0 .4.,„ A inp71I; / 7 ' - '- y4 .___ /r4-171 f"Jel / / , Ot ./ 4... / '--Y-7,--7,(07-- -,-.01:( --)..„---?--,je t_r--•-riA-7.3.1 Pr 4 I • . . _. '441iEl'' ,16**()",4 :._ ,,,..,-..iiii_ _ -, i Jo b/.5./ / ------- 7), 0.->,..c.i:j7 2,44._".•-c...-i _...a.A....e„..„-..4-011-44,122)11 7 • ,te„,..„,t_ -,eAttJ, eS'1) (°41111r444/1 lit'vz ji7z, ork i„,_._..„...,-z--.6„4., ,, e_44.1.4.tzte . (0 4L- 4J .4 , id _ atAL, : -4-4 1-14. 1, • /0-14,"itt-• '.44"6"-t--. ---141_ - ."1".._„, -- ,.., #-*pr :,) "1/a../.j 9i - 1 I /7fir' ,•r , 41' l / 0 2 . d.----a..-a.. III 1_ I . , . i CL Lt* ..efagged_v___a....c.,-c-edaMPI- 4 • .' Ayz,o--te( 44.c.t....4,-(--.7 cY,0 4,9. 71 ), ,p if r--W • - . --.- , lossiosobil_71:4 , , _ • - - �� �� X o || 7:11-2;_rer-drYt),1-44- c4A-7 47"-4-1 -42-r4- -1- 4 117 0V .7. / %TA 9-jt '24 eatu......4-„L.., oy ; hi/644 ------- '- __ _ _ dr _ ' / ~--__ ` -- elka. - -__- ` - m�' � w~ . � • . -- ' ---- -� '' ' _ �--_- 4 . __ ' _ _ _ ` -• • 1 - .,I:::.,-....-;•,,,t.,1-,7::...::-W,it:4:-.4,f:..-„, .-,iv,: -..--''.-.:D;,:,.--;.-t:•.qi,,,,.., :, iir ' :- . -'1(%... ._.:--, - .,. . ., . 14-e,.. ., ., _ . - - , Ilf. ION-4lb• We* . . - , :; . . ... Betas tilihrdtal le Ike OINNIW11411118 K %he V111.e. Or Ilona. fit T..,....lM"t tn. svieseia 0111001 Ana It V$ ms elia Apr. Istp a.s. 1110111111 it is trot that • iilrvmahlD sWwl Aires b. set ayaey AND K11Aer.A1 a request the this setla► has besu sNoiwa q this _ ,,,,_ . fees the eeard f Trustees et 11r Vts 3tiM1M Sobs.' ',WiMe .,,,,,,,-..,7--, - ,,,,,...-t,,,.- . -- ,',.x:. ' ARD *mcA3 the 8Nla at Tt.sS of Highest PSIII ell 3.4oiOn _ _ __ _ - - --.•-,-, �-._•if, �. meant a sSallas r� t Lo the Orpscstisn it the ..,,,-.,--.,. teuslatp et,,,,,_;;.,.,, _.,.., "'' �faingrORb the 0ist21 •t the 11111450 of VLassaw.int M the moo** .:,,:;. ,. � t701st. byasbso.tt.s (ö) fslittnl5stls 'obits ► +i _.ls Mtn 144•8•0 • 050. swats as toll.vsI. .. 4 ,�,,, 1. TheVillage YSlla � Vlema is hereby set *part as a £ownatp oIê w $. T2 said Township school .1r9a shall 000a1a% of Ii1M,3•4001 , , Will 8411.1 seition !fir gins and slim ti. lsjtl&a 1owash3p Part 1 e! amiss 11110414 seMol eNsiit with vt. toI qtG the, tIWU et the .de flh2 of Vt. . - - 3.=a. feassit et $abool Ttss of the said TItp NINA Mat 10 hersb7 Ststsl as Yis and Bayliss ashesi AXIS BMN* 4i Os SW atter the ISth• disi K Disimsber• Z951• Sob* wool wouha tns1s4 in the Said TSVDshtp Mil APSO *WI sewn to *Atilt as www willose1 settlar►s and the seizes' bss dNiag 3wristtoa in m aeottaus bar alsosivall. its' ` Is .thili ap Law a11 1attest tm the 5th dig of Dw•IlSI• it �1, eatt s Mire% tame Ulla tl4y of arWt , . - ---- -mesa a Mu. aM!ln117D� 1 4illf s! An* . "4"*411614"1"1164. _- _ it6107ayti7p Bowe ,�"�...� 5,4,144/yu 014,10, 'i ,. L . . 077tedi otter,:eninwq owR. YUAN. a Villa* / - T - ',' -' ; \ii6LIt" 1.0 ^a"leZVM, trg4‘ti °; ..., . 1 :4 1 N 01 . .Ji .0?rprvrpri.-74 � - .r-s l r ' --kr _ )_7(i-i- xtizAN--0.1-7-- Ft, 'I - 44 2 i 'g? -1/ 7,19d�' � 1 / 7 1 / ; (t, ; : - 7-. .ir.r..7).: _v . . `� ` 1' orriAir . ) -/12("7 rf447 (v/."-("77 ' 1-- • k ... ,e...,. >>.�er '-'- % "- -�- -d . -7-"P ir-- 9 r177,77VITI_Mr_ . : „ 4e-en;rt h7 ' ' __,.- , /r.:77 -,-= (2. /, i 1-7NA-7 a• . -; 4 '771111174/ f'7 4 4"-k 47 :47("r-4-_ ____A'-"s7P-0) j -1'7"Ireftv-h-ste l' -'"73/ , (i,- ,,,,a7-'111 -- l34-6a' p-p-,y r'`r t_ .- j'_e-- i yam,"--'240 Y6-- I / '"1-. 372',/i "E*Ii - -----t • \ --47,-,r6:7,g__ ,....,r%..7.7..7,x/0.,,f__,..,71. i .,,r,,,). 4 ?‘;;44 -------7 cid -�'�"/ -s-r'}y - '-4/ ----/- y O_S• -A'";' .27-e.- -,14 -- -- 7247 ri"'1, r/r7r- (4/fri(i+ -k4 - - - — - Arz---72/ ?"4/717- A,-Pir,--4z9-04-tv 77-#•"‘-- rvz•cli • • . ,i( ,74,, ,-,--„,/ze,„,-„,-,-4.- --vrritirr14")(17'i ri- • I i ( . 1 0, Ft#2 /4 iza .3;.rouldH-44413 at r.„.4,14;1 ,,,-74(11751,) . '4.A) 41?-ci.1-- AI,1411\(4.4. 1./.44),a+24 74„,4.1,,,,,, ...i01.2,747.t , r,x1t:Lai 4,....1.4..........A.) 4 .7,,....fle „,,,,...,...„_ 4_ ___-ilJzik. _ ,.. ,.--. .,#,:,.., 4....,...-,_... -- - _.,..,)i'ffrel' -,...„, oi _74:42...e).--- -0- 0„..-0,0 nert4,--a.../ e.....4..„ , c4d : -Q-17/6f-/- _ . .ice -2,47, .,.,... .L„...,_,..„- .., .2,.--,,,,z..,/ _ r.i,,,,,t, Li, „ ,,,,,_„.....„),_ _ 442.4.441. i PS-2,1•CLI) (fX• <:. ,(7,,,,,..„,i7, ___.____ _ _ 2, , „,....,.._• *a/7,, , ../..„4 a_.....„,” . 1 r -L-2 _,,_, 1 d ___,7„ �i/ - � � - ,w c��� 0%.0. fl,,,,.,_,i'<i- ,-', -', -/'C��. .✓ ) , -11 . :)''614-" Q-..-41(itia-'w4 7ilo'11 i,r) et-;' i-e--ti- )4,442 ' .____—;___i ent-i-,-1-, rr,,----L-c-ttf,„_,, _,,44.4_. Ice- -CAA. eatic-,11 e ' ) c 1 L A11- _.a,&<_„,( a–,i_ !i* —.i ,44.e.1,-v - -t -,-rL - Q 24, :I. k '*,. 14/4 ,,t2 _ 4 ,/-, is 1 i ' e.. ,---(-- 1,-i--- 1_ -',.., 26-1,,c_:?/„.„,_. ic i.r.1,--2,1._. \ _ivy::,124 4! / io, . • ,/,* 2,,,,t ' 1 9,,,,,/-- _-14.,„:„e, c,1/4-.7 , //e�+tire J. �f 0 1 _ _I 3 3 c6o = /9', T ,-1 ,r-/-t-e--1.- 33 C'60 _ /7, f 4 1 .• ., Al e4- /7. o ‘ "- 42: irl 7 i. 1 o \e.,-‘,,. t. I ' - -i ' / 5 :/-vvt- y.:66-7,(__ . A.72;(--- --u-et-27-v-e---4-' 4-4-447/4-1 A---4-'--1---, 4,-- -44 _ 4, .7,.....q...14.7 it d la-t-,4w,vii , ,e7L--,-..il 4,-4 /a , ic4- :i-9-1 7 i-1-(-"Y DX1- 24-4 -4--`-1'-s"'1--j_t/A 4_4_/-4'7"5""-`" 1 !, 4,1,"" f_r__,4:/._._r„,,..i.÷- i_., ,,,, 1 „idAdv e.,,,,,..,,___ 1 ' J : „..„..„.,, ,-- „,.... ... , , . A,i • . _ -.- I) .vgatyzt ,, 2434...a_AL,...4.4..._ 7,,,, 2ftiid,y(. Ce2A---A-4-;,t:::tt i i -I, /1 —e1 222— r 0 .± 114e "1"el) A Iff 2 0 %At144 '4A-11/ 7.-L± - - -.L., . • .. ., ___ _ __ ,,,..,- „kzeziet/7/ .0r.44......4_, Tiz-_--ae4V)/1- t . ..._t 50.-S 4 'Iv „. , 'PAC 744-es.0 ft2.___.°6-3 '--- — A.A ,Al ( 1-1- - . Q, c.. ,A077frj,-L6EA- -4e ..21f/ --- . , _.,(- i__ /4,_,,,,- 41,11,0 4,-.--,i • ------;,- • . _ . „DtzLtc_?.rD,f4-7.f.lA e.....„4.4.....L.ryLi 3-4-hr )144""e4-7-. 4' /,t,i„/ t. -1-1-1-i/ 3 /4 -1, - - - ' . 7( ./. A.,- tig, /4--f-b ' 23. ,e4,_41_441-87-4-` ,4,, ir,._...„,z_ ) _,-zt -1,044-42- --J. sr_so 0--- — . - rL,--- .4 i,r.,,1-1,,--,-/t ixAy r„era .- — e...,(4.4.4„ct . • : ./..._ . ,,,,,i, -1,--4/44--,-..ed, • 1 4 . _ 1,4, _, :„ _ _ , ./.._.. _e. .„.d.c... / , . , , , 7 potiekil A-Let 44_u_*____- -f- -'-'-- I I r ec)7 •. 0 , . . . _ _0042,A4z,i2 ff ---- 1"46.- . '-ar C /r/( v / il)71°".491/c 17-t-:711-2 -y-si-el- /2 ) . 9- )74% ,____ - (147( 4:ilt 1.... )77-----0"-"4"77P,V -7.1"/ •117 /3/ ��/_. ,. __I.__ �„ A ,ry ,�/ / /,<,o ,,,_ y ,72, YY /-16/ t>,.r frry-la__77 V-g" 1 t„,_,„...ek ,—, ,t ,.,,.._,,, - 4":2", _ __ // • , / 4 . 7‘(2_5(7.4 71:1/ 7" fr-lr-41 X17 1 ).7.7,,,,,,o_i -)4/172,5g , %,''..v ej •fr2C / '/ • fize_77,,,,z2 ., .4. --2(-7--0,:ri.._,I.7,1 i„.„,,t i , \ /7-7----py. / p fie, ;::i_tt_ 7_5-1/ 76' p�I _It- /iii/A0.9rfrrl I . / . � % - - - 9_54,71 7 Y .- rll_. . Illjrllr. IIIPIPPIUIMIMPIIIIII"' T I:. CORPORATION OF TILE OFil.' i 1 J _ BY-LAW NO. d A $y-law authorizing an application to the Department 11 of .Funicipal Affairs to extend the time for the return of the Assessment Roll. JHEREAS rae Assessment Act authorizes an -H extension of the time of the return of the Assessment Roll, AND WHEREAS the Council are of the opinion that the Assessmelt Roll cannot be completed by September 30th, 1951.. / AND WHEREAS the Department of Municipal Affairs __ have approved of the passing of this by-law as evidenced by the endorsation on the original thereof: ii ' Therefore the time. for the return f the Assessment Roll of the Ili p.E' of --- is -is extended fo a period of 0 / days as from _ September 30th, 1951_; and the time for the revision and the final revision of the said roll is extended for a period of 31 days. READ a first and second time this p2 / -41.- day of o 1951_ READ a third time and finally pass d this ;2121 day of 195 a-�C or (or Reeve r — r 41141. ,� :/74-i. • • 5 G ' , 60,-.._,:_24.„_ )7/, 2 J2i) t4 1 V I . - ) 1'/ ) .i , M. / O A� / j /�r - /L i 4 4 A.414 S j ‘ -1-✓`1--,e-//yv0 -fin. " .--La - , . -- ' - .�� - - / , ,�-�C ` / /4/4•,_ , ,/ / f • ,,./TZ (P,,, ,,,--• )7/L,,,;, „figi. -ii-2_4_ 1 I _____________r:.,y .„?.--,(- --yt.444...f-yri yzti',/ , ,(7_,/,._,, - ---2-7/A0-7-41 '. . -__<i. 4' f_ ,-t-16 ,4f_______ 'S-f7,,) ,) , -2L/- ��� / , ( i;, \ / &-f-ct / ..t1-46- 02r, i, , . . . , i T d---o • ;r • / t ...6-7„,,,;,' ..0,,-",,a _ • ,--0 ` / c>7-, .. , r /-7,,z24-1 ---- dt if i1/4-t * �- / t 3 \A --- ..,-.2..L.4-e, ....,_..„,-,,,-,•-t-A . : . _ ___ t9,4,c-;-4-v-- / . fr,_.,i --2-71,,e 7,4-1-7 _..--,_Lhz.-A-14- _ ... -:-27Z-r7-<-0/ / .j7Zi- -4-c-r---14-1 /P4')"94--r--4- (2Lj- if i 4 / wo _i_c,_ --71-k--e--t--se ,ty2 e.CLI.. ' ..Zit.. 4.4 JA___ j-G-c- I ,-ii3O f„,/ ,4--i_ itA,s1A-- z:kk__ -)-,-- ---- 0___Li,,t,,i_k - - . 7. :7,,-“,' 5 °--<-/get, #144-411//7:44,a.:--((-- • r ,oc-L '•Nsei) ;'Z7I 4tj4yd/i4T2 / ' w-pi"--r moi ' W/ r-r/ rr/ ' ' Otr. .. .-l, , ., iv- -1 -71.# _if C"r:, TY111P 1 - - _, tl'e-, '7' 7,--p . Ai --,--Nex- -- , Th,,, ( r y_2/1,7_,e...c,.7.6./026, r." : 170 .(e)-2< )--d--/;,,,,,- - ig- 1„..,x_v_rwtik r -1,7 w:---Ii.----7- _ __ iry _/-7-#.- )--,- . , f, "?`/-#----tr '-) i° 75-, I-Tdi ' .'.'. - ' 4... --4c z/ ,/ 0---)-ri. - . i."7„ trw•-___:____ _,..4„),;,_.„...7 4----er‘A-f-T; 4,4-9 --,/„.717/prir?tpric, • •:--r-7,---riti----vt-1-(d-7---,- --.1,_<„, .,, , "• 5> . ( "r2,•-- .7-c ji-%-- 7,-r-e-?y--/-""11,- 4/ / /_.....•2e_.10_1_ .< '4 r m� ( / _ • 4 le-II-• -r-K?^A"-Z---- ' ''-''-'1''----72"4‹, X 7y / '�O �' Hwy _ -- �r - -1,,n ----1 ,i...7.0(2 -40) ._75.,_ _wv_.....„,07. i . I , _ ______, 2-7--r0-07.„,i7.7„7„2„, z,..„:2_.„....z_ j, , .(a-1-7/-7 ,�~-�-� z . _____- /tr<L37÷c -77;-r- r3P-17j • -777.777 ?-251*r7j AIf -- _- - --- _ rr�-� / �,• in • --,--„,-Tz7/),-3-0_, -)----7-7-"," , I )(,iii, irly L.4.0.,cr _,/,„_., ....,,,„..c__ d....7„1„„,.... ,-1-0-prie. -in--- , S Uk 58 v\ 4 • ' ��„:4 /d3 . e ‘d o /. Td , ?" )1 / ir / -I/ir ,�. � /9 . �a \ 1. /3 � -51 o y4_, a _ - y 0 / c fri-u-Z •q y 7 f`- 30 . 6 0 .0 Aid/a-4 / >- 3• ,s / . ____ --A) ' A'/A-ez4 .` 3 441-4. _./ 7.s"o l•1..-,1-,.7./37.. .s-6 -41-71; i D 0 ‘ — `— -- . 1 1 if--a c_ Na.Pe 4. y- .2 6 \ - -e l s-.I -J-4 / d F-4_, i+1-_ 73. 7 o ` . _____ ' 05' I ,=-421) e.9_,.....„.„..-< 54,7, /6,,..//4.1,at,e(-,zez ,i . 0-3 \ I • _ - �'-�._c �o , 5z i(�..,.‹.. i4 Gam' /6 • a o _ 1,1 ,,__t _f_.1-4-1-, a-462----7 ck____wi-d-e-1_, &L.[< - 1,"..c........ .(1 -rteZ-""etc444''44 :-.L. 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