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Vienna Council Minutes 1949
VILLAGE OF VIENNA COUNCIL MINUTES 1949 - 1 2.95 --)1(1,2-46 ' •i 4 ....4..-•8-r-Na, - rz:A ok 4 jr7412•-•C-.9 o • r, _ _ _ . _ _ I - 296 -.t3 7- , . --• , x--r.,...i c c-a<—..-ffi ; '(.-----.._....7* -z.,-0..-.. -1-Lig .A.--/- -:6-4 6 .zti i )41/ "'Li-,-t. , t- , ,cam . --7, --, 5—/,„, t.,...e , ,),L,,,, ,,_,„- „i., -,..,4 ,/, ,_ t'ex-rt-cA-eC:•"--e-cr- / ',,, L./Xt.-4/ pg.:1--- A.,/,'--er—r>,-:--,i a:--a-1-,-- a4 . _ ,.,,,_,.,_:,7,e. -‘_. .7,, I.y ,.. at , ''.:at, --e-gc...a," 5,-L44- ep—...7y 14 l- fir%vy-.4.�_ j4. � C�/-ii ._,,,- : -r W -t,),,,, >, , , r_/.�-4-c-r L../ .g.,. A E ttryz,- ,A. ....„,/i4:...../„...71.. 4 /4--;--.< Y &-,,<__,„c..- -t— _1/2..-.4/ l i 6,-/-r---' _` w ,Li,--,- --<- /yf` ..-‘,----,-.4_,, v 1.- ..I.4_,,a-,,,L,p)..4 _ --t ,-00-64--d-2;,, --s-e-1,4":714.--._ yy,.l-.•-vr 41Ii--7�-r.- r -C. � X10(/- e �- GC/,L �Z�'x..,,././_ _/f 1G r.1. ( �j/r.,.�,,,,„/ ,4_,.., /2 J C, -� - - 14_< � . . y -mak ,,,,v-ro--- , e,,,..4 -,2.L.,,,,:,....j ____:dr,),,,,..q:=, -z.......-,...1 1/_._4/-4---- — .:-, _ 4,_,___-__. 270t-ct_ 7 *L_u/ 1.---It'-`6 r I t-q0--L 5.t .t4-' A-li,. .�. it)o- ,)rte/'r,,( / ' ii4z — i• s -° "' --x-n-k-4-Z-7? /_2(r,2_,,_./=:: h,-`i --c-t-- 1 ,/�.&-- . , ol..--/- ,iV zic l £ /-,-71,,k, l---44 ----7 7"tt->-4 il ' ,.t.,--7 1°'. I 7 /fc.)1_,-4 cJAA)-1 • / i y C =-• ----- 7( ,t4 )1,j , --Izy_:;:/ ..dt.i.,/- 31 ri--A,-<- _„-j_e_c_.----01--L-0:24-1,1-419•1-<—<-- --z4 fr....,,--,-,-,--,,-- 1 , / Le_i--,f _ - -4- - /9,f, , . --- --4- -a_._-,---4--/..4e -X.-/- -FA ytt4----1 ,,', „ ?'-' /f 5,-7 —<----f :ilf—i-ei 1,.,.... i 4::1:(-< � n /t - s / azo C tc` "7-i,t.c";_ e' 297 r r 11;4( -7- ,,,t-,-„iti / /,647‘Pa,_k__ . A! , - ' . _ 4/ . , z_. te / ..ir,6„,4,_k , il,_i, ,v,., .w.-----de_ A.t, _4 _ / x_ _14 .7,._tibr_ feew_. ...___,,--, _,,e i'17411 a .<.4.."d::-7t-� a a- i 1 d,Li---- -4.4e6.-____1‘ „I-210 ,k i.,. ._.4_ )1,u,i ( frt1' / •z1; 30 ry^.Z,, 4 */ -4// .1( -, _ i 1 3 --,,,..11..t-0.1 X ,f;w / IA' u 2/4,A.) �, /7 (.L-A. Zie,./J ir-i-it 64 A.i7..-t--7 I. s-o . ( ---J i 4q' /jam /..-7,74--r--4,,, - 5s , 6-<-4d/ -"(t .1-2/-(--"1-- )//`'(A Yt--°*-AP di i ",)/, I).4.,(i" (4.-1-/X‘_,-,,, .. ,. , % /7.1i 4:(W.:e it: i:e..11.414/ pry 11 ---;'#'( did 7,C.'JLC/✓l. /7/ , --r7i/ , sypiej-, /,4- ,f_...e._/rt..?-,e-4-- --7-rsret--4- .--tvrz-0-TLI --;11L---4-`'I- irk-17, , ----7; ,..e .ct/ €2-V-4-- 2,/,,,,,-9. R , e#7, Lei.-4- A/...1,... /?.-e...4._ 2 I Zlitry-aesoci . ( - _ • (4, . -..„--,--, , - ,...4e,,,,.,.., , - LU I 1 / � ti's A,....... ...-,...„/ ,-• a......,_-_,/,.. ...24.3,3,-,...,...,,..,...c„. • M Ai-# ctJ-,'/.i, (:,/,...._u_,,, , _c...,, --..ri a- Ali^�..� '`L -t 1t71--''-rum_ / '1���� 1,'2 ,, .; .ems-. „ 44.--p>7 ,_ ' , -• - , I 208 • /� tea.,-e4.J__,„4„ C4„ - D%1 1;.,ZL(.t.Q.K_..e.. .-Z,'',-ty. ...G- , e ' /jL ' i ,, -,,eA,li,rni- --„,e�&c . Iry„-„ti�a-l/ 4.4-17_,r14,2../ ,( ,f� � '� ��.r/� .r'-'LIQ/•'1 , ,/�i tt4i.2 , /�./..a./ .Jt��Ll / fes- �"�'�'� �r i /..,...e .. --„,” --t, s c,5,,,, ..„..i.r„,-/-,-, , • y,,.�-„v, ,. ,,, / ,...,A, , . I'7 »J i,..,_ uG Lim/ .." i _< 1 e,-"- -4 i c '/13`f c:,✓ c=t:e(-4..4-4.--1......-,.,.,c t. Gff. t.c(X..,.-0- .7-1C1-&6/ (- --1-4-t'-'k //2) _c_- ,,,, .-ft--; '� i t zi fr.cf' 74?! g-----4— 4-4.4-.71°,11-4--Lil ;Z:4--- 41:471;74,-.4,-N& --....44„1- ...,14 fic:‘6,4,4 ..24,414/*.:2-y-7 ua,"(..--/--c -he....,...., I ir-7 Mme` *4 V'�( . e 1r.7\ 1,1,, y ,z 0.4_,/,..--- w•..t. ,d)4,,.• , ( , r , ,, , ! . , 1,tzt, 4,_il yt, i 44-4---1-/-<— / ----7 - -✓l //.%-7 e_ 1.- --41.o rt ., i 7 1,-)4,L,- ,-,44 /./-a,a . /r..4% Y/913'-0•-x-..-I# 0 5,11.4 e_/n) _..,1•Pri Pk.S'd; , , /� � ��� i r • �+fi] , !`ter.-✓ 72...--e.--,--,. _i f' At_ / � .. .� --- , ' . ,. ;64/ -,--,- �,_ J.." N,j : /7 s- -1" C.-c.. /,,i - -moi 13 :"4, - 0 .„--.„k, .,-„:4,..,41_ff-,..-4.„A ii-v• 7 - . . . e . c. ' _rii,,_.4 -/41-_,...4 eitt__ _/C• . e. j/514t.,....„.. e.ZI -1 .P1't 6...,VA4 t7-0 i 1 n/rd : /Ty/ j - -/ , (a, _ -?r,,,,,,y;.7 ..„....44 ,e-----, 2:4 j ""`-e---4,--/ •‘/ 61-44‘eArIV--— ',pi«,ti7, „/Z. i...,,,„,,) iv,,, (//z 7 i 4.; J.).,...,......,/ 1-e4----7 - 07,0(:-..,-- 51- _ t_ 3/ , 9' / ' - -<,..,,,- fr-:-.( 74-(Lg- ge,„--- ›---t--/- 4 I 3 v .4_ „..z..--.... y_ !a. .e._ • 4,7 g.,..,_,,.iy--2,z,,-/I , .. .-7(- ,,,),, ,, ,.........,.1-,/„di ,42....._,____, , _,,._ &A., ,,,5, ;, r .-1,-,__.-7, „ - -L....,- j,-u,,-.0 -,-fr-A-i 3/71--1-----7 /7 5‘. 1 e--g -,.,-._, f/f..1&- 641--. Z- . ,/,,, _..,._ =„/ , -�� - - 111 FORN T.V. I EY-LAW MO. P7- A PY -LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 EXPENDITURE ON ROADS OR STREETS TN THE OF je."4:4- e._ 1-71.4 IN THE COUNTY OF ?0 VILLAGE WHEREAS under Pert TV C of The Highway Improvement Act a by-law to provide for expenditure on roads or streets may be submitted annually to to the Minister of Highways for approvel, and WHEREAS this mu�llcipality has paid to the County of l the sum of $ ‘ $ , being payment in full of the am nt levied last year on this municipality for county road purposes, apart from any amounts levied by4the county for debenture or other indebtedness, be'rrT THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said enacts as follows . village ( 1 ) The sum of $ /.3.3 Q is hereby appropriated from monies , raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for expenditure ontown. construction and maintenance of the roads or streets in the said village during the year 19 �.7 as follows : / Estimated . Expenditure CONSTRUCTION Roads or streets $ Bridges and Culverts $ MAINTENANCE Roads or streets $ 7P- P " Bridges and Culverts $ 4--e) TOTAL $ / 2 .1 L ( 2) The said monies shall be expended on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. ( 3 ) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district -office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not . later than the 28th of February of this year. .C.r\ Passed at 2/.i �'�`'`lt this 'p day of i:-ii--L--71 A. D. , 19 7/7 ( SEAL ) . )41-ZAJ--e., Li;)"._.i-q / -;,- .. - (.- ::. -e • - -,... -c... Ei MAYOR 0 R E I ,, t✓� e'/(UrJ- 1( Clerk of the corporation of the -treinr of '... A.---7,--e\--0--, do hereby certify that the foregoing village is a true copy of By-law No . 7-77 passed by the council of the said corporation on the /7 day of 19 T. V.-3 C `sewer of ?if..1---77_. ...,.ZL in the county of _..r . !ilia e ANNUAL PETITION FOR THE STATUTORY 3RANT U1;D_ER THE 1';.Or131013 OF THE MIDWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT ON EXPENDITURE MADE DURIN3 THE YEAR 19 TREASURER'S CECLARATION I solemnly declare that I have raid out of funds belonging and accruing to the muni- ciral corporation of this municipality the sum of ! /Q 74 , .7_‘, as set forth on Form CTV - 22 attached hereto and do nold bona fide vouchers for such payments which I am Prepared to pro- duce in verification ther/e�of.. These ex Pend it ures were made under authority of this municipality's expenditure ay-law No 'T r3 which was approved by the Department of Hi"hways to a limit of $ / ) 6 ,g.rSQ I solemnly declare further that this municipality has Paid to the County of .l,.tJ the sum of $ .3"3 a'/ a being the amount levied on this municipality for county road purposes in the previous year exclusive of any part thereof levied for the purpose of Dayin,g off this municipality's share of any debenture or other debt of the said county. Declared before me at this day of / I9'' 9 /� ( Comiss(Ji etc. Sirnatur of Treasurer • DECLARATION OF EN'IN.EER OR SUPERVISOR I solemnly declare that the above expenditure was made it stri':/ accordance with The hi,nway lmnrovement Act aro solely on the roads or streets under he jurisdiction of the Council of this Municipality as detailed in the attached schedules. Declared tefore me at �� __./....,1r this7day of .i ..;, $9 .._ 7 ) --) AZ_ . - , _-1.7 , ., ,-. . ,-,/ , .,-7._ . , - t C(41 (-,,,,... ,(.... ,.,...s. Commissioner, etc. Engineer or Supervisor This petition for the statutory grant on the above expend iture has beer authoriz.'J by resolut ion of the Council of -2/4.12/7 under date of ?-11....-ort", 3 19 5i- -V ....., ,- c,:,--, / j."--'-; • Mayor or R ve (SEAL) Authorized `" 1 �(•�f �r,,�.e.,'( Signatories 1111 Clerk Dated at !lifiL— � / eL [ L- this 7 day )f g WY', 19 ,,.-9 I i i ....-4 1 ' c4.14,41_,J A.44 4L '-v,-4,-%-.-e _-7,12.-&-,f 4.-a- z-itk 2 .) leli ar "14,30 .7 ....L4,LJ x" f;,;,-.4„,,,,i, t-�t, 4-.,C e. ..-f„. , C.i. „Z..-�a#C.u-.,,y�•-a� G-wi, /1:-. 6'/ r-rt -r --31-4.4.,•Le'i -c'49:I-7 "---L,, A j ,. '7n-e- u-�iG -e�, ,L/ J0 =c- -�” 44 fP.i-k-A. .'--tt-z-4 t.- C,'(,-v--12'(-41- y/- i2 it.-e.. --e-4-- -4-7--)-7-r-4 /: --7."4-1-)/ g--e-y":14----,424-et 1.)14 i-i-- -_,—(7",-4,..c, e,4-4........-e-:-12-L-..e.-c --2,,,--6--,-, -7: m 1.-- --,.; la.,-1- ),- .,:2_,L4 __,/ L, • I-eit ` A ,//'t -.A--7:4-(.c.. Qjr tea/-'-sit.-4-4 r 74/ � p-4-0.4..-i-1.., • - ' (1),Z,L4.7 alri-L-L,0 -..J 4.-ev‘i ' , ,e,-44-cr--...,44), -7.,..r-ct.4-yi_.?-1.1 ri, ice, • C&L -2-7,--e---i-- --:?,-,4,1-2.-/24-4--.4-$4---,- ? .• / L7)-:::::--e .5774;''47 A-n 1 • 44-14,---FA4.-I,P*-.4.----- (--- 4.< '. L eJ)7% , 4 ---,- -1i i....14-i/_,., ' .A./-- 7 3d ! _.,i-e''' ,yr ,-,..,,,____44...„ 2.,--e_<_,I_ "--4,4-4-g--4(- i --1.e.--v-e....-- ' _A-.1 le:i-orti-e.... c )6.1 -.4....e.,26-;---. 24) l:/E-e-rt'-i C[ 4-'- r7-- -i ," J A t er„.....r.4..A... //..4,--.( i.,...c _ ---"----ti ( ��,e..-,-, ,J-f-��( l 4, ( y /2-4-4-----1W ...t.4:x4_,."...„.t<- ., /7e () 7,-,t,c--Li 4 , /-; iy ._ 7 :4- --e., h. L �...J , ,I, �-/ a,1 - u-� �- _ . ,..„,,,,,iii , , __,4,_67,„ ,e- 3 4 el -e. /-4----' 1- (:.‘-';-1A--,---c.; /2.4.,4-1 -2,X.,-(-Atie. . 4.-4C. ..,‘;:i41,/ I ' dilt,-e--J: U i iY:r/1--- ---7/' /1-7-4 7ii-V-1/' 4-c, ) ',<.4.7_,(At-,,-I'Li ,'41i,, 4,),(17-&-r i (- , 4/- ie '- >1/d/./ 4 T7 •,<- / 0.-.9.--24 ! /W/v,ti, 47 tt. 'd 1 300 A ,,...,2w..., --;:v-g-.4-- k....e.,..e.-,tr- 7- • j_.,1- ,44.1-1/A4--- . (71. _....9%-el .4„,"/ / .., ti-z) MAA--.,-4/1.1.1,ifi:j ./ - ._ 7 ri-irily �( ;[Ste. 4 �C�v\J � 2:; �7✓L1. -t .7 ptV:: ,k .E,:,4, ' ' / -�,- .: --� fel i(d , . ' /; A - ef..Zi..36 •--: ' . /...4.-fx,i-p, - 6-4.% ,47-4- --4..5-6.• re• Cor...e.-6-c.---t /---1t4 "-.44-4.4- 4.o ,11,-,r-d-(C. J AA- -L-e-:...,-7 La--...41. .._..6,44,e-7.4_4...i, /✓�C-wY ✓ J 'eLiz✓-4-2'�Z/ .-c' ... ...,e...;i:V . --c.:41-4-4-e—..,,,,;...i--.,,,/,,f..,...,-‘_ ..,/ - ' iv,,Li/ j.,_ 3, s -,-) w i /., ff-i- --<- ier-eit-ilwl , -.---:---,74-r-7 it, (A.w-4././-- :/,07,..,-_„), . .4.---<.,,r•-•-•t ' --. --c-r4----- ' . r , i G • -..? —7.,..,--eit, 1.-El,,,, ' -,, , ,:edtic_./ — .._„, // . -_,.,r.,,,,,,--- , i ir,_,___ /, y, -.�/ !�� � (.2 . / ,p........_. ..„...„:_ii .. / ....L.., f,... zt- - 4'' -c--... C —i -G-:t L- d1 ct `" .-.f 4---&- 4 ,(--.4...,e.-4 -7-2.1)7-0-4--4 , . - . ,"20-441 c--7 t4÷' (.-- roa-4--4-? 1 c-e-Auiikb ,.Ctr &A"/j 2;ii---7-'-'- - (t.i (iii., r-/ , (>7A--s- -,,,,./--e../14- 1-e,""Yt /44/7 if-rel'-'--' 3 c 1'59/7 • r • "f4 ! 7i %./..,.j.-1- ... ..1,-.,-4.--<...4.- 7e,t � Nry ' 4- `..i ce✓ u a ,-t,,,r_ l�. '� , �- .. v►ti, /11L-411 / - -‘4'e.-'71.r..(4-jr-Cji 1 Aii-47-- 17 r-7'4--'-',, z i / 1:/ ,. . ,� /....T`^.-- i77^..--s'.-- cam. - --QA- -' -t-/ 1 4'� . •7 .4......t 4--,•.• 21-0‘..1 4.1.1-,.-r-/-'(...- 70_,... 7 ,ire i / • A) , .1 / r.a., ,. / ..V..e.".„,,.,?f) F. 3 4,-ti._4-1,e- --ir-,-1_,./ 24.f.,--___e_..4.--,--;11-3 ,,. cti s . 'il‹. ,t../ ..( Lti.11-' -."'-7,1.1e..... ...4t....0 /(...ar"Pit 'CI: f .. If.0.:1.. ..f/' )g,f;?:1, / i---- 0.....„.._. . _A- . Pr ---1,--j-17e:1 ,e-e. --e---',14_ G &-; �J - % e4---- . /�_ +'�ii.►� ��" Mme( �'r'�"i/�,�/ ,,,,L... etv-i....2 (.-4„,-......-- -7.--e i t lifize76-0/ i /24.:A/...:Lie 0 -t `� t7,�/S— /t,� l l"��,•Y �Y'V""a/1 /Ate'' /��..«�N�`�,-,--.u4---.-1 )7/ -rte (,fit ,Lairi -� i .*h %��C�- ' // .v��� . ...-2,- --z-r-cc.,, d..„....14 ,- 1-- ,,,..,_.,--e_ / r-v ci--,-----, /-1-------Z7--(, .- .r..-c.) *., ,.):----,----(--(-- ---2/1-4— -4".1./ -e_ ,/' / , • 2 --- , .......„....„..., „. ,,,,,..4._ ..,,,L. ..., 1 .,..4 . . -� � ��� .j..4 e...,-,,....„....- fr.i.,___, ,....... ...„..‹...., „4.,,, .2....,.,, . . , . , , . , , ,. . /C c— s_4( .G...,,. ' .Z,, Lti 4 �-1K ..0112.-A-........."-"--_ c/-.-...C..... , 0/71CAL.:e.. ...0--A/4r-‘1 .4c2/4.,,,4 ,.-e--,t.",147-- , 171- / 1, I 0 , ---' .--'" /I 1 r r ,_, ._..„1.." / / ,..1 t--t ...1--..,---kai7 a j ----71/t?_ , % I ',..0 - -cam,�, �^- amu-:-;1 - ,,, y , , , ,-----;44,11 '"4 ' -ail ie•-z1—,1-c- ,.7 7-tA t.,,./) g , 5" a I , f-C) .iL,-Z :2-,a).4_4-,-4.--7 -t:t._c1. "7,4--,,-L.,4-4._-_,C f-vri< , j C r /; ..- /y i- zi .,^...__ CA----.-,'---..-.."- /) -17"-'1-L-7 --,-.- --./- 7 6k. F,I., " 7( 7541 6 ° //44I ,1 At5 :4-'4 4'.../ ‘' ___.j1,114X. j - 44?-14. ��� ,74 .....e.„„( Vet.,..4... ,004<._ 7,64 t • �- ,i :,t,_ „,, ,. .,,,, , ,l.„. J 72 a\ -' .. ..., , -:-., /�1 1,.-7-4k. .../. / 1 3 C 1 302 - de .04 Ai *14/ 2....,..4/7..o.'".Z.4. '''Ll 3 ,'''.* OF 0 -; • / k.4....(.... , x / J ' 1 • '.t'`" , ...€074.01, <-.11(...' ,./".f.4 - ,, -41 ,-�'�' -, , 3/(---22,:ir i .2.--A....,--1..c...-,..:1=e-7-7 .....„......0 A.A..4..... . .1...,„,„_,„,..„_.......4.........-. al.,!. 1.4,---`-' 4-'7 , ,,,,t44.. r l ,Filie...! ir‘t-/AL...› i • i I - i 1 1 I 1 p qT 73 • • a/ • /K. 3 - • 411. • ji • • • y . -*. COPY • / 14194-1l This agreement made this 2nd . day of aeptember A.D.19E7 between the L:unioipal Corporation of the L:unioipality of Bayham Hereinafter called the Party of the First Part Al D The L:unicipal Corporation of the Villa.e of Vienna, hereinafter called the Party of the Second Part. This agreement is made in regard to the dividing or roads between the Township of Bayham and the Village of Vienna. It is agreed that the Party of the First Part will assume and have control of those portion of roads as follows. Commencing at the Fast side of Larr Street or top of Chute hill , then west to the West side of Lot 12 , Concession 2 , from the East side of the O.P.R. over the old dam to the East side of lot 16, Concession 3 . Village of Vienna to have control of the following roads, U./lute Bill , from Thos. Blain to „m. I►eileona corner, Abby dill, And from John Bundys to the 2nd . Concession. This agreement to be binding upon the successors in office of both parties . I I ( Signed ) d. L. 3odwin, Reeve of Bayham, ( Seal) Benz . Brian Clerk of Bayham ( Seal of Bayham ) " Jas. McAllister, Reeve of Vienna " J. P. Copmbe , Clerk of Vienna " Thl DJ{//J +�J{�n ,j 2 ' Jam' ,// (.12/--,4-7,--t----- / ~ V -74'i''i / J/ ti/C- Jt p ,;t. .4„,,,F,..,e,,,, ., 7% "r--ax. ,..47,-,,...i 4 ...,0147; i 3 d i/ ,' /--/ / / ! /rjr_�r� - w o-c..4. / // �1��r 1,./.16,t) 1 9- ri .1.,./ iflr'5: ?: --- -- 3r L _ , 7. _1- _ f .1I -O--el-zit--1 -ey- 0-2-c-c.....-44_,,../ -/ .- f !Air i i - - Adom!ii.ir-;'- 4-0_,- ,1-1eSt.4.--t-r.Zee A.-0.---4-e--14-1 Willy ....,-,' • °lee., ( .41--1- --4— -f—e--"e‘ 4-0(. 61 e• i 4.--,014-1...e.-9- / �itif�.�./C� � .. 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