HomeMy WebLinkAboutVienna Council Minutes 1947 VILLAGE OF
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A 4140.1ep to adopt the assessment made in 1946 as the
assseement on shish the set* of to aatioa for the year
1947 shell be fixed and levied.
Ffr :tr subsection 1 of 'motion )9 of The &asestr ent Amt as
4rs0a4a4, easels as folloeat-
gh s�leiOelity the gamest shall be taken betaleen
the Lt' day' ithuacy sod the }tl$h day of .eptember •ad the ANlkse-
:seeut roll shell be returnee to tee clerk on tree lst day of Gs6aber and
the time for •leeinc; the court of revision shall be the 15th day of
Uoveat:er and for the final return by the county judre, the 1)ti; day of
. ceaber and the essesement so made shall be the auseas::vent on whioh
tum rat* of taxation for the tolloein,: year shell be fixed and levied.
ArdJ a:*.kLAF port of section 13 of ''he psseasrent Amendment t=ot,
1946, onsets as follows:-
Any aunieipelity that node en assessment and levied taxes t:mreon
ic, 1946 may, instead of making a second assessent in 1946, peen a by-
law not later then tt:e 31st day of :.,arae, 1947, adopting fur 1947 the
assessment roll made and revised in 1944, and such roll shall be sub-
jeot to revision in the saner provided in subsection 1, of section 5v,
of The .'ssessment het, rs re-enacted by subsection 1 of this section,
and shall hove tre same effect as if mode under soon subsection.
Aha i4HZ:LA. it is 4eg..ed ex;.Cior.t instead of =akin - a second
assessment in the year 1946 to adopt the assessment already rade and
revised in the year 1,46 es the assessment on which the rats of tax-
ation for the year 1947 shall be fixed and levied. n' ���
Tush ..Yorcl. .the Council of the Corporation of The 1.� �--3' of
...L, ZNACD.
TEAT the assessment roll made and revised in the year 1944.: shall
be adopted as tr:e assessment on w*:leh the taxes shall be fixed and
levied for the year 1947 provided that such roil shall be subtest to
revision in the mtnner provided in subsection 1 of seotion 59 of
The Assessment Act.
t3t;Ai1 end passed first and se oud imee in open '' Ancil
this -3 '1 clay of )- / , 194
RnAD a third ti and finally par a in open Co/foil
this day of , ly4Y.
( B E A L ) — )1/
BY-LAS, NO r•p.r. .
A By-law to adopt the assessment made in 1946 as the
assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year
1947 shall be fixed and levied.
WHEREAS subsection 1 of section 59 of The Assessment Act as
amended, enacts as follows:-
In every municipality the assessment shall be taken between
the 1st day of January and the 30th day of September and the assess-
ment roll shall be returned to the clerk on the 1st day of October and
the time for closing the court of revision shall be the 15th day of
November and for the final return by the county judge, the 15th day of
December and the assessment so made shall be the assessment on which •
the rate of taxation for the following year shall be fixed and levied.
AND WHEREAS part of section 13 of The Assessment Amendment Act,
1946, enacts as follows:-
Any municipality that made an assessment and levied taxes thereon
in 1946 may, instead of making a second assessment in 1946, pass a by-
law not later than the 31st day of t::arch, 1947, adopting for 1947 the
assessment roll made and revised in 1946, and such roll shall be sub-
ject to revision in the manner provided in subsection 1, of section 59,
of The Assessment Act, as re-enacted by subsection 1 of this section,
and shall have tc.e same effect as if made under such subsection.
AND iRLAS it is deemed expedient instead of makin..; a second
assessment in the year 1946 to adopt the assessment already made and
revised in the year 1946 as the assessment on which the rate of tax-
ation for the year 1947 shall be fixed and levied.
THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of The ,-/ , of
THAT the assessment roll made and revised in the year 1946 shall
be adopted as the assessment on which the taxes shall be fixed and
levied for the year 1947 provided that such roll shall be subject to
revision in the manner provided in subsection 1 of section 59 of
The Assessment Act.
READ and passed a first and sero � time in open Council
this '1 day of / , 1947
READ a third ti and finally pas ed in open Council
this 3,f day of , 191.
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FORM r.v.1 BY-LAW NO ___t.7279,_
;feeIN THE VI AGE OF Z, 4-4„"14! ". IN THE COUNTY OF
WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Amendment Act 1947 requires that a
bylaw to provide for expenditure on roads or streets be submitted ann-
sually to the Minister of Highways for approval , and
WHEREAS this municipality forms part of the County of
for municipal purposes and has paid to the said county the su of
$ J ',6t) being the amount levied on this muni ipality
for co ty road purposes in the previous year exclusive of any part
thereof levied for the purpose of paying off this municipality' s share
of any debenture or other debt of the said county
THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said tom _ enacts
as follows .
( 1 ) The sum of $ 7n7,01.40 is hereby appropriated from monies
raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for expenditure on
construction and maintenance of the roads or streets in the said village
during the year 1947 as follows
Roads or streets $
Bridges and culverts $
Roads or streets $
Bridges and culverts $
TOTAL $ '7 7 7• -2-6
(2) The said monies shall be expended on work performed in accordance
with The Highway Improvement Act .
( 3 ' The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the
Municipal Roads Branch Department of Highways . for approval
Passed at �l ,. this /0 day of A.D , 19 y-7
Kzrz4.4...o..k‘ 41,1/, -14('-/Aff4ret'
)14-'404.....-12-f/ Clerk of the corporation of the
vi age of � ���. do hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true copy of By law No passed by the council of the said
corporation on the b. day of G%Z 19PrrI1
BY-LAW No. 481
tt Village of Vienna
Being ■ By-Law to Regulate the Erection of Buildings Within the
Municipality of the Village of Vienna.
WHEREAS by Section 425 of the Municipal Act,by-laws may be passed by Councils of Munic-
ipalities to regulate the erection, alteration and wrecking of buildings within the Municipality;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient that such power be exercised;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation of the Village of
Vienna in regular session as follows:
DEFINITION—The word"building"under this by-law shall mean and include dwellings, places
of busing-, :oui public meeting place's.
BUILDING REGULATIONS—It shall be the duty of the Applicant to satisfy the Building In-
- spector that the following regulations have been strictly adhered to in every instance.
CONSTRUCTION—The material strength,permissible stresses,dimensions,quality of materials
and safety factors in any building of wood,iron, steel, reinforced concrete, brick or concrete block or
any combination thereof shall he according to the practice of Canadian builders and architects for the
erection of first-class buildings.
FOUNDATIONS AND FOOTINGS—Foundations of 1 storey buildings shall be not less than 2'6"
in the ground and of IV,and 2 storey buildings to be not less than 3'6"in the ground,foundations to be
deeper if ground considered by inspector to be unsuitable at above depths,such as filled in material or
ground containing organic matter. Foundations shall be not less than 8" walls of brick or cement
block or concrete or brick veneer. Footings to be of concrete mixed not less than one part of cement
to six parts of stone or gravel and to project not less than 4"on each side of wall above and of suit-
. able thickness to carry load. No footing to he less than 6"thick.
All brick veneer dwellings shall have arches or lintels over openings of sufficient strength ac-
cording to the Building Code of Canada. Tables and Regulations.
CHIMNEYS—All chimneys to be erected from the foundation and to be of either masonry con-
struction with struck joints either inside or outside unless vitrified flue lining is used. No chimney to
have joints or beams less than 2" from outside of same. All chimneys to be carried above the roof
not less than 12"above the ridge. •
FLOOR JOISTS—All floor joists to he of sound material and placed not more than 16" centre
to centre. Any joists not exceeding 10 feet in length shall not be less than 2"x6". Any joists not ex-
ceeding 12 feet in length shall not be less than 2"x8" and any joists not exceeding 16 feet in length
shall not be less than 2"x10". All joists to be properly bridged.
ROOFS—Any flat roof shall be proportioned and constructed to carry a weight of trot less than
30 pounds to the square foot in addition to the weight of the material of which the roof is constructed.
Roofs having a pitch of less than 33 degrees shall he constructed to carry a load of 40 pounds to the
square foot. All roofs of more than 20 degrees to be constructed to carry a load of 20 pounds to the
mac, square foot and to withstand a wind pressure of 30 pounds per square foot of exposed surface.
SEWERS—All sewers wherever possible shall empty into one or more properly constructed
septic tanks, each tank to he not less than 42" below outlet pipe with 12" space above same. Each
tank shall have proper drainage through gravel, crushed stone or cinders and such drainage shall be
of a leneh sufficient for the purpose considering the size of the house and probable number of occu- Any person guilty of an infraction of any of the provisions of this by-law, shall upon conviction
pants. before a Magistrate or Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction within the County of Elgin, on the
NO PERMIT will be issued to move a building into the Village of Vienna until said building has oath or affirmation of any creditable witness, forfeit and pay. at the discretion of the Magistrate or
Justice of the Peace convicting, a penalty not exceeding the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each
been examined by the building inspector and permission granted by him. offence, together with the costs of the prosecution, and in default of
g payment thereof, it shall and
EVERY APPLICANT shall submit his application, drawings and specifications of the Proposed may be lawful for the Magistrate or Justice of the Peace as aforesaid, to issue a warrant under his
work in sufficient detail to enable the building inspector to obtain full and complete information of the hand and seal, to levy the said penalty and costs,or costs only by the distress and sale of the offender's
extent and character of the work and shall furnish all information required by the building inspector goods and chattels. In case of not sufficient distress to satisfy the said penalty and costs, it shall be
in connection with such application and it shall be the duty of the applicant to satisfy the building in- lawful for the Magistrate or Justice of the Peace as aforesaid to commit the offenders to the common
spector that the regulations provided by this by-law are not being contravened. gaol of the County of Elgin with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding twenty-one days
PERMIT—Before any building within the Village of Vienna is to be constructed, altered or unless the said penalty and costs he sooner paid.
repaired at an estimated cost of more than $100.00 or any building of a value of more than $100.00 is This by-law shall come into f rce and effect upo he final assing thereof.
to be torn down, wrecked or removed either in whole or in part,the owner of the building or proposed
building shall obtain a permit from the Village Clerk and his application for same shall give such
full and complete information as to the work as may be required by the Clerk or the Building Inspec- Read a first time this clay of 194 7
tor. ^
At the time of such application, the applicant shall pay to the Village Clerk the sum of $3.00 READ a second time this day of 1Q4 '?
for each permit.
READ a third time and finally passed this G day of �� 1')4 7
The Building Inspector and the Fire Chief shall have the right to enter upon and examine at any
reasonable time any building upon which construction, alteration, repair, wrecking or removal is being
carried out and if, in the opinion of the Building Inspector, any building is, during the course of such
operation or thereafter, in a dangerous condition or unsafe for the purpose for which it is being used, Reeve Clerk
the Building Inspector shall notify the owner of such conditions and require him to remedy same
If the owner neglects or refuses to remedy such condition within a reasonable time thereafter
or if in the opinion of the Building Inspector the immediate application of the precautionary measures •
is necessary to avoid such danger, the Building Inspector shall have power to forthwith take such
steps as are in his opinion necessary to avert such danger and all costs incurred thereby shall he borne
by the owner.
Every permit issued under this by-law shall remain in force for six months and no longer from
the date of issue unless the work thereby authorize'is commenced within that time. Such work must
be completed within 12 months from the issuance of the permit. •
No permit shall be granted for the construction,alteration,repair or moving of any building on
any property within the corporation limits in violation of the building restrictions governing or affect-
ing such property at the time of issuance of the permit or of any by-law respecting the erection or con-
struction of buildings or of any restrictions of regulations imposed upon such property by any deed,
agreement or covenant registered against the same and which has been in any way affected since such
registration by any proceedings taken by the corporation under the Ontario Municipal Board Act
1937 and amendments, or the Department of Municipal Affairs Act. 1937 and amendments, or in any
other manner whatsoever.
It shall be the duty of the applicant to satisfy the Building Inspector that no such restrictions
are being contravened or violated.
Where in the opinion of the Building Inspector it is necessary for the public safety,the owners
shall cause to be erected on the street line adjacent to any building being constructed, altered or re-
paired or wrecked,a suitable type hoard fence at least six feet in height and with sufficient overhead
boarding to protect passersby,and no such fence shall be removed until the work has been completed
and permission for that purpose has been obtained from the Building Inspector.
No unused building material, debris, materials from buildings being wrecked,or materials from
excavations shall he placed on or allowed to accumulate on any public street, alley or lane until per-
mission therefor has been obtained from the Building Inspector. A sufficient number of red lights
shall be maintained by the owner at his own expense from sunset to sunrise on all building materials •
or debris placed on any public street, lane or alley.
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A By Lar to assess and levy rates and tagse s in the Corporation
of the -Village of fis(nad,
whereas the assessed vales of the rateablesty as Hash,'
revised in the Oi psm stion of the Villa. of ! a anwats to
And whereas it is neoossary to raise the said son of 4383•3t
it will require • mill rate of 41 Mlle on the lobar.
Thorofare be it oaasted the oorsoil of the Corporation of
the Villa. of Viso that the following sons shall be levied
and eel/00W Mon all the rateableof the M ioipality
of the of Visas for the year as fobs
(a) hr Palls Ssheols porpoise son of .rj is
eq� thirster. aft*. of is mills on the be Levied
11 (b) For High Oehesli forposod the spm of •d7 is
therefore a rate of 3 mils on the dollar be levied.
(o For County purposes the sum of 100 .63 is required
Moro • rate WY sills on the dollar be levied.
(d) For Generalpurposes the sum of #117644 is required
fore a rate of re sills on the dollar loss the Prvwlasial
t Subsidy of one mill, rate of II mills for
General purposes and a net rate of 41 mills be levied.
On all taxes assessed and levied for tweeear 04
cambers the 3i of Debers there will be shafted in
with the provisions of the Assessment set the
lties imposed by the said Alt.
Passed this fifth day of August ZN?.
First reading Aust
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BY-LAW No. 481
Village of Vienna
Being a By-Law to Regulate the Erection of Buildings Within the
Municipality of the Village of Vienna.
WHEREAS by Section 425 of the Municipal Act, by-laws may be passed by Councils of Munic-
ipalities to regulate the erection, alteration and wrecking of buildings within the Municipality;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient that such power he exercised:
NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation of the Village of
Vienna in regular session as follows:
DEFINITION—The word "building" under this by-law shall mean and include dwellings, places
of business and public meeting places.
BUILDING REGULATIONS—It shall he the duty of the Applicant to satisfy the Building In-
speidor that the following regulations have been strictly adhered to in every instance.
CONSTRUCTION—The material strength, permissible stresses, dimensions, quality of materials •
and safety factors in any building of wood, iron, steel, reinforced concrete, brick or concrete block or
any combination thereof shall he according to the practice of Canadian builders and architects for the
erection of first class buildings.
FOUNDATIONS AND FOOTINGS—Foundations of 1 storey buildings shall be not less than 2'6"
in the ground and of 1/ and 2 storey buildings to be not less than 3'6" in the ground, foundations to he '
deeper if ground considered by inspector to he unsuitable at above depths, such as filled in material or
ground containing organic matter. Foundations shall be not less than 8" walls of brick or cement
block or concrete or brick veneer. Footings to be of concrete mixed not less than one part of cement
to six parts of stone or gravel and to project not less than 4" on each side of wall above and of suit-
able thickness to carry load. No footing to be less than 6" thick.
All brick veneer dwellings shall have arches or lintels over openings of sufficient strength ac-
cording to the Building ('ode of Canada. Tables and Regulations.
CHIMNEYS--All chimneys to he erected from the foundation and to be of either masonry con-
struction with struck joints either inside or outside unless Vitrified flue lining is used. No chimney to
have joints or beams less than 2".from outside of same. All chimneys to be carried above the roof
not less than 12" above the ridge.
FLOOR JOISTS—All floor joists to be of sound material and placed not more than 16" centre
to centre. .any joists not exceeding 10 feet in length shall not be less than 2"x6". Any joists not ex-
ceeding 12 feet in length shall not be less than 2"x8" and any joists not exceeding 16 feet in length
shall not be less than 2"x10". All joists to be properly bridged.
ROOFS—Any flat roof shall be proportioned and constructed to carry a weight of not less than
30 pounds to the square foot in addition to the weight of the material of which the roof is constructed.
Roofs having a pitch of less than 20 degrees shall be constructed to carry a load of 40 pounds to the
square foot. All roofs of more than 20 degrees to be constructed to carry a load of 20 pounds to the
square foot and to withstand a wind pressure of 30 pounds per square foot of exposed surface.
SEWERS—All sewers wherever possible shall empty into one or more properly constructed
septic tanks, each tank to be not less than 42" below outlet pipe with 12" space above same. Each
tank shall have proper drainage through gravel, crushed stone or cinders and such drainage shall be
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of a length sufficient for the purpose considering the size of the house and probable number of occu- ny pe
Peace any
County all
upon conviction
pants. before aMagisoa or ustceofthe aing jurisdiction within theof Elgin, on the
oath or affirmation of any creditable witness, forfeit and pay, at the discretion of the Magistrate or
NO PERMIT will he issued to move a building into the Village of Vienna until said building has Justice of the Peace convicting, a penalty not exceeding the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each
been examined by the building inspector and permission granted by him. offence, together with the costs of the prosecution, and in default of payment thereof, it shall and
EVERY APPLICANT shall submit his application,drawings and specifications of the proposed may be lawful for the Magistrate or Justice of the Peace as aforesaid, to issue a warrant under his
work in sufficient detail to enable the building inspector to obtain full and complete information of the hand and seal, to levy the said penalty and costs,or costs only by the distress and sale of the offender's
extent and character of the work and shall furnish all information required by the building inspector goods and chattels. In case of not sufficient distress to satisfy the said penalty and costs, it shall he
in connection with such application and it shall be the duty of the applicant to satisfy the building in- lawful for the Magistrate or Justice of the Peace as aforesaid to commit the offenders to the common
spector that the regulations provided by this by-law are not being contravened, gaol of the County of Elgin with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding twenty-one days
unless the said penalty and costs be sooner paid.
PERMIT—Before any building within the Village of Vienna is to be constructed, altered or
repaired at an estimated cost of more than $100.00 or any building of a value of more than $100.00 is This by-law shall come into force and effect upon the final passing thereof.
to be torn down, wrecked or removed either in whole or in part,the owner of the building or proposed
building shall obtain a permit from the Village Clerk and his application for same shall give such Read a first time this day of 194
full and complete information as to the work as may be required by the Clerk or the Building Inspec-
tor. READ a second time this day of 194
At the time of such application, the applicant shall pay to the Village Clerk the sum of $3.00
for each permit. REAP) a third time and finally passed this day of 194
The Building Inspector and the Fire Chief shall have the right to enter upon and examine at any
reasonable time any building upon which construction,alteration, repair, wrecking or removal is being
carried out and if,in the opinion of the Building inspector, any building is, during the course of such i 4
operation or thereafter, in a dangerous condition or unsafe for the purpose for which it is being used, Reeve Clerk
the Building inspedtiir shall notify the owner of such.conditions and require him to remedy same
if the owner neglects or refuses to remedy such condition within a reasonable time thereafter
or if in the opinion of the Building Inspector the immediate application of the precautionary measures
is necessary to avoid such danger, the Building Inspector shall have power to forthwith take such i
steps as are in his opinion necessary to avert such danger and all costs incurred thereby shall be borne
by the owner.
Every permit issued under this by-law shall remain in force for six months and no longer from
the date of issue unless the work thereby authorizes is commenced within that time. Such work must
be completed within 12 months from the issuance of the permit.
No permit shall be granted for the construction,alteration,repair or moving of any building on
• any property within the corporation limits in violation of the building restrictions governing or affect-
ing such property at the time of issuance of the permit or of any by-law respecting the erection or con-
struction of buildings or of any restrictions of regulations imposed upon such property by any deed,
k agreement or covenant registered against the same and which has been in any way affected since such
registration by any proceedings taken by the corporation under the Ontario Municipal Board Act
1937 and amendments,or the Department of Municipal Affairs Act, 1937 and amendments, or in any
other manner whatsoever.
it shall he the duty of the applicant to satisfy the Building inspector that no such restrictions •
are being contravened or violated.
Where in the opinion of the Building Inspector it is necessary for the public safety, the owners
shall cause to be erected on the street line adjacent to any building being constructed, altered or re-
paired or wrecked,a suitable type board fence at least six feet in height and with sufficient overhead
boarding to protect passersby,and no such fence shall be removed until the work has been completed -
and permission for that purpose has been obtained from the Building Inspector.
No unused building material, debris, materials from buildings being wrecked,or materials from _ _ —
excavations shall be placed on or allowed to accumulate on any public street, alley or lane until per- • - —___�–
mission therefor has been obtained from the Building inspector. A sufficient number of red lights -
shall be maintained by the owner at his own expense from sunset to sunrise on all building materials
or debris placed on any public street,lane or alley.
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