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Vienna Council Minutes 1942
VILLAGE OF VIENNA COUNCIL MINUTES 1942 SII trz477 . , • 17-4 .--," -z•Jet,C,C._ ,0 Z.P,/.Z ,/ ..e.G--le'4 i •L-Gic,e,)--le t-t4-77ec--1-/r , , . P � oatrZe-n.,7 9,7,)-t-c(41 L-Zi-4‘ -,0 ' 4A.4.-.11, - frf-c-4-x.d.4-1, 4-Zt. ! et,07.trN5 AP- t.or -C. 7.-- --.1 (Ze-at- 1 cid Y� L —� � 7 6( ,c We. • - , t -0(- G7 �/.f. /dam --� / • J< ��� `.e= t. � W"-- �- �z .717/L( / l '-:- -4-0-30 '1 ,/2A- g'-` 6- ( ' Pe �.� / at)4"--.1--ic-A4.4 / ----- 1-f'-L-, •/ 1 .7<-4.7eltr-A---eirA4. <1'-,-/--4-€,# -z-- /0 I 1 7,G-ar-e___ Z: eo. -aZ _ _„,....1, a<- , "PK /12.4÷. ."-- ( - 1:7L__,/ 19-e-c-r-c._ , ‘-c--i-t es4,e,fie '6i.-4...,..i.,:c 1V-..,w,..-i_d, ' , , e<2_,(-44......‘77..."•2‘,„ 1 2./Li... _.‹:174.4.4_ ..__C„.2-Z_• „%t',..,-,,-<__ ,a..—__1 Ce-u—(LI.E.-,_. -,.4 - -:-.4) r. 'I d/ .,..„,__.,(„_..e; .,..:67,..„4:,e, c -t- X/ I.$-C� /4 - :: a.. 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