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Vienna Council Minutes 1936
VILLAGE OF VIENNA COUNCIL MINUTES 1936 OATH OF ALLEGIANCE AE.ISAAC RYCKMA`N,EDIIARD SMYTH,DELBPRT RYAN,ARTHUR SAWYER,Counoillors of the Village of Y Vienna,do sincerely promise and swear,that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Haleety King Edward the Eighth,as lawful Sovereign of Great Britain,Ireland and the Dominions beyond the seas,and that I will defend Him to the utmost of ny power against all traitorous conspiracies or attempts whatever which may be made against His Person, Crown an Dignity,and that I will do my utmost endeavour to disclose and make known to His Majeety,His Heirs or Succeesors,ill treasons or traitorous conspiracies and attempts which I may know to be against Him or any of then. And all this we do swear without any equivocation,nental evasion or secret reservation; So help me God". Sworn before me at the Village of ) Vienna,in the County of Elgin,this ) ) 4 ID‘et4„. First day of February,A.D.1936. ) i ) Gam/ Notary Public. ae/X—') arg.t.e / ) ) • ------------mmimmomm! 127 _ ,da......7 /. ----z;//y...7.116 --1),c-,--/-e,,. - -.,/ - /e ) �z.Lz. a( 6Y-"te:4 ., 4. -e ems. a-...?. 47.c...- /e-y -- -,,,,- , ,,,s- emayp 24",,,,,,e ,y ( h a i-.- e.4 0 / `e...4/' 4zi-Ar a C24.- ,tw. -4-7-te. re - - C4,-.l ✓ ,/Lt/' 0.O a - ` � -p_ , R)17e-- /7. rd - .. -- -o-6eee IV, /7- co - - /.e X=�-J- 44,,-/ -fes, . .t,le4.e ka/z ,7 ,}""' -- -1-i-• ?-).,...� Com.- c-1-0-,-? �- ,.-W y.g ...,�,,,,. 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