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Vienna Council Minutes 1901
VILLAGE OF VIENNA COUNCIL MINUTES 1901 V it - Ift-e-e, kr j irzy 7, 7of � r6 • . �/� � r it I I Le.,-)j,e.� sit/ "�' � ( (9.),A-re.(z_w et'6.,-)1 I, j(,e / /-.A, .1.6P_,(--t-, of Pite4tagAt f4e. .,z,, (er"&“4/ . 64.-i-rmry_/f cr-‹,,,,e i/ , , , ezz4.._ _ ,, t .-A--z-fr--i-t,e-e-4----- - //-4., 4,-,2/ ifi-e_e_.t7 ,„44,e,te.,,A- a, cz.z_e_,, , cerfrt,,,,-/ ,,,,,,,,,e, , b (---,? af..,a/c., J`,, A C.izthi I /4 . . •i'.G-�.� P7-13kf �`_.�[''' (,t-y�r Lr.. ?'i•„-cz, -/ , ty4i- E ' r , 3 , ..„ kilt /ae, a......e, Ay (_4.,,0_4,,, ?;. ----" /-4,i cza,"/". otAico tA,Ai.,6 ,e,rthez'cr.fri.i.eir. * , / -&I-,z 4,i''7',q4. 0,e,, /I /i A 1,01,17-st3 7 i-A (X 7 7, Ze--"Ptee.frt, A _-.." f 7 4 t3 6-4% ti) €193( ��///J�����/j� / v ` ,/ ---7- co . q,A(-e 4 4-4 1-,, /J CoWt.(A--)f/Cliekiai. Zr 41: a 0 _ '42 ital‘f 1R71 jete-st#141/0-11 Ar-t6 lig 7r- /47,0 9; ' , ' ' leVief if' - elt y -,---te-,4 --v -6-v".;:a . _ /;-:, .,, (742/-ded eee-Yzeirrili,r A 0 t.€,14.- i r, -i'aeXecto-fy /rt.," Ki.--cz.-4-ce-cocc /4 / / "le, 71..e.a!,/ ,4,7„ticrA., Wtee.4,-,#4,.,.#--//4—ecrx.•-r.ea -€7 - Xilic4i ; , r 9,00 ---eee. / i / _ /3 1"-- '''' , /./, j ir i - 4-.1- • ji-e4-4Z--67't/cr-4-42- - 1 1 74 /i s c a 7,t ei czet,v6 #- :r.t4e ilh, ,varritiej. ., . ate i — y 1 OP ---ff -‘24,4 I-e-e-0 14-4 0-42.0e. /-4'__Adz,s,cece -5' „........, ., „ , i . T . la'4"CIT*C4.0lett2 df i* ' -ice 'h►+ , '.... .x .. q 9 42 oly--071/ Adz, i , UiP/'7,kv '/, yzotw, /4-'/9G/ Q%�,�•r 44., �-' /90/ f 4.---6%;# 6,,s,v o-;4--e/C,�.v si Y e✓// i. ' j ..Le ea e da,-,,h, ac,, ,,4vey cx,r oC /'/L / . 1 I / . � �Ato W-/4 .�LTJ / ,- ��'�1� of .14.3/ //72'l�.gyp ,/. A€,,,,,,,,4,paarzce u�t ,,,e 0 Lj�r?� 'i , ,o'14,der,.-�%e � ce ,d- t�'ei x 9,��atier"- � /90/, ,� � rnu,m� eoC ' ,,oiv an:o=4srL,o- ,cvrxr,,07 D6/2 e. 4-4,1,.. a i mz, a: eix ty.i.,46a, �z1'e....--,,,,L...,/._ _ uel„, .( ��- 7c/t;i. , y /✓/i, 3/0. cy4 plaw,,:eixa ,ou.zeti2 &a-7e. 4 cma,. «, -4« Y a �,�" . 6. _t,i' �` x-74/ - /yb/ _ 74.1.tector/frzee4 rat,,,--‘cr76,6,7r7;d74.01.;e-e,frel DirceleAd faa?-pzi4r,4m.v -3 4 f- . /4,rem w r-Af. , �.ee, tcc6 irk v , // a &c,� a e 6.p„n -646. �-2 .z77?., , p/dee .2 , -67,0—p ?Z4,1 a-,._- --. -24-4 .O"/ Q2 c-i, • '/ ' .1 ,D r ani-v ,tl�,da,.ne d eou v /lug ‘eilai21e�, -, too 1 . , i , ifr0 .c , ,, ,." 1 - i/O. 0 0 ,. ,, '1 t_995,,0-0 ii-e/i/ a.,;---7,-e-e----;-,--i-- I ,1l4 �G�: ,fog- , 2 ,O 0 na,4 Gel, - 2 ., O 0 ord iOo-r. • f 7 , 00 1. �.r(744/ e+-f',izr ii,, /2 - 00 I /7,rli, z, a.�a,,,�,��?. ,O. O O h-'4J ' i2 / .- ' ,' zr , .. ii, /8 oO m of 60,4y;-,1, Cialsi ,,,71/-d-e17(f�..-.,�:,„ r d�e.�ori Y ;67%-wk,, °r'''" �c.•,,d�on, air /sit 4:. V4ltteP/ULC«/'thd k -to • 6 ....„ ,s,„,iie e4ngv�zi c�v „ A.0;.,(7 ../,-,,w4 j,,, 4-A. n-eft d,,,,, ' Z. ,, (/ . ad oeI,,ue /,„ 1' �a,, u, -,%'/ Paw .:;i4L�pi �.-d-eet +_ my—e-� i e fa,4. e4u4Is,_.Lvjy�ei ,. '(t Ar, //u4 _A ,,,, , . .ti /0 ,r�t'G a–it) - 7..2/,Q�Drd7`L!% 7l 43 .Z.,)1Zo.3// e ' t,L 791/0u,e)-fri 4,,,,,zeZ , ' /1-Vitayeltfa, 4 a./,76,,,,,a (7._,.. . . l: ' 4,2„-rG JYv1v IyF 6 -ems .2,,,te: deo. ,it an, i/, e ' /h g,�J�'e 4" Ge,,d i? - .Pi ved. //-; ii..te_.4Taez 4 acescaL hoc ,�7e., * � ,,, 4 697/0„,;„,&06 ,xti 14,22ite,frti-eal-d'.eu-n 0.A ix47./Wele-eimat,ir 2?2� J. ee. ea4.d, One, ern. .r/ n,--giro " .. onsVin ./ . I an of i ,u , � . ,1/h - : o( Oh0 ,�.� -ed `u�tcGC-_ .e�,xr�/ �oond Act& aid eor 4 74 G.tamed ,olc`,41. ?. 7A-_,/90/, 77,,a,m,e/ii;:- ,,,,,,,d 4A,t77-ti do. cam Ve.420 a4-7tedilEi");)4.4,ae 04 -.0az (7) 1 .1 1 ,defie,rtzl acelot41-/ fitig;;oceld /10-„#r z i'-ot i cr-42,e4 i 1 dallaa r,nu a;�'�-o;r e�ieae7 'no Ix. then +e rvrr✓ . A---- iron,.load Zocr r,�L ,i.,,=,, „ vcf�-v _ vvio��cec ,optai G �ceo,eeve dee its-- ,, 1712.:d./yo% 7• • - A.e.a ,1. Ae fuvteae ~07,4/ j 41,:e 2; a.1�G __e_ kY � . _11.#14;-frt 17.1.a.d4ztely,fit., ,Dcbdee:A'zirl 7f.,...r„, ( 4) 61/'''6 ) , , -e'.6,/ , i `a5. , ( o ,o-o7r�w : - 7itvG�i1f�/zi4,e?1- �, '�ee�.. aG ai 6g:l o"v � �✓ deu.Lc� ��gaZ / /i aeA /4; divrvr-e” eljabr .`/,�nroorrrQ c��efrrci .AI/A724,0 .t.74 4;gm iJ ait , �IlNO�Qj)4 G iZFi fiono7` ,7e. c�ncY,,a,./7. czs mL �O 7 A.-iv iviz/v�� t-2/ �/.c-u ,Pesti flo_/ , . csos �����.os'+i s����rm y -ea4r, ,aC, ", 6 f-1 -r r ,,eir/ u,wa 1hv azwiwi circa..e. fr qwe Git edo4i 4fl4av. and 7,`-d - - ✓;a/tk/ notchc/...a to !Ite,.1,,,,,,diL, u 'ue ,z,, k, d --.: ro "- ", 4,4 -4., ,der* ,c+.,X•ge.Fs ale ,a6�' �,%L.- Yl'1a..�e/e,ea /r4. /f ,/ / _ r - , -- r 1....-a, -`-•,,-' --- 1 44 je.me,cri,v1;etow,erey ,4M90, age/ .• - ,• r ,/ ail.,CZeides•d..:(- atne6, /610/Yeert,1-'„-eozzd , ,e7.4.da/r/ riZze --11' •/4'te. st4,rve4a, oils 6 Ay L4 awC 7J ?IWO,'at:r-Vk,„ '. 6. • / , laut-e 714,-Kelti•you„ tgro7z, ,..W . '- -• ri,..x_, .d , ,. .-ei ' 44 /7.a/ , , %, - , ,'',/ 464. ^1-/jell'tc lm- „ /, ' • i- ie‘dLi,elte4s. „cenza,7/4 -‘,#grr)-4.k.ptelly-"lateeevt,..,,, --601/.6e47,-412/9w. 4/ille0441 Mc&eze,.-.0C fto‘r.. .2, Y‘a/- )-41 11h -4. ado-- .-07-a crzwe cAyezel-t-i4 rie.icrA,/yo, tire(:04-1 Z.1744.4; ' 2...i relier-c; ifecTe/..-411.d ett-4014:4 .w cei, ••".-44,--- ,I:-1- 7;q , t 271,te-sw!44ai (9/ •/4-/ror. .‘04c2, cr-4"!-.t, Aea.06 /4 AO _i ,aret.,1 ,i,ae// t/1:(-441a•ge 7&41 44141/tri lif 44-97*-4-; 9661‘.t (1-g41 14 ' eet.e.41,8...../- ix„ ozeot46HoreAideie- / do ea4// of / F '/ , 'Or larr.e. (*,.fil A;- • e0A4-e-e;e/ ZL ', (14j IP " 5ig " /- IT-0:11 , eh/di aa-etfe ,a,,,i, fr- ,„„ .4 ele,"(ita. aw,ez /Z, 416 ceze.77-„e" ,,e,t A-fe/Xfot- "14 it&Afre .1•4 2/n. (ii)4,&,' "42..X.-, • , ,g;/6c:lea...,""exene-4,5 .,- ,61-:1/4)c",,e-er--n-o-u; , ax-6, __0./1, 7,-Ze.: tice*".4 igze*, -17e-,-E, - e.._ 4- ilei,:l ;IA/l/L(-', 4 le,f,eJezd41/74e-- ,/. 4 ihipel. • 14444-v, 7/1K a/LA ' 74Z; :e # /„.ve ,g, ‘ue 4 7,147,x/- . ez -„, , • ritt4/4"... 'ted,6, cre.456 at.idee • I/i/1 - .--- -- - I , --e-.4.-5.-- leeAlCi/iii4 A... , 7&,_,,,,.___ -:- ,,,,,, . e.e,,, ,v,,.,9;" ,4,- , , Za a ii44(.44;6frite,y,-64,Weii" , I • i ._--& a, • 4' ,r t i A e.g.4 4;e 0 I it-•P V ///7,40- ."");Azietere,ce. e.ri-v czeze;eZral-,AliL.1 v 44040-: ,'on -t- al 17-,, 4-7cleektel1-7 eet-L/ / -"1-a-/-', •/--€ etd, /go 1 :-. -p fierf)114i . ,,,,:l 1- • A4a.h.2..tie:4<, • . \ 2 ')./ dai AftzlorA././ 4, 4 4 ' , '/ ,,,,,_ , • Agp,aen-e,7 *21' • ~71 (/( 0 1I 712)14 ,re e..caite•iiiorj. alteer 1 optaaJzpi, (4.; • 1., .• pai - rei re„4 Al p- -,& -0;fr.ir 671-4 , Aa1en i_evecw,nt 74‘1.1..h.:7 i r 49 frAge1-9 1)w/ie..- ,e_ „e , :41-00 •41- ,•• , At. dr. ' '':, fht /rie ,12141 tit,/Mt,,,,1;) -10 .4,- „e../..:appt Ir 7 4;4 it 4 9 fr-,70e.71,,,settor. ,e,., ,+ �'- avw „`�/�p!�, i�2;?ace,env (1-96e.„, 2/ 44 .DO ,,..d.„,„,/,...44,- - � !/U ..____- 4...e. cstr•- cee'v/he-.¢/ 4 orvor./qu e44c 1 ,0,--//,••.:." 7444 1Ti�yr�, ' IL(/tG 2-7.-te...7 • f 09 G,t�o. . 2 .a ex&?/a41,041.1� .7.-7-#4.-._(-444,-..„4-- 4: >4 ate, � ,e�:xu.�b�cvrr� dem;sr(c1-zre , ,o v czll-44 dg z 4, aria: 7 .mm,vhel-eta yr i c f ' ,4�L^�' fe' LYife�,/ /4,-• av�%�Gf��:e/�?�f' Gprteti ,00.,yt<.,�Lrct�.aY' _lfPe Ze9/ r4Aon.r Lrioe p lexr.-.G 4 a:e,e�cd� cx,,,oe d ,tea wmfrcce cen: fteee z dr�C `/ •,i;,,,7, ..., el 4.-,... ..G N ...lci azo'4c4„.. ,F7/Ze..,AoL fir. ,,u.euaa-rry," er rJw- • a�(a71a�x/ , •-•ec te44e T.y9 4e-,teer. riLa-sec-7. , • .1 /441-ad ., " • -, �ltt'z4',rz! /Aix //`Y, �,yyq //�� ': l•e��`���/��� �,yj� t ._ � Loe�i�OLL'Ctl2I•i[1t� •,Q'j,.r.���'T.v1s��eeGv - y�IJ/. (p,�(3"l'GG�I7✓, .... . ,a.th aene-srt sG 21 d,P,n, 441� u.. Zc.�ielfr ( 4ux-fr J • ______. - ,l�J2jclibfte_.fila is-ttci O jr le .o7v 2/. 6 hor.o� •-.-.r.•-(::•-• "r ,144-Pee 'Yii .m-• ...t, ii,.?-r-frua,21e.dt.eir, ie.,,deot Ag. )91-p),;(%.„3.e.,4;re,i:&7,04tra•-- ,. 7 . S.soived_z_eee ._ _ _ . ,e_t_e__(,_ ___ , . ,, _ ______ Calin : IA' ,'-jje/:71.fri,-1-1.(2....4-0-4.11`2,ce-4 ki_,-710/ ._..------_Q.94. -. J �y�.Lfic y.dam fir_ ),orwi�pzc•r--/; Yife:'�GPoce.e, : .G ear ., au e. _._-- al ,rte, r .e-cd.--- cic-is.-u�rr! .ufee {�tzs�/fe5.t+.�cr�Yi a�-ue.r 4,0eal-e lr.�£e�/fea• - Go) 1„.12.7.4'/�c27 r 112e, ys,,v v� I. f � /4 _.._. __. /4,„„„ 2,41...--41 ��-wsz� �/ Qilcsa�o e�ur�e v cam. yv, i •-cceda rxsJ frre•I" . Gdcell7rll�/ftGGi t.1,7Yeee 4,v , /o)"'Z te _= r ' auct refr-,.t-- , � oa%qn � ie_ -, -_____ 2d/ , • ,4"' xe,, tad rcavf.,Zi 7-.74 r.,keziov G/.Gv-. d Alivekal,d 1 L / ,d . , ti.Ae 4�Xdv14IX 4- e IX,q • CX. -Ye,-asci arIAI ct,r►e, a • ppaA- ` y —La ,,.___,.9- e)-vizc, a of 4- Ag.-.07-40.4.s 7e--.4:7",-6 m, A ✓ ,,pi (71--4X.•e t4.e42/1:47-&,rr-&,. . . Ok,d,„0:/e r;Or/ 4 7_, -,8, •Z-Yaitie-co-r,, :-- 1- ,Zr.-I e c.c. " -X-. 15ifi,9?--77-' a, iuz, Ai ,24-4,OY2icz.eZ doi'vJ/.t4--Frccz of tph,2t .,zer,1 ro/T:p) essue-,,ejewr. f „.;,-/ -/ ./ 0 � v.>c- �C ,� La/ Y,4„-) e Zc1.tr �vJ,cvt�l-/�ia;e!f*uz�l .:,/`tcL rr. �z, e..7r 1 : ; °4? G .•oxed`srttJetd- •aAO �2.5-0-0,7/ti., u d`42itzr e-, s I , U, .,4, a-7 ,k_47~ ..>z�Q,�lhY r�`� ,-�.o I�..i,s�ath. �Cr�ci�- r:jjl-. -4 .z�ec, . '' Prritc.7t4,a Nea/Y Le �• sOerr >-s c7, c- ,4vr-e,'ecove.z.k,C .. l�y, o� t _ 4 - Cte ~-1:"tIiL 2 LLs'i. er-.4. to £n „fa `4rea. /may Zipv -,:tt.,:,_ 1/ 7 yr , 46 ye,i41//7r 20711 Medi;A:ly . QICIP,Z, a", , , . /e/ a/ (14 A' • • " ' lYW..!. .1,7,A01/,--Z ,a0 2 a,71,e, 100;tilizet, 7t-14?ef/e-n-fen-1, aie 1.24, )44;tae1.1 -17 / ,e•il,fr / 7nf"fria-fed , /,e4.lad / ,14 -,-,Ae•te,h- crei arna' con#4-pee-4;4 . CM czeire ,--44.,_,,ze,1/4-4z-/4ir4tez.ve.1/.;/- ,/ 9-ne--s-d-. , Plac4,1.; .04i.deerco; aii-d i %; 0,Zr.de l'&, V1‘,--/90/ Sty 0-scz 7 42-20-4-e4::::::po.41eizizi..,v-fay....4,,,-'ALI::: .iv-n/(7r_le Jam"'10- .-447 Wa.44,ce.;6- 067, ,z fr , , , . y-zi_ 6.3„,i,le6L,, ,„, a4,4.,,<$7, ,vdept4 ,...„:7„. Al ZeASA, conia;meoG 1:0-45:f.i. # P--/ScqV ..t.i . eieeeeAL'1676e,:f 11--/foci 4..erazic-ro-i. ecez-Z,t4-f,7,-:- -e-rre 414_I,-42-a.47.7 • igar.a....,„„ree. ef7:, ‘.1. U,- 41,;6444 or,o.veL J:::‘244.47-4-, N/r,,,rde 0)K 47..4 ,•i'''Pze:7‘.- • 4 ; Widows Al -,Lelei/X.4,1-,&Ica- ' le-4 i-L,4,..keeetezek244,4.- .1 .-774/.4(.44-toed iswo IZ Azo9/..4 e as la.- -&“,-Xwe ree4-1.,A3p4oe<(b.,,,tex:,,,e a eernme-trter, '•/, t, Aa; 4.274.i4,,S;2•zeA,dd,cre .1174.k_en, tZ; :z.4g. _ cit;Wiff acel,on IZ -, le‘ cacaf.e,j /4*iteee L ..eii,i, dorsin,,e-,4-74,,leacd.,Y4td z,e,iEey' da: -04 ite&leettee,. , ,, fag .'51i; evroveii A a,i/a, dvieZ„en gZ,to-/& 44;4,417a-e6 me if.447-re A2a Iol„op - tz,,kleaki-tres . A4141 Cert.& 406n, .)-‘, th ;,.4,..„,.....,4 ,•,,,y,e,d0;„,„z, ' •0,cial4,,,,;,9$(441,„,„ : Eled,g-,,,-;.,„.e.z ,4 ,/, ,,,,, :,, /ta,,,./,,„ 'now.,/-4,:etr.ezeg57/4-..a. oteo.u,e.o4 i„,244-tp 4 r-I 4,...__ 'Aelig, cle&N, cusce.,#frde: ,, alto d1114, ead..y QS h Az ple.e.e.€4-e 0/4Y%ft dears; ifidi_Le•- 1> , , . ,- -4/ &-.4cei,- ,trize41 raf 7 t.y_x.fr.0). Pio.2O-0, Aef;4.4(.4-i-ip II eo,r444i;a arnoe/tefezia :-.1a"4,71.de,v,a4e-l- 47eztti 7riii 4 ,-41e6 /'U411 ec,c A erfe,"47.,>XL' 77--/'-zed.a.ee;6,2". a.e i mirtifreccezbeire,s-n:74:f a-- ._ 40210, ,_4 oectal-;If tY/R ct,Pr+to4>szei62-06,4,-ile ‘,2054,0/46,744,4reeiro:14z, A.e./.6.,:n4,0.../Ax.,,,aze:,-/- • ,, 7" , ,-, Af at.4 , aura Attuned,"21-„Pfrylardesodso.-7„o-t--,t,s,&44 leted4.01.°t,ar,til~orti,eWieeifin'e , aatied-,thl/ 1---641, 1 air...al-uli,.$:9,/FE7A .sa.04a74/ev.itee,.,44,0. ,4e-d,fee.;( 2.9 9-' ,,,,-,,o)(th aW--4;14idad an ae/A.4,-/e 2iieou'efal41.#4. 7? '.., ,4 /Ps- .,,,,,de,v,6440.1./ /-4:a.,-;,,9,,,,xed 4 2-ii-a•rtie0a1 47,u4-,e-t2,,ati,i2fun.;24,,ifrli/ifaou'ea4 ,,thPlaie, _, Attftrzi-f;ii-ux,ied, ez, ,--nwrnht.etZ f2.57,‘-'1,0 .eeizecs4. and Aeokal., 74-/s..„‘rps,u7' a/ z'e 1 aief 66""a444.1 Allx64111-ia7eltirkfrz.al."-W--el 07-Clot4Oreil Aelte.c%Z a't.e. eaferve06.0 4 4,7- .47, liondh, . , laieze , and)4n .1,;(-,17-elb: OG.nz. -A-,deiv,n,-6,-Weel.(7"1‘1,-,n. , 'Y '-iit;(4itl da,Arzi 67/ndWatad,a41.,,42.a-nd&vr4:-( ide 46,70' 14.&24 ra,frr.4,,z/6 1€4, 5/1-6.,544.‘dec.2 -0 i ig.)9,loss.:e4a.th a:,4 0: /b' 7, '7L1,11Pa4lode/•'/ , 4 7444, 6a, . Z .i' llafe 1W4,,..,-, e,n,..07a.,le,44. 0 t e i xce.e4.;,-,74 4 .2.re. 4 ..,,e.4/ gw-te,-;,ad 4/ ace.,4,7.7 . --4---/Xie;fig.ia,,te., /4 cereptera;f:cyz-' -IX e- - .H,d4,;41iii.ccejae -1,. , eu r.i,d-,1 4-r i 1,,zeol-- 4z7u7zi ri,7-a,sr 217-ciedt k .0ay....t ..1.2-r Z":(a-P-A-fr. z4A.,A61016--/- ,e4-Pro&I, /1:iteforevriii, e4;,44.- i Veto --OPz:r,ezee.,e7 feene,, „,- • . ,,i ' goz.e7o7.--(ilowo.(41.-rytdevek fuol,a/ilz4e,,,,tv.044.0awe 7-;;;;C?..age-04';ri-cz..6fliza,-.01-.457-411; ler14:'i ' _ e • 4:7714,720ee-47- 4"2,f?-174•S' 2,•guri-pg-,zz f,,-,..--A„..,7 -..22,,,,--7,-,-...w,i- ,-,7),2,,:,,..67 ,:y„,.2, _?_,,,,„,,,/,,..,0.zr2r , , / .,./...,f,j01,74v 7•72:772.,— 'v''arr r --d vp msss1 2,..- 9, ,,,c r�f /V) (, ,i`. ,'� 1 17/. A- 4y, - , ..�_t' ,.„:0,1,74 p 9V , , Aran 11- 277- "V" .7"PP9/47292411/7"47 7.22517'Al"V"Jr°'6‘/4.-°V-47171). ' e,A 17 rfrie ,L.,,,.•7-7 lot...more /15. ,A1*-.7-,;,Pay /6"•-4,2e 3,,7_„,s_4.„.„_,..0„, 'rD / ,:,..--1,0i-ar 4ie ltvy.•Qr&-le � 4. p - „imp.-ex) y/ -,q. • Die 4 / -2, [44,11 . Pifir/10 14VA 1- 401 ) r6/ I --c7:4,,.2,-,..,44:21-4 .. 4,7,4 2,„,„c_ew ,„046,„,c,,,.,15„.Aitip-4,7„,;/7„,4„..„, ,.. ; ,r,„,,,o,,,,,,,,R,r4427 --..,*-1,-...-17i 77-2.514-6-viville,,--pm,- ,-..-.4," wit.,,/,,,...„...,4„, pv ez.y,.-2,09r p-ropi Q 77/z7.7,929.49.0#7-". 2'°,e1,s` "'r/°"'f' wvurgs.au v mf . -172�-4 p-,vvey wry 17f4,7- 7 17'"'""c:24°2- 'e7d-"vp.-4'p72,0r a''v2 a orf02r,c.-s n'-277240'n0941.-"/9, iud/(Wel72 AflIcA "r7 a /v x,,.zti"0:/907277ovuV22y7912 -a - 4""1(7 7, X ..,,,,,v,„ ,,,..._„„77, '"vv-...v,,„20TYr'" ..7 4-"4 / 'Mu[ 77,2 '4/t7"7 4 4, .� `4..„,„, O�°„vn-223,,.° r.` R?�.rya„[ ---024.7 ;„Otrmvy.or,t047 -,'O/" --1l , •7,• 4 ,02'`"°1 ,: f- 7f u, Q, 797 7tr pn44141V7,-,;f4V3Viu m to PW.OWVv/ouo� P:44,-a �,n'-w"1/ A7144i✓ �"ff1412 79.440. 4"79 7/-4417 Q.//Are 9014'o 00 i '7717fr 79:7/7024"74410V 7 "i.i,r'4"91.7°?'usrj{e-r fr*-VW /,4,0,11 'kr no '7117rIeri .7y11, 1'410 .apo 417 1 .. . 48 - ____ ,67,,,,,./y.06/z.i_ ,,,,,,,,,, /7‘,.:4 Sate /,� ..1da( d, ,/- 'village LLof Viea�a.,� o yid ' /90� .4 Court of R VIsIon. Q1 pve:ito�•ti1,e Qaw��om�ru� /L % ori arms 1.h.teby Rl�ao that tb.dry ® e AZ / -. �r u ,. ...leo of th. Cart d Rn.ilw.we `�/,uyvlvor ^ ea v/90/ gfraimv.f�i7L ee 14i al". will k held i.lb.Iowa H.11,Viae., "`�®% //iJ I It S.aaul.y.J uw Lt,1901,as ib.b..r d 7 i4 a.m, ,1 all.Pigli HttK ,fr'') 4 e a ` %/ceo ', �y '� a.,-,a�"� arrtd .,-,a -, •..w.t Still of tM wY114e.44_� , / j e',..,,,/,/, 'N,,,,, p •, 'O I{` 11bi.h Aoa DOLS r sb.11 MT bow eatsesepu. _ _O.m. //t!i jUP�b 74(�/.,,,/,/, lb..krk o. or b.f.n Ib.IIIY it R �.�+�6-st/ .d i /v�'Yx� GLtca� ,1901,+ill W bowl a 4 // May 19,1901.W. !. ,, • ,r1,n )47~7L��� ,4 O'hLfts1i. /n' L.A.,/,‘,-�'/k./'_e o tzo fie..�•cq cssa�+teeat: /ce'4fu, t 44.7 ,,,/4/ a#' €1.14/2.4.49/Ates7std ' , , ,A97,2e,a494iv25‘Xel, a.n.oe 0e44tene 7 rh G id€8.4 7.. a / J��p�deecu...�G ,„/„zo ° z.:47. %, Cor�r-/ a� �/ , / pccaGau a .117%1Z-16 Owr t- ufaa Q - /1n Witte. IL6ru:, rl-COZW ea,, x sA,O �.a.�f -r .iN`Ed►� p 7 lt�14,4 (4 n�ur m�.ee 7. ter✓ cry/Z. hazer ci141/adi,e e,7ue eve�'r <<j`1-' fe v3G/ sl � 0. / O . ��L /� �/ , ,� 1e,e,r4,/ ar d-4e,,,Yma......","4,Cott/9,,,,/,a'/2- ,39:;'- i%f[P�C a-eed aIL eci 414°:: ,ofi41/A,X,..erct/-.4.4.. ��vae >i L efr_e,2 '/moi' -��eeesl�ar+� .07t/4 mu/a , 4 as a,c ,,..(,..a .tis Zse, // e a.iGlozue..< 4..d.„,.17-/ �-r-v cree«nwrt-el , r,,-.),„..i..,-L- y���00 I/ 0o,, fiL/ dXary,d"/ ry a,J✓�is 4 Y�ir, .24,v v,,...- 1,u„cu ,„elc3acsrr...:4 �. // 1��/7 OC D.� D� Dom_ �. ,-.), . .-d 64/./e-Ata /� � i ellfm ,� 4,7., 77,71.4,,-mane."7.-,9,-,,724,-,-....4-6,,e -,-...4-6,,e ,c-ry,Y, wised s-mm/_ 1 dr.- ceaeastray.Ate /n.9 .o�'ereec�cC +f' 4 , ,,...,,,,,,,-.4.43,4-4.,., • D p /l / /1 a'p 'D i /a' A.,:Lid._,,v/stag. ,e?rn,:?r,d p,--47rori p`��u�y Lsrfiied TTia�.r�, z4z rr�/err, u / L, eirm-oe . eu e 77ze� 4 #42erh .cve.te /Ate ✓• ” fze,,,,evete,°-41,-.e,e7itit, ,,i a or,fr e , ,e cf It it,cva.4 ore-m:or�eaL ,, IQsi.��fia-A�,Caidaryra, Mai- 4 auf dzr/t,v /t e.eaJ f/ u-...•..._0, t ,LAdela.x, , 1,4,,-4,. (-'-, 7.et, a r-t 4 1Z Zrue Ay/4.4 gele re i f.1/714, ea,-,..././ t '/, -,,,a , s. --6 . -s , 1.i Mont Atefina ,.,g, .64, rizon`x t1t" i7 R',e�ze, , hee, , i tfoursz ate ./1,-_,_,„„,,;= . 6L i qO/, e • 76_46,6 ,,,,,we cae m-LmG ✓ , z/gZ /m�ru toi/,,../...„ - al:Ad 2-iiete41, .40eA4 a,,,,...,6 ci-14',,ied, ae, ce,",„..4--% 06,4_"4-,e.t.e-ee.w-1.,e.e dfi- sy,..9_. - I 1 441 e e;//!ice a, - , a�?y,, (1 /� (�j / , 1p� /oma,/�.e����`/�� oma , �"^'ry,�' j/ , ,J,04- ,�2 .✓✓� ']3 //.R ra/ra 8'u7 5)U.LN' l'O 6 ,7/'a,,?' :GJ ,U;,...e kw "4,-..."4&,140 2f Pi�..yb `i APO$i 3 7/7.f-,�ceOul oie.0 .�L'—." £ r_ ,.. • .1. �r,-n..„„,,/t: X57 / , Zd/�e...,6 may/ Jj e., 2;, .„,.y,/"w L°rw.r<a�e.d 4.k•c .,,,,,sd / 71 k,LL a,,,eemu d hc:(/,Crize o.,/,/6.61 ,l/O Oc�Yy,,,-fit/ Q /iGO,d�,rre-,maaGa ,,,, . �, ,,,,,,..i c4_,A«rd / te. ce-m4-�64 s '1, i2-( ..i,ae c t le-erecz`, eouc•4.d uocte a„, ,,,/,,, ,,,,,,,,/,,, ,,,,,,,, !e/h.- e eZ dd,oma! 7/7--rtfr•a-6 uoe /,X diel of-/7 -' the i11 u,cc�c a. ;k/ to-y litak•je) --.4 GeZet-1:644-71-1- .tern e ,, 13i $aZnZ ,,-z,y. . ce i eer-o, 4. . jr,,,i1 /e ,e,, . ' ,o /Jne it ieerID i m -ite�az�durr,z e�1u , ag,,///h,L ua U" IAS,a . .-eaurC j,ur yi 49 .a.e 4..,..1` ,6 % Q e %P-0 -,-, 4, rj.-e..e., - -6 :Ti ..... , c2,,,,,,,-/-jo-ft• fr f4. 4,74/,81/4(44. (77.,„..i.r, ;,. . C .,,,,,, L1,—__ 4b-)v idt,e--4 74 a—ye-4z r-91, " "6 '7' 4"t""-- -4----ZTh-,14e~ve-e ‘0..: ',4•0 - .9/.cGZ/, u,,,,,W,,eoed ' BG ' 40/:&cir,,ot Norz. ruza/ ,elG tr , d,o> os-r,,— c�GoC )44,Y cv,,,,e�e ,,-/- 14.6 ,douf%, iUoG , o,, v 29-4 .az;-,(--GGA,,., :, , -2,14.a 1 a,,,,,, hZdC 0,'',ee, ,co.-6ti4Cu o ee/KxaG 4 ince f X.e. ddT, ;,le ', 4-e -.P� //•./ei; ,- i f7,,..t,7N.,„ .ub tha": 1 a/rtiee� Aveo % �dlre� ,,„, `,o '.l,, ce a,,,i,. 4/4;xv.co , L;i4;4 ,�„:e„ / .0 O •p L' D 6:et4Nkeli'4,1•107(/ ---Z•---/4,--t--,-L-_,.______ 74/. .,Q.4(41.1„ 20 4o, 9tyam. . >X, ,`.-;1 ..,.� a/7, 4, ,-,14 .7i4e.,e, 0,“2, ' .i4,..4..e.:12Ase.f..4 �L ,C� I .6A _.,,-, 4 iii , / G iter.u,tJ.,WyJ."f i�/S e ig,i .7„1 ,,,,,,,,,,,..7........,,14%,L,, .q„ :/� ,,,,�,,,,,.. 7.... a.,,14%,L,!��1 ,a c.c.K,4o 13 - as.i,c OO .,Y/4xcr-i',.L d�/rJiQc ,-A p nib - oG���/it...,,. tZ"9..ue •�zrd.., ......d, /Wi n..„7 Case-1 eapw,ccrrirQoi 6,/zs1 yHt// (/// s�, y� A,.JO. aLLLG07t/,1v,Lfi4 //(/,..,",1,, /J.G000 ... ,,,f d.00e. 97.e-4 � T A,,, v G 4,•4 eLia,„/I.e.7 ,,,,T Lr//o 4,e.,/ 1 rzcL;te-14.;641,- a�ea1,w,�, ctijoui 6., tr,/ ,p,........,,i/e.,...‘p //ulli 7„..liV,/rCa /T%,„4".. . fla- -it .-ice .••., 7...e ZZ ?gee, ✓'4 .ii-....:.4. ,(((/// .rz i ..a ?,-.., cf,e Ars ., 71,,,,. /,.., 4 ia, .4..u., 4. .�e..G. ,ef- ,o-ktJ crH„ 14.1 iA��� . 7 'ty leo&,arcce 4 .2 ,AL.a4 . ff Ls2t oL !7 COCC4 1. a-,.ccslgisic ;./ Fevv 7. -E) AW-i-e,c147eot,f-yam+,,R Or ,dirscc..C,,7� ale,Kn=•N.a4 . � 61i'�V%�'tf .Lsn'.a'/k..u��.c11.0,,.. ;71, 670-,-444-// 9�5r /- , ar-we.�,,.,.uQ 41/P.{� y7",ga, Qo114-0."4e.4 • /� .� - Wete‘,- S.le,L4-41P. //0-‘srp-- De_t-e-v-L__ . 4, 50 e i . i , ' '-_ ,ezoi a ,z w,,, ' s� 1 .ee,e,..„7, . cr/ Jo D 'D �f ./ 7 . % . z r ,14/.pitorip, , ,,,,=„a44.i.:5 .b el Sit, - tzl �� ' . , of -,1, /64c.e.d „ /j-Z, •, c�2:�eo u-,-r�°, 2.01.,-- ig/'sLo 40 /74' . ,a . (,' , , . lihs7_° (f% ,44, ,ae, .r/G°u�a,'✓ !�i%' , /•�a.,uiiza and 712e ,''% � t�dorul u't�t-c,. R �c ier"v t�£wee ' foo• 7y ', O,�Z71- ,�iA •/ >,c en i i3 �• X90 ess- eewil ,,, - ,,t,_, ,; //47 -.>2 1:,114/ 1"A' ./ . ..,06' ii „6,i-4a , ., ., e/L- 4 -4, Cl(� LL 1r �K L� ,O 'o 'p eh,6(4>I1 ���tf� Ca. (17.; ae 9Ze/C/- TTS /2%;a e4 / ,o fit_ 3,�/fie a �� W'44. dy 2-itaxdo7 I ./.2!"-/y o/ 4 ,4_,A,,,,,t 6,,,,e/w--e z..,,,-,.6_„,62 ,Weevem-ex. ! _____ ._.._..�.__.. . 2-2 a C-re,z,i-L _m- n .4,{56, __: _______ ___....____________. f __..__. _ `--11.2,12-1 a-c-c. l.f,wrL - - 4il. , d.:. y AL '. , -< de:Acia..Zr.s, - (_.27,_÷-z..7 44, 4 -Z-- az,z,.,,e o--14-u oe. L mCi ,p� 0. , zie,ia . �Zee -4G�GL • 7? £, , Cll � I (�� iYtOC �� ��� �C, �_� C�� r:y/� t/ Q da, /44 „.(1.a.,,z / Qui h ��.,�,,pp � L&27,z,v .to/�rlad a,„„e c�, a'4fi fr f-G idDW n a v te, a rfZmex7 —xecz – ar. re- j 1 41 1Z ,/ cycure 1a` ,,`-.7 ��za 4Z,Z,:•.•,,n , ayes Gni, G°ov •.,,,, '.2 `�,l Ad.( er: „z,�'o Ta 1 rags„la-2fot,x/di- _J,Gp*-a�+v �r 'Lo n% ,a yybf�eezir.' Ate(.G�'024-2W ,x'.21 .3. L ./L o ,� ,1 h . mal cce,kae�l�J,�-iuoe�tic�v .t/ aona�iGs,� c4.,dYwrn.c, 2zooa 4ee,cr suuu v qua (� -amt/jl-c , - 4 afl-d-a.61-,e ,e 'l Zeii ,. :(-)-co( Lent,I e a",.u4o.„,Ar-,cco,zeie,Z., ard-cze‘..4„,>‘achlre.,ge„.4J4r.,1-ad rize .4-/.e.4104rale__,67-,,,,ic:64./ 7. y c:, ,,,,44.4,t'n,– ae4/eee–lemiu...kte ,,,,a-az , 1 Ais Yliau u . rmfraz G� ;' ,- - '5Qa . ,dome eizc�, : 4962 orn...ee, orizi ora- auaG,nwryr i 141el,,- oiu Inf, 51. /00/ .u,44.e.icce.d. .ew .Efee-/77- / . c�o.-uu_1 u/ _ Jcid��°�A ,�, �..i a:c��,�iQn / _ a� 672114-AL: or/go, wI i ►-e / - �D �' �'j v3il , QO --- _ ., rGC.GLGt+/ ., 6o SO. 00 ---- - " ko 1Q,,&- / / c--/. 00 7i.e..,,. i9co `-4/'/0� `�L •,& ,1... .es / QS o. 00 - .,• 7 , .d,'�., ,,y Q,u. 9/ 00 -_...• T - ' O/ <n�a( So, 00 - •• ,41 ,6; r. idy$do ate'.3-0 0 /6044, 00 � O ��� 4 OfG oaee ,./....5--, 0 0 /, e`-!' (Rift.. /.3, 00 T�`"_ 0 /i/99.o 0 / e...te-e.er ,o / c �p • _ nr //Iv 4 -a;rteoe a44-te ze-n h /4, .d.z- y„-e-� b,24oa ; �i� 9 L/nea y .e0 Ot Arm/ ceoz/.ew z'z ; tg;4" A 4•Zerp-6 i)7°, fry,0 if 6 rv: a2 1 /a `tea / 47oa // 4' , 29 - - j -Aoie v vrc; / :vo 94,4, J --------- - ! v�' • a 'foo z �-/. G.) e. a %oo t9 9 8. F �s34,o� -- r 75-7 lame. ,Coo-cu-,, H0.. O i'J2u m-(7iYs s-ez, - Mai g ,Zcofi✓fr/qo/ .ce24-4_,A.44,e,. ' ' LWre,c1 -- -Arad de.gese-.1.1-Cae, ,..tibf-crt.e ,41../.4.,7&€••••e. ,g17"0)2, c7C--Aro6 ,',45,ct.G 4,,XI ce-eas72.407 9!Z e."-au." al-cd• cezhzeadesC, a z...4 ra c�c�OCed .- t a-, /�^ `v i -1-4 -,---=‘,.."4-a•-. 1120 ,-,V= .•fr,,,,i,,,..,.ae °,7. ,..4. ,. .,.4 tir�e,or�G .cvece olo+ce /src -(---erg,)-, a noG f ,areafge ocai"Coxd,wee,✓ a C ca a400fv-(4) .ua2 cervvc .-,t,--', . .� ° rti Zcz-v-r_a ecule.,kir moo(/ olI reo a..#6. �Y�i�/Aow►v/ mss, GZ � fo /e/!�J`Ifee/' af�Qa 10-,4,z ✓% C., -- f l L d",:8774 `: /f /vl.�T/` 52 7 i gr a.7 7- —'-— -0 fa 4 4,a g.. 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