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Vienna Council Minutes 1900
VILLAGE OF VIENNA COUNCIL MINUTES 1900 -44--ct _ /g00 . C2Z/ awn/ . ned-,41//zrdetiv,ezde-terri,- 14-/4 1:‹zeti -,71t.e., Ae4.x.,",/- (94, ,e2.e.,e,---E__ , cr.e.‘o . Csia,lies-71 ii'le.al arptaii/ tit, ,,-fru,n4,vele 701,-Z ,Zudi,zet", A4,e-te../(2,24e,e cr.u.,,t tf r/ n . • a/es /4 dc e, uxA.e� rcv Sq AG - �fi/79frizi-1,71 :mowed cars giCidr,4r/rzfreif� pal ideeo 1 SIZe .x.ctw 4 , ri ,, /7 1..e, 1-re.ed7.‘,01-4-c1/ el '', gyp_ U 2, �!//1"' 20 a. d',Xee, ateen, JCt eath . .?,g Decr.3/,ailitL,o,,, A 2 ."o, ,9. /, G/ e,-;it7; Aell -� �y .may �/ � , 7), !/ Q4i . . -). .4/8?� /i Aa eO a a cce ar/ 4g7 / f9 /L9 //. �'� , j�x�� c.0vyce,4.o "-az, lorte .26"44. i `'2.i6:; 461.e -; da(11.40/P7777"le ',''z 1 . i "2:,..,:7Ay,-..e/N-72.0.-ii-N 4,-A-2,20,e • 4 ~0 4,51 `7° - � L'a ,LP 6/49'IIl ^7, -'2‘.0 4 , /P-v-r-rxhic ' ', -y, y9 ,.......:,...-7.9.5 ,.,,, ,,,-,7 kp 'iv/lig . 0 6i _449 ?'.�' V' 7°7 7,,, P' pill, 7 ' � -- ,ap �� /Pw z��4 ,7„.0-22,- -,./7.,..p006,yah 127 / �/ v- 'i . 7. _,„A. ,. fJ 2' -z2 ,,o�-x� W'p�'2'j�i." 1 ,f�o6' alG 00'2p°• / ', V '� (/��'r7)�v ,14-.1y101,-au ���� BDA "°� 47/2=y,?) rz %,7, {' J r '? p r' , 6oe•., nC y ?' wa9Pi0 `Q •(2 .09- vvp- r: -22 ? 'w ryyaa-zswe- / rfn-rD 4 ,/ .0,-74%;1-11 ,!� i ,i1,70-7-k. 72,91."z267,4-,,,,,,,s,A, 74...e.ii.,...,?,4.4,_/72+7_v•-..0,77 . -r' ..-m-ley saosli-e-v--47-2,3e 'X.777, 131-?"/-22, rini,n1"1770,17 r"la 125-,---, 1,0//7 02,-,-__rtoxi v ?y,4 bewiud4aher, � �� �eW-1-77)2p715 - 1 �,?4,9r „9 P / -ie 2 .. i j'9b i a 7v41z4975744f4:4:1117,7* /a ,i 414,a ,,,,-‘47,.-,2/7 P';""--irfrriP, wc:1,-- -/6; - _ _.._--- 7W- 7 " _. - 7,44Ob M z� M �. _,,, ,,iiw . 0_,..re.,;" oa •oi ,e ' �, • „� , . I . aaz, ,i 00 :6 ,:t ., _,A0Awcy..,.. 7030,, ,, I no " i ' - p "v .421- -07,4,2!V pii i � ' 4 7 00 pzy 0, irb,// •// j •-x.,.;-~-$i,i,m.0/040 Ica e, i e-ovlr'72r/2' f)" .11/vg-'' -.1/1 : "i' ,---,-,-1,,,,r.iaew�' ba ' ' - :r'7 // f vn-r-z: 0 A '.•c,-0,--,-,..40c,-0,--,-,..40,,- 9u - 2.--,,, y,pa4,2 %, ,. ,..?„..,;,. , „v.-1/4. ,4,. __,,,ffa#, 7 '72,11",5kr?"..41-,72.9.71.pyri-fii i •, r,,i„, 4„,,,z,,,,,.. .772.,...„,i,„4.,,,,,,„„.44,,,,,,A., ....,464,24., , ./:1,i,„ /72,,,4,2, • _ ,-,..,, •if-rna7p07,7-4.-,powl:Ae,_ix<--perxwe rot,7,-,214(-yaip-f__, Av • , - -zr 7re' u% '72# .4.11/A tz- 94"" %- ,. ,,x;--8, Oob,, .-v 7:I'/ 21✓�� C8, y %% ,----7--7 4-7.--749,;3C/ 444' 2.---ey MY -1-',9 ^47-rwe,[/it 4. O�df?7 . r, .+rte 4.,,,,ji1 x ��aznyv��V 7 Ir v p-''2�„e? 7/1.76-7 -,y...7 A ' % /) f'� i II- 'Wwil _.--)Fi, - "ten 27 frw.,,-, .f-r •o[a 'ncvr27, 7/ • •Pr A4 90-11# 47/".-14 ° -Ai /":" 1°V194' ''z''‘‘' / -iiiD ivir'fa' ._77:- 7- " oo. /21 ,�iA' 7.7� =--,3-7(,447, r,za.7 74,,,,,,,,,, ..„2„,y '1 // f. �v /,------iwt,rj �/r/�-to7 fid" - 4-40-7,‘ i - �= ' ry rww L ,-, /I/i fIL-r,72,7^y, 77_2/te-40,4";%' y •4,,,j,w:‘,,,,,e tz,z,,,) ,e,--1>.-per,gfe,A,. 47.17P're_7/01T,0 .,,,„(77,07 „,,,,,44, /.-..n.,t ms .r1 ..�v `i��`.nd /7/7w9/14/4., ' fro v ,b„ u „,7(Azai 2 44-Ar /*7 ? -,r12 '--047-1V, � 17..rx . /ia ' , „qrb 4 L Pi?i 7'YX-lia "27e. ,i63,-iivy-dzji.-vc 430,7 -. "7 --,a Q .Pr'fifO/4 an,,ova` �I"� ` 7 'ay� w-p ' -awv -ptow,' ' :' ry Qm, ° 11- 44777 j w __ 712, ti 4.6-, • t° ' A' tl p h 47 ,74wwec fig Aman' rn� I?72* OD/ 1, , � ; 7 .66J/ r Y e p I //c, 11:1' - . // y:2- / /147PV,Pi-4d"W A:i l'717-p AW.;‘, 2-73_44.4.,,,,fi 'lii r4/.21-00-0, -. ;, • 7 : -. e ` �4i 7e ' "r'''11 2.741 '7.I""*///�/ ' / 7 yY vv�a � 7 e rr h�tiv, • / ,7Yn 41 Prs€ 7' 27' ? 7 -a' ', -';'_,• ' . ,,. �/ �>91"z • 7e? - _iv 7-2" ' / ,i'V 3''''''0 771V '47.;iketi '/ ' ff2/;47 7,4 47 w/yr ;67-&\-) . . oof, c ��, 7.-/ ev , i '. • / I 3-- -2--- 7---", l __,,j___--T=._ (77-0714-T-J .60092," -finy 4 -1 PVtivvi7241/4? --77/44e2.'/'''7'2-?'7/A P-PP241'1( ,yx7 i 7�Q/� p3� dps7, ,i /(_�//A -7y//);vv ' 2 ,A•• ;, 'e -,c4/-71+ ie '177117 Pr )741%4 '' I asp`. // F.ar'vr7. ,� "rue i _ • _ , 7i//6714 7 7a.atego--pfre,,cc,, ,--fi,a,/-mi Oti/90o 1 sr-A0,„ta./..t, mget-,...,, ' Z au.pc,"A,-44r.ce../;:;.•;, . •7 ,,,•44.,,ii,•,,,,,,./; / ;.,•,,,,,„,.. ,w,6,•17.54,,. , .„Coandbir• •Azseid eiellor.e......we,JaCe.4.,417 ka.. .. ,,,,...,......,....& .7"/....,r`A.,...7,...i.'„, ,-,..... ..._az...i„,,_-t.c. : 11044. 0.44,6 /ZAzecl-rssOor,4‘or4144.71ptdoe.„,../eG‘I,- /7,1.t.9.4-c./ , i,/w.c......t. 71/oved.- illaid44 Q.7 cc.c.c.46.re...,i. 4er.'....,, ,s7.G.,4,...., 4-,:,‘;,7/.,,,I 7114,--6L,=.1.1 ('a / ,-/ -73,,,,,-,-. 4111_,6,4,,ziael-€x4ao 07,,,,,,% c.,a-,6eA.7a c-/ 02.7,-...-..,J.:3,-z, *.z.,.-, 0. 0d6 ',too: f,af.,, 0-5=4/ve 6,.. .,•••,,,Z,444.4: -,-- Q...grW 4 42.0",„7...k. (4,1,04 -,4 cze.,..../A.-..t.,....„,,,.. ......, ,.a... '.": 00...i.od -01a;t ....cfr,,,,, ,7;--, 9_5404.e-Z. ,67e4e,4.,g.,-4;,-.7,--e....•"2./..,:„2.4 1..4._al--e----4. ', C24,-ee lie:7'/ q . -6e- .io~l..e. A /4 ,....„4, ," 414; ar...~...'e.....e. ih,„1"..1.944.t.:. ,..., - -1,, .4....€ /,‘,..-,,a,,,,...- ...e4..:.die-. er,t.Z ,e.,,,d:,,,/ KG,Icy ',•:'•-(..;;;44..r- -.4-,cad,16 i'er... 0i.,4,2i..re.< Cizsie.,,Le , , ----___,- -, - cetiti-2,,L;k2.5,4fry.e. , C- •.,6,criidi.,...‘,..,,,, ,-.-.)' CCi-5-4 --Z.:14;K/..4 /Z.; 66.124 4,1':7114,1.44/dZite:K LN/fe.4- -„not Pie.,*6-,./ . 4a , tri.;ditc-ii-ez.e,e4e2e4 .4,, /yoo. Ye'7''' /4 Icar.r.;la.-4/4,......L.. (0.5 ..L7.7,,,,,ciZ 4.40,7 c:egol..44.,_ the ,,,..../vz......./ ate,/ 14" -764-4.--/-", .1-01 lX)-"7-1-01..e er....t..r‘ ,..... -,-77..... .,‘--t"...c.f.-4z.e., •%-lo&C..e. y:;;-/-/‘. ow-~;-fri....;a•;•,... 4,-- iiieweit- ,...e.-71;td.7..te i ..9€144v-e;e:re7,- ,; "de4,-,.. /h.: 64'.7e..,... 4..cc.ap...,./-01- ;4... 1 wee-7'c-//;:e n: fiff---.1.c.qcc,c.t.,:et.0we..,c.i. 4. -cry"/"24e-fras.-4. .fricm.;,1,cc.4.L. % 6,6„,•,,c iii.; ,?,,,,,,, .‘,. ;Lee tz= tiLe/i.';.e.,...4.. cmat 4t.i. /4 ../t-6;,-4,7, --e. ....,/,Ar-ft. 1 IP „ .., e, .4,e.2.,,p-rb te'r.--,,I.2444/ 4,,,,,, Z ,,y,- ...4/1/0o, 14 c.c.),/r-d_c<4...e. 4 Z.:20./-7 7 I, fxsr 1 ,,-;:77 Sked.4-1,d g'-e-12,...i.,e46 ez-noc u:efine .-4 Ozet,&.../ arre,kit,e,,e; S 7- 1‘fjr) 7 — lel-1.-0-e__ • r 1 / , ' 'P i' /itte&ile al*?Z cc. ,/go a , .6.-„ta,-;7' „f/y,eZ,cer-fr,,,e,ze -G•t 7-,t l.e.,2 -Zic 21 ,by,14&..,-,v0-454,',,,,i‘,,,,,,r,,f,,e i g e t e d it:11%-Z-77- - • -1,,,, ,-,-,..ea a...4 4d - , • '/ 4tYlihr eltAleed, ,eg.i.a.?7,4,../..../-Z-....... ..., - '• - • ......6..s.e.,4,--2,, ,, ..... --.....c- i-e--,w6 .4 AL... .H. rge. ,,,,,,,,,, 0 7 ,4,4.5/ i• Otelz,,,,tvt.e... 1564v/leadoe, 410.14L) -;ei/4 1., g-pionie/ed-eAg, -hozeV,e-wl ex.. 4 ' - as-4,‘,..,96e.„4-. - /. .,-% ge„, „/ ei, - . ,‘--- , ,,,..,-4 4i. / / 7óa _o„,.. 764/5 ),..,, ,V-,2„,". 60Q7 . ' 7 --- .. iztrofel...ze. .so--.‘y ,:ig;eviii4A;:et-'Ara)/ , - z ,,a4 1p0/e,70 ' 3 % 8erL •:' -12.4w<, Z, Pnu-ose:c;,,e, - ..e d L e-i/ex, Viza-- -.,-17,/ere.4410 *--\: / - /44.44 no":47r-pr, as • fillotat/1 orom41447, - 42 z2e...,; ‘re,c46/ 2 Plare•46 7116414./SAL47 am,.#4X.cdo . Q0cd ' r z ' .i - /-40-44y.ozet&o;I• "P 1- - ,..€/0.-.1"....t/.....4.7-le_oeiclez, ,,i-hea at.//6‘~-14:3arzeg-s.4.., 4 4,0"""te 1 . I • - . , Lt. AZ.T.p&/ I frZ ida4..ee,r&L.,a-fe4 , cco6 /4-1' ,./67142., ,e. cc4r. 4 i t - /L. /,,e:..-6,4 :;,:v 042;ete -1`i Ailaidi3O-4;c4/7-at-/ (;12/nitPlea,' 4,,e44c.,..-,v • QZ-r-n. (l'iVa.et . . 7-yr,r,/ertinrs.,/, AdA2g./ 74 ,,7441- ,-.1./Z- 4‘47 17,J076m, ---e. ---,- . m -41 4' l " v 4,4"92 4. .. : -,o i /If."'"14-174t4 /4:4Ir,C ',rag,c4e,, ,,,te.,e ,0-74.. ese dir .fr"-,./ 4,e61,...,-/; Oe >54.- ,e.... _s>ex. ee ..r , l/ -•-- -• • .. . _ .,. . - , . , _,..- , -,, :.,.-_Z-;. T _ .._ 36 7220714 ' " / Abr7,v` „ems e fi�,,Z 74 7 - p, , /9'00/�1,..,d4,...,/,)9*, / ,e,,,,,---a.4GY.(,G ,///i'.G z:.�e tu.G,c.ar�ai / �tv'J t/,�I /,/�/_/�wIhr� lrw��.G .£'�Jres04.w./�on�y�,f�mGs,9 uCVL4"40: � ,laiLvt- oa/..e�d mc,,,.4- ,",.4 le &.A.0,6 cc.4 eGooy uZ,,-,,. , ,, i" ,",,,A cz4.4 7,—, x,�'-id/ 4 1.100 £h .t f!"e' Jrg' . / /00. .i` .,e3� /Oo`- ✓f(Y,1 /V--..w 1 oo, L$a t1o..( ,e a, ,„iii .,e a:, c . -t , , �`fri .A / :° 7 ,4 o/.,.�. tiiett V •✓qui 1iii-av ct ,lvr aOmnuae ire/cs+ fZ; ff,vi rt r-e .i'sv „/ 4,,,s( 4�/a IB mo/! 4 • /�N /ALG t [P?-/ a.4z. Ali,` V�irea. zLt,? Avi,,.47/a/-* ,,„ dcc , ith,r -A 1,14 A ttiti•dd a ate; tn' r%1; ?6zcor►. "fr.../ e ate.GeQ O ' o-lai;,a .t,, - )hr. "444 m - ;de a,,t ,.,c. 4-air- v-ru, n,d�x,,f "&„..... .r..�r c%svi:` ;a /4 Y w A oma, tg dee it 14rr 7e... :4--;,f . *Ike- %.2117 � quo - , %� 44,. Qe1:,,.� /4 //' che- sye,i Jae a_ ,loan k6/ al kr/2d4C- , Lp�„,,,, 4�'..,, '.x., r,a,d���A� LOGorz,„ ,dee, 97./h4 I GO taco.4444 k,Ge done, .- �,44,14.:-.,,,,. 14 Apic* ¢dam`, 4 ', 4a 4 ,,z,,,ini&e e,/oze, ,eArz„ `% &� ,,;i"A%�c2.o-zis , ' /4 121v7i' v ,u t t- ��i��.D'x c_ 1 r r,+/ Jam'. ,ff',./mJe �1w c/��G/c7. i %-" /, :::->i'---- z _ ( , ,. „ 4a. e6rvf al 42.1.44.te. tits 0..., , e,, %W./4,, / ', i 7fiae #___,a*_______,rt,p,‘1 . , �° eJ e.�� /mac . ZatetilligeuZethr&A--eZ ra/i//yo,o, R.;;rnA.:94€ *.e,r74-1,5e.,, /9-6(44..e 2^19'0 0 9 cgei /%,,T4v-i.".4,0:-1,-14 0.4,,,re..desee/r-/-/7,9a ~41,4;,,Zfr,70,L./14 4 I ,� /Omele cf et,m, a u chi ale 14 i • 7r4 .t a Z,-v-4;,4u- 7 exexe 77,,Lex 4 ge.24.7.e 7,,t&7i /Cie ' ' ' ,';,Y„, lia.iy /to tv �.."vaiGeeolt../ o 0,4z...:... Ike7eletmad --� leC,tPi ceriv.ei �, Rpt-o1. Q� : q -/� / l7ZFi Lx /axe eGs1G0?L-% % i /lLEpJ l.G�aF.�c l7 Aiikned /i,L 64 ieveler axs r v rfafruz, Qud jY2ocee�,, /l- , W e<i' di' dicf.�zecL��' ��,Dczcd vrue,,,�ucAC .a`e-%�oP� ,ice -6th. C . - rte._. u� f �uzf., e ate ,9 ie,- Le, . gid, . C, d-' -f fi : . c:J fir_,7.7J c-‘4,, ed 4 a. ,�c✓vro 4 a¢.,e,avEd :�oyrc ve.�y La .(44_4,,;(;‘,1 nik,,,r ‘,2,,i2 f iACiv C i. c J , / oo fad atevt/ue cD0lviGYWr<44 r, ' 4 - „ r. Ii/leG.:.,lad,i;t-, , ., -� 01 /!aw[:r.LOl?. G(O -new- �PL//Lyli �"=V ,— --,----- _ 14144A5t:f --I''''/ • .37 077-Pv . .1ii.em-vez- tyy‘wi,2,/9 0 C' ' 1 4.101417 a,..4.4/Afftvirst.tat ord 40 ..t kh,..-44.- 1 /1/4,,zow,..:, , „„L.] 4/0.......1ax,„,,, ..../d_...i IF ,diai .4:01. / Ne. FILI ,le k„ei,„4,„,,,_ , ,,,,„,:_, ,4,. 4 elLe 6,„17,— aitit-me,,nieu, tru.44-fri- ...1(. Ogai- .9h2.,:e7 „z,c/ fh, .i.ix,,z--a.... .„fp...,i 900' -4 - ct,n.,56 ,L$ LA / 4ioa,r;te,91/ a/ cz 444 S. 9nal-'; '4;_zt.tis!a-• 7 4. `,-'-‘_-,d ff_f _. • / , I • -(•-: htegt--",1 , ri. erit->r . ati, s,(Avn-a,, cflp .g,h,,,y Pzowtirotedivid-oikeisfe,,,Viaee,4 • al,/z 927,,, 0 -e-e'e7,./0 7e Q./,‘ iik;la 4 1"fg 124/4141AVY 2?&-e.r AP Z&XIIC/W/Ce‘Zee 02 D 7 1 i A77 e:€e e. -i7r, , • - :' tAzieta.. cathofini.Of agai ,ip; 4°& Air-it AZIPZ"...€4,14 Afet.e./-er.e..44 mczeZr./4.12.9te -9-gly er.,eernzat' 7. ottmet,Eon, ‘;‘,..rv,4 eiwnet.e A atelo,&;1/4 eifirmfra&.,Ati/.74 le/Le 4,4... A:447 74ai e ii 400. 4 i d.....,,;274;,,,,,... ..4.5t 1-47....ii GP1.071.,d,e444,C-e. :. .44X,41,-4140‘f?' " Lze;:i Gc,;(.',zn%.7.--c-,4,4, ex,„ 2.- 7d,,,,,&.57-, az,...- *.,.. ., , --4hfrezotar,i,,-- e/z/e, ,fiY.2 ir Y.,ii/ n • • #.2 V a;f/t%;740v‘p;fre-e4f. gfa47 z. --i.,-, 0/4 a&1i-oya...ii,,00,14,64, L 6 Lic,. Of7-nd4',dertzla,,,v/A5pfr;4?-edoey0/9 -4' c .2/goad ;Zerete.e4i//5.2f ".. .c€ / $, , 4 -,44/4/119;24/Yra.01, 41........47--_,34. ...e42.4..z.i.")... . , , , ,y 7,fretn:, t4 ,4fJA07 ,9•00 • 4,4 ,ite,.. .; . 4'.4,74,7,c,:to.&,.6.,,r/4„._„ .z . „1.7 a4/ .4. 4 W04 < ' e, 42 ,„ ,' , . (..24 CZ-Lipi-ea,,,,ete, cr.e.ereo-e./-ce ;%i -4 ,efit; et/ A6 ,L174ge.e.. e-c"---,,,, , -'4 ca-hee.e.e.e., -c."'.44,-cm.., 4.7,-( " . blZ4i4".44;CX,&-• F' ad/... 04.....4„,-.„,--,- ,-,4-,...-2'4 v-- e- 4,-,--;" 47. ZE.e.ic/ cr-e-coG 14 P-Az-c-,z4;-&, 1'7'Z. 412/171-74-ea-v me.e..•',,,,, ' ,,,„6 a,,,,,:e, &,-,,,y-i,.z.e,e, e.-F-Z.- ex.a.,e;a • 24 I4 - , , -, -'---j.. 7 .r171€4.1,1.; &te,e, a-n-46 044/14;vete N.7Zril l‘Xe....Ae_dr/L-Va, -. , / % 7 ide. a..14;:,- tP-htia/ ..a,It' :-.f-v-;PR9)eczele - Aey, A.2 4..F.'6), - .,,, ,i22-,41., ;/.1, / , . soIX Wee,...44,94.7e07 -,ae...,,,..41/ 7 , - ,a>9x-5- r e a f,Y),2 f?r -,,e4c.zi 44W 164.7411 (:frikei.Z./Zle.Ød 2 . 4 38--0,wifp4, -e7/2/4...,z2hveg/,§f-2-4-r2Z. Z37-077-71,itlgr %. -ycz,”di-e-r-e.er,”-47,- 1 / , i'k"--411-frrifiedi#4z. a /7 i„eicre.,254-€4.4z.P f 24(464,..e7.A 241F 07.1. ..t-s-,Ai ''7--5 C----)4;;.,,, e he..o. j)9.-.... Xo-le if J se 'Ca:c9"..5,4 10 qz "b.G5:7 it r*•#Z..,,,yr 2 4, = Zfetz4...- ,,tr/O *- dziacte 460,..,6,. :,:,, 41- 4,- .:#,444, "Jae //, it/s.,:z4- , a24‘e_id, :, • i T . l_ ,., 38 e* 4i 4‘4/Zed GrrAtee irrou•tedfri:1-._ ce ,4. -th A(44,I/Ay%/lo 05-.5-.ay , /4, �,�7? " ` owes , (1,01` CSS Z-d'?/ lg 3. �/// „ ect4t , , S '0. 00 „ Co°-..„, 64.4. 4L 3 •0 0 ,. 771r�G1 00��n01..y1,,� , 96 . 00 apht a1,o,v if)adeay_(... ue 50 .0 0 t.44o�, Rt9,`-H., qi. 00 ,. `/J .... .,`, afa 2 00. 0 0 ., 44e0eo�� Capel a.cd aged 3 5 0,o o yg / 5 S, -o, 4‘er...e AiFi+ y-rmn ed SiS c.L5.00 • n e „ J7C / 5 00 a , ., .�ieeaa.,C. 5. 00 Z,.,,.: c.-r,.,C 60400 ` / /0-• 00 a,,;t cr C4wda, A/LQ.l.✓G 4,42,4,;,,„ / /54 0 .,,o0 X06,4 aeee<ti ed1� p ,d /4.terse V 4eoxa e a-nd ,cLcosxG 7'Z' 4y ,taed t "441,41 1v 4, 4.eaC ;1/76_79'0, 00, ,of mei/teyu.r.. a./u.-t la-4,a- • 7fr 01 "-iv Z-4, a#4,-. orcrd ale/or/As , e/owty 0 7ir-- ef ... 8` eea __4 /0oo 6 2 5_P,9 • �oncte 9 3 2/ 0 2 44d,-•••.72.- • � q�aavz. 4 i'�ioo 5 2 0. (i 3 LY44 t,Weal_ / / / 14 3 . ,I- ' 07.7-z �0,.0,; •072/.e�w oe e./L ascrG e24.- X1tr/ ��'tG 4 6umcYited ./.; G�le.A.teJd��."4 o.✓ a4,47416.-e.4 ccaeoS.•Z d %CV- / ,i4 l , a/20 ins e/ n" : d ,t4iLce 4., ' 1:er., x� ad�va.ss21.-G4 _ .. 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LI i u c� -1-d ; &A,ed, X797(efrA,2-- c'e- Or • di /. , ' ,-"--- „,„,e. /jam // 7s /�/) _L--* .-- 4- .. . r 10 a, 2-1 6717.; 1 • ' 2tov&ee 74:6 leA.e/ c ' : 1 • el:6,0 . f 11(4 7 e/1 'i. A , . zer:a Q -/-y aw_l_e I • ..‘ 4672 P719 4 i . l..7/2?^/-1 V 179 0 40 / / k /,-,/', (3a-atelae9e, • - i , • @it, . 1 X a f • .a.e4 • AIX ‘l, • I• el-- / 1,,f;Lie,in ce-4-I i lio-r'-- 4 I . , / "bwe -ey _ iateute_e /i • ea,v/re e, 1 . ,, , , //- ih-r- ./ / r / , • . ' II 2ttc,6 am/0e gn0 ,e Kizerniev , - ' i • ~e)-.)1,0 ' . , , . //Oef , , 1 . 1 , • .291-• '' , 7491,o . - 1 • - , , al?_ee- -(.9-e_-/ ,e,-frt, - i •.- v'ivytoo A-7/ fe.e-yrieze , , .48-pt, Linda. Q5--( e-/tu-i, / , Tebtr7/0-0)Vey/Ife 0e7- 1-frte. e-Ux; k' • ....,. . . I ale .0ezA711:d z /1,e•/ /, 4y4 (iite-re,ei ca A . • 1!Le/ _- ' 9, .76 # a i ,, I'., -• i . . , .•