HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell Council Minutes 1980 PORT BURWiLL VILLAGE Council Minutes '1111P1 , 1„ P vg 1980 MD REGULAR COU1'CIL MEETING JANUARY 14, 1980. The Regular Meeting of the Port Burwell Council was held ih the Municipal Office on Monday, Jan. 14, 1980, at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, Councillors: V. Hates, H. Alward,. J. Smyth, G. Loucks Visitors: Roy Sanger, Till9sonburg News; Frank Stephenson Absent: The Clerk Items from the Minutes were recorded •by Councillor 'Bates, for the Clerk to type. 3 APPROVAL OF MINUTED AND ACCOUNTS; BUILDING PERMITS: Motion y1: t„oved by V. sates, seconded by J. Smyth, that the fol- lowing Minutes of Meetings be approved: 27th Regular Council Meeting held Nov: 12, 1979 . . 28th Special Meeting field Dec. 3,, 1979 29th Spegial Meeting held Dec. 10, 1979 let Special Meeting held Jan. 3, 1980. CCAARRRIIED. Motion #2: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by Gordon Loucks, that the following Accounts be approved for payment: 1_979 - On Voucher #12: Pages 1 and 2 - General Accounts from 1 to 42 Pages 3 and 4 - Payroll from 1 to 43 (Payroll to end 1979) Canada Works - from 1 to 3. 1900 - On Vouchers d1: General Accts. from 1 to 20;. Payroll from 1 to 4. Canada Works - 1. CARRIED. Permits: 1 permit in the month of Nov. value - $1000. no building permits were issued in the month of Dec. 1979. 2 Demolition permits were issued in the month of-Tin. 1•j80. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES: Street Closi : A letter was received from "the Canadian Imperial nDank of Commerce, with an offer to purchase of $15,000. for the Robinson Street lot. A bank cheque for $1000. was enclosed as a deposit. A letter from Louis 'Toth requested assurance of access to his Hardware Store. Council granted Mr. Toth's request, as there were no objections to the Wellington Street closing. BY-LAW #330' Moved by J. Smyth, seconded by V. Bates, that leave be granted to introduce By-Law #330, to rescind By-Law 07 and to FIX THE MEMBERS OF COUNCIL'S RATE OF PAY; Effective Jan. 1, 1980, to include Regular and Special Council Meetings: Reeve; $50. per meeting Councillors: $35. per meeting the rates shall be paid for attendance at out-of-town meetings, plus receipted expenses. Mileage allowance • to remain at .200 per mile. One-third of such payments are deemed to be for expenses. By-Law read a first, second and third time and passed. CARRIED. _LNER S: F. Stephenson stated that he is not entering an objec- tion to sewers, but would lice guarantee that rates will 11/11 remain the same, as there was nothing concrete to go on in the advertisement. Council felt some sort of assurance should be given in writing by the Ministry of Environment. ' A letter received from David Stock will be referred to the Ministry, as it was received after the deadline. Mrs. H. 'Wolfe has unconditionally withdrawn her objec- tion. Mrs. Culbert verbally agreed to do so. Mr. Farlow requested availability of his connection to the sewer system. He will not unconditionally withdraw by signing the form, out will send a letter. There was no change from original views when B. Foote, M. Bartolocci and S. Brown were contacted. . • — 2 — JOD REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 14, 1980. SEWERS (cont'd) Clerk G. Poster is to be asked to call M. Latta to try to arrance a 9.a.m. Meeting to make it pos— sible for more of Council to attend. GAYED PROPERTY: Council agreed that a letter should be sent to lawyer Hanselman9to seek clarification as to the Village's concern in the problem. 111/ LIBRARY, O.P.P. ROOF — TABLED until April 1st, for warmer wea— ther, for a better job to be done. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: Reeve: The Reeve requested that the Harbour Committee receive remuneration for incurred expenses. Motion. #3: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by J. 'Smyth, that the Harbour Committee be authorized by Council to prepare. signs, letters and to,meepostage-costs and otqer incidentals relating to the Port Burwell Harbour and that costs of same be paid by the Village Clerk—Treas. ; said costs not to exceed $200. CARRIED. Road Supt's Report: The Annual Petition for Subsidy for 1979 amounting to $50,555.70, was made under the past resolution of Council, which was for the 2 year term of the present Council. The December 31, 1979-, year— end Road Report was signed. The 1979 approval letter for the Erieus Street Drain at 100,t subsidy and the Strachan Street Drain at 504- Subsidy was read. Since both 'drains exceeded 1979 estimates, balances sill be approved in the 1980 budget, bye the Ministry of Trans— portation and Communications. O.H.it.P. Mfrs. Ada Irvine's O.H.R.P. loan 'for $3, 589.00, being an all forgivable loan, was discussed, as she has sold her property to her son for 31.00. Council approved hiring a lawyer to collect the above amount. It was mentioned that Mrs. Irvine's lawyer is believed to be Mr. Farlow, therefore, Council agreed to use the services of another lawyer, possibly Mr. Linton. HARBOUR DEVELOPMENT: Outstanding accounts were tabled. BY—LAW #331:Moved by Gordon LoucKS, seconded by J. Smyth, that leave be granted to introduce By—Law #331, being a By—Law to provide for confirmation of the resolved establishment of the Harbour Development Committee as an appointed sub—committeeof Council; and to authorize the Reeve and the Clerk to execute the Harbour Committee Guidelines to form a part of this By—Law. (ATTACHED TO THE MINUTES). BY—LAN READ A FIRST, SECOND ALD THIRD TIME` PAASSE . 4. CANADA' WORKS: Two cheques,closing out the 1979 program, are forthcoming. • FIRE HALL: Councillor Loucks was asked to remind the Fire Chief to start work on 'the 1980 budget. A report was made thatanother fire hydrant had been turned on by unau— thorized personnel; G. Loucks is to report this to 11111 the -Fire Chief and state that this is a violation. RECREATIONAL BOAR : Loucks was requested' uudgetto remisdonhe commit— tee o start ontheir 1980 PLANNING BOARD: budgeThe taestimate, have carriast Elgin Planning ed roverlto80 their over r $3000. deposit. • • — 3 — . AMD REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: JANUARY 14, 1980. CU .. ..SPO?3DENCE: Natural Resources Gas Ltd: A letter received requested a delin— quent gas bill be applied to taxes on the R. VanAcker property. The company also requested a meeting with Council. The Reeve suggested Jan. 22, 19dO at 7:30 p.m. for d possible meeting date. 1111 City of Barrie: An endorsement request was tabled, to next meeting. in County Plowma 's Association: Council to send a letter in support of the Association in their bid for the 1985 'Match. McMurry Planning Associates Ltd. : A letter received, was TABLED to a meeting to review the Housing Study. • :,evergrl other-letters were discussed and filed. OTHHH BUSINESS: A contact will be made for someone to look after the Clerk's office from Jan. 28th until a new clerk is chosen. ADJOURNMENT: Motion #4: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by J. Smyth, that this Regular Meeting of Council be adjourned until the next meeting, unless a- special meeting is called in • the meantime. TIME: 10:55 p.m. CARRIED. RECORDER OF THE6104-- �I 'T S — V. Bates .1- CLERK. Ill.a� .6 REEVE • By-LAW # 331 CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF wig VILLAGE CF PORT BURWELL ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, RESOLUTION #6 of the 4th Regular Meeting of Council on February 6, 1978, provided for the appointment of a Harbour Commission as set out, with members designated on that date; AND WHEREAS, members of Council and Committees are prone to change from time to time; AND WHEREAS; the Council makes provision' for-the fondling members of the HARBOUR COMMITTEE to consist of: REEVE EX-OFFICIO : During term of office ONE COUNCILLOR: During term of office FIVE MEMBERS: From the Public Ratepayers AIS WHEREAS, GUIDELINES as attached to this BY-LAW #331 are mandatory to provide for Rules and Regulations to assist the Harbour Commission in their duties; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell hereby authorizes the Reeve and the Clerk to execute the aforesaid Guidelines to form a part of this By-Law #331 which fully confirms the resolved estab- lishment of the Harbour Development Committee as-an appointed sub-committee of Council. BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME: BY-LAW PASSEL, ENGROSSED BY THE CLUE, SIGNED AND SEALED BY THE REEVE, THIS /1/ DAY OF /1/,? . v Cleric gV/ � -• y • CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL HARBOUR COMMITTEE GUIDELINES 0 I. Regular Meetings of the Harbour Committee will be held each month, with all seven members present. (Reeve, Ex—Officio, one Councillor, 5 Members) 1. A quorum shall consist of four members, one of whom must be a mem— ber of Council. 2. The Agenda for the meeting will b6 in each member's hands, one week prior to the meeting. 3. Each item on the Agenda shall be fully discussed and resolved, if possible. If not, the item will be tabled for the next meeting and brought up at each successive meeting, until such tine as a decision, has been reached. 4. Any member who is required to make a report to the Committee, who finds he cannot attend the meeting, shall either ask for a postpone— ment of the meeting, or, present a written report to the Chairman, prior to the meeting, in order that it may be read. 5. The Harbour Committee shall present to the Council, a copy of the Minutes, containing all decisions and suggestions made in business of the meetings. II. The Harbour Committee shall assist, whenever required, in dredging opera— tions and Harbour Development. 1. The Committee shall accept the physical, but not the financial res— ponsibility of the dredge and work boat, keeping Council aware of all related requirements. 2. No debt or obligation shall be incurred by the Harbour Committee and no payments shall be made by or on behalf of the Committee, unless duly authorized by resolution of Council. 3. The Harbour Committee may solicit, or assist Council in obtaining funding for ongoing dredging and Harbour maintenance. The Committee may receive gifts, or bequests, on behalf of the Village, to be applied to the furtherance of harbour development. III. The Harbour Committee shall watch over all harbour activity and advise Council of any problems that arise, giving sucdestions as to any required action. 1. The Committee shall assist the Wharfirger in the pursuit of his duties. 2. The Committee shall keep in close contact with the Fishermen to ensure that any problems that they have to be discussed, are, if not resolved, at least brought to Council's attention. IV. The Harbour Committee shall actively support and promote harbour activities, working in conjunction with the Recreational Boazd,when so required. V. The Harbour Committee shall foster and gather as much information as pos— sible, to promote any harbour—related commercial or recreational enterprise, thus acting as a minor type of "Chamber of Comerce", for the Village. VI. In carrying out their duties, the Harbour Committee shall, at all times, be tre agent of the Municipal Corporation and while acting on the Committee, no member shall incur any liability by reason of anything dons or left undone by the Committee. DATED AT THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL THIS ! DAY OF - 19_'. ✓, / `2� • ` . • �d/ /� HARBOZJR COMQa:T z CHA:RMlAN 'MEW — *Lux OF PORT BURWELL CLERK—TREASURER — VI;dAGS OF PORT BURWELL 1ST 3FECIAL COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 3, 1980. A Special Meeting of Council was held on Thursday, January 3, 1980, at 4:00 p.m., in the Municipal Office. Pte: Reeve R. Bradfield Councillors: V. Batas, H. Alward, J. Smyth, G. Loucks The Clerk: G. Foster 1ERS: Eight letters were received concerning the proposed Sewer 111 Construction, as advertised in the Tillsonburg News, with a deadline date of December 26, )1979, for the receipt of letters of objection. The following letters were reviewed: 2 permanent residents objected to water rates - not sewers 2 permanent residents opposed to sewer costs 1 permanent resident with a grudge over a.gravel matter 1 cottager discontented with the line of service for sewers . 2 cottagers opposed to sewer costs. Council will.deal with the above complaints personally, to answer questions and try to resolve the problems, with a view to unconditional withdrawal of their objections, as follows: H. Wolfe - Reeve - by letter - letter received/withdrawn. R. Farlow - Reeve - by letter F. Stephenson - H. Alward - by personal contact H. Brown - J. Smyth - by personal contact B. Foote and A. Bartolocci - V. Bates by personal contact H. Culbert and E. Gallagher - The Clerk - by letter. WATER RATES: Mr. Highham of the Ministry of Environment will be asked to arrange a meeting with Council to review water rates. The Clerk retired from the meeting at 5:10 p.m. • ION•#1: Moved by Jack Smyth, seconded by Gordon Loucks, that Council accept the resignation of Gwen Foster from the Clerk-Treasurer position; termination of employment to be effective on Jan. 26, 1980, as quoted in the letter from Gwen Foster. CARRIED. MOTIQN #2: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by Vera Bates, that the Village Council advertise for a Clerk-Treasurer and Tax Collector, for the Village using a quarter page ad in the Municipal World, one insertion; and two insertions in the Tillsonburg News and two insertions of the same ad in the St. Thomas Times-Journal of suitable display size. Applications to be in the hands of the Reeve by January 31, 1980. CARRIED. MOTION #3: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by Jack Smyth, that this Special Meeting of Council be adjourned. Time: 5:30 p.m. CARRIED. (11(241# a t MI) SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 22, 1980a A Special Meeting of the Port Burwell Council, was held in the Municipal Office on Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m., January 22, 1980. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield Councillors: V. dates, J. Smyth, H.O. Alward The Clerk. Absent: G. Loucks. Visitors: Mr. Bill Blake, General Manager, Natural Resources Gas Limited. Ms. Terry Farmer, Solicitor • • Mr. Blake stated that the Solicitor for the Company, T. Farmer, had prepared a draft franchaise agreement for Council's perusal. ' If Council has no objections to the Lording therein, a resolution from Council would be, necessary, prior to the holding of. a Public Meeting, through the Ontario Energy Board, to review the agree- ment. If approved, the Council will then be asked to pass a By= Law to authorize said agreement between the Village and the Com- pany. Mr. Blake outlined the Natural Resources Gas Limited's plans to upgrade Port Burwell's present gas lines, putting them on a "pound" system, rather than the present "ounces of pressure" system. He further answered Council's questions regarding financial costs and/or proposed increases to Villagers using the system and present costs in comparison with the Union Gas Company. Mr. Blake stated that their Gas is now being secured from Consumer's Gas Company, at a better rate than previously; that unfortunately, their pur- chase price of gas is higher than Union Gas .Company's, which does place their monthly rates at a 254 higher level, but that his Company would endeavour to keep costs down. Their aim is to imme- diately improve the poor image inherited from the former Medina Gas Company and to start afresh. Ms. Farmer reviewed the wording in the agreement, with Council, explaining further questions as they arose. MOTION #1: Moved by Vera Bates, seconded by J. Smyth, be it resolved; 1. That this Council approves the form of draft By-Law (including the franchise agreement forming part thereof) attached hereto and authorizes the submis- sion thereof to the Ontario Energy Board for approval to the provisions of Section 9 of the Municipal Franchises Act. 2. That this Council request the Ontario Energy Board to make an order dispensing with the assent of the attached draft By-Law (including the franchise agreement forming part therof) pursuant to the pro- • visions of Section 9 (4) of the Municipal Franchises Act. CARRIED. SPECIAL MEETING: A meeting is called for January 29, 1980, at 10:00 a.m. in the Municipal Office, to meet with • Mr. Mike Latta/Sewers and Mr. Keith Davidson/'Nater, of the Toronto Ministry of the Environment Office. Lighthouse Pins: Costs for purchase of additional pins, were discussed. There are nine of the original 1.00 pins left. MOTION #2: Moved by- Vera Bates, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that this Special Meeting of Council be adjourned. io n i CARRIED.. • r ' /) • 4TH SPECIAL WATER/SEWER MEETING JANUARY 29, 1980. • A Special Meeting was held with Ministry of the Environment Officials to discuss Water Rates and Sewage Construction, on Tuesday, January 29, 1980, at 10:a.m., in the Municipal Office. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield Councillors: V. Bakes, H. Alward, J. Smyth, G. Loucks. Ministry of the Environment - Toronto:- M. Latta, K3 Davidson 0London :- M. Auger. Also Present: G. Foster. WATER RATES: Water Rates were reviewed as-?per attached schedule to the min- utes. The Ministry must recover $31,139.00 in 1980/81 Estimated Village Costs - 2,552.00 !ai55? o0 The Port Burwell P.U.C. presently bills the water for the Vil- lage, charging a fee per flat rate and per metered bill. ' • O.M.B. approved the Water`Supply System on June 25, 1969. O.M.B. (#66920) approved the Water Billing By-Law #259 on Jan. 12, 1962. Water By-Law #259, dated November 11, 1971 was for rates of $78. per year or $6.50 per month, Domestic and $84. per year or $7.00 per month Commercial. The present new rates have not received Ontario Municipal Board approval, nor have any amendments to the original By-Law #259, which was passed under the WAL•hkt RESOURCES ACT. The Water Resources Act requires 0.M.B. approval for every amendment or any increase • in costs. An alternative is to pass water By-Laws under the authority of the PUBLIC UTILITIES ACT, which does not require 0.M.B. approval. This Act permits either the Corporation or the P.U.C. to implement water rate increases. Mr. Davidson then advised Council to review and rescind conflic- ting Water Rate By-Laws, setting up a new By-Law under the P.U.C. Act, as follows: 1. Rescind By-Law #259. 2. Amend By-Law #260 passed Nov. 11, 1971, by deleting clause 39 (a); add the Water Rates that the Corporation intends to establish as the true rates. {-.-,ofd 3. By-Law #296 amends Schedule "A" to 0259 and #260 and must be rescinded, as well as By-Law #329, as they are not "legal". 4. Council may amend #260, either by By-Law or Resolution, unless the responsibility has been delegated to the P.U.C., by the Council. 5. Set up a new Water Rate By-Law under the P.U.C. Act for either the P.U.C. or the Council to pass, whichever assumes this responsibility. 6. When the Water By-Laws are passed, Council is advised to for- ward certified copies to Mr. Keith Davidson, who will make the submission to the Ontario Municipal Board, on behalf of the Village. 7. New rates may be established to recover the necessary monies, as follows: Domestic users - 230 residents Commercial users- 23 plus 11 metered cottages and pools - 34. - Suggested $13.50 for 230 Domestic users III $12.30 or $12.50 for 34 metered users. - Suggested Cottagers pay year around rate, deleting the $50. Turn on Charge, allowing for one free turn-on and turn-off annually. S?W: : Mr. Latta confirmed that tr.e water rates definitely affect the per- centage rate of tne sewer surchalke, but that in no case would the sewer surcharge exceed $141.18. f Je 4TH SPECIAL WATER/SEWER MEETING JANUARY 29, 1980. SEWER✓ (continued) Sewer Objection letters were reviewed. These should be for- warded to Mr. Latta, as soon as finalized by the Clerk. The importance of the Clerk's certification of same and follow-up re the legal aspects of the certification should a Public Meeting be held, were emphasized by Ministry officials. A reply to the letter from David Stock, Q.C., was dictated by Mr. Latta, for the Village to send,regarding his concerns re the Breakwater abutting properties, and sewer services for same. Sewer Frontage and Connections Prepayments were discussed. It was suggested that a letter go to all residents re these pay- ments, along with the tax notices in June 1980, giving notice olLa January 31, .1981 deadline date for prepayments. Messrs. Davidson and Latta left the meeting at 12:35 p.m. to attend a meeting in London. THE COUNCIL RE-CONVENED: MOTION #1: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by Jack Smyth, that Motion #2 of the January 22, 1980 Special Meeting, be rescinded. That the Village Council appoint Mrs. Gwen Foster as Acting Clerk of the Village, at the same salary and benefits and be in the office • at her convenience. Duties to be relinquished at pleasure of Council after a new Clerk is appointed to the position. The Clerk has agreed to the above conditions. CARRIED. MOTION #2: Moved by Gordon Loucks, seconded by Jack Smyth, that this Special Council Meeting be adjourned at 1:15 p.m. CARRIED. NEXT COIN CIL MEETING: Monday, February 4th, 7:30 p.m. 44'1114 COUNCIL PLEASE NOTE: After adjournment, a telephone call was received from Mr. Davidson, stating their wholesale rate per metered customer is $2.57 (which is the .78¢ and $1.7935 together)4 10% Administration costs, therefore Council must charge the rate of $2.82 per 1000 gallons to the 34 metered customers, in order to recover suffi.. cient funds. 111/111 . PORT BURWELL AND ELGIN AREA SECONDARi WATER WORKS SYSTEM PROJECT NO. 5-0013-66 AND 5-0087-68 { SUMMARY OF MOE SERVICE BILLINGS 1975/76 1976/77 1977/78 1978/79 1979/84 /9/:/.47 /.._ $ $ $ $ $ PORT BURWELL CONTRIBUTES TO: ' /,t,/Avd.u. 1. Elgin Area Water Works System (Primar ) 4,778 3,896 4,873 5,960 9,500 ;X,7y4 _ /'a0,14,4..7 * f-Oe d , 9 9 F_l9.eo 2. Elgin Area Sec,. #2 Water Works System (Pipeline) (S"-°4•0A�cd) / . 793y 17,429 13, 189 16,498 17,648 21,000 `t �•� rr��ui 22,207 17,085 21 ,371 23,608 30,500 _/ 70/,•0 3. Port Burwell Distribution System - i , 3 -,t F & C Charges (c.+nR‘E - NIL- 19, 129 28,972 18,966 10,429 10,398 p R AT Ec.T IT b-e ,3 GRAND TOTAL 41 ,336 46,057 40,337 34,037 40,898 ______ *BASED ON INTERIM SERVICE RATE OF 78t PER 1 ,000 GALLONS .1111w- 5TH SPECIAL COUNCIL MELTING FEBRUARY 4, 1980. A Special Meeting of Council was held at 7:30 p.m. , on Monday, February 4, 1980, in the Municipal Office. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield Councillors: V. Bates, H. 0. Alward, G. Loucks, J. Smyth 410 Council reviewed the 21 applications for Clerk—Treasurer received. Seven were chosen to be interviewed at a meeting to be held on Saturday, Feb.- 9, 1980, at 9:O)a.m. DY—LAW # 3g9: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by V. Bates, that leave be granted to introduce B—LL *30, being a By—law to close, stop— , up and sell that portion of Wellington Street immediately West of Robinson Street. • _(The first Resolution by By—Law, having been given second reading on November 12, 1979; is now "voided" by means of new wording, as in this Resolution to be given three readings.) By—Law *3 read a first, second and third time, passed, engrossed-by the Clerk and signed and sealed by the Reeve. CARRIED. DRAFT BY—LAW FOR WATCH RATES: The Clerk had prepared copies of a draft By—LAW for Council to study in preparation for enactment at the Regular Council Meeting on February 11, 1960. MOTION #1: Moved by H.O. Alward, seconded by G. Loucks, that this Special Council Meeting be adjourned at 8:35 p.a. CARRIED. \,&aldk1161 6TH SPECIAL COUNCIL MELTING FEBRUARY 9, 1980. A Special Meeting of the Port Burwell Council was called to interview the applicants for the position of Clerk—Treasurer. Two of the seven had with— drawn their applications. Interviews commenced at 9.00 a.m. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield Councillors: V. Bates, J. Smyth, G. Loucks, H.O. Alward. Applicants: L. Smith, B. LaCroix, A. Habl, J. Francis, D. Hanson. MOTION #1: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by H.O. Alward, that Robert G. LaCroix of St. Thomas be engaged as Clerk—Treasurer and Tax Collector at a salary of $10,400. per year with the understanding that after 3 ' months of satisfactory service, a raise in salary be considered by Council. Duties to commence as soon as possible. CARRIED. MOTION #2: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by J. Smyth, that this Special Meeting of Council be adjourned. TIME: 12i30 p.m. CARRIED. 2000-4 7TH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUAR7 11. 1980 MINUTES of a regular council meeting held in the municipal office, Port Burwell at 7:30 PM on Monday 11 Feb 1980: PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve Vera Bates - Councillor Harry Alward - Councillor Jack Smyth 2 Councillor 1111/ Gord Loucks - Councillor VISITORS: Roy Sanger, Tillsonburg News; Bob LaCroix 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACCOUNTS (a) Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT the following minutes of meetings be approved: 2nd regular council meeting held Jan. 14, 1980 • 3rd special council meeting held Jan. 22, 1980 4th special council meeting held Jan. 29, 1980 5th special council meeting held Feb. 3, 1980 6th special council meeting held Feb. 9, 1980 Carried (b) Moved H. Alward, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT the following accounts be approved for payment: Voucher #2 - general accounts from 1 to 31 payroll accounts from 1 to 12 Carried BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES: (a) Sewers Certification - The clerks certifications for sewer objections are ready to mail. (b) Water Rates - By-Law #333 - There was considerable discussion on the draft of the water rates by-law - #333. This matter was deferred until the next meeting. (c) Gayed - Correspondence from Hanselman - A letter from J.R. Hanselman was read. It was reported in answer to his questions that Beach Street was a given road never closed or opened, Beach Street was a village maintained R.O.W. (d) Library Roof - A tender received from Vienna Building Supplies was discussed briefly. This matter was deferred until April. (e) Crothers Correspondence - Council remained firm on their former opinion an this matter. J. REPORTS OF C@MQTTEES: (a) Reeve's Report - It was reported by Reeve R. Bradfield that both himself and Councillor Gord Loucks would be attending the Goods Roads Convention. - The Reeve requested Council's permission for John Walker and himself to make a trip to Ottawa to solicit government help for dredging. There were no objections. (b) Roads Superintendent's Report - It was reported by H. Alward that Ken would be taking down the Taw: Hall tower, completely. - It was reported that complaints had been received regarding cars parking too close to the corner on Robinson St., at Cookson's corner and the Hotel corner. - Leter was read regarding Sterling Fuels price increase. - The public works foreman is cutting and trimming trees with TUC's help. - Reported that Danny Smith requested a street light in front of his Addison Street property. Council agreed after a discussion and it was: Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: THAT a new pole and hydro light be installed on the corner of Addison and Southey Streets. Ca ed. RM 11 Feb 8O - — 2 . — (b) continued: — Cord Loucks reported on the East Beach Bath House, this matter was referred to the Recreation Board. — There was a discussion regarding the sewage problem of Mrs. Jean Vise. After the discussion it was: Moved G. Loucks, Seconded 4. Smyth: III THAT a letter be sent to the St. Thomas Flgin Health Unit advising them of the problem on Mrs. Jean Vise's property located opposite Cenotaph Park, concerning a faulty septic tank system. That we request a reply as to what may be done and how soon. Carried. (c) O.H.R.P. — Letter was read from J. Farlow regarding the O.H.R.P. loan to Mrs. Ada Irvine. Mr. Farlow explained that his advises to Mrs. Irvine was to pay the loan off. Mr. Farlow stated that he would be writing to Mrs. Irvine and the contents of his letter to her could be pretty well imagined. d Fire Hall — nil e Recreation Board — nil ' f Planning Board — nil 3. BY—LAW # 332: Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: THAT leave be granted to introduce By-Law #332, being a by—law to engage Mr. Robert G. LaCroix as Clerk-Treasurer and Tax Collector for the Village . of Port Burwell, commencing duties an Feb. 13, 1980. Starting rate of pay 210,4.00. per year with the understanding that after three months of satisfactory service, a raise in salary will be considered by Council. By—Law 0532 was read a first, second and third time and passed. Carried. 4. CORRESPONDENCE: (a) City of Barrie requested our endorsement, filed. (b) A copy of John Walkers letter on availability of sand, which had been sent out, was received. (c) Letter from Township of Brock regarding the metric system was deferred until the next meeting. (d) Letter from Village of Madoc regarding interest rates was filed. (e) Reply was received from Mr. George P. Johnson, Colonel, Corps of Engineers, Buffalo New York, regarding letter sent out by Mr. Walker re availability of sand. (f) Letter read from Small Crafts Harbour regarding deliquent account in the amount of $4,200. requesting payment was deferred until the next meeting. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Moved V. Bates, Seconded H. Alward: THAT this regular meeting of council be adjourned until the next regular council meeting unless a specal'meeting of council is called. Carried. IlkThere being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 PM. Robert GCi'oix APPROVED: Ron eld CLERK REEVE VILLAS OF PORT BURWELL 2000-4 8TH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 10 1•.0 MINUTES of a regular meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell, at 7:30 PM on Monday 10 Mar 60, PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve Vera Bates - Councillor Harry Alward - Councillor Jack Smyth - Councillor Gold Loucks - Councillor R. LaCroix - Clerk VISITOR: Roy Sanger, Tillsonburg News 1. PREVIOUS MINUTES Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT minutes of the Regular Meeting 11 Feb 80 be adopted as read. Carried BUSINESS ARISING CUT OF THE MINUTES - V. Bates expressed her concern about the cars parking too close to the corner on Robinson St., at Wellington and Robinson Streets. After some discussion it was: Moved V. Bates, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT a sign be posted on Robinson Street directly south of Wellington restricting parking to twenty feet from the corner of Robinson and Wellington Streets, on the east side. Carried. 3. DEPUTATIONS AND PETITIONS (a) Ken Reid - After enquiring if the dredge would be run this year and if he could work an it, it was resolved that he would be contacted if we ran the dredge this summer. (b) Don Axford - Mr. Axford raised a complaint about the water rates in regards to a bill he received and an article read by himself in a newspaper. Reeve Ron Bradfield explained to him that what the newspapers printed was out of the town control. Mr. Bradfield went further to explain that the rates are under review, but at the time of Mr. Axfords complaint they were unchanged. 4. READING/CONSIDERING COMMUNICATIONS (a) Moved J. Smyth, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT we support the resolution of the City of Toronto requesting Quebec to remain in Canada. Carried. (b) Report on Child Foster Care from the AMO/ACRO Sub-Committee on Children's Services was given to council for their information. (c) Employment and Immigration Canada announcement of 1980 Sumner Youth Employment Program was deferred to the next meeting. (d) Ministry of Culture and Recreation announcement of Experience '80 Program was deferred to the next meeting. (e) Council was advised that Robert LaCroix was added to the Corporations' blanket bong. (f) Moved V. Bates, Seconded H. Alward: THAT we support the resolution of the Regional Municipality of 11111 Ottawa/Carlton regarding Public Education of symbolic traffic signs. Carried. (g) Council was informed that Sterling Fuels has increased their price of product 04 to a delivered price of 64.100. (h) Council was informed of a letter sent by Mr. Timiico to the Ontario Municipal Board advising the O.M.B. that the Village did advertise the sewer project and that we received eight objections, some of jrhich were subsequently withdrawn. (i) Council was informed of Land Division Application 0 E 45/80 regarding severance of property arced by Mr. Anthony Murphy in trust', there were no objections from the council. (j) Moved J. Smyth, Seconded H. Alward: • - 2 - RM 10 MAR 80 (j) Moved J. Smyth, Seconded H. Alward: THAT we support the resolution of the City of Woodstock dated 21 Feb 80 requesting return of sales tax on Environmental Protection Equipment. Carried. (k) Council was informed that a letter was received from Amtelecom advising us that we will receive $3,121.41 for tax liability. (1) Letter from Ministry of Agriculture and Food enquiring if we have appointed a weed inspector for 1980 was deferred. (m) Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Allard: THAT we support the resolution of the Township of Bayham dated 6 Feb 80 regarding the County of Elgin Road No. 38 and Region of Haldimand-Norfolk Road No. 38 being designated as a Heritage Road. Carried. • • (n) Council was informed that we have received the revised Flood Warning List from the Long Point:Conservation Authority. (o) The council was informed that they were cordially invited to attend the unveiling of a Commemorative Plaque in honour of Lee and Marie Bram. H. Alward stated he may attend on behalf of the Village. (p) Council was informed of a series of 'AMC Reports' received by the clerk for them to look at if interested. (q) Ministry of Transportation and Communications enquired if we would like to have our connecting link line painted this year, and it was: Moved H. Alward, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT we advise the Ministry of Transportation and Communications that we wish to have our connecting link painted this year. Carried. (r) Council was asked if anyone was interested in attending the Second Annual Small Town Parks Maintenance and Operations Course in Ridgetown, nobody was interested in attending. 5. PASSING ACCOUNTS Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT the following voucher #3 is approved for payment, deleting item 26 being the payment due to the Municipal World Magazine: General $ 31,368.77 Payroll $ 1.689.44 Total $ 33,058.21 Carried Note: V. Bates was not satisfied with the $165 owed to Municipal World Magazine, and so payment was deferred until the matter was looked into further. Payments for the radio licenses were deferred until further consideration, but they were approved for payment. 6. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND CC,l ITTEFS (a) Reeve's Report - Reeve Icon Bradfield informed the council of the proceedings of a meeting held by the harbour committee. - An offer from George Tackaberry of Tackaberry Turf N 11111 Tree Limited was discussed regarding tree stump removals and after the discussion it was: Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT we engage Mr. Tackaberry from Tackaberry Turf N Tree Limited to remove old stumps on town property for $21 per stump. Roads Department Foreman Ken Kirkpatrick is to be available to supervise Mr. Tackaberry. Carried. — 3 - RM 10 MAR 80 - The Reeve enquired if the council would like to re-insert an ad in the Southwestern Association Travelling brochure, and after discussion it was: Moved G. Loucks, Seconded V. Bates: THAT we re-insert an ad in the Southwestern Ontario Travel Association brochure similar to last years andoincorporating the fact we have a Provincial Park. Carried. 111 b Roads Superintendent's Report - nil c Special Committees: OHRP - nil d Fire Hall - nil e Recreational Board - G. Loucks explained that the recreational board is planning work on the ball park regarding the walk ways, and the Vienna Lions' Club is thinking about another ' U-Build-A-Ride ' scheme for the park. G. Loucks also stated that the board may look into purchasing a new bun-warmer for the food stand. (f) Planning Board - V. Bates informed the council of the new levy from the East Elgin Planning Board applicable to Port Burwell, and after the discussion it was resolved that V. Bates try to lower the set zoning levy from $750 tc $500. - V. Bates stated that she wished to be removed from the Recreational Board, the matter will be looked into to see if we need another replacement should she decide to leave. (g) Canine control report was read to the council by the clerk. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Items tabled previously) Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: • THAT we support the resolution of the Township of Brock dated 26 Nov 79 regarding the recommendation to the Federal Government that they defer any further implementations of the metric system. Carried. (b) Council was brought up to date regarding the OHRP loan of Ada Irvine. The clerk was instructed to try to speak to Mr. Irvine with regards to his mothers problem. (c) Council was informed that we have received nothing pertaining to the Crothers correspondence. 8. NEW BUSINESS (a) Moved H. Alward, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT the program of proposed expenditures for highway improvements for the year 1980 be adopted as follows: Total for construction: $ 24,960 Total for maintenance : $ 48.040 Grand total $ 73,000 Subsidy: $36,500 (b) Council was informed that the canine control officer has asked for an increase in pay from $11.00 to $12.00 per hour, the council had no, objections to James 5.'Davison receiving his raise. (c) A small get together and a present was what the council decided to do for recognition of the former clerk Mrs. Gwen Foster. (d) Small Crafts Harbour correspondence requesting we pay the amount owing to them in the amount of $4,200 and the $100 advance lease fee prior to March 31 80 was dealt with, and it was resolved that we pay them. 9. BY-LAWS (Water Rates By-Law # 334) • Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward; THAT by-law 334 be read a first time. Moved J. Smyth, Seconded V. Bates; THAT by-law 334 be read a second time. Moved H. Alward, Seconded J. Smyth; THAT by-law 334 be rea.1 a third time. Reading dispensed with and finally passed and carried. • • - 4 - Fill 10 MAR 80 BY—LAWS (cont'd) — Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT ESJRWELL requests the Ontario Municipal Board to repeal By Law # 259 passed 11 November 1971, being a by law to establish the water rates for the Village of Port Burwell. Carried. 10. NEXT MEETING 111 The next meeting of council was set for 2.4 Mar 80 to be held in the municipal office at 7:30 PM. 11. AATOURRNEA T Moved J. Smyth, Seconded V. Bates: THAT this Regular Meeting of Council be adjourned, next meeting to be held 24 Mar 80. Carried. • . There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 11:48 PM. k7setiziiRobert G. LaCroix APPROVED: Ron Bradd Clerk REEVE VILLAGE OF PORT BJRWELL 2000-4 • JIH SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING 24 MARCH 1980 MINUTES of a special meeting of council held Ln the municipal office, Port Burwell, at 7:30 PM on Monday 24 Mar 80: PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve Vera Bates - Councillor Harry Alward - Councillor Jack Smyth - Councillor Cord Loucks - Councillor R. LaCroix - Clerk 1. PREVIOUS MINUTES Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT minutes of the Regular Meeting 10 March 1980 be adopted as read. Carried . 2. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES . V. Bates enquired if the clerk had received any response from Municipal World Magazine. The clerk informed V. Bates that there was no response. 3. DEPUTATIONS AND PETITIONS - Nil READING/CONSIDERING ^.OM UNICATIONS Regional Assessment Office in London, enquiring if we were still interested in 86 reassessment ( equalized assessment ). Decision was to set a date to have the Assessment Office come down and present the council with a presentation to familiarize the council with 86 reassessment. 5. PASSING ACCOUNTS - next meeting Amounts owing to the General Radio Service Licensing Centre were discussed. Decision was to enquire if these licenses applied to the CB radios and if so they would not be renewed. 6. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND CCWITTEES - next meeting J. Smyth enquired if we could speed up the process of tenders for the Library and O.P.P. roof. Decision was to have the tenders put on the agenda for 14 April 1980. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Items tabled previously) a. Council resolved not to donate a grant of $300 to the Canadian Institute for the Blind. b. Council reviewed the application of Ken Kirkpatrick to attend the T.J. Mahony Road School. There were no objections to his attendance at this seminar. c. Employment and Immigration Canada announcement of 1980 Summer Youth Employment Program was deferred for further consideration. d. Ministry of Culture and Recreation announcement of Experience '80 Program was deferred for further consideration. 8. NEW BUSINESS Preliminary loan, application of Sandra Foote for an O.H.R.P. loan was approved. 111 b. A telephone call from Mr. Bob Hos ler of Small Crafts Harbour regarding an enforcement officer for harbour activities was discussed. Clerk to check with Small Crafts Harbour for further information. c. Application from Consumers' Gas to use harbour lands was discussed. After discussion it was: - Moved H. Alward, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT approval is given to Consumers' Gas to make use of the lands, sham in red on the attached plan, for a six month period commencing on the 1st day of May 1980 and ending on the 31st day of October, 1980. THAT a rental fee will be applied to Consumers' Gas for the use of said lands, which will be determined upon the approval of this application by The. Small Crafts Harbour Branch of The Department of Fisheries and Environment. Carried. i • • • - 2 - SP 24 Mar 80 9. BY LAWS a. 112 - Court of Revision (Municipal Act Section 636). Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: THAT leave be granted to introduce by law 335. Carried. o Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT By Law 335 be read a first 111 time. Read and carried. Moved H. Alward, Seconded V. Bates: THAT By Law 335 be read a second time. Reading dispensed with and carried. Moved J. Smyth, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT By Law 335 be read a third time. Reading dispensed with finally passed and carried. b. 11A - To appoint a Weed Inspector. Moved J. Smyth, Seconded V. Batas: THAT leave be granted to introduce by law 336. Carried. Moved J. Smyth, Seconded H. Alward: THAT By Law 336 be read a.first' time. Read and carried. Moved H. Alward, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT By Law 336 be read a second time. Reading dispensed with and carried. Moved V. Bates, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT By Law 336 be read a third time. Reading dispensed with finally passed and carried. 10. NEXT MEETING - to be held 14 April 1980 unless a special meeting is called. 11. OTHER ITEMS FROM COUNCIL a. G. Loucks informed the council of a present he had chosen to give to Mrs. Foster for her services. After some discussion the present, a silver tea set in the amount of :72.23, was approved. b. H. Alward made a brief mention of compliments received from residents with regards to the stump removals. c. Reeve Ron Bradfield presented council with an invoice from the South- western Travel Association for an ad put into their brochure on behalf of the Village of Port Burwell. Reeve Ron Bradfield provided council with correspondence from World Dredging with respect to our subscription. d. Reeve Ron Bradfield made brief mention to look into our licensing By Law. 1.-. ADJOURNMENT Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT this special meeting of council be adjourned until the next regular meeting of council unless a special meeting of council is called. Carried. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM. Robert G. LaCro APPROVED: RON BRADFIEL.D is Clerk REEVE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWEL.L rt 4443 . gh. Zowe I 2000-4 10TH SPECIAL MEETING OF OOUNCIL 9 APRIL 1966 MINUTES of a special meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell, at 9:30 AM on Wednesday 9 April 80: PRESENT: Ron Bradfield Reeve - . Vera Bates — Councillor Harry Alward — Councillor Jack Smyth — Councillor Gord Loucks — Councillor R. LaCroix — Clerk (OH) VISITORS: Mr. Winter, London Assessment Office Mr. Garret, London Assessment Office 1. NM BUSINESS a. Mr. Winter and Mr. Garret gave the council a presentation regarding the application of equalized assessment ( 86 reassessment ) to Port Burwell. The discussion involved the back—ground to equalized assessment, the positive aspects, the negative aspects, and a chart showing the properties that would go up or down or remain the same. After the presentation the visitors were informed that the council will further consider the equalized assessment and get back to them. 2. ADJOURNMENT Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth THAT this special meeting be adjourned until the next regular meeting of council unless a special metting is called before. Carried. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 AM. itief-:/g41`./ Robert G. LaCroix APPROVED: Ron Bradfield Clerk REEVE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL • /4 6iit4 • 2000•-4 10TH SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL 9 APRIL 1980 le MINUTES of a special meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell, at 9:30 AM on Wednesday 9 April 80: PRESENT: Ron Bradfield .- Reeve . Vera Bates .- Councillor Harry Alward — Councillor Jack Smyth — Councillor Gord Loucks — Councillor R. LaCroix — Clerk (OH) VISITORS: Mr. Winter, London Assessment Office Mr. Garret, London Assessment Office 1. NEW BUSINESS a. Mr. Winter and Mr. Garret gave the council a presentation regarding the application of equalized assessment ( 86 reassessment ) to Port Burwell. The discussion involved the back—ground to equalized assessment, the positive aspects, the negative aspects, and a chart showing the properties that would go up or down or remain the same. After the presentation the visitors were informed that the council will further consider the equalized assessment and get back to them. 2. ADJOURNMENT Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth THAT this special meeting be adjourned until the next regular meeting of council unless a special metting is called before. Carried. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 AM. ,4 l C",/ . Robert G. LaCroix APPROVED: Ron Bradfield Clerk REEVE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL • L 4, h. i . /447k 61424' • , thug', Allibi4:25.400 ' . • F 166 t1th REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 14. 1980) MINUTES of a regular meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell, at 7:30 PM on Monday 14 April 80: PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve (late in arrival) Vera Bates - Councillor Harry Alward - Councillor Jack Smyth - Councillor Gord Loucks - Councillor R. LaCroix - Clerk Visitors: Peter Benner, Tillsonburg News John Rader, Institute of Culture Affairs Sharon Hickey, representing Day Camp group Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: THAT Vera Bates will be acting Reeve until such time as-the Reeve arrives. Carried. 1. pREVIOIJS MINUTES Moved J. Smyth, Seconded H. Alward: THAT minutes of the Special Meetings held 24 March 1980 and 9 April 1980 be adopted as read. Carried 2. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES - Nil 3. DEPUTATIONS AND PETITIONS a. A slide presentation was given by John Rader (Institute of Cultural Affairs) regarding a Community Forum program. In his presentation Mr. Rader gave the council some background of the Institute which he represents, a film presentation of the Community Forum program, and the price structure for such a program (1300.00). Council advised Mr. Rader that they would consider this program and get back to him with their decision. b. A group of students, headed by Sharon Hickey, talked to the council regarding the possibility of Port Burwell sponsoring a day camp program for the summer of 1980. The group explained that St. Thomas would not sponsor them this year, and provided council with an estimated budget. Council showed interest in their program and Said they would consider the matter further and keep in touch with the group. 4. READING/CONSIDERING COMMUNICATIONS a. A letter from the Field-Springer Disaster Relief Fund asking for a donation was filed. b. A motion passed by the City of North York, who wanted our endorsement, was filed. c. A letter from Mr. Allan Crox1'ord and his wife regarding their broken drain tile was discussed, and after the discussion it was resolved that the clerk would write to Mr. Vanderispaillie requesting him to pay an out- standing bill he refuses to pay or have his water shut off. d. A letter from the Town of Essex asking for a donation was filed. At this time Councillor ( . Loucks suggested that the Council or the Harbour Committee solicit help from other municipalities for the dredge. His suggestion will be brought before the Harbour Committee for consideration. 5. PASSING ACCOUNTS Moved G. Loucks, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT the following accounts be approved for payment: Voucher 04 General Accounts from 1 to 43 and Payroll accounts from 1 to 12. Carried 6. RETS OF OFFICERS AND OOMQTTEFS a. Reeve's Report - nil b. Roads Superintendent's Report - H. Alward explained how the roads have shown improvement over past years. He explained that we are in need of gravel and suggested that we purchase a better grade than previous gravel purchased. After a short discussion it was agreed to get more gravel - better grade -, and about three loads. - 2 - 14 April 80 c. Special Committees: OHRP - nil d. Fire Hall - nil e. Recreational Board - G. Loucks explained that the Recreation Board is having a draw (133 oz. bottle of rye) to raise money for playground equipment. He also explained the Carnival Dates would be 25, 26, and 27 of July 80, and that we would have good rides available. f. Planning Board - V. Bates informed council that she would be attending a seminar in London with Ken Matthews regarding planning. 1111 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Items tabled previously) a. After some discussion regarding the tenders for the 0.P.P./Library roof it was: Moved J. Smyth, Seconded H. Alward: THAT Vienna Building Supplies is hereby authorized to proceed with work on the 0.P.P./Library roof as per their tender dated 16 January 1980. Carried • Note: Councillor G. Loucks remained out of the discussion as he felt he had a .conflict of interest with one of the tenderers. Reeve Ron Bradfield arrived. 8. NEW BUSINESS a. After a discussion regarding equalized assessments for Port Burwell it was: Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell requests the Minister of Revenue to proceed with equalizing assessments through the provisions of Section 86 of the Assessment Act, in the Village of Port Burwell, to be used for taxation in the year 1980; provided however, that this council reserves the right after being provided with a tax impact study, to revert to the previous assessment base. Carried b. Correspondence from the Council for Canadian Unity regarding Canada Week was deferred for council to consider. c. Council was informed of the Elgin County Board of Educations' requisition required to be raised by our municipality in 1980. d. Council was informed that the Long Point Region Conservation Authority has lowered their total levy by !7,000.00 e. Upon the request of the Harbour Committee it was: Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell requests the Small Craft Harbours Branch to appoint the position 'Village Wharfinger' as Enforcement Officer, for the purposes of enforcing the Act and Regulation2 of the Fishing and Recreational Harbours Act and Regulations. Carried f. Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT the Reeve and Clerk are authorized to enter into an agreement with Underwater Gas Developers to sub lease lands, shown in red on the attached plan, for a six month period commencing on the 1st day of May 1980 and ending on the 31st day of October, 1980. Carried g. Council was informed that Natural Resource Gas Limited has applied to the Ontario Energy Board to increase their interim rates, and after the discussion it was: Moved H. Alward, Seconded V. Bates: THAT the Council of the Corporation of Port Burwell files an objection with O'Donovan and Hutton regarding the increase in the interim rate of the Natural Resource Gas Limited. Carried 9. BY LAWS (By law to rescind by law # 259) Moved H. Alward, Seconded J. Smyth; THAT by law 337 be read a first time. Moved G. Loucks; Seconded V. Bates; THAT by law 337 be read a second time. Moved B. Bates, Seconded H. Alward; THAT by law 337 be read a third time. Reading dispensed with and finally passed and carried. (By Law 338 for addition to by Law 335 was deferred) 10. NET MEETING - 12 May 1980 unless special meeting called before . 11. OTHER I')4S FROM COUNCIL - Reeve enquired what the council would be doing to the O.P.P. station within the next five years (eg. painting etc.,). Council will paint the building. • • - 3 - 14 April 1980 11. OTHER ITEMS FROM COUNCIL (CONr'D) - Reeve enquired about dust layering. Suggested that we look back into purchasing our own tank (from Sterling Fuels) 0 - Agreed by council that a letter should be sent to Mr. Hatter in St. Thomas regarding the demolition of his burnt house on Strachan Street, that it be demolished by 15 May 1980. - Agreed by council that more Village Pins should be ordered. - V. Bates asked council to consider removing Mr. Farlow as our village solicitor. The council deferred this ,matter for further consideration as to what steps must be followed for firing a village solicitor. - V. Bates asked that water meters be installed at the Vflldge owned Memorial Trailer Perk. After a discussion it: was: Moved'V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT a water meter be installed at the village owned Memorial Trailer Park immediately. Carried. 12. ADJOUROCEWT Moved C. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: THAT this Regular Meeting of Council be adjourned until the next Regular Meeting of Council unless a special meeting is called. Carried There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:55 PM. 1't 0. LaCroix APPROVED: Ron Br field CIM REEVE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL 12th SPECIAL MEETING OF COUN L APRIL 21, 1980 111/ MINUTES of a special meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell, at 7:30 PM on Monday 21 April 80: • PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve Vera Bates - Councillor 4 Harry Alward - Councillor Jack Smyth - Councillor Gord Loucks - Councillor R. LaCroix - Clerk VISITORS: J.R. Farlow, Village Solicitor J.D. Little, This special meeting of council was called to discuss the recommendations of our Village Solicitor, Robert Farlow, regarding Crothers Limited. 1. Mr. Farlow explained the danger we are in with regards to the already issued writ and re-read a letter of opinion from his associate Mr. Little. Mr. Little was then introduced to council and then proceeded to inform council of his observations after studying the material. His observations were as follows: a. That all costs seem justified except the cost of labour in the amount of $691.00 b. There was no evidence of an agreement as to what interest rate Crothers would charge on overdue accounts. Crothers charged 21% but the maximum they should have charged was 15%. Reeve Bradfield then informed Mr. Little that the bill for the generator should not be paid by the village for the following reasons Their (Crothers Ltd.,) mechanic insisted on starting the engine the first time (this was after the old generator was replaced), and the electricians who did the wiring were also present. While the electricians were doing more wiring the mechanic shut off the engine without notifying the electrician, which caused a 'blow out'. Crothers told the village that the charge to fix the fuse (caused by their mechanic) would be held and examined, to this date the village has heard nothing about this matter except that they would be charged. After this discussion Mr. Little explained that there was nothing in writing and, recommended the following settlement: Settle for the amount of the claim, less the labour amount ($691), -less the generator bill ($1800), less the difference in interest. Avoid the fees of the lawyers if possible. After this discussion it was: Moved Jack Smyth, Seconded H.O. Alward THAT this council invests the solicitors for the village with the authority to proceed with settlement negotiations with Crothers Limited and their solicitors. Carried. . - 2. A discussion took place with regards to the Natural Resource Gas Limited and their request to the Energy Board for an interim levy rate increase. Mr. ?aria+ explained .... 2 - 2 - that our chances for success with an objection were minimum, as the Energy Board would only allow so much of an increase. After the discussion it was: Moved Vera Bates, Seconded G. Loucks THAT this council rescinds resolution #8 dated 14 April 1980 and to abide any objection until the permanent application for the base rate. Carried. 3. In other business Harry Alward enquired about a garbage pick up day for heavy articles. Councillor Bates explained the conditions of the transfer stations• and that they were there for that purpose. ;After a short discussion it was agreed to hold off on this matter. The clerk was informed to contact Bayham Township and enquire if they could " possibly grade the village streets. No commitment is to be made, just an enquiry• The council agreed to the hiring of students for sweeping and similar work under Ken Kirkpatrick in the following resolution: Moved H.O. Alward, Seconded G. Loucks THAT students and casual help be paid 13.25 per hour when engaged by the Village on Street sweeping and similar work under Ken Kirkpatrick. Carried. 4. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 PM Moved J. Smyth, Seconded V. Bates THAT this Special Meeting be adjourned until the next Regular Meeting of Council unless a special meeting is called. Carried. 4tr",a°1°42/. i&4-4- ./ / / Robert 0. Wrote APPROVED: Ron Brad f e id CLONE REEVE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL 13th REGULAR MEETING GF COUNCIL . 12 MAY. 1900 MINUTES of a Regular Meeting of Council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell, at 7:30 PM on Monday 12 May 1980: PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve Vera Bates - Councillor Harry Alward - Councillor Cord Loucks - Councillor R. LaCroix - Councillor 1111/ ABSENT: Jack Smyth - Councillor VISITORS: Roy Sanger, Tillsonburg News Jim Ross, Village resident Robert Thornton, Village resident Wayne PillIey, Village resident Ken Matthews, rep. Planning Board Moved G. Loucks, Seconded V. Bates: THAT Harry Alward will be acting Reeve until such time as the Reeve arrives. Carried. 1. DEPUPTATIONS AND PETITIOlis R. Jim Ross informed council of renovations that he wishes to have done to his cottage on Robinson Street, however the frontage requirement would not be met. Approval would be given to Mr. Ross by the building inspector, Ralph Brown, only after approval was given by council. Council had no objection and approval was given to Mr. Ross. b. Robert Thornton asked council if there was any possible way he or other village residents could object to the sewers at this time, explaining he did not see the notice in the newspaper, Councillor Vera Bates explained to Mr. Thornton that unfortunately no complaints would be dealt with by the Ontario Municipal Board at this point in time. Mr. Thornton complained to council that he felt he was not getting the value of his tax dollars. He stated that his taxes have increased as much as $150 since last year, and expressed his opinion about the services he is receiving. Council explained to Mr. Thornton that inflation has caused an increase in taxes and that the municipality is trying hard to keep expenses to a minimum. Mr. Thornton, apparently satisfied with council's explanation, declined any further comments to council. c. Ken Matthews briefly explained to council his opinion and observations of the planning seminar attended by both himself and Councillor Bates. Mr. Matthews also explained to council that he hopes to have the village's proposed zoning by law in a state where it can be approved by the Minister of Housing sometime soon. d. Wayne Pilkey wanted an explanation from council as to why he is still being taxed on cottages on his property that were removed a year ago. The council was unaware of this problem and asked the clerk to look further into the matter and get back to Mr. Pilkey. This problem was resolved to the benefit of Mr. Pilkey on 13 May 80. 2. PREVIOUS MINUTES (Reeve Ron Bradfield arrived.) Moved H. Alward, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT minutes of the Regular Meeting held 14 April 80 and the Special Meeting held 21 April 80 be adopted as read. Carried. 3. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES - nil 4. READING/CONSIDERING COMMUNICATIONS a. A letter from Raymond Irvine regarding the repayment of OHRP Loan #40 was read to council. The council decided to request payment from Mr. Irvine. b. A letter from John R. Hanselman regarding Beach St., Brock 3t.,r was referred to the clerk for further information and clarification. c. Moved V. Bates, Seconded H. Alward: THAT we support the resolution of the Town of Dunnville dated 8 April 80, copy attached, requesting the Federal and Provincial Governments to establish a special reserve fund for disaster relief. Carried. d. A letter from the Port Hope disaster relief fund asking for a donation was filed. e. A resolution that we support the resolution of the Regional Municiplity of Ottawa-Carlton dated 9 April 80 was filed. - 2 - - 12MAY80 f. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded V. Bates: THAT this council is in agreement in collecting instalments as follows for the year 1981 by the County Council: March 31st 25% of the prior year's levy June 30th D 50% of current levy less the March instalment September 30th 25% of current levy December 15th 25% of currant levy Carried. g. Correspondence from Guest's Burner Serfrice was dealt with and after a short discussion it was resolved to have Mr. Guest service the Public Works furnace in October 80 and at that time check the library furnace and report to clerks office of its' condition. h. A letter from Pollard Brothers regarding a tender price for supplying Liquid Calcium was presented to council. Council decided to file the , offer until next year. PASSING ACCOUNTS Moved H. Alward, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT voucher #5 is approved for payment as follows: General $ 8,392.77 Payroll $ 1,961.92 OHRP nil Total $ 10,354.69 as amended with the deletion of items #123 and #27. Carried. 6. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND CC*ITTP:F.S a. Reeve's Report - R. Bradfield informed council that Mary Kaiak and Hope Kelly have recently purchased Wally's Fast Food from Fred Waldeck and would like permission to park it on the beach in the same location as last year. Council agreed the ladies should seek permission from the County. b. Roads Superintendent's Report - H. Alward reported to council that we have received a better grade of gravel and some black top. It was also reported that the students hired to do sweeping have finished and the results are good. c. Special Committees: OHRP - J. Smyth - nil d. Fire Hall - G. Loucks informed council that he has received the 1960 budget for the fire hall. This matter will be brought up at our budget meeting. e. Recreational Board - G. Loucks informed council that the new play equipment is in and should be instated soon. G. Loucks also explained some of the remodelling that will take place at the ball park. f. Planning Board - V. Bates informed council of her opinion about the planning seminar attended by both her and Ken Matthews. g. Canine Control - The clerk informed council of the canine report sent in by James S. Davison. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. OHRP loan payment to George Lockery. was tabled. a. MEW BUSINESS a. Council was informed that Sterling Fuels has been contacted with regards to the oiling of the roads. b. A discussion regarding monies owing to the village wharfinger were discussed and it was resolved that R. Bradfield would bring this matter to John Walker. c. Council was informed of the offer made to Crothers from our village solicitor. d. Council agreed to set Tuesday 20 May 80 as the date for our first budget meeting provided this date is satisfactory with the auditor. e. Council was informed that Small Crafts Harbour has appointed the Village Wharfinger as enforcement officer for the harbour area. f. Council was informed that the Minister of Revenue has acknowledged our request for equalized assessment. g. Council was informed of the 1980 sill rates set by the Separate School Board. h. Council was informed of our 1980 East Elgin Planning Board levy. • - 2 - 12MAY80 f. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded V. Bates: THAT this council is in agreement in collecting instalments as follows for the year 1981 by the County Council: March 31st 25% of the prior year's levy June 30th 60% of current levy less the March instalment September 30th 25% of current levy December 15th 25% of current. levy Carried. g. Correspondence from Guest's Burner Service was dealt with and after a short discussion it was resolved to have Mr. Guest service the Public Works furnace in October 80 and at that time check the library furnace and report to clerks office of its' condition. h. A letter from Pollard Brothers regarding a tender price 'or supplying Liquid Calcium was presented to council. Council decided to file the offer until next year. 5. PASSING ACCOUNTS Moved H. Alward, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT voucher 05 is approved for payment as follows: General S 8,392.77 Payroll i 1,961.92 OHRP nil Total S 10,354.69 as amended with the deletion of items #23 and #27. Carried. 6. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND COMMTITF-S a. Reeve's Report - R. Bradfield informed council that Mary Mazak and Hope Kelly have recently purchased Wally's Fast Food from Fred Waldeck and would like permission to park it on the beach in the same location as last year. Council agreed the ladies should seek permission from the County. b. Roads Superintendent's Report - H. Alward reported to council that we have received a better grade of gravel and some black top. It was also reported that the students hired to do sweeping have finished and the results are good. c. Special Committees: OHRP - J. Smyth - nil d. Fire Hall - G. Loucks informed council that he has received the 1980 budget for the fire hall. This matter will be brought up at our budget meeting. e. Recreational Board - G. Loucks informed council that the new play equipment is in and should be installed soon. G. Loucks also explained some of the remodelling that will take place at the ball park. f. Planning Board - V. Bates informed council of her opinion about the planning seminar attended by both her and Ken Matthews. g. Canine Control - The clerk informed council of the canine report sent in by James S. Davison. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. OHRP loan payment to George Lockery .was tabled. 8. NEW aJSINESS • a. Council was informed that Sterling Fuels has been contacted with regards to the oiling of the roads. b. A discussion regarding monies owing to the village wharfinger were discussed and it was resolved that R. Bradfield would bring this matter to John Walker. c. Council was informed of the offer made to Crothers from our village solicitor. d. Council agreed to set Tuesday 20 May 80 as the date for our first budget meeting provided this date is satisfactory with the auditor. e. ;o ncil was informed that Small Crafts Harbour has appointed the Village Wharfinger as enforcement officer for the harbour area. f. Council was informed that the Minister of Revenue has acknowledged our request for equalized assessment. g. Council was informed of the 1980 mill rates set by the Separate School Board. h. Council was informed of our 1980 East Elgin Planning Board levy. • - 3 - 12 MAY 80 i. A letter from the AMO regarding Bell Canada's application for a rate increase was filed. j• Council has been informed that the Ministry of Environement has received a certificate of approval for sewage in Port Burwell. This is not approval from the OMB. 9. BY LAWS (By law for addition to by law #135) Moved J. Smyth, Seconded V. Bates; THAT by law 338 be read a first time. Moved H. Alward, Seconded G. Loucks; THAT. by law 338 be read a second time. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded J. Smyth; THAT .Jby law 338 be read a third time. Readings were dispensed with on 14 April 80 and finally passed, and carried on 12 May 80. (by laws 339 and 340 regarding licensing were deferred) :C. NEXT METING - subject to auditors approval, 20 May 1980. I . OTHER ITEMS FROM COUNCIL a. V. Bates enquired if the lighthouse area could be used to plant flowers by the girl guides, permission was given. b. R. Bradfield informed council that due to a break in a water line between 1000 and 2000 gallons of water was lost on Pitt Street. This was on a private lot and not village property. c. G. Loucks enquired if A. Vanderspaillie has paid for repairs to Croxford's drain tile. G. Loucks was informed that this office has not heard anything from either the Croxford's for A. Vanderspaillie on this matter. d. R. Bradfield informed council that the clerks salary was due for review, council agreed to have a closed meeting on this matter. 12. ADJOURNMENT Moved V. Bates, Seconded H. Alward: THAT this Regular Meeting of Council be adjourned until the next Regular Meeting unless a special meeting is called. Carried. There being no further business from council the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 PM. , Robert G. LaCroix APPROVED* . .f i e 7 Clerk REEVE VILLAGE OF PORT BJ} LL • • 11/11 • • • 1 • 14th SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL MAY 211 1980 MINUTES of a special meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell, at 7:30 PM on Tuesday 21 May 80: PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve Vera Bates - Councillor Harry Alward - Councillor Jack Smyth - Councillor ,1101 R. LaCroi.- - Clerk ABSENT: Cord Loucks - Councillor VISITOR: Mr. Alan Clarke, auditor for village THIS special meeting of council was called to discuss the first stages of our budget for 1980 • • 1. Estimates for expenditures and revenues for the year 1980 were discussed by the council, the clerk and the auditor, and after the discussion the attached figures (estimates) were mutually accepted by council. After the final estimates were accepted there appeared to be a considerable possibility that we could budget for the breakwater extension account which is in a deficit balance of approximately $21,000 (this is presently being financed over a five year period). The auditor thought this would be a benefit, as we would keep in line with a good resource equalization grant for coming years. The main area of problem with regards to expenditures seems to be the School and County rates which have increased approximately $13,000. This area of concern will probably be the main reason for an increase in the mill rate, if an increase is deemed necessary. All other expenditures seem to be in line. 2. A discussion was held with regards to the situation of our village solicitor who has quit over an article published in the Tillsonburg News about his attendance at the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing dated 1 May 80. It was resolved by council that we will forward any monies awing to him with an accompanying letter expressing our feelings in the matter. 3. Council decided to review the Clerk's salary at this• time. The clerk gave a salary quote to the council and left the meeting. In the clerks absence it was: Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT the Clerk Treasurer, Robert LaCroix, receive a salary of $11,400 dated from 1 May 1960 to 30 April 1981 as a years wage. Benefits include full payment of the OHIP premiums incurred in his name, plus payment of $25 for each council meeting attended other than regular office hours. Carried. 4. Moved H.O. Alward, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT this special meeting of council is adjourned until the next regular meeting unless a special meeting is called. ,Time: 10:30 PM. Carried. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 PM 111111 Note: confirmation has been given that the final budget meeting will be held on Monday 26 May, 1980, in the municipal office, at 7:30 PM. Albert. . LaCroix, Clerk APPROVED: Ran Bradfield, REEVE, VI /.F •• : R1!LL / , ,� • 20 May. 1980 • • Village of Port Burwell Budget 1980 Revenue 1980 1979 1979 Budget Actual Budget Telephone - Amtelecom $ 3,121 $ 2,887 $ 2,887 - Bell Canada 521 527 527 1111110 Grants-in-lieu 2,300 2,325 2,300 Federal Harbour Land nil 21,986 Grants - roadways 36,500 22,227 25,300 per capita 5,215 5,173 5,173 resource equalization ! 38,688 33,306 33,304 general support 7,909 6,593 6,593 housing 2,500 1,250 nil county rebate - roads 2,741 2,372 2,371 Licenses and permits 800 803 1,100 Rents - 2,800 2,730 2,700 Penalty and interest on taxes 1,900 1,983 2,200 0.H.R.P. administration fee 1,500 5,224 6,000- Sundry revenue 1,000 2,118 1,000 Investment income 2,000 4,250 Waterworks - meter reading 1,000 1,500 Parks and Recreation - grant 1,200 1,200 1,200 Sale of Property 15,000 nil nil • Surplus forward 40,259 13,135 13,135 Tax roll * 87.574 113.493 ,111■643, $254,528. $243,582 $218,933 (* not a definite figure at all) Village of Port Burwell Budget 1980 Expenditures 1980 1979 1979 Budget Actual Budget Reeve and Council $ 6,800 $ 4,267 $ 5,300 General Administration (salaries, supplies) 24,000 23,476 23,E Building maintenance - library/O.P.P./P.U.C. 1,300 1,112 1,300 - library new roof • 1,426 Fire - salaries, supplies, services 11,911 7,096 7,300 - reserve for truck replacement 3,200 2,300 2,300 Conservation authority 947 945 945 Erosion control - breakwater debenture 8,498 7,878 7,678 Breakwater extension - Village contribution 4,300 4,303 300 Roadways - salaries, materials, services 73,000 37,852 50,600 Street Lighting - power and maintenance 2,500 2,176 2,800 - new lights 1,000 nil 1,200 Garbage 10,400 9,455 10,000 Parks and Recreation - grant 1,200 1,200' 1,200 - salaries nil 1,983 2,400 - day camp 200 nil 200 Planning and Zoning - requisition, 1,450 955 1,350 - meetings 600 incl. incl. Tractor balance nil 11,595 12,000 Residential Development - OMR?, housing study 2 500 1.473 ni County 28,525 22,421 2 ,210 School 68.971 61.217 60.247 Total $254,528 $203,323 1218,933 idith SPECIAL MEETIlia.OF COUNCIL MAY 26. 1980 MINUTES of a special meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell, at 7:30 PM on Monday 26 May 80: PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve Vera Bates - Councillor Harry Alward - Councillor Jack Smyth - Councillor Gard Loucks - Councillor ° R. LaCroix - Clerk VISITOR: Mr. Alan Clarke, auditor for Village THIS special meeting of council was called to discuss the final stages of our budget for 1980 1. Working with the same estimates for expenditures and revenues as discussed at the special meeting of 21 May, 1980 the council was informed that there was a considerable net increase in revQnue from last year in the amount of $38,433. It was then recommended to council that the village finance our capital " expenditures to offset this amount and try to keep iri line with a gond resource equalization grant for next year. • After considerable discussion the council decided to finance our capital expenditures (except expenses relating to the harbour development as these expenses will not be passed on to the mill rate), and at the same time set $9,000 into a reserve account for future use (i.e. repairing municipal office, etc.,). Taking these expenditures into consideration the following were the generally accepted mill rates for 1980s Public Residential Commercial Village 34.101 40.119 County 23.145 27.229 Schools Public 44.729 52.623 Secondary 37.775 44.442 17.777 1 .413 Separate Village 34.101 County 23.145 Schools Separate 49.870 Secondary 37.775 144.891 The mill rates have been increased over last year as follows: Residential Public +1.545 Commercial Public +6.602 Residential Separate +2,158 2. The council decided to accept the installment due dates as being June 20, September 17, and November 17, 1980. The interest penalty on late payments was also increased 0 to 10. • 3. In other business from council the council decided to: 111111 a. - Invite Mr. Hanselman dawn to go over the problems the village could be faced with, with respect to the Brock Street area. b. As per the request of H.O. Alward, roads foreman Ken Kirkpatrick will be requested to oil the Libby Street area and any other roads that were not oiled earlier this month. c. Send Mr. Jack Elliott and Mr. Liberty letters requesting their properties be cleaned up mediately. 4. Mdved G. Loucks, Seconded H.O. Alward: THAT this special meeting of council be adjourned until the next regular meeting of council unless a special meeting is called. Carried. There being no further business from council this meet .: as adjourn-. :3 at 100 PM. de Robert G. LaCroilc, Clerk c� / APPROVED: Ron r -' �� 16TH REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL - 9 JUNE 1980 MINUTES of a regular meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell at 7:30 PM on Monday 9 June 80: PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve Vera Bates - Councillor Harry Alward - Councillor Jack Smyth - Councillor Gord Loucks - Councillor R. LaCroix - Clerk VISITORS: Mr. Lyle Willard, Provincial Park Linda Hulmes, Tillsonburg News 1. D JTATIONS AND PETITICtLS a. Mr. Lyle Willard, Provincial Park: Mr. Willard met with council to provide them with general information about the past and future of the Iroquois Provincial Park. The park experienced a 10% campsite occupancy increase over past seasons and had a total of 101,000 visitors in 1979. Mr. Willardspokein terms,of what the village can do to increase activities for their calipers once they arrive, and'if any ideas are acknowledged by the village his office would like to hear them. Mr. Willard felt the new village launching ramp could benefit the community and the park. In other information relayed to council, Mr. Willard explained that there would be showers instaled this year and certain safety programs will be offered to both the visitors of the park and residents of the village. b. A petition requesting a street light to be erected on Milton Street between the Culvers and Matthews residences' was deferred until further investigation by councillor H. Alward. 2. pinlou MINUS Moved V. Bates, Seconded H. Alward: • THAT the minutes of the Special Meetings held 21 and 26 May, 1980 and the Regular Meeting held 12 May, 1980 be adopted as read. Carried. 3. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES - nil 4. READING/CONSIDERING OOMMJNICATIONS a. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT a donation in the amount of $100 be given to John Walker to go against the construction of a dock for the new Village launching ramp. b. Council was informed that the solicitors for the Bank of Commerce wished to have the property on Robinson Street, which the Village is selling to the bank, surveyed prior to the final date of sale. After a short discussion it was: Moved J. Smyth, Seconded V. Bates: THAT this council requests the services of Houghton (St. Thomas) to conduct a survey with respect to the lots on Robinson Street that are in the process of being sold to the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Carried. c. The Y.W.C.A. of St. Thomas asked the coucil to participate in Sports clinics being offered to 8 to 14 year olds at no cost to the municipality. The clerk was directed to find out more information about this program and also inform the Y.W.C.A. that Councillor G. Loucks would act as our contact person should the village decide to participate. d. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded V. Bates: 111111 THAT this council supports the resolution of the Town of Exeter dated 5 May, 1980, copy attached, re Soviet troops killing 60 school children in Kabul, Afganistan on 26 April, 1980. Carried. 5. fASSING ACCOUNTS Moved H. Alward, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT voucher #6 is approved for payment as follows: General Accounts: $6,142.25 Payroll Accounts: $2,922.42 OHRP - • Total $9,064.67 6. anglYUESEMELAGLAIIIIINK a. Reeve Bradfield informed council that he gave seven village pins to meabers ° - 2 - • of the schooner "Challenge" as a welcoming gift when they pulled into the harbour for a night's stay over on 16 May, 1980. - Reeve Bradfield informed council that the use of the lighthouse was requested by the Federal Government to set up instruments to conduct surveys of Lake Erie. Use was granted as our insurance company assured that the village will be' covered should anything happen. - Council was informed that John Walker may provide a plaque with respect to the anchor by the lighthouse. - Reeve Bradfield asked that the building permits reports be put onto the agendas. 11111 - The Reeve enquired if CansumePs' Gas was billed for use of the harbour in May. He was advised that they have been billed and no payment has been received. - Council was informed that the 0.P.P. have asked to have a new flooring instaled in their office. The council felt that sufficient repairs etc., have been completed this year and have deferred the matter until a future date. - Reeve Bradfield informed council that tjte had received a proposal from a company in Hamilton to rent the dredge. This matter was referred to the Harbour committee for their thoughts. - An offer from Bob Ketchabaw for the radio tower removed from the municipal office was discussed and it was resolved by council that we will hold onto the tower for future uses unknown at this time. b. Road Superintendent's report: H. Alward, gave a brief discussion with regards to the condition of the roads and that a load of top soil was purchased by the works department. H. Alward also agreed to purchase more gravel for the works department should the need arise. c. OHRP - J. Smyth approved the OHRP application of Mr. Noble Barrick for siding and a new roof. d. The Harbour Committee report for May was read to council by the clerk. e. Fire Hall - nil f. Recreational Board - G. Loucks informed council that the work at the ball park has been completed, and the schedule for the food stand has been completed. g. Planning - V. Bates explained to council that South Dorchester is still set on taking the Planning Board to the Mud cipal Board over their levy. V. Bates also explained that estate lots and farms were the main topic at the May board meeting. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Items tabled previously) a. OHRP loan to George Lockery was deferred for further investigation by the clerk. 8. NEW BUSINESS a. After considerable discussion regarding.the intentions of the village with reference to the Gheysen property, it was: Moved G. Loucks, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized to proceed to advertise to sell properties under registration certificate numbers 79-1 and 79-2 under the terms that the highest tender will not necessarily be accepted, and having a closing date of 17 July, 1980. Carried. 9' ( appoint Phil Bucheski Village Wharfinger) Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth; THAT by law 339 be read a first time. Moved H. Alward, Seconded G. Loucks; THAT by law 339 be read a second time. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded V. Bates; THAT by law 339 be read a third time. Reading dispensed with and finally passed and carried. (#341 re 1980 taxes) Moved J. Smyth, Seconded H. Alward; THAT by law 341 be read a first time. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded V. Bates; THAT by law 341 be read a second time. Moved H. Alward, Seconded J. Smyth;` THAT by law 341 be read a third time. • Reading dispensed with and finally passed and carried. (#342 re license vehicles which sell refreshments) Moved H. Alward, Seconded G. Loucks; THAT by law 342 be read a first time. Moved J. Smyth, Seconded H. Alward; THAT by law 342 be read a second time. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded V. Bates; THAT by law 342 be read a third time. Reading dispensed with and finally passed and carried. (#340 re license restaurants) Moved G. Loucks, Seconded V. Bates; THAT by Law 340 be read a first time.: Moved J. Smyth, Seconded H. Alward; THAT by law 340 be read a second time. Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth; THAT by law 340 be read a third time. Reading dispensed with and finally passed and carried. (#►343 re license Pool and Billiard tables) Moved J. Smyth, Seconded V. Bates; THAT by law 343 be read a first time. `- - 3 - Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward; THAT by law 343 be read a second time. Moved H. Alward, Seconded J. Smyth; THAT by law 343 be read a third time. Reading dispensed with and finally passed and carried. 10. NEXT MEETING - June 23, 1?30 unless special called before. 11, OTHER ITEMS FROM OCUNCIL a. A new appointment to meet Hanselman was agrecd upon, being June 23rd and the time to be arranged with him. b. Ian Linton was chosen by the council to-_offer assistance in any village affairs which require the help of a solicitor. 12. ADJOURN)€(] Moved G. Loucks, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT this Regular Meeting of Council to adjourned until the next Regular Meeting of Council unless a special meeting is called. Time: 11:25. Carried. % THERE being no further business from council the meeting was adjourned at 11:25 PM. n 9 // J,�, �.t`t� AC.• -re L�c� , bent G. LaCroix, APPF�OVED: Ron radfield, Clerk Reeve, VILLAGE OF PORT HJRNELL 17TH REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL 14 JULY, 1980 MINUTES of a regular meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burrell, at 7:30 PM on Monday 14 July 80: PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve Vera Bates - Councillor Harry Alward - Councillor fiord Loucks - Councillor R. LaCroix - Clerk ABSENT: Jack Smyth - Councillor VISITORS:Limilm Hulme, Tillsonburg News 1. PREVIOUS MINUTES Moved V. Bates, Seconded H. Alward: THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held 9 June, 1980 be adopted as read. Carried 2. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES - nil 3. DEPUTATIONS AND PEE'ITIONS a. Anthony Murphy: further to his enquiry that the frontage and connection charges on his roll # 1-272 be removed it was: Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: WHEREAS, frontage and connection charges for roll #1-251 were removed from the Collector's Roll, August 8, 1977, motion #3; and WHEREAS, frontage and connection charges for roll #1-251 have appeared on roll #1-272 for collection in 1980; TFC, be it resolved that this Council requests the frontage and connection charges of roll #1-251 be removed from roll #1-272, and that Business Computer Services be notified promptly that these charges are not to appear on any future billings. Carried. 4. READING/CONSIDERING COFMJNICATIONS • a. Request to support resolution of Town of Latchford was filed. b. Further to request of E.E.P.B. to pay final 1980 levy in advance it was: Moved V. Bates, Seconded H. Alward: THAT this Council has no objection to paying the final 1980 levy to the East Elgin Planning Board, in the amount of $724.82, in advance. THAT payment will be sent to them August 1st, 1980. Carried. c. Request for nominations to the AND 1980-81 Board of Directors was filed. d. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: THAT this Council agrees to sponsor a half page of the Elgin County Vacation Guide, in the amount not exceeding $100, being circulated throughout the County of Filen and surrounding areas by Nan-Sea Publications of Port Stanley, Ontario. Carried. 5. PASSING ACCOUNTS Moved V. Bates, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT voucher #7 is approved for payment as follows: General Account $40,469.12 Payroll Account $ 6,591.23 total 147,060.35 6. REPONTS OF OFFICERS AND CC)f( TTEES a. Reeve's Report - Reeve Bradfield enquired if Clerk would find out if those residents who are charged for water to fill their pools could be charged monthly over the entire year instead of one billing per annum. b. Road Superintendent's Report - H. Alward expressed his satisfaction with the work being completed by the part time helpers. c. Special Committees: OHRP - nil d. Fire Hall - G. Loucks -enquired if there were any objections from council to allow the Fire Department to install a septic holding tank which was not put in the budget estimates for 1980. Council decided to deny this regy:eet due mainly to financial circumstances. Recreation Board - G. Loucks informed council that the Recreation Board will ask Fred Waldeck to formally announce his resignation as Chaira!n of the Board. It was also reported that the carnival plans are in the final stages and there does not seem to be too much problems. f. Planning Board - V. Bates reported that she felt there would not be too many more meetings before September. - 2 _ 14 JULY 80 g. Clerk gave the canine control report for months of May and June, 1980. Clerk also gave financial report to council (Municipal Act, Chapter 284, Section 222), after this report it was: Moved V. Bates, Seconded H. Alward: THAT the Clerk is authorized to transfer all monies in account number 9503765 into the Reserve Account, number 9502564. Carried. Building permits to date equal 7 with a total value of 326,400. 1111 Demolition permits to date equal 7. ° 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Items tabled previously) a. Petition of Gail Culver, Max Gee, Gerald and Dianne Matthews regarding erection of street light near their resiiences was discussed. A resolution (#7) not to erect the street light was Moved by H. Alward but did not receive I a seconder, it was then: Moved G. Loucks, Seconded V. Bates: . THAT whereas motion #7 dated 14 July, 1980 was not seconded by council members present, THEREFORE motion f7 be deferred until the next council . meeting for a possible seconder. Carried. ' 8. NEW BUSINESS 3. Request for repairs to street light at corner of Addison and Homer was given approval by H. Alward. b. Council was advised that letters have been sent to those fishermen still owing their 1960 usage fees by our village solicitor Ian Linton requesting payment. c. Council was advised that the MTC will direct second advance payment of our subsidy in the amount of 310,950. d. Council was advised that the survey has been completed on property sold to the bank. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded V. Bates: THAT this council is in favour of the Recreational Board operating a Beer tent on July 24, 25, 26, and 27, 1980 at Centennial Park and that the Recreation Board shall pay two Ontario Provincial Police Officers required to be on duty during the operation of the Beer Tent. Carried. 9. BY LAWS copies of by laws were presented to council members to review prior to passing them hopefully at the next regular meeting of council. 10 NEXT MEETING — 11 August, 1980 unless a special meeting is called. 11. CIPHER ITEMS FROM COUNCIL a. V. Bates informed council that a interview has been requested with her by Community Services of Tillsonburg to discuss any social problems the Village may be encountering. b. Clerk was asked to send a letter from. council to Jack Elliott to clean up his property. c. Clerk was asked to send a final letter to Art Vanderspaille to pay for repairs done to the Croxford's drain tile before his water is turned off. d. H. Alward mentioned that Ken Kirkpatrick is having some difficulties with cutting some lots that are too full of 'junk'. e. As the council feels there is sufficient catering service provided on the beaches at present, it was: Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: THAT the Clerk shall pot issue any further catering licenses for the remainder of the present year. Carried. f. Councillor Loucks asked that dogs be prohibited from the east beach area. He will look into purchasing signs from the Provincial Park for this purpose. 12 ADJOURNMENT: Moved V. Bates, Seconded H. Alward: THAT this Regular Meeting-of Council is adjourned until the next Regular Meeting unless a special meeting is called. Carried. There being jo further business from council the meeting was adjourned at 9:57 PM. --!/,...:4/-6.,( ,, ,,,44t141 Robert G. LaCroix APPROVED: Ron Bradfield CLERK REEVE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWE L • 18th REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 11 AUGUST. 1980 MINUTES of a regular meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell, at 7:30 PM on Monday 11 August, 1980: PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve Vera Bates - Councillor Harry Alward - Councillor .Jack Smyth - Councillor Cord Loucks - Councillor R. LaCroix - Clerk 0 VISITORS: L. Hulme, Tillsonburg News Ken Roesch, Harold Elder 1. PREVIOUS MINUTES Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT minutes of the Regular Meeting held 14 July 80 be adopted as read. Carried. 2. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES - Nil 3. DEPUTATIONS AND PETITIONS a. Mr. Ken Roesch, re weed cutting, suggested price increase and weeds be cut more often. Deferred for further consideration. b. Mr. Harold Elder, requesting water service for residents of Libbye Avenue. Council will request the East Elgin Area Water System to conduct survey to determine costs involved. - re sewer service to Libbye Avenue. Clerk will enquire to Ministry of the Environment. 4. READING/CONSIDERING COMMUNICATIONS a. City of Brampton, council was unanimous that the term of office remain at two years. b. Ministry of Natural Resources, regarding application of speed limit in harbour. Continue application. c. Ministry of Housing, re annual housing review 1981. • File. d. George Foote, regarding operating business from home. Advise assessment office to charge commercial mill rate. e. Land Division Committee, advising severance on Pitt Street (Heximer). No objection. f. Conservation Authority advising return to original levy. 5. PASSING ACCOUNTS Moved J. Smyth, Seconded V. Bates: THAT voucher #8 is approved for payment: General Accounts $ 6,706.16 Payroll Accounts 2■ 666.15 i Total 9,O72 (1172.331. Carried. 6. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES a. Reeve's Report - R. Bradfield - requested permission to attend AMO Conference; Moved G. Loucks, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT this Council has no objection to Reeve Ron Bradfield attending the AMO Conference to be held in Toronto August 17 to 20, 1980. Carried. b. Road Superintendent's Report - H, Alward - gravel should be applied to roads in near future. - pleased with work of Roads Department. • - County of Elgin estimate for construction of storm drain, part of MTC construction subsidy; Moved J. Smyth, Seconded H. Alward: THAT this Council accepts the estimate of the County of Elgin for construction of a storm drain on Newton Street, and permission be granted to the County to commence work. - estimates for roofing installed on Public Works and Fire Hall building, two estimates received; Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT this Council accepts the estimate of Ed Matthews for repairs to the Public Works and Fire Hall roof. - request to have street lights cleaned; Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: THAT this Council requests the PUC to clean various street lights throughout the Village as soon as possible. Carried. .../2 • - 2 - 11 AUG 80 c. Special Committees - J. Smyth (OHRP) a. final loan application of N. Barrick approved. b. suggested the committee enforce regulations more in future applications. d. Fire Hall - G. Loucks - nothing to report e. Recreation Board - G. Loucks - not aware of profits made from Carnival - stated carnival personnel were pleased with Port Burwell and decided to return next year because of this. f. Planning Board - V. Bates - no meeting last month. - noted Aylmer is pulling aut of the Board and V. Bates hopes Port Burwell can do the same sometime soon. No building permits reported for month of July, Total to date equal 7 with a total value of $26,400, total demolition permits to date equal 7. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Items tabled previously) a. Petition of Milton Street residents, requesting street light; Moved G. Loucks, Seconded J . Smyth: THAT this Council is in favour of the Petition of Gail Culver, Max Gee, Gerald and Dianne Matthews to erect a street light on Milton Street near their residences'. Motion lost - 2 in favour, 3 not in favour. b. Ministry of the Environment, regarding water rates. OMB was not satisfied with By Law #259. This matter was deferred for further study. 3. NEW BUSINESS - nil 9. BY LAWS a. It - To appoint By Law Enforcement Officer and Dog Licensing Officer. Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT by law 344 be read a first time. Read and carried. Moved J. Smyth, Seconded H. Alward: THAT by law 344 be read a second time. Reading dispensed with and carried. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded V. Bates: THAT by law 344 be read a third time. Reading dispensed with finally passed and carried. b. l ' - To appoint a Building Inspector. Moved H. Alward, Seconded V. Bates: THAT by law 345 be read a first time. Read and carried. Moved J. Smyth, Seconded H. Alward: THAT by law 345 be read a second time. Reading dispensed with and carried. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded V. Bates: THAT by law 345 be read a third time. Reading dispensed with finally passed and carried. c. - To appoint auditors. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT by law 346 be read a first time. Read and carried. • Moved H. Alward, Seconded V. Bates: THAT by law 346 be read a second time. Reading dispensed with and carried. Moved V. Bates, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT by law 346 be read a third time. Reading dispensed with finally passed and carried. d. - Fencing of privately owned outdoor pools. Moved V. Bates, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT by law 347 be read a first time. Read 411 and carried. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: THAT by law 347 be read a second time. Reading dispensed with,and carried. Moved J. Smyth, Seconded V. Bates: THAT by law 347 be read a third time. Reading dispensed with finally passed and carried. e. !8 - Sale of land to C.I.B.C. Moved H. Alward, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT by law 348 be read a first time. Read and carried. Moved J. Smyth, Seconded V. Bates: THAT by law 348 be read a second time. Reading dispensed with and carried. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: THAT by law 348 be read a third time. Reading dispensed with finally passed and carried. - 3 - 11 AUG 80 10. NEXT MEETING - Monday 8 September unless special meeting is called. 11. OTHER ITEMS FROM COUNCIL - Sale of east part of George Street to Mrs. Hindle. Council not in favour of selling. - Mrs. Gayed, regarding by laws controlling landscaping. Village has no such by laws. 12. ADJOURN, Moved J. Smyth, Seconded V. Bates: THAT this Regular Meeting of Council be adjourned until the next Regular Meeting unless a special meeting is called. Carried. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:55 PM. r " "leP/ R.G. LaCroix, APPROVED: Ron Bradfield Clerk REEVE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL 19th SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL 20 AUGUST, 1980 MINUTES of a special meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell, at 5:30 PM on Wednesday 20 August, 1980: PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve Vera Bates - Councillor 110 Harry Alward - Councillor Jack Smyth - Councillor Cord Loucks - Councillor (late in arrival) R. LaCroix - Clerk 1. BY LAW # 349 - water rates Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT by law 349 be read a first time. Read and carried. Moved H. Alward, Seconded V. Bates: .THAT by law 349 be read a second timer . Reading dispensed with and carried. u Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT bylaw 349 be read a third time. , Reading dispensed with finally passed and carried. 2. ADJOURNMENT Moved V. Bates, Seconded H. Alward: THAT this Special Meeting of Council be adjourned until the next Regular Meeting unless a special meeting is called. Carried. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:40 PM. 7,/) �[.GA/ R.G. LACROIX, Clerk APPROVED: Ron Bradt eld, REEVE VILLAGE OF PORI' BURWELL • A . 20th REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 8 SEPTEMBER. 1980 MINUTES of a regular meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell, at 7:30 PM on Monday 8 September, 1980: PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve Councillors - Vera Bates, Harry Alward, Jack Smyth, Gord Loucks R. LaCroix - Clerk VISITORS: Margaret Boyd - Tillsonburg News 11/11 1. PREVIOUS MINUTES Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: 0 THAT minutes of the regular meeting held 11 August and the special meeting held 20 August, 1980 be adopted as read. Carried. 2. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES - nil 3. DEPUTATIONS AND PETITIONS a. John Walker, re marina for Port Burwell. With regret Mr. Walker announced he will be leaving Port Burwell at month's end for the following reasons: 1. Insufficient dredging 2. Request to Small Craft Harbours for grant has not been approved to date 3. Request to Ontario Development Corp. for loan has not been approved to date Mr. Walker should have his final decision by 17 September, 1980. Councillor Gord Loucks suggested that the Village residents organize a delegation to support Mr. Walker. b. Petition of Libbye Avenue and Faye Street residents re sewer and water service. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: THAT whereas the Council of the Village of Port Burwell has acknowledged a request by the residents of Libbye Ave. and Faye St. to be included in the proposed sewer construction programme; THEREFORE be it resolved that this council notify the Ministry of Environment, Project Co-ordination Branch, of this request and ask the Ministry to take the necessary steps to deal with this request. The areas to be serviced are as follows: Libbye Ave. - lots 1 thru to 9 in- clusive and in full of plan 191, Faye St. - lots 127 thru to 130 inclusive and in full of plan 228. Carried. i,. READING/CONSIDERING COMMUNICATIONS a. Ontario Municipal Water Assoc. re 14th annual conference, file. b. Emergency Preparedness 1980's conference, file. c. Ministry of Housing re request by Town of Aylmer to withdraw from the E.E.P.B., Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT the Council of the Village of Port Burwell proposes no objections to the request of the Town of Aylmer for permission to withdraw from the East Elgin Planning Area and to be defined as a single, independent planning area. Carried. 5. PASSING ACCOUNTS Moved J. Smyth, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT voucher #9 is approved for payment: .General Accounts $13,713.55 Payroll Accounts $ 1.879.46 Total $15,593.01 Carried. 6. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND COWITTEES a. Reeve's Report - R. Bradfield II - attended AMO conference in Toronto' August 17 to 20 - report: AMO wishes to amalgamate with other associations to give stronger voice to Provincial government. AMD would like to be involved in Constitutional talks. . b. Road Superintendent's Report - H. Alward - complaint received re open trench leading to septic tank on n/w corner of Erieus and Waterloo Streets. Clerk to advise Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit to take necessary steps to control problem. c. Special Committees - J. Smyth (OHRP) - no report d. Fire Hall - G. Loucks - no report • • - 2 - 8 Sept. 80 . Recreation Board - G. Loucks - held meeting 3 September, 1980 - profit from carnival about 11,100 - considering planting grass on the infield area and playground area of the ball park. 11111 f. Planning Board - V. Bates - South Dorchester has paid 1980 levy. Five building permits received in August, total value $19,777 Total to date equal 12 with a total value of $46,177, total demolition permits to date equal 7. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (ITEMS TABLED PREVIOUSLY) a. Ministry of Natural Resources re speed limit for harbour area. Moved V. Bates, Seconded H. Alward: THAT this Council notify the Ministry of Natural Resources, Aylmer Branch, that the Village of Port Burwell requests to withdraw the applicatiod for a speed limit in the harbour. The reasons for this request are as follows: 1. The council believes that there is not sufficient traffic in the harbour, and thus the need for a speed limit is minor. 2. The local policing authority is not yrepared to enforce the legislation, even though they are trilling to enforce the legislation. 3. Further to a newspaper advertisement there has been no public response to a proposed speed limit. Carried. 3. NEW BUSINESS a. East Elgin Planning Board has accepted the request of the Township of South Dorchester to increase the fees for zoning changes to $300. b. Mr. Dan Black will be invited to the next regular meeting to discuss insurance. c. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT this council wishes to engage Business Computer Services for the pre- paration of municipal tax notices for the year 1981. Carried. d. Moved H. Alward, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT the Village of Port Burwell requests the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to share in the costs for reconstruction of Erieus Street from Highway #19 to Union Street and Robinson Street from Wellington Street to Lake Erie in 1981 and 1982, and such reconstruction to be carried out in conjunction with a Ministry of Environment contract for installing sanitary sewers. Carried. Further to this resolution council will meet with Mr. H. Greenly of the MTC to discuss this matter (Tuesday 16 September, 1980 11:00 AM). 9. BY LAWS - nil 10. NEXT MEETING - held 9 September, 1980 11. OTHER ITEMS FROM COUNCIL - discussion re weed cutting deferred for further consideration. 12. ADJOURNMENT • Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward THAT this regular meeting of council be adjourned until the next regular meeting of council unless a special meeting is called. Time: 9:45 PM. Carried. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9145 PM. Gof, LCrois, APPROVED: Ron Bradfie B. Clerk RAE • VILLAGE OF PORT BURW LL • • 21st SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL 9 SEPTEMBER, 1980 MINUTES of a special meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell, at 7:00 PM on Tuesday 9 September, 1980: PRESEKT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve Councillors - Vera Bates, Harry Alward, Jack Smyth, Gord Loucks R. LaCroix - Clerk JISITOR: Ken Matthews, representative to East Elgin Planning Area Larry Field, Maclaren Limited, Consulting Engineers 1. ZONING BY-LAW This special meeting was called to discuss the draft zoning by law of the Village of Port Burwell. Amendments and additions to the by law were as follows: Section 1 - Interpretation and Administration Item 1.9 - Application for building permits - does not require survey plan 1.18 - Effective date - grey area between time council approves and OMB. Section 2 - Definitions, Item 2.18 - new definition, dwelling unit 2.22 - Dwelling duplex replaces dwelling two family 2.14 - new definition, &felling townhouse 2.25 - dwelling apartment replacing apartment 2.33 - Grading definition modified 2.35 - Illustrations showing heights and lot depths will be included 2.39 - new definition, kennel 2.54 - Mobile corrected to motel other items - add definition to define buffer strip - omit definition to define altered and put into 4.9 - omit definition truck, trailer - omit water supply system, municipal Section 3 - Zones and Zoning Map • - Harbour commercial (C3) was further to the Official Plan amendment. Section 4 - General Provisions Item 4.11.2 - include restriction re building close to top of lake bank 4.22 - Buffer strip, new addition, council to consider if necessary 4.26 - changed to 4.25 - Driveway regulations, consider if necessary 4.27 - changed to 4.26 - Permitted Public Uses, refers mainly to buildings and not structures Section 7.1 to 7.4 - missing, gave regulations of Residential zone Section 8 - Travel Trailer Park Item 8.3 - 22 square metres should read 220 square metres Section 9 - Provisions for Commercial Zones Item 9.1.3 - Shopping Centres Prohibited, omit this restriction and move to item 10.1 (permitted uses) Section 10 - Permitted Buildings and Structures Item 10.3 - 185 square metres . 1855 sq. metres - 80 square metres • 800 sq. metres - 55 square metres - 555 sq. metres Section 11 - Items 11.1 to 11.7 missing, local commercial (C2) regulations Item 11.10 - measurements should read metres only 111111 Section 12 - newer zone regulations as per Official Plan amendment Item 12.1 - includes boat building Item 12.3 - 1858 sq metres - 1855 sq. metres, 80 sq. metres • 800 sq. metres, 55 sq. metres - 555 sq. metres Other items - will include rear yard provision of six metres Section 13 - Institutional Zone (IN) Regulations Item 13.3 - 1858 sq. metres - 1855 sq. metres, 80 sq. metres - 800 sq. metres, 55 sq. metres - 555 sq. metres 13.7 - does not include church towers etc. Section 1 - Industrial Zone (M) Regulations tem 14.3 - 1858 sq. metres - 1855 sq. metres Section 15 - Park and Recreation (P) Zone Regulations Item 15.2 - item refers to item 4.23 and not item 5.15 Section 16 - Development Zone (D) Regulations - may be eliminated if no requirement • • - 2 - 9 September. 1980 ZONING MAP a. will be amended to include Libbye Avenue and Paye Street areas but not as being (P). b. market square area (municipal office, public works, fire hall) will be changed to (IN). c. piano studio and hairdressing shop will be classified as home occupations. d. residential lots on Erieus Street adjacent to Hazard zoning will be changed to residential for lots only. Hazard sone will commence at rear of lots. e. Welding business and pine wood business will be non-conforming uses. f. Hazardous zoning along east shore of Lake will be changes; to residential, but there will be a provision regarding the building set back. Council agreed to meet again on the zoning by law, Wednesday 1 October, 1980. 2. NEXT METING - Tuesday 16 September, 1980 11:00 AM 3. OTHER ITEMS FROM 00UNCIL - nil 4. ADJOURNMENT Moved J. Smyth, Seconded V. Bates: THAT this special meeting of council be adjourned until the next special meeting scheduled for 16 September, 1980 at 11:00 AM. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 PM. ,17 4 1t.(i• 47. APPROVED: Ron Bradfie d, Cleric REEVE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL k 22nd SPPICIAL MEETING OF`COUNCIL 16 SEPTEMBER. 1980 MINUTES of a special meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell, at 11:00 AM on Tuesday 16 September, 1980: PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve Councillors - Vera Bates, Harry Alward, Jack Smyth R. LaCroix - Clerk ABSENT: Gord Loucks (working) VISITORS: Frank Clarke and Howard Greenly, Ministry of Transportation and Communications This special meeting of council was called to discuss a proposed project regarding the road re-construction in conjunction with Sanitary Sewer installation on the Connecting Link (Hwy. 019). 1. Mr. Greenly discussed in detail his letter sent to council dated 21 August, 1980, copy of letter attached. Although the cost of the re-construction is 100% to the MTC there are items which would be funded by the municipality: a.. Cost to finance the total project cost for approximately two months. b.. Costs of additional undertakings such as a sidewalk on the south side of Erieus Street, extra catch basins, etc. c.. Cost to set up agreement with Ministry of Environment and costs of consulting engineers. Should the proposal obtain the green light from all concerned, there will be a number of details that will be discussed with the council and MTO. For example, the design criteria for the road (width of pavement, etc.). 2. Moved J. Smyth, Seconded V. Bates THAT this special meeting of council be adjourned until the next regular meeting unless a special meeting is called. Carried. There being no further business from council the meeting was add ed at 12:30 PM R.G. LaCroix, APPROVED: Ron Bradfei , Clerk Reeve, VILLAGE OF PORT CJI L • .1EGi► ' i .Ls. , • Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications Box 5338, London, Ontario. riMIMI. 411N6A 5H2 August 21st, 1980. Mr. Robert LaCroix, Clerk, Village of Port Burwell, Box 299, Port Burwell, Ontario. NOJ ITO Dear Sir: RE: Road Construction in Conjunction with Sanitary Sewer Installation on Connecting Link (Hwy. #19) Further to our brief meeting with you on July 29th, 1980, am able to advise that I met with the Ministry of Environment Staff in Toronto and discussed the above project. The Ministry of Environment are working toward calling contracts for the treatment plant and installation of sewers in 1981. We are appreciative of. the Village' s request for a number of years to reconstruct the portion of roadway on the connecting link that was not reconstructed at the time the county bridge was built. We have postponed such construction until the sanitary sewers were installed. We - have an opportunity now to work with the Ministry of Environment, on the Village's behalf, to include the road reconstruction with the Ministry of Environment contract for installing sanitary sewers. However, to be able to include the roadwork, the Ministry of Transportation ana Communications must 'agree to finance their share of the connecting link costs of road construction in 1981 and 1982. We are prepared to make this recommendation to the Minister of Transportation and Communications, but first, since the work will be on your street (on which a basic , connecting link agreement between the Village and Ministry exists) , we need the Village' s concurrence that they in fact wish the road construction to be done and in conjunction with installing the sanitary sewers. Illik /2 ' r Page #2, August 21st, 1980. • • . The main reason for a joint coptract is a _savings to the Province' s taxpayers and the Village taxpayers in eliminating the cost of restoring the road as part of the sanitary sewer installation contract if separate contracts - were awarded for the sanitary sewers and for the road construction. This saving is shared equally between the Ministry of Environment project and the road authority' s project. Another benefit is only one disruption to the merchants on Robinson Street. If the Village agrees to this proposal, I foresee the following steps : (1 ) The Village of Port Burwell, by resolution, requests the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to share in the costs for reconstruction of Erieus Street from Highway #19 to Union Street and Robinson Street from Wellington Street to Lake Erie in 1981 and 1982, and such reconstruction to be carried out in conjunction with a Ministry of Environment contract for installing sanitary sewers. ( 2) The above resolution would be forwarded to the writer, who will include it with recommendations to the Minister to commit funding in 1981 and 1982. (3 ) If the Minister' s commitment is not obtained, then this proposal is dropped, and the M;ristry of Transportation & Communications will arrange with the Village to fund the road reconstruction under a separate contract a year or so after the sanitary • sewer contracts are completed. *�,,,. If the Minister' s commitment is obtained, then we ci -'r' suggest the Village enter into an agreement with the No)c Ministry of Environment to nave the Ministry of • Environment act as the Village' s agents for the road reconstruction work. (4) The Ministry of Environment can then nave their Consultants for the sanitary sewer works, Giffels Associates Limited, include the work of • • design, preparing tenders, supervision and administration of the road construction. (5) The Village would enter into a Construction Connecting Link Agreement (Forms AB-PR-17A & AB-PR-3 ) with the Ministry of Transportation & Communications. The Ministry of Transportation & Communications' share of the construction costs on the connecting link route is 100%; the Village ' s share is 0%. /3 • 0 Page #3, , August 21st, 1980. (6) In acting as the Village' s ageahts for the road reconstruction, the Ministry of Environment (or through their Consultants) would call the contract and make payments to the contractor. The Ministry of Environment would invoice the Village for the road reconstruction costs. The Village would pay the Ministry of Environment' s invoice and bill the Ministry of Transportation end Eommunications for the M.T.C. ' s share do the connecting link. (The Village would not bill the M.T.C. for any Part X work - normal subsidy work - but, include such expenditures with their annual return to the M.T.C. ) The M.T.C. would pay the Village for the M.T.C. ' s share of connecting link costs. There will probably be a two month' s delay between the time of payment by the Village to the Ministry of Environment and receipt of a cheque from the M.T.C. • Thus, the Village should budget to -finance the total cost of the road construction for two months. (7) There is a certain urgency in receiving the Village' s wishes. The Consultant has implied that he needs to know by October 1st, 1980, if the road construction work is to be included with the sanitary sewer contract, to avoid a delay to the sanitary contract award. Time will be required to obtain a reply from our Minister. Thus, it will be appreciated if you will bring this matter to your Council at the earliest opportunity. Mr. Frank Clarke and/or myself are quite willing to meet with your Council to discuss the proposal in more detail. Possibly a special council meeting would be appropriate. (8) Should the proposal obtain the green light from all concerned, there will be a number of details that we • will need to discuss with Council. For example, the design criteria for the road (width of pavements, storm sewer requirements, etc . ) whether the Village wishes sidewalk on the south side of Erieus Street to be included in the contract, etc . , but these items can wait. :n summary, we feel the proposal is realistic, and we hope you will get back to us in the next week or two. A plan of the proposed road construction is enclosed. The cost is $250,000 to $300,000. Yours truly, • H. H. Greenly, District Municipal Engineer. ililLHHG:ea 23rd SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL 22 SEPTEMBER, 1980 MINUTES of a special meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell, at 7:30 PM on Monday 22 September, 1980: PRESENT: Councillors - Vera Bates - Harry Alward (Acting Reeve) - Jack Smyth - Cord Loucks R. LaCroix - Clerk ABSENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve (attending conference in Thunder Bay re County Council) 1. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT Harry Alward be appointed acting reeve for this special meeting of council. Carried tfy Acting Reeve. 2. Council reviewed the writ of summons ,recepred frcrt solicitors acting for Crothers Limited in the amount of $5,934.77. Council was advised that the offer of settlement proposed by village solicitor in the amount of $3,428.28 was rejected by Crothers Limited. After discussions it was: Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: WHEREAS the Village of Port Burwell has been served with a writ of summons dated 4 March, 1980 and being between Crothers Limited (Plaintiff) and the Village of Port Burwell (Defendant) for a claim against the defendant for goods and services sold, delivered and rendered to the defendant in the amount of $5,934477 and a further claim of interest on the sum of $5,934.77 at the rate of 1.75% per month being the rate specified in the said invoice from the date hereof until the date of payment of judgment; and WHEREAS the Village has made a settlement offer to Crothers Limited which was subsequently rejected by Crothers Limited in the 'amount of 83,428.28 which the Village felt was a reasonable settlement offer; and WHEREAS the Village feels that no useful purpose would be achieved by further correspondence; THEREFORE be it resolved that the Village authorizes the Clerk to proceed with payment. Carried by Acting Reeve. 3. Clerk requested council to consider additional office help, council discussed matter and authorized Clerk to proceed to employ one additional person. 4. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT this special meeting of council be adjourned until the next regular meeting unless a special meeting of council is called. Carried by Acting Reeve. There being no further business from council this meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM. rid R.G. LaCroix, APPROVED: Ron Bradfie , Clerk REEVE, • VILLAGE OF PORT BURWEI.L IIMOW 24TH SIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL - 1 OCTOBER. 1980 Minutes of a special meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell, at 7:00 PM on Wednesday 1 October 80. PRES!21r: Ron Bradfiild - Reeve Vera Bates - Councillor 11 Harry Alward - Councillor Jack oSmyth - Councillor R. LaCroix - Clerk ABSENT: Cord Loucks - Councillor rkcjitafer- VISITORS: Larry Field, Gary Blazak-J.L. Magerien Ltd. 1. RESTRICTS) AREA (TONING) BYLAW (FILE 2700-3A) - Council reviewed the additions and amendments to the proposed . . zoning By Law. - Resolved to omit general restrictions governing site plan mat- ters and set up separate By Law with these general guidelines. -McFarlen Limited will supply the village with draft copies of: . SSa new ByLaw showing site plan criteria b revised zoning ByLaw ((c agreement example 2. ROAD RECONSTRUCTION RE: MTC AND CONNECTING LINK (FILE 6600-3) Request to enter into agreement with Ministry of Environment to act as village agents was deferred for further consideration. 3. ADJOURNMENT • Moved J. Smyth, Seconded V. Bates. That this special meeting of council be adjourned until the next regular meeting unless a special meeting is called. Carried. There being no further business the westing was adjourned at 9:20 PM. p APPROVED: Ron Bradfeil Robert G. LaCroix Reeve Clerk VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL 4 ST1 REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL 6 OCrOHER. 1980 'NUM of a regular meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell, at :30 PM on Monday 6 October, 1980: PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve Vera Bates - Councillor Harry Alward - Councillor. Jack ,Smyth - Councillor Gond Loucks - Councillor R. LaCroix - Clerk VISITORS: Dan Black, Hamilton Ward and Cathers . PREVIOUS MINUTES ) Moved J. Smyth, Seconded V. Bates: THAT minutes of the regular meeting held 8 September 80 and the special meetings held 9, 16 and 22 September and 1 October 80 be adopted as read. Carried. . BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES - nil . DEPUTATICNB AND PETITIONS a. Dan Black, re 1980 and 1981 insurance policies - Hamilton Ward and Cathers Ltd., 17617,777-Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: THAT this council requests the insurance agents, Hamilton Ward and Cathers, to increase the councillors' accident policy in the following manner: weekly indemnity - total loss of time - from $100 to $150 weekly indemnity - partial loss of time - from $50 to $75. Carried. Council also considered raising the dredge out of the harbour to decrease the insurance premium on the dredge. Mr. Black will look further into this and advise the Clerk. (1100-12) b. Letter received re village streets, file. (1900-1) . READING/CONSIDERING COM$UNICATIONS - nil • . PASSING ACCOUNTS Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT voucher #10 is approved for payment: General Accounts $ 34,580.24 Payroll Accounts $ 2,536.49 OHRP Accounts 4..777.00 Total 41,891.73 except for item #18 being a payment to Municipal World in the amount of $165.00. Carried. . REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND COMfITTEIS a. Reeve's Report, R. Bradfield - no report b. Road Superintendent's Report, H. Alward: - further to request by PUC, Moved H. Alward, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT the PUC be authorized to purchase approximately 1000 feet of control wire at a probable cost of $75 and to purchase six village lights at a replacement cost of approximately $150 each. Carried. - hopes to see demolition of Church on Shakespeare Street completed in near future. - received request to have property owned by P. Chipps and W. Moore on Robinson Street cleaned up. c. Special Committee's Report, OHRP, J. Smyth - no report d. Fire Hall, G. Loucks - no report e. Recreation Board, G. Loucks - next meeting 16 October, 1980 - motorcycle rally scheduled for 19 October, 1980, breakfast (ham and, eggs) will be served at ball park. f. Planning Board, V. Bates - last meeting was 23 September, 1980, discussed primarily farm odours and lot levies. g. Harbour committee minutes reviewed by council, council will consider further the request re depth of launching ramp. one building permit received in September total value $3000, total to date 449,177 (13) one demolition permit received in September, total to date equal 8 ▪ UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Items tabled previously) a. Ministry of Transportation and Communications re road reconstruction Moved J. Smyth, Seconded V. Bates: WHEREAS the Village of Port Burwell, by resolution dated 8 September, 1980, requested the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to share in the costs for the reconstruction of that portion of roadway known as the connecting link within the Village; Be it resolved that the Ministry of Environment be notified that the Village wishes the 6 OCTOBER. 1980 Page 2 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (CONT'D) Ministry of Environment to take the necessary steps to enter into agreements with the Village to have the Ministry of Environment act as village agents for the following purpose: "for the reconstruction of Erieus Street from Highway #19 to Union Street and Robinson Street from Wellington Street to Lake Erie, and such re- construction to be carried out in conjunction with a Ministry of Environment contract for installing sanitary sewers" Be it further ther resolved that: 1. The Ministry of Environment be notified that the Ministry of Environment (or through their Consultants, (liffels Associates Limited) work with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in proposing the design criteria for the road. Such proposal to be apprelved by Village Council. 2. The Ministry of Environment (or through their consultants) call the contract and make payments to the contractor. 3. The Ministry of Environment would invoice the Village and the Village will re-imburse the Ministry of Environment for the road reconstruction coats. CARRIED. • 8. NEW BUSINESS a. Council advised Sterling Fuels has increased price of product #4 (road oil) from 64.100pr gallon to 71.10tpr gallon delivered. b. Council advised Village has received balance of 1980 unconditional grant in amount of 521,399.00. 9. pi LAWS - nil IJ. NEXT MEETING - Tuesday 7 October, 1980 at 7:00 PM re tax impact study 11. OTHER ITEMO _'R,OM GOUNOIL - nil 12. ADJOURNMENT Moved J. Smyth, Seconded V. Bates: THAT this regular meeting of Council be adjourned until the next special meeting scheduled for Tuesday October 7, 1980 at 7:00 PM. Carried. Note: Council was in favour of holding a candidate's night for the coming election. Date and time will be announced. There being no further business from council this regular meeting was adjourned at 9:50 PM. R.G. LaCroix, APPROVED: Ron Bradfi Clerk Reeve VILLAGE OF PORT BU1*dELL • • • f61H SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL 7 OCTOBER. 1980 MINUTES of a special meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell, at 7:00 PM on Tuesday 7 October, 1980: PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve Vera Bates P Councillor Jack Smyth - Councillor Gord Loucks - Councillor R. LaCroix - Clerk ABSENT: H. Alward - Councillor VISITORS: John Garret, Terry Callihan - Regional Assessment Office (London) 1. TAX IMPACT STUDY - Council was supplied with the tax impact study for the municipality of Port Burwell showing the current assessment, current taxes, new assessment should the study be implemented, and the average change to taxes according to the different catagories i.e. residential, commercial, industrial, and farm. Note: the overall taxes and assessment does not reflect a change from the current figures. - Council advised that the assessment officers will hold 'open house' for the ratepayers. - The new assessments will apply to the 1981 tax season if implemented. - Council will consider the study further and advise the assessment office. Copy of the tax impact study is attached 2. ADJOURNMENT Moved Jack Smyth, Seconded Vera Bates: THAT this special meeting of council be adjourned until the next regular meeting unless a special meeting is called. Carried. There being no further business from council the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM. 16' R.G. LaCroix, APPROVt): Ron Bradt' eld Clerk REEVE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL 4111011 • • �,y,.� :-o r�1 5 I, j a;To r v-4-+tin-cv !�') 021$460'U 6 /` gN,,� QJ - 000000' 1 Py � � n I 1 SsaU'0 ow tte - OI?}fnW1'0 9/ O Z I%,O'O S -( ,Qr,+ - 010Sff•0 h-' _ 0t79?,s�i'0 fir+' • . OZ19bi)'0 Z� 021960•0 I .410 OZIPh!1'O . ZonS-A11 tre13141iw ws� S-01.0,7.4 mILL RATES ',Stu FOR F0Iri1CIPALIT1" 3402 rlE6 0. 134790 0.164413 K? CC * 07,-0.001100---T-00-0D00 0.000000 0.000000 `. . * 0.000000 0.000000 -. * 0.000000 0.000000 • C - --0-001700--0. fOD00 - - ---- - - -- * 0.0((0000 0.000000 * 0.000000 0.000000 * 0.000000 0.000000 • * ' 0.000000 0.000000 • . v - * 0.000000 0.000000 " - . - * 0.000000 0.000000 c13-00•00o- o.uuov �r - -- -- -- ----- * • 0.000000 0.000000 - • . C' -- * • 0.000000 0.000090 . . _ _ * 0.000000 0.600000 i , LDODO-0 0 0 u.0.0-0 0 0 e -- - - --- -- -- - -- *. 0.000000" 0.000000 - C - * - 0.00000.0 6.000000 - - . . _ . . _. .- - -- - - . . * -..i0.000�,00 0.000000 v.ouoop-O o.nWToiro -- - - - -- --- - -- -- - - * 0.000000 0.000000 * 0.000000 " 0.000000 - P F.: * 0.000000 0.000000 - _ _. _ - - • - IMPACT PFPiIRil^2 T 7 F '•11NIC PAL 1Y 340?, no [ICT ?1. rrE;.TIAL RATE 0'.119750 C0 '•; Kf1AL PA1F 0.164411 CLASS 0=RFSluErJTLAL(0-h UNITS), CLAUS 2=m11-RE$ RFf1I,f jT14L , CLASS 3=Cna4F1ERCIA( '', CLASS 4=1001 TE1AL , CLASS 7=FARM VACANT LAIM PARCELS Awl- LOCATED Ii: "TIiEIR RESPECTIVE CLASSES. ONLY TAXAIILE ENTRIES ARE INCLUDED. CL EKONN T(i ..,UNITS OLD SAIF NEW SA3°` ti;`��� 11TFFc TAX S AV0/11!]17-�,- 00 U 0,4U Tn 0�9 U - 1 -- - - fir_��, ��:. - ' 0 0 0 ' 0 0 00 0 0.10 Til 0.19 1 900 170 -730 -102 -102 00 0 0.2o 101 0.29 2 4550 1140 • -3360 -470 -235 00 0 0.30 10 0.39 3 1300 410x-s- 4) -890 -124 -41 - 00 0 0.40 To 0.49 3 5200 2470 -?730 -382 -127 00 0 0.50 10 0.59 2 3020 1740 -1280 -187 -93 00 0 0.6u TO 0.e9 19 27460 18040 -9420 - 1'16 -69 -9851CF - -- 711200 - .-- -213fA ---- 3017 -7? 00 0 0.80 TU 0.89 42 84775 71g90 -1?785 -1788 -'I? 00 0 u.90 Tn 0.99 46 95040 89170 -5870 i -418 -17 • 00 0 1.00 T11 1 .09 48 76550 8o77o 4220 589 1? - 00 0 1.10 TO 1.19 40 66880 70040 9960 1392 29 00 0 1 .20 II1 1 .29 2726355 32710 6355 890 3? 00 0 1.30 1u 1.39 23 23435 3179u 8355 1169 So 00 0 1.40 10 1.49 14 8385 11960_- 3575 -•--.-- 4.9.9 8130 865 h3 00. 0 1.60 T11 1.69 N 4470 7360 - 2890 406 5p 00- 0 1.70 TO .1.79 11 5815 10060 4245 593 5; 00 0 1.80 lU 1.89 5 3200 5890 2690 375 75 00 0 1.90 in 1 .99 13 3125 5990 2865 409 31 00 0 2.00 To 2.09 5 1265 ?S401275 178 35 00 0 2.10 TO 2.19 2 1150 2440 1290 180 90 00 0 2.20 TO 2.29 7 2150 4800 2650 _�7] .11--u 2730 h) x.34 3 - 775- - -- 180p -- - --t025 - - -- 143 47 00 0 2.40 TI) 2.49 1 325 810 485 68 68 v` � 00 0 2.60 TO 2.69 7 1225 3190 1965 276 39 00 0 3.10 T11 3.19 3 375 1 170 795 111 00 u 3.50 1l, 3.59 1 125 440 115 44 40 • 00 0 ** CLASS TOTALS 405.; ` 1. 558110; 558020 -90 -?6 0 �^ (C71.-"V'' /_"c� U ✓ 1 • •• • OL • 4101110 . -- -- . .. .--... _. .-- .-_.. - - - _ -- -- - -- - - : ,-. ACT REPOR1 7 FOR MUNICIPALITY 3402, ON OCT 226 RESIDENTIAL RATE 0.139750 COMMERCIAL PATE 0. 164413 .--ASS O=RLSIDENIIAL(0-6 UNITS), CLAS 2=MULTI-PESIDENTIAL, CLASS 3=COMM� .RC)AL, CLASS 4=TNOO S1RIAL, CLASS 7=FAhM ,ACAN1 LAND PARCELS ARE LOCATED IN THEIR RESPECTIVE CLASSES. ONLY TAXABLE ENTRIES ARE INCLUDED. WD CL Fk01I TO UNITS OLD SAS NEW SAS _ DIFF TAX % AVG/UNIT 00 3 0.30 TO 0.39 1 1000 350 -650 -91 -91 00 3 0.40 TU 0.49 2 4800 2160 -2640 -369 6.184 00 3 0.00 TO 0.59 1 7110 3830 -3280 -458 -05R 00 3 0.60 TO 0.6° 2 - --7250 - 5060 -2190 -360 -180 00 3 0.70 TO 0.79 4 12240 9350 -2890 -466 -116 ' 00 3 0.80 To 0.89 7 33245 28390 -4855 -753 -107 00 3 0.90 TU 0.99 1 12285 11650 -635 -104 -144 00--3--1;013-10 -1079 . S 16065 1647-0 9015--- 144 ?R -00 3 1 . 10 TO 1 . 19 5 13840 15810 1970 315 63 00 3 1.20 10 1 .2Q 2 4225 5?10 985 1h2 Al 00 3 1 .30 TO 1 .39 11600 2110 510 71 71 00 3 1 .40 10 1 .49 _.2.. 1Q75 2920 945 132 66 00 3 1 .50 TO 1 .59 • 2 42°0 6760 2470 406 201 00 3 1 .60 TO 1 .69 1 . 575 Q60 3R5 63 63 00. 3 1.70 TO 1.74 1 ' 100 170 70 10 10_- 0 0-3 1.90 IU-1:99 1 TA3 0 2-8-P 1380 19 3 193 1 00 3 . 2.10 TO 2.19 1 • • 4425 9610 5185 725 725 00 3 2.50 TO ?.59 1 1540 3880 2340 327 327 00 3 ** CLASS TOTALS 407- 177995 1213000 5 -53 -1 • ,1 i . • _/_-ls. Le�7- LpL4Vic. t.3 ---- ---- 4,,ri / 11 • i;. • •( 1 . L. 5:41..:ft- o..: cc. ) ..42.444 s f-i .J- c i...4 %. pec/4.r-L--LTL„ -- --:-- - . • r . Id. AL .IASST0=RESIDENTIAL(.0-LASS —RE.IDENTIALNTCLASSA 3E•CUHMFRCIA(.,CGLASSC4=INDUSTP1AL6,4CLASS 7=FARM IACANT LAND PARCELS ARE LOCATED IN THEIR RESPECTIVE CLASSES. ONLY TAXABLE ENTRIES ARE INCLUDED. ID CL FPOM TO UNITS OLD SAS HEW SAS DIFF T-AX_ $ AVG/UNIT )0 4 0.50 TO 0.59 1 10990 5590 -5400 –755 –755 )0 4 0.60 TU 0.69 3 7685 5020 -2665 -439 -146 . )0 4 0.70 TO 0.79 1 2275 1650 -625 )0 4 0.80 TO 0.89 5 26395 2?700 –3695 –57? –114 )0 4 0.90 TO 0.99 1 2360 2260 –100 –14 –14 )0 4 1.00 TO 1.09 1 850 850 0 0 0 )0 4 1.10 To 1 .19 2 2280 2590 _ 3.10 43 21 )0 4 1 .t0 TO 1.7 1 /490 9030 1540 251 125 . )0 4 1 .60 TO 1 .69 2 3175 5260 2085 342 171 • 30 4 2.00 TO 2.09 1 6500 13440 . 6940 1141 1141 7t )0 4 5.30 TO 5.39 1 225 1200 975 _ 136_ .__ _ 136,______ . ____.____.,— 30 4 26.40 TO 26.49 1 – ' ` 125 - 860 735 121 121 " 30 4 *k CLASS TOTALS 21 70350 70450 100 167 7 , ' • 1 . • • • • - - . I .IPACT REPORT 7 Fok 74IJi11CIPAL1TY 340?, ON OCT 26. FESIOEN1IA1. RATE 0.139750, COmAFRCIAL RATE 0.164413 CLASS 0=RES1OPITIAL(0-6 'WITS), CLASS 2=M0LTI-RESIOENTTALt CLASS 3=COMMERCIAL CUSS 4=INDuSTRTAL, CLASS 7=FART+ . VACANT LAUD PARCELS ARE LOCATED IN THEIR RESPECTIVE CLASSES. ONLY TAXATILE ENTRIES ARE INCLUDED. . WD CL FkO.i __ Tu UNITS OLD SAS NF_r.-SAS DIFF_ TAX $ AVG/UNIT __ 00 7 0.60 To 0.69 1 550 340 -210 00 7 0.90 T�1 0.99 1 3695 1620 -29 ?1Su -200 -26 -28 ,- 00 7 1.10 10 1. 19 1 1000 1170 70 00 7 l.du Tu 1.89 1117027 7 .150 27o 1702 17 17 00 7 .* CLASS ToTALS 5 .7745 7750 5 2 0 . . ! wD CL FkI)N T(! UNiTS • OLD SAS mEa; SAS DIFF TAX E AVG/OMIT 00 •;• •* t f<D TO 471 76u?Op 7602? c- OLD SAS TUI ALS .FOR NUNICIRALITY 340? 6?9175 TOTAL TAXAHLE RESIDENTIAL - __ 1091330 TOTAL 1AXAF'LE_CCI�h.�EPCIAL __ ]4]625 TOTAL EXE PT r!(► GKANT — ----- -_-----`--- - c_ ' 11105 TOTAL FY.E•IPT ELIGI-ILE FOP GkANT 4 0 TOTAL UHK,W. W •REALTY — ie.•:. •- -- 35540--tOTAt-TAX-AaC1`BtrSTrrESS------ -- ____________------ ------ --- _ __ 4715 TOTAL EXE'1RT GRANT BUSINESS 0 TOTAL UNKNp,;r! rsOSINFSS - . •'. . . ' 1 - 27TH SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL 21 OCTOBER, 1980 MINUTES of a special meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell, at 7:00 PM on Tuesday 21 October, 1980: PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve Vera Bates - Councillor Harry Alward - Councillor Cord Loucks - Councillor R. LaCroix - Clerk ABSFJV'T: J. Smyth - Councillor VISITORS: Gail Culver, Murray Alward, Harold Hoshal - Public Utilities Commission 1. PREVIOUS MINUTES - next regular meeting 2. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES - nil 3. DEPUTATIONS AND PETITIONS - nil 4. READING/CONSIDERING COMMUNICATIONS - nil 5. PASSING ACCOUNTS - next regular meeting 6. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND CCW1ITTEES - next regular meeting 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (ITEMS TABLED PREVIOUSLY) a. Water rates, approved by Ontario Municipal Board on 4 September, 1980. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: THAT the Public Utilities Commission be advised the users of the municipal water system be credited for payments and charges made after 4 September, 1980. Effective immediately any future charges to be applied using the new water rates as set out in By Law No. 334. Carried. - P.U.C. asked that the administration and responsibilities of the water services • be defined more clearly. Clerk will review water by laws, etc., for new council. b. Dredge Insurance, Moved V. Bates, Seconded H. Alward: THAT the insurance premium due to Hamilton, Ward and Cathers for the dredge in the amount of $4,750.00 for coverage in 1980 and 1981 be cancelled. recorded vote requested: Yeas - H. Alward, V. Bates Nays - G. Loucks Carried by Yeas c. Section 86 re-assessment, Moved G. Loucks, Seconded V. Bates: THAT the Honourable Lorne Maeck, Minister of Revenue, be requested to have Section 86 of the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1970, implemented for purposes of taxation in 1981 for the Village of Port Burwell. recorded vote requested: Yeas - G. Loucks, V. Bates Nays - H. Alward Carried by Yeas 8. PM BUSINESS a. Oath of Returning Officer, R.G. LaCroix, sworn before Reeve. b. County of Elgin re central ambulance dispatch service. Clerk to forward to County letter expressing council's views: - satisfied with present service received - consideration given to difficulty in explaining direction to dispatcher situated in London - over view that council is not in favour of centralizing the dispatch service 9. BY LAWS a. No. 350 - sale of land to Bank of Commerce Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: THAT By Law 350 be read a first time. Read 111 and Carried. Moved V. Bates, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT By Law 350 be read a second time. Reading dispensed with and carried. Moved H. Alward, Seconded V. Bates; THAT By Law 350 be read a third time. Reading dispensed with finally passed and carried. 10. STT MEETING a. 27 October, 1980, 4:00 PM - sewers b. 29 October, 1980, 7:00 PM - zoning 11. O?1RITEMC FROM COUNCIL - forward letter to St. Thomas Sanitary Service. Council wishes more care be taken when collecting garbage. - launching ramp, defer until council sees progress in harbour. 12. ADJOURMENT Moved G. Loucks, Seconded V. Bates, THAT this Special Meeting of Council be adjourned until the next special meeting scheduled for 27 October, 1980, at 4:00 PM. Carried. There be no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 PM LaCroix, Clerk APPROVED: Roo radd'ie BEEVE 28th SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL 27 OCTOBER. 1980 MINUTES of a special meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burrell, on Monday 27 October, 1980 at 4:00 PM: PRESENT: Vera Bates - Councillor, Acting Reeve Harry Alward - Councillor Jack Smyth - Councillor Cord Loucks - Councillor R. LaCroix - Clerk ABSENT: R. Bradfield - (Amtelecom meeting) VISITORS: H.H. Greenly M.T.C.,r- R. Bratty, R. Tranquada - Giffels Associates 1. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: THAT Vera Bates be appointed Acting Reeve for this 28th special meeting of council. Carried. 2. REVIEW OF PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF THE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION FOR THE CONNECTING LINK A. Robinson Street Turn around - the turn around at the foot of Robinson St. is designed with a 75-7771767t.) radius. The road is to be elevated 1 m above the existing beach level. The side slopes of the turn around are to receive rip-rap protection. There is to be barrier curb and guide rail around the radius of the turn around to prevent passage to the beach. Access to the beach is to be via Hagerman St. The centre island of the turn around is to be sodded. The Village is to arrange to have the property outside the road allowance, which is required for the turn around, declared as highway. The beach area presently belongs to the village. Storm Drainage Storm drainage from the road is to be collected by a new storm sewer. The high point of the sewer is set at a location just north of Pitt St. A set of catchbasins is provided here to collect drainage from the road section just south of Wellington. Catchbasins and sewer are to be provided along the road down to the turn around. The outlet for the sewer is to be constructed to the lake and placed next to an existing retaining wall. Rip-rap and stone protection is to be placed around the outlet to guard against wave and ice action. The storm outlet extends beyond the west property line of the road allowance. Once the actual amount of property required is identified, the village is to arrange the purchase. Giffels is to advise on property required. Road Section - Pitt St. South The road is to be 8.00 m wide from Pitt St. down to the turn around. There is to be mountable type curb. No parking can be allowed on this section of road. In the event of a vehicle breakdown, the vehicle could pull off the road by mounting the curb. Retaining wall and sidewalk north of Hagerman St. A concrete retaining wall is to be provided along Robinson St. just north of Hagerman. (Gabion wall was determined to be unacceptable from an aesthetic point of view). A 2.00 m offset to the curbline is to be provided for sidewalk construction. Along the length of road parallel to the sidewalk, barrier type curb is to be used. Driveway on hill The driveway on the hill is to be reworked to meet the new road, however some problems are identified. The slope of the reworked driveway is to be the same as the existing due to the lack of available room. The driveway is to be paved to protect against erosion. The location of the driveway is under question - i.e. is it a combined driveway or can the driveway be moved north to eliminate a slope problem with the existing cottages? Giffels is to review and advise. put Street gully The gully at Pitt Street is an area of concern. Although it is suspected that there is some subterranean drainage, nothing is evident on the surface, in fact, the gully is sloped away from Pitt Street. The Village would like to fill incthe gully to provide parking for the business area and to eliminate a nuisance. Giffels was requested to review the situation and develop a design and cost estimate to fill in the gully and provide positive drainage for that area. Drainage would include a - 2 - 28th sm 27 Oct.80 storm sewer along the Pitt St. road allowance to the harbour. The storm sewer for Robinson St. could be directed to this system, revising the strum drainage and in turn be eligible for some MTC subsidy. H. Greenly will review theMR'C position on subsidy for this work. Pitt Street - west ramp The Pitt Street west ramp is identified as a problem. Further detail information is required to finalize design, hbwever, it is evident that the road is to be steep because of space limitations; the road is to be paved for erosion protection and the side slopes require gabion retaining walls because of the change in elevation (up to 2 m above existing). Road section - business area A 13.00 m road width is to be provided in the business area. This is the maximum width available in order to clear the existing hydro poles. A barrier type curb and gutter is to be provided just outside the pole line. The space between the existing sidewalk and the new curb is to be paved with asphalt. • . Sidewalk - business area The existing sidewalk in •the business area in some cases, is sloped towards the buildings. At the time of construction new sidewalks is to be provided to correct the situation. The areas are to be identified during the Giffels survey. The cost of the new sidewalk is not eligible for RTC subsidy. Cross-fall - business area Robinson St. is to be set down approximately 200 mm (8") below the existing elevation in order to provide drainage. Because of the difference in elevation between the east and west sidewalk, the cross fall of the road is to be reviewed.. Different methods of providing cross fall to be'considered are: 1. one way cross fall - not desirable 2. the lowering of the west sidewalk and the provision of two way cross fall 3. placing a step at the curb line of the west sidewalk and providing two way cross fall. 4. offsetting the crown line of the road. 5. change the pavement cross slope. Pitt Street - Robinson Northeast Corner The elevation of Robinson Street is to be set to maintain the sidewalk at the northeast corner of Pitt and Robinson. B. giugus STREET Road Section - the road section is set at 9.50 m width. This section will allow parking on one side, however, the road will not be signed as such. The crown line is to be in the middle of the road./� A barrier curb and gutter is to be used.,.o /') Sidewalk reconstruction - iiirteas to Shakespeare The north curb line at the interface of the '71 road reconstruction is to be main- tained. The existing curb at Erieus Street on the south side is to be reworked. The road is to be lowered approximately 200 nee (8") to collect overland drainage from the south boulevard. Because of the difference in grade, the sidewalk on the north requires reconstruction. The KrC will subsidize the reconstruction for the length that exists now - i.e. the replacement of the sections removed for driveway access in years previous is at the village expense. Sidewalks - Shakespeare to Victoria 111110 Some sidewalk is to be reconstructed because of new work, however, most sidewalk can remain. The village will consider whether or not they wish to replace this section and advise prior to construction. Victoria Street intersection A minimum treatment is to be provided here, as outlined on 0iffels' plan. A raised sodded island is to be constructed. The corner section of property is privately owned. The village is to hire an OLS, buy the property, declare the property as highway and charge costs under Part X of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. • Storm Drainage Drainage is to be collected along the road by means of catchbasins and storm sewers. The new system is to be connected to the existing sewer at Erieus � Strachan. • - 3 - 28th sm 27 Oct.80 • C. COST ESTIMATE Giffels is to provide a cost estimate of the village costs in order to allow the village to budget necessary funds and also, to determine the amount of walk that is to be included in the contract. D. SOILS CONSULTANT A soils consultant is required to obtain borehole information along the road. The estimate is less than $1,000. Giffels will proceed and arrange services. ti E. CONSTRUCTION SCHI)ULE Because of the anticipated tight construction schedule, the condition of roads prior to winter shutdown was reviewed. It was concluded that the contract is to require that a minimum of 1 lift of H1-6 asphalt be placed prior to winter shutdown. The HL-3 asphalt is to be placed in 1982. Because of tourist traffic, the contract is to require that no more work on Robinson St. - business district is to take place until after Labour Day. Access to the beach is to be provided for through traffic on weekends and the contractor is to arrange his work accordingly. The MTC has appropriated funds for the 1981 fiscal year to the extent of $110000 (ends March 31, 1982). Payments for work completed in excess of this amount will have to be carried by the Village until the 1982 fiscal year. F. TRAFFIC The contract is to require that detouring of through traffic is directed to the County Roads for the Erieus Street work. Robinson Street south is to be open to through traffic on weekends with no work in the business area until after Labour Day as stated in Section E. 3. NATURAL REiOURCF i GAS PRICE INCRF.A3E This matter was deferred for further consideration by council. 4. ADJOURNMENT Moved J. Smyth, Seconded H. Alward: THAT this special meeting of council be adjourned until the next regular meeting of council unless a special meeting is called. Carried. There being no further business from council this meeting was adjourned at 6:25 PM. 1 / 4.4 R.G. LaCroix, Clerk APPROVED: Ron Bradfi Id, Reeve VILLAGE OF PORT BURWEIL 11/111 • E ' 29TH REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL 17 November 1980 MINUTES of a regular meeting of council held in the municipal office, Fort Burwell, at 7:30 PM on Monday 17 November 80: PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve Vera Bates - Councillor Harry Alward - Councillor Jack Smyth - Councillor Gord Loucks - Councillor R. LaCroix - Councillor I . PREVIOUS MINUTES Moved G. Loucks, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT minutes of the regular meeting held 6 October 80 and the special meetings held 7, 21, and 27 October 80 be adopted as read. Carried. 2. WSINFSS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES a. Minutes of 27 October 80, item 2B amended. 3. DEPUTATIONS AND PETITIONS a. Dennis Tuff, telephone calla received by clerk and Councillor Bates regarding Mr. Tuff's objection to new water rates for cottagers. Council acknowledged his concern. 4. BEADING/GONSIDERING COMMUNICATIONS a. Municipal World Limited, re ad for clerk treasurer, advise their offer is acceptable. b. Ontario Good Roads Association, re 1981 Convention, will advise clerk prior to January 9, 1981 if there are any resolutions to be put before the Association. c. Ministry of Housing, re workshops for zoning administration, advise Ministry that the village is interested in these workshops and to inform village of dates. d. East Elgin Planning Board, re appointment of new members, defer until December. e. Long Point Region Authorities, re appointment of new member, defer until December. f. Government of Ontario, Fisheries and Oceans, re lease of property, enquire regarding grant in lieu in place of agreement. 5. FA=NG ACCOUNTS Mowed H. Alward, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT voucher No. 11 is hereby approved for payment. Carried. Reeve expressed conflict of interest on item #33. b. Councillor Bates and Councillor Alward to receive $50 for meetings in which they were acting reeve. c. Payroll to be approved at next meeting. 6. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES a. Reeve's Report - R. Bradfield - enquired re raising of dredge, decision was not to rasie dredge out of harbour. - Carl Gillis enquired to Reeve what affect the new zoning by law would have if he was to start a repairing business, advised that he could and would be a non- conforming use when zoning by law is implemented. b. Road Superintendent's Report - H. Alward - grading being completed. • - snow equipment ready to go. c. Special Committee's Report - OHRP J. Smyth - Preliminary loan of Ila McConkey approved. - Still sufficient funds for more undertakings. d. Fire Hall - G. Loucks - Practise meeting 17 November, 1980 - Fire Chief is looking at budget figures for 1981. • e. Recreation Board - G. Loucks - Motorcycle rally was successful. - Next meeting 18 November, 1980. f. Planning Board - V. Bates • - advised Larry Field that village was not satisfied with condition of zoning by law at first meetings with village council. - no estimates of next years budget. g. Harbour Committee - meeting of 19 November 80 cancelled until 26 November 80. •.../2 • • - 2 - 29RM 17 Nov80 h. By Law Enforcement Officer - Tait will clean property and tear down building next spring. - Methodist church will be torn down. - Letter to be sent to Sidney Keeney advising council's request to have property cleaned up. - Enquire to Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit re procedure to declare a place condemned. Invite Mr. Ilitkett to a meeting. Li.t i Five building permits issued total value $6350, total to date 18 with value of $59377. One demolition permit issued, total to date equal °- 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Weed control within village, in future those properties affected will receive written notice of village's intentions stating: a. charges for village to cut weeds ($100);and b. time limit to cut weeds themselves;and c. advise charges will be levied against taxes for collection. '. NEW BUSINESS . a. MTC, re 1979 claim for subsidy, council advised of audit findings. b. MTC, re interim payments for 1980, council advised of village's position, and the village may, if agreed upon, request additional fundings until end of year. c. Ministry of Housing, re change of East Planning Board, council advised. d. Sterling Fuels, re price increase in product #4, council advised. e. Assessment changes due to Assessment Review Court 80, council advised overall decrease in assessment was $7,150 and loss of taxes was $999.21. 9. BY LAW S a. j, Procedural by law - deferred b. 12, Amend Program of Recreation Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: THAT by law 352 be read a first time. Read and carried. Moved V. Bates, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT by law 352 be read a second time. Reading dispensed with and carried. Moved H. Alward, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT by law 352 be read a third time. Reading dispensed with finally passed and carried. c. 112, Sale to William Gheysen Moved J. Smyth, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT by law 353 be read a first time. Read and carried. Moved V. Bates, Seconded H. Alward: THAT by law 353 be read a second time. Reading dispensed with and carried. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT by law 353 be read a third time. Reading dispensed with finally passed and carried. d. la, Sale to William Gheysen Moved V. Bates, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT by law 354 be read a first time. Read and carried. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: THAT by law 354 be read a second time. Reading dispensed with and carried. Moved H. Alward, Seconded V. Bates: THAT by law 354 be read a third time. Reading dispensed with finally passed and carried. e. 355, Authorize agreement with Ministry of Env. and Ministry of Trans., deferred. 10. NEXT MEETING • 19 November, 1980, 7:00 PM,- zoning. 11. 9THER ITkmB FROM COUNCIL a. Teleex from Harry Parrott, Ministry of Environment re cancellation of C.S.C.P. grant. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT the Council of the Village of Port Burwell voice their dissatisfaction with the Federal Governments decision to discontinue to C.S.C.P. by advising Elgin MP John Wise THAT the village requests special provisions to continue with the sewer programme and receive the C.S.C.P. grant previously assured by the Hon. Harry Parrot. Carried. 12. &Daum= • Moved V. Bates, Seconded H. Alward: THAT this regular meeting of council be adjourned until the next special meeting scheduled for 19 November, 1960 at 7:00 PM. Carried. /� k here being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 PM. j`'l�J, R.G. LACROIX, Clerk APPROVED: Ron Bradfield, 30tH SPECIAL MEETING 19 November, 1980 MINUTES of a special meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell, at 7:00 PM on Wednesday 19 November 80: PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve Vera Bates - Councillor Harry Alward - Councillor Jack Smyth - Councillor Cord Loucks - Councillor R. LaCroix - Clerk 0 VISITORS: Gary Blazak - Maclaren Engineers Planners Ken Matthews - Village rep. to E.E.P.B. 1. PROPOSED RESTRI(,TPI) AREA (ZONING) BY LAW a. Council reviewed final draft by law. Minor changes included: 1. Illustration of yard definitions to be amended as it is felt the diagram contradicts setback requirements. 2. Item 4.11.4 - amended as follows,: "The minimum setback from the [ Lake Erie Shoreline (to read edge of bank) ] is [ 23.0 metres (to read 15.0 metres) ] for permitted 3. Item 8.8 - amended to read "70 metres except along both sides of Robinson Street is required or exterior side yard. 4. Item - permitted uses to include handles and wedges. 5. Item 9.3 - 80.0 sq. metres to read 800.0 sq. metres and 55.0 sq. metres to read 550.0 sq. metres. 6. Item 10.3 - same amendments as above. 7. Map changes - 1. R-1 zone added on Chatham St. (South of Foster TV). 2. Subdivision area on Elizabeth Street amended. 3. Shoreline east of harbour amended. b. Brochure - MacLaren will proceed to print brochures for information centre and public meeting. Information centre to be held 9 December, 1980 at municipal office between hours of 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM. Public meeting to be held 9 December, 1980 at Legion Hall between hours of 7:30 PM and ?. 2. APPROVAL OF PAYROLL Moved J. Smyth, Seconded V. Bates: THAT voucher No. 11A is hereby approved for payment as follows: payroll $2,963.25. Carried. 3. LEASE AGREEMENT WITH SMALL CRAFT HARBOURS Small Craft Harbours, regarding renewal of lease which expires 31 December, 1980, clerk to proceed with renewal. 4. aigUEBBIll Moved G. Loucks, Seconded H. Alward: THAT this special meeting of council is adjourned until the next regular meeting of council unless a special meeting is called. Carried.AThere ing no further business the meeting was adjourned at :40 PM. thpi APPROVED: Ron Bradfie d, R.G. LaCroix, APPROVED: Clerk Village of Port Burwell • F 1st SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL 1 DECEMBER, 1980 MINUTES of a special meeting of council held in the municipal office, Port Burwell, at 7:00 PM on 1 Dec 80: PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve- Harry Alward - Councillor Jack Smyth - Councillor Gord Loucks - Councillor Ken Matthews - Councillor R. LaCroix - Clerk 1. DECLARATION OF OFFICE Declarations of Elected Office and Oaths of Allegiance were administered to the new council. Reeve Bradfield welcomed council members and advised a more prepared speech would be given at first regular meeting scheduled for 8 December, 1980. 2. OFFICE EQUIPMENT Moved G. Loucks, Seconded K. Matthews: THAT the clerk is hereby authorized to enter into negotiations to purchase a new photocopying machine for the municipal office, subject to final approval by village council. THAT the clerk is hereby authorized to enter into negotiations to purchase a new Conference table and chairs for the municipal office, subject to final approval.by village council. Carried. . CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS Moved J. Smyth, Seconded H. Alward: THAT the council of the Village of Port Burwell requests the Port Burwell Public Utilities Commission to install the municipal christmas decorations with the assistance of the Village Roads Foreman if so desired. Carried. 4. INAUGURAL DINNER The dinner is to be held Tuesday 13 January, 1981. Clerk to enquire to Restuarant • for price estimate on sit down and buffet style dinner. 5. SWIMMING PQOLS By Law Enforcement Officer to inspect residences in the village with swimming pools and advise Clerk of those which are not conforming to the Swimming Pool Fences By Law. h. BUILDINGS IN HAZARDOUS CONDITION Discussion was held re property of William Gheysen on Strachan Street and its' condition. Clerk to contact By Law Enforcement Officer to have letter sent to Mr. Gheysen. Clerk to contact Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit re procedure to condom. 7. DOG OONTROL Report of dog running loose, owned by Mr. Marvin Smyth. Clerk to advise By Law Enforcement Officer and send letter to Mr. Smyth. 8. ADJOURNMENT Moved K. Matthews, Seconded H. Alward: THAT this special meeting of council be adjourned until the next regular meeting of council scheduled for 8 December, 1980. Carried. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS FROM COUNCIL THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 7:50 PM. - - 11/ R.G. LACROIX APPROVED: AON BRADFI-Tr Clerk REEVE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL ZNID_RSOULAR MEETING OF .OUNCIL 8 DECEMBER. 1980 PRESENT: Ron Bradfield - Reeve- Jack Smyth ,. - Councillor Harry Alward -- Councillor Cord Loucks - Councillor R. LaCroix - Councillor VISITORS: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gillis, Port Burwell Tillsonburg News, St. Thomas Times Journal P. 'ItEVIOUS MINUTES Moved J. Smyth, Seconded H. Alward: ° THAT minutes of the Regular meeting held 17 November BO and the Special meetings held 19 November and 1 December 80 be adopted as read. Carried. 2. W81NFSS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES Ja. 29th Regular meeting, item 6(h), omit Mr. Elliott insert Mr. Elley. 3. DEPUTATIONS AND PETITIONS a. Mr. Carl Gillis, re approval for building permit to extend garage with possibility of operating repair business in future.. Defer until zoning meetings. 4. READING/CONSIDERING COMMUNICATIONS a. Mr. Sid Shelly, re purchase of village pins. Clerk to advise that no discounts will be given. b. Elgin County Library, re heating of Library building. Moved G. Loucks, Seconded K. Matthews: THAT the council of the Village of Port Burwell requests Harvey Neville to install adequate heating materials in the Port Burwell library as follows: wall heater - $380 blower - $ 79 material and labour to install - $188 Carried. c. Association of Municipalities of Ontario, re seminars for newly elected council. Defer until next regular meeting. d. Giffels Associates, re lot levy seminar. No one will attend. e. Municipal World, re subscription to magazine: Moved H. Alward, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT the Village's subscription to Municipal World Magazine be amended as follows: remove: Mrs. Vera Bates insert: Mr. Ken Matthews (Councillor) Carried. f. Good Roads Association, re 1981 conference pre-registration. Those attending will register at time of arrival. g. East Elgin Planning Board, re appointment of new members. Under By Law #357 members to be Ken Matthews and Cord Loucks. h. Long Point Conservation Authority, re appointment of new members. Representative is Mr. Jess Dennis. i. Recreation Board, re purchase of projector. Refer to Recreation Board. J. Nan-sea Publications, re Elgin County Vacation Guide. Clerk to acknowledge receipt of their letter and enquire about cost estimates for different sized ads. Clerk also to advise Recreation Board. 5. PA5INO ACCOUNTS Moved K. Matthews, Seconded G. Loucks: Irili THAT voucher No. 1-81 is hereby approved for payment as follows: General Accounts i 29,036.46 Payroll Accounts $ 1,862.91' ' Ohrp nil Total $ 30,899.37 Carried. 6. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND COMQTTffi a. Reeve's Report, Ron Bradfield - no report b. Road Superintendent's Report, Harry Alward - no report c. Special Committee's Report, Jack Smyth - no report d. Fire Hall, Gord Loucks - next meeting 15 December, 1980 e. Recreation Board, fiord Loucks - Santa Claus parade was successful. Clerk to send letter of thanks to Vienna Lions Club and offer Village assistance to future undertakings. - meetings to be held third Tuesday of each month. f. Planning Board, Ken Matthews - no meeting in iovember, next meeting y7 December, 1980. flo9i•Reaular - 2 - A Dec/80 6. REPORTS (CONT'D) g. Canine Control - Patrolled 3,8,17,23 and 27 October and 6,11,19 and 27 November, 1980 - 6 dogs picked up, and 4 cats-picked up. No building permits issued, total to date equal 18 with total value of $59,377 No demolition permits issued, total to date equal 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Council advised documentation= is being prepared to re-new lease agreement with Small Crafts Harbours for harbour lands. 8. NEW BUSINESS a. Giffels Associates, re Pitt Street Gully. Council advised of copy of letter received 27 November, 1980 to MTC re drainage of Pitt Street gully. b. Ministry of Housing, re Aylmer Planning Area. Council advised Housing Minister has defined the Aylmer Planning Area as a sing, independent planning area. c. County of Elgin, re county apportionment 1980, 1980 levy and report of Government Committee. Council advised. File. d. Ron McNeil, re sewer programme. Council advised of letter received 5 Dec. 80 re Ron McNeil's request for Dr. H. Parrott to help resolve sewer programme matter. BY LAWS ,, a. la - Procedural By Law Moved J. Smyth, Seconded H. Alward: THAT by law 351 be read a first time. Read and carried. Moved H. Alward, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT by law 351 be read a second time. Reading dispensed with and carried. Moved K. Matthews, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT by law 351 be read a third time. Reading dispensed with finally passed and carried. b. la.- Authorize agreement with MOE re MTC road reconstruction. Refer to village solicitor for review. c. 356,- Authorize sale of land to Bank of Commerce, Port Burwell Moved G. Loucks, Seconded K. Matthews: THAT by law 356 be read a first time. Read and Carried. Moved K. Matthews, Seconded G. Loucks: THAT by law 356 be read a second time. ReadinE dispensed with and carried. Moved J. Smyth, Seconded H. Alward: THAT by law 356 be read a third time. Reading dispensed with finally passed and carried. 10..NEXT MEETING Monday 12 January, 1981. 11. OTHER ITEMS FROM COUNCIL a. office equipment; Moved G. Loucks, Seconded J. Smyth: THAT the council approves the clerk to purchase the following office equipment: a. 1 chrome/walnut trim r lar table at a cost of 2300.00 b. 6 conference chairs, style 10CPS with F221 harvest material at a cost of $185.00 each. Carried. b. Clerk to request buy out price for 660 Xerox photocopier. 1<. ADJOURNMENT • Moved K. Matthews, Seconded H. Alward: THAT this Regular meeting of council be adjourned until the next Regular meeting of council unless a special meeting of council is called. Carried. THERE beingno- further business from council this meeting was adjourned at 11:10 PM. 4 -/�a.�c� i7 APPROVED: Ron Bradfie R.G. LaCroix, � REEVECleric VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL