HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell Council Minutes 1978 PORT BURWELL VILLAGE • Council Minutes WWI 1% 4 , , e P 41410111 11 1978 1ST REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 9, 1978 The Regular Meeting of the Port Burwell Council, was held on Monday, January 9, 1978 at 7:30 p.m., in the Municipal Office. PRESENT: REEVE R. Bradfield, COUNCILLORS: V. Bates, H. Alward, K. Matthews and the Clerk Visitors: Tillsonburg News Reporter: J. Hever.or Ontario Provincial Police: Corporal D. Klenavic MINUTES OF MEETINGS AND APPROVAL OF ACCOUNTS: 111/1 MOTION, 01: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that the following minutes of meetings be approved as distributed to Council Members: 45th Special Meeting held December 1, 1977 46th Regular Meeting held December 6, 1977 (as amended deleting #35- P.U.C. cheque, from AccountsCARRIED. MOTICH #2: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, that the following accounts be approved for payment: General Accounts on Voucher #1 from 1 to 59 Water Accounts on Voucher #1 - 1 OHRP Accounts an Voucher #1 - 1 Can. Works Accts an Voucher #1 from 1 to 19 • Harb. Dev. Accts on Voucher #1 from 1 to 2. CARRIED. DIJILDING PERMITS: There was 1 building permit in December valued at $5.038.00 Statistics: 1975 - 40 permits - total building value . $ 95,587.00 1976 - 42 permits - Total building value - $119,560.00 1977 - 55 permits - Total building value- $202,813.87 Q.P.P. Corporal Klenavic reported on O.P.P. activities within the Village in the year 1977. Statistics from the deta'hment include other areas serviced outside the Village... There were 961 offences pro- cessed - an increase over the 1976 total, which was 756. The Reeve asked if O.P.P. had any problems where Council could assist in any way. Cpl. Klenavic stated that angle parking on Main Street was a minor problem and that the Village could assist by painting clearer parking lines at angle areas. pUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES: Garbage: The garbage situation was discussed concerning Mr. McGegee's tele- phone message re the D.B.S. matter. Council requested the Clerk to pay the $118.00 billing for extra dumps at the Transfer Station. By-Law Officer: One application for the appointment, was received. MOTION N3: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that Del nine Hayward be appointed By-Law Enforcement Officer - to include (Weed and Trench Officer, LotteryLicense and Dog License Officer - the stipend to be $300.00 per year plus $1.00 per dog tag sold. CARRIED. Harbour Committee: Five names have been received. The matter was tabled to next meeting. JiF.P'OR'TS OF COMMITTEES: Reeve's Report: R. Bradfield reported on dredge estimates, excluding the genera- tor, which has not yet come in. Volunteers have been working an re- building the housing. He stated he had, met with a representative of Wintario grants, who suggested the Village put in an application for funds to repair the dredge, for consideration. Tenders for the Tourist Wharf Boat loading ramp should be called by early February. The Reeve reported briefly an the Chatham St. W/S property and the request to close Chatham Street, adding that efforts will be made to request the Ministry of Natural Resources to make more1111/11 land available for).he ewa$e plant. Max Underhill's1 his been purchased by who will be operating out of the former R. Hurley's building. The Reeve suggested that Council place a street light an the last pole at that site. Road Supt.'s Report: V. Bates reported an the fo.lowing: Fire extinguisher pur • - chase for the Public Works garage, 'Signa are up, and painting is being done on the inside of the garage walls. 2 1ST REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 9, 1978. Road Supt's Report (cont'd) MOTION #4: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, that the Council of the Village of Port Burwell, authorize the Annual Petition for Subsidy under the provision of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, on expenditures made during the year 1977. CARRIED. MOTION #5: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that the Road Foreman's by wages be raised 300 per hour to $4.80; and that Don Mole's wages be raised by 250 per hour to $4.25, to be effective Jan. 1, 1978. CARRIED. Canada Works: The Reeve reported an an application which has been made to Small Craft Harbours to enquire about a grant to get the Dredge operating again, along with a letter reporting fire damage. O.H.R.P. H. Alward reported that operations were yet at a standstill due to weather conditions. Breakwater Extension: A meeting was scheduled for Saturday February 4, 1978, at 2:00 p.m., in the Municipal Office. The Clerk was requested to send notices to Ratepayers an the petition and also to poet notices • around town. Firehall: K. Matthews reported an fire hall activities. A foam demonstration of equipment will be held Monday, Jan. 16, 1978. East El.gln Planning Board: MOTION #6: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, that H. Alward and K. Matthews be appointed as the Port Burwell representatives to the East Elgin Planning Board for 1978. Recreational Board: Upcoming activities were reported: Valentine's Dance at $10.00 per couple, Feb. 11 at Vienna Community Centre. A circus is planned for May 24th weekend. NEW BUSINESS: Council: A letter of resignation from Councillor Tony Lama was read, regret- fully resigning due to his inability to attend most meetings because of his out-of tam employment. MOTION #7: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by V. Bates that the resignation of Tony Lame as Councillor for the Village of Port Burwell, regretfully be accepted and that a vacancy be declared. CARRIED. MOTION #8: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, that Council endorse the resolution of the Township of Sandwich West, regarding the ill gal passing of school buses - a resolution dated Nov. 8, 1977. Copies to be forwarded to Elgin County School Board and Ron McNeil, M.P.P. (as attached) CARRIED. MOTION #9: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by K. Matthews, that the Village Council endorse the attached resolution from the Town of Collingwood re the Death Penalty, fire arms, and the granting of passes for con- victed criminals. CARRIED. Longpoint Region Cone. Authority: A letter advised that the term of office was almost over for appointees. The Clerk was asked to contact J. Petrie to see if J. Dennis will be seeking re-appointment. ADJOURNMENT: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by V. Bates, that this regular meeting of Council be adjourned at 10:20 p.m., until the next regular meeting, unless a Special Meeting is required. CARRIED. Clerk REEVE 2ND COUNCIL MEETING SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 23, 1978 A Special Meeting was called to resolve pertinent Council business, on Monday, January 23, 1978, at 7:30 p.m., in the Municipal Office. (RESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield Councillors: V. Bates, H. Alward, K. Matthews The Clerk° Also Present: Gordon Loucks CANADA WORKS: Council discussed acceptance of a Canada Works amendment to allow 11110 present Canada Works employees to continue employment until March 31, 1978. MOTION #1: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, that an extension of the Canada Works Program be accepted; this would be on—going until March 31, 1978. CARRIED. ZONING BY—LAWS: Council decided to defer the holding/.of a Public Meeting for the - passing of the Zoning By—Laws, until more information is received • concerning the "hazard land" amendment. PORT STANLEY: The Reeve has been invited by the Port Stanley Council, to accompany them on a tour in Ottawa to view the Model Study of the Port Stanley Harbour, on Monday, January 30, 1978. MCTfION #2: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that Ron Bradfield be authorized to go to Ottawa, along with the Port Stanley Council, to study current problems in Port Stanley Harbour. CARRIED. COUNCIL APPOINTMENT: The Council, having several names on a list of replacements for the vacancy left by T. Lama's resignation, asked G. Loucks, as first on the list,if he would accept the appointment and he concurred. MOTION # 3: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by V. Bates, that this Council unanimously appoint Gordon Loucks to fill the vacancy on the Village Council for 1978. Under Secion 40 of the Municipal Act, the Clerk immediately swore in Councillor Gord Loucks, who was thereupon, warmly welcomed by all members of Council. RECREATIONAL COMMITTEE: Councillor Loucks gave a brief report on Recreational Board activities. SNOW FENCE: The Road Superintendent, V. Bates, suggested that snow fence pre— viously borrowed for the Dredging program, from Bayham Township Road Department, should be purchased and returned. !IRE HALL: Councillor Matthews requested the Clerk to give him a resume of all Fire Hall expenses for 1977. ADJOURNMENT: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, that this Special Meeting of Council be adjourned. TIME: 8:45 p.m. CARRIED. 111/11 • 3RD MEETING - PUBLIC MEETING - BREAKWATER EXTENSION - ?EBRUArY :., 1978 A Public Meeting to discuss the Breakwater Extension of 600 feet., ...s held in the Council Chambers, on Saturday, February 4, 1978, at 2:00 p.m. MBE: Reeve R. Bradfield, Councillors: ✓. Bates, r'. „i4ara, K. Matthews; and the Clerk. Tillsonburg News Reporter: J. Hevo: • Village Legal Advisor: J. Fatloa, �.C. Representation from the foliowire Rateyave-_: Mr. & Mrs. Skelton, Mrs. Farlow, M-. Stock, Mr. Lc`kr.j, Mr. Stuart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. & Mrp. Carnegie, Mr. nolcen, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Klein, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts (23 ?erscns). The Reeve welcomed the 23 rate,a •:•s and their wc,xies _ resent. .'^ explained .that the purpose of the meeting was ,.o discuss ., a... _...c Ext ..• of 600 feet within the Village. The Council's approval was :vnfir:.ed. sok?ver, O.M.B's letter outlined the need to fully decipher the Ontario Municipal Board Act, • • along with notification that the Village should consider what the Board feels is over a safe borrowing limit. • The Reeve reported on the $150,000. proposed costs, with 1/3 Federal portion and 80% Provincial contribution, leaving approximately $20,000 for the Village to raise locally through debentures. The Reeve added that :nim .d make necessary for the benefiting ratepayers to come Lp w.th tte ad& . .anal amour. , should O.M.B. so indicate. He asked for an of :don of :.h:_ route. After discussion, it was noted that all Villagers had c:--:ed ' enc t from :. .e original Breakwater and the consensus was that this still app._-d ca an extension involving the seven properties within the Village, not present.v protected. Reeve Bradfield further noted, two other Municipalities had indi -d that, at the outcome of O.M.B. approval of the extension, trey would be r fared to consiaer an additional extension to the 600 feet, of another approximate , feet to the Little Otter River. This would entail a larger pro.jec•. and a say ,s on tne com- bined effort, along wl r. u: ? . f their equipment to lav In some a. 3... J. Farlow, Village legal advisor stated that the Cow.cii should r. postpone action to extend the Breakwater until a later date as Government +:stance - ay not be available and costs continue to rise. He added that Counc. should :h the 0.M.B. to negotiate the necessity of t..e extension now. He u._ sed Co,.r. ;o write up a resolutio.., .tating that Council is in favour of the ex nsior. anc .he. those present at '.e ?ublic Meeting, showed overwhelming support. re empnasiaed the need to request that Lne Ontario Municipal Board give their most favourable assent to tne extension as soon as possible. Council agreed to resolve the foregoing at the next regular :our.-ii Meeting. ADJOURNMENT: The Public Meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m. i 4Th REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 6, 1978 The Regular Meeting of the Port Burwell Co,z+..ai was ht:... on !or..ay . sbruary 6, 1978, at 7:30 p.m., in the Municipal Office. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield Councillors: V. Bates, H. Alward, G. Loucks 0 K. Matthews and the Clerk Tills. News: J. Hevenor MINUTES OF MEETINGS AND APPROVAL OF ACCOU?'TS: • Motion #1: Moved by G. Loucks, seconded by H. 0. Alw' rd, that following T minutes of meetings be approveas distributed to Cor:-c..l Members: 1st Regular Council Meeting held January9, 1978, as a....aided i (McCaig's, Trucking Business, G. Wilson) and the 2nd Special Meet- ` ing held January 23, 1978. CARRIED. Motion #2: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded `,; G. Loucks, that t.:e :allowing . . accounts be approved for ,;ayment: General Accounts o.' Voucher #2, from 1 to 37; Water account:. on Vouchgr #2, from 1 t �, O.H.R.P. Accounts on Voucher #2, 1; Canada Works Accounts or. Voucher #2, from 1 to 20; and Harbour Development Accounts on Voucher #2, 1. CARRIED. BUILDING PERMITS: There was 1 permit issued at a ouiiding value ..fL C...C. in January. BUSINESS ARISI':G OUT OF THE MINUTES: Dre4 iriR: The Reeve outlined dredge estimates -n relation to f_o,tation tanks required for dredging. Sewers: A letter from Mr. Moore, P. Er.g., stated the County is still nego- tiating with Ministry of Natural Resources to make more land avail- able for the treatment plant. P.U.C.: The Village agreement by resolution date° As.z. 12, 197.., indicates that the billing for the street lights should be paid to P.U.C. regardless of what seemed excessive charges for .ruck expense and lineman's salary. By-Law #307:Moved by V. Bates, seconded by G. Loucks, that leave be granted to introduce By-Law #307, to fix the members of Council's rate of pay on a per meeting basis, as per attached By-Law #301. That effective January 1st, 1978, the following rates shall be paid per Council Meeting to Council Members, to include REGULAR and SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETINGS, held in the Village of Port Burwell, and to exclude Committee Meetings. REEVE: 35.00 COUNCILLORS: 25.00. That effective January 1st, 1978, the following rates shall be paid to Council Members for attendance at out-of-tc•wn. meetings: REEVE: $35.00 per day, plus receipted expenses • COUNCILLORS: $25.00 per day, plus receipted expenses That effective January 1st, 1978, Council Members who drive their own automobiles to out-of-town meetings be paid a mileage allowance of .200 per mile. That one third of such payments to Council Members, plus mileage allowance be deemed to be for expenses, incident to the discharge of their duties. That al former By-Laws and Resolutions of the Village of Port Bur- well Council, respecting remuneration'to Council Members be and are hereby repealed. BY-LAW READ A FIRST SECOND AND MR./ TIME; E.'-:.AW PASSED, engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Reeve, THIS 6th DiJ of February, 1978. CARRIED. . REPORTS 3F COMMITTEES: Reeve's Retort: Reeve braafield reported on tr... Ottawa trip; t:: ...seting with Dept. of Transport re Bill 6 which effects Port Stara. Harbour but' not our own. He outlined tht scale model study of Po. Stare;,. Har- bour, the visit to the Parliament Buildings and lunch, mee- z with John Wise, M.P. A. result of tt Public Br ..cwater Meeting, meld Saturday, Feb. 4, • 178, the followir., motion w..s resolved: 7.71111 • - 2 - 4TH COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR MEE:_% FEBRUARY 6, 1978 Motion #3: Moved by K. Matthews, ieconaeu bj G. Loucks, that ._ ipon the representation of ratepayers et the .'ebruary 4, 11,'-, 1blic =':1 Meeting, and based .. the u..animc..s feelings of cam.nil, no use- ful purpose can be served by further delaying the .,,ctension of the shore protection s%stem, east of the ;,resent terry ..ation point, and bearing in mind the extensive damage caused to Village lands in the unprotected area; Be it resolved, therefore, that the Council 11110 of the Village of Port Burwell take immediate ste; _. t ; (a) Answer correspondence frthe Ontario Munici;,.._ oard, dated --) Nov. 28, 1977, or enter into active negotiations with the Ontario Municipal Board, with a view to urging on the Board to the vital necessity of permitting the Village to debenture for the necessary funds attributable to the Village in order to take advantage of any credits and generous offers of assistance which have been made•by the Federal and Provinc_... authorities. (b) Do any and all other ac95 required tc insure the ragid'establish- ment of full protection for the Village of Por'. -Swell in the matter of Shore Protection control. CARRIED.. K. Matthews was appointed by Council as Breakwater Co- rdinator and was requested to work with the Clerk in regard to the C.M.B. Break- water application. By-Law 1308:Moved by G. Loucks, seconded by V. Bates, that leave `a granted to introduce By-Law #308, to fix the date of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of ?or'. Burwell; to ,ht SECOND MONDAY OF EACH MONTH. WHEREAS it is deemed that a date different from the First Monday of each month is advisable in order to reconcile Bank Statements prior to the meeting; AND WHEREAS statutory holidays commonly fall on the first Monday of a month, necessitating posting of notices of meetings to alter the changes of meeting dates; AND WHEREAS the members of this Council are agreeable to the fixing of the SECOND MONDAY OF EACH MONTH AS THE DATE OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING; ,40W THEREFORE, be it enacted by the Council of the Village of Port Bu well that the second Monday of each month be set as,the Regul.r Council Meeting date. By-Law read a first, second and third time, engrossed by the Clerk, duly signed and sealed by the Reeve, this 6th Day of Feb. 1978. CARRIED. Road Superintendent's Report: Village private properties were discussed in view of the standing resolution of Council re Public Works responsibilities to the private sector in the Village. By-Law 1309:Moved by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, that lei._ :,e granted to introduce By-Law #309 to reinforce a former resolution. of Council that no work that can be done by private enterprise on private property in town, be done by town workers; unless in case of emergency. WHEREAS this is a By-Law to reinforce and re-empnasiat a former resolu- tion of the Port Burwell Council, dated July 5, _973, ,s follows: "Moved by R. Kearse, seconded by K. Matthews, that no wort that can be done by private enterprise on private property in town, oe done by town workers, unless in case of emergency. That motion number 5 of February 5, 1973, be rescinded. This motion is regarding minimum job rate of $1.80 an hour for work done on private property by Village employees." WHEREAS acceptance of the responsibility of wort; private property • by Village Employees, creates a loss to private ante: rise taxpayers within the Village; AND WHEREAS it is not possible .'ublic Works Employees to do all the required private work for eacn and every tax.- ..oyer within the 7 ll, e; THEt ;TORE, in fairness to , the Village :by exempt ;m any obli.,ation to the few; NOW RBFORE be it 1 by this By-..aw that all private enterprise wo: -n private rop_:ty, as follows: Snow r(, oval and snowplowing c iveways; • ass and weed cutting; zravell_r.g and black-topping of -_iveways; tree trimming and removal; garbage or large article removal by town wagon, other than the Ar.- a1 Large Container 1. . -ion cf.same; any other duties which require employees to enter i ay work or privilege required by ratepayers; AND THAT except i .:..3e of emer- gency, all tn..se items oe disallowed as Public Work_ ivaies; AND THAT if any exception to this rule be found worthy, such a privilege must weighed at Council's discretion. 4TH COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR MEETING FciiRUARY 6, 1978 Reports of Committees (cont'd) AND THAT this By—Law read a first, second and third time, is passed and engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve, this 6th Day of February 1978. CARRIED. 0 Councillor Bates reported that 'he Public Works Road Grant for 1978 would be $44,200.0O. 1977 road expenditures were $39,264.00. In relation to drain work, Mrs. Bates noted she thought Elizabeth1110 Street would have been the first to have drains installed, which was not the case. Snow Fence borrowed from Bayham Township for the Dredge site, was discussed. Since it is now in inferior condition, it was decided that Bayham Township should be reimbursed and advised to bill the Village for 50' of snow fence at their cost. Canada Works: The men are presently painting the inside of the Garage and ceiling of the Municipal Office. Other excess time hae been used to build Park picnic tables. Mrs. M. Scanlan's application was discussed. Firehall: Building heat was discussed. A report was given by K. Matthews on the Redmond fire. Foam was demonstrated at the Bal; ?anis where old tires were used for the practice. Motion #lt: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by V. Bates, that ',ne ..t Burwell Council approve the applications for Volunteer Ficdme:., for Charles V. Marsh and Gerald Bolden. CARRIED. Recreational Board: Councillor Loucks reported that the Committee wo.ted like to r.ire three students on the Young Canada Works program, retaining one for the Committee, if the Village would accommodate the other two by supplementation of wages. He further advised of Committee discussion of flag poles and flower beds to beautify the Village entrances for tourists, etc. He lauded the Recreational President Fred Waldeck's efforts for the Board and for his good leadershi,,. Planning Board: K. Matthews reported on the Jan 24th meeting — election of Officers and discussion of zoning by—law grants, along with a proposed applica— tion for extension of same. Councillor Matthews J aavi ed the Board that the Port Burwell Council wanted to await the d ` ` iendment prior to presenting their by—laws. The next Planning Board meeting will be held on February 28, 1978. Severa._e: A severance application was submitter for the T. Murr..y, T. Klein and D. Stock properties purchased behind the Breakwater. CORRESPONDENCE: Several letters were read including Ministry of Natural Resources, T.E.1.G.A., Medina Natural Gas, Municipal Licensing, etc. Motion #5: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by H. Alward, that the Village of Port Burwell endorse the Resolution from the-County of Grey, dated January 19, 1978, concerning restructuring of the present system of local Boards of Education to make the Ontario Educational System more respon— sive to the people, as hereto attached. CARRIED. HARBOUR COMMITTEE: Motion #6: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by K. Matthews, that George Lockery, Fred Waldeck, Garry Wilson, Larry Martin and Councillor Gordon Loucks, be appointed as a Harbour Commission with Reeve Ron Bradfield, being Ex—Officio on the Committee. CARRIED. Other Bus: The Clerk's salary was discussed and tabled. ADJOURNMENT: 11111 Mot:on #6: Move by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, that this regular meeting of Council be adjourned until the next regular meeting ..nless a Special Meeting is called. TIME 12.00 p.m. CARRIED. • Clerk it?i(4/„./4( REEVE • ., r Op int+- M RRAVEN[iT. .....C.. _�• y_ r[L[►.4004-11 1748•1108 CLERK TR[ASUR[R • AOMIN• /'- • • �\\ ANSA COO[818 114110 January 23, 1978. CO•,"*Y 1UIL0 NO OWEN SOUND. ONTARIO KKK 7[7 To: All Ontario Municiralities 1 From: The County of Grey The Council of the Corporation of the County of Grey requests your endorsation of the following resolution which was adopted by, this County on January 19, ,978. Please advise me of your decision, and, if endorsed, please notify the Ministers of Education, Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs and the Associations involved:- "That the Minister of Education to asked to consider re-structuring the present system of local Boards of Education to make the Ontario Educational System more responsive to the people for the following reasons: (1) The Cost of education has increased greatly each year to a point where this levy accounts for more than one-half of the municipal levy, and shows no' sign of abatement. (2) The present system is top-heavy in the Administrative and Consultant Personnel area, and the range of salaries paid to this Administrative staff, consultants and upper management personnel does not reflect community levels. (3) The quality of education has been under review by a Select Committee appointed by the Government of Ontario. (4) The present system of representation on local school boards has not been responsive to community opinions as regards cost and quality of education. (5) If the recommendations as presented in the Report of the Blair Commission on Taxation, are implemented by the Provincial Government, as documented in the Remarks of the Honourable Darcy McKeough on Pronerty Tax Reform, the share of the cost of education of the local municipalities would appear to be increased dramatically. We also recommend that a copy of this resolution be sent for support to all local Municiralities and Counties in the Province of Ontario; the Municipal Associations, including Rural Municipalities of Ontario, Association of Counties and Regions of Ontario and Association of Municipalities of Ontario; the Ministers of Education and Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs." Yours very truly, M.T.3/ph (Mrs.. ) Marie 2ravener, Clerk-Treasurer-Administrator. • • ' F • • • 5TH SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 1978. '"' A Special Meeting of the Port Burwell Council was held on Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1978, at 7:00 p.m., in the Municipal Office. ?RESENT: REEVE: R. Bradfield COUNCILLORS: K. Matthews, V. Bates, H. Alward G. Loucks and the Clerk. 111/1 Visitors: Chuck McMurry - McMurry Planning Consultants Harbour Committee: Garry Wilson, Larry Martin, George Lockrey Mr. McMurry outlined details of the Neighborhood Improvement Program, which is a 50 to 75% grant to upgrade Municipal Properties for Community use, including properties and land bought by the Municipality from the private sector, fbr renewal and resale. _ In addition, any drain or roai work already subsidized by the Ministry of Transportation at 50%, could be eligible for a 25% supplementary grant through N.Z.P. In assessing development needs of the Village, further discussion entailed landscaping of the Harbour and Breakwater areas, commercial main street proper- ties, roperties, etc. Mr. McMurry stated that he would be pleased to investigate grant possibilities in relation to Village nee0 s, with the view that if the Council is looking at Development, they should be spending less money to get money. He added that if the Council so advised him, he would look ii.to these factors and would request he be paid for the time factor only that he would have to spend. Council advised him to write a letter prior to the next Council Meeting, out- lining these considerations, at which time the Council would review the mat- ter on March 13, 1978. HARBOUR COMMI SSIQI: The Committee was advised by Council, that guidelines would be set up for them, using anotner Harbour Committee set-up as a basis. The Committee selected Garry Wilson as their Chairman. YOUNG CANADA WORKS APPLICATION: A rough draft was passed to the Councillors. No objections were noted. MOTION #1: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Loucks, that this Special Meeting be adjourned. TIME: 9:25 p.m. CARRIED. 6TH SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 6, 1978 A Special Meeting of the Port Burwell Council was held on Monday, March 6, 1978, at 7:30 p.m., in the Municipal Office. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield Councillors: V. Bates, H. 0. Alward, K. Matthews, C. Loucks, and the Clerk. 11110 PROPOSED DRAINS: Thom was discussion of the following: 1. a) Construction of drains on various Village streets - under the Drainage Act - under the Local Improvement Act - County and M.T.C. subsidiss/Village Public Works 2. b) Future Aspects: - Erieus Street along Union to Strachan - 10CA County Subsidy - along Newton St. to Victoria Street - 50% M.T.C. Subsidy - North to William Street - 50A M.T.C. Subsidy - Crossing County Road 42 - approx. $10. per foot X 1400 ft. 3. Elizabeth Street Drains: There were too few to benefit by running a line along the private road and since the petition was insufficient through the Drainage Act, the Local Improvement Act would have to be studied to investigate this method. - The County Engineer's plan and cost estimate of $12,6.6. were reviewed. - A levy of tax against benefiting owners was estimated at 11 X $545.00 each (depending upon whether or not contributory factor is deducted prior to 50% subsidy from M.T.C.) The Clerk was asked to prepare a letter for the original Elizabeth Street petitioners, advising that the engineering plan and cost study may be viewed in the Municipal Office. MOTION #1: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that the Elizabeth Street, south of Wellington, drain, be shelved until the benefiting owners have been approached as to financial backing. CARRIED. 5. Tennyson and Chatham Streets Drains: The Council considered the plans and cost estimate of $4,100. for the Chatham/Tennyson Streets drain. Plans to construct one drain a year had been decided and Council felt this drain could be initiated with the M.T.C. 50% Subsidy at $2,000. Drainage on 200' South East of the County Road would also be included at full County Sub- sidy. MOTION # 2: Moved by K. Matthews, secondea by G. Loucks, that the Village have the Elgin County Works Department install the drain shown on a plan of proposed Drainage for Tennyson, Chatham and Village Lane, dated 18 Nov. 1977, and prepared by R. G. Moore, County Engineer. The Village also wants the southeasterly end of the drainage works to be revised and extended to the Catch Basin at northerly end of an existing 18" drain which extends to the Otter Creek. CARRIED. BREAKWATER EXTENSION: - 600 foot addition to the original Breakw._er. Official.O.M.B. Approval has been received for the remaining cebent res of $4,581.00 and additional expenditures of $125,013.76. However it was emphasized that the Village must not exceed this cost. A $25.00 O.M.B. fortnis approval was charged to the Village. K. Matthews stated that the following steps should be taken: 1. To hire an Engineer to prepare the plans and costs - either the County Erpeer or James P.-MaCLaren'a, Mtr S..bm ++ ,r . ,S to ♦ . Sesfa��l lw..arnr�ent 4.r �Ro✓w�, 2. That the Village would have to apply to the Ministry of Naturil Amsass for a water Lot Lease for the additional 600' - 6TH COUNCIL MEETING — 2 — MARCH 6, 1978. The Reeve suggested that a meeting be scheduled, if possible for Friday at 1 p.m. with County Engineer R. Moore, Bayham Township Countil and Clerk, Art Vanderispaillie and Jack McCord. He requested K. Matthews to attend along with himself. The Clerk was asked to set up and confirm the meeting. FEDERAL LEASE: ) The Federal Lease had been studied by our legal advisor, who felt the Lease was onerous to the Council, wherein the Village would lease the lands and take all the risks. He suggested the annual 15% should be deleted and that the $100.00 annual only, be paid. Additionally, Council was advised to take stern measures to alter the lease, since the Village is just trying to operate • a docking facility. He further advised: - The Municipality should further investigate ownership of beach lots. - Obtain fire and storm insurance coverage against all leased assets, including loss of life liability coverage. - Renewal of a further 3 years or for such term in excess of the maxi— mum allowable by law, whichever is greater, should also be requested. Council, after further review of the lease, felt that perhaps a simple agree— ment to collect Harbour dockage fees, is all that is needed. The Clerk was requested to ask the lawyer to draw up a simple agreement to this effect. ;977 Official Ontario Map: Upon securing a copy of the above map, the Reeve was concerned to see that Port Burwell Village was listed as having only 160 population. The Clerk was asked to write and draw this to the attention of the Ministries involved. Clerk's Salary: MOTION #3: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by V. Bates, that effective Jan. 1, 1978, the Clerk Treasurer's salary be increased by $600. per year (11.54 per week) for a 35 hour work week; (9440. per year) and that Regular and Special Council Meeting hours, after the regular 35 hours, will be paid as overtime at $5.20 per hour; (Election hours are sub— ject to Election and Municipal Act guidelines, for overtime polls, if necessary.) CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION # 4: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by V. Bates, that this Special Meeting be adjourned. TIME: 10130 p.m. CARRIED. 7TH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 20, 1978. The Regular Meeting of the Port Burwell Council, was held in the Municipal Office on Monday, March 20, 1978, at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield Councillors: V. Bates, H. Alward, K. Matthews, G. Loucks and the Cleric. Visitors: J. Hevenor, G. Lockrey, D. Axford. MOTION: #1: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, that the following ACCOUNTS be approved for payment: General Accounts on Voucher #3, from 1 — 49 Water Accounts on Voucher 03, from 1 — 2 OHRP Accounts an Voucher #3, from 1 — 4 Canada Works Accounts on Voucher #5, from 1 to 19 Harbour Development on Voucher 03, from 1 to 4 Erosion Accounts on Voucher #1, "number 1. CAA . MOTION: #►2: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by G. Loucks, that the MINUTES of the following meetings be approved: 3rd Public Meeting held February 4, 1978. 4th Regular Meeting held February 6, 1978, (as amended). 5th Special Council Meeting held February 14, 1978. 6th Special Council Meeting held March 6, 1978, (as amended). CARRIED. Visitors: Mr. Lockery questioned Council as to when the boat—loading ramp would be constructed. The Reeve explained reasons for Public Works Canada's delay in calling tenders. DRAINS: Drainage plans, revised by Mr. Moore, were reviewed by Council. Mr. Don Axford advised he was not in agreement with proposed drainage on Tennyson Street. He questioned the size of tile to be used and sug— gested alternatives for locations of catch basins. Council approved the revised plans, at a total cost of $9,000. for the Chatham/'Tennyson Street Drains, which will be subsidized by M.T.C. at 50% for a Village share of $4,500. The Reeve stated that the County had indicated to him construction would be completed by the end of April. MOTION: #3: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Loucks, that Resolution #3, made at the SIXTH SPECIAL MEETING held on the 6th of March, concern— ing the Tennyson/Chatham Street Drain, BE RESCINDED. CARRIED. MOTION: #4: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Loucks, that with regard to Tennyson & Chatham Street Drain, we agree to share costs of the drain with the County of Elgin as follows — 50% of the cost for that portion east of the west limit of Chatham Street and 100% of the costs from that portion west of the west limit of Chatham Street, and that the County Engineer be instructed to commence work as soon as possible. CARRIED. BUSINESS ARISING CUT OF THE MINUTES: Ply: Mr. McMurry's letter concerning a proposal for Consultation on Har- bour Development for a fee of $1200.00, was read. The proposal was referred to the Harbour Development Committee, for their review. Federal Lease Agreement: The revised short agreement was reviewed by Council, with the Clerk instructed to advise our Legal Counsel of the two minor changes, retaining the third as it was. REPORTS OF CCHWITTEFS: 1111 Reeve's Report: The Reeve read a letter from J. Wise, M.P. concerning the appli— cation to the Federal Government for a Dredging Grant and ,reported also an the Wintario submission for a Grant, with a reply expected back by May 1st. Water System: At P.U.C.'s request, the area plumbers are to be advised that no water within the Village, is to be turned on by anyone other than Village employees. Road Supt's Report: V. Bates reported an the Backhoe required repairs. It apparently needs a brass washer and the supplier has not, been able to furnish it. The Reeve will investigate it. Public Works men have spent 29 hours cutting ice away from the Dredge. p — 2 — - 7TH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 20, 1978. Road Superintendent's Report (cont'd ) Mahoney Road School - The Public Works Foreman is not planning to attend. O.H.I.P. increase to $44.00 per Public Works man was discussed. MO'T'ION: #5: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, r that the Port Bu well Council approve the program of PROPOSED EXPENDITURES for the year 1978 for ROADS and STREETS, as follows: • CONSTRUCTION: $ 3,600.00 MAINTENANCE : $ 40.300.00 TOTAL: $/�i020.00 CARRIED. MOTION: #6: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that the Port Burwell Council request a SUPPLEMENTARY ALLOCATION OF SUBSIDY MONEYS for the year 1978, Pursuant to the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, in the amount of $2,780.00 for Construction of Drains. Com. MOTION: +Irl: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, that the Ministry of Transportation and Communications be given permission to paint the centre line of the Connecting Link within the Village; the work to be done in accordance with the cost-sharing terms applicable. CARRIED. V. Bates reported on a piece of sidewalk(in front of Ann Chalk's business,)which is sinking out of sight. Harbour Cmtee: Guidelines for the Committee are required and the Clerk was asked to check with Port Stanley re same. This was tabled to Monday, March 27, 1978, at 7:30 p.m. when Court of Revision is also scheduled. Fire Hall: Fireschool to be held in St. Thomas on April 17 to 21, 1978, was discussed. An appointment for Deputy Fire Chief is• pending. Recreational Cmtee : No meeting has been held. G. Loucks reported that tickets for the circus May 24, 1978 would be available, and that a Hard Times Dance is planned for June 10, 1978. Planning Board: K. Matthews reported that the Stock/Klein/Murphy severance has been approved. CORRESPONDENCE: El e n County Library Tour - March 31, 1978 at 2:00 p.m. MOTION: #8. Moved by K. Alward, seconded by G. Loucks, that this Council recommend that the Village Clerk-Treasurer, attend the 40th Annual Conference of the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario, to be held in the Borough of North York, Toronto, June 18 - 21, 1978, and that the Village accept the fees for the same. CARRIED. MOTION: #9: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by V. Bates, that the Council approve the Fee Schedule for the P.U.C. as set out in P.U.C. Resolution No. 3, dated Feb. 16, 1978. CARRIED. (P.U.C. Resolution #3: requests that the Village Council be asked for approval of a Commissioner's Fee of $21.00 per meeting for 12 meetings per year or more if required and a Chairman's Fee of $25. Retroactive to Jan. 1, 1978.) MOTION: #10: Moved by G. Loucks, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that the Resolution of Malahide re the R.C.M.P. be endorsed by the Port Burwell Council as per attached resolution. CA IED. (Resolution: "Be it resolved that the R.C.M.P. Security Branch be pardoned or granted immunity for trespasses committed in the inter- est nterest of national security and further that the Government of Canada make amendments to the law so that enforcement in national interest may be carried out effectively without requiring the investigators to trespass against existing laws which obstruct or prevent effec- tive investigations." CC: J. Wise and Solicitor General) - 3 - 7TH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 20, 1978. MOTION: #11: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by V. Bates, that this Coun- cil refuse to accept the proposed increase in rates of the Medina Gas Company. CSD. Hamilton-Wentworth:Resolution re non-returnable metal containers - filed. own o a am: solution re Licensing of Businesses - Filed. 110 BY-LAW #310: Moved by G. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that leave be granted to introduce BY-LAW #3]10 - WHEREAS, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell may deem it necessary to borrow up to the sum of $20,000. to meet current expenditures until taxes are collected. By-Law read a first time. By-Law read a second and third time, passed, engrossed by the Clerk and signed and sealed by the Reeve. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT: • MOTION: #12: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, that this regu- lar meeting of Council be adjourned until the next regular meeting, unless a Special Meeting of Council is called. TIME: 11:10 p.m. Com. n ,. CLERK --. '7 REEVE. 1 • 8TH SPECIAL SMR MEETING MARCH 28, 1978 A Special Council Meeting was held in the Municipal Office at 11:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 28, 1978, to discuss Sewage Service for the Village of Port Burwell. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield Councillors: H. 0. Alward, K. Matthews, G. Loucks The Clerk: G. Foster 11111/1 Min. of the Environment: Mike Latta Mr. Latta stated he had requested this rather hasty meeting to arrange for the signing of By—Laws in order that the Village may submit a proposal for Sewage Works Construction to the Ontario Municipal Board, prior to April 1, '1978. He stated that Council has the option of accepting or declining the proposal. ' He further explained that on March 7, 1978, the Honourable Darcy McKeough indicated in his report that there would be no more Provincial monies after April 1, for lending to Municipalities in connection with water and sewage financing. Mr. Latta noted that application could be made now to 0.M.B. for their financial approval. The proposal was reviewed by Council in complete detail, as follows: — Treatment plant located on the W/S of Chatham Street on a 75' strip obtained from the Ministry of Natural Resources. — Cost estimate at 1980 dollar value of $2,685,639.00 — Approx. C.M.H.C. Grant available for5�.290�0.00 Net Cost: f ,133,349.00 Provincial 75% assistance — 1.600.015 Cost to Village over 40 year period: $ 533.337.25 Subject to 0.M.B. approval of the By—Laws, the average home— owner's cost will be $175.98 per annum, comprised of $141.18 sewage service, which will be recovered where applicable as a surcharge on the water bill, $19.80 for 66' frontage and $15.00 for connection. Operating Costs will be $33,000. per year -$183.3 per gallon of sewage. The Connection Charge of $15.00 annually may be prepaid within the first year at $148.00. The Frontage charge of $19.80 or 30r per foot per year may also be prepaid within the first year at $2.96 per foot. t Mr. Latta concluded by noting that the Village of Port Burwell is probably the last Municipality to get in under the line of the existing program to be phased out April 1, 1978. BY—LAW #311: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Loucks, that leave be granted to introduce By—Law #311 — Being a By—Law with respect to execution of an agreement with the Ministry of the Environ— • ment for the provision of sewage service to the Village of Port Burwell. By—Law read a first, second and third time, passed, engrossed by the Clerk and signed and sealed by the Reeve. CARRIED. BY—LAW #312: Moved by G. Loucks, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that leave be granted to introduce By-Law #312 — Being a By—Law with respect to a Sewage Rate under Section 18 and 56 (5) of the Ontario Water Resources Act, which is applicable to all users of the Sewage System. 1111111 By—Law read a first, second and third time, passed, engrossed by the Clerk and signed and sealed by the Reeve. CARRIED. BY-UN #313: Moved by H.O. Alward, seconded by K. Matthews, that leave be granted to introduce By—Law #313 — Being a By—Lax with respect to a Sewage Rate under Section 18 and 56 (5) of the Ontario • Water Resources Act, which is applicable to properties which front on, abut on, or connect to, the sewage system. By—Law read a first, second and third time, passed, engv,+os.e by the Clerk and signed and sealed by the Reeve. CARRIED. (attached area Schedule "A") • - 2 - 8TH SPECIAL SEWER MEETING MARCH 28, 1978. SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 313 OF T:E CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELLI STREET FROM TO Elizabeth Street William Street Approx. 850' South of l Wellington Street Victoria Street Erieus Street Pitt Street Milton Street Approx. 100' South Waterloo Street of Newton Street . Shakespeare Street Erieus Street Approx. 220' South of Waterloo Street Strachan Street Erieus Street ' Approx. 150' South of Brock Street Erieus Street Union Street Approx. 200' South of Brock Street Robinson Street Union Street Approx. 200' South of Brock Street Erieus Street Victoria Street Union Street Union Street Bridge Street Robinson Street Newton Street Shakespeare Street Milton Street Waterloo Street Approx. 150' East of Milton Street Erieus Street Wellington Street Robinson Street Erieus Street Wellington Street Approx. 125' East of Approx. 400' East of Erieus Street Elizabeth Street Pitt Street Approx. 125' East of Erieus Street Robinson Street Pitt Street Approx. 150' East of Approx. 100' East of Erieus Street Victoria Street Brock Street Robinson Street Strachan Street Chatham Street (County Approx. 250' North of Treatment Plant, Approx. Rd. 039) Homer Street 2200' South of Wellington St. Addison Street Homer Street Wellington Street Wellington Street Addison Street Chatham Street (County Road 039) BY-LAW # 314: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Loucks that leave be granted to introduce By-Law #31.4 - Being a By-Law with res- pect to a Sewage Rate under Section 18 and 56 (5) of the Ontario Water Resources Act which is applicable to owners or s occupants of lands for which a sewage connection has been 11111 provided. By-Law read a first, second and third time, engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. CARRIED. Detailed, complete copies of the above By-Laws are contained in the Brief for Sewage Works Project No. 1-0337-73, as dated, signed and sealed by the Reeve and Clerk. • AXOURI JTs The meeting adjourned at 2 p.m. 716 - 3 - COUNCIL RE-CONVENED TO HOLD COURT OF REVISION FOR THE YEAR 1977 COURT OF REVISION MARCH 28, 1978 Court of Revision was held to consider appeals against the 1977 Collector's Roll. I 1 PRESENT: /' The following appeals were heard and allowed: ROLL # NAME • EFFECTIVE ! OF,I, REFUNDED' 336/0000 Fehr, Jake 6375CP to 6375RP Dec.6 76 T111.27 - 1977 336.0001 Fehr, Jake 6375CP to 6375RP Dec.6/76 ,267.19 0.977 (Bankruptcy and out of business Feb. 9, 1977) 185/0001 Pattinson, H. 275CP to 275 RP Jan.7/77 13.91 185/0000 Pattinson, H. deleted from Roll Jan.7/77 ( 4.81 (no bus. conducted here) 240/00Q2 Kindy, N. Pool Room June 11/76 - - - 0.977 (duplication/K. Roesch) • Debited from 1977 Roll 307/0001 Thomas, J. Trailer Park May 3/77 - - - '977 (duplication/J. Robbins) Deleted from Roll • 324/0001 Lama, Anthony split of assessment - - - '977 Lama, Joseph from 6130 RP to 3790 each 342/0000 Gheyson, W. from 4950 CP to 4950RP already changed an 1977 roll - - - '977 by Asmt Office prior to June 342/0001 out of business - -„ ” " - i 977 388/0000 " - - - ' 977 388/0001 " If " " - — - '977 406/000 Consumer's Gas sold to Comm. to - - 1977 Public Works Can. Exempt 251/0001 Murphy, A (Council Resolution) 101.39 r 1976 Additional interest - 6.34 0- 1976 251/0001 " Frontage and Connection - 36.78 - 1977 )64/0000 Tustian, Allan From 1375 to 175 104.82 - r 1977 Building Demolished 349/0001 Roesch, Ken. No taxi business 13.99 - 1977 Delete 100 bus. asst. 347/0003 Bram, Phil Went out of business 27.48 - 1977 347/0003 Armstrong, J. Went out of business 6.00 - 1977 002/0001 Hurley, R. Went out of business 47.00 1977 254/0000 Murphy, A. Asst. too high(450 to 5) 27.00 - 1977 written off by Council Removed F & C. Eff Aug 30/77 36.18 - 1977 272/0000 Murphy A. Demolished from 350 to 5 28.64 - 197711111 273/0000 Murphy A. demolished 1100 to 25G 32.36 = 1977 701. 1 . 865 MOTION #1: Moved by G. Loucks, seconded by K. Matt news, that this Court of Revision, having considered all appeals against the 1977 Colleo-• tor's Roll and where applicable the 1976 Write-offs, for the Municipality of the Village of Port Burwell; properly placed before it according to Section 636 of the Municipal Act, $bow be adjourned. Time 2:20 p.m. CARRIED. O.H. .PCOMMITTEE MEETING MARCH 29, 1978. An O.H.R.P. Meeting was held in the Municipal Office on Wednesday, 11:10 a.m., . March 29, 1978. PRESENT: H. 0. Alward, Chairman of the O.H.R.P. Committee R. Bradfield, Reeve G. Foster, Clerk Absent: V. Bates (due to a bou, with influenza) Pa= FROM THE WILDING_INSPECTOR: The following written report was received from R. Brown, Building Inspector: 1) 1 Building Permit and cheque. • 2) Mr. Bradt's Application and Report 3) Mrs. Dorken's Application and Report 4. vera Bates: O.H.R.P. Report ctIy. 2. B.3adt: House in complete disrepair. Needs to be raised and placed on foundation, new beams & floors, new rafters and roof, panelling inside, install plumbing complete bathroom, septic system, install new wiring and fixtures, new doors and windows. Comment: Floor dropped to ground level; door and window frames rotted out; rafters rotted; house very old and has had no maintenance over the years. House in very poor condi- • tion. Be Dorken: Furnace, New roof - low slope roof requires new asphalt, paper and re-tar; siding on 2 sides only; partial insulation - particular attention to rear of building needed; Part of back window spaces closed in and replaced with 1 thermo pane window. Comment: Presently heats with antiquated oil space heater. Front of building unused commercial. Work to be done an apartment only. Building in very poor condition. V. Bates: Requires repair to cement blocks; foundation on porch. Windows and doors need to be replaced in rear of house or repaired where possible, new roof. Estimates received Gilbert's 13000. new roof anc cement work. 2532.65 roof only.- Vienna Building. Gilbert's accepted. Work to commence immediately. J. Martin: Some work to be cc)fipleted - payment made for furnace only. N. Awcock: Roof to be replaced - no payment made to date. J. Scanlan: Roof to be replaced - payment made for furnace only. A. Rohrer: Waiting for estimates and work to begin, as are Henrietta Hynes, K. Sutherland, Myrtle_ Scanlan. H. Alward: New estimates being obtained - work will commence soon. The following were approved for investigation by the Building Inspector: Nancy Liberty, Ila McCopkey, Elizabeth Guest. J. Robbins: This application is to be reconsidered when he is residing in this house. At the present time he is inelibile since the house is tenant occupied. He plans to move in in May. P• Dorken: This application to be held in abeyance until she returns to residence. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at approximately 12415 p.m. cc: Committee membere and Building Inspector. • 9TH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 10, 1978. The Regular Meeting of the Port Burwell Council was held in the Municipal Office on Monday, April 10, 1978, at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Reeve: R. Bradfield Councillors: V. Bates, H. Alward, K. Matthews, G. Loucks, and the Visitors: R. Vanness, Mr. and Mrs. Patkus and daughter Clerk. Press: J. Hevenor, of Tillsonburg News. MINUTES OF MEETINGS AND APPROVAL OF ACCOUNTS: MOTION #1: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Loucks, that the following Minutes of Meetings be approved as distributed to Council Members: 7th Regular Council Meeting held March 20, 1978. . 8th Special Sewer Meeting held – March 28, 1978. (AS AMENDED) (including Court of Revi3ion)' Special O.H.R.P. Cbmndttee Meeting (as distributed to Committee Members.) CARRIED. MOTION #2: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that the following accounts be approved for payment: General Accounts: Voucher #4 – 1 to 27 (excepting item #24) Water Accounts: Voucher #4 – 1 to 2. O.H.R.P. Accounts: Voucher #4 – 1 Harbour Development Acct:Voucher #4 – 1 Canada Works Accounts: Voucher #4 – nil Erosion Accounts: Voucher #4 – nil CARRIED. (Council requires a written explanation of item #24 P.U.C. Street Lighting account, prior to payment of same.) R. Vanness: Mr. Vanness requested Council to remove 4 trees on Shakespeare St. which are on Village roadway property, being in very poor condition. He also requested direction on removal and disposal of old blacktop on one of his properties. Council advised that although the first request was Village responsibility, the second fell under the terms of the existing By–Law for private properties. Private persons removing the blacktop, however, would have permission to dump it behind the Breakwater. B, Patkus: Mr. and Mrs. Patkus' daughter explained that they wished to have Council assist in cutting dam trees and placing a drain in the gully of their property at Pitt and Strachan Streets. They would be willing to share the cost. Reasons of severance to accommodate another home were given. Council will investigate the situation and advise, as it would appear to be a costly situation. BUILDING PERMITS: There were three building permits issued in the month of March, valuing 110,600. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES: Sewers: A letter from the Ministry of the Environment was read, concerning the Village application for a Sewage System to the O.M.B. for finam-. cial approval. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: • Reeve's Report: A letter from Small Craft Harbours advised that our revised short lease agreement was unacceptable to them and that if the Council is not agreeable to accepting their original lease, they have no alternative but to appoint another Wharfinger to manage this property on behalf of the Federal Crown. The two dollar cheque111/1. was returned. Day Camp – In answer to a ratepayer's request for a 1978 Day Camp Program, the Reeve approached the Y.M.C.A. in St. Thomas to operate same in the Village. - Mrs. Bates had received a complaint re the poor sidewalk conditions on Strachan Street wherein a lady fell. Discussion an Village side • – walks ensued, partleulerly—Mari Stieeb . Public Works men picked up garbage today on Addison Street due to the miry condition of the road. - 2 - 9TH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 10, 1978. , , k Fire Hall: Councillor Matthews reported on Fire Hall activities.A Mutual Aid Meeting will be held next Wednesday at 8 p.m. Invitation to attend to any interested Villagers, was made. A request from the Fire Committee ways presented for $360.00 each for two fire- men to attend 1 week at the Fire School in St. Thomas. The amount .4 would cover $300. for lost wages and $60. for expenses for each man. ,:',.t. 1111111 Motion 03: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by G. Loucks, that $600. be allotted to send 2 representatives of the 1 al Volunteer Fire Brigade to the coming Fire School in St. Thoma. CARRIED. Councillor Ken Matthews declined voting due to conflict of interest. Motion #4: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Loucks, that this Council . appoint Ed Matthews as Deputy Fire Chief on recommendation of Fire Chief Hugh Brooks. CARRIED. - _ -- Recreational Board: Councillor G. Loucks advised that resignations were received from T. Lama; L. Neville; G Wilson, Secretary and Lions Representative These vacancies have been filled by Ken Smith, as Secretary; Tom Cardonna, Ed Epple and a new Lion's Committee Member will be appointed. Planned events are: a Bike Ride-a-thon for June 3; a tentative Dance June 10; Ball Registration Aeril 15 between 2 and 4 p.m. at the Scrut Hall; Aug 1st Weekend,tentatively, amusement rides, etc. Tickets are now available for the Circus on the 21st of May. July 1 the Committee is checking on setting up a booth at the Vienna Lions Club affair. All proceeds from above activities will be earmarked for a new Hall .`ter Port Burwell. G. Loucks advised that the Scout Hall addition is progressing fine. Planning Board: K. Matthews and the Reeve attended the Bayhan Township Public Meeting re their zoning By-Laws. Their condensed by-laws may be used as a prototype for Port Burwell's future Public Meeting on Zoning By- Laws. 0.H.R.P.: A letter from Mrs. Helen Loucks, enclosing her reply from the Minister of Housing re her request to have the house brought up to standard under another 0.H.R.P. loan, was read by H. Alward, Chairman of the Committee. After considerable discussion of this specific case, con- taining the unusual circumstances involved, Council referred the matter to the Chairman and Building Inspector for further investi- gation. CORRESPONDENCE: Malahide Township: A letter advised of an Ambulance Meeting April 20, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. A representative from Council is asked to attend. . Aylmer and Malahide Telephone Company: A letter of request resulted in the following motion: . Motion #5: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, that the Aylmer and Malahide Telephone Company be given permission to construct aerial cables on the Village roads to upgrade the telephone service in the -'_ area, as per request by letter dated March 23, 1978. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS: The Clerk was asked to check if there is liability insurance on the West Side steps and if so to have it removed. A water by-law meeting has .been scheduled for Wednesday, April 26,• . at 7 p.m. • ADJOURNMENT: 0 . Motion #6: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by G. Loucks, that this Regular Coun- cil Meeting, be adjourned until the next Regular Meeting, unless a Special Meeting is called. TIME 10:50 p.m. CARRIED. malm,lark . 7. T • 10TH SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 24, 1978. A Special Meeting was called predominately to review the present Water By—Laws. The meeting was held in the Municipal Offices at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 24, 1978. ?RESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield Councillors: V. Bates, H. Alward G. Loucks, K. Matthews The Clerk was absent. IF:- AL LEASE AGREE7NT: After discussion, the Council passed the following resolution: Motion #1: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by V. Bates, that the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the Lease between Her Majesty 'the Queen as Qw4n, as represented by the Ministry of. Fisheries and the Environment and the Village of Port Burwell, with a term from Jan. 1, 1978 to • Dec. 31, 1980. • CARRIED. ' • WATER BY—LAWS: ;° Amendments to By—Law # 260; wawa as follows: Sec. 1. — Para (e) "Duly authorized agent of Council, shall mean, etc." 2. — (k) "No change re Commercials" 2. — (e) "To Supervise and inspect installation of meters and attach proper Village Seals to same." 4. - (a) "Clerk—Treasurer or other authorized agent of Council" 4. — (c) Delete $3.00. Add "a fee for inspection shown on Schedule "A" as hereto attached." 23. — Add "only" to paragraph at end, after the word Superintendent. 26. — (a) remove "and installed". • 26. — (b) after repairing meters — remove"including the cost of such meters". Add"and a fee for inspection of such meters, plus a deposit charge as outlined in Schedule "A"," shall be prepaid by the applicant before the water is turned on. 49. — (a) amend as per Senedule "A" 49. — (b) Add after Superintendent — " The Superintendent's duties are to be limited to inspecting services and turning water on and off at stand pipe and the Superintendent SHALL NOT install meters. 53. - (a) amend as per Schedule "A" 56. — at end, after meters add "and shall have shut—off valves at each end. SCHEDULE "A" Addition — Deposit on water meters will be $35.00. In addition to the above amendments, the following was discussed: 1. Water Superintendent — A decision will be made .t the next regular meeting to appoint a Water Superintendent by By—Law. I 2. Sec. 5 - a decision will be made at a later date to qualify an authorized agent of Council to collect the installat.on charge. 3. Sec. 31 (a) is to be studied further. 4. Council will study the By—Law further for other amendments,later on. 5. A request was made to contact the Ministry of Environment to try to secure a set of plans of the water system, showing ..ater main sizes, hydrant locations, etc. for the Fire Department. -:_ )n #2: Moved by H. 0. Alward, second by G. Loucks, that this Special Meeting of Council, be adjourned until the next regular meeting except in case of the necessity of another Special Nse;.ing. • TIME: 10:40 p.m. CARRIED. 11 TH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MAY 8, :778. The Regular Council Meeting was held in the Municipal Office, on Monday, May 8th, at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield Councillors: V. Bates, H. 0. Alward, K. Matthews, G. Loucks, and the Clerk Visitors: D. Axford, M. Williams. MOTION #1: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by K. Matthews, that Councillor Vera Bates be appointed Chairman for this meeting cf Council in the absence of the Reeve. CARRIED. D. Axford: advised Council of unleashed dogs on the West Side of the Vil— lage and asked to have the By=Law enforced. The 'Clerx was • asked to call the Dog Licensing Officer to request she warn r the three dog owners involved. He also advised Council that the West Side residents are very unhappy about removal of the steps and that a petition is being circulated to this effect. In reply, Council related that the steps had to be removed to a..comnodate the drain installation and that every ef:ort would be made to rebuild them sometime in the future. N. Williams: visited Council re her hist. to have the Elizabeth drain installed, adding that a petition i., being circulated. She asked when the Breakwater Extension woi.:d begin and a=so wante. more rubble placed in front of her property, or her $200.00 refunded. She was unhappy about the method used to deposit tne rubble, stating many who paid their $200. did not get a fair share of rubble, while others who did not pay, received more. Council advised that the Elizabeth Street Drams :ould not be con— sidered this year+ the Breakwater Construction nos been delayed until Bayham Township has made their preparations for involvement. Also that the Village merely held the Rubble money for Mr. A. Murphy, who instigated the project and that the -mall balance in the fund would be used to bulldoze the balance u: the rubble. THE R. A15_54,4,.. r. rNc cn/?,A PUILDING PERMITS:There were 7 permits issue... the month of Apri_ & 1 demolition permit. Building values ..ere 152,750.00. MOTION #2: Moved by V. Bates, seconded oy K. Matthews, that -,r.e following minutes be approved, as distributed to Council Memoers: 9th Regular Council Meeting, held April 10, 1978, as amended. 10th Special Council Meeting, held April u., 1976, :s amended. CARRIED. MOTION 03: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by G. Loucks, that the following Accounts be approved for payment: General Accounts on Voucher #5, 1 to 24; and payroll 1 to 13. Water " #5, 1 to 2 OHRP If " 05, l to 3 Canada Works " " #5, NIL Harbour Development Account #5 1 to 3 CARRIED. B. Shiry: Due to complaints of the =sightliness .f the Shirt' property, the following resolution was passed: MOTION #4: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Loucks, that d Registered 'letter be sent to Miss Elides Shiry, notifying her to clean up her property on Bridje Street by the ninth day of June 1978 and that if it is not cleaned up by that date the,Village will have the property cleaned up and ail expenses will oe charged to the taxes for this property. CARRIED. jatku, Prol-erty: Council felt it was out of the question to fir .ially assist the owners of tne Patkus 'roperty to install a i. in and clear the woods. MOTION 05: Moved by H. 0. Alwa.a, s :onded by V. Bates, that the owners of the Patkua property on t Corner of Pitt and Strachan Street be advised by letter that the Village Council does not deem ).t advisable to become involved in their property drainage problem. CARRIED. L — 11 TH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MAY 8, 1978. pease Agreement: The Federal Lease agreement had been duly signed and sealed by the Reeve and Clerk, and mailed. ;ay Camp: Council discussed a proposal from Y.M.C.A. St. Thi�s, to operate a Day Camp in the Village, from July 3, t6"Tl, 1978. MOTION: # 6: Moved by G. Loucks, seconded by K. Mat-Levet, that the Village support the proposed Y.M.C.A. Day Camp tc be run in the Village and that the Village of Vienna and the Township of Bayham be approached to pay a portion of the Village's share of the Day Camp cost, which is $280.00. CSE . • REPORTS OF C0* TTEES: Reeve's Reports The Reeve read a letter from the Minister _f Industry and Tour— ism, replying to our letter concerning a population error on the Provincial Road Map. He advised on the Chatham Street drain. Dredge repairs were reviewed.'Canada Wor :orms are forthcoming. • Road Supt's Report: Mr. Moyes' well was discussed, in velw or a prior promise from the Village to fill it in to accommodate a neighboring OHRP applicant's septic system requirements. Mr. R. Vanness' request for Shakespeare tree removal, was referred to the Road Superintendent. The Reeve had obtained prices for the O.Y.P. ,ounc r. MOTION # 7: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, that tree Vienna Building Supplies be hired to repair counter ane install a bulletin board at the O.P.P. Office in Port Burne_1.CARRJED. The five year projection for capital road expend_ .res, was tabled to next regular meeting. C.H.R.P.: H. Alward advised of the following: Mrs. H. Lo. .ks will be selling her property, therefore the application will be can— celled. Mrs. L. Roesch was places on'Hold: •Mr. 0. Robbins' application will be investigated for a total $7,500 loan,(in context with past inspections) by the Building Inspector. $0TION, # 8: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that applica— tion be made to t..e Ministry of Housing fc: a Phase V Ontario Home Renewal Grant of $55,980.93 wi.h a request for an advance of $29,000. for the fiscal year ending March 3i, 1979, for the purpose of making loans to owners of real property used for residential purposes to assist in th., repair, reh.,bilitation and improvement of dwelling units pursuant to the Housing Development Act ana the Regulations suoject to the limitations thereof. CARRIED. MOTION # 9: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by G. Loucks, that the Council of the Village of Port Burwell adopt the residential standards as set forth in the Ontario Home Renewal Program Guide for Residential Standards. CARRIED. Firehall: K. Matthews reported on the Fire Fighting School as the very best ever held. He advised that the fire budget woui.d be in in time for the Budget meeting and tnat a new fire truck is needed. Recreational Board: G. Loucks advised of the status or upcomine activities and chat the need for change houses 'on the east beach had been discussed at the last meeciLg. Planning Board: . K. Matthews reviewed with Council, Harbour Hazard Land desig— r.oticns, a received from the Ministry of Housing. Council was not ir. agreement with the unchanged areas still designated Hazard Land. This will be relayed co the Planning Board and • Miss E. Howson, by Councillor Matthews. Correoamlence: MOTILIN • 10: Moved by H.O. Alward, seconded by V. Bates, that tnis Council endorse the resolution of the Woodstock City Cour._il re fees paid to jury memoers ra pe, attached resulution. CARRIED,. 1 • 11TH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MAY 8, 197e. CORRESPONDENCE: An O.H.R.P. Workshop will be held May 16, 1978 at Holiday Inn, London. Councillors are welcome to attend. • law BUSINESS: p.U.C. P.U.C. re-submitted the resolution of last meeting for a change of wording: • 10 NOTION #11: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by V. Bates, that resolution l #9 or the 7th Regular Council Meeting held an 20th March, 1978, be hereby rescinded and that the Council approve the .' P.U.C. Fee s hedule as set out in P.U.C. Resolution #3 dated April 20, 1978 and also that Council approve P.U.C. Resolution No. 4 04, dated 20th Ap.il, 1978, concerning location of Hydro Meters. CARRIED. • • P.U.C. Resolutions were as followsa 3. Moved K. Hoshal, Seconded M. Alward, tnat the Village Council be asked to approve Commissioner's Fee of $21.00 and Chair- maws haimmans Fee of $25.00 per meeting for 12 regular meetings a year with a maximum of 16 meetings. Retroactive to January 1, 1978. The last change in the Fees was made in 1'169. CARRIED. 4. Moved by M. Alward, seconded H. Hoshal, that the Village have t..eir Buildi..g Inspector see that hydro meters are not built into breezeways, etc., but moved to the outside of the Building when renovations or new building is being done. CARRIED. Rabies Clinic: A Rabies Clinic will be hela in the Fireball on Monday, June 12, between 1:30 p.m and 4:00 p.m. This is a two-year vaccination for dogs and cats. • Budget Meeting,:The Budget Meeting will be held in the Municipal Office, on May 16th, at 7:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT: !NITON # 12: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Loucks, that this Council Meeting be adjourned until the next Regular Meeting unless in case of emergency a Special Meeting be called. CARRIED. < .,�, L Clerk .44 REEVE 1 • • • • . ... 7.1 • 0 C011POAATIOW 0/THE 1 CITT OF WOOD/TOG( CITY MAIL 0 •OI 40 W00011TOCK ONT N••TW• r • April 17th, 1978. 6 ros7EIe Mrs. H. Wolfe, Clerk, Village of Port Burwell, Port Burwell, Ontario. Dear Sir or Madam: At a recent meeting of the Woodstock City Council on April 6th, 1978, the following resolution was adopted in connection with the lees paid to jury memoers. Moved by Alderman D. Matthews Seconded by Alderman K. Bullen "WHEREAS jury duty is an extremely responsible pos- • ition requiring a person to be away from his mean of livelihood for considerable periods of time, AND MEAS the present fees paid to jury wcmbers create a hardship in many cases on citizens called for jury dety, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Honourable R.R. McMurtry, Attorney-General of Ontario, be petitioned to raise the fee paid to jury members to both criminal and civil matters to a fee of 540. per day after a period of seven days, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of the resolut- ion be forwarded to the. Association of Municipalities • of Ontario for consideration, and to other municipalit- ies .. Parrott, M.P.P. for O.Pord, for h t eir supp- ort and their members of Parliament." V. Carried Would you place this resoiuLiQr4 before your Council with the request that they consider erldorsation? Yours s:,n ercly, • Jrl/c J. McGinnis, III/ Deputy Clerk. "OXFORD COUNTY"HOME OP THE 1.00 INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH 12TH CCUNCIL MEETING SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING MAY 17, 1978. ".v A Special Budget Meeting was veld in the Council Chambers, on Wednesday, May 17, 1978, at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield Councillors: V. Bates, H. Alward, K. Matthews, G. Loucks 111111 The Clerk and Mr. Allan Clarke, Auditor. Council reviewed 1978 Budget requirements, as follows: 1978 / 1977 1977 ICY 2 UE: BUDGET Actual Budget Telephone Payments 2,728.00 2,562.00 2,643.00 Grants-in-lieu 2,200.00 2,155.0u 2,000.00 Ontario Grants - Roadways 22,400.00 , 19,493.00 . 20,000.00 . . - per capita 5,271.00 5,551.00 5,551.00 - Res. Equalization 30,013.00 . - 21,087.00 21,087.00 ' - General Support • 5,749.00 3,543.00 3,543.00 County Rebate - Streets 2,275.00 2,227.00 2,227.00 Licenses and Permits 1,000.00 1,082.00 600.00 Rents 2,500.00 2,440.00 2,300.00 Penalties & Int. on Taxes 2,200.00 2,468.00 2,000.00 Park Board - 1,200.00 0.H.R.P. Admin Fee 2,900.00 2,518.00 2,900.00 Sundry Revenue 1,000.00 2,373.00 750.00 , L.I.P. - 2,268.00 - Surplus 9,532.00 - 6.731.00 Sub-Total $89,768.00 69,767.00 73,532.00 Tax Roll 102■730.00 98.927.00 98.526.00 Total $122A/A28:00M----.. =168+624•.00 172♦058.00 EXPENDITURES: 1978 Members of Council (Paid by mtg) 4,725.00 2,100.0C 2,300.00 General Administration 23,000.00 21,669.00 19,000.00 Fire Hall 10,00u.00 6,285. 0 4,500.00 Conservation authority 925.00 895.00 895.00 Protective Inspection 1,600.0u 1,580.00 2,562.00 Flood Control - Erosion Debenture 8,258.00 8,638.00 8,638.00 Roadways 43,900.00 31,634.00 40,000.00 Street Lighting 4,000.00 4,].14.00 4,000.00 Garbage 7,874.00 7,744.00 7,625.00 Parks and Recreation 2,162.00 4,246.00 5,200.00 Planning and Zoning 700.00 657.0u 1,000.00 Mtce. of Buildings - Library 1,250.00 • 413.00 700.00 - Police 900.00 532.00 800.00 Public Works Tractor Fund 4,000.00 - - Breakwater Extension Fund 2■000.00 - - Sub-Total S115,294.00 90.537.00 97,220.00 Education - Sec. 29,602. Pub. 24,964. 55,222.00 52,458.00 51,841.00 Sep. 656. County of Elgin . 21,982.00 23,184.00 22,997.00 Total 192L12 ;00........i_166 179.00 1Z2 058.00 /11111 Note: 1 Mill raises $780.00 The above budget will actuate an approximate 5 mill increase. Council felt this was an appropr.ate rate for 1978. Page two.... 12TH COUNCIL MEETING SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING MAY 17, 1978. OTHER BUSINESS: O.H.R.P. Mr. George Lockrey's OHRP applicM ion was approved. J{EAVY GARBAGJICK—UP: /C7TION # 1: Moved by H.O. Alward, seconded by K. Matthews, tnat MONDAY, MAY 29th, be set aside by the Village of Port Burwell for the collection of heavy garbage: 1. that the Clerk request St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited to reserve a large container for that date, leaving same at the gravel yard at Pitt and Erieus Streets. 2. that the Clerk post notices in the Village to advise residents of this service on the above date. CARRIED. O.P.P. LEASE AGREEMENT: Tables to next meeting. • - ADJOURNMENT: MOTION # 2: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Loucks, that this Special Budget Meeting be adjourned. TIME 9:35 p.m. CARRIED. • 1111 1 / jr'+ SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MAY 31, 1978. A Special Meeting was called on Weinesday, May 31st, 1978, at 7:30 p.m in the Municipal Office. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield Councillors: V. Bates, 8. Alward, K. Matthews, G. Loucks and the Clerk. • MOTION, #1:#1: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, that Harry Alward chair the „.seting in the absence of the Reeve Ron Bradfield. CARRIED. Public Works: The Road Superintendent advised that the Public Works men had requested they work from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. There was no objection to these hours. • Sewers: Mr. Latta of the Ministry or Environment had advised that a letter had been received by them from 0.M.B. stating, " The Board has reviewed the application for a Provincial Sewage.Works Program for the Village of Port Burwell. In view of the high debt limit of this Municipality we are not prepared to approve the application, based upon the financing submitted." Mr. Latta stated he had only heard of this happening once before and tnat if Port Burwell does not get sewers under this Govern— ment financed Program, they may never get them. He advised Council to take a good look at the situation, perhaps by sending a delegation to the Ontario Municipal Board. KTI03 #2: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by H. 0. Alward; WHEREAS the Council of the Village of Port Burwell unanimously deems the Sewage Works Program to be of major importance, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Reeve contact Ron McNeil, M.P. and have him set up an appointment with Mr. D. S. Colbourne at the Ontario Municipal Board,. as soon as possible, t., discuss this Municipa— lity's Financial status and to determine if the proposed Break— water Extension debt w..s the deciding factor in the 0.M.B. decision concerning the Sewage Works Program. CARRIED. A brief financial statement will be drawn up ,.oncerni.,g this matter. BY—LAW # 315: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by G. Loucks, tnat leave be granted to introduce By—Law # 315, to establish the rates and taxes for the year 1978 and to provide for the collection thereof, with a mill rate, as follows: Public Residential 128.338 Public Commercial 146.537 Separate Resid,;ntial 127.040 Separate Commercial — The First instalment to be d' e on June 15, 1978; the second instalment to be due on September 15, 1978; and the tnird instal— ment for Water Frontage and Connection to be due on November 15, 1978. A tax penalty of 1% is levied on the day after due dates and an additional 1% interest is levied on the first day of each month after the due date. By—Law read a first, second and third time, passed, engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. CARRIED. WATER LINES: F. Williams Fish and Pt. Dover Fish Co. both require water services to meet the standards set by the Ministry of Environment. Frank Williams has requested chat Council investigate the matter; the Port Dover Fish Company has not. P MOTION # 4: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by V. Bates, that a 4" Water Main be put in along tyle paved road leading from Bridge Street to the Otter Creeks the southeasterly and of the watermain be Litted with adequate connec_ions to serve present water service require- ments in this area. The persons connecting to this water service do so at their own expense. CARRIED. Kolby's service line was discussed and due to the problem of ease— ments aver land areas from Pitt Street this matter was tabled until such time as this company ap,,roaches Council with a request for water service. 1 - 2 - 14 TH COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR MEETING JUNE 12, 1978. Total Subsidy for Construction - $ 8,800. Maintenance - $1b,30U. SUBSIDY TOTAL: REM. MOTION # 4: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that Piches' Tree Removal be employed to remove 4 poplar trees at the Front of the Village Woritsnop property con Shakespeare Street at a total cost of $110.00. Before the tree removal is started, Piches'Tree Removal shall provide the Road Superintendent with proof of adequate liability insurance. CARRIED. CANADA WORKS: The Reeve advised of the June 24th deadline to submit an appli- cation. He outlined various project, to be' included with dred- ging in a submission. MOTION # 5: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, that the Village enter into a Canada Worcs Program starting November 1978 and continuing for 1 year. CARRIED. •9.H.R.P.: H. Alward reported that G. Lockrey's work had started. .The 0. Robbins' property was discussed as to po3sib1lities for repair to standards required. It was emphasized that the Council has been endeavouring to follow tne rules of tne program concerning this application. FIREHALL: K. Matthews advised of a very successful Pancake supper profiting approximately $250.00 in proceeds. RECREATIONAL BOARD: G. Loucks reported on plans for the August weedxend, with amusement rides planned for the event. • MATION, # 6: Moved by G. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that the Council of the Village of Port Burwell is in favour of the Recreational Board operating a Beer Tent an August 4th, and 5th, 1978, at Centennial Park and that the Recreational Board shall r.ay the three Police Officers required to be on duty during the operation of the Beer Tent. • CARRIED. PIbANING BOARD: A Zoning Meeting will be held in the Municipal Office on June 27th, 1978, at 3:3u p.m. Representatives from the Ministry of Housing and J. Petrie, will attend. CORRESPONDENCE: Mrs. E. Stubbs requested the pot holes be filled in on Libbye Ave. and also that street lights be installed. The Road Superintendent will investigate. Village Emblem: Council considered the purchase of "Lighthouse" pins either as gifts for worthy persons or as a profit meking enterprise. The initial cost of the dye is $75.00; pins would be $1.25 each. MOTION # 7: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by V. Bates, that the Council pur- chase 100 of the proposed Village pins from Emblematic Jewellery Products, Rod„ey, at the quotation and Provincial Sales Tax as given May 19, 1978 in their letter to the. Village. CARRIED. City of Woodstock: Request for an endorsement to allow property taxes and interest on mortgages as income tax deductions, was read. MOTION # 8: Moved by G. Loucks, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that the Port Burwell Council endorse the resolution of Woodstock Council, dated June 1st, 1978, as attached. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS: MEETING: A meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, June 15, 1978 at 8 p.m. at Bayham Township Office, to discuss the Transfer Station. This Council is requested to attend. Min. .of Culture and Recreation: Advised of a one-third grant for the Ball Park. This will be referred to F. Waldeck. 11110.11 Water Lot Lease:K. Matthews reviewed with Council various aspects re the Break- water Federal Waterlot Lease. ADJOURNMENT: • MOTION # 9: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by G. Loucks, that this Regular Meeting of Council be adjourned until the next regular Meeting unless a • Special Meeting of Council is called. TIME 10:15 p.m. CARRIED. CLERK J CORPCAA/ION OF TM[ \ . ,r CITY OF WOOOfTOCK CITY NALL P.O. S0140 WOODSTOCK ONT N4I 7W5 June 1st, 1978. 1 . . Mrs. H. Wolfe, Clerk, Village of Port Burwell, " Port Burwell, Ontario. Dear Sir or Madam: At a recent meeting of the Woodstock City Council li on May 18th, 197P, the following. resolution was adopted in connection with property taxes and mortgage interest • rates. • • • Moved by Alderman D. Matthews Seconded by Alderman K. Bullen WKEREAS property taxes and mortgage interest rates are becoming increasingly burdensome =Icing it diffic-- ult for the average person to own property, AND WHEREAS income taxes are charged on total in- come without regard to the property ;axes or interest costs paid out by home owners which results in taxes being paid on taxes, AND WHEREAS property taxes and interest on wort- gages should be an allowable deduction under The Inc- ome Tex Act to eliminate the inequality of taxes being paid on taxes, THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Woodstec:: petition the Iono:.rcbie John C'liretien to amcnd The Inco:re Tax Act to allow property ta.xea. nna interest en mcrtragee az deductions en Inc^_r. Pix aLd that a copy of the resolution deductions fome.rdeo. to zhe .'s:soc- iation of Municipzuities of Ontario, lir. B. Halliday, M.P. for Oxford, Lnd other mu.u.icipalities in Ontario for support. Carried Would you piece this resolution before your Coun- cil with the request that chef► consider endorsa'cion' Yours sincerely, 1 rd ' • Jl1/dw . McGinnis, ` 111/1 • Deputy Clerk. "OXFORD COUNTY"HOME OF THE 1780 INTERNATI,)NAL PLOWINt,MATC:I f SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MAY 31, 1978. Q.P.P. Lease: The Ministry of Government Services had r_quested a five-year 0.P.P. Lease, with an option to renew for a further two years. In discussion, Council felt that a three—year lease, with an option to renew for a further two years would be in order. The Clerk was asked to negotiate same. Councillor Matthews advised of a meeting to tie set up with Bayham Township Clerk Jack Petrie, with Rosemary Campbell of the Ministry of Housing, anu a represenuative from the Ministry of Environment, in the evening at Bayham Office. They !,lave advised that they would meet with Port Burwell Council in the afternoon, to discuss the hazard lands in the Village. The Clerk was asked to advise JMr. Jack Petrie that this is acceptable to our Council. MOTION # 4: Moved oy K. Matthews, secondee by V. Bates, that this Special Meeting by adjourned. TIME 8:45 p.m. CARRIED. • 14 TH COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR MEETING JUNE 12, 1978. The Regular Meeting of the Port Burwell Council, was held on Monday, June 12, 1978, at 7:3C,p.m. in the Municipal Office. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield Councillors: V. Bates, H.O. Alward, K. Matthews, G. Loucks and the Clerk Visitors: Ralph Brown, Building Inspector, J. Hevenor. MINUTES OF MEETINGS: MOTION # 1: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, that the following minutes of meetings, be approvers as distributed to Council Members' 11th RegulariCouncil Meeting held May 8, 1978, AS AMENDED. 12th. Special Budget Meeting held May 17, 1978. 13th. Special Council Meeting held May 31, 1,78. CARRIED. R. Brown,: The Building Inspector attended to review with Council, R. Eveland's application to construct a 15' X 36' building to repair fish nets. council approved construction of same. APPROVAL OF ACCOUNTS: MOTION # 2: Moved by H.O. Alward, seconded by G. Loucks, that the following accounts be approved for payment: General Accounts on Voucher #6 - from 1 to 26 - Payroll 1 to 17. Councillor's Stipend 1 to 6. Water Accounts on Voucher #6 - from 1 to 4. O.H.R.P. Accounts Voucher #6 - from 1 to 2. Harbour Development Voucher #6 - from 1. Canada Works Account Vouch. #6 -from 1 to 2. CARRIED. BUILDING PERMITS: There were 4 Permits issued in the Month of May valuing $11,200. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUITS: M. Williams,: A letter was read from Mrs. Williams, reiterating the comments she made at the April Meeting. E, Shiry: The Registered letter advising Miss Shiry to clean up her property was returned undelivered. Therefore, the Village will have the work aone and charged against her taxes. Day Camp: No replies have been received from Vienne and Bayham Councils, con- cerning a share contribution to the Day Camp. 0.P.P. Lease: Mr. McCammon of Government Services, had been contacted by telephone and was agreeable to changing the lease from 5 to 3 years. MOTION # 3: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Loucks, that the Village renew the lease with Her Majesty the Queen for the 0.P.P. office. The lease shall be for a period of three years, iron November 1, 1978 dt a rental of $1,440.0u per annum, payable at $120.00 wonthly in advance ana with an option to renew for a further period of 2 • years. The Reeve and Clerk are authorized to sign the lease. CARRIED. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: Reeve's Report:Sewers: The Reeve advised he had contacted Ron McNeil, M.P.P., an June t, 1978, who stated he would get uack to him re the setting of an appointment date with the Ontario Municipal Board. Dredge: Work on dredge repairs to the wiring, control boxes, genera- tor, 2 engines and house, was reported on. Re-structuring: There will oe a meeting on Elgin County re-structu- ing and the Reeve plans t, attend. Water By-Laws: A meeting will be scheduled soon. Road Suet's Report: Councillor Bates reported an the following matters: breakdown of the backhoe, with discussion of sub-contracting rather than re- purchase, if ne,.essary, a rep-rt an the Gheyson property was given; draining within the Viliaae was discussed - wish Councillor LouLks suggesting the possibility of ditching and use of black -plastic piping in poor areas, at a lesser degree of expense. Mrs. Bates requested Council's advice on past oiling behind the Library. The Road Superintendent reported that the Ministry of Transportation and Communications had advised of approval of ...he Village's request for $2,700 supplesn.,nt for drain construction, as follows: 15 TH COUNCIL MEETING SPECIAL GARBAGE MEETING JUNE 15, 1978 Thurs. June 15, 1978 - 8 p.m. :Meeting - Bayham Township Office - res Garbage Contract Present, Members of Council from Bayham and Vienna Pt. Burwell representatives- Reeve Brdfield, H. Alward, V. Bates Representative from Garbage Collection Agency Absent: The Clerk, G. Loucks, K. Matthews Pigures were given as to Pt. Burwell cost.,.* to date; . . door to door--- 2855.76 transfer station--- 1081.38 TOTAL $3937.14 Number of containers to late for Pt. Burwell ; open closed month 6 2 Jan. 3 4 Feb. 8 5 Mar. 10 9 Apr. 11 9 May • 7 3 June 45 12 totals total lifts to date- 77s total to be handled for year- 1411 Effective July 3rd- installation of gates at garbage container sites Rates open to public Mon. , Wed. , & Sat. , from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Advertisement of same will appear in the *rimer & Tillsonburg newspapers. It was decided to continue the garbage contract for two or three months while observing the results of the use of the gates, as well as the supervision of garbage at site at the specified times. ADJOUR1a T: 11:00 p.m. 111/ r ' 16 TH COUNCIL MEETING SPECIAL CANADA WORKS MEETING JUNE 21, 1978. A Special Meeting was held on June 21, 1978, at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal 11) Office, to discuss a Canada Works application for Dredging. ?RESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield Councillors: V. Bates, K. Matthews, G. Loucks, H. Alward Absent: The Clerk. MOTION # 1: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Loucks, that the Village of " Port Burwell make application teo Employment. and Immigration Canaaa for a Canada Works Program to employ 1 Manager, 4 labourers and 1 bookkeeper, to begin 08/01 79 and continue until 0/11/7y for the purpose of: 1. Dredging a channel along the Wesc Side of the Port Burwell Harbour; 2. Building playground equ.upmectt; 3. Building boat docks for pleasure boats, 4. Building change house for the East Beach , 5. Clearing brush in the Village-owned Ball Park, as necessary. and also; that the Village of Port Burwell agrees co supplement the wages of the workers employed through this p.ogram out of the Harbour Development Account, as follows: 1. Project Manager — amount of supplement $140.Ou per week 2. Labourers — amount of supplement $22.00 per person per week. the above supplement to be in addition to the wages provided by the Canada Works Program. CARRIED. 9THER BUSINESS: Public Works: The estimated cost to repair the Village tractor (Garry Wilson) is $600.00 to 800.00. Council agreed to proceed with repairs. ADJOUIT: MOTION # 2: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by V. Bates, that this Special Meeting be adjourned. CARRIED. 17 TH COUNCIL MEETING SPECIAL ZONING MEETING JUNE 27, 1978 A Special Meeting was called on Tuesday, June g7i 19/8 at 4:00 p.m. in the Municipal Office, to diocuss tne amendment submission for Harbour Lands, from "Hazard" to"Commercial", designation. 401 PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield _1 Councillors: V. Bates, H. 0. Alward, K. Matthews, The Clerk Absent: G. Loucks East Elgin Planning Board: J. Petrie James F. McLaren Ltd.: L. Howson • Ministry of Housing: Bill Colman, Rosemary Campbell Councillor Matthews explained why the "hazard" designation for the area soutn of the Bridge, was erroneous. He stated that a Harbour Committee has been set up anu outlined problems the Village nas run into concerning dredging and general harbour development. He noted that the Village requires a ,ommercial designation in order to develop the area. Mr. Dolman questioned tne word "Commercial" — Marina related? — motel area?, etc. Mr. Matthews stated that a fertilizer firm had approached Council to situate in the Harbour area, and affirmed that marina related activities were also required. Mr. Dolman felt that there could have been a lack of communication in that the • amendment request should have specified "Harbour Commercial". Ms. Howson agreed, noting that time factors had not allowed this to be done prior to sumission of the amendment, to Ministry of Housing. Mr. Dolman requested that, a tour of the site be made and that the matteL be fur— ther discussed at the East Elgin Planning Board Meeting at Bayham Township office this evening. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. S F 18TH SPECIAL SEWER MEETING JULY 7," 1978. A Special Meeting of Council was held in the Municipal Office on Friday, July 7, 1978, at 1 p.m. 0 PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield Councillors: V. Bates, H. Alward. K. Matthews and the Clerk. Council had been advised by Mr. Colbouzn�e, Vice-Chairman of the Ontario Municipal Board, that he would/receive a delegation from the Port Burwell Council at 1 p.m. on Monday, July 10, 1978, in Toronto. Mr. R. McNeil, M.P.P. Elgin County, also advimed the Reeve that he would be in Toronto and would attend. Council reviewed areas to be contained in a "Brief" to be presented to 0.61.8. The Clerk was asked to draw up a "Brief" for the meeting. • Adjournment: 2:30 p.m. 19TH MEETING SPECIAL DELEGATION MEETING IN TORONTO - JULY 10, 1978 The Delegation, consisting of .the Reeve R. 'Bradfield, Councillors V. Bates and H. Alward, and the Clerk, left kort Burwell at 9 a.m. on Monday, July 10, 1978. The Delegation and H. McNeil, M.P.P. met with Jrir.D.Colbourne of O.M.B. at 1p.m., as scheduled. Mr. Colbourne advised that it was realized that the Village merely had a $40,000. debenture debt for the Breakwater, but that 'ongoing school debts and the '.Vater Instalation Debt over 40 years were also taken into consideration. He stated that Port Burwell's debt was calculated at 74 of the equalized assessment, and added that the means of lowering this debt was by increasing our assessment through additional building, development, etc. He noted that the Breakwater Extension was not a factor that would deter sewage construction approval. Council presented their "Brief" outlining poor drainage problems and proposed development of the area, as urgent needs within the Village. A copy of the Brief had been distributed to all Council Members and a file copy is contained in the office. The Delegation arrived back in Port Burwell at 4:45 p.m. • • • •Eimm. • • • • • .411 r— r • 20tH COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR MEETING JULY 17, 1978. The Regular Meeting of the Port Burwell Council was held in the Municipal Office at 7:30 p.m., on Monday, July 17, 1978. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, Councillors: V. Bates, G. Loucks, H. Alward, K. Matthews and the Clerk. Visitors:Ratepayers Association - Mrs. R. 'arlow, Carl Robertson and George Lockrey. Tillsonburg News - J. Hevenor. James F. Maclaren - Liz Howson and Min. of Natural Resources- Drew Cherry. 11110 MINUTES OF MEETINGS: MOTION #1: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, that the following Minutes of Meetings be approved as distributed to. Council Members: 14th Regular Council Meeting held June 12,1978. 15th Special Garbage Meeting held June 15, 1978. 16th Special Canada Works Meeting held June 21, 1978. 17th Special Zoning Meeting held June 27, 1978. 18th Special Sewer Meeting held July 7, 1978. 19th Special Delegation (Sewers) Meeting held July 10, 1978. CARRIED. MOTION #2: Moved by G. Loucks, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that the following Accounts be approved for payment: General Accounts on Voucher #7 from 1 - 37 (as amended) (Wages) " from 1 - 20 Water Accounts on Voucher #7, from 1 - 2 O.H.R.P. Accounts Voucher #7, from 1. - 3 Harbour Development " " from 1 - 2 CARRIED. BUILDING PERMITS: There were 10 permits issued in the month of June at a build- ing value of $58,356. One was for the erection of a new house. All were approved. Ratepayers' Association: Mrs. Farlow requested a definite answer as to when the Breakwater Extension would begin. Mr. George Lockrey and Mr. Carl Robertson also expressed their views as to the urgency of the matter. The Reeve stated that Bayham Township and County of Elgin were now out of the picture as one of the three Bayham Ratepayers concerned was not interested in participation. George Lockrey advised that he was not only representing the Rate- payers' Association, as their spokesman, but also the Harbour Com- mission. He noted the following problems in the Harbour area: 1. A letter from Philip Vaughan re excessive speed of motor boats in the Harbour stated that there should be a 4 miles per hour limit. 2. Guidelines are still required for the Harbour Committee. • 3. Dredging should be done in the Harbour to deter boats from becoming stuck in the silt. 4. Hiring of a Wharfingpr. 5. Tree stuck in the Harbour. The Council agreed to have Public Works employees make up signs for Speed Limits in the Harbour. Guidelines will have to be made up by the Committee, as there are no prototypes available from other Harbour Committees. The Reeve stated that it would be fine with Council if the Harbour Committee could find a way to get the Dredge operating this year. A Canada Works Program has been applied for to start January 8, 197`,. The Wharfinger position was tabled to later in the meeting. Public Works Canada has been contacted re the tree in the Harbour. ZONING: Ms. Howson and Drew Cherry discussed with Council the Harbour change111110 of designation to Harbour Commercial. All aspects of the area were reviewed, with the conclusion that Ms. Howson would send a revised amendment to be submitted to the next East Elgin Planning Board Meeting, July 25, 1978. The amendment would delete (d)"No new development rill be permitted on the toe of the slope or side slopes in the designation" and would leave everything South of the Bridge • "Harbour Commercial". NOTION #3: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by V. Bates, that Council approves by resolution the following modifications to Amendment #3, as her4in attached. CARRIED. - 2 - 2OTH COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR MEETING JULY 17, 1918. THE EAST ELGIN OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 3 MODIFICATIONS • r 10 • 1. Deletion of the word "and" and its replacement with a comma in the third line of Section 1, Purpose, of the amendment. . 2. The addition of the words "and toinclude policies for a new land use designation "Harbour 'Com?nercial" which will apply to the Port Burwell harbour" at the end of • Section 1 of the amendment. 3. The addition of the word "Harbour" after "changed to" • and before "Commercial" in the last line of subsection ' ii) of Section 3, Details of the Amendment. 4. The addition of a new subsection iii) to Section 3, Details of the Amendment, as follows: iii) Section 4 . 3 of the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area is hereby amended by the addition of a new Section 4. 3. 12, "Harbour Commercial" after Section 4.3. 11 and before Section 5 as follows: 4. 3. 12 HARBOUR COMMERCIAL 1. Port Burwell harbour has always acted as a commercial harbour. The commercial use of the harbour has declined, but there appears to be some potential for new harbour related commercial development during the planning • period. Permitted uses in the "Harbour Commercial" designation include activities related to or compatible with the fishing industry such as docking areas, fish storage, processing and sale; marinas and any ancillary boat storage arca; public parks and associated facilities such as boat ramps and picnic areas and in- dustrial uses which require a harbour location such as a boat repair operation, a grain ele- vator or a storage arca for a gas exploration operation. No residential uses will be per- mitted in the "Harbour Commercial" designation. 2. The implementing zoning by-law may recognize as permitted existing uses in the "Harbour • Commercial" designation. New uses which meet • 110 the requirements of the Official Plan and changes in the use of existing buildings And structures and major expansions of existing uses will require an ar;.endmcnt to the imple- menting restricted arca (zoning) by-law which • will establish appropriate regulations for peach use concerning setbacks, buffering aild • other measures deemed necessary. 20TH COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR MATING JULY 17, 1978. . 3. Until a municipal scwarie system for Port Burwell is in operation, a condition will be applied to the granting of the rezoning in the "Harbour Commercial" designation requiring the applicant to confirm that conditions are if suitable for the satisfactory operation of a . 11111 private sewage disposal system. 4. The Village wishes to encourage development in the harbour area, however, there is also a need to ensure that uses in the harbour area are protected adequately prom danger of flood- - ing. Therefore, the municipality will assess development proposals in the area designated "Harbour Commercial" using the following P guidelines: a) Prior to amending the restricted arca (zoning) by-law the developer must carry • • out detailed engineering studies to deter- mine whether the development would have any significant detrimental affect on the river flow characteristics and how the proposed development can be constructed so as to mitigate the affects of any hazard involved. The criteria for the necessary studies will be provided, by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Long Point Region Conservation Authority. Upon completion of the studies they will be reviewed by the Long Point Region Conserva- tion Authority and appropriate recommenda- tions will be made to Council concerning such matters as setbacks, floodproofing and minimum elevations. b) The construction of marinas or any other developments requiring a patented water lot or a license of occupation to construct docks or other associated facilities on Crown land shall be subject to the approval • of Transport Canada pursuant to the Naviyabls Waters Protection Act and the Ministry of Natural Resources pursuant to the Public Land Act, the Beds of Navigable Waters Act and/or the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act as the case may be, prior to the commence- ment of any dredging or construction. c) If deemed necessary by the Ministry of the Environment, the spoils of any open water excavation shall be satisfactorily disposed on the land to avoid the redistribution of any contaminated lake or watercourse sedi- • ments. 5. A change to the legend of. Schedule "A" to the amendment to include the word "Harbour" after "Hazard Land to" and before "Commercial" in the phrase "Area changed • t from Hazard Land to Commercial" . 6. Schedule 'A' to Amendment No. 3 is modified by recesig- •1 nating those lands south of Bridge Street coloured in F ' green as "Harbour Commercial" . - 4 - 20tH CAJNCIL MEETING REGULAR MEETING JULY 17, 1978. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES: Sewers: Negotiations are going an with the Ministry of Environment, Min. of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs, and the Ontario Municipal Board to resolve Port Burwell's problems and Mr. Colbourne of O.M.B. will contact Council as to the outcome, by next Tuesday. The Ratepayers' Delegation was asked to wait until this informa- tion was received, before an answer is given as to the commence- ment of the Breakwater Extension Project. They were not in agree- ment with this request. There was further discussion. The dele- gation retired from the meeting. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: Reeve's Report: There was discussion of creating a full time position by combining the Wharfinger's appointment, with By-Law d:_ Weed, Building Inspector and Water Superintendent's appointments. Councillor Bates was requested to talk to the present appointees assto this sugges— tion and report to the next Council Meeting. Road Superintendent's Report: Councillor Bates reported on the following: Tractor repairs, Nun. Office/P.U.C. Building brickwork repairs are needed, Heavy Garbage Pickup and Weed Mowing were briefly reviewed. O.H,R.P. Councillor H. Alward reported on the balance of the O.H.R.P appli- cants and the financial moneys left to process them. Firehall: Councillor Matthews advised of the Pancake Breakfast, Sunday Aug. 6, from 8 a.m. to ll.a.m. Recreational Board: Councillor G. Loucks advised of all upcoming events for the 2nd Annual "Civicrama" August 4th weekend, which commences Friday evening. Planning Board: The Robbins' Trailer Park was discussed re Mrs. A. Scanlan's proposed report to the East Elgin Planning Board re occupants remov- ing a portion of the wire fence to go through the Baptist Church grounds. CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. Wacy's letter to Council stated he was still interested in Port Burwell's location for a large vessel machine shop. The Ministry of Environment's cost estimates for a water main to service the Frank Williams Fish Company will be $3,866.35, applicable to the Water Capital Debt. NEW BUSINESS: There was a report of a water user supplying a neighbour's water needs and this will be investigated by V. Bates. Water Seals - all Village Water Seals should be checked by Public Works. O.P.P. - A request for new carpeting in the O.P.P. office at approx. $600. was tabled to the next meeting. It was felt that another estimate is needed. East Beach - a) Cutting of Marathon Realty property grass by the Public Works men and billing the company for same, was discussed. b) A suggestion was made to remove the sand mound at the southern end from the C.P.R. track, on the east beach, to beautify the location. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION #4: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by G. Loucks, that this regular meeting of Council be adjourned at ll:40 p.m. CARRIED. • .166i2,A.614)CAK REEVE • SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 4, 1978. M PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield Councillors: V. Bates, H. Alward, K. Matthews, the Clerk Absent: G. Loucks Council met to discuss the matter of Sewers, having been informed by telephone by Mr. Colbourne of Ontario Municipal Board, that the matter is now in the hands of the Ministry of Environment for their review of a cheaper way to construct Sewers for the Village. They may also investigate alternate ways to solve individual sewage problems. Mr. Colbourne advised also that a represtr..0 tive from the Mirist - ;f Environment London Branch, would be down withir. the next two weeks to discuss t.:.e matter in detail. - Council discussed financial estimates of sewers for ratepayers a:. per the present contract agreement. The O.M.B. Formula for deot level oased on the following: 1. 8% of the equalized assessment 2. Breakwater Debt. 3. Village proportion of school debt, plus any proposed increases in debt by schoole for the year. 4. Water debt over 4C years. Mr. Colbo:,:me had also advised that if home owners could be encouraged to pay off the s rage frontage, this would definitely help the financial problem. The Break>.ater was discussed, with no solution available until the sewage problem is resolved. ADJOUR ME MOTION # .: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by H. 0. Alward, tr,at this Special Meeting of Council be adjourned. Time: 2;50 p.m. CARRIED. • a 4 f 1 • 22ND REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 14, 1978. The Regular Meeting of the Port Burwell Council, was held on Monday, August 14, 1978, at 7:30 p.m., in the Municipal Office. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield Councillors: V. Bates, H. d. Alward, K. Matthews Absent: G. Loucks, the Clerk. 1111 VISITORS: Ratepayers' Assoc: G. Lockrey, Mr. & Mrs. Carnegie, 00Mrs. J. Farlow, TlitKlein, Mrs. Higginson, Residents: Bob Foote, Harry & Phil Vaughan, Building Inspector: R. Brown, Reporters: J. Hevenor, Tillsonburg News; Penny Poole, London Free Press; Tim Gallagher, St. Thgnas Times Journal. MINUTES OF MEETINGS: MOTION #1: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by V. Bates, that the following Minutes be approved as distributed to Council Members: 20th Regular Council Meeting held July 17, 1978, 21st Special Council Meeting held Aug. 4, 1978. CARRIED. ACCOUNTS: MOTION #2: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that the following Accounts be approved for payment: General Accounts on Voucher #8 from 1 to 20, Payroll from 1 to 13. Water Accounts on Voucher #8 from 1 to 2. . OHRP Accounts on Voucher #8 from 1. Harbour Development Account on Voucher #8, from 1 to 2 (Account 1 was amended to a $6,000. advance only to G. Holland until the motor is installed and working. CARRIED. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES: Sewers: The Reeve reported that Mr. Matheson of the Ministry of Environment will recommend sewer construction for the Village, in his report to O.M.B. O,P.P,: Councillor Bates is to obtain estimates on new OPP office carpeting. A new roof required over the entire building, will also be investi- gated by V. Bates. BUILDING PATS: There were 7 permits for $45.00 in August, totalling $8,546. in Building Value. The Building Inspector requested Council's approval re J. Smyth's application for a permit to add a stock room for storage, to the existing welding shop. This was granted. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: Reeve's Report: R. Bradfield announced receipt of a cheque from the Insurance Company for $906.96 re fire loss an Dredge articles. He advised that a welder is needed for the Dredge. Cost of Insurance for the Dredge would be 5% of value (sinking, fire, etc.) Vandalism insurance is also available. There is no further information as to the Wharfinger position. D. Hayward and R. Brown will relinquish duties if amalgamation of these positions is needed. The Water line is installed to the agreed limit, adjacent to F. Williams fisheries. Road Superintendent's Report: P.U.C. and Municipal Office: The building must be stripped and bricks replaced with proper mortar. The foundation may have to be deepened also. An estimate will be given by B. Vandevyvere and if accepted, he can do the work early in the Spring. Tractor: The Tractor is working, but a new ane should replace it. • ne�tals are to be looked into and also the cost of a new larger ane. 0.H.R.p.: H. Alward reported that K. Sutherland's job is completed and suggested a meeting in the near future if more approvals are needed. Fire Hall: K. Matthews reported on thicake breakfast - a great success. Recreational Board: No report, but Council congratulated F. Waldeck on time and effort given, to the success of the Civicrama. 4.....s✓ - 2 - - 22ND REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 14, 1978. Planning Board: K. Matthews reported that the next meeting of the East Elgin Planning Board is September 26, 1978. He stated that the Planning Board agrees with the new Harbour designation. A letter was read from the Planning Board, outlining resolutions passed re their Consultant's reports, along with a request from Member Municipalities for their comments on the Report. BY-LAW # 316:Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by K. Matthews, that leave be granted to introduce By-Law 0316, to authorize the execution of the 1111/ attached consent to the Ministry of Environment to convert to the metric system of measurements of all quantities, rates, fees, charges, or other matters for the purpose of'their proposed program, based on the International System of Units. By-Law read a first, second and third time, to be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. CARRIED. • BY-LAW # 317:Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by H. 04 Alward, that leave be - • granted to introduce By-Law 0317 to declare that Part of the North half of Lot 20 on the West side of Robinson Street and south of Wellington Street, Registered Plan 12, acquired by Registration of Tax arrears certificate, to be required for Municipal Purposes, i.e. Parking Lot. By-Law read a first, second and third time, to be engrossed by the Clerk and signed and sealed by the Reeve. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE: A letter requesting endorsement from the Minicipal Corporation of the Township of Rochester, concerning Municipal Bridges, was filed. BREAKWALL: Messrs. Klein, Murphy and Stock suggested that more rubble be placed behind the Breakwall. They proposed that if the Village would pay $200.00 per street end (3) they would pay $200.00 plus Mr. Murphy would pay an additional $200, with the request that the fill be left behind Messrs Medland, Case, Wilder and Forth properties. The Reeve advised that 1000 yards of curb rubble have been offered by Cyril DeMeyere of Tillsonburg should the Village wish to pay for haulage. This would be sufficient fill for the remaining 330 feet of the Breakwall. (Of the 4 Village streets, 1 had been paid at $200. earlier.) MOTION #3: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that the Village contribute $600. from either the existing Breakwall Maintenance Fund or the Breakwater Extension Fund; the money to be used to have addi- tional fill placed behind and at the easterly end of the existing Breakwall. The Village contribution shall be made on the condition that Klein -Murphy -Stock, contribute #200.00 and Anthony Murphy con- tribute $200. prior to the placement of the above-mentioned fill. CARRIED. BREAKWATER EXTENSION: The Ratepayers' Association present, again queried the action Council would take in connection with commencement of the Breakwater Extension. After considerable discussion, the following resolution was made: W)TION #4: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, that the Village engage the Engineering Firm, James F. MacLaren Limited, to prepare plans and estimates for the proposed easterly extension of the existing Break- wall, to the easterly limit of the Village. CARRIED. TABLED TO NEXT MEETING: 1. Insurance review. 2. Heximer Property. ADJOURNMENT: 1111/ MOTION #5: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that this regular meeting of Council be adjourned until the next regular meeting, unless a special meeting of Council is called. TIME: 11:10 p.m. CARRIED. Clerk 4 ã 5 AC' 1-111116 •n • amilomormammil 23RD REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 11, 1978. The Regular Meeting of the Port Burwell Council, was held on Monday, Sept. 11, 1978, at 7:30 p.m., in the Municipal Office. PRS : V. Bates H.O. Alward K. Matthews The Clerk Absent: The Reeve G. Loucks Visitors: J. McCord J. Hevercr MOTION el: Moved by K. Matthews, seconc c by H.O. Aiward, that the Council of the Village of Port Burp._ appoint Vera Bates as Acting Reeve and Chairman of :his .Meting,-in the absence of Reeve R. Bradfield. CARRIED. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACCOUNTS: MOTION #2: Moved by H.O. Aiward seco:..:ee Ly K. Matthews, Lri ; ;he Minutes of the Regular Mest_.g he;_ A,,Aust 14, 1978, be approved, as amended (1. Mr. Farlow waz not present. 2. Mr. Kl.c n's initial . • is R.);and distributed to Gotr.ciL Members. CARRIED. . MOTION #3: Moved by K. Matthews, seccnded by H.O. Alward, tnat the following Accounts be approved for payment, on Vouchers 4`1: General Accounts from 1 to 20; Payroll Accounts from : 1 to 13. Water Accounts fro., 1 to 3; O.H.R.P. Accounts from 1 to 3 Harbour Development Accounts from 1 to 3. CARRIED. BUILDING PERMITS: There was one building permit issued in the me.-. .n of August, .valued at $12,000. to add a stock room to an existing Welding Shop. yJ. McCord: Mr. McCord requested water service on his Victoria Street property, which is assessed under Bayham Township. The cost of having the water hooked up through the Vienna Syst,-m would be exhorbitive but could easily be co..:.ected from the Marjorie McCord property, where the Village line ends. An agreement could either be drawn up with P,ayham Township to collect the Frontage and Connection, reimbursing this Village, or the Village could invoice J. McCoru annually for same. Council advised that O.W.R.C. will be oontacted to arrange for the service. pusr,sss ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES: Sewers: No reports have been received from the Ministry o ironmert or O.M.B. It was suggested that the Clerk write to ... y Parrott, M.P., , the new Minister of Environment. Prepayment of Sewer Frontages and Connection was reviewed. Breakwater Extension: No report has been received from , a Maclaren, but a price per foot should be forthcoming by the September. An alternative Steel Piling Extension at approxica_:ly $70 to 75,000. cost was discussed. The Clerk was asked to enc.:.ire from MacLaren's if such an alternative would be eligible for Grant. Insurance Review: Council discussed the fac„ that insurance s:,-:._.d be reviewed in May so that other estimates could be obtained pr_c- to the August renewal date. It was suggested that two other esti.ates be obtained and the Review was tabled to the next meeting. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: Reeve's Report: The Acting Reeve reported on the following: O.P.P. Estimates for a new roc: ($1050. - Gilbert's :ustc i:.ishing) (Repair of the roof - £375.)wer.. iiscu:-sed. .epair: were not recommended. Mrs. 3ates s. tid had `,.forr..,_ the O.P.P.'s that it was not felt that os., a z._. roof a: .. a carpet could be considered, but tha_ w r: .f was definitely required. Municipal Office: An estimate c' $7,555. for 3rict_.. was )btained for removal of the old _cks anc replaceme:.. dith r .r. Another estimate .., ne, Roe_ .perintendent's Report: Tractor:Estimates are heir_-' sougnt for 4, . . tractcrz sith the old• tractor and Badchoe used as trade-ins. Tab.ad until the Re' .d can call a Special Meeting. Street Sites: Vandals have removed several sighs. These areFoeing replaced by Public Works. - 2 - 23RD REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER ll, 1978. • Road Superintendent's Report (cont'd) Other: Public Works will install a new catch basic, on Erieus Street, in front of Lorne Foster's property. A report was given on Mrs. Minnie Brown's driveway at Robinson and Waterloo Streets, wherein Mrs. Van Velzer's muffler was damaged through the poor condition of the driveway. It was felt that Mr. Corkrum's large trucks were causing the damage there and that the Village could not be held responsible for410 private driveways. O.H.R.P. No report. Fire Hall: K. Matthews reported that West Lorne's Fire Chief, Norm McGill, had requested Port Burwell Fire Department's loan of t'ae Fire Truck for their "Old Home Week Parade", which was granted. The September 3rd, Pancake Supper was even more successful than the last one. Mr. Wagner of Vienna, made the signs for the adver- r tisement of same. .01 There is difficulty getting the Firemen out to Practice, so a new system is being devised. Recreational Board: A letter from the Chairman of the Board, requesting their $2000. Grant was tabled to the next Regular Meeting. Planning Board: No report due to vacations. NEW BUSINESS: Heximer Property: The Clerk was advised to give this to our legal advisor for change of title to Village Ownership. MCTIO. #4: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by H.O. Alward, that the Village pay the P.U.C. $180.24, as shown on Medco Invoice dated Sept. 7, 1978, for 24 F24T12/0W/HO lamps, and that 6 more Mercury Vapour Lamps be ordered ® $19.55 each, for a total of $117:30.CARRIED. MOTION #5: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by H.O. Alward, that the Village repair and alter the lighting in the Clerk's Office and that Lloyd Goldthorpe be approached to place an estimate on the lighting re— arrangement. CARRIED. Lighthouse Pins: Council decided that each Councillor would be asked to make a list of persons worthy of receipt of same, for the next Regular Council Meeting. Harbour: Bob Foote had advised the Clerk that the East end of the dock is rotted out (Fisherman's Wharf) and that it should be barricaded or repaired. He also advised that the boats deposit garbage on shore, which dogs strew about and that a large garbage container is needed there. Council felt that the dock was a Provincial responsibility. MOTION #6: Moved by H.O. Alward, seconded by K. Matthews, that the Council of the Village of Port Burwell request the .Clerk to bill riparians who have not paid their share for the Rubble to be placed behind the Breakwater, and, that if payment is not received after thirty days, a By—Law is to be drawn up at the next Council Meeting to provide for same to be added to taxes, under the appropriate section of the Municipal Act. MEM.- Rubble: The Black Rubble which has recently been placed behind the wall was discussed. It was felt it may not meet Environment standards and could require the Village having it, removed again if it does not. It was felt that the sidewalk slab was better. Requests: A complaint was received from A. Chalk re the Furniture Store's rear of the property requiring cleaning up. A request for oil of Shakespeare street roadway will be delayed 111111 until used oil is available, as no more is to be purchased this year. AD J0U k.MENT: MO^.::'l #7: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that this Regular Council Meeting be$djourned until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency a Special Meeting is called. TIME: 10:40 pr... CARRIED. • G]e!![ REEVE • _.a • • 24TH SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING SEPTE,S. 25, A Special Meeting of Council was neic an o• ptember 25, 1978, at l:. - p.m. •„ - the Municipal Office. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield . Bat. H. 0. lw:.rd n. Mattr.."w:, . Lou„:„ and tr.. L.C. . • 0 TRACTOR: Mrs. Bates outlinea a quote frog. ..y.e .:oucnnec flu a L.•.-ctor • the Public Workr Denart.aent. Cos with trades of MF 202 Wort_11 and Backhoe . o c:. t $:L,500. h quote from Cntiterman'a was $15,000 to 18,.00 with tradeir allowance from $3000 to .5000. (,.....e includes a neated cab and bucket. MOTION # 1: Moved by V. Dates, seconded by K. Mattr,ews, .,.lar, we advert se for tenders fo. a .. .+ t:.actJr and that the advertisemen .e plac f.r. the Tillsonburr Newspaper and the St. Thomas Times _ .a closinb date o: 12:01, noon on October 16, 1978. CAR . _ RABBITS: Mrs. R. Thornton submitted a request to Council for r.imburs • if 14 rabbits which she claimed had been killed.either :y dogs type of ani^Aal. Cour^illor Bates had investigateJ a . r.ad found the penned enc.osure was in a very unstable conditi r... MOTION #2: Moved by V. Ba,.estsec.onded by G. Loucks, that tte ;f $40. (14 rabbits 4 $2.00) be paid to Mrs. R. Thornton .) nsa _ the loss of same, and Mrs. Thornton oe instructed t: c .r. .ain shy furter rabbits in cages strong enough to resist an; . . .ler r datic,.ir of outside animals. MTIC. JEFEA.7.. SEMS: The Cleat had been .dvi.3eu by the Ministry of Environment, orally, • thattheir recommendation to -.ne L.M.B. would be'tnac Fort Burwell drains could not be upgraded .d sewers are . :cos �ry for -:.e Village. The Minister of Environment, H. Parrott, 9'.= , will writing to 0.M.B. to this effect. Council has been advised to try to get a majorit: _�agers to agree to prepay their sewer Frontage and Connect....-: s asioly through a petition method, as Fi..ancial aspects .c- a ,wage Works Project are still n..)t resolves. MOTION #3: Moved by K. Matthews, seconced by G. Loucks, . Village :-.. the agreement re prepayment fir frontage and conn Fc liar z,yped "Petition form" and circulates by a Village residert ,.. resider..-.s ,eirg well known and respected ir. the Village. . O.P.P. LEASE: A By—Law was requested for tne O.P.P. ase Renewa.. 6' 1971E5 __;.S the BY—LAW y1.8: Moved by K. Matthews, seco..ded by , of tne Village of Port Burwell authorizes the sig.,.d of a Rent Agreement with the Ministry of Government Services ..gal Bram: re the Ontario Provincial Police Office, situated on the West Side . Erieus Street in the Village of Port Burwell, and WHEREAS the :.o-....;ll of the Village of Port Burwell, concurs with the terms outlines in tie attached agreement commencing on the fir:, day of November 1978, at a rental of $1,400 per a f,.irn, payable in a..:vance in equal instalments of $120. per month, for ;-ariod of three years hence. The Renewal is s,:bject to all the covenants and agreements contained .in the Lease bet.— ;...en the parties dated the 13th day of September, 1906. T.1REFORE be it resolved that the Corporation of tillage of Port nurwell, herewith enters into this agreement. +Y—LAW 'y) A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME FORTHW. '%, PASSEL, E:1ItCSSEL I ;HE. X, SIGNED ANL SEALEri BY' THE REEVE, AND DATED AT PC- 'HIS 25... ..AY OF SEPTEMBrR, 19/3. CAR:- ACCO ARACC,O1 3: he Clerk advised of deletion of 019 on the last Vou :..r and a= acing on hold the Safety Supply cheque (#16) unt:_ '.rther cla.�i:ied ,y the Fire Chief. OFFI . I' _ T►. . :stimates for upsradi..g the fluore..ent 1igh: the Village ffice. .+ere reviewed. MCC 1 .. Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by V. Bates, that .._oyd Co.rorpe's • estia.ate re the altering and repairs to the light fixtures i . Clerk's Office be accepted at a total coat of $11.7.1.: CAR?: i — 2 — Pr 24TH SPECIAL MEETING SEPTE•ial 25, 197c GENERAL DISCUSSION: A person to assist with office work, two days a week, was discussed. Nobel Barrick requested a new streetlight at his resid.nce. The drain on Elizabeth street was discussed. ° K. Matthews' installation of drain at his residence wa: •eviewed, .. with oral assent given for the Village to pay for tile along the street. 11111 INSURANCE,: D. Black,insurance agent, had advised he could give caper estimates if Council desired. It was decided that this should be left until May of next year for review, since the premiums were due in August. OfrH.R.P.: A cheque for $29,000. was received. An 0.H.R.P. meeting was scheduled for September 27, 1978, at 2:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT: % MOTIOr#5: Moved by G. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that this Special Meeting be adjourned at 10.10 p.m. CARRIED. SPECIAL 0.H.R.P. MEETING 2.30 P.M. SEPTEMBER 27,•198. PRESENT: H.O. Alward, Chairman V. Bates the Clerk. The Clerk was requested to advise I. McConkey and N. Liberty to go ahead ori'h.tr.eir 0.H.R.P. project, or cancel and reapply at a later date. George Bradt's application was cancelled as they felt it was too big a job for them to handle at their ages. Henrietta Hynes is to start. M. Scanlan's delay in starting, was discussed. She has not been acle to obtain another estimate. The following applications were reviewed and approved, pending 1977 income tax verifications 1. Jack Robbins 2. C. Dunphy 3. Ada Irvine — Garage portion is ineligible. 4. Leona Roesch — ($700. to be deducted from her forgiveable portion because of a former loan for that amount on another residence. ) ,ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m. • 25TH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 16, 1978. The Regular Meeting of the Port Burwell Council, was held on Monday, October 16, 1978, at '7:30 p.m., in the Municipal Office. J(Reeve R. Bradfield was absent due to an out-of-town meeting) fRt3FJR: Councillors: V. Bates, H. Alward,-.K. Matthews, G. Loucks and the Clerk. Visitors: J. Hevenor, Mrs. J. R. Farlow, H. Hoshal. WIN #1: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that the Council of the Village of Port Burwell appoint Vera Bates as Acting Reeve and Chairman of this Meeting in the absence of Reeve R. Bradfield. CABSERo APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACCOUNTS: MOTION 402: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Loucks, that the following minutes be approved as distributed to Council Members: 23rd Regular Meeting held September 11, 1978. and • 24th Special Council Meeting held September 25, 1978 (as revised) CARRIED. MOTION #5r Moved by G. Loucks, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that the following Accounts on Vouchers #10, be approved for payment: General Accounts - 1 to 30 and Payroll Accounts from 1 to 17. Water Accounts - 1 to 2. O.H.R.P. Accounts - from 1 to 2. Herb. Development- 1 to 4. Special Rubble - from 1 to 3. CARRIED. WILDING PERMITS: There was one permit issued in September; value of $1000. BUSINESS ARISING CUT OF THE MINUTES: preakwater: -Mrs. J. R. Farlow, asked if there was any word from J. MacLaren, re the estimated cost of the Breakwater Extension. K. Matthews stated an oral amount of $180,000. was received and that a written report is forthcoming in the next few days. TABLED. P.OiC.: H. Hoahal reported on P.U.C. matters - the-lack of Council Repro- ` sentation at their meetings; needed light maintenance on the Bridge (one being in eepeciaU bad repair). Council advised that the work should be done and that Public Works men would assist. ere: The Clerk advised that a letter had been mailed to Ron McNeil, N.P.P. ' bringing him up to date on oral information received and advising him of petition plans for prepayment of Sewage Frontages and Conneo- tione. No letter has been received, as yet from the Ministry of Environment, to confirm information received by telephone. TABLED. )ieximer ProvertY: The deed for change of ownership has been prepared to transfer title to the Village and is ready for signing and registration. Rubble: Mr. Forth had advised he had paid over $1700. for rubble to reinforce his breakwater property, prior to the rubble project. O TTION 04: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that Mr. Forth be exempt from the $200. fee to be charged Riparian owners for rubble behind Breakwall, because of amount of money spent by Mr. Forth for fill placed on Lake bank behind the breakwall. SRI . Lighthouse Pins: Council felt multiple issuance of pine would defeat the purpose of meritous award. Suggestions were for past Reeve's only, retiring Village officials, or alternatively, sale of pins. The matter was TABLED for a new Council to decide. snood* Works: The approved signing of the new 40 week contract for a $51,120.00 C.M. Grant, lees Village supplement of $9,120, or $42,000. total Grant to the Village, was reviewed. Commencement will be Jan.'29/79 to Nov. 2/791 one experienced Captain, and four men will be hired to Dredge the Harbour. 1 full-time Secretary/Bookeeper for the C.W. Project will be hired to include 0.N.R.P. Administration functions sod mopping for house numbering, if time allows. 25TH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 16, 1978. WORTS OF CCWITTEES: food Superintendent's Report: Water Meters - Mrs. Bates reported on Mr. A. Durling's problem with his meter. This was investigated by the Emco Representative, R. Putnam, who stated the meter was not installed properly by the plumber. Public Works men and the P.U.C. Electrician have constucted aometer testing unit in the P.W. Garage for future meter irregularities re registration of gallonage. Library Roof - Gilbert's estimate for a nee: roof was $1,050. 11111Verkuel's estimate for a new roof was $825. (to be sent in writing). Tractor Tenders - Five tenders were received. The lowest tender, at $20,300. (Massey-Ferguson) with $6,150. trade-in allowance for the MF202 and Backhoe, was not accepted. The second low..nt tender (John Deere) was. MOTION #5: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that the Village purchase a John Deere 401 C as per tender from Renash Tractor and Equipment, Lambeth, Ontario. List Price of John Deere 401C - 19,569 . Trade-in - $5000. Balance $14,569.00. Delivery Date shall be not later than Dec. 1, 1978. $5000.00 shall.be paid upon delivery of the tractor, leaving a balance of $9,569.00, which shall be interest free until the first of March 1979. Financing of the balance ($9569.) shall be arranged before the first of March 1979. CARRIED. Municipal Office - The brickwork will be TABLED to the 1979 Budget Meeting and Council felt it should be tendered. H. Alward reviewed Mrs. L. Roesch's two tenders; Vienna Lumber being lower; and Mrs. M. Hayward's application for a loan. Both were approved for "action". W Collins' nor-payment of three billings was discussed and will be investigated. J. Robbins' application was die-allowed, as income was too high. He will re-apply in 1979 when his income is lower. Fire Hall: K. Matthews reported on lack of attendance at Practice Meetings. Rec. Board: G. Loucks reported on sale of tickets for a glass turkey and an up- coming draw for a 32 carat gold 66 oz. decanter. Other areas of Recreational Board activity were reviewed. The requested Grant from the Village for $2,000. was TABLED to an upcoming meeting with the Ministry of Culture and Recreation. Planning Board: K. Matthews advised that the Village Amendment #3 had been approved by the Ministry of Housing, regarding Harbour Hazard designations. He advised also of Ms. L. Howson's leaving J.P. MacLaren's to work for the City of London, and of Larry Field's appointment to the posi- tion. NEN BUSINESS: Underwater Gas Company requested payment of 60% of the $20,000. billed for Harbour use during May to Sept, 1978, due to the poor condition of the Harbour this year. The Clerk was asked to write expressing Council's regret for problems encountered this year. MOTION, #6: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by G. Loucks, that Underwater Gas Developers be advised that the Village Council agrees to accept the 60% of Harbour fees for the months of May, June July, August and September 1978, in the amount of $12,000. CARRIED. Elgin County - A letter requesting each Municipality to institute a fox bounty, due to a rash of rabies incidents, was discussed. Countil felt Elgin County should set. the rate first and then have each Municipality institute a bounty for the same amount. Restructurtag - the report was discussed in view of Elgin County's • tabling of the Local Government Study along with their advice to the Municipalities to share services, equipment and possibly personnel. 11111Good Roads Convention - Request for 1979 Convention accommodations' bookings for the Royal York Hotel, was tabled to the Reeve's return. G. Loucks and wife would consider attendance if he returns to the, 1979 Council. Elfin Area Water System - will be setting up meetings to confirm terms of reference, review financial operations, costs, etc. and to deal with specific problems of municipalities. Councillor Bates has indicated she would attend. (one or two representatives were requested). 4 • - 3 - 29TH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 16, 1978. G. Loucks had been requested to enquire about the property behind the O.P.P. Office which is in poor repair, requiring gravel to reinforce the roadway there. The Road Superintendent will investi- gate the matter. Public Works men's salaries were also discussed. It was suggested again that the Road Foreman should attend Road School each year in order to learn new methods of maintenance of roads. ' PUTION V7: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Loucks that the Village have the P.U.C. repair 3 lights on Main Street, 1 light on the Bridge, l 1 light by Mary Wilson's, 1 light on Victoria St. by Wanda Boyd's, and to check and repair if necessary all the lights on the Bridge. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT: r MOTION *AN Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by K. MItthews, that this regular meeting be adjourned 'at 11:20 p.m. and that the regular November meeting of Council be held Monday, November 6, 1978 at 7:30 p.m., due to the Regular date Nov. 13th being the date of Mmcipal Elections. CARRIED. LrLERK e R ACTING REEVE • 26TH SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING (RECREATIONAL) OCTOBER 24th, 1978 A Special Meeting was called to discuss Recreational activities within the Vil- lage, on Tuesday, October 24, 1978, at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Office, PRESENT: Ministry of Culture and Recreation Representative: Mr. Donald Reid Port Burwell Recreational Board: President Fred Waldeck, Secretary Ken Smith, Treasurer Hugh Brooks. Port Burwell Council: Reeve Ron Bradfield, Councillors: V. Bates, G. Loucks, and the Clerk. Mr. Reid met with the Recreational Board Executive, Council and Village Clerk-Treasurer, in order to clarify terms of reference. There was discussion as to whether the Board or.the Clerk-T-reasurer applies for Recreational Grants, in view of the Recreational Board having its own Treasurer and Bank Account. Mr. Reid stated that the Treasurer of the Corpo- ration must sign the Recreational Grant Forms and also the Corporation's Auditor. Mr. Reid read portions of the Municipal Act, referring to Section 220-1, wherein all Committees of Council,(of which the Board is one) are subject to the same pro- cedures. The Section of the Council amendment to the By-Law permitting the Board to have its own Treasurer and Bank account, authorizing the Recreational Chairman and Recreational Treasurer to sign cheques, was also reviewed. In interpretation of the Municipal Act Section 220-1, this has not been challenged by our Auditors, who audited the Recreational Books for the Board, last year. It was not evident that the Council By-Law had received an Order-In-Council from the Province, when the Board was initiated. Mr. Reid will check on this aspect. Upon discussion of amounts the Village pays out additionally, exclusive of a grant towards Recreation to the Board, i.e. Public Works men's Maintenance time in the Parks, Council was advised that this is not eligible for 1/3 monies through the Ministry of Culture and Recreation Grant. Mr. Reid advised of Wintario Grants available to the Board, whereby a Village donation of 5% could be applied, and that the Board could still submit an application of expenditures through the Ministry of Culture and Recreation, for Grant. Mr. Reid concluded by stating that the Recreational Board is operating somewhat as a Service Club with its own financial receipts and disbursements, but any Village donations of time and money should not be separated into "we" and "they", as the Board is a Committee of Council and all is for the betterment of Recreation within the Village. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. ieet °(de---1-4 • • • • • 1P • VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL ir , -:P\ Poet Burwell PiTO ALL RESIDENTS OF THE VILIIAGE OF PORT BURWELL COME AND MEET TOUR CANDIDATES FOR THE 1978 MUNICIPAL AND SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS. ELGIN COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARDr JACK— HARVEY CANON REV. R. !ILLS (All Acclaimed) ROBERT HOMEY STUART PHOENIX 9 ELGIN COUNTY SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD: ROGER VANDIMENDONCK (Acclaimed) PUBLIC UTILITIES COMKISBION: MURRAY ALWARD HAROLD HOSHALL (Both Acclaimed) PORT BURWELL COUNCIL: REEVE RONALD BRADFIELD (Reeve Acclaimed) THE FOLLOMINC COUNCILLORS WILL CONTEND FOR FOUR SEATS: sa��� s���a� HARRY ALWA D rumbent) VERA BATES (encusbent)MGORDON LOUCKS umbent) ETH MATTHEWS (encumbent) JACK MUTH ccnterder) AT PORT BURWELL CANADIAN LEGION HALL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1978 7:30 P.M. MEET♦t YOUR youCANDIDATES - 1 N g I HT, 9 9 CHAIRMAN: Caret. Bev. H1ckey HO.._ OT: George Pace •• _ it,, Tram-r: WAf?TPLD_ Ronald _ I _ ISI �13E � atoll +�• VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL Wit: € iit P. PDX WA Part Burwell. -\ T.lepbmS$ 874-4313 November 2, 1978. • Dear Candidate: As the attached brochure implies, your • presence is necessary to make this "Meet Your Candidates Night" a successful event. Trusting to see you at the Royal Canadian Legion, Port Burwell, on Friday, November 10, 1978, at 7130 p.a. Yours very truly, George Pace, Host, For the Port Burwell Council. • • • RAC-WIELD. Ronald A.____AgMAMATIQV Strachan it. Port Burwell. Ont. '01 ;. 1 - • ' i• tttlalwi ii.w tr•a•.••hem tiM •, ; MUNICIPAL OFFICER ••• • :• :; .,:.:• LIST OF CANDIDATES 11O�iI��ATED _ ;..; o'.. O. WHO HAVE QUALIFIED ; Hyl. 4•,• • As the nomination paper are eertUMd by the clerk he shall cause the name and address of iJ Lr• • ' eech candidata nominated and the office for which the candidate le nominated to be posted up M •1".,,i •i�f 4 ..7-; .• • hb office or other aornryicuoAs place open to inspection by the public).The MaiMciper lleetioot ,t�sl�fa:. ' ''l;`f Aet, 1177,MNptsr f8.merlon d7(EX I�°f . I ..,� %. 1' --1 ��'r , I. , V:4_ . : • .. ' � ; I HEREBY CERTIFY that during the period for the nomination of candidates for the • �' i •. • TIAL OF THE VILLAGE OF PCRT BURWELL •• • ,••�;";.' �,• v. [.'I ,• (Mame albs Mwktpalkj) / , r , i.• L • o! II.pompom named below were nominated by the electors of the said municipality for the'Mee ; IL:',"; &ma oils their names. / ' , •.i • ' DOM/IMP 2LLh day ofOCTOHFA 192.L. . Returning Officer • Withdrawal . OFFICE By NAME ADDRESS I OtDetault . 2 COMMISSIONERS PORT BJ ELL PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSInN (Reeve to Fac-Officio Member P.U.t /"� 17y-v sit: •Ct•RSST ., •r ALWARD, Murray i ••• • •• ALLLANA1-1VN 1754- Y36/ to..o `n •.131 HOSHAL. Harold Waterloo St. Port Burwell, Ont. •eat s BOARD OF EDUCATION - PUBLIC SCHOOLS _ • , - 74cr 04e4v•y ti.r.t Lice \TRUSTIM . HARM. John A. (Jack) AY tiiR� Q„r31' 773-/.Is l Mit R.9g*r Mo.uly Ita st a. TffiLSTp, rlowey„Bobt. 3rAAPG.dAdiuE nrr JUL- 3 ILL ACCLAMATION es , Ream q,s.e aa ls, r"" t a e iw•ne e s r TRUSTEE MILLS, Root. A.C. - 19 vL . e e AJT" 11_4- 7i o j 'YR STu44r ANean,'K R.R-Iii, �� e2 •.Gest v4N0/!A •deo(, 0 .... LRTIa VANUIERENDONC!(, Roger) AC IMATI A•YLMLR nrr 17 3- 23Sa ve and • . •, i••t %1l:t.la �•a7.r yell.( t =a- SFA�PZEI-], Rnn.lA .AMAT � ACCIIOH StrEchnr, 4t, Port Burwell. Ont THE FOLLOWI WILL r 1NTEtID FOR FUDR SEATS t • f79.- '022 V • i"/4-vrSY cCXINCILIJB BATES, Vera - I- -. ••. . c% N .•wcKS so) s.—swig MCIIII I ILilax;• (irdm r7l•-V//Z COUMCIII,OR pi&TTNIIIIS 1...ti 9Mkeeveare 8t.. Port Burrell e r7i'- 401 74 ialni7;7111 . �fl�- Ai.h •ietnr V* St._ Port Burwell '-,1 c' S ,C3 .6,� v a N! at...e,.0 3/ 0 K . f c%.-e- .` "- 7, X--.rt--.,, 6 I 34--C-1-7 1 , a A Y / 3 - ' y. 7.2 �-0" H/N S 7!C Y ,--10....,' '"' !c c_ / .mac u ! ...... /v—' q -� 1 r' — •L 5-41 hWR y Z_.-- / N f ice.9A () ' 4._-- i • .r • • • ' 1Pt► `) t , . ' v ,r x 0 , s . •.• • lieiillitsrsivs •.• • ie ' ! .• 1 I N, • 975 6 '7S - , 92 I . . 1 F 27 TH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NCVE' 6, 1978. No,/,The Regular Meeting of the Port Burwell Council, was held or. Mord..y, ,90. 6, 1978, at 7:30 p.m., in the Municipal Office._ PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield Councillors: V. Bates, K. Mattwews, H. Alward; The Clerk Absent: G. Loucks Visitors: J. Hevenor, Mrs. J. R. Farlow. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACCOUNTS: T )MOTION #l: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by K. Matthews, that the following Minutes of Meetings be approved, as distributed to Council Members: 25th Regular Council Meeting held Oct. 16, 1978. 26th Special Recreational Board Meeting held Oct. 24, 1973. CARRIED. MOTION #2: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, that the fallowing , . Accounts be approved for payment: — Vouchers #11 General Accounts from 1 to 19 — Payroll-Accounts - i to 13 Water Accounts from 1' to 4 — O.H.R.P.Accounts — Nil aro. Dev. " from 1 to 8 — Rubble Accounts — 1 CARRIED. BUILDING PERMITS: 1 permit was issued in the month of October for a Tool Shed valued at $800.00. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES: Breakr.ater Extension: An estimate of #130,000 to $180,000 has been received :'=om James F. Maclaren Ltd., based upon previous construction costs. Copies of the report will be sent to the Ministry of Treasury and Eco:.odcs, and the Association of Ratepayers. MOTION #3: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded b; V. Bates, that James F. MacLarer. Ltd., be told to continue with the preparation of the final drawings an.. documents for the extension of the Shore Protection Works and to arrange subsequently for tenders to be called for tnis project.CAaaIE0. Based upon the results of tenders received, the Village will request 60% of the Grant allocated for the project. P.U.C. A P.U.C. Resolution requesting Council to ensure the Reeve's or alternative representation at their meetings, was read. Alternate representation will be dealt with when the new Council sets up its 19'79 — 1980 Commit— tees. N. Barrick is to be advised that the Villsgs Set a precedence by installing lights for personal convenience and that P.U.C. rents out "dusk to dawn" lights. $repairs to Bridge lights will be carried out by P.U.C. and Village Pub— lic Works men. A gift for retiring P.U.C. Secretary Jean ScALan, was discussed. Coun— cillor Bates will secure one, after ascertaining P.U.C. plans for Mrs. Scanlan's retirement presentation. ,.1 Sewer : Ways and Means to distribute the sewer petition forms were reviewed. It was suggested that a prominent citizen be hired to car.: 3 the Village on a per hourly rate. A letter from R. McNeil pledged hi, .pport for Sewage construction. Rubble: Mr. Wilder's letter was read, wherein he requested to .Jsolvcc of his C200.O0 billing for the Breakwater Rubble,due to L :.sed for only three loads of rubble in front of his 45' frontage. He would be willing to pay for $25. per load. Council requested he be advised others had paid the full amount and if he was exempted, it would set a precedence for two others in the same situation. 111110 • St. Th)mas Sanitary — A billing received from the Company's auditors for i.ast D.B.S. was discussed. The Reeve outlined past feelings of Council on '..:e matter. VYION #4: •:.ved ty H. 0. Alward, seconded by V. Bates, that this Council requests :.e T_..nship of Bayham to include Port Burwell in tendering for pick-up —nd garbage disposal for 1979. CARRIED. �_. dub]. or .: Tractor: Due to insurance regulations, a diesel tank for the Tractor • fuel would have to be 30 feet from the P.W. Garage. There was iscus— cion of payment within the fiscal year of the $4000. allocated .... the 1978 budget for the Tractor. 27 TH REGULAR COUNCI: MEETING NOVEMBER 6, 1978. MOTION #5: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that the Village pur- chase a John Deere 401 C as per tender from Renash Tractor and Equip- ment, Lambeth Ontario. List Price of John Deere 401C - 19,569.00 Trade in - 5,000.00 Balance 14.569.00 Provincial Sales Tax 1,019.23 Balance 15,588.33 Recording Fee 6.G0 Balance: E25j59�.� 11111 ... .. .. Delivery date shall be not later than Decl 1, 1978. The Provincial Sales Tax (1019.83), 3 payments of $470. 1310.00) and an additional $1670.17, making a total of $4,000., be paid upon delivery of the tractor, leaving a balance of $11,594.83 which shall be interest free • until the first of March 1979. Financing of the balance (11,594.83) • shall be arranged before the first of March 1979 and.-that Resolution - #5 of the 25th Regular Meeting held'on Oct. 16, 1978, be rescinded. • • TARRIED. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: • Reeve's Report: A request from Bank of Corauerce to have Council consider a mone- tary sale of the lot next to Fred Waldeck's for a new bank building, in lieu of the Pitt Street lot, previously secured from the Village for a transfer fee sum, was discussed. The Reeve will further inves- tigate the Bank's pro a? after securing a realistic evaluation of this property on the Side of Robinson St. Dredge: The Reeve reported on repairs; the Dredge is almost ready to go. Insurance for Vandalism was discussed. The Insurance Agent will be con- tacted re necessary coverage for same, until the Dredge is in operation and full value has beer. estimated. Industry: Reeve Bradfield reported on two enquiries from grain companies re location here for small industrial grain elevators. The Council sk s , wants to encourage any endeavor of this type. �tL w"R s Marina: A meeting was held in Harbour Restaurant, with Councillors Bates , and Matthews, and two private persons enquiring into the start of a Marina in Port Burwell Harbour. Inaugural Meeting: The first Meeting, will be held on Dec. 1, 1978 at 11.00 a.m. for the swearing in of the New Council and set up of 1979- 1980 Committees. The Reeve will set a date for the Inaugural Dinner Meeting on an evening date. Cenotaph Wreath: A service will be held as usual on Remembrance Day. The wreath is usually purchased by tre Legion and repaid by the Village. Road Superintendent's Report: V. Bates reported on the following areas: Lights requiring repairs; 6 stop signs purchased and installed; gravel behind the Library; our diesel tank for tractor - apparently adequate; sign on beach - removed as not metric; railing suggested for West Side hill where steps were removed - alternate suggestion is a "risk" sign, Chuck Step drain: cover is about to cave in. Public Works men have been working an extra 4 hour a day or 4 hr day, planning to accumulate this for time off. It was felt this could not be justified to the Min. of Transportation and Communications for grant, when 14 men only are subject to Roads; the other half man to Parks. In addition, there have been complaints from Villagers re the junior man using the tractor to commute to his home for lunch daily. Council requested he be advised that this is not allowed and that Public Works must revert to the 8 hour day. Fire Hall, O.H.R.P. Recreational Board - Committees - No reports. Planning Board: K. Matthews reported briefly on the last meeting. - CORRESPONDENCE: Ontario Hydro: A confirmation letter of approval of P.U.C. Chairman and Commissioner's salary increases, was read. Ontario Retail Sales Tax Refunding - Municipal - Mr. Hugh LaPay, a former tax auditor, submitted a proposal to offer his services to recover tax monies for the Village. • MOTTION 06: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by K. Matthews, that we hire Mr. Hugh ',array Sales Tax Consultant, to look into the recovery of overpaid sales taxes; and the fee to be 25% of the net amount recovered, as specified ii Mr. LaFay's correspondence of Cct. 25, 1978. CARRIED. 27 TH REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING • NOVEMBER 6, 1978. MOTION # 7: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that the Village give the $2,0uD as budgeted to the Recreation Committee. CED. Ministry of Treasury and Intergovernmental Affairs: Seminar for new Councillors - Tabled to December Meeting. Longpoint Region Conservation Authorjty - A Great Lakes Shoreline Workshop will be held at the Haldimand Norfolk Regional Administration Building, Hwy #3, West Simcoe, on Saturday, November 25, 1978, at 1 p.m. All interested Municipal Representatives are invited to attend. AMRNMFK : MOTION #8: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by H. 0. Alward, that this Regular Meeting • of Council be adjourned until the next Regular Meeting, unless a Special Meeting of Council is called. TIME 11:30 p.m. CARRIED. r P Clerk REEVE 1ST INAUGURAL MEETING OF THE 1979-1980 PORT BURWELL COUNCIL - DECEMBER 1, 1978. The Port Burwell Council met forrthe Swearing-In-Session, at 11:00 a.m. in the Municipal Office, on Friday, December 1, 1978. PRESENT_: Reeve Ronald Bradfield Councillors: Vera Bates, H.O. Alward, J. Smyth, The Clerk. ° Mr. Louis Toth, Justice of the Peace for Elgin County, officiated at the ceremony. Councillor Gordon Loucks was sworn in later by the Clerk, who is also a Justice of the Peace for the Province of Ontario. An Inaugural Dinner is to be arranged by the Reee, within the next couple of weeks. Council Business was TABLED until the Regular Council Meeting, scheduled for Dec. 5, 1978. ADJOURNMENT: The Meeting was adjourned at..11:18 a.m. to be re-convened at the Inaugural Dinner. a 774( REEVE 2ND REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 5, 1978. The Regular Meeting of the Port Burwell Council, was held on Tuesday, Dec. 5, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Office. PRESENT: Reeve Ronald Bradfield, Councillors: V. Bates, J. Smyth, H. 0. Alward, G. Loucks The Clerk, J. Hevenor, Tillsonburg News. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. ACCOUNTS AND BUILDING PERMITS: MOTION #1: Moved by V. Bates, seconded by H.O. Alward, that the Minutes of the 27th Regular Council Meeting, held Nov. 6 1978, be approved as distributed to Council Members (as amended). CARRIED. MOTION #2: Moved by H. 0. Alward, seconded by Gordon Loucks, that the follow- ing accounts be approved for payment; on Vouchers #22: / 'Y BUILDING PERMITS: There was 1 demolition permit and 1 building permit valued at $3500, for the month of November 1978. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTLS; Breakwater Tenders: A meeting is scheduled for Dec. 8, 1978 to open the Tenders. Sewers: A letter from R. McNeil, M.P.P. Elgin, stated that he hoped that the support we sought from the ratepayers to pre-pay sewer frontage and connection, would persuade the O.M.B. that Port Burwell can handle the extra debt. Garbage Tenders:Councillors were asked to attend a meeting at Bayham Township Office Thursday, Dec. 7, 1978 from 7 to 7:30 p.m. Councillors Bates and Smyth indicated they would be able to attend. Bank: The Reeve reported that an evaluation of the Robinson Street pro- perty that the Canadian Impmrial Bank of Commerce is interested in, ' is being obtained from Gerry Seghers, Realtor. SET UP OF 19791980 COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL: The Reeve set up his Committees, as follows: , - 2 _ 2ND iMULAR COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 5, 1978. MOTION #3: Moved by Jack Smyth, seconded by H.O. Alward, that the fLilow- • ing Members be appointed to Committees, as outlined on the attached list. C6ABRIED. VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL P,0. spa 20 Port Burwell, (Mt 1 9 7 9 - 1 j u CCS;.CII, COMMITTEES No. ire TNO YEAH TERM - unless otherwise specified. FIRST NAMED IS CHA: FINANCE COMMITTEzE: All Members of Council ROADS COMMITTEE: Harry Alward, Road Superintendent Gordon Loucks, Asst. (The Road Supt. is to nave authority to give P.U.C. approval to repair 111111 Village Street Lights) Gordon Louc►cs Jack Smyth Vera .Bates Gordon Loucks Jack Smyth FIRE HALL COMMITTEE: Meets let and 3rd Mon. RECREATIONAL Council Representation to the Board EAST ELGIN PLANNING BOARD: (2) Council Member - 1 year term Vera Bates Non-Council Member - 2 yr. term Kenneth Matthews Smyth, Harry Alward • Vera bates, Jack Smyth ( to be named) The Clerk (Planning Act) SPECIAL COMMIT S OF COUNCIL: Ontario Home Renewal Program: Canada ore Program: Breakwater Extension Project: LONGPOINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY: Flood Control Co-ordinator: Alternate F. C. Co-ordinator: The Fire Chief - 2 - 2ND REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 5, 1978. 4, MOTION #3: Movad by Jack Smyth, seconded by H.O. Alward, that the follow- ing Members be appointed to Committees, as outlined on the attached list. CARRIED. 1 I Jr YJ / - , _ A • • i 1 1 i • • • , •