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FIRST MEETING Regular Council Meeting January 5, 1976
The Regular Meeting of the Village Council was held in the Municipal Office at 7:30 pm.
on Monday, January 5, 1976. The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m.
PRESENT: The Reeve, all Council Members, the Clerk.
MCITICN #1: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, that the minutes of the
27th Regular Council Meeting held Dec. 1, 1975, be approved as
distributed; 11111
that the minutes of the 28th Special OHRP Meeting be
tabled until the next OHRP Meeting;
that the minutes of the 29th Special Meeting, held Dec. 22, 1975, be
approved as distributed. CARRIED.
MOTION #2: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that the General Accounts
on Voucher #1 from 1 to 57; the Water Accounts on Voucher # 1 from
1 to 4; and Erosion Account on Voucher #1, l,be approved.CARRIED. T'
Building Permits: There were two renovation and one demolition permits issued for the
month of December. '
H. Brisseau: The house has been boarded up.
Harbour Dredging: The Reeve reported on Government Officials' visit here re harbour
dredging. A promise has been given to dredge the harbour in 1976.
Post Office Parking:The County of Elgin passed a By-Law for 15-minute parking in this
area. Signs have been ordered and they have requested that our
By-Law Officer put this into effect in this area when required.
0,P.P.: An invoice has been received from O.P.P. for payment to Soper's
Lumber for the boarding up of the window at time of breakage.
OHRP & Com, Centre: T. Lama stated-there was nothing to report on the Community Centre
but that an OHRP Meeting would be held soon.
Park Board: G. Pace had nothing to report on the Park Board meeting other than
discussion of Mr. Gayed's letter re the Trailer Park.
Erosion: K. Matthews reported that a bill was received from Mr. Hennessey
for Legal Services on the Erosion project.
There was discussion on repairs to the Breakwater concerning a
conversation between the Reeve and Mr. Knowles of Mac Laren's.
,puperintendent's Roads Report: A. Loucks stated that all gas lines leading to the St.
Gelais Berth property had been turned off earlier. He stated
that 15" or 18" tile would be required(approx. 300') for the
drain on Addison Street. Corrigated pipe will be budgeted for this
year. Grass mowing and the need for a power mower was mentioned.
ACTION #3: Moved by K. Matthews seconded A, Loucks;bet the salaries of the Port
Burwell Public Works Frnployeep be increased to the following amounts,
for 1976: Norman Loucks - $4.50 per hour
K. Kirkpatrick- $4.40 per hour. CARRIED.
Water Rates: A purchase order for $1,000.00 was received from the Ministry of
Environment wherein they cover up to that amount on Public Works,
Administrative and Water Superintendent',s_assistance.
The Reeve enquired about water rates carl'cerning connection and shut-
off charges, now rated at $3.00 each, which possibly should be
increased to cover actual cost.
Ont, Good Road,: The Reeve, Councillor Lama and wives will be attending this.
A Special 0.H.R.P. Meeting was called at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, December 5, 1975, in
the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building.
11111 PRESENT: Chairman Tony Lama, R. Bradfield, K. Matthews and the Clerk. r
MOTION #1: Moved by R. Bradfield, seconded by K. Matthews that Mrs.
Marshall Brown be refunded the $150.00 she repaid (repayable
portion) on September 29, 1975. (Phase I of the 0.H.R.P. Program)
note: Under the new AMENDMENTS effective September 12, 1975, by the Mini-
stry of Housing, if the Municipality takes 10% for Administration fees,
the applicant is not required to repay any portion thereof of
Administration fees. /_
Under Phase I - 002, 004 and 005 were processed under the old
amendments prior to September 12, 1975, the balance - 006, 001
O07, 008, 003 and 009 were processed under the new amendments.
The P.U.C. informed the Clerk that only a Contractor for the job could submit a
request for underground hydro service. This had been submitted for W. Collins by
the Building Inspector.
The committee discussed the up-grading ofthe W. Collins house and felt that a few
items should be cut, without lowering standards. Another estimate is also required.
MOTION #2: Moved by R. Bradfield, seconded by K. Matthews, that the 0.H.R.P.
Committee approve the application of Jean Vyse to have a bath-
room and weeping bed and two steps installed,and, waive our
right to Administration fees for this application only, IFivec E;_:/,, /,
Jack Hayward application was discussed and was deferred for the present to allow
for approval of Mrs. Vyse's application.
MOTICN #3: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by R. Bradfield, that this
0.H.R.P. Meeting be adjourned. Time: 4:45 p.m.
A Special Meeting was held in the Council Chambers on Monday, December 22, 1975 at
7:30 p.m,
PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, A. Loucks, T. Lama, K. Matthews, G. Pace.
MOTICN #1: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, that Gwen Foster be
engaged for the position of Clerk Treasurer and Tax Collector for the
Village of Port Burwell commencing 1st of January 1976. The salary
shall be $150.00 per week with two weeks aid holidays per year
and 8 days sick leave per year with a 5C carryover. The salary
shall be reviewed in December of each year. CARRIED.
The Garbage Collection contract with St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Service Limited
was discussed.
MC/TION #2: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, that this special council
meeting be adjourned. Time 8:15 p.m. CARRIED.
- 2 -
FIRST MEETING Regular Council Meeting January 5, 1976.
MOTION # 4: Moved by G. Pace, seconded by T. Lama, tnat the Village
of Port Burwell file an objection to the proposed increase
of 660 M.C.F. for Natural Gas, as proposed by the Medina
Gas Company Limited, since the increase is more than the
10% outlined by the Federal Government. CARRIED. IP
Govt. Meeting: A letter was received from Darcy McKeough inviting atten-
dance to a meeting Thursday, January 22, 1976, at 4:00 pm.
at Centennial Hall, London, Ontario. The Reeve will
attend if possible. TleClerk is to respond to this effect.
Garbage Contract: After considerable discussion on the Consumers Cost Inc-
rease levied in the old contract, decision was made to
have our Auditors go over this for their opinion of pay-
ment of same.
1976 Sub-Committees: Council sub-committee members will remain the same during
MG ICN # 5: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by G. Pace, that the Port
Burwell Village Reeve and Councillors' yearly wage will
remain the same as 1976-rates. CARRIED.
Photocopier: The photocopier service contract was tabled until next
MCITICN # 6: Moved by G. Pace, seconded by K. Matthews, that the Village
make a donation of $100.00 to Tillsonburg District Minor
Hockey. CARRIED.
MOTION # 7: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that the
Village Clerk order 6 copies of Municipal World for the
Reeve, Councillors and Clerk. CARRIED.
MCITICN # 8: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by G. Pace, that this Regular
Council Meeting be adjourned until next regular meeting
unless a Special Meeting needs to be called. CARRIED.
TIME: 11:20 p.m.
t( PA.g.ii- //
Clerk / Reeve.
iiiit 1. County of Elgin St. Gelais Registration 10.00 0051
2. J. Hayward Bal. 1975 Stipend 150.00 0052
3. N. Loucks Wages Dec. 1 to 5 142.84 0054
4. K. Kirkpatrick 133.12 0055
5. G. Foster " If 95.55 0056 a
6. H. Brooks Fire Chief Stipend + Meetings 385.00 0057
7. Ted Shelly Dep. F.C. " ft 210.00 0058
8. D. Mole Fireman:- " 125.00 0059
9. G. Pace " " 79.00 0060
10. T. Lama II II 60.00 0061
11. E. Epple " " 112.00 0062
12. M. Alward " " 153.00 0063 lii!!!!
13. F. Stephenson I, " 96.00 0064
14. G. Caers " " 134.00 0065
15. E. Matthews " 101.00 0066
16. K. Matthews " " n..._ 98.00 0067
17. D. Smith It le 110.00 0068
18. B. Shelly 90.00 0069
19. T. Foote " " 22.00 0070
- 3 - ,
1 iRST MEETING ACCOUNTS January 5, 1976.
20. E. Matthews Bldg. Inspector, CHP 91.83 0071
21. Rec. Gen. of Canada Emp. Deductions 312.46 0072
22. Jones Signs Bus Loading Zone 37.63 0073
23. N. Loucks Wages - Dec. 8 to 12 142.84 0074
24. K. Kirkpatrick " " 133.12 0075
25. G. Foster ty II 95.55 0076
26. G. Foster Registry Office Search 21.54 0077
St. Gelais-(Recoverable)
27. P.U.C. Hydro and Water 375.17 0078
28. J. Hayward Cleaning Office 8.00 0079
29. N. Loucks Wages - Dec. 15 to 19 142.84 0080
30. K. Kirkpatrick " " 133.12 0081
31. G. Foster " It _ 95.55 0082
32. Fernlea Flowers Late A. Kirkpatrick 15.50 0083
33. Jake's Garage Welding and Drilling 70.50 0084
34. N. Loucks Wages - Dec. 22 to 26 +0.T. 210.33 0085
35. K. Kirkpatrick " " " 140.91 0086
36. G. Foster 95.55 0087
37. Vera Bates Vacation Pay Mar.14-Oct.2 18.48 0088
38. F. Stephenson 3 Turkeys 38.63 0089
39. Vienna Building Inv.#8482 & 8529 70.33 0090
40. N. Loucks Wages - Dec. 29 to Jan. 2 142.84 0091
41. K. Kirkpatrick 133.12 0092
42. G. Foster 99.16 0093
43. Municipal World 1 ad, 1 reply 61.00 0094
44. Ont. Good Roads Council Membership 25.00 0095
45. Muhlboch Plumbing Cleaning Space Heater 22.00 0096
46. Forest City Copiers Photocopy Supplies 93.44 0097
47. Morley Wolfe Gas - Nov. and Dec. 250.95 0098
48. Port Burwell Hardware P.W. Supplies 59.81 0099
49. Registry Office Conveyances .90 0100
50. Sterling Fuels Office & Fire Hall Oil 109.07 0101
51. Angus Limited Fire Hall Equipment 945.62 0102
52. Shelton Bros. Gravel Haulage 266.00 0103
53. Stelco Screenings 41.40 0104
54. Municipal World 6 subscriptions 81.00 0105
55. James F. Davidson 6 trips 0 $8. 48.00 0106
56. Hurley's Gas 50.38 01107
57. Hugh Brooks Haulage 38A.90 0108
1. C. Bates Wages - Checking Water Valves 75.00 #243
2. Min. of Environment Oct. and Nov. Water Supply 2,438.74 #249
3. C. Bates Wages - Dec. 43.00 #244
4. P.U.C. Water Billing 80.64 #246
1. Hennessey Kempster Gunn - Legal Fees 108.00 2290
• ii
A Special Meeting was called at 4:00 p.m., on Friday, January 16, 1976, in
the Municipal Office.
PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, K. Matthews, .A. Loucks, T. Lama and
the Clerk.
BY—LAW # 293' As required by the Department of Municipal Affairs Act:
being a by—law to authorize the sale of land, the Council
of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell enacts
that the land hereinafter particularly described namely:
Lot 38, Plan 12, East Side of Shakespeare Street. . • • •
be sold to John and Maria Dyck, of the Town of Aylmer, in
the County of Elgin for the sum of $3,800.00 and that the
Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute such docu—
ments as may be necessary therefor, and to attach the Cox•-
porate Seal thereto.
Read and passed in open meeting this 16th day of January
1976. CARRIED.
Garbage Contract: The Clerk is to send a letter to Mr. McCaig of St. Thomas
Sanitary Collection Services stating that unless it can be
proved that we are legally obligated to pay the cost inc-
rease in the old garbage contract, payment will not be made.
Arrears: Arrears of taxes on two businesses in the Village'were dis—
cussed. The Clerk had prepared two firmly worded letters
for collection of these taxes, with a deadline of January 31,
Debentures: Coupons due in January 1976 on the Erosion Debentures have
been deducted from the General Account in the amount of
$2,461.00. Principals will be due, along with coupons in
July 1976.
0.H.R.P. An 0.H.R.P. Meeting has been called for Monday, January 26th,
1976, at 7:30 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned;
Motion #1: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that this Special
Meeting be adjourned until next Regular Meeting unless a Special
Meeting be called. CARRIED.
A Special 0.H.R.P. Meeting was held in the Council Chambers, at 4:00 p.m., on
Friday, January 30, 1976.
PRESENT: Chairman - T. Lama, R. Bradfield, the Clerk.
PHASE II: fIbi 7jf D/97-E- WA$ o QA,6EC) FR0,1 J,c1V 1 t� -T9N. So
th /, IYhkA 1,1-7EN T
1. Wanita Collins' work has been completed totalling $5 .00. With tr' a "
to be added; with $4,000. forgiveable; for a lien period of 10 years,
repayment on .00 will be $97.10 every six months. 0.H.R.P. #0010
1949,00 $9.3.27
2. Jean Vyse' work is progressing with completion'perding when warmer weather sets
in. 0.H.R.P. #0011
Mr. McMurry had informed the Clerk by telephone that the balance of monies from 411
Phase I of $1,662.67 could flaw into Phase II along with the second $29,000. to pro-
cess Mrs. Vyse' application.
MOTION #1: Moved by R. Bradfield, seconded by T. Lama, that the motion
#2 in the December 5, 1975 Special OHRP Meeting Minutes be
amended to add"if necessary", after "waive our right to
Administration Fees for this application only". CARRIED.
It was suggested that further applications approved should have estimates upgraded
and that 1975 income should be required, when they are ready to be processed.
The following applications were approved pending these suggestions:
3. Mrs. Kenneth Marr - approved $7,500 estimate. Building Inspector to return re
estimates. O.H.R.P. #0012
4. Mrs. Minnie Vaughan - approved pending revision of estimates and work required to
bring the property up to building standards. C. McMurry's advice to be sought re
this application. O.H.R.P. #0013
5. Mr. Jack Hayward - approved estimate $1,000. for roof and wiring upgrading - work
to be completed by applicant with no additional cost for labour. Building Inspector
to investigate work to be done. 0.H.R.P. #0014
5. Mrs. Myrtle Scanlon - Clerk to enquire if Bathroom is still required under the
program as applicant had own siding put on.
MOTION # 2: Moved by R. Bradfield, seconded by T. Lama that this Special
OHRP Meeting be adjourned. Time: 5:15 CARRIED.
O.H,R.P. ACCOUNTS Voucher # 1 January 30, 19764
1. Wanita Collins & Art Vanderi.spaillie $ 797.50
2. " & Harvey Neville 103.50
3. " " & Clarence Dur',ingg 4,140.00
4. " & Goldthorpe Electric 827.00
5. " & Ontario Hydro 74.00
to mill
FOURTH mpprANG Regular Council Meeting Feb. 2, 1976.
The Regular Meeting of-the Village Council was held in the Municipal Office
an Monday, February 2, 1976, at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, K. Matthews, T. Lama and the Clerk-Treasurer.
MOTION #1: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama that the minutes
of the First Regular Council Meeting held Jan. 5, 1976 and
the minutes of the Second Special Meeting held Jan. 16,
1976 be approved as distributed to Councillors;
that the 28th Special OHRP Meeting minutes of Dec. 5, 1975
be amended in Motion #2 adding "if necessary" after
"applications only"; and that the Third Special OHRP Meet-
- ing held Jan. 30, 1976 minutes, be amended as follows:
1. under W. Collins revise to: "$5,869.00 with no interest
- repaE
t q� 1 868.00 will be $93.27 every six months";
2. add; " 26/7• O_p.m meetingchanged to Jan. 30 4 m."
and that t t o o"re eeting minutes be-approved as albend
and distributed. CARRIED.
MOTION #2: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by K. Matthews, that the following
accounts be approved for payment: General Accounts - Voucher
#2, 1 to 37; Water Accounts - Voucher #2; and OHRP Accounts -
Voucher #1, 1 to 4, subject to final inspection by the Build-
ing Inspector. CARRIED.
BUILDING PERMITS: One building Permit was purchased by Mrs. L. Martin in January.
A report fo total building and demolition permits issued for
the year 1975 was submitted by the Building Inspector.
MOTION #3: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by K. Matthews, that the total number
of building permits issued and reviewed by Council throughout
the year 1975, be approved:
Total number of building permits issued - 42
Total number of demolition permits issued - 2
Total cost of permits received - $336.00
Total building evaluation cost - $95,587.00
Water Rates: This matter was tabled as Mr. Bates did not attend.
Medina Gas Co.: The Reeve reported on his attendance at the Public Meeting. He
also advised that he had been approached by a Bayham Councillor
re cost-sharing in objection to the rate increase. Council
Garbage Contract: No answer has been received from our letter to Mr. McCaig.
Photocopier: Photocopier decisions must be tabled until the 1976 Budget Meeting.
Reeve's Report: R. Bradfield outlined data from the Government Meeting in London,
stating that Darcy McKeough had stressed restraint, with no
extra dollars available to Municipalities for new programs.
OHM': R.
Lama advised that the next OHRP meeting would be held on
Friday, Feb. 6th at 2 p.m. Chuck McMurry will attend.
Community Centre: Use of the ice rink and lights were discussed briefly. A
Community Centre Meeting will be set up shortly.
Erosion: K. Matthews reported on a letter from James F. MacLaren advising
that a Program of Maintenance should be set up by the Village
for repairs to the Breakwater damage done in the last storm, in
particular and for any future problems that might arise, as
financial assistance is available from the Government for this
purpose. The letter, sent 1py Dr. W. Freeman, was signed by Mr.
— 2 —
FOURTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting Feb. 2, 1976.
Road Supt: In A. Loucks absence due to illness, T. Lama advised of
concern expressed re "little islands of snow" at the end
of some of the Village streets. There was discussion on
1110 . clearing of snow by Public Works men at businesses and
school locations where it is not Municipal responsibility.
It was suggested that since our men do not have time to
clear all taxpayers' driveways, perhaps only senior citi—
zens and ailing taxpayers should have some consideration
in this respect.
Gasoline prices were reviewed. At considerable lower cost
to the Village, T. Lama was requested to investigate the
_ _ matter of a Village Gas Pump for Public Works operations.
Parks Committee: In G. Pace's absence there was no report.
CORRESPONDENCE: Ministry of the Environment Water Supply rates were lowered
to a savings for the Village of .150 per thousand cubic feet.
A note received from Mr. Goberis requested the Village ';o
survey his land, most of which had gone into the Lake. His
present annual taxes amount to $4.22. He will be advised to
appeal to London Assessment Office prior to Feb. 11, 1976.
The Reeve read three letters re the upcoming convention for
Ontario Good Roads.
An invitation was received from the Community Services
Council in Tillsonburg inviting attendance at their annual
meeting on February 16, 1976.
The Clerk is to advise re another Council's request to back
a resolution, that Port Burwell does not have an Official
Plan or a Committee of Adjustment as yet, but expects to
have within a year or two.
A notice of Public Meeting at Dunwich Township Office on
Feb. 12, 1976 re the Waste Disposal Site, was received. '
Concerning the request letter from John Fisher on his Brief
for Site Value Assessment, this is still under review by our
individual Councillors.
MOTION #4: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that the following
write—offs of taxes be made:
1. J. McHugh — (Paid water frontage in full in 1974) —
F. & C. — $45.78
2. R. Newton — (Paid water frontage in full in 1974) —
F. & C. — $51.18
3. H. Brisseau — (house burnt down Sept. 12/75) — 2
adjusted taxes $13.52. $110.1 '
BUILDING INSPECTOR: A letter of resignation was received from E. Matthews. Since
he did not attend the meeting, this was tabled until the next
meeting, until the matter could be discussed with him.
MOTION # 5: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that this Regular
Council Meeting be adjourned until the next regular meeting
unless a Special Meeting is called.TIME: 10.00 CARRIED.
bierk _
-le, J141
% Reeve.
1. Rec. Gen. of Can. Stamps 24.00 109
2. Tills. & Dist. Minor Hockey - Donation '.00.00 110
3. G. Foster OHRP - St. Thomas 7.20 111
4. A. Loucks Mileage - Dec. 7.20 112
5. N. Loucks Wages - New Rate 156.52 113
6. K. Kirkpatrick fl " 146.01 114ell'
115 canc.
.. G. Foster II II 125.51 116
8. Soper's 0.P.P. Window 17.41 117
9. Rec. Gen. of Can. Emp. Deductions 348.78 118
10. J. Hayward OPP Repairs 6.00 119
11. N. Loucks Wages Jan 12 - 16 156.52 120
12. K. Kirkpatrick " 146.01 121
13. G. Foster " 125.51 122
14. PUC Hydro Jan 410.42 123
-15. Reg. Office St. Gelais 6.00 124
16. N. Loucks O.T. Wages Jan 17-23 . 186.82 125
17. K. Kirkpatrick 0.T. " " 175.31 126
18. G. Foster " " 125.51 127
19. N. Loucks Wages Jan 25-30 156.52 128
20. K. Kirkpatrick " 146.01 129
21. G. Foster " " 125.51 130
22. Winspear Higgins Acct. ending 12/75 750.00 131
23. R. Bradfield Meals - Govt. 8.70 132
24. Shelton Bros Bal. of Acct. 84.00 133
25. Municipal World Gen. Cash Sheets 4.86 134
26. Gerald Hodgson Service Call PW 20.25 X35 136 Canc.
27. Rec. Gen Can. Emp. Deductions 416.40 150
28. W. G. Webster Office Supplies 32.00 137
29. Vienna Building PW Supplies 70.33 138 .
30. Pt. Burwell Welding Repair Snowplow 18.00 139
31 Sterling Fuels Lib. FH, Gar. 194.10 140
32. Assoc. Mun. of Ont. Council Mmbshp 50.00 141
33. Pt. Bur. Hardware PW Supplies 126.39 142
34. Olivetti Clean Typewriter 47.00 143
35. Morley Wolfe Gas & Repairs 46.30 144
• 36. Bennett Stationary Office Supplies 9.60 145 .
37. Assoc. Mun. Clerks. Clerk-Mmbshp 30.00 146
1. C. Bates Vac. Pay 37.21 249 cane.
2. C. Bates Wages 51.60 250
f 1. W. Collins A. Vanderispaillie 797.50 1532
? ' 2. " H. Neville 103.50 1535
3. II C. Durling 4,140.00 1534
4. " Goldthorpe 827.00 1533
FIFTH SPECIAL MEETING February 17, 1976.
A Special Meeting was called an Tuesday, February 17, 1976, at 3:00 p.m. in the
Municipal Office, to pass a resolution to authorize the Annual Petition for Subsidy.
PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, A. Loucks, T. Lama.
MOTION: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that the Port Burwell
Council authorize the Annual Petition for Subsidy under the provisions
of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, on expendi—
tures made during the year 1975. CARRIED.
ADJOURNMENT: 3:10 p.m. . ,
A Special OHRP Meeting was called at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, February 20th, 1976. Mr.
Chuck McMurry of the Ministry of Housing was in attendance.
: Chairman T. Lama, A. Loucks, K. Matthews, the Clerk.
The Chairman asked several questions, which were answered by Mr. McMurry.
Concerning widows on low income, in bringing houses up to standard, Council makes
the decision after Building Inspector's authorization of mandatory work to be done.
Conflict of Interest — the home owner may obtain anyone he wants to put in a bid.
The Building Inspector could have the final say as to which bid to accept and the
Committee may also have members place bids for jobs.
The Village 10% Administration Fee-continues in effect, into the pay back stage
after the three year grant program is finished.
The Council has all power to set all rules and procedures with the building inspector
providing the guidelines for standards.
In low income cases, Mr. McMurry advised the Committee to see that taxes are paid
before approval of the application, then if there is any future difficulty to pay
back the loan, Co'!ncil has the authority to cancel monies owing, if necessary.
Mr. McMurry advised Port Burwell Village to send in a letter to the Ministry of Housing
stating that the OHRP Program is working well, adding that we would like the program to
continue beyond the three year period.
MOTION #': Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that this Special OHRP Meeting
be adjourned until the next regular meeting, unless antoher special meeting
needs to be called. Time: 2:00 p.m. CARRIED.
. f
- 2 -
SEVENTH COUNCIL MEETING Regular Meeting March 8, 1976.
MOTION # 5: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, that Bill Gheyson be
billed for the use of the Fire Department 3 KW Generator at the
Lakeside and Harbourview Nursing Homes at the rate of $1. per
hour for 91 hours, for a total of $91.00. CARRIED.
Gas Pump: Council discussed installation of a Public Works gas pump with
free installation and use of pump at a savings of .50 a gallon.
A suggestion to tender gas purchases from the 3 local outlets
for one year, was discouraged and the present method will remain
for the time being.
Site Evaluation: This Brief was filed.
Reeve's Report:R. Bradfield reported on the investigation by/1 into Sewage
Site locations adjacent to the Otter River. The-Company will-cen—
t-e 4--ties r-ill--e--siesta or gyp. 77, R EEw E /5 TO <.W7,T C r is 77 H c 0 ('F *
H/M pf TWE wr✓,•tovN,�✓T FoK /soR.E rrvFo.ZHgTroN Ore THEcM✓'6E JfsrEH,
Harbour Dredging: The Reeve and Councillor Lama investigated the
depth, by boat, and found it approximately 5 feet deep in mid sec-
tions. The'Reeve will visit Small Craft Harbours this week, to stir
#,hem up,
uispos8l Site for silt was discussed.
Day Camp: The Clerk was requested to send a letter to Y.M.C.A. St.
Thomas, asking if they could arrange some type of replacement pro—
gram, since dissolution of the Opportunity for Youth program by
government action.
Special Emergency Assistance: Letters from Ron McNeil, County of
Elgin and Ministry of Treasury and Economics were read, concerning
assistance for maintenance repairs to the breakwater. The Village
costs under this program would amount to 8% over a 20 year period.
A Committee of three men, which includes our Reeve, has been set
up by the County to study the Erie shoreline.
Wall Thermostat: for the Municipal Office was estimated at $100.
by M. Chute. This is being considered to save heating costs.
Good Roads Convention: Attendance by the Reeve, was reported on.
Roads Supt: A Loucks reported on complaints from numerous citizens involving
loose dogs.
The Clerk was requested to send Max Underhill a cheque for $4.80 for
diesel fuel obtained by Public Works.
Public Works had requested permission to buy a small chain saw, which
was granted.
MOTICN # 6: It was moved by G. Pace, seconded by T. Lama, that two men be employed
by the Village to assist in the clean up, at a rate of #3.75 per hour.
Comm. Centre: T. Lama stated that 8 men met at the Fire Hall Sunday, Feb. 290, to
discuss plans for the Ball Park. The next meeting is scheduled for
March 17th when officers will be set up within the Committee. Twelve
Hundred boy and girl Scouts are expected here this summer for the Boy
Scout Camp. The Community Centre Grant was discussed.
OHRP: No meeting is scheduled until a Building Inspector replacement is secured
or a Special Meeting is called.
Erosion: K. Matthews stated that in a letter, Mr. Farlow advised securing ease—
ments. In discussion, it was felt that this would entail the Village
having responsibility for the 30' strip of land between the Breakwater.
Council decided to file this matter.
The Water Lot Lease application for the Federal Government should be
sent off, with the consent forms we have and a copy of the Survey.
The two cottages owned by Mr. Medland and Mr. Forth and erosion of the
bank was discussed. K. Matthews stated in similar cases perhaps the
Village could advise amersOt he projected extent of expected erosion,
so the onus would be on the r to move their cottage back.
SEVENTH COUNCIL MEETING Regular Meeting March 8, 1976
The Regular Council Meeting, postponed until the second Monday in March, was
held in the Council Chambers, on Monday, March 8, 1976 at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, Councillors - A. Loucks, K. Matthews, T. Lama
G. Pace and the Clerk.
Also Present: Philip Brown, Ralph Jackson, Charles Bates, El Wells and Peter
Kelly of the County of Elgin Library Board. 11110
MOTION # 1: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by K. Matthews, that the minutes of the
4th Regular Meeting held Feb. 2, 1976; the minutes of the 5th
Special Meeting held Feb. 17, 1976; and the minutes of the 6th
Special OHRP Meeting held Feb. 20, 1976, be approved as distributed
to Council Members. CARRIED.
MOTION # 2: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that "the General Accounts
on Voucher #3 from 1 to 29; the Water Accounts on Voucher #3 from
1 to 4; and the,OHRP Accounts on Voucher #1, 1., be approved for
payment. CARRIED.
VISITORS: Pte: R. Jackson and P. Brown attended to respectfully protest
15 minute parking signs in front of their businesses. Council wa8
asked to reconsider their parking by-law in conjunction with the
request to County of Elgin for this enforcement. It was suggested
that Council employ this 15 minute parking in front of the Post
Office only, or, that 1 hour from 9 to 10 a.m. be applied. Council
will look into the matter.
Library: Messrs. E. Wells and P. Kelly of the County of Elgin Lib-
rary Board, submitted prepared plans for renovations to the Village
Library, for approval of Council, at no cost to the Village. Work
would commence in June and two bids were requested from local cont-
Present rental fee, heating and insulation costs were discussed.
The Clerk was asked to list actual operational costs for the Library
and submit it for their consideration of a rental raise.
MOTION # 3: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, that the Elgin County
Library Board be given permission to renovate the interior of the
Port Burwell Library. CARRIED.
Water Rates: Charles Bates, Water Superintendent, submitted a few items whereby
the Village is losing money on water charges: Inspection charge of
$3. includes turn on and return trip; turn-offs at customer's request
are free; turn-on fee is $5.03. Collection of delinquent accounts
are penalized at .650;often several trips involved. The Village pays
$4. per trip plus mileage an all of above. Tabled to next meeting.
Permits: Two building Permits were issued in February valuing $6,000. total
MOTION # 4: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that the Village Council
accept the resignation of the Village Building Inspector, with regret.
And that the Clerk draw up notices to be placed at different locations
in the Village to hire another Building Inspector. CARRIED.
Deadline date - March 31, 1976.
Garbage: Payment for Garbage Collection and Disposal has not been made since •
December 1975 as no billing has been received. Bayham is paying on
$7.13 per capita. Tabled to next meeting.
Legal Issues: H. Case's cheque was returned, the property will be registered.
In the matter of business tax arrears on Lakeside and Harbour View
Nursing Homes and Lakeside Hotel, Council recommended that the Clerk
take whatever steps are necessary within the Tax Collector's authority
to secure same.
- 3 -
SEVENTH COUNCIL MEETING Regular Meeting March 8, 1976.
Ol Sc.oc<•TEL
Erosion: Prices for the replacement of eweek4 stones will be obtained.
Park's Board: G. Pace had nothing to report. The donation received by the
Village, for $1,000. was acknowledged with thanks.
?4— Hall: Council referred the matter of pumping basements to the Fire
Committee and councillor Lama will report at the next meeting.
MCTItii.# 7: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, that Jack Hayward
retain the position of Weed Inspector for the year 1976.CARR1ED.
Trailer: N. Loucks' request to pxuthase an Alcan trailer to erect on his
property was declined due to by-law #277 prohibiting same.
Severance: The land Severance Committee of the County of Elgin will meet"on
Tuesday, March 9, 1976 to review C.P.R.'s request to sever their
properties in the Village.
University Grant: A grant of 80% of salary for a 20 week period is available for
office assistance. Council will look into this before April 1,
1976, as it could be considered during the peak tax payment time
and vacation period. One application has been received.
O.P.P. The local OPP has stated they would effect our by-laws if the Village
would contract for same. They felt there should be no overnight
parking allowed on Village streets.
CORRESPONDENCE: Various items of correspondence were read including a letter on the
closing of Chesley Hospital (filed); Municipal Board letter on pro-
posed Capital Expenditure Projects; Ministry of Industry & Tourism
survey; Ont Good Roads School and Ont. Secretariat for Habitat. An
invitation was received to attend the 23rd Annual Conference of
Small Urban Municipalities May 6 to 8 at Whitby, Ont.
County of Elgin sent a letter requesting our comments for the guid-
ance of the Road Committee re O.P.P.'s letter on Parking. A copy
of the 0.P.P. letter was read containing their request to amend the
by-law providing "Police only" parking in front of the Detachment
A letter from James Davidson, Canine Control, advised that our pre-
sent rate of $8. per trip is insufficient to meet their rising costs,
and suggested a rate of $10. per hour for a man and truck, under a
new financial agreement with the Village. The Clerk is to contact
him as to whether the charge would be from Simcoe or within the Village.
Hamilton, Ward and Cathers Insurance remitted a cheque for $168.13 re
the claim for window breakage at the 0.P.P. Office.
The Municipal Levy for the Village from Longpoint Region Conservation
Authority will be $825.00 for 1976 payable on a quarterly basis.
MOTICN # 8: Moved by G. Pace, seconded by K. Matthews, that the following appeals
be approved, as follows:
1. Lottie Scott - 1975 taxes - Appeal approved by the Assessment
Office under Form 28 - Garage demolished. Refunded $ 3.88.
2. Norman Kindy - 1975 taxes - 636 A appeal of Supplementary
taxes levied in error by Assessment Office as New Business
effective Jan. 1, 1975 calculated at 30%. This is a dupli-
cation - K. Herron - N. Kindy. Write-off $ 59.60
3. 1976 taxes - Alice Herremans terminated business Dec.
1975. Taxes paid in full for 1975. 636 A appeal approved
by the Assessment Office to erase 1976 Business Tax on
$425 assessment. CARRIED.
MClTICE # 9: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, that this regular Council
Meeting be adjourned until the next regular Council Meeting unless in
case of emergency, a Special Meetivig be called.
Time; 12:15 a.m. CARRIED.
- 3 -
SEVENTH Meeting March 8, 1976.
1. N. Loucks Wages - Feb. 2 - 6 156.52 147
2. K. Kirkpatrick " " 146.01 148 •
34, G. Foster • 125.51 149.
\ 4. N. Loucks Wages - Feb. 9 - 13 156.52 151 150 cam.
�, K. Kirkpatrick " " 146.01 152
6. G. Foster " " 125.51 153
7.. L. Scott Refund - Taxes C. Of R. 3.88 154
8. N. Loucks Wages - Feb. 16 - 20 156.52 155
9. K. Kirkpatrick " " 146.01 156
10. G. Foster 125.51 157
11. P.U.C. Hydro and Water 459.42 158 •
12. N. Loucks Wages - Feb. 23 - 27 156.52 . 159
13. K. Kirkpatrick " " 146.01 160
14. G. Foster 125.51 161
Iar. 1 15. Bennett Stationery Adding Machine Tapes 6.39 162
16. Rec. Gen. of Can. Feb. Deductions 377.39 166
17. Aylmer & Malahide Oct. - Jan 91.73 171
18. Jake's Garage Welding - P.W. 25.00 172
19. Tillsonburg News Ad - Disposal Site 13.44 173
20. 3 M Company Photocopy Paper 26.75 174
21. Municipal World Tax Supplies 26.55 175
22. County of Elgin Conveyances 2.40 176
23. Elgin County Mutual Aid Annual Fire Hall Dues 15.00 177
24. Sterling Fuels Garage Fire Hall 300.66 178
25. Morley Wolfe Gas and Repairs 121.14 179
26. Canine Control 2 Trips @ 800 16.00 170
27. N. Loucks Wages - Mar. 1 - 5 156.52 163
28. K. Kirkpatrick " 146.01 164
29. G. Foster 125.51 165
1. P.U.C. Water Billing - Jan. 43.23 251
2. Min. Of Environment Water Supply - Dec. 1,274.64 252
3. Charles Bates Wages - Feb. 47.00 253
4. P.U.C. Water Billing - Feb. 79.78 254
OHRP Accounts
1. Jean Vyse Harvey's Precast Steps 438.00 1536
A Special Meeting was called at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, March 30th, 1976 in the
Municipal Office.
4 Moved by Alvin Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews that leave be
granted to introduce By-law # 294 - Whereas the Council of the
Village of Port Burwell deems it necessary to borrow up to the
sum of $10,000. to meet current expenditures until taxes are
collected. By-law read a first, second and third time.
In other business, it was noted that Carherne Investments Limited quadplex pro-
perty an Strachan Street would not be given permission to connect their drains
into the Village storm sewers.
MOTION #1 Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that this Special
Meeting be adjourned. CARRIED.
NINTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting APRIL 5, 1976.
The Regular Council Meeting was held in the Municipal Office on Monday, April 5,
1976, at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Reeve Ronald Bradfield, K. Matthews, A. Loucks, T. Lama, the Clerk.
Visitors: Mr. Empe4, Mr. and Mrs. Forth, A. Laemers.
MOTION #1: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by A. Loucks, that the 7th Regular Council 111/111
Meeting Minutes be amended in Reports of Committees under the Reeve's
Report — Sewage Site Locations and under Erosion "replacement of dis—
located stones"and approved as amended,and that the minutes of the 8th
Special Meeting held March 30, 1976, be approved as distributed co
Council Members. CARRIED.
,MOTION #2: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that- the following accounts
be approved for payment: General Accounts on Voucher #4, from 1 to 54;
Water Accounts on Voucher #4, from 1 to 4;
Erosion Accounts on Voucher #2, from 1 to 2.
BUILDING PERMITS: There were none issued in the month of March.
Visitors: Mr. Empee, Health Inspector attended re the Carherne Property and inade—
quate sewage/drainage problems there. The property should have around a
1200 to 1500 tile bed and the number of renters there should be restricted.
Mr. Empee requested Council to allow a perimeter drain 3 to 5 feet below
ground, with a couple of small catchbasins and connection to the Village
drain. After considerable discussion, Council Pelt this could not be con—
nected to the Village drain and several alternatives were suggested.
Mr. and Mrs. Rrrth requested permission to place a drain and fine gravel,
tapering down the bank, at his property site. Mr. A. Laemers would be
hired to undertake this work. Permission was granted on-the condition
that the roadway at the bottom is not blocked.
Library: Mr. E. Matthews and Mr. A. Vanderispaillie's names were given to the Elgin
County Library Board for possible tenders.
Water Rates:Insufficient charges for Water turn—ons, turn-offs and inspections, were
discussed. Amendment of the Rate System through Schedule "A' of By—Law
259 will be reviewed before the next meeting.
Garbage Contract: Decision was made to contact Mr. McCaig to request him to send us a
bill for garbage collection since the first of the year.
MOTION #3: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by A. Loucks, to instruct our legal advisor, Mr.
Robert Farlow to issue a writ for collection of business taxes, as follows:
Mr. and Mrs. W. Conrad = $1,867.02 — Business taxes on Roll #218,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Gheyson= 534.92 — Business Taxes on Roll # 342-1 & 388-1,
and that all legal costs to collect same be added to the amounts owing.
Day Camp: The Reeve requested K. Matthews to investigate the Experience '76 grant in
connection with the Day Camp and Y.MC.A. in St. Thomas. The grant would
permit salaries to be paid to four Counsellors.
MOTION #4: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that the Village Councilie engage
James S. Davidson, Canine Control Officer, R. R. #5, Simcoe, Ontario, at a
new rate of($10.00) ten dollars, per hour, at a maximum hourly basis set by
Council at 4 hours per month, unless in case of emergencies. CARRIED.
University Grant: This was filed.
Wall Thermostat: The P.U.C. Electrician has been advised of this matter.
y c
NINTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting APRIL 5, 1976.
Reeve's Report: Harbour Dredging: The Reeve reported on several newspaper
articles in different newspapers and he reported further on
the $230,000.00 figure cited for Harbour Dredging.
Silt Disposal Sites: The Ministry of Environment has approved of
these sites — the Bank of Commerce owned gully on Robinson St.,
Paul Valko and Charles Ratz' farms, and ane unexamined one at
Brownsville. However, the Department of Public Works is coming
back to take more deposits to see if they can dump it in the
Lake after all, if not too contaminated. It has been suggested
that if this is possible, the East Beach area should be used.
Medina Gas:
me petition was posted in four stores in the Village and 46
additional names were sent to Bayham Township Office from this
Community Centre: T. Lama reported on the March 17, 1976 meeting wherein the sub—
committee Officers were elected as follows:
Fred Waldeck — Chairman
Philip Brown — Secretary.
Different discussions as to how to make money took place. Prices
will be obtained on a concrete ice pad and possibly an arena.
The Lighthouse was discussed and it was suggested that the Senior
Citizens Group be approached to see if they would like to start a
Historical Society. There was also discussion on the Boy Scout
Group and the Committee jointly running a booth in the Ball Park this
summer. Another meeting date will be set up soon.
0.H,R,P. No meeting has been held.
Fire Hall Meeting: The matter of pumping basements by Fire Hall Volunteers was
settled and filed.
Erosion: K. Matthews reported that the O.M.B. had billed us for $25.00 for
approval on the Breakwall construction of additional expenditure
and amending order.
Planning Board: K. Matthews reported on the Hearing scheduled for May 5, 1976 re
the O.M.B.'s appeal on Tony Lama's application for Severance.
Severances: C.P.R. Property severance was granted. William and Florence
Axford Severance was granted. Application has been subnitted by
Ken and Beatrice Marr for severance of their property.
Road Supt's Report: A. Loucks gave a report on Public Works Brushing and read a couple
of letters of thanksibr Public Works action after the ice storm.
He reported on drainage and on trees removed at the Public School.
Three grader blades have been ordered.
NEW BUSINESS: Two items were tabled — K. Herron write—off and Second Monday
CORRESPONDENCE: Several letters of correspondence were read.
MOTION #5: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that the Village of
Port Burwell pay the additional levy of $7.60 to the Association
of Municipalities of Ontario. CARRIED.
The Elgin County Library Board will be touring Elgin County
Libraries and will be in Port Burwell on Wednesday, April 14 at
2 p.m.
A letter from the St. Thomas Elgin Health Unit advised they will
pay 50% for serum to spray mosquito larva at this time of year
Council felt this was a worthy effort for control of encephalitis.
BY—LAW # 295 Moved by T. Lama, seconded by K. Matthews, that leave be granted to
introduce By—Law #295 to appoint MR. FRED WALDFCK as BUILDING
INSPECTOR for the Village of Port Burwell, and that Mr. Waldeck be •
paid $300.00 per year for this position, with an additional amount
of $4.00 per hour to be paid for Inspections under the O.H.R.P.
Program. By—Law read a second and third time and CARRIED.
NINTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting APRIL 5, 1976.
MOTION #6: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that this Council Meeting
be adjourned until the next regular Council Meeti:g, unless in case
a Special Meeting be called. CARRIED.
TIME: 12:20 a.m.
Com✓ ��._ T
1. E. Matthews OHRP Commision 10.00 167
2. A. Loucks Mileage - Jan. Feb. 14.40 168
3. M. Underhill Diesel Fuel 4.80 169
4. Aylmer & Malahide Fire Hall Telephone 21.65 180
5. N. Loucks Wages - Mar. 8 to 12 156.52 181
6. K. Kirkpatrick „ " 146.01 182
7. G. Foster „ 125.51 183
8. B. Thornton " Roads 29i ® $3.75 Mar. 9 - 12 99.10 184
9. D. Axford " zi. " 78.13 185
10. H. Brooks „ " 25i " 88.67 186
11. R. Maud „ " 29 t, 97.83 187
12. T. Roesch It " 21i $2.25 hr. 47.59 188
13. P.U.C. Hydro and Water 384.17 189 190 - 193 canc.
14. T. Roesch Roads 11 hrs at $2.25 hr. Mar. 15 - 18 24.75 194
15. H. Brooks If 11 hrs at $3.75 hr " 40.10 195
16. R. Maud " U " " 40.10 196
17. B. Thornton „ 12 " ft43.74 197
18. D. Axford " 11 " " 40.10 198
19. N. Loucks Wages - Mar. 15 - 19 156.52 199
20. K. Kirkpatrick " " 146.01 200
21. G. Foster " " 125.51 201
22.. Rec. Gen. of Can. Stamps 200 X 80 16.00 202
23. , Loucks N. Wages - Mar. 22-26 156.52 203
24. K. Kirkpatrick „ tt 146.01 204
25. G. Foster „ " 125.51 205
26. T. Roesch Roads 32 hrs. at $2.25 hr. Mar 22-26 70.81 206
27. B. Thornton " 36 hrs. at $3.75 129.23 207
28. D. Axford „ 40 " " 123.86 208
29. H. Brooks „ 40 " „ 123.36 209
30. B. Maud " 40 " " 123.36 210
31. Elg. Cty Bd. of Educ.4 of $37,545. Levy 9,386.00 211
32. Elg. Cty Sep. Sch.Bd.Interim Levy 270.00 212
33. Pt. Burwell P.O. P.O. Box Rental 6.00 213
34. B. Thornton Roads - 10 hrs 43.75 Mar 26-29 37.10 214
35. D. Axford " 16 „ 58.21 215
36. H. Brooks " 28 " 95.21 216
37. B. Maud „ 28 " 1.98 95.21 217
38. T. Boesch Vac Pay 4% of $145.13 - 5.81 UI refund 7.79 218
39. B. Thornton „ " 328.13 13.13 219
40. D. Axford „ " 331.88 13.28 220
41. H. BROOKS „ " 391.88 15.68 221
42. B. Maud " " 405.00 16.20 222
43. N. Louks Wages Mar 29 to Apr. 2 156.52 223
44. K. Kirkpatrick " " 146.01 224
45. G. Foster „ " 125.51 225
46. Rec. Gen. of Can Employee Deductions 583.70
47. Drake Robinson Vicary Chain Saw 192.55 272.46 227
l Parts 7991
Municipal World Office Supplies 32.99 228
49. Hurley's Boat Service Gas - Feb. 90.51 229
50. Bennett Stationery Office Supplies 6.36 230
51. Sterling Fuels Garage Fire Hall 121.64 231
52. Morley Wolfe PW Gas - March 181.17 232
53. George Caers Admin 17.34 PW Gas Jan. 146.87 179,51 233
Fire Hall Gas 15.30
- 54. Port Burwell Hardware as follows:
PUC Office 14.70 "
Fire Dept 187.86
OPP Office 2.22
Public Works 77.60 282.38 234
1. Min. of Environment January Water Supply 1,338.78 257
2. F.U.C. Billing March Billing 43.23 256
3. Charles Bates Wages March 47.30 255
4. Min. of Environment Feb. Water Supply 1,056.71 258
1. Ontario Municipal Board Amending Order Breakwall 25.00 2291
2. J. Weston Surveyors Breakwater Plans 11.80 2292
• •
MESSAGE: R"dg=______,A,4-
TENTH MEETING Special Meeting APRIL 23, 1976.
A Special Meeting was called at 1:00 p.m., on Friday, April 23, 1976, in the
Municipal Office, to meet with Mr. Robert Collins of the Ministry of Culture
and Recreation, London Office.
PRESENT: Councillors: K. Matthews, A. Loucks, G. Pace
the Clerk Treasurer.
Mr. Collins'visit was to explain Municipal allotments for Recreational Grants
and to go over with us the Village's application for an Experience '76 Grant for
the Port Burwell Day Camp.
He explained that the FIRST requirement under Regulatign 200 of the Department of
Education Act, Programs and Recreation, is for Council to ESTABLISH A RECREATION,
PARKS AND COMMUNITY CENTRES COMMITTEE, by By—Law. This amalgamates all committees
under one. i.e. Parks3Committee Community Centre Committee, Sports Club, etc.
(A copy of this Act is attached.)
With this By—Law and establishment of the Recreational Committee, the following
grants may be received'
1/3 of up to $5,000 on staff salaries. i.e. a Playground Instructor — Grant $3,300.
An Arts and Crafts Program held on Saturdays only also would be eligible for a grant.
} of Annual cost of Maintenance in the Community Centre — i.e. Public Works mowing
of grass, debris clean—up, etc. not subsidized by Roads, is eligible for a grant,
in the following year.
Full and Part Time Secretarial Staff — 1/3 grant of salary paid.
The Municipal Recreation, Parks and Community Centre Committee is appointed by
Council and may have from 5 to 12 members. At least 2 members must be elected members
of Council.
We apparently overestimated on salaries and expenditures and this was amended to a
more realistic figure. The amended total of estimated expenditures is now $2,540.00.
Emphasis was placed on the fact that Day Camp programs have been operated for 7 years
under the Opportunity for Youth Group, and could have been municipally operational by
After discussion, it was determined that the operation of a Day Camp this year, would
require four to five Counsellors for approximately 70 to 100 children ages 5 to 12 years
of age. Mr. Collins stated that if the Grant is approved for this year, the Village
would then be eligible for only 2/3 of the cost next year. Over a three year period
the Ministry would want the Village to pick up all of the costs for this program.
This year's Day Camp was established as from June 28, 1976 to July 30, 1976, or a
period of five weeks. /he fee waa tet, A 82.00.
Since the children involved with Day Camp come from Vienna, Bayham and Port Burwell,
Mr. Collins felt that something could possibly be arranged with Vienna on a cost—sharing
basis and that Vienna Council would have to do the same thing by By—Law in setting up
their Recreational Committee. Bayham Township already has this Committee in effect.
It was advised that Port Burwell get together with Bayham Township and Vienna Councils
to request that Mr. Don Reid of the Ministry of Culture and Recreation come down for11110
a meeting to explain the role and function of a Recreational Committee, thereby making
one trip to this area instead of three.
In conclusion of the meeting, K. Matthews, asked about Grants for an Arena. Mr.
Collins referred to the Community Recreational Centres Act, Winterio, and Federal
Government under the Winter Works Program. He stated, however, that before any plans
for an arena were made, research be done, before any building take6place.
We will be advised in a week to ten days, if our grant for Experience 76' is approved.
ADJOURNMENT: It was moved by A. Loucks, seconded by G. Pace, that this Special
Meeting be adjourned until the next Regular Meeting, unless in case
of an emergency. Time: 2:30 p.m. CARRIED.
ELEVENTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting MAY 3, 1976.
The Regular Council Meeting was held in the Municipal Office on Monday, May 3,
1976, at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Reeve Ronald Bradfield A. Loucks K. Matthews T. Lama
G. Pace the Clerk
'ieitors: C. Bates, Water Supt. — Mrs. R. Farlow and Miss M. Farlow
MOTION #1: It was moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that the Ninth Regu-
lar Meeting minutes, as amended in the spelling of Mr. Empey's name,
and, the Tenth Special Meeting minutes, as amended with the deletion
of "Registration fee was set at $2.00 ", be approved as distributed
to Council Members. • CARRIED.
'^MOTION #2: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace that the General Accounts
on Voucher #5 from 1 to 30; the Water Accounts an Voucher #5 from
1 to 3; and the OHRP Accounts on Voucher #3 from 1 to 6, be approved
for payment. CARRIED.
BUILDING PERMITS: There were three building permits and 1 demolition permit issued
in the month of April, all OHRP renovations.
Mrs. Farlow: Mrs. Farlow enquired as to when Breakwater repairs would be done and
also whether the Village had considered an additional extension to
the breakwall since the Public Meeting was held. K. Matthews stated
that the Village would be paying for repairs as soon as weather per—
mits, at approximately $300. to $400., with an 80% Government subsidy
available. In addition, he advised that the riparian owners concerned
must apply themselves for lengthening of the wall in the same manner
as the original project was done.
C. Bates: Water Rates and repairing of water valves by Public Works were dis—
cussed. The Clerk was requested to enquire from the 0.W.R.C. Port
Stanley, if two plans of the Village Mains could be obtained for the
Water Superintendent and for the office.
BY—LAW #296 Moved by T. Lama, seconded by G. Pace, that leave be granted to intro—
duce By—Law 296, being a by—law to amend Schedule "A" of By—Law #259
affecting Water Rate Charges, effective July 1, 1976.
By—law read a first, second, and third time. CARRIED.
LIBRARY TENDER:The Elgin County Library Board has given the contract for renovations
to E. Matthews and T. Shelly.
MOTION #3: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, that if the County Library
Board pays for the carpentry and electrical work, for installation of
washroom facilities for the Library, the Village will.pay for the
plumbing. CARRIED.
LEGAL ISSUES: The Clerk advised Council of the receipt of $300. on April 7th from
Mrs. Conrad, with a promise to send another cheque in a week. This has
not been received to date. Mr. Gheyson has paid all of his business
taxes to date.
GARBAGE: The Reeve asked the Clerk to write to Advance Containers asking why we
had not been billed for garbage disposal under the new agreement, for
1976, January, February, March and April.
MOTION #4: Moved by G. Pace, seconded by T. Lama, that the Village pay St. Thomas
Sanitary Collection Services Limited for garbage collection at the new
rate of $447.05 per month, and $147.25 be paid to Advance Containers
for the month of December 1975; and that the Clerk notify St. Thomas
Sanitary Collection Services Limited, that the Village will not day
the D.B.S. increase, and that it should be removed from future billing.
MOTION #5: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that the Council instruct
Mr. Farlow to proceed at once with the registration of the St. Gelais
property, for taxes. CARRIED.
— 2 —
ELEVENTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting MAY 3, 1976.
Reeve's Report: R. Bradfield reported on the Medina Gas Meeting in Aylmer and
advised of the hearing in London on May 13, re proposed purchase of
Medina Gas Company by H. Stafford and D. Lowrie.
He reported on the Elgin County Council Resolution passed unanimous—
ly, re Harbour Dredging. A lengthy letter from Mr. John Wise was
Community Centre:A letter advised that our grant submission for the Day Camp, of
$1,600. has been approved. K. Matthews reported on the meeting
with Mr. Collins of the Ministry of Culture and Recreation and further
on a discussion with Counsellor Teal of Bayham Council concerning the
operation by one Port Burwell and two Vienna Counsellors and that two
Grade XI students should be trained for continuity of the project.
After discussion of the By—Law for the setting up of a Recreational
Committee, this was tabled until a meeting is scheduled with Council,
the Parks, Community Centre and Sports Club Committees. A form letter
will be sent advising of date, time and place of meeting to H. Brooks,
J. Hayward, C. Blyth, F. Waldeck. P. Brown, G. Loucks, L. Neville and
D. Hendricks.
T. Lama, Chairman, reported on the April 21st Community Centre Meeting
wherein it was decided to sell tickets an a 50-50 draw, locally. The
next meeting was set for May 10th.
Erosion Cmtee: K. Matthews reported that the application for a water lot lease had
been sent in. Council felt that a letter should be sent to Dr. Freeman
re Guaranteed Maintenance on the Breakwater and Logan Contractor's
replacement of the cracked stones, as per our agreement.
Higgs and Higgs Company have been here to investigate the work on the
displaced stones.
The Clerk was asked to enquire from the Ministry of Treasury and Inter—
governmental Affairs, Toronto, as to whether a maintenanne grant should
be applied for before or after the work of repairing the breakwater, is
Severances: The Elgin County Land Division Committee has approved severances for
C.P.R., D. Axford and K. Marr properties.
Planning Council: K. Matthews noted that the East Elgin Planning Board had sent the
Village a good supply of "Guide To Planning" booklets to explain the
role of the Planning Council. These are available to citizens requesting
Park's Board: G. Pace reported he had not attended a Park's Meeting. A cheque for
$200. was received from the Park's Board in connection with a motion in
their 1975 minutes.
Road Superintendent's Report: A. Loucks stated there was little to report on Public
Works. A Counsellor suggested that Public Works spray the Ball Park for
poison Ivy and mosquitoes.
MOTION #5: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that a request for Supplement—
ary Allocation of subsidy moneys for the year 1976, pursuant to the
Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, be made, as follows:
Construction $3,000., Maintenance 13,800. totalling $16,800. CARRIED.
MOTION #7: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by G. Pace, that the Corporation of the
Village of Port Burwell accept the Daylight Saving Time for the Regu-
lar time set out for the year 1976. CARRIED.
MOTION #8: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that Monday, May 31st, 1976
be set aside by the Village of Port Burwell for the collection of heavy
garbage, that the Clerk send a letter to St. Thomas Sanitary Collection
Services Limited requesting reservation of a large container truck for
the date set out above and that notices be posted in the Village.
— 3 —
ELEVENTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting MAY 3, 1976.
MOTION #9: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by A. Loucks, that notice to the
Public be made in the Tillsonburg News re Village policy to the
effect that lots will be mowed and charged ($15.00 per lot) to
owners, by the Village, if it is deemed necessary; deadline
date for same being: June 15, 1976. CARRIED.
BUDGET MEETING: Our Auditor has scheduled a meeting tentatively for Friday, May
14th, 1976, at 1:00 p.m., to det up the 1976 budget.'
ACTION #10: Moved by G. Pace, seconded by K. Matthews, that Mr. Norman Loucks
set his in retirement date, but it must be before December 31,
1976. He also must give us sufficient notice to find someone to
replace him. CARRIED.
MOTION #11: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that the 2% DISCOUNT
ON TA) be discontinued. CARRIED.
MOTION #12: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that the Council of the
Village of Port Burwell send a letter to the Elgin County Council
thanking them for their interest and concern for the Eastern part
of the County and in particular their efforts in connection with
the Harbour at Port Burwell. CARRIED.
MOTION #13: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that this Council instruct
the Clerk to write a letter to the By—Law Fnfor<ement Officer,
directing him to strictly enforce the by—law relating to tying up
of dogs, by owners. CARRIED.
Other Business: The Reeve stated that it had been brought to his atl.ention that
the Remy Wysevelde property has an open drain on it. The Health
Inspector wil be requested to investigate this.
CORRESPONDENCE: Long Point Regional Authority — A letter received from Jessie
Dennis advised that the Executive Committee of the Long Point
Regional Authority wishes to arrange a meeting with at least two representa—
tives from each of Port Burwell, Vienna, Bayham Township and
Malahide Township, and will inform each of a suitable date, time
and location in the near future.
MOTION #14: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by A. Loucks, that this regular
Council Meeting be adjourned until the next regular Council Meeting
unless in case a Special Meeting be called. /..2:/Sp„t CARRIED.
1. A. Loucks Mileage = Mar P.W. 7.20 235
2. N. Loucks Wages - Apr. 5 - 9 P.W. 116.52 236
3. K. Kirpatrick " " 146.01 237
4, G. Foster Admin. 125.51 238
. Registry Office Conveyances " 6.90 239
6, N. Loucks Wages - Apr 12-16 P.W. 156.52 240
7. K. Kirkpatrick " " 146.01 241
8-. G. Foster " Admin. 125.51 242
9. P.U.C. Hydro & Water listed 410.87 243
10. Assoc. of Mun. Levy re Ont. Hydro Appeal 7.60 244
11. N. Loucks Wages - Apr. 19-23 P.W. 156.52 245
12. K. Kirkpatrick " " _ 146.01 246
13. G. Foster It Admin. 125.51 247
14. N. Loucks Wages - Apr 26-30 P.W. 156.52 248
15. K. Kirkpatrick " " 146.01 249
16. G. Foster " Admin. 125.51 250
May 1 17. Rec. Gen. of Can. Employee and Employer Deds. 493.70 251
18. G. Hodgson F. H. Furnace - cleaned & Rep. 19.60 252
19. Sterling Fuels Gar/F.H.-135.10 Lib. - 42.41 177.51 253
20. Mun. World Dog Tags - 17.57 Question - $1. 18.57 254
21. Times Journal Subscription - 6 months 23120 255
22. Charles Granger Grader Blades P.W. 174.00 256
23. W. G. Webster Office Supplies Admin. 6.59 257
24. Lyle Buchner Parts P.W. 109.07 258
25. Bd. of Educ Int. on Levy mailed noon Mar. 30 5.27 259
26. Morley Wolfe Repairs P.W. 101.68 260
27. Aylmer & Malahide Telephone Village 70.44 261
28. Hugh Brooks Cold Mix Haulage P.W. 93.32 262
29. Aylmer & Malahide Telephone F. H. 20.52 263
30. A. Loucks Mileage - Apr. P.W. 7.20 264
1. P.U.C. Water Billing E/S 86.23 259 260 canc.
2. C. Bates Wages 25 hrs @ $4., 50mi @ 150 107.50 261
3. Min. of Environment Water Supply - March 1,079.87 262
1. J. Hayward and Goldthorpe Electric 0014 368.00 1537
2. K. Marr(and Saveway) 0012 120.16 1538
3. and Backus 757.67 1541
4. " and Halwas 766.00 1542
5. II and Long's Langton " 66.00 1543
6. " and Murray's " 1190.00 1544
" r
TWELFTH MEETING Specialliudget Meeting MAY 14, 1976.
A Special Meeting was called for 1:00 p.m. to endeavour to strike the mill
rate for 1976 taxation.
PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, A. Loucks, T. Lama, I4 -Mekt ews, 0. P ee,
and the Clerk.
Also Present: Auditor Mr. Clark
� AuCcond!ientr
Council allocate!i a small increase for extras in areas of offlec equipment
,' and a Public Woriks Riding Lawn Mower. Some other areas were increased
slightly. No increase in Council stipend was considered for this year.
After completion, it was found that due to a $21,000. increas in Schee_
County and other levies, a loss of $10,000. in assessment,an unforeseen Erosion
deficit of $7,800. in 1975 and 1976 repayment of Erosion Debentures, areas had
. to be cut back even further. Since there was little fat to slice off a very
lean budget, initially, the allocations made were again decreased and a meeting
will he' called in approximately a week's time to attempt to strike the mill rate.
MOTION #1: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that this Special Budget
• Meeting he adjourned until next regular meeting unless another
--eating needs to be called. :":.PRIED.
THIRTEENTH MEETING Special Recreational Meeting MAY 17, 1976.
PRzS .T: D. Reid, R. Collins, Ministry Culture & Recreation, London.
Council: Reeve R. Bradfield, T. Lama, K. Matthews, G. Pace, the Clerk.
Others: F. Waldeck, P. Brown, Comm. Centre Committee , H e.cobx 5
C. Blythe, Fi. -ftiovito, J. Hayward, Parks Committee
G. Loucks, L. Neville, D. Hendricks, Sports Club
• S. McKibbon, Rep. Lion's Club, Vienna.
3 Day Camp Counsellors; Representatives from Vienna and Bayham
Councils, M. Tessier, Tillsonburg News Reporter.
The meeting was arranged to discuss the setting up of a Recreational Committee.
Mr. Reid explained thoroughly by means of a flip chart, the various areas and
advantages of Councils' -passing of a By-Law to form a Committee to amalgamate
all municipal recreational committees into one Recreational Committee.
This main committee would then act as an agent of Council, made up of people
interested in all phases of municipal recreational activity. The new ,omtsit.tec
would consist of the Reeve- ex-officio, 3 Council Members, 2. Community Centre
• Members, 2 Parks Committee Members and 1 Sports Club Member.
ROLE OF COMMITTEE: 1. To raise money
2. Grants to assist programming
3. Agent of Council.
• 4. Development of a Recreational Budget •
5. Facilities
6. Use of human resources
. 7. Development of programs
8. Long Range Planning
In expansion of this committee, three municipalities could band together In an
area situation with a co-operative effort to develop recreational areas t._e_:-.er
that each may not be able to accomplish separately. This could inv:17e _n arena,
travelling playgrounds, Recreational Director, Senior Citizens activities, etc.
Mr. Reid suggested that Councils represented, think over the areas of separate
individual or inter-municipal efforts and set the by-law accordingly within the
next two or three weeks time.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
TWELFTH MEETING Special Budget Meeting MAY 14, 1976.
A Special Meeting was called for 1:00 p.m. to endeavour to strike the mill
rate for 1976 taxation.
PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, A. Loucks, T. Lama, K. Matthews, G. Pace,
and the Clerk.
Also Present: Auditor Mr. Clark
Council allocated a small increase for extras in areas of office equipment
and a Public Works Riding Lawn Mower. Some other areas were increased
slightly. No increase in Council stipend was considered for this year.
After completion, it was found that due to a $21,000. increasein School Board,
— County and other levies, a loss of $10,000. in assessment,an unforeseen Erosion
deficit of $7,800. in 1975 and 1976 repayment of Erosion Debentures, areas had
to be cut back even further. Since there was little fat to slice off a very
lean budget, initially, the allocations made were again decreased and a meeting
will be called in approximately a week's time to attempt to strike the mill rate.
MOTION #1: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that this Special Budget
Meeting be adjourned until next regular meeting unless another
meeting needs to be called. CARRIED.
THIRTEENTH MEETING Special Recreational Meeting MAY 17, 1976.
PIZ': D. Reid, R. Collins, Ministry Culture & Recreation, London.
Council: Reeve R. Bradfield, T. Lama, K. Matthews, G. Pace, the Clerk.
Others: F. Waldeck, P. Brown, Comm. Centre Committee
• C. Blythe, H. Brooks, J. Hayward, Parks Committee
G. Loucks, L. Neville, D. Hendricks, Sports Club
S. McKibben, Rep. Lion's Club, Vienna.
3 Day Camp Counsellors; Representatives from Vienna and Bayham
Councils; M. Tessier, Tillsonburg News Reporter.
The meeting was arranged to discuss the setting up of a Recreational Committee.
Mr. Reid explained thoroughly by means of a flip chart, the various areas and
advantages of Councils' passing of a By-Law to form a Committee to amalgamate
all municipal recreational.committees into one Recreational Committee.
This main committee would then act as an agent of Council, made up of people
interested in all phases of municipal recreational activity. The new committee
• would consist of the Reeve- ex-officio, 3 Council Members, 2 Community Centre
Members, 2 Parks Committee Members and 1 Sports Club Member.
ROLE OF COMMITTEE: 1. To raise money
2. Grants to assist programming
3. Agent of Council
4. Development of a Recreational Budget
5. Facilities
6. Use of human resources
hio7. Development of programs
8. Long Range Planning
In expansion of this committee, three municipalities could band together in an
area situation with a co-operative effort to develop recreational areas together
that each may not be able to accomplish separately. This could involve an arena,
travelling playgrounds, Recreational Director, Senior Citizens activities, etc.
Mr. Reid suggested that Councils represented, think over the areas of separate
individual or inter-{municipal efforts and set the by-law accordingly within the
next two or three weeks time.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:35 45.m.
• f . .
FOURTEENTH MEETING Special Government Study Meeting MAY 17, 1976.
PRESENT: Mr. S. H. Janes, Commissioner, Elgin County Government Study
Council: Reeve R. Bradfield, K. Matthews, T. Lama, G. Pace, and the Clerk.
Vienna Council: Reeve K. Emerson, Councillors A. Hartman, Clerk Vi Van Belois.
Bayham Council: Reeve M. Schafer,8ouncillors G. Teal, M. Stewart and the
Clerk Jack Petrie.
Newspaper: M. Tessier, Tillsonburg News.
Mr. Janes reviewed the Elgin County Interim Report of the Elgin County Government
1. REGIONAL GOVERNMENT: 14 municipalities constituting an upper
tier or Regional Council, comprising 30 to 40 members directly
elected on a ward or area municipal basis.
2. ONE TIER: This would involve the dissolution of the lower tier
of area municipalities including the city of St. Thomas, and
placement of responsibility for provision of practically all
local government services with County—wide administration.
3. LARGE SCALE AMALGAMATION: This involves the retention of the
present two tier system — a number of local or area municipali—
ties, including St. Thomas, as well as an area—wide or County
4. SMALL SCALE AMALGAMATION: This would allow the continuation of
the present two tier system — 10 municipalities comprised of:
1. Aldborough, Rodney, W. Lorne 8,593
2. Dunwich, Dutton 5,995
3. Southwold 16,244
4. Yarmouth 11,761
5. City of St. Thomas 52,403
6. South Dorchester, Belmont 3,398
7. Aylmer 9,279
8. Malahidy, Springfield 9,279
9. Bayham Township, Vienna, Port Burwell 7,653
10. Port Stanley 3,247
i.e.: # 9 — Council would comprise an equal representation on
Council for Bayham, Vienna, and Port Burwell, elected by
Ward system.
Mr. Janes suggested, that the Small Scale amalgamation offered the most for the
least amount of change from the present municipal operations. Savings being
seen in administrative costs, public works, utilities and other areas, with
larger government grants being accessible on this basis.
Mr. Janes emphasized that nothing would be imposed on municipalities as to the
above alternatives and that Public Meetings would be set up in the near future
to bring this before the public.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 11:05 p.m.
• •
FIFTEENTH - MEETING Second Special Budget Meeting MAY 21, 1976.
The second Special Budget Meeting was called to attempt to strike the mill rate,
on Friday, May ;l, 1976, at 1:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order at 2:00
K• H Ai-07'tw'S
PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, A. Loucks, T. Lama, 8s-Paae and the Clerk.
Auditor Mr. Clark.
Council deliberated in several areas to try to further decrease the mill-rate.
Increases set by: COUNTY - 4 mills
SEC/SEP.SCHOOLS - -7 mills
Debentures Erosion - VILLAGE - 10 mills
1. Higher costs for services and utilities
2. Loss of $10,000 assessment due to cottages fallen in lake and
Government purchase of land formerly privately assessed.
The Auditor explained that Council had held the taxes pretty well in line for the
last three years, seeing a small increase of 7 mills last year due to the Break-
water Construction. This has now caught up with us because the Village has lost
so much and costs have continued to rise. This year, the Village has not only
been slapped with $21,000 in additional levies, but repayment of debentures and
loss of assessment have added to the situation.
In order to suppress a possible increase of 43 mills, which Council felt the
Village could not bear, other areas of revenue were- delved into. A Village
water surplus fund of $10,000; a Special fund from the sale of the Shakespeare
St. lot to be used "when needed to be spent wisely"; and a surplus account set
up in prior years were all reviewed to be used to further decrease the mill rate.
The Auditor will go over these areas and will advise Council within a week or
two, at which time, hopefu»y, the mill rate will arrive at a "possible" 29 mill
rate increase instead'of 43.
Mr. Clark felt that Council had arrived at an extremely good compromise in a very
difficult budget year.
MOTION #1: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by A. Loucks, that the Village
authorize three persons to attend the 1976 Property Standards
Officers'Study Session at York University, Toronto. CARRIED.
Registration fee is $10.00 each.
MOTION #2: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that T. Lama be
engaged to install all plumbing necessary in the restructuring
of the Village Library at a tender of $260.00. CARRIED.
Tony Lama declared a conflict of interest and did not vote on
the above resolution. One other tender had been received.
BY-LAW #297: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that leave be granted
to introduce By-Law#297 as an addendum to By-Law to prohibit
the keeping of reptiles within the Village of Port Buswell accord-
ing to Section 354, Subsection 1, Paragraph 3, of the Municipal 1111
Act. By-Law read a first; second and third time. CARRIED.
MOTION #3: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that this Special Meeting
be adjourned. Time 4:25 p.m. CARRIED.
BY-LAW # 298: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by G. Pace, that leave be granted to
establish the reates and taxes-for the year 1976 as per attached
by-Law #298. (PR 112.653; PC 128:610; SR 114.127; SC 130.231.
First installment due June 24, 1976, 2nd due Sept. 15, 3rd due
F & C - Nov. 15. All discounts have been discontinued. Tax penalty
of a.% is levied on the day after due dates and an additional 1% interest_
is levied on the first day of each month. By-law read a first, second
and third timer signed, sealed by Reeve and Clerk. CARRIED.
‘74, ' '1
SIXTEENTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting June 7, 1976. •
The Regular Council Meeting was held in the Municipal Office on Monday, June 7, 1976,
at 7:30 p.m.
PR SENT: Reeve R. Bradfield A. Loucks K. Matthews G. Pace
T. Lama The Clerk •
Also Present: M. Tessier, Tillsonburg News.
MOTION: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by A. Loucks, that the following:
11th Regular Meeting held May 3, 1976, be approved;
12th Special Budget Meeting May 14, be approved, as amended;
13th Special Recreational Meeting May'17, be approved, as amended;
14th Special Govt. Study Meeting May 17, be approved;
15th Special (2nd) Budget Meeting held May 24, be approved, as amended;
and distributed to Council Members. CARRIED.
MOTION: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by G. Pace, that the General Accounts on
Voucher #6, 1 to 39; Erosion Account on Voucher #3, 1 to 2; OHRP
accounts on Voucher #4, 1 to 4 and Water Accounts an Voucher #6, 1 to
2, be approved for payment. CARRIED.
BUILDING PERMITS:Permits submitted had insufficient information for Council's approval.
The Building Inspector will be asked to include more details for next
LEGAL: Mr. Farlow returned the St. Gelais Registration folder for re—regist—
ration under the Land Titles Act.
REEVE'S REPORT: The Reeve reported on a telephone conversation with Mr. Greenlees. The
report from the Consultants is expected next Wednesday. In a letter,
County Engineer, Mr. Moore advised re his pursuasion of the Ministry
of Natural Resources to build dykes at the southeast side of Chatham
Street, to accommodate the silt.
In drainage matters, the Clerk was asked to write a letter to Mr.
Farlow as to the type of agreement form needed for permission from
It was noted that T. Murphy, T. Klein and D. Stock intend to put small
stones behind the wall, at their properties, which is permissible as
long as the roadway is not blocked.
EROSION: Err. Freeman has contacted Logan Contractors re our guaranteed mainten—
ance contract, to request them to replace the displaced stones on the
Breakwall. A representative from Logan's will come to inspect the wall.
K. Matthews commented on the cracked stones on top of the wall which
will have to be replaced. He suggested marking these with paint before
Logan's inspection. The Reeve advised K. Matthews to try to be present
at this inspection.
RECREATIONAL: K. Matthews reported on the Day Camp set up with 5 Counsellors in all,
Brian Teal and Susan Hughes being the head Counsellors. Letters were
sent to Bayham and Vienna requesting a donation. Last year 53% from
Port Burwell, 25% from Bayham Township, and 22% from Vienna attended.
BY—LAW #til9 Moved by T. Lama, seconded by K. Matthews, that leave be granted to
• introduce By—Law #299 for the setting up of a Recreation Committee.
By-Law read a first, second and third time. CARRIED.
Letters of request for appointees will be sent to Lions and Spirts Clubs.
A Special Meeting will be held to set up the new committee.
COMMUNITY CENTRE:Boy Scouts cleaned up and mowed the grass. Mosquito spraying of the
Jallpark was discussed. Water has been installed in the Community
Centre building. It was noted that an installation of a water tap is
needed in Cenotaph Park.
FIRE HALL: A demonstration of (Foam) safety supplies was presented at the last
PLANNINQ BOARD: K. Matthews stated that a report would be forthcoming from the Plan—
ning Board. Later, a Public Meeting will be held with Council to go
over the Official Plan.
There was ane severance of property owned by Clifford Bradfield.
— 2 —
SIXTEENTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting June 7, 1976.
ROAD SUPT. A letter was read re Norm Loucks' retirement date which also
stated he would be willing to work part time, if needed.
MOTION #3: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by G. Pace, that the Village of Port
Burwell accept, with regret, Norman Loucks' retirement date,
effective Friday, July 16, 1976 at 5 in, and that along with an
appropriate gift, the Clerk write a letter of appreciation for •
his 18 years of expert service in the Public Works Department for
the Village. CARRIED.
A review of Village Street Stop signs which are below height stan—
dards, was discussed. It was recommended that the Public Works
sweep the streets along the Boy Scout Parade route. The gear—
driven power mower proposed purchase, was discussed. Moving of
the pump house on the east beach to'the-Community Centre, was sug-
gested as a temporary outside building for use by the Scouts. Mrs.
Culbert's request to have her lots mowed was referred to private means.
OTHER BUSINESS: Sewers: The Reeve, in a telephone conversation with Mr. Timko learned
that they are still waiting for the report from London. Mr. Timko
gave a tentative unconfirmed estimate of two years for commencement of
sewer construction.
The Council discussed the last Government Study Meeting. Next Meeting
is scheduled in Straffordville June 17, 1976.
The three who planned to attend the OHRP Seminar had to cancel due to
unforeseen circumstances. T. Lama was unable to attend the Lake Erie
Fisheries Seminar but a mailed report will be forthcoming.
MILL-RATE: By—Law #298: Moved by A. Loucks, seoomded by G. Pace, that leave be granted to
introduce BY—LAW #298 to establish the rates and taxes for the year
1976, and to provide for the collection thereof with a millrate as follows:
Public Residential 112.653 Public Commercial 128.610
Separate Residential 114.127 Separate Commercial 130.231
The first instalment to be due on June 25, 1976 and the second to be due
on Sept. 15, 1976. The third instalment of water frontage becomes due
on Nov. 15, 1976. All discounts have been discontinued. Tax penalty of
1% is levied on the day after due dates and an additional 1% is levied
on the first day of each month. By—law read a first,second and third time.
OPP Rental Contract: Mr. McCammon had submitted a new contract for
renewal, with an added rider, "it is understood and agreed that the
owners will decorate the interior and the exterior of the premises on
or before Nov. 1, being the commencement of this lease". It was recom—
mended, due to the poor humidity in the OPP office, that an air-
conditioner should be added to the rider and a request made for a small
rental increase to cover the extra expense.
MOTION # 4: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that the Village purchase
two air conditioner units — one to be installed at the OPP office and
the other in the Municipal office of the Village. This is to be taken
care of by Councillor T. Lama. CARRIED.
CSCE: Canine Control: A letter was read from Mr. Davidson, re the Animals
for Research Act and the Clerk was directed to authorize M. Davidson
to collect this fee. In a letter from the Town of Aylmer, the Clerk
was to advise that two or three would attend a Seminar an local govern—
ment starting next Fall. Several other letters were read.
MOTION #5: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, "Now therefore the Council of
the Village of Port Burwell, accepts and makes Resolution of Para—
graphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the letter of May 8, 1976 from the Council of
the Township of Hope. CARRIED.
MOTION #6: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, that this Regular Council
Meeting be adjourned until the next Regular Meeting unless in case of
emergency a Special Meeting be called. Time 11:30 pm.AOF
X:74h., . 41116 . ihr• ..!1
-11, Clerk
- 3 -
SIXTEENTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting June 7, 1976, _ •.•
1. St. Thomas Sanitary Dec/75, Jan - Apr. 76 2200.61 265
2. Advance Container Dec/75 146.75 266
3. N. Loucks Wages May 3 - 7 156.52 267
' 14. K. Kirkpatrick " 146.01 268
5. G. Foster " 125.51 269
6. H. Brooks Fire Truck Licence 6.00 270
7. N. Loucks Wages May 10 - 14 160.80 271
8. K. Kirkpatrick II 146.01 272
9. G. Foster " 125.51 273
10. P.U.0 Hydro Accounts 322.92 274
11. J. Hayward Cleaning Mun. Office 8.00 275
-12. N. Loucks Wages May 17 - 21 - 160.80 276
13. N. Loucks May 24-28,lstat 3 vac. 1 reg. 160.80 277
14. K. Kirkpatrick Wages May 17 - 21 146.01 278
15. G. Foster u125.51 279
16. K. Kirkpatrick Wages May 24 - 28 146.01 280
17. G. Foster 125.51 281
18. N. Loucks Wages May 31-4th 3 Reg. 2 vac.16O.8O 282
19. K. Kirkpatrick . " 146.01 283
20. G. Foster " 125.51 284
21. Sterling Fuels Mun. 0. 75.88 FH 43.03 118.91 286
22. James S. Davidson Canine Control 160.00 287
23. Aylmer and Malahide Mun. 0. 29.92 FH 11.01 40.93 288
24. P.U.C. Hydro Accounts 363.42 289
25. Hurley's Gas Public Works 67.69 290
26. K. Kirkpatrick Wages June 7 - 11(4 vac.) 146.01 285
27. Mun. World Office Supplies 9.68 291
28. W.C.B. Mun. OPs. Firemen 645.99 292
29. George Caers Gas etc. 91.51 293
30. Riverside Construction ` Cold Mix 232.38 294
31. Sterling Fuels Oil (Road) 1059.20 295
32. Morley Wolfe RepaLrs 7.65 296
33. Long Point Reg. Auth. 5C Levy 412.50 297
34. East Elgin Planning Board 0% Levy 535.31 298
35. R. Bradfield - year stipend 250.00 299
36. K. Matthews " 200.00 300
37. T. Lama " 200.00 301
38. G. Pace t, 200.00 3C2
39. A. Loucks " 200.00 303
1. P.U.C. W/S Billing 51.82 263
2. Charles Bates Wages 154.80 262
1. Elgin County Reg. Office Lien - Collins 1.00 1538
2. G. Foster Mileage - St. Thomas Reg. 0. 8.70 1539
3. Minnie Vaughan & R. Butterwick 1826.09 1545
4. Minnie Vaughan & Hortons 1325.00 1546
NOTE: Transferred from General Account to Erosion Account
$3103.60 re cheque 80% Fed. Govt. Received Jan 30/76
deposited in General Account.
1. Erosion Account Owed Gen. Acct. 191.00 2293
(difference from $5500. allowed in 1975 budget
I and loan $5691.00 transferred from General to Eros.
Acct to pay bank loan off)
2. Transport Canada Water Lot Lease Fee 100.00 2294 •
. .
SEVENTEENTH MEETING Special Meeting June 28, 1976.
A Special Meeting was called by the Reeves on Monday, June 28, 1976 at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Reeve R, Bradfield A. Loucks T. Lama G. Pace
Absent: the Clerk.
MOTION # 1: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by G. Pace, that our legal advisor,
Mr. J. R. Farlow, be requested to issue a "writ" against the
business taxes (total amount) for Wilbert and Nellie Conrad
#001/218. CARRIED.
MOTION #2: Moved by G. Pace, seconded by T. Lama, that this council advise
Public Works Canada that the Village of Port Burwell is agreeable
and gives permission to have the materials dredged from Port
Burwell harbour, deposited in front of the entire shoreline,
starting at the east pier and moving easterly along the front of
the Village beach area but to exclude the area behind the Village
rubble wall. CARRIED.
Drainage: Mr. Farlow will be requested to attend our next regular council
meeting to discuss drainage.
Discussion took place on the Elgin County Local Government Study.
Discussion took place on the proposed agreement between St. Thomas
Sanitary Coll;•ction Service and the County of Elgin.
Purchase of a riding mower for Public Works was discussed and
tabled until the next meeting.
MOTION #3: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama; that this Special Meeting
be adjourned until next regular meeting unless a Special Meeting
needs to be called. TIME: 10:00 p.m. CARRIED.
EIGHTEENTH MEETING Special OHRP Meeting July 9, 1976.
A Special OHRP Meeting was called on July 9, 1976 at 2:00 p.m., in the Municipal
Office. There was not a quorum present.
PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, Chairman — OHRP Cmttee — T. Lama, the Clerk.
Applications were reviewed for the finalization of Phase II of the Program. The
following were approved to seek estimates and proceed with renovations&
Approx. Amount
1. Dorothy Brown — $1,0100.00
2. Mary Kiss — 3,000.00
3. Gordon Wilson — 1,200.00
4. Jack Sawyer — 1,000.00
PHASE III: The Resolution for request of the final $29,000. grant for PHASE III
was tabled until the Regular Council Meeting, July 12, 1976.
1110111 The following were approved for processing under Phase III after submission of the
grant request to •th,- Ministry of Housing:
1. BlancheKirkpatrick — $ 3,500.00
2. Murray Brady — 3,500.00
3. Mary Wilson — 2,500.00
4. Mona Robbins — 7,500.00
5. Ronald Vaughan — 4,000.00
6. Bessie Dorken — 2,500.00 (pending further investigation)
ADJC[JRNMEWr: The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
The Regular Council Meeting scheduled for July 5, 1976 was postponed to July 12,
1976, due to a conflicting meeting on the former date. The meeting was held in
the Municipal Office on Monday July 12, 1976, at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, A. Loucks K. Matthews Tony Lama
G. Pace the Clerk
Visitors:Dr. W. Freeman, Engineer of the Breakwater Project
J. Farlow, Q.C., Village Legal Advisor
M. Tessier, Tillsonburg News Reporter, and Norman Loucks.
BREAKWATER — Guaranteed Maintenance:
A letter from Logan Contracting Company was read. The Contractor
agreed to re—position the displaced stones in the Fall of 1976,
although they are not convinced that this is their responsibility.
In return they require a letter waiving further maintenance which
would terminate their warranty at that date, instead of Feb. 1977.
Dr. Freeman stated it was difficult for him, as the Engineer, to
say the Contractor is responsible, due to the severity of the Fall
1975 storm. He added, that there is no doubt the wall is working
well, but the Village should expect to do some ongoing maintenance.
Mr. Farlow and the Council felt that the storm was severe, but
emphasized that it was a "normal" type storm for this area. They
agreed that a maintenance program should be planned, but not until
after the Contract has expired.
Mr. Farlow advised Council, as follows:
1. To ask the Contractor to replace the stones as soon as possible
as per the Contract.
2. That Council decline acceptance of the waiver of further main—
• tenance prior to the Contract expiry date.
It was noted that photographs of the wall will be scheduled in
• January 1977 for proof of disrepair, before the Contract runs out.
Motion #1: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by A. Loucks; Resolved: that Council
re—confirm to the Engineer, the terms of the existing Contract con—
cerning the erosion control facilities and advise that Council spe—
cifically requests the Engineer to convey Council's wishes to the
Contractor involved. CARRIED.
DRAINAGE: Drainage in and around the Murray Alward, Fern Hill/Joyce Farlow
properties was discussed. Mr. Farlow recommended that Council con—
sider engaging a Drainage Engineer to conduct a preliminary examine—
tion, only, of the area. Council has authority through the Municipal
Act, the Drainage Act and the Local Improvement Act and must decide
which method to use. He further recommended that the owners be
referred to the Drainage Act, to petition Council, whereby cost for
a drain would be added to petitioning ratepayers' taxes under local
BUILDING PERMITS: There were 4 building permits totalling $10,800 value in May.
There were 2 building permits totalling 5,000 value and
five demolition permits in the month of June.
Motion #2: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that in accordance with
Section 352, Paragraph 65 of the Municipal Act, Norman Loucks be
paid half of a total of 45 sick time days which i3 22k- accumulated
days at $36.00 a day, equaling $810.00. These benefits were moti—
vated by By—law in March 1970 and cover the period March 1970 to
July 15, 1976. CARRIED.
Motion #3: Moved by G. Pace, seconded by T. Lama, that the minutes of the
16th Regular Council Meeting held June 7, 1976; the minutes of
the 17th Special Meeting held June-8, 1976, as amended, and the
minutes of the 18th Special OOP Me ing held July 9, 1976, be
approved as distributed to Council Members. CARRIED.
— 2 —
Motion #4: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that the General
Accounts on Voucher #7, from 1 to 56; . the Water Accounts on
Voucher #7, from 1 to 4; the O.H.R.P. Accounts on Voucher #5,
and theRecreational Account on Voucher #1, from 1 to 5, as
revised, be approved for payment. CARRIED. •
Reeve's Report: There was a brief discussion on the Government Study Meeting.
Harbour Dredging: The Reeve read a disappointing letter from
John Wise enclosing a letter from M.H..Moffatt, Small Craft Har—
bours, stating it is not reasonable for them to recommend dredging
of the harbour, due to the cost and small number of commercial
fishermen. In addition, "serious consideration would be given to
relocating our fishing craft to Port Dover or Port Stanley". The
Reeve stated that this Council will not give up, but will personally
pursue the matter to Ottawa, or by any other means, if necessary.
County Sanitation Proposed Agreement: This was reported on as to
each Municipality signing individual]y with St. Thomas Sanitary
Collection Services Limited, if adopted.
OHRP: Motion # 5: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by A. Loucks, that application
be made to the Ministry of Housing for the Ontario Home Renewal
Program's Grant of $29,000. (Phase III) for the fiscal year ending
March 31, 1977, for the purpose of making loans to owners of real
property used for residential purposes, to assist in the repair,
rehabilitation and improvement of dwelling units, pursuant to the
Housing Development Act and the Regulations subject to the limita—
tions thereof. CARRIED.
Motion #6:Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that we adopt the
residential standards as set forth in the Ontario Home Renewal
Program guide for Residential standards. CARRIED.
Fire Dept.: The Elgin Health Unit has asked the Fire Chief and the Building
Inspector to investigate the property on Pitt Street which they
feel is a health hazard and must be cleaned up.
Severances: K. Matthews reviewed Planning Board approved severances; M. Scanlan,
66' X 132' E/S Elizabeth Street and C. Bradfield, Erieus St. Tony
Lama's severance, appealed by O.M.B. was ruled in favour of 0.M.B.
with Land Division set aside.
Recreational Committee: A $200.00 donation received from Bayham Township Council,
was designated by them for summer recreation instead of Day Camp,
as they felt that Bayham people use the Ball Park and equipment. A
meeting to set up the committee will be scheduled as soon as it can
be coordinated with vacations of interested people.
Da Ca : K. Matthews reported that this seems to be successful with
40 — 60 registrations expected. A donation of $50. from Vienna
Council stipulated that this Day Camp donation could not be considered
an ongoing program for them.
Road 3upt's Report: A. Loucks read a letter re dump vehicle inspection.
Norman Loucks had been invited to attend the meeting. Alvin Loucks
presented him with a letter of appreciation for his 18 years of ser—
vice, a Bulova Watch and his accumulated Sick time cheque was pre—
sented by the Reeve. Coffee and cake was served, while the business
of the meeting continued.
NEW BUSINESS:Insurance Review: Policies due for review Aug. 1, 1976, are Fire Hall, 411°
Office contents and Auto Insurance. The 2 air conditioners and riding
lawn mower are to be added to equipment.
A letter from H. Brown re repairs to his car damaged by water valves on
the roadway, is to be referred to our Insurance Company.
P.U.C. : There was discussion of water charges re the Village paying
the Public Utilities to bill the water to Village properties, reimburse—
ment for same by cheque, and P.i : reimbursement in turn to the Village
Mai again.
than Camel] has in s met
— 3 —
• NINETEENTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting JULY 12, 1976.
Motion #7:Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that Council has
instructed the Clerk that the P.U.C. stop billing the Village for
Water being used in their behalf of the P.U.C. Office, Municipal
Office, Fire Hall and Garagethe O.P.P. Office, the Library, the
Memorial Park and the Community Centre — also to include the
Memorial Trailer Park. CARRIED.
Motion #8:Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by G. Pace, that the Village Council
engage a University Student to help with the work on the Parks
Maintenance at the regular Minimum wage of $2.65 per hour.
CORRESPONDENCE: Several letters of Correspondence were read;
1. Letter from the Town of Trenton =Tabled to Aug. Meeting
2. Letter from A.M.O. re review of Municipal Property Tax Reform.
3. . The Reeve commented that two letters had been sent_to the
Newspaper by Joe Thomas.
4. A letter was read from B. M. Cunningham re the Harbour.
Mction #9:Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that this Regular Coun—
cil Meeting be adjourned until the next Regular Meeting unless in
case of emergency a Special Meeting be called.
TIME: 12:15 a.m. July 13, 1976. CARRIED.
The August Regular Council Meeting will be held August 9, 1976, in lieu of Aug. 2,
due to Civic Holiday falling on that day.
MIN -111110111110011.11111L •
I .
- `f. -
Water accounts Voucher # 7 Amount Chao. #
1. Charles Bates W es 16 @ $4. Mileage 32 r¢? 150 68.80 265
Z. P.U.C. E/S Billing 83.18 266
3. Min. of Environment April 1208.27 + May 1326.15 2,534.42 267 •
4. T. Lama Water Installation - Cenotaph Park 38.50) 268
- Comm. Centre 148.00)
_ p.H.R.P. Accounts Voucher # 5
1 1. Mrs. Jean Vyse and Muhlbock Plumbing 1,850.00 1547
2. Mrs. K. Marr and R. Bradfield Backhoing 982.22 1548
3. " " and J. McErlean 150.00 1549
4. " " and Vienna Bldg. Products 720.91 1550
5. " " and Larry Underhill 100.00 1551
6. Mrs. Minnie Vaughan and Arthur Horton 745.00 1552
7. Mrs. K. Marr and Backus Lumber 725.29 1553
8. " " and Orval Kydd 1,800.00 1554
9. Village of Port Burwell - Admin Fee 10% Phase II 2,900.00 1555
10. Registry Office 4 liens At $1. each 4.00 1556
Marr, Vyse, Vaughan, Hayward
11. G. Foster - Mileage St. Thomas Registry Office 8.70 1557
12. Mrs. Minnie Vaughan and Kilgour and Cartwright Limited 1,600.00 1558
Recreational Accounts: Voucher #1 B9 m Balance
Opened new account July 9, 1976 Wages first week taken off Gen. Acct.
1. Brian Teall Day Camp 75.04 01
2. Susan Hughes II 75.04 02
3. Sandra Valk() II 77.36 03
4. Josie Geurtaens II 77.36 04
5. Julie Ratz It 77.36 05
- 5 -
NINEPEM TH MEETING Regular Council Meeting July 12, 1976
1. 4. Loucks Mileage - May Pi.W., 7.20 304
2. J4 Hayward -i- yr. Stipend - By-Law & Weed Officer 150.00 305
3. F. Waldeck Bldg. Insp. yr plus OHRP Commissions 103.34 306
4. J. Hayward 57 Dog Licences at $1. each 57.00 307
5. Rec. Gen. of Can. 500 X 80 stamps - tax mailing, returns 40.00 308
6. N. Loucks Wages - June 7 - 11 160.80 309
7. G. Foster " " 125.51 310
8. G. Foster Mileage - Springfield tax notices 6.30 311
9. Morley Wolfe Gas - Public Works 12.00 312
10. Rec. Gen. of Can. Employee Deductions 359.88 313
11. T. Lma Library Plumbing Installation 260.00 314
Cancelled 315
12. St. Thomas Sanitary Jan to May @ 171.22 Collection 856.10. 316
13. St. Thomas Sanitary May payment + 20.44 amendment T. S. 472.60 . 317
14. E. Matthews Bldg. Insp. Jan. 1 to Mar. 31 78.66 318
15. N. Loucks Wages June 14 to 18 160.80 319
16. K. Kirkpatrick It " 146.01 320
17. G. Foster " " 125.51 321
18. N. Loucks Wages June 21 to 25 160.80 322
19. K. Kirkpatrick It
146.01 323
20. G. Foster It
" 125.51 324
21. Elgin Cty Bd. of Ed. June 30 Levy 14,459.00 325
22. Elgin Cty Sep Sch. Bd. June 30 Levy 295.00 326
23. J. Foster TV 2 air conditioners Mun. 0. and OPP 492.20 327
24. W.Loucks Wages June 28 to July 2 160.80 328
25. K. Kirkpatrick It " 146.01 329
26. G. Foster It ft 125.51 330
27. Brian Teall Day Camp 80. plus mileage 13.50 93.50 331
28. Julie Ratz June 28 - July 2 80.+4.80 84.80 333
29. Sandra Valko II Il II 80.00 334
30. Josie Geurtjens 80.00 335
31. Susan Hughes " " VI
80.00 332
32. Aylmer & Malahide village tel. 29.54 - F.H. 11.17 40.71 336
33. N. Loucks 2 wks Vac. Pay at 180. 360.00 337
34. K. Kirkpatrick Wages July 5 - 9 146.01 338
35. G. Foster 125.51 339 340 - 345 canc.
36. Recreational Account Adjustments to Day Camp & Rec. Acct. 2,250.00 345
37. sal Aoosib 1B_30 346 cancelled
38. N � �Yieale's Jewelry Retirement Gift - N. Loucks 90.90 352
39. N. Loucks Sick Leave Accum. - = 22i A $36. 810.00 347
40. P.U.0 Accounts Hydro - 287.67 353
41. Rec. Gen. of Can. Jun± Employee deductions 348.18 348
42. St. Thomas Sanitary July Collection - Transfer Stn. 171.22 355
43. St. Thomas Sanitary July Collection 452.16 354
44. J. Davidson Canine Control - June 40.00 356
45. W. H. Cookson Fire Dept. C.B. Batteries 74.90 357
46. J. Farlow Legal Fees - Gheyson 35. Conrad 45. 80.00 358
47. Morley Wolfe Gas & Repairs - P:W. - June 95.30 359
48. Ont. Assoc. Fire Ch. Dues 1976 - Fire Hall 30.00 360
49. Bus. Computer Serv. Tax Billing 252.30 361
50. Port Burwell Hardware Public Works Supplies 65.72 362
51. Tillsonburg News Ads - Weeds - Display 23.52 363
52. Reg. Office Cdiveyances Apr. May 3.00 364
53. W. G. Webster Supplies 17.71 365
01110 54. Bennett Stationery 14.88 366
55. County of Elgin July 19 - Levy 5,874.56 367
56. Longpoint Reg. Auth. Balance of Levy - 412.50 368
A Special Recreational Committee Organizational Meeting :vac held in the
Municipal Office, an Monday, July 26, 1976, at 7:00 p.m.
,JRESENT: Charles Blythe Fred Waldeck Garry Milson4110
Hugh Brooks Gord Loucks Lorrene Neville
Reeve R. Bradfield, Councillors T. Lama and G. Pace,
and the Clerk—Treasurer.
CALL TO ( DER: The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. The Reeve
outlined the duties of Executive and Committee Members.
CHAIRMAN: Moved by G. Loucks, seconded by H. Brooks that Fred Waldeck
be nominated as Chairman of the Recreational Committee.
Moved by C. Blythe, seconded by T. Lama that nominations be
TREASURER: Moved by F. Waldeck, seconded by T. Lama, that Lorrene Neville
be nominated as Treasurer of the Recreational Committee.
L. Neville declined.
Moved by T. Lama, seconded by G. Loucks, that Hugh Brooks be
appointed Treasurer of the Recreational Committee, and that
nominations be closed.
SECRETARY: Moved by L. Neville that G. Loucks be nominated Secretary of
the Recreational Committee. G. Loucks declined.
Moved by T. Lama, that C. Blythe be nominated Secretary of
the Recreational Committee. C. Blythe declined.
Moved by G. Pace, seconded by G. Loucks that Garry Wilson be
appointed as Secretary of the Recreational Committee and that
nominations be closed.
F. Waldeck, Chairman of the Recreational Committee, assumed the
SPORTS COMMITTEE: Moved by F. Waldeck, seconded by L. Neville, that Gord Loucks
be appointed Chairman of the Sports Committee.
PARKS COMMITTEE: Moved by F. Waldeck, seconded by G. Pace, that T. Lama be
appointed Chairman of the Parks Committee.
Moved by F. Waldeck, seconded by T. Lama, that L. Neville be
appointed Secretary of the Parks Committee.
COUNCILLORS: Councillors K. Matthews and G. Pace were named as members of
the Recreational Committee (along with T. Lama) to correspond
to their elected offices.
VACANCY: The committee consists of (9) memlers. There is one vacancy.
- 2 -
The previously named, now form the Recreational Committee, hereinafter
referred to as the "BOARD".
The term of appointments of non-council members will be confirmed and
resolved at the August 9, 1976 Council Meeting.
A copy of By-Law 299, with terms of reference for the Comrd.ttee and for
guidance, is attached to the minutes.
Mr. Reid, of the Ministry of Culture and Recreation, London Branch, will
attend the first meeting to give advice and assistance and will answer
any pertinent questions.
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
SECRETARY - Recreational Committee
1111i. - ' L _Z 'e- f
C • II`1 • - Recreational Committee
APPROVED: August 9, 1976.
The Regular Council Meeting was held on Monday, August 9, 1976, at 7:30 p.m. in
the Municipal Office.
PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield A. Loucks K. Matthews T. Lama
the Clerk
Visitors: S. Horton, J. Farlow, J. Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. J. Robbins
VILLAGE BUSINESS: Steve Horton attended to discuss his views on Council's By-
law #297 an addendum to By-law #48 on the keeping of reptiles)
He described his two 6 to 7' long boa constrictors, as exotic
pets and stated he had a petition signed by 80 persons backing
his right to keep the snakes. The Reeve requested an apology
from Mr. Horton as to derogatory remarks he had made. No apology
was given. The matter was tabled to later in the meeting.
Joseph Thomas introduced Mr. and Mrs. J. Robbins, prospective
purchasers of his trailer camp. Mr. Robbins outlined his plans
for expansion of the Camp, while retaining the same quiet,
family type atmosphere that prevails under Mr. Thomas' owner-
ship. Further outlining his desire to fill in the gully,with a
large sewer pipe installed, Council explained the role of the
East Elgin Planning Board and requested Mr. Robbins prepare a
sketch to submit to the next Planning Board Meeting in September.
MOTION #1: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that the minutes of the
19th Regular Council Meeting held July 12, 1976; the minutes of
the 20th Organizational Meeting of the Recreational Committee,
held July 26, 1976 be approved as circulated to Council members
and Recreational Committee members. CARRIED.
MOTION #2: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by A. Loucks, that the following
accounts be approved: General Accounts on Voucher #8, 1 to 42;
Water Accounts on Voucher #8, 1 to 4; OHRP Accounts on Voucher
#6, 1 and 2, Recreational Committee Accounts an Voucher #2, 1
and Day Camp Accounts on Voucher #0000, 1 to 19. CARRIED.
BUILDING PERMITS: There were 10 building permits and one demolition permit. Value "
of building was $36,010.00. The Building Inspector had submitted
a report suggesting that Mrs. Betty Fisher be written requesting
the removal of the old building on her Chatham St. lot, within
the next 30 days, if possible.
Insurance Review: The meeting with Hamilton, Ward and Cathers was tabled to a new
meeting date, to be set up with Mr. D. B1aok.
MOTION #3: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that the Corporation
of the Village of Port Burwell accept and pass Resolution drawn
up on the 21st day of June 1976, of the Municipality of the Town
of Trenton and that resolution be forwarded to the Federal and
Provincial Attorneys General, the Local member of Parliament
and members of the Legislative Assembly. CARRIED.
Reeve's Report: R. Bradfield reported on the meeting with Small Craft Harbours,
Public Works London, J. Wise, M.P., Elgin Erosion Committee,
and Council. He also reported on the last Fisherman's Associa-
tion meeting and their next regular Meeting on September 7, 1976
with the above people attending. The Reeve stated that the Con-
sumer's Gas Company, had been planning to purchase the property
on the West Side of the Harbour from Valley Camp. However, they
had been told by Federal authorities that If they bought it, it
would just be expropriated by them. It is now being sold to the
Dept. of Justice. The Clerk was advised that Ministry of Natural
Resources is the purchaser. -A letter of enquiry into this has
been sent to Consumer's Gas Company. A letter was also sent to
C.P.R.'s Marathon Realty re sale of their Harbour properties, as
the Village must investigate the reasons for Federal purchase of
so much of the Harbour lands. At a Chamber of Commerce meeting
— 2 —
in Tillsonburg, the Reeve was informed that they would try to
do all they could to help get the Harbour dredged. The Reeve
requested Council to set up a recapitulation meeting of all
harbour material. The date was set for August 13, at 1:30 p.m.
Fire Hall: No report.
OHRP Committee: T. Lama reviewed two accounts re K. Marr and J. Vyse. These were
not approved for payment as they were not related to their
initial loans. Mrs. Vyse was already over budget by $138.00 and
Mr. Marr's was for tools, drapery rods, etc. The next OHRP •
meeting has been scheduled for August 27, 1976 (Friday) at 2:30
p.m. with Miss Sally Hanson of Toronto, attending.
Recreational Cmtee: Committee remuneration is to be discussed after the Aug. 16
Recreational Committee Meeting.
MOTION #4: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that this Council
appoint the said Recreational Committee as set out in the July
26th Organizational Meeting. Tenn of office will be as set out
for Council Members:— The Committee is as follows:
F. Waldeck, Chairman Sub Cmtee Members:
H. Brooks, Treasurer Sports Cmtee: G. Loucks, Ctmui.
G. Wilson, Secretary Parks Cmtee: T. Lama, Cham.
L. Neville, Secty
Councillors: T. Lama, G. Pace, K. Matthews.
(Lion's Club Representative — G. Wilson) CARRIED.
Discussion took place on the Memorial Park Water Meter and the tap
installed in Cenotaph Park. The Water Meter matter was tabled until
the next meeting. The tap, which had been removed by the Water
Superintendent is to be replaced. Though aware of some abuse of the
privilege of the tap, Council felt for the short time involved, the
Village should have drinking water available in that area.
K. Matthews felt that the Day Camp had been successful. There had
been one or two minor complaints from parents. The Clerk was
advised to have the 5 Day Camp Cousellors attend the August 16,
meeting, to give a report.
Erosion Cmtee: K. Matthews read a letter from Dr. Freeman to the Contractor. This
matter will be placed on the September meeting agenda.
Severances: Approval was received for M. Scanlan's property severance. A letter
from the Ministry of Housing was read re our Community Planning Study
Grant 5C of which was received in 1975. They have requested a pro—
gress report. A report an Straffordville's passing of their Zoning
By—Law, was given. Meetings will be set up, to go over our own Zoning
by—laws, in the near future.
Road Superintendent:A. Loucks read a letter re $5,050.00 road subsidy. This has been
MOTION #5: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that Kenneth Kirkpatrick
be paid an extra 10¢ an hour beginning July 19, 1976. CARRIED.
Legal Issues: Mr. Farlow discussed with.Council the Reptile By—law, giving his
opinion and stating that Council has a duty to the Community to
protect them no matter how much a pet lover loves his snakes.
Mr. Farlow asked for further direction re the Lakeside Hotel owners.
A copy of the Woodstock by—law on minimum standards for clean—up
of properties, was left with the Clerk for scrutiny.
MOTION #4: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that By—law #297, as an
addendum to By—law #48, stand as is. It was recorded that A.
Loucks voted"nay" on this resolution. CARRIED.
CORRESPONDENCE: Several letters were read including a letter from Mr. N. Wright; a
Ministry of Natural Resource-S--letter; A letter from the Census Dept.
which is in disagreement with bur 1976 Grant populatio ,figure, . a
letter from the Ontario Plumbing Inspectors Association; a letter
from the Town of Exeter which was filed, and a letter from Bishop
Hughes. * letter from St. Thomas Sanitary advised of extra charges
amounting to $10.80 for use of the Transfer Station.
- 3 -
TWENTY--FIRST COUNCIL MEETING Regular Council Meeting AUGUST 9, 1916,
Lottery Licence: A licence to hold a Lionnette`s Raffle was approved.
Ey-Law Re Vendors: Council was asked to review this matter for the next meeting.
Library: The roof on the Library building is still leaking.
P.U.C. Truck Loan: The final payment for the truck loan had been received.
Motor bikes: A. Loucks cautioned youngsters re riding on sidewalks and danger
to the older citizens.
O.P.P. Office: Ceilings in the O.P.P. office have been painted by J. Hayward and
_ _ K. Kirkpatrick. Carpentry changes in the Counter were made by E.
Matthews. A Loucks requested that Ed be paid for this work prior
to the next meeting.
Industry: The Reeve reported on a Company interested in acquiring C.P.R.
land to start up a Calcium, Chloride and Potassium Sulphate indus-
try for Fertilizer manufacture.
Xerox:_ A proposal of trial offer of two months of a Xerox machine was con-
sidered as practical although the top-loading type was suggested as
a more efficient model to try.
ADJOURNMENT: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that this Regular Council
Meeting be adjourned until next regular meeting unless a special
meeting needs to be called. TIME 11:55 p.m. CARRIED.
C 7 ._..,-,_./ _"7�.
. .r+. i'7 ? •`i I
/ Reeve
1. Elgin County Reg. Office St. Gelais Registration-recoverable 8.00 350
2. " " " G. Foster - Mileage-recoverable 8.70 351
3. County of Elgin add'l } to equal levy 5,900.00 369
4. K. Kirkpatrick Wages - July 12-16 146.01 370
5. G. Foster " It 125.51 371
6. Min. of Environment F & C Collections - 1975 - 4 mos. 7,832.82 372
7. A. Loucks Mileage - P.W. - June 7.20 373
8. Rec. Gen. of Can. Stamps 200 X8,100 X1,100 X6 - 23.00 374
9. Davis Electric John Deere Tractor - P.W. 2,739.20 375
10, K. Kirkpatrick Wages - July 19 - 23 146.01 376
11. G. Foster It " 125.51 377
12. N. Hughes Wages July 19 - 23 P.W. (Parks) 102.60 378
13. J. Hayward Cleaning Office 8.00 379
14. MacDougall Carnwath Refund re V. Coulter Taxes 5.19 380
15, F. Stephenson Bathroom, cleaning supplies 9.70 381
16. K. Kirkpatrick Wages July 26 - 30 - P.W. 146.01 382
17. N. Hughes " " - parks 102.60 383
18. G. Foster " " 125.51 384
19. B. Teall 4% Vac Pay - Day Camp 16.00 385
20. S. Hughes It
" 16.00 386
21. S. Valko " It 16.00 387
22. J. Ratz II ii16,00 388
23. J. Geurtjens " " 16.00 389
24. N. Hughes Terminated - July 13 - 16 Wages plus 72.70 390
4% Vac. Pay
- 4 -
25. J. A. McBain Sheriff St. Gelais Reg. - recoverable .75 391
26. Sheriff's Office G. Foster Mileage-recoverable 8.70 392
27. K. Kirkpatrick Wages Aug. 2 - 6 146.01 393
1111111 28. G. Foster125.51. 394
9. Aylmer & Malahide Mug. Off. 51.11 F.H. 10.70 61.81 395
30. Municipal World Dog Notices, supplies 32.40 396
31. J. Davidson Canine Control 50.00 397
32. Forest City Copiers Photocopy supplies 79.55 398
33. Elgin County Reg. Off. Conveyances - June 1.80 399
34. Morley Wolfe Gas and Repairs - P.W. 57.72 400
35. Bennett Stationery Office Supplies 7.33 401 _
36. Drake Robinson Vicary Saw Chain - P.W. - 13.75 402
37. St. Thomas Sanitary July Collection - Transfer stn. 171.22 406
38. St. Thomas Sanitary July Collection 452.16 405
39. Rec. Gen. of Canada Emp. Deductions(369.85 + 114. ) 483.85 410
40. A. Loucks Mil. July (Reg. and Day camp) 7.20 404
41. P.U.C. Hydro - July 268.23 403
42. Pt. Burwell Hardware OPP and P.W. Supplies 123.32 411
1. Jack Hayward and Vienna Bldg. Supplies 314.97 1559
2. " " II 166.22 1560
1. C. Bates Wages July 18 @ $4. Mil. 36X15 77.40 269
2. P.U.C. W/S Billing July 50.50 270
3. Min. of Environment June Water Supply 1,963.97 271
4. Pt. Burwell Hardware Water supplies 19.55 272
1. Lewis Bus Lines Trip to London 60.00 7
2. B. Teall Wages July 11 to 16 less'ded. 77.52 12
3. S. Hughes " " 77.52 13
4. S. Valko " " 78.84 14
5. J. Ratz " " 78.84 15
6. J. Geurtjens " 78.84 16
7. B. Teall Wages July 19 - 23 77.52 17
8. S. Hughes " - " 77.52 18
9. S. Valko " 78.84 19
10. J. Ratz " " 78.84 20
11. J. Geurtjens " " 78.84 21
12. B. Teall Wages July 25 -a 30 77.52 22
13. S. Hughes " " 77.52 23 24/ 25 canc.
14. S. .Valko " t, 78.84 27
15. J. Ratz " " 78.84 28
16. J. Geurtjens " " 78.84 26
17. Lewis Bus Lines Trip to Toronto 95.00 Rec. Acct. #10
18. F. Stephenson - Day Camp Supplies 52.61 29
19. Hogarth Insurance Liability 42.00 (Hold)
Bank Balance should be $52.15 for Recreational Committee to take over this
Account. There is an account for $106.02 owing to Port Burwell Hardware for
Ball park supplies.
•TWENTY-SECOND SPECIAL MEETING Harbour Dredging — Planning AUGUST 13, 1976
A Special Meeting was called by the Reeve on Friday, August 13, 1976 at 1:30 p.m.
The meeting was called to discuss and recapitulate Harbour Dredging material and to
set up ways and means to deal with the problem. Other business was dealt with first. •
PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield K. Matthews T. Lama
A. Loucks the Clerk
111/1 CALL TO ORDER: 2:00 p.m.
MOTION #1: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by A. Loucks, that the Council of the
Village of Port Burwell authorize the signing of a RENTAL LEASE
AGREEMENT with the Ministry of Government Services (Legal Branch)
re the ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE Office situated on the West Side
of Erieus Street in the Village of Port Burwell. The Term of the
Lease Renewal commences on November 1, 1976 at an annual rental of
$1,320.00, payable at $110.00 on the 1st day of each month for a
period of Two (2) years. CARRIED.
MOTION #2: Moved by K. Matthewsseconded by T. Lama, that By—Law #299, which
authorizes the carrying out of a Program of Recreation, be amended
under Section 11, as follows: "ALL BOOKS AND ACCOUNTS OF THE SAID
MOTION #3: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by K. Matthews, that the Council of the
Village of Port Burwell agree with and endorse the Resolution of
the VILLAGE OF PORT STANLEY of 9th August, 1976 and authorize the
Clerk to send copies to the Minister of Housing, Mr. Ron McNeil, MLA,
for Elgin County, and J.F. Brown, Community Renewal Branch, Toronto.
GARBAGE CONTRACT:The Clerk advised that monthly cheques were sent individually for
collection and transfer station. The D.B.S. increase is still
on the billings. The last cheque for transfer station was applied
by them to collection. Council advised the Clerk to re—emphasize
the letter sent to St. Thomas Sanitary requesting the D.B.S. increase
be removed from the billing and that unless proved legally, this
D.B.S. increase would not be paid.
LAKESIDE HOTEL: Mr. Conrad advised he would pay $800.00 a month for three months
until the business tax arrears were paid in full.
CORRESPONDENCE: A letter from the Minister of Fisheries — Romeo LeBlancwritten to
Mr. Leverton, Dep. Clerk Treasurer of the County of Elgin, was read.
It states, he is"not prepared to consider maintenance dredging at
Port Burwell every year or two. Alternatives will definitely have to
be examined if costs for the dredging are out of proportion to the
minimal fishing activity here."
A letter from the Corporation of the City of Hamilton was read,
inviting a representative from this Council to attend Joint meetings
for planning and development of Harbours with Federal Port facilities.
HARBOUR DREDGING: The Reeve has received estimates from a company for costs on Harbour
Dredging. These were outlined and the matter was discussed in detail.
Suggestions were received for the Harbour Situation:
1. If the Government would give the Village the $100,000. allocated
for Harbour Dredging, a pontoon type dredge could be built for annual
dredging through Village operation.
2. A marina near the mouth of the Otter, or if Small Craft Harbours
preferred, in the East Beach area, could be developed by Village
labour and equipment.
3. Boat ramp for launching and locations for same were reviewed.
TWENTY-SECOND SPECIAL MEETING Harbour Dredging - Planning AUGUST 13, 1976.
11111/1 4. C.P.R. lands were discussed.
5. Flooding Long Point Regional Authority Meeting Minutes were
reviewed. Regarding the building of a Dam, the minutes stated
that Vienna Council should apply to Small Craft Harbours for
Federal assistance and seek endorsement from Port Burwell and
Bayham Township Councils.
6. The Clerk was asked to set up a meeting with Mr. Cook or Mr.
George of Ministry of Tourism, in London, for next Friday at
2:00 p.m. if convenient for them. This date was tentative
until confirmed.
MOJTION #4: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by A. Loucks, that this Special
Council Meeting be adjourned. TIME: 4:30 p.m. CARRIED.
if /4104_
TWENTY - THIRD SPECIAL MEETING Harbour Planning Meeting AUGUST 18, 1976.
A meeting was scheduled with Mr. Cook and Mr. George of the Ministry of Tourism, for
1:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 18, 1976.
PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield A. Loucks T. Lama the Clerk
Also present: Mr. J. Cook, Mr. C. George, Min. of Tourism, London.
CALL TO ORDER: 1:30 p.m.
Discussion took place on all phases of Harbour Dredging and Wharf and Marina develop-
ment. There was considerable exchange of information. The Tourism people advised of
Grants, as follows: Boat-Loading Dock - Tourism Wharf Program - approx. $15,000.00;
Marina - Small Craft Harbours Grant - approx 15,000.00. Great Lakes Access Program
through Mini the n of Natural Resources - Frank Maher - Sports Fisheries Branch. was mentioned.
ounc outlined plans to propose an alternative to the Government re Harbour Dredging;
to be willing to become a Recreational Port if necessary for progress. A "Brief",
hopefully presented by J. Wise, M.P. to Small Craft Harbours, will request that half of
the $400,000. estimated cost, be given to the Village, in a once for all deal for dredging.
The Village would then obtain the necessary equipment, hire two local men as operators,
and maintain dredging themselves. The "Brief" will further note that the Village would
not need further Federal Dredging monies as it would be self-sustaining.
In addition, the "Brief" on all phases of Harbour development, will be distributed to
Ron McNeil, MLA., as Provincial benefit also will be noted therein. Copies will also
be given to the Elgin County Erosion Committee and Council. A copy will be on file in
the Municipal Office.
The visitors felt the Council had a very effective proposal and agreed Port Burwell
merited further expansion of a "natural" Lake Erie Port.
MOTION #1: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that this Harbour Planning
Meeting be adjourned until the next regular meeting, unless a
1111111 Special Meeting be called. TIME: 3:25 p.m. CARRIED.
1 ,
i �, i kg;
PRESENT: Reeve. R. Bradfield, A. Loucks, K. Matthews, T. Lama,
F. Waldeck, Building Inspector, the Clerk.
Visitors: Miss Sally Hannon and an Assistant, Ministry of Housing.
The Meeting was called to order at 2:15 p.m. The Village O.H.R.P. Program was reviewed.
Miss Hannon reported that the program may possibly be carried on beyond the three year
period, depending on Government Budget restraints. The Ministry will know for certain
within the next few months. She advised that the Village's Phase III cheque for $29,000.
should be forthcoming this month.
The Building Inspector reported no problems in his area) but enquired re definite reasons
for turning down an applicant for a loan. Three reasons, only, were given:
--1. House beyond repair.
2. High risk person re payback of loan.
3. Clear title to property required.
Miss Hannon advised further, that the Building Inspector is responsible if a house is not
brought up to proper standards.
Council thanked the two young ladies for their visit and F. Waldeck retired from the meet-
ing also.
Adjourned 3:00 p.m. Council reconvened for a Harbour Development and General Meeting./
Copies of the proposed "Brief", which Mr. John Wise, M.P. Elgin County, would be asked to
present to Mr. Moffatt at the Elgin Fisherman's Meeting, Sept. 7th, were distributed to
Council Members. The "Proposal" was reviewed. Councillors Matthews and Lama offered to
draw up a sketch of the Harbour area for further clarification for development of the
Harbour as outlined in the "Brief". A letter re Federal Sales Tax exemption on the "Mud-
cat" was read, indicating that this equipment would be exempt from same.
L.I.P.: Ways and means of using the L.I.P. Program for the Port Burwell Development Pro-
gram, were suggested as follows: Street Signs; Skating Rink; Re-building of the
East Beach area; Lighthouse repair - inside steps replaced - outside siding re-
nailed; Bank repair behind the Trailer Park - two steps needed; Harbour repair.
Elections: A Seminar sponsored by the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental
Affairs, is scheduled for Sept. 9, 1976. The Clerk will attend. Council advised
the Clerk of names of one or two Assistants for the election period.
Fogger: The Reeve reported on spraying of Catch Basins re Mosquito larva for encephalitis
control. He advised of the price of a Fogger at $425.00 and Council agreed this
should be purchased for Village control of same.
Public Works: In reviewing road work in the Village, it was felt that it would be advisable
to hire another man to replace Norman Loucks. The Clerk was asked to place notices
of vacancy in Village areas re applications being accepted at the Municipal Office.
Motion #1: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that this Special Harbour-Council
Meeting and also the O.H.R.P. meeting be adjourned until the next regular meeting
unless another Special Meeting needs to be called. TIME 4:25 p.m. CARRIED.
eAAsee/oz1/4 )C2141,41
25TH MEETING — Addendum to Harbour Minutes Sept. 6, 1976.
Aw4 2'
"Briefs" distributed to Council Members at the above Council Meeting were taken home fcr
review. Signatures of all Council Members for approval of the following resolution were
secured-on Sept. 6, 1976.
Motion # A — 1: Moved by George Pace, seconded by T. lama, that the Council of the
Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, submit a request to John
Wise, M.P., Elgin County, to present a "Brief" and "proposal" to Mr.
M. H. Moffatt, Regional Manager, Small Craft Harbours Branch, Environ—
ment Canada, at the Elgin Fisherman's Association Meeting, on Sett. 7,
1976 at 7:30 p.m., in the Port Burwell Fire Hall.
Said "Brief" is to contain facts and figures relating to Village pro—
posed purchase of a "Mudcat" Dredge, whereby with financial assistance
from the Federal Government for same, the Village of Port Burwell would
be enabled to hire two local men as operators of the dredge; the
Village thereby, being responsible for keeping the Harbour dredged
annually, with this piece of equipment.
A copy of the "offer", containing financial facts and figures, is
attached to this resolution.
("Briefs" distributed to Council Members at above Harbour Meeting, for
Brief approved by all Council Members: Sept. 6, 1976. MOTION CARRIED.
26TH MEETING SE'P. 7, 1976
Burwell, at 7:30 p.m., on Tuesday, September 7, 1976.
PRESENT: CHAIRMAN Larry Martin, President, Elgin Fishermen's Associ4tion
John Wise, M.P. Elgin County - r
Ronald McNeil, M.P.P. Elgin County
M. Moffatt, Environment Canada, Small Craft Harboure)Branch 1111/
R. Seawright and Woodie Wurts, Public Works Canada
R. Bradfield, Reeve, Village of Port Burwell
M. Schafer, Warden, Elgin County
R. Moore, County Engineer and Road Superintendent
Gary Austen, Ministry of Natural Resources
R. Farlow, Village Solicitor
Councillors: T. Lama, K. Matthews, A. Loucks and the Glerk Treasurer
Fishermen: F. Williams, John and Jim Warren, Phil Vaughan, Sam Moore,
R. Payne, B. Foote, A. Douglas, B. Miller, J. Varey.
Boat Builder: R. Hurley
The Chairman, Larry Martin, asked Reeve Bradfield to state his views re
dredging of the Harbour. The Reeve reviewed events since the meeting with Small Craft
Harbours, J. Wise, Elgin County Council's Erosion Control Committee, R. Seawright and
Port Burwell Council, on July 27th, in the Municipal Office. He stated that ways and
means had been sought by Council to promote growth and development of the Village,
which could only be done by having the Harbour dredged. At the same time, the Village
wishes to retain the fishermen. He added that the Council had requested Mr. John Wise,
to present a "proposal" on behalf of Council, at this meeting.
Mr. Wise recapitulated all past efforts taken to try to persuade Small Craft
Harbours to dredge Port Burwell Harbour. He reviewed financial reasons for the Govern—
ment's refusal to do so. In a persuasive, but persistent manner, Mr. Wise stated it is
Small Craft Harbour's responsibility to assist the Village in economic growth, adding
that they have a moral obligation to this area.
Mr. Moffatt concurred with Mr. Wise's statment, adding that the Government has
a moral responsibility to all small craft harbours in support of the fishermen, areas of
recreation and marinas, however, he added, what financial monies are "put in by the
Government, they expect to get out again". In Port Burwell, fishing only, is involved.
- He stated that fishing simply does not pay in Port Burwell. Additionally, his agency saw
the need for dredging in Port Burwell, but also saw that the costs had doubled and that the
walls of the Harbour are in very bad shape. Therefore, it was not felt they could come up
with a solution to Port Burwell's dredging problem, other than the alternatives proposed
at the July 27th meeting with Council and other representatives. Briefly, the three
alternatives consisted of:
a) construction of a diversionary, low level sheet steel pile wall across the
Big Otter Creek near the old C.P.R. loading ramp, at an estimated cost of
b) similar proposal to "a" with estimated cost of $750,000.
c) construction of a new basin on the west side of the harbour, at an estimated
cost of $1,100,000.
Small Craft Harbours felt if the Fishermen would not accept alternatives given
then their only other option would be to develop Port Bruce, at a lower cost than dredging
Port Burwell. In view of Dofasco's eventual development of docks, a recreational facility
nearby seemed the best solution, rather than sinking more and more funds into dredging Port
Burwell. Mr. Moffatt stated that the Government would rather develop a recreational area,
with a marina, etc., as it feels they receive their moeny back on the initial investment.
In summation, Mr. Moffatt felt that development of the Otter Creek would alleviate
the silting problem, here, but this would still cost a lot of money and would involve the
Provincial aspect of expenditure.
Mr. Moffatt stated that there was no basis for dredging Port Burwell on facts
already discussed. He felt if the Fishermen could not accept the alternatives presented,
then he could see no other, except to close the Harbour down completely. Finally, he
had to make a recommendation to the Minister of Fisheries on Port Burwell and whatever was
decided here tonight would be presented to Mr. LeBlanc, as final.
26TH MEETING Elgin Fishermen's Association Meeting SEPT. 7, 1976 .`.„
There was a question and answer period with fishermen posing their con—
cerns to Mr. Moffatt. The Village boat builder enquired as to his lifetime busi—
ness becoming worthless under such an outcome, as did the fish retail outlet
owner. The Fishermen emphasized the fact they would not accept the alternatives
offered, especially having to dock just inside the harbour instead of present
The Federal representative, Mr. Moffatt, suggested Provincial possibili—
ties of assistance. Mr. Ron McNeil, M.P.P. as Provincial representative, stated
the Harbour is Federal responsibility and it is their obligation to keep the Har—
bour open. In an interplay of words from all facets at the meeting, the problem
was not resolved.
Mr. Wise stated, that at that point, he felt Council's "proposal" should be
posed in an effort to find the solution.
BRIEF: (A copy is on file in the Municipal Office.)
Mr. Wise read the "offer" which, in effect, requested $200,000.00 from the
Federal Government so that the Village could purchase a "Mudcat" dredge at approxi—
mately $100,000. dredging the Harbour themselves, with local labour, developing the
Harbour, repairing harbour walls, building docks and creating a marina, with the
balance of the funds requested. This could mean the Village would become a Recrea—
tional area. Three phases of development were outlined by Mr. Wise.
Council has evolved organizational means for this development, using all
local labour and equipment at cheaper costs than Government estimates.
Mr. Moffatt stated that this "proposal" has shed a new light on the situa—
tion and that first he would have to study the "Brief". The one obstacle to what
might be the answer to the dredging problem, was that there seemed to be no govern—
ment provision for such a grant to the Village, to purchase the "Mudcat". The Reeve
stated that the Villagers definitely could not bear the costs as they were already
Mr. Moffatt agreed to study the proposal and inform the Village of the results.
ADJOURNMENT: The Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
27TH COUNCIL MEETING Regular Council Meeting SEPT. 13, 1976.
The Regular Council Meeting was held on Monday, September 13, 1976, due to the Labour
Day Holiday on September 6th, in the Municipal Office at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield A. Loucks K. Matthews T. Lama G. Pace
.Visitors: Sheila Johnson, Tills. News, Mr. and Mrs. Robbins,
Mr. D. Black, Insurance Agent, Mr. and Mrs. Art Scanlan, Mr. T. Innall
Insurance Review: Mr. Black of Hamilton, Ward and Cathers, reviewed policies indivi-
dually. Two areas required additional investigation - raising the dis-
ability benefits and raising of burglary limit from $1000. to $2000.
during tax months. -
Mr. Robbins: Mr. Robbins had presented a plan of extension of his Trailer Park, which
he was advised to present before the Sept. 28th East Elgin Planning Board
Meeting, in Straffordville Town Hall. He was also advised to contact the
Health Inspector. A letter from J. Thomas, supported Mr. Robbins in his
endeavour to enlarge the area. Mr. and Mrs. Art Scanlan and Mr. Thomas
Innall., attended Council Meeting to oppose any proposed extension of this
Trailer Park. They were advised that their opposed views also should be
referred to the Planning Board Meeting.
MOTION #1: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by A. Loucks, that the following minutes be
approved as distributed to Council Members: 21st Regular Council Meeting,
held August 9, 1976; 22nd Special Harbour Meeting held August 13, 1976;
23rd Special Harbour Planning Meeting held August 18, 1976. CARRIED.
Minutes of the 24th, 25th and 26th Meetings were tabled for approval at
the next Council Meeting.
MOTION #2: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that the following accounts be
approved for payment: General Accounts on Voucher #9, from 1 to 41
Water Accounts on Voucher #9, from 1 to 4 and OHRP Accounts on Voucher #7,
from 1 to 4. CARRIED.
Reptile By-Law: The Reeve advised that 0.P.P. Officer Hickey was looking after the
charge of violation of the By-Law. Notice of prosecution had been sent to
S. Horton, giving him reasonable notice of intent, enclosing certified
copies of the By-Laws.
Fogger: The St. Thomas- Elgin Health Unit had advised the Reeve that if the Munici-
pality purchased a Mosquito Control Fogger, the Unit would supply the
MOTION #3: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by G. Pace, that the Village of Port Burwell
purchase a "FOGGER" at $459.57, to be used to spray Mosquito Larvae for
control of encephalitis. CARRIED.
MOTION #4: Moved by G. Pace, seconded by T. Lama, that the Clerk be authorized to send
flowers to Mr. Charlie Bates, in hospital. CARRIED.
MOTION #5: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that the Village have a Xerox
Copier on trial for 60 days. CARRIED.
Mrs. Betty Fisher: A letter was received from Mrs. Fisher giving permission to have the
Village demolish the box trailer on her Chatham Street property, at no
expense to herself.
Garbage: Mr. McCaig telephoned to say he would prosecute to collect the Village DBS
increase, if necessary. A further billing of $183.60 over the regular
Transfer Station payment for August, has been received, for being over the
89 containers allowed. There was further discussion on this matter and the
Clerk was to contact Bayham Township office for further details of the trans-
fer station usage.
L•I•P.: The Village has submitted a LIP grant request for the Port Burwell Re-
development Program - 4 men from Jan. 1, 1977 to July 2, 1977 - to complete
proposed projects for up-dating of Centennial and Ball Park and the east
beach areas, 2 skating rinks; painting of the Anglican Parish Hall; nailing
of siding on the Lighthouse and inside stairway repairs; street signs'pre-
pared and erected, and repairs to harbour pilings.
A copy of a letter to Mr. Wise advised of support by Small Craft Harbours
Branch, in connection with Harbour repair materials under the LIP program.
27TH COUNCIL MEETING Regular Council Meeting September 13, 1976
Elections: The Clerk advised Council of the Election Seminar and of advice there to
secure a District Returning Officer and a Poll Clerk for the up-coming
elections. The expense of election was also discussed.
BUILDING PERMITS: There were six building permits issued for the month of August,
totalling $12,950.00 building value.
Reeve's Report: The Reeve reported on receipt of materials from Mr. J. Lancaster re
C.P.R. properties in the Harbour area.
Recreational Committee: Remuneration of the Committee was discussed and tabled to the
next meeting. Discussion of an additional recreational committee member
noted that the By-law states it should be a Village Resident. A senior
citizen member was suggested as a possible candidate. The Ball Park Light-
ing Tower grant cheque was discussed in the light of monies spent in 1975
from the General Fund. It was decided to deposit it in the General Fund
until the Auditors have reviewed this aspect.
MOTION #6: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that the cheque of August 13, 1976
in the amount of $2,036.13, from the Ministry of Culture and Recreation, is to
be applied to the General fund of the Village. CARRIED.
Day Camp: The final Day Camp report was read, with $371.00 expended over receipts and
O.H.R.P. A letter advised that the Phase III cheque from the Ministry of Housing, for
$29,000. would be forthcoming. Another letter acknowledged receipt of the
Village's request for a continuation of the OHRP program.
Gordon Wilson's application was reveiwed by the Chairman, T. Lama, in view
of the Building Inspector's recommendation to raise this applicant's grant
from $1200. to $1725. to cover additional wiring and basement foundation
repairs. Murray Brady's residence standards were also questioned by the
Building Inspector, in view of a proper foundation being required before
siding installation is done. T. Lama is to investigate this situation.
Erosion: K. Matthews read a letter from T. Murphy to Leo Burnier, re breakwater
repairs. A telephone message from Dr. Freeman advised that the Contractor
would be here to repair the breakwater next week. Logan's had identified
7 stones to be replaced with new ones and 50 stones to be reset.
Fire Hall: G. Pace will ask the Fire Chief to prepare a budget for 1977.
Road Supt.: A. Loucks advised of the following: increase in the price of Sterling Fuels
Road Oil to 38.60 cents a gallon; a letter re school crossing signs and
the Bill 25 amendment allowing school crossing guards to stop vehicular
traffic; a request for advice of projects for 1977 re the connecting link.
It was suggested that the County be asked to look after painting of the
highway centre lines.
Public Works Applicants: Five applications were received and were narrowed
down to two. A. Loucks and T. Lama will interview D. Mole, Jr. and Edward
Shelly for the vacancy.
The Road Superintendent reported on completion of Library work.
MOTION #7: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, that the Village appoint the Clerk
of the Village as Flood Emergency Co-ordinator and that the Fire Chief for
4111 the Village of Port Burwell, be the alternate contact person. CARRIED.
There was discussion on Vienna's proposed request to Small Craft Harbours for
construction of a dam. The Reeve will check at County Council to see if there
is any progress on this aspect.
Sewers: Tabled to next meeting.
Correspondence: Several letters were received. The Clerk was asked to write to explore
the Great Lakes Access properties of development of a Marina.
MOTION # 8i Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that this Regular Council'Meeting
be adjourned until the next regular meeting unless a Special Meeting needs to'
be called. Time 11:59 p.m.
• } —.. -1 ca8214VASI
27TH COUNCIL MINIM Beigp1ar Council Meett.ing SIFT. 13, 1976.
1. Barbour Restaurant 7 Dinners - Is Govt. 34.65 407
2. Adger Matthew O.P.P. Carpentry 6 hre 42.00 408
3. Goldthorpe Electric Office Thus stat64.12 409
4. K. Kirkpatrick Neve Aug. 9 - 13+w410•411
e 157.45 412
5. G. Poster 12,.51 413
6. Master of Titles Elgin County - St. Gelais (Isco►.) 3.00 414
7. Ree. Oen. of Can. Poet Office Registrations 4 I .50(reooe)2.00 415
. ' S. Aylmer A Malahid. Pira Nall T11.54 416
9. Jade Wayward O.P.P. Office44.50 417
10. K. Kirkpatrick Wages Aug. i6 - 20' 148,77 418
11. 0. Poster " 125.51 419
12. Bdrard Bradfield Sub-cantraot P.Y. Drain 64.00 420
13. Petty Cash Pond Replenished 24.00 421 `
14. K. Kirkpatrick . Wages Aug. 23 - Aug 27 148.77 422
15. G. Poster ° " 125.51 423
16. G. Poster Xerox - Landon Mileage 94 115 14.10 424
17. Gerald Metthess ?ire ?ruck Repairs 31.97 425
18. I. Kirkpatrick Wages Aug. 30 - Sep. 3 148.77 426
19. G. Pester 125.51 427
20. I. Kiilkpstrick Wages - Sept 6 to 10 145.77 428
21. 0. Poster w w 125.51 429
22. G. Poster Election Seminar Mileage 51 X150 8.70 430
23. P.U.C. Wydro 215.98 431
24. Vienna 116g.'Supplies O.P.P. Office 86.65 432
25. Nester of Titlas l gin County - 11. bal. St. 0.lais 1.00 433
266 Morley Wolfe Gas and Repairs 43.09 434
27. Aylmer A M ldh ds I . Office Telephone 22.77
28. Nenicipel.MOOld Blit Paces, Inc. Books, eta. 66.62 436
29. 1OilRoest►hroibdng 1ethrue. repair` Mau,. Office 9.38 437
30. Starling Poul. IndiasR.rla1 Need Oil 1,395.15 438
31. Port Burwell W'mrs PUblic Weeks 46.04 443
32. Elgin County BE. of Bd. Sept. 30 Levy 11,922.50 439
33. 11g. Oty. Sep. Sch. Bd Sept. 30 Levy 295.00 440
34. Zig. Cty P1. Dowd Sept. 15 Lary 535.52 442
35. Rec. Gen. of Can. leployee Deductions 279.46 441
36. Alvin Loucks Mileage P . leeks 7.20 444
37. Registry Office Comeogenese 7.00 445
38. P. Stephenson Binder* ororf 'Briant" 10.79 446
39. Nedlton Yard Lathers I.n l�Aree 2,600.1► 447 448 canc.
40. St. Thanes sanitary Avast Ce3haotlm 452.16 449
41. At. Thomas Sanitary Aught ?remoter Station 171.22 NQS
Transfer Station overage 183.60 KOLA
1. C. Bats Niles 35 1170 ors. 17 14 73.23 272 - A
2. P.U.C. E.3. Billing Water - Aug6st 04405 273
3.- Ronald Sredfi ld Wates Service 1 la.e(*s 1.) 112.50 374 275 cars.
,4. Min. of bYiranment Yater Supply - July and Aug. 2,180678 276
1. Jack Sawyer and Rom ONOMONOW 652.50 1561.
2. Bks. Julius Cine ad fps Electric 52!.00 1562
3. Mega. Julius Kiss and Mooch Plumbing 1,795.00 1663
4. Me. Julius Kiss and Rom Biettervick 699.79 1564
2A!H 0001C1L mem legular Council Meeting October 4, 1976.
The Mepllar Gomel'Meeting ane held an bonder, October 1976, at 7130 p.m. is the
Nsnisipal Office.
)11117_, Mew, Mould tradtiaed, L. Lemeks, t. Matthews, T. Lara, 0. Pace and the
Visitors-1 Me. Joseph Lepel W. and fro. 1. Mihir, NO. J. Nssd,)tillsonburg R.re
1111111 Importer — lidos Sheila Johnsen.
+IRs Npeot tr ?. Lamm, eeeomded.ly N. Matthews, that the following
miense of meetings, he as distributed.
nth Sp sial CNN/ vi hulk 27, 1976 .
SSW Spoolal Siaebour Dwo4mpmamt Nesting bald Aug. 27, 1976
r lith ligin Tiahemmea's Aemeodiisn Nesting !Meld Sept. 7-1976
27th leNalar Oouadl Nostdtlg held Sept. 13, 1976, Sitiiih
Iu Moved 4► K. Matthews, seueneed by 0. Pace, that the following
ac.esnts be armed for Segments
Cameral Amami& an tenth /10 from 1 to 25
• Sitar Ameattmte an Yru*i r /3O from 1 to 3
aw Meeen its on voucher OS from 1 to 5. gINAR.
mimusimmas Jam LINT attended to r.gaeet permission to drain his property
dohs to velar in his beaa.ent. Council reviewed�ethhe needed drain-
age thmjailkistirugerties. .. Smprrls.e dent will seal. to Oho*orssa, le R
this property.
Ml. NOMMEN presented revised drafts of his trailer park least/se
sites. Ne bad attended the Vests Planning hoard Nesting shish
had been cancelled due to last of a quorum.
MGM ,/3r Moved by . M. aacooded 4 Or Nee, that the village of Part Ver`
well has as Objections to the i rs1op.ent of the travel Trailer
Park as proposed by Mr. J. lobbies, provided the development meets
the Board of Health and Vest algin Planning Board approval.
/ fIR,
Nle NR/D, President of the Pot—Cal Chemical Coed attended to
Plante a fort
' which
on this eventually
of a Pilot
Plant la Toot , which Mau1d savant
prey approval is gsented from Federal authorities and proavia-
dial IMminumment agencies. Nr. lead had spoken to Mr. M. Moffatt
of Smell Omaf t ■mrb.o ro t rho stated the lend .geld be lewd from
that dagert■art. Ver. lied applalaeid the emam[esto o d pots h end
calcis alloride, by harming sulphmtis Acid for taboos, fertiliser.
1e euphemised that his patent meld anapest* may palamts, adeerrt
mar dust re emissions. Additionally, after appevwl,
would own half of his pdamd,, thereby ensuring wares
income from this Village, MGM they meted might warrant future
dredging bins dame in the harbour area.
After review, the Council felt that sdoae coal had been the only
tadu.t 7din the pest, far Part Marvell, due consideratiam
should he to this corpNgp 1' this Owadl, to &sett, in re.
of the Village. Oonmaillor ■mtthees explained Bader
balers'in the area.
*s. Nsrad by L. Lando, arteoedod by Ow Paseo that the tillage of Tort
iewll has no ebleetiams to the Petamh'•Oalds Chloride That flim t
propped by Jahn O. Need, President of fetwilll Limited, provided ,
Pthast progrmet plnoels all fedora and Provincial tovialtm■enlal
Segetatimme and provided that PetwOel Limited receives the
aremd meal to the Bast Slain atr'idal Plan.
- 2 -
MO aim ciao Regular Council Meeting October 4, 1976
� 4
Iamarar►oes The Cleat is to check an liability caroms fai the Mall Park
and Trailer Peat, in eawstlw with Other Tillage l mo rranoe.
Other Insurance matters mere tabled to wain`.
Zero*t There wee diseussion en the sect of for the eeohine in •
view of trial semis.
4Z.P.t MQyIs#5s Moved by L. Matthews, seconded by T. Lem, that the Villa s of
Port Muswell be tilling to absorb the entre salary coot of 110. •
Per week per mea and soy Aber ompegses over allowable costs,
for the Laeal Ineemtives Pregame ceder the Port Mowll i-
Mili r mow elbauld the application be appy vie as rub-
matted to Canada Inmpem r on Sept. 10, 1976. „
■eeve's imports The Reeve reported on them Transfer Station Nesting at %Aso
lOmmehip Office. In dispute of additional billings, Mayhem
pstiased slips sheming total which Mr. NoOaig agreed were right.
geyser Correepoodweees A letter from TillsamLerg Pipe Co. was
reeeiled in wtpport er Dredging. A litter hem A Peterson
recpsested Public Works Canada and Treasport Canada correspondence
dating balk to 19706 A rely free Public Works Canada to a letter
Pro. the Tillage requesting this material, stated that this cor-
reependatce could not be released. A letter from Mr. Moffatt re
the `Brief" elated there tee no Ao/e in his opinion an dredging,
bat that the "ride would be faeasssdmd to use Lilame Minister
of Fisheries for his review. Additiemally, if there could be a
=200,0006 peovisdem for to. it would definitely be m •
me time only, bests. A letter of invitation► to the Hamilton liar-
bour Association ewes received and the $ssys will attend.
0.HJ.P. There wee a sign diseesadon on Mr. C. Wilson's end Mr. M. 'Brady's
Firm galls The Fire Hall buds* aMsld be ready for the next Council Nesting,
grunions Osanedllos Matthew reviewed the I reakweter repairs as completed. •
Pieter., wore taken by Oseaeillor 0. Pace, se repaired. lleaers.
flee and Meat m p be advised to proceed with the place-
rt of sty en their properties in this area, providing a rows-
way is kept.atoms.
L regard to Fern Rill's property drainage, this has been taken care
of by herself. Tb. jointly amused property she arms with ire. Parloww
has not. A letter is to be sent to Misr N111 advising her that she
must obtain permission frac properly owners to eomstruct a silt+
Mesio there. In oddities, as determined at a prier data, psuperty
ween ehoeld petition O mewl. With pornismirs top ammo threats
properties, the Village sin things at the property and sem estimate
sthree could pay at this twine t04rr the local
Sea Snakes*
A latter was swat for more intonation an this type of erosim cast-
Meet 1lgin. Planning bards No meeting wee held.
Severances: !hero mea one sew enc. for review - Morley Wolfe's
separeti.am d property for sale to Gerald Matthwe,
Mional Committees The matter of a new meter and reamresraiar et eomnittee ee•bers •
mems tabled. •
.hoed rnperiatemdeatsA, Loucks reported that the large tractor is bevy overhauled and the
small tsscter is also being nspitj*sd. He also reported am Publte Noose
work in the Mall Perk. C-
-w 3 -
MTN 0013111= Megmlar Gammen Melia. 0060her 4, 1.976.
BM "I loved by Ao Lomas, esemaded Or T. Loma, tip- petition be
mode far an ids papment emder the Pliblic ftensportetion
end Nialmigy Improvement, Let, imeurred tram
Jai 6 to 34 164 a.
Nalitemonme et Meade $12,1615.31
(oat. of petitiam - i►t 1976)
0 Os Novsd Or T. ! .p eseemded by As Loucks, that the 'Ulm. o
Pert X11 d Nolo, J r. .fay. Sept. 15, 1976,
at 14.0 per hour, with bemetite - two woes
vmoshism with - and Milk Uwe **cruel a- per policy.
. $ A latter of remigmotiaa, dee to hearer resease, ems roadsfrom
Oberlin Setae. A eaggeetion free 10.B.46 wee ter fir'' meters
to be red at the same time as hydro tears by the emme perion4
0. %tear is reader the weter meters in her 's steed
and is.wiiling to awry aro until Deer* liplaceneet was tabled
to the next emoting.
la the Building Inspector's vmmibian ahomase, builOms Float
ismammes will have to be ilhelMappieved by vliamtlan of
Caumcil intil his return later this month,.
In a telephone immv tam with Mr. ?i °,, re •errors, the
see advised there is mo -- _. ionise availale for at least
two years* Ne also noted a small revenue wee reeeived from the
Mimeo of Pott lamweillo
- 11101111 Groot, Gomel' &elided to gave a grout of $160,00 to sower 1975 aid 19760
ok flvvsd by A. Lovable, seconded by G. Peesthat the Village of Port
well give a grunt of $11110000 t o the Pert MOrwell Noy Soma Carte
mittee,to aasiat in ming Wil! expemmee for 1975 and 1976.
Tho me aN to o tbro 10isairvani".
this 0 ismo
There see a short disemmedima da hide loitering the eireetam
OJ.P* will be asked to ea this.
Named Or A. Loalie, esemnied lir T.
• .tiag be ar.dsnot molar aseblmestlealiall:1
Nesting needs to be oalledm IMMO 13450
ireolowo.... •sfiri...0*.,64.41#4,i4,!`4i4ba #0i
• . ...••••••••*wee* e
W N►+ Y,
1976 W • . • .�pt"�l"' ilitzulF x5556... .. ..
Water AcOon� • • • i'y• • • • • • • li . • • • • • • •
JIM to August, 1976 W p il e� �� rl s s G o ire ca v Nr C�ty iw
!r. g 4 0 ...4 K x
2044 le ! Mole 1 1
/ °f
gfil ;14: al14 •
warm T r 512' iall V
JanFob. ? 3 ? 39 7 • � l fur...
Nor. NtA113 • y EtY1pA
Apr• Z � S , 76 • c♦ . 4i . •
f 1 9171 3 • • s-rr -. �g `� �. s
1 1
.1.. 9 4 9 1 A i ti 2V� a '7iIP r: a a:ill ; .
Jud 1 1 9 7 A •. • 11 a s a a.
Auart 9 R 3 7 9 . . 4Is
_ .v� $ •
�1(��Ii9 ' " 9 , r . t 2 ' �3 up ,, 1
fn 1r
Jan. ' 4A9 } • ,o 8 .
Feb., 1 Z Fi • • . •
; a a s
v O 11O
Mar. 14343 . • u N
Apr. -1 , 33 4
M.y , rw66 t • G ►+ _
June ' Z , A 3 • %m ; 319AZ •
--agaig4i1i�$iz.� PovGP.�•
Aug. 110 � ? • • �9 ��8o8S8° h3" �� �.t0
Mill , 3 1 g 1 n , T .
121 tiPrsi- p. s�rvr� -s- r p,40
0 •• 191609 ; • !
Na .M..0� iii4iOZ '' .
^ MIUMMI . 4 ^ 9j.92 T
�. October AO, 1976
A Special Neeilas wee sallied an10cis. , OCTOBER 10, 1476et TOO p•a., in the
Mies, for general reviewf
PrIrri Rem R. Bradfield, Towline, the Clerk.
Due to a left of quorum preeent, the following motion mos discussed after the
semat with the c1.1 rr, by the Reeve. There was a dee date required ,
on this motion.
NI*1011 •: 'mad by Alvin Leedsseconded by T. Lame, that the LT "of the
Corporation of the .liege of Port Burwell ores the deadens . .
reeched at the Odieber 7# 1976 meeting of Vaterfrilet Ninicipalities
of Ontario, as pit ahtarthed. -2111111..
After Viral des talon by those Wit, the meeting unofficially adjourned.
1" / )61144-
• r
30th '*JPCIL NOME •egmler Misting ■AUS 1, 1976.
The Regular Meeting of Port Burwell Connell, was held on Monday, November 1,
1976, at 7130 p.a. in the Msdcipal Office.
IFIRE: Ion R. Bradfield. t A. Loudca, T. Lar, B. Matthews,
G. Pace. The 2,1 . z Sheila Jenson, Tillsonbnrg
Mels. Building . Walde*. T. Murpiy.
Mega As Mo►edk
by . Matthews, ',aoudad 4 d. Pace, that the following
sinter be approved as distributed to Council Members,
Mtn Regular Cowl Meeting held on.Oct. 4, 1976, with hes
amenanemt under Joseph Lame'a drainage Problem; and the 29th
_ Bestial Meeting held Oct. 20th, 1976. • UMW
)titian /2s Mowed by A. Loucks,: seconded by T. Lama, that the following
accounts be approved for payments
General keep MOBto - Voucher 01.1 - 1 to 39, with the deletion of
item 01016 *her Accounts - Voucher Ill - 1 to 3. sum.
iguagnumacas I. Waldeck submitted a letter under his signature, to Mr.
Jack IIlie, Un
Chief Health Inspector, Elgin Health it, for
Council's a,,r.,sal. Photos of the M. Alward interior of the
house indicated the hes ems not up to standard and is in mm
unsafe condition. It vele regsssted that the house-Abe either
brought up to b ildlmeg standards, or be condemned. A similar
rpt Of the fire Nisewbega, Imes read. Mr. Waldsak oleo mode •
re ret to Omen ter pepmant of the cost of fits and flesh
bulbs for phetegpephe taken. Harold lrieseau's hoes ems dis-
Email five buil+dluig pasecit$ were issued in October, totalling a vats
of OSA=
MIA2011s T. Miephre repent to Council for the Pillage to 000erdinate
the rehhis !reining emote of $16 to $20. per 1$ Imelda ft. load
to reinforce the area behind the breakwater, vee diseased. The
rubble can be obtained free of charge from the Tamm et Tlllaa.
burg. Council felt it amulet be the riparian owners rho peg the
hell amount of cost and not the Village as a whole.
Mega 031 Moved by Z. Mathews, sesoeded by A. Leucite, that sires the Like.-
front Property owners Mee rested fill be placed between the
bottom of the Laine heti aid the Shore Protecting Ilkehm4rani, dem
to the red tape involved and time re4dred to l plamant the Local
Improvements Act, the Tillage would be willing to act as the agent
to receive from Lakefront Pipsrty Owners, as among of 1200. per
• Lakefront parcel, as shorn • the Tax Moll for the Pillage, to be
used for the haulage of 'ibis from Tillleemb JI to Port foreell,
and the plaea■ant of same between the Sees Pv.t.stion Meeks and
the bottom of the Wee honk; providimg that lbmwr *eft or other
imeosestad party, notifies the Lmieedneet Prowl, Cheers of this
proposal, and that they in tern depsdt'rime mdiin the C2msk. ?hie
project is to be continued as long 9r web 1.11011 is arailabl•.
LRT31Z; ge � �s
i s mh'
the Village Flee+ • esti basin d
the beak. The Meowbasin iwise
will contact the Calmly ligtoo•r to inwest1Rs this theisegkly.
n Moved by G. Pace, elesaded !p T. Lamm, thea the work currently
done by the deur tapalsa ialairt be transferred to the Works
Dept. ooeemening ii mad rummtmg to the and of 1976. The •
Water lupiri tsmient position ebew]d be reviewed at the
Council Meeting is January, 1!1/.
Tabled to Special Meeting.
- 2 -
a . 9dUMCII, tlIPi Realer Meeting 90,111111 1, 1976.
jr6.C. Racists Mrs. Dille would like a new light installed_ b Ntaley's
cottage as the old one was broken in the ice storm. Parts
are not avelleble for this light. Coomcil requested a sketch
from Milldam unite as to the exact locatioerr
The clod[ in the trailer panic which turns an the lights does not
work part of the time and needs repaired. Council felt this
could.be left till spring.
P.U.C. requests • key to the Community Centre building.
�. adders Nr. Wilder requested 5 loads of fill be placed in front of his
property. Council asked the Clerk to navies him of the break-
meter rubble program.
iloweelswerts A regret hos he mole for an appointment with the Minister
Nemec LAMM Me iliser arsdpstg.
The hid Need 4Wer !s s•rild for next Thursday, Nov. 4, 1976
and one Oaaestlisr goy easel with the Reeve.
Nsparts of the Il iltexs iihser Meeting as distributed to Cosa-
. _ cillors, wee dismissed.
The Clark wee HMA ted to Ball Nr. Luce re the laying of the
Cemeteph walla.
The Clark was rsrssted to contact Nr. Mahar and set up an
• appointment with Council, re application for a grout for a Marina
through the Orsett Licee Access Program.
The Tourist Wharf Program should also be investigated.
s � Tabled to Special Meeting - Friday, Nov. 12, 1976.
tire kW O. Pace had not received the Medea as yet.
s[. Nstthewe reported on gens seveeunse approved for N. Vs1fle
Ni. Bobbins' Trailer Park proposal bed been placed before the Nest
algin Piacsdag lsaed and he suet also senors Minietmf of Lineup
and Tourism lspclatien s for this site.
Prototype Spars will be sent to the Village after the first of
Mr. laid of Pot-Cal had appeared before the Nserd. No further word
hes bene received bare is the Village mimes Comeil's resolution
ellies hie approval pries Aaeeeee•...t asemelse approval.
No rrpart.
ammilmajgoildter Park drainer• wee gtssrrssd. 'The 50-50 dray and arse
areas Were diet:ussed.
Imiummo A Loucks reported an the failortp
A tree by Stan The rpe'• needs to be est down by the FOC and Pub ll c
hocks. Nrs. Deas thinks a ear beeps her from,. sdedem gena she
would like the Village to Neild a snr0 in trowt. Mehlls casts were
suggested to her. The 0.0.f. ewid like their deer steamed or van.
.iahed. Throe loads of grovel hews been ordered to be drown nun and
the haulage paid for is Jamary. , •
111111111* s This bss'bsee set up in the Piss hall es Nvsemtber g,
. Theme Meath Omit to ami emthee•h of miter
infection in l b eau istp. Mitral Ne iesidrnia rill take their
pets to Stsaffoslrills pee Club bstneee 9100 44,116 not 39400 pas.
!Hort Vermeil restinete will de to the Fire Nell at 10114.4. to 4r00 pa.
015s Noised by T. Las, ssodad Ny 1. nee, Chet the Cememdl of the Village
of Port Burnell re-engage �N elli Landes, to e-
vice our tax billies ra4nlr . 2111111.
The follortag letters of oessmespeedeeoe were reeds •
• 1. A copy of a letter to Ceemeil Eras Lompstet MalLammr gawew.
id+ bseety r rseti�am of ads gee Otter Coop,
re�stesd •illeopp of Nuns. They replied
thee the likelihood of a/gaemwl was s
- 3 -
30th COUNCIL MOM •e alar Council Meeting NOVUN: 1, 1976.
2. Nadoresaset of a Town of Msstrhas resolution re Vintario tents for
Agiiilocal sports organdsatisas,ass rompusebeid.
&js +/6t No ed.by G. Paseo bMlrisd or T. Lees, that the Village of Port Bur`
well's Council endorse the rssolutiao passed by the ?own of Markham,,
dated Sept. 14, 1976.
. A copy of this resolution is to be sent to the Ministry of Culture
and Recreation.
3. A meeting of Canada/Ontario Greet Lakes Shore Demme Survey is to be
held in Landon at Rolday Iran L.oadon4outh, at 100 p.m. on Nov. 3rd.
4. Teo letters from Mr. Perim, our legal advisor, were read, concerning
the Council's consideration of Laying another charge against me.
Morton. There was general discsosion of this getter, but no nem
resolution from Council arose, these* leaving the issue in the sur
5. Os Pam Canada .req ectad Cessoll's .,renal for sale of tickets in the
are. This'was granted.
6. Notice at ion and Nearing for the Medina Gem rate increase, to
be held is an Nov. 23, 1976, wag discussed.
MON 071 Moved by G. Pens, ascended by T. Lea, 'tillage the 'ti11e of Port Drl11ell
object to the application fora rets tesereaee by the Medica dos Cse*mpr
dated Sept. 26, 197 bserems mush a robe increase would cause an undies
hardship on the at this Nmi.dpelity. MIER.
7. The Oldie County Segments isheol Bored rsposlsd all.M■iisip.lities to
take maim to curtail the sale of pernegraphie liteeseaeea thrum.
retail outlets, in giving the School Board Rapport in their optima
agelamt seer. This was tabled to the Special Nesting.
O. A letter was received from the MLnbtry of the Attorney Wamral re C n-
ci1's smdoreenent aasashli• and crime, advising of the steps Mint
taken to resolve this setter.
illEMat The Neave requested Councillors to state whether they would be running for
Inaction, adding that nominations moat be in by 5 o'clock am Nov. 15, 1976.
Councillor Pace stated he would mot be naming again.
agiumt Time - 11153 p.m. •
Nam 08 Moved by K. Matthews, mmeaeded by A. Loucks, that this Regular Council
Meeting be adjourned until the neat Regular Meeting unless in case a
Special Meeting be called. •
1111#4/ 1111014 ' 11110
Nth COMM NINTIMI Megmlar listing IMMO It W74.
91111ikiiiiiiill /
ilk& niter 5.05 Mir. €M'f/mac. 12.E
10Au.c. a! 15.00 Lt. Noe. 5.05 5pata.4.00 272.63 476
9tAitsF24.08 Library 6.90
111, 2. E. o Oct. 4 to A Pub. Works 10.77 477
s «. 130.76 476
4. G. ?otter a " Admin. 125.51 479
i 5.7 K. Kirkpirtricir Maps Oct. 11 to 15 PO. Moms 10.77
1. 6. D4 Mas 0 w 130.76 4ma
7. 04 Pow . Adimiii. 125.51 482
4. P.B. Boy Seoul. Went 197, and 1976 A1110.00 -483
9. . tom. o f Canada 6i 424.75
10. K.
Marrs - Oct. L0 - 22 P. Vialka 1448.77 485
11. 0. Mole 0130.76
12. 0. Poster 0 Admin. 125.51 417
13. 0. P 04 Fortor lma - •s Lit. 4.20
14. D. Nils Jr. Holdback of $1O.b,t. 17 10.00 4169
15. IWO kooks Paid pips fear Villain P.W. 36.30 490
16. Alvin *$ inlay Oct. 7.20 491
17. K. Kirkpatrick Maps Oct. 25-29 P. Work. 140.77 492
10. D. Mali 0, • 13.76 493
19. G. Neter NAdmin. 125.51 4'
206 Isom* 10006haws Me Wilk ligairs P.M. 51.92 495
21. lifiers A.
206 POO. 1600 496
22. Viers Building POW ISOM Soppliso 12.,E 49
23. Starling_ Pisa* 'Oar. toosteti.e•iit 4.44,04
25. Timm. JAMBI 6 no sildMMINMAimilloklay/77 23.20 $00
26. P ?louvre Leta 00 MeV 15000 106
27. ImiAmtry Office CcMillimss 4.ao so'
. Aylmer Uprose Spliar4s Lista Printing 20.09 503
29. r Milts Gas & ars 72
306 Caws Store Oas
31. Wow a Maes PIN 10.70 110104, 51.75 62.45 ON
32. Namiltaa Ward £ Gathers lasurence MOM pram. Air Good, 1O. '
33. M. 0, **star Paper loppli Cal. Pad 1977 32047 500
34. ilimmett Stationery lipsuriter 'lid (12) 25.27 109
35. lin. IlOrld Commeil Masts 100k & Shaft 31.92
36. St. Thomas 3tary Collection dept. Oat 645246 .s.904.32 511
37. 64,4 Moms SOMMAry Tram+F ear Stn. AmOdelp. Oct. 51, .66 ;'
5114 K. Thalia Sellitel7 Transfer distion - a1'1 bi,11 L29.60
39. mar Nitthaws O.P.P. liar . 5940
WIL62221111 .
1. C. BSSW. M2.41.65 4946 2110
2. P c 1/38. r 860210
. Mtn. of Irairomommt Meter
Supply 1,431040 21114
y - s
NIG rial"
IOU A R ! )(I A N T I L J D r l ? I D La, LILA
1-2 A 1 Lkal 9A ■ DIDAT IJ !ULU
! ?, MUM 2, 1976
31st SPMCIIAL OQJMCII. norm NOW. 12, 1976.
A Spacial Meeting was called as Friday, November 12, 1976, at 2,30 p.m. to
4idsr pertinent areae of business.
�FBOlffe Reeve R. Bradfield
Councillores A. Loucks, T. Lana, O. Pace, )E. Metthewe 4
t The Clark wee requaoted to poet noticed of the
Nadine wad�caiarie arp Board Hearing, so that interested persons
Noy ate.
lalin As Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, hat..the fill le of Port
Burwell be repreeeNged, along with Aylmer and Saipr ?eu— 1p, at
the Ontario Bleu Nerd Heating, to be held on NoveNber 23, 1976, •
concerning the application for an increase in gag rated, by Medina
Oee. _•
Personnel Policies as set up by the Clan for the
were reviewed. Three or tour minor revisions were
made. [• MinRtMt,ws etc T. Lama were appointed to supervise the pro-
grew for Seiuetci1 and to schedule the projects in osier of weather
conditions •
t Rt Moved by T. Lasa, seconded by g. Pads, that the Pillage of Port Bur►-
well requires two mea skilled in Carpentry Msstt and two labourers,
for the Local Initiatives Tropes, from the Camelia Manpower Centre.
alltiallUwwsawaa wsiaou'aeThis program has been cancelled by the Ministry of
s, due to lack of funds.
ISIMULINlaTbs Tourist Wharf Grant application for $15,(00.as typed
or sN■saNrsen to Small Craft Harbourswas reviewed. In addition,
a leiter to Mr. Moffatt to regaest assistance in the purchase of
material for the Msrbour Pillage. Neer the L.I.P projects, ass read.
Both applications were in ager and will be wailed forthwith.
yrs Tabled to regular meeting,.
ZigamustaLlaaritaat Tabled to regular meeting.
Ole to the first Siondsp falling an'!lection Daly, Dec. 6th,
9t., the Mali iepN1ar Council Nesting will be held as December 13,
1976. The Clerk we reqpseted to pet notices of same.
Agailliins Nerved by A. Loucks, seeawded by T, Lama, that this Spacial Meeting be
adjourned until the meet Bepjrlar Nineties Noises a Special Meeting
creeds to be called. 11, ,err MOM
. _
NONINITIONB 4010mber 10th - November 15, 1976.
The following is a list of nomination papers tibia during the above dates!
Monald dfield !AT
lirry Alward . Gentlemen
ibre autos
T any Lams Fishermen
Alvin LamONO Retired Gentlemen
Kenneth Niefaiws Ontario Land Surveyor
Fred Waldo* Seeteurenteur
P.U.C. *array Alward Nurseryman
*mold Mollhal Saboo1 Osatodiam
Aribiriramisrispoi1lim Clitreator
• TUC ADVAMCS POLL - Nommiloor 27, 1976 Nb. of Tatar* • 20
- sr6, 1976 Mo. of liotoro 315
. - TOTAL morns . 333
1111,11 mmarriLD, SimmAd ACCI. •
OCIONCIL MT , Toro Mo. of Votes • 106
LOUCKS, Alvin • 171
LAMA, Toor 175
ALMOND, Marry 166
ALMOND, Mirror • 27,
• SCOMMI., IM • • 109
Sward GC Samosilaii
Male Sehmol Simata at veto moot to J. Petri*
Clark at lophis.
limits mot to Sokmol BOOM.
Separste Sohmol Somali
Trosise to M. of110 losil*a et veto moot to J. Petrie
Clark of SOOhis
ImpasIto omit to 0060.1 Swirl (up)
32nd COUNCIL Norm ''1Regular Council Meeting D 13, 1976.
ZIMMINIKUMMINDI This res discussed in detail.
Ms Moved * T. Lama, sssonded by A. Loucks, that the Village Council
oedema and oedla tie latter of October 12, 1976, by the ai
County Sepereleleheel lbard, re Pornogr$phic)Litereture. m
21"1""fs A letter received frac Oxfam clarified an amldadty in their
areae latter.
J s Connell felt more clarification was needed from the Insurance
i The two =with trial period ran discussed "re the Xerox iwtocopier. .
Malm aids Manned Wile fie, seconded by A. Loucks, that the Council keep the
Xerox phistessfier for an additional month an a rental basis. glingt.
, The Reeve reported on the meeting with Judd Buchanan, Minister of
Piddle Works re the Harbour; and on the Medina Ods Nearing which
has .ince resulted in a 44 increase. The final report of the
Government RAW ems also reviewed. A latter resolved from Mayhem
Touhmhip respssted that this Conseil kesp thea advised of any set-
ters relating to a lagoon site selection for ewers. It was also
waggMted by Mayhem, that the Nast Ogle Planning Need be informed
of our intentions and possibly involved in such a site selection.
gaga. Murray may'a property was discussed. B. [.irkpetrielk'l Riding has
been installed. An O.H.R.P. meeting will be scheduled in January -
to review Phase III applicants.
,mss The 1977 lire Will Mndgst bee been received and will be reviewed _
the est Cosmhail Meeting. Kae Hall telephone extension aieinges
weggeeted, was also tabled to the next meeting.
licsgligis The Water Lot Lease Legal Pores have been received for signing and
i sealing, alaag with a regseet for the first year's rent for 1100.,
which bad been sant to them on June 14, 1976.
A petition has been received from the riparian owners bsyand the
tel, requesting an amtenolon of the wall another 600 feet.
This was disemessd and tabled to the next nesting.
s Two severam ee sure reviewed by COmme'llor Matthews regarding
t N. Wolfe and 11. Jedriaka
J. lisielatfliebile Naar Trailer Park eieaafan application, was die-
messed. Ministry of Industry and Tourism application with regulations
for name, are pending.
` The Sleeve reported on a meeting with Mayham Townaltip re the
building of an arena.
sew rt Moved by k. Matthews, uussnded or T. Lame, that the full time employees
of the Village have mica, leeo lib and Mixday, Dec. 27th, as holt-
dsy for Christmas Dug mid id* M4, respectively, and Friday, Dec.
31st, for New Tear's Rips 'his is also to apply to L.I.P. ealaamss. ,
alkillee Moved by G. Pace, amended ill, [. Metthsrs, that the Tillage Clerk be
authorised to oersu- Cheiseinmeliehege for the. these full time a■�
layers of the Village and else for hemmer Menke Penmen, iesmma neEs.
In other bmdaeme, a sat et skeins is refired for the small tractor.
ire. K. Mery advised she bed tails undercarriage dab of her Mar.
en the Tillie, Mdemelk t7, at her drivew 7. She rued '
Village of repair cants. Thi will be referred to our UMW.
3�sd 000OCLL 1OSIFIMQ Regular Cosec$.! Meeting BOClMBt 13, 1976.
The Regalsr Meeting of the Port Burwell Council, sear held on Mandy, December: 13,
1976, at 700 p.m. in the Minicipel Ottioe•
I : bent I. Bradfield immUjaw A. Lewers, T. Lama, K. Metthams,
• O. Pees end the Cleric.
$ Gamcillasss V. Setae, H. AIWA 11
ILSISSUP C. Blyth, S. Johmeon, ?i.11sarburg Marr h uslteer.
PART 801st C. Myth presiented a cheque for $1200. to Csepel ad •dviaad that the .
books would be headed over to the ircreetia s1 head's treeennea 'y the
first of Jaeamry 1977. Mr. Blyth expressed cased his an f al. with hii
tion ad Treasurer of the Paries Board over the yeerea
/is Moved by T. Lar, seconded by K. Matthews, that the sesames of the Nth
hagialar Council Meeting held Nov. 1, 1976 and the siietes of the 31st
Mpedal Meeting held Nov. 12, 1976, be approved es dlmtriblied to the
Cerdl Members. 2M1011•
mak Ps Named by A. Lomas, seconded by O. Pace, that the following accounts be
Freed ter Poems
anal Aaeemite es Voucher 11.2, from 1 to $5.
Miter Accounts on Vescher 012, from 1 to 4.
0.1.1.?. Aseemmts ea laugher s1', number norJ
irsdam Aaeaunle am Veueher A,, numberl. (Accost aimed out to Oem mel)
There were four permit' issued for October, valuing $11,400, to
Ara Kyle, B. Kirkpatrick, t. Veneese and F. Rill. •
- ABISIRO w S Ri!!is
Mammy The County M11Om er, Deb Noose, Prado Clads% MWatry of Transportation
sad Cammmedoations, and the Reeve, inesstlasted the drainage situation on
Ei.a beth Street. It wee agreed that the best me a ion was to place a
drain an the Meet Side of the street as far alb es the Scout Nall. The
first atop would be to find out if the 9 to 10 owners are agreeable, have
them contribute en amount of SRO0. eneho sieaa oestract with
the County and the ere of the costs maid he mow R/ the Village and
the Min. ofalMOmmpsmelide. and Commumicatians, rho meld es* � of this
balenes. Coaaoillar Lams will appreech the owners to detesnine their view
and meet to the sent Council Nestleg.
In addition, the Ball Park dreaming. needs a b" mein drain tear a bender, •
with le lines at about 15' tularemia, in the Park.
libblas Three trucks from Lamers Trucking have been assdght to heal the rubble.
Two more trucks are required and the Clerk will •sal s t ether truefeisg
jm1 aP.s The Village bite beam advised that more L I.P. seams are as edlab a to the
Village it so rewired. the following needs mere di.awNedr
1. Special Project Officer for survey work for development of the Village.
2. Office Nelp - to assist with extra book work.
3. Foremen type person for the L.I.P. prd3eet.
s 3, Newel ig L. ifetthsns, seconded by T. Lena, that the Ceased res
AI is tem, et .
modes for the additional mdes aveilahle ander the LZO._!
ukcasumedp Mos pests ea outlined in the last minute. were discussed.
alga Aka ansae 4 A. Costate, seconded br Li. Puce, that the Village have the P.M.C.
seeder' 5 Nerrerry Vapour Street Lights to be Installed on the mein street,
nemsA,y Rohdnmam West, replasstag the older Fluorescent lighea which are to
be installed, semens repla emeataa sec.eeayms
. At the ear tine, a therm. •
stat ter the electric heeling 0.?.P4 dfice shall he ordered to be
unstained by Nshlon Chute. • f' .
the $170 P.U.C. truck mar, sees se reed. P.D.C. hr requested(
that the Villa.. borrow a ae w to ulace the large true* with a small
Baum pick-up to lamer epswSfng costs. Tabled to mast aerating.
3ase 000MCIL w .MD aegalar Council Meeting Det 3,3, 1976.
s The Comma will most at the Naiicipal Mall at 6130 poi. an
Jaewr7 b, 1976, to be warn in. The Inaugural Supper will
be hold at the Royal Canadian Legion Mall at 7:00 p.m pending con-
firmation of same with the Legion.
s Several letters of correspondence were read) including a meeting
rsprissmtatives of the Ns:icipal Councils of Il a County, to be
held Jan. ii, 1977 at 7,30 p.m. et Parkside Collegiate, St. Thome.
09, Mowed by K. Matthew, seceded by G. Pace,.that this regular Council
Meeting be adjourned soul the mast Ta mer meeting unless In cape of
- remergency, a. Special Mistimg be . / :1Ar P7'1 MOW
- - - Clerka leki/hieddi
33rd SR7LL MOOTING MO= 31, 1976.
rIMMINis Reeve 1. Bradfield, A. Loucks, K. Matthews, G. Pace, V. 1a1ss,
M. Alward and the Clark.
The Special Meeting wag called by the Mame to review the proposal received from
Sr. Moffatt, Small Craft Harbours, is anew to the "tris!" re /attar Dredging.
Their offer Is to purchase a dredge for the Village it =130,000. This 16 peer
old dredge be. a remaining life empostasssq for operation of 14 Pears. Mouever,
the opermtiarg costs for ammo would be too far lisped the Village's mean Maw
Cowell felt a latter should be drafted to Mr. Moffatt, referring him to the
orIgime1 rayosst for $200,000, which would allow $70,000. for initiating the
project. In addition, it shem,14 be rsgsseted that the Village take over the
resume tram dockags and Kalov fess, as well am to take esMRro1 of laws
?edema by the ?edal Qwwmr 1� • A rsrbomr Commission tial► the Pillars, would
th a be set u .
COomell omamb surely felt that mdse. the ism far, the project *sold be Ldtiatdd
remises weld salstals it WAWA gene flmem Bial Armin em ta+Opmse.
af1OOMMR,Ttse meetiat md)oused at 2017 p.m.
• f .
• •
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IIIIIACCOUNTS DMeree la, 1976 Conseil fleeting
General Accounts: Voucher /12 o Amount Ch.q.
70. mon Reostry Office C mpdosae 31 • .300 ea. 9.30 5.5
72.1 M1 Rigging ru 11 Audit
LI lial Medco Dec )1/76 500.00 586
72. -114:. Tvenego. Mort eider Caao.eU ag Link Alert. ?S 595
73. Mike Vleee 7 New/ Mat liner pelts PII A.02 596
74. Sterliag Mels Library 15.02 597
75. M. 0. MLBeier O1riee 91,010, 2650 598
j 76. Otter PkblieRdng ll.etian lIpeneee - Ads. 83.74 599
77. Viennf *2d•. PM 22.20 591
78. St. Themes Sanitary Collection - Nov. ' 452.16 592 '
79. Treoehr Station - Nov. ,171Z2 593
a P.U.C. .93 S9 595 canc.
81. P. Stepieneon Supplies - Admin.
82. Bennett Stationery Supplies - Office 11.89 597
11°111 - 83. A. Loucks Ililes8,e - Nor. 7.•20 598
84. Xerox Trial 2 mos. 1 eo. free,Supplies 140.72 599
85. Can. Lesion Cenotaph Wreath 16.50 600
Water Accounts: • 'kosher 812
26 • .15/
1. Charles Bete* Mater &wt. 13 hrs • 64. mileage 55.90 283
2. C. Bates is • 44 Vac. Pay 27.20 25
3. P.U.C. Meet Side Billing - Nov. 45.79 206
4. 11111. of Bbei.r. Mater eepply Oct. 146.17 2351.29 ' 287 •
110.. 1I.2
BANE BAUM& Dec. 13, 1976 - Voucher 0 12
ilk Term Deposits • 9 3/4% 10,000.00
Neter Aeoamtt Balance
0.801.P. Acoomaiet Voucher 0 8
1. Ahe Nem Jr. Nre. Blanch Kirkpatrick 3018.00 19
2. F. Waldeck O.JI.R.P. CaMMi.a1ce s to 100./16 52.00 1570
Bhosiam Aecommtsr Voucher 0 4 '
1. General A.ct. Belem. of &mica Acct. owing 2863.48 Leet closed out
General Account
o• ,
0. OOP VP. , •
Port Burwell, Ont:
Mod IT•
December 22, 1976
Yuletide is the nicest time of the year to extend greet-
ings end invitations to special events
and so, this special latter is being sent to invite'you
to share the special occasion of the PORT WURW LL COUNCIL'S 1977-
197A INAUGURAL edam i, to be held at the ROYAL CA$ADIAM LGION
HALL, Port Burrell, at 700 p.m., an January 4, 1977
by this date, the turkey bones will have been picked
clean, the glitter of the holiday season will have dimmed, and a
new year will have befit. ret better time to say "adieu" to the
outgoing incuebents aid *good luck" to the Over
we would appreciate confirmation to know what rise of
'beef" to order
would you pleeee phone the Clerk - 874.4343, by next
Tuesday, to say you'll come
Tours sincerely
has Bradfield, Reeve
Village of Port Surveil