HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell Council Minutes 1975 _,1, PORT BURWELL VILLAGE Council Minutes . ..,,,.*,„:„ ,. t ,_ ...t, ii 2 Ligi v . AI 411 `11 1975 - 3 - E/6 Ai rty TWENTY- -MEETING Regular Council Meeting Dec. 1, 1975. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION #9: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that this Regular Council Meeting be adjourned until next regular meeting unless a Special Meeting needs to be called - TIME 11:53. p.m. CARRIED. -AID ',, CLERK. ?I elf, i.a.i /1A i li l . RFFi VE CHEQUE CHEQUE GENERAL ACCOUNTS VOUCHER #12 AMOUNT NO. 1. E. Matthews Inspection Commission OHRP 26.00 0016 2. F. Stevenson Bathroom Supplies 4.60 0017 3. A. Loucks Mileage - Oct. - Roads Subsidy 29.92 0018 4. M. Wolfe Repairs - Gas - Public Works 147.08 0019 5. N. Loucks Wages - Nov. 3 to 7 142.84 0020 6. K. Kirkpatrick 133.12 0021 7. G. Foster II fl 95.55 0022 8. E. Shelly Fire Seminar - Fire Dept. 200.00 0023 9. PUC Hydro and Water 305.27 0024 10. N. Loucks Wages - Nov. 20 to 14 142.84 0025 :.1l. K. Kirkpatrick 133.12 0026 12. G. Foster " " 95.55 0027 13.'s J. Davidson Canine Control 56.00 0028 14. Caers Shell Store Gas & Repairs & Chocolates 76.46 0029 15. N. Loucks Wages - Nov. 17 to 21 142.84 0030 16. K. Kirkpatrick " " 133.12 0031 17. G. Foster 95.55 0032 18. N. Loucks Wages - Nov. 24 to 28 142.84 0033 19. K. Kirkpatrick " 133.12 0034 20. G. Foster " " 95.55 0035 21. Aylmer & Malahide Tel. 123.27 0045 22. Tillsonburg News Ads. 20.24 0047 23. London Free Press Ads 14.59 0048 24. Bennett Stationery Office Supplies 12.47 0049 25. G. Foster 3 Wednesdays worked - 16 hours 76.03 0046 26. Advance Containers Nov. Collection - Garbage 146.75 0050 27. St. Thomas Sanitary " " 412.41 0053 28. Vienna Building Pub. Works and Admin. strapping 51.70 0044 29. G. Foster Admin Mgt. Course London Mileage 28.50 0042 30. County of Elgin Bal of 1975 Levy 8,000.00 0043 31. R. Bradfield Bal. 1975 Stipend 250.00 0036 32. A. Loucks " 200.00 0037 33. K. Matthews 200.00 0038 34. G. Pace " " 200.00 0039 35. T. Lama " " 200.00 0040 36. A. Loucks Nov. Mileage - Roads Subsidy 17.10 0041 OHRP ACCOUNTS VOUCHER #5 and VOUCHER # 6 7-111111 #5 - 1. E. Bradt H. Kaufman 386.50 1521 2. E. Bradt D. Graham 1,409.75 1525 3. E. Bradt Vienna Building 207.96 1526 4. E. Bradt Five Retailers 616.50 1524 #6 - 1. A. Loucks Ron Howe Homes 1,340.00 1527 2. Village of Pt. Burwell 10% Commission 6,8,3,9,1,7. 1,814.71 1528 • 3. Mrs. Marsh. Brown Refund Repaid Admin. Fee 150.00 1529 4. E. Bradt R. Bradfield 595.75 1530 5. E. Bradt Pt. Burwell Hardware, 13.87 1531 WATER ACCOUNTS VOUCHER #12 1. PUC West Side Billing 46.30 241 2. C. Bates Wages 84.50 242 • — 2 - £l6NTH TWENTY-3EYMWrH MEETING Regular Council Meeting Dec. 1, 1975. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (cont'd) Erosion: K. Matthews reported on a letter from J. Farlow ooncerning the signing of a property "consent form. K. Matthews emphasized that easements are not a requirement for a water lot lease. The displacement of 17 large rocks and repair of same, was dis— cussed. The contract will be studied thoroughly re determination 41101— of "ordinary wear and tear" as Council felt the last storm was comparable to many of the Spring storms relevant to the area. K. Matthews reported on submission of the 80% addendum to the Province amounting to a $4,810.91 rebate. A Special Levy for breakwater property extension was discussed. The Reeve reported on telephone calls maae to Government officials re Harbour Dredging. Ministry of Environment people have promised • to come down to investigate. NEW BUSINESS: MOTION # 5: Moved by G. Pace, seconded by K. Matthews, that the Resolution submitted by the County of Elgin converning payment of the County Levy in two equal installments to be paid on the 20th day of July and the 20th day of December each year, be approved, as acceptable to the Municipality. CARRIED. MOTION #6: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that the Village Clerk be authorized to order Christmas Turkeys for the employees of the Village for 1975. ( G. Foster, K. Kirkpatrick, N. Loucks) CARRIED. MOTION # 7: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that Robert Farlow be reinstated as Village Solicitor for the law work of the Village as of Jarmary lst,1976, and that a letter of thanks be sent to Hennessey and Gunn for their work in the past and a notice of reengaging Mr. Robert Farlow, beginning the 1st of January 1976. CARRIED. MOTION #8: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by G. Pace, that the Village Council request Elgin County Council to pass a By—Law to enforce 15 minute parking in the Village of Port Burwell, being on the North side of Wellington Street, commencing on the west entrance of Erieus St. and then westerly 120 feet in the Post Office area. CARRIED. Ralph Jackson: The Reeve suggested some sort of recognition to R. Jackson perhaps in Jan. in the form of a plaque presentation from Council and dinner at the Legion to accommodate around 60 people (to acknowledge his being in business in the Barber Shop for fifty years.) Fire Hall: The Fire Hall Meeting attendace sheet for 1975 was received so that salaries may be paid for the year, to Volunteer Firemen. COURT OF REVISION: Brisseau, Harold — House razed by fire — Assessment reduced from $900. to $175. as of October 16, 1975. The By—Law officer will be asked to request that Mr. Brisseau board up the house. CORRESPONDENCE: The Reeve read several letters — Mr. Gayed's complaint was referred to G. Pace; TELLGA letter re LIP; Planning Act Review Board letter; Trinity Anglican Church thankyou acknowledgment of donation; Day Camp letter of thanks;etc. A letter from Fern Hill was read which is to be acknowledged with thanks for her help on the Erosion Committee. 411V A letter from the Ministry of Revenue advised of extension date of the Assessment Roll from Dec. 16 to Jan. 21, 1976. A few general areas were discussed, such as railings to be put back on the Municipal Steps; an item concerning survivors of the boat incidents — filed; and the County having drained water off the hill. TWENTY-9EVE[ t MEETING Regular Council Meeting Dec. 1, 1975. The Regular Meeting of the Village Council was held in the Munic,pal Office at 7:30 P.M., on Monday, December 1, 1975. PRESENT: The Reeve, all Council Members, the Clerk. -111/1 BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES: MOTION #1: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by G. Pace, that the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held November 3, 1975 be approved as distributed to Council Members. CARRIED. MOTION #2: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K..Matthews, that the Genera Accounts on Voucher #12, from 1 to 36, the Water Accounts on Voucher #12, from 1 to 2, and the O.H.R. . Accounts on Voucher #5, from 1 to 4, and Voucher #b, from 1 to 5, be approved for payment. CARRIED. MOTION # 3: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that the Village of Port Burwell accept the offer of $3,800. for the property being composed of Lot 38, east side of Shakespeare St, Plan 12, as submitted by John Dyck of 279 John St. S. Aylmer. This money to be deposited in a special account arra to be spent wisely. CARRIED. St. Gelais: The beach property has not yet been cleaned up. A. Loucks was requested to check on gas pipe locations. Registration has been approved by the Treasury and returned. The next step has been taken to register the property at the Registry Office and a search of titles and liens will be under- taken promptly. Building Permits:None were received for the month of November. There was a short discussion on the Arthur Lee house to be moved form Tillsonburg to the Village, and standards to be maintained. BY-LAW#292: Moved by G. Pace, seconded by T. Lama, that leave be granted to rescind By-Law #250, and to introduce By-Law #292 to authorize an agreement with St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd., for a Transfer Station; to be signed by the Reeve and Clerk. By-law read a first, second and third time. CARRIED. REPORTS OF COMMITTE&S: Reeve: R. Bradfield reported on the laying of the Wreath at the Cenotaph on Sunday, November 9, 1975. The Government Study Meeting held at Bayham on Thursday, Nov. 27, was also reviewed briefly. 0,H.R.P. and Community Centre: T. Lama requested an 0.H.R.P. meeting be held on Friday, Dec. 5, 1975, at 3:30 p.m. A meeting of the Community Centre Committee will be arranged some- time this winter. Road Supt.: A. Loucks reported on the ordering of 4 loads of gravel and chip- stone, on a letter sent to Mr. Moore, County Road Supt. re the County Rebate, and on expenditures for Roads from Jan. 1 to Sept. 30, 1975. MOTION # 4: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that petition be made for an interim payment under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act,on expenditures incurred from Jan 1, 1975 to Sept. 30, 1975, as follows: Maintenance of Roads and Streets $22,841.56. (dated Nov. 20, 1975) CARRIED. 5t,, „7.W TVIENTY-8 MEETING ACCOUNTS (cont'd) Nov. 3, 1975. WATER ACCCUNTS VOUCHER #11 CH ,# AMOUNT 1. Min. of Environment Water Supply — Sept. 239 1,247.56 • 2. Charles Bates Wages — Oct. Mileage 29 @ .150 238 80.35 19 hrs. a E4. 3. P.U.C. Water Billing E/S — Oct. 240 83.61 EROSION ACCOUNTS VCUCHER # 10 1. James F. McLaren Public Meeting — Oct. 3 (Dr. Freeman)2288 220.05 2. John F. Weston Co.,rdinating the points — 1974 2289 180.00 - 2 - 5Eve* H TWENTY-.IXPH MEETING Regular Council Meeting Nov. 3, 1975. Fire Seminar: T. She11¢y's expenses of $160.00 wages plus mileage were approved for attendance at the Fire Training Seminar. MOTION #3: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by G. Pace, that Ted Shelly be paid $200.00 for attending the Fire School at St. Thomas, from Nov. 114110 , 3rd to Nov. 7th, 1975. CARRIED. There was a short discussion on Legal Council. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION #4: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by G. Pace that this Regular Coun- cil Meeting be adjourned until the next regular meeting unless a Special Meeting needs to be called. CARRIED. Time: 9:40 p.m. - Clerk Reeve GENERAL ACCOUNTS - VOUCHER # 11 CHEQUE AMOUNT 1. Mr. Jack Hllliker Sidewalks Public Works 1470 1,000.00 2. N. Loucks Wages - Oct. 6 - 10 " " 1471 142.84 3. G. Foster II " Administration 1472 95.55 4. K. Kirkpatrick " Public Works 1473 133.12 5. Elg. Cty Bd. of Educ. Balance of 1975 Levy 1474 9,386.25 6. P.U.C. Hydro and Water 1483 329.97 7. Rec. Gen. of Can. Stamps (100 X 8 and 100 X 2) 11" 10.00 8. Min. of Environment F & C Collections Jan.l to Aug. 31/75 1485 10,867.39 9. N. Loucks Wages Oct. 13 - 17 Public Works 1486 142.84 10. K. Kirkpatrick " " " 1487 133.12 11. G. Foster Wages " " Administration 1488 95.55 12. H. Wolfe 10 hrs. 0 $5. hr - 1 mo. period PT 1489 50.00 13. Eig. Cty Sep. Sch. Bd. Balance of 1975 Levy 1490 333.00 14. County of Elgin Part Pmt. Dec. 15/75 Levy (i) 1492 7,895.21 15. Alvin Loucks Mileage - Sept. P.W.(subsidized) 1491 18.70 16. N. Loucks Wages Oct. 20 - 24 P.W. 1493 142.84 17. K. Kirkpatrick " " " 1494 133.12 18. G. Foster " II Administration 1495 95.55 19. J. Hayward 19 dog tags 0 $1. ea. Canine Control 1496 19.00 20. Hurley's Muffler Serv. Clean and Repair Radiator PW 1497 20.00 21. L. Buchner Farm Equip. Inv. # 22656 & 22545 1498 11.18 22. Tillsonburg Glass & Mirror - OPP Window replaced 1499 150.72 23. J. Hilliker Sidewalks PW 1500 1,462.76 24. Xavier's Studio 3 photos former Reeves - Admin 0001 60.94 25. K. Mart London 8 picture frames 0002 15.08 26. G. Foster St. Thomas Mileage - OHRP Liens 0003 13.45 27. N. Loucks Wages Oct. 27 - 31 - Public Works 0004 142.84 28. K. Kirkpatrick If " " 0005 133.12 29. G. Foster r, " Administration 0006 95.55 30. Times Journal Subscription Nov. 8 to May 8/76 0007 23.20 41111 31. W.C.B. Compensation Payment 0008 205.59 32. Bennett's Office Supplies 0009 19.56 33. Winspear Higgins Audit ending Mar. 31/75 0010 1,500.00 34. Nun. World Building Permits 0011 23.43 35. St. Thomas Sanitary October Collection 0012 412.41 36. Advance Containers " II 0013 146.75 37. Hugh Brooks Haulage gravel - PW 0015 346.50 38. Rec. Gen. Can. Employee & Employer Deductions 0014 390.58 sc N7W TWENTY-MYTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting Nov. 3, 1975. The Regular Meeting of the Village Council was held in the Municipal Office at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, November 3, 1975. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, A. Loucks, K. Matthews, T. Lama, G. Pace, and the Clerk. MOTION #1: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by K. Matthews, that the Minutes of the Public Meeting held Oct. 3, 1975; ;.he Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held Oct. 6, 1975; and the Minutes of the Special Meeting held Oct. 23, 1975, be approved as distributed to Council Members. CARRIED. MOTION #2: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by G. Pace, that the General Accounts on Voucher #11 - from 1 to 38; the Water Accounts on Voucher #ll - from 1 to 3, and the Erosion Accounts on Voucher #10 - from 1 to 2, be approved for payment.CARRIED. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES: St. Gelais: The clean-up of the beach property has not yet been done. Building Permits: Seven building permits totalling $9,950 (permit fees of $47.00) were approved for the month of October. Parting: County Engineer, Mr. Moore is expected to look into the Parking situation on Chatham Street. Garbage: Thorough scrutinization of our last contract must be done to ascertain the basis of Mr. McCaig's calculations of the consumers cost increase rates. There was discussion on the Transfer Site at Froggett's Corners and retention of same at $146.75 a month. Bayham will be inves- tigating present use by area people and the Village of Port Bur- well is expected to go along with Bayham and Vienna concerning this site. Kolbe Fish Co.: No new conclusions on this have been obtained. Further investi- gation on amounts of water and ice machine usages will be questioned over the winter months. CORRESPONDENCE: Ministry of Transportation: Two letters were read regarding Subsidizable Road and Bridge Items and a letter concerning mileage rates subsidized for Consultant Engineers. Rate Payers Association: A letter from the Port Burwell Association was read, conveying thanks for the candid and courteous way the Public Meet- ing was conducted by Council. Elgin County Local Government Study: A letter was read concerning a meeting to be arranged.(Nov. 27, 1975 at Bayham Township Office) Notices will be published in local papers for Public attendance through part of the meeting. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: Erosion: K. Matthews reported on completed survey work. We are awaiting Lawyer Hennessy's bill to apply to the Ontario Government applica- tion for the balance of the 8096. Ball Park: T. Lama reported on the grant application amounting to $6,323.28 of which ; should be eligible for payment. Road Superintendent: A. Loucks reported that the last stop sign had been used. He stated that repairs on the radiator were done by the Public Works Department, and mentioned a complaint re litter on Chatham Street at the London Free Press stand. Remembrance Day: The wreath will be laid as usual an November 11, 1975 by the Reeve, at the Cenotaph. TWENTY-SINH MEETING Special Meeting OCTOBER 23, 1975. A Special Meeting was called on Thursday, October 23, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, A. Loucks, K. Matthews, T. Lamm and the Clerk. MOTION #1: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by A. Loucks, that the Village of Port Bur- well adopt the Residential Standards as set forth in the Ontario Home Renewal Program guide for Residential Standards. CARRIED. 0.P,P. Office: Village insurance will cover all expenditures except 50 dollars deductible for breakage of the O.P.P. Office window, by vandalism. The person responsible has been charged and the deductible amount should be recoverable. -Water Service: Discussion on the Kolbe Fish Company's request for water service revealed that procedures to supply same would cost aver $7,000. which would not be picked up by the Ministry of Environment as this is pri- vate leased land. Decision was made to contact Kolbe Fish Company for further information as to water usage. Business Computor Service: Council felt an Interim Taxation Method for 1976 should be fi:1d i.ntil such time as taxpayers could be surveyed for opinions on this matter. The Company will be informed to use the same method for 1976. O.H,R.P. Accounts: O.H.R.P. Accounts amounting to$2,62O.7O for Ed Bradt were approved-in-principle until the Regular Meeting. Bankruptcy: A cheque for $198.26 drawn by the Toronto-Dominion Bank by Trustee Keith C. Rolfe, for David and Christene Van De Velde, was received for arrears taxes #155. These 1972 and 1973 arrears were paid by a Mr. James Martin, R. R. #3, Tillsonburg, after purchase of the property from Van De Velde. The cheque along with a letter re the above will be sent to the Manager of Toronto-Dominion Bank, Calgary, Alberta asking him to forward the cheque to the Trustee. This will be sent by Registered Mail. Applications: Two applications for the position of Clerk Treasurer were reviewed. Garbage Meeting: A meeting has been called by Bayham Township and Vienna Councils for Monday, October 27, 1975, at 7:30 pm. All Councillors were requested to attend from Port Burwell. A letter has been sent to Mr. McCaig requesting the same consideration for Port Burwell as was given to Port Stanley, namely deletion of the 1974 cost of living charges. There was a short discussion on assessments of cottage properties and also on the Fire Training Seminar coming up in St. Thomas. Ted Shelly is a candidate to attend this seminar. MOTION #2: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that this Special Meeting be adjourned until the next Regular Council Meeting unless another Special Meeting be called. TIME: 8:45 p.m. CARRIED. 1111 r - 3 - TWENTY-FIFTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting - Accounts OCTOBER 6, 1975. GENERAL ACCOUNTS - VOUCHER #10 CHEQUE AMOUNT 1. Receiver General of Can. 100 X 80 Stamps for Building Inspector 1448 $ 8.00 2. Fanshawe College Mun. Course. May 22/75 cheque #1303 1449 60.00 lost - stopped payment - issued new. 3. N. Loucks Wages Sept 8 to 12 1450 142.84 4. ,_ K. Kirkpatrick " It 1451 133.12 ' 5. "G. Foster ft to 1452 95.55 6. Rec. Gen. of Canada Employer's Portion - August 1453 63.11 7. N. Loucks Wages - Sept 15 to 19 1454 142.84 8. K. Kirkpatrick " " 1455 133.12 9. G. Foster ft ft 1456 95.55 10. G. Foster (London) Municipal Course 47.5 X4 ® 150 mile 11+57 28.50 11. V. Bates PT Wages - 21 © $3. hour ' 1458 62.40 1459 canc. 12: Hamilton Ward Cathers Annual Insurance Premiums 1460 2194.13 13. East Elgin P1. Board Balance of 1975 Levy 1461 247.00 14. N. Loucks Wages - 3ept. 22 - 26 1462 142.84 15. K. Kirkpatrick " " 1463 133.12 16. G. Foster " " 14A4 95.55 17. N. Loucks Wages Sept. 29 to Oct. 3 1465 142.84 18. K. Kirkpatrick " 1466 133.12 19. G. Foster If ft 1467 95.55 20. V. Bates PT Wages Oct. 2 4 X $3. hour 1468 12.00 21. G. Foster OHRP Registrations, Title Searches 1469 28.00 St. Thomas Mileage$12. +$9.50+ 6.50 22. Rec. Gen. of Can. Employee & Employer Deductions 1475 313.66 23. Advance Container Sept. Collection 1476 146.75 24. St. Thomas Sanitary " " 1477 412.71 25. Hurley's Gas & Repairs Public Works 1478 54.18 26. Webster's Office Supplies 1479 26.93 27. Port Burwell Hardware Public Works Supplies 1480 11.21 28. Mun. World Reply to Questions $1. ea. 1481 3.00 29. Morley Wolfe Public Works Gas & Repairs 1482 111.69 EROSION ACCOUNTS - VOUCHER #9 1. Rec. Gen. of Can Public Meeting Stamps - 400 X 60 2282 24.00 2. Vera Bates Erosion Mailing 5 hrs. @ $3. 2285 15.00 3. K. Matthews Erosion Meeting 2287 12.00 4. F. Stevenson Public Mtg. Groceries 2286 9.56 WATER ACCOUNTS - VOUCHER #>r 1. C. Bates Wages - August 232 46.55 2. P.U.C. Water Billing - August 233 83.61 3. Min. of Environment Water Supply - July 234 2213.14 4. P.U.C. Water Billing 235 47.49 5. C. Bates Wages - Sept. 236 63.45 6. Min. of Environment Water Supply - August 237 1958.21 O.H.R.P, ACCOUNTS - VOUCHER #4 1. Edrie Smith - 007 Quait 1517 725.00 2. Mrs. Marshall Brown - 001 K. C. Emerson 1516 3094.27 3. Mrs. Amy Young - 006 Everett's 1519 2205.00 4. Mrs. Amy Young - 006 G. P. Panels 1518 1510.00 5. Mrs. Leona Roesch - 008 Horton's 1520 795.00 TWENTY-FIFTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting OCTOBER 6, 1975. The Regular Meeting of the Village Council was held in the Municipal Office, October 6, 1975. The meeting was called to oraer at 7:40 p.m. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, A. Loucks, K. Matthews, G. Pace, and the Clerk. 11110 , MOTION #1: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, that the General Accounts from 1 to 29 on Voucher #10; Erosion Accounts from 1 to 4 on Voucher #9; Water Accounts from 1 to 6 on Voucher #/0 and 0.H.R.P. Accounts from 1 to 5 on Voucher #4, be approved for pay- ment. CARRIED. MOTION #2: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by A. Loucks, that the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on September ,13, 1975 and the minutes of the Special 0.H.R.P. Meeting held September 29, 1975, be approved. CARRIED. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: Property Clean-up: John Arnold has been engaged to clean up the beach pro- perty around the end of October. Registration procedures have been undertaken on the St. Gelais properties. Building Permits: Nine building permits ($14,064 estimated values) were approved along with two demolition permits. Garbage Tender: The Reeve stated that no decision has been made on the three tenders received. A Registered Letter from Mr. McCaig was read, informing the Village that his disposal unit is available for use until the County obtained a land fill site. Erosion: K. Matthews stated that another invoice would be forthcoming deal- ing with the Engineering Survey completed by J. Weston ror MacLaren's (coordinating the points, before construction) and that a savings of 10% (MacLaren's fee) could be made if J. Weston sends the bill directly to the Village. The Public Meeting was apparently successful and it was suggested that a similar meeting once a year would probably be sufficient. It was noted that the onus is on the owners desiring the exten- sion, to present a petition to Council. With regard to a statement made at the meeting re a Government cheque, it was re-emphasized that the money did not leave the Village. CORRESPONDENCE: Several letters were read: Library: The Elgin County Library advised that their rental policy of paying every branch municipality $480. annually, will remain the same this year. Board of Education: Two letters advised that Invoice #1016 - $73.70 (interest on levy) has been cancelled; and that a meeting of Representatives from Municipal Councils and School Boards would be held on Oct. 23rd at 7:30 p.m. at Parkside Collegiate, 8t. Thomas. Computor Services Limited: have offered their services for 1976 and wish to be advised accordingly. The Clerk was asked to enquire about Interim Tax Billing for 1976. Harbour Dredging: The Reeve read several letters re dredging of the harbour with no action yet reported. Children's Aid Society: With regard to the letter received from them, the Clerk is to send copies to M. Alward and the other petitioners regarding 111/1 this matter. ROAD SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: A. Loucks reported on the following: Road signs have been ordered from Jones Signs, St. Thomas. Street Sweeping is scheduled for once a week. The matter of drains in three locations and suggestions to replace 12" tiles with 16" tiles was discussed as very much needed. Since the cost of this enterprise would be approximately $375., it was decided this would have to be deferred and included in the 1976 Budget. — 2 — TWENTY—FIFTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting OCTOBER 6, 1975. Ontario Good Roads: The Clerk was asked to reserve two double rooms at the Royal York Hotel for the Ontario Good Roads Convention — Feb. 23 to 25th, 197E. NEW BUSINESS: Clerk: The Reeve read a letter of resignation from the Clerk, which stated she would stay until another person was engaged and well on the way. MOTION #3: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that with regret the Village Council accept the resignation of Mrs. Gwen Foster as Clerk—Treasurer of the Village of Port Burwell. CARRIED. MOTILIN #4: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. pace, that an advertisement for the position of Clerk Treasurer for the Village of Port Burwell be placed in the Municipal World, Tiflsonburg News and London Free Press, with a closing date of November 14, 1975. CARRIED. The position will also be listed with Canada Manpower. Ball Park: The totals of Mahlon Chute's services for the Ball Park were dis— cussed and are to be included in the Grant Application,with time to be repaid by our Public Works men. H. Case: The answer to Mr. Case's problem was published in the Municipal World. Water Service: The Clerk will contact the Ministry of Environment re Kolby Fish Company's request for water service. Quadplex: An enquirer's need for assurance that the Carherne Investment property will continue to be classed as a quadplex is to be referred to the Health Department. Fire Hall: Prices on a motor for the Fire Hall were discussed, with no action to be taken on this at present. The Clerk was requested to secure a copy of the resolution on Volunteer Firemen's sala— ries for the November Fire Meeting. Sewage: A complaint was received from Lee Matthews re sewage backing up in his basement which is possibly arising from a house next door. The Reeve will check with the Health Dept. before any action is taken. Sewers: The Reeve reperted on sewers in general, and on a study being done on Otter Creek. Parld n The Clerk was asked to write a letter to the County of Elgin Road Superintendent, requesting NO PARKING signs to be erected on Chatham Street County Road #39. Lighthouse: There was a short discussion on repairing of the lighthouse. ADJOURNMENT: MOTICN #5: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by G. Pace, that this Regular Council Meeting be adjourned until the next regular meeting, unless a Special Meeting be called. // r ' CARRIED. . CLERK REEVE I +w - 2 - TWENTY-FOURTH MEETING - Public Meeting - Erosion - OCTOBER 3, 1975. .46411111 The Reeve requested questions from the floor, which were answered by the panel: A question was asked as to why the East End Property Owners were not informed of a Municipal Meeting, prior to construction. The reason given was that there was no actual Public Meeting held. Notice of application was published in the nearest local newspaper as an OMB requirement. However, Council Meetings are "open" to all Rate Payers the first Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Enquiry was made as to whether the area behind the wall will fill up with sand; if it would be beneficial for owners to place extra stones at the base of the cliff or along the wall, themselves; and if the property east of the wall would deteriorate faster, in future. W. Freeman replied that over a long period of time the area behind the wall could fill in some, but that anything provisionary would help to protect the individual's property. No effect, or very little change is expected in the rate of erosion along the bank east of the Breakwall. Payment of taxes on the eight East End properties was ques- tioned, since the extension was not done. The Village receives about $400. per year on the eight properties concerned, which had no bearing on the wall not being extended. The loss of land at an average of 15 to 20 feet a year, was queried. Councillors Matthews and Lama have both investigated these areas. The Breakwater is being paid for by all Village Owners and not just those abutting the Lake. A Central Village property owner pensioner stated it was difficult for him to pay $200. a year taxes on his income, let alone additional amounts for a wall for lakefront owners. Another owner in the same position stated that all pensioners receive tax credits leaving only around $20. a year actually to be paid, a good compensation. Councillor Loucks stated he feels privileged to pay a few extra dollars a year since the entire Village benefits and the Reeve and others affirmed this statement. Mr. Farlow questioned the .alleged placing of $120,000. in a London Bank in 1974. The former Clerk, Mrs. Wolfe, stated that the money was never deposited anywhere but in the Port Burwell Bank. Council was asked if they had considered solutions to drainage problems in erosion areas. This has been discussed by Council in detail, with no immediate solution. A good example given by Councillor Loucks, of proper drainage, was the Fern Hill property. The Council was asked to give a guarantee to look into the exten- sion of the wall another 600 feet even if the cost of such with Govern- ment assistance is borne solely by the owners of the eight East End pro- perties through higher taxation. Council agreed and owners will be informed after further investigation is made. In closing, Mr. Freeman stated he and the Council would answer any further questions personally during coffee hour or for as long as was 410 necessary. The meeting ended on a good note and it was suggested that further meetings of this type would be beneficial. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. r . t • , , A. • TWENTY—FOURTH MEETING — Public Meeting — Erosion — OCTOBER 3, 1975. 1111111111 A Special Public Meeting was called in the Royal Canadian Legion Hall, at 7:30 p.m., on Friday, October 3, 1975. The purpose of the meeting was to deal primarily with the Breakwater Construction and any other areas pertinent to the Village Property Owners. All Tax Payers on the Collector's Roll were mailed notices of meeting. • • PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, W. Freeman,P.Eng., Councillors: T. Lama, K. Matthews, A. Loucks, and the Clerk—Treasurer. The Reeve extended a welcome to the Rate Payers Association and Property Owners attending in general, and introduced the panel individually. Mr. Stock, on behalf of the Association, expressed apprecia— tion for Council leadership in arranging the meeting. W. Freeman replied to several questions put to the panel by R. Farlow, Q.C., as follows: The Village stopped Breakwater Construction at 1800 feet instead of continuing on 600 feet further, as originally proposed, because of higher costs which ballooned after the preliminary applica— tion to O.M.B. Total cost for 2400 feet was $538,630. — a difference of $105,465. Council's intention was to undertake the first 1800 feet, which they could financially accomplish, and the additional 600 feet at a later stage. Ten—year debentures for the completed 1800 feet, of $51,000. with interest, total $81,000., bringing the total cost of construction to date close to $500,000. The wall was constructed during the winter months due to the late date of MacLaren's participation, designs and tenders not completed until late Fall. Construction started the end of October and lasted most of the Winter. The water level of the Lake was also lowest in winter months. In reply to the requirements for maintenance of the wall, W. Freeman stated that a two—year clause was built into the contract, the wall was built very well by Logan Contracting, will eventually need some maintenance, but should last fifty years. The Village will have the responsibility of maintaining the wall. Mr. Farlow asked what provision the Municipality has made for Easement Rights behind the Breakwater, as the consent forms do not spe— cify this and owners would give Easement Rights if the Village wanted :such. He felt that this was all that was necessary. In reply, the Engineer explained that no provision for Ease— ment Rights on the consent form was necessary, since anything under water is Crown property. The consent form should have been requested previous to construction. This was not done, therefore, now it is a necessary requirement of the Federal and Provincial Governments in order to supply the Village with a Water Lot Lease. In answer to why the depth of the Lake on the Breakwater is greater in some parts than others, it was explained that this was due to irregularities in the Lake bottom, possibly shifting sands. The Cont— ractor used larger stones to reinforce these areas. • • • s TWENTY-THIRD MEETING SPECIAL 0.H.R.P. MEETING SEPT. 29, 1975. A Special 0.H.R.P. Meeting was called at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers on Monday, September 29, 1975. PRESENT: Chairman Tony Lama R. Bradfield K. Matthews E. Matthews The Clerk New amendments have been made to the Ontario Home Renewal Program's Regulations and a 1C Administration Fee may now be charged by Municipalities effective September 1, 1975. Also there is no ceiling now on the Forgivable portions Of loans, therefore, the $14,500. ,limit on each $29,000. grant no longer applies. Wanita Collins' 0.H.R.P. application was discussed in the light of another cottage which is being moved to her property at her expense, since her present dwelling was classed as substandard and needing extensive repairs. She will be placed in Phase II. Final approval was given to the last two applicants on Phase I: Leona Roesch and Alvin Loucks. Over three-quarters of the first $29,000 allotted for Phase I has been spent and the full amount allocated, to make the Village eligible to apply for the next grant of $29,000. for Phase II. MOITION: Moved by R. Bradfield, seconded by K. Matthews, that the second application be made to the Ministry of Housing for Ontario Home Renewal Program Grant of $29,000. for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1976, for the purpose of making loans to owners of real property used for residential purposes to assist in the repair, rehabilitation and improvement of dwelling units, pur- suant to the Housing Development Act and the Regulations subject to the limitations thereof. CARRIED. 0.H.R.P. Accounts as received were approved in principle until the next regular Council Meeting on October 8, 1975. The Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. TWENTY-SECOND MEETING General Accounts - Voucher #9 Sept. 8, 1975. 1. Norman Loucks Wages - July 28 - Aug 1 #1393 112.84 2. K. Kirkpatrick It " 1394 133.12 3. G. Foster It " 1395 95.55 4. Norman Loucks Wages - Aug 4 - Aug 8 1396 142.84 5. K. Kirkpatrick • 1397 133.12 6.\. G. Foster " 1398 95.55 1111011 7. Aylmer & Malahide Telephone - Fire Hall 1419 31.66 8. N. Loucks Wages - Aug. 11 - Aug. 15 1414 142.84 9. K. Kirkpatrick " " 1415 133.12 10. G. Foster " „ 1416 95.55 U. N. Loucks Wages - Aug. 18 - Aug. 22 1417 342.84 12. K. Kirkpatrick " " 1418 133.12 13. G. Foster It It 1421 95.55 1¢. N. Loucks Wages - Aug. 25 - Aug 29 - 1420 142.84 15. K. Kirkpatrick • " „ 1129 133.12 16. V. Bates " 21 hrs @ $3. over two weeks 1423 62.39 17. G. Foster Wages Aug. 25 - Aug 29 1424 95.55 18. N. Loucks Wages Sept. 1 to Sept. 5 1425 142.84 19. K. Kirkpatrick " 1426 133.12 20. G. Foster " It 1427 95.55 21. Caers Shell Station Gas - Public Works 1428 72.91 22. Pt. Burwell Hardware Ball Park - Pub. Works 1429 202.56 23. Aylmer Tire Repair of Flat 1430 25.00 24. Shelton Bros. Road Gravel 1431 126.00 25. James Davidson 7 trips @ $8. 1432 56.00 26. Municipal World Tax forms 1433 19.59 27. Tillsonburg News Ade 1434 24.64 28. Rec. Gen. of Canada Employee Deductions and 1435 830.18 Employer Dad. Jan. to July/75 29. Morley Wolfe Gas and Repairs 1436 32.80 30. Vienna Building Public Works 1437 37.16 31. P.U.C. Hydro 1438 287.67 32. Elgin County Bd. of Educ Sept Levy 1439 9,386.25 33. " " Sep. School Bd. " " 1440 332.00 34. Sterling Fuels Library Office 1441 36.49 35. Village of Pt. Burwell Replenish Petty Cash 14A7 37.32 36. St. Thomas Sanitary August Collection 1443 412.41 37. Advance Container 1, " 1444 146.75 38. Hugh Brooks Haulage - Shelton Bros. 1445 150.00 39. Ron Bradfield Mileage - Meetings 1446 45.30 EROSION ACCOUNTS: VOUCHER # 8 1. Ontario Banknote Debenture Charges #2281 903.49 2. J. Weston Survey 2284 5,500.00 WATER ACCOUNTS: VOUCHER # 9 1. C. Bates Wages #232 46.55 2, P.U.C. Water Billing - August 31 233 83.61 3. Min. of Environment Water Supply - July 234 2,213.14 4. P.U.C. Water Billing - Wept 31 235 47.49 5. C. Bates Wages 236 63.45 6. Min. Of Envir. Water Supply - August 237 1,958.21 0,H.R.P, ACCOUNTS: VOUCHER #3 1. Ed Bradt Pt. Burwell Hardware #1514 43.83 II- 2. " " Beaver lumber - Langton 1513 973.32 3. " " Vienna Bldg. Supplies 1512 1,035.75 4. " " Various - Ed Bradt paid 1511 1,958.06 5. " " Long's Lumber - Pt. Rowan 1510 258.71 6. Fdrie Smith Vienna Bldg. Supplies 1515 977.83 Twenty-Second Meeting Regular Council Meeting September 8, 1975. will, therefore, take immediate action to clean up the property and registration procedures will also he taken when this is completed. Building Permits: There was one only, for the month of August, totalling $1,000. Gar e: The present contract runs out September 31, 1975. The County of Elgin will use the Dunwich site until such time as their proposed site is approved. MOTION #5: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, that the Village of Port Burwell tender collectively with the Township of Bayham and the Village of Vienna for the Collection of. Garbage from October 1, 1975, to September 30, 1978. CARRIED. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: Erosion: K. Matthews reported on a piece of land which has disappeared, at the top of the embankment adjacent to the Breakwater. Roads Supt.: A. Loucks reported on gravelling procedures with the balance stock— piled. Drains on Chatham Street were reviewed. A suggestion was made by the Reeve, for Council members to try to arrange a time to go and investigate some of these areas. A new map will be made up depicting all drain and catchbasin locations. NEW BUSINESS: Severance: T. Lama declared a Conflict of Interest during discussion of the proposed severance into three parts, of his property. There were no objections. Incentives: More information on the Incentive Program will be obtained prior to the September 12, 1975 submission date deadline. CORRESPONDENCE: The Reeve read a letter received from Premier Davis regarding Regional Government and reported on a letter received regarding the Knelson Family, wherein officials felt the complaint against them was not warranted. ADJOURNMENT: 11:10 p.m. MOT'ICN #6: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that this Regular Meeting be adjourned until the next Regular Meeting unless a Special Meeting needs to be called. CARRIED. r Clerk /mv / REEVE Twenty—Second Meeting Regular Council Meeting Septeiber 8$ 1975 The Regular Meeting of the Village Council was held, in the Municipal Office on Monday, September 8, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. _____PRESENT: Reeve Ronald Bradfield, Alvin Loucks, Kenneth Matthews, Tony Lama George Pace and the Clerk. Visitors: Mr. Vincent Black, Board of Education, Mr. and Mrs111/111116 Harold Case, Mr. Earl Jackson. Mr. Black: attended to explain Bill 127 — an Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act, in force September 1st, 1975. This Act authorizes Municipal Councils to designate by By—Law bus loading zones on highways under their jurisdictions. With the By—Law in forcea schopl bus stopped within the loading zone may not have its flashing lights in opera— tion and the stopping law as it presently applies to motorists will not apply in these zones. By—Law 291: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by Alvin Loucks, that leave be granted to designate a Bus Loading Zone in accordance with Bill 127, Ministry of Transportation and Communications) — on the East Side of Strachan Street, extending from Wellington Street to Waterloo Street. By—Law read a first, second and third time. CARRIED. Mr. Case: Mr. Case requested a Right of Way into his cottage property. Council discussed ways and means to accomplish this. Three methods were sug— gested.and Mr. Case was advised to approach the following property owners to request means of access: 1. A Right Of Way from the West Side of the Medland property into the North end of Case's. 2. Try to make an agreement with Mr. Geisbrecht and Mr. Medland for access where the Water Resources Line comes through. 3. Deal with the people who have the old Catholic Church property and ask them for access through there. Council assured Mr. Case they could make the above suggestions but that they could not, in effect, direct owners to accommodate him in this regard. Mr. Jackson: requested Public Works to sweep the Main Street of the Village at least once a week. Council concurred that this should and would be done. MOTION #1: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by A. Loucks, that the minutes of the August ll, 1975 Regular Meeting be approved; that the minutes of the August 25, 1975 Special (Insurance) Meeting be approved; that the minutes of the August 25, 1975 Court of Revision Meeting be approved; that the August 30, 1975 Special (Garbage Collection) Meeting be approved and all be adopted as distributed to Council Members. CARRIED. MOTION #2: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that the General Accounts — Pages 1 and 2 — numbered 1 to 39 on Voucher #9; the Erosion Accounts numbered 1 and 2 on Voucher #8; and the Water Account numbered 1 to 3 on Voucher #9, be approved for payment. CARRIED. MO'TICN Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that the O.H.R.P. Accounts numbered 1 to 6 on Voucher #3, totalling $5,247.50 be approved for payment. CARRIED. MOTION #6: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by G. Pace, that Village Insurance Coverage from August 1, 1975 to August 1, 1976 amounting to $2,178.29, and additional insurance on the Air Compressor and Mud Pump amounting to approximately $10.00, be approved for payment. CARRIED. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES: St. Gelais: No action has been taken by Mr. St. Gelais to clean up the beach prop— erty or to pay up arrears. within the deadline allotted. The Council TWENTY—FIRST MEETING SPECIAL MEETING August 30, 1975. A Special Meeting of Council was held at 1:00 p.m. to discuss whether or not the Village of Port Burwell should support the County of Elgin Road Committee's efforts to obtain a temporary solid waste disposal site or sites, and, a permanent site at the old Fingal Airport, and also, whether or not we would use these waste disposal sites when our present contracts terminate. PRESENT: Reeve Ron Bradfield, Councillors Lama, Matthews and Pace. After discussionthe matter, Council passed the following resolution: MOTION: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, that the Council of the Village of Port Burwell supports the County of Elgin- in their efforts for a temporary solid waste disposal site or sites and a permanent site at the old Fingal Airport, and states that we are prepared to use these waste disposal sites when our present con— tracts terminate. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT: CLERK 4 1 12nRAE 4 C ` TWENTIETH MEETING COUNCIL COURT OF REVISION AUGUST 25, 1975. • The Court of Revision was cal]ed to order at 9:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, on Monday, August 25, 1975. PRESENT: REEVE R. BRADFIECD, A. LOUCKS, K. MATTHEWS, T. LAMA and the Clerk-Treasurer. The following appeals were considered against the 1974 and 1975 Collector's Roll. The 1974 appellants, with the exception of #118, are being appealed under 636 A of the Municipal Act - "uncollectible"; all concern burnt out properties or properties now in the lake. The former Clerk held a Court of Revision on these in March of 1974, writing off 1973 taxes. The present Clerk brought the property #118 belonging to Edward M. McPherson before Council on April 14,.1975 as this was processed by the Assessment Office prior to Feb. 28, 1975 for 1974 taxes, but was too late to be taken off the Collector's Roll and appeared again in 1975: 1974 List: 636 A Municipal Act - Uncollectibles Write-off #249 St. Gelais, Jean Marie Property burnt out - 1973 $473.83 #253 Murphy, Anthony (Dohnt) Property in Lake- Taxes + F&C 34.05 36.18 70.23 #252 Murphy, Anthony (Empey) Property in Lake- Taxes + F&C 42.82 36.18 79.00 #286 Heximer, Doris Property in Lake- Taxes 67.35 7.35 #255 Case, Harold Property in Lake- Taxes + F&C 38.32 36.18 74.50 Section 76 of the Assessment Act #118 McPherson, Edward M. Burnt out - 1973 Rpf'nnd 1974 Taxes 32.90 TOTAL - 737.81 1975 List: Section 76 of the Assessment Act #253 Murphy, Anthony (Dont) No water main in area. Take off Frontage and Conn. 36.18 #252 Murphy, Anthony (Empey) No watermain in area. Take off Frontage and Conn. 36.18 #255 Case, Harold No water main in area. Take off Frontage and Conn. 36.18 #286 Heximer, Doris Property in Lake. No value 14.76 #118 McPherson, Edward M. Write off Assessment of 425 35.85 TOTAL - $159.15 MOTION: #1 Moved by T. Lama, seconded by A. Loucks, that this Court of Revision, having considered all appeals against the 1974 and 1975 Collector's Roll for the Municipality of the Village of Port Burwell, brought properly before it, in accordance with Sec. 636A of the Municipal Act and Section 76 of the Assessment Act respectively, be adjourned. CARRIED. TIME: 10:15 p.m. CLERK / 1 , /, /^/`) • REEVE 1. NINETEENTH MEETING SPECIAL MEETING August 25, 1975. A Special Meeting was held in the Council Chambers, on Monday, August 25, 1975. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, A. Loucks, K. Matthews, T. Lama and the Clerk. Visitors: D. Black, (Hamilton Ward and Cathers) Ed Matthews. Insurance Review: All Village Insurance was reviewed. The premium rate is up this year approximately $350. over last year. Separate coverage under equipment was suggested to be placed on the air compressor (half owned by PUC) and the Mud Pump. An additional $10. premium would cover these two items with the air—compressor insured at full value. The Library"contents"i discussed. (Contents are owned by the Elgin County Library). Cost of Insurance Premium for 1975 will be approximately $2,188.29. Building Inspector: By—Law #290: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that leave be granted to introduce By—law #290 to appoint Mr. Ed. Matthews as Build— ing Inspector for the Village of Port Burwell. By—Law read a first time; Moved by K. Matthews, Seconded by T. Lama. By—Law read a second time; Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by A. Loucks. 3y—law read a third time; moved by T. Lama, seconded by K. Matthews. CARRIED. MOTION #1: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by A. Loucks, that the Building Inspector namely, Ed. Matthews, be paid $300. per year for that position and that an additional amount of $4.00 per hour be paid for Inspections under the OHRP Program. CARRIED. Taxi License: A letter from Mr. R. Corkum was read requesting permission to operate a taxi in the Village. MOTION #2: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that Robert L. Corkum be granted permission to secure a taxi license in the Village of Port Bur— well. CARRIED. MuON #3 Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that the Erosion Accounts on Voucher #7, 1 to 2, be approved for payment. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. in order to hold Court of Revision. yy--- `-�c•.1-.•/ -rte� 1'�+i Clerk f 'R!EVE • • EIGHTEENTH MEETING General Accounts - Voucher #8 August 11, 1975. 1. Anglican Church Cemetery Board donation #1376 100.00 2. N. Loucks Wages - July 7 - 11 1377 142.84 3. K. Kirkpatrick It " 1378 133.12 4. G. Foster It It 1379 95.55 5. J. Foster TV. 20" - 3 speed Fan 1380 26.20 6. PUC Hydro - July 1381 269.63 "4.- Rec. Gen. Canada 80 stamps X 200 1382 16.00 8. N. Loucks Wages July 14 - 18 Vac. 1383 142.84 9. K. Kirkpatrick " it 1384 133.12 10 G. Foster II II 1385 95.55 11 Rec. Gen Can. Employee Deductions 1386 250.89 12 G. 'Foster OHRP Title Search St. Thomas 1387 18.20 13 Board of Education June 30 Levy 1388 10,675.50 14 N. Loucks Wages July 21-25 1389 142.84 `15 K. Kirkpatrick It It 1390 133.12 16 G. Foster II II 1391 95.55 17 W. G. Webster Office Supplies 1399 17.85 18 Tillsonburg News Sale by Tender Ad 1400 4.48 . 19 Sterling Fuels Med. Industrial Oil 1401 1,458.90 20 Elg. County Mutual Aid Dues 1975 1402 15.00 21 Frank Stevenson', Cleaning Bathroom Supplies 1403 6.27 22 Ralph Hurley Gas Public Works 1404 68.67 23 PUC Hydro - Aug 1975 1405 331.82 24 Aylmer Tire Repair Tractor flat tire 1406 114.50 25 Morley Wolfe Gas & Repairs 1407 23.78 26 Aylmer & Malahide Telephone 1408 89.42 27 Rec. Gen of Can. Employee Deductions 1409 312.45 -.18 Vienna Building Bell Parte 1410 W3.40 G Ai✓c t -a p 29 Pt. Burwell Hardware Ball Park, Fire D., P.Wks 1411 . 179.87 30 St. Thomas Sanitary July 1412 412.41 31 Advance Containers " 1413 146.75 32 T. Lama Ball Park parts 1392 6,88 Total 15,783.40 less 66 ].5, 0.00 Water Accounts - Voucher #8 1. PUC Water Billing - July 31 230 46.64 2. Min. Environment Water Supply - June 231 1,856.69 3, Charles Bates Wages 229 63.45 OHRP Accounts Voucher #2 1. Lang'a Luaibor Langton Ed Bradt 1'599 c,. 85•n (.,-, .l.„I asst_ i gi o) ` / r EIGHTEENTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting August 11, 1975. CORRESPONDENCE (cont'd) Mr. Wright — sent the Council a copy of his letter to Elgin County re the exces— sive speed limit at Caer's Store location. Ron McNeil, M.P.P. — outlined the Governments action re the Ontario Hydro proposed 1110 rate increase. Erosion Letters — Letters were read from Burgess Graham re Debentures for the Break— water and a Province of Ontario letter was read advising us that a cheque for $52,329.13 would be sent to us soon to cover an interim payment of the 806 allowable. Cemetery Board: A thank you letter for the donation was received from J. Sawyer. W.C.B. — advised of increased compensation coverage effective July 1, 1975 from $12,000 to 15,000 per person annually. Coverage for Volunteer Firemen is now available from $6,240 to 15,000 in multiples of 1,000. Central Mortgage and Housing — advised of important changes noted in the Acts 1. Storm trunk sewer systems for new developments are now included in eligible projects. 2. New high cost grant assistance for municipalities whose per capita sewage costs are excessive. NEW BUSINESS: Special Meeting to be called for Court of Revision and Insurance Review. Robert Corkum requested a taxi license in the Village. There were no objections. P.U.C. — truck loan due in June should have bank interest added when paid. A visitor had requested that more family reunions and picnics be recruited for Memorial Park. Fred Hodgins request to purchase a strip of town property adjacent to his property was declined. Road Superintendent, A. Loucks had been approached re installation of a "stop sign" at Addison and Libbye Avenues. ADJOURNMENT: Time: 11:00 p.m. MOTION #6: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, that this Regular Meeting be adjourned until the next Regular Meeting of Council unless in case of emergency, a Special Meeting be called. CARRIED. Clerk /V Reeve. EIGHTEENTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting August ll, 1975. The Regular Meeting of the Village Council was held in the Council Chambers, on Monday, August ll, 1975. The Meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. PRESENT: Reeve Ronald Bradfield, A. Loucks, K. Matthews, T. Lama; G. Pace, the Clerk. Visitors: Jack Hayward, Mrs. Williams wilding Inspector: A letter of resignation from Jack Hayward as Building Inspector, was accepted by Council. Mr. Hayward stated he would be glad to retain his duties as By—Law & Dog—Licensing Officer and Weed Control Inspector. Street Light: Mrs. Williams requested a street light fixture in front of her cottage on Elizabeth Street; that the street be gravelled and also enquired about the water main location should she require future water connection. MOTION #1: Moved by K. Matthewsseconded by T. Lama, that the minutes of the regular Council Meeting of July 7, 1975 be approved as distributed, and that the Special O.H.R.P. Meeting Minutes of July 15, 1975, be approved as amended (under K. Kirkpatrick) and adopted as distributed to Council Members. CARRIED. MOTION #2: Moved by G. Pace, seconded by T. Lama that the Water Accounts on Voucher # 8, from 1 to 3, be approved. CARRIED. MOTION #3: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by K. Matthews, that the General Accounts on Voucher #8, from 1 to 32, be approved. CARRIED. MOTION # 4: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that the O.H.R.P. Accounts on Voucher #2, number 1, be approved. CARRIED. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES: Shakespeare Lot: The Reeve reported the lot listed at $4,500. Ball Park: T. Lama reported on progress — that the building is being painted and that the new bleachers are installed. He recommended publicity in the form of pictures of the Ball Park lights, perhaps by A. Rubie of Till— sonburg News. Water connection in the Community Centre was discussed as necessary. The Clerk was reminded to add donated time plus $300. Community Centre Club donation to the grant request. St. Gelais: Mr. St. Gelais telephoned the Clerk July 25, 1975 requesting his own clean up of the property. He explained that he had received a promise (oral) from Logan Contracting that they would do this if he gave per- mission for them to use the property during Breakwater Construction. He planned to contact them regarding this. He was advised that action on his property matters would have to be dealt with by September 1, 1975. Burning of Garbage: No by—law is required as this comes under the Air Pollution Act Regulation 15. Library Rental: This matter will be taken up at the September Library Board Meeting the Elgin County Library's letter advised. Sewage System: A letter from the Ministry of Environment acknowledging the Clerk's letter requesting a copy of the Conceptual Brief, advised that the • proposed method of treatment would be outlined and discussed in detail at a public hearing in this municipality within the next two to three months. They will advise us of the date established. 1c1rICN #5: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that all building permits be accepted and passed by Council to date of August 11, 1975. CARRIED. Building Permits for the month of July totalled $23,173. with no new construction. CORRESPONDENCE: Letters from the following were read: Dr. Leatherdale — requesting a new sidewalk in front of his office and house. G. Alward — signed by six other citizens re a neighboring family and also concern— ing the speed limit on that street which they considered excessive. Copies were sent to the Children's Aid Society, Health Inspector and Village 0.P.P. office. Min. of Transportation — Advised that a second advance payment of subsidy of $4,300 is forthcoming. 11111111111 SEVENTEENTH MEETING SPECIAL O.H.R.P. MELTING July 15, 1975. A Special O.H.R.P. Meeting was called on Tuesday, July 15, 1975 in the Municipal Hall at 7:30 p.m. 0 PRESENT: 0.H.R.P. Committee: Chairman, Tony Lama Reeve, Ron Bradfield (ex—officio) /1 Ken MattheNs Clerk Gwen Foster The following applications, now ready for payment, were reviewed by the Committee: 005 — N.-Loucks: Actual $ 1,849.62 Estimate 1.740.00 Over Estimate — 109.62 Actual $1,849.62 plus 150 Admin. Costs - = Total Loan $11992.662 Forgivable $150. Repayable • Nil LIEN PERIOD 3 years. 002 — L. Neville. Actual $ 1,842.25 Estimate 1.780,03 Over estimate 62.22 Actual 1,842.25 plus 150. Admin Costs = Total Loan 2.2 _ LIEN PERIOD — 5 years Forgivable — Nil Repayable 1,992.25 — 5 yrs $40.94 a month @ 8% or $245.63 half yearly 004 — K. Kirkpatrick: Actual $ 3/774.45 5 Estimate .158. Under Estimate 383.55 Actual 3,774..45 plus 150. Admin Costs. LIEN PERIOD — 10 yrs. Total Loan 3924.45 Forgivable — 800 Repayable 3,121+.45, @ 8% approximate1y230.00 every 6 months Accts: Supplier Cheq # Amount 1. Mrs. Harvey Neville — Goldthorpe Electric 1501 390.00 2. " " " — Vienna Building Supplies 1502 1,452.25 3. Village of Port Burwell — Admin Costs 002 1503 150.00 4. K. Kirkpatrick — Muhlboch Plumbing 1504 1,720.00 5. " " — Vienna Building Supplies 1505 1,704.45 6. " " — Mahlon Chute 1506 350.00 7. N. Loucks — Vienna Building Supplies 1507 1,849.00 8. Village of Pt. Burwell — Admin Costs 004 & 005 1508 300.00 Total Motion #1: Moved by R. Bradfield, seconded by K. Matthews, that the bills presented for the three O.H.R.P. applicants be approved and paid, (K. Kirkpatrick, H. Neville and N. Loucks) CARRIED. Motion #2: Moved by R. Bradfield, seconded by K. Matthews , that repayment of 0.H.R.P. accounts be collected every six months! The due dates being January 31st and July 31st of each year until complete repay— ment is received. CARRIED. NOTE: For lien period — divide the amount of forgivable by 600 to arrive at the number of years lien stays on when not repayable. Forgivable portions of all loans must be repaid if a property is sold during the lien period. Motion #3: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by R. Bradfield, that this 0.H.R.P. meeting be adjourned. TIME: 9:45 p.m. / �,�,,IC,ARRIED. r/ 40 L Clint -� Ch8tr<nan SIXTEENTH MEETING GENERAL ACCOUNT — VOUCHER # 7 July 7/75 cont'c? Cheque Amount 43. Olivetti Typewriter Ribbons 1368 17.33 44. J. Davidson 7 trips @ $8.00 1369 56.00 45. M. Wolfe Gas & Repairs 1370 63.49 46. Vienna Bldg. Ball Park 1371 375.85 47. Mun. World Licences & Permits 1372 8.21 48. Pt. Bur. Hardware Pub. Wrks — Ball Park 1373 121.94 49. G. Foster Fanshawe Course-Mileage 1375 55.20 London 8 trips 50. Poole Elect. 3 Towers 1374 514.83 Total EROSICN ACCOUNT — VOUCHER # 6 1. K. Matthews Inspection Meeting 2277 12.00 2. Logan Contracting Final Certificate 2278 5,000.00 Total 5,012.00 WATER ACCOUNT — VOUCHER # 7 1. Chas. Bates Wages & Mileage 225 37.95 2. Min. Environment Water — April 226 3,695.53 — May 3. P.U.C. Water Pilling — June 227 83.19 3,816.67 SIXTEENTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting July 7, 1975. NEW BUSINESS (cont'd) A. Loucks stated that the $2,000 allotted in the budget for sidewalks was required to be used in two areas: in front of Dr. Leatherdale's office and along Strachan (in front of the Anglican Church) to Wellington Street. A. Loucks will approach \Dr. Leatherdale in the matter of his area. The Clerk requested the purchase of a fan for the office at a cost of approximately twenty-five dollars. ADJOURNMENT: Motion # 5: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by A. Loucks that this Council Meeting be adjourned until the next regular Council Meeting unless in case of emergency a speciali- meeting be called. Time: 12:30 a.m. CARRIED. Clerk /, i ..'" 4e,...„,f.del Reeve GENERAL ACCOUNT - VOUCHER # 7 July 7. 1975. 1. June 6 N. Loucks Wages - June 2 - 6 1311 142.84 2. K. Kirkpatrick " 1312 133.12 3. G. Foster " 1313 95.55 4. V. Bates 3 Hrs. CO 3$ hr. 1314 17.92 5. Rec. Gen. Tax Mailing - 8¢stamps 1315 40.00 6. June 13 N. Loucks Wages - June 9 - 13 1332 142.84 7, K. Kirkpatrick " 1333 133.12 8. G. Foster if 1335 95.55 9. V. Bates 3 hrs a $3. hr. 1334 17.92 10. June 14 R. Bradfield -- Annual Stipend 1337 250.00 11. K. Matthews 1338 200.00 12. A. Loucks " 1339 200.00 13. T. Lama " 1340 200.00 14. G. Pace " 1341 200.00 15. June 17 P.U.C. Hydro and Water 1336 314.13 16. June 20 N. Loucks Wages - June 16 - 20 1322 142.84 17. K. Kirkpatrick " 1323 133.12 18. G. Foster II 1325 95.55 19. V. Bates 24 hrs erl $3. hr. 1324 71.12 20. J. Hayward ?fr Annual Salary 1326 150.00 21. June 26 Bank Commerce PUC loan 1327 2,000.00 22: " " Village Loan 1328 1,000.00 23. N. Loucks Wages - June 23 - 27 1348 142.84 24. K. Kirkpatric " 1349 133.12 25. G. Foster 1350 95.55 26. Stan Thorpe Sign Painting 1357 12.50 27. R. Hurley Making of Sign 1358 30.00 28. July 3 Bell Canada Rebate - Taxes 1352 4.58 29. N. Loucks Wages - June 30 - July 4 1353 142.84 30. K. Kirkpatric " 1354 133.12 31. G. Foster 1, 1355 95.55 32. July 4 J. Hayward 64 Dog Tags @ $1. each 1356 64.00 33. P.U.C. Ball Park Mat. for lights 1359 960.13 34. Ball Park - WireAO )) 35. Ball Park - &Elec. Mat. 36. • Fernlea Flowers Mrs Brown & Petrie 1360 22.50 37. Bus. Computer Services Tax Computation 1361 247.50 38. Sterling Fuels Industrial Road Oil 1363 1,167.00 39. Forest City Copiers - Photocopy Machine 1364 58.45 supplies and service 40. Arkell Ltd. Tax Receipt books 1366 65.00 • 41. Bennett Stationery Office Supplies 1367 12.24 42. Tills. News Dog By-Law & Garbage Ads 1362 19.32 cont'd SIXTEENTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting July 7, 1975. Library Rental: A letter has been sent request'ng a rental increase to $100.00 per month. No reply has been received as yet. St. Gelais Property: Movement will be made in the next week or two to clean ups: the beach property, billing Mr. St. Gelais for same. By-Law #289: - Being a by-law requiringbuildings and yards to be put in a safe condition -(see attac By-Law read a first, second and third time. Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that Bye-Law #289 be passed. CARRIED. Weeds: A weed notice was placed in Tillsonburg News on two occasions and the deadline date is July 14, 1975. Burning of Garbage: A sample by-law was tabled to next meeting. Building Permits: Seven permits were reviewed totalling $6,280 in estimated costs - R. Roberts, J. Spaltenberger, F. Waldeck, J. Fehr, H. Brown, J. Thiessen, H. Neville. CORRESPONDENCE: A.M.0. - Ttesolution Re Ontario Hydro proposed rate increases - requesting all Municipalities to register their concern with the Ontario Hydro and the Provincial Government regarding the excessive rates projected. Council endorsed this resolution and letters will be sent to our local M.P.P., the Minister of Energy arra the Ontario Hydro to this effect. Cemetery Board - A letter was received from Mr. Jack Sawyer requesting a similar grant as was made in 1974 for the maintenance of the Anglican Church Cemetery Board. Motion #4: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that the Village of Port Burwell make a grant of $100.00 to the Port Burwell Anglican Church Cemetary Board. E.M.O.: Information has been received on Emergency Measures Organization, as follows: "Pending the official designation of the heads of Ministries that will assume specific responsibilities for the co-ordination of the Provincial response to certain major peace-time emergencies, the Head- quarters of the U.P.P. in Toronto will assume these responsibilities effective July 1, 1975." All Municipal and provincial emergency plans should be amended accordingly. (The above is connection with the planned phase-out of the Emergency Measures Branch.) Elgin County Government Study: A letter was received from C.T.M. Hadwen, at Mr. Janes request, to conduct a public opinion survey in all parts of Elgin County, including this area. Three letters re signs were read. NEW BUSINESS: Permission was given to the Provincial Park authorities to take small groups through the light house. There was discussion on a telephone message from Mr. Schomfeld of Giffell, Davis and • Jorgenson, of Rexdale Ontario in that they have met with the Ministry of Environment re the conceptional design stage for sewers in the Village. There has been no further action on this. Letters will be sent from the Village Clerk and the Health • Inspector. • There was discussion on the Veenstra property concerning Right of Way. A. Loucks informed the Council that N. Loucks would be vacationing for two weeks commenctng July 14th and that there was a heavy work load for Public Works employees at this time of the year. T. Lama requested that the Fire Hose budgeted for, be purchased. 'SIXTEENTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting July 7, 1975. The Regular Meeting of the Village Council was h'ld in the Council Chambers, on Monday, July 7, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Reeve Ronald Bradfield, A. Loucks, K. Matthews, T. Lama, Clerk. Visitors: Jack Smyth, A. Shiry, D. Axford, N. Szeman, Jack Hayward and Mr. Bennett of Tillsonburg News. Motion #1: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that the minutes of the regular meeting of June 2, 1975, be approved and adopted as distri— buted to Council Members. CARRIED. Motion #2: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by K. Matthews that the General Accounts from 1 to 50, Water Accounts 1 to 3, on Vouchers #7, and the Erosion Accounts 1 to 2 on Voucher #6, be approved for payment.CARRIED. Visitors: Mr. Jack Smyth requested the road be opened up to,Lot 27 and Council agreed to have Public Works men follow up on it. Don Axford attended to secure information on Weed Mowing on Village properties. Mr. Shiry attended to request permission to retain the building for storage which was to be demolished in 1974. He stated he would eventually fix it up in good condition but did not want to go to the expense of a foundation which our by—laws require. Council felt the only alternative was for Mr. Shiry to demolish the building and purchase a storage shed and he was given to the end of the summer to do so. Mr. Spiry was also asked to have his weeds mown on his pro— perty, due to a citizen's complaint. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES: Tenders: Two tenders on the Shakespeare Lot were received — Mr. N. Szeman offered $1,250 and A. Vanderispaillie $2,100. Both bids were con— sidered lower than property value. Council will list with a Real Estate agent to endeavour to secure a higher offer. ($4,000 Minimum) Motion #3: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that the two tenders received to date by Mr. Nick Szeman and Mr. and Mrs. A. Vanderispaillie will not be accepted by Council. CARRIED. Tabled Items:Medina Gas Appeal — no word has been received. Garbage Contracts — the 1974 increase has not been paid;the 1975 monthly rate. has been brought up to date. O.H,R,P. — Jack Hayward reported on Building Permits purchased by Phase I applicants. There was discussion on permits for roofs (not required) and for vinyl siding (required). It was noted that building permits are issued for a six-month period only. An O.H.R,P. Committee was set up to approve expenditures and applications, as follows: Reeve (ex—officio) Tony Lama, Chairman K. Matthews Clerk—Treasurer Ball ark: $3,000 was budgeted for the Ball Park. The annual $1,000 payment on the 1972 Capital Loan for the Ball Park was paid by the Clerk on June 26th, 1975. The Clerk is to look into a possible 25% grant from the Commu— nity Services Division for Sports and Recreation. Debentures: The Reeve read our Solicitor's letter of approval of Debenture issues from Burgess Graham Securities Limited and the legal opinion from Manning, Bruce MacDonald and Macintosh and his recommendation that a more economical deal could not be received, in his opinion. By—Law #288: A By—law to authorize the borrowing of $51,000 upon debentures towards the cost of construction of an armour stone breakwall. (see attached) By—Law read a first, second and third time. Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that the by—law .be passed. CARRIED, FIFTEENTH MEETING GENERAL ACCOUNT - VOUCHER # 6 June 2, 1975. 1. May 9 Norman Loucks Wages May 5 - 9 #1293 142.84 2. K. Kirkpatrick 1t 11 1294 133.12 3. G. Foster ,, t, 1295 95.55 4. May 12 P.U.C. - Hydro May 1296 337.39 5. May 13 Miss Pat Teal Day Camp Donation 1297 50.00 6. May 16 N. Loucks Wages May 12 - 16 1298 142.84 7. K. Kirkpatrick f1 t1 1299 133.12111k- 8. G. Foster /1 11 1300 95.55 9. May 22 Delphine Hayward Cleaning of Office 1301 8.00 10. The Carswell Co. Handbook Councillors 1302 9.55 U. Fanshawe College Reg. Mun. Course 1303 60.00 12. May 23 N. Loucks Wages - May 19 - 23 1304 142.84 13. K. Kirkpatrick 1' 11 1305 133.12 __14. G. Foster - 1306 95.55 15. May 30 N. Loucks Wages May 26 - 30 1307 142.84 16. K. Kirkpatrick " " 1308 133.12 17. G. Foster 1, ,, 1309 95.55 18. Aylmer & Malahide Tel. F. D & Main Office 1316 135.48 19. St. Thomas Sanitary 1317 1,352.46 20. Advance Containers 1318 614.34 21. Morley Wolfe. For Gas and Repairs 1346 63.74 22. Sterling Fuels Fire Hall & Lib. 1351 259.52 23. Registry Office Conveyances 1319 1.20 24. W.C.B. Mun. Ops & Frmn 1320 318.38 25. Receiver General Dnp. Deductions 1321 313.14 .• .. 26. Mun. World Building Permits, etc. 1343 34.41 27. Poole Electronics Climb shields B. P. 1342 364.20 28. Lyle Buchner bolts 1329 14.80 29. Cayuga Construction Pub. Works -gavel 1330 227.85 30. Vienna Building Ball'Pk & Office 1331 165.04 31. P.U.C. June - Hydro 1310 313.87 32. Webster Stationery OHRP-3.24Office 8.61 1344 11.85 33. Separate School Bd June 30th Levy 1343 332.00 34. Waterworth & Anderson guards 1347 23.70 WATER ACCOUNTS - VOUCHER # 6 1. May 9 Vera Bates Water Billing 221 29.70 2. June 2 Charles Bates 10 hrs 0 $3. 223 126.75 3. June 2 Vera Bates Water Billing 11 hrs 299 32.93 4. June 3 P.U.C. 4 !3• VS Billing - May 224 42.80 EROSION ACCOUNTS - Nil CLERK �, L"1 IE.! .tl Y`7 I REEVE -- FIFTEENTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting June 2, 1975 NEW BUSINESS Parking,: Discussion arose re parking. The Reeve will enquire from Mr. Moore re parking signs on Wellington Street. Properties: No reply was received from Mr. St. Gelais to the registered letter sent to him ordering the clean—up of his beach property. The Clerk is to check on the legality of having this cleaned up by tender locally and charged to his taxes. The Clerk is also to check on present by—laws re pollution control on the burning of garbage within the Village. A Loucks referred a request by Mr. Stubbs of Libbye Ave. to have a sign erected to keep trespassers from using his pro— perty as an access to the West Beach. The Clerk was requested to send a letter to the Elgin County Library requesting an increase in rent to $100.00 per month due to high cost of maintenance paid by the Village. Water Mains: The Reeve had spoken to Mr. Ladbrooke on Village water mains, in particular a possible leak in the main near the Provincial Park entrance. The Reeve had also conversed with Mr. Moore re the lack of highway signs pointing to Port Burwell. Mr. Willard of the Provincial Park will be requested to erect Provincial Park signs to Port Burwell. 60th Wedding Anniversary: A special celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Brown's 60th Anniversary will be held at the Legion, Sunday June 8, 1975. The Reeve will attend with a card and appropriate gift representing Council. Letter Slot — P1U.C. P.U.C. has requested the installation of a letter slot in the front door. Grass and Weed Mowing: Notice to the Public is to be made in the Till— sonburg News regarding Village policy to the effect that lots will be mowed and charged to owners, by the Village, if necessary. Motion #5:Moved by G. Pace, seconded by K. Matthews, that the Village advertise for sale, in the Tillsonburg News, Lot 38 on the east side of Shakespeare Street, Reg. Plan 12, being 66" X132" con— taining .200 acres. The highest bid not necessarily accepted. CARRIED. Assessment Review Court Appeals: # 185 Medina Gas wrongly assessed not allowed #185-1 Medina Gas wrongly assessed not allowed #519-0001 Martin Lake assessment too high not allowed #366-0001 Elliott Ernest J. not in business at this allowed, cancel address bus. assmt #366-00 Elliott Ernest J. tenancy appeal notice attached #316 Goberis Charles assessment too high allowed from $350 to $50. #259 Lawton, Joseph building demolished allowed from $250 to $50. #004-0001 Medina Gas wrongly assessed allowed change name & address #004-0000 Medina Gas wrongly assessed allowed change name & address #519 Min. Nat. Resources tenancy appeal notice attached #164 J. Frisch Constructn. change of ownership allowed change 1110 F & G. Lama Tax Notices: The Clerk advised that tax notices would be mailed by the th of June and that no mention of paying at the bank was noted thereon this year. It was agreed that the customer could pay the service charge if he wished to pay at the bank. Motion #6:Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by A. Loucks, that this regular Meeting be adjourned until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency a Special Meeting be called. TIME: 11:25 p.m. CARRIED. FIFTEENTH MEETING Regular Council Meeting June 2, 1975 The Regular Meeting of the Village Council was held in the Council bers, on Monday, June 2, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Reeve Ronald Bradfield, A. Loucks, K. Matthews, G. Pace, ' Tony Lama and the Clerk-Treasurer. Also present: Mr. Bennett, Tilleonburg News. . Motion #1:Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 5, 1975 be approved as amended to "Liability Insurance" under "Breakwater", and adopted as distributed to Council Members; and that the Minutes of the Special Budget Meeting of May 20, 1975, be approved as _ distributed. CARRIED. — Motion #2:Moved by G. Pace, seconded by K. Matthews, that the General Accounts from 1 to 34; the Water Accounts from 1 to 4 on Vouchers #6, be approved for payment. By-Law, #287: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that leave be granted to introduce By-law #287 to levy the rates and taxes for the year 1975, and to provide for the collection thereof with a mill rate as follows: Public Residential - 84.349, Public Commercial - 96.137, Separate Residential - 85.072, Separate Commercial - 96.952. The first instalment to be due June 23, 1975 and the second on November 21, 1975. The third instalment of Water Frontage and Connection is due on December 31, 1975. Tax penalties on the first instalment when paid on or after June 24th = 1%, 2nd instalment when paid on or after November 22nd = 1%. One percent a month charged on all arrears. A discount of 2% will be allowed on ILI the 2nd instalment only, if paid on or before June 23, 1975. CARRIED. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES: Tabled Matters: Medina Gas Appeal, Garbage contracts, O.H.R.P. Ball Park:T. Lama reported on progress of the new lights being installed and that work should be completed by the end of June. Elgin County Government Study: Reeve Bradfield reported on the meeting held May 26th with Bayham Township, Vienna and Mr. Janes of James F. MacLaren Limited. Building Permits: Two permits issued to Mr. Gyorfi and Mr. Jack Smith for a total of $9,000. were approved by Council. It was noted that plans for work done should accompany permits and also that many structures are being erected without securing the necessary permits for construction. Loyal Granger's request for a road behind the Jack Smith pro- perty was discussed. Motion #3:Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that the Village of Port Burwell accept the firm proposal submitted by Burgess, Graham Securities Limited, for the purchase of Debentures being issued by the Village, subject to approval of the standard conditions by Hennessy, Kempster and Gunn, St. Thomas. CARRIED. Correspondence: Several letters were read, including a petition re Vienna Separate School concerning opposition td detachment in111 that area. Motion #4:Moved by T. Lama, seconded by G. Pace, that the Village of Port Burwell support the following resolution: "Therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Brantford petition the Ontario Ministry of Housing and Cen- tral Mortgage and Housing Corporation, to include provisions " • under the O.H.R.P and R.R.A.P. programs of a one-time grant to - the seriously handicapped for the purpose of making structural renovations to their homes." CARRIED. FOURTEENTH MEETING Special Budget Meeting May 20, 1975. A special Budget Meeting was held in the Municipal Hall on Tuesday, May 20, 1975, at 7:30 p.m, to set the budget and set the mill rate ;or 1975. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, K. Matthews, A. Loucks, T. Lama and the Clerk. —1111/1 Also Present: Auditor: Mr. Clarke After much deliberation, Council arrived at an increase of $7,789.10. A copy of the revised budget is on file. MOTION # 1: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that the Reeve and Councillor's salaries will increase $50.00 each per year for the year 1975 commencing from the first of January 1975. CARRIED. _MO/TION # 2: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that this Special Meeting called by the Clerk Treasurer to set the budget for the year 1975 be adjourned until the next regular meeting unless another Special Meeting be called. TIME: 11:35 CARRIED. Clerk REEVE • ACCOUNTS PAYABLE GENERAL ACCT. VOUCHER #5 May 5, 1975. Apr. 18 1. Norman Loucks Wages - Apr. 14 - 18 #1258 137.11 " 2. K. Kirkpatrick " . " 1259 133.12 3. G. Foster II It 1260 95.55 " 4. V. Bates Water .Bi li g 7 @ $3. 1261 20.86 Apr. 24 5. Assoc. Municipalities Council Membership 1262 50.00 6. East Elgin Pl. Bd. 5C of $494.12 1263 247.06 • Apr. 28 7. " K, Kirkpatrick Wages - Apr. 21 - 2$ 1264 133.12 " 8. N. Loucks " " 1265 142.84 9. G. Foster 1266 95.55 10. V. Bates Water Billing 6 0 $3. 1267 17.92 " 11. Registry Office Redemption Cert. M. Gee 1268 5.00 Apr. 29 12. Assoc. Mun. Cl. Conv. Reg. Fee • 1269 60.00 May 2 13. N. Loucks Wages Apr. 28 - May 2 1270 142.84 - " 14. K. Kirkpatrick " " 1271 133.12 15. G. Foster " " 1272 95.55 Mar. 31 16. Thos. Wilson Tricking Road Gravel 1273 175.00 Apr. 4 17. Muhlbock Plumbing Furnace Repairs 1274 34.87 Apr. 22 18. G. Foster Seminar - Mileage 1275 13.78 Apr. 25 19. Poole Electronics Towers - Ball Park 1276 514.83 Apr. 21 20. Stelco Screenings 1277 216.00 Apr. 23 21. Bennett's Office Supplies 1278 13.05 Apr. 24 22. Forest City Copiers Photocopy Paper 1279 93.24 Apr. 10 23. Treas. of Ont Registry - Conveyances 1280 5.40 Apr. 29 24. Caers Shell Store Gas & Chocolates (3) 1281 83.47 Mar. 25 25. Pt. Buswell Hardware Public Works Supplies 1282 231.34 Apr. 29 26. P.U.C. - Water Accts 0.P.P. Firehall, M. Off. 1283 19.50 " 27. Sterling Fuels Gar. F.H. Lib. 1283 182.50 May 1 28. Min. of Environment F & C Annual Pmt 1285 8,924.87 29. Times Journal 6 Mo. subscription 1286 20.80 30. Hugh Brooks Screenings and Gravel 1287 1,113.00 31. Canine Control 8 trips ® $8. 1288 64.00 32. Morley Wolfe Public Works - Gas 1289 27.85 33. Shelton Bros. Gravel 1290 504.00 34. Receiver General Emp. deductions 1291 247.11 35. Frank Stevenson Paper towels, supplies 1292 5.27 WATER ACCOUNT - VOUCHER # 5 Apr. 28 1. C. Bates Wages 16 @ $4. 218 68.80 31 mi. @ .15 May 2 2. V. Bates Wages - Water Billing 219 26.76 9 hours 41 $3. May 6 3. Min. of Environment Water Service - March 220 1,348.50 EROSION ACCOUNT - VOUCHER #5 May 2 1. K. Matthews Erosion Meeting 2277 12.00 , n.. • • �._ . THIRTEENTH MEETING Regular Monthly Meeting May 5, 1975. Property Clean—ups: Several properties were discussed regarding litter and debris, including the telephone property and rubble on the St. Gelais east beach property. MOTICN #3: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, th&. Jean Marie St. Gelais be notified by Registered Mail, to clean up his property adjacent to Hagerman Street. If this property is not cleaned up by the 24th day of May 1975, the Village shall have it cleaned up and the cost of such cleaning shall be billed to him and added to the taxes, if necessary. CARRIED. Heavy Garbage: The Clerk was requested to send a letter to Advance Containers Limited requesting reservation of a large container truck for the date set. MOTION #4: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that Monday May 26th be set aside by the Village Council for the-collection of heavy garbage and that notices be posted in the Village. CARRIED. Water Inspections: The Water Superintendent had requested an annual inspec— tion of Village homes due to wastage of water through dripping taps and toilet tanks left running. Council felt the public should be made aware of the necessity to conserve water, however since the Superintendent has authority to investigate areas where waste is known or suspected, an overall inspection at this time would not be necessary. Roads: A. Loucks reported on the completed maintenance of Village streets — graded, gravelled, blacktop patched, oiled and swept. NEW BUSINESS: Water Hydrants: A request was received to move the fire hydrant at Wellington Street (approximately 500 feet) and to run the main to the eastern outskirts of the Village, to supply a lot purchased by Mr. Croxford. A letter will be written to Mr. Ladbrooke on this. MOTICN #5: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, that the Ministry of the Environment be requested to extend the water main on Wellington Street to the easterly limits of the Village and put an additional fire hydrant near the Village limits, and that the water main be extended on that part of County Road #42 to supply water to the Shiry property, and that the water main be extended north along Elizabeth Street to the Wilbur Cookson property and a fire hydrant be placed in this area. CARRIED. MOTION #6: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lamathat the Clerk attend the Convention for the Association of Municipal Clerks and Trea— surers of Ontario from June 15 to 18, 1975, expenses incurred to be paid by the Village, and, that the Clerk attend the Course re the Municipal Administration Certificate Program at Fanshawe College in London. The Registration Fee and related expenses to be paid by the Village. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE: Senior Citizens Week: Council proclaimed June 15 to 21, 1975 as Senior Citizens Week, and a Proclamation Certificate is to be sent to the Village Senior Citizens Group. Several other letters were read, including a letter from the Day Camp Leader requesting our donation by June; and a letter from John Wise re Dredging of the Harbour (earliest date this can be done is June of this year subject to environmental approval.) • MCITICN # 7: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, that this Council Meet— ing be adjourned until the next regular Council Meeting unless in case of emergency a special meeting be called. CARRIED. TIME: 11:15 p.m. /) �_ih tr Clerk Reeve THIRTEENTH MEETING: Regular Monthly Meeting May 5, 1975. The Regular Mont*Maeting of the Village Council was held in the Municipal Hall on Monday, May 5, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, A. Loucks, K. Matthews, T. Lama, G. Pace and the Clerk—Treasurer. A photograph of the Council was taken by Mr. Brock of the St. Thomas Times Journal and the meeting was called to order at 7:55 p.m. - MOTION #1: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that the regular minutes of the April 14, 1975 meeting and the April 23, 1975 Special 0.H.R.P. meeting, be approved as distributed to Council Members. CARRIED. MOTION #2: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that the General Accounts from 1 to 35, Water Accounts from 1 to 3 and Erosion Accounts No. 1, all on Vouchers #5, be approved for payment. CARRIED. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES: Drainage: A. Loucks reviewed the drainage problem on Pitt Street. There was no immediate or permanent solution available other than a sugges— tion that owners consider tackling the problem under the Drainage Act by requisition of a 1/3 Grant. This matter was tabled until other methods could be explored. Breakwater: The Reeve read a letter from John Weston Surveyor, to the Marine Services Branch of the Ministry of Transport, concerning the pre— paration of the survey. A sketch of the limits of the Water Lot was enclosed. K. Matthews reported on the inspection of the Breakwater with Dr. Freeman, who will be contacting Logan Contracting to complete the work on the cracked rocks, as soon as possible. f 'S4RAACE Immkrenee LiabilityAfor the Village is in order, pending the placing of "Risk" signs. An application will be made to the Province for 80% of eligible Erosion costs. Future audit will determine additional exact costs. Tabled Items:Personnel Policies, Medina Gas Appeal, Garbage Contracts. A special Budget meeting and a Special 0.H.R.P. meeting may be called before the next regular meeting. Ball Park Towers: T. Lama informed Council of the methods to be used to install the towers and that wire and pipe will need to be ordered. _Work will be completed by the Public Works men. The Reeve asked if there were any means of raising funds for the Ball Park in the offing. The Community Centre Committee will try to raise the funds to cover some of the costs and will be using $300. of their present funds to repair the bleachers. Firemen: Applications for the following firemen were approved: Hugh Brooks; Chief, Ted Shelly, Murray Alward, George Caers, Danny Smyth, Don Mole, Ed Epple, George Pace, Tony Lama, Frank Stevenson, Ed Matthews, Brian Shelly. Tom Foote has resigned and four additional volunteers will be sought to complete the quota of 17. Parking Review: Council felt no further action could be taken on the Parking situation until off—street parking could be provided. Elgin County Government Study: The Clerk will meet with Mr. Keir on May 7th, to review the questionnaire and a further meeting will be set up in May with the Reeve and Clerk. 11110- 22E2: Since a Village child was bitten recently by a dog, ads will appear re the Dog By—Law in Tillsonburg News on two occasions and notices will be posted in Village areas. TWELFTH MEETING SPECIAL 0.H.R.P. MEETING APRIL 23, 1975. A Special Meeting was called on Wednesday, April 23, 1975, to review applications under the Ontario Home Renewal Program, in the Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Reeve Ron Bradfield, T. Lama, K. Matthews, A. Loucks; G. Pace and the Clerk-Treasurer. Visitors: Jack Hayward, Bill Underhill '1he Reeve read the letter from the Ministry of Housing wherein a cheque for the full 1974 Grant of $29,000. was enclosed. The purpose of the meeting was to establish qualities of estimates and to review the applications. The Building Inspector, Jack Hayward reported on inspections completed and that __he felt most were reasonably qualified. Mr. Underhill reviewed pertinent data on processing of applications and the 0.H.R.P. program in general and offered his assistance to Mr. Hayward in further research. The Council further discussed formulas - i.e. 10% repayable and the $150.00 Administration fee on each applicant. MOITICN #1: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that an Administration Fee of $150.00 be charged to the borrower of each loan, under the Ontario Home Renewal Program and that this administration fee shall not be forgivable and shall be repaid during a period not exceeding five years from the date of the loan, at the interest rate pre- scribed under 0.H.R.P. DEFEATED. MOTION #2: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by G. Pace, that for the Administration of the Ontario Home Renewal Program in the Village of Port Burwell $150.00 per approved loan application be taken from the funds granted by the Ontario Ministry of Housing, to the Village; these amounts to be deposited in an account especially for this purpose. CARRIED. The Clerk was requested to call Mr. MacMurray re the Administration fee to ascertain if the Administration fee will be granted to the Village, if forgiven in some law income instances. MOTION #3: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, that a request for supplementary allocation of subsidy moneys for the year 1975, pursuant to the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, the allocation being $1,500 for Construction, be made. CARRIED. MOTION #4: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by G. Pace, that this special meeting on the Ministry of Housing be adjourned until the next regular meeting unless another special meeting be called. CARRIED. TIME: 12:30 a.m. Clerk Reeve ACCOUNTS PAYABLE GENERAL - VOUCHER #4 APRIL 14, 1975. March 7 1. Norman Loucks Wages - Mar 3 - 7 1209 $ 142.84 2. K. Kirkpatrick " " 1210 133.12 3. G. Foster " " 1211 95.55 4. G. Foster Mileage to St. Thomas 1212 9.30 (Recoverable M. Gee) Mar. 11 5. P.U.C. Hydro Billings - Mar. 1213 326.51 Mar. 13 6. G. Foster 0.T. 33 hours 1214 156.75 Mar. 14 7. N. Loucks Wages - Mar 10 - 14 1215 142.84 8. K. Kirkpatrick II " 1216 133.12 9. G. Foster II II 1217 95.55 Mar. 18 10. Elg. Cty Sep. School Mar. 31 Interim Levy 1218 300.00 11. Long Point Reg. Cons. 1975 Mun. Levy 1219 650.00 Mar. 21 12. K. Kirkpatrick Wages - Mar. 15 8 0.T. 1220 160.95 Mar. 17 - 21 13. N. Loucks " ti - 1221 172.01 14. G. Foster Deductions off Cheq #1214 1272 67.57 Wages - Mar. 17 - 21 Mar. 27 15. K. Kirkpatrick Wages - Mar. 24 - 27 1223 133.12 16. N. Loucks 1224 142.84 17. G. Foster 1225 95.55 18. V. Bates (Water) Mar. 14 - 24 - 11 hrs 1226 32.89 Apr. 4 19. Reg. Office Elgin Conveyances 4 @ .30o 1226 1.20 20. K. Kirkpatrick Wages - Mar. 31 - Apr. 4 1229 133.12 21. G. Foster II If 1230 95.55 22. N. Loucks " 1231 142.84 23. V. Bates(Water) " " 1232 20.86 Apr. 8 24. Hugh Brooks 3 truck licences 1233 6.00 Apr. 10 25. Rec. General Employee Deductions 1234 302.05 Apr. 11 26. Jack Hayward Cleaning Office 1235 4.00 .----27. N. Loucks Wages - Apr. 7 - 11 1236 142.84 28. K. Kirkpatrick If " 1238 133.12 29. V. Bates (Water) II " 6 hrs. 1237 17.92 30. G. Foster if " 1239 95.55 31. Hurley's Gasoline 12i2 50.68 32. R. Bradfield Seminar - St. Thomas 1241 50.95 33. Rec. General Post Office Box Rental 1243 6.00 34. Webster's Stationery Office Supplies 124,4 12.84 35. Simplex Purchased Time Clock 1245 157.83 36. Morley Wolfe Gas and Repairs 1247 121.43 37. Municipal World Office Supplies 1246 38.60 38. P.U.C. Hydro Billing - April 1248 331.76 39. Olivetti Underwood Typewriter Purchase 1253 636.65 40. Drake Vicary Public Works 1249 1250 canc. 9.26 41. Advance Container Dec. Jan. Feb. 1251 399.24 42. St. Thomas Sanitary Jan. Feb. Mar. 1252 1,496.00 43. Emco Supply Water Meters 1254 107.05 44. Lyle Buchner Public Works 1255 15.30 45. Vienna Building Supplies 1256 109.99 46. Sterling Fuels Garage Fire Hall 1257 113.89 WATER ACCT. VOUCHER #4 Mar. 31 1. C. Bates Wages - 12 hrs @ 4. 215 50.70 Mileage - 18 0 150 2. Rec. Gen. Water Billing Stamps 214 24.00 Apr. 24 3. Min. of Environment Water Pmt. Jan. (216 1,428.05) 4. Min. of Environment Water Pmt. Feb. (216 1,270.71) 5. Min. of Environment Annual F & C. Pmt. 217 8,924.87 • EROSION ACCT. VOUCHER #4 • Mar. 24 1. J. MacLaren 6th Account 2276 4,068.54 2. 8th Account 2276 3,866.05 • 3. 9th Account 2276 1 059.83 . ELEVENTH MEETING April 14, 1975. 4. Letter from Ron McNeil re Sewage Works. No prediction was given as to when sewers would be installed. 5. Elgin County Local Government Study — re survey by J. MacLaren Limited and a questionnaire to be filled in by the Clerk. LAIII 6. Letter from Elgin County Health Unit re elimination of fees for inspection of lots for severance purposes and increase of fees for sewage disposal from $15.00 to $25.00, effective April 1, 1975. 7. A letter from the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovern— ment Affairs re a project for help toihdependent retailers to improve their operations, initiated in Kirkland Lake. If this is successful other areas will be eligible. 8. Amendment to the Highway Traffic Act. 9. Noise By—Law. NEW BUSINESS: Dogs: Several complaints have been received from townspeople regarding numerous dogs running at large. Notices are to be posted in town areas relating to our Dog By—Law,condensed as follows: "Dog owners must not permit their dogs to run loose or trespass on any Village Property. Every dog within the Village of Port Burwell when not visably confined to the owner's property, shall at all times be restrained upon a leash in charge of some person. Any per— son who fails to comply with the above shall be guilty of a first offence wherein a penalty of $10.00 may be imposed and up to $50.00 for each subsequent offence, at the discretion of the convicting magistrate." An ad to be place in Tillsonburg News — twice a week apart. Property Owner: A complaint was received regarding a property on Pitt Street and a request that the owner be notified to clean up the area. Roads: A request was made that Public Works sweep the streets as soon as possible and that oil on the streets is needed. Water Inspector: The Water Inspector suggested inspections once a year to stop wastage of water (drips, etc.) The Clerk is to enquire from the Ministry of Environment on their next visit here. ADJOURNMENT: MCITICI #8 Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by A. Loucks that this Council Meeting be adjourned until the next Regular Council Meeting unless in case of emergency a Special Meeting be called. TIME: 11159 p.m. ,::?,....,, Are i t(ftEEVE CLERK llk ELEVENTH MEETING 41111111111111111 April 14, 1975. Eat : Angle parking on Robinson Street was discussed. Parellel parking on both sides was suggested, due to narrow traffic lanes. Council Members will study these by-laws with a view to revision. Erosion: Debentures - A sum of $59,215.43 will be necessary to debenture for the Village portion which will be applied to the bank loan of $108,000. The remaining $48,784.57 will be recoverable from the Province of Ontario (8096). The Auditor will be contacted to ascertain the best method of securing debentures, at the lowest interest level. K. Matthews reported on 14 cracked rocks and eight out of place, suggesting that Dr. W. Freeman be asked to come here as soon as possible for an inspection of the site. Appeals: The following appeals were reviewed: Roll # 171 - S - Mrs. Eileen Vanness - Court of Revision approved change to 2 months instead of 10 months on the 1974 Collector's Roll. Roll #118 - Mr. Edward McPherson - house burnt out August 1973. Assessment office advised Assessment Decrease to read $150.00. Assessment was 575. East Elgin Planning Board: MOTION #4: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that the Clerk be authorized to pay 5C of the East Elgin Planning Board levy, the amount being $247.06. CARRIED. There was a brief discussion on the Elgin County Municipal uncon- ditional grant increase. More will be known on this after budgets are set. The 1975 County Rates were discussed. Port Burwell's portion is $15,895.21 if paid before December 31, 1975, however there are not enough funds to pay this now to claim a rebate. Association of Municipalities: MOTION #5: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by G. Pace, that the Village Council pay the sum of $50.00 (Fifty Dollars) to the Association of Muni- cipalities of Ontario as a membership fee for the year 1975. CARRIED. Connecting Link: MOTION #6: Moved by K. Matthewsseconded by G. Pace, that the Village of Port Burwell would like the Ministry of Transportation and Commu- nications to paint the centre line of the Connecting Link in this municipality in 1975. CARRIED. Daylight Saving Time: MOTION #7: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell accept the daylight saving time for the regular time set out for the year 1975. CARRIED. _CORRESPONDENCE: Several letters were read and briefly discussed: 1. A letter re Resolution of 6% Interest on Supplementary tax sub- missions not received before December 31. • 2. A letter re a cheque for $74.30 (Erosion Fund donations by cot- tagers on the east beach) This is to be deposited in the General Account and will be used to pay for a sign to be posted on the breakwater concerning "risk". Our present Insurance Liability coverage in this regard is also to be checked by the Clerk. 3. Letter re an invitation to a retirement dinner in honour of Mr. Len Morris, Senior Local Government Advisor, London Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs. ELEVENTH MEETING April 14, 1975. The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council met on Monday, April 14, 1975 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, A. Loucks, K. Matth,ws, T. Lama, G. Pace, and the Clerk Treasurer. Visitors: Jack Hayward, Murray Alward. —• O.H.R.P.: J. Hayward reported that Bill Underhill is assisting him on ins— pections. Two estimates will be mandatory for each applicant. Council scheduled a Special Meeting for Wednesday, April 23, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. to review the O.H.R.P. program. Jack Hayward and Bill Underhill will attend. MINUTES OF MEETING: — March 3, 1975, March 4, and March 10, 1975. There were two amendments in the Regular March 3rd minutes, made by K. Matthews: 1. Objection was not made to the purchase of the street lights, merely as to the method of purchase. 2. Breakwater Survey: "On record that it was stated that there was a conflict of interest." MOTION #1: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by G. Pace that the minutes be approved as read and amended and that the General Accounts on Voucher #4, 1 to 45 be approved. CARRIED. MCITICN #2: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by A. Loucks, that the Erosion accounts on Voucher #4, 1 to 3, be approved. CARRIED. MOTION #3: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that the Water accounts on Voucher #4, 1 to 5 be approved. CARRIED. It was noted that the Boy Scout Group had not yet received their cheque for $90. and this will be forwarded forthwith. Also noted was that the street lights are paid in monthly instal— ments with the Hydro billing. Drainage: M. Alward discussed the problem of drainage on his property involving two other adjoining properties. He felt that this was due to a drainage-pipe installed by the Village several years ago. He quoted portions of the Drainage Act and requested Public Works make a sufficient outlet so that water can be discharged properly to deter damage to lands and roads in that area. Councillor Loucks stated he has been aware of this problem and will further investi— gate the situation. The permission of Mr. R. Farlow and Miss Fern Hill would be necessary to secure easement rights for their pro— perties should this be corrected by Public Works. Breakwater Survey: K. Matthews reported that approximately six weeks more time would be required to complete the survey. Time Clock: No rules have been set as yet. The 8 days sick leave with 50% carryover was discussed. Council felt employees must be sick to be paid for time off and that it must be personal and not relational. Relational matters could be paid through vacation time benefits deducted from the employee's annual vacation time. The Clerk is to request a copy of Personnel Policies from the Elgin County Office. • Other Data: The following matters were tabled to next meeting: Budget, Office Service Contracts, Ball Park Towers, Approved list of firemen. Medina Gas Appeal: The Clerk is to contact Mr. Petrie concerning progress on excerpts through their lawyer. 1 r 4000 NINTH MEETING - CONTINUATION OF AGENDA - MARCH 3, DYING M110, 1975. NEW BUSINESS: O.H.R.P.: The Reeve reported pertinenM, data on our application, which has been received by the Ministry of Housing. Mr. McMurray telephoned to state it is approved-in-principle and that 1/2 of the $29,000 would be sent to the Village in approximately 10 days time. The Clerk will publicly advertise the program. BOY SCOUTS: In reference to the grant proposal to the Port Burwell Boy Scouts Group in the December 1974 Council Minutes: ::,. ,, _ .: '' 'I''' MOTION #7: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by,T. Lama, that a grant of $90. be given to the Port Burwell Scout Group Committee. CARRIED. r BALL PARK: Wooden poles for the Ball Park lighting were not available, therefore towers were discussed as alternatives. MOTION #8: Moved by G. Pace, seconded by T. Lama, that the Village purchase six, forty-eight foot self-supporting "LT Series" Lighting Towers with climbing shields for the Community Centre Ball Park. CARRIED. PARKING: K. Matthews requested the Clerk to check past Parking By-laws for the next meeting. MOTION # 8: Moved by K. Malhews, seconded by T. Lama, that this Council Meeting be adjourned until the next regular Council Meeting, unless in case of Emergency a special meeting be called. CARRIED. TIME: 11:00 p.m. 1/9 .3411•Arilif �� Clerk Reeve TENTH MEETING - SPECIAL MEETING MARCH 31, 1975. A special meeting was held AT 2:45 p.m. on Monday, March 31, 1975 in the Council Chambers. All members of Council and the Clerk were present. MOTION #1: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that a request for a supple- mentary allocation of subsidy moneys for work on roads and bridges under jurisdiction as follows: $1,500 for Construction and $12,900 for maintenance for a to tal of $14,400, be made. CARRIED. Several other matters were discussed and tabled until the next Regular Meeting. MOTION #2: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by A. Loucks, that this Special Meeting be adjourned. CARRIED. TIME: 4:05 P.M. • Clerk y id--- t iiiii/ a 1 � R NINTH MEETING - CONTINUATION OF AGENDA FROM MARCH 3, 1975 - MARCH 10, 1975. The Village Council met in the Council Chambers at 6:30 p.m., on Monday, March 10, 1975 to continue the agenda from the Regular Meeting of March 3rd, 1975. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Reeve Ronald Bradfield, A. Loucks, T. Lama, G. Pace, K. Matthews and the Clerk-Treasurer. APPOINTMENT OF SURVEYOR: In discussion of a necessary survey for the Waterlot Lease it was suggested that Council consider a survey of the complete length of the Breakwal7 (1,800 feet). MOTION #1: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that this Council engage Mr. John F. Weston to survey the water lot, to be prepared by a registered Ontario Land Surveyor, suitable for the issuance of a License of Occupation. CARRIED. BUDGET MEETING: The Clerk was requested to try to determine the assessment of Elgin OFFICE EQUIPMENT: County Board of Education, before setting up the meeting with the Auditor. MOTION.,#2 Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, that an Olivetti Editor 3 typewriter be purchased by the Village of Port Burwell at a cost of $595.00 plus 7% Provincial Sales Tax. The old manual typewriter be sold for $25.00 rather than trading it in. CARRIED. WATER BILLING: As requested by Council, the Clerk had submitted a resume of time and cost requirements for the Village to bill the Water accounts. Copies of the following resolution are to be sent to the Chairman of the P.U.C. , C. Blythe, the Commissioner of P.U.C. M. Alward, and the Secrecary-Treasurer, J. Scanlon. MOTION #3 Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that the Village Council engage the P.U.C. to take over the billing of the Water System in the Village, for Domestic users every 2 months and the Commercial users every month and forward Council an approximate cost of the billing, the cost to be reviewed in 6 months. CARRIED. GOOD ROADS - Mahoney and Anderson 1975 Road Schools - There being no candidate to send this year, this was filed. QUESTIONNAIRE: A questionnaire on election data, was completed by Council members and signed by the Reeve, to be mailed to the Association of Munici- palities of Ontario. E.M.O.: The By-Law for Peacetime Emergency Measures was reviewed. BY-LAW #286: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by A. Loucks, that leave be granted to introduce By-Law #286. By-law read a 1st time, By-Law read a 2_d time and a 3rd time, TO ADOPT THE E.M.O. PLAN. CARRIED. MOTION # 4: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, that the Clerk be authorized MEDINA GAS: to pay the interim levy of $300 for 1975 for the Elgin County Separate School Board. CARRIED. Decision was made to prote .this company's rate increases: MOTION # 5 Moved by G. Pace, seconded by K. Matthews, that this Council send a 411-- 1111--- letter to the Ontario Energy Board expressing Council's dissatisfaction with Medina Gas Company's interim rate increase and future application jill to the Ontario Energy Board for another increase. Letters also to be sent to the Minister of Energy, Ministers of Consumers and Commercial Affairs and Elgin M.P.P. Ron McNeil. CARRIED. TIME CLOCK: G. Pace reported on one used clock which was not suitable due to costly repairs required. Another used only 7 months was discussed. G. Pace will draw up instructions for usage by the Public Works employees. MOTION # 6: Moved by G. Pace, seconded by T. Lama, that the Village purchase one model J.C.P. Job Cost Recorder plus 1000 cards to go with the Job Cost Recorder. To be used as a time clock for Town Works Dept. Cost of recorder is $130.00 plus tax CARRIED. ' .--1.44. . , - f.: troo".1.1 , ia2 , _ , - 1i 0°; ,,," �` 1, t ‘4* I/0 ( 7 ) ! ,if A Afl -P , v -- .„4,d ji r J 1)500 _a 06 0 1 offilial. .) til l son bu rg commercial printers ltd. Phone 842.2922 128 Tii;son Ave. Book and Job Printing • Off ice Equ ipmint Office Supplies EIGHTH SPECIAL MEETING - SPECIAL - O.H.R.P. MEETING MARCH 4, 1975. A special Meeting was called on Tuesday, March 4th to discuss the Ministry of Housing's Ontario Home Renewal Program, in the Council Chambers at 4:15 p.m. PRESENT: Reeve Ronald Bradfield T. Lama A. Loucks MOTION # 1: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that application be made to the Ministry of Housing for Ontario Home Renewal Program grant of $29,000. for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1975, for the purpose of making loans to owners of real property used for residential purposes to assist in the repair, rehabilitation and improvement of dwelling units, pursuant to the Housing Development Act and the Regulations subject to the limitations thereof. CARRIED. MOTION # 2: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by A. Loucks, that we adopt the residen- tial standards as set forth in the Ontario Home Renewal Program guide for Residential standards. CARRIED. MOTION # 3: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that this Special Meeting on the Ontario Home Renewal Programme be adjourned until the next regular meeting unless another Special meeting be called. CARRIED. TIME: 5:30 p.m. Clerk ASIA Reeve • n s .„q SEVENTH MEETING March 3, 1975. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: GENERAL - VOUCHER # 3 (cont'd) Feb. 28 18. Village Water Bills 26.00) #1195 19. " " Municipal Office 13.00) 20. Bennett Stationery Supplies 16.46 1196 21. Morley Wolfe Jan & Feb. Gas & Repairs 481.66 1197 22. Pt. Burwell Hardware - Jan. & Feb. 300.43 1198 23. Drake-Vicary 15.23 1199 24. Drake-Vicary - Compressor - i to be paid PUC. 750.87 1200 25. Bd. of Educ. 25% of last yrs requisition 8,097.00 1201 26. W.C.B. - Mun. Operations & Firemen 108.00 1202 27. Bayham Township - Medina Gas Appeal Costs 334.89 1203 28. Canine Control 7 trips 0 8. ea. 56.00 1204 29. Goods Roads Conv. Expenses 276.09 1206 30. Receiver General Employee deductions 254.43 1207 31. Frank Stevenson - Supplies 6.17 1205 32. Sterling Fuels - Garage & Fire Hall 81.06) 1208 33. Sterling Fuels - Mun. Office 47.35 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: WATER ACCOUNT - VOUCHER #3 Feb. 19 1. Min. of Environment Dec/74 1,294.73 211 25 2. Post Office Stamps 200 X 8o 16.00 212 27 3. Charles Bates $77.40 94.60 213 17.20 returnable Pt. Stanley ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: EROSION ACCOUNT - VOUCHER #3 Feb. 25 1. Logan Contracting - $123,944.04 - $5,000 118,944.04 2271 Feb. 21 2. Ken Matthews - Erosion Mtg. Attendance 60.00 2270 Mar. 4 3. Logan Contracting - Paid $5,000 re Cheq. 5,000.00 2272 #2271 Clerk. J i Reeve i 11106 , (/---)....- k f SEVENTH MEETING March 3, 1975. Medina Gas: 1. Notice of application was discussed and filed. 2. Order of the Ontario Energy,, Board, was discussed and filed for review at a later date. LongPoint Conservation Authority: Mr. Jessb Dennis has been officially appointed as LongPoint Conservation representative for Vienna, Port Burwell, Bayham and part of Malahide, which rescinds our appointment of John Wall. Mr. Dennis telephoned today to request Council to arrange a meeting with the above municipalities to discuss requirements for this year. He also requested approval of $650. Assessment for the Village, $500. of which mill be returnable to us through the building of a boat dock and ramp at the Village Conservation Park. MOTION #3: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that the Village of Port Burwell accept the Assessment of $650. subscribed by Mr. JessP.c Dennis as the Representative of the Long Point Conservation Authority. CARRIED. Street Lights: Council stated that no overtime repairs of street lights are warranted. The purchase of street lights was discussed. MOTION #4: Moved by T. Lama, seconded by A. Loucks, that this Council give the P.U.C. authority to purchase and install two street lights - one at Shakespeare and Newton Streets and one at Robinson Street at the top of the hill going to the East Beach and the lights to be of the four foot mercury vapour type. Two in favour - T. Lama, A. Loucks Two against - K. Matthews, G. Pace. CARRIED.with the Reeve casting the deciding vote. Bank Charge Increase: The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce has advised us that bank charges will be increased from .20c to .25¢ as of April 1, 1975. All further business was tabled until Monday, March 10, 1975 at 6:30 p.m. NEXT REGULAR MEETING: The next regular monthly meeting will be held on April 14, 1975 instead of April 7th. The Clerk was requested to post notices to this affect in areas around the town. MOTION #5: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by G. Pace, that this regular Council Meeting be adjourned until the next regular meeting unless a special be called. CARRIED. TIME: 12:30 a.m. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: GEMERAL - VOUCHER # 3 March 3, 1975. Feb. 7 1. N. Loucks - Wages - Feb. 3 to 7, 1975 141.19 #1175 2. K. Kirkpatrick Wages " " 131.47 #1176 3. G. Foster - Wages ',I, " 94.50 #1177 Feb. ll 4. Registrar of Deeds - Max Gee Property 5.00 #1179 Feb. 13 5. Vera Bates - Vacation Pay 23.16 1180 Feb. 14 6. N. Loucks - Wages - Feb. 10 - 14 142.84 1181 7. K. Kirkpatrick = Wages " " 133.12 1182 8. G. Foster - Wages " " 95.55 1183 Feb. 17 9. P.U.C. - Hydro 365.00 1184 Feb. 19 10. Aylmer & Malahyde Tel. 75.35 1185 Feb. 21 11. K. Kirkpatrick - Wages Feb. 17 - 21 133.12 1186 12. N. Loucks - Wages - " " 142.84 1187 13. G. Foster - Wages " 95.55 1188 Feb. 28 14. N. Loucks - Wages - " 142.84 1190 15. K. Kirkpatrick - Wages " " 133.00 1191 16. G. Foster - Wages - " 95.55 1192 17. Mun. World Magazine Subscription 75.00 1193 (cont'd) SEVENTH MEETING March 3, 1975. The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council met on Monday, March 3, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. PRESENT: Reeve Ronald Bradfield - Alvin Loucks Tony Lama Village of Port Burwell Kenneth Matthews George Pace Mr. Willard, Park Supt. ) Provincial Park1111111 Miss Leuty , Park Planner ) Mr. Kindy & Mr. Taylor ) Poolroom W. Freeman, P. Eng. ) James F. Mac Laren Limited MINUTES OF MEETINGS: The minutes of the Fourth Regular Meeting, held Feb. 3, 1975, the Fifth Special Erosion Meeting held Feb. 21, 1975 and the Sixth Special Meeting held Feb. 22, 1975, were adopted as read by the Clerk. MOTION #1: Moved by A. Loucks, Seconded by G. Pace, that the regular Village Accounts from 1 to 33 on Voucher #3, that Village Water Accounts from 1 to 3 on Voucher #3 and that Erosion Accounts from 1 to 3 on Voucher #3, be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same.CARRIED. Poolroom: Mr. Kindy requested the instalment of three gaming machines in his Poolroom - 1 baseball, 1 pinball and 1 shooting gallery - all of which • are free games with no money involved in winnings. He stated that his reasons for installation of these were monetary and to keep the youth in the Village. Council agreed to his request. Provincial Park:The Ministry of Natural Resources is setting up an Interpretive Program • for Visitors to the Park, for entertainment purposes. These will vary from nature walks, to children's entertainment such as a playground geared to commercial fishing, Historical data of Port Burwell yore, camp fire talks with elder fishermen of the area, etc. Few Parks, such as Port Burwell, are situated on a harbour and for this reason, Commercial Fishing was chosen as their theme. Their goal is to have the Provincial Park become a beehive of activity as it was 50 years ago and to encourage family groups to camp in the area. Council's assistance was requested to gather historical background data from the people of the area, through a meeting of community involvement in this program. Council members advised of leads to initiate such a meeting by contacting the Senior Citizens Group and individual elders in Port Burwell. Felines: K. Matthews reported that in order to enforce the issuance of feline permits, a by-law officer would be required. This was filed. Own�S:K. Matthews explained expropriation easements as a possible alternative "" to legal consent forms and that a survey is required in either case. There are approximately 29 property lots involved, including two streets and one Town lot, wherein the Reeve and Clerk would sign these consents. The Clerk is to contact the above owners by letter, to request they come to the office to sign the consent forms. Golder Associates: This matter was discussed in detail. The Driller's costs in particu- lar were the main objects of criticism. Due to lack of proof to contest these charges, decision was made to pay this amount, but that in future matters of this kind, someone will be placed in charge of overseeing operations. MOTION #2: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that the Clerk be authorized to pay $6,187.80 to James F. MacLaren Limited, this amount being the41111°— total of the invoice from Golder Associates to James F. MacLaren, for subsurface investigation prior to the construction of the breakwall. CARRIED. Library Repairs:A. Loucks advised of the laying of a new Library floor. Slight roof leaks in the Police and Library offices will be repaired in warmer weather. Time Clock: G. Pace reported that a used time clock could be purchased for $150. and a new one for $195. He will investigate this further. SIXTH Meeting Special Meeting February 22 197 . The Port Burwell Village Council met on Saturday, February 22, 1975, at 1:30 p.m. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield K. Matthews T. Lama The meeting was called to pass a By-Law to cover final expenditures pending on the Shore Protection Works. The By-Law is mandatory to empower the Letter of Credit for $jQ0,000.00 from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. At the present time, a bank loan of $76,000. is required to cover Payment Certificate #3 owing to Logan Contracting Limited, for which a Form 62 D 61 is also required to be completed and duly signed by the Reeve and the Clerk. BY-LAW: #W5 Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lania, that leave be granted to introduce By-Law #1±85 - Whereas the Council of- the Village of Port r Burwell deems it necessary to borrow up to the sum of $300,000.00 to meet current expenditures until taxes are collected. By-Law read a first, second tiiet`-_a Moved by T. Lama, seconded by K. Matthews, that By-Law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. CARRIED. MOTION: #1 Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by T. Lama, that this special meeting be adjourned. CARRIED. • Clerk �/11 Reeve FIFTH Meeting Special Erosion Meeting February 21, 1975 A Special Erosion Meeting was held in the Municipal Hall, on Friday, February 21, 1975, at 9:00 a.m. PRESENT: Reeve Ronald Bradfield Kenneth Matthews Alvin Loucks Tony Lama Also Present: The Clerk-Treasurer, Auditor -Donald Lemon, and W. S. Freeman, P. Eng. W. Freeman had suggested a meeting with Council in order to discuss the termination of the contract with Logan Construction Limited, since work on the Shore Protection Works was substantially completed on February 7, 1975. A small amount of work (less than $1,000.) remains to be done in the replacement of four defective armour stones and cleanup work on the site. The Contractor has been paid 85% of the value of the work completed on a monthly basis, an W. Freeman felt that he should be paid in full as soon as possible. The predominate reason for this was because both the Federal and Provincial authorities would want to reimburse the Village as soon as possible for budgetary purposes, since their 1974 expenditures must be terminated by April 15th, as there is no carry over into 1975 for 1974 approved projects. Further, W. Freeman suggested that the outstanding work should be deducted from the contract requirements and the contract price reduced by $1,500. to cover this amount, through the issuance of a Purchase Order by the Village, and payment of the 15% hold-back could then be made on March 17, 1975. Contract Change Order #4 should be signed to enforce this. Council questioned Change Order #3 and the $213.92 markup and labour charges for placing shot rock along the water's edge further to the West. The Contractor has stated that his offer to place the material at cost, was for the part at the immediate West and of the Breakwater, only. Council also felt that $1,500 was not a high enough inducement to the Contractor to return in the Spring to do the deficient work and cleanup. MOTION: #1 Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by Tony Lama, that $5,000. be deducted from the Contract with Logan Contracting Limited, for replacement of four cracked armour stones and for final cleanup of the areas occupied by the Contractor during the term of the contract and that a Contract Change Order be perpared by James F. MacLaren Limited covering the above changes and that the Reeve and the Clerk be authorized to sign same. CARRIED. MOTION: #2 Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that this Council issue a Purchase Order to the Logan Contracting Limited in the amount of $5,000. to cover the Works of Resolution #1 of February 21, 1975. CARRIED. W. Freeman requested formal acceptance of the completion of the Breakwater. There was a brief discussion on whether the Contractor or the Engineer is responsible for the stability of it now that it is completed and the Consultant Engineer explained the legal aspects of this. The Soil Invoice for Golder Associates, inadvertently paid by the new Clerk, was discussed. A stop-payment was placed on the cheque issued for $6,187.80. W. Freeman will contact them re the isolated areas that are not correct in the billing of this invoice. A mathematical error was noted by K. Matthews, in Progress Certificate #4. This will be corrected and dealt with along with the altered Contract Change Order, by W. Freeman. )TION: #3 Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that this Special Erosion 11110" Project Meeting be adjourned until the next regular meeting unless another special meeting be called. CARRIED. TIME: 11:15 a.m. _. Clerk / // Second Meeting (page two) January 13, 1975 # 284 Moved by A. Loucks and seconded by K. Matthews that leave be granted to introduce By-law to engage Mrs. Gwen Foster of the Vi'lage of Port Burwell as the regular Village Clerk-Treasurer awl tax collector for the village, commencing her duties on the twentieth day of J_+n./75. Starting rates of pay: 23 hours weekly @ $110.00 with two weeks vacation with pay and eight days sink leave per year with fifty percent carry over. By-law read three timesand engrossed by the Reeve Ronald Bradfield. 3. Moved by K. Matthews and seconded by T. Lama that the Village purchase Model 44-2 Webster Air Compressor with l H.P. 110/220 volt motor and having a displacement of 10 cfm and with the neceee ry att ,chments, providing tqe Public Utilities Conmission pay one half the cost of the compressor. 4. Moved by Alvin Loucks and seconded by K. Matthews that the Village place order with P.U.C. for six poles 49.2 ft. in length at $175.71 each pole with additional charge of $45.00 freight each pole xikk Kadtitmetztxxkimmxeddelivered at Toronto dock side. 5. Moved by T. Lama and seconded by A. Loucks that the Village Clerk order six copies of the Municipal World for Reeve ana Councillors and the clerk. • 6. Moved by K. Matthews and seconded by A. Loucks that Norm Loucks be paid a rate of $4.10 per hour for 40 hours per week anA that Ken Kirkpatrick be paid at a rate of $4.00 per hour for 40. hours per week. Each man to be paid at the regular rate for up to 44 hours per week and at time and one-half after 44 hours per week. 7. Moved by K. Matthews and seconded by Tony Lama that Vera gates be paid at a rate of $4.75 per hour for weeks ending January 10, 17, and 24. 8. Moved by A. Loucks and seconded by Tony Lama that this regular Council meeting be adjourned until next regular meeting unless in case of emergency a special meeting be called. Time: 12;00 p.m. j '2Clerk ..I y / .. .Reeve ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER # 2 1 to 21 1. Sterling Fuels 247.77 1143 2. Ont. Assoc, of Fire Chiefs 30.x:0 1144 3. Pt. Burwell Hardware 119.51 1145 4. Morley Wolfe gas 66.02 1146 5. Municipal World 15.73 1147 6. Caughell & Co. stamp pad 1.34 Ilik- 7. Gift Shoppe (H.Wolfe's retirement gift) 33.97 1148 8. Hurley's gas 72.52 1149 9. Muhlbock Plumbing (library) 15.42 1150 10. Association of Municipal Clerks & Treas. 20.00 1151 11. Stephenson's (turkeys) 38.14 1152 12. Tillsonburg News (clerk advertisement) 18.20 1153 13. Webster Stationery (ledger sheets) 6.26 1154 14. Registry Office (conveyances) 4.50 1155 15. Canine Control 56.00 1156 16. Ron Bradfield (Reeve's retirement gift) 42.92 1157 17. Lakeside Hotel (inaugural banquet) 200.75 1158 18. Bennett Stationery (repair to date stamp) 5.92 1159 19. Ken Kirkpatrick wages 180.25 1160 20. Norm Loucks wages 196.28 1161 21. Vera Bates wages 84.15 1162 i , . 6 • Second Meeting Monday January 13 , 1975 The Pt. Burwell Village Counci: met on Monday Jan. 13, 1975, with all members present. The minutes of the 23rd and 2Lth December meetings, as well as the minutes of the inaugural meeting were read and alopted. 1. Moved by A. Loucks and seconded by George Pace that the regular Village accounts from 1 to 70 on Voucher #1, that the Water accounts from i to 4 on Voucher #1: and that Erosion accounts from 1 to 3 on Voucher #1 be paid and the Reeve be autLored to sign the slme. The committees for the years 1975 and 1976 were then chosen : WORKS & ROADS-- Alvin Loucks, Chairman Tony Lama, Assistant PARK--George Pace r FIaE, COMI4U1ITY CENTRE--Tony Lama, Chairman George Pace, Assistant FINANCE-- all members of Council PLANNING BOARD -- K. Matthews and Tony Lama E. M. 0. COMMITTEE--K. Matthews and George Pace Correspondence from the Good Roads Association was then read, and Reeve R. Bradfield stated his intentions of attend'ng the c nvention in February. K. Matthews is expected to attend as well. An exemption certificate was noted, from th•! Ministry of Transport, in regards to the Breakwall Construction. Authority has been given for the work as it proves to be of no detriment to navigation on Lake Erie. Literature from MacLaren's and Golder Associates was read and it was decided that Ken Matthews arrange a meeting between the interested parties to answer questions raised by the village councillors in respect to the drilling which was done by the Golder Associates. It was decided to file a resolution received from the corporation of Wtford in regards to curbing unlawful acti"ities in a more severe manner-- namely, larger fines and penalties. A letter from Mrs. R. Van Ness was read; it contained a complaint as to improper taxation on her property. Steps will be taken to advise the assessment office. 2. Moved by Alvin Loucks and seconded b:' ToLy Lama that Village Council Trish to enter into negotiations for a further five year contract in accordance with the Sanitary Collection and or Advance Container. (The Clerk is to send a copy of this resolution to the Advance Containers and Sanitary Collection Companies). The Max Gee property tax arrears ce tificate will b, dealt with -s soon as inforation can be obtained on the proper procedures. #280 By la1 Medina Gas Col, was re.d for the third time and filed until a replyyouncil correspondence 'if received. Three members of Council, Reeve R. Bradfieli and councillors T. Lama and K. Matthews will be attending a Ministry of Treasury Economics andInter- governmental Affairs seminar at St. Thomas, Elgin Count'! Library, on Feb.4/75. Mr. George Teal inquired of the Reeve if it would be possible to have .he Pt. Burwell firemen provide fi:e protection on property up to the Village of Vienna. The Council wish to have more information befo e making a decision. M.P. John Wise contacted Reeve Bradfield to inform him that he is still working towards having the harbour dredged in the spring. VOUCHER # 1 1 to 70 1. Port Burwell Scout Grant 90.00 ' . 2. Jack Hayward cleaning office 8.00 1074 - .. 3. Hamilton Ward & Cathers 23.36 1075 _. 4. Pt. Burwell Hardware 145.69 1076 5. Tillsonburg Comm. Printers supplies 198.57 1077 6. Muhlbock Plumbing library 14.00 1078 7. Fernlea Flowers 8.50 1079 8. Medina Gas Int. on pipe 1.28 1080 9. Municipal World supplies 24.01 1081 10. For st City Copiers 24/00 1082 11. Registry Office conveyances 9.60 1083 12. Caers Shell & Groc. 60.85 1084 � _ 13. James Davison (canine control) 64.00 1085 14. Royal Canadian Legion wreath 15.00 1086 15. Morley Wolfe gas 59.87 1087 16. John Arnold bolldozing 187.00 1088 17. Sterling Fuels oil, librar7 & garage 149_.79 1089 18. Tillsonburg News Advertisemsn t 48.72 1090 19. Aylmer tire 55.85 1091 20. Hugh Brooks Hauling stone 274.66 1092 21. The Steel Co. screenings 196.19 1093 22. Mrs. Anne Chalk 1.81 1094 23. Township of Bayhan 15.46 1095 24. Vienna Lumber repair window 9.14 1096 25. R. Hannigan fire chief 200. 00 1097 26. R. Bradfield chief & deputy chief 262.50 1098 27. Pt. Burwell Fire Dept. re Bob Vyse 35.00 1099 28. George Pace fireman $35.00 US 1100 29. Tony Lama fireman 110.00 1101 30. Hugh Brooks " 157.50 1102 31. Murray Alward " 40.00 1103 , 32. Frank Stephenson fireman 60.00 1104 33. George Caers " 90.00 1105 34. Jim McKibbin " 45.00 1106 35. Ed Matthews " 30/00 1107 36. Karl Muhlbock " 50.00 1108 37. Kenneth Matthews " 95.00 1109 38. Ted Shelley fireman 30.00 1110 39/ Bill Boesch " 40.00 1111 40. Danny Smyth " 105.00 1112 41. Tom Foote " 80.00 1113 42. A. Sampson wages office 216.00 1114 43. V. Bates " 52.51 1115 44. Brian Shelly fireman 25,00 1116 45. H. Wolfe wages 403.75 1117 46. Receiver General tax,pens. ins. 245.97 1118 47. Norman Loucks wages 122.50 1119 48. Norman Loucks holiday pay 245.00 1120 49. K. Kirkpatrick wages 116.01 1121 50.V. Bates wages 58.32 1122 51. Ont. Good Roads membership fee 25.00 1123 52. Hugh Brooks Christmas parade donation 25.00 1124 53. P.U. C. 323.01 1125 54. Rec. General register letters 1.00 1126 55. H. Wolfe wages 80.75 1127 56. K. Kirkpatrick wages 116.01 1128 57. V. Bates 58.32 1129 58. H. Wolfe " 80.75 1130 59. K. Kirkpatrick " 116.01 1131 60. V. Bates " 58.32 1132 61. H. Wolfe wages 80.75 1133 62. K. Kirkpatrick wages 113.82 1134 i 63. N. Lgucks " 120.23 1135 64. V. Bates " 58.32 1136 65. Water Account 39.00 1137 66. P.U.C. 330.88 1138 67. Receiver General tax, Cpp. U.I. 340.29 1139 68. N. Loucks wages 126.54 1140 69. K. Kirkpatrick wages 116.18 1141 70. V. Bates "' /--) 92.20 1142 Third Meeting - Special Meeting Re: Construction of Shore Protection Works - January 24, 1975 F Minutes of the Special Erosion Meeting held at the Village offices at 4:00 p.m., on Friday, January 24, 1975. PRESENT: Reeve Ronald Bradfield Messrs: K. Matthews A. Loucks Village of Port Burwell T. Lama G. Foster W. Fredman, P.Eng. James F. MaLaren Limited 110111 H. Dagenais Master Soil Investigation R. Gould Golder Associates The purpose of the meeting was to protest an invoice of $6,187.80 received by the Village, from Golder Associates for subsurface investigations far the proposed Shore Protection Work. This work was carried out by Master Soil Investigations. Golder Associates had estimated the investigations would cost approximately $2,950.00 if the work could be done during summer weather. Reeve and Council expressed dissatisfaction with the drill crew who performed the work, in that there were many days in which Council Members felt the crew could have been working on the Lake, and were not. This resulted in a lot of standby time until another good day came along. Although many days and dates were pointed out when Council Members felt the drill crew could have been working and didn't; Mr. Bob Gould informed Council there could be no adjustment made in the bill. Mr. Dagenais and Mr. Gould retired from the meeting. W. Freeman asked Council to consider asking the Contractor (Logan Contracting Limited) to leave the "haulway" behind the breakwall, to haul in more stone to place along the base of the cliff and to do so for the cost of the material only. MOTION: #1: Moved by K. Mathhews, seconded by A. Loucks, that Logan Contracting Limited put the stone along the base of the cliff at a rate of $4.30 a ton, that the Village be made aware when the cost reaches $6,000. and that the Contractor stop work on this portion of the job until they are notified to proceed. CARRIED. MOTION: #2: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by T. Lama, that the meeting be adjourned until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. CARRIED. TIME: 6:00 p.m. Clerk • Reeve • `, o :: i •; MEETING February 3, 1975. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: General- VOUCHER # 2 - 1 to 33 Amount Cheq.# 1. Sterling Fuels - 98.88, 108.50, 40.39 $247.77 1143 2. Ont. Assoc. of Fire Chiefs 30.00 1144 • 3. Pt. Burwell Hardware 119.51 1145 4. Morley Wolfe - gas 66.02 1146 5. Municipal World 15.73 1147 6. Caughell and Co. Stamp Pad (Helen) 1.34 7. Gift Shoppe (H. Wolfe's retirement gift)V. Bates 33.97 1148 8. Hurley's - gas 72.52 1149 9. Muhlbock Plumbing (Library) 15.42 1150 10. Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers 20.00 1151 _ Membership 1975 -(Helen Wolfe) _ 11. Stephenson's (Xmas turkeys) 38.14 1152 12. Tillsonburg News (Clerk's Advertisement) 18.20 1153 13. Webster Stationery (leger Sheets 6.26 1154 14. Registry office (conveyances) 4.50 1155 5. Canine Control 56.00 1156 IIIIII 6. Ron Bradfield (Reeve's gift retirement) 42.92 1157 17. Lakeside Hotel - (inaugural banquet) 200.75 1158 18. Bennett Stationery 5.92 1159 19. Ken Kirkpatrick - Wages 180.25 1160 20. Norm Loucks - Wages 196.28 1161 21. Vera Bates - Wages 84.15 1162 22. Ken Kirkpatrick - Wages (Jan 20 - 24) 131.47 1163 23. Norm Loucks - Wages u 141.19 1164 24. Vera Bates - Wages 84.15 1165 25. Gwen Foster - Wages " 94.50 1166 26. Ken Kirkpatrick - Wages (Jan 27 - 31) 131.47 1167 27. Norm Loucks - Wages si 141.19 1168 28. Gwen Foster - Wages 94.50 1169 29. Hamilton Ward & Cathers (Ins. Prem. increase) 71.20 1170 x(,30. Dr. C. L. Leatherdale (14 Firemen Phys. @1$l0.ea) 140.00 1171 31. Caers General Store - gas 37.34 1172 32. Sterling Fuels - Fire Hall heat 103.81 1173 33. Receiver General - Employee deductions 352.16 1174 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Water Account - Voucher #2 1. Ministry of Environment (November) 1,494.58 209 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Erosion Account - Voucher #2 1. Logan Contracting Ltd. (Jan 24/75 paid) 111,424.52 2267 2. James F. Mac Laren Ltd. 3,764.87 2266 -4 r• `'SKf4 • .1�'T4._601041 •' CLERK REEVE EMMMWMeeting - Regular Monthly Meeting - Monday, February 3, 1975 The 'tort Burwell Village Council met on Monday, February 3, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. In the Council Chambers. PRESENT: Reeve R. Bradfield, A. Loucks, K. Matthews, G. Pace. (T. Lama was absent due to illness) -16 Visitors: Miss Pat Teal and Miss Darlene Kaufman W. Freeman, P.Eng. and C. Ross, (J. MacLaren Ltd. ) The-minutes of the January 13, 1975 meeting were adopted as read. MOTION #1: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by K. Matthews, that regular Village accounts from No. 1 to 33, on Voucher #2; Village Water Accounts No. 1 on Voucher #2; and Erosion accounts No. 1 and 2 on Voucher #2, be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same.CARRIED. OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUTH: Misses Teal and Kaufman representing the Day Camp through Conservational authorities, approached Council to ask for supportto pay for supplies, etc. for this area service which accommodates approximately 50 children, ages 5 to 12 years. The Council had donated $50. towards this program, in 1974. It was agreed to support this effort again this year providing the girls applications were approved in April 1975. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: Erosion Meeting: The Reeve read the minutes of the Jan. 24, 1975 meeting held in the Council Chambers at 4:00 p.m. A resolution was passed to put stone along the base of the cliff, not to exceed $6,000. in cost from Logan Contracting Limited. Tax Arrears:The properties of M. Gee and J. St. Belais are to be processed for registration as soon as possible. P.U.C. : has agreed to purchase the Webster Air Compressor and to pay half the cost. CORRESPONDENCE: East Elgin Planning Board: A suggested resolution for application of a grant for participating municipalities was given. MOTION #2: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, resolved that the Council of Port Burwell request the Minister of Housing for a Community Planning Study Grant in the amount of $684.00 (calcu- lated on the basis of the East Elgin Planning Board's formula) to be spent in the final preparation of the East Elgin Official Plan and zoning by-laws. CARRIED. Migrant Workers: The matter of hostels for migrant tobacco workers was dis- cussed and filed. Ontario Humane Society: A letter suggesting a by-law be issued re permits for felines was reviewed. K. Matthews will study this and report back to Council. Licence of Occupation: This was duly signed and sealed for submission to the Ministry of Natural Resources. 11116 Harbour Dredging: A letter was received from John Wise M.P. enclosing a letter from the Ministry of State - Fisheries for investigation of our request_ for dredging of the- arbour which is being for- warded to the Regional Small Craft Oarbour personnel. We were advised that this possibly will be included in the 1976 mainten- ance dredging program. 2 MATH. Meeting February 3, 1975. SHORE PROTECTION: Dr. Freeman advised that the breakwall construction is almost completed. Discussion took place on possible extension of the breakwall at the east and west points, of an additional 200 feet, which would increase the debt by another 10%. It was decided that the west end completion would preserve the roadway at that site at a maximum cost of $6,000. for the job. MOTION #3: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by A. Loucks, that the West end of the breakwall be finished according-to instructions to be issued by the Village Council on the job site on Tuesday, the 4th of February, 1975 at 7:30 a.m. The cost of construc- tion of this section to be only the cost of material.CARRIED. MOTION #4: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace, that the Village accept contract change order No. 2 dated February 3, 1975, as prepared by W. Freeman for James F. MacLaren Ltd., on behalf of the Village of Port Burwell. CARRIED. The question of former property owners and "who owns the breakwall" arose, since written consent was not secured from the riparian owners. One person has purchased a lot and is seeking to buy other remnants; other owners have indicated they wish to use "fill" over the bank behind the breakwall. Council requested the Clerk to draft a letter to our lawyer Mr. Hennessey, to determine our position on this. NEW BUSINESS: P.U.C. - Water billing: Discussion on transferring the water billing to P.U.C. was tabled until the next meeting pending further clari- fication of time and financial factors involved. Appoint:dents: MOTION # 5: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by G. Pace, that Charles Bates be appointed as the Village Water Superintendent at the rates of $4.00 per hour and 15C per mile mileage. CARRIED. MOTION # 6: Moved by K. Matthews, seconded by G. Pace that John Wall be appointed as the representative on the Long Point Region Con- servation Authority for 1975. CARRIED. E.M.O. : Tabled until the next meeting. Time Clock: G. Pace will secure a price on a time clock for Public Works employees. Library Repairs: A. Loucks will investigate roof leaking and floor heaving repairs. Chocolates to Elders: The Clerk is tole-enforce this service to elders on their birthdays. Assoc. Municipalities of Ontario: The Reeve advised Council of correspondence received re rate applications of gas companies before the Ont. Energy Board, and their position thereon. They advised Councils to "give consideration to affirming the resolution adopted by the Annual Conference and to send copies to the Hon. Mr. McKeough ' and the Hon. John T. Clements, Ministry of Consumer and Commer- cial Relations." MOTION # 7: Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by X. Matthews, that this Council Meeting be adjourned until the next regular meeting unless in case a special meeting be called. CARRIED. Time: 11:30 p.m. E , j ) First Meeting Monday January 6, 1975 The Inaugural meeting of the Port Burwell y _llage Co 7cilnw s97held oincil n the Municipal office on Monday January 6, 1975. were sworn in as follows: Reeve Ronald Bradfield, Councillors _ George Pace, Tony Lama, Alvin Lou(!ks, Kenneth Matthews. Irk `P. U. C. members Charles Blyth and Murray Alward. Mr. Louis Toth, Justice of the Peace for the County of Elgin performed the swearing in ceremonLes. An address and prayer were given by Har.-y Alward. Reeve Bradfield voiced the thanks of Council. 1. Moved by Alvin Loucks ani seconded by Kenneth Matthews that this Inaugural meeting be adjourned. time: 7.00 p.m. Following adjournment the C uncil atten 'ed a dinner at the Lakeside Hotel with members of past councils present as well. TEMPLRARY CLERK: CONTINUATION OF MEETING FOLLOWING BA:IOU.;T �,-/ --/1-4.4 a. Moved by A. Loucks and seconded by T. Lima that this Council enrage Mrs. Gwen Foster of the Village of Port Burwell as the regular Village Clerk- Treasurer for the Village; commencing her duties on the twentieth clay of January 1975. Starting rates of pay: 23 hours weekly --=110.0! , with two weeks vacation with pay, and eight days sick leave per year with 50% carry over. 3 . Moved by Ken Matthews and seconded by T. Lana that the Reeve and the clerk such poweroisrintoaccordanceues withor the Vllap:e pf thy Municipal ActPortvidin:any other Act P covering this procedure. 4. Moved by George Pace and seconded by A. Loucks that this special meeting be Ajourned for the hiring of the Clerk-Treasurer for the Village of Port Burwell. ( . ) .421 1 ,L / ,....Reeve