HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell Council Minutes 1972 PORT
Council Minutes
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Eighteenth Meeting Tuesday, Dec. 5, 1972
The December meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held
011110 in the Municipal Office at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday December 5, 1972.
Reeve Blyth and all the Council were present. B. Kearse and K.
Matthews of the 1973 & 1974 Council were also present.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read.
1. Moved by H. Alward and sec. by H. Hoshal that accounts 1-43 on
Vcucher 12 be paid and the accounts 1-7 or. the water voucher be
paid and the Reeve uthorized to sign the voucher for same.
2. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Alward that the Poll Clerk for
the Municipal Election for the Village Mrs Harold Tuff and Mrs.
C. Bates be paid the sum of $1.75 per hour for duties on Dec. 4
and the 2 advance polls, and the returning officer $25.00.
3. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by C. Bates that (1) the Minister of
i reas:,ry, Economics ani Trtergovernmental Affairs he requested to
designate the Town of Aylmer, the Villages of Springfield, Vienna
and Port Burwell and the Townships of Malahide, Bayham and Dorchester
South as a joint planning area to be known as the East Elgin Planning Area.
(11) That the planning board be comprised of the 14 members presently
constituting the East Elgin Planning Committee. (111) That the Township
of Bayham be the designated municipality for the purposes of the Planning
4. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that the sum of $25.60 be paid
to the Ontario Good Roads Association as a membership fee for the
Village of Port Burwell for the year 1973.
5. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by H . Alward that the Chief and Deputy Chief
of the Port Burwell Volunteer Fire Brigade be paid $150.00 each and the
other members of brigade he paid 34.00 for service on fire calls and
mutual aid meetings plus $1.00 for practice meetings for 1972.
C. Moved by H. Alward and sec by C. Bates that we the members electof this
Council for 1973 and 1974 on behalf of ourselves and the ratepayers of
the Village extend sincere thanks to Mary Blyth retiring reeve and '
Harold Hoshal retiring councillor for their many years of valuable
municipal service to the Village of Port Burwell.
It was agreed by Council to pay Lester Bates 2% of his wages as holiday
Turkeys to be purchased for the Village help.
It was reported that an adult education centre is being set up if Aylmer
where adults may progress at their own rate--Tuition $2.00 per week,
held each Tuesday and Thursday.
Letter read from Ministry of the environment regarding derelict vehicles
to the effect that established sites for the derelicts had not been set
Letter for donation to War Memorial Childrens Hospital filed, also
filed letter requesting donation to Essex County Flood Relief fund.
Letters read from Ministry of the Environment regarding plumbing
Inspections, and from the Task Force on Policing in Ontario.
7. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that this Regular meeting be
adjourned until next regular meeting unless in case of emergency.
Time 9.45.
1. Norman Loucks Nov. 10 wages 108.57 8
2. K. Kirkpatrick " " 107.58 9
3. Helen Wolfe " " 66.80 10
4. Water Acct. OPP & Gar. 26.00 11
5. Elgin County R.C.S.S. Bd. Levy 232.00 12
Long Point Region Cons. Levy 415.00 131110
•V.-. County of Elgin Bal. of Levy 5131.99 14
8. F. Stephenson supplies 8.74 15
9. P.U.0 lights 311.96 16
10. Roy Iutzi Welfare 20.00 17
11. Gerald Reid Welfare 20.00 18
12. Mrs. Minnie Tait Supp. aid Nov. 10.00 19
13. Norman Loucks Nov. 17 wages • 108.57 20
14. K. Kirkpatrick " " 108.66 21
t5. Helen Wolfe 66.80 22
16. Village Pt. Burwell opp & Davidson taxes 180.70 23
17. Ministry of the Environment Oct Frontage & Conn 1485.63 24
18. Norman Loucks Nov. 24 Wages 108.57 25
19. K .Kirkpatrick " " 108.66 26
20. Helen Wolfe " " 66.80 27
21. Armstrongs Drug Store Re welfare Armstrong 12.50 28
22. Mrs. Gerald Matthews Welfare 63.00 29
23. Aylmer & Malahide Telephone 74.25 30
24. Jack Hayward Building Inspector 150.00 31
25. Rec. Gen. Tax, Pens, and Ins. 201.38 32
26. Algin Loucks Supp Aid Dec. 20.00 33
27. Minnie Tait Supp Aid Dec. 10.00 34
28. Advance Containers Nov. Garbage 97.15 35
29. Sc. Thomas San _tary Collection Nov. 273.00 36
30. Elgin County School Bd. 1972 Levy 7229.00 37
31. Wilbur Cookson Armstronr rent 24.00 38
32. Norman Louc::s Dec. 1 Wages 108.57 39
33. K. Kirkpatrick " " 108.66 40
34. Helen Wolfe " " 66.80 41
35. Ministry Com & Soc. Service Welfare returned 151.60 42
36. Lyle Buchner tractor curtains 83.48 43
37. Sterling Fuels Fuel Oil 147,36 44
38. Jack Kaufmann Nov. acct. 42.57 45
39. Vienna Bldg. Supplies Office & P.W. 47.' 8 46
40. Pt. Burwell Hardware Nov. Acct. 150.16 47
41. W. G. Webster Acct. 2.21 48
42. Mary Blyth meeting & mileage 17.00 49
43. Registry office conveyance 2.10 50
1. Lester Bates Nov. 10 wages 83.70 73
2. Lester Bates " exp 11.85 74
3. Lester Bates Nov. 24 wages 59.40 76
4. Lester Bates " expenses 7.65 77
5. Ministry of the Environment October water 842.00 78
6. Pt. Burwell Hardware 100' tape 12.39 79
7. Emco Supply 3 meters 108.92 80
-'-'74-4? 4Clerk (:, :'.6,if . . . .Reeve 11111
The following is a list of the nomination papers filed during the
7above dates (The Municipal Elections Act, 1972, section 35 (3)1Councillor Harold Hoshal Custodian Port Burwell
Reeve Charles Bates Retired Port Burwell ACCL.
Councillor Kenneth Matthews Ont. Land Surveyor Port Burwell,
Councillor Robert Kearse Hotel Owner Port Burwell
P.U.C. Charles Blyth School Teacher Port Burwell ACCL.
Councillor Alvin Loucks Retired Port Burwell
P.U.C. Frank Stephenson Merchant Port Burwell ACCL.
Councillor Harry Alward Nurseryman Port Burwell
RESULTS of the Advance Poll November 27, 1972,
Advance Poll December 2, 1972
Election December 4, 1972
Kearse, Robert
P.U.C. BLYTH Charles ACCL.
Bd. of Education
Public School Results sent to J. Petrie, Clerk of Bayham
Separate School Board Results sent to J. Petrie, Clerk of Bayham
Seventeenth Meeting Monday Nov. 6, .1972
The November meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held .
in the Municipal Office at .7.30 p.m. on Monday November 6, 1972.
Reeve Blyth and all the Council were present.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read.
1. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that regular Village,
Accounts 1-49 on Voucher 11, and that Village accounts 1-7
re Water be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same.
2. Moved by H. Alward and sec. by A. Loucks that the Village Council _
r of Port Burwell go on record as assuming no financial responsibility
re indigent expenses incurred in Dec. 1963 and August 1964 in the
St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital by the Jate Emerie DeFauw, due to
the fact that he was not a resident of the village during this
3. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by C. Bates that the recommendation of
the East Elgin Planning Committee to engage the firm of James F.
MacLaren to undertake alanning programme for the East Elgin are
at a cost not to exceed $19, 000.00 he accepted and that this amount
be distributed among the seven member municipalities as follows:
Town of Aylmer $3,000.00 Village of Vienna $1,000.00
Village of Port Burwell 1,300.00 Village of Springfield 1,200.00
Township of Malahide . 3,000.00 Township of S.Dorchester 2,500.00
Township of Bayham 7,000.00 TOTAL 19,000.
4. Moved by C. Bates and sec. by A. Loucks that this Council support the
draft response of the Elgin Planning Board regarding prospects for the
Lake Erie Region.
A certified copy of the motion to be sent to the Elgin Planning Board.
Letter read from Mrs. Kettlewell in regard to sharing water frontage
with Mr. Becker.
Letter to be written to Ministry of the Environment Waste Management
Branch regarding derelict vehicles in the Village.
Letter was read from the Port Burwell Cottage Owners Authority--to be
answered agreeing to make application for help under the Local Initiat-
ives Program for the erosian project, and to give permission to grade
down the end of Elizabeth and George Street if needed. July resolution
regarding street ende to stand until 1973.
Letters from United Appeal, Pembrook ( regarding censorship of Motion
Pictures T.V. etc) , Town of Whitby (arenas) to be filed.
Application to be made for interim payment of subsidy under the Public
Transportation & Highway Improvement Act.
5. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that this Council he adjourned
until next regular meeting unless in case of emergency.
Time 12.00 a.midnight
1. Ay&mer Tire Service Tires 372.60 5959
2. Norman Loucks Oct 6 Wages 106.51 5960
3. K. Kirkpatrick " " 106.68 5961
4. Helen Wolfe " 66.80 5962
5. K. Kirkpatrick Holiday pay k06.68 5963
6. Norman Loucks Oct. 13 Wages 106.51 5964
7. Helen Wolfe 66.80 5965
• 8. P.U.C. Lights 270.07 5966
9. J. Robert Farlow Davidson property 6466.43 5967
10. Norman Loucks Oct. 20 wages 106.51 5968
11. K. Kirkpatrick " " 106.68 5969
12. Helen Wolfe " " 66.80 5970
13. Hamilton Ward & Cathers 1237.14 5971
14. Norman Loucks • Oot. 27 Wages 106.51 5972
15. 1kKirkpatrick • " " 106.68 59734101
16. H'-len Wolfe " " 66.80 597$
17. Jack Hayward Cleaning office 4. 5975
18. Norman Loucks Oct 27 pension .38 5976
19. Rec. General - Tax,- ins, Pens .226.82 5977 -
20. Ministry of the Environment Aug. & Sept. 3644.64 5978
21. Advance Containers Garbage 97.15 5979
22. St. Thomas Sanitary Collection " 273. 5980
23. Alvin Loucks • Supp. Aid • 20.00 5981
24. Mrs. Mary Blyth Reeve ^ 200.00 5982
25. Charles Bates Councillor 150.00 5983
26. Harold Hoshal " 150. •5984
27 . Harry Alward " 150. 5985
28. Alvin Loucks " 150., 5986
29. Norman Loucks Wages Nov. 3 108.57 5987
30. K. Kirkpatrick • n • " -106.68 5988 •
31. -Helen Wolfe " " 66.80 5989
32. Mary Blyth Selecting Juris is 1. 5990
33. Helen Wolfe ' ft
" 3. 5991
34. Harold Hoshal meeting 9.60 5992
35. Charles Bates " 8. 5993
• 36. Caers Shell & Groceries • October Accou*$. 36.35 5994
• 37. Morley Wolfe - -Oct.. Acct 505.99 59965995
• 38. Hugh Brooks
39. Jack Hilliker Sidewalks 1078.56 5997
40. Vienna Bldg. - Oct Acct •11.06 5998 -
41. News Printing Oct Acct. 50.07 5999
44 Tillsonburg Commerdial Printers 105.90 6000
• 43. Hurleys Boat Building Oct Acct 3921.76 1
44. Fernlea Flowers
45. Registry Office Sept cony; 1.50 3
46. L. Granger equip. rent • 1450, 4
47. Sterling Fuels Library oil 20.40 5
48. Helen Wolfe mileage 8.80 6
49. Mary Blyth • mileage 14.40 7
-� � Clerk/4)04-q4..., . . .2?7. k/ 4/11/14' Reeve
Sixteenth Meeting Monday October 2, 1972
The October meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held in
the Municipal Office at 7.30 p.m. on Monday October 2, 1972. Reeve
Blyth and all the Council were present.
MD ,,, The minutes of the la st meeting were read and adopted as read.
1. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Alward that the regular Village
accounts 1932 and that Water accounts 1-4 on Voucher 10 be paid
and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same.
2. Moved by H. Alward and sec. by H. Hoshal that the premium in the
amount of 1237.14 covering all insurance policies held by the'Village
for 1972 and 1973 be paid to Hamilton Ward and Gathers Insurance Co. ,
Plans wre made to lay approximately 600 feet of sidewalk on Shakes-
peare from Newton Street to #19 Highway. Mr. Hilliker to be hired
to lay it as soon as possible.
Letter read from East Elgin Planning Committee notifying Council of
meeting to be held on Oct. 17 in Straffordville.
Also Arbitration meeting to be held with the treasurers in St. Thomas
on October 5, 1972.
Two rooms to be reserved in Toronto for thQ 1973 Council for the
Good Roads convention.
Letter read from Giffels, Davis & Jorgensen Ltd. to Graham and Graham
regarding listed deficiencies in the water system .
3. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that this Regular Council
meeting be adjourned until next regular meeting unless in case of
Time 10330 p.m.
1. Public Utilities Hydro 272.87 5927
2. Rec. General Stamps 16. 5928
3. Elgin County Separate School Levy 231.00 5929
4. K. Kirkpatrick Wages Sept. 8 106.68 5930
5. Norman Loucks " 106.51 5931
6. Helen Wolfe n 66.80 5932
7. Norman Loucks " Sept. 15 106.51 5933
8. K. Kirkpatrick " " 106.68 5934
9. Helen Wolfe Holiday Pay 133.60 5935
10. Norman Loucks Wages Sept. 22 106.51 5936
11. K. Kirkpatrick " 106.68 5937
12. W. Cookson Reid Rent 50. 5938
13 Gerald Reid Welfare 43.00 5939
14. Norman Loucks Wages Sept.29 106.51 5940
15. K. Kirkpatrick " 106.68 5941
16. Helen Wolfe 66.80 5942
17. Void 5943
18. Void 5944
19. Rec. General Tax, Ins, Pens., 284.48 5945
20. Alvin Loucks Supp. Aid 20. 5946
21. Advance Containers Sept. Coll 97.15 5947
22. St. Thomas Sanitary Coll Sept. 273.00 5948
23. Morley Wolfe Acct. 89.38 5949
24. Fernlea Flowers Wreath 31.50 5950
25. Helen Wolfe Birthdays 2.99 5951 •
26. John Weston Survey 1431.25 5952
27. Registry Office Aug. Cony. 2.10 5953
28. Prouse Transport Hauling screening 136.00 5954
29. The Steel Co. of Canada Screenings 27.43 55556
30. Pt. Burwell Hardware Acct.
31. Harold Hoshal Sept. 19 meeting 8.00 5957
32. Charles Bates n " 9.60 5958
1. Lester Bates Sept. 8 Wages 62.10 63
2. Lester Bates " Expenses 9.15 64
3. Lester Bates ' Sept. 29 Wages 81.00 65
4.' Lester Bates ^ Expenses 13.35 66 11101
4. . .....{rrlA-447 @lerk ' 22:. • . eeYe •
Fifteenth Meeting Tuesday September 5, 1972
The September meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held in
the Municipal Office at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday September 5, 1972. ' Reeeve
' Blyth and all the Councillors were present with the exception of' A.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read.
1. Moved by H. Alward and sec. by H. Hoshal that accounts 1-38 on Voucher
9, and accounts on the Water Voucher 9--1--6 ke paid, and the Reeve be
authorized to sign the Vouchers for the same.
2. Correspondence read from J. R. Farlow Q.C. regarding purchase of 12i
- - acres of land from the Davidson Estate--staling that it is advisable
for the Village to have a survey made of the property immediately.
Also from Mr. Jack Sawyer, regarding the absence of streetilight in his
vicinity since September 1971. Light has been replaced by the P.U.C.
2. Moved by C. Bates and sec. by H. Hoshal that this regular meeting of the
Village Council be adjourned at 9.40 p.m.
Time 9.40 p.m.
1. P.U.C. Bently Hydro 16.80 5889
2. Norman Loucks Aug. 10 Holiday pay 106.51 5890
3. K. Kirkpatrick Aug. 10 Wages 106.68 5891
4. Helen Wolfe " " 66.80 5892
5. P.U.C. 279.43 5893
6. Aylmer & Malahide Telephone 73.25 5894
7. Helen Wolfe Supplies--birthdays 5.80 5895
8. Ministry of Environment Frontage & Conn. 839.69 5896
9. Norman Loucks Aug. 18 Wages 106.51 5897
10. K. Kirkpatrick " 106.68 5898
11. Helen Wolfe 66.80 5899
12. Richard Anderson " 7.88 5900
13. Elgin County Ba. Education Sept. Levy 2828.24 5901
14. Jack Hayward dog. licenses 35. 5902
15. Norman Loucks Aug. 25 wages 106.51 5903
16. K. Kirkpatrick 106.68 5904
17. Helen Wolfe " " 66.80 5905
18. Helen Wolfe Supplies 14.16 5906
19. Norman Loucks Sept. 1. Wages 106.51 5907
20. K. Kirkpatrick " " 106.68 5908
21. Helen Wolfe " " 66.80 6909
22. Gerald Raid Welfare 86. 5910
23. W. Cookso n Reid welfare rent 25. 5911
24. Rec. General Tax,ins,pens. 227.58 5912
25. Water Acct. OPP & garage 26. 5913
26. Advance Containers Aug. Garbage 97.15 5914
27. St. Thomas Sanitary Coll " " 273. 5915
28. Alvin Loucks Supp Aid 20. 5916
29. Morley Wolfe Aug. Acct. 15.49 5917
30. J. Robert Farlow Acct re Brown 50.00 5918
31. R. Bradfield moving tank 20. 5919
32. Sterling Fuels oil 506.11 5920
33. Eichenberg Motors 5.74 5921
34. Vienna Building cement 6.93 5912
35. The Steel Co. Canada screenings 26.98 5923 •
36. Helen Wolfe birthday supplies 4.20 5924
37. Harold Hoshal Aug. 15 meeting 8.00 5925
38. C. Bates Aug. 15 meeting 9.60 5926
1'. Charles Bates Aug. 14 wages 13.50 57
2. Charles Bates " tray. exp. 1.50 58
3. Ministry of the Env. July water 1234.99 59
4. ' Lestei. Bates Aug.' 25 wages 56.70 60
- 5. Lester Bates " Exp 9,90 61
6. Receiver General stamps 16. 62.
. . ...*420 . . . :.... _Clerk • .."./.7al:- Jv .Reeve
Fourteenth Meeting Tuesday August 8, 1972
The August Meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held in the
Municipal Office at 7.30 on Tuesday August 8, 1972. Reeve M. Blyth
and all the Council were present.
04111 The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read.
1. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that General village accounts
1--66 and Village Water accounts 1--10 on Voucher 8 be paid, and the
Reeve be authorized to sign the same.
2. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by H. Alward that the Council of the Village
of Port Burwell supports the resolution seta to the Provincial Govern-
ment by the Erie Economic Council, and letters be sent to Hon. Darcey
McKeough, Hon. William Davis, Premier of Ontario, and the Erie Economic
Final lease of one year approved for the 0.P.P rent of $85.00 monthly
and to be signed by the Reeve and Clerk.
3. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that the municipal solicitor
J.R.Farlow be authorized to undertake such action as he deems necessary
in the prosecution of the Villages interest, and rights accruing' under
the contract for the purchase of lands from the Davidson Estate.'
4. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Hoshal that the Village Council
authorize Mr. J. R. Farlow to proceed to apply for an injunction'
against Mrs. Dorothy Brown enjoining her from connecting to the Water
service, contrary to By-Law 260 of the Village of Port .Burwell, or in
the alternative to take such steps as will cause her to permit the Village
to stop up the connection.
It was decided to again lay aside Southwolds resolution re--a regional
area, and .that they be notified of same.
Mr. Kline of the Port Burwell Cottagers' Association was present. He
brought the Council up to date on the progress of the erosion project, and
asked that the resolution passed by Council July 4--#1 be amended so that
$2000.may be deposited to their account regardless of the number of feet
completed in 1972. The Council decided to leave the motion as it was.
Letter read from the Association regarding dumping of logs and brush
by the Village, it would damage the erosion control, and they would like
the Village to discontinue all dumping along the lake bank.
It was mentioned that the lighthouse light is difficult to come 'by, but
will be installed as soon as possible. It was suggested that a petition
be circulated among the residents df the Village asking for Provincial
Aid on erosion control.
Complaints are still being received regarding dogs running at large.
#271 Moved by H. Alward and sec. by H. Hoshal that leave be granted .to
introduce By-law # 271 to supply water to the Provincial Park per
attached schedule "A"
By-law read a first, second, and third time.
01110 Moved by G. Bates and sec. by 'A. Loucks that By-law now read a third
time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the
Letter read from Attorney General Dalton Bales regarding delay to
the Municipality receiving assessment information.
Gasoline storage tank which has been placed on the Village lot is to
be removed as soon as possible.
5 Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by H. Alward that this Council meeting be
adjourned until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency.
Time 11.30 p.m.
1. Norman Loucks Wages July 6 106.51 5823
2. K. Kirkpatrick " " 106.68 5824
3. Helen Wolfe e e 66. 80 5825
4. Gs Dagg 7.87 5826
5. R. Anderson " • " 61.50 5827
6. Water Acct OPP & Firehall 26. 5828
\7. Charles Bates June 8 meeting 8. 5829
H. Alward " 8. 5830
9. Jack Hayward cleaning office 4. 5831 .
10. Albert White Feener rent 10. 5832
11. Richard Anderson Welfare 25. 5833
12. George Dagg Welfare 25. 5834
13. H. Lettleman e 50. 5835 .
14. P.U.C. Hydro 275.73 5836
- 15. Richard Anderson Holiday pay _ 32.53 5838
53 5837
16. George Dagg
17. Norman Loucks Wages July 14 106.51. 5839
18. K. Kirkpatrick " 106.68 5840
19. Helen Wolfe " 66.80 5841
20. Sherwood Burwell • Welfare 20. 5842
21. Mason Ford " 20. 5843
22. Ministry of the Environment - 10,722..37 5844
23. County of Elgin Levy 10,000. 5845
24. Elgin County Bd.Education Levy on acct 4,000. 5846
25. Norman Loucks Wages July 21 106.51 5847
26. K. Kirkpatrick " 106.68 5848
27. Helen Wolfe a 66.80 5849
28. Lucille Tait Welfare 26. 5850
29. Richard Weaver lahr wages 2.63 5851
30. " George Dagg Welfare 20. 5852
31. George Dagg Welfare 40. 5853
32. Norman Loucks July 28 Wages 106.51 5854
33. K. Kirkpatrick " 106.68 5855
34, H. Wolfe " 66.80 5856
35. Rec. General - Tax, Pension 233.01 5857
36. Cheryl Antone Welfare 11.50 5858
37. Lucille Tait Welfare
38. Norman Loucks Aug. 4 wages 106.51 5860
39. K. Kirkpatrick " 106.68 5861
40. Helen Wolfe " 66.80 . 862
• 41. Alvin Loucks Supp. Aid 20. 5863
42. St. Thomas Sanitary Collection July 273, 5864
43. Advance Containers July 97.15 5865
44. Ludille Tait Welfare 26. 5866
45. Gerald Reed Welfare 86. 5867
46. W. Cookson 'Reed Welfare Rent 25. 5868
47. F. Stephenson Feener Welfare 5. 5869
48. Morley Wolfe Account 101.63 5870
49. J. Kaufmann Account 42.40 5871
50 . H. Brooks Hauling screenings 21.87 5872
51 . Municipal World 7.70 5873
52. Pt. Burwell Hardware 24.35 5874
53. Mary Blyth Meeting 14.40 5875
54. Helen Wolfe Supplies 1®.88 5876
55. Prouse Transport Hauling screenings 84.83 5877
56. Vienna Bldg. Account 1.67 5878
57. News Printing Co Weed Ad. 8.84 5879
58. Muhlbock's Plumbing Firehgll & garage 24.48 5880
60. Drake-Robinson-Vicary Ltd. Pump 746.57 5882 1110
59. Registry Office June & July cony. 6. 5881
61. Elgin County Bd.Education Interest due 89.64 5883
62. Caere Shell Account 48.16 5884
64. The Steel Co Canada Screenings 28.28 5885
64. Eentrah Pipe 42. 5886
65. Harold Hoshal meeting 10.60 5887
66. Charles Bates meeting 8.00 5888
. 'T
�.. .. .Clerk 226.L:00beve
47. Morley Wolfe Account 49.61 5817
48. Mary Blyth meetings 37. 5818
49. Pt. Burwell Hardware account 16.66 5819
50. Tillsonburg Comm Printers tax bills 81,73 5820
51. Central Pipe used pipe 42.00 5821
01110 52. The Steel Co screenings 17.23 5822
1. Lester Bates Wages June 8 72.90 36
2. Lester Bates Exp. " 10.50 37
3. Lester Bates Wages June 23 _ 64.80 41
4-Lester Bates Exp. " 9.15 42
5. Rec. General Stamps 16. 43
6. Port Burwell General Acct. 320.78 44
7. Ministry of the Environment May water 1279.21 47
8. Emoo Supply meters 104.36 48
1. Lester Bates July 7 wages 64.80 45
2. Lester Bates Tray. exp. 9.90 46
3 . Ministry of the Environment June water 1761.39 49
4. Lester Bates Wages July 21 97.70 50
5. Lester Bates Tray. exp. 12.15 51
6. Lester Bates Wages Aug. 4 70.20 52
7. Lester Bates Tray. exp 10.20 53
8. Tony Lama Caers Meter inst. 11.50 54
9. Port Burwell envelopes 18.78 55
10. P.U.C. statements 25.00 56
Thirteen Meeting Tuesday July 4, 1972
The July meeting of the Port Burwell Village Cou4cil was held in the
Municipal Office at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday July 4, 1972. Reeve M. Blyth
and all the Council with the exception of H. Hoshal were present.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read.
Mrs. Joyce Farlow and Mrs. Margaret Williams representing the Port
Burwell Cottagers Association were present seeking financial
assistance on an erosion project. The proposal prepared by Cyril
J. Demeyere Consulting Engineers is to be a gabion wall of about
2500 feet in length, approximately 25 feet from the shore. This wall
will require three years to complete. One third to be paid for by the
Federal Department of Public Works.
1. Moved by H. Alward and sec. by A. Loucks that on the erosion control
project, the Village of Port Burwell would offer $5.00 per foot, on
no more than 400 feet for the year 1972, providing there is no street
allowance included in the plans for 1972, and that we recommend to
next years council that they would pick up one road allowance for 1973.
2. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that Village accounts from 1-52
on Voucher 7, and that Village Water accounts 1-8 on Voucher 7 be paid
and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same.
By-law Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that leave be granted to introduce
#270 By-law # 270 to purchase 1-new Model 3 D-8 Gorman Rupp Self Priming
Diaphragm Pump, with 2" Suction, 3" Discharge--Capacity up to approximately
4800 U.S. G.P.H. complete with all standard equipment 2" x 20' Suction Hose
w/Bauer Snap-Lock Coupling. 3" x 25' Discharge Hose w/ Pin Lug Type
Coupling, Powered by Model 80351 Briggs & Stratton 3 H.P. Gasoline. Air-
Cooled Engine, Close Coupled Pump, cost $783. and sales tax if applicable
By-law read a first, second, and third time. .
Moved by C. Bates and sec. by A. Loucks that By-law now read a third time
do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve.
Council decided that all persons who have connected to the water service,
and not using or paying for the service will have their connection,
covered with cement by the Superintendant.
Letters were read from Tillsonburg, Vienna, and Bayham endorsing Port
Burwell's request to Long Point Conservation Authority to consider the
advisability of purchasing additional land from Mr. John Wall. Also
copy of letter to Mr. Jerry Seghers from Long Point Region Conservation
Authority stating that an accredited appraiser will appraise the Wall
3. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that the Council give permission
for Mr. J. Veenstra to put a field bed on the end of Elizabeth Street
as per plan given to Council, providing that anytime there is a leakage
into the lake due to erosion or any cause it must be moved to some other
• Letter feed from Mr. Durling requesting water for his home on Wellington
From Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bradfield offering $1000. for Village lot #38
on ShakAspeare Street.
Dept. of Mines and Northern Affairs to be charged $20.00 for two hours
work cleaning up oil refuse with tractor and one man. •
Trench Excavators By-law to be filed for the time being as we have a
trench Inspector hired for 1972.
Letter from Hon. Thomas Wells Minister of Education regarding the delay
encountered annually by School Boards in receiving Grant Information from
the Ontario. Ministry of Education.
Notice received regarding Planning Appraisal Meeting at Bayham Township
Offices on July 18, 1972, for the Committee members.
Mrs. Scott reports that her basement is again full of water. Councillor
Loucks reported the trouble is not in our drains.
fit. Moved by H. Alward and sec. by C. Bates that this meeting adjourn until
,the next regular meeting, unless in the case of emergency
Time 12.15 a.m.
.C �..4�!... .Clerk .:J 1IP. .4.. ...reeve
Amount Check f
1. Mrs. Mary Blyth Reeve 200.00 5757
. 2. Mr. Harry Alward Councillor 150. 5758
3. Mr. Charles Bates " 150. 5759
4. Mr. Harold Hoshal " 150. 5760 .
5. Mr. Alvin Loucks " 150. 5761
6. David Smyth . Vacation Pay 11.86 5762
7. Cecil Feener " 7.09 5763
8. Larry Murray " 7.14 5764
9. Isaac Fehr " 4.57 5765
10. Robert Thornton " 2.21 5766
11. George Hamm "' 2.52 5767
12. Safety Supply Supplies Air Pak 878. 5782
13. The Ontario Municipal Bd. Fee 15. 5783
14. Dorothy Hurst . Welfare M70.80 5784
15. Norman Loucks Wages June 9 106.51 5785
16. K. Kirkpatrick " " 106.68 5786
17. Helen Wolfe " 66.80 5787
18. P.U.C. Hydro . 287.68 5788
• 19. Steel Co. of Canada Screenings 42.75 5789
20. Elgin County Bd. Education Levy 7500. 5790
21. Elgin County Bd. Education Levy 6958. 5791
22. Helen Wolfe Wages June 16 66.80 5792
23. Norman Loucks • " 106.51 5793 .
24. K. Kirkpatrick " 106.68 5794
25. Jack Hayward " 150. 5795
26. Pierre Gagnon Welfare 62.60 5796
27/ Rec. General • stamps 16. 5797
28. Elgin County R.C.Sep. Board 50% Levy 464. 5798
29. Norman Loucks June 23 wages 106.51 5799
30. K. Kirkpatrick " 106.68 5800
31. R. Anderson " 46.19 5801
32. G. Dagg " 46.19 5802 .
33. Helen Wolfe " 66.80 . 5803
34. Cecil Feener Welfare 5. 5804
35. Norman Loucks June 30 Wages 106.51 5805
36. K. Kirkpatrick " 106.68 .5806
37. Helen Wolfe " 66.80 5807
38. R. Anderson " - 64.36 5808
39. G. Dagg " 64.91 • 5809 11101
40. Harold Hoshal 2 meetings 24.60 5810
41J . Jack Hayward 21 dog tags . 21. 5811
42. Rec. General Tax, Pens. Ins. 296.44 5812
43. St. Thomas Sanitary Collection 273. 5813
44. Advance Containers 97.15 5814
45. Alvin Loucks Supp. Aid 20. 5815
46. Ministry Community & Social Services 50% Burial
John Weaver received 150. 5816
Twelvth Meeting Monday June 5, 1972
The June meeting of the Port Burwell Village Counc'.1 was held in the
Municipal Office at 7.30 p.m. on Monday June 5, 1972. Reeve M. Blyth
and all the council were present.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read.
1. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that Village accounts 1-55 on
Voucher 6 and Village water accounts 1-10 on Voucher 6 be paid and the
Reeve be authorized to sign the same.
2. Moved by H. Alward and sec. by A. Loucks that we accept with regret the
resignation of Mr. Newell Wright from the Erie Economic Council, and
that Harold Hoshal be appointed to fill the position for the balance
of the year 1972.
3. Moved by H. Alward and sec. by C. Bates that the Village Council renew the
lease of the Ontario Provincial Police Detachment for a period of 1 year
from Nov. 1, 1972 at a rental of $85.00 per month in advance with the
provisal that all other terms and conditions remain the same and that
the request for an air conditioner be denied.
Ms. Mardlin was present disputing the Council's decision to charge a
$6.50 monthly water rate to residents who have water services connected
to the water line--or have their services disconnected. Council will .
look into the possibility of covering the service connection with
FireChief R. Hannigan was present and reported they have received the
Air Pak Masks.
Clerk to write thanking Mr Wardell of Canada Manpower for repairing and
painting the lighthouse.
Also to write Mr. Murphy suggesting he have Mr. Stock (who is a lawyer
on beach st.) contact Mr. Brisseau's Solicitor Mr. Brown in regard to .
a new lane for Beach lane residents.
4. Moved by H. .Hoshal and sec. by C. Bates that a letter be sent to the
Honorable Allan Grossman Minister of Revenue regarding school boards
receiving assessment on January 1 of each year. That a letter be sent
to The Honorable T. L. Wells Minister of Education regarding school grants
receiving these by January 1 each year.
Letter read regarding extension of Provincial Municipal Employment Iricentive
Program to June 17, 1972, but the Village allowance has been used up.
#268 By-law # 268 to authorize the borrowing of $4500.00 to provide for the
purchase of part of Lot 10 WAS of Chatham St. was read a third time.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by A. Loucks that By-law now read a third .
time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the
The Ontario "Municipal Board approved By-law #268 to borrow4$4500.
Clerk to get in touch with Crysler Davis and Jorgenson ani request them
to look over the County Roads on Victoria St. and Wellington St. and
have any repairs to water lines looked after before the county puts
a new surface on these streets.
Clerk also requested to get in touch with Sterling Fuels regarding a
5000 gal tank truck to store street oil.
Complaints have been received regarding cars causing a disturbance in '
the Village--Council to speak to 0.P.P. regarding this.
It was decided to collect large and heavy garbage on June 19 on the
West Side and June 20 on the East side of Port Burwell.
June 5, 1972 (continued.
Tony Lama and Ken. Matthews were present to discuss the proposed Lama
Subdivision off Elizabeth St. in Port Burwell. Mr. Lama to be given
all co-operation possible to expediate this development.
Letter read from Ontario Hydro turning down request of the Village
and the P.U.C. to purchase a new truck for the P.U.C.
A resolution from Southwold Township regarding regional Government OM
was tiled until more could be learned regarding it.
Municipal Board approval received for the extension of the Water •
System on Addison Street and Pitt Street in Port Burwell.
5. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that this Council meeting be
adjourned until next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. •
Time 12.40 a.m.
; � e#rh
' ...Clerk •
.....i.... ..•. . Reeve
1. Alvin Loucks Supp. aid May 20.00 5710 •
2. London Humane Society Jan. -April 30 100.00 5717 •
3. St. Thomas Sanitary Coll. April Garbage 273. 5718
4. Advance Containers " " 97.15 5719
5. Richard Chute Wages May 5 7.88 5720
6. Helen Wolfe, " " 66.80 5721
7. Norman Loucks " 106.51 5722
8. K. Kirkpatrick " 106.68 5723
9. Cecil Feener " 48.80 5724
10. Francis Neufeglise Welfare 17. 5725
11. Lucille Tait " • 64. 5726
12. Water Acct O.P.P. & Firehall 26. 5727
13. Norman Loucks Wages May 12, • 106.51 5728
14. K. Kirkpatrick " 106;68 5729
15. Cecil Feener •" 30.86 5730
16. David Smyth " 30.86 5731
17. Helen Wolfe " 66.80 57.32 •
18. P.U.C. Hydro 310.14 5733
19. Aylmer & Malahide • Telephone 81.09 5734
20. Norman Loucks lay 19 Wages 106.51 5735
21. K. Kirkpatrick " n 106.68 5736
22. Helen Wolfe " " 66.80 5737
23. Cecil Feener " It 66.08 5738
24. • David Smyth " " 54.55 5739
25. Lucille Tait Welfare 64. 5740
26. Mrs. Helen Wolfe May 26 Wages 66.80 5741
27. 'Norman Loucks 106.51 5742
28. K. Kirkpatrick " 106.68 5743
29. Cecil Feener " • " 42.94 5744
30. David Smyth " 54.55 5745
31 . Rec. General Stamps 32.00 5746
32. David Smyth May 31 Wages 42.94 5747
33.• Cecil Feener " " 42.94 5748
34. Rec. General Tax,Pens,Ins. 290. 5749
35. McConnell Nursery trees 184.55 5750 41101
36.. Heli* Wolfe, June 2 Wages 66.80 5751
37. Norman Loucks " 106.51 5752
38. K. Kirkpatrick " 106.68 5753
39. A. Loucks June Supp Aid 20. 5754
40. St. Thomas Sanitary Coil. May 273.00 5755
41 . Advance Containers • May 97.15 5756
42. Morley Wolfe " Acct.7 63.71 5768
43. F. Stephenson n If
1.11 5769
44. Vienna Bldg. Supplies " " 52.91 5770
45. Hugh Brooks " " 298.56 5771
46. Blake Underhill & Sons " 18. 5772
47. Pt. Burwell Hardware Acct 219.76 5773
48. Sterling Fuels Street oil 1012.22 5774
Monday June 5, (continued)
49. Hurley's Welding Account 61.83 5775
50. Tillsonburg Commercial Printers 93.90 5776
51. . C. N. Granger 29.00 5777
MD 52. Workmen's Compensation 291.54 5778
53. The Tillsonburg News 83.64 5779
54. Mary Blyth Meeting May 18 6. 5780
55. Helen Wolfe Expenses 5.60 5781
1. Lester Bates Apr. 28 Wages 48.60 27
2. Lester Bates M Tray. Exp. 7.20 28
3. Lester Bates May 12 Wages 56.70 31
4. Lester Bates " Tray. Exp. 9.15 32
5. Receiver General Stamps 20. 33
6. Lester Bates 62.10 34
7. Lester Bates 11.10 35
8. Commercial Printers 24.76 38
9. Tony Lama 18.50 39
10. Ontario Water Resources 731.13 40
Ninth Meeting SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday May 9, 1972
A special meeting was held in the Municipal Office on Tuesday May 9, 1972
at 8. p.m. with all the Council present. Mr. Clarke Village Auditor from
Winspear, Higgins, Stevenson & Doane was also present.
After much discussion a 1972 budget was drawn up.
#267 Moved by C. Bates and sec. by A. Loucks that leave be granted to introduce
By-law # 267 to estimate the supplementa.y expenditure of tha Village on
Roads and Streets as follows: Maintenance $7000.00.
By-law read a first, second, and third time.
Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by H. Alward that By-law now read a third time
do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve.
#268 Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that leave be granted to introduce
By-law # 268 to authorize the borrowing of $4500.00 torovide for the
purchase of part of Lot 10 WAS of Chatham St. having 12, acres of land
more or less in the Village of Port Burwell, and at a total price of
$6500. Subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board.
By-law read a first and second time.
Agreement between Iroquois Beach Provincial Park and Port Burwell was
read and Councs.l requested it be sent to the Park for their consideration.
1 Moved by H. Alward and sec. by A. Loucks --resolved that the Port Burwell
/// Village Council respectfully bring to the attention of the Long Point
Region Conservation Authority the desirability and advisability of
purchasing approximately 15 acres of land fronting along the otter Creek
presently being offered to the Authority by Mr. John Wall; as an extension
to the Port Burwell Conservation Authority in view of the increased need
of recreation facilities as recognised by all levels of Government, and
that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Municipal Councils of
Tillsonburg, Vienna, and Bayham Township for their endorsation.
2. Moved by A. Loucks and sec by C. Bates that this special budget meeting
be adjourned until Monday May 15, 1972 when Council will meet to discuss
business on the lighthouse with the lighthouse committee, or otherwise
in case of emergency.
Time ll.p.m.
.. .Clerk ••22-.2.4.1".)14./6( ..,eReeve
Tenth Meeting SPECIAL MEETING Thursday May 11, 1972
A special meeting was held in the Municipal Office on Thursday May 11, at
7. p.m. with all Council present.
# 269 Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by H. Alward that leave be granted to introduce
By-law # 269 to levy the rates and taxes for the year 1972, and to provide
for the collection thereof with a mill rate as follows: Public Residential
81.39, Public Commercial 91.33, Separate Residential 83.77, Separate
Commercial 93.98. The first instalment be due June 21, and the second am
Nov. 21, 1972. Tax penalties on the first instalment when paid on or after
June 22-1%, Aug 1-2%, Sept 1--3%, Oct. 1--4%, Nov. 1--5%, Nov. 21--6%.
Discount on second instalment when paid on or before June 21--2%. Penalty
on second instalment if paid on or after Nov. 22--1%. 1% per month charged
on all arrears.
By-law read a first, second, and third time.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Baitea) that By-law now read a third time
do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and sied and sealed by the Reeve.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by H. Hoshal that this special meeting be
adjou Time 7.40 p.m.
..� �`: ....Clerk .. .Reeve
Eleventh Meeting SPECIAL LIGHTHOUSE MEETING Monday May 15, 1972
A special meeting of the Lighthouse Committee was held in the Muni:ipal
Office on Monday May 15, 1972. Present were Chairman-Councillor C. Bates,
Mrs. Joyce Farlow, Mr. Robert Hannigan, Reeve Mary Blyth, and Councilicrs
H. Alward, and H. Hoshal.
1. Moved by R. Hannigan and sec. by H. Farlow that the necessary repairs
involving the cement flooring in the Lighthouse be left with the mason
Thom the Manpower deems qualified to carry out such repair.
It was reported that repairs and painting the lighthouse are being
carried out under the Incentive Program by Tillsonburg Manpower.
Mr. Hannigan reported that General Electric had been contacted and
would instal a light of low intensity in the lighthouse, at no cost
to the Village.
plans were made to place two picnic tables near the lighthouse.
It was .agreed for the Committee to contact Ontario Heritage Foundation
regarding the placing of a historical plaque at the lighthouse Fite.
.. ... ...Reeve
•141/44-"". ...Clerk �r
Eighth Meeting Mayl, 1972.
The regular meeting was held in the Municipal Office at 7.30 p.n.
on Monday May 1, 1972 with the Reeve and all the Council present.
The minutes of the last meetings were read and adopted as read.
01111 l� Moved by A. Loucks and sed. by C. Bates that Vii rage accounts 1-33
on Voucher 5 be paid and that Village Water Accounts 1-8 on Voucher 5
be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same.
Lester Bates attended the meeting to inquire. Councils intention on
finishing drain opened on his property and also broken field bed tile.
Mr. Paul Strassburger of Department of Lands and Forests was present
with contract for Village supplying the Departmer t with water. Contract
to be sent to Mr. Ladbrooke for approval.
Letter read from Mr. Tony Murphy regarding road in to Beach Street
residents. To be takdn up with Village Solicitor Mr. Farlow on
Offer of $75.00 for the old fire tank truck turned down.
2. Moved by H. Alward and sec. by H. Hoshal that the Clerk write a letter
to Ontario Hydro, London, Ont. asking permission to obtain a debenture
to purchase a truck for $17,000.00 for the Port Burwell Public Utilities
3. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Alward that this Council give permission
to Horton Plumbing, Vienna to use a portion of Old Bridge St. for the
purpose of tile weeping bed next to the Gordon Wilson property--this also
being in accordance of the Elgin Health Unit, any damages sustained or may be
to the field tile will be the responsibility of Gordon Wilson.
Letter to be written to Department of Transportation and Communications
regarding 100% allowed on replacing Guard Rails and wire on Robinson St.
also to be advised the council would like the centre line on the
connecting link to be painted as usual.
4. Moved by H. Alward and sec. by C. Bates that the Village Council endorse
the resolution by the Council of the Corporation of the City of St. Thomas
re-proposed amendment to the Assessment Review Courts.
It was noted that Humane Society are having "Be kind to animals week"
May 1-6, 1972 and council are invited to view their display at the
Wellington Square Mall.
Elgin School Board are having meeting for representatives of Municip-
alities. on May 18 at 7.30
5. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by C. Bates to notify all property owners
who have water services connected to the watermain, that as of June 30
they will be charged the regular water rate, or have their services
disconnected at the property line.
266 Moved by H. Alward and sec. by H. Hoshal that leave be granted to
introduce By-law # 266 to assess damages caused by the lighting of
411 any fires by citizens within the Village of Port Burwell, causing
loss to Village or public property, necessitating action by the
Volunteer Fire Department.
By-law read a first, second, and third time.
Moved by B. Eras and sec. by A. Loucks that By-law now read a third
time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by- the
Letter read from Department of Transport dignifying their permiss!_on
to install a light of low intensity in the lighthouse if desired.
Lighthouses preservation committee to meet May 15 at 8 o'clock. Mrs.
Farlow to be notified.
The following appeal was brought up at the meeting.
Roll. # 186--W. McKibbin--1 connection--claims lot is too small to use ,
for a home and has so need of connection.
Decision--No charge to be made for connection on the understanding
that should a building be put on the lot, a charge would
then be rade.
6. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that this regular Council meeting
be adjourned until May 9, 1972 at 8 o'clock for the purpose of a meeting
ta-set the yearly budget or in any case of emergency.
Time 11.30 p.m.
1. Helen Wolfe Apr. 14 wages . 66.80 5683
2. Norman Loucks e e 106.51 5684
3. . Kenneth Kirkpatrick " . e 106.68 5685 .
4. Robert Thornton e . e 4.38 5686
5. Cecil Feener " . " 27.94 5687
6. F. Neufeglise Welfare . 37.00 5688
7. Mrs. Laura White " 45.00 5689
8. P.U.C. Lights 387.25 5690 .
9. County of Elgin Section 43 123.39 5691
10. Elgin County B. Of Ed. Section 43 255.47 5692
11. Hamilton Ward & Gathers Deposit Davidson prop. 25.00 5693
12. Halen Wolfe April 21 Wages 66.80 5694
13. Lester Bates Culvert 27.00 5695
14. Norman Loucks April 21 Wages 106.51 5696
. 15. K. Kirkpatrick " " 106.68 5697
16. Cecil Feener " " 30.86 5698
17. F. Neuflegliso . Welfare 37.00 5699
18. Rec. General Box rent 6.00 5700
19. Helen Wolfe supplies . 12.61 5701 .
20. Helen Wolfe Wages April 28 66.80 5702
21. Norman Loucks " " 106.51 5703
22. K. Kirkpatrick " " 106.68 5704
23, Cecil Feener " " 30.86 5705
24. Rec. General Tax, Pens, and Ins 239.18 5706
25 Void 5?c 7
26. Mrs. F. Neufegliee Welfare 37.00 5708
27. Morley Wolfe, Account 51.62 5709
28. Mary Blyth Meeting 14.00 5710
29. Registry Office conveyances 1.80 5711
30. Sterling Fuel oil. • 40.24 5712 •
31. Municipal World Account 13,93 5713
32. Hugh Brooks Hauling tile 45.00 5714
33. Port Burwell Hardware Account 45.72 5715
. .. .k4/e..../...Clerk ..2?2. .. •.a.yeq"..Reeve
1. Receiver General stamps ,32.00 20
2. Lester Bates Wages April 14 37.80 21
3. Lester Bates Expenses 5.25 22
4. Toby Lana Cookson & Waldeck Meters 10. 23
5. Emco Supply 3 meters (C okson, etc) 105.05 25
6. 0.W.R.C. March water- 821.06 26
7. Helen Wolfe supplies 6.04 29
8. Emco Supply 3 meters 105.05 30
Seventh Meeting Court re--Water Frontage & April 25, 1972
Connection Appeals
A. special meeting was held on Tuesday April 25, 1972 for a court
regarding appeals on water frontage and connection charges. It
was held at 10. a.m. in the Municipal Office with i..he following present:
Mr.. A. Ladbrook from 0.W.R.C.,Water Superintendent L. Bates, Reeve Mary
Blyth and all the Council. The following appealed their frontages and
Roll # 419--Gordon Wilson--frontage 89'--claims water frontage charged
not usable.
Decision--Reduce frontage 14 feet (89'-75' )
Roll # 283--Thomas Smith--frontage 88'--claims water frontage measurement
in error. -
Decision--Reduce frontage 22 feet (88'-66' )
Roll # 20—Julius Kiss--frontage dei'--claims frontage in error.
Decision--No change to be made.
Roll # 170--Ralph Jackson--frontage 72'--Claims lot odd shape.
Decision-No change to be made.
Rolls 226,227,229, and 230.--frontage 23l'--claims these bye side hill
lots with no water connections. 14:„ rta.l 1'�
Decision--No change to be made.
Roll # 367--Frank Williams--Frontage 120'--2 connections--claims frontage excessiv
and no nef ,' of two connections.
Decision--Reduce frontage 21' (120'-99' ) and no charge for 2nd connection
o. the understanding that the 'building in front of this connection
is not fit for occupancy. If at any time this building is
made habitable a charge would be made for the connection.
Moved by C. Bates and sec. by H. Hoshal that this court having considered
all appeals against water frontage neasurement and conn3.:tions, now
declare this meeting adjourned.
Time 12.30 p.m.
927 . .. .. .Reeve ..�:-�..4f/ . . ... . .Clerk
Sixth Meeting SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday April 1$, 1972.
A special meeting was held in the Village Office on Tuesday April 18
1972 at 7.30 p.m. with the Reeve and Ell the Council present. Also
members of the Community Centre Board.
14111 #265 Moved by H. Alward and sec. by C. Bates that leave be granted to
introduce By-law to purchase approximately 12i acres, which is part
of unsubdivided Township Lot 10, west of Chatham Street in the
Village of Port Burwell from the estate of the late Mrs. Carrie
Davidson at a maximum cost of $6500.00. Subject to the approval
of the Municipal Board.
By-law read a first, second, and third time.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Hoshal that By-law now read a third
— time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the
1. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by H. Alward that By-law # 240 be amended
to read as follows "That the annual license fee be as follows;
1st male dog or spayed female be $3.50, each additional male dog or
spayed female be $6.00, and for the first female dog $6.00, each
additional female dog $6.00.
2. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that this Special meeting of
Council be adjourned at 9.50 p.m. until the next regular meeting
unless in case of emergency.
Time. 9.50 p.m.
°71/441- ' ' i ...Clerk I ,1
�• •• " Reeve.
Fifth Meeting Monday April 10, 17472
The April meeting was held in the Municipal Office at 7.30 p.m. on
Monday April 10, 1972, with all the Council present. .
The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read.
MD 1. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that Village accounts 1-55 on
Voucher 4 and Water Voucher from 1-8 ..)n Vouch-e- 4 IP paid and the
Reeve he authorized to eign the same.
2. Moved by N. Alward and sec. by H. Hoshal that the Village adept .
Daylight Saving Time starting April 30 at 2 a.m. to conform with
neighbouring municipalities. .
3. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by H. Alward that the Clerk advise
Fire-Chief that the Village will purchase one Air-Pak Mask for
Port Burwell Fire Department at the cost of $439.00 plus tax.
4. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that Council request 2
lights be changed on Robinson St. to the new 4 foot lights, and
the old lights be put on the beach. Also one of the new lights
be installed on the existing pole on the beach.
5. Movdd by C. Bates and sec. by H. Hoshal that the 1968 business ,
tax of $14.73 plus interest on the Lyal Tait property be written
6. Moved by C. Bates and sec. by H. Hoshal that the $320.78 paid by the ,
Village Account for the water expenses in 1972 be charged to the .
Water Account.
Letter was read from the Library Board t}.at the Board had passed a
motion to 1.1139 '.'��. rent for our local library from $360.00 to
It was repDrted that the forcer Davidsun property which is immed-
iately north of the Community Centre property is for sale.
7. Moved by A. Loucks and eec. by C. Bates that this Council meeting .
he adjourned until next regular meeting unless in case of emergency
Time 10.20 p.m.
4 4 erk 2 a/u/./." e7 . .Reeve .
1. Joseph Thomas Rebate on 1971 tax 5.92 5628
2. C.P.R. " " " 19.15 5629
3. Norman Loucks Mar. 10 wages 106.51 5630
4. K. Kirkpatrick " " 106.68 5631
5. Helen Wolfe " " 66.80 5632
6. Steven Anderson " " 3 43.58 5633
7. K. Vyse " 43.58 5634
8. P.U.C. Hydro 277.63 5635
9. Robert Thornton Welfare 40. 5636
4111 10. Laura White Welfare 45. 5637
11. Norman Loucks March 17 Wages 45.
12. K. Kirkpatrick " " 106.68 5639
13. Helen Wolfe " " 66.80 5640
14. Steven Anderson " " 37.53 5641.
15. Kenneth Vyse " " 23.63 5642
16. Void sc t 3
17. Jack Hayward Cleaning office 6.00 5644
18. Cecil Feener Welfare 15.00 5645
19. Norman Loucks Mar. 24 Wages 106.51 5646
20. K. Kirkpatrick " " 106.68 561.7
21. Helen Wolfe " " 65.80 5648
22. Steven Anderson " " 34.86 5649
23. K. Vyse March 24 Wages 31.22 5650
24. Abe Wiebe " " 23.41 5651
25. Robert Thornton Welfare 20. 5652
26. Norman Loucks Mar. 30 Wages 106.51 5653
27. K. Kirk;,atrick. " " 106.68 5654
28. Robert Thornton " " 46.19 5655
29. Cecil Feener " " 30.86 5656
30. Kenneth Vyse " " 31.22 5657
31. Steven Anderson ff " 22.75 5658
32. Alvin Loucks Parts 10. 5659
33. Helen Wolfe Mar. 30 Wages 66.80 5660
34. Laura White Welfare 45.00 5661
35. Rec. General Tax, Ins, Pension 302.27 5662 •
36. Alvin LoucksSupp. Aid 20. s663
'7. Kenneth Vyse Vacation Pay 12.97 5664
38. Steven Anderson " " 10.29 5665
39- Norman Loucks April 7 Wages - 106.51 5666 •
40. K. Kirkpatrick " " 106.68 5667
41. Helen .Wolfe •
," 66.80 5668
42. R. Thornton " " 57.25 5669
43. St. Thomas, Sanitary Collections 273.00 5670 •
44. Advance Containers Garbage March 97.15 5671
45. Helen Wolfe? fi Jfli L.60 5672
46. Sonny&s Auto Body Paint ire Pumper 250. 5673
47. Mary Blyth Meeting Marbh 8 12.40 5674
48. Deller's Tile Tile • 186.90 5675 •
49. Winspear, Higgins Stevenson & Doane Audit 843.81 5676
50. Everitts Electric Electric Heat 474.50 5677
51. Morley Wokfe Account 286. 5678
52. Pt. Burwell Hardware Acoant . 20.17 5679 -
53. J. Kaufmann March Account 46.10 5680
54.. Municipal World Account • 51.00 5681
55. Sterling Fuels Account 88.16 5682
1. Helen Wolfe Supplies 4.25 13
2. Lester Bates Wages March 17 29.70 14 •
3. Lester Bates Expanses March 17 5.10 15
4. 0.W.R.C. Jan. Ater 414.57 16
5. 0.W.R.C. Feb. Water 535.75 17
6. Lester Bates April 4 Expenses 5.55 18
7. Lester Bates April 4 Wages 45.60 19
8. News Printing Notice re Addison & Pitt 57.12 24
Third Meeting Monday March 6, 1972.
The March meeting was held in the Municipal Office at 7.30 Monday
March 6, 1972 with all the Council present with the exception of
Mr. Harry Alward. •
The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read. •
Mr. Ken. Wilson Jr. was present--regarding flooding of his basement
during the last storm. Contends that it was due to plugged street
drains. Mr. Wilson's basement does not have a cement floor. He -
was advised by Council to send in his claim, which will be forwarded
to Village Insurance for their consideration.
Water. Superintendant L. Bates was present with list -of residents who
have a water line into their residence, but are not paying for the
water. -
1. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that accounts from 1-40 on
Voucher 3 and 1-5 on Water Account be paid and the Reeve be author-
ieed to sign the same.
2. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by A. Loucks that this Council instruct
Clerk to notify Everitts electric that their contract for installing
Electric Heat in Municipal Office and Wash Room has been accepted.
Total contract price of $474.50.
Letters read from The Elgin County Board of Education, and the Elgin
County Roman Catholic Separate School Board notifying the Council
that 25% of the 1971 levy will be due March 31, 1972.
Fire-chief Robert Hannigan was present and was instructed to have
the water truck recently purchased painted, repaired and repanelled
at a cost of $250.00.
The Chief and the fire department were commended for the work the
night of the severe rain storm.
Fire-Chief Hannigan also smcommended the purchasing of Air-Pak Masks
at a cost of $439. The department needs two, and if the Council would
buy one the Fire Department would pay for the other one. This was
put off until the April meeting.
Letter read from the Village employees K. Kirkpatrick and N. Loucks
regarding a raise in their 1972 wages. Council decided that they
would be unable to raise them as this had been looked after at the
January meeting.
Contract received from St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Service Ltd.
for the year 1972 at a cost of $3,276.
3 . Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that this Council session
be adjourned until next regular meeting unless in case of emergency
Time 11.15
1. Laura White Welfare 45.00 5574
2. Sandra DeFauw " 57.40 5575
3. Norman Loucks Feb. 18 Wages 106.51 5590
4. Larry Murray " 15.67 5591
5. K. Kirkpatrick " 106.68 5592
6. Helen Wolfe " 66.80 5593
7. Steven Anderson " 31.22 5594
8. Kenneth Vyse " 31.22 5595
9. Charles Bates Good Roads Cony. 156.50 5596
10. Tillsonburg Minor Hockey Donation 25.00 5597
11. Abraham Thiessen Welfare 40.00 5598
12. Jack Hayward Cleaning Office 4. 5599
13. Helen Wolfe Feb. 25 Wages 66.80 5600
14. Mrs. Mary Blyth Good Roads 106.65 5601
15. S. Anderson Feb.- 25 Wages 31.22 5602
16. K. Vyse " 31.22 5603
17. Norman Loucks " 106.51 5604
ACCOUNTS PAYAhLE (continued)
18. K. Kirkpatrick Feb, 25 Wages 106.68 5605
19. Rec. General Tax, Ins. Pens. 241.68 5606
20. St. Thomas Sanitary Collection-Garbage 273. 5607
21. Mrs. Laura White Welfare 45. 5608
2 . Advance Containers Garbage 97.15 5609 •
21 Robert Hammigan Truck Sales tax & li,ense 71. 5610
24. Alvin Loucks Supp. Aid 20. 5611
25. Norman Loucks March 3 Wages 106.51 5612
26. K. Kirkpatrick n 106.68 5613
27. Helen Wolfe ^ 66.80 5614
28. Water Acct. 0.P.P. & Garage 26. 5615
29. Mary Blyth Meeting 12.40 5616
30. Morley Wolfe Feb. Acct. 82.24 561,
33. The News Printing Tender 3.64 561
32. The Aylmer Express Tender 5.04 562
33. Sterling Fuels 5621
34. Pt. Burwell Hardware Feb. Acct. 46.16 5622
35. Tony Lama Epple Meter Cost 5. 562)
36. Ostranders Funeral re Weaver . 300. 562k
37. Helen Wolfe re supplies 2.63
3$. Municipal World supplies 7.48 5626
39. Geo. Caers & Sons Feb. Acct. 57.22 5627
40. Robert Hannigan Truck transfer 2. 5617
1. Receiver General stamps 24.00 8
2. Lester Bates Wages Feb. 18 27.00 9
3. Lester Bates Tray. exp. 4.65 10
4. Lester Bates Wages March 3, 35.10 11
5. Lester Bates Tray. exp 5.40 12
Clerk • eeve
Fourth Meeting Special Meeting Thursday March 16, 1972
A special meeting was held in the Vil]age Office on Thursday March 16
at 7.00 p.m. All the Council were present.
1. Moved by H. Alward and sec. by H. Hoshal that the Lighthouse Preservation
Committee for 1972 be the 4 Council Members and the Reeve, Mrs. Joyce
Farlow and -Mr. Robert Hannigan. Charles Bates being chairman for 1972.
Clerk to notify Mrs. Farlow and Mr. Hannigan of the above motion
2. MovedbyA. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that this Council meetin6
adjourn until next regular meeting unless in the case of emergency.
Time 7.45. p.m.
Section 76 appeals
ND , Joseph Thomas--Roll 330--1 House demolished--Cancel 3 months 1971 tax
on assessment of $250. Residential Separate
Rebate $. 5.92 0, 5-1.1i „,,..,.c.(9)71,
Canadian Pacific Railway
Roll # 2--2 Overcharged error. Cancel 12 months 1971 tax
on ass. of $200. at Com. Public Mill Rate
$ 19.15 Rebate s6x9 bti......t.91,2
Second Meeting Monday Feb. 14, 1972
The February Meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held in
the Municipal Office at 7.30 p.m. on Monday Feb. 14, 1972 with all
the Council present. .
Mr. Donald Axford was present protesting the use of water meters on
only part of the businesses.
Mr. Kenneth Marr also present protesting the Village sidewalk in .
front of his driveway. Councillor Loucks to look into the situation
and improve the roadway if possible.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read.
1. Moved.by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that accounts from 1-51 on
Voucher 2 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same.
also water account Voucher # 2 --1-be paid.
2. Moved by H. Alward and sec. by H. Hoshal that $8300 subsidy be
allocated for 1972 maintenance on Roads and Streets, and if needed
a supplementary allowance to be applied for before May 31, 1972. ,
3. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by H. Alward that this Council donate
$25.00 to Tillsonburg Minor Hockey Association.
4. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that the Council requests
a street light be placed in front of the Boy Seout House. If
possible moving the light from in front of the Legion to the Boy
Scout building.
5. Moved by H. Alward and sec by C. Bates that the Village Council
advertise for tenders for the electric heating of the Municipal
Office. and the planned washroom with lowest or any tender not .
necessarily accepted. tenders to be in the hands of the Village
Clerk on or before March 3.
It was reported Mrs Fauzel has inquired about purchasing a trailer
to put on a village lot. Mrs Fauzel instructed to write Council .
stating her intentions. .
• The Steel Company to be advised the Village of Port Burwell will
need approximately 300 ton of screenings in 1972.
# 264 Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Alward that leave be granted to
introduce By-law # 264 --Whereas the Council of the Village of
Port Burwell deems it necessary to borrow up to the sum of $16,000.
to meet current expenditures until taxes are collected.
By-law moved a first, second and thitime.
Moved by H. Alw;rd and sec. by . Louckg-that By-law now read a third
time do pass, be engrossed by tfe Clerk, and signed and sealed by the
Monday Feb. 14, 1972 (continued)
Clerk reported $1876.25 of a total $3334. on Incentive Program
used as of Feb. 14, 1972.
Thanks received from Mr. Wardell for Council remembering kis
6. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bated that this Council meeting1110
be adjourned until next regular meeting unless in case of
Time 10.30
1. Helen Wolfe Wages Jan. 21 & retr. 81.36 5537
2. George Hamm " " 30.86 5538
3. Norman Loucks " " 106.51 5539
4. K. Kirkpatrick P 106.68 5540
5. David Smyth " " 30.86 5541
6. Kenneth Vyaa • " " 31.22 5542
7. Steven Anderson " " • 55.48 5543
8. Larry Murray " " 30.86 5544
9. David Smyth " J*n. 2 7 30.86 5545
10. Larry Murray " 'Jan. 27 30.86 554$
11. Mrs. Laura White Welfare 45. 554$
12. Norman Loucks Wages Jan. 28 106.51' 5548
13. K. Kirkpatrick " t • 106.68 5549
14. Helen Wolfe • " " 66.80 5550
15. Kenneth Vyse " " 43.58 5551
16. Steven Anderson " " 37.52 5552
17. Rec. General Tax,Pens,Ins. 302.14 5553
18. Sandra DeFauw Welfare 57.40 5554 '
19. Rec. General Postage 16. 5555
20. Norman Loucks Wages Feb. 4 106.51 5556
21. K. Kirkpatrick " " 106.68 5557
22. Helen Wolfe " " 66.80 5558
23. Kenneth Vyse " If 31.22 5559
24. . Steven Anderson " » 31.22 5560
25. Larry Murray " " 30.86 5561
26. Jack Hayward Cleaning office 4. 5562 '
27. Advance Containers Jan. Garbage 97.15 5563
28. St. Thomas Sanitary Collection " 273.03 5564
29. Norman Loucks Feb. 11 Wages 106.51 5565 '
30. K. Kirkpatrick " " 106.68 5566
31. Helen Wolfe " " 66.80 5567
32. Kenneth Vyse " " 43.58 5568
33. S. Anderson " " 43.58 5569
34. Charles Bates Tray. Exp. water 4. 50 5570 •
35. Charles Bates Wages Water 32.40 5571
36. Asa. of Municipalities Membership 15. 5572
37/ Alvin Lousks Supp. Aid 20. 5573
38. F. Stephenson Supplies 7.22 55716
39. Municipal World Supplies 7.70 5578
40. Aylmer & Malahide Telephone 103.35 5579
41. Public Utilities Hydro •
275.98 5577
42. Everitts Electric 12. 5580
43. Port Burwell Hardware 59.16 5581
44. Harold Hoahal Planning Meeting 9.60 5582III
45. Elgin County Mutual Aid7 Membership 15. 5583
46. Sterling Fuels Fuel Oil 158.22 5584
47. Morley Wolfe Jah. Acct. 72.52 5585
48. Prouse Transport stone & hauling 448.46 5586
49. The steel Co. screenings 131.38 5587
50. Helen Wolfe re Foster birthday 2.35 5588
51. Charles Bates re garbage meeting 28.20 5589
1. Public Utilities Supplies 33.45 7
. . .J: .. ...L '4kr .C1erk AA,./igitALReleve
51. K. Kirkpatrick Dec. 23 Wares 107.00 5478
52. Helen Wolfe e 59.10 5479
53. Isaac Fehr " 66.30 5480
54. Steven Anderson " 60.15 5481
PO 55. Wanita Collins Welfare 23.60 5482
56. Orval Robbins 25. 5483
57. Norman Loucks Dec. 30 WaPes 106.15 5484
58. K. Kirkpatrick e 107. 5485
59. S. Anderson " 31.15 5486
60. Isaac Fehr " 61.27 5487
61. Helen Wolfe " 59.10 548 8
62. Receiver General Un. Ins. 60.10 5489
63. Rec. General Tax & Pension 289.78 5490
64. David Thiessen Welfare 45. 5491
65. Wantta Collins Welfr:re 39.60 5492
66. Receiver General. Stamps 17. 5493
67. George Hamm Wages 10. 5494
68. Lester Bates Tray. exp. 12. 5495
69. Les ter Bates Wages 83.70 5496
70. Norman Loucks Waces Jan. 7 106.51 5497
71. K. Kirkpatrick " 106.68 5498
72. Void -'f f
73. David Smyth " 66.08 5600
74. George Hamar " 44.55 5501
75. Kenneth Vyse It 67.29 5502
76. Larry Murray e 42.94 5503
77. Helen Wolfe " 59.10 5504
78. Louis Toth Dee. Acct & water 247.06 5505
79. Steven Anderson Wages Jan. 12 23.63 5506
80. Sandra DeFauz. Welfare 57.40 5507
81. George Hamm. Jan. 13 wages 30.86 5508
82. P.U.C. Lights etc 271.03 5509
83. Port Burwell 2 water bills 26. 5510
84. Lester Bates Tray. Exp. 6. 5511
85. Leser Bates Wages Jan. 14 35.10 5512
86. Helen Wolfe, " " 59.52 5513
87. Norman Loucks 106.51 S514
88. K. Kirkpatrick '' 106.68 5515
89. Davit Smyth " 30.86 5516
90. Larry Murray " 30.86 5517
91. Kenneth lyse " 43/36 5518
92. David Thiessen Welfare !�5. 5519
93. Brad McIntyre " 10. 5520
94. Ken Broadbel t " 10. 5521
95. Bennett Stationery Supplies 11.50 5522
96. Tony Lama Re Garage hook up water 43.07 5523
97. Prouse Transport Gravel 450. 55 24
98. Morley Wolfe Dec. Ace Dunt 109.87 5525
99. Helen Wolfe Costs and expenses 8.49 5526 & 5528
100. Hurleys Boat Building Account 46.73 5529
101. Vienna Lumber Account 99.70 5538
102. Sterling Fuels Fuel 991.10 5532
103. Tillsonburg Commercial Printers envelcpes 42.34 5532
104. Reg. Office Dec. deeds 5.70 5533
105. F. Stephenson Dec. Account 25.33 5534
106. Mary Blyth re water party 15.25 5535
107 Legion Auxiliary re water party 90. 5536
.• `:... ...Clerk .. 220./ .. , .Reeve
1. Mack Co. Seals 7.71 1
2. Emco Co. 8 meters 374.85 2
3. Lakeside Hotel dinner (OWRC) 7.77 3
4. Helen Wolfe supplies 6.54 4
5. Tony Lama Inst. meters 45.50 5
_ 6. F._ qtglIthe, � - w..t..,p•-`7 ', k 1 6
First Meeting Monday January 17, 1972.
The January Meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held in
the Municipal Office at 7.30 p.m. on Monday January 17, 1972 with
all the Council present.
Mr. caul Strassburger and two other representatives were present
from Department of Lands and Forests. They will require Village
water in the Spring, and were informed their price will be the
at the Commercial rate of $7.00 for the first 3000 gallons, and
$2.25 per 1000 gallons in excess of 3000 gallons.
1. Moved by H. Alward and sec. by H. Hcshal that we endorse the Waste .
Disposal By-law #840 of Middleton Township as a _safeguard from
r pollution of the Otter Creek.
2. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that accounts 1-107 on
Voucher 1 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same.
3. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by H. Alward that the Commercial water
customers be charged the price of their meter plus the installation
charge and $1.00 charge for sealing.
4. M'wed by H. Alward and sec. by A. Loucks that all water customers be
sent the first notice of arrears five days after the due date--tie
second notice 5 days later and the disconnect notice 5 days later.
5. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bated that the new Provincial
Detention Centre be named the Elgin Middlesex Area Detention Centre
rather than the London Regional Detention Centre.
6. Moved by H. Alward and sec. by H. Hoshal that Port Burwell Village
Council. join the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for 1972
and that the membership fee of $15.00 be paid.
7. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that Reeve Mary Blyth and
Mr. Newell Wright be appointed as representatives of the Erie
Economic. Council for the year 1972.
# 263 Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by H. Alward that leave be granted to
introduce By-law to prohinit the use of snowmobiles and minibikes
on sidewalks within the limits of the Village of Port Burwell..
By-law read a first, second, and third time.
Moved by C. Bates and sec. by A. Loucks that By-law now read a' third
time do, pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the
Reeve. .
8. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by C. Bates that wages and conditions be
the same as 1971---$2.80 per hour for Norman Loucks and $2.70 per
hour for Kenneth Kirkpatrick.
9. Moved by H. Alward and sec. by H. Hcshal that our C2erk-treasurer
Mrs. Helen Wolfe be paid a weekly salary of $80.00 per week retrp-
active to Jan. 1st of the present year.
Correspondence read as follows:
Regarding Bothwell-Rotary Sweepstakes sold within our jurisdiction--
letter filed.
Letter fpm Hannover Germany requesting metal police badges. Unable
to supply.
$1234. Additional aid requested for the Municipal Incentive Programs
as we find the $2100. will not cover the work.
Clerk reported that interest had been owed from the School Boaed 'of
$95.57,. and from the County $351,.86 for prepayment of levies.
Letter received from the Waste Management Branch regarding the care of the
dump used by Port Burwell previous to 1971. Since no use has been
made of this side since 1970, and it is in Bayham Township--the
Branch -to be notified of such.
It was agreed to adopt the mileage of the Village roads as of 1970
as there has been no change in 1971. -
Councillor 0. Bates to look after the water while the Superintendant
� Lester Bates is on holidays. C. Bates to receive the same remuneration
as the superintendant.
It was decided to have screenings drawn for the streets off Addison
Street and for a stock pile.
10. Moved by H. Alward and sec. by H... Hoshal•that this meeting of the '
Village Council be adjourned until the next regular meeting unless in
- case of emergency. .
• Time. 12. o'clock midni;ht.
1. Isaac Fehr Wages Dac. 9 25.00 5420
2. Mrs. Helen Wolfe e. e 59.10 5429
3. Norman Loucks e e 106.15 5430
4. K. Kirkpatrick " " . 107. 5431 •
5.� - David Smyth e e 39.38 5432
- 6. Larry Murray e e 37.38 5433
7. Kenneth Vyse e e 37.88 5434
8. Isaac Fehr " " - 10.95 5435 •
9. Lester Bates " 129.60 5436
10. Lester Batee Tray. exp. 14.85 5437
11. P.U.C. 264.08 5438
12. L.C.B.O. Wine re Water party 15. 5439 •
13. Robert Hannigan Firechief 150. 5440
14. Mahlon Chute • Fireman 27. 5441
15. Bill Epple " 60. 5442
16. Ronald Bradfield " • 75. 5443 •
17. tony Lama " 40. 5444
18. Hugh Brooks " • 50. 5445
19. Leo Aspen e 41. 5446
20. F. Stephenson " • 51. 5447
21. George Caers 31. 5448
22.- Jim McKibbin " 47. 5449
23. Ross Evelan0 " 26. 5450
24. Kenneth Matthews. " 54. 5451
25. Ted Shelly e 30. 5452
26. Gerry Matthews " S • • 36. 5453
27. Brian Shelly " 48. 5454
28. Bob. Kearse " 7. • 5455
29. Wayne Lamoure e 12. 5456
30. Wanita Collins Welfare • • 72. 5457 •
31. David Thiessen " • 45. 5458
32. Shirley Smith 57.40 5459
33. Helen Wo]fe Dec. 17 Wages 59.10 5460
34. P.U.C. Replaceing• cheek 5411 5461
35. Norman Loucks Dec. 17 Wages 106.15 - 5462
36. Ken. Xirkpatrick • " 107. 5463
37. David Smyth " 62.40 5464
_ 38. Larry Murray " 62.40 5465
39. K. Vyse " - 63.53 5466 IP
40. Isaac Fehr " • 69.40 5467
41. Hamilton Ward & Cathers Insurance 1201.67 5468
42. London Humane Society Dog Catcher 100. 5469
43. Ontario Good Roads Membership 45. 5470
44. Wanita Collins Welfare 23.611 5471 •
' 45. Hamilton Ward & Cathers Insurance 17.56 5472
46. Advance Containers Dec. Garbage - 97.15 5473
47. St. Thomas Sanitary Collecvc* 273.03 5474
48. Norman Loucks Wages Dec.i23 106.15 5475
49. • Lester Bates Tray. Exp. 13.05 • 5476
50. Lester Bates Dec. 23 Wages 48.60 5477