HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell Council Minutes 1970PORT BURWELL VILLAGE Council Minutes 1970 ,lineteenth I4Peting Tuesday jec. 29, 1970 A special meeting was held with all the Council present. 47 Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that leave be granted to introduce By-law to estimate t;he. expenditures of the Village on the roads an,i streets on a Su,,klenentary to By -Law #238 and #243 as follows ?Maintenance #3500. By-law react a firs, second, and third time. :Moved by R. Bradfield an(i sec. by H. Hqshal that By-law now read a third Am do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. - Moved by A. Loucks ani sec. b, R. Bradfield that tris special meeting be adjourned. . GGl�.C1erk N .... .....Reeve Eightee nth Mee J.ng Tuesday Dec. 8, 1970 0 The December meeting ad -the Port Burwell Village Council was held on Tuesday Dec. 3, 1970 at 7.30 p.m. in the Municipal Office. ` Present were Reeve M. Blyth, And Councillors H. Alward, H. Hoshal, and A. LoLcks, also C. Bates of the 1971 and 1972 Council. The minutes of the last Meeting were read an� adopted as read. i 1. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Alward that accounts 1-66 on Voucher 12 be paid and the Reeve be authorize -1 to sign the same; 2. Moved by H. Alward and sec., by A. Loucks that this Council protest most vigorously to Superin';endant Ayres of the Ontario. -Provincial Police, London, his proposal to close the local Ontario Provin dial Detachment and in turn the•provisal to police Port Burwell from the Tillsonburg Detachment. Clerk to notify Superintendant Ayers of the Council's decision: 3. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Hoshal that this Coancil givd a•membership fee of $15.00 to the ontario Good Roads Assocfatidn for the year 1971. 4. Moved by H. Hos'ial and sec. by H. Alward that the Village Clerk be authorized to purchase Christmas fowl for thn Villa -e employeed as an expression of appreciation to them for their services'to the village during 19;70. 5. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by H. Alward that this Council givd the Clerk permission to pay the Fire -chief Robert Hannigan and deUty Chief Ted. Shelly $150.00 for the •ear 1970, and the flremdn MOO per fire and Mutual Aid mee; i.rigs, and 1.00 for pract?.ce mdeLings. Correspondance was read from Valley Camp notif*ing Council they did not want to sell lots 12, 13, 14, and 15 on Robinson Street. Clerk to write Mr. Cavey of Harbours and Property that the Council are unwilling to accept the responsibility of the two buildings owned by Dent. of Transport, at least until such time as :he land could be purchased from Valley Camp. Clerk was instructed to pay part of Village Insurance --that is -the part that was the same rate as 1969, leaving the balance until a represent- ative of Hamilton Ward aid Cathers could be present. Arbitration report of the assets and liabilities of former School boards of Elgin County was read. Village of Port Burwell shewinF a surplus of $4,916.00 Clerk to write the Minister of Fisheries, as -,;he fisherman are -interested to know if a loan is coming throuzh oIer the mercury content in fish. We understand they cannot fish for or sell yello. Pickerel and•B33S. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Hoshal that this Council be adjoilrned until next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Time. 10.30 P.M. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No. • 149. 4. 5. 6. 7: 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15: 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 2 2. 23. 24. 25, 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32• 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 4G. 1+1. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51- 5') - 1.52. 53. 54• 55. 56, 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. Name Betty Hayward Jo?Ei Weaver Stan].gy Armstrong Bennett Stationery Norman Loucks Kenneth Kirkpatrick Helen dolfe Richard Anderson County of ElFin Otter Creek Orval Robbins M. Vernon Mrs. Mar;. McCord Harry Alward R. Bradfield ?i. Hoshal A. Loucks Mrs. h_iry Blyth P.U.C. J. Weaver Norman Loucks Ken. Kirkpatrick Richard Anderson Mrs Minnie Tait Helen Wolfe Central Pile r,. Winkworth P.U.C. P. Irwin V1. Robbins &lgin County Bd. Education Ncarman Loucks Ken Kirkpatrick Helen Wolfe E. 'WJinkworth Aylmer & Mal.ahide Norman Loucks Ken Kirkpatrick Heler. dulfe Georje Peetz Ernest v;inkworth Orval Robbins George Dagg Bill Crocker Norman Loucks Kenneth Kirkpatrick Helen Wolfe Rec. Ganeral Rec. ^general E. Wiukworth J. H. Kaufmann News Printing Aylmer Tire Norman Loucks John Burwell Fernlea Flowers Hurley's F. Stephanson G. Caers Morley Wolfe Reg. Office Bryan Jcnes Pt. Burwell Hardware Ostranders Fsl6in County - i. of Services. Welfare 10.00 4628 " 15.00 4629 " 15.00 4630 Envelopes 1.94 4 43 Wages Nov. 6 98.39 4644 n 98.13 4645 " 55-19 4646 " 69.99 4647 Bal.- of levy 4054.64 4648 1970 Levy _ 206. 464; W-�lfare 64. 4050 Bal. of check 103. 4651 Fireman -G. McCord 25. 4652 5 mth Council 125. 4653 Councillor 150. 4654 ++ 150. 4655 " . 150. .4656 Reeve 200. 4657 streets & Welfard 227.06 4658 Welfare 15. 4659 ',,!ages Nov. 13 99.75 .4660 " 98.13 4661 " 69.99 4'63 yfelfare 27.55 4664 Wages Nov. 13 55.19 4662 Hay,+ard welfare 3.10 ,4665 '.telfare 6.60 4666 0. Robbins 20 4667 P. ;.B. Welfare =0. 4668 delf.ire re Armstrong 15. 4669 Levy 10,000. 4670 Nov. 20 'gages 99.75 4671 " 98.81 4672 ++ 55.19 4673 y:elfare 10. 4674 Telephone 58.58 4675 ;s1 -es *:--v. 27 99.75 4676 " 99.95 4677 P 55.10 !678 Irwin .,elf are 50. 4679 Welfare 10. 4080 Shelter Welfare 25. 4681 " 25. 4682 " - 20. 4683 Wages Dec. 4 ':9.75 4684 " 99.95 46`'5 " 55.39 4686 Un. Ins. 32.60 4587 Tax & Pension 178.20 4688 Welfare 10. 4689, 9.31 4691 Voters Lists etc. 33.80 4692 11.93 4693 Oil Tank 25. 4694 so 3 loads gravel 159.60 495 Account n Welf are *'�-1 Education Levy 66. Sterling Fuels Via..- -_ • . ..4-�a.c. Clerk 12.1-0 4 90 60. ].0 4697 357.28 4698 108. 4699 36.76 4700 . 7.80 4701 prescriptions 17.48 4702 & Accoult 55.59 4703 Temple burial 250. 4.706 6752.b8 4704 . r17 153.04 4707 ., 5....Reeve b Nomination Meeting Monday november 30, 1970 A, nomination Meeting for the Villat-e Cf Port Burrell was held in the Port Burwell Public School on Monday November 30, 1970 From 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. There were Fifteen attended. The results of thosc�ualifyi-i; were ---- R`,E JG BLYTH, Mary Port Burnell Clerk COUNCILLORS A1;4ARD ,:carry, Port Buraell Nurseryman BATES Charles ^ ++ CPntleman BRADFIZLD� Ronald ^ ^ Civil- Servant. ' -40SHAL Harold, n " C-.retaker LOUCKS Alvin r?n t1eman P.U.C.. COOKSCN Harrj, Port Burwell Insurance Salesman ACCL, STEPHFANSCN Frank ^ ,t Merchant ACC L. NLECTICN 14CNDAY DECE74BER 7, 1970 The results 3f --he election cn Deeanb,ir 7, 1970 were -- REEVE BLYTH Mary Accl. COU 4 CIL Al.ARD Harry, RATES Charles HOSHAL, Harold LOUCKS, Al vire P.U.C. STEPHENSQ1, Frank ACCL. Cookson, Harry ACCL. Bd. of E,iuc.ation Public School ReGul.-s sent to 1Ir. D. Vallee, Clerk of Bavhzq Seventeenuh meeting SPEECIAL M-I'ETD;G Nov. 21�, 1970 A special meeting was held in the Municipal Office on Tuesday Nov. 24, with all the Council present. A. McNeil M.P.P. for Elgin was present to discuss the moving of the r.F. detachment to Ti11:3onburg, The Council decided to w4it until their December meeting to make ? decision on this ratter . /���•.^ ....`� Clerk 2z-). /4Peeve Fifteenth Meetine Monday Nov. 2, 1970 The Port Burwell VillaFe Council held their November meeting at 7.30 P.m- Monday Nov. 2, 1970 in the Munici: al Office with all the Council present. 00 j The minute$ of the last meeting Aere read and adopted as read. 1. Moved by H. Alward ant sec. by A. Loucks that this council appoint Mahlon Chu`ye Deputy Firechief to fill the vacancy caused by the re3i6--iatiou of Ted Shelly. Letters of appreciation to be sent to Volunteer Firemen Bob. Atkins and Ted Shelly aho are resigning from the Fire Department. 2. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by H. Alward that this Coucil endc;rse the resolution of the town of Goder4ch that the Provincial Governnent be petitioned to enact legislation that will remove the administration of General Welfare Assi s tance, Supplementary Assistance and SpOc al Assistance from individual municipalities and counties, and place the same under its own Department of Social and Family Services Region.,l Offices. And that this resolution be submitted for endorsation to all municipalities, affected and local Members of Parliament. 3. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by R. Bradfield that 3 radar signs be purchased and placed at the entranegs to Port Burwell. One on Hwy #19, 1_on the Lakeshore Road East, ant 1 on Chatham Street ':Jest end of Village sabject to a-)proval of Cct_nty of Elgin and Dept. of Highways. 4. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that this Council have two double rooms reserved at the Royal Ycrk Hotel, Toronto for a delegation from the Village of Port Burwell from Feb. 22, 1971 to Feb. 24, 1971 to attend the Gocd Roads Association. 5. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that acco-:-its 1-48 on Voucher 11 be paid and ;,he Reeve be autherized to si;p the sane . Mrs. B lyth reported on a mee-Ung held with the C.F'.P and Imo; Ayers of the O.P.P. from London. They wish tc move the detachment from Port Barrell to Tillsonburgand have pronised better service if the move is made, and would like to lave the Councils approval for such a move. The Clerk to write Mr. Ayers informing hire the Council unanitoizsly opposed such a mlve and that they were well satisfied with the policing at the present tine. 6. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that this meeting be adjourned until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency Time 11.15. p.m. ACCOU";TS PAYABLE No. Name Services Amount Cl^eck 1. George Peetz Irwin Welfare 50.00 4578 2 Rec. General stamps 12. 4579, 3. P.U.C. 244.51 4580 4. Central Pipe Hayward welfare 2. 4581 5. Norman Loucks Ware-- Oct. 9 97.85 4582 6. Kenneth Kirkpatrick " Holiday pay 78.13 4583 7. Daniel Smith 40.99 4584 8. Helen Wolfe 55.19 45 5 9. David -Imyth ry wok.. 13.40 4586 10. Elgin County Bd. of Educationinterest 8.09 4601, 11. F. Stephenson Welfare 377. 4602, 12. Bill Epple Rose Wel re 20. 4603 13. Central Pipe Tait Welfare 4.35 4604 14. Mrs. Mary Myth Sel. Jury 3. 4605 15. Mrs. Helen Wolfe " " 3. 4606 A ., ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (cont) 16. Mrs. Minnie Tait Welfare 'loges Oct& 16 8.50 97.85 4607 4608 17. 18. Norman Loucks Kenneth Kirkpatrick " 98.13 4bO9 19. -Helen Wolfe " - " - 55.19 46.99 4610 4611 20. 21.� Daniel Smyth Daniel Smyth " Holiday Pay 31.45 4612 22. r:rmaft Loucks " Oct. 23 97.85 4613 23. Ken. K-rkpatrick '' 98.13 4614 24, 25. Helen Wolfe Mr. H. Funk p Welfare 55s.19 %0. 4615 4614 26. Gecrge.Peet7, Irwin Welfare rent 50. 4617 27. R. Anderson Oct 29 wages 11.71 4615 28. Norman Loucks 'Wages Oct. 30 97.85 4619 29x, Kenneth KtrkT atrick " 98.13 4620 30. Helen '4101fe " 55.19 4621 31. Richard Anderson " 15,57 4622 32. Rec. General Unemp. Ins 40.80 4623 33. Rec. General Tax. and Pension 246:97 4624 34. Jack Hayward C=leaning Floor 4. 4625 35. Mr. H. Funk Shelter all. 21. 4626 36. Tony Lama AccrLnt re library 4.99 4633 37. F. Stephenson Oct. Acct. 200.96 4639 38. G. ewers Oct. Acct. 4$.76 4639 39. Sterling Fuels 65.50 4634 It. Max Underhill 49M 4635 41. East hb d MOtOts Acct. 37.52 4638 42. Bayham Twp. ,: .. garbage 4.48 4639 43. Municipal World Election supp 24..19 463$ 44. Reg. Office Sept. cony. 4.20 4639 45 . ?.orley Wolfe Oct. Acct. 38.88 4640 46. Mary Blyth 2 meetings 21: 4 641 47. Helen 'Wolfe P;ileage 6.40 4642 48. Lakeside Nu.rsic1g Home Oct. acct. 905.86 4627 �er1LLIf:�_B-<.Clerk Sixteenth Meeting SPECIAL t&STING Tuesday Nov. 17, 1970 A special meeting was held in the Municipal office on Tuasday Nov: 17, 1970 at 7.30 p.m. with all the co,incil nresent. Mr. Ayers of the O.P.P. was present and spole to the Council in regard to moving Lhe detachment from P:}rt Bur,.•.ell to Tillsonburg on Jan. 1, 1971. The Council decided to mee t with Mr. A. McNeil M.P.P. for eElgin to discus: ..his move before giving Par. Ayers a decision. The Clerk to write Valley Camp to inquire if lots 12, 13, 14, and 15 on Robinson St. 'Test side could be purchased, and if so under what conditions and price. also letter to be ,,mitten to Department of Highways regarding the bad' condition of the connecting link of Highway ;,'19 1.Moved by A:Loucks an,t sec. by H. Hoshal. that this meeting be adjc)urned until. next'regular meeting unless in case cf emergency. Clerk T'.ne 9.45 p.m. .....................RPF�.e ..`�.v. ... aE..Clerk ...'.'.. ../': ........Reeve Thirteenth Meeting Monday October 5, 197C The Port Burwell Village Council held their October meeting at 7.30 p.m. Monday October 5, 1970 in the ;Municipal Office with Reeve Mary Blyth, and all the Council present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted.as read. 1. Moved by R.. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that accounts 1-40 on Voucher 10 be paid and Reeve be authorized to sign the same. 2. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks tnat the clerk be authorized to nay the interest due t., thg Elgin County Board of Education on invoice #173 in the amount cf 049.09. A summary of Waste Collection Tenders for the County cf East Elgin was read, and the council decided that their ch6ice would be 1. R. A. McCaig --2. Donald McCormack ---3. Don Phillips. 3. Moved by A. Lcucks and sec. by H. Alward that this meeting be adjourned _mt.il next regular meeting unless in case of emergency Time 10.00 p.m. ACCOUNTS FAYABLE No. Name Amount Check 1. F.U.C. 206.51 4552 2. Norman Loucks 14ages Sept. 11 97.85 4553 3. Lien Kirkpatrick ^ 98.13 4554 4. D. Smyth 46.99 4555 5. Helen Wolfe 55.19 4556 6. Central Pipe Tait Welfare 3.10 4557 7. P.U.C. " " 19. 4558 8. itary Blyth Trav, Expenses, 100. 4459 9. Norman Loucks Wages Sept. 18 97.85 4560 10. Ken. Kirkpatrick " 98.13 4561 11. Daniel Smyt!: " 57.19 4562 12. Helen P:olfe " 55.19 4563 13. Registrar 3. 4564 14. Norman Loucks 'mages Sept. 25 97.85 4565 15. Ken. Kirkpatrick " 98.13 4566 16. Danny Smyth " 57.19 4567 17. Helen Wolfe " 55.19 4568 18. Alvin Loucks File 2.17 4569 19. Receiver General Tax & Pension '16.32 4570 "0. Reseiver General Unemp. Ins. 34.90 4571 2 1. Richard Anderson Welfare 20. 4572 22. Norman Loucks Wages Oct. 2 97.85 4573 23. Ken Kirkpatrick " 98.13 4574 24. D. Smyth 57.19 4575 25. Helen Wolfe " 55.19 4576 26. Lakeside Nursing Home Sept. Acct. 874.36 4`77 27. :Morley Wolfe 75.78 4587 2 8. Fernlea Flowers 31.50 4588 29. Hugh Brooks Hauling Coldmiz 53.85 444Q z^. Alvin Loucks Tray. exp. meeting 9.20 4590 31. Beckham Ltd. Tractor parts 21.79 4591 32, L. Buchner 2.84 4592 33• Municipal World Acct. 4.83 4593 34. Strickland Bulldozing 61. 4594 35. Sterling Fuel 27.72 4595 36. Vienna Lumber Acct. 4.73 4596 37. J. H. Kaufmann Acct. 30.47 4597 38. Pt. Bumiell Hardware 24.74 4598 39, Mary Blyth E'xpenbes 18.40 459 40, Helen Wclfe Oct. 1 mggti.ng 6. 460 ..`�.v. ... aE..Clerk ...'.'.. ../': ........Reeve Fourteenth Meeting Special Meeting Oc�.ober 13, 1970 A special meeting was held in the Village Office at 7.30 on Tuesday October 13 with all the Council present. 1.�_ Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by H. Hoshal that the proposal for R. A. McCaig for collection and disposal of g4rbage be approved in principal for discussion with other municipalities. 2. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Alward that Helen Wolfe be appointed as returning officer, and Mrs. Ada Tuff as poll clerk for Lhe election of Reeve, Council, PUC -Lembers, and School Board trustees on December 7, 1970. Hours from 10 a.m.--8 p.m. There will be a :Nomination meeting Nov. 30, 1.970 for Reeve, 4 Co -ncillors, and 2 P.IT.C. memberst in the Port Burwell School between the hours of 8.-p.m. and 9 p.m. Also there will be a Nomination meeting at Straffordville Nov. 23, 1970 for 4 Public School Supporters on the Elgin County Board of Education. On the same evening 1 member for the Separate School Board will be nominated. Malahide Township will be holding a nomination meeting in Aylmer on November 23, 1970 for 1 Separate School Supporter on the Elgin County Board )f Education. 3. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Hoshal that this meeting be. adjourned until next regular meeting unless in case of e.nergeney • Time. 8. 15 p,m. ..11�+... ...Clerk ...,'12... dReeve. Twel:'th Meeting Tuesday Sept. 8, 1970 The kort Burwell Village Council held their September meetiriE at 7.30.p.m. Tuesday September 8, 1970 in the Munici�-al Office, with Reeve Mary Blyth, and the Councillors present with the excekLion of H. Hoshal. The minutes of.the lq*st meeting were read and adopted*as read. 1. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that account.: 1-40 on Voucher ? be paid and Reeve be authorized to sign the same.. Approval was received from Department of 'Highway for a Supp ].ea.en Lary Roads, Expenditure of X7000.00 for 1970. 2. Moved, by H. Alward and sec. by A. Loucks that the Village Council of Port $urwell request that tho Elvin County Board of Education to make representation on behalf of the Villa "e of Pcrt Bur.+ell. whose School Board had a surplus on Dec. 31, 196 be paid interest on the said sum from Dec. 31, 1968 to date of payment, also that no part of the interest required to service deficits of any :school Board, as of Dec. 31st shall be charged to the Village of Port Burwell* 3. Moved byy H. Alward znd sec, by R. Bradfield that thlp,Cpuncil.reauest the -Village Clerk -to write Councillor Harold Hoshal expressing our regrets at his absence from this Co,-ncil Meeting through illness, and our wi:ihes for a speedy recovery. Correspondance read acknowledging payment on account c%f 1970 County Levy of $10,000.00, also that the discount allowed will be $271.78. also from County of Elgin advising that there will be one Separate School Representative elected for the City of Sr.. Thomas, and one for the County of Elgin. Letter from O.W.R.C. informi-n,; Council that construction of distrib- uting system scheduled to commence at the end of October or early November of this year. The sysL3m is e):r.ecLed to be in operation by June 1971. 4. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that this meeting be adjourned until next regular meeting unless in case of emergency Time 10.00 p.m. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No. Name Services Amount Check 1. Lakeside Nursing Home July Acct. 716.86 4497 2 . County of Elgin 1970 Levy 10000. 4498 3. Village of Port Burwell O.P.P. Tax 168.98 4514 4. London Humane Suciety May --Aug, 100. 4515 5. Norman Loucks 'Wages Aug. 14 97.85 4516 6. Ken Kirkpatrick " 98.13 4517 7. Daniel Smyth " 40.99 4518 8. Helen Wolfe " 55.19 4519 9. P.U.C. 231.41 4520 10. Aylmer & Malahide Telephone 74.35 4521 11. P.U.C. Welfare Hydro 9.20 4522 12. Port Burwell Brisseau Welfare 20. 4523 13, Norman Loucks Wages Aug. 21 97.85 4524 14, Ken Kirkpatrick " 98.13 4525 15. Helen Wolfe " 55.19 4526 16. Daniel Smyth 57.19 4527 17. Norman Loucks Aug. 28 97.85 4528 18. Ken Kirkpatrick " " 98.13 4529 20. Helen Wolfe Holiday pay 55.19 4531 19. Daniel Smyth Wages Aug. 28 57.19 4530 21. Mildred Vernon Rent 85. 4532 2 2. Mrs. Bertha Thompson Welfare 195. 4533 ACCOUNTLS PAYABLE (continued) 23.. Norman Loucks 24, Ken. Kirkpatrick 25. Daniel Smyth 26. Helen Wolfe 27. Lakeside Nursing Home 28. Rec. General \ 29. Rec. General 30. George Caers 31. Reg. Office 32. Morley Wolfe 33• • Lyle Buchner 34. F. Stephenson 35. Riversiie Const. 36, Pt. Burwell Hardware 37. Sterling Fuels 38. Dufferin Material 39. Municipal World 40. Alvin Loucks l..C1erk Sept. 4 Wages 97.85 4534 " 98.13 4535 " 57.19 4536 55.19 4537 Aug. 91b.36 4538 Aug. Tax. & Pension 216,32 4539 Aug. Un. Ins, 34.90 4540 Aug. acct. 7.87 4541 " Conveyances 1.50 4542 Aug. "ccts 39.94 4543 " " 40.53 4544 Welfare 7Q. Vernoh 45, 115, 4545 Cold Mix 134.63 4546 20.01 4547 382.10 4548 130.35 4549 3.08 4550 Meeting G, 4551 'T .. ..Reeve Eleventh Meeting Monday August 10, 1970 The Port Burwell Village Council neld their August meeting at 7.30 p.m. Monday August 10, 1970 in the Municipal Office, with Keeve Mary Blyth, and Councillors A. Loucks, R. Bradfield, and H.' Hoshal present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read. 1. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that accou.it$ 1=48 with the exception of #38 on Voucher 8 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same. Due to the death of C:-)uncillor George McCord a vacancy his been created in ;.he Council. In the 1968 election Mr. Harry Alward had the next highest votes, and he was notified of this. According to Municipal Act 149 (1) Mr. Harry Alward was sworn into'office for the remainder of G. McCord's tArm ( the rest of 1970) It was noted the Ti -ler «alkway has been repaired. The Clerk to notify Dr. Leatherdale, Air. Long, and I -Ir. Durling of weeds on t::eir property. Council was notified that there is now parallel parking on Wellington Street from Erieus to Robinson. 2. Moved by H. Alward and sec. by H. Hoshal that this meeting of Council be adjourned at 9.40 ......... ..�.......4-tlerk F�: ` .. � Reeve ACCOU:;TS PAYABLE No. Name Services Amount Check 1. Norman Loucks July 10 Wages 97.85 4465 2. Ke neth Kirkpatrick " 98.13 4466 3. Helan Wolfe " 55.19 4467 4. Daniel Smyth 4.99 4468 5. Rec. Gen. stamps 12. 4469 6. C. F. Freight Sweener 4.25 4470 7. Elgin County Bd. of Education 13000. 4471 8. P.U.C. 211.26 4472 9. Jack Hayward Cleaning floor 4. 4473 10. Norman Loucks July 17 Wages 97.85 4474 11. Ken. Kirkpatrick " 98.13 4475 12. Daniel Snyth " 57.19 4476 13. Helen Wolfe " 55.19 4477 14. Joseph Tighe 25. 4478 15. Elgin Co.aty Bd. of Education 3983. 4479 16. Jack Hayward Dog Tags sold 7. 4480 17. Noriian Loucks July 24 Wages 97.85 4481 18. K. Kirkpatrick " 98.13 4482 19. Daniel Smyth " 57.19 4483 2U. Helen Wolfe " 55.19 4484 21. Mildred Vernon Rent--- 85. 4485 22. Elgin County Sep. School Board 831, 4486 2 3.Port Burwell Brisseau Shelter 20. 4487 24. Norman Loucks July 31 W -es 97.85 4488 25. Kenneth Kirkpatrick " 98.13 4489 26. Daniel Smyth " 57.19 4490 27. Helen Wolfe 55.19 6491 28, Tars. B. Thompaon Welfare 195. 4492 29. Norman Loucks Aug. 7 'gages 97.85 4493 ACCOUtd' 5 FAYABLE (continued) 'No. NAME JERvi CES Amount Check 30. Ken Kir#patrick Wages Aug. 7 98.13 4494 31. Daniel Smyth " 57.19 4495 32 Helen Wolfe " 5{.19 4496 33. Rec. General Tax. & Pension 267.85 4499 34. Rec. General Unemp. Ins. 43.40 45CO 35. Morley Wolfe July Acct. 127.16 4501 3o. Tillsonburg, News bleed Notice 11.20 4502 37. George Caers Welfare &. Acct. 150.54 4503 38. The Elgin County Bd Interest -late payment 8.09 ---- 39. G. Backus Lumber 39.69 4504 40. C. N. R. Sweeper Chrgs _ 4. 4505 41. L. 14. Brown Costs re Horton & Granger 27.66 4506 42. Mary Blyth meeting July 14 & 21 16.80 4507 43« Prouse Transport 86.87 4508 44. Canadian Vire 78.11 4509 45. Hurleys Boat 50.18 4510 46. Municipal World Supplies 7.53 4511 47. Registry Office 12.70 4512 48. Frank Stephenson Welfare Acct. 119.48 4513 F Tenth Meeting SPECIAL I4EETING Thursday July 16, 1970 A special meeting was held in the Village Office with all of the Councillors and the Reeve present. Mr. R. Barlow, Village Solicitor was also present. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that this council authorize the Village Solicitor to make representation to the appropriate Government department to seek an alternate roadway to compensate for the present deterioration of the lane running across plan 197. 2. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by fi. Bradfield that Monday August 3, 1970 be declared a Civiz Holiday in the Village of Port Burwell. 3. Moved by G. McCord and s ec. by H. Hoshal that this meeting adjourn until the Next regular meeting, unless in the case of an emergency. Time 8.30 P.M. . w'.......... .. ..Clerk.Reeve Ninth Meeting Monday July 6, 1970 The Port Burwell Village Council held their July meeting at 7.30 p.m. Monday July 6, 1970 in the Municipal Office, with all of the Council present with the exception of Harold Hoshal. 00 The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read. 1\. Moved by R. Bradfikld and sec. by A. Loucks that this Council authorize the clerk to sand a letter to those people who have not yet paid their dog tax, and to include in the letter that section of the Dog Tax Act which states the penalty for refusing to pay dog tax. 2 Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that accounts 1-49 on Voucher 7 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sig the same. Mr. Harry Cookson would like to have a street light moved from the pole on the end of Erieus Street to a pole beside his house. The clerk to write the P.U.C. and have this light changed. Hourly wages for extra help to be for only the hours worked. Correspondance was read from Mrs. Snelgrove requesting to have the garbage cleaned u around her place, and also the weeds cut. She is to be charged 10.00 for cutting the weeds on her two lots It was decided to examine the timber walkway on C.P.R. property and determine the repairs needed, or if necessary to remove it. The Rabies Clinic on June 2 was well attended with 93 dogs, 27 cats, 2 horses, 3 rabbits and 1 opossum --total of 126 animals receiving shots. #246 Moved.by G. McCord and sec. by R. Bradfield that leave be granted to introduce By-law # 246 to appoint Mr. Jack Hayward as Lottery Licencing Officer for the Village of Port Burwell, and to charge No Dollars each for Bingo, Raffle, and Bazaar Lotteries . By-law read a first, second, and third time. Moved*by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. Notice to Property Owners to DestvDyWeeds to be inserted in the Tillsonburg News . If they are not destroyed by Juin 15, 1970 the Municipality will cut them. Correspondance was received from The Elkin Countv board of Education explaining the calculation of the 1970 levy, to be explained at a meeting rield on July 29 2.00 p.m. at the County Court House. Correspondance received from 0.4.R.C. a9a%jring the Village that Dept , of Lands and Forests would be using water supplied by the Village for the proposed pipe line. 3. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by i. McCord that this Council be adjourned until next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Time 11 p.m. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No. Name Services Amount check 1. Harold Brisseau Welfare 18.25 4400 2.• Norman Loucks June 5 wages 97.85 4417 3. Ken Kirkpatrick " 98.13.4418 4. Daniel Smyth " 58.20 4419 5.• Helen wolfe " 55.19 4420 -6. C.P. Express 4. 4421 7. Lakeside Nursing Home May 916.36 4422 8. Norman Loucks June 12 Wages 97.85 4423 9. Ken Kirkpatrick " 98.13 4424 10. Helen Wolfe " 55.19 4425 11. Daniel Smyth TM 56.18 4426 - 12. Jack Hayward 6 months wages 150. 4427 13. Rec. General stamps 18. 4428 14. Norman Loucks Holiday pay 97.85 4429 15. Ken Kirkpatrick 'dages June 19 98.13 4430 16. Helen 'Wolfe " 55.19 4431 17. Daniel Smyth " - 57.19 4432 18. P.U.C. lights etc 235.75 4433 19. -Jack Hayward 14 dog tags 14. 4434 20. P.U.j. Fire Hall 7.92 4435 21. Ken Kirkpatrick June 26 Wages 98.13 4436 22. Norman Loucks TM 97.85 4437 23. Daniel Smyth " 57.19 4438 24, Helen Wolfe " 55.19 4439 25, 0. Robbins Welfare shelter 60 4440 26. Village of Port Burwell Brisseau shelter 20. 4441 27. Rec. General Tax. & Pension 219.72 4442 28. Rec. General Unemp. Ins. 35.20 4443 29. Norman Loucks -July 3 'Wages 97.85 4444 3n. Ken. Kirkpatrick " 98+13 4445 31. Helen Wolfe " 55.19 4446 32. Lakeside Nursing Home June- 811.36 4447 33. Daniel Smyth July 3 wages 46.99 4448 34. Mary Blyth 6, 4449 35• Ftank Stephenson Account 0. 4450 36. Morley Wolfe June Account 3.8.58 4451 37. Commercial Printers Tax notices 71.74 4452 38. Pt. Burwell Hardware 85.41 4453 39. News Printing Financial statements 65.52 4454 40. George Caers Account 41.30 4455 41. Winspear Higgins Audit 665.65 4456 42. Helen Wolfe 8.34 4457 43. Watterworth & Anderson Account 9.87 4458 44. Reg. Office May conveyances 2.10 4459 45. Gestetner pacer re Voters Lists 28.52 4460 46. Ontario Municipal Stationers Receipt books 48.19 4461 47. Alvin Loucks expenses 6. 4462 48. George McCord 7.60 4463 49. 'Canadian Wire 356.78 4464 .�. fY.:`��.,.,Clerk ..?A.... i - ..Reeve • Seventh Meeting SPECIAL MEETING Thursday, May 28, 1970 A special meeting was held in the Municipal Office on Thursday May 28, 1970 at 7.30 p.m. with the Reeve and all Councillors present. Mr. Clarke, Village Auditor from Winspear, Higgins Stevenson and Doane was also present. The 1969 budget and financial statements were reviewed, and a 1970 budget was drawn up. 1. �, Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that this meeting adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in the case of emergency Time. 11.15 p.9. ....Clerk .. ..i.�t , ....Reeve Eighth Meeting Monday June 6, 1970 The June meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held at 7.30 p.m. Monday June ,#, 1970 in the Village Office with all the, Council present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read. 1. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that accounts 1-49 on Voucher 6 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same. #245 Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by A. Loucks that leave be granted to introduce By-law # 245 to levy the rates and taxes for the year 1970, and to provide for the collection thereof with a mill rate as follows: Public Residential 88.60, Public Commercial 99.40 Separate Residential 88.60, and Separate Commercial 99.40. The first instalment be due July 21, and the second on Nov. 21, 1970. Tax penalties to be on first instalment paid on or after July 22 1%, Aug. 1 2%, Sept. 1 3%, Oct 1 4%, Nov. 1, 5%, Nov. 21 6%. Discounts on second instalment when paid on or before July 21 2%. Penalty on second instalment if paid on or after Nov. 22 lib. 1% per month charged on all arrears. By-law read a first, second, and third time. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by G. McCord t•:at By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. Correspondance read from copy of letter from Valley Camp to Canatian Pacific terminating their agreement as of June 30, 1970. also from Municipal Subsidies Branch informing council that no grant in lieu may be obtained on land owned by Dept. of Lands and Forests. 2. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by G. McCord that this council meeting be adjourned until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Clerk Time 10 p.m .•"✓.�.::�� eeve ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No. Name Services Amount check 1. Lakeside Nursing Home' April 8 874.36 5 4367 4368 2. Norman Loucks Wages_ May 98.13 4369 3. Kenneth Kirkpatrick n 55.19 4370 4, Helen Wolfe, " 58.20 4371 5. 6. Danny Smyth Rec. General Reg.. & Stamps 7. 4372 7. Mildred Vernon Bal of check 23. 170. 4373 4374 8. 9. F. Stephenson Norman Loucks Wages May 15 97.85 4375 10. K. Kirkpatrick "' 98:13.4376 11. Helen Wolfe 55.19 217.75 4377 4378 12. 13. P.U.C. Danny Siyth Wages May 15 58.20 4379 14. Aylmer & Malahide Telephone 77.08 9.25 4380 4381 15. 16, Pt. Burwell Hardware Norman Loucks freight Wages May 22 97.85 43$2 17. Ken Kirkpatrick " 98.13 55.19 4383 4384 18. Helen Wolfe 58.20 4385 19. 20. Daniel Smyth John DeLyser Welfare 20. 4386 21. Jack Hayward 16 dog licenses 16. 97.85 4387 4388 22. Norman Loucks Wages May 29 98.13 4389 23. Kenneth Kirkpatrick 55.19 4390 24. 25 Helen Wolfe Daniel Smyth 58.20 4391 26. Rec. General Tax and pension 257.80 4392 27. Re.c General Unemployment iris 43.10 4393 28. Village of Port Burwell Brisseau shelter 20. 4394 29. Ronald Bradfield Councillor 150. 4395 30. Harold Hoshal "' 150. 4396 31. Alvin Loucks " " 150. 150. 4397 4398 32. George McCord 33. Mary Blyth Reeve 200. 4399 34. Pt. Burwell Hardware 6.69 k58788 4402 35. Tillsonburg Pip! &,Sup ly Co 258.88 4402 36. Aylmer Tire 30.60 4403 37. C.N.R. FReight 4.85 4404 38. Sterling Fuels oil streets 382.25 4405 39. Registry Office 1.80 4406 40. J. H. Kaufmann April gas 35-15'4407 41, Sterling Fueld 11.64 4408 42. Frank Stephenson 40. 4409 43. Morley Wolfe 90.33 4410 44. Znidar Bros. Equipment 262.50 4411 45. R. Bradfield. meeting 6. 4412 46. Alvin Loucks 2 meetings 12. 4413 47. Mary Blyth 2 meetings 21.60 4414 48. George McCord meeting '6. 4415 49. Helen Wolfe gas expenses 10.39 4416 Sixth Meeting Monday May 4, 1970 The May meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held at 7.30 p.m. Monday May 4, 1970 in the Village Offic.* with all the Council present. 1.The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that accounts 1-38 on Voucher 5 be paid and the Reeve be at,thcrized to sign the same. Council was advised by the clerk that the 1970 Residential Tax Reduction would be $45.65 or $4.95 less than 1969 2: Moved by R. Bradfield and sec_. by A. Louckq that this Council Offer for sale lot #15 on corner of Pitt and Robinson St. to the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce for the price cf $1.00 for the purpose-ef building anew bank within the next 5 years, and if a new bank is not built this property shall be returned to the village for the same price of $1.00. The buyer shall be responsible for the maintenance of -the drain now located thereon, and pay all legal fees. �. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Hoshal that Reeve Mary '3'.yth be appointed by this Council to represent the Village as Co,nmittee man on the -area garbage disposal unit. Dr. Dancy advised the council that a rabies clinic would be held some time. in May in Port Burwell and that all animals including those done in 1 969 should be vaccinated. Letter read from Solicitor Mr. J.R.Farlow in regard to setting urp a meeting with council in r$gard to relocating Beach Street --Clerk to set up meeting as soon as possible. 4. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by G. McCord that the surety bond of the Clerk -Treasurer, Treasurer of the Community Centre, and Treasurer of the Memorial Park Board, have been examined by the Council and found adequate. Clerk to write Ron. McNeil M.P.P. in regard to proposed pipe line not serving Dept. of Lands and Forests, also to Subsidle- Branch, Dept. of Municipal Affairs in regard to °rant in 1.1su on Dept. of Lsnds and Forests. Police Fall and Library to be painted by the Village men. # 243 Moved by A. Liucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that leave be granted to introduce By-law to estimate the expeniitures of the Village on -the roads and streets on a Supplementary to By -Law # 23$ as follows Maintenance $3000. By-law read a first, second, and third time. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by G. :McCord that By-law now read a third time do pa --s, be engrossed by the Clerk, And signed and sealed by the Reeve. #244 Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that leave be granted to introduce By-law # 244 to Rescind By -Law #223 and #232 and introduce By-law # 244 to recover the annual frortage charge. Being a By-law with respect to a Water rate under sections 16a and 42 (6) of the 0.W.R.C. Act. By-law read a first, second, and third time. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by A. Loucks that By-law now read a third time do pass be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. Correspondance read from Dept. of Municipal Affairs in regard to the 1969 financial statements, and also from a cottage owner Mr. Wistow in regard to the proposed water systera. 5. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield &hat this meeting be adjourned until next regular meeting unless; in case of emergency. Time 11. p.m. .. �'............... Clerk...b. .4.. Reeve ACCOUNTS PAYABLE _X o. NAME SERVICES - Amount Check 1. H. R. Davis Registrar Jedriak & Priddle 5.00 4330 2. Central Pipe Sellers gas 28.85 4331 3. Norman Loucks Wageg April 10 97.85 4332 4. Ken Kirkpatrick 98.13 4333 5. Helen Wolfe 55.19 4334 6. Mildred Vernon Fuel & Utilities 45.00 4335 7.. Village of Port Burwell Brisseau Shelter 2.0.00 4336 8. Sherriffs Office 2 searches 1.50 4337 9. Norman Loucks April 17 Wages 97.85 4138 10. Kenneth Kirkpatrick " 98.13 4339 11. Helen Wolfe " 55.19 4340 12 Public Utilities 256.42 4341 13. Registrar H. R. Davis 5•$0. 4342 14. Receiver General Stamps & reg. 12. 4343 15. London Humane Society March cc April 50. 4344 16. Norman Loucks Wages April 24 97.85 4345 17. Kenneth Kirkpatrick 98.13 4346 18. Helen Wolfe 55.19 4347 19. Receiver General Tax & Pension 177.64 4348 20. Receiver General Insurance 28.80 4349 21. Norman Loucks Wages May 1 97.85 4350 22. Ken.ieth Kirkpatrick 98.13 '4351 23. Helen Wolfe 55.19 4352 24. Danny Smyth 31.65 4353 25. Frank Stephenson 145. 4354 26. George Caers 6.80 4355 27. Morley Wolfe 60 .88 4356 28. The Wcrkmen's Compensation Board; 228.05 4357 29. Registry Office 4.00 4358 30. Sterling Fuels 47..72 4359 31. Pt. Burwell Hardware 55.94 4360 3 2. Znidar Bros Equipment Co. 262.50 44- iyI/ 33. George McCord 25. 4361 34. Ma -y Blyth 18.40 4362 35. Helen 'lolfe 6. 4363 36. Ron Bradfield 6. 4364 37• Harold Hoshal 6. t,'G; )A. Alvin Lo,:cks 6. 4366 Fifth Meeting. Monday April 6, 1970 The April meeting of the Fort Burwell Village Council was held at 7.30 P.M. Monday April 6, 1970 in the Village Office will all the Council present 1. Moved -by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that accounts 1-38 on Voucher 4 be paid and the Reeve be autherized to sign the same. 2. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by G. McCord that this Council api:oint Mr Harry Alward to represent them at a meeting to consider the proposed amalgamation of the Big Creek Region and Otter Creek Conservation authorities. Clerk to write Otter Creek Conservation recommending that they consider purchasing the land directly north of the park now wwned by John Wall. Correspondance read from Lerner and Lerner of London solicitors of F. Kemp re fall on sidewalk --letter to be referred to Village Insurance Hamilton Ward and Cathers. 3. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by H. Hoshal that this Council Rive permission to the D.H.O. to paint the connecting link within the Village. Letters to be written to Dept. of Ptiblic Works, and C.P.k. in regard to vacant land in the Village. 4. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that this meeting be adjourned until next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Time 1.1 p.m. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No. Name Service Amount Check 1. Norman Loucks Wages Mar. 13 97.85 4293 2. Ken. Kirkpatrick " 98.13 429& 3. Helen Wolfe 55.19 4295 4. Jack Hayward 32 dog tags sold 32. 4296 5. Orval Robbins Welfare 120. 4297 6. Rec. General Box rent & stamps 18. 4298 7. P.U.C. Lights 227.51 4299 8. Kenneth Kirkpatrick Wages Mar. 20 98.13 4300 9. No rnan Loucks " 97.85 4301 10. Helen Wolfe " 55.19 4302 11. Norman Loucks Wages Mar. 26 97.85 4303 12. Ken. Kirkpatrick 98.13 4304 13. Helen Wolfe 55.19 4305 14. Rec. General Tax. & Pension 177.64 4306 15. Rec. General Unemployment Ins 28.80 4307 16. Lakeside Nursing Home Mapes March 1152.36 4308 17. Norman Loucks :Mages April 3 97.85 4309 18, Kenneth Kirkpatrick " 98.13 4310 19. Helen Wolfe " 55.19 4311 20. Ted Shelly 3 truck licenses 6. 4312 21. Morley Wolfe April Acct. 47.45 4313 22. F. Stephenson " " 285. 4314 23. W. G. Webster " 15.83 4315 24. Sterling Fuels 64.63 4316 . 25. Hugh Brooks & Sons 45.90 4317 26. Everitts Electric Library 9.50 4318 27. Prouse Transport 279.85 4319 28. Dufferin Materials 112.72 43210 29. Loyal Granger 70, 4321 30. Municipal World 70.14 4322 31. Vienna Bldg, Supplies 5.58 4323 ACCOUITS PAYABLE (continued) 32. George Caers 33. Hurleys 34. Pt. Burwell Hardware 35. Elgin County Mutual Aid 36. error 37. Safety Supply co. 38. Ronald Bradfield 39. March Acct. 57.46 4324 70.22 4325 13.30 4326 15.. 4327 114.35 432$ 6. 4329. . �)4.". Reese COURT OF REVISION Thursday March 26, 1970 Court of Revision was held in the Muncipal Office on Thursday March 26, 1970 at 10 a.rn, with the fallowing members sworn into office--Phili-p Schleihauf chairman, Noble Tufford, and Kenneth Mtilliamson. The following taxes were rebated under Section 244• 517 Dept. of Lands C. Longfield cottage bulldozed 196$ write -off --1968 tax 11.47 502-02 Dover Fisherman's Co-op Business tax 1967 Dunwoodie Co. firm bankrupt write -off --1967 tax 79.80 1969 L.C.B.O. Change in Assessment wite-off-1969 tax 88.53 Moved by Noble Tufford and seconded by Kenneth Williamson that this Court of Revision, having considered all appeals against the 1969 Collector's Roll for the Mun;cinality of the Village of Pcrt Burwell properly before it, in accordance with Section 131 and 244 of the Assessment Act. (RSO 1960 Chapter 23) Moved by Kenneth Williamson and sec. by Noble Tufford that this Court will be adjourned on March 26, 1970 at 10.45 a.m. Fourth Meeting Monday March 9, 1970, The March meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held at 7.30 P.M. Monday.March 9, 1970 in the Village Office with all the Council present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read. 1. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that accounts 1-51 on Voucher 3 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same. 2. Moved by A. Loacks and sec. by R. Bradfield that seven lights be removed from Chatham Street belonging to Imperialle Fuels, leaving the one on the corner of Ashley and Chatham Street. That four lights be changed on Erieus St. and two added on Addison St., 3. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by G. McCord that the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell maintain six point four one (6.41) miles with gravel and stone also treated with oil.. 4. `loved by H. Hoshal and sec. by G. McCord that we adopt Daylight Saving time to conform with local municipalities. 5. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by R. Bradfield that the clerk contact London Officer of Social and Family Service --to see if the government will pick up the extra expense for Nursing Care on $10.50 Subsidy for the month of January and February which are paid. It was reported that Norman Todd wishes a leave of absence from the Voluntary Fire Department, and Brian Shelly will be -taking his place until he returns. 6. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that Council wish to preserve the Lighthouse as a landmark, and feel it is unsafe for lease or rent. That the firehall not be rented for Public Use. Correspondance was read from --- Department of Health --appreciation of aid in DDT collection. Mrs. Baird and Norman Todd --appreciation to the roads foreman for cleaning off snow in front of church and residence for the funeral of Mrs. Todd. Department of Public Works --re eroded conveyor pier foundation. OWRC--informing council that the final design of the pipelines and distribution system of the Provincial Water Works for Port Burwell would be completed in June 1970, and that construction would proceed later in the fall. correspondence also received from The Elgin Board of Education and the Elgin County Separate School Board informing Council that the earliest possible date their levies could be available would be April 1. 70 Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that this meeting be adjourned until next regular meeting unless in case of emergency Time 11 p.m. ACCOUNTS FLYABLE No. Name Service Amount Check 1. J. Toussaint Welfare fuel 22.95 4227. 2. R. Sillers stopped payment 4228 3. Rec. General stamps 10. 4244 4, London Humane Society Jam}. control 25. 4245 5. Norman Loucks IVa es Feb. 6 97.85` 4246 6. Ken. Kirkpatrick 98.13 4247 7. Helen Wolfe " 55.19 42A8 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (continued) No. Name Services Amount Check 8. Central Pipe Sillers Fuel, 25.00 4249 9. Norman Loucks Wages Feb. 13 97.85 4250 10. Ken Kirkpatrick " 98.13 4251 11. Helen Wolfe " 55.19 4252 12. Orval Robbins Welfare 110. 4253 13. Harold Brisseau Shelter 20. 4254 14. P.U.C. Brisseau Hydro 8.91 4255 15. P.U.C. 276.79 4256 16. Norman Loucks 'loges Feb. 20 90.85 4257 17. Ken Kirkpatrick " 98.13 4258 18. Helen W61fe " 55.19 4259 19. Norman Loucks " Feb. 27 137.85 4260 20. Ren Kiropatrick " 98.13 4261 21. Helen Wolfe " 55.19 4262 22. Aylmer & Malahid Telephone 74.20 4263 23. Rec. General Tax & Pension 177.64 4264 24. Rec. General Unemp. Ins 28.80 4263 25. Or^ial Robbins Welfare 85. 4266 26. P.C.C. Sillers Hydro 12.32 4267 27. Village of Pcrt Burvell Brisseau shelter 20. 4268 28. Central Pipe Sillers Fuel 30. 4269 29. London Humane Society Feb. control 25. 4270 30. Mrs. Evelyn Simister Sillers Shelter 85. 4271 31. Norman'Loucks Wages March 6 97.84 4272 32. Ken Kirkpatrick " 98.13 4273 33. Helen Wolfe " 55.19 4274 34• Lakeside Nursing Home 678.36 4275 35• Ron Bradfield Council expenses 12 . 4276 36. Murrey Scanlan Garbage dxap 1969 500• 4277 37. C. A. Orser Kau Nan tray 18.04 4278 36. Registry Office 8.80 4279 39. Sterling Fuel Oil 137.50 4280 40. Aylmer Express Tertder for oil 3.36 4281 41. Tillsonburg NE:. Tender & Animal control 11.76 4282 42. 'Norman Todd Acct. 22.65 4283 4$. Tony La.-na Fire Hall & Police st. 13.10 4284 44. Morley Wclfe Feb. Acct. 505.92 4285 45. Hurleys Welding " " 41.51 4286 46. East End Motors 1. 4287 47. Vienna B1dF. Supplies 21.92 4288 48 . Pt. Burwell Hardwsre Feb Acct. 60.97 4289 49• Frank Stephenson 300. 429 50. Mary Blyth 6. 4291 51. George McCord Expenses OWRC 152.19 4292 .. ......... .Clerk (continued Monday Feb. 2, 1970) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No. Name Services Amount Check 1. Norman Loucks Wages Jan. 9 95.80 4201 2. Ken Kirkpatrink " 7 96.13 4202 3. Helen Wolfe, " 55.19 1,.203 4. Norman Loucks " Jan. 16 97.85 4208 5. Ken Kirknatrick " 101.99 4209 6. Helen Wolf.•. " 55.19 4210 7. Orval Robbins Welfare 90. 4211 8. Orval Robbins " 21.35 4212 9. P.U.C. - 215.93 4213 10. Guy Matthieu " 60. 4214 11. Norman Loucks Wages Jan. 23 97.85 4215 12. Ken. Kirkpatrick " 90.13 4216 13. Helen Wolfe " 55.19 4217 14. Robert Thornton 15.57 4218 15. Norman Loucks " Jan. 30 97.85 1,219 16. Ken. Kirkpatrick " " 98.13 4220 17. Helen Wolfe 55.19 4221 18. Rer. General Tax and Pension 211.92 4222 19. " " Unemployment Ins. 36.10 4223 20. Lakeside Nursing Home 792.36 4224 21. 0. Robbins Welfare 85. 4225 22. Ronald Chappell " 30. 4226 23. Supertest Oil 137.03 4229 24. Hurley's Fire Truck tank 594. 4230 25. Routley & Phillips Chains 101.39 4231 26. Lyle Buchner Gen. housing 17.07 4232 27. East End Motors Acct. 7.17 4233 28. Muniripal World 9.41 4434 29. J. H. Kaufmann 36.93 4235 30. Morley Wolfe Acct. 153.23 4236 31. Frank Stephenson Welfare acct. 415. 4237 32. Pt. Burwell Hardware Welfare acct 26.98 4238 33. J. Toussaint Welfare 22.95 42Z! 34. R. 9illers ^ 22. 4228 35. Pt. Burwell Hardware furnace 1042.05 4239 36. King Seagrave Cooler Ass 66.96 4240 37. Ron. 3radfield Jan. 15 meeting 9.20 4241 38. Harold Hoshal " " 6. 4242 39. George McCord ^ ^ 6.. 4243 ........ s r.Clerk... 00 .Itest►� :/00 1 Third Meeting Monday February 2, 1970 The February meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held at 7.30 D.M. on Monday February 2, 1970 in the Village office with all the Council present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read. 1. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that accounts from 1-39 on Voucher 2 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to signe the same. #238 Mdved by G. McCord and sec. by R. Bradfield that leave be granted to introduce By-law #238 to estimate t} -.e expenditures of the Village on the roads and streets under its jurisdic',icn_during the year 1970 as follows: Maintenance $11,000.00 By-laa= read a first, second and third time. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engros9ed by the Clerk, and signed aid sealed by the Reeve. #239 Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that leave be granted to introduce By-law #239 --Whereas the Coiuicil of the Village of Port Burwell deems it necessary to borrow up to the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.) to meet current expenditures until taxes are collected. By-law read a first, second, and third time. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Hoshal that By-law read a third time do pass, be engrossed by t1he Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. 2. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that this council accept the tender cf Sterling Fuels to supply furnace oil for garage and fireball, and stove oil for office and library --furnace 661 17.9¢ per. gal. and stove oil 21.41 per gal. 3. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that any properties in arrears of taxes 2 years be put through Divisional Court. That properties in arrears of taxes 3 years be registered for taxes. That each person be notified in writing before this is done. #240 Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by R. Bradfield that leave be granted to introduce By-law #21+.0 to regulate the keeping or harboring of dogs within the Corporation of the Village of Port Burrell as follows: By-law No. 240. A By -Law to Collect Dog Tax and to Prohibit dogs Running at large. Whereas it becomes necessary that the Village of Pert Burwell pass a By-law for collection of Dog Tax and to prevent dogs running'at large. Therefore be it enacted. That every owner, possessor or harborer of a dog must each year before April 15th, have it registered and licensed at the office of the Clerk of the Village of Port Burwell, or other officer designated for that 00 purpose. The annual license fee shall he as follows: For the first male dog 2.50 For each additional male 5.00 For bhe first female dog 5.00 For each additional female 5.00 continued --By-law #240 Every dog ;within the Village of Port Burwell, when not confined to the dwelling or to the property of its owner or of the person having the care of custody of the same, shall at all times be restrained upon a leash in charge of some person. Any male or female dog found running at large in the Village of Port Burwell may be seized or impounded, by the Animal Control Officer for the Village of Port Purwell, ana any known owner or harborer of the dog so notified. If the dog is not claimed within three (3) days of the date of such seizure, it may be destroyed, sold, or otherwise disposed of. Any person claiming a male or female dog,' which has been so sei%ed or impounded, shall pay to the London Hubane Society or other officer so designated for the purpose, the sum of $5.00 .finer and One Dollar per day for ken.ping the said dog, and shall pay the required license fee, if'such has not been previously paid fcr that year, within three days of ,he seiz>>re. Any By-law or parts of By-laws inconsistent with this By-law be and the same are repealed. This By -Law shall heccMe effective upon the final passing thereof. By -1R -w rend a first, second, and third time. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Lrnick's that By-law now read a third time do pans, be engrossed by the Clerk, and si^ 3'. -rd sealed by 'IP Re -,re. 1241 Moved b:, A. Loucks and s.ec. by G. McCord ti -it leave be granted to introduce 13y -law #241 --Under Sectibn 574 of the Municipal Act, the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell increases the rate of interest on all arrears of taxes to one per cent per month retroactive to January 1, 1970. By-law read a first, second, and third time. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. },y A. Loucks tha, By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. 1242 Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that leave be granted to introduce By-law #242 to appoint Jack Hayward as By-law Enforcement Officer, Trench Inspector, and Weed Inspector at a sal.ary'of Twenty - Five ($25.00) per month, also to sell dog tags for the Village cf Port Burwell for $1.00 per tag. By-law read a first, second, And third time. Mooed by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Hoshal that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. 4. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Hoshal that council appoint Morley Wolfe, Ralph Jackson; Stuar; McKibbin, Louis Toth, and Gordon Loucks, Ceunciller George McCord, and Reeve Mary Blyth to the Community Centre Bcard for the year 1970.. 5. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that Mrs. Dorothy Toth be appointed to the Port Burwell Library board from Feb. 19, 1970 to Feb. 19, 1973. �. Mrs. Blyth appointed'Harvey Neville to the Park Board for 1970 in the place of Mr. Hambly who resigned. • The Clerk to write OWRC to find out what progress has been made on our water project for 1970. 1� 5. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that this Council be adjourned until next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Time 11.20 p.m. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (continued) 69. Milt & Sons Tire 35.00 4194 70. Mrs. A. Chalk Acct. 2.77 4195 71. L. Buchner Weather brake 67.20 4196 72. Aylmer Tire Changing tire 20. 4197 73. Valley Camp Ltd. Fuel 3$.41 4198 74, Tillsonburg News Adv. 3.64 4199 75. Ontario Good R:.ads Membership 15. 4200 76. Pt. Burwell Hardware 28.64 4304 77. Mary Blyth Mileage 12.40 4205 78. Ontario Mayors & Reeves Membership 10. 4206 79. Hurley Boat Building 7.50 4207 Clerk Second Meeting Special Meeting Friday Jan. 9, 1970 A special meeting was held at 1.30 p.m. on Friday Jan. 9, 1970 in the Municipal office. Mr. Bone of the London Humane Society was present , and all of the Council. #237 Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by R. Bradfield that leave be granted to introduce By-law #237 to appoint the London Humane Society as Animal Control Officers and Pound Keeper of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell. By-law read a first, second, and third time. Moved by G. McCord and sec. by A. Loucks that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by G. McCord that Harry Alward be appointed as representative of the Otter Creek Conservation Authority for the year 1970. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that this special meeting adjourn. Time 2.30 Clerk First Meeting Monday Jan. 5, 1970 The January meeting cf the Port Burwell Village Council was held at 7.30 p.m. on Monday Jan. 5, 1970 in the Village office with all the Council present. ' \ The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read. 1. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that accounts 1-79 on Voucher 1 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same. 2 .Moved by G. McCord and sec. by A. Loucks that the Village of Port Burwell recommend two payments to the Elgin County Board of Edueation in 1970, in the months of July 15 and December 15, and that the Village of Port Burnell review and assess the situation with referrence to borrowing costs at the end of 1970 before a decision is made for 1971. 3. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that Norman Loucks be re-engaged as Village Foreman at the rate of pay of $2.60 per hour. Subject to conditions of employment as per attached schedule: Term of employment at discretion of council. Conditions 48 hours per week regular pay Over 48 hours pay and a half if needed. 1 week holiday pay up to two years 2 weeks holiday pay two years and over 3 weeks holiday pay ten vears and over. Sick leave two-thirds day per month or 8 days per year. Carry over 50% -sick leave. Must have Doctor's certificate. 4. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by G. McCord that Ken. Kirkpatrick'be re- engaged as Assistant Village Foreman at the rate of pay of $2.50 per hour. Subject to conditions of employment as per attached' schedule: Term of employment at discretion of Council. Conditions 48 hours per week regular pay Over 48 hours pay and a half if needed. 1 week holiday pay up to two years 2 week holiday pay two years and over. 3 weeks holiday pay ten years and over. Sick leave two-thirds day per month or 8 days per year. Carryover 509 sick leave. Must have Doctor's Certificate. It was suggested if the two men are willing they could work a 45 hour week instead of 40 hours. It was decided to advertise for applications for a By -Law 9lforcement Officer. Applications to be received up to Jan. 28, 1970. The Clerk to telephone the London Humane Society in regard to Dog Control for 1970. 5. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by A. Loucks that Mrs. Helen Wolfe be re-engaged as Village Clerk and Treasurer at $65.00 per week for the year 1970. The Clerk to write the Department of Public Works in regard to a cement pier which is about to fall into the harbour. 00 Letters were read from Mr. Atkins, and Mr. Tuff. 6. Moved by G. McCord and sec. by R. Bradfield that an oil furnace be purchased from Port Burwell Hardware for the town Garage and fire hall. It is to be advertised for tenders for furnace oil for the garage and firehall, and stove oil for the Library and Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 7. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that this meeting be,adjourned until next regular meeting unless incase of emergency. Time 11.55 p.m. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No NAME 1. 2. 1Z. 5• 6. '7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32• 33. 34• 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40 1i1. 42• 43. 44- 45. 46. 47. 48. 49- 50. �1. 52• 53• 54. 55• 56. 57• 58. 59. 60. 61. 62 63. 64. 65. 66. 67 68. Mildred Vernon Orval Robbins Mrs. Earl Scott Imperialle Fuels Imperialle Fuels Elsie Vanderheyden Jack Kauffmann Rec. General G. McCord Mrs. Mary Blyth Mrs. Helen Wolfe Morley Wolfe Stuart McKibbin Verne Hambly Bill Epple Ronald Bradfield Tony Lama Hugh Brooks Frank Stephenson' Bob Atkins Ross Eveland Ken. Matthews Mahlon Chute Norman Todd Edward Shelly Robert Hannigan Leo Aspden Norman Loucks Kenneth Kirkpatrick Helen Wolfe Norman Loucks Kenneth Kirkpatrick Helen Wolfe SERVICES Welfare rent rent & PAB C. of R. Rebate C. OF R. Rebate » » » n Registering C tire expenses picking jury » n Amount Chock 40.00 85. 74.23 102.04 z83.93 22.69 155.99 ofR. 5. firechief Asst. firechief fireman » » Wages Dec. 5 n Wages Dec. 12 n Elgin County Bd. of Education Elgin County Separate School Levy Void ' 0. Robbins Mildred Vernoh P.U.C. County of Elgin Otter Creek Conservation Norman Loucks Kenneth Kirkpatrick Helen Wolfe Gecrge Foote Roy Sillers Norman Loucks Kairieth Kirkpatrick Helen Wolfe Toa Foote Rec. Geral Rec. General Ncrman Loucks Ncrman LoLcks Helen Wolfe Orval Robbins Ken Kirkpatrick Yom. Foote Lakeside }pursing Home Morley Wolfe D. C. Animal Control F. Stephenson F. Stephenson Supertest Vienna Bldg. Coun ty'of Elgin Canadian Legion Norman Todd Welfare Section 53 & 54 1969 Levy Wages Dec. 19 » n Welfare fuel Wage3 Dec. 24 n Unemployment Ins. Tax & Pension Overpaid pension Wages Jan 2 n Welfare Wages Jar. 2 n December Acct. Welfare Acct- Acct cct.Acct Oil Calcium Wreath Nov. gas 6. 80 3. 3. 150 . 150. 40. 6. 47• 29• 49. 70. 29. 50. 64- 51. 55. 53. 31. 1. 85.26 85.83 51.48 85.26 85.83 51.48 25,306. 720.13 100. 12 254.84 414.55 197. 85.26 85.83 51.48 11.28 22. 85.26 85.83 51.48 11.28 28. 114.08 .88 85.26 51.48 95. 85.83 13.86 801.20 13.48 15. 215. 26.76 147.17 1.52 27. 8.50 67.53 4111 4112 4113 4114 4115 4116 4117 4118 413G 4130 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 4143 4144 4145 414# 4148 4149 4146 4150 4151 4152 4153 4154 4155 4156 4157 4158 4159 4160 4161 4262 4163 4164 4165 4166 4167 4168 4169 4170 4171 4172 4173 4174 4175 4176 4177 4178 4179 4180 4181 4182 4183 4184 4185 4186 4187 4188 4189 41§0 4191 4192 4193