HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell Council Minutes 1968PORT BURWELL - VILLAGE Council Minutes 1968 Nineteenth Ideeting Tuesday December 3, 1963 The Port Burwell Villatre Council heli heir December meeting in she Municipal Office at 7.30 p.m. on Monday December 3, 1968. All members were present wi*h *he exception of F. Kemp. G. McCord of *he new council was also present.. he minutes of -he last meeting were read, and adoT­ed as read. 1. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks thaw accowlts 1-55 on Voucher 12 be paid and Reeve be au*horized *o sign *he same. 2. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by A. Loucks 1 -ha- the Council give the Clerk permission o pay Fire -Chief ,;150 & Asst.- Chief 4150. for the year 1968, and the Firemen 44.00 for -attending a fire 11.00 for prat*_ce -leetings, adn 44.00 for iu*ual Aid Meetings. It was decided *o hold a Rabies Immunization Clinic in the Village of Port Bur^,iell on Sa*urday December 14. 3. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield *,hat this Council av*horize the Clerk to purchase Klas turkeys for employees, Letter was read from Assessment Comriissicner Hector icLean announcing his re-irement as of December 31, 1968, and the appointment of Iir. blilliam U. Vidler to succeed him. 4. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Hoshal -hat this meeting be adjourned until next regular mew-ing unless in case of emergency. Time. 9. 30 P.M. ACCOU:4"3 PAYABLE No. Name Services AmoiLnt Check - 1. H. Johnson Foote Hospi*alization b2.00 3591 2. Verne Hambly Bldg. Insp. 150. 3592 3. Mary Bly-h Reeve 150. 3593 4. Harold Hoshal Councillor 100. 3594 5. Ronald Bradfield " 100. 3595 b. F. Kemp " 100. 3596 7. Alvin Loucks " 100. 3597 8. Lakeside N ursbng Home 499.60 3598 9. '"illsonburg Minor Hockey 25. 3599 10. Dorman Loucks 'Mages Nov. 4-8 78.94 3600 11. Keane*,h Kirkpa*rick " 82.01 36.01 12. Helen ',lolfe " 44.41 3602 13. Sophie '^ries*, Cleaning 4. 3603 14. Receiver General 64a-.lps 10. 3604 15. Ililton Seymour C. of R. Refund 17.92 3605 16. Bessie Dorken " " " 18.14 3606 17. C.P.R. T' " " 46.93 3607 18. Rec. Genera) 16 C. of R. no*i.ces 8. 3608 19. Norman Loucks Wages Nov. 11-15 78.94 3609 20. Keanet.h Kirkpatrick " 82.01 3610 21. Helen Wolfe " 44.41 3611 22. R. Chappell Temporary Ass. 15. 3612 23. Municipal World 2. 3613 24. P. U. C. 15`.94 3614 25. Y.U.C. 18.58 3615 26. Tillsonburg District High School 10000.00 3616 27, Norman Loucks Mages Nov. 18-22 78.94 3617 28. Ken Kirkpatrick " 82.01 3618 29. Helen Wolfe" 44.41 3619 30. Aylmer & MalahidE Telephone _1 63.74 3620, ' 31. Helen Wolfe Wages Nov.�_25-29 44.41 3621 • 32. Norman Loucks " 78.94 3622 ACCOU+TS PAYABLE (Continued) No. Name Services Amount, Check 33. Ken Kiropa*rick Wages Nov. 25-29 82.01 3623 34. Charles Smyth " 7. 3624 35. 36. Frank Stephenson Welfare & Acct, 151.97 3627 37. Morley Wolfe Nov. Acc*. 22.74 3 28 38. Registry Office 2.70 3629 39. 'debster Supplies 13.$6 3630 40. Times Journal C. of R. Notices 3.12 3631 41. M.I.T. • Cement 146.30 3632 42. Eddie Epple Sidewalk 285. 3633 43. Bruce McCartney 40.76 3634 44. flat*erwor*h & Anderson Ltd. 6.25 3635 45. Royal Canadian Legion Wreath - 7.50 363E 46. Ron. Bradfield Nov. 7, meeting 11. 3637 47. Max. Underhill 72. 3638 48. Peter Gloin Certifying Lis*t, 3. 3639 49. Supertest Oil 38/37 3640 50. Burleys Boat, Bldg. Oct. Acct. 24.86 3641 51. St.erlirig Fuels Murray Fuel 18.19 3642 52. Mews Printing Posting Voters List, 5.04 3643 53. Valley Camp Coal 33.49 3644 54. Kiag Seagrave 14.24 3645 55. Township of Bayham Dragging 72. 3646 Clerk f Reeve P Nomination Meeting Monday November 25, 1968 0 A nomination Meeting for the Village of Port Burwell was held in the Port Burwell Public School on Monday November 25, 1968, from 8 p.m. to 9 P.M. There were Twenty-nine ataended. The results of those qualifying were --- REEVE Nary BLYPH, Port Burwell Clerk (ACCL.) CCUN.CIL Alvin Loucks " If Gen *-1eman George McCORD " If Farmer Harry ALWARD If " Nurseryman - Harold HOSHAL " " Caretaker Frederick K124P If If Retired Ronald BRADFIdLD If it Civil Servant. Harr y COOKSCN If TM Insurance Salesman AWN V.�,N M"SFAILLIE If If Carpenter P.U.C. Frank S1"EPHEi3CN " " Merchant (.k(;CL) Louis TOTH If If merchant (ACCL) ELECTION MONDAY December 2, 1968 The results of the election on December 2, 1968 were aa follows: RM Mary BLYTH (ACCL.) COUNCIL Ronald BRADYIi,LD HAhOLD HOSHAL Alvin LOUCKS George 14cCORD P.U.C. Frank STEPHENSON (ACCL.) Louis TOTH (Accl.) Bd. of EDUCATICN Public School Results sent to Mr. D. Vallee Clerk, Township of Bayham Separate School Results sent to Mr. R. Barrett, Clerk, St. Thomas, Sewent.een*,h Meeting SPECIAL MELTING Tuesday Nov. 12, 1968 A special meeting was held on Tuesday Nov. 12, 1968 at 1 p.m. in the Municipal Office. Reeve Blyth and all Cowicillors were present,. 221 Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by A. Loucks thatleave be granted to introduce By-law to Authorize the Reeve and the Clerk to execute the agreement, covering the provision of water service to the municipality of Pt. Burwell by this Commission as follows Whereas *.he Corporation of the Village of Por*. Burwell desires to execute an agreement. with the Ontarion 'nater Resources Commission for the supplying of water in accordance with J)chedule "A" attached hereto; AND WHEREAS such agreement will not be executed until the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board has been obtained. BE IT THEREFORE ENACT.0 by the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Bunnell as follows: 1. That the Municipality enter into and execute an agreement with the Ontario `dater Resources Commission for the supply- ing of water in accordance wit:. Schedule "A" at,*ached hereto. 2. The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute, subject only to the approval of the Ontario Munieipal Board, an agreement. substantially the same as thatattached hereto as Schedule "A" 3. This By-law is subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. By-law read a first, second, and third time. Carried, with F. Kemp opposed. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that, By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, aril sifned and sealed by the Reeve. Carried, with F. Kemp opposed. 222 Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Hoshal *hat leave be granted to introduce By -l -,w to recover the annual charges per typical home for the water service, as follows: Being a By-law with respect, to a water rate under sections 16a and 42(6) of the Ontario Water Resources Commission Act.. WHEREAS the Corporation of the Village of Port, Burwell has entered into or proposes to enter into an agreement, with *he Ontario Water Resources Co-rnission for the supplying of water to the Municipality. NOW '*HL.REFLRE the Council of the Corporation of -he Village of Port. Burwell enacts as follows: 1. A water rate is iereby imposed upon the cim ers or occupants of lands which are supplied with water as a consequence of the entering into of the above-mentioned agreement by the Corporation 2. The water rate s:iall be charged as a flat rate of $230. per year against each user in respect of such lands which are used for purposes o*her than commercial or industrial purposes and a flat rate of not, less t,ian 3230. per year against each user in respect of such lands which are used for comr;ercial or industrial purposes. 3. The flat rate designated in Paragraph 2 shall be billed a nd collected as a par* of the charge for water to each user. 4. This By-law is subject tothhe approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. By-law read a first, second and third time. Carried with F. Kemp Opposed. Special Meeting Tuesday Nov. 12 (continued) Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by A. Loucks that By-law Grow read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by *he Reeve. Carried, -with F. Kemp opposed. #223 Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks t,ha* leave be granted to introduce By-law to recover the annual frontage charge, as follows: Bein By-law with respect to a water rate under sec,ions 16a and0 _(6 of the ont,ario Water Resources Commission Act. WHEREAS the Corporation of the Village of Port, Burwell has entered into or proposed to enter into an agreement with Ontario Water Resources Commission for the supplying of water to the Municipality. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Village of ^Fort Burwell E1+'ACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. A water rate is hereby imposed upon owners or occupants of lands which front, or abut on the streets or parts of streets described in Schedule "A" hereto. 2. The water rate shall be imposed in each year commencing in the year 1970 and shall be an annual foot frontage rate of 60 cents per foot on the lands designated in paragraph 1 hereof. 3. (a) A reduction in the case of corner tots at the junction or in*ersec*ion of streets of not, more *hat % of the flanlcage and a reduction or increase in the case of triangular or irregularlyA shaped lots may be made in the foot frontage rate that otherwise would be chargeable +-hereon, sufficient., having regard to the. situation, value and 6uperficial area of such lots as compared with other lots, to adjust its frontage charge on a fair and equi*able basis. (b) 'Where a lot is for any reason wholly or in part, unfi* for building purposes, a reduction may also be made in the foot, frontage rate that otherwise would be chargeable thereon sufficient to adjust, its frontage charge as compared with that of to*s fit, for building purposes on a fair and equitable basis. (c) Where a lot, other than a corner lot,, has two limits that abut on scree*,s described in Schedule "A" hereto and *.',e size and nature of the lo* is such that any or all of *he works in such s*reet,s are not, required, a reduction in respect cf the works that are not, required, so long as *hey are not, required, may also be made in the foot, frontage rate that would otherwise be chargeable *.hereon, sufficient to adjust its frontage charge on a fiar and equitable basis. (d) The reductions shall be made by deducting from the total frontage of the to* liable *o the annual foot, frontage rate so much thereof as is suffieient to make *he proper reduc*ion, but ti:e whole of the lot shall be charged with the annual foot frontage charge as so reduced. 4. This By-law is subject to the approval of *'tie On*grio E unicipal Board. By-law read a first, second, and third time. Carried, with F. Kemp opposed. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Hoshal that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by.t,he Reeve. Carried, with F. Kemp opposed. 0 224 I -loved by H. Hoshal and sec. by R. Bradfield *hat, leave be granted *o introduce By-law to recover the annual connection charge or the commuted charge, as follows: Being a By-law with respect, to a water rate under sec*ions 16a and 42 (6) of .the Ontario Water Resources Commission Act,. WHi�R&AS the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell has entered into or proposes to enter into a n agreement, w+- the Ontario Water Resouree§ Commission for the supplying of water to t.ho--Municipality. Special Meeting 'Tuesday Nov. 12 (continued) #224 NOW "'HEREFORL the Council of the Corporation of *he Village of Port con*.. Burwell �14AC"S AS FOLLOWS: 1. A water rate is hereby imposed upon owners or occupants of lands for which a water service connection is proviaed to water works provided And operated by the Ontario .iater Resources Commission \ under +he above-men*ioned agreement,. 2. The water rate shall be a charge of $150. due and payable in the cAlLendar year in which such wa*er service connection is installed provided that such water rate may at the op*ion of *he person liable therefor be paid as an annual charge of 11.53 commencing in the year in which such water service connection is installed. 3. This By-law is subject to the approval of the Ontario ?Municipal Board. By-law read a first, second and third time. Carried with F. Kemp opposed. I -loved by H. Hoshal and sec. by A. Loucks that By-law now read a third Mime do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, an,] signed and sealed by *he Reeve. Carried, F. Ke^ip opposed. 1. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by A. Loucks; * a* the Council give power to our Solicitor Robert Farlow to be present at Ontario ;Municipal Board meeting and Councillors that are available, when +he Ontario Municipal Board ask for our representation. 2. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that *his Council be adjourned un- it nex* regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Time. 1.40 p.m. w'��:: /.44 ........... Clerk Reeve, Eighteenth Meeting SPECIAL :1ZETI.4 ; November 25, 1968 A special meeti%g was called on Monday November 25, 1968 a* 10.30 a.m. in the Municipal office. Reeve Bly*h and all Councillors were present. 1. Moved by A. Loucks and oec. by H. Hoshal *ha* Mr. Elmer Davis be gy*jn*ed permission *o move co*cage by permi* from this Co,,ncil owing to *he fact *his property was divided before By-law # 196 came into effect,. Under *his by-law no other person or persons will be allowed *o move cottages or buildings on par* lots unless by order of Council, in *he Corporation of *he Village of Port Burwell. 2. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. b:• R. Bradfield *ha* *he flankage be 66 fee* exemp*ion in Clause 3A of fron*age water rate By-law # 223 of the Provincial Water Works Program. 3. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by F. Kemp that *his mee*4.ng be ,. adjouved until next regular meeting unless in rase of emergency. Time 11 a.m. Clew Reeve COURT OF REVISION 1968 Monday Nov. 11, 1968 1968 Court of Revision was held in *he Municipal Office at 10 a.m. Monday Nov. 11, 1968. The following members were sworn into office Chairman Mr. Philip Schleihauf, Mr. Kenneth Williamson, and Mr. Noble Tufford. Assessors Mr. M. ]Russelo and Idr. D. House were also ih at*endance. The following list of changes were made in the 1968 Ansessment. roll. ✓ 43 Seymour, 'Iil*on Sustained 1200 VC at P.K. mill rate 43-"Ol Seymour, Milton Sustained Delete Business ass. of 420. r -92 Chambers, Russell Appeal dismissed 148-1 John & Darlene Burwell De].e*e 1-nant,s--Moved 1966 April 156-1 John & Sarah Barrett. Tenants Edgar & Vivian Matthews 178 Margaret. & Harry Cookson now owners of property 179 Margare*. & harry Cookson Now owners of property 191 Lena Herries Delete tenant, Lena Herri.es 214 S*.enhenson, Frank Sustained C.P. 6325. 214-1 Stephenson Frank Sus*ained Bus. Ass. 2215 223 Moore, Robert. O,:m er Ralph & Minnie Brown L 300 B1.2000- 2300. 224 Moore, Robert Delete from roll 225 Moore, Robert, Owner Ralph & Minnie Brown L 150 B 2375--2525. 245-1 Ferris Florence Sustained owner since 1967 245-2 Letourneau Lillian Sustained owner since 1967 247-001 Horvath, James Appeal dismissed 254 Fisher, Roy & Betty Sustained new owners since 1967 334-001 Allen 4obert New 4-Pnant.s Robt. & Murla Hannigan 363 Wilson, Myrtle Sus*.ai:ied-Myrl-le 'Wilson Owner & tenant. 1.364 Wilson, Myrtle Sustained -Owner R. Tustian diseased Tenant Hector & Mary 'Heaver Tenant Wani*,a Collins 400 Wolf, E Alien 415 '^ait, James 415-01 '"ai*,, James 15 Milson Es*ate j355 Vyse, Marley &Jean 492 Kure*h, Elwood 509 Grieve &Bowman SEC 53 — 1-211 Kemp, Mavis Assessnen*. confirmed 2125 R.F. Appeal granted Delete Bus. ass. 100. Owner Ir-ia Travis, Por*, B>>rwell Owner Village of Port Burwell Tenant H.& J. Vyse Appeal granted L 175. Bldg 625 R.P. 800. Owner Gladys Grieve Appel dismissed COURT OF REVISION 1968 (continued) SEC 121 1-43 Seymour, Milton Com. Ass. reverts to V.C.--P.R. mill rate Write-off 11.42 1-43-1 Seymour, Milton Bus. Tax ;0420. Rebate 17.92 Wri*.e-off 17.92 1-233 Dorken, Bessie Com. Ass. reverts to V.C. P.H. mill rate Write-off 11.65 • 1-233-1 Dorken, Bessie Bus. Tax 425. 'Rebate 18.14 Rrite-off 18.13 1-365 Elliott, E. Jack Bus. discontinued Write off 8.96 215 W. do L. Tait Bld. rem. Mar. 1968 Write-off 164.78 215-1 W. & L. Tait Bus clos. Mar. 1968 Write-off 44.15 2--1 C.P.R. Bldg. rem. 1967 (550) Rebate 46.93 "2--l-10 F. Willia ms Bus. rem. 1967 (175)Writ,eoff 14.03 WRITE OFF ON ARREARS ROLL Mrs. Daisy Jarrett Write-off 22.25 Mrs. Dorothy Phillips Write-off 10.63 Mr. William 'vJhite Write-off 22.98 Mr. Emerson Parry Write-off 54.67 Total 1964 Tax 65.59 1965 11.48 1966 16.38 1967 17.08 Moved by K. 'Xilliamson and sec. by N. Tufford that *his Co,,r* of Revision, having considered all Appeals agains*. the 1968 Assessment, Roll for the ?2unicipali*y of *he Village of Port Burwell properly before i*, now cer*ifies }his Roll, as Revised and Amended by the decisions of the Cour*, to be *he last R*wvised Assessmen* Roll of *he Municipali*y, in accordance wi*h Sec*ion 73 of *he Assess - new -Ac- (R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 23). ?loved by N. Tufford and sec. by K. 'Jilliamson tha* *his Cour* 4ill be adjourned on Nov. 11, 1968 a* 4.30 p.m. c.:.�rl.. ...................... . • Fifteenth Meeting Monday November 4, 1968 The November meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held in *he Municipal office a* 7.30 P.M. on Monday November 4, 1968.' All members were present.. The minutes of she last meeting were read, and adopted as read. \,-1. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield *hat accounts from 1- 39 on Voucher 11 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same. 2. Moved bH. Hoshal and sec. by F. Kemp *ha* *his Council donate the sum of 25.00 to -illsonburg Minor Hockey Association. 3. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by F. Kemp *hat.I-Ir. Harry Alward be appointed as representative of the Otter Creek Conservation Authority for the year 1969. It was decided to either have a used or new oil burner ins*alled in the library. MT. Elmer Davis was present, in regard to moving his cottage from Teach to his par* of a lo*t on addison street. He was to be notified of *he Councils decision after further investigation. Meeting with Mr. McNeil II.P.P. for Elgin, and Mr. Hobert Farlow Q,6C, has been set up for Sunday November 10, 1968. Clerk to write Central Pipe in regard to dumping rubble over the bank on S*rachan Street,. 4. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by H. Hoshal *ha* *his Council meeting be adjourned until *he next regular meeting unless in case of emergency Time. 9.15 p.m. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No. Name Services Amount Check 1. County of Elgin Bridge opening 200.00 3553 2. Dep*. Trade & Development 3. 3554 3. Norman Loucks Wages Oct. 7-11 78.94 3555 4. Ken Kirkpatrick " 82.01 3556 5. Helen Wolfe 44.41 3557 6. Philip Vaughan Welfare Shel*er 20. 3558 7. Plorman Loucks 'rages Oct,. 14-18 78.94 3559 8. Ken Kirkpatrick " 82.01 3560 9. Helen Wolfe " 44.41 3561 10. P.U.C. Lights etc. 171.66 3562 11. Central Pipe Vaughan Welfare 3.10 3563 12. C.P.Express 3. 3564 13. Norman Loucks 'Mages Oct. 21-25 78.94 3565 14• Ken Kirkpatrick " 82.01 3566 15..Helen Wolfe " 44.41 3567 16. Hamilton Ward & Cathers Insurance 774.72 3568 17. Mrs. I'Iary Blyth Selecting Jurists 3. 3569 18. Mrs. Helen Wolfe " 3. 3570 19. Rec. General Stamps 5. 3571 20. Norman Loucks 78.94 3572 21. Kenneth Kirkpatrick 82.01 3573 22. Helen Wolfe 44.41 3574 23. Rec. General Unemp. Ins. 24. 3575 24. Rec. General Tax. & Pension 84.32 3576 25. Ethel Dosser Oct. Supp. Aid 3577 26. Morley Wolfe, Oct Acct, 121.10 3578 27. Vienna Building " 3579 28. Valley Camp " " 29.14 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (continued) 29. W. G. Webster 30. -illsonburg Pipe 31. Helen Wolfe, 32. Reg. Office 33• Owl -lite Equipment 34• Tony Lama 35. Byron Jones 6. Tillsonburg Pipe 37. Barbara Croxford 28. F. Stephenson 39. B. McCord �; c J . ... Cle k Acct.. 5.99 35$1 Acct. 167.92 35$2 Supplies 5.57 3583 1.50 3584 45.47 3585 7.20 3586 13.68 3587 52.32 35$2 8. 3588 162. 3589 9. 3590 Sixteenth Mee+-ing SPECIAL MEE-DG Sunday November 10, 1968 A special meeting of the Por*- Burwell Village Council was held in the Municipal Office at. 4 p.m. Sunday November 10, 1968. Mr. McNeil, '4PP 'for Elgin was present,, and also :•1r. Robert Farlow Q.C. Village Solicitor. The Proposed Provincially -financed Prograrne 'dater Works No. 5-0013-66 & 5-0087-68 was discussed at, length. Clerk Reeve Thirteenth lleeting Monday October 7, 1968 The October mee*ing of *he Por* Burwell Village Council was held in *he Village Office at 7.30 p.m. on Monday Oct,. 7, 1968 wi*h all members present,. The minutes of the las* meeting were read, and adopted.as read. 1. The Accounts for October were read, and it was moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by F. Kemp *ha* Accounts 1-3d on Voucher 10 'Le paid and *he Reeve be authorized +o sign *he same. The clerk was given authori*y *o have the typewriter cleaned and repaired if needed. 2. Moved by H. Hoshal ani sec. by F. Kemp *,hat *his Council sell Mrs. Annie Struz 41 1/4 fee* of lo*, 35 Chatham S�reet in the Village of Por*. Burwell for the sun of 4P200.00, and Mrs. Struz bear all expenses in transfer of this property. 3. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that this Council approve the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for partial expenses in opening of Port Burwell Bridge on Nov. 1, 1968. I*. was brought to the attention of the Council that Mr. Ivor Rowley would like to have *he sidewalk at the side of she Ho -el replaced. The Council agreed to pay for half of the new sidewalk either Asphalt or Cemem*, and R. Bradfield to notify Mr. Rowley of this. #219 Moved by Ha. Hoshal and sec. by F. Kemp that leave be granted to introduce By-law # 219 to Fix the day for nomina*ion and elec*ion of Reeve and Councillors, and other local boards in *he Corporation of *he Village of Por*, Burwell for the years 1969 & 1970, such day to be November 25, 1968 at 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Part Burwell Public School. The day of election if necessary to be December 2, 1968. By-law read a first, second and third time. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. Thank you was read from Mrs. Blyth in appreciation of flowers sen* when she was in hospital. 4. Moved by A. Loucks and Sec. by F. Kemp *hat, this Council be adjourned until the next regular mee*ing unless in case of emergency. Time 10 p.m. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE tio. Name Services amount Check 1. Charles Smyth Wages Sept. 9 & 11 21.00 3516 2. Norman Loucks Holiday pay 78.94 3517 3. Helen Wolfe Waj,es Sept.. 9-13 44.41 3518 4. Ken. Kirkpatrick " " 82.01 3519 5• Philip Vaughan Shel*er Allowance 20. 3520 6. Newman Flowers Loucks flowers 12.60 3521 7. Central Pipe Welfare gas 2. 3522 8. P.U.C. 174.75 3523 9. C. Smyth Wares 14. 3524 10. Town of Tillaonburg ichool Debenture 1076.61 3525 11. Township of Bayham Schooebenture 1101.12 3526 12. Bayham Twp.School Area Levy 2249.54 3527 13. Rec. Gen. Stamps �- 10. 3528 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (continued) 14. Norman Loucks Wages Sept.. 16-20 78.94 3529 15. Helen Wolfe " 44.41 3530 16. Ken Kirkpatrick " 82.01 3531 17. Charles Smyth " 14. 3532 18. Ken Kirkpatrick Holiday pay 82.01 3533 19. Norman Loucks Wages Sept,. 23-27 78.94 3534 20. Helen Wolfe, " 44.41 3535. 21. Rec. General Tax & Pens. ded. 89.95 3536 22. Rec. General Unemp. Ins. 25.30 3537 23. Lakeside Nursing Home 4 patients Sept,. 471.60 3538 24. Norman Loucks Wages Sept. 30 -Oct, 4 78.94 3539 25. Ken Kirkpatrick " 82.01 3540 26. Helen Wolfe " 44.41 3541 27. Mrs. Ethel Dosser Supp. Aid 7.50 3542. 28. Pt,. Burwell Hardware 11.25 3543 29. F. Stephenson Welfare Acct,. 124. 3544 3545 30. Helen Wolfe Flowers Blyth 8.35 3546 31. Supertest Office oil 30.36 3547 32. Morley Wolfe Sept,. Acct.. 37.03 3548 33. Tillsonburg Pipe Culvert Pipe 179.84 3549 34. Aylmer Tire 26.20 3550 35. Wm. Epple Sidewalk at Waldeck 25. 3551 36. East End Motors Scraper Blade 29.67 3552 Clerk �&ee�� n Fourteenth Meeting SPECIAL METING October 28, 1968 Aspecial meeting was held at, 1 p.m. in the Village Office on October 28 with the Reeve and all Councillors present.. #22 0 Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that, leave be amending granted to introduce By-law to amend By-law 3 201 to read #201 "polls shall be open from 10 o'clock a.m. to 8 o'clock p.m. By-law read a firs*, second and third time. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by F. Kemp that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. 1. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by F. Kemp that. Helen Wolfe be engaged as Returning Officer, and Mrs Ada 'Tuff as poll clerk for the election on Dec. 2, 1968. Proposals and letter received from O.N.R.C. To be taken up at a later meeting when Council has read the proposed agre,ment,. It, was agreed that, the town employees should have Friday after- noon off to attend the opening of the Bridge cermonies. The Clerk to write letter to Vienna Lumber Supplies in regard to the fire hazard in their Coal and Lumber Yard in Port Burwell. 2. Moved by F. Kemp and sec. by R. Bradfield that, this special meeting be adjourned. Time 1.25 p.m. a t� Clerk Rowse . Twelfth Meeting Monday September 9, 1968 The September meeting of the Port, Burwell Village Council was held in the Village Office at. 7.30 p.m. on Monday September 9, 1968t with all members of the council present, with the exception of Harold Hoshal. The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read. 1. The accounts for September were read, and it, was moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that, accounts from 1-40 on Voucher 9 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same. 2. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by F. Kemp that commencing on October 1 1968 and ending on March 31, 1969 garbage collection be made on Tuesday of each week. The Insurance was reviewed with Mr. Cat,hers of Hamilton Cathers and Ward, and Mr. McLaughlin from Frank Cowan Co. It was decided to increase the PL & PD limits on Automobile Policy to $1,000,000. inclusive at an additional premium of $12.00. Also to change the Bond on the Treasurers to a Blanket. Bond at an annual cost of 7%.87. Letter was read from O.W.R.C.which was a copy of letter sent to the Memorial Park Board informing them something would have to be done about, the water at the trailer camp. A request, from Mr. Waldeck to repair sidewalk torn up in front of his restaurant was reported. The Council feels that. since *he sidewalk was in good condition beforepit, whould be his responsibility to repair it, however if Mr. Waldeck will supply the material the Village employees will help to lay it,. 3. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by F. Kemp that this Council meeting be adjourned until the next, regular meeting unless in case of an emergency. Time 1030 p.m. ACCOUIITS PAYABLE •w��/%�'" No. Name Services Amount Check 1. Charles Smyth Wages 14.00 3468 2. Helen Wolfe " 44.41 3477 3. Norman Loucks Holiday pay 78.94 3478 4. Ken Kirkpatrick Wages 82.01 3479 5. Dan. Smyth 33.25 3480 6. Charles Smyth " 14. 3481 7. Philip Vaughan Welfare Rent 20. 3482 8. Central Pipe Vaughan Welfare 3.10 3483 9. Norman Loucks Holiday Wages 78.94 3484 10. Ken Kirkpatrick Wages 82.01 3485 11, Helen Wolfe 44.41 3486 12. Daniel Smyth 1156. 3487 13. P.U.C. Hydro 169.19 3488 14. Aylmer & 14alahide Telephone 66.57 3489 15. Charles Smyth Wages Aug 19 14. 3490 16. Danny Smyt}, " 2$. 3 491 17. Helen Wolfe " Aug. 19-23 44.41 3492 18. Norman Loucks " 78.94 3493 19. Ken Kirkpatrick " 82.01 3494 20. Norman Loucks " 78.94 3495 21. Ken Kirkpatrick " 82.01 3496 22 Rec. General Tax & Pension 99.77 34.97 23. Rec. General Unemp. Ins. 28.70 3498 24, Norman Loucks Wages Sept. 2-6 78.94 3499, 25. Charles Smyth " 14. 3500 ACCOUTR PAYABLE (continued) No. Name Services Amount, Check 26. Charles Smyth Wages Sept,. 2, 14- 3501 2T. Ken. Kirkpatrick " Sept. 2-6 82.01 3502 28. Helen Wolfe Holiday Pay Aug.26-6 88.82 3503 ,�'29. Lakeside Nursing Home 499.60 3504 30. F. Stephenson Welfare Acct. 142. 3505 31. Hard top paving 75. 3506 32. Registry Office 6. 3507 33. Morley Wolfe, Acct,. 12.44 3508 34. Bruce McCartney 92.29 3500 35. W. G. Webster 1.22 3510 36. Vienna Building Supplies 1.50 3511 37. J. H. Kaufman Aug. Acct. 41.24 3512 38. Norman Todd 49.94 3513 39. Burns McKenzie Welfare Oil 23. 3514 40. News Printing gleed display ad. 7.28 3515 `Click Reeve t Eleventh Meeting. Tuesday August 6, 1968 The Port Burwell Village Council held their Alus* ?Meering in the Village Office a* t 7.30 p.m: on Tuesday Angust , 1?68, with all ,members of 't,he Council present. The minutes of the 3.as* melting were read, and adopted as•re:,d. 1. The Accounts for August were read, and it was moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that accounts from 1-41 on Voucher 8 be paid -and the Reeve be au*.herized to sign +he sane. 2. Moved by H. Hoshal dnd sec. by F. Kemp -hat the Council appoint Mrs. Hanson to complete Vrs. Rohe4 Allan's,*.erm on the Library Board to expire Feb. 19, 1970. . CorrespondancP was read from Depar*men* of Lands and Forests stating they had no objec*ion to +he Vil.lai*e issuing Vendor's permi*.s for the operation of concessions on the Iroquois Beach until such time as the area is designated as Iroquois Beach Frovincial Park. from Dept. of Municipal affairs informing us that the County of l -in Planning Area has been dissolved effective July 31, 1968. The Village Office to be closed August, 26 to September 9 when the Clerk has her holidays. 3. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. bjr F. Kemp that. Council has set aside for Norman Loucks to take holidays two weeks starting Aug. 6 to August 20, and one week starting Sep*. 9 to Sept. 14. The Council feels `hat we have to !mow when town employees are hailing their holidays or taking *i^ie off, and -o notify Works Chairman or Clerk. 4. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield *ha* this meating be adjourned until next, regular meetiag unless in caF�e of emermAcY. Tile 10.30 P.M. ACCOU.i TS - ,,IYABLE No. *.ame Services Amount Check 1. Robert Murray ;ales July 8 13.$6 3420 2. Thomas Friend " 5.14 3421 3. Thomas Friend " 10.40 3437 4. Charles Smyth 14. 3438 5. Borman Loucks " July $=12 78.94 3439 6. Ken Kirkpatrick " " 82.01 3440 7. Helen Wolfe it 14.41 3441 8. Dereham Township Retarded Levy 545.48 3442 9. C.R.C.S.S. Bayham Malahide Levy 540.49 3443 10. Otter Valley Concerva*.ion Levy 335. 3444 11. Bayham Township School Levy 3000. 3445 12.. Bob. Hurray Wages July 11, 12 26.60 3446 13. Y.U.C. Lights 134.72 3447 14. I- array '.ielfare P.U.C. 19.22 3448 15. Charles Smyth rages 14. 3449 16. P.u.C. Vaughan :Welfare 11.68 3450 17. • Helen ,Wolfe Wages 44.41 3451 38. Norman Loucks Wages 78.94 3452 19. Ken Kirkpatrick " 82.01 3453 20. Robert, Murray 59.80 3454 21Cen*.ral Pipe Vaughan Welfare 6.60 3455 22. Charles Smyth '.Mages 14. 3456 23. Norman Loucks " 78.94 3457 24. Kon Kirkpatrick 82.01 3458 25. Robert, hurray " 49.25 3459 26. Helen Wolfe " 44.41 3460 27. Rec.. General Tax & Penson 101.77 3461 28. �� n Unmploymmnt . 2$.20 3462 29. Charles Smyth Wages 14. 3463 30. Norman Loucks " 78.94 3464 . ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (continued) 31. Ken Kirkpatrick Wages July 29-2 32. Helen Wolfe 33. Lakeside Nursing Home July Welfare 34. Morley Wolfe July Acct. 35. F. Stephenson July Welfare 36. P.U.C. Frror 'in billing 37. Lyle Buchner �,#famil*.on July Acct. 3$. Ward & Ca4-hers Insurance 39. Winspear Higgins Stevenson & Doane 40. Coun*y of Elgin 1968 Levy 41. Pa. Burwell Hardware . r..a�::.:Y.: ....... Clerk $2.01 3465 44.41 3466 499.60 3467 33.48 3469 195, 34 99 63.77 3471 8.08 3472 79.61 3473 516.75 3474 16,920.09 3475 10.94 3476 %Reeve Tenth Meeting Monday July 8, 1968. The Port Burwell Village Council held *.heir Jnly meeting in *he Village Office a* 7.30 p.m. Monday July 8, with all members of the. Council present,. me The minutes of the las* -aeetinp were read, and adopted. 1. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that accounts- 1--50 ori Voucher 7 be paid and t?re Reeve be au*horized to sign *^e same.. 2. loved by H. Hoshal and sec. by R. Bradfield *.ha*. Aurrst fi 1^68 be . docl3red a Civic Holiday in the Village of Por*, Burwell. #218 Foved by F. Kerxp and sec. by R. Bradfield *.ua*. leave be granted to . introduce By-law 1/218-c es-Imate she expenditures of the Village on *he roads and scree*s on a Suppleien*.ary to By-law #214 as follows Maintenance 01000.00, Construction $500.00 By-law read a firs*., second and *hird tine. ;-loved by R. Bradfield and sec. by H. Hnshal t*na* By -1:'11 now read a .third *ime do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and sirrer4 an,' sealed by the Rcleve. I*. Stas noted that our iiunicipali*y has been approved for registration as art area in which new or expanded industry may be considered for financial assis*iince under the-qualization of Industrial ::ppor*unsty Progrars. Mr. and :Srs. Jack Foster wr:re presen* in regard to building a television Sales and Service Suil-ling on Chatham 3*ree*.. Sinoe t',ere is at present no zoni.n,; Tay-' 4-Yey .fere *old *o con, -act Building Inspector V. Hambly for building permit. Coveeapondance was read from firs. Edna Sutherland in regard to water backing up on her property, and suggested 3 catchbasin. This was referred to *he works depart-+ent. from O.W.R.C. proiising a formal proposal re *he Provincial ;Dater Works within oix *o eigh* weeks. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by F. Kemp *hat *.his Cou:zcil be hd ourned un*il nex* regular iee*i•ir- Augus*, 6, unless in case of emergency Ti -vs, 9.45 p•m. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No. Name Services Amox-it Check 1. Municipal World 1.15 ',385 2. Charles Smyth 14. 336 3. Lakeside Nursing Hor+e May ',,elf are 499.60 3387 4. Ken. Kirkpa*rick 'gages Jane 3-7 81.57 3388 5. Norman Loucks " 81.20 3389 6. Helen Wolfe " 44.35 3390 7. Village of Pt. Burwell O.P.P. '"ax 145.06 3391 8. P.eceiver General Stamps 5. 33;'2 9. Mrs. M. Blyth Conv, txpenne b0. 3303 10. Charles Smyth 'loges 21. 3394 11. Helen Wolfe Iagpa June 10-14 44.35 3395 12. 'Nor -San Loucks " 81.20 339E 13. Yen Kirkpatrick " 81.57 3397 14. P.U.C. Wilson 'I:,dro 5. 3398 15. P.U.C. June Hydro 166.79 3399 16. Charles Sriy*.h '.iageg 21. 3400 17. Norman Loucks it June 17-21 81.20 3401 18. Ken Kirkpatrick " 81.57 31,02 19. Het an tiolfe 44.35 3403 20. Tillsonburg High 13chool D%�* tures 1407.41 3104 21. Vienna ") 530.61 ;3405 22. Bayham Township "� 2373.35 3406 23. Charles Smyth :/ages 19.25 3407 24. Norman Loucks " 81.20 3408 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (continued) No. Name Services Amount*. C,�eck 25. Ken. Kirkpatrick Wages June 24-28. 81.57 3409 26. Helen Wolfe " 44.35 3410 27. Receiver General Tax & Pension 79.12 3411 2$. R��c6iver General Unemp. Ins. 20.32 3412 29. Veite Hambly Bldg.. Inspector 150. 3413 30. Charles STMyth ,;ares 21. 3414 31. V orman Loucks `} Kirkpatrick32. Ken Kirkpatrick " $o.41 3415 33. Helen Wolfe 44.41 3417 34.. Lakeside Kursing Ho-qe June Welfare 471.60 3413 - 35. Thomas Friendo 7. 341, 36. Mary Blyth Convent*ion fees_ 108.50 31~22 " 37. Frank Stephenson Welfare Acc t. 50. 3423 3$. Morley Wolfe June Acct. 16.75 3424 39. Crown Attorney Fines 20.20 3425 40. P-. Burwell Hardward Ju.e Acct. 11.25 3426 41. Hurley's Boat Building June Acc4-. 20.70 3427 42. '.V`. G. Webster Supplies 6.$$ 3428 43. Norman Todd March ras 48.90 3429 44. Sterling Fuels Road oil 749.76 3430 45• Registry Office 2.10 3431 46. Wa*.*erwor*h & Andernon Mower repairs 21.47 3432 47. B. A. Oil Grease Gun 10.22 3433 48. Vienna Bldg. Supplies 40.64 3434 49. Chalk's Drug Store F;rs�. aid Ki! 2.36 3435 50. Tillsonburg Commercial Printers Tax notices 57.27 3436 Reeve Sigh*.h Meeting Monday Jline 3, 1968 The Port Burwell Village Council held their June mee*ing in the Municipal Office wi,h all ieNbers of the Council present. The minutes of the las* mee*,inF, were r -!;d and adopted as read. 1. The accounts for the -month of May were read, and it was moved by \- A. Loucks and sec. by H. Hoshal that accounts 1-37 on Voucher 6 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same. Mrs. Priddle was present and aske(i if she could have a hot dog stand in front of her cottage on Addison S*rept. The -gat*er was referred to the next rAeeting after we had more infor-a*ion on *his. _ Mr. Axford was preaen*, again ai4-h a complain*_ of *he dogs still running at -large. D. C. Animal Control to be contacted again. A letter waF read from the Departmpnt of Heal*h informing the Council that, "since there will be no requirement for municipal subsidies beyond June 30, 1968 you are requestedto arrange for termination of your present agreeient with Gray's Ambulance Service as of *hat date". - #217 Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by F. Kemp that )_eave be granted to introduce By-law x#217 to rescind By -Lair j/ 211 as of June 30, 1968. By-law read a first, second, and third +-i-ie. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by *he Clerk, and signed and sealed by *he Reeve. The Clerk to write to Mrs. S. Gelais in regard to keeping her dance hall open on Saturday, askin. *hat *hey conform with•the local By-law and close their dance hall at 12 p.m. on 3at•urday nights. Correspondance w s read from: Y.U.C. in regar *o illtLminating *hp lighthouse. Miss A. Sanpsoasking for oil on the s*,ret* in front of her home. from Dep* of unicipal Affairs in regard to registra*ion of property for arrears iti taxes -- from O.i4.R.C.j informing the Council *hat. copies of a draft, des rn report had been deli erpd to the commission on May 24. from tars. Irma Travis promising to Fay the tax arrears on her property as soon as the can collect taxes and leases owing her. 2. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that this ieeting be adjourned until next, regular :Aeetin` unlP^s in care of an emergency. Time 11 p.m. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No. Name services Amount Check 1. Helen '.lolfe rages 44.35 3348 2. Norman Loucks it 81.20 3349 3. Ken Kirkpatrick it 81.57 3350 4. B. Burn Used generator 400• 3351 me 5. P.0-8- 142.38 3352 6. Central Pipe "oe;fare fuel 4.35 3:53 7. Dept. Social & Fa:xily service Mrs. Tedford 1600. 3354 8. h orman Loucks ',loges 81.20 3355 9. Ken Kirkpatrick " 81.57 3356 10. Helen '�Iolfe 44.35 3357 11. Aylmer & Malahide Telephone X4.58 3358 12. Charles Smyth21. n 3359 13. Norman Lcucks X31.20 3360 14. Ken Kirkpatrick " 81.57 3361 15. Helen Wolfe � 44.35 21. 3362 16. Charles Smyth 336J 17. Receiver General Stamps 20. 3364 1. 2, . ACCOUNmS PAYABLE (continued) No. Name Services Amoui*, Check 18. Nor-ian Loucks iages 81.20 3365 19. Ken Kirkpatrick TT 81.57 3366 20. Helen Wolfe T1 44.35 3367 21. Receiver General Tax & Pension 96.27 3368 22. Receiver General Unempoynent Ins. 25.40 3369 63. Port Burael Hardware iiay account, 26.54 337Q 24. Harold Hoshal , Welfare transportation 3.40 3371 25. Lakeside Hotel Welfare board 9. 3372 26. D. C. Animal Con*rol FAb. Mar. Apr. L- Icy 27.50 33.73 27. S*erling Fuels May oil 374.11 3374 28. Tillsonburg Pipe 63.62 3375 29. Safety Supply Co. Spoke Ejec*.or. 214.45 3376 30. Bruce McCar*ney jone 372.68 3377 --31. Morley Wolfe April & May 100.85 3378 32. F. S*epphenson Welfare Acct. 30. 3379 33. Mary Blyth Reeve 150. 3380 air. R. Bradfield Councillor 100. 3381 35. H. Hoshal " 100. 3382 36. , F. Kemp 100. A183 37. A. Loucks TT 100. 3384 Jerk �ve Ninth Meeting Special Meeting June 24, 1968 A special meeting of the Port Burwell Villape Council was held in *he Municipal Office on June 24, 19u8 at 1.30 p.m. with Councillors A. Loucks, F. Kemp, and H. Hoshal present. Thi Coi:ncil ::ad been approached by Xr. Rene St. Celais to },ave his Chip Wagon on *he pies*, Beach. On contacting DRp*.o of Lands and Fores*s they i-iforned -he Council that they had referred Mr. at. Gelais to *he Village Council for permission for lif-ense or whatever necessary, and the following motion was passed. Mova,d by A. Lou,cl:s ani sec. by F. Kemp *.hat Mr. S*.. Gelais be issued a license to sell French fries on the West Beach if party concerned has permission from owner of property. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by F. Kemp that this special meet,ini- he adjourned. Tiie 2. p.m. (� Reeve Seventh Meeting Monday May 6, 1968 The May meeting of the Port Burrell Village Council was held in the Municipal Office with the Reeve and all Cou$cillors present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted•as read. 1. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Hoshal that, accounts from 1-51 on Voucher W5 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same. Mr. Axford was present with a complaint that dogs were running at large on Addison and Chatham Streets. 2. Moved by H.'Hoshal and sec. by F. Kemp that, this Council have the Clerk contact Mr. Collis by Letter and have him pick up all ,logs running at, large in Village and if unatle to catch them summon owners to court. 3. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that, this Coxncil hire Ken. Kirkpatrick as Village Assistant Foreman and Caretaker of Memorial Park, Trailer Park, and Memorial Park Beach, at the rate of $2.15 per hour for the year 1968. Term of employment at, discretion of Council. Conditions of rEmploymenIr 40 hours per week regular pay Plus 4 hours overtime straight pay if needed. Next 4 houaa--pay and a half if needed. 1 week holiday pay up to two years. Sick leave two-thirds. day per 2 weeks holiday pay two years and over. month or 8 days per }•ear. 3 weeks holiday pay ten years and over. Carry over 50% sick leave Must have Doctor's certificate. 216 Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by R. Bradfield that, leave be granted to introduce By-law # 216 to levy the rates and taxes for *he year 1968, and to provide for the collec,ion thereof with a mill rate as follows: Public Residential 75.82 --Public Commercial 85 -33 --Separate Res dential 78.18--Se!)arate Commercial 87.95. The first instalment be due July 20, and t -ie second on Nov. 20, 1968. Tax penalties to be on first, instalment paid on or after July 21 1%, Aug. 1 2lo, Sept.. 1 3%, Oct. 1 4%, Nov. 1 5% Nov. 20 6%. Discounts on second instalment, when paid on or before July 20 2%. Penalty on second instalment, if paid on or after Nov. 21 lib. 2/3 of l% charged per month on all arrears. By-law read a first, second, and third *iie. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, an,; signed and sealed by the Reeve. Mrs. St,. Gelais owner of Casino on t;i­ Memorial Beach was present in -,airing about. dancing Saturday night until 1 a.m. Sunday, and also Sunday evening dancing. Decision was held off until next Council meeting. 4. Moved by F. Kemp and sec. by H. Hoshal that this council give.authorization that the fire chief buy smoke ejector and used generator for a total of Six Hundred and Twelve Dollars and Seventy-eight. Certs (yb12.78). CorVespondance was read from O.W.R.C. re pollution of the Otter. from Mrs. R. Allan on behalf of *ne Anglican Church thanking the Village No Works Department for the prompt attention given to the road in front of the church prior to a funeral. from Dep* of Municipal Affairs in regard to handling of *hP cash funds of the Village. Letter to be written to Port Burwell Firemen thanking "hem for *he excellent job of washing down Robinson Street. also to P.U.C. to see if arrangemen,ould be made for a ligh*, fol- *he. summer to light up the lighthouse. 5. continued. On advise of the Works Department two hard hats are to be ordered for the Village help. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that this Council meeting be adjourned until the next regular meeting unless in case of an e.%ergen cy. Time 11 p.m. � Clerk Reeve ACCOUJTS PAYABLE No. Name Services Amount Check- heck1. 1. Charles Smyth `gages 14.00 3297 2. Registry Office Be Matthews & Jarrett, 5• 3298 3. Norman Loucks Wages 99.82 3299 4• Helen dolfe " 44.35 3300 5. Void 6. Edward Epple 76.01 3302 7. Roy Armstrong 59.81 3303 8. Kenneth Kirkpatrick 42.57 3304 9. Robert Roesch - 27.96 3305 10. William Epple 89.04 3306 11 E. p. Ray Sherriff Jarrett, & Matthew:. 1.50 3307 12. Jakeside Nursing Home March patients 6,'4. 3308 13 . Registrar Jarrett & Matrhews 2. 3309 14 • Charles Smyth Wages April 8 14. 3310 15. Norman Loucks Wages 101.48 3311 16. Helen Wolfe " 44.35 3312 17. dm. Epple 81.42 3313 18. Edward Epple 69.07 3314 19. Roy Armstrong 56.65 3315 20. Ken Kirkpatrick X1.04 3316 21. P.U.C. 4.85 3317 22. P.U.C. 183.86 3318 23 Char -es Smyth 14. 3319 24. Mrs. Helen '.r-olfe " 44.35 3320 25. Norman Loucks " 83.11 3321 26. Ken Kirkpatrick " 54.48 3322 27. Centra:- Pipe 7.35 3323 28. Rec.. General Box rent & stamp. 10- 3324 29. Charles Smyth Wages 14. 3325 30. Helen Wolfe44.35 3126 31. Nor -man Loucks 81.20 3327 32. Ken Kirkpatrick 67191 3328 33. Rec. General Tax. & Pension 153.87 3329 34. Rec. General Insurance 27.04 3330 35. Lakeside Nursing Home 601.60 3331 36. Charles Smyth 12.25 3332 37. Norman Loucks Wages 81.20 3333 38. Ken Kirkpatrick " 67.91 3334 39. Helen Wolfe 44.35 4,135 40. F. Stephenson 180. 3336 41. Registry Office March & April deeds 2.70 3337 42. Arthur Brooks Hauling & Fill 548. 3338 43. M.I.T. Concrete 616. 3339 44. D. L. Cowan Digging -Drain 25. 3340 45. Vienna Bldg. 75.67 3341 46. Pt.. Burwell Hardware 57.60 3342 47. Supert,est Oil Library 18.12 3343 48. J. H. Kaufmann April acct,. 41.46 3344 49. Akron Mfg. Co. Hose plug --fire 15.17 3345 50. Everitt,s ' Electric Library -,12. 3346 51. News Printing Co. Auditors)Report 62.40 3347 , MR Fifth Meeting M6nday April 1, 1968 The April meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held in the Municipal Office with the Reeve and all Councillors present, with the exception of A. Loucks. The minutes of the last, meeting were read, and adopted as read. 1. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by F. Kemp that accounts 1-40 on Voucher 4 be passed and Reeve be authorized to sign the same.. 2. Moved by H. Hoshal ani sec. by F. Kemp that, the Council agree for the Department of Highways to paint the centre strip of any . connecting links in the Village of Port Burwell. Mr. Hurley was present, with some problems concerning dogs in the Viwlage. The Clerk to write D. C. Animal control asking to have all dogs which are loose in the Village picked up, as there have been complaints that, only part of the dogs are picked up. 3. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by F. Kemp that this Council agree to sell the Gower property to John gall for the sum of X100. It was agreed that, the Clerk -areas. hand over to Divisional Court those taxes which she is unable to collect otherwise. Assistance of the P.U.C. to be asked for in removing some of the dead trees in the Village. 4. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by F'. Kemp that, this meeting adjourn until the next, regular Council Meeting unless in case of emergency. Time 11. p.m. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No. Name Services Amount Check 1. Charles Smyth Otages Mar. 4 14.00 3257 2. Helen Wolfe " Mar 4-8 44.35 3258 3. Norman Loucks " it 81.20 3259 4. Charles Smyth " M rch 11 14. $260 5. Norman Loucks " Mar 11-15 81.20 3261 6. Helen Wolfe " " 44.35 3262 7. Central Pipe Wilson Welfare12.85 3263 8. P.U.C. 152.81 3264 9. Charles Smyth March 18 14. 3265 10. Helen Wolfe Wages Mar 18-22 44.35 3266 11. Norman Loucks ?1 81.20 3267 12. Ken Kirkpatrick " I -larch 25 13.76 3268 13, Can. Pac. Railway 3 month tax rebate 11.48 3269 14. Frank Williams 3 month tax rebate 3.65 3270 15. Morley Wolfe weigh slip & licenses 6.50 3271 16. Norman Loucks ;fares M r. 25-29 81.20 3272 17. Helen Wolfe, TV 44.35 3273 18. Ken Kirkpatrick if 13.76 3274 19. Robert Roesch It 13.76 3275 20. Edward Epple " March 28 & 29 34.08 3276 21. William Epple " March 28 & 29 40.72 3277 22. Rob ,rt, Armstrong " March 29 13.76 3278 23. Receiver General Tax & Pension 79.10 3279 24. Receiver General Unemp. Insurance 18.68 3280 25. Ron Bradfield 28. 3281 26. M. K. Chute Library 52.80 3282 27. M. K. Chute Fire Hall 209.67 3283 28. Workmen's Compensation 26.25 3284 ACCOUNmS PAYABLE No. Name Services Amount Check 29, Bruce McCartney stone 160.31 3285 30. Valley Camp Coal Co. Fue 1 30.55 3286 Registry Office Matthews & Jarrett 5.10 3287 3 = . Supertest Office Oil 29.21 32$8 33. J. A. Watt Co.. signs 33.48 3289 34. Municipal World supplies 3.63 3290 35. Elgin County Mutual Aid Membership 10. 3291 36. Hurley's Boat Building Feb. Acct. 24.70 3294 37. 38. W. G. Webster Stationery Hugh 2.57 3293 Brooks Hauling Fill 252. 3294 _ 39• 0. Frank Stephe noon Welfare Acct 170.53 3295 Morley Wolfe 15.95 3296 ...... ...... .... Clerk Sixth Meeting Special Meeting .:. ... Reeve Thursday April 18, 1Q68 A special meeting was held in the Municipal Office on Thursday April 18, 1968 at 7. 30 p.m. with the Reeve and all Councillors present. Mr. Clarke, Village Auditor from Winspear, Higpins, Stevenson & Doane as also present. 1967 budget and financial statement were reviewed, and with Mr. Clark's help a 196$ budget was drawn up This budget was taken by'Mr. Clarke to set up the mill rate for 1968 Tax, subject to the approval of the Council. 1. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by F. Kemp that the Village of Port Burwell adopt, daylight saving time to conform with the local municipalities. 2. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that, this meeting be adyourned until the next regular meeting unless in the case of an emergency a special meeting be called. Time 11.30 p.m. erk COURT OF RZ-1ISION, 1968 Tuesday, March 19, 1968. Court of Revision was held in the Municipal Office at 3 p.m. Tuesday March 19, 1968. The following m -tubers were sworn into office. Chairman Mr. Philip Schleihauf, Mr. Kenneth Williamson, and Mr. Noble Tufford. The County Assessor's office was also represented. D,,k List of Assessment Appeals under Section 131 of the Assessment Act "Ch. 23" to be heard at, the.Court of Revision on the 1967 Tax Roll. 506 Canadian Pac. Railway Co. 506-2 Mr. Frank Williams Building Demolished Sept. 1967. 3 month rebate 11.48 In support of application above Business assessment. 3 month rebate $ 3.65 ) Moved by Mr. Williamson, and sec. by Mr. Tufford that this Court of Revision, having considered all Appeals against, the 1967 Assessment Roll for the Municipality of the village of Port Burwell properly before it, in accordance with section 131 of the Assessment, Act (R. S.O. 1960, Chapter 23) . Moved by Mr. Tufford and sec. by Mr. Williamson that, this Court of Revision will stand adjourned on March 19, 1968 Time 4. P.M. z Fourth Meeting Monday March 4, 1968 The March meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was field in the I`unicipal Office with the ReeBe and all Councillors present with the exception of H. Hoshal. The Minutes of the last meeting were read, and a-iopted as read. Y Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that accounts from 1-43 on Voucher 3 be paid and Reeve be authorized to Sign hhe same. 2. Moved by 0. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that Mrs. Vera' ficKibbin be appointed to the Port Bl:raell Public Library Board fora three year tern, expiry date Feb. 19, 1971. Correspondance was read from 1?epart-hent of btunicipal .Affairs re tax arrears. from--I4r. El-7er Bell, President, of the Ontario Progressive' Conservative Ass., and lir. R. K. McNeil, M.P. in reply to letters written in regard to the reoroaniza*,ion of the School Jurisdic*ions. from --0. W..R. C. in regard to change of code numbers for water projects in Port Burnell. from--Stonwy Creek in regard to the Planning Act. from %linter '.lcrtscon.fir-iing projects for 1967-196', namely Sidewalks and Dead Tree Removal. from --ll. C. Animal Control, Mr. Collis Sr. re raising -dog licenses and also making two trips a month. It, was agreed to leave the tax as it is an -3 also at present, time are sat,i'sfied with present control of one trip a month. 3. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that, compensation coverage for the Por*, Burwell fireiaen be raised to N5000. tb go in effect, March 1968. ?15 i4oved by F. Kemp and sec. by A. Loucks that leave he gr anted to introduce By-1-iw 11"215 that. this Council has taken 'decision to rescind By-law 1,11207 until such times as forceable by Coftty or Provincial Governments. To continue enforcement of By-law J19 of the Corporation -of the Village of Port, Burwell, including By-law #196 which is a By -la: -r amendment, to By-law # 19. By-law read a first, second and third time. Moved by F. Kemp and sec. by A. Loucks that. By-law now read a third *.irie do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. As no reply has been received in re^ard to tax arrears, it, was agreed to register property of bars Daisy Jarrett, Mr Gerry Ilatthews, and Mrs. hlva Glover. Also letter to be sent to Mr. G. Tait, and if payments are not, made regularly further steps to he taken. Moved by R. Bradfield and pec. by A. Loucks that, this Co,.ncil neet•ing be adjourned until the next, regular meeting unless in case of an emergency. Tine 11.15 p.m. a. ACCOMTS PAYABLE No. Name ServicAs AmOtLnt Check 1. Len Brisseau :;apes Feb 5 13.76 1202 2. Grafts Ambulance 1968 levy 337.50 3203 3. County of Elrin Section 53 4.$2 3?04 4. Tis,lale & For re Irma Travis 17$.06 3216 5. �. 6. Norman Loucks Helen Wolfe :Mages Feb 5-n t' 81.20 3217 44.35 3218 7. 0. Sutherland 't 66.06 3219 8. Ko Kirkpatrick " 67.91 3220 9. Leonard Brisseau 40.85 3222 10. Charles Smyth 14. 3223 11. P.U.C. 191.88 3224 12. Lakeside Nursing Home January 518. 3-25 13. Jerry Price Te-1perary Ass. 30. . 3226 t i4. P.U.C. Vilson Hydro 5.15 3227 15. P.U.C. Price Hydro 12.32 3228 16. Norman Loucks Mages Feb. 12-16 81.20 3229 17. Helen 1Iolfe it 44.35 3230 18. Aylmer &.Milahide Telephone 68.30 3231 19. Receiver General Registering tax lett. 4. 3232 20. Central Pipe Wilsongas14.85 3233 21. Bob's Motel Fort Willi -am 12.. 3234 22. Charles Smyth loges 14. 3235 23. Helen Golfe Wages_ 44.35 3236 24. Norman Loucks It 81.20 3237 25. Rec. General Tax & Pension 67.25 3238 26. Rec. Ge-Ceral Unemp. Ins 18.56 3239 27. Chart es Smyth Wages Feb. 26 14. 3240 28. IRrs. Philip Vaughan Ilarch Tient 25., 32.41 29. Helen Wolfe Wages Feb 26-Ilarrhl 44.35 3242 30. Norman Loucks if 81.20-3243 31. Lakeside Nursing Home February 524." 3244 32. Ron. Bradfield' 158.25 3245 33. Supertest Oil Office &: Library 60.12 3246 34. Hurley's Boat Building Snow Plow Blade 43.98 3247 35. Webster's Supplies 9.56 3248 36. Clive+ -ti Underwood c3eaning & rillbon 45.83 3249 37. Workmen's Compensation 12.8.36 3250 38. Valley Camp Fuel 42.09 $251 39. Harvey Neville 11. 3 252 40. a. R. Hart &, Co. Roll Sheens 12.07 3253 41 . I -surrey Scanla n Garbage Dump 150. 3254 42. Municipal 'World Dog Tags 8.69 3255 43. Frank Stephenson ',Welfare acct. 150. 3256 . �� .. .... . � Reeve } �J, .. ... , ...... k "-I Second Meeting Monday, Feb. 5, 196$ 'he February meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held in the Municipal Office on Monday, Feb, 5, 1969 at 7.30 p.m. Reeve II. Blyth was present, with all Councillors with the exception of A. Loucks. The minutes of t,ie las* neeting were read, and adopted as read. 1. The -Accounts were presented, and it was moved by Ft. Bradfield - and ser_. by F. Kemp *,h -it, accounts 1-35 on Voucher 2 be 1)aid, and to Reeve be au+liorizel to sign the same. 2 . Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by F. Kemp that, the Village Council of Port Burwell have decideri to go along with the committee ippoin*,ed by County Council on their pugl;as*,ions concerning planriincg of the County of E17in. Letters to be written to !Tr. C. Altenberg, Planner, hn�l Mr. D. L. Storer Planning '_'echnichian •advising them that at the present time we are waiting until the Department of Municipal Affairs have an answer to the problems we have run up against, bn plarnning, and until then do riot think it advisable *o hire any ptofessional help on commutlity planning. #?14 Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by F. Kemp that. leave ..,e granted -to in introduce By-law 1/214 to estimate the expendi* res of the Villa7e on *,':e roads and streets under its jurisdiction during the ybar 1968 as follows: Maintenance 0500.00. . By-law read a first, second, and third time. I!ov'ed by H. Hoshal -in 1 sec. by R. Bradfield that By-law noir read a th , rd time lo p-tss, be engrossed by *he Clerk, and' sirnPrl and sealed by the 3eeve. Stuart IIcKibbin representative on the Tillsonhurg, District. High School was present to explain what he knew of the reorganizaticn of the School Jurisdictions in Ontario for. 19:9. 3. Moved by R. Bradfi,'ld and sec. by F. Kemp that, this Council request the F.U.C. to change two lights on Llizabeth Jt,reet,, change three on Addison Street, and add two lights on Addison. 4. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by F. Kemp that this Council pay 1.75 per hour fcr extra men that, are hired. Effective Feb. 5, 1966. 5. Roved by It. Bradfield and sec. by F. Kemp that this Council authorize the Clerk to reserve a double room for the Reeve to attend the Convention for the Ontario Ilayors and Reeves at Fort, Idilliam. Correspondance was read from the following: from Gray's Ambulance request.in? 1968 Grant on :ambulance service. from Emergency measures advisinP us that, the base radio installed in the office cannot, be used b;, a municipal department, for day to day use. from Mr. McNeil M.P. for :Agin enclosing photostati.ce copy of letter received from ilr. John Root of the O.;I.R.G. in regard to an a'reement with the firm of James F. MacLaren Limited for engineering services on our :dater works requirements. from Enerie DeFauw requesting employment. taxes in arrears sere reviewed, and it, was decided that, further_ steps would have to be taken with some of them. letter was read from Mr. Date, Dept. of Municipal Affairs Accounting and Rinance Advisor in regard to the Tax arrears in the Village. 6. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. b14.. Hoshal that this Council 14Peting be adjourned until the next regular zeeting sinless in case of emergency. Time 11 .30 p.m. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No. Name Services Amount Check 1. Vienna Bldg. Supplies Acct,. ]%7.53 3178 2. Norman Loucks mages Jan 8-12 81.20 3179 3. Helen Wolfe " 44.35 3180 4. Supert,est, Petroleum Bal of Jan.9 pay.' 7. 3181 5. Central Pipe Welfare Gas 1<.55 31'2 b. Ass. of Ontario Idayors Reeves Membership 10. 31$3 7. Ontario Good Roads •embership 15. 3184 8. Helen '461fe d -es Janl5-19 44.35 3185 9. P.U.C. Streets &- O.P.P 147.44 3186 10. Norman Loucks ':Imes Jan 15-17 111.25 3187 11. Ken Kirkpa*rick it Jan 16 11.79 3188 12. Ort,. Sutherland Jan 15-19 57.70 3189 1.3. R. Foote " Jan 15-19 57.05 3190 14. David Kirkpatrick_ Cleaning 3. 3191 15. Ort. Sutherland Mages 11.79 3192 16. •I:orman Loucks - mages Jan. 22-26 81.20 3103 17. Helen Wolfe TM Jan. 22-26 44.35 3194 18. Ort, Sutherland " 11.79 3195 19. Rec: General Tax. & Pension 68.58 3196 20. Rec. General Unemployment Ins. 18.88 3197 21. Mrs. Philip Vaughan 25. 3108 22. Norman Loucks aages Jan. 307Feb 2 81.20 3199 23. Helen Wolfe it 44.35 3200 24. Receiver General Stamps 15. 3201 25. Id. K. Chute 6. 3205 26. County of Elgin' Calcium 78. 3206 27. Morley Wolfe Jan. Gas Acct 41.82 3207 28. 5upertest Petroleum Office Oil Jan. Fc Feb. 50.62 3208 2.9. Municipal World 37.48 •;cct 37.48 3209 30. D4 C. Animal Control fov. Dec. & Jan 33. 3210 31. Helen Wolfe ' 10 pens 3.72 3211 32. F. Stephenson ,;elfare and wax 166.35 3212 33• Pt. Burwell Hardware 37.45 3213 34. Vienna Building Insulation 8.35 3214 35. Valley Camp Coal Co 31.04 3215 C1e k Reeve Special Meeting Third Meeting Tuesday Feb. 20, ln68 A special meetinf; was held in the Municipal Office at 1 p.m. Tuesday Feb. 20, 1968, with Reeve M. Blyth and Councillors H. Hoshal, F. Kemp, and R. Bradfield present,. Moved by F. Kemp and ser. by H. Hoshal that this Council send a letter of objection to Mr. Elmer tell Q.C. fres., and Mr. R. McNeil I.I.P. objecting to the proposed Reorganization of School Jurisdictions. Moved by F. Kemp and sec. by H. Hoshal that 2 more lights be installed in the Library building if necessary. Moved by F. Kemp and sec. by H. Hoshal that this meeting adjourn until the next, regular meeting, unless in the case of emergency. Time 1.25 p.m. Cler Reeve . First Meeting klonday Jan. 8, 1968 The first meeting of 1968 was held to the Villare office with Reeve II. Blyth, and Councillors R. Bradfield, H. Hoshal, F. Kemp, and A. Louc,:s. 1968 COL4•IITTEES set up as follows WORKS AND ROADS R. Brad^ield, H. Hoshal WsLFARE FIRE PARKS FINANCE C01-r-11MITY CENTRE H. Hoshal, A. Loucks F'. Kemp, R. Bradfield A. Loucks . Reeve an(i all members F. Kemp The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted as read. 1. IMoved by H. Hoshal and sec. by A. Loucks t' -:at this Council appoint Murray Roesch, Verne Hambly, Charles Blyth as I'ark Board Represent- atives fcr 1968. 2. ?Moved by F. Kemp and sec. by H. Hoshal that this council sppoi_ +,- V. V. Hambly, R. Jackson, S. IMcKibbin, L. Toth, M. Rolfe, F. Kemp as Councillor and Reeve M. Blyth for 1968 to the Commhnity Centre Board. 3. The January Accoiuits were presented, and it was moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that accounts 1-64 on Voucher 1*be paid •and the Reeve be authorized to sin the same . 4. Movel by F. Kemp and sec. by R. Bradfield to re-engage Iir. Norman Loucks as Village foreman at, the rate of pay of w2.25 per hour. Sul) ,ject to conditions of employment as per attached schedule., Tern of employment at discretto• of Council. Condi tions of Employment 40 •hours per ,,eek rePular pay. Pll<s 4 hours overti,7e strait -ht pay if needed. Next 4 hour: --pay and a half if needed. 1 week holiiay pay up to two years. 2 weeks holiday pay two _ears an,i over. 3 weeks holiday pay ten years and over. Sick leave tiro -thirds day permonth or 8 days per year. Carr,, over 50;; sick leave. Must }gape Doctor's certificate. 5. Loved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that, Villa -e Clerk I4rs.. Helen Jolfe, be rehired for 1968 at 'the rate of 50.OU Fifty Dollars per week. 213 I4oved by H. Hoshal and sec. by F. Kemp that leave he granteri to in introduce By-law 11 213 to--`•i,iereas *,,,e Council of the VillaEe of Port Burwell deems it necessary to borrow up to the sum of Fifteen Thousand ("15,000.)ro meet current expenditures unti.1 taxes are collected. By-law read a firs., second and third t1ie. IMoved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that By-law now read a third time do pass, •)e engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. 6. K ;- L- Jan. 8 (continued) 6. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that D.C. Animal Control be v engaged as Animal Control Officer for the Village of Port Burwell for the year 1968. Expiry date January 11, 1969. ?•love, by A. Loucks by H. and sec. Hoshal that this Council place order for six copies of Municipal '=:orld for the Village Council for 1968. 8. Iloved by F. Kemp and sec. by H. Hoshal that R. Bradfield and II. Writ -ht he appointed to Lake Erie Regional Development Coiuicil for 1968. 9. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfleld that this Council ray true su'l Of y15.00 for membership to the Orkt,aric Good Rcads Association for the ;year 1968. 10. ?Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that, this Council pay 110.00 for membership fee to the Ansociation of Ontario Ilayors & Reeves for the year 1968. 11. Moved by F. Kemp and sec. by H. Hoshal that this Council be adjourned tutt,il the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Ti -,e 11.20 p.m. ACCOU-TS PAYABLE No. Iiame Services Amount Check 1. Receiver General Reg. Court of Rev. Not. 18.00 3103 2. -Norman Loucks Wages Dec. 4-8 73.38 3104 3. Glen Tait " 69.44 3105 4. Helen Wolfe " 36.44 3106 5. Joe Thomas Rebate C. of Rev. 30.61 3107 6. Clarence Durling " if ' 6.26 3108 •7. Ronald Pulham " it 6.95 31C9 8. Lakeside Nursing Hone November Acct 490. 3110 9. Receiver General Reg. C. of Itev. 3. 3111 10. Charles Smyth Mages 12. 3112 11. M. ',lolfe Fire Chief & Tray. Exp 156.40 3125. 12. a. McKibbin Ass. Fire Chief 150. 3126 13. I1. Brooks Fireman 38.40 3127 14. H. Atkin it 15. 3128 15. 14. Todd It 17. 3129 16. F. Stephenson " 22. 313 C 17. T. Shelly 'T 32.60 3131 18. R. Bradfield " 28. 8132 19. K. Matt:hews 35. 3133 20. R. Eveland 30. 3134 21. J. Crocker 1. 8135 22. W. Epple 11. 3136 23. 11. Chnte 22. '137 24. V. Hambly 6. 3138 25. Central Pipe Gas 5.60 3139 26. County of Elgin Levy 16720.06 i 110 27. T. D. H. S. Levy 15034.87 311,1 28. Bayliam Township 3ch.00l Levy 492$.35 311.2 29. Rec. General :.;tamps 10. 311.3 30. P.U..C. 173.14 311.4 31. A. R. C. Industr'es Donation 50. 3145 3'. Norman Loucks ??apes Dec. 11-15 73.38 31L6 33. Glen Tait " 69.44 31/7 34. Helen liolfe " 36.44 311;$ 35. Central Pipe vilson Feel 1;.85 311.9 36. P.U.C. 1"ilson Hydro 5. 3150 ' 37. Pt. Burwell C.P.P. Taxes 126.02 3151 38. Verne Hambly Bldg./-Ln,,Spector 150. 3152 39 Norman Loucks Wagei Dea 18-22 73.38 X153 40. Glen Tait " 69.44 3154 41. Helen Wolfe " 36.44 3155 L- ACCOLUTS rAYABLE (continued) ' 42. C. P. R. 43. Norman Loucks 44. Glen Tait 45. Helen Wolfe 46. Mrs. P-. Vaughan 47. Rec. General 48. Rec. General 49.- Norman Loucks 50. Ghihn Tait 51. Helen WolTe 52. Lakeside Nursing Home 53. Supertest 54- 55. Taitts Meat Market 56. F. Stephenson 57. Peter Gloin 58. Morley Wolfe 59. Norman Todd & Sons 60. Jack Kaufmann 61. Pt. Burwell Hardware 62. Valley Camp Coal Co. 63. Arthur Brooks & Son 64. i . Vince C1 rk 0 Telegram Dec. 25-29 Wages rr n n tt j Lambrecht Rent Tax. & Pension Un emp. Ins. :iages Jan 2-5 n tt rr n December ,ielNre- Library Oil Office Oil Welfare Account Fines Dec. Account Nov. gas Dec. gas Dec. Account Fuel Hailing Calcium '.rages Jan. 8 (continued. 1.05 3156 73.38 3157 69.44 3158 36.44 3159 50. 3160 75.60 3161 24.80 3162 73--38 3163 69.44 3164 36.44 3165 518. 3166 15.60 3168 23.30 31.19 3169 150 . 31 70 18.20 3172 267.64 3172 32.15 3173 20.35 3174 259.72 3175 76.39 3176 15. 3177 9.55 3167 ... ...... ...... ........ Reeve