HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell Council Minutes 1967PORT BURWELL VILLAGE Council Minutes 1967 Twenty-second meeting. December 5•, 1967. The December meeting, of the Port. Buri,-ell Village Council •r4s held on,Tuesday December 5, 1967 in the Village Office. Reeve 1L. Blyth and all the Councillors were present. The minutes of the last, :meeting were read and adopted as read. 1 The accounts for December were real, and it was -loved by F. Kemp and sec. by H. Hoshal that accounts from 1-38 on Voucher 12 be paid and Reeve authorized to sign the same. Stuart McKibbin representative on ,the Tillsonburg District Higi: School wa s present and reported on the work done by the boadd in 1967. 2. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by 11. Hoshal that Mrs. Mary Blyth shall be appointed as the voting member of the Colxnty of :Agin Planning Board, and lir. Ronald Bradfield as alternate member for the Vil.la,e of Port Burwell for the year 1968. 3. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by F. Ken that this Council pay Fire Chief 0150. and Assistant Chief w150. Four Dollars for each fire call, '1.00 for each practice and y4.00 for each Mutual Aid 1•Ieetingg and mileage for driving to :meetings of Mutual Aid. 4. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that, this Coiuicil authorise the purchasing of Xmas turkeys for employees of the Village for 1967. 5. Pioved by R. Bradfield and sec. by F. Kemp that this Council make a grant of Fifty Dollars to the Tillsonb,;rg and District Association for the Ilt2ntally Retarded. 6. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that this Council adjourn until next regular meeting to be held on January 8, 1968, unless its case of emergency. Time 11 p.m. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No. Name a. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 . 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Services Amount check Mrs. Mary Blyth Cowicillor & Reeve Harold Hoshal Councillor Alvin Loucks " Ronald Bradfield rr F K " emp Pt. Burwell Reserve Fund P.U.C. Norman Loucks Glen Tait Helen Wolfe Norman Loucks Glen Tait Norman Loucks Glen Tait Douglas Leaman Helen Wolfe Helen Wolfe Aylmer & M alahide Tillsonburg Iiinor Hockey Vienna Lions Club re -fire truck Mages Nov.6-10 rr rr " Nov. 13-17 rr Nov. 20-24 rr Temporary Ass. Mages Nov. 13-17 " Nov. 2.0-24 Telephone Rec. General Pension & Tax Rec. General Unemp. Ins. Norman Loucks Mages Nov. 27 -Dec. 1 Glen Tait If Helen Wolfe " Charles Smyth " F. Stephenson delfare Acct. Tillsonburg News Court of Rev. notice 125. 3077 100. 3078 100. 3079 100. 3080 50. 3081 255.48 3082 140.15 3083 73.38 3084 69.44 30c5 36.44 3086 73.38 3087 69.44 3088 73.38 3089 69.44 3090 20. 3091 36.44 3092 36.44, 3013 65.84 3094 25. 3095 100. 3096 60.48 3097 19.8t� 3098. 73.38 3099 69.44 3100 36 44 3101 12. 1 3102 120, 31m3 6.16 3114 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (continued) 29. Vienna Building Supplies Acct. 74.90 3115 30. Pt. Burwell Hardware 73.34 3116 31. Supertest Petroleum 19.87 311 32. Hurley's Gas. Acct. 17.97 3111 33. Royal Cdn Legion Wreath 6.. 3119 34. Harold Hoshal Truant Officer 77, 3120 35. Hamilton Ward & Cathers Fire Pumper Ins. 58. 3121 36. Morley Wolfe Acct. 121.83 3122 37. Stuart McKibbin Exp. & Nov.'22 38.60 3123 38. Morley Wolfe " " 25.30 3124 C1 Qk Reeve • Friday Dec. 1, 1967. COURT OF HEVISICi7 1967 1967 Court of Revision was held in the 1-Tunicipal Office at 10 a.m. Friday Dec. 1, 1967. The followin�, members were sworn into office. • Chairman Mr. Philip Schleihauf, 1.1r. Konnerh Williamson, and Air. Noble Tufford. Assessor Mr. Murphy, and Mr. Russelo were alio in attendance. The following* list of ci anges were made in) the 1967 Assessment roll. '1-15 Canada Trust --Delete second roll # 1-15. - 1-117-1 Sbrocchi, lima --Appeal dismissed. ,,-1-126-1 Schmiot, Isaac --Delete Tenant from Roll ' 1-133 Bradfield, Ronald --Assessment confirmed as i's. Appeal dismissed. ✓ 1-163 Vanderheyden, Elsie --School support changed to Public. Re&ce Bldg. Assessment to . 2225. l 1-163-3 Vanderheyden, Elsie --Sustained. School support changed to public. 1-163-4 Copeland, Isaac & E --Sustained. Delete tenant from roll. 1-164 Vanderheyden, Elsie --Sustained. School Support changed to Public.. 1-181 Shipp, Rosetta --Sustained. Delete complete assessment. 1-204 Lupson, Cyril --Appeal withdrawn. 1 1-214 Stephenson, Frank: --Sustained. Reduce bld (store) ;o 0450. 1-214-1 Stephenson, Frank --Sustained. Reduce to ;.2152. (Ass. 6150) 1-214-2 Kaufmann, Judy --Sustained. Delete Bus. Ass. from roll. 11-217-1 Canadian Imp. Bank of Commerce--S.:stained Business tax "3225. 11-232 Degrande, Julius --Change ownership to Clarn.ice Durling, Pt. Buri -cell, Ont. 1-232-1 Degrande, Julius --Jus tained, RP''IOVP 3usi:iess tax fron roll. 1-275. Smyth, Charles-- Sustained. Land ;"150. Bldg 125C Total 1400. 1-277 Tilford, Ldward--Sustained.. iteduce Land 4150. Bldg ;725. 1-283 Smith, 'Thomas --Sustained. Change to Public ichool support also tenant to Murray Alward. 1-2$9 Simister, Evelyn --Sustained. 0%ner--Peter Saris, 16 Centre it. St. Thomas, Ont. 1-317 McCord., ',��. B.--Asses:inent confirrme:! as is. Appeal dismissed. 1-333 Hambly, Harold Verne --Assessment confirmed a s is. Appeal dismissed. ' — 1-337 McCord, ',.m. B. --Assessment confirmed as is. Appeal dismissed. 1-338 Elliott, E. Pearl --Assessment confirmed as is. Appeal dismissed. 1-343-1 Bennett, Rev. Wm. --Sustained, Delete tenant -ill-344 Cudney, Maud & Annie --Land V300. Bldg. $2225. Tota 1 X2525. 1-369 Foster, Lorne --Property properly described.. Appeal dismissed.* 1-372 Granger, Loyall--Appeal w"yawn. 1 1-388-1 S. Blondeel & D. Geysen--Sust ined--Business tax x,1095. COURT OF REVISION (continued) 1,067 1-394 Loucks, A --Sustained. Land 125. Bldg. $1200. Total '1325. 11-403 Imperialle Fuels --Sustained. Change to public school support. 1-407 Pulham, Ronald --Sustained. Land '"4375. Bldg 200. Total $575. J1-426 Imperialle Fuels Ltd.T-Sustained. Change to Public School Support. i 1-426-\1_ Irlperialle Fuels Ltd. --Sustained. Change to Public School Support. 1-474 Brown, Keith --Assessment confirmed as is. Appeal dismissed. it -517-15 Shiry, Arthur --Delete Bldg Assessment 11-517-30 Stark, George --Delete Bldg; Assessment 1-517-34 Deller, Queenie--Sustained. New tenant Doris Carter, 861 Lovett St. Lon don , On-,, 1-517-35 Villeneuve, Walter--Slis tained. Delete Bldg. Assessment. Supplementary Appeals - 3-533 Stubbs, Eula F. --Assess-vent confirmed as is . Appeal dismissed. Additional Errors on 1967 Assessment Roll. v 1-297 .Shipp, Samuel--Correctroll to Land x:175. Bldg $1875. Total $2050. 1-302 Williams, MarE-aret--Correct roll to Land ;;,275. Bldg 1050. Total x1325. d 1-380 Atkins, Robert --Correct roll to Land $200. Bldg. $2400. Total ,2600. 1-385 Barrick, Noble --Correct roll to Land $250. Bldg. X1200. Total ;?1450. J 1-393-1 Barrick, Noble --Add to roll Land 425. k -t v)&t" %1` J 1-393-2 Barrick, Noble --Add to roll Land r25. -' 1-395-01 Robbins, Charlton --Add to roll Land $50. 1-411-01 McConkey, Ila P. --Add to roll Land $200, Bldg. Y650. Total '850. 1-488 Hodgins, Fredrick--Brydon Guest & Donald Whatman also owners. 1-492 Kureth, Elwood --Add to roll Bldg. ;775. Total $950. J 517-2f Murrell J. W. --Delete Building value. 517-62 Holbrook, .'•lax --Add to roll Land 1'P25. Bldg. $275. Total 4300. IN'RITE-OFF on 1966 Tax moll 604 George Foote Town down in 1965 b07 Braiden Henry Burned July 1966 ;,20 J. Esselting Removed Aug. 1966 660 D. Zufelt Removed Aug. 1966 677 James Copeland Removed Jivie 1966 Write-off 10.49 (12)L--- 12)✓Write-off Write-off 21.33 (6) ✓ • Write-off 7.97 (4)-" Write-off 7.97 (4)� ". 13.65 (6) ' COURT OF REVISICK (continued) 1967. Write -OFF & REBATE on 1967 Tax Roll 9 142-1 James Tait No Business in 1967 Write -Off $227.51 157-B J.Thomas-Copeland Not usuaDle Mar -Sept. RebaLte 6 mth.on $775.--28,73- 157-B J. Thomas-Dadson Moved Sept. 15. 7 Rebate 3 mth.on $425.--7.88 375-03 J. Kaufman Closed Bus. June 1967 Write-off'9.39 390A-1 Julius DeGrande Sold Bus. June 1967 Reba to $6.26 to C. Durlingw 420 Ronald Pulham 1 cottage removed July 31 --Rebate 5 mO.on $225 ---6.95 584 Evelyn Abram-I.Travis Removed 1966 Write-off V^22.24 597 W. Young, I. Travis Removed Sept. 1966 Write-off $22.24 ✓ 611 R. Boniface, I. Travis Removed May 1967 Write-off $ 8.34 612 T. Moffatt --I. Travis Removed 1966 Write-off 14.82 656 N. McLeod, I. Travis Removed June 1967 Write-off 9.27 657 Village, I. Travis taken over 1966 Write-off 33.36 677 James Copeland -I. Travis Removed June 1966 'unite -off ,27.80 Moved by Mr. Williamson a nd sec. by Mr. Tufford that this Court of Revision , having considered all Appeals against the 1967 Assessment Roll for the Municipality of the Village of Fort Burwell properly before it, now certifies this Roll, as Revised and amended by the decisions of the Court, to be the Last Revised Assessment Roll of the Municipality, in accordance with Section 73 of the Assessment Act (R.S.O. 1960s Chapter 23). Moved by Mr. Williamson and sec. by Mr. Tufford that this Court of Revision .will stand adjourned on December 1, 1967 at 9.20 p.m. C erk Twentieth Meeting November 6, 1967. The November meeting of the Port Burn4ell Village Council was held on Monday November , 1967. Reeve 14 Blyth p l all the Councillor's were present. The minutes of the last meetings were read and adopted as read. 1. The accounts for November were read, and it was moved bv'A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that accounts from 1-52 on Voucuer 11 be paid*and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same. Mr. Alward of the Otter Valley Conservation Authority was present, and gave a report of their work in 1967, and -also of the recent trip he had ;with the Authority to the Western l;rov_inces. 2. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by F. Kemp that this council appoint Stuart IdcYibbin, the village representative for the Tillsonburg and District High School Board for the period of two years 1968, and 1969. 3. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Hoshal that Mr. Harry Alward be appointed representative of the Conservation Alithority for the y4r 1968.- 4. Moved by F. Kemp and sec. by H. Hoshal that a donation of 325.00 be sent to the m_nor Hockey Association of Tillsonburg, 5. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that this council send a c!ieck for 2100.00 to the Vienna and Port Burwell Lion's Club for medical care for the Vyse girl. 6. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that this Council reserve one double room for a representative of this council to atten-i th'e O.G.R.A. convention in February. Mrs. Letourneau and Mrs. H. Ferris also attended the meeting inq>>lring about' beach property whico they lease. They were referred to the' Park Board. Mrs. J. Foster of Hamilton .vas present to inquire about opening a business on the west side of the Village. This was laid over for the time being. An appreciation was read from Mrs. J. Sut'ierland for wreath sent. Letter' was also read from Miss Sampson asking that a "No Dumpink" be placed on the gest side df her property on Strachan Street. 7. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by F. Kemp that this council meeting be adjourned until our next regular meeting unless in the case of an emergency. Time 11.15 P.M. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ' No. Name Services Amount check 1. 11rs. K. Sutherland Jack's last half -Reeve 150. 3018 2. Lmerie DeFauw Holiday pay 17.40 3019 3. Void 3020 4. Lakeside Nursing Home 4 patients 3e t. 310. 3028 5. Norman Loucks ,.,ages Oct. 2-6 73.38 3029 6. Glen Tait 69.44 3030 7. Helen Wolfe 36.44 3031 8. Bill Vidler Mileage & sel. J�irists 8.80 3032 9. Mrs. Mary Blyth el� Jurists 3. 3033 10. Mr. s Helen Wolfe " ) " 3. 3034 11. Supertest Petroleum Barnett Welfare '20. 3035. 12. Receiver General Tax & Pension 79.48 3036 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (continued) 13. Receiver General Unemployment Ins 26.20 3037 14. Norman Loucks Wages Oct. 9-13 '73.38 3038 15. Glen Tait " 69.44 3039 16. Emerie DeFauw " 54.90 3040 �17. Helen Wolfe 36.44 3041 $. -Mrs. Myrtle .'ilson Rent 4.10 3042 19. P.U.C. Wilson Hydro 5. 3043 20. P.U.C. Hyddo 163.33 3044 21. Central Pipe Wilson Gas 2, 3045 22. Rec. General' Stamps 10. 3046 23. Norman Loucks, ;!ages Oct 16-20 73.38 3047 24. Glen Tait " 69.44 3048 25. Helen Wolfe " 36.44 3049 26. Void - 3050 27. Lloyd Vau,-han Chimney F: furnace bldg. 80.29 3051 28. Norman Loucks adages Oct. 23-27 73.38 3052 29. Glen `Fait " 69.44 3053 30. Helen Wolfe 36.44 3054 31. Receiver GenEaal Tax. & Peneion 68.21 3055 32. Receiver General Unemp. Ins. 23.28 3056 33. Lakeside Nursing Home 4 patients 518. 3057 34. Norman Loucks Oct. 31 -Nov. 3 73.38 3008 35. Glen Tait it 59:44 3059 36. Helen Wolfe if 36.44 3060 37. Pt. Burwell H=.rdware Sept. & Oct. 110.24 3061 38. Pt. Burwell` hardware Jelfare Account 7.35 3062 39. `).C.Aninal Control Oct. Acct. 1.50 3063 40. Morley 161olfe Ott. Acct. 46.59 3064 41. Municipal World Supplies 5.37 3065 42. Newman Flowers Wreath' 21. 3066 43. B. Parks Cleaning & repairing 9.50 3067 44. Supertest Library oil 21.25 306A 45. Vienna Bldg. 140.61 3069 4'>. Township of Bayham Grading & Scar if,ring J 73*.25 3070 47. Peter Gloin Fines 35.Ci0 3071 48. F. Stephenson Welfare Acct.' 105. 3072 49. East End Motors 51.93 3073 50. M. K. Chute 105:49 3074 51. Supertest Petroleum Office Oil 26.95 3075 52. Nary Blyth Tray. Exp. 12.40 3076 Jerk Reeve Twenty-first Meeting Special Ifeeting Nov. 9, 1.967. A special meeting was calledof the Port Burwell Village Council at 9.15 a.m. Thursday Nov. 9. Reeve M. Blyth and all the Councillors were present. E212 Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that leave he granted to introduce By-law no. 212 to make an amendment to By-law 114 and 134 to purchase Fire Pumper from the Department of Public +forks for the sum of Twenty; -Nine Hundred and Five Dollars as follows. Proceeds of bond's 2345.30, Interest from bonds 304.22, Village of Part Burwell 255.48 By-law'read a first; second and third time . Moved By R. Bradfield and sec. by F. Kemp that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by #. Brad ie that th?s specisl meeting be adjourned. Reeve ... J t �J 2, 3. 4. 5• 0 Seventeenth Meeting October 2, 1967. The meeting was opened with one minute silence in honour of Reeve John Sutherland who passed away September 28, 1967. Councillors R. Bradfield, Tars. M. Blyth, H. Hoshal and A. Loucks were present. In accordance with the :Municipal Act 150 (1) it was ^roved by H. Hoshal and sec. by A. Loucks that this Council appoint Mrs. Mary Blyth to be Reeve of the Village of Port Burwell for the remainder of the term (1967 and year of 1968) due to the death of Reeve John d. Sut:-ierland. The vacancy created in the Council was filled in accordance with the Municipal Act 149 (1) and Mir. Fred Kemp waq notified. Reeve tars. M. Blyth a nd Councillor Fred Kemp were sworn into office for the remainder of the term (the rest of 196 and 1968) by the Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted as read. The bills for October were read, and it was moved by H. Bradfield and sec. by A. -Loucks that accounts from 1-21 on Voucher 10 be apaid and the Reeve -be authorized to sign the same. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by F. Kemp that the clerk contact Mr. Mahlon Chute in regard to two new lights in the clerk's office. :Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by F. Kemp that this Council authorize the clerk to send Mrs. John Sutherland a check for $150. for Jack's pay for the remainder of the year. It was noted by the clerk -that the jurists for 1968 will be picked October 10 at 10 o'clock. Correspondance was read from the Lakeside Nursing Home to the effect that their rates would increase for the patients from.$5.00 to ;,7.00 per day. Also read from the Geography Department of the Glendale High School . asking permission to allow observation of the wave and ice action of the cliffs, and off shore deposition and aspects of gullying. Permission to be granted on condition teat they he fully responsible for any accidents. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that this council adjourn until next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No. Name 1. Township of Bayham 2. Mrs. M. Nilson 3. Norman Loucks 4. G. Tait 5. H. Wolfe 6. P.U.C. 7. Central Pipe 8; Harvey A. Gray 9. Norman Loucks 10. Glen Tait 11. Helen Wolfe 12, Norman Loucks 13. Glen Tait 14. Helen Wolfe 15. Mrs. Donna Kennedy 16. M. K. Chute 17. Max Underhill Time 9.30 p.m. Services Amount Check Debentures 1102.31 3004 Rent 10. 3005 Wages Sept 11-15 73.38 3006 " 69.44 3007 " 36.44 3008 Streets 132.04 3009 ,.ilson heat 1.90 3010 1967 Subsidy 167.25 3011 .cages Sept 18-22 73.38 3012 " 69.44 3013 r� 30.44 3014 Sept.25-29 73.38 3015 u9.44 3016 " 36.44 3017 Girl Guide Plague en g. 3.75 3011 18.2 8 30],A, Gravel do Hauling 97.50 3029 (continued) Accts Payable No. Name Services Amount Check 18. Stark Transport Pump freight 4.20 3024 19. Nond Industries fire pump 167.16 3025 Morley Wolfe Sept. Acct. 43.53 3026 21.- F. Stephenson " " 30. 3027 - Clerk �. Reeve Eighteenth ?fleeting Special Meeting Oct. 5, 1967. A meeting was held on Thursday Oct. 5, at 3.30 p.m. with Mr. L. Owers and Mr. Pietura of O.W.R.C. and the Village Council. The meeting was held in the Village office in Port Burwell and Reeve Mrs. Blyth and Councillors R. Bradfield, H. Hoshal, A. Loucks and F. Kemp were present. After a discussion regarding three different systems 1. Otter Creek 2. Lake Erie Pipe line with on route users. 3. Lake Erie Pipe line with only village as users. 1 it was moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by F. Kemp that this Council request OWRC to pursue the development of a writer cork system to serve the Village of Port Burwell in accordance with the general discussion held on October 5, and to present a firm proposal and supporting material as soon as possible. 2. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks t -,at this Council adjourn this special meeting. Time 5.30 P.M. Clem] Reeve Nineteenth Meeting Special 24e,ting Oct. 26, 1?67. A special rieeting was held at 1 p.n. with Firemen Morley ,Jolfe, and Stuart 14cKibbin. Reeve Blyth and Councillors H. }{oshal and F. Kemp were present. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by F. Kemp that this Council tender for fire truck from the Department of Public Works, Toronto u.p to the a sum of $2905.00 .�..LY. ..�"Illy ... .. ... �Cle k •Reeve Sixteenth Meeting Monday September 11 The September meeting of the Port Bur,:•ell Village Council was held in the Village Office with Councillor Alvin Loucks as Chairman on behalf of Reeve Sutherland who is ill. Councillors • M. Blyth, H. Hosioal and R. Bradfield were also present. The minutes of the last meeting were read, and it was moved by Id. Blyth that they be adopted as read. 1. The Accounts were read and it was moved by M. Blyth and sec. by If. Hoshal that accounts from 1-50 on Voucher 9 be paid and that the Reeve be authorized to sign the sane. Letter was read from OPP in regard to complaints of noise and swearing duri ig th � early :corning hours who congregate around C. Durling's Coke Machine. It was suggested that the Coke machine be moved inside. The Clerk to reply to Prov. Const. Arbour that since Mr. Durling was in the hospital, and the machine empty this will be looked into later. Mr. Harvey Gray of Gray's ambulance, Tillsonburg attended the meeting, and it was decided to pass the following By-law. # 211 Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by R. Bradfield that leave be r -ranted to introduce By-law 4 211 to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with Gray's ambulance, as per attached at-reement. B*-lavi read a first and second time, and third tLme. Moved by M. Blyth and sec. by H. Hoshal that By-law now read a third ti.,le do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and sign --d and sealed by the Reeve. 2 Moved by I.I. Blyth and sec. by R. Bradfield that this meeting adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in the case of emergency. Time 9.15 ""Her Reeve ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No. Name Services A -►o -int ';heck 1. Norman Loucks Wares Aur,. 7-11 '73.38 2939 2. Glen Tait " 69.44 2940 3. E^ierie DeFauw " 51..90 2941 4. Helen Wolfe " 30.44 2942 5. Fernlea Flowers J. .iutherland flowers 8.11 2943 6. Wm. Robbins Welfare Hydro 6.48 2952 2958 • 7. 8. Bayham Twp. School Area Twp. Bavham Tillsonburz, Levy School Debe:itures " " 3000. 2292-05 1083.67 2961 2962 9. Town of 10. Vienna rialahide Sep. School 1967 Levy 1123.94 2963 11. Dereham Township Retarded Levy 377.74 ,2964 12. Otter Creek Cons. Auth. 335• 158.67 9b5 2966 13. P.U.C. Hydro 10. 2967 14, 15. Myrtle Wilson P.U.C. Aug. rent Hydro '4eltare 5• 2958 16. 17. Central Pipe Gas Ralph Herries U.S.Exch 2• 3.13 2969 2974 18. Norman Loucks Wages 86.97 2971 19. Glen Tait ,) 69.44 2972 20. Helen Wolfe 36.44 2073 21. Emerie DeFauw � 54.90 2974 22, Last Post Fund H. Taggart 15. 2975 Accounts Payable (continued) 23. Aylmer & Malahide Telephone 66.31 2976 24. Norman Loucks Aur. 21-25 73.38 2977 25. Glen Tait 69.44 2974 26. Emerie DeFauw " 54.90 2979 27. Helen Wolfe 36.44 2980 28. Lakeside Nursing Home July Account 318.25 2981 29. Charles Smyth Wates 18. 2982 - 30. Rec. General 26.08 2983 31. Rec. General 84.96 2984 32. Norman Loucks Wares Aup-.28-1 73.38 2985 33 Glen Tait 79.44 2986 34. Eierie DeFauw 54.90 2987 35. Helen Wolfe 36.44 2988 36. Lakeside Nursing Home Aug,. Acct. 317.50 2989 37. Charles Smyth Wages _ 19.50 2990 38. Glen Tait 63.30 2991 3 9 Helen Wolfe 36.44 2992 40. Norman Loucks Ware, Sept. 4-8 73.38 2993 41. Frank Stephenson 'rlelfare Acct. 30. 2994 42. Vienna Bldg. Supplies 170.22 2995 43. Pt. Burwell Hardware 12.35 2996 44. J. Kaufmann 28.70 2997 45. Bruce McCartney Hauling Gravel 20.36 2998 46. Morley Wolfe, Acct. 46.19 2999 47. Tillsonburg Pipe 19.15 3000 48. Alvin Loucks Mileage 6.40 3001 49. Sterling Fuels Oil 267.47 3002 50. '.+fm. Epple F --'re Hall Floor 197.50 3003 Fourteenth Meeting Tuesday, August 8, 1967 The August meeting of the Port Burrell Villak-e Council was held in the Municipal Office on Tuesday August 8, 1967. The Councillors were all present. 1. Because of the illness of the Reeve John Sutherland, it was moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by It. Blyth that this council appoint Councillor Harold Hoshal as chairman for this regular Council Meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read, and it was moved by M. Blyth that they be adopted as read. 2. The bills were read, and it was moved by M. Blyth and sec. by A. Loucks that accounts 1--41 on Voucher 8 be paid, and that the Reeve be authorized to sign same. 3. Moved by M. Blyth and sec. by R. Bradfield that this Council give the Legion Branch 524 permission to block off a section of road from .iaterloo to 'Wellington streets on Victoria Street for a Centennial street dance September 2. fir. Frank Stephenson of the Public Utilities was present in regard to the lighting system for the new bridge. 4. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that this Council agree to give permission to the Port Burwell P.U.C. that they be in charge of taking care of the lighting system for the new bridge and that eight lights be installed. Mr. Moore, County Engineer, and Public Utilities to be notified of such. It was decided to bill the Otter Valle* Conservation Authority for our cost of oiling the park. Charge for cutting weeds be the same as last year --$7.00 a lot, and Q'10. for more than one lot. 5. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that this Council adjourn until next regular meeting unless in caee,of emergencv. Time 10.30 p.m. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No. Name Services Amount Check 1. Verne Hambly Bldg. Inspector 150.00 2899 2. Rec, General St -temps 10. 2900 3. Lakeside Nursing Home 4 patients 298.25 2915 4. William Robbins rent welfare 35. 2916 5. Norman Loucks WaPes July 10-14 73.38 2917 6. Glen Tait " 69.44 2918 7. Emerie de Fauw " 54.90 2919 8. Helen Wolfe " 36.44 2920 9. Mrs. M. Wilson Rent 10. 2921 10. P.U.C. Streets 132.04 2922 11. Central Pipe -.1elfare 2. 2923 12. Norman Loucks Wa;-es July 17-21 73.38 2924 13. Glen Tait 69.44 2925. 14. Em erie DeFauw " 54.90 2926 15. Helen Llolfe " 36.44 2927 16. Norman Loucks " July 24-28 73.38 2928 17. Glen Tait " 69.44 2929 18. Erierie DeFauw " 54.90 2930 19. Helen Wolfe 36.44 2931 20. Rec. General Un.Ins 26.08 2932 21. Rec.General Tax. & Pension 81.24 2933 22. Pt. Burwell Boy Scouts ___ 25. 2934 23. Norman Loucks Waiges) July 31 -Aug. 4, 73.38 2935 24, Glen Tait 69.44 2936 25. Enerie DeFauw ^ 54.90 2937 26.Helen Wolfe " 36.44 2938 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (continued) 27. F. Stephenson. July Welfare 49.63 2944 28. Morley Wolfe July Acct. 31.90 2945 29. Pt. Burwell Hardware July Acct. 36.21 2946 ` 30. Norman Todd July Acct. 43.40 2947 31. News Printing Weed Ad. 13.72 2948 \ 3 2. Westeel Rosco Signs 121.80 29$9 33 . Vienna Bldg. doors etc. 92.27 2950 34. Sterling Fuel 3397 gal oil 468.11 2951 35. Akron Mfg.. Co. Fire Adapter 32.85 295$ 36. Bennett Duplicating pap. 10.13 2954 37. Helen Wolfe, Staple remover 1.05 2954 3$. Hurley's Boat Acct. 22.75 2956 39. Deller Tile 6.30 2957 40. Hamilton Ward & Cathers Insurance 669.28 2958 41. C. Granger 4$.50 2959 C erk Reeve Fifteenth Meeting Special Meeti-ig Tuesday, AuF. 29, 1967 A. special meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held Tuesday August 29, with all the councillors present. 1. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. b;� H. Hoshal that thig Council give Councillor Alvin Loucks authority to act on behalf of Reevd J. W. Sutherland, until such time as he is able to resume his duties. z• Moved by M. Blyth, and sec. by H. Hoshal that this m4peting adjourn until our next regular meeti-ig September 11, tLnless in case of erlergency Tiie R. ].5 o.m. • . .: . ..... . . �-*.rk J;e, va 0 Twelfth Meeting Monday July 10, 1967. The July meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held in the Municipal Office on Monday July 10, 1967. The Reeve and all the Councillors were present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and it was moved by Mrs. M. Blyth that they be adopted as read. 1. The accounts were read, and it was moved by M. Blyth and sec. by A. Loucks that accounts 1--63 on Voucher 7 be paid, and the Reeve be authorized to sign same. 2. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by M. Blyth that this Council donate the sum of $25.00 to the Village Boy Scouts for cleaning up the beach. The Clerk to extend the thanks of the Council to Geerge McCord, the boy scouts, Optimist Club, Valley Camp Coal, and Imperialle Fuels for their help in cleaning up the be4ch. Mr. JohnDair was present. Mr: Dair would like a building permit to build a small building on his fathers lot. He was promised a permit when the fence around this lot is cleaned up. #210 Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that leave be granted to introduce By-law to estimate the expenditures of the Village on the roads and streets on a Supplementary to By-law ff 208 as follows: Maintenance $1000.00, Construction WO.- By-law read a first, second, and third time. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by M. Blyth that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. 3 Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that this council adjourn until next regular meeting unless in case of emergency another meeting be called: Time 10.20 p.m. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No. Name Services Amo nt Check 1 D. Kirkpatrick Cleaning 3.00 2831 2. Lakeside Nursing Home May patients 318.25 2848 3. N. Loucks 'Mages June 5-9 88.04 2853 4. G. Tait Holiday pay 69.44 2856 5. Helen dolfe Mages June 5-9 36.44 2855 6. Emerie DeFauw " 54.90 2856 7. Charles Smyth " 16.50 2857 8. Clare Hatt 2 trophies 44.12 2858 9. Rec. General Unemp. Ins 20.76 2859 10. P.U.C. 'Milson :Welfare 5. 2860 11. Norman Loucks Wages June 12-16 73.38 2861 12. P.U.C. Hydro 164.25 2862 13. Glen Tait Wages " 69.44 2863 14. Emerie DeFauw TM " 54.90 2864 15. Helen Wolfe " " 36.44 2865 ' 16. Central Pipe Wilson Gas 16.85 2866 17. Norman Loucks ;Wages June 19-23 73.38 2867 18. Glen Tait TM 69.44 2868 19. Em erie DeFauw " 54.90 2869 20. Mrs. H. Wolfe " 36.41` 2870 21. Village of Vienna Debenture 546.80 2871 22. Town of Tillsonburg, it 1405.71 2872 23. Mrs. W. Wilson Rent. 10. 2873 24. J. Sutherland Reeve 150. 2874 25. H. Hoshal Councillor 26. R. Bradfield 100. 2875 27. M. Blyth w 100. 2877 28. A. Loucks 100. 2878 29. Norman Loucks Wages June 26-30 73.38 2879 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (continued) No. Name Services o Amount Check 30. Glen Tait Wages'June 26-30 69.444 2880 31. Emerie DeFauw " 54.90 2881 32. Helen Wolfe 36.44 2882 33. Rec. General Tax & Pension 105.73 2883 34. Rec. General Unemp. Ins. 32.60 2884 35. Norm4n Loucks Wages 73.38 z885 36. Glen Tait " 69.44 2886 37. Emerie DeFauw " 54.90 2887 38. Helen Wolfe TM 36.44 2888 39. J. Sutherland 10.40 2889 40. Vienna Bldg. Cedar posts 17.10 2890 41. Crown Attorney Fees 76..00 2891 42. F. Stephenson Welfare Account 4�. 2892 43. Pt. Burwell Hardware Mower etc 76.84 2893 163.15 2894 44. Morley Wolfe Acct. 45. R. B. Park. water lines 23.94 2895 46. John Leckie Ltd., 25.51 2896 47. Annan Flag Co. Ltd. 37.71 2897 48. J. H. Kaufmann May acct. 16.30 2898 49. Sterling Fuels 334.44 2901 50. Elgin County Mutual Aid fees 5. 2902 51. F. Stephenson Acct. 1.61 2903 52. Dr. Leatherdale Medical Z. Shelly 4. 2904 53. Municipal World Ju '.,plies 2.94 2905 54. Crown Attorney P -lay 17.80 2906 55• Firemen Attending school in St. Thomas 56. Mahlon Chute 10.40 2907 57. Ross Eveland 14.40 29e8 58. Ron Bradfield 4. 2909 59. Bob Atkin 10.40 2910 60. Ken Matthews 10.40 2911 61. Hugh Brooks 8. 2912 62. Stuart McKibbin 8: 2913 63. Norman Todd 10.40 2914 C erk Reeve Thirteenth Meeting Special Mleeting Saturday July 15, 1967. A special meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held Saturday July 15, in the Municipal officer The Reeve and all the Councillors were present. This meeting was held at 7. p.m. 1. Moved by M. Blyth and sec. by H. Hoshal that the Village of Port Burwell give title to L.C.B.O. if they w sh to ere6t a retail outlet on Lot 1 15 Robinson Street, east side, on Plan � 12 for the sum of $1.00 plus legal fees. 2. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by M. Blyth that this special meeting • adjourn. Time 7.30 p.m. Clerk Reeve . Eleventh Meeting Monday J.jne 5, 1967. The June meeting of the Port Burwell Villare Council was held in the Municipal Office on Monday June 5, 1967. The Reeve anti all Councillors were present. The minutes of the inst meeting- were read an-' adorted as read. 1. The June accoun-,s were read, an� it was moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that accounts 1--54 on Voucher 6 be paid, and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same. Mr. S. Shipp and Mrs. H. Shipp were present in regard to out- standing arrears on their property on Memorial Park. It was _ agreed to wait until July 31, before any further steps are taken. The clerk was asked to notify Mr. E. Uair that complaints have been received on the condition of the fence he has around his property, and that the scrap hanging on this fence be removed. 2. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. b A. Loucks that this Council aughorize the Dept. of Public Woks to put dredging fill in front of town property if it is backfilling behind a wall to prevent erosion. 3. Moved by M. Blyth and sec. by 11. Hoshal that this meeting adjourn until our next regular meeting, unless in the case of an emergency a special meeting shall be called. Time 11.12 p.m. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No. Name Services Amount Check 1. Mrs. N. Bratty Barrett rent 35.00 2772 2. Lakeside N. Home 253.25 2773 3. Vienna Bldg. Supplies 844.66 2799 4. Rec. General Stamps 20. 2800 5. Centennial Display B..nner 32.74 2801 6. Norman Loucks '+Japes May 1-5 73.38 2802 7. Glen Tait 69.44 2803 8. Helen Wolfe " 36.44 2804 9. Joe Thomas Dadson rent 13. 2805 10. Dept. of Social etc. G. Stevens 152. 2806 11. Norman Loucks Wages May 8-12 73.38 2807 12. Glen Tait " 69.44 2808 13 Mrs. H. Wolfe, " 36.44 2809 L.4. Mrs. M. Wilson Welfare rent 10. 2810 15. P.U.C. 144.82 2811 16. Norman Loucks Wages May 15-19 73.38 2812 17. Glen Tait " 69.44 2813 18. Helen Wolfe " 36.44 2814 19. Thomas Friend Welfare 25. 2815 20. Central Pipe 19.85 2816 21. Aylmer & Malahide Telephone 75.88 2817 22. Norman Loucks Wages May 22-26 73.38 2818 23. Glen Tait " 69.44 2819 24. • Helen Wolfe " 36.44 2820 25. Stark Truck Express on chairs 13.15 2821 26. Emerie DeFauw Wages May 25-27 29.21 2822 27. L.E.R..E.C. registermeeting June 7 8. 2823 28. Rec. General Stamps 10. 2824 29. Emerie DeFauw Wa,es May 29 -June 2 54.90 2825 30. Rec. General Tax & Pension 61.14 2826 31. Norman Loucks Wages May 29 -June 3 73.38 2827 32. Glen Tait 69.44 2828 33 Helen Wolfe " " 36.44 2829 34. Jim Wolfe Cutting lawn 3. 2830 35• Morley Wolfe May Accougt 40.93 2831 36. F. Stephenson Welfare Account 100. 2832 37. Winspeare Higgins Accounting 511.20 2833 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (continued) No. Name Services Amount Check 38. Hurley's Boat Building Account 7.50 2835 39. Tillsonburg Comm. Tax notices & env. 94.79 2836 40. J. H. Kaufmann Apr. acct. 26.99 2837 41. Westeel-Rosco Ltd 31.29 2838 42. Supertest Library & Office oil 61.60 2839 4�. Bennett Stationery Type. ribbon 1.59 2840 44. Bruce McCartney stone 509.52 2841 45. Peter Gloin Acct 24.20 2842 46. Pt. Burwell Hardware 70.16 2843 47. Dave Collis March & April acct. 10. 2844 48. News Printing Financial stat. 57.60 2845 49. Dellers Tile 15.23 2846 50. Annin Flag Co 108.43 2847 �1. Heftz Institutional Furn. 50 chairs -232.05 2849 52. Vienna Bldg. 4.41 2850 53• Jack Sutherland Expenses London 18.40 2851 54. Jack Sutherland Expenses St. Thomas 12.40 2852 0 )!J�. 4� perk CJ ► Tenth Meeting Monday May 1, 1067 a�:es Apr. 3-7 The Port- Burwell Villa;e Council held their stay meeting in ' the Village Office at 7.30 p.m. `?; 1. All members of the Glen Tait Council were present. 69.44 The minutes of the last meetings ,;ere read, and it was moved 3. by M. Blyth an,? Zec. by R. Bradfield that they be adopted as . " read. 1. The ;•lay accounts viere read,and it was novel b_- A. Loucks and Helen Wolfe sec. by R. Bradfield that accounts 1-51 on Voucher 5 be paid, a nd 36.44 the Reeve be aut'.orized to sj n the same. 5. It .pas decided that a suitable CP i*.;9nnial Ad. for the Village of " Fort Burrell be draftee up, and inserted in the St._Thomas Times _ journal., ' Charles Smyth Correspondanoe was read,from ;ray's Ambulance asking for a subsidy 12. from the Village of Port Burrell. 7. Also from Mr. Robert Farlow Term Solicitor in re?ard to lot 14'L 15 Fuel March on the South Side of Pitt Street comprising the old Catholic Church 2753 property, of which lot 14 is conveyed to Emerie DeFauw, an,] lot 15 Mrs. :I.. Milson to Norman Loucks. 10. Mr. Farlow to be notified that as Villal-e Solicitor any decisions 9. as to the ruling on this transaction be left up to him. 2. Moved by A. Lcucks ane sec. by H. Bradfield that the Village Clerk 2755 be a,.ithorized to inform the Department of Hi:•hw?ys Mr. 'i �. Dernier G1Pn Tait District Engineer that the Connecting Link in this Municipelity be 69.44 painted -as usual.. 3. Moved by 11. Blyth and sec. by H . Hoshal that for -the year 1967, " July 1 be considered a national holiday under Bylaw X1112 dated Dec. 2757 5, 1960 regulating the use of fireworks. Helen .4olfe� The Clerk was also asked to notify Mr. Durling of By-law ;'112• 36.44 reV,ulating the use and sale of fireworks. ' 4. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec, by A. Loucks that Council authorizes Foote ' lfare Rent the closing of necessary streets for the carrying- out of the Boy 275 Scout and Girl Guide parade on Sunday June 4, 1967. :subject to the -approval of the Reeve of the Village. 5. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by M. Blyth that this Council allow the Centennial Committee to have 000. to use for Centennial purposes. 6. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by 1. Loucks that this council adjourn ur"til the next regular session, unless in the case of emer-ency a special meeting be called. Time 11 p.m. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE No. Name Services Amount Check 1. Norman Loucks a�:es Apr. 3-7 92.69 2747 . 2. Glen Tait 69.44 2748 3. Lloyd Vaughan " 72.41 2749 4. Helen Wolfe " 36.44 2750 5. Vienna Bldg. N ew Building P7q.46 2751 6. Charles Smyth t'dages 12. 2752 7. Bonnie Foote Fuel March 22, 2753 8. Mrs. :I.. Milson Rent 10. 2754 9. Norman Loucks Mages April 10-14 73.38 2755 10. G1Pn Tait " 69.44 2756 11. Lloyd Vaughan " 48.22 2757 12. Helen .4olfe� 36.44 2758 13. Bayne Nickerson Foote ' lfare Rent 30. 275 . ACCOU?ITS PAYABLE (continued) I Name Services Amount CYeck 14. Public Utilities Welfare :I,,dro 38.48 2760 15. PUblic Utilities 181.55 2761 1(z, Joe Thomas Dadson Rent 13. 2762 17. Central Pipe Wilson Gas 33.35 2763 ],8 Norman Loucks April 17-.'.1 73.38 2764 1 Glen Tait Wages " 57.01 2, 20. Helen ;O'olfe " " 36.44 2766 21. Norman Loucks " Apr. 24-28 73.38 , 2757 22. Glen Tait " 69.44 2768 23. Helen Wolfe., 36044 2769 24. Rec. Genaral Unemp. Ins 22.84 2770 25. Rec. General Ta:: & Pension 75.31 2771 26. florley holfe March & apr. acct. 18.44 2774 "27. Morley Wolfe Cobourg April 11" 52.30 •2773 28. 1%ry Kyth April 17 meeting F 2774 29. Jack Sutherland April 5 a 17 20. 2777 30. Ncrrian To,id March Acct. 35.55 2776 31. Bruce McCartney Ltone 47.87 2779 3z. D. L. Cowan Backhoe di,�; ing 38. 2780 33. Sterling Fuels Welfare Fuel Foote 22. 2781 34. Central Pipe Welfare gas .50 2782 35. Supertest Dadson !•lelfare Fuel lg. 2783 36, A. Loucks Huth Pace bolts 1.90 278$ 37. 1-hriicipa1 World Dog License books 1.58 2.785 38. Valley Canp Ccal 7.53 2786 39. Harold Ho^hal Cobourg tray. exp 17. 2787 40. F. Stephenson. Welfare Acc t. 140.52 2788 41. F. Stephenson Fireman 4. 2789 42 M. Wolfe " 10.40 2790 43 T. Shelly 4. 2791 44 S. McKibbin " 16.80 2792 45. N. Todd " 10.40 2793 46. rI. 9rooks " 4. 2794 47. V. Hambly " 10.40 2795 48. K. ?-I--tthews 4. 2796 50,E B. Epple 10.40 2797 51. R. Bradfield " 4.• 2798 Ci Ark Reeve 0 1. 2. a Seventh Meeting Thursday April 6, 1967. A sFecial meeting at 7.30 p.m. April 6 was called with Fire Chief Morley dolfe, and Asst. Chief Stuart McKibbin in regard to a used Fire Pumper at Cobourg. reeve J. Sutherland and all Councillors were present, it was decided teat M rley Wolfe and Harold Hoshal go to Cobourg and see if the Pumper as the type the Village needed. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by M. Blyth that the Village of Port Bur.r'll• adopt daylight saving; ti -ie to conform with the local municipalities., tloved by ?T. Blyth and sec. by H. Hoshal that thi special meeting be adjourned_ Eighth Meeting Time X3.10 P.m. j � . Reeve Iruesday April 18, 1967. Due to other commitments the special meeting to set the budret had to :,e called April 1$, instead of April 17 as planned. The meeting was At 7.30 p.m. in the Village Office. Reeve J. Sutherland and all Councillors were preeent. Also Mr. Clark Village Auditor from 'dinspear, Higgins, Stevenson and Doane. Mr. Hoshal reported that t`ie Fire Pumper at Cobourg was :iot the type the Village needed. The 1966 budget and financial statement were reviewed, and with Mr. Clark's help a 1967 budget was drawn up. This t;•-:dget was taken by 11r. Clark to set up a mill rate, sub.4sct to the approval of the Council. 1. Moved b;; M. Blyth and sec. by H. Hoshal that thi:- special meeting ani journ. Time 11.05 p.m. Cler Reeve Ninth i•leetine Tips y April 24, 1967 T::^.e Fcrt Buy -tell Village Council heli a special reetina in the Municipal Office at 9.30 a.m. April 24, 1967 with the Reeve and all Councillors present. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that leave be Franted to introduce By-law W -209 tc levy the rates and taxes for the year 1967, anJ to provide for ;!-e collection t'7ereof with a mill rate as follc:•rs: Public Residential 74.13 --Public Commercial 83.19 -- Separate Residential 7X.83 --Separate Commercial 82.05. The first instalment be due July 20, and the second on Nov. 20, 1967. Tax #209 penalties to be on f4_rst instalment July 21 Aug. 1 2c., Sep,-., 1 3% Oct. 1 ",, Nov. 1 5%, Nov. 20 6%, and on the second instalment paid on or after ^1ov. 21 1%.--Disco.nts cn second instalment to be July 2C 2j%, -.,-g 20 2%0 Sept. 20 11%, Oct. 20 1%. 2/3 of 1% charged per month on all arrears. By-law read a first, second, and third tine. ldoved by H. 1?cshal ;nd sec. by A. Louckrthat By-law n -i read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, a nd signed and sealed by the Reeve +. continued 1 Moved b;r H. Hoshal and by I.T..Blyth that phis special meeting adjourn. ` Time 10. a.,n. /Clerk Reeve Sixth Meeting Monday April 3, 1967 The Port Burwell Village Council heli their monthly meeting- in the Village Office at 7.30 p.m. 24onday u%nril 3 with reeve J. utherland and all Councillors present. The ninutes of the last meeting* were read and adopted as read. �. Correspondance was read from -- Mrs. H*. Culbert asking that a large maple tree be removed on her property. Retail Sales Tax --notifying t.e Village that they may purchase calcium chloride and similar products used in construction and maintenance of a public road exempt from Retail Sales Tax. 1 Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by M. Blyth tihat firemen taking fire - r training in St. Thcmas be paid .10¢ per mile travelling expenses plus $4.00 same as a fire call. 2 Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by P. Bradfield that accounts 1--44 on Voucher 4 be paid and the Reeve be autherized to sign the same. R. Bradfield and H. Hrnhal .sere appointed to set up a Centennial Committee. 3 Moved by M. Blyth and sec. by H. Hoshal that this nisetinQ be adjourned until the budget :leetin, April 17, unless in ;he case of an emergency a special meeting be called. Time 10.30 p.m. ACCOUNTS i'AYABLE No. Name Servicer Amount Check 1. Rec. General Stamps 10.00 2685 2. Ont. Dept. Transport 2 licenses 4. ti703 3. :Dorman Loucks gages 73.38 2704 4. Glen Tait it 69.44 2705 5. Lloyd Vaur;han If 83.99 2706 6. Bob. Foote IT 53.73 2707 7. Douglas Hughes it 11.79 2708 8. Helen :•lolfe If 36.44 27CI 9. Central Pipe Wilson Welfare 3C.35 2710 10. ?.rs, 11. 1dilson .'relfare rent 10. 2711 11. N. Loucks 'dames 73.38 2712 12. G. Tait It 77.62 2713 13. L. Vaugha n " 77.05 2 714 14. B. Foote " 72.50 2715 15. H . Wolfe 35.44 2716 16. P.U.C. 155.08 2717 17. Norman Loucks It 73.38 2718 18. G len Tait " 69.44 2719 19. Helen Wolfe 36.44 2720 20. Bob. Foote 13.76 2721 21. Norman Loucks " 73.38 2722 22. Glen Tait 69.44 2723 23. Helen #Joffe 36.44 2724 24. George Foote " 23.40 2725 25.Charles Smyth " 12 2726 26. 0. Sutherland 23.40 2727 27. D. Shelly It 52.82 2728 28. L. Vaughan " 83.99 2729 29. Id. Nickerson F, -tete .:Alfare Rent 30. 2730 30. Rec. General Un. Ins.. 38.84 2731 31. Rec. General Pen0ion & Tax 126.97 2732 32. Lakeside Nursing Home 5 patients 369.15 2733 33. Ron Bradfield Counc. exp. 28.25 2734 34. J. Sutherland '* 28.20 2735 35. 1lary Blyth 23.93 37 36. Hamilton Ward & Cathers Ins. 272. 37. Municipal Jorld Supplies 15.57 2738 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (continued) No Name Services A-iount Check 38. Supertest Office Fuel 21.55 2739 39. Pt. Burrell Hardware Supplies 88.67 2740 40. Hurley's Account 8.68 2741 X41. Central Pire Dadson Welfare 3.50 2742 '. Rec. General Box Rent 30 2743 43. Valley Camp 11.29 2744 44. F. Stephenson Welfare Account 155. 2745 • • • . • ri • • • • �I• • • L Reeve CleMc / I 0vler Fifth Meeting Monday March 6, 1967. The monthly meeting_ of the Port Burwell Villare Council was held on "onday March 6, 1967 at 7.30 p.rl" with Reeve John Sutherland, and all councillors present. ---. The minutes of the last meeting were read, and i;, was moved by 1 R. Bradfield that they he adopted as read. Correspondance was read as follows: Regional Council --change of -meeting date to Kirch 2b at St.Thomas. P.U.C:--Mr. Chute would be available for tree cutting March 6 Otter Creek Conservation Authority--a�preci4tion expeessed for ' assistance in maintenance of the Authority property in 1966. Crown Assets --they will let us know when there are available fire pumpers for sale. Elfin County Library--Insi.rance on library contents X2700. 1. The accounts on Voucher 3 were read and it was moved by N. Blyth and sec. by H. Horhal that Voucher 3 Accovnts 1--46 be paid. 2. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that six new street lights to put up and placed at the discretion of ;.he F.U.C. 3. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradf=eld that, this Council adiourn until next regular meeting April 3, 1967 t•nless in rise of emergency. Tine 10.30 ACCOUNTS i,AYABLE No. Name ;;ervices Amount Check 1. Barbara Croxford Gestetner •50.00 2656 2. Carswell Co. '.Iun-cipal Handbook 4.75 2657 3. Norman Loucks Wages Feb. 6-10 73.;8 2658 4. Glen Tait " 59.44 2559 5. Helen Wolfe " 3:..44 2660 6. Tai;;Is Meat i':rket .{Das Turkeys 32.34 2661 7. P.U.C. Hydro 169.40 2662 8. Mrs. Illyrtle Wilson rent --welfare 10. 2663 9. P.U.C. Wilson Hydro 5. 2664 10. Central Pipe Wilson Fuel 25.85 2665 11. P.U.C. Dadson Hydro 12.53 2666 12. Norman Loucks a, -,es Feb. 13-17 73.38 2667 13..Glen Tait '* IT 69.44 2668 ` 14. Helen dolfe "'it36.44 2669 15. John Sutherland re expenses 80. 2670 16. Norman Loucks ;;ares Feb.. 20-24 73.38 2571 17. Glen Tait " " 59.44 2572 18. Robert Foote "IT40,e5 2673 19. Helen Wolfe '' IT 36.44 2674 20. Aylmer &. Malahide Telephone 72.19 2675 21. Receiver General Un$mploynent Ins 21.04 2676 22. Receiver General Tax & Pension 61.58 2677 23. Joe Thomas Dadson Rent 13. 2678 24. 25. Norman Loucks G len Tait 'Jares FQb.27-1.13 " 73.38 6, 44 2679 2680 26. Lakeside Nursing Ho^e 5 patients 360. 2681 27. L. V-tughan Wages March 2 & 3 45.73 2682 28. Helen 17" 36.44 2683 29. .;c)_fe Lakeside Nursing Hone Bal. Idrs. Townsend 85. 2684 30. Supertest Petroleum Dadson "lelfare 18. 2586 3 1.Vienna Bldg. Suprlies 'dew B 463.01 2687 32. Hugh Brooks Hauling 14. 2688 33, Bruce McCartney Stone 468.12 2689 34. Morley Wolfe Feb. Acct. 10.45 2690 0vler ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (continued) • t No. Name Servicis Amount Check 35 Bennett Stationery Supplies 5.,65 2691 ' 36 Hurley's Boat Building Feb. Acct, 41.78 2692 37 Workmen's Compensation 130.75 2693 38 Supertest Petroleum Office & Library 52.58 2694 39 Murrey Scanlan Garbage Dump 150. 2695 40 Roman_ Products- Centennial Ping 59.11 .• , 2696 ` 41 F. Stephenson Welfare Accts 1000. 2697 42 East End Motors Blade & Bolts 30.88 2698 43 D. C. Animal Control Jan. & Feb trips 30. 2699 44 Valley Camp Coal Co Fuel 29.80 2700 45 M. Blyth :expense Feb 3.4 6. 2701 46 J. Sutherland Feb. 14 12.I�,0 2702 Clerk �RPeve COURT 'OF REXISIuN Feb. 6, 1967. Reeve John Sutherland, and Coi:ncillors Mrs. 14. Blyth, n. Bradfield, 7 H. Hoshal and A. Loucks took their oath as members of the Court of Revision. 1 I� was moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that this Council agree to .-Trite off 1966 taxes on roll numbers 286-5, 237-2, 357-1, 596, and 608 in the Corporation of the Village of Port Bur.vell. explained as follows: 236-5 Horvath Bus. Tax --no business in 1966-- 11.79 Int 41 Tot. 12.20 .287-2 n n n n n p 1966-- 113.93 Int3.99 Tot 117.92 357-1 " " " TM " " 1966-- 11.79 Int. 41 12.20 596 Procunier---Cottage moved June 1966 -- 11.82 12 11.94 • 608 Dunlop --Cottage moved June 1966 -- 9.29 .09 9.38 _ r 2- Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by 11. Blyth that council now adjourn ' Court of Revision and to into regular session Time 8.10 p.m. Fourth Meeting Monday Feb. 6, 1967. The February meeting of the Port B,angell Village Council was.held On Monday Feb. 6, 1967 after the Go -art of Revision. Reeve J. Sutherland ._ and all the Councillors were present. The minutes of the la::t meetings were read, and it was moved by Mrs. Blyth that they be adcpted as read. Correspondance was read from Ontario Nayors and Reeves re conference at Niagara Falls May 14, 15, 16, and 17. Ontario Good Roads --Convention Feb. 20, 111, and 22, and Councillors Seminar Feb. 20. Regicnal Economic Council --meeting Feb. 22, London, Ont. Emergency 2ieasures--Meetings St. Thomas, Jan, 26, Feb.2, Feb.Q, Feb.16, and. Feb..23. St.John Ambulance --asking for grant. StThomas-Elgin Centennial Committee--i.nformin^ counci•1 that Centennial Signs muc,, not be erected on the right-of-way of Provincial Highways. Mr. ;arlow--advising; us that the Government haE- made preliminary study of of the Shore protection problem in connection with the National Research. Council. Ontario School Trustees & i•S.anicipal Councillors Ass --Convention Mar.27,28 and I -larch 29 at Toronto. 1 I4oved by b. Loucks and sec. by H. Hoshal that accounts from*1-39 on Voucher No. 2 be paid and ,he Reeve be autherized to sign the name. 2 P4oved by 11. Blyth and sec. by a. Hoshal that firs. Robert k1lan be appointed to the Library Board for three years to expire Feb. 19, 1970. #208 Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that leave be granted to introduce By-law to estimate the expinditures of the Village on the roads and streets under its jurisdiction during; the year 1967 as follows: Ialainter.anc3 17500. _ By -lair read a first, second, and third time. Moved by 1. Blyth and sec. by H. Hoshal that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by thq Clerk, and signed and sealed by,the Reeve. 3 Moved by M. Blyth and :pec. by R. Bradfield that we order 1000 of the Ontario Centennial }yin in assorted colours. 4 Moved by M. Blyth and sec. by A. Loucks that John W. Sutherland and Mr. Newell Wright be appointed representatives to the Lake E--l.-- •-'.eRegional RegionalDevelop-len.- � � r c it for 5 Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that this co,xncil purchase a Gestetner machine for the sum of Fifty ($0.00) Dollars. Fourth meeting (con�inued. Council asked that ass stance be requested from the P.U.C. in re- moving degd or dying trees in the village. Also it was noted that there was a dead tree in front of Mrs. Russell Louckst property f:hich should,be removed. ?loved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that this Cuuncil meeting be adjourned until the next regular meeting which will �• be March 6, 1967, unless in case of emergency. Tl ie 10. p.m. ACCOU::TS PAYABLE No. Name, Services Amount Clieck 1. Ontario Good Roads Membership fee 15.00 2618 2. Ass. Mayors & Reeves " " 10.00 2619 3. Norman Loucks ,Mages Jan. ')-13 73.38 2620 4. Glen Tait " `9.44 2521 5. Hely: Wolfe " 35.44 2622 6. Mrs. Myrtle Wilson Rent Welfare 10. 2623 7. Central Pipe Wilson gas 1$.35 2624 8. Kcrman Loucks Wagas Jan 16-20 73.38 2625 9. Glen Tait 69.44 2626 10. Helen Wolfe 36.44 25?7 l?. P.0 C. O.P.P. & streets 163.17 2628 12. Nortan Loucks dares Jan. 23727 13.38 2629 13. Glen Tait 69.44 2630 14. Helen Wolfe " 36.44 2631 15. Rec. Gen. Unemply. Ins 19.56 2632 16. Rec. Jin. Pension & Tax 57..98 2633 17. Joe Thomas Rent DAdson 13, 2634 18. Norman Loucks Wares Jan 30 -Feb -3 73.38 2635 19. Glen Tait " 69'44 2636 20. Helen Wolfe 36.44 2537 21. Lakeside Nursing Home 4 patients 365. 2638 22. Frank Stephenson Welfare 90. 2639 23. John Sutherland Tray. Exp & fees .22. 2640 24. Mary Blyth Council fees 6. 2641 25. Central Pipe Jan. '.Welfare 3:50 2642 26. Central Pipe Feb. " 3.50 2642 27. Morley Wolfe Jan. acct. 36.69 2643 28. Hugh Brooks Hauling 36.50 2644 29. Supertest Petroleum Feb. welfare 18. 2645 30. Vienna Bldg. Supplies Cement 7.61 2646 31. Pt. Burwell Hardware 136.53 2647 32. Valley Camp Coal Co Flip]. 3220 2648 33. County of Elgin Calcium 104. 2649 34. County of Elgin Assessing 1966 1173.53 2650 35. 3upertest Petroleum Office & Library 59.64 2651 36. Tait's Meat Market Void 2652 37. Bruce McCartney stone 144.53 2653 38. Municipal World supplies 6.32 2654 39. Helen Wolfe supplies Bennetts 6.80 2655 Clerk Reeve -6 U] Third Meeting Special Meetinp Tuesday Jan. 31, 1967 A special meeting; was held on Tuesday 7.30 p.m. Jan. 31, 1967. Reeve J. Sutherland and all Councillors were present. Mr. A1tenberg Planning Director of Elgin County was also present. #206 Idoved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that leave be granted to introduce By-law to rescind By-law # 142 and appoint Mr. 'Borley .1olfe \ as Fire Chief of the Port Bumiell Volunteer Fire Department. By-law read a first and second time. By-law read a third time. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by H. Hcshal that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. #1 Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by M. Blyth thAt council proceed with t:ie garage addition to the firehall under the Minter Works prorram, made of cement blocks. #207 I -loved by H. Hoshal and sec. by A. Loucks that leave be granted to introduce Tay -law #207 to regulate the use of land and the erection and use of buildings and structures, WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burrell has agreed upon the necessity of an Official Plan and a general zoning, By-law for the Village. By-law read a first and second time. By-law read a third time. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by P. "Iradfield that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by M. Blyth that this Council adjourn until next regular meeting unless in case of emergency a special meeting be called Time 11.35 p.m. i C rk / I__ Reeve • 1� u Continued ACCOUTITS PAYABLE Monday Jan. 9, 1967. 65. Pt. Bur:rall Hardware Dec. Acct. 11.63 2615 66. Mimicipal World 6 copies 30. 2616 67. 7lebster Supplies su:)plies 2.73 2617 Jerk Reeve SQcond Meeting Special Meeting Jan. 12, 1967. A special meeting was hel-i on Thursday 7.30 p.m. Jan. 12, 1967. Reeve J. Sutherland and all Councillors were present. Villa?e employees Norman Loucks and Glen Tait were also present. 1. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield to re-engage Mr. N. Loucks as Village foreman at the rate of pay of 22.00 per hour. To re-engage Mr. Glen Tait at a rate of pay of 41.35 per hour. Both subject to conditions of employment as per attached schedula. Tern of employment at discre.ion of Council. CONDITIQTS OF rITLO)F',F.NT 40 hours per week regular pay. Plus 4 hours overtime straight pay if needed. Next 4 hours pay and a half if needed. 1 week holiday pay up to two years. 2 weeks holiday pay two years and over. 3 weeks holiday pay ten years and over. Sick leave two-thirds day permonth, or $ days per year. Carry over 50% sick leave. Must hage Doctor's certificate. 2. Moved by M. Blyth and sec. by H. Hoshal .hat Mrs. Helen `niolfe's salary is at the rate of 440.00 per week. 3. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by M. Blyth that rate of pay for any members of council on official business be as follows: Half day or night meetings be 06.00 plus expens-s. All day meeting $15.00, plus expenses. Driver .10¢ per mile. 4. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by M. Blyth that this Council appoint Norley Wolfe to position of Fire Chief for the Village of Port Burwell. 5. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that D. C. Animal Control be engaged as animal control officer for the Village of Port Burwell for the year 1967, expiry date Jan. 12, 1968. 6. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by M. Blyth that this meeting adjourn until next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Time 11 p.m. i 8eev 9. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that M. Hoesch, V. Hambly, and C. Blyth be apnointed to the Memorial Park Board for the year 1967. #204 Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by Mrs. Blyth that leave'be granted to introduce By-law # 204 --Whereas the Council of the Village of Port Bur --ell deems it necessary to borrow up to the sum of Twenty - Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) to meet current expenditures until taxes are collected. . By-law read a first and a second time. By-law read a third time. Moved by Mrs. Blyth and sec. by R. Bradfield that By-law now read a third time do pass,'be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. #205 *loved by Airs. Blyth and sec. by A. Lcucks that leave be granted to inteoduce By-law # 205 to appoint Verne Hambly as By-law Enforcement Officer, Trench Inspector, and ;geed Inspector at a salary of Twenty - Five Dollars ($25.00) per month. ' -By-law read a first and a second tiuLe. By-law read a third time. Moved by k-. Bradfield and'sec. by H. kcshah that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engros"sed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. (over) continued ,Monday Jan. 9, 1967 Letter was received from 1,11r. Norman Loucks resigninT as Fire -Chief, and all fire duties accompanied with the duties of fire chief. The Clerk is to notify Mr. Morley Wolfe immediately that he as Assistant Fire -Chief is to be responsible for the duties of Fire -Chief until such time as a Fire=Chief is appointed. It was noted that Emergency Measures are holding Courses for those from 2 6, 23, who wish to attend Jan. 1967 to Feb. 1967. 1 1. *Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by Mrs. Blyth that this Council join "'Good Roads Ass." at a cost of $15.00 for the year 1967. 2. Moved by Mrs. Blyth and sec. by R. Bradfield that we jbin the Association of Mayor do Reeves of Ontario at the' cost of X10.00 for the year 1967. - — 3. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that accounts from 1-67 on Voucher 1 be paid and the Reeve be autheri.zed to sib the same. 4. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. Ly Mrs. Blyth that this Council reappoint Mrs. Helen Wolfe as Clerk Treasurer for t%e Village of Port Burwell. Salary to be open for negotiation b'y works committee. •It was decided to have a special meeting Thursda;r January 12 at 7.30 p.m. to meet with village employees, in regard to .contracts for 1967./ 5. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that this' council appoint Harold Hoshal as truant officer for the y'ear.'1967, at a salary of $75.00 per year, and .10# per mile. ' 6. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by A. Loucks that John Sutherland shall be appointed as the voting, member of the County of Elgin -Planning Board, and Mrs. Nary Blyth as alternate member for the Village of Port Burwell for the year 1967. Two copies of the above motion to be sent to the Clerk of Elgin County: 7. .Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by R. Bradfield that 14r.'Harry Alward be appointed as Port Burwell Representative to the Otter Valley .Conservation Authority for the year 1967. $. Moved by Mrs. Blyth and sec. by H. Hoshal that the Village of Port .Bur^.rell Community Centre Board for 1967 be as follows --Verne Hambly -Ralph Jackson, Stuart McKibbin, Louis Toth, Reeve John Sutherland, -and Councillor Ronald Bradfield. and Morley a'olfe, 9. Moved by R. Bradfield and sec. by A. Loucks that M. Hoesch, V. Hambly, and C. Blyth be apnointed to the Memorial Park Board for the year 1967. #204 Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by Mrs. Blyth that leave'be granted to introduce By-law # 204 --Whereas the Council of the Village of Port Bur --ell deems it necessary to borrow up to the sum of Twenty - Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) to meet current expenditures until taxes are collected. . By-law read a first and a second time. By-law read a third time. Moved by Mrs. Blyth and sec. by R. Bradfield that By-law now read a third time do pass,'be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. #205 *loved by Airs. Blyth and sec. by A. Lcucks that leave be granted to inteoduce By-law # 205 to appoint Verne Hambly as By-law Enforcement Officer, Trench Inspector, and ;geed Inspector at a salary of Twenty - Five Dollars ($25.00) per month. ' -By-law read a first and a second tiuLe. By-law read a third time. Moved by k-. Bradfield and'sec. by H. kcshah that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engros"sed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. (over) continued 10. Moved by Mrs. Blyth and sec. by H. Hoshal that this Council meeting be adjourned until the next regular meeting, unless in case of an emergency a special meeting be called. Time 11 p.m. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER 1 No. Name Services Amount Check 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28., 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35• 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. Village of Port Burwell O.P.P. Taxes Ifem. Park Board Loan David Kirkpatrick Cleaning Helen Wolfe Returning Officer Mrs. A. Tuff Poll Clerk Norman Loucks Fire Chief Morley Wolfe Fireman Bill Epple " - Hugh Brooks " Ralph Hurley " Jim Crocker .Stuart McKibbin " F. Stephenson " Bob. Atkins " Norman Todd " Ross Eveland P. Bucheski " Mahlon. Chute " E. Shelly " Helen Wolfe, Wages Dec.- 5-9 Norman Loucks it " 5-9 J. Thomas Dadson Rent Glen Tait Mages Dec. 5-9 Receiver General Stamps County of Elginounty rate Tillsonburg T.D.H.S. Zevy 1966 Lakeside Nursing Home November Norman Loucks Wages Dec. 12-16 Glen Tait " Helen Wolfe '* Norman Loucks Diff. in telephone P.U.C. M. Nilson hydro P.U.C. Dadson Hydro P.U.C. N. Loucks Wages & overtime Glen Tait 'loges Dec. 19-23 Helen Wolfe " Central Pipe Line Wilson Gas B. Stephen con Refund on 1966 Taxes Norman Loucks Jages Dec. 26-30 'Glen Tait " Helen Wolfe " Chas Smyth " Receiver General Unemp. Ins. Receiver General Pension & Tax Joe Thomas Dadson Rent Jan 2 -Feb Lakeside Nursing Home December Welfare Norman Loucks Jan 2-6 Wares Glen Tait " " Helen Wolfe Morley Wolfe Dec. Acct. Supertest Petroleum Dadson Oil J. H. Kaufmann Dec. Acct. 127.84 1000. 3. 25. 15. 150. 27. 10. 31. . 4. 14. 30. 22. . 16. 21. 11. 15. 34. 14. 33.95 69.37 16. . 61.28 10. 14046.29 13332.35 258.75 69.37 61.28 33 .95 2.84 5. 14.26 193.60 72.49 61.28 33.95 16.85 37.17 69.37 61.28 33.95 17-39 23.40 64.01 2 13.00 273.75 69.37 61.28 33 .95 10.46 18. 21.45 Frank Stephenson Dadson & Wilson Welfare 60. C. E. Hickey 4 Fireman suits, Hats etc329.14 Vienna Bldg. Supplies foundation 845.97 St. Thomas I -fetal Signs Ce .tennial si,-ns 75.76 Tillsonburg Comm Printers Ballots 34.50 Ivor Rowley Tray. Exp. Dec 7 & 13 16.40 County of Elgin Scotchlite sheeting 16.40 Lyle Buchner ab or Tractor 345. Norman Todd Nov .ber gas 29.77 Valley Camp Coal Fuel 15.80 Supertest Petroleum Office oil 31.29 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2 563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2 593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 211,799 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2411 2612 2613 2614 A • Monday, Jan. 9, 1967. A court was held in the Municipal office at 2.30 p.m. on Jan. 9, 1967. Present were His Honour Judge McMillan, Assessor Hector McLean, Mr. Villa, and Mrs H. Wolfe Clerk. This Court was called in response to an appeal by Mr. R. E. Buckberrough, 41 Chauncey Ave., Toronto 18, Ont., of the decisS c*i cf the Villaf,e of Port Burwell Court of Revision on Nov. 7, 1966. Mr. Buckberrough owns .11 acres of lot 15 Beach Ave. S/S of the Village of Port Burrell, Plan 197, Roll 191. Mr. Buckberrough was not present, but his letter was presented, and -his appeal was dismissed by His Hcno,,r Judge 11cMillan. Meetin7 closed at 3.15 p «m. ............ First Meeting INAU„U4AL Monday Jan. 9, 1967. The Inaurural meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held in the Municipal Office at 8.00 o'clock Monday Jan. 9, 1967. In attendance were the 1967 and 1968 Reeve John Sutherland and Councillors tars. Mary Blyth, Ronald Bradfield, Alvin Loucks, and Harold Hoshal. The Council were sworn into office. The meeting was opened with an inaugural address and prayer by Rev. Wm. Bennett. Mr. Ivor Rowley 1966 Reeve wished members luck in their new terms. Mr. Sutherland outlined work for 1967 as 1. Water 2. Proper draining, 3. Planning 4. Road work. 1967 C01,11ITTE S WORKS AND ROADS A. Loucks, R. Bradfield WELFARE Mrs. 14. Blyth, H. Hoshal FIRE H. Hoshal, Mrs. I.I. Blyth PARKS R. Bradfield, A. Loucks FINANCE Reeve and all members of Council COMI--UNITY CENTRE Reeve Sutherland, R. Bradfield The minutes of the last rneetings were read, and it was moved by Mrs. Blyth and sec. by H. Hoshal that thev be adopted as read. • The following; communications were read: Wish for a successful 1967 frcm town solicitor J. H. Farlcw. Emergency Measures --advising there will be no funds available for cost-sharing in the purchases of fire Pumpers from April 1967 to March 31, 1968, and also stating that indications aro that future allocation of funds to this Program may be curtailed and the criteria for purchase altered considerably. from Chrysler, Davis and Jorgens� copy of letter sent to 0.':I*'R.C. attaching report # 6553 on Port Bi}�well :rater Supply project.