HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell Council Minutes 1965 PORT
Council Minutes
9 ; 11 , leg
No. Name Services Amount Check
50. Frank Stephenson Welfare 23.00 2068
51. J. H. Kaufmann Dec. ras 18.05 2069
52. Tait's Meat Market 4 Turkeys 42.20 7070
53. Newmans Flowers Alward plant X4.64 2071
54. Hurley's Ballots 11.32 2073
s5.. News Printing 50025.62 2074
56. Pt. Burwell Hardware fines 17. 2075
\57. Peter Gloin 40.90 2076
'58. Pt. Burwell Lumber coal
50. pt. Burwell Lumber Welfare Coal 9. 2077
60. J. Riddle Office Oil 24.15 2078
61. Morley Wolfe, Dec. Acct. 18.67 2079
62. Norman Todd Nov. Acct. 31.73 2081
63. Robert Farlow Legal Fees 73.35 2080
_ 64. Willis Weaver :stoker 75. 2082
65. Hector McLean postage reg. 2.40 2083
66. M. K. Chute wiring for stoker - 9.17 2084
67. Ontario Mayors & Reeves Me-tbership 10. 20 85
68. Peters, Brown & Co. 1964 Audit. 1013.95 2088
69. Ontario Good Roads 15. 2087
Cl k `-,Aq eve.
Twenty-First Meeting Tuesday, Dec. 7, 1965.
The regular Council meeting was held in the Municipal Office on
Tuesday Dec. 7. Reeve Ivor Rowley was present and Co .ncillors
A. Loucks, N. Todd, and F. Waldeck. Assessor H. McLear. was al7o
\ The minutes of the last meetings were read and adopted as read.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by A. Loucks that accounts # 1:-57
on Voucher 12 be paid, and the Reeve be authorized to sign the
H. Hoshal was present on behalf of the Lion's Club asking for a
donation to help with drugs which they are purchasing each month
for Glenda Vyse. Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by N. Todd that we
— donate One Hundred Dollars to the Lions Club as per 1965 budget
to help with drugs purchased for Glenda Vyse.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by A. Loucks that leave be granted to
introduce By-law ; 190--Whereas the Council of the Village of Port
Burrell deems it necessary to borrow the sum of 020,000. to meet
current expenditures until taxes are collected.
By-law read a first, second and third time.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by N. Todd that By-law now read a third
tine do pass, he engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the
It was reported that there is the remains of a building on Clifford
Bradfield's property that has become a haven for rats. Letter is to
written by the Clerk to Mr. Bradfield asking to have it cleaned up as
soon as possible.
Mr. Pratt of Emergency measures was present, and also the f- reman.
Mr. Pratt is going to inquire into the possibility of grants if a
new fire truck were to be purchased in 1966.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by A. Loucks that Roll #319 Joyce Hurley
re Court of Revision, assessment to remain at 01400. for the 1965
Assessment roll.
Moved by N. Todd and sec. by A. Loucks that the Poll Clerk be paid
415.00 a day for a total of 430., and the returning Officer be paid
025.00 a day for a total of 050.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by N. Told that leave be granted to wit,
introduce By-law to establish a Community Centre at Port Burwell as
follows--That a Community Centre defined as an Athletic Field, under
the Community Centres Act. 1961, and the regulations thereunder, and that
the said Community Centre be administered by the following Board, duly
appointed for the ensuing year. Verne Hambly, Ralph Jackson, Stuart
McKibbin, Louis Toth, Morley Wolfe, Ivor Rowley, Norman Todd. The said
Community Centre shall be maintained as a Community Centre by the said
Board in conformity with the Act and regulations made thereunder.
By-law read a first, secthnd and third time.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by N. Told that By-law now read a third
time io pass, be engrossed by the C1 •rk, and signed and sealed by the
Moved by F. Waldeck ani sec. by A. Loucks that the Village of Port
B urwell purchase the Timber Walkway from Crown Assets Corporation
for the full price of One Dollar (01.00).
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by A. Loucks that we arree with the •
mileage of $.25 miles as total for a],l streets in Port Bur.lell as
required by the Department of Highways.)
v continued.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by F. Waldeck that this Council approved
the FireChief be paid a sum of $150. for the year 1965, and that the
volunteer firemen be paid at the rate of $1. for each practice perfore
mance and $4. for each fire attended for the year 1965.
Moved by N. Todd and sec. by F. Waldeck that the town employees be
given a turkey from the town for Christmas for 1965.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by F. Waldeck t:-bat this Council adjourn
until next regular meeting to be held on the 10th of January 1966.
at the hour of 7.30 p.m. unless in case of emergency.
• - .n\,,.a.
:t., -:o`." N,o Name Services Amount Check
• 1-4()v) 1. Lakeside Nursing Home J. Foote 91.25 1961
.b 21 2. Lakeside Nursing Home E. Tedford 91.25 1962
m co 3. Norman Loucks Wares 61.39 1963
• 1•.e w 4. Emerie DeFauw "' 54.23 1964
• i',pz,� 5. Helen Wolfe It 32.56 1965
A)C't 6. Norman Loucks " 61.39 1966
u 7. Emerie DeFauw " 54.23 1967
'� 8. Helen Wolfe " 32.56 196$
F, 9. Hector Weaver Welfare rent 20. 1969
10. Receiver General reg. C. of Rev. 2.$0 1970
ti, �, a 11. Ivor Rowley Reeve 150. 1971
�• o y 12. Alvin LoucksFP1 (
Councillor 100. 1972
a 13. Harry Alward " 100. 1973
14. Norman Todd 100. 1974
15. Fred Waldeck " 100. 1975
16. Norman Loucks Wages 61.39 1976
17. Emerie DeFauw " 54.23 1977-
18. Helen Wolfe Reg. C. of Rev. 2. 50 1978
19. Helen Wolfe Wages 32.56 1979
m 1.--.1-' 20. Norman Loucks Diff. in telephone 17.46 1980
A) o'o 21. P•U.C. Streets, etc. 14.44 1981
a;`; 22. Aylmer & Malahide Telephone 3 .12 1982
0 r r 23. Crown Attorney Replaceing check 44.20 1983
c e m 24. Charles Smyth i day garbage 5. 1984 ,
...‘10 .e 25. Norman Loucks Holiday pay 61.39 1985.
26. Emerie DeFauw Nov. 22-26 54.23 1986N
27. Helen Wolfe Wages 32.56 1987\
28. P.U.C. Hydro Arrears 29.48 1988,r-
29. Harry Brown Nov. wares 25. 1989\
(./R 30. Hector McLean Nov. wages 1_)0. 1990..
I: \ F-4)1-1--01-! 31. Germain Stevens Supp. Aid 15. 1991,
o rn o 32. Tillsonburg District H.S. 1965 Levy 11980.05 1992
o' w 33. Lakeside Nursing Home E. Tedford 86.25 1993"
'.J 34. Lakeside Nursing Home S. Temple 76.25 1994"
86.25 1995\
35. Lakeside Nursing Home J. Foote
'. N N 36. Norman Loucks Wages 61.39 1996N
000 37. Emerie DeFauw " 54.23 1997
ao• H rn� 38. Helen Wolfe 32.56 1998'
3 9 Port Burwell Taxes 139.40 1999`
40. Willson Nursing Home S. Temple 10.25 2001N.
41. Clerk of the Peace Cert. Voters Lists 3. 2002.
42. Municipal World 3.42 2003 111V
2 04
43. Jake Wall Milton St. Const.
44. James Davison Dog Catcher 5. 2005
45. Supertest Petroleum Office Oil 12.39 20 6
46. Township of i iersea E. Willaert welfare 4.84 2007
47. F. Stephenson Welfare 28. 2008
48 . Curtis Letter Supply Voters Lists 43.30 2009
49. Morley Wolfe Acct. 13.56 2010
50. Bruce McCartney Milton St. Const. 205.09 2011
51. News Printing Adwertising 20.98 2012
52. Pt. Burwell Lumber Welf049 Coal 9. 2013
53. " "• " Acct:- 155.09 2014
54. Bayham Township School 1965 Levy 3850.52 2015
Twentieth Meeting Special Meeting Monday Nov. 15, 1965.
' Moved by N. Todd and sec. by A. Loucks that Jack Sut'-erland be
appointed the village representative for the Tillsonburg and
District High School Board for the period cf two years. 1966
& 1967.
Moved by N. Todd and sec. by A. Loucks to apply for Interim
Subsidy on $6110.99 as a summary of expenditure on Roads and
Streets up to the end of September 30, 1965.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by A. Loucks that this meeting
adjourn until the next regular meeting* to be held Dec. 7, 1955.
Time 10.25 p.m.
Cle� - RQeve
Nomination Meeting Monday, November 29, 1965.
A Nomination Meeting for the Village of Port Burwell was held in
the Port Burwell Public School on Monday November 29, 1965, from
$ p.m. to 9 p.m.
The results of those qualifyinr were ---
REEVE Harry ALWARD, Nurseryman, Port Burwell
Ivor ROWLEY, Hotel Manarer, Port Burwell
COUNCIL Harold HOSHAL, Custodian, Port Burwell
Alvin LOUCKS, Labourer, Port Burwell
(Acclamation) Norman TODD, Merchant, Port Burwell
Fred WALDECK, Restaurant Keeper, Port Burwell
P.U.C. Morley WOLFE, Garage Operator, Port Burwell
(Acclamation )
ELECTION ADVANCE POLL Saturday December 4, 1965
& Monday December 6, 1065.
The result of the Advance Poll on December 4, and the election
on December 6, 1065 were as follows:
REEVE Ivor Rowley
COUNCIL Harold Hoshal
Alvin Loucks (Acclamation)
Norman Todd
Fred Waldeck
P.U.C. Morley Wolfe (Acclalation )
_54/1-z-,x1 Ze) 57.Azi- eg.-/
Nineteenth Meeting Monday Nov. 1, 1965.
The regular Council meeting was held in the Municipal Office
following the Court of Revision. Reeve Ivor Rowley was present,
and also all the Councillors. Assessor Hector McLean was present.
110 Mr. Phillips was present to explain to Council his delay in lowering
tile into lake, to try to stop the erosion. The weather has not
permitted this work to be done, but it will be done as soon as
\ possible.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Moved by
N. Todd, and sec. by A. Loucks that accounts # 1 to 42 on Voucher
11 be paid, and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same.
Mrs. D. Geysen of the Lakeside Nursing Home was present explaining
that the three days Mrs. Tedford was homes_ she had to dress her
- legs, and keep her bed for her. This being the reason for her
charge for the three days. Mr. Foote has become more of a care
since being accepted at the home. Therefore it was necessary to
charge $5.00 a day rather than the $4.00 first agreed upon. T•.e
Council agreed to pay Mrs Geysen, and also instructed her to
bring Mrs. S. Temple from the Willson Nursing Home, as Mrs. Temple
has requested this.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by A. Loucks that the necessary By-law
be prepared and passed at this session providing for a two year
term for Reeve, Council and other elective boards. This motion was
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by H. .Alward that Clerk Helen Wolfe
be named Returning Officer, and Mrs. Harold Tuff be engaged as
Poll Clerk. Carried
It was decided to write Auditors Peters & Brown, and Municipal Affairs
regarding the charge for 1964 Audit of $1000. plus $13.95 postage &
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by F. Waldeck that this meeting be
adjourned and a special meeting be set for Monday Nov. 15, 1965
at 7.30 p.m.
Time. 12.20 a.m.
No. Name Services Amount Check
1. Pt. Burwell Library Levy 900. 1919
2. Rec. General Un. Ins. 16.96 1920
3. Rec. General Stamps 10. 1921
4. Rec. General Inc. Tax 18.80 1922
5. N. Loucks Wages 61.39 1923
6. E. DeFauw " 54.23 1924
7. H. Wolfe 1r 32.56 1925
8. N. Loucks " 61.39 1926
9. E. DeFauw 54.23 1927
10. H. Wolfe " 32.56 1928
11. Hector Weaver Rent 20. 1929
' 12. P.U.C. Welfare Hydro 5.74 1930
13. P.U.C. Hydro 168.02 1931
14. D. Kirkpatrick Cleaning 4.81 1932
15. N. Bates Credit on 1964 tax 4.60 1933
16. N. Loucks Wages 61.39 1934
17. E. DeFauw K 54.23 1935
18. H. Wolfe m 32.56 1936
19. Hector McLean Selecting jury 3. 1937
20. Ivor Rowley m "' 3. 1938 •
21. Helen Wolfe "' m 3. 1939
22. Hector McLean Stamps 25. 1940
23. Hector McLean Salary 100. 1941
24. Harry Brown - m 25. 1942
No. Name Services Amount Check
25. Germain Stevens Supp. Aid 15. 1943
26. N. Loucks Wages 61.39 1944
27. E. DeFauw n54.23 1945110
28. H. Wolfe 32.56 1946
29 . Rec. General Inc. Tax. 23. 50 1947
30. Rec. General Unemp. Ins. 21.20 1948
31 . Frank Stephenson Welfare Vouchers 23. 1949
32. Hurley's B oat Bldg. Bas Acct. 21.19 1950
33. Morley Wolfe Acct. 23.66 1951
34. Supertest Office Oil 17.80 1952
- 35. Municipal World • 16.64 1953
36. Willson Nursing Home S. Temple 94. 1954
- 37. Ostranderst W. Blanchard 149.50 1955
38. C. N. Granger 125. 1956
39. Jack Sutherland Repairs to lighthouse 12.20 1957
40. Pt. Burwell Hardware 28.63 1958
41. Dufferin Materials 50.13 1959
42. Len Lemay Overtime in May 6.77 1960
. .,,Y.:07/,e71,.:/00000000
Clerk Reeve.
Twentieth Meeting Special Meeting Monday Nov. 15, 1965.
A Special meeting of the Port Burwell Council was held in the Municipal
Office at 7.30 p.m. on Nov. 15, 1965. Reeve I. Rowley, and Councillors
A. Loucks, N. Todd, and F. Waldeck were present. Assessor H. McLean
was also present.
Mr. Howard Palmer of the Aylmer Malahide Telephone •Co. was present
to explain about equipment used in rerard to Fire Calls. Mr. Palmer
stated their company would install special e'uipmpnt which would
ring into the firemen's homes simultaneously in the case of a fire.
The charge for this would be $1.50 per phone per month on a private
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by A. Loucks that the Aylmer & Malahide
Telephone Co. be instructed to install the necessary equipment to
handle incoming fire calls, ani distribute said calls to six fireman
` for the present time.
Communication from Mr. W. Heslop, a West Beach Cottager was read
praising 0.P.P.. Crane and Mitchell for their quick apprehension of
thieves who ransacked his cottage. Copy of letter to be sent to
Letter was read from the Library which stated that due to dampness
the floor is warping badly. The Work's Department are to look into
this, and see what can be done to remedy this, and cost of such.
Moved by N. Todd and sec. by F. Waldeck that leave be granted to
amend By-law # 185 to read # 189--purchase from J. McManus the
property formerly tenanted by Orville Liberty, for the sum of
Two Thousand Dollars ($2000.). A check for Five Hundred Dollars
($5O0.) be forwarded as a down payment. The balance to be paid
before December 31, 1965.
By-law read a first, second and third time.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by%F.>Waldeck that By-law now read, a
third time do pass, be engrossed tDy the Clerk, and signed and sealed
by the Reeve.
continued on next page
Eighteenth Meeting Monday, Nov. 1, 1965.
1965 Court of Revision was held in the Municipal Office at 7 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 1, 1965. The following members were sworn into office:
Reeve, Ivor Rowley, Councillors A. Loucks, H. Alward, N. Todd, and
F. Waldeck.
111110 The first appeal of the evening, was Roll 281 by Lorne Foster,
claiming to be over assessed on land. It was pointed out by the
Assessor that this was not correct. Decision of the court was to
confirm assessment. ✓
Appeal from Mrs Phyllis McBride, Roll 286' was heard, Mrs. McBride
pointed out that she did not own the land, but only the building.
This was understood by the Park board, and leased accordingly.
Decision of the Court--Sustained.," •
,L.Mr. James Horvath appealed 287, 287-1, and 287-2 on the grounds
the assessment was too high. Decision of the Court --Sustained.--
-Sustained✓`,Mr. James Horvath also appealed Roll # 359, #359-1, #359-2 as
having assessment too high in proportion. Decision of the Court--
Delete from roll.
qMr. Horvath appealed Roll # 359-3 as too high in proportion--
Decision of Court--Land $300. and Building Ass. $400.
Also Roll # 360 as too high in proportion. Decision of the Court-- . >
Reduce to $50.v ; °o
✓ •ce
Mr. Jack Wright appealed Roll # 389 as a building had been removed •
from this property. Decision of Court--Reduce roll to Land 0200. .
B uildings $2625.
Mr. & Mrs. D. Kirkpatrick apnealed Roll # 430 as too high an
assessment. Decision of Court--sustained.
Mr. S. Melchior asked to have Roll # 450 and # 45i changed toy'
Public School Su ort. Mr. Edward Pitter also asked to have �•
Roll # 45 to Public School Support. Decision of the Court.
Confirmed. R
Roll # 608 was appealed by Oscar Dunlop as he was moving the �'
building to another municipality. Decision of the Court--
Sustained. ✓
R Roll 319, Jo ce Hurls --�� r
# y y-�jncreas0�building assessment to ` 11 2� ,
being shed from Jack Wright property. Decision of the Co'lrt-- (see
Correct error.
tit ✓ R
Roll # 590 Arthur Shiry and #591 Walton Harris had buildings
destroyed by fire Oct. 24, 1965. Decision of the Court--
Roll # 590 $425. delete. Roll # 591 $300. delete.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by N. Todd that the 1963 Tax Roll
J# 178 in the amount of Twelve Dollars and Nine Cents be written o
off ($12.09). Mr. C. Atkinson.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by F. Waldeck that 1964 Roll #566
Fred Elenack beiven a rebate in taxes of 79.89 plus $1.94 R111111 :
interest--total 081.83 as a result of fire destruction.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by N. Todd that the sum of $21.13
be cancelled to Mr. Peter Pinchack for 1964 Tax Roll # 482 ? •
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by N. Tod-' that the sum of $51.87 N
be cancelled for Jack Smith 1964 Tax Roll # 69/as a result of n' •
fire destruction. •
Moved by N. Todd and sec. by A. Loucks that this Court of Revision
having considered all Appeals against the 1965 Assessment Roll for
the Municipality of Port Burwell properly before it, now certifies
this Roll, as Revised and Amended by the decisions of the Court, .to
be the Last Revised Assessment Roll of the Municipality, in accord-
ance with Section 73 of the Assessment Act (R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 23 ).
Time 11 p.m.
Seventeenth Meeting Monday, Oct. 4, 1965.
The regular meeting of the Port Burwell Council was held in the
Municipal Office at 7.30 on Oct. 4, 1965. Reeve I. Rowley, and
Councillors A. Loucks, H. Alward, and N. Todd were present.
Reeve Rowley opened the meeting and the minutes were read and
adopted as read.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by A. Loucks that accounts 1-24 on
Voucher 10 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the
voucher for the same with the request that an adjustment on
items #17 and #18 be expected next month.
Nine ratepayers on Chatham Street, and cottage owners on Iroquois
Park were present seeking some consideration regarding the provis-
ions of the present building By-law, which would make it possible
for the purchase of lots and the moving of cottages from the beach.
The group were advised to seek the hel' of the Elgin Health Unit,
and were given assurance by members of the Council that all possible
assistance would be given them by amending the By-law if necessary
and within the scope of municipal authority, and any other assistance
to make it possible for them to keep their cottages in the village.
Moved by N. Todd, and sec. by A. Loucks that the Ontario Water
Resources Commission be requested to prepare and present a proposal
to the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell for the construct-
ion of a complete Water System as a Provincially-owned project,
including a rate on a usage basis to meet all the costs involved
under the Provincial programme, and an appropriate form of contract.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by N. Todd that leave be granted to
introduce By-law # 187 to fix the day for nomination and election
of Reeve and Councillors, and other local boards in the Corporation
of the Village of Port Burwell for the year 1966, such day to be
November 29, 1965 at 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Port Burwell Public
School. The day of election if necessary to be December 6, 1965.
B y-law read a first, second, and third time.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec.by H. Alward that By-law now read a third
time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Alward that leave be granted to
introduce By-law #188 to amend By-law #181, namely
1. That in observance and commemoration of the Centennial the
Corporation shall develop and equip a Community Centre Park and
Playground, at an estimated cost of Thirty-Six Hundred Dollars.
2.. That the Reeve and the Clerk be and they are hereby authorized
and directed to make applications pursuant to the provisions of the
regulations made under the Confederation Centennial Act 1962/63 for
a grant in aid of the project.
3. That the Municipal Contribution in the amount of $1146. is
included in the 1965 Budget Estimates.
Read a first, second, and third time.
111411 Moved by H. Alward and sec. by N. Todd that By-law now read a third
time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by N. Todd that Harold Hoshal be requested
to continue his duties as truant officer for the Port Burwell-Bayham
Public School for the balance of 1965 at a salary of $30.
Moved by N. Todd and sec. by H. Alward that this Council now adjourn
until the next regular meeting"unless in the case of an emergency
a special meeting be called. Time 11.30 p.m. ,
No. Name Services Amount Check #
1 Norman Loucks Wages 61.39 1895
2 Emerie DeFauw Wages 54.23 1896
3 Helen Wolfe Wages 32.56 1897
4 Township of Bayham Debenture 1191.56 1898
5 Bayham Township School Area 1965 Levy 3000. 1899
9 1111/
6 David Kirkpatrick Cleaning 505. 1901
7 Imperialle Fuels property y 61.39 1902
8 Norman Loucks Wares
9 Emerie DeFauw t, 54.23 1903
10 Helen Wolfe " 32.56 1904
11 Hector McLean " 100. 1905
12 Harry Brown It 25. 1906
13 Germain Stevens Supp. Aid _ 15. 11907
14 Norman Loucks Wages 61.39 1908
15 Emerie DeFauw " 54.23 1909
16 Helen Wolfe " 32.56 1910
17 Lakeside Nursing Home J. Foote 86.25 1911
18 Lakeside Nursing Home E. Tedford 86.25 1912
6 1913
19 Morley Wolfe Acct.
20 Dufferin Materials Blacktop 49.84 1914
21 East End Motors 20.97 1915
22 Hugh Brooks Hauling Blacktop 57.36 1916
23 Willson Nursing Home S. Temple 86.50 1917
24 F. Stephenson Welfare & Acct. 31.59 1918
e - 4/—*—Z—.,) ifid-- 2//// le i/" ..
if;./// //:
Clerk eve
: •
Fifteenth Meeting Monday Sept. 13, 1965.
The Port Burwell Village Council held their regular meeting in the
Municipal Office at 7.30 on Sept. 13, 1965. Reeve I. Rowley and
all the Councillors were present.
The meeting was opened by Reeve Rowley, and the minutes of the
last meeting were read and adopted.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by F. Waldeck that accounts 1--46 on
Voucher 9 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the voucher
for the same.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Todd that the Villa"e Foreman
be authorized to paint the exterior of tine Municipal building.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by N. Todd that this Council purchase
a rear end Scraper to hitch on the town tractor.
The Clerk was requested to write letters to P.U.C. in regard to new
lights on Robinson Street, and also to Mr. Hanson regarding lights
on Elizabeth Street.
Cottage owners on the West beach who are in arrears were discussed,
and it was decided to send notices to them that if they are not
paid in ten days, it will be necessary to hand them in to First
Divisional Court for collection.
Department of Highways are to be contacted in regard to guard
rails on Robinson street, which are in need of repair.
C.P.R. and Valley Camp are to be written in connection with the
Timber Walkway which Crown Assets wish to dispose of.
Letters also to be sent to Municipal Affairs and Peters, Brown and
Co. in regard to engaging another firm of auditors
It was brought to the attention of the Council that there is a large
pile of garbage at the back of Mr. Wilson's apartment house, and he
is to be notified to have this gathered into containers for collection,
or else dispose of it in some other manner.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by N. Todd that this Council now
adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in the case of an
emergency a special meeting be called. Time 11.30 p.m./
< :::).///7 .4./i-- -(/'
./._,ii-2./ .
l2erk C _ _ 7iesv.
No. Name Services Amount Check #
1 Norman Loucks Wages 61.39 1849
2 Helen Wolfe " 32.56 1850
3 Emerie DeFauw it 54.23 1851
4 Receiver General Stamps 10. 1852
5 P.U.C. Weaver Welfare 5.35 1853
6 P.U.C. 162.76 1854
7 Hector Weaver August rent 20. 1855
8 Receiver General Unemployment Ins. 24.36 1856
9 Receiver General Tax deduction 23.50 1857
10 Norman Loucks Wages 61.39 1858
11 Emerie DeFauw " 54:23 1859 .
12 Helen Wolfe "' 32.56 1860
13 Norman Loucks " 61.39 1861
14 Emerie DeFauw " 54.23 1862
' 15 Helen Wolfe Vt - 32.56 1863
16 Receiver General Unemployment Ins 16.96 1864
17 Germain Stevens Supp. Aid 15. 1865
No. Name Services Amount Check#
18 Harry Brown Wages 25. 1866
19 Hector McLean " 100. 1867
20 Lakeside Nursing Home J. Foote 60.25 1868
21 Lakeside Nursing Home E. Tedford 91.25 18691110
22 Receiver General Income Tax 18.80 1870
23 Receiver General Reg. Tax notice 2.45 1871
24 Norman Loucks Wages 61.39 1872
25 Emerie DeFauw " 54.23 1873
26 Helen Wolfe " 32.56 1874
27 Town of Tillsonburg Debenture 1193.47 1875
28 Burroughes Business Checks 40.38 1876
29 Norman Loucks Wages 61.39 1877
30 Emerie DeFauw " 54.23 1878
31 Helen Wolfe " _ 32.56 1879
32 Hector Weaver Welfare Rent 20. 1880
33 Dufferin Materials Blacktop 112.26 1881
34 Hugh Brooks Hauling 62.79 1882
35 Peter Gloin Fines 44.20 1883
36 James Davison Dog Catcher 5. 1884
37 F. Stephenson Welfare Toucher 23. 1885
38 Morley Wolfe Gas Acct 23.53 1886
39 Byerlay Bros. Bulldozing dump 24. 1888
40 P.U.C. Street Lighting 139.64 1887
41 Willson Nursing Home S. Temp92.75 1889
42 Fred Bell & Ass. plets
41 Tillsonburg Commercial
Printers Envelopes 27.95 1891
44 The Municipal World 33.12 1892
45 J. W. Sutherland Lighthouse
painting 200. 1893
46 Ivor Rowley Expense Acct. 78.65 1894
Sixteenth Meeting Special Meeting Tuesday Sept. 28, 1 65.
A special meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was called
on September 28 at 7.30. Reeve Ivor Rowley and Councillors
H. Alward, A. Loucks, and N. Todd were present.
Moved by N. Todd and sec. by A. Loucks that leave be granted to
introduce By-Law # 18‘ to appoint the firm of Fred Page Higgins
& Co. as Municipal Auditors for the Village of Port Burwell.
B y-Law read a first, second, and third time.
Moved by N. Todd and sec. by H. Alward that By-law now read a
third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed
by the Reeve.
Erosion and the placing of tile in the lake was discussed, and it
was decided to hire Mr. Phillips to begin this as soon as possible.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by N. Todd that this special meeting
now adjourn. Time 8. p.m. 11111
D "W/✓ I.'. .1,•- 7.:..... . .).147-f://.431/1":(1i
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�� Clerk --Reeve
Thirteenth Meeting Monday Aug. 9, 1965.
The regular meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held
in the Municipal Hall at 7.30 on Aug. 9, 1n65. Reeve Ivor Rowley
and all Councillors were present.
110110 The meeting was opened by Reeve Rowley, the minutes of the last
meeting were read and adopted.
Moved by Alvin Loucks and sec. by Fred Waldeck that a stoker be
purchased for the Port Burwell Garage and Fire Hall.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by F. Waldeck that Jack Sutherland
be authorized to commence the repair,and painting of the old
Lighthouse taken over by the Village, up to the sum of $200.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by A. Loucks that accounts No. 1-
61 on Voucher 8 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign
the voucher for the same.
Mr. Clark, of the auditing firm of Fred Page Higgins & Co. was
present, and after making a quick check of the books, reported
that his firm would be interested in auditing the Village books
at not more than $500. for 1965.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by Norman Todd that this Council
advise Mr. Joe. McManus that we are recommending to the 1966
Village Council that they purchase the property formerly
tenanted by Orville Liberty, and the adjoining hillside lots
for the sum of $2000, as per letter of July 1, 1965.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by A. Loucks that this meeting ,'ti`
be adjourned until the next regular meeting Sept. 13, unless
a special meeting is necessary. Time 9.45 p.m. ` rot
� rs
�.'`...1�I• • • • •• ••.. .•b. •
erk eeve
Fourteenth Meeting Special Meeting Tuesday Aug.24, 1965.
A special meeting of the Village Council was held in the Municipal
Office at 7. p.m. on Aug. 24, 1965, with Reeve Ivor Rowley and
Councillors A. Loucks, H. Alward, and N. Todd present.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by A. Loucks that leave be granted to
introduce By-law # 185 to purchase from J. McManus the property
formerly tenanted by Orville Liberty, for the sum of Two Thousand
Dollars ($2000. ). A check for Five Hundred Dollars ($500. ) be
forwarded as a down payment. The balance to be paid January 1966.
By-law read a first, second, and third time.
101110 Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Alward that By-law now read a
third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and
sealed by the Reeve.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Alward that this special
meeting be adjourned until the next regular meeting Sept. 13,
unless a special meeting is necessary. Time 7.15 p.m.
-;:efderi".:• ••...),••i"er
erk Reeve
No. Name Services Amount Check #
1 Lakeside Nursing Home J. Foote June 56.25 1782
2 Lakeside Nursing Home E. Tedford 86.25 1783
3 Receiver General Stamps 10. 1791
\� 4 Norman Loucks Wages 61.39 1792
5 Emerie DeFauw " 54.23 1793
6 Helen Wolfe "' 32.56 1794
7. Royal Canadian Legion Refund on Tax 109.70 1795
8 Chamber of Commerce Day School Donation 100. 1796
9 Receiver General Inc. Tax deduction 22.75 1797
10 Receiver General Unemp. Ins. 17.08 1798
11 0. W. R. C. Payment 59 W 50 2500. 1799
12 Ivor Rowley Reeve Salary 150. 1800
13 Alvin Loucks Councillor salary 100. 1801
14 H. Alward " " 100. 1802
15 N. Todd " "' 100. 1803
16 F. Waldeck m " 100. 1804
17 Mrs. Blanche Jenkins Refund on U.S.A.fund 6.65 1805
18 Hector Weaver July rent 20. 1806
19 P.U.C. Street Lights 139.64 1807
20 Douglas Hughes Wages 3.65 1808
21 Norman Loucks " 61.39 1809
22 Emerie DeFauw " 54.23 1810
23 Murray Brady " 32.04 1811
24 Helen Wolfe " 32.56 1812
25 Thomas Smith " 29.54 1813
26 Emerie DeFauw " 54.23 1814
27 Norman Loucks " 61.39 1815
28 Helen Wolfe 32.56 1816
29 Bayham Township Debentures 1511.03 1817
30 Otter Creek Conservation 1965 Levy 342. 1818
31 Retarded Children 1965 Grant 422.44 1819
32 Norman Loucks Wages 61.39 1820
33 Emerie DeFauw " 54.23 1821
34 Helen Wolfe " 32.56 1822
35 Germain Stevens Supp. Aid 15. 1823
36 Harry Brown Wages 25. 1824
37 Hector McLean "' 100. 1825
38 Norman Loucks " 61.39 1826
39 Emerie DeFauw " 54.23 1827
40 Helen Wolfe " 32.56 1828
41 David Kirkpatrick Cleaning 3. 18 29
42 Lakeside Nursing Home J. Foote 60.25 1830
43 Lakeside Nursing Home E. Tedford 91.25 1831
44 Aylmer Express Tender 4.34 1832
45 S. R. Hart & Co. Roll Sheets 15.80 1833
46 Sterling Fuels Road Oil 257.z8 1834
47 Willson Nursing Home S. Temple 98.75 1835
48 Tillsonburg News Truck tender 4.86 1836
49 Jack Kaufmann gas 36.39 1837
50 Peter Gloin fines 57.40 1838
51 Ken Baird Jan. coal 8.50 18409
52 Pt. Burwell Hardware Acct. 5
54 Hamilton Ward, & Cathers Insurance Equip. 64.45 1841
55 Norman Todd Acct. 25.17 1842
56 Frank Stephenson Welfare Vouchers 28. 1843
57 Morley Wolfe oil & repairs 10.22 1844
58 Helen Wolfe misc. expenses 3.18 1845
59 Aylmer & Malahide Telephone 39.91 1846
60 Norman Loucks Telephone 14.70 1847
61 M. K. Chute Wiring Police Office 22.76 1848
..... .....
Twelfth Meeting Special Meeting Monday July 26, 1965
A special meeting of the Port Burwell Tillage Council was held at
7. p.m. Reeve Ivor Rowley and all the Councillors were present.
Five tenders for a new one-ton truck for the Village were opened.
After much discussion it was decided to find out more particulars,
before coming to any decision.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by H. Alward that a request be made to
the P.U.C. to instal additional lighting on Robinson St. in the
business district, as soon as convenient; preferably this year. A
copy of this resolution to be sent to the P.U.C..
Moved by N. Todd and sec. by A. Loucks .that the Village Clerk advise
the Village Auditors--Peters, Brown, and Co., that due to the distance
and consequent inconvenience that an effort he made to locate auditors
in the vicinity of Port Burwell, all of which is without prejudice.
Moved by I. Alward and sec. by F. Waldeck that this meeting now adjourn.
Next meeting to be held August 9. Time $.40 p.m.
;;RZ111-7t.) (t)
C erk Reeve
Monday July 5, 1965.
Eleventh Meeting
The regular meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held
in the Municipal Hall at 7.30 p.m. on July 5, 1965. Reeve Ivor
Rowley, and Councillors, H. Alward, A. Loucks, and F. Waldeck were
111111 present.
The meeting was opened by Reeve Rowley, followed by the reading of
the minutes, which were adopted as read.
The weed cutting was discussed, and it was decided to charge $7.00
per lot.
It was decided that no building permit fee would be charged for
wrecking shack on Clifford Bradfield's lot.
Moved by A. Loucks, and sec. by F. Waldeck that accounts from 1-32
on Voucher 7 be paid, and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by F. Waldeck that Council investigate
the acquistion of land for an alternate means of access for Beach
Ave. cottage owners, and that the Village solicitor be asked to
draw up the deed of transfer.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by A. Loucks that in future the sum of
$100. be deducted monthly from the payment by the village to the
Lakeside Nursing Home for the board and care of dependent village
citizens, the same in turn to be credited to the Lakeside Nursing
Home to apply on arrears of taxes.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by H. Alward that leave be granted to
introduce By-law # 181 to grant the sum of $1646. to the Centennial
By-law read a first, second, and third time.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by F. Waldeck that By-law now read a
third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and
sealed by the Reeve.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by H. Alward that the tillage Council
pay Twenty-Five Hundred Dollars to the Ontario Water Resources as
budgeted for in the 1965 Budget.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by F. Waldeck that in compliance with
the recommendation of the local Public Library Board, be it
resolved that we join the County Public Library System.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by H. Alward that a rebate of 109.70
be refunded to the Royal Canadian Legion Port Burwell Branch #524
according to By-law #164. This amount represents the land tax only, and
not the school tax for the year 1964.
Moved by A. Loucks,and sec. by F. Waldeck that this Council contribute
$100. to the Chamber of Commerce, Port Burwell and District for the
day camp program.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by F. Waldeck that leave be granted to
411 introduce By-law #182 to appoint Mr. Harry Brown as inspector to
enforce the Trench Excavators' Protection Act in the Village of
Port Burwell.
B y-law read a first, second, and third time.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Alward that By-law now read a third
time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by A. Loucks that leave be granted to
introduce By-law # l$3 to hold an advance poll on the Saturday prier
to the regular municipal voting day.
By-law read a first, second, and third time.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by H. Alward that By-law now read
a third tine do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed
and sealed by the Reeve.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by A. Loucks that the Council of
the Village of Port Burwell hereby appeals against the
proportion of liability as determined by the arbitrators,
on the ground that this imposes an undue burden on the
ratepayers of this Municipality.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by H. Alward that an increase
of $100. per year be granted to Morley Wolfe effective
immediately as chairman of the P.U.C.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by F. Waldeck that leave be
granted to introduce By-law to estimate the expenditures
of the Village on the roads and streets; on a Supnlementary
By-law # 184 to By-law #176 as follows Maintenance $1000.
Construction $2000.
By-law read a first, second, and third time.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by-LiAlward that By-law now read
a third time do pass, he engrossed by the Clerk, and signed
and sealed by the Reeve.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by F. Waldeck that the Clerk be
instructed to advertise for Tender for a one ton truck. This
resolution in no way commits this council to purchase same.
Rev. Father Hollerhead was present with the architects drawing
and plans for the construction of the new Roman Catholic Church
on Victoria Street.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by N. Alward that this meeting be
adjourned until the next regular meeting is deemed necessary.
Time 12.45 a.m.
No Name Services Amount Check #
1 Receiver General Stamps 14.00 1757
2 Emerie DeFauw Wages 54.23 1758
3 Void 1759
4 Norman Loucks Wages 61.14 176
5 ielen Wolfe Wages 32.36 1761
6 David Kirkpatrick Wages 25.87 1762
7 Albert Hayward 1964 Wages 40.00 1763
8 P.U.C. Hydro 167.56 1764
9 Wanda Boyd Wages 24.60 1765
10 Emerie Defauw Wage* 54.23 1766
11 Norman Loucks Wages 61.14 1767
12 Helen Wolfe, Wages 32.36 1768
13 David Kirkpatrick Wages 43.75 1769
14 Norman Loucks Wages 61.14 17V
15 Helen Wolfe Wages 32.36 1771
16 Emerie DeFauw Wages 54.23 1772
17 Tillage of Vienna School Debenture 573.75 1773
18 Tillsenburg Debenture 1556.48 1774
19 Hector McLean Wages Juno 100. 1775
20 Harry Brown Wages June 25.00 1776
21 Norman Loucks Wages 61.39 1777 110
22 Helen Wolfe, Wages 32.56 1771
23 Emerie DeFauw Wages 54.23 1779
24 Thomas Smith Wages 49.34 1700
25 Germain Stevens Supp. Aid 15. 1781
26 Morley Wolfe Acct. 25.28 1784
27 James Davison dog catcher 40. 1785
2* Tillsenburg News Auditors report 68.40 1786
29 National Fire *quip. 257.09 1787
30 Hamilton Ward & Cathers Ins. 154. 1788
31 Last End Motors Wheel Cylinders 47.02 1789
32 Willson Nursing Home S. Temple / 87.50 1790
-- ...Cleiek � � ( .. '�.-.,.• . .Reeve
Tenth Meeting Monday June 7, 1965.
The Village Council held their monthly meeting in the Municipal Hall
at 7.30 p.m. on June 7, 1965. Reeve I. Rowley and all the Councillors
were present.
The meeting was opened by Reeve Rowley, followed by he reading of the
minutes, which were adopted as read.
It was decided to write to Mrs Pitter, Tillsenburg, again, in regard to
repairing the well on her property on Chatham Street.
Mr. Len Brisseau was present innuiring what could be done about his
house which is situated on Brock Street.
Assessor Mr. H. McLean, Village Foreman Mr. Norman Loucks, and By-law
Officer Mr. Harry Brown were present.
Moved by Fred Waldeck, and sec. by A. Loucks that accounts 1--53 on
Voucher 6 be paid, and the Reeve be authorized to sign same.
Mr. Gordon Pratt, deputy co-ordinator of the St.Thomas-Elgin Emergency
organization, was present and outlined the complete set-up of the
organization, and its plans to assist any municipality in time of
disaster. He also informed the council that a survey would be made
of the village this summer to determine buildings that would, if
required, be suitable for shelter for the village population in time of
fall out from nuclear attack.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by H. Alward that a bill be sent to Jerr y
Livingstone at the rate of $10. an hour for oiling in Tillsenburg.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by A. Loucks that two garbage collections be
instituted from June 15 to Labour day week-end. This only includes the
Business Section, the Park on the east Beach, and the Trailer Park.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by N. Todd that Mrs. Ethel Tedford be accepted
as a patient at the Lakeside Nursing Home, Pt. Burwell.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by N. Todd that leave be granted to introduce
By-law to amend By-law #150 to incorporate the new regulations as laid
down by the Department of Public Welfare, and to be known as By-law #180.
By-law read a first, second, and third time.
Moved by N. Todd, and sec. by A. Loucks that By-law now read a third time
do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve.
Plans were made to oil the road leading into and through the Otter Creek
Moved by N. Todd, and sec. by A. Loucks that Albert Hayward be paid the
amount of $40.00 for last years fees for collecting dog tags, and Wing
aS:1y.1aw Officer.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by H. Alward that this meeting be adjourned,
and the next regular meeting to be July 5, unless a special meeting is
required. Time 11.45 p.m.
No Name Services Mount Check #
1 Hector McLean April Salary 100.00 1689
2 Pt. Burwell Library Grant 100. 1705
3 Hamilton, Ward, Cathers Insurance 326.29 1706 .
4 Receiver General income tax ded. 27.70 1707
5 Receiver General Unemp. Insur. 16.24 1708
6 Norman Loucks Wages 61.14 1709
7 Helen Wolfe Wages 32.36 1710
8 Leonard Lemay Wages 52.08 1711
9 Pt. Burwell Comm. Centre Land purchased 1.00 1712
10 Norman Loucks Wages 61.14 1713
11 Helen Wolfe Wages 32.36 1714
Accounts Payable (continued)
No Name Services Amount Check
12 Leonard Lemay Wages 52.08 1715
13 P.U.C. Welfare Hydro-Tait 12.31 1716
14 Aylmer & Malahide Telephone 39.56 1717
15 P.U.C. Hydro 155.57 1718
16 Norma* Loucks Wages 61.14 1719
17 Helen Wolfe Wages 32.36 1720
1$ Leonard Lemay Wages 52.08 1721
19 C.P.R. Wire 1.45 17221110
20 Hector McLean May Salary 100.00 1723
21 Norman Loucks Wages 61.14 1724
22 Helen Wolfe Wages 32.36 1725
23 Leonard Lemay Wages 52.08 1726
24 Harry Brown Wages 25.00 1727
2$ Germain Stevens Supp. Aid May 15.00 1728
26 Lakeside Nursing Home J. Foote 60.25 1729
27 Rec. General Inc. Tax May 29.20 1730
28 Rec. General Unemp. Ins May 16.96 1731
- - 29 Norman Loucks Wages 61.14 1732
30 Helen Wolfe Wages 32.36 1733
31 Leonard Lemay Wages 52.08 1734
32 Rec. General Unemp. Ins. 1.44 1735
33 Hurley's Boat Bldg. May gas 28.39 1736
34 Bennett's Stat. 2.20 1737
35 Bruce McCartney Stone 49.82 1738
36 S. R. Hart & Co Ass. & Coll. Supplies 56.73 1739
37 lunicipal World 2.57 1740
38 Mrs. Foster Welfare 15. 1741
39 The Willsem Nursing Home S. Temple 93.75 1742
40 Fred Waldeck Tray. Expense 37.60 1743
41 Aylmer Construction 112. 1744
42 Sterling Fuels 677.50 1745
43 Newman's Flowers re-Alvin Loucks 4.64 1746
44 Heritage Manufacturing Ce 91.82 1747
45 Tilleonburg, News Tax Notices & Garbage 55.69 1748
46 East End Motors 32.95 1749
47 Morley Wolfe 245. 1750
48 F. Stephenson Welfare 26. 1751
49 John Riddell Welfare 27.72 1752
50 John Riddell Office oil 27.93 1753
51 Hurley's Boat Bldg. 27.38 1754
52 Norman Todd Welfare 20. 1755
53 National Fire Equip. hose 163.77 1756
- -- $://4-'-' ( 1‘f-17-- --- • 41-2:1eUll:c::::"
C1 r6 k Reeve
Eighth Meeting Monday May 3, 1965.
The Village Council held their eighth meeting in the Municipal Hall
at 7.30 p.m. on May 3, 1965. Reeve I. Rowley and Councillors H.
Alward, N. Todd, and F. Waldeck were present. Hector McLean, village
assessor was also present.
The meeting was opened by Reeve Rowley, followed by the reading of the
minutes, which were adopted as read.
Moved by F. Waldeck, and sec. by R. Alward that accounts 1-36 on
Voucher 5, dated May 1, 1965 be paid. and the Reeve be authorized
to sign the voucher for same.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by N. Todd that Len Lemay be engaged as
the Assistant to the Village Foreman effective Arril 26, at a wag e
of $55.00 per week, based on a 44 hour week. Duties to include
maintenance of Memorial Park.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by N. Todd that the village of Port
Burwell purchase North half of Lot 51, Lot 52 on the west side of
Chatham Street, and lots 50,' 51, 52 on the east side of Addison St.
for the full price of One Dollar according to Plan #40 from the
Community Centre.
Moved by N. Todd, and sec. by F. Waldeck that the Village of Port
Burwell adopt daylight saving time from April 24, 1065--Oct. 30, 1965.
Moved by N. Todd and sec. by H. Alward that Mrs. Wright's resignation
be accepted with regret, and that Mrs. Allan be apnointed to fill this
vacancy until Feb. 19, 1967 on the Public Library Board.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by F. Waldedk that the local Public Library
Board he advanced .100. on the 1965 Village Grant.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by N. Todd that a Water Committee consisting
of two Councillors and the Chairman of the P.U.C. be formed to further
the work on obtaining water for the village of Port Burwell, and the
Councillors to set on the said committee to be named at this meeting.
Harry Alward and Fred Waldeck as Council Members.
The water situation re-hiring J. U. Crowley and Associated was discussed,
but still unsettled. the erosion situation was also discussed.
The Chairman of the Library Board Mr. Carl DeDecker was present stating
the board's approval of joining the County Library in January 1966.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by H. Alward that this meeting adjourn,
and a special meeting be called as soon as possible. Time 10.45 p.m.
No Name Services Amount Check #
1 E. DeFauw Wages April 5 7.90 1650
2 Mrs. Lillian Gamble P.A.B. & Rent 95. 1654
3 Norman Loucks Wages April 5-9 61.14 1669
0111 4 Helen Wolfe Wages April 5-9 32.36 1670
5 Central Pipe Gamble gas 49.15 1671
6 DeFauw April 12 �Japes 7.90 1672
7 Norman Loucks Wages April 12-16 61.14 1673
8 Helen Wolfe Wages April 12-16 32.36 1674
9 P.U.C. Willaert Hydro 9.90 1675
10 P.U.C. Street Lights, OPP, Library 185.49 1676
11 C. Smythe Wages April 19 7.90 1677
12 Norman Loucks Wages April 19-23 61.14 1678
13 Helen Wolfe Wages April 19-23 32.36 1674
14 Germaine Stevens Supplementary Aid 10. 1680
15 Receiver General Box rent & Ramps 5. 1681
16 Receiver General Stamps ) 5. 1682
17 Jack Vince Wages 4pril 28 7.90` 1683
18 Norman Loucks Wages April 26-30 61.14 1684
No Name Services Amount Check #
19 Helen Wolfe Wages April 26-30 32.36 1685
20 Leonard Lemay Wages April 26-30 52,408 1686
21 Lakeside Nursing Home Mr. J. Foote 56.25 1687
22 Harry Brown Wages--April 25. 1688
23 Morley Wolfe Acct. 65.48 ]690
24 Small Animal Control 2 trips for dogs 10. 1691
25 Pt. Burwell Hardware Acct. 15.23 1692
2.6 The Willson Nursing Hone . Temple 86.25 1693
Void 1b94
--- 27 Til.lsonburg Commercial Ptinters--Stationery 22.06 1695
28 Chan'ter's Framing blueprint 12.36 1696
29 Workmen's Compensation 116.10 1697
30 J. Riddell Welfare oil 17.22 1698
31 J. Kaufmann Acet. 30.45 1699
32 Pt. Burwell Lumber & Fuel 26.78 1700
33 B . McCartney Stone &.Screenings 244.73 1701
34 F. Stephenson Welfare 196. 1702
— 35 N. Todd Welfare 20. i7U3
36 Robert Farlow 28.15 1704
1.17A) / I .
. - / . . . . .
Jerk - / Reeve
Ninth Meeting Special Meeting May 19, 1965.
A special meeting was called to review the budget and mill rate as set
up by the Village Auditors Peters, Brown & Company.
This meeting was held in the Municipal Hall at 7. p.m. on May 19, 1965.
Reeve Ivor Rowley and Councillors Alvin Loucks and Norman Todd were
Moved by Norman Todd, and sec. by Alvin Loucks that leave be granted to
introduce By-law # 179 to levy the rates and taxes for the year 1965,
and to provide for the collection thereof with a mill rate as follows:
Public Commercial 71.70--Public Residential 64.O9--Separate Commercial
77.20--Separate Residential 69.04. The first installment be due on
July 20, and the second on Nov.2O. Tax penalties tc be on first install-
ment July 21 1%, Aug 1 2%, Sept 1 3%, Oct. 1 4%, Nov. 1 5%, Nov. 20 6%,
and second instalment on or after Nov. 21 1%----Discounts on second
instalment to be July 20 20, Aug. 20 2%, Sept. 20 10, Oct. 20 1%.
2/3 of 1% charged on all arrears. and that By-law presented herewith be
read a first time. By-law read a first time.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by N. Todd tha t By-law now read a first
time be read a second time forthwith.
By-law read a second time.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by N. Todd that By-law now read a second time
he read a third time forthwith.
By-law read a third time.
Moved by A. Loucks, and eec. by N. Todd that By-law now read a third time
do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by N. Todd that the special council meeting
for the finalizing of the budget now adjourn. Time 8.25 p.m.
Clerk Reeve
Sixth Meeting Monday, April 5, 1965.
The Port Burwell Village Council held their sixth meeting in the
Municipal Hall at 7.30 p.m. on April 5, 1965. Reeve Ivor Howley
and all members of the council were present. Hector McLean village
assessor was also present.
' The meeting was opened by Reeve Rowley, follower! by the reading and
adopting of the minutes of the previous meeting.
Moved by H. Alward and eec. by N. Todd that accounts 1-46 on Voucher
4 be paid, and the Reeve be authorized to sign the voucher for same.
Moved by F. Waldeck and eec. by A. Loucks that the clerk order a new
Filing Cabinet, legal size for the price of $55.10 including tax, and
index guides, with the old file being use-1 as a trade in valued at
Jack Sutherland, village representative on the Tillsonburg District
High School Board was present, and gave a report on the activities
of the Board, and the financial obligations required of the village
of operating Annandale and Glendale High Schools for 1965.
Moved by F. Waldeck, and sec. by H. Alward that the village clerk
be instructed to post notices that applications are being accepted
for the position of Village Maintenance Man. Applications to close
April 15, 1965.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Alward that Mrs. Vera McKibbin be
appointed as a member of the Port Burwell Public Library Board for
a three year term, terminating Feb. 19, 1968.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by N. Todd that leave be ,^ranted to
introduce amendment to By-Law r/ 150 dated April 1, 1963--to read
Ten Dollars per year instead of the fee of Fifteen Dollars for each
nursing home.
By-Law read a first, second and third time.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Alward that By-Law now read a third
time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the
Moved by H. Alward, and sec. by F. Waldeck that Hlrry Brown be appointed
By-Law Enforcement Officer, Building and Weed Inspector and Collector
of Dog Tax for the balance of 1965 a t a salary of $25.00 per month.
Reeve Ivor Rowley, and Councillor F. Waldeck who met recently in
Toronto with the Ontario Water Resources Commission reportedtothe
Council on the water system.
Moved by N. Todd and sec. by A. Loucks that this meetinL he adjourned
until next regular meetix unless in case of a special meeting.
Time 12.05 a.m.
No Name Services Amount Check
1 Lakeside Nursing Home J. Foote 47.25 1597
' 2
3 Public Utilities Willaert Hydro
Wages 13.44 1621
Norman Loucks 61.14 1622
4 Ken Kirkpatrick Wages 54.28 1624
5 Helen Wolfe Wages 32.36 1625
6 D. Hughes Wages 15.70 1626
7 Pt. Burwell Gamble Rent-Taxes 25. 1627
8 Rec. General Un. Ins. 2.04 1628
9 Ont. Dept. of Transport 2 licenses 4. 1629
10 Norman Loucks Wages 61.14 1630 •
11 Helen Wolfe Wages 32.36 1631
12 P.U.C. — OPP, Street Light 193.32 1632
13 P.U.C. 1Tait Hydro 16.85 1633
14 Hugh Brooks -Labor 7.90 1634
15 D. Kirkpatrick Cleaning 3. 1635
16 Norman Loucks Wages 61.14 1636
No Name Services Amount Check #
17 Helen Wolfe Mar.12-19- Wages 32.36 1637
18 Emery De Faw Wages 7.90 1638
19 Norman Loucks Wages 61.14 1639
20 Helen Wolfe Wages 32.36 1640
21 Germain Stevens Supplementary Aid 15. 1641
22 Hector McLean Salary 300. 1642
?3 Emerie De Faw Wages 7.90 1643
4 Lakeside Nursing Home J. Foote 60.25 1644
25 Rec. General Un. Ins. 11.80 1645
27 Norman Loucks Wages 61.14 164?
26 Rec. General Inc. Tax ded. 20.40 1646
28 Helen Wolfe ',lases 32.36 1648
29 Rec. General Un. Ins. .20 1649
30 Willson Nursing Home S. Temple , 100. 1651
31 J. H. Ferraby safe service 27.86 1652
42 W. G. Webster file, folders _ 68.25 1653
33 M. Scanlan Garbage dump 150. 1655
34 Bennett Stationery file 7.31 1656
35 Central Pipe Gamble gas 36.35 1657
36 Pt. Burwell Hardware Feb. & March 34.07 1658
37 B. McCartney Stone 478.47 1659
38 Municipal World Res, vouchers etc. 13.58 1660
39 J. Riddell Oil--hall & voucher 96.39 1661
40 Pt. Burwell Lumber & Fuel Coal-vouchers 18. 1662
41 Morley Wolfe Acct. 9.20 1663
42 Pt. Burwell Lumber & Fuel Fire hall coal 36.40 1664
43 J. Davidson 3 trips for dogs 15. 1665
44 N. Bates Mounting pictures 5. 1666
45 F. Stephenson Welfare & Misc 276.84 1667
46 N. Todd Welfare & Misc. 21.70 1668
.1,,-- (-4-71./. . el-ii-e/i.,-- '7/t/e-;:s1
Clerk C R re
Seventh Meeting Special Meeting April 22, 1965
The Port Burwell Village Council held a special meeting in the
Municipal Hall at 7.30 April 22, 1965, with Reeve Ivor Rowley,
Councillor F. Waldeck, and Assessor H. McLean present.
The 1964 Budget and Expenditures were reviewed, and after much
deliberation a draft copy of the 1965 budget was drawn up. This
was sent to Peters, Brown & Co. , who are to set a mill rate,
subject to the approval of the council.
Time 10.30 p.m.
C e rk Rewe
Fifth Meeting Monday, March 1, 1965.
The fifth meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held in the
Municipal Hall at 7.30 p.m. on March 1, 1965. Reeve Ivor Rowley and
all members of the council were present. Hector McLean village
assessor was also present.
Reeve Rowley opened the meeting, followed by the reading and adopting
of the minutes 6f the previous meeting.
Norman Loucks, village foreman was present, and interviewed the council
as to acquiring a truck for village work.
Russell Brady of Woodstock was present to discuss with the council,
matters relating to insurance policies carried by the village. As a
result it was decided to review the complete insurance coverage now
in force in the village, and the clerk instructed to notify Hamilton
Ward and Cathers Insurance accordingly. -
Moved by A. Loucks and seconded by N. Todd that Voucher #3 and
Accounts 1--47 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same.
Ontario Water Resources are to be notified that the Council have
picked either Thursday March 18, or Wednesday M-,rch 24 ad a date
to meet with their representatives in Toronto.
Moved by F. Waldeck and seconded by H. Alward that the Health Dept.
and the Children's Aid be instructed to investigate the home of
Joseph Willard.
Father Hollerhead and Stanley Thorpe representing the Public Library
Board, interviewed the council relative to a rrant to assist them
in financing the library during the current year. They would like
to budget for $725. which includes their rent of 5300.
Moved by N. Todd and sec. by A. Loucks, that the clerk post notices
around town for applications for By-Law officer to enforce all By-Laws
of the Village.
Moved by F. Waldeck and seconded by H. Alward that this meeting be
adjourned until the next regular meeting April 5, 1965 unless in
case of emergency. Time 10.25 p.m.
No Name Services Amount Check
1 Norman Loucks wares 61.14 1572
2 Ken Kirkpatrick Wages 54.28 1573
3 Helen Wolfe Wages 32.36 1574
4 Receiver General Un. Ins 3 .16 1575
5 Recliver General Un. Ins. 7.20 1576
6 J. Willaert Wages 15.70 1577
7 L.1 .R.U.A. Membership 50. 1578
8 Receiver General stamps b. 1579
9 Norman Loucks Wages 61.14 1580
10 Ken Kirkpatrick Wages 54.28 1581
11 Helen Wolfe, Wages 32.36 1582
12 Joe 'Willaert Wages 15.70 1583
13 Richard Gamble Rent 25. 1584
101111 14 P.U.C. Hydro 173.06 1585
15 Aylmer & Malahide Telephone 105.84 1586
16 Norman Loucks Wages 61.14 1587
17 Ken Kirkpatrick Wages 54.28 1588
18 Helen Wolfe Wages 32.36 1589
19 Port Burwell 0.P.P Taxes 97.65 1590
20 Otter Creek Conservation 1964 Levy 371. 1591
21 Norman Loucks Wages 61.14 1592
22 Ken Kirkpatrick Wages 54.28 1593
23 Helen Wolfe Wages 32.36 1594
24 Receiver General Un. Ins. 18.16 1595
25 Receiver General Tax Dad. 20.40 1596 ,
No Name Services Amount Check //
26 Willson Nursing Home S. Temple 77.50 1598
27 Morley Wolfe Tires & Acct. 294.83 1599
28 Pt. Burwell Lumber Fire Hall fuel 57.50 1600
29 Pt. Burwell Lumber Welfare 33.
30 Bruce McCartney Screenings 35350 1603
31 F. Stephenson Welfare 266.80 1602
32 Ostrander Funeral Home Funeral 200.
33 Supertest Petroleum welfare 38.22 1605
34 Central Pipe Gamble pas 32.35 1606
35 F. Williams Line
36 Bennett Stationery Flag 7.42 1608
37 County of Elgin Calcium 50. 1609
38 Pt. Burwell Hardware 22.64 1610
39 Peter Gloin Fines • 24. 1611
40 Hamilton Ward & CathArs Fidelity bond 25.20 1612
41 Municipal World Dog tags, flag' 20.81 1613
42 James Davison 2 trips dogs 10. 1614
43 Norman Loucks diff. in telep. 2.85 1b15
44 East End Motors 14.12 lblb
45 Norman Todd Acct. 35.21 1617
46 Norman Todd Welfare 30. 1618
W. Reddick Clock & Watch 38. 1619
. 4)
Cl9-///7 itj-1/J'
rk T Reeve
Third Meeting Monday, Feb. 1, 1965.
The Port Burwell Village Council held their regular meeting on
Monday evening at 7.30 o'clock, in the Municipal Hall. Reeve
Ivor Rowley and all members of the council were present.
Reeve Rowley opened the meeting, followed by the reading and
adopting of the minutes of the previous meeting.
Thanks were acknoyrledged for a clock and a watch given by the
Village of Port Bu ell to former Reeve Ken. Baird, and former
Councillor Harold Hoshal respectively.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by Norman Todd that accounts No 1 to
27 on Voucher # 2 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the
voucher for the same.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by N. Todd that item # 20 on Voucher #
2 be deleted from—the number of accounts passed for payment pending
more thorough investigation.
Nathan Hayward was present with a complaint of dogs injuring his dog
which was kept tied up. Mr. Hayward was informed that the council
are taking steps to round up the stray dogs. Albert Hayward was also
present in regard to his 1964 duties as building and weed inspector,
collector of dog licenses, and By-law enforcement officer. Both of
these matters were laid over for a later meeting.
Plans were made for a flag raising ceremony on Monday, Feb. 15 at
noon, at which time the new Canadian flag will be raised on the
pole in front of the Municipal Hall.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by A. Loucks that the village Council
join Lerda for the year 1965 at a cost of $50.
Moved by F. ..ialdeck and sec. by H. Alward that leave be granted to
introduce B y-law /f 176 to estimate the expenditures of the village
on the roads and streets under its jurisdiction during the year 1965
as follows: for maintenance $6,100.
By-law read a first, second and third time.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by F. Waldeck that By-law now read a third
time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the
Moved by N. Todd and sec. by A. Loucks that leave be granted to introduce
By-law # l77--Whereas the Council of the Village of Port Burwell deems
it necessary to borrow the sum of $20,000. to meet current expenditures
until taxes are collected.
By-law read a first, second and third time.
Moved by A. Loucks and sec. by H. Alward that By-law now read a third
time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by F. Waldeck that this Council go on record
as being very favorable to acquiring the local lighthouse as brought
before the attention of Council by the Department of Transport, and
• that Reeve Rowley be empowered to take necessary action to ensure the
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by A. Loucks that the clerk be instructed
on behalf of the Village Council to send a letter of congratulation
to the village representative, Jack Sutherland, member of the Tillsonburg
and District High School Board on his election as chairman of the Board
for 1965.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by H. Alward to advise Hamilton Ward and
Cathers to change the name on the Fidelity Bond from Earl Boyd to
Helen Wolfe.
Moved by N. Todd and sec. by A. Loucks that the P.U.C. purchase six
new lights for the village with an amber light installed on the corner
of Victoria and Wellington Streets in place of the present white light.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by A. Loucks that this meeting be adjourned,
and a special meeting be called for February 15. Time 71.25 p.m.
Accounts Payable 411111
No Name Services Amount Check #
1 Richard Gamble Welfare Rent 25.00 1545
2 Norman Loucks Wages 122.28 1546
3 Ken Kirkpatrick Wages 59.22 1547
4 Helen Wolfe Wages 64.72 1548
5 Ken Kirkpatrick Wage6 54.28 1549
6 Norman Loucks Wages - 61.14 1550
7 Helen Wolfe Wages 32.36 1551
8 David Kirkpatrick Cleaning 3. 1552
9 Ken Kirkpatrick Wages 54.28 1553
10 Norman Loucks Wages 61.14 1554
11 Helen Wolfe Wages 32.36 1555
12 Lakeside Nursing Home Mr. Foote 60.25 1556
13 Receiver General Income Tax ded 20.40 1557
14 Receiver General Un. Ins 16.96 1558
15 Morley Wolfe Account 93.01 1559
16 Norman Todd Vouchers 20. 1560
17 Foster's Dry Goods Voucher 5. 1561
18 Central Pipe Line Voucher 12. 1562
19 Municipa 1 World Supplies 11.96 1563
20 Ostranders Funeral. Home Deleted
21 F. Stephenson Vouchers 175.60 1564
22 Supertest Voucher 10.50 1565
23 Supertest Office Oil 23.73 1566
24 East End Motors Scraper Blade 29.82 1567
25 Pt. Burwell Lumber Supplies Voucher 5.34 1568
26 Pt. Burwell Lumber Supplies Coal & Lumber 49.83 1569
27 Hugh Brooks Hauling Calcium 12. 1570
28 The Willson Nursing Home S. TNmple 90. 1571
-v• ..1>7.4-k-J.. .0. ', . .
Clerk �- Reeve.
Fourth Meeting Special Meeting Feb. 15, 1965
A special meeting was called to finish up the business with
Reeve Ivor Rowley and all the Councillors present.
•141 Reeve Rowley opened the meeting, and the Lighthouse agreement
was signed, and the Clerk instructed to write the Department
o of Transport, Mr. A. Speer regarding same.
Moved by H. Alward and sec. by Alvin Loucks that be it resolved
�• that all rents paid to welfare recipients living in properties
in arrears in taxes be channelled into the villave treasury,
and credited to the property owner to reduce the arrears.
A letter is to be written to Ontario Water Resources to try to •
arrange a date on which the Council may meet with them, either
in Toronto or in Port Burwell.
Mr. Ted Fielder, Centennial Field Representative is to be notified
' that we accept his date for a meeting in the dining room of the
Lakeside Hotel on Feb. 25, at 7.34-p.m. Representatives of the
Lions, Legion, Chamber of Commerde, Pommunity Centre, Jack Sutherland
and George McCord to be invited.
Moved by F. Waldeck and sec. by N. Todd to adjourn until the next
regular meeting. Time 10.30 p.m.
Second Meeting Tuesday, Jan. 12, 1965.
The regular meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held on
Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock, in the Municipal Hall with all
members present. Mr. Hector McLean, Assessor was also present.
The meeting was opened by Reeve Rowley, followed :)y the minutes of
the previous meeting, which were adopted as read.
' Mr. Royden Cathers of Ward and Cathers Insurance was present, and
for the benefit of the 1965 Council, reviewed all the insurance
policies carried by the village with his firm.
Mr. Crawley of J. D. C.Crawley Associates, Dundas, Ont. interviewed
the Council in regard to an adequate water supply for the village.
Mr. Geysen, representing the Lakeside Nursing Home asked for a lower
license fee on the Nursing Home than the present $15.
Plans were made to correct the drainage problem on Shakespeare ,street.
The Council made plans to curtail the running at lar..^e of dogs in the
village. In view of the present rabies menace in the district, they
are determined to make every effort to impound all dogs running loose
within the village. Jack Vince applied for the job of dog catcher.
Moved by Harry Alward and sec. by Fred Waldeck that the village pay
the sum of $15. as a membership fee for 1965 in the Ontario Good Roads
Moved by Alvin Loucks and sec. by Norman Todd that vouchers 1-36 be paid
and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same.
Moved by Harry Alward and sec. by Fred 'Waldeck that Norman Loucks be
re-engaged as village foreman for 1965 based on a 40 hour week and an
added 3 or 4 hours per week in case of emergence at a salary of X65.
per week, and that Kenneth Kirkpatrick be appointed his assistant on
a 44 hour per week basis at a salary of 355. per ::eek. Mr. Loucks to
be given two weeks holidays with pay, and Ken. Kirkpatrick one week
holiday with pay for the first three years of employment with the
village. Duties of these employees also in involve those of dogcatcher
and control, building and weed inspector.
Moved by Fred Waldeck, and sec. by Alvin Loucks that a •fee of $10. license
for each Nursing Home be charged for the year 1965.
Moved by Fred Waldeck and sec. by Norman Todd to hire Mrs. Helen Wolfe
for the year 1965 at ;05. per week for Clerk-Treasurer, and Tax Collector.
Moved by Alvin Loucks and sec. by Norman Todd that this council adjourn
until the next regular meeting Monday Feb. 1, 1965, except in case of
emergency. Time 12.35 a.m.
Accounts Payable
No. Name Services Amo t\ Check No.
1 Wayne Nickerson fireman 5. 1509
2 Ken Kirkpatrick wages 49.34 1510
3 Ken Kirkpatrick wages 49.34. 1511
4 Helen Wolfe, wages 68.92\ 1512
5 County Treasurer county rate 11,613. \ 1513
6 Wm. Epple Sr. rebate on tax 18.38\ 1514
7 Norman Loucks wages 118.35\ 1515
8 Tillsonburg District High Sch. Levy 1964 9,747.6&.. 1516
9 Vienna Separate School Levy 1964 1,115.44 1517
10 Hector McLean Salary 300. 1518
11 Lakeside Nursing Home Mr. Foote 60.75N 1519
12 Ken Kirpatrick wages 49.34% 1520
13 Charles Smith garbage 8. 1521
14 Albert Hayward salary 29.70., 1522
15 Helen Wolfe, wages 34.46\ 1523 .
16 Receiver General Unem. Ins. 19.9 1524
17 Ken Kirkpatrick wages 49.34 1525
1$ Mrs. W. Epple Welfare for child 30. 1526
19 Receiver General Income Tax ded. 2. 1527
20 Central Pipe Line Vouchers 28.85 1528
Accounts Payable continued
21 Willson Nursing Home Mrs. S. Temple 100.00 1529
22 W. G. Webster Stationery Acct. 5.20 1530
23 Victoria Hospital x-ray & drugs 13. 1531
24 B. McCartney Screenings 47.52 1532
25 Norman Todd Vouchers 28. 1533
26 Supertest Vouchers 21. 1534
27 Municipal World Subsc. & supplies 72.17 1535 111/28 F. Stephenson Vouchers 130.60 1536
29 F. Stephenson Acct. 2.15 1537
30 J. H. Kaufmann Acc t. 27.66 1538
31 Supertest Office oil 28.14 1539
32 P.U.C. Hydro 148.86 1540_
33 Pt. Burwell Hardware 23.73 1541
34 Tait's Meat Market 47.84 1542
4 1543
35 Pt. Burwell Lumber & Fuel
36 Ontario Good Roads Membership 15. 1544
• .%44.4.4-ri• W A/7Vie9••
Clerk Reeve
First Meeting INAUGURAL MEETING Monday, Jan. 4, 1965
The Inaugural meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held
in the Municipal Hall at 7.30 o'clock Monday, January 4, 1965. In
attendance were 1965 Reeve Ivor Rowley, 1965 Councillors Alvin Loucks
Harry Alward, Norman Todd, and Fred Waldeck. Assessor Hector McLean
was also present. The 1965 Council were sworn into office, and also
Frank Stephenson of the Public Utilities. This was followed by prayer
by Rev. P. G. Docksey.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted.
It wgs decided to post three notices quoting B -law , 147 and #151
regarding dogs running at large.
A gift in appreciation for long service to Harold Hoshal, and Ken
Baird was discussed, and a price in the neighborhood of Twenty Dollars
each was decided upon.
WORKS AND ROADS Norman Todd, Alvin Loucks
' PARKS Fred +1aldeck -
FIRE DEPARTMENT Harry Alward, Norman Todd,
WELFARE Alvin Loucks, Harry Alward
Finance Norman Todd, Fred Waldeck
TOZ PLANNING Fred Waldeck, Alvin Loucks,
Moved by Norman Todd, and seconded by Fred 'Waldeck that this
meeting be adjourned until the next meeting to be held Tuesday Jan.
12. Time 9.50 p.m.
-AA„ /9.71./e41
Clerk Reeve