HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell Council Minutes 1964PORT BURWELL VILLAGE Council Minutes 1964 Twenty -Third Meeting Monday, December 14, 1964. The Port Burwell Village council held their twenty-third meeting in the Municipal Hall at 8otclock on the evening of Monday, December 14, 1964, with Reeve Kenneth Baird and Councillors Harold Hoshal, and Louis Stewart present.. Assessor Hector McLean was also present. Fire -Chief Norman Loucks was present and reported that during the year, there were 19 meetings, and 11 calls, and 2 drownings: Total water drawn ' by the fire department was School 43000 gallons ,215. Boat 13000 " 130. \ Total 345. During the year the Fire Department bought supplies in the amount of ` $356.35. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by L. Stewart that the village council pay Mrs. A. McKibbin Two Dollars per month for water used by the villa Pe in the OPP quarters now occupied, which wo4ld be water rate for 1964. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by L. Stewart that the Village of Port Burwell donate Ten Dollars to the War Memorial Hospital in London for sick children. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by L. Stewart that the clerk order six copies of the Municipal World for the Council, Reeve, and Clerk for the year 1965. Moved by L. Stewart and sec.. by H. Hoshal that a rebate in the amount of 19.78 be paid to Edward Murray McPherson, 6 Garrett St., London, and a tax demand be made to Mr. Charles Lemp, Ingersoll, in the amount of x19.78. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by L. Stewart that the volunteer firemen be aid as follows: Fire Chief N. Loucks $150., Deputy Fire Chief M. Wolfe 150., B. Epple Jr. $33., W. Nickerson w29., S. McKibbin '945., H. Brooks F. Stephenson $42., J. Crocker $31., R. Atkins 9'26., N. Todd $14., P. Bucheski 418., R. Hurley 9'13., M. Chute $33., L. Toth $12. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by L. Stewart that acting Clerk -Treasurer Mrs. Helen Wolfe, be paid $35. per week as salary from Nov. 25--Dec-31, 1964. Moved b L. Stewart and sec. by H. Hoshal that Mrs. Ada Tuff be paid the sum of 15.00 for poll clerk on election day December 7, also that Mr. Jack Petrie be paid the sum of '925.00 for assisting the returning officer on election day December 7, also that Mrs. Helen Wolfe be paid the sum of $15.00 for returning officer services on election day. Moved by L. Stewart and sec. by H. Hoshal that a turkey be given to each of the town employees as follows: Mr. Norman Loucks, Mr. Kenneth Kirkpatrick, Mr. Hector McLean, Mrs. Helen Wolfe, and Mrs. Wanda Boyd. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by L. Stewart that accounts 1--67 on voucher 12 be paid, and the chairman be authorized to sign the same. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by L. Stewart that this meeting adjourn until the next regular meeting, unless in case of em-rgency. Time 11.25 p.m. Accounts Payable No. Name Services Amount Check No. 1 Lakeside Nursing Home Mr. Foote 60.25;%,1442 2 Ken. Kirkpatrick Salary 49.34. 1443 3 Rec. General Unemp. Ins. 18.84,, 1444 4 Income Tax Deductions 2. -, 1445 5 Ken. Kirkpatrick Salary 49.34-, 1446 6 ' 7 Norman Loucks W. E. Boyd Salary Salary 118.27,, 82.13-, 1447 1448 8 Pt. Burwell Library Grant 150. . 1449 9 Pt. Burwell & Bayham School Levy 3524.80, 1450 10 Ken Kirkpatrick Salary 49.34-, 1451 11 Aylmer & Mal. Telephone Village 32.11 1452 12 P.U.C. St. Lights & OPP 140.93\ 1453 13 Norman Loucks Salary 118.2 1454 14 Ken Kirkpatrick Salary 49.34 1455 15 Albert Hayward Salary Bldg. Insp 19.70,, 1456 16 Lakeside Nursing Home Mr. Foote 56.75,, 1457 17 Ken Kirkpatrick Salary 49.34, 1458 18 Aylmer & Mal. Telephone Fire Call 80.13, 109 19 D. Kirkpatrick Cleaning 3.25\ 1460 20 Ken Kirkpatrick Salary 49.34-, 1461 No. Name Services Amount Check No. 21 Rec. General -Unemp. Ins 14.28*, '1462 22 Income Tax Deductions 2. . 1463 23 Norman Loucks Salary 118.27 1464 24 Peter Gloin Fines 26. -, 1465 25 Newman Flowers replacing ch 1320 5.18 26 C.P. Telegram .9 1467 27 The E. F. Davis Co. Clock (Jackson) 14.90. 1468 28 The Willson Nursing Home S. Tomple 89.40. 1469 29 C. E. Hickey & Son fireman supplies 169.87• 1470 30 Norman Loucks telephone diff. 2.85,, 1471 31 Clerk of the Peace Voters lists 3. N 1472 32 Pt. Burwell Hardware acct. 100.20-, 1473 33 Curtis Letter Supply Voters Lists 43.30-, 1474 34 Canadian Legion '.vreath 12.88. 1475 35 Morley Wolfe Acct. 19.15-, 1476 36 News Printing Acct. 9.90, 1477 37 Municipal World Election Supplies 3.61\ 1478 38 City of St. Thomas S. Temple - 17.25 1479 39 Supertest Relief fuel 31.50 1480 40 Supertest Office fuel 31.50 1481 41 Norman Todd Relief vouchers 70. -, 1482 42 Norman Todd Gas 20.57, 1483 43 Aylmer Express Adv. 2.70,, 1484 44 Helen Wolfe Cleaning suprlies 1.801, 1485 45 Pt. Burwell Lumber & Fuel Acct. 190.041 1486 46 Mrs. A. McKibbin Water 24. 1487 47 War Mem. Children's Hosp. Donation 10. 1488 48 P.U.C. Hydro 171.36-, 1489 49 Mr. r,. M. IdcPherson Rebate on taxes 19.78-, 1490 50 Norman Loucks Fire Chief 150. 1491 51 Morley Wolfe Deputy Fire Chief 1f0. 1492 52 Bill Epple Jr. Fireman 33. 1493 53 Wayne Nickerson " 29. 1494 54 Stuart McKibbin IT 45. t 1495 55 Hugh Brooks " 51. 1496 56 Frank Stephenson IT 42. 1 1497 57 Jim Crocker 31. 1498 58 R. Atkins " 26. 1499 59 Norman Todd " U. 1500 60 Philip Bucheski " 18. 1501 61 Ralph Hurley 13. 1502 62 Mahlon Chute TM 33. 1.503 63 Louis Toth " 12. 1504 64 Helen Solfe Salary 103.38', 1505 65 Mrs. Ada Tuff Poll Clerk 15. 1506 66 Mr. Jack Petrie Ass. Returning Off. 25. 1507 67 Helen Wolfe Returning Off. 15. 1508 �Ylerk .eve Twenty -Fourth Meeting Special Meeting Wednesday December 239 1964 The Port Burwell Village Council held a special meeting in the Municipal Hall at 8 o'clock with Reeve Kenneth Baird, and Councillors Harold Hoshal, Louis Stewart, and Verne Hambly in attendance. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Harold Hoshal that leave be Oran ted to introduce Byslaw ff 175 Whereas the Council of the Villarp of Port Burwell deems it necessary to borrow the sum of 20,000. to meet current expenditures until taxes are collected. By-law read a first, second and third time. Moved by V. Hambly, and sec. L. Stewart that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. Moved by V. Hambly, and sec. by H". t}ashal that this special meeting now adjourn. Time 8.20 P.M. 0 �00 0 0 �)o otgo A0 0 0 0 Clark eve N ominatiOn Meeting Monday, November 10, 1964 A well attended Nomination Meeting war held in the Port Burwell & Bayham School on Monday November 30, 1964, from 8 n.m. to 9 n.m. The results of those qualifying were --- Ree ve Ivor Rowley Lewis Stewart Council Harry Alward Robert Atkins Verne Hambl*y Rev. Wm. Harkins Alvin Loucks Bruce Park Norman Todd Fred Waldeck Township School Board George McCord (acclamation) F.U.C. Frank Stephenson Louis Toth Election Monday, December 7, 1964. The result of the election held in the Municipal Hall on Dec. 7, 1964 were as follows: Reeve Ivor Rowley Council_ Harry Alward Alvin Loucks Norman Todd Fred daldeck Township School Board —' Georre McCord (acclamation) P.U.C. Frank Stephenson 0 Twenty -Second Meeting Spec Meeting Friday, November 20, 1964 A special meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held in the Municipal Hall at 6.00 p.m. Friday, November 20, 1964• Those in attendance at this meeting were Reeve Kenneth Baird, and Councillors Lewis Stewart, Harold Hoshal, and Verne Hambly. Moved by Harold Hoshal, and sec. by Verne Hambly that ?ors. Helen Wolfe, be appointed as acting clerk for the Village of Port Burwell at the pleasure of ,the council. By-law No. 173• By-law read a first, second, and third time. Moved by Lewis Stewart and sec. by Verne Hambly that By-law #173 now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. Moved By Verne Hambly and sec. by Harold Hoshal that leave be granted to introduce By-law No. 174 --that Mrs. Helen Wolfe be -appointed by council i;o be returning officer for the Village of Port Burwell for Nomination Meeting Nov. 30, 1994, and also for Election if necessary Dec. 7, 1964. By-law read a first, second, and third time. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Lewis Stewart that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. Moved by Harold Hoshal, and sec. by Lewis Stewart that Mrs. Ada Tuff be hired as an assistant to the returning officer, if an election is necessary on December 7, 1964. Moved by Lewis Stewart, and sec. by Harold Hoshal that this special meeting now be adjourned. Meetinr closed at 6.25 p.m. Twenty -First Meeting Monday November 2, 1964 The regular meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council w -G held Monday eiiening November 2, 1964 at 8 p.m. in the Municipal Office, with Reeve Kenneth Baird and Councillors Verne Hambly and Harold Hoshal Pr sent. The meeting was opened by Reeve Baird, followed by the minutes of the previous meetings and Court of Revision, which were adopted as read. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Harold Hoshal that accounts No. 1 to 29 on voucher No. 11 be paid and chairman authorized to sign the same. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly that Council replace steps on lest side of Creek. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly that Council instruct Clerk to contact Ontario Water Resource Commission as to what is being done by them at present in connection with Water system for Port Burwell. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly thit the Village of Port Burwell grant the Public Library Board $50.00 immediately and $100.00 when 1964 rent is paid Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Harold Hoshal that the Village Clerk write Mr. G.N. Scroggie, Dept. of Public Works, London asking him if he could make arrangement to have the sand removed from inside ledge on West Break Wall fecing harbour. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Harold Hoshal that Council instruct Clerk to write to Mrs. Wm. Smith asking her to turnLibrary Books, and Records over to town Clerk, also copy of Public Library Act., so they can be turned over to new Library Board, and also we understand from Mrs. Prouse the County Grant was paid two weeks ago, and we the Council would like rent for the Library paid. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly that leave be granted to introduce By-law No. 172 to fix the day for nomination and election of Reeve and Councillors and other local boards in the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell for the year 1965, such day to be November 30, 1964 8 p.m. in the Port Burwell Bayham Area School. The day of Election if necessary to be December 7, 1964. By-law regd a first, second, and third time. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Harold Hoshal that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Harold Hoshal that this meeting now adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. k Meeting closed 10:25. Accounts Payable. No. Name Services Amt Cheque No. 1 Port Burwell Library grant $50.00-, 1413 2 Ken. Kirkpatrick sal. 49.34. 1414 3 Hector McLean select jurors 3.001, 1415 4 Ken Baird select jurors 3.00. 1416 5 W.E. Boyd select jurors 3.00\ 1417 6 W.E. Bo d sal. 82.13. 1418 7 Norman loucks sal. 118.2?], 1419 8 Mary Weaver relief 10.00 1420 9 Ken Kirkpatrick sal. 49.34, 1421 10 P.U.C. hydro 146.51-1 1422 11 P.U.C. heater O.P.P. 10.00, 1423 12 Ron Butterwick acc. 88.00,, 1424 13 Ken Kirkpatrick sal. 49-34., 1425 14 W.E. Boyd sal. 81.53,, 1426 15 WM. Hayward Estate tax refund 6.92., 1427 16 Valley Camp Coal Co. tax refund 11.52. 1428 17 Mrs. Clara Steele tax refund 2.58,, 1429 1$ Ken Kirkpatrick sal 49.34, 1430 19 Nor¢an Loucks sal 118.27-, 1431 20 Albert Hayward bldg. Inspector 19.70-, 1432 21 Chas. Smyth garbage 8.00 1434 22 Supertest Petroleum relief fuel 10.50. 1434 23 W.G. Webster acc 104.75-, 1435 24 Willson Nursing Home re Temple 105.10, 1436 25 Merlyn Wolfe trucking 100.00N, 1437 26 Max Underhill trucking 200.00-, 1438 27 Ralph Hurley acc 22.37 1439 28 Bruce McCartney screenings 95.45,, 1440 29 Pt. Burwell Lumber acc, 159.88, 1441 J COURT OF REVISION 1964 Twentieth Meeting. October 26, 1964 Court of Revision for 1964 was heli in the Municip^1 Hn11 at R p.m. Monlay evening October 26, Members sworn into office were Reeve Kenneth Baird, and Councillors Harold Hoshal, Verne Hambly and L.H. Stewart. Assessor Hector McLean was also present. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hamblythat Roll 281, Lorne Foster No. 3961 396-19 396-2, Julius DeGrande. No 421 and 421-1, Mrs. John Foster. No. 430, Kate Kirkpatrick that Assessment appeal be withdrawn and Assessment confirmed. ' Moved by L.H. Stewart and sec. by Harold Hoshal that Roll No 32, William Hayward Estate, reduction on Building Assessment from $175.00 to $100.00. Roll No. 409 �-' Gordon Leghorn, reduction of Building Assessment of $100.00 making Assessment $625.00. Roll No. 508,v Ralih Hurley tenant be void. Roll 508-1wBusiness Assessment be deleted. Rol No. 139,.Peter Wilsoa,'Assessment, land $75.00, building $775.00 total 850.00.,>("Rell No. 139-1 confirmed. Roll No. 139-2, 139-3 be deleted. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by L.H. Stewart that Roll No -511 C.P.R. Assessment increase on land $50.00, making a total of $75 -00 -confirmed. Roll No. 395, Cliff. Bradfield, cancelation of tax 1964 $8.57. Roll No.929, W.F. Kolbe and Co., cancelation of tax $54.89. Roll 170, Mrs. Wm. Dadson, cancelation of tax X5.80. Roll No. 112, Wm. Epple Sr. cancelation of tax $18.38. Roll 32, Hayward Estate, refund of tax $6.92. Roll 910, Valley Camp Coal Co., refund of tax 11.52. Roll No. 429, Mrs. Clara Steele, refund $2.58. Moved by Harold Hoshal, sec. by Verne Hambly that this Court of Revision having heard all appeals against the 1964 Assessment Roll of the Village of Port Bur -gall, properly before it, now certify that this Roll as amended by the decision of this Court to be the last revised Roll of the Municipality in accordance with sec. 73 R.S.O. 1960. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly that this Court of Revision, now adjourn. Meeting closed 10.30 P.M. Clerk Reeve Nineteenth Meeting Monday October 5, 1964 The regular meeting of the Port Bur-4ell Village Council was held in the Municipal Hall, at 8 p.m. on Monday evening October 5, 1964. Those present were Reeve Kenneth Baird, and Councillors Verne Hambly and Harold Hoshal. Also present was the local Assessor Hector McLean. The meeting Was opened by Reeve Baird followed by the reading and adopting of the minutes of the previous meeting. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Harold 3oshal that accounts 1 to !�O on voucher No. 10 be paid and chairman be authorized to sign the same. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly that Council grant x50.00 to the ,_Port Burwell Association Library. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly that Council grant Vienna and Port Burwell Lions Club $25.00. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Harold Hoshal that this Council purchase six chairs for council chambers from Websters Stationery Supplies Woodstock at a cost of $78.00, less$35.00 allowance for used typewriter. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Harold Hoshal that the Village Council approves the expenditure to the Local Fire Department of $100.00 for fire fighting equipment. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly that this Council pay Frank Stephenson $20.00 for representing the Village at the E.M.O. meeting in St. Thomas for one full day. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Harold Hoshal That this Council hold Court of Revision Monday October 26, 1964 at 8 P.M. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly that the Village Council has decided that in consideration of the fact that a new sidewalk has been built on Robinson Street in front of Mrs. Underhill's store and Mrs. Dorken's that no cement step will be allowed thus causing a hazard which places the responsilility on the Village. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Harold Hoshal that the Village Council has appointed Mrs. Vera McKibbin to the Public Library Board to serve until Feb. 19th 196&. Mrs. Gwen Williams to the Board to serve until Feb. 19th 19 /9G6 Mrs. Newell Wright to the Board to serve unt'1 Feb. 19th 196 9b1 Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly that the Village Council has decided to put a new roof on the Municipal Hall. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Harold Hoshal that leave be granted to introduce By-law No. 171 That the National Fire Code of Canada 1963, be adopted as By-law for the Village of Port Burwell. By-law read a first, second, and third time. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk and signed and sealed by the Reeve. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Harold Hoshal that this Council now adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Meeting closed 11 P.M. Accounts Payable. No. Name Services Amt. Ck. No. 1 Rec. General 2 fire code 3.00. 1373 2 Ken. Kirkpatrick sal. 49.34, 1374 3 Norman Loucks sal. 118.27, 1375 4 W.E. Boyd sal. 82.13, 1376 5 Ron Butterwick acc. 26.25, 1377 6 Mary Weaver rel. 10.00. 1378 7 P.U.C. St. lights 123-36- 1380 8 Ken Kirkpatrick sal 49.34. 9 Ron Butterwick acc.. 22.00 1381 10 Rec. General stamps (Hector) 23.80,, 1382 11 Hector McLean Asses. Fees 300.00, 1383 12 Ken Kirkpatrick sal 49.34, 1384 13 Ken Kirkpatrick oiling (Livingstone) 8.89, 1385 14 Town of Tillsonburg debenture 1718 .64., 1386 15 Norman Loucks sal. 118.27-, 1387 Accounts Payable No. Name Services Amt. Ck. No. 16 W.E. Boyd Sal. 82.13 1388 17 A. Hayward sal. 19.70, 1389 18. Lakeside Nursing Home ace. 54.75 1390 19 Mary Weaver rel 10.00, 13?1 20 Ken Kirkpatrick sal 49.34. 1392 21 Rec. General income tax 2.00-, 1393 22 Rec. General Un. Emp. Ins. 16.44-, 1394 23 Ron Butterwick ace. 22.00\ 1395 24 Ken Baird council fee 150.00- 1396 25 Don Mole council fee 100.00N. 1397 26 Harold Hoshal council fee 100.00. 1398 27 Verne Hambly council fee 100.00- 1399 28 Lewis Stewart council fee 100.00. 1400 29 NorZWIodd relief vouchers 24.95, 1401 30 Morley Wolfe ace. 54.44. 1402 31 W.E. Boyd ceiling tile 5.32- 1403 32 Pt. Burwell Hardware ace. 52.12 1404 33 W.G. Webster ace. 5.82,, 1405 34 Peter Gloin ace. 24.00. 1406 35 City of St. Thomas re S. Temple 15.15. 1407 36 Sterling Fuels bunker oil 130.25N _ 1408 -37 VictaFia Hospital re Glenda Vyse 3.40-, 1409 38 Pt. Burwell Lumber ace 119.73- 1410 $9 Vienna & Pt. Bur. Lions grant 25.00.1 1411 40 Frank Stephenson delegation pay 20.00. 1412 ... �4. /Y. C57444.......... 4./ .... : .'Z ..... . Clerk Reeve Twentieth Meeting Special meeting Monday Oct. 19, 1964 A special meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held Monday October 19, at 8 P.M. in the Municipal Hall to discuss the connecting link of No. 19 Highway. Those in attendance at this meeting were Reeve Kenneth Baird , and Councillors Lewis Stewart, Harold Hoshal, and Verne Hambly. Also present was the Dept. of Highways representative Mr. H.H. Greenly. After much discussion it was decided that nothing could be done until 1966-67 due to the uncertainty of the local water system. This meeting adjourned at 10 Y.M. 66-096;9.!Y 1 kZ ....... C ......... .• 0 0 . 0.. .`. .. . . . . . .. Reeve "�I i Eighteenth Meeting ' Tuesday September 8, 1964 The regular meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held in the Municipal Hall at 8 p.m. Tuesday September 8, 1964, with Reeve Kenneth Baird and all Council members present. Also in attnedance were Assessor Hector Mc Lain, a delegation from the Ch&,nber of Commerce, and Mr. Leon Hoag and Mr. A Massey cottage owners. The meeting was opened by Reeve Kenneth Baird followed by the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, which were adopted as read. It was move? by Verne Hambly and sec. by Donald Mole that accounts No. 1 to 44 on voucher No 9 be paid and the chairman be authorized to sign the same. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly that the clerk be directed to writ the Lakeside Nursing Home advising them that the Village of Port Burwell will not be responsible for payment ofany patients. Effect upon receiving acceptance of Elgin County Manor. Moved by Donald Mole and sec. by Verne Hambly that the VillaPe Clerk be directed to write for two copies of the National Fire Code of Canada 1963. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by L.H. Stewart that the motion July 6th'meeting that the Clerk's salary be increased to x,2000.,00 per annum retroactive to Jan. 1st 1964 which includes caretaking of the Villaa Hall be rescinded, and that Motion should read Clerk's salary be increased to 1800.00 per year retroactive to Jan. 1st., 1964. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Donald Mole that the Village Council p,ay up to a maximum of Three Hundred Dollars for the purpose of loading and unloading cemebt tile to be transported to Port Burwell from London fjoved by L.H. Stewart amd sec. by D. Mole that the Clerk be directed to write a letter to the Village Solicitor instructin him to grant title of Burns St. Port Burwell Plan 12, which was closed March 2, 1964 By-law No. 165 to the Port Burwell Community Centre. Moved by L.H. Stewart and sec. by Harold Hoshal, that the Clerk be directed to write to the Consulting Engineer firm Crysler, Davis & Jorgenson re any recent development regarding the Village Water System. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Donald Mole that leave be granted to introduce By-law #170 to Establish a Public Library in the Village of Port Burwell and that a Public Library Board be appointed. H :3 0 1950 c.310,9.10 By-law read a first, second and third time Moved by L.H. Stewart and sec. by Verne Hambly that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. Moved by D. Mole and sec. by L.H. Stewart that the Council now adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Meeting close 11:35 p.m. Accounts Payable No. Name Services Amount Chenue No. 1 Rec. General Un. Emp. Ins. x 20.68. 1329 2 Ken. Kirkpatrick Sal. 49.34, 1330 3 Marilyn Mitchell Sal. 5.20, 1331 4 Community Centre Village Grant 100.00, 1332 5 T.B. Ronson gleed Cutting 2.50, 1333 6 Norman Todd Relief Voucher 20.00, 1334 7 Rec. General Income tax 2.00. 1335 8 W.E. Boyd Sal. 82.13, 1336 9 Ken. Kirkpatrick Sal. 49.34, 1337 10 Norman Loucks Sal. 118.27. 1338 11 Ron Butterwick Labour 14.00, 1339 12 Mary Weaver Relief 10.00• 1340 13 W.E. Boyd Clerk -Treasurer Memorial Park 100.00, 1341 14 Ken Kirkpatrick Sal. 49.34, 1342 15 P.U.C. Hydro 144.70, 1343 16 W.E. Boyd Sal. 82.13, 1344 17 Ken Kirkpatrick Sal. 49.34, 1345 18 Norman Loucks Sal. 118.27, 1346 19 Albert Hayward Sal. 19.70, X347 20 Chas. Smyth Garbage 8.00, 1348 21 'Mary Weaver Relief 10.00\ 1349 22 Rec. General Income tax 2.00, 1150 23 Rec. General Un. Emp. Ins 16.44\ 1351 Accounts Payable No. Name Services amt. Cheque No. 24 Ken Kirkpatrick Sal 49.34 1352 25 r7. G. Webster Supplies 21.63, 1363 26 Central Pipeline Relief Voucher 12.00 1354 27 Aylmer Malahide Tel. Co Village 25.81, 1355 28 Aylmer Malahide Tel. Co Fire Call 68.13\ 1356 29 Jack Williams dater (McCord) 3.5a 1357 30 Norman Hendrick Water (McCord) 3.50\ 1358 31 Victoria Hospital Genda Vyse4.15 1359 32_ Peter Gloin Feea 366.00, 15.15-, 1360 1361 33 City of St. Thomas Susan Temple 34 Ro o Metal Products Culverts 83.70, 1362 35 Bruce McCartney Screenings 47.93-, 1363 36 Dellerts Tile Tile 20.43, 1364 37 Norman Todd Acc. 35.27-, 1365 38 Port Burwell Hdwre Acc. 18.07., 1366 39 Gifford Bros. Printing Asses. Slips 43.45\ 1367 40 J.H. Kaufmann Acc. 31.06, 1368 41 Norman Loucks Diff. in Phone bill 2.85,, 1369 42 M.K. Chute :9iring 5.73-, 1370 43 Port Burwell Lumber Acc. 15.11, 1371 44 Lakeside Nursing Home Foote & McKibbin 117.50\ 1372. Reeve Seventeenth Meeting August t., 1964 The Port Burwell Village Councill held their rerular meeting in the Municipal Hall at 8:00 n.m., Tuesday, August 4, 1'164 with all members present. The meeting was opened by Reeve Baird followed by the reariing of the minutes of the previous meeting, which were alopted as read. Reeve Kenneth Baird stepred -iown as chairman and Harold Hoshal was appointed chairman for the reading of the accounts. roved by L.A. Stewart and seconded by Verne Hambly that accounts, 'Numbers 1 to 42 on Voucher Number $ be paid ane chairman be authorized to sign the same. Reeve Kenneth Baird resumed his duties as chairman of the meeting. loved by Verne Hambly and seconded b•, Harold Ho;hal that Mr. Kenneth Kirkritrick wages be increase) from X45.00 per week to ;50.00 n -r week commencing Au-ugt 1, ].974. 'loved by J. ;sole and seconded by L.H. :;tewart that a sign ,.ith flarhPr by �rocted at the corner of -10 Highwav and Victoria :;t. Congested area ahead. Clprk to write to Department of Highways regarding; this sign. '.oved by Varne Hambly and seconded by L.H. Stewart that the clerk write a lPttrr to "fir. J. '?c"'anus objecting very strongly to the condition about the house h- owns in Port 3ur:rell occupied by Mr. Orval Liberty. The village council]. feels this property should be cleaned up as the present tenant has been kpeoi.am live- stock in this residence and has been the cause of several complaints from the neighbours. Immediate action in this matter would be appreciated. roved by L.H. Stewart and seconded b• Harold Hoshal that the Villare grant the Community Centre J00.00. ,'`,oved by Verne Hambly and seconded by Don Mole that the Council an-rov- up to '10(..00 for a Hvrirant to ret water supply from C.P.R. water tank 'or Fire Protection rurnoses. :roved by Jon Idole and seconded by V-rne Hambly that the Council now adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Tile 10:30, '.Lesday evening. :recounts Faya"!e: No. Name 39rvices Amount Chenue No. 1 Jesse ?Morrow :deed Cutting $ 7.9n, 1217 2 Receiver General Income Tax 2.00, 12$$ 3 Jesse Morrow weed Cutting 7.90, 12$9 4 W.E. Boyd Salary & Retro. Far 135.41, 1290 5 Nathan Hayward Disposing of dor- 3.00. 1291 6 Receiver General Fire Code 1.50. 1292 Jesse Morrow Labour 7,90, 1293 5 Ken Kirkpatrick Salary 44.'4, 1294 9 Mary 'leaver Relief 10.00., 1295 10 P.U.C. Street Lights 123.26, 1706 11 Ken Kirkpatrick Salary 44.14. 1297 12 :Norman Loucks Salary 118.27• 129$ 13 Ron Butterwick Account - 36,00. 1299 14 Ft. aur. & Bay. Sc. 1964 Levy 5000.00, 1300 15 Gladys Foster kelipf Voucher 11,11.00% 1301 16 Ron Butterwick Account 66.00. 1302 17 Ken :;irkpatriek Salar- I"1;. 1?o3 15 Gordon Loucks Labour 39.40. 1304 19 ?Marilyn Mitchell Salary 26.00, 1305 20 Village of kt. Bur. Deb. Account 2900.00%, 1306 21 Norman Loucks Salary 1307 22 E. Boyd Salary $2.19 � 130$ 23 Lakeside Nursing Home 21F4.50, 1101? 24 Ken Kirkpatrick Salary 44.34, 1310 25 Marilyn Mitchell Sa-Mary 24.00. 1311 26 .filbert Hayward Labour 19,70. 1312 27 F.L. Stephenson Re: J. ".orrow 59.00. 11113 28 Gordon Loucks Labour 23.62% 1314 29 Albert Hayward •4eaver Labour 15.70. 1315 3C :1ary Relin 10.00% 1116 31 Supertest Fet.Tractor it 11.06. 1317 32 City of St. Thomas Re: Temple 14.25, 131$ 33 Port Burwell Hrdw. Account 29.90% 1? 19 Accounts Payable Conftd: - '?o. Na le Services Amount Che^.ue No. 34 Newmans Flowers Ltd. Re: Jackson 5.15, 1'20 35 Ben P. Corbett Ltd. Can Screw 2.65, 1321 36 Stan Thorpe Sign Fainting 1.50, 1322 37 Sterling Fuels Bunker Oil 260.61, 1323 3$ '.I.G. :lebster Account 2.32, 1324 39 Port Burwell Lumber Account 211.78, 1325 40 ?dorley .•;olfe Acco nt 127.17, 1326 41 Peters, Brown &- Co. Account 712.95, 1327 42 ;Marilyn Mitchell 4ccount 16.10, 1328 Clerk - a�PvF. Fourteenth ;Meeting July 6, 1?64. The Port Burwell Villare Council held their regular meeting in the Pl�znicipal Hall at 8:00 p.m., :ionday, Jul 6, 1964, with Reeve Kenneth Baird and Councillors H. Hoshal, V. Hambly, and J. Mole present. Hector McLean, Assessor was also in attendance. The meeting, was opened by Reeve Baird followed by the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, which were adopted as read. ii j Reeve Kenneth Baird stepped town as chairman and Harold Hoshal was appointed chairman for the read' -ng of the accounts. �--� Moved by Verne Hambly and seconded by Don dole that accounts from numbers 1 to 53 on Voucher No. 7 be paid and the chair -van be authorized to sign the same. Reeve Kenneth Baird resumed h;s duties as chairman of the meeting. '.loved by Verne Hambly ani seconded b,- lion hole that the Villare of Fort Burwell recieve aprlications until :Joon, Saturday, July lith, 1161. for an Assistant Clerk for the Villare of Fort Burwell.. Applications to to in apolicant's orm hand writing and. -gust state are, oualif rations, -ducatfon and salary expected . Knowledge of tyri_.1P prefnrpd Notices for an^li- cations to be posted in the Villare of Port Burnell only. Moved by Verne Hambly and seconded by Harold Hoshal that the Clerk's salary be increased to .$2000.00 per annum retro -active to January 1st, 164 whic,h includes the caretaking of the Village Hall. `hticGo:- Aj- "--- /t - /4``E Moved by Harold Hoshal and seconded by Varne Hambly that this Cl-rk write for the New Canadian Tire Code, now available to the National R -search Council, Ottawa ( Division of Building Research ) Moved by Harold Hoshal and seconded by Verne Hambly that this Council now adjourn till next reg:lar Council Meeting unless in case of emergency. Time 11:45, Monday evening. Accounts Payable: :;o. Name Services :amount Cheque No. 1 Lake Brie Developement Membership :50.':0, 1235 2 Ken Kirkpatrick Salary 44.34, 1236 3 Aylmer Ilalahide Tele. Fire Call 68.13, 1237 4 Boyd Salary 69.?5, 1238 5 Ken Kirkpatrick Salary 41.34, 1239 6 Norman Loucks Salary 118.27, 1240 7 Marilyn Mitchell Salary 24.00, 1241 8 Bell Telephone Phone Book 1.00, 1?42 9 Mary :+paver Relief 1`.00, 1243 10 Gladys Foster Relief Vouchers 10.00, 1241: 11 Public '_'tilities Com. Hydro 158.55, 1245 12 Ken K.irpatrick Salary 44.34. 1246 13 1•larilyn Mitchell Salary 24.00, 121,7 14 Albert Hayward Garbage 7.90, 1248 15 1.:;. Boyd Salary 69.75, 1249 16 Hector McLean Asses.- int; Fe s 300.00, 1250 17 Norman Loucks Salary 118.27, 1251 18 Ken Kirkpatrick Salary 1.1..34, 1252 19 Marilyn :-litchell Salary 24.00, 1253 20 Lloyd Vaughan Labour 133.00, 1254 21 Ken Murray Labour $1..93, 1255 22 Wanda Boyd Cleaning 16.00, 1256 23 Mary heaver Relief 10.00, 1257 24 Town of Tillsonburg Deb. Payment 1547.70• 1258 25 Lakeside Nursing Home 200.50, 1259 26 Norman Todd Relief Voucher 20.00. 1260 27 Jesse Morrow geed Cutting 7. 90, 1261 28 Marilyn Mitchell Salary 24.00. '` 1.262 29 Ken Kirkpatrick Salary 44.34, 12b3 30 Jeese Morrow .Deed Cutting 10.50, 1264 31 Jesse Ilorrow Cutting 'Fe 7.80. 1265 32 Peter J. Gloin ee 12.00, 1266 33 City of St. Thomas Re:`Temple 15.15, 1267 34. Hamilton 'dard & Cathers Ins. Fire Truck 144.60• 1268 35 Canadian Legion Union Jack 6.44, 1269 Accounts Payable Cont'd No. Name Services Amount Cheque No. 36 Township of Tillsonburg Jedriack j $.75. 1270 37 Fort Burwell Hardware Account 18.33, 1271 38 Tillsonburg flews Tax Notices 40.711 1272 39 J. Kaufman Account 30.25, 1273 40 East :lid Motors Account (Grader) 19.45. 1274 41 Laister Tractor Account 2.58, 1275 42 Victoria Hospital Glenda Vyse 1.15. 12.76 ` 43 Ralph Hurley Account 27.87- 1278 \� 44 W. G. Webster Supplies 2'0.48, 127 45 Receiver General Un. Emp. Ins. 19.24, 1279 46 Port Burwell Lumber Account 84.21• 1280 47 Albert Hayward By Law Officer 19.70 1281 48 Kenneth Baird Council Fees 150.00. 1282 `49 Donald flole Council Fees 100.00. 1283 50 Harold Hoshal Council Fees 100.00. 1284 51 Verne Hambly Council Fees 100.00•• 1285 52 L. H. Stewart Council Fees' 100.00, 1286 ?. 6i�L Clerk Reeve Fifteenth Meeting Special I`.eeting A special meeting of the Fort Burwell Villarr,e Council and interested rate -payers was held on the evening of July 14, 1964. The meeting was called to discuss the possibility of obtaining a :Dater System for the Village. Mr. Eric Jorgensen and a representative from the OWRC wac present at this meeting to discuss if it was feasible to put a less expensive system in the Village that would be approved by the OMB. After a lengthy discussion, Engineer Jorr,ensen and the representative from the OrIRC were to return to Toronto to see if this scheme was acceptable by the Ground dater Branch of the O.,RC. Moved by J. 1`.ole and seconded by Verne Hambly that this snocial meeti_nr= of Co>incil now adjourn. Time was 10:30. •Clerk Sixteenth Meeting Special Meeting Reeve A special meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held in the Municipal Office on the evening of July 20,1964. The ti -ie was 7:00 p.n. with all members present. The meeting was called to look over the applications submitted after their advertisement for an Assistant -Clerk -Treasurer. As there were only two applications, there was not too much discussion on the hiring_ of an Assistant -Clerk -Treasurer. floved by Harold Hoshal and seconried by Don Hole that the Clerk -Assistant be hired at a hourly rate of .11.30 per hour for the period while the office is being changed, presumably about two weeks will be alloted for this changeover. Moved by Verne Hambly and seconded by L.u. Stewart that this special 'Meeting of Council now adjourn. Time was 8:30 p.m. Clerk Reeve . Thirteenth Meeting Special Meeting June 30, 1964 A special meeting of the Port Burwell Village Council was held in the T nicipal Hall at 7 p.m. Tuesday evening June 30, 1964, with Reeve Kenneth Baird and all members present. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly that the Clerk contact Engineer Jorgenson to come to Port Burwell on July 8th or 10th at 7.30 p.m. and also arrange to bring a representative from 0.W.:i. C. Kindly advise Council to date which will he available to them. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Harold Hoshal that Village Clerk contact ?Mr. Dave 10 Adlam, Field Manager of Conversation Authority as to the condition of read into thbir Park, also approaches for Boat unloading Ramp and Parking area. Moved by D. Mole and sec. by L.H. Stewart that 2 used Street Liphts to installed and the P.U.C. be notefied for approval to be placed on Libbv Ive. at the discreation of the P.U.C. Foreman and to meetthe approval of the Cottager's as for proper location. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Harold Hoshal that this special meeting now adjourn. --?Meeting closed 10.15 F.m. .�:.'. �'..::. ........... , ...� ........... Clerk Heeve Twelvth Meeting -Monday, June 1, '1164 The Port Burwell Village Council held their regular reeting in the Municipal Hall at $:00 p.m., Monday, June 1, 1?64 with reeve Kenneth Baird and Co,:ncil- lors H. Hoshal, V. Hamblv, and L. Stewart nresent. Hector McLean, Assessor was also in atten?ance. The meeting was opened bar Reeve Baird followed by the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, which were adopted as read. Reeve Kenneth Baird stepped down as chairman and Harolr' Hoshal was appointed chairman for the reading of the accounts. ;-loved by L.H. Stewart and seconded by Verne Hambly that acco•ints from No. 1 to No. 41 on Voucher No. 6 be -aid and chair"an be a thorizPd to si-cn the same. Reeve Kenneth Baird resumed his ditties as chairman of the meeting. Iloved by Harold Hoshal and seconded by Verne Ha^ibly that the Villare Clerk mail a chenue in the amount of '50.00 as a ^iembersh'n fee to the Lade Erie Development Association to Mr. Joseph Clark, Ayl•ner, Ontario. "roved by Harold Hoshal and seconded by Verne Ifambly that this Council auth- orize Village Clerk to pay Stuart *,IcKibbon the sum of $16.00. Rei Trip to Toronto concerning Village WatPr System. Moved by Verne Hambly and seconded by Harold Hoshal that an,r^lember of the Council or delegate representing the Village be raid at the rate of a full day, x20.00 and one-half a day, 310.00 or part thereof plus inci,'ental expenses. Moved by Verne Hambly and seconded b^ L.H. Stewart that the Village Council dispose of the used typewriter that was fornally used by our local police officer as trace on office furniture for Clerk's Office. ?loved by Harold Hoshal and seconded by Verne Hambly that the foundation and brick be repaired on the Ifo-micipal Hall. ?'loved by Verne Hambly and seconded b- L.H. Stewart that the �esk and shelv- ing be built in the Village Council Chambers accordin;T to s--cifieations of the Village Clerk. i`oved by L.H. Stewart and seconded b• V-rne Hambly that leave be granted to introduce By-law ;169 to levy the rates and taxes fcr the year 1)64 and to provide for the collection tr reof with a mill rate as follows: Public Commercial, 68.01; Public Residential, 60.17; Separate Commercial, 65.11; Separate Residential 57.72. Penalties and lliscolznt to rem$ n same a- last year with 2/3 of 1% per month rharre�i on all arrears. That By-13� nreFent-d herewith be read a first time. By-law read a first time Moved by Verne Hambly and seconred by L.H. Stewart that By-law now read a first time be read a second time forthwith. By-law read a second tiTie Moved by L.H. Stewart and s-conded by Harold Hoshal that By-law now read a second time be read a third ti -ie forthwith. By-law read a third time Moved by Harold Hoshal ani seconded by Verne Hambly that By-law now read a third tiri� do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed an! sealed by the Reeve. Moved by Verne Hambly and secon-led by Harold Hoshal that this Council now adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Time 12:10 a. -n. Tuesday. i 5 Accounts Payable: No. Na-ne Services Amount Che -up No. 1 L.H. Stewart Exnenses (0..�.Z.C.) w3h.00 1194 2 Vienna Lions Club Grant 15.00V 1195 3 "Norman Todd(relief) Relief Vouchers 56.15. 1196 4 F. L. Stephenson Relief Vouchers 100.1$, 1197 5 Ken Kirkpatrick Salary 44.34, 119$ 6 14. E. Boyd Salary 69.75• 1191 7 Norman Loucks Salary 11$.27, 1200 $ Aylmer Malahide Telephone 4743. 24.56, 1201 9 P. U. C. Street lights & O.P.P. 137.40• 1202 10Ken Kirkpatrick Salary 44.34• 1203 11 adys Foster He: Smith 10.001 1204 12 Mary Weaver Relief 10.00. 1205 13 Ron Butterwich Labour 22.75• 1206 14 Ken Kirkpatrick Salary 44.34. 1207 15 W. E. Boyd Salary 69.2.1, 120$ 16 Central Pipe Lines Re: Smith 12.00. 12-1? 17 Norman Loucks Salary 11$.27. 1210 1$ Loucks Mowing lawn A _ 6.00._ 12.11 19 —Sally Ken Kirkpatrick Salary, 44.34. 1212 20 Wanda Boyd Cleaning 16.00, 1213 21 W. E. Boyd Mileage 9._)01 1214 22 Lakeside Nursing Home 220.50. 12.15 23 Norman Loucks Diff. in Phcne Bill 2.$5. 1216 24 Receiver General Income Tax 2.00, 1217 25 Receiver General Un. Emn. Tax 1$.24, 121$ 26 Receiver Genera). Postare' Stamps 3$.00. 1219 27 ?Mary 'leaver Relief 10.00, 1220 2$ F. L. Stephenson Relief Vouchers 15.00- 12.21 29 Norman Todd Relief Vouchers 20.00. 1222 30 Municipal WorldDog tags 16.3$. 1223 31 Bruce McCartney Screenings 1+2.90• 1224 32 City of St. Thomas Re: Temple 14.25• 5 33 Rosco Metal Products Lts. Supnlies 77.?7• 122 34 Morley Wolfe Account 73.55 1227 35 Workmen's Comp. Board Account 76.00• 122$ 36 Sterling Fuels Bunker Oil 517.1-1. 1229 37 Ken Kirkpatrick Overtime $.00. 1230 3$ Hamilton ?hard & Cathers Insurance 150.27• 1231 39 Port Burwell Lumber Account 35.44, 1232 40 Albert Hayward By-law officer 20.00. 12'3 41 Stewart McKibbon Trin to Tor., Re: W.S. 16.00, 1234 Clerk . ` . • /.... .... '!; ..neve 0 Eleventh meeting Monday May 4, 1964 The Port Burwell Village Council held their regular meeting in the Municipal Hall at 8 p.m. Monday May 4, 1964 with Reeve Kenneth Baird and Councillors H . Hoshal, V. Hambly, D. Mole and L. Stewart present. Hector McLean, Assessor was also in attendance. The Meeting was opened by Reeve Baird followed by the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, which were adopted as read. It was moved by D. Mole and sec. by Verne Hambly that accounts No. lt036 on voucher No. 5 be paid and the Chairman be authorized to sign the sane. It was moved by narold Hoshal and sec; by Verne Ham'-)ly that this Council grant Vienna Lion's Club x35.00. _ f Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Don. Mole that the Village Council pay Councillor Stewart the sum of w36.00 for two trips to Totonto re Water System for the Village. Moved by D. Mole and Sec. by L. Stewart that resolution requiring Building Permits or permits to move buildings to be approved by the Council be rescinded. Date of resolution July 8, 1963. Moved by Verne Hambly and Sec. by L. Stewart that the motion Monday April 27th., concerning resolution regarding Fire Insurance coverage of contents of fire Hall by W.B. Hogarth Insurance Co. be rescinded. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly that Hamilton, ',vard, and Cathers Insure contents of Fire Hall for the sum of Three Thousand Dollars. The Clerk was instructed to write the local Library Board informing them, that this Council has decided to act in concurrence with the auditors advice in the Auditors report suggesting the Village investegate the advantages of a Public Library Board, and at the present time we are withholding grant until our investigation is completed. L'le would appreciate the Library Chairman contacting the Village Council so that a joint meeting could be set up. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by L. Stewart that amendment to By -Law Ido. 137 that Claus No. 2 be deleted and that all dog license fees shall be paid on demand to ,dr. Albert Hayward who has been appointed Dog collector. Ry -law read a firstm seond and third time Moved by D. Mole and sec. by Verne Hamblv that By-law now read a third tine do pass, be engross8d by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. Moved by Vevne Hambly and sec. by D, Mole that amendment'to By-law „o. 137that Claus 1 he as follows Scale dogs will be ;2.50 for the first dog and $5.00 for the second dog and each dog thereafter. Female dogs will be 35.00 for the first dog and "10.00 for the second dog and each one thereafter. By-law read a first, second, and third time. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly that By-law no -a rQid a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk and signed and sealed by the R -eve. Moved by ti,arold Hoshal and sec, by Verne Hambly tha t this Council now adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of an emergency. Meeting closed at 11.10 p.m. Accounts Payable. No. Name Services Amt Che�ue Ido. 1 Ken. Baird expnses O.W.R.C. ;36.00. 11 0 2 Morley Wolfe " 36.00, 1161 3 Ken Kirkpatrick • sal. 44.34. 1162 4 W.E. Boyd sal. 69.75, 1163 5 'Iorman oucks sal. 118.27• 1164 6 Nary Weaver relief 10.00, 1165 7 Ken Kirkpatrick sal. 44.34. 1166 8 Rec. General mail box rent 3.00, 1167 9 W. E. Boyd sal. 69. 75, 1168 10 P.U.C. hydro 175.72, 1169 • 11 Ken Kirkpatrick sal 44.34. 1170 12 Ron Butterwick acc. ^\� 24.00, 1171 13 Norman Loucks sal 118.27. 1172 14 Wanda Boyd cleaning 16.00. 1173 - 15 Lakeside Nursing Home 228.50, 1174 Accounts Payable No. name 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Rec. General Rec. General Ken Kirkpatrick Mary `leaver Supertest Norman Todd Chalk's Drug Store Tillsonburg News S.R. Hart W.G. Webster Domtar chemicals Pt. Burwell Hardware Bruce '.4 cCartney City of St. Thomas Twship Scarbough Bruce McCartney Clarence Durling Pt Burwell Lumber M.K. Chute L.H. Stewart Vienna Lions Club ......!Y.. .:40 ... Clerk Services Income Tax Un. Emp Ins. sal. relief oil acc, acc auditors report supplies (Hector) supplies screenings ACC hauling screenings re Temple re 1d. Vernon stone gift acc wiring expenses 0.W.R.C. grant Amt. 2.00. 15.84- 44-34, 10.00• 28.14: 33.49• 1.82, 76.48• 69.17- 3-40- 221.86, 9.17,3.40,221.86. 159.05• 113.92, 15.15• 18.28, 455.71- 7.16. 44.92. 5 . Q0. 36.00. 35.00, chegyre No. 1176 1175 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 Reeve r' Ninth Meeting Monday April 6, 1964 The regular meeting of the Port 3ur-aell Village Council was held in the Municipal Hall on Monday evening April 6th., at 8 p.m. with Reeve Kenneth Baird and Councillors H. Hoshal, D. Mole and V. Hambly present. The meeting was opened by Reeve Baird followed by the readiing of the minutes of the previous meeting, which were adopted as read. It was moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly that accounts numbering from 1 to 42 on voucher No. 4 be paid and the reeve be authorized to sign the same. It was moved by Donald Mole and sec. by Verne Hambly that the Village purchase one Duro Pump K255 at a price of )136.63 from the Port Burwell Hardware, for the O.P.P. Office (Installed) It was moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Donald 1Role that this Council pay Reeve Kenneth Baird and Morley Wolfe the sum of ✓36.00 each for two trips to Toronto re proposed water system. Moved by D. Mole and sec. by Verne Hambly that this Council now adjourn until next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Accounts Payable No. Name ::services 1 Norman Todd relief vouchers 2 Ken Kirkpatrick sal. 3 F.L. Stephenson relief vouchers 4 Aylm. Mal. Telphone fire call line 5 Memorial Park Coma grant 6 W.E. Boyd sal. 7 Norm. Loucks sal. 8 Ken. Kirkpatrick sal. 9 W.H. Flewelling relief rent 10 L.H. Stewart expenses 11 Mary Weaver relief 12 Jesse Morrow relief 13 P.U.C. St. lights 123.32 OPP22.14 14 W.E. Boyd sal. 15 Ken Kirkpatrick sal. 16 Ken Kirkpatrick sal 17 Norm Loucks sal 18 Wanda Aoyd cleaning 19 Lewis Stewart expenses 20 Lakeside Nursing Home Acc. 21 Mar -j Weaver relief 22 Rec. Geberal Income tax 23 Norman $odd relief vouchers 24 F.L. Stephenson relief vouchers 25 Hector McLean sal. 26 Rec. General Un Emp Ins. 27 Ken Kirkpatrick sal. 28 Pt. Bur & Bayham School Board 29 City of St. Thomas 30 Peter J. Gloin 31 Domtar Chemicals 32 Bruce McCartney 33 Municipal World 34 Last End Motors 35 Morley `rdolfe A16 Hurley's Boat Bldg. 37 Supertest Petro. 38 Supertest Petro. 39 Dr. C.'. Leatherdale 40 Hamilton Ward & Gathers 41 Murray A. Jacobs 42 W.H. Cookson 1963 levy re Temple certify Voter's List screenings hauling screenings cash sheers grader blade acc. acco relief vouch— oil and Peedol fire Physicals Insurance fire supplies used refrig. Amt. ;)36.00, 44.34, 90.00- 68.13, 0.0068.13, 327.22• 69-75- 134.82, 9.75134.82. 44.34, 35.00% 26.20, 10.00, 69-50- 145-46, 9.50145.46, 69:75• 44.34, 44-34- 118.27, 16.00- 27.20. 6.0027.20- 220.50, 10.00- 2.00- 25.00, 60.00, 300.00, 16.10, 44.34, 5524. 80, 13.15.,- �. 3.00, 51.69, 42.08, 7-36,- 24-56, 22.06, 15.30, 31.50, 32.06, 6.00, 20!;.20• 229.09, 25.75, Cheque No. 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 ].128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 115 9 ......... fY.-' L�.::....... ..7� ..... ......... clerk Reeve pecial Meeting tenth meeting special meeting of the Port Burwell Village onday April 27, at 8 p.m. Those present were . Hoshal, D. Mole and L.H. Stewart. Monday April 27, 1964 Council was held in the Municipal Hall i-�eve Kenneth Bdird and Councillors It was moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by D. Mole that the Village Clerk write a letter to Mr. M.D. Trewin, Municipal Accounting Advisor, Department of i•lunicipal Affairs acknowledging the resolution passed by Council to amend application for Municipal Works Loan re Village Water System according to letter copy April 21st. to your Depart- ment from the Consulting Engineering firm of Crysler, Davis and Jorgenson. Moved by L.H. Stewart and sec. by D. Mole that the Surety Bond on the Clerk,Trea surer be extended to cover his duties as Clerk*treasurer of the Memorial Park Board. . Moved by D. Mole and sec. by L.H. Stewart that the Fire Insurance Coverage on Fire Hall contents be insured to X3000.00. And I.B. Hogarth's Insurance be notified to cover same. Pdoved by D. Mole and sec. by narold Hoshal that leave be granted to introduce By-law No. 168 that Albert Ha3raard be appointed By-law Engorcement Officer and also to fill the following offices, Building Inspector, deed Inspector, and Dog Tax Collector at the pleasur of the Council at a salary of •;250.00 per year plus commission. By-law read a first, second, and third time. Moved by D. Mole and sec. by Harold Hoshal that Byilaw now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by D. Mole that this special meeting of Council now adjourn. Meeting closed 10.p.m. ..... .. . ............. Clerk Z ................ Heeve a • Special meeting seventh meeting Friday IMarch 13, 1964 A special meeting of the Pott Burwell Village Coiuicil with Mr. Eric Jorgenson was was held in the Municipal Hall at 8 p.m. Friday March 13, 1964 with all members present.. Members of the P.U.C. and other interested parties were also in attendance. After a lengthy discussion it was moved by D. Mole and sec. by Verne Hambly that the Village enter into an agreement with the Ontario +'ater Resources Commission for the provision of a water works project. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by L.H. Stewart that leave be granted to introduce is By-law No. 167 whereas the corporation of the Village of Port Burwell has entered into or proposed to enter into an agreement with the Ontario Fater Resources Comm- gssion to provide for the conttruction of a water works project as discribed in a schedule to By-law No. 167 By-law read a first and second time ?Moved by D. Idole and sec. by Vern Hambly that Ry -law do now pass, be el_grossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reevo. Moved by L.H. Stewart and sec. by Verne Hambly that the Village of Fort-)ur,,ell deems it expedient to apply for a lean under the Federal"Provincial Municipal Works Assistance Program as described in the memorandum of the Minister of Municipal Affairs dated the 4th day of November 1963 in respect to the following project for a water works system. I -loved by D. 1.1ole and sec. bX Verne Hambly In account aith the Village of Fort Burwell that the amount of •.,26.20 be paid to Councillor L. :Stewart for a return trip to Toronto in regards to the proposed Village 'nater .forks Project. I.Ioved by Verne Hambly and sec. by D. 'Mole that the Village Council purchase a used refridgerator for the Clerks office. Moved by D. 1.1ole and sec. by Verne Ha:pbly that this especial meeting of the Council mow adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. ...... t de_�Pli�,�* .........r Special Meeting eighth meeting ......... �teeve ;ped. March 25, l,',4 The Port Burwell VillarTe Council with al: members present, held a special meetl.ne in the 1.1uniciral Hall at 7:30 p.m. pied. A -larch 25, 1964. Mr. Ilorle-, ',iolfe of the P.U.0 and Eric Jorgenson Consulting Engineer .sere also present. It was moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly that Councillor Lewis itewart be paid the sum of $27.20 re expenses for car mileage and meals for trip to Toronto in connection with Village ',inter jystem March 19., 1964. Moved by Harold Hoshil and sec. by Donald Mole Whereas council considers that an apprecicble period of time may elapse before t'ie majority of potential consumers in the Villape of Port Burwell connect into the proposed water distribution system. Be it hereby resolved that council request that the Ontario dater hesources Commission grant to the village deferment of the debit retirement portion of its annual charges respecting the proposed ',later Supply and Distribution System for a period of three . years following the installation of the system. Moved by L.H. Stewart and sec. by Verne Hambly resolution suggested by Chrysler, Davis and Jorgenson. ,�hereas Council has made application under the municipal works Assistance Programe for a loan to assist in the financing of its proposed water supply Distribution System. And whereas it app@ars expedient that any further hearing to be conducted by the Ontario municipal Board into the matter be deferred until the Department of municipal Affairs rules upon the said application. $e it therefore resolved that Council request the Ontario 'nater Resources Commission to apply to the Ontario elunicipal Board for a hearing date between June 8th, and June 29th, 1964 • And be it further resolved that CounciY re_uest the Ontario 'dater Reso rces Connission to seek a commitment from the two low tende s whereby their tenders will stand acceptable until July 315t., 1964. Meeting closed at 8:45 P."'• ... , . , .� ....:. . .. . . . -- - - -- er'K Keeve Special Meeting Ninth meeting Thurs. April 2, 1964 Members of the Port Burwell Village Council and the P.U.C. held a special meeting in the Municipal Hall at 7:30 p.m. Thursday April 2, 1964 There was considerable discussion regarding the proposed water system for the Vil3age. It was desided that Council would v4sit other small neighbouring communities regarding water systems, and the Clerk was instructed to write the Grand Bend Reeve and P.U.C. to set a date to meet with them and view their system if possible. It was moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly that this special meeting of Council now adjourn. Meeting closed 8:15 p.m. . ..... ..:1�`/:.... ... .... �:�� .... ........... W. Clerk Reeve Fifth Meeting Monday March 2, 1964 The fifth meeting of the Port Bur:-ie71 Village Council was held in the Municipal Hell at 8 p.m. Monday March 2 nd., 1964 with Reeve Kenneth Baird and all Council members present. Fecter "clean Assessor ~as also present. The •a!etinr was opened by Reeve Baird followed by the reading and adopting of the minutes of the previous meeting. It was moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by D. Mole that accounts No. 1 to 50 on voucher No. 3 be paid and the chairman be authorized to sign the same. • Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by L. itewart that this Council resi.nd By-law No. 161. Voved by L.Stewart and sec. by D. Mole that the Council grant the sum of :„:400.00 to t -he Memorial Park Commission for use in 1964 improvements and operation. lioved by L. Stewart and sec. by D Mole that the Council pay to Kenneth Baird the sum of Sixty Dollars ($60.00) for travelling and Room expenses to Good Roads Convention at Toronto on Feb. 24-27 1964. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Harold Hoshal that leave be gr?nted to introduce By-law 166 that Mr. Norman Lo,icks be hired as Vill�we Foreman at a salary of 42900.00 " per year during the pleasure of the Council rectoactive to Jan. 1st. 1964. By-law read a first, second and third time Moved by D. Mole and sec. by L. Stewart that By-law novo read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly that leave be granted to introduce By-law ,J o. 165 that Village Council at Port Bur,tell under ,-ec. 162 (1) page 780 of the Municipal Act, a By-law to stop up and close off Burnes street in the Village of Port Burwell. By-law read a first, second and third, time Moved by L. Stewart and sec. by D. Mole that By-law now road a third tine do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. btoved by L. Stewart and sec. by Vern Hambly that this meeting now adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Accounts Payable No. Name services Amt. cheoue No. 1 Ont. Good Roads Membership .15.00, 1068 2 Rec. General Income tax 1.20, 1069 3 Rec. General Un. Emp. Ins. 16.80. 1070 4 Nary ,leaver Relief 10.00, 1071 5 Jos. .iillaert Labour 15.80• 1072 6 Jesse I'forrow Labour 7.80• 1073 7 Jesse Morrow Relief 80.00• 1074 8 Royal Can. Legion Grant 50.00. 1075 9 Rec. General Past. stamps 10.00% 1076 10 Ken Kirkpatrick gal. 44.34. 1077 11 Carl Burke Labour 7.80, 1078 12 Len. Lemay Labour 7.80, 1079 13 Dept. Transport License truck&tank 4.00, 1080 14 W.E. Boyd Sal. 69.21, 1081 15 W.E. Boyd Mileage 4.00, 1082 16 Norman Loucks Sal. 114.50, 1083 17 Ken Kirkpatrick Sal. 44.34, 1084 18. Jas. Crocker Labour 39.40, 1085 19 Len Lemay Labour 31.64, 1086 20 Mary cleaver Relief 10.00• 21 P,U.C. • hydro 61.31. 1087 22 F.U.C. st. lights 136.86, 1089 23 P.U.C. Park grant 72.78,1090 24 Ken Kirkpatrick Sal 4.3, 1091 25 Ayl. Mal. Telephone Phone Bill 21-46, 1092 26 W.E. Boyd Sal 69.75, 1093 Wanda Boyd Cleaning 16.00, 1094 2 Ken Kirkpatrick 11 Sal 44.34. 1095 . 2 NormanLoucks Sal 114.50, 1096 10 Nursing Horne Foote, Townsend &McKibbin - 192.50. 1097 304m. Fleuelling Relief rent 35.00, 1098 32 Jesse Morrow Relief 69.50_ 1099 33 Norman Loucks Phone Bill 2.85, 1100 34 Haroid Hoshal Phone Bill 1.90, 1101 Accounts Payable No. Name service Amt. cheque No. 35 Municipal dorld supplies 10.98. 1102 36 Lakeside Hotel Dinner 60.00. 1103 37 City St. Thomas re Temple 15.15- 1104 38 Supertest re Smith 21.00, 1105 39 Supertest Oil 27.93, 1106 40 Norman Todd Ace. 8.55, 1107 41 Morley .Wolfe Ace. 58.66, 1108 42 Pt. Bur. Hardware Ace. 80.07, 1109 43 East End Motors Scraps* Blade 283.40, 1110 44 Bruce McCartney Hauling atone 18.83, 1111 45 Mary 'Heaver Relief 10.00, 1112 46 Rec. Geaeral Income Tax 1.20, 1113 47 Receiver General Un. Emp. Ins 18.56, 1114 4$ Murray Scanlan Garbage Dump 150.00, 1115 49 Pt. B ell Lumber Ace. 18.89, 1116 50 Ktn. Baird Travel Expenses 60.00, 1177 Clerk Reeve Special Meeting Friday March 6, 1964 The Port Burwell Villa_e douncil and a number of visitors held a special meeting in the Municipal Hall at p.m. Friday March 6, 1964. Also present at t,is meeting was •'lr. Eric Jorgenson of Crysler, Davis, & Jorgensen Consulting Engineers for the purposed water system for the Village. • Moved by D. Mole and sec. by Verne Hambly that this Council renew the option on lots No. 9, 10, 11, and 12 running North and westerly on Union st. also Lots 23, 24, and 25 running sou south and easterly on Water st., Port Burwell for a term of two years with the Expiry date Nov. 30, 1965 with Imperialle Fuels. Moved by H. Verne Hambly and sec. by D. Mole that this Council request the Ontario plater Resourses Commission to make application to the Ontario Municiple Board to approve the expenditure of w375,000.00 for the construction of a water supply and disttribution system in the Village of Port Burwell based upon the law tender received on March 3rd 1964 in the amount of $323,828.24. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by D. Mole that this special meeting of Council now adjourn. Meeting closed 10.00 p.m. Ce Reeve 0 Third Meeting Ltonday Feb. 3rd., 1964 The third meeting of the 1964 Village Council --a- held in the Municipal Hall on Monday evening Feb. 3rd. at 8 p.m. with Reeve Kenneth Baird and all members prese: Assessor Hector McLean was also present at this meeting. The meeting was opened by Reeve Baird followed by the reading of the minutes of t'. previous meeting which were adopted as read. It was moved by D. Mole and sec. by L.H. Stewart that accounts 1 to 32 on voucher No. 2 be paid and the chairman be authorized to sign the same. Moved by D. MOle and sec. by Vern Hambly that a Qrant of x50.00 be given to Local Branch 524 of the Royal Canadian Legion. Lyras moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly that new lights to replace old ones (six in pumber) One half way up the hill on Bridge street (lnew) 2 new on Brock Street , 3 new on Strachan Street. Moved by D. Mole and sec. by Verne Hambly that 2 M.S.A. gas masks ­,ith speaking diaphram be purchased for the local Fire Dept. at a price of ,91.70, plus 2 extra containers by the Village Council. Loved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Haibly that this Council send fee of x15. To Good Roads Association for membership. Moved by Verne Ha-nbly Sec. by L.H. Stewart that this Village Council endorses the resolution from the County of Peel re Dealing with costs of annexation hearings. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Verne Hambly that leave be granted to introduce By-law N. 163 to estimate the expenditures of the Vi '_age on the roads and streets under its jurisdiction during the year 1964 as follows, for the maintenance ,5700. and overhead of $400.00. Total of y6100.00. By-law read a first, second and third time, Moved by D. Mole and sec. by Harold Hoshal that By-law now read a third time do pa be engrossed by the clerk and signed and sealed by the Reeve. Moved by D. Mole and sec. by Harold Hoshal that leave be granted to introduce B y - No. 164 for exempting from taxation except for local improvement and school purposes for a period not exceeding ten years the premises if the Royal Canadian Branch No. 524. By-law read a first, second and third time Lioved by L.H. Stewart and sec. by Verne Hambly that By-law now read a third time d pass, be engrossed by the clerk and signed and sealed by the Reeve. 1 -loved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Harold Hoshal that this meeting adjourn until th next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Meeting closed at 11:15 p.m. Accounts Payable No. Name Services =,mt. Che^ue No. 1 Tillsonburg & Dist. School for Retarded Grant ;'125.00. 1036 2 Norman Todd Relief Vouchers 15.00, 1037 3 F.L. Stephenson Relief Vouchers 35.00• 1038 4 .Jayne :Dickerson Labour 35.46, 1039 5 W.E. Boyd Sal. 69.75• 1040 6 Norman Loucks Sal 114.50,, 1041 7 Joe. Willaert Labour 7.00, 1042 8 Joe. �Jillaert Labour 23.62 1043 • 9 '.Jayne Nickerson Labour 39.40, 1044 10 Roy Armstrong Cutting trees 4.00. 1945 11 P.U.C. St. lghts &O.P.P. 141.5$. 1046 12 J.L. Boyd Sal. 69.75, 1047 13 Joe. Willaert Labour 39.40, 1048 14 Joe. Willaert Labour $.00, 1049 15 Norman Loucks Sal. 114.50, 1050 16 Wanda Boyd Cleaning 16.00, 1051 17 Lakeside Nurs. Home (Foote & Townsend) 167.75, 1052 18 Joe. '.,�illaert Labour 31.46. 1053 19 Jesse Morrow Labour 30.54, 1054 20 Central Pipeline re imith 12.00, 1055 21 Valley Camp Coal Co. re Morrow 14.72, 10r,6 22 Pt. Burwell Hardware acc. 12.27, 1057 23 J.H. Kaufmann acc. 28.94, 1058 No. Name Services Amt. Cheque No. 24 P.U.C. repairs to saw `;2.32. 1059 25 Supertest re Smith 10.50, 1060 26 Citv of St. i�homas re Temple 15.15, 1061 27 Taite Meat Mark. Xmas Turkeys 29.35, 1062 28 Domtar Chem. Screenings 18.59. 1063 29 Bruce McCartney Hauling screenings 15.49. 1964 30 F.L. Stephenson Relief vouchers 20.00 1065 31 Norm Todd Relief vouchers 15.00, 1066 32 Pt. Bur. Lumber acc. 52.14, 1047 Clerk Special Meeting Reeve Thursday Feb. 20, 1964 0 - The Poet Burwell Village Council held a special meeting with Eric Jorgenson Consulting Engineer re the purposed water system for the Village. There was considerable discussion on the possablities of obtaining a water system. This matter was layed over until the opening of the recalled tenders on March 3rd., 1964. This special meeting closed at 9:30 p.m. C erk 0 eeve t u 9 ` -- ----^-•--�--.•----*•*-.^—__..�. _ ...........i a ....�. __..__....�,....._..._..._ - - -..__ .....__..� _.__.................__......_......�.....s.._-......... ,R. , ....�•-.60 jo ~ + At f� �.4"7 4 - t oor Id y I� .s �.- �.wrrri�..P�4�►'.'�.....- w...., __.r -....-.-.r... �.. ..nw,�,f•+w-..... ._ ._ �.....v.:.rs.•••er--►.w._ ..�� _.. -o-.,. ,-... � �.. _-�'.7r�� .+-.�-. .._..-- `�.•........._..v... - .-. .» .. ,..a.. �-�_..... ,..•-7.,r►•.•cP.•. 4...n. _.o�...r... r.-. . -_... -__ ._..-.,.qct.. .e.w. _..e.-. d.�t��r • . .• ,.. rr-+--...•�..r.r...rr.r�.r.d_-.w.•.,.«�..-. w.+.--• «w.«- _ _.� » -_..- ...,►.�.......�..-.a..»..••.,r...�.__ ........�. a...r v.......�.....,.r.-.... - - - N - -- oo ....«war..+r...... kill r . • ti ter••----------- ---- ,........�...--.._ �.-r.._,..,.....- .. _. ......�...._- ,.... __ . _ _ _� __,_,...._._ .. �.._.. ..._ . _ . ... ...... .,...._ _ ..__........,. ....r,,._ �.—...- - .. ..... _ .�... -. _ r,... -.- - _-._..-............ .....,...,».�. -'�"°w"S^.'yY... .._+w+�.�w.•.....-a. _ .. ...• .•... ... www. ._ «. w .. � ..... .. ._... .. _.... . _. _ ,. _.,, _ p .. ysr-•..• .r .tery�_ ._ wM�....,•^.+�'r'�.�' ...r N..n.Y.-._•I.•+ .. ! .M . v � 4..n. .. r. •.! . y'�y► 1 - ... __ .. r..•.,.►.• .� w ....►•�.. r.�.�.i.. �. _ -. •..�N Special Meeting second meeting Monday Jan. 27, 1964 The Port Burwell Village Council held a speci&A meeting in the Municipal Hall at 9 o'clock p.m. with Reeve Kenneth laird and all members present. Also in attendance was Mr. Jack Sutherland , our representive to the Tillsonburg and Dintrict High School Bd. 4 who gave his report on affairs at the School. It was moved by Donald Mole and sec. by Harold Hoshal that leave be granted to in- troduce By-law No. 162 that Mr. Kenneth Kirkpatrick be hired ;s assistant Foreman at a salary of $45.00 par week commencing Feb. 3rd. 1964 (44 hrs per week) for a pro- bation, -period of six months during the pleasure of the Council, and that the By-law presented herewith be read a first tile. �y-law read a first time. Moved by Verne Hambly and sec. by Donald ::ole that By-law now read a first time be read a second time forthwith. By-law read a second time. "loved by harold Hoshal and sec. by L.H. Stewart that Tay -law now read a second time be read—a third time forthwith. By-law read a third time. I•oved by L.H. Stewart and sec. by Verne Hamble that By-law now read a third time do pas be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. Moved by Donald Mole and sec. by J.H. Steuart tha tthi.s special meeting now adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. lerk teeve First Meeting INAU13URAL MEETING Monday January 6, 1964 N The Inaugural meeting of the Port Burrell Village Council was held in the Municipal\ Hall at 8 ltclock p.m. Mon -lay January 6th., 1964. In attendance were Reeve Kenneth Baird, 1964 Council members Harold Hoshal, Donald Mole, Vern Hambly, and Lewis Stewa Also present were Assessor Hector McLean and former Councillors Ivor Rowley and H.O. Alward. The 1964 Council was then sworn into office. .The meeting was opened with Prayer by H.O. Alward. Mr. Baird thanked Mr. Alward and presented him with a small gift. i The minutes of the Previous meeting were read and adopted. It was moved by D. Mole and sec. by L. Stewart that accounts 1-47 on voucher No.l \bbe paid and the chairman be authorized to sign the same Moved by Vern Hambly and sec. by L. Stewart that the Clerk inform Mr. Claarence Durling that this Council has no authority to permit Sunday opening or closing withol a plebisite. Moved by Vern Hambly and sec. by Harold Hoshal that it is the intention of the Vi;l% Council to pass a By-law for stopping up Burris Street in plan 40 of the Village of fort Burwell under Chapter 249 Section 459 R.S.O. 1960. The Council shall hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent any person who claims that his land wil: be predjudically affected by the By-law and who applies to be heard. Moved by L. Stewart and sec. by D. M61e that the clerk wi],l advertise in all prominal places in the Village for an assistant Village foreman. applications will be receive up until Jan. 25, 1964 at 12 o'clock noon for the position, salary to be y45.00 per reek for a probation period of six -nonths. Applications should be in writing and sts age and when available. This position will include all Village benefits. 1•",oved by L. Stewart and sec. by D. Mole that the Council give a grant of .""25.00 (twer five) to the Tillsonburg and Distriat Association for retarded Children. Moved by D. Mole and sec. by Harold Hoshal that leave be granted to introduce By-law #159 Whereas the Council of the Village of Port Burwell deems it necessary to borrol the sum of ^420,000.00 to meet current expenditures until taxes are collected. By-law read a first, second and third time. Roved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by L. Stewart that By-law read a third time do pass, engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. By-law No. 160 Moved by L. Stewart and sec. by D. Mole -,hat Mr. Sarl Boyd be re- hired as Clerk -Treasurer and Tax Collector at the salary of •;1700.00 during the pleasure of the Village 9ouncil. By-law No. 161 Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by Vern Hambly that Mr. Norman Loucks be re -hired as Village Foreman at the salary of X2800.00 "luring the pleasure of the Council. This meeti4g adjourned at 12 o'clock p.m. Accounts Payable No. Name jervice a^�t. Cheoue :o. 1 Harold Hoshal trip to Tillsonburg X5.00 4'>9 2 Ivor Rowley re Beats 5.00*- 490 3 War Mem. Children's Hosp. donation 10.00-, 491 4 R. Bradfield fire dept. 31.00, 492 5 Bayne Nickerson " " 21.00, 493 6 S. McKibbin " " 30.00' 494 7 Hugh Brooks " " 33.00 495 8 F. Stephenson " " 31.00 496 9 J. Crooker " " 30.00% 497 10. Robt. Ireland " " 4.00-- 498 11 R. Hurley " " 4.00` 499 12 Robt. Atkins " " 19.00 500 13 Norman Loucks Fire Chief 150.00, 1001 14 Morley Wolfe Deputy Fire Chief 150.00 1002 15 Alvin Locke salting streets 4.00-, 1003 16 Norman Loucks sal. 114.50` 1004 17 W.E. Boyd sal. 69.75,, 1005 18 P.U.C. hydro 158.73` 1006 19 W.E. Boyd sal. 69.75\ 1007 20 Orville Liberty garbage - 8.00\ 1008 21 Norman Loucks sal. 114.50\ 10Q9 22 Richard Albee sal. 200.00-- 1010 23 Wanda Boyd cleaning 16.00\ 1011 24 Hector McLean sal. 300.00\ 1012 Aecounts Payable Tho. Name Service Amt. Chq. No. 25 Tillsonburg High School 1963 levy V10,913.$$- 1013 26 Orville Liberyy relief 10.00 1014 - JLakeside Nurse. Home Foote & Townsend 183.75` 1016 Vienna Sept. School 1963 levy 1,60$.23\ 1017 272!0 County of Elgin sec. 53 15.62\ 1015 30 Orville Liberty garbage e.00\ 1018 31 Jos. Willaert shovel snow 12.00% 1019 32 Wayne Nickerson " " 20.00 1020 Rec. General income tax 1.20, 1021 34 Rec. General un.emp. ins. 13.6$, 1022 35 Municipal World subscriptions 30.00, 1023 36 Morley dolfe acc. 46.21\ 1024 37 Hugh\Brooks hauling calcium 12.00, 1025 38 City \St. Thomas re Susan Temple 14.25, 1026 39 County of Elgin calcium 150.00, 1027 40 Twnp Bayham re Ethel Stanley 24.00, 1028 41 Royal Can. Legion wreath 12.88, 1029 42 Underwood Ltd. calculator 306.00 , 1030 43 Peters Brown & Co. audit 711.50, 1031 44 Supertest relief oil (Smith) 21.00. 1032 45 Otter Valley Cons. Auth. 1963 levy 2$$.DO, 1033 46 Suptrtest Municipal Hall oil 24.15, 1034 47 Pt. Burwell Lumber acc. 68.27. 1035 ................ Clerk INAUGURAL DINNER Reeve Saturday Jan. 18, 1964 A delightfully prepared roast beef dinner was served at the Lakeside Hotel, for the Inaugural:' of the Village Council, their wives and other Village Commissions. Following the dinner Reev Kennth Baird thanked the Hotel Manager and staff for the splendid dinner and the guests retic to the home of Reeve and Tors. Baird for a few games of cards. Later on a few hours of dancing was enjoyed at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall. �/ Clerk Reeve 1964 Committies set up as follows Works & Sanitation H. Hoshal and D. TSole Parks Board and F �-iance L. Stewart, D. :Sole, J. Elliot, L. Toth, C. Blyth. Fire Department D. Tole and V. Hambly Planning and Development V. Hambly and L. Steaart Welfare and Property K. Baird and H. Hoshal Public Library V. Hambly