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Port Burwell Council Minutes 1961
PORT BURWELL VILL-AGE Council Minutes 4961 Sixteeneth Meeting Thursday December 14, 1961 The sixteenth meeting of the Port Burwell Vil:age Council was held in the Municipal Hall on Th4rsday December 16, at 8 61clock p.m. , with all members present . Also present was Mr. Donald Mole the newly elected member. The meeting was opened by Reeve Kenneth Baird, followed by the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, which were adopted as read. It was moved by A. Evely and sec. by F.W. Cooper that accounts from 1 to 69 on voucher 4#12 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same. It was moved by H.O. Alward and sec. by F.W. Cooper that the village pay a grant of $54.01 to Branch No. 524 of the Canadian Legion. It was moved b FW y .. Coo par and sec. by A. Feely that the Village Policeman, Foreman, and Clerk be given a turkey for Christmas. This will be s1town as a bonus for tie it work during 1961. A lett(r received from the Ontario Municipal Board regarding the purposed water system for the village was read, and after much discussion this matter was laid over pending furthur meetings on the subject. It was moved by F.`lr. Cooper arri sec. by A.Evely tnat this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Accounts Pa,., -able No. Name Services or goads Amount Cheque No 1 Warden Griffin relief $65.00` 417 2 Norman Loucks holiday pay & overtime 117.68N 418 3 George Foote Inspector fees 58-.34\ 419 4 Clancy Hilliard pay to November 4 50.00-, 420 5 T.B. Ronson diggind drain 17.25\ 421 6 Rec. General Un. Fmp. Ins 10.84-% 422 7 Rec. General Income tax 1.20 , 423 8 Warden Griffin relief 30.00, 424 9 W.E. Boyd sal. 65.67-, 425 10 P.U.C. Street Lighting 99.65, 426 11 L.H. Stewart rent12 30.00 427 Supertsst (Ella Armstrongs oil 25.15., 428 13 Ayl.& kal. Telephone d74-434:, 40.46 \ 429 14 Ella Armstrong relief 30.00\ 430 15 Norman Loucks sal. 114.50% 431 16 Earl Andress 17 Ken. Wilson drain 113.33 \ 433 18 Vienna Seperate School levy 4.00\ 433 1834.48\ 434 19 Warden Griffin relief 20 Wm. Foster drain 35.00. 436 I AtiYI.&Mal. Teleprone 874-4433 16.00 436 22 C.P.R. refund on Roll f�922 20.71% 437 23 Rec. General hand cuffs 16.75 438 26 Rec. General handb1llcuf 13.51 439 2i Registmyy Office 4.5 � 440 26 Harold Hoshal tax registration 2.65 41 27 W -E- Ioyd Council fee 100.00\ 4 28 Wayne Nickerson Train 65.67\ 443 L9 Normar: Loucks sal. 28.091% 444 30 Earl Andress sa 1 114.50 \ 445 31 . Earl Andress 113.33\ 446 32Sheriff Cameron car allowance 30.00" 447 search tax registration 33 Wanda Boyd .90\ ) 34 He is cleaning hall 448 g try Office tax arrears 16.00\ 449 ears 35 Warder Griffin 1.20\ 450 '6 Tilltonbur relief 37 Eve g News Ballots 85.00\ 451 38 lea Evelyn Mansell relief rent 21.16 452 3£ AIS{sten Evely Reeve fee 20.00\ 453 Council fee 150.00` 454 40 ii -t,. AlAtard Council Pee 100.00\ 455 41 F.W. Cooper 100.00\ 42 W.E. Boyd Council fee 456 43 „anda Boyd Returning Officer 100.00\ 457 44 Otter Creek Conservation Poll Clerk 25•9o, 458 45 L.F. Stewart 12.50'\ .459 rent 265.00\ 460 i� Eec . G nenaell relief fuel 30.00\ 461 47 Rec. General 10.00 462 48 Rec. General Dn- Emp. 0.00 \ 463 49 A�t1,dcMa1. Tele; n ne Income t Fire Call 1.20 \ '464 69.45 \ 465 Accounts Payable No. Na me Services or goods Amount Cheque No. 50 W.E . Boyd Sal $65.67, 466 51 Norman Loucks sal. 114.50\ 467 52 Earl Andress sal. 113.33" 468 53 Ella Armstrong relief 30.00\ 469 54 P.U.C. St .lights Hall & Library 107.02N 470 55 Earl'An(Iress. car allowance for clothirg 16.66\ 471 56 Curtis Letter Supply Voter's Lists 38.73\ 472 57 J.H. Kaufmann acc. 24.31, 473 58 Municipal World Minute Book 7.57 , 474 59 Morley Wolfe acc. 3.58\ 47F 60 Norman Bates pictures (Clancy) 3.00` =7t 61 W.G. 5 lk supplies for police 2.98, 477 62 Norman Todd acc. 17.50\ 178 63 Legion wreath 12.50 \ 179 64 W.G. Webster supplies 7.78 180 65 Supertest oil 64.78\ 181 66 St. Thomas Metal Signs 15.00\ 182 • 67 City of St. Thomas (Susan Temple) 15.45N 183 68 Gibson & Linton re Fleming 53.72 184 Reeve Nomination Meeting Monday November 27th., 1961 Nominations for the 1962 Council and other Hoards for the Village of Port Burwell were held in the Port Burwell and Bayham and Area School on Monday November 27th., 1961 from 8 o'clock p.m. to 9 o'clock p.m. This meeting was very -well attended aTYI Nominees qualifying Frere as follows --- Reeve-- Kenneth Baird F.W. Cooper Council—H.O. Alward Alister Evely Harold Hoshal Donald Mole Vern Hambly School Trustee-- Ron. Bradfield George McCord Stan. Thorpe Bruce Park P.L.C. Morley 'Nolfe (acclaimation) Electioz. Results of the election hold Yonlay Reeve--Fenneth Baird Council--H.O. Alward Alister Evely Harold Hoshal Donald Mole School 5 rustee--Ron. Bradfield George McCord Y.U.C.--Morely „'olfe (Acclaimation) Monday- Dec -tuber 4th., 1961 DDecember 4th., were as follows The Poll Book snowed a list of 279 voters Ott of which 41 ballots were sFoiled Reeve (::) Council (4) School trustee (34) �erk Reeve . Fifthteeneth Meeting Thursday November 2, 1961 The fifthteeneth meeting of the Fort Burwell Village Council was heli in the MunicipalHall at 8 o'clock p.m. on the evening of Thursday November the 2nd, 1961. Those in attendance were Reeve Kenneth Baird, Councillors A. Evely, H. Hoshal, Fred Cooper, and H.O. Alward. Also present was Mr. Earl Andress, applicant for the position of Police Constable for the Village. The meeting was opened by Reeve Kenneth Baird followed by the reading of the min- utes of the previous meeting, which were adopted as read. It was moved by F. N. Cooper and sec. by A. Evely that Earl Andreas be hired as Village Constable for a probation period for six months. Sala to be $2600.00 per year. Clothing allowance $100.00 per year. Car allowance11.00 per day. Duties to commence on November 1, 1961. It was moved by A- Evely and sec. by H. Hoshal that accounts from 1 to 31 on voucher be paid and the Reeve be authorised to sign the sa*e. r?1/i It was moved by H.O. Alward and sec. by H. Hoahal that this council pay Mr. Norman Loucks, Village Foreman, two weeks holiday. ay $107.68 plus $10.00 overtime pay Incurred in • the year 1961 Total pay to be 117.68 in addition to his regular salary. It was moved by F. N. Cooper and sec by A. Oely that Jack Sutherland be re -appointed as High School representative for 1962-1963. It was moved by F. Y. Cooper and sec. by A. Evely that the resignation of George Foote be accepted and he be releived of his duties on 4th Sept. 1961. It was moved by F.N. Cooper and sec. by H. Hoshal that this council pay Mr. George Ft Foote the sum of $58.34 for his services as Building, Weed and License Inspector for the 1961 and that a new Inspector be appointed in 1962. It was moved by F. N. Cooper and sec. by A. Evely that Clancy Hilliard be releived of his duties on Sunday November 5th, 1961 and that the Village Clerk inform him that we greatly appreciate :the services he has rendered. It was moved bT F.W. Cooper and sec. by A. Evely that the Fronteersman Police Force be paid $37.50 for policing the Village on October 31, 1961. Moved By H.O. Alward and sec. By Harold Hoshal that leave be granted to introduce By -low #1.29 to fix the day for nomination and election of Reeve and Councillors and other local boards in the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell for the year 1962. Such day to be November 27th 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Port Burwell bayham Area School. The day of election if necessary to be December 4th, 1961. and that By -low presented herewith be read a first time. By -low read a first time Moved by A. Evely and sec. by Harold Hoshal that By-law read a first time be read a seoond time forthwith. By-law read a second time Moved by F.W. Cooper and sec. by H.O. Alward that By -low now read a second time be read a third time forthwith. By-law read a third time Moved by F.W. Cooper and sec. by A. Evely that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. Moved By- A. EVely and sec. By F.N. Cooper that leave be granted to introduce By- law #'130 to Under secion 477 (1) page 790 of the Municipal Act a By-law to sell Cross Street in the Village of Port Burwell to Mr. Morley Wolfe for the sum of $25.00 plus legal expenses, and that By-law presented herewith be read a first time. By-law read a first time Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by H.O. Alward that By-law now read a first time be read a second time forthwith. By-law read a second tine Moved by F. N. Cooper and sec. by A. Evely that By-law now read a second time be read a third time forthwith. By-law read a third time Moved by H.O. Alward and sec. by Harold Hoehal that By-law now read a third time to pas be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. It was moved by A. Evely and sec. by Harold Hoshal that this Council adjourn until the nem regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Meeting adjourned at 10:44 p.m. Accounts payable No. Name Services or goods lmount Cheque No. 1 Rea. General Income tax 1.20 \ 386 2 Roe. (Sen a ra 1 Un Mnp . Ins stamps 16.16 � 387 3 L HStewart . rent 30.00. 388 4 C�cy Hilliard sal. Oct 7th. 50.00, 389 5 Ella Armstrong relief 30.00 , 390 6 W.E. Boyd eel. 65.67-, 391 7 Norm Lou ck s sal, 114.50. 392 8 P.U.C. street lights 99.65 393 9 P.U.C. Municipal Hall 3.96- 394 10 P.U.C. Library 3.56-, 395 11 Clancy Hilliard eel. Oct 14th 50.00" 396 12 Kenneth Baird selecting jurors 3.00` 397 13 Hector Mclean selecting jurors 3.00. 398 14 W.E. Boyd selecting jurors 3.00 , 399 15 Town of Tillsonburg De ben ture 1710.29% 400 16 Ken Wilson ga rba ge 20.50N 401 17 Rea. (Sen a ra 1 postage stamps 10.00\4 402 18 Clancy Hilliard sal Oct. 21st. 50.00.\ 403 19 Warden Griffin relief 30.00\ 404 20 W.E. Boyd sal. 65.67\ 405 21 Norm Loucks sal. 114.50,. 406 22 Clancy Hilliard sal. Oct. 28th. 50.00 407 83 W.E. Boyd mowing lawn 6.00- 408 24 Wanda Boyd cleaning hall 16.00,. 409 25 %pe re at oil 34.02\ 410 26 Morley Wolfe acc. 14.52,, 411 27 Times -Journal ad. (property) 3.92\ 412 28 City of St. Thomas re Susan Temple 10.15\ 413 29 Rosco Metal Products signs 129.21` 414 30 Ken. Baird expen as s 15.00 � 415 31 Ralph Hurely Ace. 22.36 416 s/J . .. . . . . .,. : :�..�00 . . . . . . . . . 1 .�::.. . .... . ..... .. . . Reeve Court of Revision Monday October 30th., 1961 Court of Revision was held in the Municipal Hall Monday October 30th., 1961 at 8 o'clock p.m. The persons sworn in as members of the Court of Revision were Reeve Kenneth Baird, Councillors Harold Hoshal, F.W. Cooper and H.O. Alward.. The appeals to be dl(elt with were as follows Roll 67 --Ham and Ada Visaw, the decision --assessment confirmed. Roll 85 --Ham Brown, the decision assessment confirmed.: Roll 249 -Blanche Jenkins, and the decision assessment confirmed. Roll 283 -Blanche Jenkins, the decision assessment confirmed. molls 310, 311, 312. 408, 411, 412 --James Horvath, decision pending. RD11 504 --Don Axford, decision ownership changed to Gordon Leghorn 438 English Street, London, Ontario. Roll 560 -- Sergio Melchoir, decision assessment congirmed. Roll 787r -Norman McLeod, the 11 decision the building assessment to be reduced from $450.00 to $250.00. Roll 831-- Harold Spackman the decision, the discription should read Lot 102 plan 228. Roll 926 and 929 --Can. Pacific Railway the decision, assessment be reduced by $765.00 Roll 955 --Can. Pacific Railway, decision, building assessment should raad $2950.00. Roll 738 --Cecil Vyse, the decision, tenants name be removed and reverts to Irma Travis as owner. Roll 758-rCecil Vyse, the decision, building assessment be deleated Cases other than appeals were --Roll 141 {--the name of ownership be changed to Silas A. Hibbard estate c/o Mrs. A Vernon, also changed on the Arrears ledger the same on this property. It was moved by H.O. Alward and sec. by F. S. Cooper that the f o llowi�g amounts be written off 7�7Collectors doll for the yea1961---Roll 471 A13,OO.J rlA 6.50rr1B $32.51.lr, $16.25.f #770 $12.15. 0922 t16.75 / '720 .*38 738 $6.07 Y It was moved by F.W.Cooper and sec. by H.O.Alward that the court of Revision now adjourn. Meeting closed 11:15 p.m. .... ll. � �✓fira?�t FF...... . e rk Roll 926 Canadian Pacific Rlwy land '1425.00 Bldgs. 0150.00 Total $1575.00- R011 928 Vllley Camp Business Assessment (775.00 Total $775.00 Roll 929 Canadian Pacific Rlwy land 44875.00 Total $4875.00 Ro11931 Valley Camp Business Assessment $2425.00 Total •$2425.00` Roll 955 Canadian Pacific Rlwy land $11315.00 Bldgs $3959.00 Total $15265.00` James Horvath Roll 310 land 1100.00 Bldgs 1375.00 Total $1475.00• Roll 311 land $350.00 Bldgs 15475.00 Total $5825.00 Roll 312 Busindss Assessment $1450.00• Roll 408 Asnesyment confirmed Roll 411 land $150.00 Bldgs $400.00 Total ,*`550.00 ` Roll 412 Assessment confirmed.v Fourteenth Meeting Monday October 2, 1961 The Fort Burwell Village Council heli their fourteenth meeting in the Municipal Hall of Monday evening October Ind., 1961 at 8 o'clock p.m. with Reeve Kenneth Baird and Councillors Harold Hoshal, H.O. Alward, and F.W. Cooper in attendance. Acting Constable Hilliard was also present and gave his report. The Meeting was opened by Reeve Kenneth Baird, followed by the reading of the minutes of the previous meetings, which were adopted as read. It was moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by H.O. Alward that accounts from 1 to 22 on Voucher No.10 be paid and the Reeve by authorized to sign the same. 'fit was moved by H.O. Alward and sec. by Harold Hoshal that this Council offer the Villige of West Lorne the sum of $800.00 for the old fire engine providing such action will be suitable recognized by the Fire Marshal of Ontario. It was moved by H.O. Alward and sec. by Harold Hoahal that this Council deprecates the fact that the present three year road program of the County provides for no major repair or resurgacing of the County Road west of Fort Burwell connecting withNo. 73 Highway until 1964 and 1965 at the earliest. In view of the constant -heavy flow of traffic over this road, this Council respectfully request that the County reconsider the urgent need of improvement to this road, resulting in afAquate action for the soon resurfacing of this road. It was moved by F. "N. Cooper and sec. by H.O. Alward that leave be granted to in- troduce By-law No 128 to approve of the Construction Proposal, Village of Fort Burwell, Connecting Link to Highway No. 19 via Union & Robinson Streets re letter September 29th 1961 from the Planning Services Section of the Department of High- ways, and that By-law presented herewith be road a first time. By-law read a first time. Moved by Harold Roehal and sec by H.O. Alward that By-law now read a first time be read a second time forthwith. By-law read a second time. Moved by F.W. Cooper and sec. by Harold Hoshal that By-law now read a second time be read a third time forthwith. By-law read a third time. Moved by H.O. Alward and sea. by F. N. Cooper that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. It was moved b7 H.O.Alward and sec. by F. N. Cooper that this meeting be adjourned unt&l the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Meeting adjourned at lls12 p.m. Accounts payable No. Name Service or goods Amount Cheque No. 1 W.E. Boyd Sal. t65.67, 364 S Norm Lou ck s Sal. 114.50 •. 965 3 Rag. Ron aan garbage 6.00 366 4 St. Thomas Times Journal ad. 6.12 , 367 5 Hector McLean postage 28.68 , 368 6 Wayne Nickerson garbage 8.,00-, 369 7 Bayham Area School Bd. 1961 levy 2000.00. 370 8 Clancey Hilliard sal. 50.00, 371 9 Clancey Hilliard sal. 50.00 , 372 10 Ken Wilson garbage & drain 20.00X 373 11 W.E. Bold sal. 65.67\ 374 12 Harvey Toyd mowing lawn 6.00\ 375 13 Norm Loucks sal. 114.50, 376 14 Wanda Boyd cleaning hall 16.00-, 377 15 Clancey Hilliard sal. 50.001, 378 16 Gifford Bros. Printing (Hector) 4.00 . 379 17 City of St. Thomas re Susan Tarp le 10.80,\ 380 18 W.G. Webster Supplies 11.331, 381 19 London Free Press ad 37.12 \ 382• 20 A.A. Wright acc. 12.94\ 383 21 Harold Hoshal trip to 'Nest Lorne 12.20\ 384 22 Pt. Burwell Lumber supplieer 9.89 \ 385 ?If tear, th Mee ting Special Friday October 6, 1961. The tort Burwell Village Council Held a special meeting on Friday evening October 6, 1961 at 8 08clock p.m. in the Municipal Hall to consider the applications ren.eiped in answer to the ad for a police Constable for the Village. After reading the 23 applications there was considerable discussion resulting in the Clerk being instructed to gather more information. regarding Mr. MAclbolm Lamond of the Metroplitan Protective Service of London, Ontario. As a second choiee further in- formation was requested about Mr. Earl Andress of the Waterford Police Department. Mie aeetiag adjoarmed at 10 O'clock p.m. .. . .. • .N . : . ... ... .. . .. ... ... . ... . Cle Reeve. Thirteenth Meeting We slay September 12th, 1961 Mks thirteenth meeting of the Part Burwell Village Council was held in the Municipal Hall on Tuesday evening September 12th, at 8 o'clock p.m. Dae meeting was opened by the Reeve Kenneth Baird,with Councillors A. Evely and H. Hoshal in attendance. It was moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by A. Evely that accounts from 1 to 39 on voucher #9 be paid abd the Aleve by authorized to sign the saipe. It was moved by A. Evely and sec. by H. Hoshal that this Council p etition the Province of Ontario for interim payment of the statutory grand under the Highway improvement Act on the expenditures made in the year 1961. Die Clerk was instructed to notify Mrs. Anna Delaney that they would except $15.00 `as payment for taxi trip to Leamington, and would forward T.V. Set to her collect. The Clerk was also instructed to notify the Village of West Lorne that there would be a delegation to see their used Fire Engine on the evening of Wednesday Sept. 20th at 8 o'clock p.m. It was moved by A. Evely and sec. by H. Hoshal that the Clerk contact the Aylmer _& Malahide Telephone Co. and instruct then to connect the phone in the pollee office as an extention to the Clerk's office. It was moved by A. Evely and sec. by H. Hoshal that the Port Burwell Council hire Clarence Hilliard on a weekly basis until further notice. The weekly cost to the Village will be Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for his services, not including telephone calls. It was moved by A. Evely and sec. by Harold Hoshal That leave be granted to introduce By-law No. 127 to Under Sec.462 (1) page 780 of the Municipal Act a By-law to stop up and close off Cross Street in the Village of Port Burwell and that Bylaw presented herewith be read a first time. By-law read a first time Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by A. Evely That By-law now read a first time be read a second time forthwith. By-law read a second time. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by A. Evely that By-law now read a second time be read a third time forthwith. By-law read a third time. Moved by A. Evely and sec. by Harold Hoshal That By-law read a $bird time to pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Peeve. It was moved by Harold Roshal and sec. by A. Evely that the Clerk place an ad in the London Free Press advertising for a Constable for the Village of Port Burwell and also in the St. Thomas Times Journal. 4 insertions in each 'Red. Thurs. Fri. and Sat. Applications to state age, salary expected, experience if any, character reference, etc. Ad to close on Sept. 23rd. It was moved by A. Evely and sec. by Harold Hoshal that this Council now adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Meeting closed at 10:50 p.m. Accounts payable No. Name 1 Norm. Todd 2 Pec. General 3 Gordon Loucks 4 Ella Armstrong 5 W.E. Boyd 6 Norm Loucks 7 George Foote 8 L.H. Stewart 9 P.U.C. 10 P.U.C. 11 P.U.C. It Wm. Webber 13 County 4f Elgin 14 Ken. Wilson Services or goods Amount cheque No. groceries 2.10, 325 postage stamps 10.00 , 326 streets and drains 32.00. 327 relief 30.00- 328 sal. 65.67 � 329 sal. 114.50, 330 sal. 110.94. 331 ren t 30.00 , 332 street lights 99.65 333 Municipal Hall 3.01- 334 Library 3.01 335 weed cutting 14.50 336 noun ty re to 85971.00 337 garbage 12.001% 338 Accounts payable No. Name Service or goods tmouzt Cheque Ae. 15 Harvel Bold mowing laws 6.00 , 339 16 W.E. Boyd sal. 65.67, 340 17 Nor=. Lsucks sal. 114.50. 341 18 George Foote sal. 76.50 342 19 George Foote sal. 34.44. 343 20 George Foote gas all. 31.00\ 344 21 Wanda Boyd cleaning kall 16.00, 348 22 AD c . General UR. Rap. Ins. s tamp s 17.00\ 346 23 Rec. General In come tax 1.20. 347 24 gen. Wilson garbage 4.00, 348 25 George Foote sal. do retirement pay 72.23. 349 26 George Foote sal. do retirement pay 305.41, 350 27 LaH. Stewart rent 30.00. 351 28 Ella Armstrong relief 30.00, 352 29 Gyp. Line k Alabastise screenings 20.28, 353 30 Gifford Bros. supplies (Hector) 25.53, 354 31 gen. Baird ace. 32.95. 355 32 TwAskip Bayham chargeback on relief 2.95. 356 33 Municipal World supplies 49.25, 357 34 Merely Wolfe ace. 5.05\ 358 35 Negartk Ins. Ins. 18.90-, 359 36 Vienna Bldg. Supplies ace. 12.27. 360 37 Aylmer do MalaLide 1b1. fire line 66.15\ 361 38 F.U.C. street ligkte 99.65. 362 39 Clarence Hilliard wages 50.00\ 363 ..........`:r.i�.�......... ..T....�..'06660................ Clerk Reeve Torokfth Mooting August 0!1-t., 1951 P special mooting of tho Port Burwell Village Council was hold in the Municipal Fall an Au st the .'.1st. at 'A o'clock .m. to dismiss further P � , D possiblities o^ s•.star sg9tom for the village. The meeting was opened by Reeve Kenneth Baird, with Councillors A. Evely, F. Cooper, H. I'oshal and H.I. Alwar4 a'.? to attendance. Also pre�ea; -:s.e McKibbin and M. Wolf of the P.U.C. and Mr. F.J. Campbell of the 0. *4. It was moved by F. P. Cooper &ni sec.by A. Evol, that the Village Council approv(%3 of the Water By-law No. 125 ane that the By-law be given throe readings and forwaried to the o.w.R.C. for iranedia':o recommen+otion tnst they continuo with all the nocessury ate, s. It Ns.a meved by A. Evely and sec. by F. r. Cooper that Dy -law No& -125 be road a firit ttme. It was moved by F.W. Cooper and sac. by F.O. plwaroi that By -!,.w No �t125 be sad a second time. It wc:) moved b9 Earcld tiasha'- ani -,% by A. Eve'.- thAt ? --law N9125 be now read a. ,bird time and finally passed and signed b3 tis -*eve aind clerk. Ibis meeting a41.4ourimed at :0230 p.m. .... J.Y. • .�..t. .... ..�1 ..... ... •rk .z.� r. koraday So_ 'erbor 4.1_, 1961 The polieo Commission hold a !reot*rg in the Municipal Rall on the ,.f tornoor. of Mon. Sept.4th., 1961 to acca..)t the resigns tion of Coustrblo George Footo. Chairwan of the Police ^cmmitte F.W. Cooper contacted the Ontario Provincial Police at Tillsonburg requesting Police protection until further arrangements can be made for the Villsgo. The clerk was arntherized to pay Censtatln Pont^ rid � salary for the month of Saptorbor plus throe weeks nitirerent pay. tel..... .�<Z�h. .....'�. ;'.e_ Reeve Eleventh Meeting August 8th, 1961 The Port Burwell Village f)ouncil held thea_ eleventh meeting in the Municipal Hall oa Tuesday evening August E'th, with Reeve Kenneth Ba_:d, and Cou.ncillora A. Mraly, H. Hoshal, H.O. Alward present. The moo -,Ing was opened at 8 p.m. by Reeve Kerneth Baird. Mr. Eruce Park, Harbou -raster was %a-' mo present at this meeting and upon his re- quest it was :ncved by H.O. Alward and sec. by Harold Heshal That th;s Council potitiom the District Marine Agent of the Department of 1'ransp ortation(Proscett) to impose a epee@ lJmit of 4 miles rer hour for :neto., craft it the .f Fera ef the 3artour as d•aigauted by the Harbourmaster. Tho Clark was instructed to contact Mr. P.J. Campba'l (Projects Officer) of the 0-10V.rq.C. informing hits of the dste, er ehich the Council could msot with hiu. It was moved iy A. Evely and sec. b7 Harold Hs -hal thk+ accounts from 1 .o :{P an voucher f be pslai ._d the Rasa „e ioithoriTed to sign the wipe. It was winved ty H&rold Hoshal and sec. by H.O. Al+rari that the Clwrk issue R Poolroom )acnes@ to Mr. Lorne Foster !'or the. remainder of 1961 at R fee of 420.00 It was roved by H.O. Alward and sec. by A. Evely that this Council immediately discontinua telephone service in the office of the `rilloge Constt+rlo, and that in the future only bonafide police ac^.otlyLts be paid as charged to the Village Constablees phone is hi! residence with the Aylmer &Malahide 11elophone Co. being kdvised to bill suo'.i bIlls in future in George Foote's name. It was moved by H.O. Rlward and sec. by Harold Hoshal that this Council instruct thw Clerk to write Mr. ?i.F. Johnson editor of the Tillsonburg Yews, e:ci.ressing the Council's appreciation of his recent editorial re the need of a new bridge. It was +loved by t=a'cld Ho.-,1al and sec. by A. Evely that this Council now adjotlT iintil won} rogt.ipr meeting valess in case of emeigoncy. Meeting ad journd)d at 10:,L' p., . Accounts Pa, -able NO Name Service or goods A - -r t Cheque No. 1 Community Centre g-;, R 71.98\ 2$37 2 Ella Arns'.rong -•ltef --c"00\ 288 3 W.E.. Boyd eel. 65.67\ 289 G Norm. Louck- Sal. 114.5C\ 290 5 Gemrge FootA sal. 110.94\ 291 6 P.U.C. st. '_yj;htin g 99.6-" 992 7 L.H. Stewart ren t '0.00\ 293 8 Reg. Ron son t 6,.-abago 12.00\ 294 9 Hav'*-Poyd mowing lawn 6.00\ 225 10 W. E. 30yd Sal 65.67\ ^96 11 Norm. :xucks saI 114.50\ 247 12 Ge r s,be Foote sal -47.25\ 29R 13 GeCTge Foote arl. 63.39\ 299 14 George Foote Salt all. 31.00\ 00 15Jamea Br'_ndley wood ^sitting 8.00\ 301 16 Ward& Boyd cleaning hail 16.00\ 302 17 Gordon Loucks weed cuLtinf & mt. work 47.0:`\ 30' 18 Rag. Ronson garbage 12.00\ 304 19 Rai. General Une*!W. Ips. etA•ire 17.08\ ..r,f 20 Fac. General ir►^or!R ta7! 1.20\ 3t8 21 Vi]l&,:e of rt. Lurwell deb. arCn r_t 2904.00\ 307 22 Supe .r.a r -' d.05\ 108 23 W.C. ':e',•t•r supplies 7.30\ 309 24 Municipal World Supplies 41.4a\ S10 2r City of St. Thoma 11 .13u main Temple 20.95\ 311 'r ' (- «+ly Wolfe acc. 6.,ro 312 27 Form ibdd acc. 38 .20\ 313 28 Sterlir:�Z Futile bunker o'-= 10.74\ 314 29 Gyp. Line & Alabastin• s*,)r:a 81.15\ 31` '^rice MrCartnsw hauling atone 17.62\ 316 31 J.'N. Su thorlani _ :'r r 6.60\ 'i'/ 1�2 Hogarth Ina. 53.00\ 318 33 Aylmer kulahide Tel. 874-434:3 26.4:1\ 319. 34 Aylmer Malahide Tal. 874-4433 47.101\ 320 35 Cotapon sa ti on Bd . 95.75\ 321 36 P'h. Hayward weed cutting 2P."3\ 322 17 ft. fiavN-Urd weal outting 10.26\ 323 38 Lrzce McCartney hauling Stowe 16.87 ?2a C'----- Reeve T� d{/j ?mw&*4 " Meeting July loth 1961 COU RT OF T71 SION Councilors H. Hos-0, A. Evely, F. Cooper, H.O. Alward and Reeve Kenneth Baird took their Oath as ?embers of the Court of Revision. It wa-ved by H.O. Alward and sec. by F.N. Cooper that the Building tax of 1103.27 on RIcll No. 4 Jacob Dyke be cancelled. due to a fire and that land tax of 10.63 a collected for the year 1961 on this property. It was moved by F.N. Cooper and sec. by A. Evely that in Accordance with Section 52 Assessment Act, the Building Assessment of $250.00 be added to the Collectors Roll for 1961. This being an omitted Assessment of Stanley Aweock. It was moved by A. Evely and sec. by Harold Hoshal that this Court ofRovision adjourn as all the appeals have been doplt with at this date. Meeting adjouned 8;.V Cle rk Reeve Following the Xurt of Favision the Port Burwell Village Council Geld the'r tvenlftth r_oetinE with Reeve Kenneth Baird ane all Courcy !`.enhers present. Also present were Hector McLoten, leerge Foote, Ralph Jackson and Mrs. Vern kcEibbin, '.Horley Wolfe, Ker. Rooesh, Lyman Stuart an.'. cn. The m4sting was cpered by Reeve Kenneth Baird followed by the reading and adopting of the minutes of the previous meeting. it was moved ty Harold Hoshal and sec. by A. Evely that accounts from lto 36 on vcucher 417 bs j.eid and the Rneve be authorized to mlgr. the same. It was moved by F.W. Cocper and neo. ty A. Evely that $30.00 be given to K Ro eseb* for transporting the LelAtilley familg to Kingsville who were depen•-icnts on the Village. It was mourn? ty F.W. Cooper and sec. by H.O. Alward t`tat this Counci' irstruct rhe Clerk to take the necessary proceezirnd., cu close cross street ?registered Plan 12 Village of Port Burwell according to the Municipal A^t. It was moa+i By H.O. Alward and sec. by A. Evely that the Clerk be in.stntcted to request Robert Moore, County Engineer to ive immediate attention to needed repairs to the County Road (Bridge Street on the west side• of the County Briage, asp resent conditions of the road is ve:, hazardous particularly with summer t-offic. It was moved by A. EVely and sec. by H.O.Alward that the Council give a grant of $71.98 to the 2crt Burwell Community Centro for the year of 1961. It was moved by E.C. Alwa.d and sec. by Harold Hoshal that this Council most earnestly request that the County place stop signs at the intersection of the Coua•,y Road leading east fro= the village and also on "'ellirgton St. at the said intersection, thus making the intersection a four wey stop. It was moved by F.arold Eoshe.l and sec. by H.O. Alward [h �t lwavo be 7rented to in} ----duce B;-laiv No. 124 that Hr. Sidney _'telly to e�Jr� {n tee as dog license fee collector for t -e yopr 1961 fcr the Village, arty that ay -lar pe*sorted herewith be read a first tire. Moved by F.W. 1( cper and sec. by A. Evely That By-law no read a third time dc, pose, be engrossso by the Cie—, and •ealf%4 by the Reeve. It was moved by A. Evely and sec. by Harold-Ioshal that t:.: Council adjourn until the •.text "Cular meeting unless in casco of emergency. Meeting adjouned at 11:30 p.m. Fy-law read a flr-i time. Moved b. P. Evely and sec. by Farold Hosll.el Dat By-l:.v n,D. !E.e a first ttre be read , -econd By-lhw time forthwith. time read a second Movei by H.O. Alwa.' 1 and sec. b• F. W. Cooper Tia t By-lew read a se ^ond *.ime be read a thiri t'me fcrthwith. By-law read a third time. Moved by F.W. 1( cper and sec. by A. Evely That By-law no read a third time dc, pose, be engrossso by the Cie—, and •ealf%4 by the Reeve. It was moved by A. Evely and sec. by Harold-Ioshal that t:.: Council adjourn until the •.text "Cular meeting unless in casco of emergency. Meeting adjouned at 11:30 p.m. Accounts Payable No. Name Service or goods Amoun t Ch*que No. 1 Norm Loucks Clothing (oil) 12.00N 251 2 Reg. Ronson garbage 12.00-, 252 3 Ella Armstrong relief 30.00\ 2'i.' 4 W. E. Boyd sal. 65.67\ 254 5 1 o ren Lou ck a gal. 114.50\ 255 6 George Foote sa- 113. 4\ 255 7 L.H. ?tewart rent - :0.001 257 8 P.O.C. street lighte 99.19\ 2.9F PIO.C. Library 4.55\ 259 10 P.O.C. Esnic'pal Yell 3.011 2R0 11\Reg. Ronson garboLe 12.00\ 361 12 rry Alward Tutting weeds 4.15N 262 13 Harvey Boyd » " 16.'-3-,,2F„ 14 : 'Irvey Boyd mowing lawn 6.00\ 264 15 Tnwn of '' - .3cnb�irg Doan tura 1547.21,. 255 16 V.E. Boyd !al. 65.67\ 266 17 Norm. Loucks sal. 114. 50\ 267 18 Geo--* Foote Sal. 110.94\ 268 19 George Foote gas allowpnce. 30.001 269 20 —George Croaker wetting weedy e.0(., 270 21 Harvey Boyd of 6. 0 ()N 271 22 Re c. General income tax 1.20r 272 2? Roc. General Omp. Ins. 16.16\ 273 24 Vti nda Boyd clearing hall 16.00\ 274 25 3e g. Ron son garbage 12.00\ 275 26 Aylmer & Mal. Telephone fire line 37.71-\ 276 27 A.N. Wright ace. 36.62\ 277 28 Municipal World ace. 9.42%),278 29 Hurley's Boat Supply ace. 22.57\ 279 30 Reckwtt Farm Machinery ace. 18.288 280 31 S. R. Hart & ;c. supplies (Hector) 79.0A'k% ^31 32 Hamilton Ward k Cathers Ins. 42.5.7\ 282 33 Sterling Fuesl junk@- oil 237.718 283 34 PttbraBrown k Co. audit h7.C:r\ 2F4 35'* Ken Hoe ac_: taxi 30.00\ 285 36 Hector MaLeen Assessing fees 600.00\ 296 Cle .� l ... . S.aeo .. . . . 'le a ve Nineth Meeting June 5th 1961 131e Port Burwell Village Council held their nineth regular meeting in the Municipal Hall on Monday evening June 5th., with Reeve Kenneth Baird and Councillors A. Evely, H. Eoshol, F. Cooper, and H.O. Alward in attendance. The meeting was opened at 8 o'clock p.m. by Reeve Kenneth Baird, followed by the reading of the minutes of the previous mee ting, which were adopted a9 read. It was moved by A. Evely and sec. by F.W. Cooper that accounts from 1 to 36 on Voucher No. 6 be paid and the Heave be authorized to sign the same. Mr. Harvey Orlando of the Dept. of Highways was pre!Eant and explained to the Council wt,ti c the Dept. plans to do with the Connecting link. As 9 result nr this It wn-s moved by H.U. Alward that this Cou-11 Adivbe the Dept. of High- ways , London that they endorse the plan for reconstruction of Foe 19 High- way within the Village, as presentriby MR. Orlando. This motion was sec. by A.C• Evely. Yr. Jack Sutherland the representive for Pcrt Burwell to rhe Tillsonbx 'c and District Sigh School Boarr' was also present giving the Council the views on tYe planned Vocational School for Tillsonburg and DistRict. _ — It was moved by A. Evely and sec. by Harold HoshKl that thi.i Counctl now adjourn until next regular meeting unless in r. -Pse of emergency. Meeting adjourned at 1.1:.';O p.m. ., .coun t9 payable. No. Name Service or goods Amount Cheque No. 1 A.N. Wt-Iaht plate glass windowr ` 167.68\ 216 2 Re c. General income tax 1.20,, 217 7 Re c . General Un. Emp . In su ran ce 16.16\ 218 4 Re c. General postage stamps 5.00\ "19 5 L.H. Stewart rent 30.00., 220 E Ella Armstrong relief 30.00 221 7 Geo. Foote sal. 110.94N 222 3 Norm. Loucks sal. 114.50 22.3 9 W.E. Boyd sal. 6E.67-, 224 10 Dr. t. Webster re Nervin Locke 10.00-N 3?5 11 P.U.C. rtreet lights 96.82-, 226 12 Ayl&Mal Telephone 874-4.7143 29.40 227 » r » 874-4433 10.10., 228 14 F.L. Stept:enson -nlief voucher (Blanchard) 10.00', 229 3.15 W.F. Boyd Sal. 6.5.67\ ?V 16 Nor i. Loucks sal. 114.50~ 231 17 13-o. Fou to Sal. 110.94 2�v 18 Geo. Foot: gas 91.=nw. 31.00N 233 19 Re-. Gone r •' Ur.. Emp. Insurance 1E.16N 234 20 Har -Ey Boyd mowing lewn 6.00\ 215 21 Re r . General in co -n -F• � �: 1.20 N � 6 22 Bell I's ler)iona book 1.0L\ 237 23 Re c. General p )c tags stamps 40.00` 2:38 24 Vienna Eldg. cement 4.60\ 238 f5 9alph Hurely cutting & welding 10. 72 240 26 J.H. Kaufman acc. 24.76-% 241 27 East Er_(1 Motors scraper blade 28.92 242 29 Sterling Fuels bunker oil 170.431 243 29 Wand•+ Bcyd cleaning 16.00'-, ?,d4 X Norm. Todd acc. 5.70%,245 31 Morely Wolfe acc. 32.62\ 246 32 News P:lnting tax notices 40.52,\ 247 33W.E. Boyd a_1sate 6.40 248 34 Cita of St. Thomas Sian Temple 20.P!�7 249 35 W. G. webati r supp7 ie s VI .M \ 250 36 Hamilton Ward & Cathera Insuaarce 11''.C'1\ 251 ........ .r.:f:' ....... .�.1 . .......• Clerk ev�+. 01 Eighth Meeting May 1st., 1961 The eighth meeting of the Ter*. Burwell Village Counc-11 was held in the Municipal Hall on HonOoy evening May the lat., 1961 at 8 *'*look. The meeting was opened by Reeve Keanoth Baird with Counei:_lora A. Evely, F.Coopor, H. Hoshal and H.O. Alward in attendance. The minutes of the previous meeting@ were read and adepted. It was moved by H.O. A" word and sec. by Harold Hoahal *,hat aooeunts No. 1 to 29 en voucher N9.5 be paid and :he Reeve be authorized to sign the voucher for the same. It was moved by H.O. Alward and see. by A. Evely that leave be granted to int vduoo ,�By-law #123 to authorize the borrowing of an additional 15000.00. Wnoras the Council of the Municipality deems it necessary to borrow the axis of #5000.00 to meet until rho taxa.q are collected the current expenditL11Lea Of tae Municipality for the year, and that By-law presented herewith be roa.i a first time. Py -law rooad a first time. Moved by A. Evely and sec. by Harold Heahal that By-law now read a first time be read a ie Gond tiwe forthwith. By-law read a second time. Moved by F.W. Cooper and sec. by H.O. Alward that By-law now read a mscond time be rood a thizld time forthwith. Tey -law read a third time. Moved by Harold Heahal and sec. by F.W. Cooper that Fy-law now read a third time de pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. It was moved by H.O. Alward and sec. by F.I. Casper that the Aylmer and Malahide Telephone Co. be requested to rail cards to all village subscribers advising them of the present regulation] -.overing emergency in came of fire. It was moved by F..:. Cooper and sec. by t. Evely that the villa Ce be responsible for 40`., of the telephone bill for fire pretectiox. This is to be a direct line to Straffordville from Pert Burwel', Vienne and Bayha3. That the Aylmer and 'ielahide Telephone Co. be authorized to svne cards to their subscribers informing them of this arrangement. It was moved by A. Drolly and sec. be F. N. Cooper th,t this Ceunci . elioum until the next regular meeting .ulesm in :sae of euargenay. Meeting sdieur -ti at d:35 p.m. ,, 1 .' Accounts PayablaI , No. Nano Service or goods Amoun t Cheq►ze No. 1 Ree. Generale' Un. Em,). Ira. stanpe - 15.521 1.87 2 00e Income tax .2.0\ 188 188 3 Ella Arm. -,tong roll. -f 00\ 189 4 Ge re gA Feet* sal. 110.94\ LS 0 5 Noral. Lrnioks hal. _ 114.F0\ 191 6 W.E. Boyd Sol. 65.571 192 7 Roc. General Un. Emp. Ins. stamp• WWP 1.00\ 103 8 Roc. General P.O. Box rent 3.00-, 194 9 t%. Epp le Sr. wa go a WW? 16.27-, - 195 10 Pim. Epple Jr. ~ " 10.80\ 191' 11 Pt -Bur. & Bayh. S. Bd. 1961 lovj 2500.00\ 197 12 P.U.C. at. lights & hall 102.04\ 198 17 Wis. Epple Sr. rent of mixer Y19/P 6.00 199 14 L.H. Stewart rent 30.001 200 15 Norm. Leuckm 9a 1. 114.50N 20] lb George Foote sal. 110.94 ?,02 17 Geroge Foote Pas all. ©N 203 18 V.E. Boyd sal. 65.C17� £C4 19 Can. 1 }k. Commerce dobobttir- E2CO.001 ?(5 20 V1-rna Bldg. Supply lumbor fi? 5 3. 60 2106 21 Sups rte at oil 30.%8N 20Z 22 City St. Thomas re Sti sax 7%uple 30.45\ 209 23 Nunl'cipal 'dit�:'d Supp- J ea ....... .. .I6.39_�. 209 24 Gifford Brea. printing 5.65,-,210 25 Willis Weaver sign pests 20.CO\ 211 26 A.N. Wright 11 rdware & glass WWP 288.34-\ 21'2 27 Valley Camp real oeol WVP 3.45% 213 Accounts Payable Ne. Nate Service or goods Amount Choque No. 28 Wanda Beyd cleaning16.00\ 214 29 M.7.Chutp wiring sew building 260.20 z_; ..... L O, ........'�.472-1 ....... ...... ......... Cle Reeve ninth meeting Special meeting May 9th 1961 A special setting of the Pert Burwell Village Coweil was held in the Municipal Hall on Tuesday evening May 9th 1961 at 8 o'clock p.m. with Reeve Kenneth Baird and councillors H Hoshal F W Cooper and A C Even in attendanee.The meeting was called for the purpose of setting the sill rate for the 1961 taxes and after such discussion the following By -Law was passed. It was sdved by Harold Heshal and seconded by A C Evely,that leavd be granted to introduce BT*LAW #123 to levy the rates and taxes for the year 1961 and to provide far the collection thereof with a mill rate as follews,Public CosmereW 65.03 Public Residential 60.74 Separate Commercial 64.94 Separate Residential 60.65, and also that the first installment be due on Jule 20th and the attend on December 20th.Tax penalties to be on first installment July 21st 1% Aug.22nd 2% Sept.21s4 3% Oat,21st 4% Nov.21st 5% bee.21st 6%secend installment De4.21st 14,Discounts on second installment to be July 20th 2j% Aug.21st 2% Sept.20th lj% Oet.20tk 14 Nov.2fti J% and thatBytlaw presented herewith be read a first time By -Law re" a first tine Moved by A C Evely*Md see.by F W Cooper that by-law new read a firs# time be read a seoond time forthwith By -Law mad a second time Moved by F W Cooper and sec.by t C Evely that by-law now read a second time be read a third time forthwith Bye-law read a third time Moved by F W Cooper and sec.by H Heshal that By-law now read a third time do pass be ongressed by the Clerk and signed and sealed by the Reeve Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p ■ Clerk REM VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL, ONTARIO Facts About the Proposed Water System On the Day of the Municipal General Election, Monday, December 9, 1946, the Electors eligible to vote on rdoeey by -1 wa in the Village of Port Burwell, Ontario, will also have the opportunity to vote on the Question of the eonstrsxtion of a Water Supply System The Board of Trustees of the Village urge every qualified Elector to study the following facts and features of the proposals and to vote on the question accord'nagly. GENERAL The Police Village of Port Burwell lies a normal settled winter Pop Cit. of approximately 700 people. In the summer months, however, beouse of the excellent summer resort facilities pro- vided, the popnlation orches approximately 1700. The load o present water facilities is unbearably I wry, particularly in the mm<r months. In addition to the problems caused by the water shortage, the poor quality of water now obtainable presents a very serious threat to the health of the community. Today, Port Burwell is an important coal handling and com- rcial fishing fort, having industrialplants. Hydro-ElectricPower. and excellent harbour facilities. Great po-ibilities exist for the future development and industrial growth of the Village. Undoubtedly, the construction of an adequate Water Supply Sys- tem to provide plate water for general use and for fire protection will greatly enhance the welfare of the citizens folay and assist the future growth f the Village. The urgency for action to improve the water situation led vera) months ago to the engagement of the firm of Meadows. Critoph and Company, Professional Engineers, of Toronto, to make a pre] uninary asuvey of the Municipality and to submit a report. The report sea.% to include estimates of costs and any such engineering data as would assist the Board of Trustees to reach a decision with regard to constructing and financing a Water Sup- ply System adequate for the needs of the Village. Meadows, Critoph and Company, in accordance with their i - structions, surveyed the Municipality and on .August 14, 1946, sub- mitted their report. It is believed that the recommendations and proposals of the Enginer,, provide adequately for the present and future needs of the Village for some years to come. Before pro- cerding, however, with the final plans an I specifications for fhc onI site, of the Water Syslsnn, the Board of Testees a referring the question to the Ratepayers of Port Burwell for their opinion. A resume of the Engineers recommendations and pro- is presented hereafter to fully acquaint the Ratepayers with the moue, so that tkey may vote wsely on the question. ESTIMATED WATER DEMAND In estimating it,, potential water demand, not only must present conditions be considered. but also the pelt—ti21 increased demand over the ensuing years. Therefore, assuming a increase of -W in m the present aximums mer population of 1,700 to a future total of 2,500, based on a rosumptiun of 75 imperial gallons per capita per day the potential consumption is 1X7,500 gallons per day, exclusive of fire protection. SOURCE OF SUPPLY Little Otter Creek has sufficient if,,, for the proposed system and is considered to he the most suitable water supply source. WATER TREATMENT Row ine tests have been mad, of water samples taken from the at various points. Asa result of these tests, it has been found that bot), chlorination and filtration will be required. On electrically operated hypo -chlorinator would be installed in the pump hot a to inject the required amount of chlorine into the supply m automatically at the c c t ratio to the flow rate of the water Centering the system. It is ontfemplafed that because there is an extensive deposit of Rrarel at the mouth of Little Offer Creek, an filtration can be obtained by sinking a well in Ce gravel close to the river. The gravel depth and the flow rate of water ti rough the gravel will be determined by tests later. The Seal method of water treatment i subject to the Approval of the Ontario Department of Health, which must he secured upon cpm ple son of the final plans and specifications. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM On the west bank, near the mouth, of Little Otter Creek the intake well and the Dump house are proposed to be constructed. Two supply pumps electrically driven will be located in the pump house, m e having a capacity of IDU I.G.P.M., and the other 100 I.G.P.M,sthe smaller pump to be used for low denund periods and the larger pump for in of high denund. Both pumps would cut in automatically at a pre -determined level in the tank and operate together during times of abnormal demand. Standby or Ixilia, service during power failure periods will be supplied by asmall gasoline engine connected to the larger of the pumps. As previously endorsed, a somatic chlorination will be providcd by nn elritically operated hypo -chlorinator. Storage capaciq. sufficient in volume for both the domestic and fire -fighting supply, will be provided by a 150,000 I.G. stand pipe, approximately 85 feet high. Thenthe srmal domestic demand will be drawn from the upper portion oftand pipe. The remaining water floating em the line would supply constant pressure to the distribution system. thereby eliminating the u e of additional booster pumps. The dis- tribution system will require approximately 28,000 feet of water mains, which will consist of standard, cat iron. bell and spigot pipe, 6, 8, and 10 inches in diameter The use of the different pipe sizes would be governed generally by the maximum water demand at a time of fire. Twenty-eight gate valves are located throughout the system so that sections may be notated for maintenance or in fit, event of service breakdown. FIRE PROTECTION Forty-seven hydrants have been provided in the proposed plan, located strategically to give ample area protection. A fire rvi<e pump, m tally controlled. electrically driven, will be in stalled. as a standby unit, in a special small pump house at the base of the stand pipe and directly connected thereto. The discharge of the fire pump entering the distribution system will be valved to boost the pressure throughout the system sufficiently to provide a hy'mum running pressure of 85 pounds per square inch at the drants, which is in accord with the Fire Underwriters' standards. Based on aperiod of five hours the estimated Water demand fur fire -fighting purposes is 125.000 gallons, which is 25,000 gallons T... than doe capacity of the stand pipe. During the same five hour period ample water is assured for domestic use because (0,000 gallons Would be added by the service pumps to the 25,000 gallon reser e, thus providing a Iola] available supply of 85,000 gallons. ESTIMATED COST OF PROPOSED SYSTEM The rstimated cost m romp:,(, the proposed Water System, including intake well, pump houses, stand pip,, domestic ser pumps, gasoline gine. fire se a pump. hypo -chlorinator, s - ten ion and supply piping to tank,` in side piping. valves, gauges, meters. distribution mains. includingtrunk mains, hydrants, con- veting pipes, and Rate salves. municipal expenditures and engi- ring, is $119,405.00. This amount will be divided into a Municipal Share and a Frontage Share in accordance with the provisions of Provincial Statutes. As presently estimated the \I unicipaf Share is SU.03.00 and the Frontage Share is $35,752.00. HOW CHARGES MAY BE MET It is appropriate at )his point to distinguish betty -o taxable and rev nue debenture debt. Taxable Debt u that portion of the Indebtedness of a municipality. such as roads. buildings other than public works schools, in local improvements which in most in- It a tot self-supporting, and u a result must be m rs•iced by meamroftannual tax levies Revenue Iyebt is in most insholees utility Jebf and file tiaally considered to be self-mpporting and the debt charges art, met from the .1—ting revenue of the utility systems. Failing fills. a municipality most include in its yearly levy an amount sufficient to meet the debt charges not covered by such operatings ve . The Water Supply System proposed for Pon the Village of PoBurwell will involve a Revenue Debt which may he considered self-supporting through water rates. 5l unieipul Share of $83,653.00: The i sue of 25 -year deben- ture at 3% will require the sum of$4,801,(41 annually, to amortise the $83,(53.00 Municipal Share. Based upon the present total a - essmenl of the Village. approximately 5225,OIN.00, to provide $4,801.(A amoral)+ through taxation will require a levy of 21.3 mill. This rate with hosserrr, only require to be struck i the event that the water revenue is not sufficient to reduce the $4,801.00 annual charge. Each year the water revenue (less operating costs) will be applied to the annual debt charge to reduce taxation, and it is anticipated that even in the early years of operation it will not be necessary to levy more than a small portion of the 21.3 mill maximum. Frontage Share of $35,752.00: The issue of 25 -year delen- tures t 3% will require the sum of $2.052.16 annually, to amortise the 5,752.00 Frontage Share. This annual s m of $2,05216 will be levied against the property -owners on the basis of thenumber of feet of frontage served. As presently rstimted there are 30.270 feet of rateable frontage, which must be specially assessed at 6.78 cents per foot to meet the $2,052.16 a nasal charges. When the special assessment roll has been finally prepared, the established frontage rate will be taxed as fixed levy for the 25 -year period. The construct son of the Water Supply System may not be dertaken until the .Approval of the Department of Health for Ontario has been obtained and the Ontario Municipal Board have approwed the project and validated the debenture issues. ESTIMATED ANNUAL COST TO OPERATE WATER SYSTEM The proposed Water Supply System will he s mi-autonutic and the full-time service, of an attendant will not be required. It it estimated that the annual operating cost Will be approximate)) $2,500.00. WATER RATES As discussed previously, it is anticipated that the water rates will provide sufficient r not only to meet the operating charges but also provideea revenue considerable surplus which may be ap. plied to the annual debt charges. Therefore. before a schedule of rates is prepared. particularly for the first year of operation. a thorough study will be nude with regard to the potential number of original consumers, the potential annual increase in the number of consumers, and of the methods used by other mu 'cipalities, so T that the established rates may be both adequate and fair. he original rate schedule must necessarily be established without benefit of heal experience, but the residents of Port Bur- well mat, be assured that the Board of Trustees when they set the rates will act wisely on their behali. After the first year, the original schedule of rates may be re twined or adjusted to conform to precious experience. Today, in Canada, many to are in use upon which water rates are based. Certainnunicipalities meter the water and charge per thousand allons.others per cubic foot; mast, however. charge a flat rate. Fllat rates a usually based upon then mber Of a vice outleti in a home, ife ., taps. basins, hose, etc. Thus, without study it is no possible to state the beat method for us e in Purl Burwell. Present thoughts re that a flat rate schedulewill to established, having due regard to the various classifications of consumer, hydrant renals, summer residence. etc., as finally de- rided to b, the most suitable. SUBSEQUENT PROCEDURE Should the Electors who voteu tat the question express their opioii in fav r of p occeding with tile construction of the pro- posed Water supple System whenev vote on December 9. lose. n it is proposed that immediate actionfhhe ukrn in accordance with the fssllmving steps 1. The completion of final Plans and Specifications by the Engineers. 2. Make application to the Department of Health for Ontario for their approval. 3. Call tendm. 1 4. Make application to the Ontario Municipal Board for their approval of the project and their validation of the defiers - tures. Proeed with actual c„n.urucri,,;; Tao Village of Pare Bur yell ,,rgtotly needs . good w.ew .up- rh and 6 proteeefo . It is th—for. of seat importanee to th. gaure of the Villas• that .e•ry pe—sl lisib1le t. vet. does not fail to utihxe this opp—city to .apes. his opimoo o. the qw. filen. The Police Village of Port Burwell Ontario Proclamation! Voting on the Question in Relation to the Con- struction of a Water Supply System to supply NN ater and provide Fire Protection to the Police Village of Port Burwell, Ontario. Notice Is Hanby Giron That the votes of the electors entitled to vote on money By-laws will be taken at the following place, viz: POLICE HALL fiet%veen the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday, the Ninth Day of December, 1946 un the following question (vvhich is correctly stated) vizi 'Are you in favor of the construction of a Water Supply System to provide pure Water and Fire Protection to the Village of Pon Burwell, Ontario, at an estimated cost of $123,}100'" A Tenet, who has a lease which extends for a period of at leas, evenly -one years and who has, by such lease, coven. anted to par all municipal taxes in respect to the property leased loth- than local improvement rates) shall, if he makes and Fills With th. Clark of Bayes ToweA* Not Mor Than th. >sth Dar of N-assb.r, 104 being the tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote, a declara- ,ion under "The Canada Evidence Act" so stating, be en. titled to have his name entered on the list of Fleet— to vote on ,he said question. A Caop.rati.a assessed Oil the las, revised assessment roll as owner o s a lessee, having a leae for a period of at least twenty -o years, shall be entitled nominee to appoint a e to vote on this question. .All such appoinmnt tes numii writing and filed with the Clerk of Bayham Township nut later than the tenth day before the day ap- pointed for laking the vote. When a Corporation is a lessee, a declaration in accordance With the preceding para- graph must also be filed. (Blank forms for the above may be had upon application at the (lerk's office) Notis• 1• Furtho. Gir— that in the event of the name of any person entitled to vote being omitted from the Voters list, a Certificate for such person to vote may be obtained at the Township Clerk's Office, not later ,hall 12 .'dock noon on the day of polling. December 9, 1946, J. D. VALLEE, T.. Ike Clark. Be Sure You Vote Monday, December 9th, 1946 Seventh Meeting Special Meeting April 13, 1961 Aspecial meeting of the Port iurw*11 Village Covne'1 was held in the ttunicipal Hall on Monday evenia j April 13, 1()C-1 at Bo' clock p.m. -Ae'le Kennett, Paird and Councillors A. F"iely, H. Hoshal, F.'N•Cooper arA H.).Alward were In attend] Also present were Kr. Davis and Mr. Jorgensen of Crysler, Davis & Jorgensen, Consulting rhgineers for the proposed water system for the village. This wet!ng resulted from a letter from Dr. Mrry of the 0. V.-R.C. regarding rhe estimates of the cost of the purposed water cost as submitted by the con- sulting engineers. The estimated cost of 1261,000 was fa- in excess of the previous estimate given by the 0.+4.R.r. Muer discussion was had on this Vaatter followed by a notion ty F.W. Cooper and sec. by H.O. Alward that Dr. Berry of the O.W.R.C. he requested to make ars application to the Ontario Municipal Board for the approval of (261,000 for the installation of a water system for the village. It was mover; by H.O. Alward and sea. by Harold Hoshal that the villaPe wily, change to Dayl'�,ht Saving Time April 30th at 2 a.m. to remain th_)ughdut the summer months. The meeting closed at 1000 p.m. Clo r Aseve Sixth Meeting April 3rd., 1961 -10 M. The sixth meeting of the Port Farwell Villag,% Council wAs h -%Id in the Municipal Hall on Monday evening April the with Reeve Kenneth Bard, Councillors A. Evely, H. H**sl, F.O. Alward and F. W. Cooper present. The meeting was opened by Reeve Kenneth Bird at 8 o'clock p.m. followed by the reading of the minutes of the previo»mo meeting which were adopted as read. It was moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by A. Evely that accounts from #1 to 48 on Voucher #4 be, paid and th,9 Reeve be autnoriaed to sign the some. It was moved by H.G. Alward and sen. by F. A. :oapar that insurance on the two plate glass aJndows in the new village building be placed with 3asi.lton, 'Yard or,' Cathers effective as of now. It was +"a• sd by Y.O. Alward and sec. by Harold Hoshal thrt, insurence in the amount of $8000.00 be placed on the new village building with Hamilton, Ward and Cathers effective as of now, to bm paid yearly with the bAnefit of a three year rate. It ias moved by F.I. Cooper and see. by A, Evely that the insurance m. - commanded by Hamilton, "lard and Cathers that covers the loss of the Village tax ledger and valuable papers be purchased on a yearly bases. The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. T.3 Caldwell of the Deptnent of High- ways requesting that immediate attention be given the resurfacing of Erious Street now -ihown as No. 19 Highway. Acopy of this letter to also be sent to Mr. .?on. Mrleil MPP. A lit ;er was also to be written to Mr. Lynet.t of Richmond Hill statirg that this Council is quite in agreement with their resolution regarding the cost of education. It was moved by ?. R. Cooper and Sec. by Harold Hoshal, that leave be granted to introduce By-law # 121 That mobile chip and refreshment vehicles be levied a lisence fee of $90.00 per year, end that B7 -law presented herewith be read a first time. By-law read a first time. Moved by A. 7vely and sec. by F.O. Cooper That BJ -law now road a first time be read a second time forthwith. By-law read a second time. Moved by H.O.Alward aniA <ee. by Harold Hoshal That F.y-law now read a -4econd time be read a third time forthwith. By-law read a third time. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by A. Evely That Fy-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. It was moved by A. Evely and sec. b7 F.W. Cooper that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in cage of emergency. Meeting adjourned at 12:45 a.m. Accounts Payable No. *lame Services or goods Amount Cheque Yo. 1 L.H. Stewart rant :SC.oV" 139 2 Can. Good Roads Assoc. Binder 2.50\ 140 3 Wm. Epple (Sr.) wages wwp 53.28 141 4 Jack McCord " " 44. UN 14P 5 Lloyd Vaughan " " 44.34 143 6 Harold Kaufmann " " 35.46 144 7 David Vernon " " 3,5. AFN 145 3 Walter 3reet " " 35.46\ 146 9 Re c. General Unemp. Ins. stamps 7.V\ 147 10 Ella Armstrong relief 30.00., 148 11 George Foote sal. 110.94N 149 12 Rt c. General Income tax 1.201, 150 13 Rae. General stamps (p ge) 5.00N 151 14 Norman Loucks Sal. ) 114.50%,152 it W.E. Boyd sal. �' 65.84 \ 153 Accounts Payable cont. No. Name 16 Aayham Area cch. 17 P.U. C,. 18 Wm. Epple (ar) 19 Jack McCord 20 Lloyd Vaughan 21 Len. Lemay 22 Jack Hasson 23 Re !� c. mera1 24 Wm. Epple (sr) 25 Jack McCord 26 Lloyd Vaughan 2'7 Jack Hasson '?fs Le;. Lemay 29 Marei. Brown 30 Roe. General .11 George Foote 32 George Foote 33 George Foote 34 Norman Loucks 35 W.E. Boyd 36 Wim.' Epple ('sr) 37, Jack McCord 38 Wa. Epple ( J r) 39 Re c . General 40 Gyp. Lime & Alab. 41 Art Brooks 42 W. G. We be s to r 43 Supe rest 44 C. Moon 45 Has. Wa rd&Ca the rs 46 Wards Boyd 47 Norman Todd 48 Vienna Bld. supply Services or goods Bd. 1961 levet' it:eet lights wages iwp M N N N N N Unem. Ins. stamps wwp wages wwp * N � N w N N M N N Unemp. Ins. stamps wwp sal. gas all. car lisence sal. sal. wages wwp N N Onemp. In.. stamp -i wwp stone gravel supplies oil sanding floor (library) In su ran ce cleaning a e coun t account wwp Amoun t 2500.00% 98.87♦ 65.14 50.53% :i4.28\ 39.40\ 43.40\ 7.00\ 41.40\ 54.28% 46.84N 15.70% 7.80% 43.4C\ 6.16', 110.94 31.00 15.00., 114.50\ 65.84\ 35.46♦ 19.70 \ 2"1. 62\ 2.44\ 20,.25\ 45.00 20..29N 40.20\ 70.00\ 186.60 \ 8.00\ 31.55\ 603.10 \ Cheque No. 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 1'7' 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 ........... .. .. ... ............ ...................... ............... Me rk Reovs Fifth Meeting March 6th., 1961 The Port Burson Village Council held their fifth and regular meeting in the Municipal Hall on Monday evening March 6th., 1961 at 8 o'clock, with Reeve Kenneth Baird and Councilors A. Evely, H. Hoshal, H.O. Alward and F.W. Cooper in attendance. Also present were Messers. Cryaler and Davis, Consulting Engineers for the proposed water system for the Village. The meeting was opened by leave Kenneth Baird followed by the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting and a special meeting, which were adopted as read. Messers Crysler and Davis gave a report on the proposed water situation after which they was much discussion. It was moved bT A. Evely and sec. by Harold Hoshal that accounts from 1 to 58 on V3�cher #3 be paid and the Reeve by authorized to sign the same. It was moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by H.O. Alward that expenses be paid F.N. Cooper re. trip to O.W.R.C. Toronto. Mileage 230 miles @ 10¢ per mile .........$23.00 Dinner, Council and Clerk..,..x....011.75 Total expenses #34.75. It was moved by F.W: Cooper and sec. by A. Evely that $20.00 be paid to A. Evely H.O. Alward, H. Hoshal, F. N. Cooper and W.E. Boyd. This amount to cover the expenses and salary incured on the recent visit to the O.W.R.C. (Feb. 27, 1961) in connection with the local water system. It was moved by F.W. Cooper and sec. by H.O. Alward that the Village Clerk contact the Village of Vienna and the Township Council re the sharing of costs of a direct telephone line to the Straffordville Fire Department. It was moved by F. Y. Cooper and sec. by A. '_ vely that the P.U.C. be instructed to place a warning light on the George Foote residenoF. By-law #119 Restricting speed of motor vehicles in the Village of Port Burwell was passed signed and sealed by the Aeeve to be forwarded to the Department of Transport to have their approval endorred thereon. It was moved by H.O. Alward and sec. by F.W. Cooper that leave be granted to introduce By-law #120 That the Inspectors employed by the F.lgiri-ct. Thomas Health Unit, are hereby authorized to cam out such inspections as are pre- scribed by the iir,gulations respecting Plumbing passed b. she Ontario Water Resources 13ommissioyn Act of 1957, and approved by the Lien tenan t -Governor -in - Council July 23, 1960, and that By-law presented herewith be read a first tine. By-law read a °first time Moved by A. Svely and sec. by Harold }ioshal that By-law nc•w read a first time be read a second time forthwith. By-law read a second time Moved by F.W. Cooper and sen. by H.O. Alward That By-law now read a second time be read a third forthwith. By-law read a third time Moved by Harold Hoahai and sec. by A. EVely That By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. It was moved by F. N. Cooper and sec. by A. Evely that this Council adjourn until the next regular meetinr, unless in case of emergency. peMeeting adjourned at 11.45 p.m. Accounts Payable No. Name 1 George Foote 2 Retarded School 3 Pt. B Library 4 Norm Lou ck s 5 W.E. Boyd 6 Pt. B & Bayhan 3ch. 7 Roc. Gen. 8 Registrar of Deeds 9 L.H. Stewart 10 Wk. Epyle (Sr) 11 Jack McCOrd 12 Lloyd Vaughan 13 Len Brisseau 14 Jack Hasson 15 Orval Robbing 16 W. E. Boyd 17 Nora. Lou ckr 18 George Foote IQ George -Foote 20 Wm. Epple (Sr) 21 Jack McCord 22 Lloyd Vaughan 23 Len Briaseau 24 Orval Robbins 25 Jack 2iassear 26 fie c. Gen. 17 N 0 Service or goods sal. g ran t g; en w Bd. 1961 levy income tax 28 P. R. Ror son 29 Wn. Spple (Sr) 30 Jack McCord 31 Lloyd Vaughan 32 Bob A rm s t ron g 33 Nm. Epple (Jr) 34 James Crocker 35 Wanda Boyd 36 Ree. Gen. 37 W.G. Webster 38 Pow' s Hrdwa re 39 Valley Camp Coal 40 W. G. Chalk 41 Jack Mcaord 42 Hurry Scan lan 43 A.N. Wright 44 Harry Brown 45 Gyp. Lime & Alabaatine 46 Bruce McCartney 47 Ralph Hurley 48 Jack Kaufmann 49 Morley Wolfe 50 A.N. Wi-igh t 51 Vienna BLD Supplies 52 Jack McCord 53 Fred Cooper 54 Harold Hoshal 55 A.C. Evely 56 H.O. Alward 57 W.E. Boyd 58 Fred Cooper ren t wa ge n W IVP w w N w n w to Nr It w sal. N N gas all* wM ge s wWWp N w w w N w N w un. eaR. stamps WWP w sweeping streets wage a WWP w w N N N N w w N . cleaning hall un.emp. stomps supplies saw blade coal WWP flowers (Baird) saw blade garb* ge dump acc. saw table s ton e haullog store ace. w Ace. 'N w N cutting treo9 Trip to OWRC N N w n w w N N N N N N N N N Z/ . . . . . . C le 'QIP (saw) Amount Cheque No. $110.94%. 81 100.00N 82 100.00. 83 114.50% 84 65.84,, 85 2000.00% 86 1.20\ 87 1.40N 88 30.00-, 9P 44.34% 90 m.9 e,91 36.96% 92 29.54% 93 9.54 % 94 29.541 95 65.84% 96 114.50- 97 110.94-, 98 28.00-, 99 59.22-, 100 49.34-- 101 49.34,, 102- 39.40k% 103 39.40,, 104 79.40\ 105 14.04N =06 18.56\ 107 9.75 _C8 65.141 109 54.28% 7_10 54.28. ill 43.40--. 112 43.40r 113 4:% 40 114 8.00% 115 8.20-. 116 3.00. 119 6.85 120 3.981 121 10.00 12.2 4.80-, 123 100.00" 124 19.42% 125 10.00\ 126 87.26N 127 89.59-, 128 22.70. 129 25.57-- 130 9.151 131 220.11\ 132 802.90', 133 60.001 134 .A. 75,, 117 20,00\ 1715 20.00N 136 20.00% 137 20.00N 138 20.00N 11A Heave C Third meeting February 13th., 1961 The Port Burwell Village Council held their regular meeting in the Municipal Hall on Monday February 13th., 1961 at 8 o'clock p.m. with Reeve Kenneth Baird. and Councilors Evely, Hoshal, Cooper, and Alward present. Also present were Mre. Irma Grieves, Roayden Cathers, George Fcots. The meeting was opened by Reeve Kenneth Baird, followed by the reading of the minutes which were adopted as read. Much discussion was held on the problem of mobile booths on the west beach. This matter was held over for further consideration. It was moved by H.O.Alward and sec. by Harold Hoshal that the Port Burwell Council -increase the non -owned Autonible policy liability.Coverage to be recled from 25000/50000 5000/100,000 inclusive. It was moved by A.Evely and sec by F. S. Cooper that the Council authorize W. Hoyden Cathers of Hamilton, Ward and Cathers Ins. !service to surv*7 all coverage and give a written report to the Council. It was moved by H.O.Alward and sec. by F.W.Coo er_that accounts #1 to 65 on voucher No.2 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the voucher for the same. It was moved by F.N.Cooper and sec. by H.O.Alward that a grant of *25.00 be given to the Port Burwell Girl Guides. It was moved by A.Evely and sec. by Harold Hoshal that the Village Council grant the Library the sun of $100.00 which is the annual grant. It was moved by F.W. Cooper and sec. by H.O. Alward that a grant of X100.00 be given to the school for Retarded Children in Tillsonburg. It was moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by H.O.Alward that the Clerk write the P.U.C. instructing them to replace seven street lights with new ones on Victoria street, one of which was to be in front of the Legion Hall. It was moved by F.N. Cooper and sec. by A. Evely that a street lightbe placed on the west side of Chatham street in front of the Grieve' s Booth. It was moved by H.O.Alward and sec. by A. Evely that this Council remunerate the clerk W.E. Boyd in the amount of #25.00 in consideration of his work in drawing plans for the new building housing the Public Library and space for a civic office with our appreciation. It was moved by F. S. Cooper and sec. by H.O.Alward that leave be granted to Introduce By-law 80. 114 to estimate the expenditures on construction and main - tenon -.o on roads and streets under its jurisdiction during the year 1961 as follows #600.00 for construction and $3500.00 for maintenance, and that By-law presented herewith be read a first time. By-law read a first time. Ycved by A.EVely quid sec. by F.'N.Cooper that Fy-law now read a first time be read a second time forthwith. 13y -law read a second tines. Moved by H.O.Alward and sec. by Harold Hoshal that By-law now read a second time be read a third time forthwith. By-law read a third time. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by A. Evely that By-law now read a ti ' -1 time d,) ko pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. It was moved by A.Evely and sec.by1 H.O.Alward that leave be grstited to introduce By-law #115 to authorize the sun of FIFTY dollars for office use, this amount to be kept at the Municipal Office at all times for the purpose of making change to the tax payers of this Municipality, and that By-law presented herewith be read a first time. By-law read a first time. Moved by F.W. Cooper and sec. by A. Evely,that By-law now read a first tiro be read a second time forthwith. By-law read a second time. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by F.W. Cocper that By-law now read a second time be I read a third time forthwith. By-law read a third time. Moved by H.O.Alward and sec. by Harold Hoshal that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. It was moved by F. N.Cooper and sec. by H.O.Alward that leave be granted to introduce By-law #116 to make an amendment to By-law #6 thct all Taxi cab operators keep a daily record of trips made and to produce same on request.and that By-law presented herewith be read a first time. By-law read a first time. Moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. 'by F.W. Cooper that By-law now read a first time be read a second time.forthwith. By-law read a second time. Moved by H.O.Alward and sec. by A. Evely that By-law now read a second time be read a third time forthwith. By-law read a third time. Moved by A.Evely and sen. by Harold Hoshal that By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. It was moved by Harold TIoshal and sec. j by AEvely that leave be granted to introduce By-law #11 to regulate the Speed of Motor ohicles in the Village of Port Burwell 1. No motor vehicle after entering the Village Limits m1 --all be driven on any Streets or Highways at a greater rate of speed than 30 miles per hour. 2. No motor vehicle entering the designated lusts of Memorial Park shall be driven at a greater rate of steed than 15 miles per hour. 3. All vehicles must come to a full stop at all stop signs before proceeding. 4. Every person violating the provisions of this By-law shall incur the penalties of aub-section e. of section 26 of the Highway Traffic Act. and section 3 of section 41. and that By-law presented here.rith be read a first time By-law read a first time Moved by H.O. Alward and smc. by F.W. Cooper that By-law now read a first tine be read a second time forthwith. By-law real a second tiree k(,vod by A. Evely and see. by H.O. Alward that By-law read a second time be read a third time forthwith. By-law road a third time. Moved by F.T. Cooper and sec. by Harold Hoshal That By-law now read a third time do pass, by engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. It was moved by Harold Hoshal and sec. by H.C.Alward that leave be granted to introduce By-law #118 to 11egulate the collection of garbage in the Village of Port Burwell. Whereas the Council of the said Village enact as follows: (1) Collection to be made every Yonday except on holidays thence collection will be made.the following day. (2) All garbage must be wrapped and placed in Msterproof containers, preferably garbage cans. (3) All cardboard boxes of garbage curt be kept covered and dry. (4) No larger containers of ashes that Five gallons. (5) Garbage strewn around by dogs will not be cleaned up. (6) Do not put out anything that can be burnt, burn it yourself. (7) De not jam cardboxes in cans, they are hard to remove. and that By-law presented herewith 'oo rekd a f1ri+ timet. By-law read a first time. Moved by A.Evely and sec. by Harold Hoshal that By-law now read a first time be read a second time forthwith. By-law read a second time. Moved by F.'W.Ccoper and sec. by H.O.Alward that By-law read a second time now be read a third time. By-law res -1 a third time. SO Moved by A. Evely and sec. by F.W. Cooper that By-law now read a third time do pass, by engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. It was moved by A. Evely and sec. by Harold Hoshal that this Council adjourn until next regular meeting unless in case of emergence. ?dam ting di s smi saad at 19-35 a.m. Accounts payables Nc. Name Services or goods Amount Cheque No. 1 Tillsonburg High School 1960 Ievy #7208.55- 16 2 Central Pipeline gas Comm. Hall 1,90 17 3 Imperlalle Piels Ren t relief 30.00. 18 4 Norm. Lpucks sal. 114.50• 19 5 George Foote sal. 110.94 20 6 vector McLesra sal. 98.35- 21 7 W.E. Boyd Sal. 65.84% 22 8 Ella Arx:mtreng relief 30.00. 23 9 T. B. Ron son work on road sign 3.00- 24 10 Pt. Burwell &Bayhan School Bd 1961 Levy 2000.00• 25 11 Pete Underhill digging drain 8.00♦ 26 12 P.U.C. street lights 101.15. 27 13 Roc. General stamps (postage) 5.00N 28 14 L.H. Stewart ren t 30.00% 29 15 George Foote sal. 110.94 '% 3U 16 Coorge.?ooto sal. gas all. 31.00- 31 17 W.E.Boyd sal. 65.84,- .32 18 Norm Loucks sal. 114.50. 33 19 Wm. Epple wagos WWP 29.54• :14 20 Jack McCord " " 24.62\ 36 21 James Crocker " " 19.70 36 22 11. B. Ron son " " 19.70. 37 3 Wo. Ha y.wa rd " " 19.70. 38 4 Harold Kauffman " " 19.70- 39 25 Robert L. Armstrong " " 19.70. 40 2K Rec. General Unem. Ins. Stamps 20.08. 41 201 James Crocker wages WWP 43.40. 42 2`1 T. B. Ronson " " 43.40% 43 2d elm. Epple " " 65.14. 44 . 30 Jack Nc^erd " " 54.28. 45 31 Wa. Hayward " " 43.40. 46 32 Harold Kauffman " " 43.40\ 47 33 Robert L. Armstrong ' " 43.40\ 48 34 • Re o. Gene res l Unem. Ins. Stamps tXP 13.64. 49 .Z Aagistrar of Deeds 2.50\ 50 36 City of St. Thomas ( 9u son Temple) 10.80% 51 37 Wm. Epple tires go a 17WP 66.64--. 52 38 Jack McCord ' " 54.28% 53 39 Albert Ha3ward " " 43.40N 54 40 keonord Leamay " " 43.40 705 Accounts Payable No. Nan* Services or goods Amount Cheque No. 41 Marshall Brown wages WWP 43.40% 56 42 Harold Parish " " 413.40♦ 57 43Fred E1*nak e " ,' 4 '. 40-. 58 44 Cliff. Wilson Sr. e " 44.40. 59 45 Pec. General Dnem. Ins. WWP 10.36-, 60 46 W.E. 9myd mileage3.20 5 47 Valley Camp Coal Co.14.30 52 48 Webster '"Ipplies 5.50N 63 49 Sipe rtoat oil 26.12 64 50 F.L. Stephenson relief voucher 30.o6N 55 51 Vienna Bldg 8upplie s lumber -111.95-, 66 52 Norlai. W81f a ,_ ' _e a c coup t 4182. 67 53 Cen ral Pipeline gas Comm. Hall 1.90- 68 54 Supee a t oil 34.44 - 69 55 P.U.C. street lighting 9887- 70 56 P.U.:. Municipal Hall 3.17 71 57 Aylmer Malshide Tel. 164i0.95� 72 58 Aylmr Malahide Tal. 111 31.75-- 7? 59 Wanda Boyd cleaning hall 8.00--,74 60 Conservation Authority 270.00 75 61 Ella Armstrong relief 30,00 76 62 W.E: Boyd money for office use 50.00 7778 63 Ian Cameron sheriff .95, 64 Girl Guides grant 25.00-, 79 65 W.E. Boyd drafting plans 25.00 80 Cl rk Reeve Fourtl meeting. February 17, 1961 A special meeting was held in the Munielpsl Hall February 17th., 1961 at 7:30 o'clock. Th*memtera of the Council present were Reeve Kennet;i Baird, Bouncilorn F.W. Cooper H. Hoshal and H.O. Alward. Also present were Constable George Foote and M4. Bob Ireland manager of Lakeside Hotel. It was moved By F.W. Coop*r and sec. by Harold Hoshal that the Liquor Lismnce Board be respectfully requested to grant full lis*noe privileges to the Lakeside hotel, port Burwell ----namely that a liquor lounge lis*nce be granted for the comfort and convenience of the citizens and visitors of Port Burwell. The Clerk was instructed to write the Liquor Control Board to this effect. The Clerk was also instructed to contact Dr. P+rry of the Ontario 'Rater Resources Commission requesting a date for the Council of Port rmrwell to meet with hire re- garding the water syatem for Port Burwell. The data set by I)r. Berry was Monday ?eb. 27th.19B1 at which tine Clark A.E. Boyd and Councilors F.W. Cooper, A. Ev*ly, H. Hoshal, ar_3 H.O. Alward met with Dr. Berry, also presen4 at this meeting were Mr.Ron. MaNiel M.P.P. and Mr.. McNaughren M.P. Mr. Watt, of the Water Resources Commission who did thei survey in regards to the water system for Port Burwell was also present. As a resxilt of this meeting the v'tlag* Council was informed that work ..i the Water systan would be commencing at an early date, with the sciirce of water being tr* Big Otter. ........ �-- ", 4-- �-' ............ Reeve Cle rk ........ �-- ", 4-- �-' ............ Reeve Police Committee January 30th., 1961 A meeting of the Police Committe of the Village of Port Burwell was held on Monday January 30th., 1961 in the Municipal Hall at 7.30 p.m. Chairman F.A. Cooper, A.C. Evely, Reeve Kenneth Baird and Constable George Foote were in attendance. The purpose of the meeting was to adopt a schedule of Police protection for the Village. It was decided that Constable Foote take one day a week off on alternating Mondays and Tuesdays and inform the Clerk of the same. Also that he was to have three weeks holidays with pay in the slacker months of the year, and that he was to arrange with the Provincial Police for protection in this period. Memorial Park was designated as needing the most Police protection for thm summer months. These three weeks in lieu of statuary holideys. It was decided to have Police tickets approved for the Village. ibis meeting adjourned at 9.30 p.m. Special Meeting. 2nd meeting January 30th., 1961 A aFocial meeting of the Port Burwell Council was held in the Municipal Hall on Monday January 30th., 1961 at 9.30 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Reeve Kenneth Baird, with Councillors A.C. Evely, F.W. Cooper H. Hoshal and H.O. Alward in attendance. The purpose of this meeting was to arrive at an estimate of the coat of erecting a building to house a Public Library and possible a P.U.C. Office. After much discussion the approximate figures were arrived at and okayed, the approximate cost being $3000.00 of which there will be a subsidy of 75% returned to the Village. The said figures were to be sent to the Department for approval. The Clerk was asked to draft plana of the proposed building and to submit them to the Council for consideration. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. ....... l-f� .......... . Clerk -0- Reeve IN AU "AT RA L MEE TIN G First meeting January 9th., 1961 The Inaugural Meeting of the Council of the Village of Port Burwell was held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of January 9th., 1961, at 8 o'clock p.m. The 1961 Council was sworn into office by Clerk 9'.E. Boyd were; Reeve Kenneth Baird, Councillors A.C. Evely, F.T. Cooper, H. Hoshal and H.O. Alward.Also present were Rev. P.G. Docksey of Trinity Anglican Church, Hector McLean, and Constable George Foote. ' The Rev. Mr. Dockaey addressed the Council pointing out some of the pleasant tnd unpleasant times that mint to each member of the Council if he is to carry out his sworn duty to the Village. The Rev. Docksey then led the Council in Prayer asking God for strength bnd 'Iisdom in the performance of their duties, as Reeve and Councillors of the Village. The mimites of the previous meeting were read and adopted. It was moved by A. Evely and sec. by F. Cooper that accounts from #1 to 15 _on voucher #1 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same. The Village Committee's appointed for 1961 were as follows: Property and Works: A. Evely, H. Hoshal Welfare and Finance: H.O. Alward, A.Evely Planning and Development: F. Cooper, H. Hoshal Police and Sanitatiop: F. Cooper, A.Evely Park Board: H. Hoshal, H.O. Alward, N. TOdd, N. Bates. Next in order was the problem of the dismanteling of the Community Hall. It was decided that the approximate cost would be $1736.00, and the forms were to be forwarded to the Department of Mu icippal Affairs for their ap royal s o thJ s expenditure. Foreman Vm. Epple 11.50 per hr. Ass. Foreman Yack Mc8ord 11.25 per hr. Other labour tl .00 per hr. It was moved by F.T. Cooper and sec. by A.C. Evely that leave be granted to introduce By -Lav, No. 113 to authorize the borrowing of $18000.00 Whereas the Council of the Village of Port Burwell deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $18000.00 to most expenditures until the taxes are collected for the current year, and that By -Law presented herewith be read a first time. By-law read a first time Moved By A. Evely and sec. by H.O.Alward That By-law now read a first time be read a second time forthwith. By-law read a second time. Moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by F.W. Cooper That By-law now read a second time be read a third time forthwith. Bywlaw read a third time. Moved By H.O. Alward and sec. by H. Hoshift That By-law now read a third time do ;lass, and be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. It was moved by A. Evely and sec. by H. Hoshal that garbage will be collected on Mondays, except where Monday is recognized as a holiday whereas the collection will be made on the following day. It was moved by F.T. Cooper and sec. by A.C..Evely that Constable Foote be retained as a Police Constable for the year 1961, solely for the protection Of Village property and citizens. That the salary and other various items of expence be the sem* as during the year 1960, and that his patrolling area will be confined to the Village Limits. afl!la,m1?T14j.by H.O. Alward and sec. by H. Hoshal that I.E. Boyd be hired as Village Clerk -Treasurer and 71i.x Collector for the year 1961 at a salary of =16+00.00 It was moved by F.A. Cooper and sec. by H.C. Alward that Mr. George Foote be app61ntod Wood Inspector, Building Inspector and Lisence Inspector for the year 1961. 'heat the reinburaments will be $70.00 for the above mentioned jobs. It was moved by A.C. Evely and sec. by F.Y. Cooper that Norman Loucks be re-hil Village Foreman for the year of 1961 at the same salary as 1960. It was moved by H. Hoshal and sec. by A.:. EVely that this Council adjourn until the j next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. 4 Meeting adjouned at 12.08 a.m. Accounts Payable: No. Name Services or goods Amount Cheque No. 1 Municipal World supplies 38.46. 1 2 Valley Camp Coal relief coal 13.00. 2 3 Can. Legion (542) wreath 12.00. 3 -4 Supert* at oil -33.91% 4 5 Ralph Hurley repairs 10.50N 5 6 A.N. Wright acc. 5.22-, 6 7 Webater Stat. Supply supplies 5.17 7 8 Hamilton, Ward & Cathera acc. 92.38 8 9 Township of Bayham firetrvck service 400.00. 9 10 Peters, Brown & Co. audit 375.00. 10 11 Frank Stephenson relief vouchers 62.46-. 11 12 Wanda Boyd cleaning 8.00 12 13 Roe. Gen. in come tax 1.20 13 14 " a unemployment stamps 18.56. 14 15 Heathen Ltd. re Y.B. McCord 25.95% 15 U ......... ``—"..� "_t.�v�A�=�:�s..drabib.:a�g' ,c.u-�-�• '��"-.� �...