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Council Minutes
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Mirutes of Meeting held December 9th 1957
Minutes of the 16th.meeting last x meeting of the Council of the Corp'n of
the Village of Port Burwell,' eld in the Municipal Hall on the evening of Dec,
9th. 1957.
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 P.M.with Reeve Alward in the chair,
and with Cour.cillors,Loucks,Prown,Paird and Evely ,in attendance.
First was the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting, there being
P• . no deletions,corrections,or additions, the minutes were adopted as read and
signed by the Reeve.
Next was a summary of accounts payable by by the `tillage,after which there was
�_a motion A.Loucks, seconded by A.Evely, than, accounts 1 to 4con voycher # 12
be paid and the Reeve was authorized to sign the same. IES.# 57.CARR.
Next a motion by A.Evely, seconded by A.Loucks, that the Village Council,be
I, authormzed to pay Reeve,7.0.Alward,the ium of $25.00 for car mileage,for duties
performed in the interest of the Village for the year 1957. IES.#58..CARR.
Motion. :iy A.Evely,seconded by S. S.Brown, that POLL Clerk,Mrs.Mary Hayward,he
paid #8.00 and ?eturr.ing Officer ,J.'7.Hvnes, be paid 12.00 for duties performed
on election day December 9th 1957. HES.#' 59 Carr.
The petition regarding Drains on Victoria "treet,- was discussed by. Mr.Johr Balthes
with the Reeve and Councillors,no decision was reached on this matter at this
time,it was felt by the Reeve and Councillors, that tl is matter required further
study and will be gone into at some future date.
Moved by S. S.Brown, seconded by A.Evely, that this Council adjourn until next
regular meeting except in case of emergency. FES. -;60 CARR.
1. P.U. C.Pt.Burwell Street lights etc 96.07` 254
2 Aylmer & Mal. Telep', one Co Phone Bill 16.85N 255
3 News Printing Co Stationery 7.50\ 256
4 St.Thomas Times Journal Advertiseing 5.46 257
5 Central Pipe Line Gas,Com.Hall 2.0011\ 258
6 "'.G. CI alk, Refund on taxer, Pep.Schl. 31.251 259
7 Annie Chalk " of " " " 4.0`., 260
8 Rev.Fr.O'Neil, " " " to of7.29. 261
9 L.Vaughan Salary Nov.l / 15th 101.13 262
10 "m.Planchard, Labor,38/* hrs @ 75 t 28.8&` 263
11 Reeve r Gen' 1 Unemp.In s 4.5a\ 264
12 " " Income Tax Ded. 3.80\ 265
13 Ie.L. Stephenson. Relief, (II.Visaw) 20.00N 266
14 J.'".Hynes salary November 60.00\ 267
15 Larry Travis 6 hrs labor @ .75 / 4.5(Q 268
16 P.Underhill 6 " " " " 4.5CL 269
17 Ed.Jedrick 6 " " " " 4.50N 270
18 L.Vaughan Salary Nov.l-15th 1C1.14N 271
19 T. F. Ronson 12 hrs labor a .75V 8.00 272
20 Recvr Genl ;tamps 5.001 273
21 Se'-Treas. Tillsonbg D.H. Maintenance Levy 4.251.29 274
22 Otter Creek Con.Authority Levy 1957 255.44\ 275
23 Can.Legion,Pt.FAirwell "reaths )2) 24.00\ 276
24 Geo.Chute 'tove,011 20.26\ 277
25 County Clerk,J.J. Thomson. Tillsonburg D.Mem.Iiospita1 18.37\ 278
26 Prov.Ontario Insulin, Jules Arrow 3.2 279
27 H.C.Pace Mower,parts etc 4.65 260
28 Deller' s Tile 735 tiles ( streets) 30.53 281
29 Municipal World Stationery 3.92, 1.55, 1.82 7.29\ 282
30 The News Printing Co Voters List & Ballots 88.09\ 283
31 Morley Wolfe Repairs & Anti-Freeze 39.90 284
32 Valley Camp Coal Co. coal, Relief, H.Visaw. 13.25\ 285
3:5 Jack wayward Caretakers Fee Com.lie l l 22.001\ 286 •
34 Ken Baird Gas, Re.A.Gemmel 3.55\ 287
410 35 A.Loucks Mileage, to St.Thomas 7.0q, 288
36 H.O.Alward " " Aylmer 3.0(1 289
3'7 H.O.Alward Fee. 50.00\ 290
38 A.Loucks Fee 50.00 291
39 S. ).Brown Fee 50.00 292
40 Ker;.Baird Fee 50.00 293
41 Allister Evely Fee 50.001 294
42 H.O.Alward Mileage -fee,, *Int 25.00\ 295
43 Peter Wilson Weed Insptr' 3 Fee 35.00\ .296
44 Peter Underhill Bldg Inspector,8 Months 23.66\ 297
45 harry Brown For Albert' Brown' s Est. 11.34\ 258
Clerk c-.V . .'Reeve
Viz utes of meeting held Aovember 4th 1957
Minutes of the 15th,meeting,of the Council,of the Village of Port Burwell,
held in the Municipal Pall,on the evening of November 4th,1957.
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 P.M.by Reeve Alward,who presided
over tte meeti-zc;,with Councillors,A.Loucks,K.Raird,A.Evely, S. 3. Brown,in
After a summary of accounts payable,was read by the Clerk,there was a motion
by A.Loucke, seconded by A.Evely, that accounts 1 to 18 on voucher Numbs:" 11
All be paid and tie Reeve be authorized to sign same. FES #48 CARR.
There was a motion by A.Loucks,seconded by S. S.Brown, that leave be gran ted
to introduce By-Law Number 84 to provide for the ftaRfafpaixIt3axxtaltr holding
of the Municipal Elections,and for the appointing of a returning officer,
as well as a Poll Clerk.
Moved by A.Loucke, seconded by S. S. Brown, that By-law #84 be read a first time,
Moved by A.EVely, .seconded by K.Baird, the By-law 84 be read a second time,
Moved by K.Baird, seconded by A.Evely,that By-Law now read a third time do
pass,be engrossed by the Clerk,and signed and sealed by the Reeve. - BY-Law 84.
Moved by A.Loucks,seconded by A.Evely, that this Council. appoint Mrs,
— Marguerite Vaughan,as Village Pole Clerk,for the Municipal Election to be
held on December 2nd,1957. RES # 49 CARR.
Moved by S. S.Brown, seconded by K. Baird,that the Teen Town C lub,be allowed
to use the lower part of the Comm nity Hall every other Friday night on the
condition,that a proper committee be larond;x formed by this Club, to take
cherae,and that the Club pay for heating the hall on the nights it is used
by them. This agreement to be void in case the Hall is reouired on these nights
for public mee tinge. RES # 50 CARR.
Moved by A.Loucks, seconrfrri by K.Baird, that the Village Council send a letter
of thanks to the Provincial Police at Tillsonburg,elso Mr.Chas Smith,expressing
their appreciation for the fine co-operation policing the Village Halloween
night October 31st. RES #" 51 Carr.
Moved by S. .. Brown, seconded by A.Evely,that the Village Clerk,be recuested
to write a letter to the Mayor,and Councillors of a 7ood.tock,expressing the
Village Councils appreciation of their interest in the potential possibilities,
of this port with the completion of the St.Lawrence Seawayproject,ttx*A;xmtaza
and assuring them of our co-operation in any move to focus attention, and
resultant development for this port. FES # 52 Cerr.
Moved by K.Baird, seconded by A.Loucke, that a letter of appreciation be sent
to Mr.G.N. Scroggie,Disbrict Engineer,Dept of Public "Torks,London,for special
dredging done in the upper harbour by U.P."i.Dredge No.116 and other favors
performed for the Fishermen' s Co/Operative . RES # 53 Carr.
Moved by A.Evely, seconded by S. i.Brown, that the Council of ti a Village of
Port Rurwell,respectfully request that the Tillsonburg District High School
Board give consideration to the erection of the proposed new District H. S.
in the Straffordville area. RES # 54 CARR.
Moved by K.Baird, seconded by S. ".Brown, that the Separate School supporters,
be refunded the amount overcharged through error for the current year RES.# 55 CARR.
Moved by S. S.Brown, seconded by A.Evely, that this Council adjourn until the
next regular meeting except in the case of emergency. RES .. . 56 CARR.
1 oentral Pipe Line Gas Com.Hall 1.90\ 236
2 L.Vaughan Salary Oct. 1-15 101.13N 237
3 P.U.C.Pt.Burwell Streets & Com.Hall etc. 85.13\ 238
4 Reevr Gen' 1 Postage 5.00\ 239
5 L.H. Stewart Rent, (garage ) 30.00\ 240
6 Aylmer & Malahide Telephone A/c Police 30.64N 241
7 F.L. Stephenson Relief Visaw 20.00\ 242
8 J.J. Gilfillen Express chgs,metal signs 1.00\ 243
9 L.Vaughan salary OCT, 15-31st. 101.14 244
0 10 J.'f.Hynes " October 60.00 245
11 Chas �nith 2 Policing Village 35.00 246
12 Recvr Gen' 1 Unemploymt Ins 4.52 247
13 Recvr Gen' 1 Zn come Tex Deduction 3.8C 248
14 'Valley Camp Coal Co Relief (Visaw) coal 14.38\ 249
15 St. T'homas Metal Signs 2 road signs 8.80\ 250
16 Hamilton Card & CHthers Ins.Municipal Hall 26.40\ 251
17 George Chute Stove Oil 34.96 252
18 Mrs Chas.Butterwick Cleaning Office 7.00\ 253
Clerk Reeve-16(1'42. (-Z244,14444.1
3PE^IAL MEETING. November 22/57
Minutes of a Special meeting of the Council of the Village of Pt.Lurwell,
and members of the Port Furweal,Chamber of Commerce, to decide on proposals
made by D.H.O.for taking over Erieus and Chatham streets,by the Dept.
of Highways,ar.d making these part of No.19 highway.
Also that portior.,of Robinsor street,xhich connects with "Jellingtin st.
at the west end of wellington & .extends to the Memorial Park beach,
to be part of No.19 highway. VIctoria and nfellingtan atreets, .vr,ich is
now No.19 highway , to be resurfaced,and returned to the County.
Motion by J.H.K.aufinenn,aecur.ded by Mario Melchior, that the proposals,
made the D.H.O.be ac-:epted, the motion was carried unanimously. Meeting
adjourned at �,E�.P.M. / e. 1114,C1erk . . . . �� Reevd.��• ' l
COURT CF WVI ZION. % October 28th, 1:.57
Minutes of the COURT OF REVISION for the year 195grheld in the Municipal Hall
on the evening of October 28th, 1957.
The meeting was called to order at 8:4C P.M. with Reeve,Alward in the chair,
and with Court membrs,Loucks,Brown,Baird,and Evely,in attendance.
01 The only appeal heard was that of Mr.F.L.dStgphenson, PE:ROLL #185 A Piece
of land assessed at t100.00 . This piece oI'A"�s valued at the rate of P44;u0.00
per acre while the adjoining property is valued at tl6Q0400 . After some
discussion by the members of the Court of Revision,it was decided to delete
ROLL N o.185 from the assessment Roll.
Moved by S. S.Brown,seconded by A.Evely,that ROLL #l85 be deleted from the
assessment sheet. RES.46 CARR.
Moved by K.Paird, seconded by S. i.Brown, that `LOLL No' s 210 and 262 be deleted
from the assessment sheet. ( Cadwallader and- Kaznowski ) RES h 47 CARR.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned
until next regular meeting of the Council.
Cler . . . . . . Reeve K!- 6°. C4 -ei.
r - r
October 7th 1957
i37, /�2 '
il, J4/1''1
Minutes of the 13th,meeting,of the Council of the Corporation of the
Village of Port Burwell,held in the Municipal Hall,on the evening of
October 7 th,1957
The meeting was called to order at approximately 8:30 P.M.by Reeve,H.O.
Alward,and with Councillors,A.Loucks,K.Baird,A.Evely,in attendance.
First to receive attention of the Council was the reading of the correspondence,
hospital bills,and letter from Solicitors,Groom & Toth,Mr.Bi.rt Neale,
re Tri-County Ambulance Service,dinner Invitation to be held Arlington
Hotel 6.30 P.M.on October 8th.
I • ,
Next to be heard was Mr.Bert McCord,& Mr.Martin,from Straffordville, : e
who had come to discuss the possibility of the Council-4}em -meeting
with members of Councillors and High School representatives from other
Village interested it the Nigh School problems,a meeting was arranged
for Friday evening October ll 'at 7•�0 P.M. at Straffordville.
Next was presented a petition by John Bhas ,re drains for Victoria St.'
as this petition,was incomplete,nothing could_be done about it,at present,
- — however,the Clerk,waa asked by the Council, to contact Village Solicitors,
Groom & Toth,to deter:ine,what responsibility, the Village should assume
in this matter .
Next was the reading of Accounts payable by the Village.
I A.Lbucks,
Moved by r BXiigy,seconded by A.Evely, that accounts No' s 1 to 27 on Voucher
Number 10 be paid and the the Reeve be authorized to sign same. RES.CARR.
Moved by A.Evely, seconded by Ken.Eaird, that Assessment on Roll # 29 property
of A.N.Wright,be reduced from "*500.00 to t200.00 (House burned in 1956)
Moved by K.Baird,seconded by A.L,ucks, that the Court of Revision be held Monday
October 28th.to hear appeals against the 1958 Assessment at 8 P.M. RES # 43 Carr.
Next was discussed the problem of policing the Village during Halloween,
it was decided, that the Clerk,write Mr.Ches &'ith,and endeavour to engage,
him for a day or two for this job.
Moved by A.Loucks,seconded by A.Evely, that thiJ Council adjourn ut.til the nextx.zi
regular meeting unless in case of emergency.
INV.NO. "�+�"R
1. ..ec-Treasurer,Separate_School .boardy 500.0( 210
2 Central Pipe Line Gas.Com Hall 1.90 211
3 Sec-Treasurer,Public School Bd.Mrs.H.^"olfe 2.OU0.00� 212
4 P.U. C.Pt.Burwell Street Lights etc, 84.97 213
5 Recvr Ger.' 1 of Cda, Stamps 5.00l 214
6 Chas Smith Policeman 250.00 215
7 L.Vaughan Salary Sept 1-15th 1U1.13� 216
8 Bill Webber Labour 16 hrs.@ .75X 12.00 217
9 News Printing Co. Stat'y 4.40\ 218
10 J.W.Hynes Salary September 60.00\ 219
11 F.L. Stephenaon Relief (H.Visaw) 20.00\ 220
12 TILLSONPUAG.H. S.Debentures 2.259.38\ 221
13 L.Vaughan Salary Sept.15-30th 101.14\ 222
14 Recvr Gent ' of Cda. Income Tax Ded. 3.80N 223
15 Recvr " " " Unemployment Ins. 4.52\ 224
16 Recvr " " " Postage stamps 20.00 2255
17 News Printing Co. Staty 8.91\
18 Muricipal World Staty 7.28\ 227
19 Vienna Bldg Supplies Cement & lumber 8.62N 228
20 Morley Wolfe Repairs etc tractor & Truck 24.25N 229
21 A.Brooks Hauling gravel 5.00\ 230
22 Sterling Fuels Bunker oil, streets 27.3£3\ 231
ilk, 23 Gypsum Lime & Alabastine Limestone screenings (22.7 ) 20.43\ 232 0_
24 Jack Haywaed Jr. Cutting lawns,Mkt.sq. 6.00N 233
25 Emery Vyse Labour, 3 rbage 16 hrs 17.60\ 234
26 County of E1.+•in Hospital Account. 362.25N 235
Reeve. .x
October 7th 1957
Mo ion by . . -aird,second.d by A.Louck hat he Court of Revision
e d M••nd. y I tober 8 . , • .ear app- ;1 - agai • e 58
Ass- as •- t Ro 1 a . 8 • .M.
o ion by A Evel• secon•.d by . • Bai • that •e essme on 11 #29
All . .• • r Y • A. .14 igh be re• ce. f ••m 10. I • 20•.00
•u; cli•. r de 'csed fi . 1956.
Clerk e
Monday August 5th 1957
Minutes of the 11th meeting of the Corpn of the Village of Port Burwell,
kr \-- held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of August 5th. 1957.
The meeting was called to orderedr at 8:30 P.M. H.O.Alward,who presided ti
Councillors in attendance were:
A.Loucks, S. 3.Brown,K.Eaird, A.Eveley. • -:
First was the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting,minutes ,,';
were adopted as read and signed by the Reeve.
Next was a summary f accounts payable by the Village Clerk,after Nhich 4
there was a motion by A.Loucks,seconded by A Evely, that accounts from 1 to
29 on voucher Number 8 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign sajne.
RES # 38 CArr .
It was suggested by A.Loucks, that Reeve Alward,contact someone in authority,
and find out what can be done about gettin; a draw bridge, constructed
across the Otter Creek,to replace the present bridge,as it is the opinion,
of a greet many people, that the present bridge is inadequate to take care
of the present volume of traffic,especially, the heavdly loaded coal trucks.
now passing over the present bridge,The Reeve assured the Councillors, that
he would take the matter up with Mr, Thomas, the first oppo rtuni ty,and find
out what can be done about this matter,
Moved by K.Baird,seconded by S. 3.Brown, that the Village Council,Adjourn
until next regular meeting,unless in case of emergency, FES # 39 CARR.
1 Rec' r.Gen' 1. Stamps 5.00 , 155
2 T.P. Ronson Weed cutting (McMillan) (2.50), 156
3 " " Weed Cutting (Free Meth.Parsonage) (2.50),
4 $ L.Vaughan Salary,July 1-15th 101.13 157
5 W.Webber Labour 24 hrs.,1 75 cts 18.00, 158
6 Chas Smith Policeman,July 1-15th. 200.00 159
7 P.U.C.Pt.Burwell COM.HALL. & MUN .HALL 3.00` 160
8 CAN BANK OF COMMERCE Hydro.Debenture Payment, 2944.00 161
9 Central Pipe Line Gas,Com.Hall 1.90` 162
10 Bruce Slater Labour(garbage) lei hrs 12.37_ 163
11 Recvr Genl Stamps 5.00- 164
12 Chas Smith. Policeman 250.00, 165 ii
13 J.`[.Hynes, Salery,July 60.00, 166
14 L.Vaughan Salary July 15-31st. 101.14 . 167
15 Dom. Rd.Machinery °ales Co. Instalment for 1957 600.00\ 168 1
16 W.Wetber Labour (garbage ,36 hrs. 27.00, 169 I
17 T.B. Ronson It 20 hrs. 15.00 170
18 Recvr Gen' l Income Tax Deduction 3.80.. 171
19 Morley Wolfe Grease & Oil etc,Grader, 30.9k 17a
20 The Sentinel Review Advertiseng 75.60_ 173 �1
21 Vienna Bldg %Apliea. Steps West Side Harbour 357.10N 174
22 St.Thomas Metal Signs Roads 82.75- 175 41
23 The News Printing aunmons Books 9.52- 176
24 Jack Hayward Cutting Mun.Lawn 8.00 . 177
25 Sterling Fuels Ltd Bunker Oil,roads, 851.13 178
26 Fred T.Dicy, Oiling Streets 658.75 -- 179
27 Geo.Chute Gasoline 57.81 180
28 Art.Brooks Sanding Streets 18.00., 1
11/ 29 The Dom. Road 'is^h.Sales Co Pulley for grader 13.46 1. f
Cler*. 4 . Reeve. ::-'(. .(.. .
_ — -
h • r `� .�..
I -
September 3, 1957
Minutes of the 12th meeting of the Council of the Village of Port Burwell,
held in the Municipal Hall on Tuesday September 3rd.
IP The meeting was called to order at 8.30 Pm.by Reeve H.O.Alward,who presided,
pith Councillors,A.Lou cks. S. 3.Brown,K.Bai rd,A.Evely,in attendance.
first was the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting, the minnows
were adopted as read,
Next was a summary of accounts payable by the Clerk,after which there was a
motion byx2x2x2riwaxx A.Loucke, seconded by A.Evely, that Accounts #1 to 27
on Voucher 49 be paid and the Reeve be authorized tp sign same. RES # 40 CARR.
1. Recvr Gen'l Unemploymt Ins.for July 4.52a, 183
2 L.Vaughan Salary Aug.l-15th. 101.13, 184
3 Chas Smith, "' Aug 1-15th 200.00, 185
4 Lorne Vaughan Labour 40 hrs,@ 75' 30.00\ 186
5 Aylmer & Mal. Telephone Aug 30th 20.05\ 187
6 P.U.C.Pt.Burwell Street Lights Etc. 57.37\ 188
7 Chemical Lime Stone Chatham St. 1.039.39\ 189
8 Central Pipe Line Gas,Com.Hall 1.90N 190
9 County of Elgin County Rate 7.510.0 191
10 Morley Wolfe Repairs to grader 4.30, 192
11 Hamilton,Ward & Cathers Gen' 1 Accident Ina. 75.9 193
12 St.Thomas Metak Signs. Sales tax INV.1421 8.27, 194
13 L.H. Stewart Rent, Garage July & Aug. 30.00\ 195
14 F.L. Stephenson Relief, Visaw. 20.00, 196
15 J.W.Hynes Salary August 60.00N 197
16 Chas Smith. # " 15-31st 200.00\ 198
17 L.Vaughan * 15-31st 101.14, 199
18 Recvr Genl Un-emp.Ins. August 4.52, 2000
19 " " Income Tax Deduction 3.80
20 Geo Chute Diesel & Motor Oil 56.16\ 2C2
21 A. R.Wright & Son Mdse 45.03 203
22 Provincial Treasurer Insulin (J.A:ncu) 3.26\ 204
23 Sterling Fuels Bunker Oil %Chatham St) 85.13, 205
24 Fred T.Dicy Oiling Chatham Street, 50.00\ 206
25 H.Visaw Labour, 16 hrs @ 75ii per hr. 12.00, 207
26 Bill Webber " 24 " " " 18.00\ 208
27 Groom & Toth Fee, By-Law 70,71 & 72 50.00 209
The matter of ships going aground on entering the harbour was discussed at some
length,and it was finally suggested that the Clerk *mike Mr James Mcpair.,M.P.
and suggest that Mr. McBain,make an appointment to meet with t1.e Village Council,
to discuss this problem.
It was also suggested by the Council,that the Clerk write "Groom & Toth,re.
a road to the Boughner property, the old •road is presently unusable,and it is
claimed by Mrs.Roughner, that the Village`?obliged to furnish a new road to this
property,if it is to collect taxes on the said property.
Moved by S. 3.Brown, seconded by K.Baird, that this meeting adjourn until •
lthen next
regular meeting except in case of emergency.
Clerk. . . . . . . Reeve.:`7:.0. .
MONDAY JULY 8th 1957.
Minutes of the EC 10th meeting of the Corp'n of the Village of Port Burwell,
hel4in the gunicipal Hell on the evening of Monday July 8th,1957.
The meeting was called to order at 8:20 Pm.by Reeve H.O.Alward,who presided,
and Councillors,Loucks,Prown,Baird ar.c' Evely,in attendance.
First was the reading of the minutes of the lest regular end special meetings,
with no deletions,corrections or additions, the Reeve ordered the ado ted as read.
Next was a summary of Accounts payable,by the Village Clerk,aftrdr,. the&►as a
motion by S. :.Brown, seconded by A.Evely, that accounts No' a 1 to 25 on Voucher
No.7 be paid,agd that the Reeve be authorized to sign same. RES.38 CARR.
Next was presented a tender from Yorkley Long,3a± Vienna, for renewing steps,
etc,on the west side of the Village,of Pert Burwell,Mr.Longs,figres for this
job was p350.00 as all Councillors agreed this was a reasonable price, ! there
was a motion by A.Evely, seconded by A.Loucke, that the 'fender be accepted from
Mr.Yorkley Long, to renew the steps on the west side of the Village of Pt, .
Purwell,for the Amount of t350.00 . RES. 39 CARR.
Moved K.Baird,seconded by A.Loucks, that this Council adjourn until next
regular meeting, unless in case of emergency, RES *40 CARR.
1.Recvr Gen' l Un-Employment Ina. 4.52 ' 130
2 Central Pipe Line Gas,Com Hall. 4.35 .. 131.
3 P.U.C.Pt.Burwell Streeti4 Lights etc. 103.31 \ 122
4 Recvr Gent]. Postage stamps 5.00\ 133
5 News Printing Co Stationery 18.96 . . 134
6 L.Vaughen Salary June 1-15th 101.13\ 135
7 J."'.Hynes 'clary June 60.00\ 136
8 Chas 9sith, Policeman, Salary June 15-30th 200.00 137
9 L.Vaughan Salary J.,re 15-30th 101.14 ., 128
10 F.I. Stephenson H.Visaw, Belief, (May) 20.00-. 139
11 '" H.Visaw " (June ) 20.00 140
12 Times Journal Adv. (assessor) 3.78.. 141
13 Hamilton ward & Cethers Insurance,Grader. 15.00 142
14 News Printing Company Stationery 26.84 \ 143
15 George Chute Motor Oil 11,30N 144
16 L.H. Stewart Ren t,Garage 30.00 145
17 St.Thomas Elgin Gen.Hospital. A/C Joe Gemmell 72.74\ 146
18 Morley Wolfe Sas t Oil,repairs 45.10\ 147
19 Appleford Bros `gelding, grader, 1.00,, 148
20 A.Evely Refund, Grader repairs. 2.00'N 149
21 J.H.Kaufmann Gas,truck 7.80\ 150
22 County of Elgin 20 bags calcium chloride 42.00.. 151
23 Municipal World stationery 13.21,, 152
24 Receiver General ,Income Tax deduction 3.80 153
25 Kenneth Baird Gas truck 6.44 \ 154.
Cie r . . Reeve.t;,/. . . . 4reet.-(.1-a/td/
Monday June 24th. 1957.
Minutes of the ninth meeting of the Council of the Village of Pt.Burwell,
( special Meeting)held in. the Municipal Hall on the evening of June 24th.
The meeting was called to order at 8:20 P.M.by Reeve Alward,with Councillors,
Loucks,Bai rd,Prown,and Evely present.
The purpose of this meeting was to appoint anAssessor for the year 1957
Applications from C.R.Longstaff and Reno Brically,were read,after due
consideration were given to both applicants, there was a motion by
7. 3.Brown, by A.Evely, that this Council appoint Mr.Chas Longstaff
as assessor for the Village of Port Burwell for the year l957 at a salary
of *400.00 , RES. x'35 CARR.
Mr.John Bathos was next heard,he had come to see what could be done
by the Village Council to release the water pressure b[ where he claims
drain tiles are plugged on Victoria street,he was told, that digging
up these tiles would interfere with the Highway there was not much the
Village could do about it, the village clerk,was asked to contact the
Highway Foreman,and find out if he wouldn' t come down and look the
situation over,and see what can be done to remedy the drainage obstruction.
Next was the reading of By-law #83 to regulate traffic within the
Village of Port Burwell .
foved by S. >.Brown, seconded by Kenneth Baird, that By-law X83 be read a
irst time,
Moved by A.Evely, seconded by K.Baird, that By-law read a second time
be read a third time forthwith.
Moved by A.Loucka, seconded by A.Evely,that by-law now read a third time
do pass be engrossed by Clerk and signed and sealed by the Reeve, By-law 83.
Motion by K.Baird,seconded by A.Evely, that a street light be installed
on the west aide of the harbor on the pole west of the Pt.Burwell,
Fishermans CO-OP.on Bridge Street. RES #36 CARR.
There being no further to diseuse,a motion moved by'S.3.Brown,seconded
by A.Evely, that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting
except in case of emergency. RES # 37 Carr.
C Reeve: l.W
Monday June 3rd 1957.
Minutes of the eighth meeting of the Council of the Corporabion of the
Village of Port `urwell,held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of II June
3rd. 'The meeting was called to order at 8:20 Pm.by Reeve H.O.Alward,
with members A.Loucks,K.Baird,A.Evely,
Reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting was first in order of
btsiness,for the evening, there being no additions or corrections the
minutes were adopted as read,and signed by the Reeve.
Next was reading of accounts payable by the Village,a mption by A Evely,
seconded by K.Baird,that accounts No.1 to 19 Voucher No.6 be paid and
the Reeve be authorized to sign same.
RES # 31.
r�ext matter to come up for discussion was the appointing of an Assessor
for the year 1957.after some discussion on this matter a motion by A.Loucks,
seconded by A.Evely,that the Clerk,be instructed to advertise for an assessor
— by placing adds in the St. Thomas Times Journal & the Tillsonburg News, RES 32 Ca;
Next considered was an application from Mr.T"'m.Pall,for a license to
operate a Taxi service in the Village of Port Burwell,
Motion by A.Evely, seconded by A.Loucks, that the Village Council grant
Mr.W.Pall ,a Taxi license to operate in the Village of Port Burwell,
for the year 1957. RES #33 CARR.
The matter of renewing the steps on the westside was discussed by the
Council for some time,but nothing definite was decided upon,and tie matter
will be investigated by members of the Council,and a report made on same
re cost of doing this work.
There being no further business to discuss .A motion by A.Evely,seconded
by F..Baird that this Council adjourn until next regular meeting unless
in case of emergency. RES # 34 Carr.
1 Central Pipe Line Gas Com.Hall 9.10 . 111
2 Aylmer & Mal Telephone Bill April 1st to Aug.lst. 17.80 112
3 Recvr G en' l P.O.Box 3.00 .\ 113
4 L.Vaughan Salary May 1 to 15th. 101.1k 114
5 Dom.Rd.Machy Co. Paym't on rd grader 100.00\ 115
6 Ont.Municipal Board Fee 5.00,. 116
7 W.G.Chalk Wreath, A.Brown, 10.00 117
8 J.".Hynes Salary May 60.00 118
9 L.Vaughan Salary May 15 to 31st 101.14 119
10 Recvr General Stamps 20.00\ 120
11 "' " Income Tax Deduction 3.80 121
12 Geo Chute Gas & Oil 138.52\ 122
13 Peters Brown & Co Audit of Accounts 1956 359.15 123
14 J.H.Kaufmann Gas, (truck) 11.85 124
15 Municipal World Stationery 18.46. 125
16 Hurleys Boat Bldg Svce Grptesx for catch basina 6.00' 126
17 Jack Hayward Mowing lawns Mun.Hall 5.00 127
18 Provincial Treasurer Insulin Jules Arnow 3.26 128
19 A. R.Wright Mdse. Garage 30.82 129
•1 vt
Cle . .. . .. .�.. Reeve
May 6th. 1957
Minutes of the seventh meeting of the Village of Port ffb.rwell Council
being the regular meeting held Municipal Hall Monday evening May 6th,1957.
The meeting was called to order at 8:20 PM. the Reeve,H.O.Alward in the chair ,
Councillors present were; A.Lucks, S.,;.Brown,A.Evely,Councillor K.Baird absent.
The minutes of the last regular meeting of April lst.also the special meeting
of May 2nd.were read and approved and ordered signed.
A representative from the Central Pipe Line was the first to speak on the
advisability of the Village Councillors signing By-law #82 granting his
\ company a franchise for the Village of port Burwell,for a period of 20 years.
It was decided by the Council that the franchise would be granted after
a few minor changes have been made in the By-law.
After the Central Pipe Line business had been dealt with, there was a delegation
led by Don Axford,all of whom had come to lodge a complaint with the Council
regarding the condition of the roads on the west side of the Village,
thedelegation was assured the matter would have the councils attention
and roads looked after as soon as possible.. _
RES25 After the deler;ation left the meeting continued with the reading of accounts
payable by the Village .A motion by S. ;.Browh,seconded by A.Evely,that
accounts 1 to 19 on voucher No.5 be paid and that IX[XYX]6IJC the Reeve be
authorized to sign same. RES., 25 CARR.
RES26 Next.a motion by S. 3.Brown, seconded by A.Loucks,that this Council advance
the Public Library board the sum of $50.00 on the annual grant . RES # 26 CARR.
RES27 Next a motion by S. 3.Brown,seconded by A.Evely,that Mr.Peter Underhill,
be appointed building inspector IlaX ] XIITXXXMMX and Trench exc' ,,tor
inspector for the balance of the year 1957 at a salary of $35.00 thirty-five
1 dollars per year. RES ' 27 CARR.
RESP28 RES 28 Motion by A.Evely, seconded by A.Loucks, that the ladies auxilery to the Canadian
Legion,be permitted to use the downstairs of the Communityy. Hall on the first and I
third mondayw f each month XB X )t Xat a rate of 52.00 per night i1xm rasl
through the rill weather,and at three (t3.00)dollars per night if required in the
cold weather,provided that the perform their own janitor services. RES 4,28 CARR.
iES 29. . RES 29 A motion by A.Evely,seconded by A.Loucks,that Geo.Chute,be authorized to supply
the Village with gasoline at 37-3/10 a gallon and oil at per gallon, ( sealed)
and to install a 200 gal tank am a pump on the Village prerFFty, tank and pump
to be supplied by george Chute free of charge. RES 429 CARR.
The following accounts were presented on voucher No.5.
1. P.U.C.Pt.Burwell Streets lights etc. April 103.31\ 92
2 central Pipe Line gas,Com.Hall It 3.10\ 93
3 L.Vaughan Salary April lst.to 15th 101.13 94
4 Mrs M. lolfe. Schl Bd. School Pt.Burwell 1.500.00.. 95
5 F.L. Stephenson Relief,H.Visaw. 20.00\ 96
6 Recvr Gen' 1 Postage Stamps 5.00, 97
7 L.Vaughan Salary, April 15-30th 101.14\ 98
8 J.';.Hynes salary April 60.00, 99
9 Can. k.of. Commerce Debenture payment, Sch.Gym. 2.235.00N 100
10 F.SteOle ndon Relief P.Visaw 20.00\ 101
11 Ken.Baird Gas, (truck) 12.73\ 102 v
12 Imperialle Fuels Stone ( roads) 86.57. 103
13 P.U.0;Pt.EpriveIl : reet4.Llghte .Etcv:t:e: ..'. . r;. .103.31\ 104
14 J.HTKaufmann, Gas & oil (truck) 17.35N 1U5
15 C.E. Soper, Lumber 7.40\ 106
` 16 Receiver Gen' 1 Income Tax Deduction 3.80 107
17 Receiver Genii Un-ernloyment Ins 4.52 108
18 Valley Camp Coal Co. Relief (Mrs Ada Visaw) 19.07.\ 109
.= 19 Port Burwell Library Bd. Grant (advance ) 50.00' 116
Cl Reeve. .
( yz$ ) .
May 6, 1557
page 2
Moved by A.Loucks,seconded by A.Eveley,that leave be granted to BY/LA1ir
introduce By-law No.82 to authorize the Central Pipe Line Company,
to lay down,maintain,and use pipesand othertiecessary works for the #82.
transmission and distribution of gas on in and under,along or
across any highway under the jurisdiction of the Council of the
Corporation of the Village of Port Burwelltogether with the right
to bring in distribute supply and sell get!.
Moved by S. >.Prown,seconded by A.Evely, that by-law read a first
time be read a second timeforthwith.
Moved by A.Evely, seconded by A.Louake, that By-law be read a third time.
Moved by A.Loucks,seconded by S. .Brown, that By-law now read a third
time do pass,be signed by Clerk and sealed by the Reeve .
Moved by A.Lou cks, seconded by S. °.Prown, that this Council adjourn it-L-0‘
until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency.
Clerkr. . . . Reeve .PK/.•. .
Nay 2nd 1957
Minutes of the s'xth meeting of the Council of the Corporation of
the Village of Port Burwell,a ( special meeting ) was held in the
16unicipal Hall on thursday May 2nd,8or the purpose of setting the
mill rates for the year 1957.1here were present; Reeve H.O.Alward,
Councillors,A.Loucks,S. S.Frown,A.Evely,Councillor,Kenreth Baird,
me meeting was called to order at 8.30 P.M.by Reeve,H.O.Alward,
There was much discussiorof\ the Budget,after which ZIX.TJUVCIrall motion
was moved by A.E.Loucks,secorided by A.Evely,tiuttxtinaxrataxx1mrxtite
�'arx3Q«� that leave be granted to introduce By-law #81 to levy the
rates and taxes for the year 1957and to provide for the collection of
thereof with a mill rate of 93 mills on commercial property,and 87.4 mills
on. _residential & farmers.
By-law 481 read first,second and third time and finally passed .
Moved by S. Brown Seconded by XXXY I X A.Loucks, that leave be granted
to introduce By-law #80 to Tforrow the sum of ten thousand to meet
expenses 9[ (xILYZMIX%XXlilfYKYNXHIXZifNtW1YXYX of the municipality until
the taxes are colle^ted.By-law .B0 read a first,second,and third time
and finally passed.
Motion,moved by A.Evely,seconded by S. 0.Brown, that this Council purchase
from the Dominion Road Machinery Co.Goderich,Ont. one diesel motor
road c,rader stock No.614 to be paid for from Village taxes.
Terms A100.00 at time of purchase
600.00 on 30th of July 1957
Bal.of 800.00 on July 30th 1958. lov FSS.# 23 CARR. H.O.Alward.Reeve.
Moved by S. 3.Brown seconded by A.Evely,that this Council adjourn until
next regular meeting except it case of emergency. RES 424 CARR.
Minutes of the fifth meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village
of Port Burwell,held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of April lst,1957
Present :-
Mr.H.O.Alward Reeve
nA.Loucks Councillor
S. S.Brown
Kenneth Baird
Allister Eveley w
The meeting; was opened with the reading of the minutes of the last regular
meeting,minutes were adopted as read .
Mr.'911f Dockstader, Bales representative,for the Dominion Road Machinery
sales eo.of Goderich,Ont. gave a talk on se^ond hand graders for sale at
a reduced price by his company,he was informed that the Village had not
yet decided what it was going to do about getting a grader for the Village,
but,if and when it decided to purchase one,Mr.Dockstader,would likely be
Mr.H.E.Grieve,came to enquire if something could not be done about fixing
the road to his property on the west beach for a distance of 200 ft.as he
intends to put up a booth there this spring,he was told the matter would
be given consideratlon,and if it is possible,something will be done.
Next was read the correspondence,which consisted mostly of letters from
the Victoria Hospital,London.
Next was read a summary of Accounts Payable by the Village.
Motion Moved by S. S.Brown,seconded by A.Eveley, that accounts No' s 1 to 25
on voucher #4 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign same. RES# 21 CARR.
Ther' being no further business to discuss ;
Moved by SS. Brown, seconded by A.Eveley, that this Council adjourn until
next regular meeting except in case of in case of an emer ency. RES #22 Carr.
Meeting adjourned 11.55 P.M.
Clerk.. . Reeve. . . .
P.U.C.Pt.Burwell Street Lighting etc. 103.31, 68
2 Central Pipe Line Gas,Com Hall 2.00 69
3 Mrs Helen Wolfe. School Board 1.500.00 70
4 L.Vaughan Salary 1-15th March 101.13, 71
5 Recvr Gen' l Stamps 5.00\ 72
_ 6 Municipal World Stationery 32.91,E 73
7 L.Vaughan Salary 15-31 March • 101.14._ 74
8 Recvr Gen' l Uriemploym' t Ina. 4.52, 75
—9 J.W.Hynes Salary March 60.00, 76
10 Hamilton,Ward & Cathers. Ins Premium (31.90). �� `W) :1 (44
11 Hamilton, " " " " Bond (15.00) 't�'
12 Iveyivermore & Dowler Fee 40.00., 78
13 Re cv Gen' l Income tax deduction 3.8C, 79
14 Valley Camp Coal Co. Coal, (reli.fH.Visaw) 11.18, 80
15 J.D. Thomson Relief, A/C Jas Fulton. 5.25, 81
16 J.H.Kaufmann Gas, 9.00. 82
17 Arthur Brooks Hauling gravel. 30.00, 83
18 Geo.Chute Oil, Office 20.75., 84
19 L.H. Stewart Rent, March & April 30.00 85
20 Mrs Alice Travis 9 tiles, 18x30 @ 3.50 31.50. 86
21 Max Underhill Hauling gravel 14 hrs. 42.00• 87
22 Norm Loucks Hauling gravel 14 hrs. 42.00, 88
23 Harry Brown 186 yds gravel 139.50., 89
24 Ken Baird Gas, 17.73 90
25 M.Scanlan Hent,Garbage dump. 100.00-, 91
Cler .. .... ....,. .. Reeve. W.
March 4th, 1957
Minutes .._" the fourth„of the Council of the Corporation of the village of
Port Burwell,held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of March 4th.1957
Mr.H.O.Alward Reeve
Mr.A.Louck3 Councillor
Mr.K.Baird "
Mr.A.Evely "
The meeting opening with the reading of the i muLtxxagaiaxxmaaxfaa minutes
of the last regular meeting,minutes were adopted as read except for the
adding of the name of Councillor S. a.Brown in the sixth paragraph dealin:
with Reeve Alwards & Councillor/ Browns visit to Vienna to discus the
problem of hiring a Policeman for the Villages of Pt.Burwell & Vienna.
The reading of the minutes of the special meeting held on February, 28th.
to deal with the hiring of a policemen was also read and adopted and signed
by the Reeve.
Next was read a summary of Accounts payable by the Village .
RE3 15. Moved by A.loucks,seconded by A.Evely,that accounts as per voucher No.3
No' s 1 to 30 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign the same. Carried.RES
RES,16 Moved by A.Evely,that this Council permit the removal of Roll 220 from
the 1957 Collectors Roll,by reason of the removal of the Building, a sum
of *100.00 be added to Roll 219 (land value) re Laurel Williams. Carried. •4.'
FES 17. Moved by A.Evely,seconded by A.Loucks, that this Council request the Dept.
of Highways to pay the over expenditure of *949.28 for road maintenance
on our 1956 appropriation By-law. Carried RES 17
RES 18. Moved by A.Loucks, seconded by K.Baird, that this Council request the
Dept.of Highways to approve a transfer of $400.00 fron road construction
to road maintenance on our 1956 road appropriation Ey-law. Carried RES 18
By-law #! 79.
Moved by K.Baird, seconded by A.Eveley,that leave be granted to introduce
By-law #79being a By-law to litlyMIKIXIIX enforce the Trench Excavators Act
in the Village,as is required under sec.3 ( 1) of the Act.
Py-law No.79 was thereupon given third and final reading and was duly
Moved by K.Paird,seconded by A.Evely,that this Council appoint Mr.Albert
Brown,as Inspector to enforce the Trench Excavators Protection Act,in the
Village of Port Eurwel1. Carried Ey-law 79.
RES 19 Moved by A.Loucks, seconded by A.Evely,that this Council re-appoint Mr.L.
Vaughan,at the salary of *2.500.00 as Village Foreman for the ensuing year.
The foil wing correspondence was read and discussed :=
Motion from Chamber of Commerce,re water supply for the Village.
and the advisability of having Col.Veitch,and Mr.Eaggie,of the W.M.
Veitch Consulting Engineers,London,Present at a meeting of the Council,
it was,the opinion of the Council, that the invitation should be
deferred until a later date.meantime, the matter of the water supply
was turned over to the Planning and Industrial Committee for further
RES 20. Moved by K.Baird, seconded by A.Evely, that this meeting adjourn until
next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Carried RES.2O'
1 Recv' r Glen'1 / Postage Stamps 5.00 /39
2 P.U.C. Pt.BKrwell ` St.Ligh ting et 103.31 + 40
3 Aylmer & Male•ide Telephone Ac ' 13.95 41
Mrs.H.Wolfe, Se . $.Bd. School Boa 1 .500.00 / 42
5 . Vaughan. Salary Feb 1- 101.13/ 4
'" 6 Ce :W Pipe Line Gas,Com 1 3.1p' ' I. 4
7 L.Vau• .an Salary, .43b.1 -28 101.1 /45
8 J.A-.Hy4a '" Mont Feby 60.04 � 46
9 F.L. Stephe •n 11 r(Bri dly) 47
10 County of Elg 2• - .s Ca iun ..• 48
11 M.wolfe OX`1 •aa 5' .9049.
12 The Tunes Journal dd.Pol an • 2.0050.`
17 Recvr Gen' l income •-d 3.80 / 51 -
14 Township of York lief,F Le f 12.69—
52 )
15 LondoO Free Press " Ad. ••ol 16.50 53
16 W.G.Vpbster Statio. 15.47 54 ; F
17 Recvr! 'Genl Unempl• 4. ' 55'
18 Cro Attorrey Fees --- 4 40 $6
19 Vall y Camp Coe Co. CQ ,i = w & Brindly. 33 j 57
20 J.H. .aufmann • , ck. �; • / 58 •
21 Geo hute to roil (office) 24.2 , 59
22& 2 Hamilton via d & Ca the rs 4.re•C.w+....,4 281.21 60
Pro. .Treasurer . , lin,J.Arnow 3.26 61
5 H. .Gri a :o. a per afire- t. 134.00 2
• , 6 F.1.,. Stephenson Relief,H.Visa 20.00 63 -
/27 F.L. Stephenson 160 lbs sal .roads. 1.50 •4
s ' 28 News' Printin o Add.Polic-..an 3.30 65
29 K.Baird Gas, Tru 13.90 66
, 30 Town of Ay er Cost,Pr soners. 30.00 67 •
d!i, ,' r
n.....C---4.----e2 4-----"-) -•-•._
Clerk Reeve..
I,- /
1 Recvr General Stamps 5.00, 39
2 P.U.C.Pt.Burwell Street Lighting etc. 103.31; 40
3 Aylmer & Malahide Telephone Acct. 13.9541
4 Mrs.Helen Wolfe, Sec. School Board 1.500.00, 42
4 5 L.Vaughan Salary Feb.l-15th 101.13 43
6 Central Pipe Line Gas,Com.Hall 3.10 44
7 L.Vaughan Salary, Feb.15-28th 101.14 45 /
8 J.W.Hynes ;clary Month Feb 60.00., 46
9 F.L. Stephe1son Relief (Brindley) 4.16. 47
10 County of Elgin 20 bags calcium 42.00. 48
11 Morley Wolfe Oil & Gas 59.90\ 49
12 The Times Journal Add.for Policeman 12.00N 50
13 Receiver General Income Dix Ded'n. 3.80., 51
14 Tbwnship of york Relief(F.Lemay) 12.69., 52
15 London Free Press Add.for Policeman 16.50. 53
16 W.G.Webster Stationery 15.47 54
17 Recvr.Gen' 1 nn-employmt Ins. 4.52, 55
18 Crown Attorney Fees 44.40,, 56
19 Valley Camp Coal Co Coal, (Visaw & Brindly) 19.33\ 57
20 J.H.Kaufmann Gas, Truck 15.0Q 58
21 George Chute Stove oil, Office. 24.2 59
22& 23 Hamilton Ward & Cathers Insurance Premiums 281.21 60
24 Provincial Treasurer Insulin, J.Arnow 3.26, 61
25 H.E.Grieve, Bonus, per Agreement. 134.00 62
26 F.L. Stephenson Relief, H.VISAW 20.00 63
27 " 100 lbs salt ( roads) 1.50 . 64
28 News Printing Co. Add. Policeman 3.30 65
29 K.Baird Gas. Truck 13.90N 66
30 Tbwn of Aylmer Cost Kpg Prisoners 30.00\ 67
Cl.rk,..... ... Reeve "`Y(Yr.
February 28th.1957
Minutes of the third meeting of the Council of the Cprp'n of the
Village of Port Burwell,a ( special meeting)was held in the Municipal
Hall,on February 28th.for the purpose of hiring a Policeman for the
Villages of Port Burwell and Vienna, the Reeve and four Councillors
from Vienna were present,and took an active part in the meeting,three
applications were read and all of which were Niki studied by Councillors
from Vienne and Port Burwell, Finally a mction was moved by Reeve
Howard Palmer,of Vienna,and seconded by Councillor Allister Evely,
of Port Burwell, that we hire applicant Mr.Charles Rmith,of Wet Lorne,
on the following terms:Three months starting June 15th. 9 7 t a salary
of twelve hundred dollars plus not more than one hundreorgas.
Mr.Smith to furnish his own car,uniform,and all necessary equipment.
The cost to be shared as follows:One 'third by the Village of Vienna, •
arrd two thirds by the Village of Port Burwell. '.lotion CARR. #14
Meeting adjourned at 10 P.M.
tiCeAlt :4-1(/'
or .
. ,_ee, v, /9(7
INV . # NA'�IE
21 Ken Baird Gas Truck & Tractor 21.44,E
22 A .Erooka --and & grevel S 7.50
2 ? J . H. Kaufman Lighting Xmas Tree 5 .00lij
1711 'D MEWING rE.,r A w 4 th.1957 ,_ ,. .. - -
Tr;e second meeting (a regular mo..ting) of the Village Cour 111 of the
Corporatior of the village of Port Purwell,was held on Monday Feb'y 4th.
in the Municipal Hell. . There were present : a
H.O.Alward, Reeve.
A.E.Loucks, councillor.
S. " mown,
K.Paird "
A.Evely w
• First was explained the Village Insurance Policies,by the Agent of
Hamilton `%.rd x Cothers,
• {
r ext was reed the minutes of the Inaugural meeting held on Monday
• Januar 7th."Inutes were approved, the Reeve ordered the minutes adopted
as read.
Text We read a summary of Aerrour is Payable by the Village,after wtli .
there was a motion by :.Prriwn, "econded by A.Evely, that accounts N'Ore
1 to 2', inclusive on voucher number 2 be paid and the Reeve be authorize,
•, to sign same. FE'S 12 CARR.
Next was the reading of the Annual By-Law tc provide for the 1957
expenditures or roads and streets in the Village of Port Burwell, in
-Law 77. the County of Elgin, Py-Law 4'77 read a First , Second,an Third time,
do pass,be engrossed,by the Clerk end signed and seeled by the Reeve.
-Law x78. To borrow up tc $5.000.00 from the Canadian Penk of Commerce,to meet
until the tares are collected the current expenditures of the Municipali --
of the Village of Port Burwell.
fly-Law 1178 Read a First, "ecord,and .zird time.Moved by S. nrcwn,
seconded by A.Evely,icxrexacanaaedx that By-Law row read a third time do -
be engrossed by the Clerk,end signed And seated by the Reeve.
Next was discus: :' t%e advisibility of hiring a retired Conrtatle
to Police the Village of Port Purwell,end Vienra,during the summer
months, o u��i�t�p��a� 0. . s ab ,it wee finally decided
1V' that,Reeve Alwerd,wo '�tf nd -the nex. meeting of the Vienna Council
and endeavour to reach some agreement them before --akin.,, easy definite
deciaion. •
The matter of getting gravel for roe ,s was discussed Ft some lergtn
it was generally agreed th,.t it could be obtained from 4 Ar✓- 4r� (
. at a reasonable price .Vis proposal was made by Councillor Loucks.
There was a notion by S. ".Frown, seconded by A.Evely,t}-et this Council
adjourn until the next regular meeting,except in care of of emergency.
v RES.17 Ca
�• irV.# "rA'MME
1 Pt.Turwell P.r.". Street & Bldg Lights 103,00 ‘ 16 -
2 L.Vaughan Salary 101.13\ 171
3 Sec-Tre9FR,rer School Board 1.000.00\✓ 18
4 Central Pipie Line Gas Com.Hall 12.85\ 19
5 P.r3.^.Pt.Purwell Lumber, ( " coat) F.1'•t20'" ,
6 Burroughs Adc."g Hach.Co. Repairs 5.00\ 21 "
7 E.Vaughen Salary Jan 15-7l. lul.i4••\ 22
8 J."'.Hyr.es glary .'Hr'y. 60.0(1 " 27
9 Recvr Ge-01 Stamps 5.00 / 24
10 :orley ^.'olfe Gas & oil 53.90 25
11 Recvr Ger.l
Ir come Tax Led. 3.80 26
12 " " Cnenp.Ilistra ice 4.52 27
13 J.11.Thomson Relief (County ) 13.12.E 28
14 george Chute Relief (F?.Visaw)coel 9.98 29
15 Geor.;e Chute Oil (office) 18.28` 3�
16 Valley Camp Coal Co. Coal (uarace )
6.97\' 31
17 Township of York Re (F.Le;,?ay) 12.69 ' 32
18 L.H. Stewart Rent (Garage ) 30.00 33
19 Albert Hayward Labou 2 has ( sanding) 14/t1-ark
20.F�.(LL. Stephenson Fielie� H.Visaw. X20 35
Reeve N. .' . . ) /
' The inaugural meeting of the 'Corporation of the Village pf fort Burwell was
held on Monday evening January 7th,in the Muricipel Fall,for the year 1957
First was the swearing into office the Reeve and Councillors by the clerk.
the Reeve then turned the meeting to Rev. Stinson, paster of the Tinited Church,
In his inaugural address the Reeve welcomed into the Council two new members,
Mr.Kenneth Baird and Mr.Allister Evely.
Those irr attendance et the meeting were,Reeve H.O.klward,Councillors,Loucks,
S F.Brown,Kenneth Ea! rd,rl11eter Evely.al o present was M. Seanlan,Public school
Tri.3 tee. ,
First was the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting of the Council
,.... with no deletions,additions or eorre'tions, the Reeve ordered minutes adopted as
Ixt to receive attention,wes a complaint by Mr.Do) Axford, regarding the ditch
on Chatham st.ln the vicinity of his barn, the ditch,Mr.Axford claimed was in
poor eondition,end should be look'•-' after,benause every spring the water over-
flows and backs up into his barn, thereby causing him much inconvenience.
Mr.Axford,was assured by Councillor Alvi- Lcucks, that matter would be Ftter.ded
to es soon as posvible.
First in line of business was the summary of AcrAounts payable by the clerk
-en voucher Number 12 for the balance of December 1956,whieh numbers were ndt
included in REF. '67 at the regular meeting of December 7th.
Moved by S. ".Brown See.`of A.Loucke ,that Accounts No' s 49 to 52 inclusive be
PAID and the Reeve be authorized to Si7n eeme. RES #1 Carr.
Next was the summary of Accounts payable for the year 1957.
A motion by S. '.Brown 'econdeci by Kennett' Baird, that Accounts 'NO' s 1 to 15
Inclusive On voucher #1 be paid and that t1 a Reeve be authorized to sign same. 'ES #2
Next A Motion by S. ^.Prom Seconded by ?Kenneth Baird, that J."7.,Hynes o eppointd
clerk-Treasurer and Tax collector for the year 1957 at a salary of t60.00 per
RES. �'/3 CARR.
' Moved by A.Loucks, Sec.hy A.Evely, that this council order six subscriptions of
• the Municipal 'Yorld for the year 1957.1 • : 'S. ;'4 CARR.
MOVED by K.N.Baird, Sec'd by S. . .Prown, that the Law fine of GROOM & TOTH,be
appointed Solicitors for the Village of Port Burwell for the year 1957 RES.#5 CARR,.
Next way the epcoin ting of the different Cmmi ttee s for the coming year, et;M;i
Award , submitted a list and after some di ussion the following decisions were
madetMoved by S. Prown, S,econded by P..Evely, that M.r.Jack Hayward he appointed
• dog xxttabraax Tax Collector for t} e year 1957 at a salary 20.% gros3. receipts.RES #6CAR.
Moved by A.Loucks SEC' D by A.Evely that this Couc i1 appoint ";.P..McCord as Port Burwell
rel reser tative for the Tillsonburg High School Bor:rd for a term of 2 years RES #7 Carr.
Moved by K.Baird, Sec' d by S. `.Broin, that Mr.P.E."Klson,be appointed meed Inspt' r
for the year/ 1957 at a salary of X35.00 HES #8 CARR.
Moved by S. :.Frown, Sec'd.by A.Evely that Mr.P.E.miilson, Mr.Jas.Elliott,Mr.A.E.Erown,
ar.d P.Urderhill,be appointed Fence Viewers for the year 1957. RES.78 CARS.
Moved by A.Evely, Seconded by A.Loucks, that this Council appoint Mr.Albert Erown,as
building Inspect'r,for the year 1957 at a salary of $35.00 per year. 9 CARR.
Those appointed to the different committees were as follows:
I..EVELY •� d� . ".•.F.McCORD ( two years) 157 & 1958.
S. S.ERO"?N JACK HAY`tARD 20% Oommis:vion .