HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell Council Minutes 1956 PORT BURWELL VILLAGE Council Minutes 111 2-; 111 , It 1114; 1956 . there was a motion by S. -.Brown seconded by k.Evely, that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting except in cRse of emergency. meeting adjourned et 12:25 A.M. ACCOUNT" Fi+YABLE GOODS OR :lERVICE AMOUNT CHEQUE NO. INV. # 1 Provincial Trepsurer Insulin 3.26,' 1 2 Recvr Gen' l Income Tax Deduction ?.80„.• 2 3 w n Un-employment Ins. 4.52 . 3 4 Township of York Flossie Lemay (relief) 12.69,, 4 5 J.H.Kaufmann Gas etc, truck 71.98.,, 5 04 6 Geo.Chute stove oil (office) 24.4.7, 6 7 J,n,Hynes Salary �'ov.l5th -Dec 71st. 6O.007 9 Municipal ".•orla Subscriptions 18.00 ✓ 8 9 Werth Gcs truck 3.00.. 9 10 F.L. tephensor. Relief ?E.H.Visaw 29.89-4 10 11 Ken.Paird Ges truck 4.00sv 11 12 F.L. Stephenson 10, lbs salt (road) 1.5O' , 12 1$xxx4rxnakipxkayaarx xSiraTfiraxtrma xxxx x4SQxeexxxx iikxxxtiYaagkaxx xa xr7xX4cxiSoxaximmxfiit , 17 Vienna Building &applies ".ork on mower .9O' 13 14 Township of Beyham ''ire truck service 75.00 14 15 L.Veughen Truck license ( refund) 2C 15 3'`'•97 REEVE / I'1a^k / 4r': . p.f•e•ntvnts 'Payeble. SE'RvICE7 OR GOODS. AMOUNT. CHEitUE NO. NV.- r 1. Gordon Loucks Park services 50.00 243 k 2 Pt.Furwell P.P .C. Street & Bldg Lights 97.55- 24z " i3 Aylrer & Mal.Tel. Rent & Toll Calls 21.50+ 245 v4 L.Vaughan 'clary to *Tov.15 101.134- 246 ✓ c 5 H.O.Alward Reeve, Fee 50.00.- 2'!7 6"-- ./6 "-- ./6 Wm.Bugler Councillor Fee 50.0 2481- V 7 J.A."7right ^ w 50.00 249k ✓8 S. i.Brown it s 50.00 250 `' 9 A.Loucks a' M 50.0:;' 251 v . r10 Central Pipe Line Cos .Hall f. - Oct. x.10` Rent bldg.rep* 252 6....- V11 L.H_ . Stewart - Oct. �xt.uu. 253 v v12 Helen Wolfe FE.1.1956 Levy ;chl Pd.1525.00 = 254 v L., 1? L.Vaughan Salary to Nov 30th. 101.14` 255 L---- v14 ✓v14 Recvr.Gen' 1 Unemp'men t Ins. 4.52,4- 256 '- v 15 '".Armstrong 1-750x20 tire & tube 95.25 257t--- 1 16 M.9'olfe Gas & Cil 84.20 258 ,--- (17 (17 Sec-Treasurer Public Library (grant) 50.00'► 259✓ ✓ 18 Recvr.Gen' 1. Inc. Tax Deduction 3.80\ 260 " '19 A.N.Wright Supplies 6.81. 261✓ v20 uen.Paird Gasoline ( truck) 34.25. 262 v y 21 Recvr Gen' 1 Postage stomps 5.00c 263✓ / 22 Ivey Livemore & County Ass'm' t Appeal 754.97 264-- t'-23 A.E.Erown Building Insp.fees 35.00 265'- i/24 P.E.1',ilson Weed Insp 35.0CJ 266 v•--- v25 ✓ 25 Stan Thorpe 2 signs (painting) 4.00 267 1.-- r r 26 Town.3hip York Relief Re F.Lemay 12.69. 268 ✓ 27 Aylmer & Mal.Tel. Calls Con s t.Ea rhe rd t 19.15. 269,--- , 69✓„ 28 H.Greive Salary to Nov.30 60.00. 270v • 29 The Sentinel Rev' w A.;Ate rtising 2?.10. 271v • 30 Municipal world Stationery 9.43.E 272 .- ✓ 31 C.E. Soper Lumber 5.79. 273 ✓ ✓ 32 Claude Butterworth Clearing Brush 7.1?. 274!” ✓ ??, L.H. Stewart Rent *'ov & December 30.004; fr.-- v-34 ✓34 County of' Elgin Hos?' tl Re E.Deir 1^.50- 276 ✓ 35 Geo Chute Oil Mun.Hall 18.38.E 277./ '36 Groom & Toth Fee By-Lar 74 2€0.42- 278i, v 37 Geo.Chute Coal (relf H.Visaw) 7.251 279 ✓ ✓ 38 E.F. S.Sanders Crown A tt' ry fee 11.00;, 250 fr • v39 News Printing Ballots 5.61 281- v40 Delhi FoLndry Town grates 123.90c 282 ,-- v41 Jack Hayward Svcs.Com.Hall 26.50c 283 1- 42 Art.Rawlins Sidewalks 1,173.30. 284.--- 1., 84✓ 43 Norri Loucks Gravel 60.75: 285- L- 851- 44 H.O.Alward Fee ( RES h70) 20.00,c 286 v 1- 45 A'Loucks Fee ( " h' ) 20.00•c 287v • 46 D.H. SCH' 1 Bd Levy 1956 2,184.46288 ✓ . ' 47 Pt.Purwell P.U. 0 Street lightg etc, 103.00• 289 V • 48 Central Pipe Line C,om.Hall, gas 2.00. 290. ✓ . • 49 Mrs Cora Myers Poll Clerk 8.00. 291 50 Lloyd Vaughan Salary 101.17\ 292 51 Sid Shelly 3 hrs. lal.our 2.25c 293 52 L.Vaughen Salary ' 101.14. 294 ;PEEVE •.CS./. CLF_ T" Minutes of the eighteenth meting of the Council of the Village of Port Burwell,held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of December 7th,1956. The meeting was called to order at 9 P.M. by Reeve H.O.Alward,µho presided and with 'ouncillors,'".'right,Loucks,Brown and Pugler in attendance. First was the reQding cf the minutes ..i the last regular meeting,there was no deletions,additier.s or corrections, the Reeve ordered the minutes adopted as read. First to receive the attention of tie Council was Mr.'Nathen Hayward, who had come to complain of a bitch dog owned by Eruce Parkes,which dog he claimed was causing much trouble,and worry by being allowed to run at large Sor when said dog in heat,ttereby i eing a source of danger to children etc. After some discus3ion a motion was moved by '";.Pugler,seconded by S. '.Frown that this council recommend that sections 9, 11,12,14,20,be printed and sent to Mr.Pruce Parkes and an explanation be suggested that he comply 4 t with the PY-LA`s', to make further ect1on unnecessary. Res 66 CARRIED. Next was J.7. SJtherlend,who cane to erquire as to why the streets lights had not been installed on hanr.eh and Elizabeth •treets,as wa. authorized by the V11lgge Council et the same t'm€ lights were authorized for Chatham St. said he had asked the P.17. 1. Officit 13 about this and they claimed that they hFd not been euthorized to install lights on these streets. The Reeve assured Mr. Aitherland that he would take the matter up with P.: .C. tka et the next P.7.0.meetit;G Next was Mr.Pert McCord,who read reports respecting the District High school, Tillsonburg. Next was read summary of accounts payable by the Village,after there was a motion moved by S S Frown, seconded by J.A.'pright,that accounts No' s 1 to 4S or Vrucher number 12 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign ���same. RES #617 CARR. A Motion by 0-.A.Tright,seconded by A.E.Loucks, that E. .Livermore be appointed to represent the Village of Port Burwell,at the forthcoming # L4/ sessions with the Municipal Foerd concerning the reallocating the costs of operating the Tillsonburg District High School.RFS #68 CARR. A mk;tion by "'.Bugler, Seconded by S. S.Brown•, that this Council make a second payment of t50.00/r the Annual grant to the Pub.Library. RES. *69 CARR. A motion by J.A.Wright, Seconded by S. S.Prown,thet expenses incurred by Reeve Alward, and Councillor Loucks,on their trip to Ottawa,on Village business be Absorbed by the Village. RES # 70 CARR. A motion by ,T.A.vrright, seconded by S.S.Brown, that J.!.Hynes be authorized to irstruct Hamilton '".'ard end Cathers that the Treasurers Pond be transferred from the name of H.E.Greive, to the name of J."'.Hynes. FES #' 71 CARR. BY- LAW #76 Moved by A.E.Loucks, • Se con •ed by S. °.HroNn, That leave be granted to introduce By-Law x/76 Provide for the borrowing of ?"5,000,00 . Moved by !"+.Bugler, Seconded. by J.A. "*right, Py-Law,read a first time. ',loved by P. S.Prown, SF.CONDE"J,by '.Bugler, thet the PY/LA'" be read a second time Moved by J.P.a"right, Seconded by A.E.Loucks, That By-Law be read a third time do pass,be engrossed by Clerk , and signed and sealed by the Reeve. After reading of correspondence ,Motion moved by EI!m.Etiglerk, seconded by,T.A.'right that this Council ajom until the next regular meeting unless it the case of emergenot. Meeting adjourned 11::0 P.M.. Accounts Payable or. sheet *2. Minutes of the COURT OF R!VISION for the year 1956, told in the Municipal Ball on the evening of October 19-56. The meeting was called to order at ap-roximately 8.30P1, with Reeve, Alward in the chair, and with Court members, Bugler, Brown, Wright, and Loucks. in attendance. The first appeal heard was that of Mrs. ''dith Hull, her rate having been set at $1.45 all sq. ft. The assessor on looking up the rate found that he had put her property in the class of a one story single dwelling, and it should have been in mere than one story, and recommended that the rate be lowered to between $1.10 a $1.20. After some discussion it was ordered that the rate be set at $1.15 a sq. ht. or authority • Next was the case of Thos. Steele, who claimed that the kesessor had no right4 to raise or lower the assessment on any property, after having had it assessed by a prrfeesional assessor in the year 1953. The Court disagreeing with this assertion, ordered the assessment to stand, as assessed for the year 1957. Total assessat ment $1013.00 on Roll # 181. Next was the appeal against the Business assessment of the Valley Camp Coal Co. of Toronto. who claimed they should have been a ed as a Retail business, Mr. MoCaulley of the Company, who had come to represent them, produced documentary evidence, *titian to show that at all other of their Coal docks, Toronto, Port Colborne wto. they w-re classed in the Retail Category. This evidence also went on to show, how and why they were placed in this class. The Judges ruling b-ing that w anyone, selling o^er 5C of his goods direct to the consumer be classed as a retailer, and that w anyone selling to a Dealer, who in turn would sell to the consumer, be assessed as a Wholesaler. The Assessor admitting, that at the time of actual assessment, he did not know how these classes were arrived at, recommended that the rate be low-red from 75% to 50%, and class the Valley Camp Coal Co. as a Retailer. After some discussion on the subjeet/it was agreed by the Court, that the rate be lowered as suggested by the Assessor. - Next was the case of Jack Rankin, who wanted his property assess-d to the Separate School. It was expalined by the Assessor to the Court that he had written Mr. Rankin, explaining, that it world be neneesary to sign a form, supplied by the Separate School, b'fore the assessment could be changed, and that this had to be done before July 1st. of the y ar in which he wished to have his assessment changed. Therefore his assessment would hs'e to go to the rublio Schools for the y ar 1957. Fext was the appeal of the Canadian Canners Ltd. of mai 1ton Ont. who had named • r-fund of taxes for the year 1956, owing to the destruction of the dbu+lding, during a storm on September 6th. 1958. It was the decision of the Court, that } of the taxes, be allowed for the year 1956. On the appeal for the year 1957, it was ordered that the building, as remained, be re-assessed in the month of November, and that the assessment stand for 1957, or until such time as the building, was completely demolished, and the / Company could then make application for refund for that portion of the year when no building was standing. Upon completion of the Court of Revision, the Clerk, read two applications, for the position of Clerk-Treasurer, and Tax Collector for the Village. These applications were from Mr. Jos. Hynes, and Mrs. Helen Cooper. After much discussion on the subieot there was a motion by J. A. Wright, seoonded by Wm. Bugler, that this Council appoint J. W. Hynes to the position of Clerk-Treasurer, and Tax Collector effective December 1st. 1956. at an annual salary of $500.00. It is further recommended that Mr. Hynes be invited to spend as much time as possible with the present Clerk, effective imm- ediatley, in an effort to aquaint himself with the work as quickly as possibl9., R?S # loo" Carr. Clerk. Minutes of the seventeenth meeting ( • regular meeting i of the Council DI the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of November 2nd. 1956. The meeting was called to order at 9 PM by Reeve H. 0. Alward, who presided, and with Counoileors, Wright Loucks, Brown and Bugler In attendance. -7111/1 First was the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting, and the minutes of the Court of Revision, and Lith no deletions, additions or correotione, the Reeve ordered the minutes adopted as read. First to receive the attention of the Council was Mr. J. R-r.;ath, the operator of the Casino at Memorial Park. He had come to °captain of the condition of the rand in front of the Casino, He was assured by the Reeve, that the Roads Superintendent Mr. Loucks, whuld have the road repaired as soon as possible, along with some grading. Next was Mr. D. Axford, of Chatham St. who had come to compalin of the condition of the wooden steps leading from the top of Chathe .i St. to Fridge St., how that they were rotten, and dangerous, and wanted the Council to hay, them repaired. Mr. Axford 3 told how the people on Chatham St. w re considering a petition, and that he had offered to come inst-ad to ask for the repair or renewal of the stairs, After muoh discussion on the subject, it was expalined to Mr. Axford, that the Village at this time was financially unable to do anything ab ut the repair or r placing of the steps, but that they would recommend to the incoming Council that action be taken along that line, therefore there was a motion by J. A. Wright, seconded by Wm. Bugler, thatA this Council recommend to the 19E7 Council that a sum of money be set up in the 1957 budjet to make possible the repair or the replacement of the wooden steps ,n Chatham St. Hill near the home of Don. Axford. In the meantime a barricade should be errected with a sign reading " CLOSTD BY ORDF,P OF COUNCIL" USP STEPS AT OWN RISK ONLY RPS # 61 Carr. Next was a summary of Accounts payable by the Village, after which there was a motion by A. Loucks, seconded by S.S. Brown that Accounts No's 1 - 17 on Voucher No. 11 be paid and that the Reeve be authorised to sign same.R?S ig 62 Carr. There was a motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded, by J. A. Weight that leave be granted to introduee By-law 1i 75, a By-law to provide for the holding of the Municipal elections andfor the appointing of a Returning Officer, as well as Poll Clerk. Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that 37-1e a read a first time, �. Moved by S.S. Brown seconded by A. Loucks, Chit By-lsw 'read a second time Int. Moved by Wm. Bugler, seconded by S.S. Brown that By-law 1{tow read a third time ,4. do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. ems f D3C•Akr. W. J. Hynes, Clerk, was aprointed as Returning Officer, and Mrs. Cora Meyer, was appointed as Poll Clerk, providing an election was necessary. The Reeve then asked if there was any other business, end the present Clerk, requested that he be relieved of his duties as of the day the Auditors gave a satisfactory report of his work. After some discussion, there was a motion by J. A. Wright, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that this Council accept the resignation of the present Clerk effective midnight of the day that the auditors check the Village books and give a satisfactory report and that J. W. Hynes take over the position immediately following the foregoing resignation date of the present Clerk. This motion rescinds the former motion covering the effective date of J. W. Hyn s appointment. R?S . 6tiiiarr. It was requested of the Clerk, that he contact Mr. Cooper of the Imperialle Fuels to see if he had done anything about having Chatham St. oiled, as per ageeement. There was a motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by J. A. Wright, that this Council �,4 adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. RPS 64aCarr. M..r/0 c AdJ oJ.'Nea /, '+ PM ACCOUNTS PAYABLr INV. t NAhr Go ODS OR SrRVICr AMOUNT CHPQUT f 1 Sec. Tres.. Sep. Soh. Bd. 1956 Levy $ 334.64N 230 2. Rec. Gen. of Canada 100 X 5/ & 100 X 4% Petge 9.00\ 226 3. Central Pipe Line Co. Comm Hall for Sept. 1.90\ 227 4. Geo. Chute Relief Re: Visaw 7.25\ 231 5. Lineol Werth Gas Oil rto. 13.50\ 232 6. Port Burwell C. Lumber Supplies 16.89 233 7. Rec. Gen. of Cda. Inc. Tax Ded. 3.80\ 234 8. e " " " Unemployment Ins. Ded. 4.52 235 9. Geo. Chute Uil for Municipal Hall 30.35N, 236 10. Treasurer of Ontario 0. P. Y. for Oct. 108.50e, 237 11. Jack Hayward Jr. Lawn Mowing 'fun. Hall 5.00 238 12. H. Grieve. salary to Oct. 31 60.00\ 228 13. L. Vaughan " " " " 101.14-\ 229 14. A. Loucks, mileage Re. Roads 9.20\ ?39 16. Arnold Ward. Tree Trimming 175.50N\ 240 16. Arthur Brooks AE[ Loading gravel 6.00 241 17. Murrary Scanlan Weed Killer 98.56N 242 1. Reeve. .1..........:..Clerk. 111111 • f Minutes of the fifteenth meeting ( a regular meeting ) of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of tort Burwell, held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of August 31-56. The meeting was called to order at approximately 8.30 PM by Reeve H. 0. Alward, who presided, Councillors Bugler, Loucks Brown and Wright were also in attendance. Also present was a delegation of Citizens, headed by Mr. Thos. Ives, of this Vill- age who had come in protest to the deplorable condition that exists along our water front, having to do with the smoke nuisance, and unloading of coal at all hours of the night, by large lake freighters. Mr. Ives was asked to speak, and he gave • talk on the conditions along the water front and what he thought could be done to aleviate the condition. He also presented • petition, signed by most ever- . yone living along the main St. as well as along Erieus St. He also left some lit- erature with the Clerk, that the Council may be able through the Air Polution Advisory Board Report be able to put a stop to most of the nuisance. Mr. Ives and the rest of the delegation were assured by Reeve, Alwadd, that the matter would receive the attention of the Council and everything possible would be done to stop the smoke nuisance. Several other subjects were discussed by the delegation, such as reckless driving, driving without mufflers, on cars, -to. It was also suggested by Mr. Corks that Brook St. be made a one way St. from Robinson to Strachan, going east. After this discussion the delegation left, with the assurance that everyting possible would be done to oorr-ct the situation. First in the line of business was the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting, and with no corrections, deletions, or additions, the Reeve ordered the minutes adopted as read. Next was a summary of Accounts payable by the Village, after wM8bh there was a motion by S. S. Brown, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that Accounts , No's 1 to 18 on voucher No. 9 be paid and the Reeve be authorized to sign same. RRS # 50 Carr. Next to cane up for discussion was the street lights purchased by Imperialle Fuels to be placed on Chatham St. W.,Imperialle Fuels to assume half the cost of installation Therefore there was a motion by A. E. Loucks, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that this Council authorize the installation of 8 lights to be evenly spaced along the west aide of Chatham St. with 100 watt bulbs to be used. Also one light on William St. and one light on the corner of Elisabeth and Hanna Sts. with one hundred watt bulbs to be used. R*S # 51 Carr. There masa motion by S.S. Brown seconded by Wm. Bugler, that this Council petition the Highways Dept. for interim payment to August 31st. of the Statutory grant. RTS ft 52 Carr. At this point in the meeting the Clerk, expressed his wishes that he be relieved of his position as Clerk-Treasurer, as soon as the Auditors, who were expected in the middle of November, had made their Audit. It was agreed that someone else be found to r,plaoe him at that time. There was a motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by S.S. Brown that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. RTS # 53 Carr. Meeting adjourned at 11 PM. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INV ft !&W GOODS OR SRRVICR AMOUNT CHEQUE r7entrT7Line Co. Comm Hall for July $ 2.00\ 1� 2. Pt. Burwell P.U.C. Street & Building Lights 93.50\ 182 3. Aylmer & Mal. Tele Co. Village & Police calls 23.60\ 183 4. Lloyd Vaughan Salary to Aug. 15-56 106.13\ 184 5. Ham. W. & Cathers Gen Acct. Ins. ( Liab) 10.30\ 188 6. Lincoln Werth Gas & oil for tks 26.00\ 189 7. Twnship of York Relief Re. LeMay 12.69\ 190 8. Otter Valley Con. Auth 1956 Levy 239.00N 191 9. County of Elgin 1956 Levy 4,079.00\ 192 10. L. Vaughan Salary to Aug. 31-56 101.14\ 186 11. H. Grieve " " " 60.00\. 187 12. Mrs. H. Grieve Assessing Fee 300.00\ 185 13. Wit. Webber Weed Cutting 6.00\ 193 14. Mundcipal World Stationery 9.13\ 194 15. Rec. Gen. of Cda. Inane Tax Deduction 3.80\ 195 16. " " " " Unemployment Ins. Deduction 4.52\ 196 17. Hugh Pace Repairs to MowerJune to Aug. 18.92\ 197 18. Jack Hayward Jr. dun. Hall Lawn Cutting 3.00\ 198 --11111 :re_62: ��. 01ZWWReeve ... i""'""- 'Clerk. Minutes of the sixteenth meeting ( a regular meeting ) of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Eurwell, held in the Muzi- icipal Hall on the evening of Friday October 12-56. The Meeting was called to order at approximately 8.30 Pm, by Reeve, H. 0. Alward, who presided, and with Councillors, Loucks, Brown, W'ri;l t and Bugler, in attendance. r First to receive he attention of the Council ryas Mr. Roy Armstrong, who had come to complain to the Council about the condition of the grounds around his home, that to had just purchased from '4r. Bus Bates who had rented to a 'Sr. Petz. His complaint beir. that Mr. Pets, tad left the place in a deplorable condition, with garbage, old boxes, , paper, etc layLr..g around all over the yard. After some discussion on the subject, "r. Armstrong was assured, that lr. Loucks, would go per- sor.ally to see "r. Petz ar.d bsk that he have the yard all cleaned up by morday Oct. 15th or else we would notify the health authorities, to see if they couldr' t force him to clean it up. Next was the reading of tl a minutes of the last regular meeting, arid with ro deletions, additions, or corrections, tte Reeve ordered the minutes adopted as reed. Next was a summary cf Accounts payable by tie Village, after which there was a mot'on by '''m. Bugler, seconded by 3. 1. Erown, that ac lourts No' s 1-29 less item 5 or. voucher No. 10 be paid, and that tie Reeve be auth- orized to s'gn sane. RES h 54 Carr. ?-ext was the rutchir.son Estate to come up for discussion, they being five years in arrears of taxes. After much disct3sion on tte subject, Mere .v s a motion by '7r7. Ft•gler, seconded by J. A. ':ri„ht, that this Council ..an el all penalties to date on tie Hutchinson Estate property ir the evert Mrs. Marjorie Size, purchases same, and that the taxes be paid in full. Such a� ion beir .;. taken, strictly to assist in t. a settlement of this estate. fRES # 55 Carr. There was a motion by S. S. Brown seconded by A. E. Loucks, that it is the recommends ion of this Council that the P. .C. members receive 150.00 per annum for their servi:es to the Village. • RES ;' 56 Carr. Next was a motion by S. S. grown, seconded by J. A. `iri.;ht, that this Council Jet the date of October 19th. 8.30 sharp for the Cotrt of Revision. RE1 f 57 Carr. There. was a notion by J. A. ''richt, seconded by A. E.Loctks, that this Council orde •s ttat a noti .e be placed in the Post Office, ar.d stores i'1 the Ville;e, adve:tisirg the position of Villa:;e Clerk, treasurer, ard tax Collector. Applications to be received by the Vliaje Clerk, up until Noon of October 19th. 1956. RES # 58 Carr. Several other subjects were discussed, but nothing corcrete decided.. ;?.ere w.•3 a motion by '7-:. Bugler, sec"ded by ii.. E. Loucks, that this C,'uncil' adjourn until. next regular meeting unless in case of emergency RES f 59 Carr. It w s ordered of the Clerk, that he write tie Depertme- t of Public 'i'orbs, seeking, their permission to cut tt rcut;h the sheet piling along the river frort, to allo.v for the drair:ing of Chatham it. into the river. ACCOt'Nf•S PAYALLE INV. i' NA'' GOODS OR LER!ICE te AMCTJN T CHE1TE N0. 1. Provircisl,8reasurer Inst.lin Re. Arnou ,. 2.17` MI 199 2. Treas. of Ontario O.P.P. for Aug. 281.50N 200 3: Ren. Gen or Canada 200X4' & 200 X 5' pstge 18.00N 201 4. ;ec. Treas. Sch Ed. 1956 Levy 2,000.00N 202 6. L. Vaughan salary to Sept. 15-56 10&.13\ 203 7. L. Vau.;han. n " 30-56 101.14\ 204 3. .Simcoe Tire service 1 used graaer tire 5.00\ 210 9. Central Pipe Line Comm. hall for sept. 1.90N 205 10. Pt. Burwell F.L.C. St. & Bldg Lights 93.50\ 206 11. Morley "Iclfe Gas Oil etc. 18.30\ 211 12. Twrship of.York Relief Re. LeMay 12.69N 212 13. Ken Baird Gas oil etc . 48.50\ 2 13 14. Tress. of Qnt. O.F.P. for :eot. 186.00'\ 214 15. Rec. "en of Cda. Irc. Tax Ded 3.30\ 215 16. " n N If Unemployment I^s . Ded. 4 .52N 216 17. Gordon Lotcks Labor ir. Park ( Recovered) 20.00\ 207 Ill 18. Town of Tillsonburg High Bch. Deb. Payment 1,542.27\ 217 19. F. L. Stephenson Mdse. 1.50N 218 20. H. Grieve salary to _opt. 30-56 60.00\ 208 21. }?t. Bur. P.U.C. St. & Bldg lights 93.50\ 209 22. J. D. Courtney Frirt°ng Voters lists 40.00\ 219 23. Bessie Dorl,en ;irness fees 12.00N 220 24. Eva Dorken n n 4.00\ 221 25. L. Vaughan Salary to Oct. 15-56 101.13N. 222 26. J. H. Kaufmann Gas. oil etc. 60.75\ 223 27. Twr.ship of York Relief Re. LeMay for 12.69. 212 28. Emery Vyse Salary Coll. Garbage 17.60\ 224 29. Claude lutterwick Labor clears ris(storm) 28.50N, 225 -lee- : . .Reeve "- - Clerk. Minutes of the '-+ meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell ( a special meeting ) was held in the Municipal Hall om the eve- ning of July 24-66. The Meeting was called to order at 8.30 PM, with Reeve Alward in the chair and with Counoillors Bugler, Louoks, Brown and Wright in attendance. Also present use were Solicitors, Groom and Toth, from Tillsonburg. The meeting was ealled for the sole purpose of passing a By-law prohibiting any buildings or structures other than residences in the area from the meeM lipit of Erieus St., to the Village limits to the North. After much discussion on the subject, it was decided that Mr. Groom draw up a By-law, as dictated by the Council and to have it back in Port Burwell the next 111/1 eveniag, that it may receive its three readings, ed, and forwarded to the Municipal Board in Toronto for approval. ve Minutes of the '/3 R meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell ( a special meting ) was held in the Municipal Hall on the eve- ing of July 25-56. The meeting was called to order at approximately 8 PM by Reeve Alward, with Councillors Wright, Brown Bugler, and Loucks, in attendanoe. Also present was Mr. Toth, of Mr. Grooms Office. The sole purpose of this meeting was the reading of the By-law prepared by Mr. Toth, and the passing of same. There was a motion by J. A. Wright seconded by S.S. Brown, that leave be granted to introduce By-law to Regulate the use of land and the character, location and use of buildings and structures as per By-law No. 74. and that By-law presented here- with be read a first time. Moved by Wm. Bugler, seoonded by J. A. Wright, that By-law now read a first time be read a second time forthw'th. Moved by A. T. Locals, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that By-law read a second time be read a third time forthwith. Moved by S. S. Brown, seconded by A. E. Loucks, that By-law now read a third time do pass be engorssed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. After the passing of By-law #74 it was brought to the attention of the Council that By-law's 70-71-72-73 had been returned by the Department of Highways in Tor- onto, Motor Vehicles Branch, owing to the fact that they were not properly worded It was their suggestion that we have our Solicitor re-draft each By-law that they may be OK'd by the Highways Dept. Therefore after some discussion on the subject there was a motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by J. A. Wright, that this Council submit to Mr. Toth By-law's No's 70-71-72-373 for Redrafting. RRS .,( There was a motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by own, that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in oas of emergency. RFS # � , 7 " (-444- 4 I..Reeve 7' Clerk. Minutes of the fourteenth meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of August 8th. 1956. The meeting was called to order at approximately 8.15 PM, by Reeve H.O. Alward who presided over the meeting, Councillors present were Wm. Bugler, J. Wright, A. Louoks and S. S. Brown. There was also several taxpayers present, who were interested in the decision of the Council about the building of a ooal loading ramp, on the Vyse property, planned by the Imperialle Fuels Co. The Clerk, having talked with Mr. W.A. McManus of Imp-rialle Fuels, prior to the opening of the meeting, advised the Reeve, that he d-'sired an audience with the Council, as soon as possible, owing to the fact that he had to be in London, at an early hour. Therefore the Reeve, called on Mr. Montanus to speak to the Council, if he so wished. Mr. McManus then went on to edplain his side of the erecting of his coal loading ramp, after which several taxpayers, rose and told their side of the subject. After much discussion it was agreed by Mr. McManus, that he would refrain from building the ramp on the Vyse, property, providing the Council would give their permission for his erecting the ramp on the C.P.R. property at the foot of Wellington St. It was also suggested that he look over another proposed spot just on the outskirts — of the Village. But Mr. McManus pointed out that he did not wish to have to haul his III/0 coal out of the Village limits, as every mile he had to haul the ooal added to his expense, and in order to compete, in the coal business, he had to keep his costs as low as possible. Mr. McManus also made a couple of suggestions that he wished the Council would take into consideration, that of prevailing on the Department of Public Works, to install a much larger turning basin, at the southerly end of the Harbor, to a000 nodate much larger ships, and also to keep pressure on the Highways Depart- ment for the paving and maintenance of Chatham St. to the waters edge. After this discussion there was a sunnery of accounts payable by the Clerk, after which there was a moti•n by A. Loucks, seconded by S.S. Brown that accounts No's 1 - 28 on Voucher No. 8 be paid and that the Reeve be authorised to sign same. RFS # 48 Carr. Several othersubjects were discussed bit nothing decisive considered, therefore there was a motion by S.S.Brown seconded by A. Loucks, that this Souncil adjourn u til the next reg lar meeting unless in case of emergency. RFS # 49 Carr. a_ - • THE F0URr!R1rH MIMING ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INV. # MAW GOODS OR SPRYIC! AMOUNT CHRQUR 1. Bowman Mit7:-77 W. Overcharge on taxes T 2. Ham ward & Cathers Liability Insurance 57.00 164 3. Ed. Dair Weed cutting 3 hrs. 2.25\ 155 4. Morley Wolfe Gas & Oil TY. Tr. $ grader 25.70\ 165 5. Rec. Oen. of Cda. 100 Z sg Postage stamps 100'1% 6.00 157 6. • • • • Income tax deduction 3.80\ 166 71 • • • • Unemployment Insurance 4.52\ 167 8. Wa. Webber Labor cutting weeds 21.78. 188 9. F. T. Dioy spreading oil on streets 2L 00\ 163 111, 10. E.F.S.Sanders Prosecuting Fee 34.00\ 169 11. Cliff Wilson Weed cutting June 20-58 6.00\ 158 12. Seo.-Treas. Soh. Bd. 4th. Instalment 1956 levy 1,000.00 \ 159 13. M. Scanlan Spraying outfit 95.50\ 170 14. Municipal World Stationery 1.22\ 171 15. Sterling Fuels 350 Gals. Bunker Oil J 1442 38.50.. 172 16. L. R. Grant Motors Inv. # 12528 9.90 173 17. L. Vaughan Salary to July 15-56 101.13\ 156 18. L. Vaughan • • • 31-56 101.14\ 161 19. Reo. Gen of Cda. 100 14% Postage stamps 4.00. 160 20. F. L. Stephenson Relief Re. Visaw 10.00\ 174 21. H. Grieve Salary to July 31-56 80.00\ 162 22. Township of York Relief Re. Le May 12.6 9 175 23. Treasurer of Ont. 0.P.P. 211.50,, 176 24. Jack Hayward Jr. Cutting Mun. Ball Lawn 3.00\ 177 25. Morley Wolfe Gas. Oil Etc. 16.20• 408-165 26. Tos. Steele Resolution # 37 Overpayment Taxes 9.38\ 178 27. George Young Labor on drains 6.00\ 179 28. Stauffer Motors repair to Tractor mower. 5.98\ 180 ...7Y.:....� " 'teeV+s .�.:[�..:IgY Clerk. r Minutes of the tenth 'meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of Ma June 4th. 1966. The meeting opened with the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting, and with no corrections, additions or deletions, the Reeve ordered the minutes adopted as read. The meeting opened at approximately 8.30 PM, by Reeve H. 0. Alward, who presided, and with Councillors, Loucks, Wright, f and Brown is attendanse. First to receive the attention of the Council was Jr. J. Travis, who had come to 111/0 see if something could be done about the streets, as shown in the Village plan, for the West Beach, He was renting lots to people who were going to want Hydro and the Hydro people wanted the streets properly defined so that they could put in their Hydro poles on the street allowance. Mr. Travis was assured that the Counoil would meet with his surveyor and try to find the old stakes, as was shown on the Village map. Next was a summary Of accounts payable, after which there was a motion by A. Loucks seconded by S. S. Brown, that the accounts on Voucher No. 6 Accounts, No's 1 - 30 be paid and the Reeve be authorised to sign same. RRS # 41 Carr. - The Reeve then produced two metal name plates, that had been ordered from Mr. R.C. Clinger, of St Thomas Ont., with the understanding that they were to be attached to a wooden plaque, with the Village Crest in scroll work on the top. It was deoided that the Clerk, should return them to Mr. Clinger, for the completion of the work otherwise the name plates I were of no use to us. The Clerk then read some correspondence h- had, and with no further work arising from these, there was a motion by S. S. brown seconded by J. A. Wright, that this Council adjourn until the next regular ■ sting unless in case of emergency RIB $ 42 Carr. Before the meeting broke up, Mr. Louoks, told how Mr. J. McManus had come to kin about installing some street lights along Chatham St, now that he had built the road up, and extended it to the waters edge. After some discussion on the subject the Clerk, was ordered to write Mr. McManus, and explain, that althou we would like to put the lights in along Chatham St. , it was financially impossible at this time to do so. Meeting ddjourned at 10.20 PM. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INV. # NAM! S!RVIC' OR GOODS AMOUNT C M'QUR # 1. Central Pipe Line Co. Relief Re. Visaw $ 4.00 94 2. Pt. Burwell P.U.C. e e e 3.60 89 ' 3. J. H. Kaufmann Gas & Oil for Rd. Rquip. 19.87\ 96 4. L. Vaughan Salary to May 16-56 101.13\ 96 • 5. Dellers Tile Uo. 322 Tile 45.66\ 101 6. Central pipe Line Comm. hall for Apr. 9.10N 97 Twnship of York Relief Re. LeMay 12.89\ 102 8. Prov. Treasurer Insulin Re. Arnou .94, 103 9. H. Grieve Salary to May 32-56 60.00. 98 10. L. Vaughan " " " " " 101.14, 99 11. L. Werth Gas t 011 for Rd. Equip. 25.20\ 104 12. Geo. Chute Relief Re. Visaw 4.32, 105 13. it " Oil for Mun. Hall 10.35., 106 • 14. Canada Vitrified Prod 223 Tile 255.14, 106 16. Res. Gen. of Canada Income tax ded. 3.80, 107 16. " " is Unemployment Ins. Ded. 4.62. 108 • 17. C. R. Spper Cedar posts 19.20N 109 18. Res. Gen of Can. 100 14j & 51 stamps 9.00\ 100 19. News printing Co. Resolution blanks 6.88 110 20. Morley Wolfe Gas, Oil b Repairs to Rd. !quip 200.51.. 111 21. Wm Hayward Labor on tile .75\ 112 22. Barney Foster " " " .76, 113 23. Seo. Young " " " 1.50\ 114 24. Reg. Hayward Cutting Mum Hall Lawn 6.00 116 111/0 25. F. L. Stephenson Relief Re. Visaw 40.00. 116 26. Ken Baird Gas A Oil for Rd. !quip 42.44N 117 . 27. Gypsum Lime 0 Alab. 29.5 tons stone 41.30N 118 28. County of Elgin Stop, and No Parking signs 35.4&. 119 29. Gordon Braokenberry rental of pump 8 Hrs. 6.00., 120 30. Dam. Natural Gas. 135ft of 8" pipe 601 ft 81.00 121 .Z :. .. eeve .. ee'I[. Minutes of the eleventh meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, ( • regular meeting ) held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of July 9-58. Those ik attendance included, Reeve. H. 0. Alward, Councillors, Bugler, Loucks, Brown & Wright. The meeting was called to order and presided over by Reeve Alward at ap^roximately 8.30 PN First was the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting, and with no, corrections, deletions, or additions the Reeve ordered the minutes adopted as read. First to receive the attention of the Council was Nr. Cecil Martin, heading a del- egation from the Fisherman Co-Op of Port Dover Ont. who wished to speak in cons- eetion with getting the approval of the Council to have the river dredged up to the bridge, with the idea in mind of erecting a Fish Packing building, on the west bank ._ of the river, at the bridge. It was the decision of the Counoil that Mr. Wright, oontaot Mr. MoBain our local Federal representative when he was in London, and Mr. Alward was going to speak to the head of the Otter Valley Conservation Authority with the idea in mind of bringing pressure to bear on the right parties, that this dredging may be aoeomplished. Next was Mr. H. Airhart our local 0.P.P. Constable, who wished to find out from the Council, if they were satisfied with his work or if they had amy suggestions to make that he night improve his work. He was assured mt by the Reeve, that all comments on his work had been favourable, and that the Council as a whole were well satisfied. Next was a summary of Accounts payable by the Village, after which there was a motiin by S.S. Brown, seconded by J. A. Wright, that a000unts No's 1 - 32 on Voucher No 7 be paid and that the Reeve be authorised to sign sane. RRS # 43 Carr. Next was • request by the Clerk, that we refund to Mrs. F.W.Bowman, the sum of $7.60 an overcharge in `+er taxes, the amount of assessment having been increased from the assessment Roll to the Collectors Roll. There was a notion J. A. Wright, seconded by S. S. Brown that this Council refund an amount of $7.50 Mrs. F. W. Bowman whioh was an overcharge on Roll # 455. RTS # 44 Carr. The next subject discussed was that of different Cleaners, coning into town and soliciting from door to door for cleaning. The Clerk was ordered to contact Constable Airhart, suggesting that he contact each Cleaner he saw in town, and ask then for their Peddlers License, if they had none he was to send them to the Clerk to obtain one, or else to escort them to the Village limits, with the understanding that they do no more peddaling in town until such time as the have the proper License. Next was the First Second and third readings of By/laws No's 70 - 71 - 72 - b - 73. By-law 70 By-law 71 By-law 72 By-law 73 There was a notion by J. A. Wright seconded by S.S. Brown that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of energenoy. RES 4 45 Carr. The meeting adjourned at 1 PM. ACCOUNTS PAYABL3 INV. 1!Alh! STRVICE OR GOODS AMOUNT CHTQUT # 1. Coatral Pipe Line Co. 4' 10" used pipe $ 3.20\ 131 2. Pt. Burwell P. U. C. street & building lights 93.50\ 122 3. Twaship of York Relief Re. LeMay 12.69' 132 4. Butterworth Motors Service Call for Truck 3.50N 133 5. L. Vaughan salary to June 15-58 101.13\ 123 6. Central Pipe Line Comm hallfor May 7.35\ 124 7. Peters Brown 6 Co. Auditors fee 533.64\ 134 8. Geol Iradt Weed gutting 12.00\ 127 9. Jaok Sutherland tile ( labor on ) 3.75\ 126 10. ?d. Dair " • " 3.75. 125 11. C. E. Soper 2 pee lumber 2.40` 135 12. Hurleys Boat Building welding & bolts 5.40\ 136 13. D. Courtney C.P.R. telegram to Min of Transport .75\ 137 14. County of Elgin hospitalisation 29.62\ 138 16. T. Dosser cleaning Nun. Hall 7.50\ 139 18. L. Vaughan salary to June 30-56 101.14\ 129 17. H' Grieve Rewire 60.00\ 128 18. Aylmer & Mal*hide Tele Re. Constables Phone 12.76. 130 19. Jack Hayward Jr. cutting lawn loin hall 4.00' 140411,- 20. F. T. Diey Oiling streets 350.00\ 141 21. Sterling fuels Oil for streets 525.58\ 142 22. Treasurer of Ontario O.P. P. for June 100.00\ 143 23. News printing co. Stationery 17.88\ 144 SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CONTINU!D 28. Receiver Gen of Cda. Income tax deduction $ 3.80\ 149 29. • " " " Unemployment Ins. Dad. 4.52\ 160 30. Daily Sentinel Review Advertisment 23.10 161 31. J. A. Wright Mileage to St. Thomas 5.60 ' 152 32. N. 0. Alward " " N " 5.60". 155 \it, i r ...„ „ qi A • ) WPM yA r •r -.,.1 Tr, rt s. ., ,a e'..•.W...*O P''C * i V ' *. 7 n n 4 i 4 A'T ,• `.. A $? 1 *4 4 ...., . . , .- . • A .' 'I's • di i do.% Z' 4.1,i-.. 7 iZ ! .-1 *s„ *,i..! ‘• • ' '' , 4 V t i r r"ri t , A -,--, S. ' A .1 ... • ...4. 1 • '- • rt • - 4" *v A+ ,a, Agri N .... , r' k 7 .,' 411` "*. %.. '1' L''.4* it "2" • # 1 • ,, yi 0 1 t 0% ' . Pr ' — — . e t • • 11.14 is*, ..4. re ..., „.., , . .. -4--- a '''' ' ' ' . .. '--— • ' ,.- 114),”s:''' . '' . ' Minutes of the eleventh meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village {+ of Port Burwell, ( a regular meeting ) held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of July 9-56. Those 1k attendance included, Reeve. H. 0. Alward, Councillors, Bugler, Loucks, Brown & Wright. The meeting was called to order and presided over by Reeve Alward at ap-roximately 8.30 PN First was the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting, and with no, corrections, deletions, or additions the Reeve ordered the minutes adopted as read. First to receive the attention of the Council was Mr. Cecil Martin, heading a del- egation fro. the Fisherman. Co-Op of Port Dover Ont. who wished to speak in conn- ection with getting the approval of the Council to have the river dredged up to the bridge, with the idea in mind of erecting a Fish Packing building, on the west bank111141 of the river, at the bridge. It was the declaims of the Counoil that Mr. Wright, contact Mr. McBain our local Federal representative when he was in London, and, Mr. Alward was going to speak to the head of the Otter Valley Conservation Authority with the idea in mind of bringing pressure to bear on the right parties, that this dredging may be aoeomplished. Next was Mr. H. Airhart our local 0.P.P. Constable, who wished to find out from the Council. if they were satisfied with his work or if they had any suggestions to make that he might improve his work. He was assured tkmt by the Reeve. that all comments on his work had been favourable, and that the Council as a whole were well satisfied. Next was a summary of Accounts payable by the Village, after which there was a-motiin by S.S. Brown, seconded by J. A. Wright, that accounts No's 1 - 32 on Voucher No 7 be paid and that the Reeve be authorised to sign sane. RES # 43 Carr. Next was a request by the Clerk, that we refund to Mr.. F.W.Bowmaa, the sum of $7.50 an overeharge in her taxes, the amount of assessment having b-en increased from the assessment Roll to the Collectors Roll. There was • motion by J. A. Wright, seconded by S. S. Brown that this Council refund an amount of $7.50/to Mrs. F. W. Bowline* which was an overcharge on Roll # 455. RR8 # 44 Carr. The next subject discussed was that of different Cleaners, coming into tow* and soliciting from door to door for cleaning. The Clerk was ordered to contact Constable Airhart, suggesting that his contact each Cleaner he saw in town, and ask then for their Peddlers License, if they had none he was to send them to the Clerk to obtain one, or else to escort them to the Village limits, with the understanding that they do no more peddaling in town until such time as the have the proper License. Next was the First Second and third readings of By/laws No's 70 - 71 - 72 - & - 73. By-law 70 By-law 71 By-law 72 By-law 73 There was a motida by J. A. Wright seconded by S.S. Brown that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. RES # 46 Carr. The meeting adjourned at 1 PM. ACCOUNTS PATABLE INV. # WANE; SERVICE OR GOODS AMOUNT CHEQUE # 1. Central ripe Line Co. 4' 10• used pipe $ 3.20\ 131 2. Pt. Burwell P. U. C. street & building lights 93.50\ 122 3. Twnship of York Relief Re. Leaky 12.69\ 132 4. Butterworth Motors Service Call for Truck 3.50 . 133 6. L. Vaughan salary to June 15-56 101.13\ 123 6. Central Pipe Line Comm hallfor May 7.36\ 124 7. Peters Brown 4 Co. Auditors fee 333.64\ 134 8. Goof Bradt Weed eutting 12..0\ 127 9. Jack Sutherland tile ( labor on ) 3.75\ 126 10. Rd. Dair w w w 3.75. 125 11. C. E. Soper 2 pes lumber 2.40` 135 12. Burleys Boat Building w=lding & bolts 5.40\ 136 13. D. Courtney C.P.R. telegram to Min of Transport .75\ 137 14. County of Elgia dospitalisation 29.82\ 138 16. E. Dosser cleaning Mun. Hall 7.50\ 139 16. L. Vaughan salary to June 30-56 101.14\ 129 17. H' Grieve 60.00\ 128 18. Aylmer & Malahide Tele Re. Constables Phone 12.76\ 130 19. Jack Hayward Jr. nutting lawn Mu* hall 4.0G\ 140 20. F. T. Diey Oiling streets 360.00\ 141 21. Sterling fuels . 011 for streets 525.58\ 142 22. Treasurer of Ontario 0.P. P. for June 100.00\ 143 . 23. Hews printing oo. Stationery 17.88\ 144 24. J. H. Kaufmann Gas & oil for maehinery 30.66\ 145 26. Pt. Burwell P. U. C. street & building lights 93.50\ 146 26. A. R. Wrights& son Mdse. 16.66\ 147 E 27. Central Pipe Line Comm hall for jun* 1.90\ 148 ." .. 1.�{•...• ..Reeve . 1 lerk. Minutes of the seventh rreetir.c of the Council of the Corporal ion of the Village of Port Purwell ( a special meeting ) held in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce meeting on the evening of April 16th. 156. in the Municipal Hall. -a There was a motion by J. A. Tright seconded by Tm. Bugler, that th s Council recommedd to the Minister Of Transport that Imperialle Fuels Ltd. be permitted to lease 00 feet frontage, immediately south of their present holdings, and request that the balance be leased to the Village of Fort Burwell Ont. as a safeguard for Public dokcge. ice°# J3 Carr. 4111 There was a motion by i. J. Brown seconded by I . Loucks', that, this Cornell obtain in :pricing en agreement in regard to the parts l maintenance of Chatham .it. from Imperialle Fuels Lt'., Em ire Hanna Coal Co. and the V Valley Camp Coal Co. REF # 64 Carr. A motion by J. ',.. Tright, seconded by A. Loucks, that this meeting adjourn until the next regular meeting, unless in case of emer:ency 3E•. # 35 Carr. ge W. . . . . ieeve ,� . . .s-1-1- - .Clerk. . Minutes of the eighth meeting ( a special meetir.r ) of the Council of the Corporation of t-e Villa e of Fort Burwell, '.eld in the "uricippl hall, on the evening of May 2rd. The meeting was celled oxirg to the i.r-;ency of a letter from the Valley Camp Coal Co. signed by K. D. Mooney President, end at the request of ".r. M. McCeilley of t',e same Co., who was it. the Village relieving Mr. 3oesch the Company' s rec;u.la r Dock "anager, who was away on vacation. The Valley Camp Coal Co's represertatives had taken a piece from the Toronto Paper stating that the Councilof the Villa e of Port Burwell had Ok'd the leasing of a piece of land to the Imperialle Fuels Lt i. of London, and wi en they having had their application in mitt: the Dej.t. of Transport for a fill year, wanted the Council to wine the Minister of Transport to the effect, that it was immaterial to the Council • ho the land was leased to. After rearing from Cdr. Mc Caulley, and after rich discussion on the subject, there was a motion by J. A. ';right, seconded by 'Ti. Bugler, that this Council forward the following dayletter immediately to the :Minister of Transport. 'Then our April 17th. telegram was sent, Council understood that Imperialle Fuels was the only app- licant. There .w„ s no desire to adversely affect the Valley Camp Coal Co. or to show fx partiality to any one Company. RE'; # 66 Carr. 6 ?eeve. (-Le?* . ?•--4-•‘-' • Clerk. Minutes of the nineth meeting of the Council of the Corpora' ion of the Villag- of Port Burwell, held in the Municipal Hall, on the ev'ning of May 7th. 1956. First was the reeding of the minutes of the last regular and two special me-tangs of the Council, with no deletions, additions, rr corrections, the Reeve ordered th- minutes adopted as read. First to receive the att,ntion of the Council w-r•- Mr. Cecil Vyse. and Mr. Res. Hyslop of Ingersoll Ont., who had come to lay a comRlaint about the condition of the road leading to the`r cottages, on the West Beach. They had both been dowr on the Sunday, May 6th. and could not reach their cottages on account of the condition or the road. It was explained to them that the Imperialle Fuels were in the process of laying Chatham St. and with the enormous amount of rain of recent date, it was im-ossible for them to a have the road in any better condition. It was also assured them that the Village would a' soon as humanly possible, do all • they eoad to aleviate the donditlon, and to improve the road for the summer mon- ths, by grad'.ng,stoneing, oiling etc. Next to receive the attention of the Council, was Mr. Thos. Steele, who had come to complain that hie assessment on his bakery was too high. It was explained to Mr. Steele that the time for complaint about assessment was at Court of Revision . Mr. Steele went on to explain that he had taken a different interpretation of the assessment notice, than as it was actually shown. After much discussion on the subject it was ordered of the Clerk .Assessor, that he lower the rate of assessment 6rom $190, a sq. foot to $1.60 a sq. Fcot onthis particular p44ec- of property. There as a motion by J. A. Bright, seconded by S.S. Brown that this Council ref- und tc A:r. .ho . Steele that portion he was overassessed for the year 1956. amoun- ting to $9.38.tto be made payable alt'r the taxes as provided had been paid. RIPS # 37 Carr. Next was a summary of accounts payable, after which there was a motion by A. Loucks seconded by Wm. Bugler, that accounts No's 1-26 bn Voucher No 4 be paid kin and that the Reeve be authorized to sign same. R?S if 38 Carr. The Clerk, having received a letter from Mr. R.C.Clin er, of R.P. 7 St. Thomas Ont. in connection with the purchase of a commemorative plaque for the Reeves, of the Village read this to the Council, and aft-r some discussion, it was moved by Wm. Bugler seconded by S.S. Brown that this Couneilpurchase two plates for a Commemorative pla- que from the Strath Crafts. RrS # 39 Carr. There was a motion by J. A. Wright, seconded by S. S. brown, thn- this Council adjourn until the n-xt regular meeting unless Tn case of emergency. RE'S # 40 Carr. ACCOUNTS PAYABLEIII- ,„_ INV # 4APr GOODS CR St'RVICrS AMOUNT CHz'QUr # 1. Sec. Trees Sch. Bd. 3rd inst. 1956 1-vy t2,000.0O\ 68 2. Pt. Bur. P. U. C. building & St. Lights 93.68N 69 3. Lloyd Vaughan Salary to Apr. 15-56 101. 13\ 70 4. H. A. Ostrander Ambulance calls Re LeMay 101.00 \ 76 5. Central Pipe 'Ane Comm. hell for Torch . 7.35\ 71 6. rd. Smith. Labor 11.40N 77 - - 7. Twnship of York Relief Re. LeMay 12.69\ 78 8. Cdn Bnk Of Commerce Debentures Re. Sch. Gym 2,210.00 74 9. Rec. Gen of Can. Income tax deduction 3.80 79 10. " " " " Jnemrloyment Ins. Ded'n 4.52-.. 80 11. H. r. ;sieve Salary to Apr. 30-56 60.00\ 73 12. Lloyd Vaughan Salary to Apr. 30-56 101.14 72 13. Ree. Gen. of Can. P. 0. Box rent 3.00‘ 81 14. Geo. Young Labor 12.00N 75 15. Municipal World Appraisal sh-ets 1.66 8f 16. F. L. Stephenson Relief Re. Visaw 39.96'. 83 18. Gypsum Lime c Alab 186.55 tons stone 219.09‘ 84 18. A. N. Wright Hdwre Mdse. 11.03\ 85 19. News Printing Ca. Station^ry & Tax notices 20.41\ 86 20. Wm. Buglerk, 18" broom 4.00\ 87 21. Aylmer & Mal. Tele Co. Rental & Toll calls 15.80\ 99 / 22. Pt. Bur. P.U.C. Street, Building & Relief. 97.26 \ 89/Voucher 5 23. Geo. Chute Relief Re. Visaw 6.90N 90 for $3.60 24. Stanley Thorpe Lettering on Truck 6.00N. 91 25. Morley W'•lfe Inv. J1's, 10938, 10966,10979 . 10993, 11051, 11113, 11131, 11202, 381. 11285. 56.00\ 92 26. C.P.R. Tele. Tele. to min. of transport .75\ 93 __,„,,, . W.. .R-eve. =."Clerk. : 11111 . . . . . :_ n.... .. . . . .. ?, . . .. . . . , . , .''' . ._. .. .s -__ - - -= --'•...tea"-.y.._...,u � ., -��,. d -- - AM The focrth meeting ( a special meeting ) of the Council of the Corporation of the Villa.;e of Port Burw•111, was held in the Aun- icipal Hall, or the evenirg of March Fth. 1956. The meeting was called primarily to talk overv!th the Council of the Village of Vierra, the posibility of hiring a Provincial Constehle, Mut for the Policing of the two Ville ;es for the summ- er season of 1956. i.f ter much discussion or. the subject, there was a motion by J. A. '7ri;ht, seconded by ':M. BuglerU, then this Council enter irto an agreement '.it°h tree Village of Vienna and the Commissicrer of Police for Ontario, for the -policing of the 4111 two Villages, by an officer of the Ontario Probincial Polite for the eriod June 15th. to September 15th.--both inclusive, fur the year 1956. :7Ec h 24 Carr. At the same meetirg, the addition to, or to b ildin.; of a new District' r,igh 3choal was dismissed, The Vienna Cour.c=1, expla.ring that they could see no possible way of getting the school erected . any rearer to Port Burwell and Vienna, than fi•llsonburg. Therefore it was decided, and the Clerk instructed to contact Mr. ,?. McCord the Village representative to the District High .ichool .Bd. and inform him, that it +vis the decision of the Council, to ;o along with the idea of building a new District. itikh School 'in Till:+onburr. Meeting adjourned at about 10.30 PM. (ll.• .Reeve. . ( . < �--- ' Clerk. Minutes tar of the fifth meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, a special meeting ) was held it the Customs Office on Thursday March 23rd. for the purpose of setting the • Mill rate for the year 1956. The meetirg was called to order at 7.40 PM by Reeve H.O. Alward, .vho presAded, with Councillors, Eu gler, Loucks, ?right, and brown in att- endance. There was much discussion or: the Budjet, after mi;h there wtas a motion by J. A. '''right, secorded by A. Loucks, that the budjet be set at 75 milks for the kublic School supporters, and at 73.5 Mills for the sep- atate .School supporters. HES h25 Carr. About 9 PM the lights went out, and during the time until they came on another subject, that of appealing the Countys decision to increase the Village rats was discussed. After some discussion on the subject there was. a motion by A. Loucks, seconded by :.'.tn. Bugler, that this Council appoint E. 3. Livermore as our Solicitor, to act on our beh- alf in appealing the County 1956 equalized a. sessmet^.t of the Village of Port Burwell under Section 89 of the Assessment Act. 'Tith our auth- ority to take this appeal before the County Judge ur the Municippl board, whichever Mr. Livermore considers the better. RES ,; 96 Carr. The meetirg adjourned at 12.10 1Y. • • • t . . Reeve . . . . Council of the Minutes of the sixth meeting ( a regular meeting ) of the1Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of April 9th. 1956. The meeting was palled to order at 8.10 PM with Reeve Alward in the Chair. and with Councilaors, Bugler, Brown Wright and Loucks, in attendance. Also present were T. Steel, R. C. Cling-'r, Mr. M. Scanlan, awd kr. D. Axford.9. AIR. .c.Yiaag*.,,e. First was the reading of the minutes of the last regular and two special meetings by the Clerk, with no deletions, additions or corrections, the Reeve ordered the minutes adopted as read. Ir. R. C. Clinger of R.R.1 t. Thomas, was first asked to speak to the Council, he • having brought a sample of a plaque to show the Council, One commerating the mem— ory of the different Reeves of the Village. He was assured by the Reeve, that the Council would decide on the ratter and let him know by mail whether or not they would be interested in the purchase of one. Yr. M. Scanlan was then invited to speak to the Council, he having brought along a sample and some literature on tMa different pumps., that could be attached to a tractor, for the spraying of weeds & etc. He showed the sample, and pictures of different pumps, and told how he could suppl the Council with a complete pumping outfit forth. sum of $ 80.20. Mr. Scanlan was tild that the Council would talk it over and let him know their decision on the matter. Mr. Thomas Steel was next to receive ilhe-iyttention of the Council, he having three different subjects to discuss with them. R4rst was the condition of the street in frontof the Orient 1 Lodge on Robinson St. whe it was working away, undermining the H'w building, and that he had been delegated to sneak to the Council, to sae what could be done about the condition. Mr. Steel was assured that something would be done, as soon as possible. The next subjeot was that of pedlars in the Village, and how they were not paying a high enough License fee, and how some were coming in and using the streets for noth- ing, such as Cleaning establishments etc. Ha was assured that this subject would be talked over and any adjustments, made that were #o the beat interests of the Vil'ag'. He than told how he had been asked by the Community Club to sew the Council with the idea of the Villa,. forgoing the last instalment of its ahnuai rent to the Club, owing to the fact, that the Club was financially unable to take care of the rent. After some discussion on the subject, there was a motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by J. Wright, that this Council forgo the $25.00 rent from the Community Club +'or the balance of the 1955 season. R^S # 27 Carr. Mr. Don Axford, was then asked to speak to the Council, he having come to lodge a complaint about the condition of the street in front of his home, and how he become stuck in the mud, end how it had cost him two dollars to have himself pulledout. He was assured by the Road Sup.rint-ndent that womething wound be done about put- ing some stone in the hole and the rest of the street would receive some attention. Next was a summary of Accounts Payable by the '4illage, after wh'oh there was a - motion bj 7l. Bugler, seconded by S. Brown that accounts No's 1 - 30 on Voucher No. 3 be paid and that the Reeve he authorized to sign same. PRS ; 28 Carr. Next was the reading of the Annual Btlaw to provide for the 1956 expenditure on roads and streets in the Village for 1956. These was a notion by A. Loucka,-sec. by S. Brown that lesve be granted to introduce By-law No. 69 to provide for the 1956 expenditure on roads and streets in the Village of Port Burwell in the County of Flgin. By-law read a first, second, third time do pass, be engrossed, by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. RF'S # 29 Carr. There was a motion by S. Brown seconded by J. Wright, that this Council adopt daylight saving time in the Village of Port Burwell from Midnight April 28th. until midnight September 29th. 1956. RD'S # 30 Carr. These was a motion by J. Wright, a-conded by S. Brown that this Council pay the first instalment amounting to $50.00 of the Annual grant to the Port Burwell Library Board. RFS # 31 Carr. During the balance of the evening several other subjects were discussed but noth- ing decisive decided. There was a motion by A. Loucks, seconded by S. Brown that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. RFS # 32 Carr. Meeting adjourned at 12.40AM. ACCOUNTS PAYABLW INV. # mar SFRVICZ' OR GOODS AMOUNT CH7QUR # 17---Ft. Burw7IT7. U. C. St. & Building lights $ 93.66 4T- 2. Township of York Relief Re. LeMay 12.69\ 47 3. Central Pipe Line Comm. hall for Feb. 12.95\ 42 4. Mr. A. Louoks, mileage Re. Truck 9.20\ 48 5. Prov. Treasurer Truck License 2.00\ 43 6. Mr. Jack Weston Surveying Chatham St. 30.00\ 49 7. Bills iVelding Shop Truck Box Hoist etc. oomplete 485.00\ 50 8. F. Laemers Garb. collection for March 70.00\ 51 9. `rs. 7. Dosser Cleaning Mun. Fall 7.50\ 52 10. H. Urieve, Clerks salary to March 31 60.00\ 46 11. Sec. TReae Pub. Sch. 2nd Instalment 1956 levy 1500.0D\ 44 12. Hamilton Ward & Cathera Truck Insurance 31.90\ 53 13. Stauffer Motors Used ford tractor, new side mower, New loader, used Int'l truck, set of chains 1868.00\ 54 14. Geo. Chute Oil for gun. ball 20.39\ 55 t •• tl 0•/F17.TI1• • • • •• ...ili +►114 • $ J•4• • 11!•.1 11 1$. Can. `acific Rly Telegram to Minister of Trnapt 1.85\ 56 18. Gao. Chute Relief Re. Visaw 22.50\ 55 17. Lloyd Vaughan Foremana salary to Mar. 31-5f 101.14\ 45 18. Ree. Gen. of Can. Income tax statement 1.90. 57 19. Rao. Gen. of Can. Unemployment Ina. Stamps 2.26\ 59 20. nam. Ward m Cathers Personal Pond 7.50.E 53 • 21. Ree. Gen. of Can. lostage stamps 300 X Igl&41 27.00\ 58 22. Morley Wolfe Gas. & Oil for grader tractor Tk. 55.25\ 62 23. Walter Allmstrong Truck for grader 35.00\ 63 24. Stauffer Motors new wheels & tires for tractor 58.26\ 54 25. J. H. Kaufmann gas for Tk & Tractor 7.00\ 65 26. F. L. Stephenson relief Re. Visaw 29.99\ 66 27. Hews Printing Co. Adv. & Arrears ntoioes 10.17\ 67 28. Gypsum Lime & Alab. 49.40 tons Stone • 59.28\ 64 29. Hurleys Boat Building Labor & mtls or Tk & Tractor 35.98. 61 30. Sec. Treas. Pub. Library let. Inst. 'a rant 50.00\ 60 -..:Cf. !-a44eeve ... ... 1'' 4"1 /C1ebk. ., t The second meeting ( a regular meeting ) of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, was held on Monday evening February 6th. in the Municipal Hall. Those in attendance w+re Councillors, Louoks, Wright, Bugler, and brown, the Reeve being absent by reason of sickness. In order to conduct the meeting it was necessary to aprcint a Chairman, in the • absence of the Reeve: therefore there was a motion by S. S. Brown, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that Alvin Loucks, be a-pointed Chairman, of the Council meeting in the absence of the Reeve. Carr. RaS # 12 First was the reading of the minutes of the Inaugural meeting, of the Council, with no corrections, deletions, or additions, the Chairman ordered the minutes adopted as read. Next was a summary of Aocounts Payable by the Village,; on the Account of H. A. - Ostrander & on of Tillsonburg, the Clerk, was'authorized to pay for the ambu- lance charges for Mrs. Drandow, but was advised to write and have Ostrander' - try ev ry possible way to collect the account of Mr. LeMay from his six sons. After which there was a motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by 3•S. Brown that Acc- ounts 1 - 14 on Voucher No. 2 be paid, and the Chairman be authorised to sign same. Carr. RrS # 13 Next was a resolution by S.S.Brown seconded, by J. A. Wright, that this Council order from the Municipal World, the Publication, Municipal World, for the Reeve each member of the Council, and the Clerk. Carr. RmS # 14 A resolution by J. A. Wright seconded by Wm. Bugler, that this Council renew the Municipality Liability Policy, at the premier-, figures (1955) Carr. R"'S # 15 Next was a resolution. by S. S. Brown, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that this Council renew the Non-Owned Automobile Policy. Carr. RvS # 16 The balance of the evening was spent in discussion a variety of subjects, none of wlioh were decisive. There was a motion by S.S. Brown seconded by Wm. Bugl"r, that this Council adj- ourn until the n'xt regular meeting, unless in case of emergency. Carr. R?S # 17 The meeting adjourned at 11.30PM. ACCOUNTS PAYAALF INV. # NAM?. ARTICLE OR S^RVICI' AMOUNT CH?QUr NO. 1. '',ec. frees. ,ch. Ed. Eal. 1955 Levy .2,x)52.00 % 11 2. Central Fipe Line Comm. Pall for Dec. 14.85 N 12 3. Township of F.ayhem Overpay. on Deber.tures ' 212.55% 15 4. H. Grieve salary to Jo',. .31/56 60.00 % 13 5. F. Laenera Garb. Coll. for Jan. 70.00'. 16 6. Geo. Chute Oil for Mtn. Hall 25.79N. 17 7. Cotr.ty of Elgin Ho3p. Re. D. '.iathew3 60.00\ 18 8. Ham. ^;'ard & Cath Liab.& Non Owned at to 281.21N 23 9. H. Grieve. Petty Cash. 5.00N 14 10. F. L. ,tephen3on Rel!ef Fe. Visaw 20.00. 19 11. Geo. Chute " " " 14.50 17 12. Mrs. F. Dosser Clearirg :`tn. ra11 7.50N 21 13. H. A. Ostra-.der & -on Amt. Calls 1952- 5 19.00N 2m 14. J. H. ?eufmann Cont. Re. Xmas L,, his 5.00\ 22 �+-?- . . . )p e v e � �•'""" ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FOR THD 3rd. MrTTING CONTINU?D. FROM OPPOSITE' SIDE OF PAGE -4110 17. Jack Hayward Caretakers fee Comm. Hall $ 20.00 36 18. Arthur Brooks Hail & ser-ad etonw 15.00 37 19. St. Thomas Times Nournal Adv. Re. Village Foreman 4.42 38 20. Wm. Bugler, Mileage, and purchase of tile 9.00.. 39 21. Assoc. of Ass. Off. of Ont. Membership fm (L/ 10.00:\ 40 •.(2. Reeve ...+ ..":,1Y:-s :.;.: ...Clerk. Minutes of the third meting ( a regular meeting ) of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, held in the Mundiipal Hall on the evening of March 5th. 1956. The meeting was called to order at 8 Pd by Reeve, H. 0. Alward, and with Councillors, Loucks, Wright, Bugler, and Brown in attendance. Also present to discuss matters with the Council were W. B, Mo Cord, Frank, & Ted. Lammers smldxGerald Travis, and Mr. Clarence Roesch, Mgr. of Valley Camp Coal Co. First to receive the attention of the Council, was Mr. Me Cord, the Village representative to the Tillsonburg District High School Board. He submitted a brief, prepared by the Board, for submission tug to the different Councils interested in the District, Re. the building of a new, or addition to the old Tillsonburg High School. After much discussion on the subject, it was moved by J. A. Wright, seconded by S. S. brown that this Council take no action regard- 111, ing the Tillsonburg District High School brief submitted by Mr. W. B. Mo Cord, until additional information on costs and proper locations are made available and pending consultation with other Municipalities concerned. RPS # 18 Carr. The Couuoil then asked Mr. Travis, to speak,if he had anytliag he wished to discuss with the Council, Mr. Travis, went on to mention, sevlral places along Chatham St. in his immediate vicinity, that were badly in need or repair, after some discussion on the subject with the Village Roads superintendent, Mr. Travis was assured, that something would be done about his complaint, as soon as a man and materials were available. Mr. Clarence Roesch, who was also present, at the request of the Reeve, was then interviewed, and asked by Council, if he would speak to his, and the °mpire Hanna Co's drivers, if they would refrain from using the Village Streets as much as possible during the spring break up season. Also if he would be willing to have his trucks, draw for the Village crushed stone from Beachville Mr. Roesch aesued the Council, that he would speak to the drivers, and also as soon as hie trucks were in shape he would have them bring the Village as much stone as they required. Mr. Frank Laemers, was then asked if he wished to sp-ak to the Council, and he went on to expla'n, how he w nt'd to know about the continuing or discon- tinuation of the garbage collection, for the Village, That if he wasn't doing to continue collecting for the Village, he would like to know so that he could make arrangements for other employment. The Reeve then told Mr. Lasmers, lets the fe-ling of the Council, how they would like him to tender on the job of Village Foreman, and assumed him that he would receive equal consideration with any and all other a plicants. Mr. Lammers, was told that h^ would be notified, as soon as the Council had decided on a Village Foreman. Next was the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting, of the Council, with no deletions, additions, or correotions, the minutes mere ordered adopted as read. Next was a summary of Accounts Payable, after wiz& which there was a motion, by S. S. Brown, seconded by J. A. Wright, that accounts No's 1-21 on voucher No. 3 be paid, and that the Reeve be authorized to sign same. R4'S 4 19 Carr. There was a motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by A. Loucks, that this Counoi appoint H. F. Grieve, as assessor for the year 1956, at a fee of $300.00 for the year. RP,S 4 20 Carr. There was a motion by ifm. Bugler, seconded, by A. Loucks, that this Council make application for membership in the Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario for the year 1956 for a membership fee of $10.00 RFS , 21 Carr. After an explination by the Clerk of the Doming expenses of the Village, Re, the purchase of equipment, School Debenture payment, School requisition for funds, etc. there was a motion by S. S. Brown, seconded by J. A. Wright, that this Council authorized the borrowing from the Canadian Bank of Commerce a sum not to exceed ($5,000.00) five thousand dollars, to be drawn as required to cover current expenses. RaS 4 22 Carr. There was a motion, by A. Loucks, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that this meeting adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. RFS 4 23 Carr. Meeting adjourned at 11.45 PM. ACCOUNTS PAYABLP INVOIC? # NAMF GOODS OR SFRVICrS AMOUNT CYrQUP 4 1. The Municipal World Vouchers, and dog tars $ 6.07\ 30 2. F. La emars Garb. Coll. for Feb. 70.00N 31 3. E. Grieve Salary to Feb. 29/56 60.00 29 4. Mrs. F. Dosser Cleaning dun. Hall 7.50\ 32 5. The Municipal World 6 Sub. to dun. World 18.00.. 30 6. Aylmer & Malahide Tele Co. Rental & Toll Charges 15.10\ 24 7. Central Pi a Line Co. Comm. Hall for January 12.85". 25 8. Port Burwell P.U.C. Street lights, & Comm & dun H1s93.50". 26 9. Receiver General of Canada 100 X 4 stamps 5.00\ 27 10. Seo. Treas. Sch. Bd. 1st. Inst. 1956 Levy 1,000.00\ 28 11. Geo. Chute Oil for dun. Hall 25.77\ 33 12. Provincial treasurer Insulin Re. Arnow 2.82\ 34 13. H. Grieve, Bonus, Re salary 120.00\ 29 14. F. Stephenson Relief tae. Brindley 9.96\ 35 15. F. Stephenson " " Visaw 10.00. 35 16. Geo. Chute " " 13.60\ 33 ( O v P t ) The inaugural meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, was held on Monday evening January 9th. in the Municipal Hall. for the year 1956. First was the swearing into office at the Council and the Public Utilities Commission by the Clerk. The Reeve then tur,.ed the meeting ower to Rev. C. K. Dolby, pastor of the Baptist Church, who read scriptures and addressed the Council, followed by Prayer, and lead by the Rev. John M. Winslow of the Free Methodist Church. In his inaugural address the Reeve welcomed into the Council two new members Mr. J. Wright, and Mr. S. S. Brown. Those in attendance at the meting were, Reeve. H. 0. Alward, Councillors, Loucks, Bugler, Wright, and Brown. Also present were Public Utilities mea- ---411/0 bers L. Stewart and M. Wolfe, Public School trustees, M. Scanlan, and Allister Fvely, Tilleonburg High School Di'*trict representative Mr. W. B. Me Cord was also present. First was the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting of the Council, with no deletions, additions or corrections, the Reeve order,,d the minutes adopted as read. First in the line of business, war a summary of Accounts payable, by the Clerk, after which there was a motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by A. Loucks, that accounts No's 1 - 3 on added portion, on Voucher No 12 of 1955, be paid and that the Reeve be authorised to sign same. Carr. RFS # 1 Nest was a summary of accounts payable for the year 1956, motion by S.S. Brown, seconded by J. A. Wright, that accounts No's 1 - 10 on Voucher No. 1 he paid and that. the Reeve be authorized to sign same. Carr. RFS i 2 There was a motion by J. A. Wright, s-oonded by Wm. Bugler, that W. B. Mo Cord be re-arpointed as the Village representative to the Tillsonburg District High Scholl Board for the year 1956. Carr. RFS u 3 The Clerk, having read a lett-r he received from Mr. Vallee the Clerk of the Township of Bayham, regarding the increase in the rat- for fire calls, from $50.00 to $75.00 per call effective the first of ''anusry 1956. After some discussion on the subject, there was a motion by S.S. Brown seconded, by Wm. Buglert, that the fire protection service provided by the Township of Bayham for the Village be continued at the rate in the letter of January 5th. until further nota e. Carr. RFS 4 Mr. Clarence,Ot+ Iger of the Val1Ny Camp Coal Co. docks, here in the Village, was also present and was ask-sd by the Reeve, if there wne anything he wished to discuss with the Council, Mr. Roesoh then went on to explain, how his Company wished the Village to take over as a Municipal Scale his Company's new scale, they to raintain and service it as here to for. After some disc- ussion on the subject there was a motion by A. Loucks, s'oonded by Wm. Bugler, 4 that this Council disignate the Valley Camp Coal Company's Scale of Port Burwell as a Munaoipal Scale. Carr. RRS # 5 Next was the appointing of the different Committees for the coming year, Reeve Alward submitted a list, end after some discussion, the following decisions were made. Moved by S. S. Brown, that this Council appoint Mr. Jack Hayward as Dog Catcher for the year 1956, at a relary of 20% of gross receipts. Carr. RFS # 6 Moved by J. A. Wright, seoonded by S. S. Brown, that this Council appoint Mr. F. Laemers, as garbage collector, at a salary of $70.00 per month.Carr. RES #7/ Moved by Wm. Bugler, seconded by S. S. Brawn that this Council aproint Mr. Hugh Grieve, as Clerk, for the y-ar 1956, at a salary of $60.00 per monthV plus bonus. Carr. R"'S 8 Moved by Wm. Bugl-r, Seconded by S. S. Brown, that this Council arpoint Mr. P. F. Wilson, as weed Inspector for the year 156, at a salary of $35.00✓ for the year. Carr. RFS 4 9 Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that this Council appoint Mr. A. F,. Brown, as Building Inspector, for the year of 1956, at a salary of $35.001 Carr. RFS 4 10 Those appointed to the different Committees were as follows; WORKS COMMITTER PLANNING & INDUSTRIAL COMMITTFF ALVIN LOUCKS J. A. WRIGHT S. S. BROWN ALVIN LOUCKS • J. A. WRIGHT. S.S. BROWN FFNCF WIFWFRS COMMITTFF WM. BUGLER F. T?DFORD MEMORIAL PARE CC MISSION P. '. WILSON ALVIN LOUCKS J. FLLIOTT S. S. BROWN W. B. MC CORD J. A. WRIGHT A. F. BROWN J. D. COURTNEY LEGAL & BY-LAWS COMMITTEE GFO. MC CORD WM, BUGLFR HAROLD HOSHAL J. A. ARIGHT FINANCE COIMITT'r* S. S. BROWN WM. PUGLvR There ma a motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by A. Loucks, that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergnoy. Carr. RD'S 1 11 Meeting adjourned at 12.35 AM ACCOUNTS PAYABL* INV. 2 NAVA GOODS OR C°'RVICV AMOUNT MTV' MO. 1. A. R. Wright & Son Mdse. $ 62.13 , 1 2. Dosser Mrs. a'thel Cleaning Mun. Hall 7.50 \ 2 111/13. F. Stephenson Mdse. .65 . S 4.3 " Relief Re. H. Vieaw 20.00N 3 4.4 George Chute " " " " 14.94 , 4 2.4 " " " " " " 14.07 4 2.5 " " Oil for Municipal Hall 15.53 \ 4 2.6 Morley Wolfe Inv. 2's 9647,9652, 9781, 9788 23.01 \ 5 7. Port Burwell P.U.C. Street, & Mun. & Cons Hall lights • 94.07 . 6 8. Arthur Brooks Clear Streets, and hail & spread gravel 18.00 ' 7 9. Geo. Mo Cord Labor, Grading streets July - December 30.38 \ 8 10. Frank Lammers Garbage Coll. for Dec. 70.00 - 9 11. News Printing Co. Flection Ballots 8.36 •. 10 .ct.. .1g11`:44Reeve .. ... v-gree*'- t Clark. •L • • . •