HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell Council Minutes 1955 PORT BURWELL VILLAGE Council Minutes 411 14 1955 Minutes of the fourteenth meeting ( a regular meeting ) of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, held in the Municipal Bill on the evening of Tuesday November 1st. 1955. The meeting was called to order at 8 PM by Reeve Alward, who presided, and with Councilors Hoshal, Bugler, Loucks, and Blyth in attendance. First was the reading of the minutes of the last regular, end Court of Revision meetings, with no deletions, additions or corrections, the Reeve ordered the • minutes adopted as read. Mr. Stewart Brawn who was also present was invited to talk over with the Council anything he might have to discuss. He went on to ask permission of the Council on behalf of the Canadian Legion Branch 524, to hold their meetings in oonjunotio n with cat the Ladies Aux. Can. Legion. They would use one room and the Ladies Aux. another room. After some discussion on the subject, there was a motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by H. Hoshal, that this Council give permission to the Can. Legion Branch 524 to meet sctiduti i is the Cammualty Bill in conjunction with the Ladies Aux. of the Can. Legion Branch 524, and to sign an agreement as to rent etc. with the Council. RTS # 80 Carr. Next was a summary of accounts payable by the Village by the Clerk, after whioh theme was a motion by A. Loucks, seconded by M. Blyth, that Accounts No's 1-22 on Voucher No 11 be paid and that the Reeve be authorised to sign same. RES # 79 Carr. The only other business w s that arising out of the Court of Revision, two decisions were to be handed down. let. was that of Mr. Chas. Bates, he having talked with the Clerk, stating that he was going to tear down his old fish house on the S.A. side of the creek and therefore wished it to be deleted from the Assessment Roll. The decision of the Council was that his rate be reduced from 50% to 20% sq. Ft. , but that as long as the shed stood it was to be taxed. but Mr. Bates was to be notified, that in ,the event he did tear it down, he oould make formal request that it be deleted from the Tax Roll. Next was the case of the Oriental Lodge A.F.A.A.M. represented by Mr. Bodsworth The decision of the Court, at Court of Revision, being that the Clerk, contact the Municipal World in St. Thomas, and try to get from them a proper rate for a Lodge Hall of concrete construction. The Clerk was advised by Municipal Wor- ld, that they could not supply such a figure, and that it was up to the Assess- or, or the Court of Revision. After much discussion, there was a decision, that V the rate should be reduced from $1.60 to $1.20 a square foot. Althou several other subjects were discussed nothing concrete was decided. A motion by Mary Blyth, seconded by A. Loucks, that this meeting adjourn until the next regular meeting, unless in ease of emergency. RES # 81 Cs.rr. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INV. # um GOODS OR SERVICES AMOUNT CHEQUE 1. Reg. Temple Labor streets $ 24.00\ 179 2. Port Burwell P.U.C. Lighting Streets Com & Mun. Halls 93.50\ 180 3. Morley Wolfe Gas & Oil for grader Inv.9077i9100 10.17 189 4. Dellers tile Ltd. 250-6" Tile 24.78\ 190 5. Rec. Gen. of Canada 10014% Pstge stamps 4.00. 181 6. F. Limners Garb. Coll for Sept. 70.00`\ 182 7. F. Lammers " " " Oct. 70.00 191 8. Reg. Temple Labor ( drains ) 26.251 183 9. Central Pipe Line Co Comm Hall for 211. Sept. 1.90 184 10. H. Grieve Salary t• Oct. 31/55 50.00` 187 11. Geo. Chute Oil for Mu, Hall 23.4 192 12. Rec. Gen. of Canada 10015% postage stamps 5.OG, 185 13. Reg. Temple Labor Mum. Hall 1.50\ 194 14. Mrs. F. Dosser Cleaning t� Hall MUM. 3.75.` 186 15. J. R. Kaufman' Gas for Grader 4.79‘N 193 16. Art. Brooks Haul tile, haul & spread stone 24.00\ 195 17. Treas. of Ont. 0.P.P. 31.&\ 196 • 18. Reg. Hayward Mowing lawn Nun. Hall ' 1.00 ' 197 19. E. Dosser Cleaning M3 Community hall 36.00 198 20. Ni. Bugler Mileage to St. Thomas 6.0q.N., 199 21. Mr. Larry "ouoks Policing Village Halloween mite six men and three oars 54.00\ 201 22. Mrs. Mary Blyth Council Fees 50.00\ 200 Meeting adjourned at 10.30 PM. ( OVER ) -441-W. Cej,“ st a0 Reeve .:711171::.:Clerk. During the evening By-Law No 66 being a by/law to provide for the Bolding of the Municipal elections in the Municipality of Port Burwell for the year 195bA.D. and for the appointing of a Deputy Returning Officer, as well as Pell Clerk, and Polling place in the Village of Port Burwell. Read • first, second and third time, this lst. day of Nov. 1955. Minutes of the Fifteenth meting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, held in the Municipal Hall, on the evening of Deo. 8th. 1955. The last meeting of the 1955 Council. III- The meeting was palled to order at 8 PM with Reeve F. 0. Alward presiding, and with Councilors Hoshal, Bugler, and Loucks in attendance. Also present were Mr. J. Wright, and Mr. S. Brown, the two new Councilors Gtr 1956. First was the reading of the rinutes of the last regular meeting, with no d-letions, corrections, or additions, the minutes were ordered adopted as read. Next was a summary of Accounts, by the Clerk, after which there was a motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by H. Hoshal, that Accounts, No's 1 - 29 on Voucher No. 12 be paid tics and that the Reeve be authorized to sign same. RFS # 83 Carr. There was a motion by A. Loucks, seconded by H. Hoshal, that this Council make a grant of $50.00 to the' Port Burwell Public L,bray. RFS # 84 Cass. There was several other subjects discussed, but nothing concrete decided. A motion by H. Hoshnl, seconded by A. Loucks, that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. RFS # 85 Carr. Meeting Adjourned at 10 PM. ACCOUNTS PAYAB1.I DIV. ft NAM? BC'ODS OR SvRVIC* AMOUNT CHrQUF NO. 1 Aylmer & Malahide Tele Rental & Toll Calls $ 28.7 202 2. Geo. Chute Relief Re. Visaw 14.50 211 3. M. Wolfe Gas & Oil for grader 2.80 212 4. F.F.S. Sanders Prosecution fee 11.00 213 5. Provincial Treasurer Insulin Re. Arnou 2.82 214 6. F. Laemers Garb. Cosi for Nov. 70.00 216 - 7. H. Grieve Salary to Nov. 30/55 50.00 206 8. Reg. Temple Labor 8.25` 203 9. Cliff 'hilson Labor 3.0k 204 10 H. 0. Alward Reeves Fee 50.00 207 11 Wm. Bugler, Council Fee 50.00 208 12 H. Hoshal Council Fee 50.00. 209 13 Alvin Loucks Council Fee 50.00, 210 14 R. !veland Hydro Maintenance 100.00 216 15 County of Flgin Hosp. Re. T. Smith 4.50 217 16 Pt. Burwell P.U.C. Street. Mun. A Comm Hall for Oot. 93.60 188 17 Twnship of Bayham Fire Tk Calls 200.00 218 18 A. R. Wright Mdse. 61.45 219 19.Pt. Burwell P.U.C. St. lights Nun 4 Com Halls 93.66 206 20 Municipal World Poll Book 2.72 220 21 Reg. Temple labor 3.00 221 22 H. O. AlwardFxpenees 1955 1.45 222 23 Mrs. T. Dosser Cleaning Com. Hall 30.30 224 24 Geo. Young Labor on steps 7.60 223 25 Mrs. T. Tedford D.R.O. 10.00 225 26 Mrs. Cora Meyer Poll Clerk. 8.00 226 27 Pt. Bur. Public, Library Annual Grant. 2nd Inst. 50.00 227 28 Mfr, Peter Wilson Weed Insp. Fee 25.00 228 29 Mr, Albert Brown Building Insp. Fee 25.00 . 229 ADDITIONS 1 Ceptral Pipe Line Comm. Hall Oct. & Nov. 9.25 2?0 2 H. Grieve salary to Dec. 31 56.00 231 3. sec. Gereral of Canada Posta'e st! ps 9.00 262 Nit • ��Viel.Reere ... 0,.i ... `-:::::::[C erk. , Minutes of the Court of Revision, of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, held in the Municipal Hall on the amningxmx evening of October 19th. 1955. The meeting was set far 8 PM, but a couple members being late, the meeting was not called to order, until around 9 PM. when all members of the Council with the exception of Mrs. Y. Blyth, were present. ZZ'II Reeve Alward who opened the meeting, then had the Assessor pall the • first party appealing his assessment. Mr. P. *+. Wilson, who was first on the list, end who was also present, was asked to present his case. He waited to know why his assessment had been raised isF from $950.00 in 1955 to $1125.00 for 1958, on Roll Ho. 117. After reviewing the case, it was the decision of / the Council, that the Land value be lowered from $250.00 to $150.00, but that( the Building value mists be sustained. The next party called was Mr. F. Stephenson, who's assessment had been raised by $50.00, this being a olerioal error on the part of the assessor, he agreed i that the assessment be lowered by that amount. The Council agreeing as well. Mr. Art Bodsworth on behalf of the Masonic Lodge, was next to state his case, he feeling that the increase in the asses-meat of a building being used only once a month, was excessive. The decision of the Council, was that the Assessor contact the Municipal World in St. Thomas, :o see if they could supply a proper rate to be Applied to a Lodge Hall. Their final decision to be given at the next Council meeting set for November tmi.lst. next was Mr. F. Williams, who owns a fish house on the creek bank at the bridge. The assessor having raised his rate of assessment from 50% a sq. foot to $1000 a sq. foot. as he figured to oorrespond with the Kolbe fish houses, who are paying at the rate of 504 a sq. foot for two story buildings, After much disc- ussion on the subject, it was the delision of the Court to set a rate of 76% a sq. ft. on the first floor, and 25% a sq. ft. on the second floor, that is used solely for storage, therefore placing Mr. Williams rate at 751e a sq. ft. for his one story structure. Another small building used for storage purposes on Mr. Williams property was also ordered out from 50( to 25( a sq. ft. That being all who came in support of their appeal, the next case heard was that of Mr. W . Webber, whoa only complaint was that the assessment was too high. The Court therefore reviewed his property and rates as applied, and found same to be in order, The decision of the Court was that the assessment be sus- stained. Mr. Frank Snelgrove of Toronto was a,xt to reoeiv- the attention of the Court, he having complained that his assessment was too high for the condition of the house. The assessor hawing placed his house in the rate of a"fair" house it was the decision of the Court that the house was in'poor" condition, and d ordered that rate lowered tram to $1.20 for more than one story, and $1.80 for the 1 story part. Mrs. Gladys Birtoh of Innerktp Ont. who claimed her land value too high was next to come up for consideration, The Clerk, having talked with Mr & Mrs. / Birtearlier in the day and having gone out to look over her land, agreed ' h that the land value was too high, at the same time I Yarned that there was a parcel of land owned by John Utting of 28 Wellington St. Woodstock, that was not on the loll, also that the three adjoining cottages, all had land I that was not being assessed. It was the decision of the Court that the Clerk, Advise Mr. Utting that he was being assessed for $100.00 for his paroel of land, also that he should advise, Mr. Chas. Mason, Mr. L. F. Carnegie, and Mr. Hugh Watson and ?vely* Winifred that their land values had been raised $50.00 in value, to cover that land not already assessed on their Rolls No's J 258, 259, 260. Last to come up for consideration was Mrs. Mary Blyth, she claiming her ass- essment too high ov-r last year. After a review of her field sheet by the Court, it was their decision, that the assessment be sustained. 4 ,./d To-day after having most of these minutes typed, I was going over, the f#4ed • sheets again, and found that Mr. Williams was being charged for both fish houses, one on the N. I. Side of the bridge and one on the S.W. side of the bridge, On calling Mr. Williams, I find that he purchased the one on the Z. W. side of the bridge, and so therefore, I have changed his ass ssment as per instructions, as to rate etc. and have also notified Mr. Chas. Bates the owner of the fish house on the S. W. side of the bridge, as to his assess- ment, taking for the rate to be applied, the same as was decided for Mr. Williams, 74 a sq. foot. �Y (-------;;47--"""4----s' .... .. .. Reeve 4Clsrk. Ylaates of the twelvth meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village e! Pert Burwell held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of Sept. 8th. 1966. The ieitiag was called to order at approximately 8 PM, by Reev• H. 0. Alward, who presided over the meeting, and with Councillors, Hoshal, Blyth, and Leuoks in attendaaoe. First was the reading et the minutes of the last regular and special meetings, of the Council, with no deletions, additions, or oerreotiens, the Reeve, ordered . the minutes adopted as read. Next was a summary of accounts payable, after wioh there was a motion by Y. Blyth seconded by A. Loucks, that accounts No's 1 - 20 on voucher Ne 9 be paid and that the Reeve be authorised to sign sane. Carr. IrS • 73 The Clerk having received a petition form the Highways dept. for Int,rim payment of Statutory grant, brought this to the attention of the Council. After sons discussion on the subject, there was a motion by A. Loucks, seconded by H. Hoshal, that this Council petition the Highway Department for Int-rim payment of Statutory Grant on expedditurea made in 1955. Carr. R!8 # 74 The Clerk then read a lett-r he had received from Mr. Taylor of the H. R. P. C. London, setting forth the proposed new street lighting rates, these being higher, the Clerk, was advised to write, asking why the increase in rates. One of the Ceunoillors, having received a complaint from Mr. J. Sutherland„end Mrs. !dna Sutherland, &bout some stone and gravel, having been placed in front of her gate on Wellington St. so that it was impossible for her to open it. The Clerk, was asked to write Mr. J. H. Kaufmann, asking his co-operation in remov- ing same from in front of Mrs. Sutherland's gate. Moved by Mary Blyth, s-oonded by H. Hoshal, that this meeting adjourn until the next regular meeting, unless in ease of emergency. Carr. RIPS # 75 Meeting adjourned at 10.15 PM. ACCOUNTS PATABLR INV. # NAIL S►PCVICRS OR GOODS AMOUNT CHTQUR: NO 1. Rev. Gen. of Canada Pestgge stamps $ 9.00N, 148\ 2. Central Pi-ie Line Co. Comm. Hall for July 1.90N, 147\ 3. A. R. Wright & Son Mdse. 24.01\ 154 4. Dept. of Health of Ont. Insulin Re. Arnou 2.82\ 156 6. Rec. Gen. Of Canada. Postage stamps 9.50 N 148 8. • H. F. P. C. Mun. & Comm. Halls for July 3.60N 149 7: ' Thos. Whillier & Sea Stationery 57.10\ 150 8. Rec. Gen. Of Canada Postage stamps 5.00N, 161 9. H. IP. P. C. Street lighting to July 31/55 480.831 152 10. H. Grieve, Salary to Aug. 3155 60.00N 163 11. Town of Tillsonburg. Debenture payment 1955 1,544.94\ 168 12. High Soh. Bd. Dist. of Till.Maintenanoe for 1955 1,426.48\ 157 13. The Munioipal World Stationery 4.06. 158 14. Treasuaer of Oat. 0. P. P. 233.40\ 159 15. News Printing Co. Printing Re. Hydro 5450\ 180 184 Morley Wr,1,e Greaer 101e1 1p F La emers Garb. Coll. for Aug. 70.00 1611 18. H. Grieve, Assessors fee. 300.00N 163 19. Lakeside hotel Constables room & Bd. 165.00 184 20. Seo. Treas. Soh. Bd. Public School 1956 Levy 2,000.00\ 165. • .LL! ears. .. .L: seri ire. clerk. Minutes of the thirteenth meeting ( a regular meeting ) of the Council of the Corporation of the Village, of Port Burwell Out. held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of October 3rd. 1956. The meeting was called to order at 8.10 PM by Reeve H. 0. Alward, who pres- ided over the meeting, with Councillors, Hoshal, Blyth, Bugler, and Loucks in attendance. First was the reading of the minutes of the last regular mmetiag, with no deletions, corrections, or additions, the Reeve ordered the Minutes adopted as read. Next was a summary of Accounts Payable, by the Clerks there was a motion by Harold Hoshal, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that accounts no's 1 - 10 be paid and that the Reeve be authorised to sign same. CARR. RTS # 76 The P. U. C. was next to be discussed, the Clerk, suggesting that the proceeds, of the sale of Debentures should be turned over to the P. U. C. after muoh discussion there was a motion by Wm. Bugler, s-oonded by A. Loucks that this Council pay to the Port Burwe 1 Public Utilities Cosmssssien the sum of $39.610.29, now held is the Village, Capital Ssoount, being the proceeds ^f the Hydro Debenture Issue. Carr. RTS #77 The Clerk then read a letter he had received from the Commissioner of Police of Ontario, announcing the new rates for the coming season, for the services of a Constable, if the Village, wished to aquire the services of one for the coming season. The rates were quoted ass Sergeant $5,000.00, Corporal $4,600.00 and Constable $4,000.00 per Anna. In addition the rates for automotive equ- ipm nt would be increased from Six to seven cents a mile. There was a motion by A. Loucks, seconded by In. Bugler, that this Council adjourn until the next r+gular meeting unless in case of emergency. Carr. RTS # 78 Before the meeting broke up it was decided that October 19th. be the date set for the Court of Revision for the 1955 s-aeon. Meeting Adjourned at 11.20 Pt. ACCOUNTS PAYABLT INV. NO. NAM! GOONS OR S'RVIC!S AMOUNT CHLQUR NO. 1 Central Pipe Line 80. Comm. Hall for Aug. $ 1.90\ 166 2 Pt. Burwell P. U. C. Street Lights for Aug. plus Comm. A Mun. Halls 94.07\ 167 3. Morley Wolfe Invoice No.8589 3.00 169 4. Jack Hayward Cutting down tree Res Mrs. N. Piokell 6.00\ 170 5. County of Tlgin Hospitalisation 78.37'\ 171 6. H. Grieve Salary to Sept. 3055 50.00` 168 7. Mrs. T. Dosser Cleaning Mun. Hall 6.00\ 172 8, Treasurer of Ont. O.P.P. 106.00. 173 9. J. D. Courtney Printing Voters Lists 40.001 174 10. Garry Harris Mowing Mun. Hall lawn 2.00, 176 11. Reg. Hayward e e e e 2.50, 176 12. A. Loucks, Car. mileage 3.00 177 .X-f.L. r4. ..Reeve. .. .. i''---"------' 'Clerk. -- — -- ---• 5e s.�i:.r'aS:aQ .h®a•r.ilagt.m:.w :c�.1:.'ag5u...e.:tsn'. Minutes of the tenth meeting 'f th- Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, held in the Municipal Hall on the ev,ning of August 9th. 1955. The mee tng was called to order at 8.10 PR by Reeve, Alward, who presided, with members, Hoshal Loucks, and Blyth in attendance. Ale present at the opening was Mr. Driesman from the Villa�e Solicitors office. Mr. Drfesman being there on urgent business, was looked after first, he haying • brought:with him a By-law to be passed by Council so that they may proceed with the purchase of the Debentures for the purchas- of the Hydro System in the Village. There was a motion by A. Loucks, seconded by Blyth that By-law No 65 being a By-law authorizing the borrowing of forty thousand dollars upon Debentures for the purpose of purchasing the electrical distribution system of the H. P. C. of Ont. within the limits of the Corporation of the Villa;, or tort Burwell be read a first and second time. Carr. RFS # 64 Mov,d by M. Blyth, s'conded by A. Loucks, that Byplaw No 65 being a By-law author- izing the borrowing of forty thousand dollars upon Deh-rtures for the purpose'• of purchasing the Hydro electric distribution system of the Hydro F. P. C. of Ontario within the limits of the corporation 88 the Village of Fort Burwell be read a third tim- and finally passed. Carr. RIS # 55 After the imming passing of By-law No 65 Lir. Driesman took his leave and the meet- ing proceeded with the reading of the minutes of the last regular and special• meetings, with no Deletions, additions, or corrections, the Reeve ordered the minu- tes adopted as read. Next was a summary of Accounts Payable by the Village, after wich there was a motion by M. Plyth, s,conded by H. Hoshal, that accounts No's 1 to 30 on Voucher No 8 be paid and that the Reeve be authorized to sign same. Carr. Re'S # 66 Next was the reading of correspondence by the Clerk, first was a letter from Mrs. Hugh watson of Pitt St. in the Village, she wishing to point out to the `'ouncil the dep orable condition of Fitt at. at the east end. .where the bank it fast fall'ng away, how that she sits there nit, aft-r nits, watching different ears, almost go over the bank, with little or no protection for the stranger who does not know that Pitt et. is a dead end at. It was the decision of the Council that Councillor Loucks have some posts put up at the end of Fitt st. tied to-gether with some strong cable and that a warning sign be errected warning of the danger. Next was a letter from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs, advising of the Per Capita grant, in the amount of 41,061.00 , payable to the Village. also a grant for the Homes for the Aged amounting to $66.00. The Clerk then brought to the attention of the Council the fact that Mr. L. Stewart had paid the first instalemt of his 1955 taxes, twic-, once by himself and again by the Lon.ion Life I„s. Co., who are financing his new building the Customs k Post office, located on iiellington St. There was a motion by H. Hoshal, seconded by M. Blyth, that this Council return to Mr. L. Stewart the sum of $23.44 duplicate pay- ment of taxes on Roll 231, let. instalment. Carr. RvS #67 The Hydro subject was next to come under siscussion, i;, being the s= advise of the H. v. P. C. that tb,e villa-e dispose of all entrance br-akers, to the owners of ;remises in the Village. After much discussion there was a motion by A. Louoks, seconded by O. Blyth, that this Council advise all Village Hydro Consumers thatthe Village relinquishes all claim to service entrance breakers and tha-, such persons be instructed that responsibili'y re the breakers be solely theirs in the future. RFS #d 68 Carr. Also under discussion was the purchasing of P.L. & P.D. Insurance from the H. F. F. C. There was a motion by A. Loucks, seconded by H. Hoshal, that this Council request from the H. F. C. of Ontario, the Y.L. & P.D. Insurance under their Group Flan. R'S q 69 Carr. Tb-re was a motion by H. Hostal seconded by M. Blyth, that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting unless* in case of emergency. Ru'S. '1 70 Carr. Meeting ddjourned at 10.45 PM. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. INV. NUMMI NAM? Sr?VICE OR G ODS AMOUNT 7HRWR NO. 1. Hydro !leo. Power Comm. Como & Mun Halls = 8.06N, 122 2. Morley Wolfe Inv. i 81641'8177 7.60 123 3. Iowa Printing Co. Stationery 8.26N, 130 4. Munioipal World Dog Tags 131 f. H. Grieve. salary to July 31/66 60.00., 128 6. P. Leasers Garb. Coll. for July 70.00%., 132 7. HC tral Comn.sMal��r n June 161'.2 t 8. Central Pipe= Lino Co. 9. See. Treas. Soh. Bd. Public Scheel $1500.00\ 126 10. H. Ward 6 Cathers Compensation policy 50.00` 133 11. County of Elgin Caloiva Chloride 210.00\ 134 12. Aylmer & Mal. Tel. Co. Polioe Phone 11.45, 127 13. Art Rawlins Hot Top Paring 1474.95\ 128 14. C. Butterwiot Weed Cutting 2.60,E 135 15. County of *lgin Calcium Chloride 294.00..., 134 16. Munioipal World Reoeipt Boob 5.08- 131 ii_ 17. P. Lamers Weed Cutting 92.60 , 132 18. Geo. Young Cleaning Streets 8.71,„ 138 19. Betty Loucks Counting oars. ChatLaa St. 6.76,„,„ 137 20. Geo. :Lith Cleaning grounds, Mum. Hall 5.26. 138 21. Ingersoll Daily S. R. Adv.rtisaent 33.60. 139 22. A. Brooks. Spreading Chloride. 37.00 140 23. Treas. of Oat. 0.P.P. to July 3165 246.67\ 141 _ 24. Morley Wolfe. Gas for Grader. 6.40 . 142 26. Munioipal World Stationery 7.74N 131 26. Han. Ward 6 Cathers Gen. Aooident Insurance 6.48" 133 27. Geo. Sorutoa 2 lights Mum. Hall 74.661 143 28. Aylmer & Mal. Tel. Co. Rental & Toll Balls 18.45.. 144 29. County of Elgin County rate for 1965. 4033.00-N 134 30. L. Stewart Rebate 1955 taxes. Roll 231 23.44N 145 . •:t:. !�• ..... ... .,r-eter1:1Clerk. • t,. A Minutes of the eighth meting of of the Council of th- Cor^oration of the Village of Port Burwell, held in the Municipal Hall, on the evening of July 4th. 1955. The meeting was called to order at 8.1OPL' by Reeve Alward, who presided over the me-ting, with Councillors Hoshal Blyth, and Loucks, in attendance. After a summary of accounts, by the Clerk, there was a motion by A. Loucks, • seconded by M. Blyth, that accounts No's 1 to 20 on Voucher No. 7 be paid and that the Reeve be authorized to sign same. Carr. RFS # 58 A motion by M. Blyth, seconded by H. Hoshal, that this Council cancel from the Tax arrears roll, the taxes owing on property form-rly owned by Mrs. Leona McLeod of/ Tillronburg Ont. owing to the fact that the land has eroded. Taxes 1952 816.75/ Interest #3.13,1953 Taxes 32:15.Int. .22% Carr. RrS # 59 During the evening many subjects w-re discussed, water, paving, streets, etc. the 'ain discussion centered around the condition and maintenance of Chatham St. It was suggested that we bend every effort to have one mile of paving done each year, in the Village. It was ordered f the Clerk, to contact the 'mpir a Hanna Coal Company in Toronto, to see if they would consider, sending the Village, a few ton of Calcium Chloride for Chatham St. , to help keep the dust down, for those persons r-siding on that particular strO-t, our funds having been depleted for that purpose. Reeve Alwa"d then asked the Clerk, to read • letter he had received from Mr. J. MoBsin 1:Y for Flgin County, seeking our co-operation in petitioning the Federal Government to make war on the Lamprey in the great LRk-s. After much discussion on the subject, there was a motion by A. Loucks, seconded by H. Hoshal , that because of the continued increased loss -sch year to Lake Huron and Lake °rie, fishermen as a result of the Lamprey menace to trout, whit-fish, and oth^r species be it resolved, that the Federal Government be urg-d to increase their estimates for 1956 to make every effort to stamp out the Lam•rey and restore the fishing industry in these lakes, and that the Federal Government be further urged to take any other action necessary to rehabilitate the fishing industry in Lake Huron and Lake vrie. Carr. RFS is 60 It was ordered of the Clerk, to send a copy of this resolution to '.The Honourable James Sinclair, Minister of Fisheries, Ottawa Ont. Moved by M. Blyth, seconded, by H. Hoshal, that *his council adjourn until the next regular meeting, unless in case of emergency. Carr. RD'S # 61 ACCOUNTS PAYAPLP INV. i NAME SFRVICF OR GOODS AMOUNT CHFQUF # 1. Geo. Young Labor and Mtl. on steps 8.91e\ 102 2. Cliff Wilson Cleaning streets 55.50\ 103 3. Geo. Bradt Cutting weeds 35.25\ 106 4. r. Dair " " 3.75N, 107 5. Reo. Gen. of Cda. Pstge stamps 1001 5%, 100 X 4% 9.00 108 6. County of Flgin Hosp. Re. L„May, Cole, & Vaughan 131.24., 109 7. H. Grieve, Clerks, salary to dune 30th. 50.00, 110 R. F. La-mere Garb. Coll & w-'ed cutting 1954 76.00, 111 9. County of Flgin Calcium Chloride 325.50., 112 10. Geo. Mo Cord Labor, operating grader. 14.25\ 113 11. " " Tractor work 19.OQ\ 113 12. F. L. Stephenson Relief Re. H. Visaw 20.00` 114 13. Sec. Treas. Cdn. LSg.Policing, Halloween 1954. 100.0 115 14. Chas. Butterwiok Mowing lawn police hall 4.00` 116 15. " " Cutting weeds, Re. Vernon 2.00 116 • 16. Arthur Brooks 17. Gypsum L. & A. Hauling C. Chloride & Stone 34.00\ 31.88 117 Limestone 121 18. Geo. Young cleaning sts. & Paint steps 16.50\ 118 19. Jack Hayward Car-takers fee, Comm. Hall 13.00\ 119 20. Victoria Hospital Re. Ronald Vaughan Account9.25, 120 ".f:[: ' (4,!..4-44ds"....Reeve .... .... ::.....Clerk. Minutes of the nineth meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of July 11th. 1955. The meeting was attended by Mr. H. 0 Alward, the Reeve, who presided, and with Councillors, Hoshal, 8 M. Blyth, in nttendance. The meeting was called for the opening of Tenders from the different Jompanies who wished to istd tender on the sale of $40,000.00 worth of Villare of Fort Burwell Debentures at 4% dividend, for the purchase of the Hydro rl^otric sys- tem, within the limits of the Village. The Reeve ordered the Tenders to be opened by the Clerk, who read them aloud to the Council. There was benders from five different Companies, Mills Srence and Company, Toronto who tendered at $97.39 on the $100.00. Anderson & Company Toronto Ont. who tendered at 97.855 on the $100000. J. L. Graham & Company, Toronto 'rho tendered at$99.017 on the $100.00. R. A. Daly & Company, Toronto who tendered at 98.809 on the $100.00, and Isard Robertson & Company of Toronto who tendered at 98.786 on the $100.00. After much discussion, by the Council, and our Solicitor, Mr. F. Barnum, there was a motion by M. Blyth, seconded by H. Hoshal, that this Council accept the tender of Ieard Robertson and Company for the $40,000.00 issue of Debentures for the purchase of the Hydro rlectric Assbts in the Village. Carr. RRS i 62 Althou Isard Robertson & Company were not the h+3hest of bidders, they offered to have the Debentures printed, and we rrere to have them certified. Their offering to print the Debentures, made their tender the most attractive, and so were awarded the issue. • There was a motion by Hl poshal, seconded by M. Blyth, that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Carr. RrS # 63 Meeting adjourned at 10 PM. ��.(4 , eleventh (SPRCIAL MRTTIHG) Minutes of the MMM meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of August 28th. 1955. The meeting was called to order at 8.10 PM. by Reeve H. 0. Alward, who presided, and with Counoillors, Hoshal, Louoks, and Blyth. in attendance, also present was Miss Audrey Sampson, who attended at the invitation of Mr. Alward. The primary purnoee of the neetint was the apnolntinv_ of a Seo-Treas. for the P.U.C. of the Village. With this in mind, there was a motion by Mary Blyth, sec- onded by A. Louoks, that Miss Audrey-Sampson be appointed Seo-Tr as. of the Pe,.t 7/ Bnrw,ll P.U.C. with a salary to he decided later. Carr. RRS # 8M A motion by A. Loucks, seconded by H. Hoshal, that this meeting adjourn until the 72 next regular meeting, set for Sept. 8th. unless in case of emergency. Carr. RFS # t{ .....f! • • Minutes of the severth meeting ( a regular meeting ) of the Council of the corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, was held in the Municipal Hall, on the evening of June 13th. 1955. The meeting wLs celled to order at 8.30 Pm. by Reeve Alward, who presided over t` e meeting, Councillors, Loucks, and M. Blyth, were also present, as was Mr. P. E. ' ilso0, the Village feed I,_spector, who had come to discuss with the Council, the necessity of the Village, having their own weeds cut, so that he co,.ld proceed with his work of notifying ant; person who's weeds needed cutting. -411 First was the read'ng of t} a minutes of the last regular meeting, with no deletions, adiitions, or correct ons, the Reeve ordered tie minutes adopted as read. The only business arising out of tie reading of the minutes, was the ques- tion of the 0.P.P. officer, who was to police the Village for the coming three months. Inspector Clubbe who had called Mr. Alward in this connection stated that because Mr. Stephenson, their intended Constable for the Vill- age could not find suitable accommodation in a summer cottage here, it would be impos ible for them to supply a man, as we had requested, as A resident. Put that they could supply the same officer, working out of his tome in 3traffordville, at a large reductionin cost. It was the decision of the Council however, that if they couldn' t supply a resident officer, they just wouldn' t be interested in paying m extra for the same service that we are now receiving free. T} e Clerk, was advised to get in contact with Mr. Clubbe by phone the next day, and advise him of their decision, aslo tc point out that if the 0. P.P. department could supply a man, a single, man, who eould be pdt up in the Hotel, that we would be interested, at the game price as we paid the previous year. Next wasthe passing of accounts payable by the Villa,,e, after ax summery Of accounts by the Clerk, their was a motion by A. Loucks, seconded by M. Plyth that afcounts, so' s 1 - 25 on voucher No 6 be paid, and that the Reeve be authorized to sign same. Carr. RES A 53 Next was a motion by M. Plyth, seconded by A. Loucks, that this Council cancel the 07.25 owing in taxes on Roll 288, by Mr. Jack Glover, for t e year 1955. owing to the fact, that the booth, had been removed from the Village. Carr. RE3 A 54 Pext was the passing of a motion by A. Loucks, seconded by M. Blyth, that this Council cancel from the 1955 Tax Roll, Roll No' s 620 and 321, with the except?on of the land values, which amounted to 4100.00. Tax reduced from 67.50 to p7.50, reduction of X60.00. This action necessitated by the damage done by the severe storm of March 22nd. when these buildings, were destroyed. Carr. REQ' A 55 Next was a resolution, by M. Blyth, seconded by A. Loucks, that this Council request the Clerk to write the District Engineer of the Dept. of Public Works London, requesting that he visit Fort Burwell in the near future to consider the urgency of the construction ofa public wha^f for XXXXXXXM small craft south of the bridge on the east side of the harbor, to the fish houses, or if not practical on the west side, and that J. A. gcBain, MP be advised. Carr. FES A 56 About this time, Mr. Lyal Tait, a member of the Luer Creek ;onservation Authority, came in, to see and discuss, with the Council, having someone meet with a delegation of members of the Authority, who were coming on Wednesday June 15th. to look over, and see about the purchase of the West beach, as a public Park, by the Autt ority. Mr. Alward assured him, that he would do his utmost to be on hand when the delegation arrived. • There was a motion by M. Blyth, seconded by A. Loucks, that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting, unless in case of emergency. Carr. RES # 57 Meeting ddjourned at 10.30 PM. ACCOUNTS PAYA r'LE 1. Cliff 'Milson, Labor on Sidewalks t 24.00 81 2.F. itetihenson broom for Mun. Hall 1.39.. 82 3. Gypsum Lime & A. Limestone 52.65 tons 63.18N 83 4. Central Pipe line Com. Hall for Apr. 5.60N* 84 5. Aylmer& Mal. Tele. Tel. bill & toll calls 19.65 , 85 6. Morley Wolfe Gas & Oil & etc. 11.55.\ 90 7. Times Journal Advertisment 7.00 91 8. G. A. Barrie Amb. Re. J. LeMay 8.00` 92. 9. H. Crleve Salary to LXX May 31/55 50.00 89 10. F. Laemers, Garb. Coll for Hay $ 70.00 93 11. .:umme rhayes Lumber Invoice # H 6359 89.20\ 86 12. 'vm. Epple Labor on steps 45.00 94 13. Crown Assets Corp'n Furnittre 7.0CN 87 14. Re c. Gen. of Cda. Postage stamps 100X 5%' 5.00\ 8B 15. A. brooks, Spreading stone and Chloride 33.00' 95 16. C. Butterwick Cutting lawn 5.00\ 96 17. 'T. G. Chalk ,ifts to Capt. of 3*,r. Ashtabula 11.00\ 97 18. T. B. Ronson Cutting weeds .75. 104 18. Cotnty of Elgin 7 tns calcium chloride 285.60\ 98 20. Gypsum Lime & A. 12.6 tons stone 15.12N 101 21. Prov. Treasurer Insulin Re. J. Arnon 2.82N 105 •_ 22. Gypsum Lime c A. 133.9 tons stone 160.68 101 23. Morley 'Tolfe Gas for Rd. Grader. 6.954..... 90 24. Central Pipe Line Com. Hall for May 2.00. 100 25. Otter Creek Con. A. 1955 Levy 259.83 99 ::1/1°4:4•1;failtig:4 •Reeve -Clerk. The sixth meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Villa-e of Port Burwell ( a regular meeting ) was held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of May 2nd. 1955. Reeve Alward called the meeting; to order at 8.10Pm, with Councillors Hoshal, Loucks, Bugler, and M. Blyth in attendance. First was the reading of the minutes of the last reguler meeting of the Council, with no deletions, additions, or corrections, the Reeve 4111 ordered the minutes adopted as read. text was the passing of accounts payable by the '4i1lage, after a summary of accounts by the Clerk, there was a motion by elm. Bugler, seconded by A. Loucks, t: at accounts No' s 1 - 18 on voucher No. 5 be paid, and that the Reeve be authorized to sign same. Carr. RES # 50 The Reeve then asked if there was any correspondence that should be read,and answered. The Clerk read what correspondence he had, and with no new business arising from same the meeting continued, Mr. Jack Kaufmann who was present, was asked if there was anything he wished to discuss with the Council, kr.Kaufmann went on to explain how he had a tender from a man in Aylmer, to hard top the land in front of his place of business, and asked if the Council would consider hard- topping their share between his place and the road. He had a price of 1.45 a square yard, and would pay the 45of the cost of the Village' a share. After much discussion on the subject, he was assured that the Village would consider paving their portion, and for him to go ahead and have it paved. Not having had our planned visit with the Vienna ;ouncil, Re. the subject of Policing the Village during the summer months, it was decided to pass a resolution for same, end then to contact personally the Council of Vienna, by going over in a body and vistt with them. Th re was a res- olution by A. Loucks, seconded by 'Stn. Bugler, that this Council enter into a contract with the Villa ;e of Vienna, and the Commissioner of Police for untario, for the policing of the two Villages, by an officer of the Ontario Provincial Police, for the period, June 15th. to September 15th. inclusive ; for the year 1955. Carr. RES f 51 Moved by vary Blyth, seconded by H. Iioshal, that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting, unless in case of emergency. Carr. RES 4' 52 Meeting adjourned at 9.10 PM. ACCOUNTS PAYAULE I1vV. # NAME :00D3 OR SERVICE A.MOI N T CHEQ? E NO. 1 Gypsum Lime & A. Limestone i 142.56, 63 2 Central Pipe Line Comm. Hall for Mar. 22.85\ 64 3 Cliff '?'ilson Are. t cleaning 15.25, 65 4 Rec. Oen. of Canada Posta -e stamps 18.00 66 5 Sec. Trees. Sch. Bd. Public School 600.0 67 6 Thos. ',Tiillier & son Stationery 26.5 71 7 News Printing Co. Tax Demands 13.31, 72 8 F. E. '"ilson Rep. to Mun. Hall 8.00, 73 9 Geo. Chute Coal for M. Vaughan 3.70\ 74 10 H. E. Urieve salary to Mpr. 30/55 50.04, 75 11 F. Laemers Garb. Coll for A r. 70.00, 76 12 Can. Bnk Of Commerce Debenture= payment for 1955 2180.00 68 13 G. ",'ilson Road work Labor 16.13\ 69 14. Cliff tiilson Cleaning streets 21.00\ 70 15 Rec. Gen. of Can. F.O. B'x rent 6.00\ 77 16 C. C. Stewart Bailiff fee 35.60\ 78 17 Fred Barnum Attorney fee 15.00 79 18 A. Brooks spreading stone 48.00\ 80 0:4"`. Reeve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e"lerk. Minutes of the fifth meeting of the Cotncil of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell ( a regular meeting ) was held in the Municipal Hall, on the evening of April 4t' . 1955. The meeting was called to order at approximatel 8.10 Pm. with Reeve Alward in the chair, and with Councillors, Bugler, Loucks, & Blyth in attendance. Mr. Orley Saaterington of Vienna Ort., who was present when the meeting opened, 'its asked by the Reeve, is there was anythigg he wished to discuss with the Council. Mr. Setterington produced an application for a Taxi License, and an agreement, that if he were to be granted a Taxi license, that as long as he provided adequate and satisfactory service to the Public, that he would be the sole person granted a license tc operate in the Village. After much dis- cussion by the Council, it w. s moved by Mary Blyth, seconded by A. Loucks, that this Council grant Mr. Orley Setterington a license to operate a taxicab in Port Burwell under the provisions of By-law No. 6. Carr. FES # 36 The Reeve then asked for the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting of the Council by the Clerk, with ro additions, deletions, or corrections, the Reeve ordered the minutes adopted a. read. Next to come up was the passing of accounts payable by the Village, after a summary of accounts by the Clerk, there was a motion by In. Bugler, seconded by A. Loucks, that accounts No' s 1 to 21 on Voucher No. 4 be paid and that the Reeve be authorized to sign same Carr. RES # 37 Next was a By-law No. 58, moved by A. Loucks, seconded by '9n.Bugler, that By-law No 58 providing for the holding of a Nomination meeting to replace Councillor H. Hoshal who had resigned be read a first time Carr. RES h 38 Moved by Mary Blyth, seconded by A. Loucks, that By-law No 58 be read a second time. Carr. RES # 39 Moved by Wm. Bugler, seconded byM. Blyth, that By-law No. 58 be read a third time and finally passed. Carr. IES # 40 There was a motion by A. Loucks, seconded by `1m. Bugler, that By-law No. 641, being a by-law to levy the rates, and provide for the collection theeeof in the Villa ;e for 1955 requiring a mill rate of 75 Mills on the rateable property be read a first time. Carr. riE.3 41 Moved by Mary Blyth, seconded by A. Loucks, that By-law No 64 be read a second time. Carr. REQ h 42 Moved by It. Bugler, seconded by M. Blyth, that By-law No 64 be read a third time and finally passed. Carr. RES t 43 About this time in the meeting Mr. Geo. Mc Cord, representing the Memorial Park Commission of the Village came in, and was invited to speak to the Council. Mr. Mc Cord went on to explain tha t the Park Board, was badly in nedd of money to carry on their work of clearing up, and readying the Park for the coming season, and had come to seek help financially from the Village in the matter. Some forty trees had been uprooted and the Public rest rooms damaged to the extent that they would have to be moved, this would entail a total cost of from between t'l500.00 to 02000.00, to put the park in shape for the coming season. After much discussion, by the Council it was moved by Mary Blyth, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that this Council loan the Park Board the sum of p600.00, until such time as they were able to pay it back. Carr. FES # 44 - 11111 It was moved by A. Loucks, seconded by Mary Blyth, that this Council give a fee of 5.00 to Mr. Jack Kaufmann, for fights and hydro used over the past years, on the Community Xmas Tree, erected each year on his property, and hydro supplied by him. Carr. RES # 45 A motion by A. Loucks, seconded by Mary Blyth, that the personal bond of the Clerk-Treasures, H. E. Grieve was duly examined by the Council on this date, and found to be in order. Carr. RES # 46 Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by In. Bugler, that t} is Council authorize the Clerk to contact the Department of Transport in securing a life boat and life saving equipment to be used in and ott of the Village of Port Burwell. Carr. RES if 47 6 Moved by Mary Blyth, seconded by `fin. Bugler, that this Council insert an add in the London Free Press, and the St. Thomas Times Journal re the opening of the Mc Conr:ell Nursery Company' s new Assembly line Building. Carr. RES i! 48 At this time the Reeve, had the Clerk read a letter he had received from the 3t. Joseph's Church, in regard the condition me of the ifilm street in front of the Church. The letter was a complaint about the condition of the street, one or two of the Councillors having travelled the street recently agreed with the letter, and it was decided by Council, that something was to be done about it. Mr. Loucks Nes advised to have a couple loads of Limestone put on the street in that particular place and to have it properly graded to see if that would IZIIIUX remedy the condition. Moved by Tm. Bugler, seconded by A. Loucks, that this Council ad:ourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Carr. RES A 49 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INVOI7E XXXXXXI N0. NAME GOODS OR SERVICES AMOTNT CHEQUE NO 1. Library Board 1st. Inst. annual grant $ 50.00 40 2. Rec. Gen of Can. Psgge stamps 9.00- 41 3 " " " " we re Rubbish 2.61\ 42 4. Geo. Chute Oil for Mun. Hall 29.3& 46 5. A. R. "right Mdse for Village 60.62 47 6. Rec. Gen. of Can. Coelman oil hes er 25.0O 45 7. Ham Ward & Cath Con. Pond Policy 3-599 7.50 48 8. Can. Tire Corp'n Batery for grader 19.45\ 49 9. H. E. Grieve salary to Mar. 31/55 .50.00 50 10. F. Laemers Garb. Coll for Mar. 70.00` 51 11. Count; df Elgin Hospitalization 83.25N 52 12. Rec. Gen of Ca. Deposit on keys P.O. .35 53 13. Arthur Brooks Spreading stione 28.00 54 14. H. E. P. C. Comm. & MUn. Halls 8.10\ 55 15. Peters brown & Co. Auditors fee 266.80\ 56 16. Jack Hayward sap. to Comm. ?all Chairs 12.00\ 57 17. Cliff Wilson Clearing streets 20.00 58 18. Ceo. Mc Cord dragging streets & Labor 31.50 59 19. Morley Wolfe Gas & oil for grader 22.5Q. 60 20. J. H. Kaufmann Xmas Tree lights 5.00., 61 21. Pt. P :r. Pk Comm. Loan to rebuild Pk. 600,00-, 62 Sec. Treas. Sch Bd. Public :School 1000.00\ 43 " " " " Cont. "chool 4'1704.89%, 44 C•Cti4-!a'r.dr/ Reeve . . . . . . .. . ".`.`. . .Clerk. Minutes of the fourth meeting ( a regular meeting ) of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of P,,rt Burwell, was held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of March 14th. 1955. The meeting was called to order by Reeve, Alward who presided over the meeting Councillors present were, A. Loucks, A. Bugler, and M. Blyth. First to receive attentior the Council was Mr. Cliff Wilson, who had come to seek assistance from the Village. The Council explained to Mr. Wilson that they could not issue direct relief, but would give him some work, such as trimming • trees, cleaning streets, etc. to help aleviate his present distress. There was a motion by Wm. Bugler, s--conded by M. Blyth that this Council purchase a post hole auger, shovel, hammer, and marker stamp, in order that we may have the nec- eFsar'- tools for Mr. Wilson to work with. Carr. RG'S # 22 Mr. Fred Barnum and his assistant ?r. Driesman were also present, at the request of the Council to go over the imnanding signing of an agreement between the Villege and the Hydro 'lectrie Power Commission of Ontario. After going over the agreement as drawn up by the Hydro Commission, Mr. Barnum asked that the Council pass the necessary By-law to enter into the agreement, but that we hold it up until he had made some technical point clear, and then he would call the Clerk, and give the OK for the final signing of the agreement by the Reeve and Clerk. This then to be forwarded to the Hydro Commission. At Mr. Barnum's request, there was a motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by A. Loucks, that By-Law No 61 being a By-law to authorize the entering into Sr agreerent between the Corporation of the Village of Fort Burw- ell and the Hydro "lectric Power Commission of Ontario for a suprly of electrical power or energy be r-ad a first time. Carr. RFS N 23 Moved by A. Loucks, s-oonde dby M. Blyth, that By-law No 61 be read a second time. Carr. RD'S & 24 Moved by M. Blyth, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that By-law No 61 be read a third time and finally passed. Carr. R'S fi 25 Two members of the School Board, Mr. B. McCord, and Mr. M. Scanlan, who were also present were asked by the Reeve, if there was anything they wished to discuss with the Council, and Mr. McCord, said that he had come in order that he may explain his stand in regard the Tlllsonburg High School, Budjet requisition for the year 1955. After much discussion by both the School Bd. members, and the Council it wasfelt that the amount requisitioned for was quite just, therefore the Cornoil would take the figure into consideration at their annual Budjet setting session, slates for thursday March 24th. With all Visitors having been looked after, the Reeve then ordered the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting of the Council, with no deletions, addit- ions, or corrections, the Reeve, ordered the minutes adopted as read. After • summary of Accounts Payable by the Clerk, there was • motion y Wm. Bugler, seconded by A. Loucks, that Accounts No's 1 to 14 on Voucher No. 3 be paid and that the Reeve be authorized to sign same. Carr.RuS. # 26 The subject of a By-law to authorize the appointing of a day for Nomination meeting to replace Councillor Hoshal, was next discussed, Councillor Bugler, asked that this By-law be held up to the April 4th. the date of our next regular meeting, in ord-r to give him more time to find out what he is going to do, whether or not he would be remaining in Port Burwell, and if he was not going to remain, then we could make a mortimg Nomination meeting to cover both Councillors, as he would then tender his resignation. The Council agreeing with this, ordered the By-law held over. Next was a motion by A. Loucks, seconded by arm. Bugler, that By-law No. 59 be rescinded. Carr. R"S # 27 A motion by A. Loucks, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that By-law No. 60 being a by-law providing for a supplementary expenditure of roads or streets to the amount of $1,100.00 be read a first time. Carr. RFS f 28 • a motion by 14m. Bugler, seconded by A. Loucks, that By-law No. 40 be read a second time. Carr. RFS # 29 ' A motion by M. Blyth, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that By-law No. 60 be read a third time and finally passed. Carr. R"S # 30 A motion by M. Blyth, seconded by 'fm. Bugler, that by-law No. 52 being a by-law providing for an expenditure of $2,000.00 on roads and streets for the year 1955 be read a first time. Carr. RD'S A 31 A motion by IDOIXIIMPOUWIMI A. Loucks, seconded by M. Blah, that By-law no. 62 be read a second time. Carr. RnS # 32 A motion by A. Loucks, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that By-law No. 62 be read a third time and finally passed. Carr. R4S # 33 There was a motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by A. Loucks, that this Council give the first instalemnt of $50.00 on their annual grant of $100.00 to the Library Board. Carr. RTS. f 34 There was a motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by M. Blyth, that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Carr. FITS i 35 Meeting Adjourned 11.50 PM ACCOUNTS PAYABLL NAMT S?RVIC' OR GOODS AMOUNT CHv'UT NO. 1. Aylmer & Mal Tel Co. Municipal Hall $ 17.50N 28 2. Canadian Canners Refund Business Tax 127.50. 29 3. Central Pipe Line Comm. Hall for Feb. 9.10. 30 4. Geo. Chute Coal Re. McAllister, & Oil for Mun. Hall for Jan. & Feb. 54.58., 31 5. Ham. Ward & gathers Gen. Accident Pol. • 3875 118.11 32 6. Dept. of Health Ont. Insulin Re. M. Brandow 2.75N 33 7. H. Grieve. Salary & Bonus. 170.00, 34 8. Twnship of Mayhem Police Prot. to Deo. 3154 96.50 35 9. F. Laemers Garbage Coll. for Feb. 70.00 36 10.Alvin Loucks Mileage to St. Thomas 8.0Q� 37 11.Jack Hayward Comm. 'all Caretakers fee 13.00' 38 38 12.Jack Hayward Mopping & waxing Comm. Hall & Cleaning catch Basins. 6.00. 38 13.F. Lammers. Weed Cutting 1954. J Sutherland 2.00.. 36 14.Central Fipe Line Comm. Hall for Feb. 16.85\ 39 .:q�0.4 Reeve. i2'47�-f'''``~` ,..MAXI.Clerk. • Minutes of the third meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, a regular meeting, was held in the Municipal Hall, on the evening of February 7th. 1955. The muting was called to order at 8 PM with Reeve, H.O. Alward in the chair and with Councillors, Loucks, and M. Blyth in attendance. The absence of Council'or Bugler, was caused by his being away taking a Radio course, in connection with his regular employment. First in order of business was the reading of the minutes of the last regular • and special meetings of the Council, held in January, with no dole+.ions, corrections or a-missions, the Reeve ordered the minutes adopted as rend. The passing of aocounts payable by the Viilare was next to receive, attention, after a summary of accounts, by the Clark, a motion by M. Blyth, seconded by A. Loucks, that accounts No's 1 to 19 on voucher No 2 be paid and that the Reeve be authorized to sign same. Carr. PA'S # 16 The Clerk, th-n read a letter he had receiv d from the Canadian Canners Ltd. of Hamilton, in which they asked a rebate of th Business tax they had paid to the Village for the year 1954, ,which amounted to $307.50, or a part of the tax. The Clerk on checking over the tax assessment shuts of the Company found that the Canadian Canners had been charged on the same basis as thou they had been manufacturing, which cells for a rate of 60% of the value of the buildings, It was sugg-sted by the Clerk, that we could rebate to the Canadian Canners a portion of the business tax, awing to the fact, that they had been assessed as a manufacturing cone'rn, whereas they had only been using the building, as storage space, th-'refore, the rate should be out to 35% of the ass-ssed value of the building, After much discussion of the subject, th-'re vas a motion by M. Blyth, seconded by A. Loucks, *hat this Council recommend a reb^'e of business tax to the Canadian Canners Ltd. from a manufacturing assessment of 60% to a storage assessment of 35%, total rebate of $127.50 V on a tax of 907.50 Carr. R'S # 17 Next to come up for discussion, was an agreement the Cl-rk, had drawn up for signing with the Village and Mr. L. Stewart, at Mr. Stewarts request. Res the driveway rights to the new Post Office Building, after much disc- ussion on the subject, and with a minor, but very: imrortant change in the agre-ment, th re was a motion by A. Loucks, s-'oonded by M. Blyth, that this Council grant Mr. Lewis Stewart the first privilege of purchasing the drive- way fronting on rriwus St. being part of lot 21, or all of said lot in event of the Village selling said property. Carr. RIPS #18 A motion ry A. Loucks, seconded by M. Bbyt , that this Counoil cancel that amount of $3.75 tax and .07 penalty o t parcel of land owned by Bruce Regan, owing to the fact that it had c pletely eroded. Roll No 306 for the year 1954. Carr. RaS # 19 There was a motion by M. Blyth, seconded by A. ucks, that this Council oanc-1 the amount of $1.06 owing as penalty on the pr arty of J. H. Kaufmann on Roll No's 227-228-248-249 for the year 1954. Carr. R^S #20 A motion by M. Blyth, seconded by A. Loucks, Ia that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting, unless in case of emerr-ncy. Carr. ROS ;21 Meeting adjourn d at 10.45 PM. ACCOUNTS PAYAPL" VO^CHDR NO 2 INVOICa NO NAM" GCODS (`R S^RVICr AMOUNT C"IPQU' NO 1 Municipal World Tax arrears sheets $ 9.34 10 2 H. ". P. C. Mun. & Comm. Halls 8.10" 11 S R,c. General of Canada Postage stamps 5.50\ 12 • 4 Central Pipe Line-Co. Community Hall for Dec. 14.85\ 13 5 Seo. Tress. Soh. Bd. Public School 1000.00\ 14 6 N N N N n " 2000.00. 15 7 H. ". Grieve Clerks salary to Jan.31/55 50.00‘ 16 8 News Printing Co. Printing 22.94\ 17 9 Municipal World 6 Sub. to Mun. iorld 18.00\ 18 10 Hamilton Ward & fathers Gen. Ace. Ins. 149.81a, 19 " " Gore, fire & Cas. 13.30` 19 " " " N Consolidated fire Ins. 77.05.. 19 11 F. L. Stephenson Relief Re; Mo Allister 4.40 20 12 Geo. Young Rep. tc sidewalks & Catch Bans 8.25\ 21 13 J. D. Thomson Cnyy Clk. Hosp. Re; Lakay and Brandow 178.71 22 14 Consolidated Press Adv. Rey Dentist 1.50\ 23 lb G. A. Barrie Fun. Hama Amb. R-. Le May 16.00 24 ( OQzlt ) ACCOUNTS PAYAPLF ( CONTINU'D ) 16 Gypsum Lim• & Alablstine 44.05 Tons Crushed stone $ 52.86\ 25 17 F. La'm^rs Garb. Coll for Jan/65 70.00\ 26 18 Long Yorkley New Door o . Nall 89.41\ 27 • ".1Z-k•O•C&Lit4- raetail‘d C1�rk. • • Minut-s of the Inaugural meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, held in the Municipal Hall, on the evening of January 3rd. 1955. into office The meeting op-ned with the Clerk, ew-aring II the diff rant members of the Council and the Reeve. This completed the Reeve, than took the chair and presided over the remainder of the meeting. Present at the meting. was Reeve, H.O. Alward, with Counc- illors, Bugler, Hoshal, Loucks, and our new Councillor Mrs. M. Blyth in attendance. Also pr-sant was the Rev. Mr. Winslow, Pastor of the Free Methodist Church, who was called upon by the Reeve, for a f-w words of advice and Council. o the n-w Council . in the performance of their duties ss Councillors, of the Village for the year 1955. After a short but informative address, -he Pastor, had the Council rise, and 1-ad the meeting in prayer, The Reeve then intited Mr. Winslow to stay for the r-maind-r of the meeting, but owing to prior engag-menta, Mr. Winslow excused himself, and took his 1-ave. The Reeve then called upon Mr. Pappert, an employee of the local hotel, to come forward and talk to the Council, if there was anything he wished to ;alk over with rXIXIIIIIII. th^m. Mr. Parpert, w•nt on to exp4Aim about his wife, who had been in hospital, and was still in nedd of Doctor, and hospital care, and that h- f'lt that th- hospital and doctors were pressing him fir payment of his outstanding accounts. Mr. Hoshal, the Welfare Committ-a Chairman, read a letter to the Council, from the Hospital, and after much discussion by the Council, it was roint-d out to Mr. Parr- art that they were only trying to get him to make some satisfactory arrang-mants for the payment of his bill. He was advised by Council to wri .e the hospital, tell- ing them how much he could afford to pay -ach week ar month, and -hat they felt aura t a hospital would go along with him, on those arrang rants. First in order of business was the reading of the minutes of the last regular meting of the Council, with no deletions, additions or corrections, the Reeve ordered the minutes as read and adopted. The passing of accounts payable by the Village was next to receive attention, after 41111 a summary of accounts payable by the Clerk, there was a motion by Wm. Bugler, sec- ond-d by M. Blyth, that accounts No's 1 - 9 on Voucher No 1 be -aid, and that the Reeve be authorised to sign same. Carr. RFS 4 1 The Reeve then asked the Clark to read the minutes of the last Inaugural meeting, to familiarise the Council with the proceedings to follow; the setting up of the various Committees and Commissions to parry on for the year 1955. On completion of the reading of the minutes, there was a motion by H. Hoshal, seconded by Mary Blyth, that this Council approve the personnel of the various Committees for the year 1955, as proposed by the Reeve. Carr. RFS #2 A motion by H. Hoshal, seconded by Mary Blyth that Mr. D. Courtney, George Mc Cord peter Wilson, H. Hoshal, A. Loucks, and Mary Blyth be appointed as m-mb-•rs of the Parks Board for the year 1955. Carr. R'S #3 There was a motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by A. Loucks, that '. Tedford, A. Brown J. ^lliott, P. Wilson, and B. Mc Cord, be appointed as fance viewers for the year 1955. Carr. RFS #4 There was a motion by A. Loucks, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that P. Wilson be appointed as Weed Inspector, at a salary of $25.00 for the year 1955. Carr. RFS #5 A motion by Mary Blyth, seconded by H. Hoshal, that Mr. A. Brown be arpointed as Building Insrector, at a salary of $25.00 for the year 1955. Carr. RFS #6 A motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by A. Loucks, that Mr. J. Hayward, be re-appointed as Caretaker of the Community 'fall, and Dog Catcher, f r the year 1955, at the same salary as in 1954. ie: 20% of fees collected as dog Catch-r, and $1.00 per engagement of the Community Hall. Carr. RFS #7 . A motion by A. Loucks , seconded by Wm. Bugler, that this Council grant to the Clerk a bonus of $100.00 for the y ar 1955, salary and conditions to remain the same as in 1953. Carr. RRS #8 A motion by A. Loucks, seconded by H. Hoshal,:.that Ross Fveland be appointed care- taker of Street lights, for the year 1955, all lights in the Village to be inspected at least once a week, at a salary of $100.00 for the year. Carr. RRS #9 At this time ANIXIIIIII the Reeve called upon Mr. F. Laemers, who was also pr-sent MUM to speak to the Council, if he so desir-d. Mr. Laemere, went on to explain how that conditions were becoming unbearable, in that some people were sitting out different things, that he felt XIII he should not be called upon to pick up. The Count l assur-d Mr. Laemars, that they would do everything possible to corms6t this situation, and that they would stand behind him, in anything that he felt he should not be called upon to pick up, by just laving it sit, and making it the responsibility of the party offending, to remove his own garbage and rubbish. After much discussion on the subject, ti WAS moved by Wm. Bugler, seconded by A. Loucks, III that F. Laemera be appointed as garbage Collecber for the year 1955, at a rate of $70.00 a month. garr. RFS i# 10 Upon making inquiries of the Council, the Clerk, was ordered to try and collect that money spent by the Village, in the Cutting of weeds on private property during the summer months. There was a motion by Mary Blyth, seconded by A. Loucks, that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting, unless in case of emergency. Carr. RFS #11 Meeting adjounned at 12.10 AM. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE' COMMODITY OR S'RVIC" AMOUNT CFPQUF NO. 1 Receiver Gen. of Canada Postage stamps $ 5.00 1 2 Ont. Hydro "leo. Co. 1111111IIIIIIX112. Street lighting 790.00 - 2 3 Central Pipe Line Co. Comm. Hall for Nov. 7.35\ 3 4. Geo. Chute Oil for Mun. Hall for Dec. 27.43 '. 15 5. H. Grieve. Clerks salary to Dec. 31/54 50.00 6 6. F. Lammers. Garb. Coll for Dec. 60.00‘, 7 7. A. Brooks Gravel & Hauling Wellington St. 40.00•,• 8 111/11 8. G. A. Barrie Fun. HomeAmb. Re. Mr. Le May 8.00\ 9 9. Sec. Treas. Sch. Board. Public Soh. 250.00\ 4 Continuation. Sch. 200.00 ' 4 :...... . :.'-:':/iteeve ' Clerk. Minutes of the second meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of fort Burwell ( a special meeting ) was held in the Municipal hall on the evening of January 14th. 1955. Councillor Hoshal, having to attend a meting of the Sohool Board, made it quit- late for the meeting to start. The meeting was called to order at aprrox- imately 9.30PM :ith Reeve Alward in the chair, and with Councillors, Loucks, Blyth, and Hoshal in attendance. The meeting was called -rimarily for to discuss, selling to Mr. L. Stwart three feet of land fronting on Wellington St. that the Co my Surveyor :.1r. F. Bell claimed was Village property and Mr. St-warts building was now sitting upon. Aft-r much disouss'on, th,re was a motion by A. Loucks, seconded by H. Hoshal, that the Villap-, of Port Burwell sell three feet of land, fronting on Wellington St. being part of lot 21 west Trieus St. north on Wellington St. the lot being 6G ft. on 'rieus St. and 65 Ft. on Wellington St. to Mr. L. Stewart for the sum of $30.00, rritings to be legally drawn up by the Villa -e Solicitor Mr. Fred. R. Barnum. Q. C. Carr. R"S #11 A motion by Mary Blyth, seconded by A. Loucks, that six subscriptions to tae Municipal World be ordered for the year 1955. Carr. R"S #12 A motion by Mary Blyth, seconded by A. Loucks, that W. B. Me Cord be appointed Port Burwell's representative on the Tillsonburg District High School Board for the year 1955. Carr. RE'S #13 At this point in the meeting, Councillor Hoshal, rade it known that he had quit his position with the School boadd as oaretaker, and had taken a position with the Byron Ont. School Bd. Therefore he tendered his resignation from the Council. Aft r much discussion it was moved by A. Loucks, seconded by M. Blyth, that the resignation of H. Hoshal as Councillor for the year 1955 be accepted with regret Carr. RFS #14 Moved by H. Hoshal, seconded by M. Blyth, that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting, unless in case of emergency. Carr. RFS #15 Meeting adjourned at 10.45 PM. IW •71,4:;4..Reeve.