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Port Burwell Council Minutes 1954
PORT BURWELL VILLAGE Council Minutes IIImmo 411 1954 Minutes of the Thirteenth meeting, a regular meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, was held in the Municipal Hall on the N2WICIPZI evening of December 7th. 1954. The meeting was called to order, at 8 PM, with Re've, H.O. Alward in the chair and with Councillors Hoshal, Bugler, Kaufmann, and Loucks in attendance. Also attending the meeting, was Mrs. M. Blythi, the only new Councillor for the year 1955. The reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting of the Council, and the minutes of the Court of Revision, by the Clerk, 'vas first to receive attention. With no deletions, additions, or corrections, the Reeve ordered the minutes as read and adopted. A,00unts payable by the Village, was next to come up for discussion, after the reading of the accounts, there was a motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by A.'. Loucks, that accounts No's 1 - 36 on voucher No 12 be paid and that the Reeve be authorised to sign same. Carr. RFS #107 A motion by Harold Hoshal, seconded by J. H. Kaufmann, that this Council appoint Reeve, H. 0. Alward, as Village representative to the Otter Creek Conservation Authority, for a five year period. Carr. RrS # 108 The Clerk, having been approached by Mr. John Sutherland Jr. about lot 16 Concession 1, Twnehip lot 13, that this lot was not shown on his assessment notioe. The Clerk, having looked this matter up, asked permission to put into the Tax Roll for the year 1955, this particular rarc-1 of land, under Roll No 7 A, After some discussion, th-re was a motion by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by H. Hoshal, that this Council recommedd the inclusion of Lot 16, Con. 1 Twnship lot 13, west Elisabeth St., into the 1955 Tax Roll, owned by J. Sutherland Jr. Carr. RnS 4 109 The reading of official correspondence was next to receive attention, a letter from Mr. A. S. Wagner, Secretary, of the Utter Creek Conservation Authority, asking, whether or not our representative had been appointed for a five year period. After the passing of resolution No 108, the Clerk was directed to advise Mr. Wagner, that Mr. Alward had now been appointed for the five year term. Another letter was from Mr. W. A. Hohnston of Box 33 Stratford Ont., inquir- ing as MEI to the availibility of land along the river or lake shore, with the idea of starting a small business. The cl rk was ordered to write, inviting Mr. Johnston to Port Burwell, stating that one of our Councillors would take him around the Village, and help him in UM every way possible. The next letter was from Mr. G. V. Livingston of the Livingston Wood Mfg. Co. Tillsonburg Ont., inviting the Clerk to drop into his office for a talk on the Canadian Canners building. It was decided that Reeve Alward, would go into see him at his first opportunity. The Clerk also read a letter, addressed to the Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital, Tillsonburg Ont. in which he rejected any responsibility of the Village in paying the hospital bill of Mrs. Paul Wilson ( Margar-t Wilson) awing to the fact, that they never were permanent residents of the Village. Next was the reading of a letter, received from Mr. Feed "ell County Engineer asking for a certified statement of moneys expended on the construction, and maintenance of roads and streets for &954. not assumed under the County Road System. The Clerk then read two accounts he had preapred and forwarded to Mr. Bell, in connection with the sidewalk on Bridge St. and 21,1ra;., as well as the drain on Memorial rark Hill. These amounts were $551.00 for sidewalk, and $1018.30 for the drain, one half of these to be the County Share. Another letter was to Mr. Wm. Meleta, the Village's Police officer for the summer months of 1954. who had made some personal calls on the Village phone I/0 sar'e being charged to the Village. The payment of these calls was promised the Clerk, at his home by Mr. Meleta on the late evening of Dec. 6th. 1954. This lett r to Mr. Meleta showed the amount owing the Village for the calls. At the Nov mber m eting of the Council the Clerk had been ordered to write the Ontario Dept. of Highways, seeking information on any used road graders, they may have for sale, Having received two answers to the inquiry, the Clerk read both letters to the Council. During the discussion that followed the r-ading of the letters, it was pointed out by Councillor Hoshal, that the County have two graders, they are not using, and that he understood they could be had for the upkeep on same, plus the insurance. It wasthe decision of the Council that Reeve Alward, see Mr. Bell in this connection, trying to obtain one for the use of the Village. Also during the November me-.ting, it was ordered of the Clerk, to write the Royal College of Dentistry, advising them of the availibility of an office building in the Village in the early spring, suitable for one of their graduates to onen on office here in Port Burw 11. On reoeiot of an answer to this letter, it was suggested by Mr. A. K. Cowling, Secretary of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, that we also write a similar letter to Mr. Colin C. Rous, Secretary, Faculty of Dentistry University of Toronto, and also to insert an add in the Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, 73 Richmond St. W. Toronto Ont. After much discussion on this subject it was moved by H. Hoshal, s oonded by J. H. III/. Kaufmann, that this Council rut an add in the Journal of Canadian Dental Association for three insertions. Carr. RZS 110 Reeve Alward to prepare an advertisment to be carried in the January February and March editions of the Journal. A motion by A. F. Loucks, s,conded by J. H. Kaufmann, that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting unless otherwise authorized by the Reeve. Carr. RRS # 111 .V7i./.(C C-44‘4947 r . Reeve. C'erk. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE S!RVICr OR GOODS AMOUNT CHwQU! NO 1 Aylmer & Mal Tel. Co. Village Phone # 104 $ 20.50\ 194 2 Central Pipe Line Comm. Hall for Oct. 2.00, 195 3 Mrs. E. Dosser Cleaning Comm. Hall 21.00. 196 4 Aylmer ec Mal Tel. Co. Polio- Phone # 127 8.80 197 5 Geo Chute Oil for Mun. Hall 21.67\ 200 6 Imperial Home Ins. Co. Insulation 86r Mun. Hall 78.25 201 7 The Municipal World Flec. Supplies 8.92 . 202 8 H. Grieve Reg. of Births a deaths 3.75 203 9 H. Grieve Salary to Nov. 30th 50.00 N. 203 10 F. Lammers Grab. Viii Coll. for Nov. 60.00\ 204 11 Wm. Bugler Councillor Fee 50.00\ 205 12 H. Hoshal " " 50.00\ 199 13 H. 0. Alward Reeve. " 50.00 \ 206 14 Alvino Loucks Councillor Fee 50.00 \ 207 15 J. H. Kaufmann " " 50.00 ". 208 16 Ross wveland Street Lighting 100.00 \ 209 17 Albert Brown Building Inspector 25.00 210 18 Peter Wilson Weed Inspector X5.00, 211 19 Rec. Gen. of Canada 10014% & 2512% Gstge stps 4.50N 198 20 Provincial Treasurer Insulin Re. M. Brandow 1.83 •, 212 21 Canadian Legion Wreath Mem. Service 12.00 '. 213 22 County Clerk. Hospitalization Re. A. Luoe27.00 . 214 23 Arthur gooks 20Yds gravel Bridge st. 40.00 \ 215 24 " " Gravel & Trucking Re. S.W. 61.00 - 215 25 " Rawlins Aylmer Sidevalks Pitt, Rob. & Bridge Sts. 1352.25 216 26 Hayward Jack Caretakers Fee. CommH' 11 11.00\ 217 27 " " Labor Comm. Hall & Drain 8.25 . 217 28 A. R. Wright & Son Mdse. 13.87\ 218 29 News Printing Co. Adv. & Ballots 19.67,\ 219 30 Township of Bayham Po toe Protection 356.56\ 220 31 W. S. Laycock D.R.O. By law & Ques ions 10.00N 221 32 MRS. F. Tedford Poll Clerk Do 9.00,, 222 33 kra. Cora Meyer D.R.O. Flection Reeve 10.00' 223 34 Mrs. M. Hayward Poll Clerk DO 9.00\ 224 35 R. A. Shelton & Son 40 Yds Gravel 110.00 \. 225 • Minutes of the Court of Revision, of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell Ont. held in the Municipal Hall, on the evening of November 10th. 1954. The meeting was called to order, at ap-roximately 8.20 Pm with Reeve Alward, acting as Chairman, and with Councillors Hoshal, Bugler, Xauf- Mann, and Louckr in attendance. III At the opening of the meeting Reeve Alward advised all present that their cases would be heard, in open Court, but that the decision of the Court would be reserved, and that they would be advised by mail after due consideration to each case, the decision of the Court. Mrs. Annie James, was first called, h-r complaint being that she fig- ured her assessment too high owing to the condition of th• house. The decision of the Court was to cut her rate from $2.05 a Sq. Ft. to $1.80 per Sq. Foot. lowering her overal assessment by $100.00 Mrs. Peter Scott next took the chair, her comralint being that the assessment had been raised by $25.00 for no apparent reason, as no improvements had been made. The court tried to explain, that her ass- essment should have been for $25.00 higher for the year 1954, that the former assessor had copied the figures from the field sheet to the Assessment Notice and Roll in Rrror. Decision, Ass. Confirmed. Mrs. Minnie Underhill was next, her complaint being that she had made no improvements, and yet her assessment had rais-d by $50.00. The assessor, explained that he had this 'hear included in her assessment the sum of $155.00 being an assessment for her plumbing, consisting of 1 bath tub, 2 sinks, 1 laundry tub. Aftte ani explination By Mrs. Underhill, that none of these were sur,lted by running water, and that the tub was never used, it was the suggestion of the assessor, that Mrs. URderhill's assessment be reverted to the same as last year. The dec- ision of the Court being as suggested by the assessor. Mr. & Mrs. Morley Claus next took the chair, their complain* being 131112 a raisell in assessment when no improvements had been made. The assessor explained that the reason for the raise, was because the assessor in the year 1953 had failed to notice the fact they had a bath room, consisting of toilet, tub, shower, end wash stand. The decision of the Court, was that the assessment be confirmed. Mr. Ralph Jackson was next, his complaint being that his assessment had been raised by $25.00 for no apparent r'ason. The assessor showed Mr. Jaokaon, the field sheet as worked out by the former assessor, and could give no reason for the difference in the figures, unless, done deliberately or in error, in copying from the field sheet to the Ass. Notice and Roll. Decision of the Court, that the Assessment be confirmed. Mr. F. Stephenson was next, his c-'mplaint being that his Business Ass. had been raised by $100.00. The assessor, explained that ` e had only copied the figures from last years field sheet, and that he could give no expli- nation for the raise, unless, done delibera`ely or in error by the prev- ious Assessor. The Assessor also pointed out to Mr. Stephenson and the Court the fact that Mr. Stephenson's assessment had not been out in half as were all others in the Village before figuring the Assessment ofi a retail store, at 35%. He also explained that had this been done, his ass- essment would have been as shown in 1953. ( $800.00). The decision of the Court was that the Assessor, change the field sheet to read, as it should have read, and to lower the Business assessment to $800.00. iio Mr. Jim ?Mott was next, his compalint being that he was assessed too high in comparison with similar houses. The Assessor explained that the system for assessing was as set down by the Ontario Government, and was on an equalized baits, so much a square foot, the whole Village being assesed in the same manner, and althou he maybe didn't need or used half of his house, the area was there, and there was no choice but to assess him according. The dedision of the Court was that the Ass. be confirmed. The balance of the cases heard by the Court were read from the Notice of Appeal from assessment by the Clerk. The first being from Yrs. J. Stansell, her oompalint being that she could not see why her assessment had been raised by $700.00 from the year 1951. and with her income, that she could not afford to pay such a high tax. The decision of the Court being, that althou, Mrs. Stansell maybe didn't need or use, all her house, the rate as set out, was fair and equal, and by reason of having such a large house was of her own choosing, therefore the assessment be confirmed. The next case heard was of Mr. 7. Wolfe, of F rndale Mich., his complaint being :hat the assessment was too high owing to the fact that the house was used solely as a summer cottage. The decision of the Court in this case, was that the house was an all year round house, and could be lived in at all times, therefore, it was by their awn choosing, that the house was only used in the summer. The rate as applied was fair and equal, there- fore Un the assessemnt be confirmed. Next was a complaint by Mr. Mabel Bush of 'rieau Ont., she claiming that her house was beyond repair, with sills and beams all gone, roof beyond repair eta. The Courts decision, was that the ra-e as applied at MQ $1.05 a Sq. Ft. a sub-standard rate, was reasonable, and therefore the assessment be confirmed. The next case was that of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, who claim•d their assessment had been raised $25.00 from last year, and that being a railway the assessment was :o remain unchanged for at least five years. The decision of the Court, after reviewing the figures of the assessor on his field sheet, was that the Rly had been under-assessed last year, and that this assessment also be confirmed. The meeting adjourned at 10.15 FM. :aeikeh.Beeve. erg. . . • A Minutes of the twelvth meeting of the Council of I4Z the Corporation of Village of Port Burwell ( a regular meeting ) was held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of November let. 1964. The meeting was called to order at 7.46 PM, with Reeve Alward presiding, and with Councillors, Hoshalw Kaufmann, Bugler, and Loucks, in attendance. First in order of business was the reading of the minutes of the last reg- al ular meeting, with no corrections, additions, or deletions, the Reeve, ordered the minutes as read and adopted. Next was the passing of accounts payable by the Village, a motion by H. Hoshal, seconded by fie. Bugler, that accounts No's 1 to 14 on voucher No 11 be paid and that the Reeve be authorized to sign same. Carr. RaS q? The setting of the date for the Court of Revision, was next discussed and November 10th. 1964, was the date set. Time 8 PM. Place !dun. Hall. It was brought to the attention of the Council, that Mr. Kaufmann, our road superintendent had borrowed six bags of Calcium Chloride from the Mo Connell Nursery Company, to be used en the preparation of construc- tion of the new side walk on Bridge St., This to be repaid to the Mo Connell Nursery Co., next year when we received our next shipt. of Calcium Chloride. It was ordered of the Clerk, that he write the Dent. of Highways, seek- ing any information they may have in connection with used road graders, with the idea we may purchase one for the Village, that we may keep our moads from getting into such • deplorable state, as at present II exists. Also to contact Mr. Dewey Vallee, to see if he knew as to when the Town- ship was thinking of buying a new larger grader, that we may get their old small one. A motion by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by A. W. Loucks, that this Council give a $50.00 grant to the Library Board. Carr. RFS # fin° A motion by H. Hoshal, seconded by J. H. Kaufmann, that Mrs. wthel Dosser be engaged to clean the Community Hall. Carr. R'S # Moved by W . Bugler, seconded by A. Loucks, that By-Law No 57, being a By-Law to provide for the holding of the Municipal Flection in the Mun- icipality of the Village of Port Burwell for the year 1954, and for the appointing of a D.R.O. Poll clerk, and MINIM Polline place, in the Village of Port Burwell, be r ad a first time. Carr. RIS # /4.0 Moved by H. Hoshal, seconded by J. H. Kaufmann, that By-Law No 57 be read a second time. Carr. R°S # /C3 Moved by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by Wm. Burl-'r, that By-Law No 57 be read a third time and finally passed. Carr. RFS # / " There was a motion by lln. Bugl r, seconded by A. Loucks, that this Council appoint Mr. A. Brown D.R.O. and Mrs. Cora Meyer, as Poll Clerk, for the 1954 Municipal Flection. Carr. RFS # /c,4 The sidewalk question was then discussed, everyone being well satisfied with the job on Bridge St., it was dedided to have a portion of sidewalk put in along Pitt St., starting form Strachan St., and going east toward the Catholic church, along in front of Sampson., Lutons, and Baird.. Also at the top of the hill on Robinson St., as you go to the Memorial Park, and just north of the steps. This portion being badly broken up and in some parts without any sidewalk at all. The balance of the money al'oted to sidewalks to be spent in repair of sidewalks in the rest of the Village. • Next to come up for discussion, was the now empty Canadian Canners building. It was ordered of the Clerk, that he write to Mr. G. Livingston, of the Livingston Wood Products, advising him of this situation, and seeking his company as future tenants of the building. The Clerk was also asked to write to the Ontario Dental College, advising them of the expected open- ing of a suitable bu'lding Por a Dentist in the Village. A motion by A. Loucks seconded by Wm. Bugler, that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Carr. RFS /14,4 ACCOUNTS PAYABL* VOUCHPR NO 11 AMOUNT CHFQU. NO. 1. HYDRO /PVC. CO. HYDRO BILES NUN. & CCN HALT S $ 8.10\ 181 2. CANADIAN L'GION DONATION Rr: PLAQUT 25.00\ 182 3. R?C. GriL'RAL OF CANADA 100 Z 4 POSTAG* S'"ANPS 5.00\ 183 4. CrNTRAL PIPQ LIN. CONY. HALL FOR SrPT. 1.90\ 184 5. R.A. SH?LTON & SON 59 YDS. OF GRAVV?L 162.25\ 185 6. HMS PRINTING CO. VOTTRS LISTS de QTc. 81.94\ 186 7. HAL WARD. & CATHFRS CLLRRS Pt'RSOZAL BOND 7.50\ 187 8. FRANK LAIRS GARB. COLL. FOR OCTOBL'R 60.00•\ 188 III 9. GRI?V? H. CLPRXS SALARY 50.00 189 10.GRIFVT H. VILF.AGr TO AYIMPR 3.50' 189 11.F. 'm NSON Sut'PLIrS FOR NUN. HALL 3.23\ 191 12.C. BIT'rrvtoWICK CUSTING POLIO LAWN 4.00\ 190 13.0NT. PROVINCIAL POLICR NIL'AGF & STAMPS 37.00- 192 14.LIBRARY BOARD 2ND. ANNUAL DONATION 50.00 193. °C; 47". "Y' C°ClrZZ ve. `*,rs-tsYt rrrs alerlc. S w Minutes of the T'leventh meeting ( a r'gular ;seting ) of the Council of the Corpora+ion of the Village or Port Burwell was held on Monday ev-ning October 4th. in the Municipal Hall at the hour of 8 FM. The meet:_ig was called to order at 8 PM by ^,e4ve Alward, who presided over the meeting, with Councillors, Hoshal; Kaufmann, Loucks, and • Bugler, in attendance. . let. in order of business was the reading of the Minutes of the last S regular meeting, with no corrections, deletions, or additions, the Reeve, ordered the Minutes as read and adopted. Next was the passing of Accounts Payable, by the Village, after a su:v-aary of Acc. 1-ayable, Sipailmsaffiage, there was a motion by A. Loucks seconded by J. H. Kaufmann, that Accounts !o's 1 to 14 on Voucher No 10 . be raid and that the Reeve be authorised to sign same. Carr. R°S# 78 Mr. L. Stewart, who was present, at the orening of the mseting, was asked c` by Heave Alward, if there was anything he wished to talk to the Council about, and L`r. Stewart, said that t}iere was. That he had c l•ne to get their permission to p':t a drive-way in behind the Community Hall, on the 1212 North end, and to crush stone the entire area around the Hall, that is to the North and West endsof the Hall. After much discussion by the Council no.V1 Alward assueid 1r. Stewart, that permission in writing would be forth- coning. kr. Stewart then thanked the Council, and took his lea Mr. Nate Hayward, representing the Canadian Legion Branch 524, of tort Burwell, was next UM invited to speak to the Jouncil, if he had any- thing Ye wished to discuss. kr. Hayward went on to say that he had come to see if the Council would give a donati:n $25.00 towards the placing of a plaque, commerating the boys who fell in the last w•:r. After some disoussion, Vr. Hayward was assured by the Council that a cheque for $25.00 would be 'orthcnmirg, fro:a the V1l]a7:e. Next was the reading of three letters, tha Clerk had received from Mr. Z. D. Thomson, Clerk of the County of Tin, Re: the rasing of a By-law annexing the Village and a portion of bayham into the Tilisonburg High School Area. This By-law to be passed in January of 1955, and to b' retroactive to January 1st. 1955. The Clerk who had received a 8a11 from kr. Cook, the aseistr.nt Highway rngineer, from London, then went on to tell what Mr. Cook had sell. He advised that we send in another By-law requesting a higher grant from the Government, owing to the fact that we had spent so much on drain at the Memorial Park hill. He however went on to explain, that althou they may increase our grant, he could not assure us that they would. After much discussion on this subject, there was a motion by H. Hoshal, seconded by A. Loucks, that By-law No. 51 providing for the expenditur-e en roads and "s etrsete for the year 1954 be read a first time. Carr. /MS # 77 tett. A motion by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by H. Hoshal, that by-law No 51 7' be r-ad a seconc time. Carr. RTS . 78 A motion byJ. H. Kaufmann, seconded by A. Loucks, that By-law No 51 be r-ad a third time, and finally passed. Carr. RTS # 79 Also present was kr. Driesman, from the Village Attorneys office to help and advise in the passing of the necessary By-laws, to enable the Village to take over and assume responsibility of the taking over of our own Hydro, to be purchased from the Hydro 'lectric Power Commission of Ontario. A motion by H. Hoshal, seconded by A. Loucks, that By-law No. 52 to provide for the submitting for the assent of the qualified electors a certain proposal By-law for borrowing upon Debentures to purchase the tort Burwell 'lectric 11/1 System be read a first time. Carr. }1'S 80 A motion by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by H. Hoshal, that By-law No. 52 be read a second time. Carr. R'S ;Ni 81 A motion by A. Loucks, s--ccnded by J. H. Kaufmann, that By-law No 52 be r-'ad a third time and finally passed. Carr. R'S # 82 A motion by H. Hoshal, seconded by Win. Bugler, that By-law No 53. w e' enabling By-law for supply of electric power from the Hydro 'lectric Power commission of Ontario be read a first time. Carr. RPS # 83 A motion by A. Loaoks, seconded by J. H. Ka4fmar_n that By-Law No 53 he read a second time. Carr. RTAS # 84 A motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by H. Hoshal, that By-law No. 53 be read a third time and finally passed. Carr. Ru'S 1 85 r A motion by H. Hoshal, seconded by A. Loucks, that By-law No 54, a By-law to provide for taking a vote of the quali"ied electors on a certain proposed mon- By-law and a certain question b- r„ad a first tire. Carr. R'S #86 A motion by A. Lcucka, seconded by H. Hoshal, that By-law No. 54 be read a second time. Carr. RIPS #87 A motion by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by Win. Bugler, that By-law No 54 be read a third time and finally passed Carr. R 'S 188 A motion iy H. Hoshal seconded by A. Loucks, that By-Law No 55 a By-law to provide for the ta'ig of a vete of the Municipal electors en a certain question ie the establishment of a Public Utilities Commiesion for the Village , be r cad a first time. Carr. RrS #89 A motion by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by H. Hoshal, that By-law No 55 be read a second time. A. Loucks Carr. Rr'S #90 A motion by ,seconded by, J. H. Kaufmann, that By-law No 55 be read a third time and finally passed. Carr. RVS #91 A notion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by H. Hvahal that By-law No. 56 a By-law to rrovide for the taking of a vote of the Mundolpal el-ctore on a certain question be read a first time. Carr. RIPS #92 A motion by H. Hoshal, seconded by Yfm. Bugler, that By-law No. 56 re read a second time. Carr. IPS #93 A motion by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by A. Loucks, that by-law No 56 be road a third time and finally passed. Carr. RIPS #94 A motion by H. Hoshal, seconded by A. Loucks, that this "ouncil grant the Canadian Legion a donation of $25.00 to be used on P1a�ua on War Memorial. F Carr. RpS 495 The Clerk, having received one tender, from Mr. ”. Rawlins, of R.R. 3 Aylmer, in answer to our add in t}e newspapers, Res sidewalk on Bridge St., there was a motion by A. Loucks, seconded by J. H. Kaufmann, that Art. Rawlins tender for the laying of 575 Ft. of hr; asphalt sidewalk on Bridge st. at a price of $424.60 be ae epted. Carr. RIPS #96 A motion by H. Hoshal, seconded by J. H. Kaufmann, that AM-s Council hire the Canadian Legion to Police the Village on Halloween mite, at a sum of $100.00 Carr. R^S #97 9M. PUGL'R A motion by , seconded by H. Hoshal, that this meeting adjourn until tt • next regular meeting, unless in case of emergency. Carr. R'S #98 ACCOUNTS PAYALLR AMOUNT CH7QJ4 NO. 1. ii.v. Grieve, Assessors fee $3)0.00N 167 2. C. Butterwick Labor around Comm. Hall 3.75\ 168 3. The Tmes Journal Advertisment 6.84 169 4. C.F. Soper Lumber 7.11'. 170 5. A.R.Wright Mdse. 11.92.. 171 6. County of Hlgin Hospitalization 408.04‘ 172 7. Ham, W. Cathers Insurance Pol. # F76992 26.40s, 173 8. Imperial Oil Oil for Mun. Hall 33.4 9, 174 9. Ont. Prov. PoliceFor Month of' Sept. 192.50•, 175 10.Laemers Frank Garb. Coll. for Sept. 60.00\ 176 11.Grieve, H. Clerks Salary to Sept. 50. 50.00\ 177 12.Young Geo. Labor Re; Steps 8.75, 178 13.Travis Gerald Grading Streets 10.00+, 179 1.4.Vaughan L. Leveling gravel 12.00\ 180 Menti•ig adjourned at 11.20 Ptd ..0...Z . .jrVT4nfve. (\` "`'' -4#..C1'•rk. The tenth meeting ( a regular meeting ) of the Council of the Village of Port Burwell, was held in the Municipal Hall, on the evening oe September 13th. 1954. First in order of business for the evening was the reading of the . minutes de the last regular meeting, with ne corrections, deleti- ons or addition,, the Reeve ordered the minutes as read and adopted. Next was the passing of accounts payable by the Village, a motion by A. Loucks, seconded by J. H. Kaufmann, that accounts No'. 1 - 18 on voucher No 9 be paid, and that the Reeve be authorised to sign same. Carr. R''S # 7 Z Next was a motion by A. Loucks, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that Reeve, H.O. Alward, be appointed as Village representative for the Otter Valley Conservation Authority. Carr. RTS # 73 A motion by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by H. Hoshal, that this Council apply to the Dept. of Highways, to receive the interim grant owed to them by the Dept. of Highways, on expenditure. made between Jaruary let. and August 31st. 1954. Carr. RIPS # 7.4 During the csuase ee the evening several Et'jeots were discussed One being the collecting of garbage on the property of Mrs. Travis on the West Beach, sev-rel cottager., having taken exception to the policy of the Village, of collecting garbage on Village sts. . only. After muoh discussion both pro and con, it was decided that owing to the fact that the summer season, wee practically ov-r, they would leave it up to the new Council of the c acing year to decide as to what was to be done. Sidewalks of the Village came up for discussion, and it was decided that the Clerk, advertise both in the Tilleonburg News, and the St. Thomas Times-Journal, for tenders on the laying of at hot Asphalt sidewalk 575 ' in length, 42 " in width. and to be of reg- ulation depth. Tenders to be in by Sept. 30th. Mr. Lew Stewart, wanting permission to put a drive around the Community Hall, to accomodate the proposed new Post Offioe and Customs Offio-, it was ordered, the.t the -Clerk, contact !.r. Don Gibson, to find out the exact extent of land owned by the Village fronting on both Trieuem and Wellington Ste. A motion by Wn. Bugler, seconded by H. Hoshal, that this meeting adjourn, until the next regular meeting, unless in oase of emergency Carr. RTS # 7. � Meeting adjourned at 10.30PM. • ACCOUNTS PAYABLR AMOUNT CR^QU' NO. 1 R.A. Shelton & son (ravel .i Hauling $ 316.25\ 149 2 J. Hayward Comm. Hall Caretakers f-es 14.00\ 150 3 Aylmer Mal. Tel. Co Inv. #'511830&11824 35.75 . 151 4 Central Pipe Line Com. Hall for July 1.90\ 152 5 Ingersoll Daily S.R. Display 25.00\ 155 6 News Printing Building App. & Per. 20.56 \ 156 7 Dept. ee Health Insulin Ernndow & Luce 2.89\ 157 8 Laemers. Prank Garb. Coll for Aug. 60.00\ 158 9 Grieve, H, Salary to Aug. 31st. 50.00\ 159 10 Central Pipe line Comm. Hall for Aug. 1.90\ 153 11 County of algin County Rate for 1954. 4012.00\ 154 12 Cha.. Butterwick Lawn Cutting Mun. Hall 3.00\ 160 13 A. Townsend Leveling gravel 1.50 161 14 Tress. of Ontario Polioe for August 313.00\ 162 15 Lincoln Worth Relief Re. '!d. Dair 10.00N 163 16 Rec. Gen. of Can. Postage Stamps 18.00\ 164 17 Sec. Treas. Soh.Bd. Public School 2500.03\ 165 18 R.A.Shelton & Sons 120Yds Gravel & Hauling 330.00\ 166 • 1.. i.Yri• 4 ....Reove. ...... ... ...`-"..1iiii.Zlerk. / The nineth meeting $ a regular meeting ) of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, was held in the Municipal Hall, on the evening of August 2nd. 1954. The meeting was called to order at 8.15 Pm by Reeve Alward, who presided over the meeting, Councillors, Loucks, and Kaufmann were in attendance. The reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting, was first in order of business, for the evening, with no additions corrections or deleeions the Reeve ordered the minutes as read and adopted. Next was the passing of the accounts payable by the village, a motion by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by A. Loucks, that accounts No 1 to 18 on Voucher No 8, be paid, and that,the Reeve be authorized to sign same. Carr. RCS #70 The Clerk next read a letter he had received from the Department of Plann- ing and Development, re the building restrictions on Elizabeth St., It was decided, that owing to the fact that Mr. Hayward, had been given permission to move his buildings, onto Elizabeth St., that the subject would be shelved to a future date, when the Council would take into consideration, a building By-law to cover the entire Village, and not j-let one section or str-et of the Village. Next to come up for discussion, was the Street sign question, after some discussion, it was ordered of the Clerk, that he write Mr. F. Bell the County Engineer, asking if it would be p,ssibel for the Village to pur- chase from the County, two Checker Board suns, size about 30" I 30". It wqs moved by A. Loucks, seconded by J. H. Kaufmann, that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting, unless in case of emergency.Carr. RD'S # 7/ Meeting adjourned at 10.15 PM ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Ch qua No 1 H. H. P. C. Community Hall $ 4.45 \ 131 2. H. E. P. C. Municipal Hall 4.05 \ 132 3. rd. Dair Cutting weeds 7.20 \ 133 4. Central Pipe Line Community Hall 5.60 \ 134 5. Sec. Treas. Soh Board Public School 1000.00 \ 135 6. rd. Dair Weed Cutting 5.00 136 7. H. Grieve Salary to July 31st. 50.00 \ 137 8. Ham. Ward & Cahhere Compensation Ins. 50.00 \ 138 9. R. Boyd, Keewadin Dairy Relief Re. M. Size 2.10 •\ 139 10 Township of Bayham Police Prot. to end of June 516.53 \ 140 11 Mr. L. Worth Relief Re. Ed. Dair 8.00 \ 141 12 F. L. Stephenson " " Mrs. Size 57.67\ 142 13 Treasurer of Ont. Ont. Prov. Police Vill. Constable 282.20\ 143 14 Geo Bradt. Weed Cutting 15.00\ 144 15 Laemers Frank Galb. Collection for July 60.00\ 145 16 C. Butterwick Cutting police lawn 3.00\ 146 tT F. Lammers Cutting weeds96,25 147 18 County of Flgin Calcium Chloride 504.00N. 148 .4.0addigarikedaseve ( -? .�C.:�:sY' 'a01erk. • -, . . . .,. . . . . . ,,,,,,. . . ...,.. . L. . • The eighth meeting 6 • regular meeting ) of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, was held in the Sun- . ieipal Hall, on the evening of July 5th. 1954. f� The meeting was called to order at 8 PM by Reeve Alward, -ho pre- sided over the meeting, with Councillors, Hoshal, Bugler, Kaufmann and Loucks in attendance. 41111 First to come up was the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting, with no additions or deletions, the Reeve ordered the minutes as read and adopted. Next was the passing of accounts payable, a motion by H. Hoshal, seconded by A. Loucks, that accounts No's 1 to 25 on voucher No 7 be paid and that the Reeve be authorized to sign same Carr. RRS #60 At this time Mr. L. Vaughan and Mr. J. Hynes, who were present, was asked by the Reeve, if there was anything they wished to dis- cuss with the Council. Mr. Vaughan said that there was, and went on to explain how he had been told that a party was planning on moving in MAXI two old sheds or houses, on their street, ( Eli- zabeth St.) with the idea of converting th-m into a house. Mr. Vaughan and Mr. Hynes having just finished building a new home each on Elizabeth St. it was their desire to have something done about not allowing such places to be moved in to spoil the pre- sent desirable surroundings. After much Biscussion pro and con on the subject it was moved by J. H. Kaufmann seconded by H. Hoshal, that By-law No 51 being a By-law to piece building res- trictions on the building of residences in the new residential area fronting on °'lizabeth St. requiring a minimum S expenditure cf $3000.00 be read a first time Carr. RFS 461 Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by Wr*. Bugler, that By-law No 61 be read a second time. Carr. RFS# 62 Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by J. H. Kaufmann, that By-law No 51, be read a third time, and finally passed, this 5th. day of July Carr. RmS#63 The Clerk, having read a letter he had received from Mr. J. D. Thomson, XIII Seo. Treas. of the County of Elgin in regard their desire, that this Council pass a similar resolution, Re: the dress of the Elgin Regiment. It w©s moved by A.Loucks seconded by J. H. Kaufmann, that the Council of Port Burwell express its gratitude to Lord Elgin forthe honor & privledge accorded the Elgin Regiment of using the private House of Bruce tartan, and that we advise the Regimental Commander that we are 100% in favor of the Regiment adopting the dress. Carr. RFS # 64 The School Board having petitioned the Council by letter dated the 18th. of May 1954 to orovide a High School for the children starting the 1954 Fall Term, it was moved by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that this Council request the Elgin Cou- nty Council to disolve the Port Burwell :,3ntinuation School district, and that it become pert of the Tillsonburg High School area. Carr. RFS #65 After the passing of the previous resolution, it was brought to the attention of the Council by Councillor H. Hoshal, that Mr. Burton Mc Cord, had promised that if it was the desire of the Council and the School Board that he would be the Village rep- resentative at the Tillsonburg High School Area. A motion by 4110 J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by H. Hoshal, that this Council appoint Mr. Burton Mc Cord to be the Village representative to the District High S^hool at Tillsonburg. Carr. SRS # 66 Having r ceived an answer to our letter to the Dept. of Planning and development, in wich we asked that an Otter Valley Conservation Authority be set up in this district, in which they stated a meeting would be held in the Tillsonburg Town Council Chambers on the evening of Tuesday July 20th. at 8 PM DST, and requested we s•-nd a representative to the meeting. After some discussion, it was moved by Wm. Bugler, seconded by A. Loouks that A. N. 'Wright be appointed as Village representative at a meeting called by the Minister of Planning and Development in the Council Chambers Tillsonburg, Tues. July 20th. 1954 at 8 PM DST Ie:LhS formation J of an Otter Valley Conservation Authority Carr. R!S # 67 The question of an assessor was next brought up, for the year 1955. A motion by A. Loucks, seconded by J. H. Kau- fmann, that Hugh Grieve be appointed assessor for the Village for the year 1954 at a salary of $300.00 Carr. RrS i 68 Moved by H. Hoehal seconded by A. Loucks, that this Council adjourn until the next regular meet'ng, unless in case of emergency. CArr. RrS # 69 11111. Meeting adjourned at 10.25 PM ACCOUNTS PAYABL4 AMOUNT CHrqUr NO. L Leo: Prong Oil for Nun.' Hall $ 18.72N 106 2 Central Pipe line Comm. Hall for May 4.35N 107 3Sch. Board Public Sch. 500.00\ 108 • 4 Rec. Gen Postage stamps 9.00 \ 109 5 H. Belroe S^raying weeds 107.62 N 110 6 Sch. Board Cont. Soh 500.00, 111 7 Geo Brandt. Weed Cutting 45.00 , 112 8 Geo Chute Rel. Re: Cummings 2.03 , 113 9 Keewadin Dairy Rel. Re. M. Size 2.10 , 114 10Chas. Butterwick Cutting lawn 4.00 , 115 11Municipal World Supplies Inv.2594&2720 13.75 ‘ 116 12News Printing Ballots 6.49 , 117 13A. Brooks Spreading Chloride etc. 130.00, 118 14 L. Worth Rel. Re: m. Dair 15.88, 119 150nt. Prov. Police Mo. of June 146.67, 120 16W.S. Laycock D R 0 election 10.00\ 121 17Mrs. R. Tedford Poll Clerk election 9.00 \ 122 18H. r. Grieve Salary to June 30th 50.00 , 123 19Laemers F. Garb. Coll for Mame 60.00\ 124 20Dosser Mrs. R. Cleaning Police hall 6.00\ 125 21 Underhill Mrs.N Rel. Re: Cummings 8.00\ 126 22 Soper C. R. Lumber 2.70\ 127 23 J. N. Crocker Rep. to Steps 3.00 \ 128 24 H.O.Alward Mileage to Aylmer 3.50\ 129 25 County ofrlgin Hospitalization 274.23 \ 130 .`f-rt'.'.W..'� - " " _ -"Clerk. j . • The seventh meeting 6 a regular meeting ) of the Council of the Corporation cf the Village of Port Burwell, was held in the Mun- icipal Hall on the evening of June 7th. 1954. The meeting was called to order at 8 Pa, with Reeve Alward in the chair, and with Councillors, Hoehal, Loucks, Bugler, and Kaufmann in attendance. First in order of business, was the r>ading of the minutes of the last regular meeting, with no additions or deletions, the Reeve ordered the minutes as read and adopted. The accounts payable by the Village were next to come under disc- ussion, with the assing of the bills, a motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by A. Loucks, that accounts No's 1 to 27 on Voucher No 6 be paid, and that the Reeve be authorized to sign same. Carr. RTS # 52 • The Clerk then brought to the att,ntion of the Council, that the Central Pipe Line Co. , was only paying $10.00 p"r annum rent for the land that their pump house sets on, on the Village Market square property. Mov'd by J. H. Kaufmann, s,conded by HI. Hoshal that the central Pine Line 80. be 'nformed that the rent for this property was being raised from $10.00 per annum to $25.00 per annum. Carr. RFS f 53 The Clerk having read a letter to the Council, received from the Council of the Town of Tillsonburg, and their resolution attached asking the support and endorsation of the Port Burwell Council, it was moved by Wm. Bugler, seconded by A. Loucks, that this Council petition the Minister of Planning and Development to call a meeting for the ruroose of setting up an Otter Valley Conservation Authority as an endorsITZ ation of the action already instituted by the Till- sonburg Town Council. Carr. RFS 454 On the request of the Village School Board, and after much discussion it was moved by Wm. Bugler, seconded by A. Loucks, that By-law Number 50 being a By-law to appoint a day for taking a Vote of the Rate-payers on the question of " ART YOU IN FAVOUR OF TH° CONTINUATIONS SCHOOL, CONTINUING NaXT TTrRM, AT AN INCR"ASFD COST, PROVIDING TT''ACH°RS CAN BR TNGAGLD, SUBJtCT TO THF APrROVAL OF THF LOCAL SCHOOL BOARD, AND THT? DT'PARTMT'NT OF °DUCATION. Be read a first, second, third, am3 time, and finally passed this 7th. day of June 1954. Carr. RFS f 55 56 57 Moved by Wm. Bugler, seconded by H. Hoehal, that W.S. Laycock, be appointed Deputy Returning Officer, and Mrs. Homer Tedford, be app- ointed Poll Clerk at the pending election on the School Question. Carr. RTS 4 58 Mov.d by A. Loucks, aeoonded by H. Hoshal, that this meeting adjourn until the next regular meeting, unless in case of emergency. Carr. RFS 4 59 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCRR NO 6 Cheque No. 1. Can. Bank of Commerce Debenture issue, due May 1st. $2,250.00 .- 80 2. Imperial Oil Co. Oil for Municipal Hall 10.40 81 3. Aylmer Malahide Tel. Co Phone bill el Aug. 1st /54 16.45 82 4. Central Pire Line Co. Gas bill Comm. Hall for Apr. 5.60N. 83 5. L. Vaughan Digging trench Mem. Pk Hill 17.25 84 6. Fd. Croxford " " " " " 9.00,, 85 7. B. Mo Cord. Dragging streets 45.00,, 91 `• 8. The Municipal World 40 Tax Roll Sheets 4.25 92 9. F. L. Stephmnaon Relief Re. Riding 1.67 '- 93 10. Geo. Chute " coal Re. Cummings & Riding 10.28 ', 105 11. F. L. St'phenson " Re: M. Site 58.18,, 93 12. News Printing Co., Garb. & Tax Notices 19.36 94 13. Dept. of Health Ont. Insulin Re. M. Brandow 2.43 -. 95 14. H. Grieve. Salary & Prep. pension papers 53.00 96 15. The P'dlar People Culvert Pipe Inv. # 36307 912.00 97 16. F. Leemers Garb. Coll. for May 60.00,, 98 17. C. Butterwick Cutting Nun. Hall Lawn 5.00 ., 86 18. R. Travis Laying tile Mem. Pk. Hill 29.25., 87 19. J. W. Crocker " " " 28.50,, $8 20. Rec. General of Can. P.O. Box rent & l00X5O stamps 8.00,, 89 ACCOUNTS PAYAB',R VOUCH'R NO. 6 Cheque No. 21. r. Boyd Deewadin Dairy Relief Re. M. Size $ 13.02\ 99 22. D. Courtney CPR L'xpreas ohgs Re. Vill. file 1.00 \ 90 23. Arhtur Brooks Gravel & Hauling C'm•nt -to 62.30., 100 24. Don. Harris Grading streets 29.00\ 101 25. Sec. Treas. Sch. Bd. Continuation Sch. 1,000.00\ 102 26. Harold Kaufmann Inst. Drain Pipe M.Pk Hill 49.00\ 103 27. Mrs. N. Underhill Relief Re: D. Cumming. 40.00 \ 104 III- C- . A special Rate-payers meeting of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, was held in the School Gynsasium on the evening of May 28th. 1964. It was moved by A. Bodeworth, seconded by G. W. Chalk, that Reeve H. 0. Alward be appointed Chairman of the meeting. Carr. It was moved by Rev. John Graham, seoonded by H. Hoshal, that H. F. Grieve, act as secretary of the meeting. Carr. All The meeting was called to order, at aeeroximately 8.15 PM, by Reeve Alward, who gave a short address, pointing out to the Assembly, the reason for having called the meeting. The Council and School Board wanting the Rate-payers, to hear for themselves, from the School Board, the'r reasons for having petitioned the Council to close the Continuation School. Yr. Alward then gelled upon Mr. Bert McCord the Chairman IN of the School Bd. to rise and give the meeting a talk on the affairs of the Continuation School. Mr. Mc Cord on coming to the front of the room, pointed out that he had a number of figures to show to the people, and wished that he had a bla -k board, to show them on. Rev. Graham, said as how there was a black board at his Church, and that he would be glad to go and get it. His offer was accepted. With the setting up of the black boadd Mr. Mc Cord went on tb tell lust how the Provincial Grants were based. That they were based on population, assessment, and average daily attendance of the pupils. The enrolment for the year 1953 was 33,by the end of April it was down to 31, so that by the end of the school year the average daily attendance was 26 pupils. The grant for last year was $3,687.83, the grant this year was $2,341.12, so that there was $1,346.71 less to work on than a year ago. Also that the school Bd. had been ov,rpaid by the Government by $2000.00, but that the government was willing that only half of that amount be repaid, and that could he paid in instalments of $363.29 a year for three years. He also point-d out that last year they had asked for $3200.00 for the Con. School, this year they had to ask for $4000.00, and that if the expenses remained the same as last year, they would still go behind. In 1952 it had cost $7,764.75 to operate the Con. School, the expected grant for this year would amount to $2,341.12, there6ore $5,425.63 would have to be raised from the Trust-es levy. The Trustees levy having been set at $4000.00, that would lave a deficit of $1425.63 There having been a surplus in the bank at the end of the last year, amounting to $1000.00 that would still leave them in the hole by„=425.00 for the current year. It was Mr. Mc Cords suggestion, that the Sohool Board, advertise in the Toronto Globe and Mail for a Principal at $4,000.00 and an assistant at $3,200.00, to see if it would be possible to obtain teachers ( acceptable to the board ) to see if they couldn't possibly carry on with the Continuation School. Rev. John Graham was the next to come to the front and give his views on the subject. He told how a delegation of the Council and School Bd. had gone to Toronto, to interview the Minister of Education, in regard the amount that had been WI overpaid to the School Bd. for the years since the Villages incorporation. He explained how the Minister, was willing to cut the overpayment in half, so that instead of the School Bd. having to pay back $2,000.00, they would only he held liable for $1,000.00. This amount to be paid back over a period of three years, this amounting to $363.00 per year. He then went ^n to explain how the board had realized from its inception, that something was going to have to be done about the Continuation school, that here It was in May, and that a decision was necessary, immediately. It was talked over and a decision reached, that they ( the School Bd. ) would petition the Council to ask the County Council to close the Continuation school, and for the Council to provide a High School for the Children for the coming term of 1954-55. Also to provide for a Public School Area for the Port Burwell Public School. Mr. Graham gave Ass his reasons for voting it closed, Lst. that while talking to the Minister of "duoation, he was told by him that Continuation Schools, were on their way out, that it was the policy of the Government to provide the best education possible, to as large a number as possible, at a minimum of cost. 2nd1 that Local Schools just could not provide the up to date equipment that the larger schools had. 3Rd. that it was next to impossible to secure proper qualified teachers at the salary the Village was prepared to pay. 4th. 74111Pct4 local Con- ttnuation school provide proper competition with High Schools? 5th. That the Minister of Education had pointed out to them, that there used to be a total of 255 Continuation Schools, and that bow there was only 66 left in existanoe in the Province, and that they would all7be gone within two or three years. The reason for this being, that the Local Continuation schools would not be able to pay the salaries of proper qualified XXIIi teachers, therefore they would not be able to secure teachers, and would of necessity have to go to the larger High Schools. He also pointed out that the Board had been told, that if the Con- tinuation school was closed, that school 03 Bayham would came into the Village Public School. Mr. Alward then got up to state his case, and pointed out that he could not see how any person, could be on two sides of the fence at once. That a person was either in favor of keeping the School open or of closing it. Mr. Alward then invi-ed anyone in the hall to rise and give their views. Several people rose and mentioned on several points, such as eating problems in the High Schools, etc. It was from this discussion that it was mov^d by Rev. John Graham, seconded by Albert Brown, that this Rate-payers meeting request the School Board to advertise in the papers for a Principal at the rate of $4,500.00 per annum, an assistant at $3,500.00 per annum for the Continuation School. That in the event of being unable to secure teachers, the boys and girls be sent to a High School on a cost per pupil basis. Carried. It was moved by r. Boyd, sconded by A. Loucks, that this meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10.45 PM Carried. Chairman SectY. r The seventh meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, was held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of May 25th. 1954. The Clerk having received a letter from the Port Burwell, School Board, requesting the Council to take the necessary steps to close the continuation School, and to provide the pupils attending,with a school starting the fall term of 1954. The Clerk having talked with Mr. Alward, the Reeve, and other members of the Village Coun- cil, it was decided to call a Special meeting, and to invite the School Board, to sit in, and discuss the matter in a body and to come to a conclusion as to what was to be done. The meeting was called to order at 8 PM by Reeve, Alward, who presided over the meeting as the Chairman. He opened the meet- ing by inviting anyone either on the School Bored or the Coun- . cil to give their views on the subject. Rev. John Graham of the School Board, was the first to rise, and give his views. He having given much thought and consideration to the subject had made scm- notes, and read from them to the assembly. In his address he pointed out and stressed several points, he having been one of the delegates to attend a meeting with the Ontario Department of secondary education. Mr. Graham being in favor of closing the continuation school, nave as his reasons, That the Ontario Departm nt of education was riving smaller grants, to the Communities still operating continuation schools, Also that it is practically impossible to obtain teachers, at the price this Village can afford to pay, and third, that he had been told by the Department that it would only be a matter of time when all Continuation schools, would have to close, and join in with another High School Area. Next to rise and give his views !as Mr. B. McCord of the School Board, he went on to explain to the assembly what had been done and what the Board was trying to do to keep the Continuation School open, but agreed with Rev. Graham that it was slowly bec- oming next to impossible to continue to operate. Next Reeve Alward rose, end gave an address, pointing out that he did not want the Continuation School to close, that as long as we w re able, we should keep the school open, until at least we had something better to offer the children attending the school Or that we had some other,choola promise of coming into Fort Burwell, where we could lake a Public School area. In his address he pointed out that he-belt that he represented that views of the majority of the Rate-payers of the Village. It was from this discussion of for and against closing the school that a Motion by Rev. John Graham, second, d by Wm. Bugler, that in view of the importance of the matter, we ask the Reeve to call a meetingof the rate-payers concerned, without delay, so that an opportunity may be given to place before them the present pos- ition os- ition of the Continuation School. Carr. Rt'S 4 47 It was moved by H. Hoshal, seconded by Wm. Bugl,r, that a meeting of Ratepayers ef School Section to hear the complete story on closing or keeping open the Port Burwell Continuation School on Friday May 28th. at 7.30 PM. Carr. RFS #E 48 It was moved by F. Stephenson, seconded by Murray Scanlan that a vote of the rate-payers of S.S. II 2 be held at the earliest possible date, to decide the question of the continued operation of the Port Burwell Continuation School. Carr. R'S 4 49 _4) Moved by A. LJ).'ka, seconded by H. Hoshal, that this meeting adjourn Carr. RvS i 50 During the discussion, it was ordered of the Clerk, that he Phone the Department at Toronto, asking the Department head to send some representative of the Department to attend our Special public meeting, set for May 28th. to give a talk and try to explain to the meeting, the feeling of the Department at Toronto, and also to help explain the situation, as it is at present in the Village. CAi . . Reeve. Y.SY--- - Clerk. P The fifth meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, was held in the Municipal Hall, on the evening of April 9th. 1954. The meeting was called for the express purpose of setting the mill rate for the Village for the year 1954. The meeting was called to order, at approximately 8.15 PM Reeve, Alward presided over the meeting, with Councillors, Hoshal, Kanii)lann, Bugler, and Loucks in attendance. After much discussion on the subject of Councillor Fees, it was moved by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by Wm. BuglerV that Council Fees be raised to $50.00 per annum per member. Carr. Rn # ' It was moved by Wm. Bugler, seconded by A. Loucks, that the Mill rate for times, for the year 1954, be set at 75 Mills. Carr. RFS i -/2 Moved by H. Hoshal, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that this Council adjourn, until the next regular meeting, unless in case fo emergency. Carr. RD'S # �3• Meeting adjourned at 10.30 PM. 46!d?.. ... Reeve. The sixth meeting of the Council of the Cor ortalon of the Village of Port Burwell, was held the Municipal Hall, on the evening of Monday May 3rd. 1954. The meeting was called to order at 8 Pm by Reeve, Alward, who presided over the meeting, Councillors, Hoshal Kaufmann, Bugler); end Loucks, were in attendance. The meeting opened with the reading of the minutes of the last regular, and special meetings being read by the Clerk. With no deletions or additions to the minutes, the Reeve ordered the minutes as read and adopted. First in order of business, was the passing of Accounts payable by the Village, aft-'r reading over the accounts to the Council, a motion' by Wm. Bugler, seconded by J. F. Kaufmann, that acc- ounts, no's 1 to 25 on Voucher No. 5 be paid and that the Reeve be authorized to sisn same. RFS 4 44 During the reading of accounts payable, the meeting was inter- rupted by the entrance of Mr. W. B. Mc Cord, who had come to present his bill for having graded the Village streets. He was informed that the accounts had all been oassed and signed, and that his bill would receive due consideration, at the next reg- ular Council meeting. At the seams time as Mr. Mc Cord ass there, Mrs. Irma Travis, along with Mr. Bob Manning of Tillsonburg, came in, and on being invited to talk to the Council, Mrs. Travis, stated that 111/0 Mr. Manning had come to do the talking. Mr. Manning then went on to explain that they had come to get the approval of the Council Re: the surveying of the West beach, for the addition of more summer cottages. The lots to be of regulation size, permitting anyone wishing to put in septic tanks, and have water systans to do so. The Council after some discussion, felt that it would be a v-ry good thing for the west beach to have it properly surveyed and layed out into proper lots, so without further ado, gave Mr. Manning their approval, after which they left. Next to come up for discussion was the surveying of the limits of the Village, a motion by H. Hoehalp seconded by A. Loucks, that this Council, have the Clerk, contact Mr. Bell, the County '!ngin- eer, for a curve y of the Boundaries of the Village of Port Bur- well, and to have him supply a map, outlining the same. Carr. RFS # 45 Several subjects were next u dr 1As ssion, one being, the case of "r. Jim Armstrongs expenses, it being felt that the children, of the above named, could, and should help the Village defray the expenses Ae the . It was ordered of the Clerk, that he contact Mrs. Arm trong, seeking the names and addresses of all her children, then to con- tact the children by letter, explainAng the case, and asking that they contribute to the expense of their fathers r€ 11•j- Next was the condition of the hill surrounding the residence of Keith Stanton, of the Village, It wasordered fo the Clerk that he write Mr. Stanton explaing that the Council wanted him to clean the hill, place the garbage and other refuse in proper containers, and set it out for our reguler garbage collection. And that if this request were not heeded, that the Council would refer the matter to the Health Department who wo ,ld enforce their regulations, to see that it was properly cleaned. It was moved by Wm. Bugler, seconded by J. H. Kaufmann, that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting, unless in case of emergency. Carr. RRS # 46. Meeting adjourned at 10.20PM. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHv.R NO. 5 Cheque NO 1. Rec. Gen. of Canada. Postage stamps $ 9.00\ 57 2. Wm. Bugler*, Mileage Re. Furn 5.00 \ 58 3. A. Loucks, " to Straffordville1.50 \ 65 4. CANC^LLFD. See item No 11 59 5. Central Pipe Line Comm. hall for march 12.85\ 60 6. Sec. Treas. Soh. Bd. Pub. Sch. 1954 levy 100.00\ 61 7. Rec. Gen. of Can. Postage Re;hand bills 3.42 62 8. F. L. Stephenson Rel. Re. Mr.Size 57.50 66 9. Ham. Ward & Cathers Ins. Re; Contents Municipal hall lel° , 67 l0.Don. Harris grading streets 7.50 \ 68 11.Lakeside hotel M als, re onty rds. 9.50 63 12.Linceln Worth Rel. Re. Riding. 18.07, 69 13.Municipal world Ass. Notices 6.53\ 70 14.Jack Hayward cleaning catch basins fixing sidewalkk, caretakers fees, Comm. hall 24.00\ 64 15.Mrs. N. Underhill Rel. Re. v. Dal?. 24.00\ 72 16. " " " " Re. Cummings 24.00 \ 72 17.Registry office property tra',sfers 1.80N. 73 18.Keewadin dairy Rel. Re. N. Size 12.60 \ 74 19.Municipal world Dog tags 6.21\ 70 20.Mrs. N. Underhill Rel. Re. Cummings 8.00. 72 21.H. Grieve, clerks salary 200.00\ 75 22.?. Lammers. Garb. Coll April 60.00 \ 76 23.Mrs. J. Lemay Rel. for May 20.00 ,, 77 24. Rec. Gen. of eanada Postero stamps 18.00 \ 78 25. H. Grieve, Meals, Council Body Re. Conservation meeting. 7.50 '- 79 • 1� . . .. .ti•-Yt'':1r�-rte.�ler*. r Minutes of the fourth meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell ( a regular meeting ) was held in the Municipal Hall on the evening of April 5th. 1954. The meeting was called to order at 7.40 PM by Reeve Alward, who presided, with Councillors, Hoshal, Bugler, Kaufmann and Loucks in attendance. receive First to XXXI the attention of the Council was Mrs. Geo. Riding of the Village, who had been seeking help from the Village in the form of relief. Councillor Hoshaa the Relief Officer having asked her to attend the meet- ing that the rest of the Cotncil could hear Ear case. Mrs. Riding assured the Council that her husband was erdeavouring to get into the Canadian army, and felt sure that he would make it. The Council promised her sufficient help until her husband would be home and then he would have to assume total responsibility for his family. First in order of business was the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting of the Council, with no del- etions or additions, the Reeve ordered the minutes as read and adopted. Next in order was the pas4ing of Accounts payable by the Village, a motion by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by ';'m Bugler that Acccints No' s 1 to 22 on voucher No 4 be paid and that the Reeve be authorized to sign same. Carr. RES h 33 At this point Provincial Constable Dibbley from Ftraff- ordvi lle same in, and on asking him if he had anything he wished to discuss with the Council he replied that he had come on instructions from his superior, to inquire, if the Village wished again this year to enter into a contract with the Ontario Provircial Police, for the policing of the Village for the summer months. It was after this discission that a motion by 'fin. Bugler, seconded by A. Loucks, that this Council make application to the Commissioner of Police for Ontario for a contract with them for the policing of the Village for the summer months, from June 15th. to Sept. 15th Carr. FES # 34 Next was a resolution by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by H. Hoshal, that By-law No. 49 being a by-law providing for the borrowing of the sum of t5000.00 tc meet current expenses of the Municipality, until taxes are collected, be read a first time. Carr. RES# 35 It was moved by H. Hoshal, seconded by 'gin. Bugler, that By-law 449 be read a second time. Carr. RES # 36 Moved by H. Hoshal, seconded by J. Kaufmann, that By-law No 49 be read a third time, and finally passed, this 5th. day of April. Carr. RES # 37 It was moved by '?"^. Bugler, seconded by A. Loucks, that this Council *1XAXXX 'XKXXXX pay the first instalment o8 P50.00 on the annual grant of 1100.00. (Library ) Carr. RES # 38 Moved by J. F. Kaufmann, seconded by A. Loucks, that this Council adopt Day-lite saving time, in keeping with other Municipalities in southern Ontario. CArr. RES 39 It was also ordered of the Clerk, that he contact the Village Insurance agent, and place with him a request for the insuring of the contents of the Municipal Hall in the amount of P1000.00. It was also ordered that the Clerk, conta^t by letter Mr. Barnum, our solicitor, Re. the proper oiFner of the Glover Booth on the beach. Also that he write Mr. A.E.Cotton of London Ont. asking him if he would be interested in the booth and for him to make the Council an offer of purchase. Moved by A. Loucks, seconded by '91n. Bugler, that this Council adjourn until April 9th. Nhen a meeting to set the mill rate for the year 1954 will be held. meeting adjourned at 11.20PM RES# 40 -14 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE, VOUCHER NO 4 CHEQUE NO. 1 sec. Treas. Sch. Bd. 2nd Inst. 1954 Levy Public School t1500.00\. 36 Cont. " 500.00N 36 2. A. R.Wright & Son Mdse. 39.31\ 37 3. Central Pipe Line Gasbill for Feb. Com H 10.85\ 38 4. Ham. Ward & Cathers Liab. & Non owned Auto insurance 281.22N 41 5. leo. Chute Relief coal Re. G. Young 8.10\ 39 II- 6. L. Worth " " Riding 16.00 40 7. County of Elgin Hosp. Re. J. Armstrong 333.05 42 8. H. Grieve Prep. Pension papers Re. Le. May 3.00 \ 43 9. ?ewadin dairy Relief Re Mrs. Size 7.14 \ 44 10.News printing co Stationery 36.91 \ 45 11.H. Grieve. prep. pension papers Re. Ed. Dair 3.00 \ 43 12.9endell Holmes Office desk & chair 146.00 N 46 13.T4. E. P. C. Comm. & MUN . Halls 8.10\ 47 14.The printing world Typewriter ( Royal ) 58.50 \ 48 15.Laerners Prank. Garb. Coll for March 60.00 .. 49 16.Le. May Mrs. Jos. Relief for April 20.00 50 17. A. Brooks to Fill washout 32.00\ 51 18. Shirley Wallington Relief Re. Cummings 8.71\ 52 19.A. Hoffman Adding Machine 50.00 56 20.F.L. 3tephenson Relief Re. Sliding 8.75\ 53 21.Geo. Chute " coal Re. Vaughan Riding, Young & Cummings 14.48\ 54 22.Library Board 1st. Inst. annual grant 50.00\ 55 -:veic.0.64,____ewayt.iev e (7 -s-f-t:::',`l e f k. • Minutes of the third meeting, a regular meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell held in the Municipal Hall. on the evening of March 1st. 1954. The meeting was called to order at 7.30 Pm by Reeve Alward who presided over the meeting, with Councillors, Hoshal, Bugler, Loucks, and Kaufmann in attendance. Aft'r opening the meeting Reeve Alward turned to Mr. Jerry Travis, who was in attendance, and asked if there was any- thing he wished to discuss with the Council. Mr. Travis then went on to relate the condition of the road in front of his house, and asked what the Council could do about it. He was assured that when materials w-re available to the Village, that what could be done, would be done, to aleviate the dep- lorable condition existing in fron of his home. Also present was Mr. Geo. Young, who had come to complain to the Council about the condition of the drain that runs in front of his house on Chatham St. The complaint being that the drain was plugged and was backing the water up all around his house, so that it had become impossible for him toet to his wood pile. Mr. Young was assur d by the Council that Mr. Kaufmann and Mr. Loucks, would look into the matter, and any- thing that could be done, to improve the situation would be. Next was Mr. Bob Manning of Tillsonburg, who had come to inter- view the Council, Re; any existing By-laws in regard Trailer Camps. The Council assured him that Idlers was none, but that he would have to live up to the building By-law, if he was anticipating building anf buildings, also that he would have to oomnly with the health regulations, as set down by the department of Health. Mr. Bert Mc Cord of the School Board was n•xt to receive the attention of the Council, he having come to discuss several matters, pretaining to the school. First in order of business, was the readEfi of the minutes of the last regular meeting of the Council, no deletions, or add- itions to the minutes, the Reeve ordered that minutes as read and adopted. Next was the passing of accounts payable by the Village, a motion by Wm., Bugler, seconded by J. H. Kaufmann, that soots No's 1 to 1$ on Voucher No. 3 be paid, and that the Reeve be authorised to sign same. Carr. RFS # 27 Next was a motion by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that this Council, grant to the Port Burwell Deep Sea Water- way Committee the sum of $50.00 Carr. RTS i 28 A resolution by J. H. Kaufmann, s-conded by Wm. Bugler, that By-law No 48, being a By-law to regulate the keeping of domestic Fowl within the limits of the Village of Port Burwell be read a first time. Carr. RFS i 29 A resolution by H. Hoshal, seconded by A. Loucks, that By- law No 48 be read a second time. Carr. RFS # 30 A resolution by Wm. Bugler, seconded by J. H. Kaufmann, that • Dy-law no 48 be read a third time, and finally passed this 1st. day of March 1954. Carr. RTS # 31 A motion by H. H shal, s,00nded A. Loucks, that this Council adjourn, until the next regular meeting, unless in case of emergency. Carr. RAS i 32 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER NO. 3 CH°QUE NO. 1. Receiver Gen. of Canada. Postale Stamps $ 3.00\ 21 2. H. Grieve, Prep. of Pension Papers E. Vyse 3.00\ 28 3. Can. Bnk Comm. Telephone Bill to May 1st. 1954. 14.05 \ 22 4. H. Grieve, Prep Pension Papers Re; Zelia Butt. 3.00\ 28 5. J.R. Henley Treas. Pt Burr. Deep Sea Waterway 50.00 23 6. Central Pip.. Line Comm Hall gas bill for January 10.85 24 7. Sec. Treas. School Bd. Bal. of 1953 Lnvy 175.54 \ 25 • 8. Geo. Chute Oil for Municipal Hall 21.20 N 26 9. Municipal World Inv. No. 37244 .72 \ 29 10. Dept. of Health Ont. Insulin Re; M. Brandow 1.98 30 11. H. Grieve Mileage to Aylmer with Council 3.50N 28 12. H. Grieve Bonus 136.00\ 28 13. Peters Brown & 6o. Auditors Fees 210.65 \ 31 14. Geo. Chute Coal for M. Vaughan 7.13 \ 32 15. Le. May Mrs. Joseph Relief for March 20.00 33 16. Lammers Frank Garb. Collection for February 60.00 \ 34' 17. Chalk W. G. Flowers Re; C. D. Coyle 7.04' 35 18. Sec. Treas. Sch. Bd. 1st. inst. 1954 Levy 1,000.00 27 0•lo ve. .� ti rr`.`.''._,"_dark. • The second regular meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell was held on Monday evening February lst. 1954, in the Municipal Hall. The meeting was called to ord-r at 8 PM, with Reeve, Alward in the chair, and with Councillors, Hoshal, Bugler, Kaufmann, and Loucks in attendance. 141/1 A Mr. McLaughlin of the Frank Cowan Co. Ltd. of Woodstock Ont. was on hand to give the Council a talk on the advisibility of purchasing Comprehensive Liability Insurance for the Village. After much dis- oussion it was moved by Wa. Bugler, seconded by A. F. Loucks, that the Council purchase a Comprehensive Contract Insurance from the Frakk Conan Co., Ltd. U Commission to be paid to Mr. R. Cathers Aylmer Ont. RFS. # 21 After Mr.MoLaughlin left, there was two gentlemen there to int- erview the Council, Re their approval of the Licensing of the old American Hotel, as a summer Hotel, to be run on a six months basis. It was the decision of the Council to ap^rove their request. The Reeve, then requested the Clerk, to read the minutes of the last regular meeting, and with no deletions or additions, the Reeve, ordered the minutes as read and adopted. First in order of business for the evening was the ap-roving of accounts payable by the Village. A motion by H. Hoshal, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that a000unts No's 1 - 14 on Voucher No. 2 be paid and that the Reeve, be authorized to sign same. Carr. RFS # 17 The County having asked the Village to pass a By-law re the Licen- sing .,f„i Restrauants, refreshment and Ice Cream stands, it was moved by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by H. Hoshal, that By-law No 47 being a By-law for the licensing of Restraunts, Refreshment and Ice Cream stands in the Village of Port Burwell, be r-ad a first time. Carr RFS # 18 Moved by A.F.Llouoks, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that By-law 47 be read a second time. Carr. RFS # 19 Moved by A.!.Loueke, seconded by J. H. Kaufmann that By-law No 47 be read a third time and finally passed. Carr. RFS # 20 Moved by H. Hoshal, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that this'Counoil grant to the Clerk, a Bonus of $100.00 for the year 1954. Salary and cond- itions to remain the same as in 1953. Carr. RFS # 22 Moved by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by A.F.Loucks, that this Council cancel the 21% owing on Roll 47 1953. in the name of B.H.PUllin of R.R. 9 London Ont. owing to the fact that the lot has completely eroded. Carr. RFS # 23 There was a motion by H. Hoshal, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that this Council cancel the tax arrears, and interest owing on that parcel of land shown as 112 Memorial Park. Formerly owned, and since moved from the Park Property by J. W. Webster of 954 Ormsby St. London Ont. Taxes 1949 $15.00 Interest to Dec. 31/53 $3.87 Carr. RFS # 24 Moved by A.?.Loucks, seconded by J. H. Kaufmann, that this Council cancel from the Tax Arrears Ledger thel taxes and interest owing on that parcel of property shown as part of lot 13 S. Pitt st. owned by Brune Regan of Allen Park Manor 8100 F. Jefferson A e., Detroit Mich owing to the fact that it has eroded away. Year 1950 taxes $1.50 Int. to Dec. 3153. .314. Taxes 1951 $3.00 Int. to Dec. 31/53 .414 Taxes 1951 $3.75, Int. to Deo. 31/B3 .29%. Taxes 1953 $4.30 Int. to Deo. 31/53 .07% Carr. RFS # 25 One of our Councillors having noticed a Mr. Lawrence Hartley of .1111, Springfield Ont. piddaling vegetables and fruit in the Village it was ordered of the Clerk, that he write Mr. Hartley, asking that he refrain from peddaling anything further until he has obtained his peddlers license from the Clerk. During the reading of outstanding correspondence, several matters were brought up for discussion. First of these was a letter to the Clerk, from Mr. Dick Hall, asking that the Council give him serious consideration in hiring him as their assessor for the year 1951, and to quote him a figure as to the amount the Village would be willing to pay for his services. It was the decision of the Council to hire Mr. Hall, if he would accept the position at a salary of $300.00 per annum. Next was a letter from Mr. Burt Neale, Clerk of the Town of Tillsonburg dated January 11th. 1964. asking that we send him a letter, accepting responsibility for any relief issued to Mr. pd. Dair, who had just recently moved to that Town. Then the reading of the Clerks answer to Mr. Neale refusing to accept any responsibility in this matter. Next was the reading of several letters by the Clerk, to our Attorney Mr. Barnum, Re. properties in the Village that are three or more years delinquent in their taxes, and asking him to take immediate steps to • bring these properties up for tax sale. It was during this discussion that it was ordered of the Clerk, to contact Mr. Barnum, and make an appointment with him, for the Council, that we may talk over and see just what has been aocomplished. Next was a letter from Mr. H. Quirt dated November 30th. 1953, in which he states he is arranging to get the money owing the Village and that he would straighten up with the Village in the very near future. Not having heard frac him since that time, it was ordered of the Clerk to again contact the Insurance Co., asking that they square this account with the Village and collect from Mr. Quirt. • Next was a letter from the Ford Foundation, in answer to our letter to them in regard a Memorial to be errected to Mr. Thomas vdieon, at the old edison Graveyard, located just on the outskirts of Vienna. Their answer to our inquiry being that they had no such plans, since such a project does not fall within the prescribed areas of the Found- ation program. A motion by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting, unless in case of emergency. Carr. RFS# 26 ACCOUNTS RAYABLF Cheque No. 1. Municipal World Inv. No. 36000 = 12.84 \ 16 2. Receiver General Postage Stamps 4.00\ 8 3. Municipal World Inv. No. 36216 12.00\ 16 4. Central Pipe Line Gas Bill Comm. Hall 14.85\ 11 5. T. B. Ronson Sanding Streets 2.63 10 8. H. B. P. C. Comm. & Nun. Halls 8.10' 9 7. H. Briseeau Sanding Streets5.26 " 12 8. Geo. Chute Oil for Nun. Hall 28.44 ' 13 9. H. R. P. C. Street Lighting for 1953. 770.00\ 14 10.Municipal World Inv. Nu. 36422 .50\ 16 11.Chas. Warnock Co. Final Payment Re. Reassess. 490.00 17 12.County Clerks Office Hosp. Re. Lemay & Travis 42.33" 18 13.Le May Mrs. Jos. Rwleif for February 20.00\ 19 14.Laemers Frank Garb. Coil. for January 60.00\ 20 G..."Y�Y.:.:..Clerk. • The inaugeral meeting of the Council of the Corporation of tFe Village of Port Burwell Ont. was held in the Municipal Hall, on the evening of January 4th. 1954. First in ord-r of basin-ss was the swearing in of the Reeve and Council by the C1-rk, and also the signing of the Declaration of Office by the Reeve and Council. Reverend R. C. Eicks of the Free hath-dist Church of Port Burwell who was in attendance at the meeting next honored the Council with a short erddr-'ss, .,ointing out some the pl-'sant and unpleasant times that must come to each member of the Council if he i.s to carry out his sworn duty ;o the Village. Rev. Hicks then lead the Council in pray-r, asking God for strength and wisdom, in the per- formance of their duties, as Reeve and Council of the •Village. Reeve Alward then asked that the minutes of the last inaugeral meeting be read by the Clerk. This completed the Council .v-re . honnr-d by ashort address by thiz the Counotl hisr nyrersonelrlens, o � rthe betterment pointedo ttermentofuthet oVi.11aee. as a whole. Next w9.9 the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting with no deletions or additions, the Reeve ordered the minutes as read and adopted. The Clerk then read a caurle lettere that he had received, and with a minimum of discussion, these letters were ordered to be filed. The rassing of accounts rayable by the Village, was n-mt heard •and a resolution by '7m. Bugler, seconded by H. rioahal that Vouc- -{TS # 1 her No 1 Accounts No's 1 - 10 be paid and that the Reeve be authorized to sign same Carried Next in order was the filling of the various hoards, Commissions and Committees. A motion by J. H. Kaufmann seconded by ?im B' ler, R!S. i# 2 that r. Tedford, P. '. Wilson, James ''lliott, W.B. Lc C)rd, and A.r. Brown he named Fen!- Viewers for the year 1954. Carr. • A motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by J. F. Kau` mann , that this Council apnoint H. Hoshal, and A. Loucks, to the Froperty Welfare end Sanitation Committee ser the year 1954. Carr. RFS > 3 A motion by H. Hoshal seconded by A.r. Loucks, that J. H:Kauf- mann and Vim. Bugler be appointed to the :street Lighting Comm- ittee for the year 1954. Carr. RFS # 4 A motion by F. Hoshal seconded by A.r. Loucks, that rT Bugler, and J. H. iaufmann be arpoint-d to the Legal and By-Laws Committee for the year 1954. Carr. RrS # 5 A n t=on by Ppm. Bugler, seconded by J. H. Kaufmann, tht A. Loucks and F. Hoshal be arpointed t, the Finance Committee for the year 1954. Garr. RD'S # 6 A motion by 7r. Bugler, seconded by H. Foshal, that J. H. Kavv'- mann, H. Hoshal and Alvin Loucks be appointed to the "!arks Committee 'or the year 1954. "err. RFS 1 7 A motion by 'Arc. Bugler, seconded by J. H. Kaufmann, that Mr. Frank Laemers be named ,Garbage Collector "or the year 1954, at a salary of :E0.nC a month. "err. RrS ?! 8 A motion by A. Loucks, seconded by 9. Hoshal, that Mr. Jock Hayward '.- appointed Dor Tax Collector, 'or the year 1°54, at a salary of 20% cf the fees collected. Carr. ''FS # 9 A m tion ry nn Bugler, seconded by i..'. Loucks. that Ross ry-land be arpointed as street light keeper for the /retie 1954 at a salary or $100.00 and '.hat a minimum or one :rip 1U of insrection mer week he made. Carr. RrS ' 10 A notion by 'lm. Buller, seconded by J. H. Kaufmann that Jack Hayward be appointed Caretaker of the Com*-unity Hall at a rate er '1.00 --r rental for '.he year 1954. Carr. RHS # 11 A notion by :1m. Bugler, seconded by A.r. Loucks, that H. HyQhal 4111/1 J. H. Kaufmann, A. Loucks, Y.F. ;VIlson, Chas. Blythe, and ][IBX J. L. Courtney be apnointed as a Parks Bowed for the :re,.r 1954 Carr. R'S f 12 A -notion by J. F. Kaufmann, seconc'ed by Wm. Bugler, ;hat A:^. brown, be appointed as Building Inspector for the year 1954 at a salary of $ '5.00 per Annum Carr. RRS ;a 13 A Votion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by A.r.Louota, that P.'. Wilson Ie appointed as tV -d Inspector for the year 1954, at a salary of $25.00 rer annum Carr. Ru'S i 14 h notion by H. Hoshal seconded by A.L'.Loucks, that the Clerk, order six copies of the Municipal World, one each for the Reeve Councillors and Clerk. Cerr. RFS f 15 A motion by H. Hoshal seconded by ,?r... Bugler. that this meeting adjourn .until the next regular meting, unless in case of emergency Carr. R?S f 16 Meeting adjourned at 10.35 PM ACCOUNTS FAYABLL VOUCHER NO 1 L. Geo. Chute Oil for 3iunicippl Hs11 $ 22.75 Ch-que No 1 2. Fred A. Bell Blueprints fuer Assessor15.00 II 112 41111 3. Jack Hayward caretaker Comm Hall 11.00 n " 3 4. Jack Harvard Rep. & Cleaning Comm Hall 5.25 \ " 3 5. Le May bra. J. Relief for January 20.00% f " 4 6. Laer'ers ?rank Garb. Coll. for December 60.00 " 5 7. A.r.Brown Building Insp Salary 25.00\ " 6 8. H. r. Grieve Clerks Salary 1953 500.00 " 7 9. A.r. Bro:iu Hanging door Mun. Hall 3.00 6 10. A.r. Brown rill .ashout 3.50 6