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Council Minutes
The minutes of the twentieth meeting of the Council of the Village
of Port Burwell, being the final meeting of the 19F3 year, was held
in the Municipal Fall on the evening of December 10th.
The meeting was pnesidsd over by Reeve, H. 0. Alward, with Councillors
Hoshal, •Buglerk Bonner, and Kaufmann in attendance. Our new Councillor
Yr. Alvin Loucks, having been invited to sit in, by Reeve, Alward, was
also present.
The meeting wile called to order at approximately 7.45 PM, by the Reeve,
who ordered 'he reading of the minutes of the rreceding meeting.
rafter the reading of the minutes, with no additions or deletions, the
Reeve ordered the minutes as read and adopted.
The Clerk having the miLutes of the p'-vious evening, Re the Court of
Revision ready, asked if he should read them. Upon the consent of the
Council . these minutes also,vere read, and with no additions or dele-
tions, these minutes were ordered as reed and adopted.
First in order of businees for the meeting, was the passing of accounts
oayablm .by the Villa-,, a motion by Chas. Bonner, seconded by J. H. kau-
fmann that accounts No's 1 to 34 on Voucher No 11 be paid, And that the
Reeve, authorized to sign samd. Carr.
Next was a motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by J. H. Yaufmann, that the
District Returning Officer be paid the sum of $10.00, and the Poll
Clerk be paid the sum of P9.00 fr,r the day of the Mlection. Carr.
The reading of correspondence the Clerk, had received, was next to
receive•attention. A letter from the cormer Clerk, kr. 1. H. Quirt,
advising, that he had received our lette; end that he was making
arrangements to reray the Village, for the shortage existing in the
Village.accounts at the time of his resignation. Next was a letter
from lira. 1h^. H. Marshall of Kitchener Ont. asking 'f I or any of the
Council knew of any houses or lots F'or sale, close to the belch. No
one knowing of any such place, the Clerk was ordered to,advise Mr .
Marshall of such, but that everyone would remember her, and if any
thing should show up in the future, we would noticy her, so that she
could look into the matter.
During the next hour or so several subjects came under discussion,
• I0133 the first among these was the case.of Shirley Ann Young. The
Reeve having talked to the County Clerk, was advised by him to ignore
the account of the Hospital for Crippled Children, and not to accept
any responsibility in this connection. After reading over Mrs. Whites
letter of November lath. Re the legal aspect.' of ignoring same, tt
was suggested that the Clerk, contact Mr. Thorson, letting hire read
the correspondence, and again asking his advice as how to answer her
last letter. Next was the erbject of Wm. Webber, who had a elaim_into
the Villa-e +'or the loss of thirteen chickens and one turkey, valued
et thirty-three dollars. The deeisicn of the Council, was to pay the
claim, but at the first opoortunity, to pass a by-law prohibiting the
allowing of foal and etc. to run at large.
All business having been cleaned up, there was a motion by
IKANNINIXXI 111133173CMOUCLI ';m. Bugler, seconded by Chas. Bonner, that
1110this meeting adjourn until the next regular meeting, unless in case
of emergency. Carr.
?'.eating adjourned at 10.15 PM.
2 CAN. INK OF COMM PHON7 BILL 24..60 " " lg2\
3 MUNICIPAL "ORLD INN. #'S 348O7,74442 . 4.44. . " 169\
4 CHAS. WARNOCK CO. 2nd INST. Rt' ASSESS. 400.00 " " 170\
5 D"1T. 07 H"ALTR INSULIN RT". Y. BRANDON 2.12 " " 171\
7 AL'S GROC"T"RIA 4^LIT'F R . J. MORRON 20.00 " " 165\
8 J. Y. MCKVR R7PAIRS TO STT:PS 3.00 " " 166\
• 9 CANADIAN L"GION WP,"ATH 12.00 " " 172\
11 MUNICIPAL WORLD INV. 34432 5.24 " " 169\
12 H. ':'. F.C. STR"FT LIGHTS INSTALLED 105.00 " " 173\
13 H. GRI"VF' PRRF. P"NSION PAP7RS 'TC 3995 " 174\
14 W. C. CHALK FLOCI"RS P.F. BRTTY TA"1T'RS 5.25 " " 175\
15 A.R. 7HICRT YDS" 9.30 " " 176\
16 L7 MAY MRS. J0S"PH R"LI"F 70R D"CT'1 BVR 20.00 " " 168\
17 F. LAFM"RS GARB. COLL FOR NOV. 80.00 " " 177\
18 J. H. KAUF'...ANN COUNCIL F"T'S 40.00 " " 178\
19 H. O. ALWARD " " 40.00 " " 179\
40.00 " " 180\
24 TM. BUGLER 40.00 " " 181\
22 CHAS. PO'I?IF`R 40.00 " " 182\
23 ROSS "V"LANTD STR! 'T LI STT SFRVICT' 72.00 " " 183\
24 JA^,K HAY'7ARD R"P TO HALL 4 SHOOT DOG 4.25 " " 184\
25 N"WS PRINTING 71. FRINTINiG k ADV. 74.59 " " 189\
27 H. GRI71/7 MIL"ATl' R". BALLOTS 3.50 " 174\
31 WM. i1"IB"R 13 CHICK""IS 1 T'TRK"Y
KILL"D BY DOGS 33.00 " " 189
32 WM. LAYCOCK DT'PUTY R"T. OFFIC"R 10.00 " " 190\
33 MRS. 7. TFDFORD POLL CLERK. 9.,00 " " 191\
34 R":C. G7N"RAL OF CAN. P`,STA.GF STAMPS 7.00 " " 192\
Minutes of the Court of Revision, hald in the Municipal Hall
on Wednesday evening, December 9th. 1953.
A motion by Wm. Bugler, seconded by F. Hoshal, that H•eve
ward be selmetad to Ant as Chairman for the Court. Carr.
1111/1 Mr. Lorne "''osteo :as first on. celled before the Court, who
stated, that ha thought Lis business assessment unfpir owing
t' the fact, that his assessment the rrevious year had only
been :100.00 and •.vac now :260.00. After an ezrl;rr.tion by the
Assessor Mr. F.Yi.'iall, Mr. Foster, agreed that nothing 'o'ld
be done about his assessment, therefore a motion by 7m. Bugler,
seconded by ^has. Bonner, that Mr. Fosters Assessment by con-
firmed. carr.
ext was kr. Target, who claire(' that,oeviri to the fact that
he was paying rent, he should not have to ray any taxes, on
his building, Yr. Hall •x:lained that that cold be errwinged
between himself and 'r. Bugler, who gems the land, but that
11r. Bugler would ha';a to mise his rent in aceerdenee •lith
the amo.mt of taxes, he frond hate to ray extra. It was roved
by J. H. Kaufeinnn teoonded by ''hes. Bonner that the assessment
by confirmed. Darr.
'res. Laemers arpeared for herself and her hushand, in oonneotion
with Roll 128,129, 130. She having sold these nartioular lots to
her Son, Mr. Frandk. Lner•,era, It was th.refnre recornrended by Mr.
Hall that Roll No's 128-129 be combined, and that roll No 130
be shown as Robert Ailkens. A notion by .7m. Bugler, seconded by
H. Hoshal that the changes be made. oarr.
'nore Gasparini was the..next to state his case, 'le Alining
only 27 acres, and not 34 acres as shown on the assessment no-
tice. It was therefore recomrednded by Mr. Fall that the land
measurement be change from 34 to 27 acres and ,that none be
shown as cleared land. A motion by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by
Wm. Bugler, that 1'r. Halls recommendation be ace. ted. 1I.
The assessed valuation. heing $550.00 Inst' d of$750.00 Carr.
Mrs. D.L'.3artlett next took the chair, and stated her case,
She claiming that the lot now assessed for $200.00 was ,worthless
either for cultivation or building. The Council members kno.ving
the lot agreed -Ath her, and on recommendation of Mr. }fall, it
was roved by H. HOshal seconded by J. IT. Kaufmann that the 118
acre assessment he reduced to 350.00 from "200.00, and that the
assessment off the 4 acre remain the same, $100.00 total ,"x150."0 Farr.
Next in order was Mr. Newall Wright, --ho claimed the assessment on
taro lots owned by himself on Viactois st. were overasaessed, that
the lots were absolutely useless. The Council rembers agreeing •with
this, it :was moved by Chas. Bonner, seconded by .7r. Bugler, that
the assessment be restored to the original assessment of 150.00
and the size be reduced to 2/5 of an anre, Carr.
Yr. Harry Luton erns next to state his case, he claiming that he
was assessed for too much land., It was recommended by Mr. Hall
that the land size be reduced from sore to 2/5 acre. 'r. H.
Hoshal raking a notion, seconded by 7m. Bur,ler, that Mr. Hall's
recornendation be sc •epted. Value to remain the acme. Carr.
L'_r. Ralph Jackson, next took the chair, expleinina hs case, as
being assessed for too much land, he having his deed to the rro-
pnrty in his socket. Mr. Hall after figuring out the amount of
land owned by Mr. Jackson, recommended to the Court, that the
land be reduced to 115 acre from -- acre. and that the value be
reduced fror ?'300.00 to $150.00. On a motion by J. H. Kaufmann
S seconded by "has. Bonner, that Mr. Hall's r-comm ndation be ace-
erted. Carr.
Mrs. Irma Travis, accompanied by her husband, and lawyer, Lir.
7eir of Groom and '?sir of li l lsonburg Ont. next stated her cps%
she f cling that ow'ng to th- size of son. of her lots, in con-
- parison with others,'she was being assessed too high. After much
discussion between the Court "r. Hall a ed ;'rs. Travis, it was
a:reed that the assessment on ten of the lots was too high, there-
for- it was recommended by ?'r. Hall that the assessment on Roll
No's 322,323,324, assessed for '150.00 be reduced to $75.00,
also that the assessment on Roll No's 325,326,329,330,331,332,
and 333 be reduced from $100.00 to 75.00. A motion by J. R. Kaufmann
.. :,..._ _... „ _ ,_,, ,_.,. - . ..„ ,..._ .. .. ,.._. .__.
seconded by :4m. Bugler, that the recommendation of Mr. Hall
be acc-pted. carr.
',text in order was Mr. Harry Brown who also appoarnd for Mr.
P. Dickinson, of the Wyndwmere Farms, Mr. Brown after comp-
nring ani-ssments with others on his street felt that he was
being over assessed, but with an explination by Mr. Hall, ho
accepted the assessment. Th-r.fore the assessment on Roll 4E II
to 1,e confirmed. In Mr. Disnkinsons case hi. explained how the
land was absolutely •'►orthloss, would grow nothing but scrub
willows etc. Thi. Court knowing the land agredd with him, and
so on the recanmi.ndeti on of Kr. Hall, it was moved by J. H.
Kaufmann, seconded by Wm. Bugl"r, that the ass'sse'rnt on the
land ^laced at $100.00 instead of 1450.00. Carr.
All those present hamming been hoard, the Clerk, then road a
counle of l,ttere hi. had -''eived from dissatisfied parties
in rogard the assessment of their property,. The first was s
lett-r from Liisa Marion Soragg of London, who accerted the
assossrent on her cottage, but was dispntins the assessment
on land, saying that sh, did not o.vn the land. .uring the die-
oussion it was ordered of the clerk, that hi. writ. Miss Scragg
for information as to the owner of the land. Ther• was a notion
by J. H. Kaufmann, s•oonded by Ch a. Bonner, that on receipt
of information, Miss Scragg be ass-ssed as tenant only. Carr.
Mr. T. St..le coming in at this tine was next heard, he claim-
ing that he was raying on too much land, therefore aftor giving
land moasur'ments, and Mr. Hall figuring up the size it was
recommended that the lot size bo chang-d to i sore on roll 1s6
and land value to be changed to $150.00. Mr. Stole also claimed
that hq was paying too much business tax, but after an .xplin-
ation by Mr. Hall he agr'ed that he was not paying too.nuch.
It was mov,d by H. Hoshal, seconded by Chas. Bonner, that 1'r.
Steels prorerty be confirmed as recommedded. Carr.
The Cl'rk tL'-n read a let er ''roc.; Mr. C. Harris of London Orf..
who claimed that his assessment was too high, owing to the fact
that he had never done anything to improve it. After much disc-
ussion on the subject it was moved by Pin. Bugl"r, seconded by
H. Hoshal that the assesen,nt be oonfirs.d. Carr.
Next was a letter from Mr. F. W. Burch of London Ont. who objected
to his raised assessment unless there is a decrease it the Mill
- rate of the Villago. another objection was as to the condition of
the road leading to his cottaco. It was moved by H. Hoshal seconded
by Sm.H Kaufmann that thi. assessment be confirmed, but that the
road be given some consideration.
Moved by Chas. Bonner, seconded by ;^m. Bugler, that phis mooting
adjourn. Carr.
Meeting adjourned at 11 Fl.
C. � a •
The Nineteenth meeting of the ;ouncil of the Corpora tion of the
Village of Port Burwell Ont. was held in the Municipal Hall on
the evening of November 2nd 1953.
Before the meeting was called to order, there were two persons
waiting to see the Council, on private matters, and were heard
by the Council before officially orening the meeting. The first
was a Mr. J. Morrow, who having hurt his hand, end being unable
to work, was there bo seek some help for himself And family, unr.
til such tire as he would receive his •",orkmans Compensation
cheque. The other party present .vas r. She ton of R.A. Shelton
and Sons, who hae just completed their work of graveling the
Village streets,; "r. Shelton after receiving his cheque to cover
the work he had performed, promptly left.
The meeting was then nailed to order, Reeve Alwerd presiding over
the meeting, with Councilbars, Benner, Bugler, Hoshal, and Kaufmann
in attendance.
First in order of business was the passing of accounts payable, a
motion by Chas. 3onrer, seconded by :7n. Bugler, that accounts No's
1 to 16 on •lou^her no 10 be raid and that the Reeve be authorised
to sign same. Carried.
A motion by Chas. Bonner, seconded by H. Hoshal, that the date of
December 9th. be set for the Court of Revision for the purpose of
hearing ap-eals Re assessrents for the year 1954, at the time of
7.30PM. Carried.
It was moved by Chas. Bonner, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that November
11th. ( Remembrance Day) be declared a Civic Holiday. Carried.
During the Bourse of the evebidg, many subjects were discussed,
PO namely the sanitary conditions, surrounding one of our ci' ilens
hom^s. After much discussion it was decided that the party con-
eerned was doing his best to clean him place up. and that a couple
.)f Councillors w're ;oing around to have a further talk with t-im,
to see if by same help from the Village he couldn't get it craned
up much faster, and more satisfactorly. Also during thi. discussion
it was brought to the attention of the Council that the Clerk had a
letter from Dr. Hoffman of the Tlgin County Health Unit, advising
that a Mr. A. 7. K. Bunnell of the Health Department at Toronto,
was deeirbous of meeting the Council, to discuss our Housing problem
.•pith the idea of cleaning up, and making more presentable, our
west peach. It was ordered of the Clerk, that he contact Mr. Hoffman
asking him end bar. Burnell to meet with us, if possible on either
November 12th or 13th. at S o'c&ock in the evening.
Moved by H. Hoshal, seconded by 7has. Bonner that this Council adiourn
until the next regular meeting, unless in case of emergency. Carried.
The meeting adjourned at 10.4E PM.
1. Can. Bank of Comm. Hydro Bill Mun. Hall $ 4.05\ 145
2. Chas. Butter-wick Cutting lawn Yon. Hall 3.00\ 146
3. F. Steers. C.P. Line Gas. Bill Comr. Hall 1.90\ 147
• 4. Can. Bank of Comm. Hydro Bill Comm. Hall 5.67\ 148
5. Municipal WorldAss. Notices etc. 34264 7.75N 153
6. J. W. Crocker Spreading gravel 12.00\ 151
7. Jack Hayward Caretakers fee Comm. Hall 14.00N\ 154
8. Tillsonburg Mach. Shop Oil Tank & Stand. 48.00N\ 155
9. Treas. of Ont. 0.P.P. Const. Mileage .5.04\ 156
10.Shelton R.A. & Son Gravel 415 Yds. 02.75 Yd. 1141.25\ 152
11.Le. May Mrs. Jos. Relief Nev. 20.00\ 157
12.Grieve. H. Mileage to Aylmer 3.50\ 159
13.Laemers F. Garb. Coll. for Oct. 60.00 160
14.Receiver General Postage Stamps 4.00\ 150
15.71m. Bugler. Mileage to Till. Re. Oil Tank 3.50 \ 158 •
16.Canadian Leeion Policing 'pillage on Oct. 31/53 1.00.00\ 161
F. Lammnra Garb. Coll. for Sept. to canc..1 $00.00 1491
cheque No. 140 Lost in mail
. .R.n vp
• Qiir7.1 i''''''"_' .
The righteenth meeting of the Council of the Corporation OO the Village
of Port Burwell, was held in the Council Chambers, in the Municipal Hall
on the evening of October 5th. 1953.
The meeting was called to order at 7.45 Pm by Reeve Alward, who presided
over the meeting, with Councillors, Bonner, Eugl-r, Hoshal and Kaufmann
in attendance.
• First in order of business was he reading of the minutes 00 the last reg-
ular, and two spenial meetings, hall 'n the month of September. No deletions
or additions to be made the Reeve ordered the minutes as read and a*o'-ted.
Next in order, ras the passing of accounts payable by the Village, a motion
by Chas. Bonner, second.d by H. Hoshal, 'hat accounts No's 1 to 13 on toucher
No. 9 be paid, and that the Reeve be authorised to sign same. Carried.
At this point, the ireeting was interupted by the presenc. if Mr. Joseph
rmerson of Vienna, who had come to lodge a complaint with the Council
about the de9]oreble conditions und'r which a resident of the Vinare
exists, namely Mr. leo. Armstrong, of "rieus St. He advised the Council
that he had been in touch with the Health Authotities in St. Thomas, and
that they were going to furnish a complete report to Mr. Alward, who
promised for the Council as a whole, their complete support, knowing as
they do, the condition of Mr. Armstrongs house, and surro unding area.
Mr. Emerson also told how it was impossible for him to get fire insurance
on his property, located next door to the Armstrong place, owing to the
fact that, the Insurance Company considered the Armstrong place, nothing
short of a fire trap.
After Mr. Pmerson left, the meeting continued, with a motion by J. H. Kauf-
mann seconded by Wm. Bugler, that in accordance with By-law No 15 of the
municipality, the date for the holding of Nominations for the Municipal
Council and other local Boards of the Village ha Nov'r•ber 30th. 1953. and
the date for the holding of an election for the said Council and other
local Boards be December 7th. 1953. Carried.
It was moved by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by H. HOshal that Mr. Mm. Layyock
be appointed Deputy Returning Officer for this coming election, and that
Mrs. V. Tedford be a^pointed ?cle Clerk for same. Carried.
After snre discussion, it was moved by H. Hoshal, seoonded by J. H. Kauf-
mann that agrant of one Hundred dollars, ($100.00) be given to Branch
524 Canadian Legion for potlicing the Village of Port Burwell, on Halloween
night, October 31st. 1953. Carried.
Moved by J. H. Kaufmann, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that this Council grant
Fifty dollars(=50.00) as final rayrent to the Secretary of the SQbray
Bound, for the year 1953. carried.
Moved by Chas. Bonner, seconded by J. F. Kaufmann, that the Community Club
of Port Burwell be granted a lease of the urstairs rooms of the Community
Hall under the same terms, as of 1952. Carried.
Moved by Chas. Bonner, seconded by H. Hoshal, that ,his Council meeting adjourn
•intil the next regular meeting, unless in case of emergency. Carted.
Meeting adjourned at 10.45 PM.
1. Central Pine Line Comm. Hall for Aug. $ 2.00\Cheque No. 132
• 2. County of x'lgin Grading, Calcium Ftp. 507. 0\ 134
3. Municipal WorldTax Sale Procedure 1.19\ " " 135
4. County Clerks Office Hosp. Hill Re J. Armstrong 75.10\ " " 136
5. Treasurer of Ontario Provincial Police 174.70\ " " 137
6. G. A. Barrie Fun. Home Ambulance Re. Ley 10.00\ " " 138
7. A.R.Wright :c Son Comb. Door Bulbs Tito. 31.15\ " " 139
8. F. Laemers. Garb. Coll. for September 60.00\ " " 140
9. Le. May Mrs. J. Relief, for October 20.00\ " " 133
• 10. Mr. Dick Hall Ass. Notices, stamps ec. 13.64\ " " 141
11. Jack Hayward Oil Stove for Nun. Hall 50.00 " " 142
12. H. Grieve ( clerk ) Mileage to Aylmer 3.50\ " " ' 143
13. Pt. Burwell Library Bd. Annual Grant 2 • 50.00a " " 144
.../: •7.i.`l.�ti �a - Clerk.
The seventeenth meeting of the Council of the Corporation
of the Village of Port Burwell Ont. was held in the Munic-
ipal Hall on the evenirg of September 29th.
The meeting was presided over by Reeve H. 0. Alward, with
41111/ Councillors, Bugler, Bonner, Fcshal, and Haufrann in att-
The meeting was called in conjunction with I the School
Board, to determine, the advisibility of making application
_ to the Municipal Board, re an extension of time, for the
retrrn or the Assessment Roll.
The meeting having been called to order, by Rpeve Alward,
i *xs. at 8 PM, and after much discussion, by all members
of the School Board, and the r'ouncil, it was moved by
Chas. Bonner, and seconded by Thu. Bugler, that By-Law No
45, being a By-Law, authorizing an application to the Dept.
of Municipal Affairs to extend the time for the return of
the Assessment Roll under the Assessment Act R.S.C. 1950
Chapter 4, Section 53 Sub-Section 6, be read a first, sec-
ond, and third time, and finally passed. carried.
It vas moved by Chas. Bonner and seconded by 1m Bugler,
that this Council meeting adjourn until the next regular
meetirz, unless in case of emergency. carried.
Meeting dismissed at approximately 10 PM.
.1` . • • .... . . .:O. O- Clerk.
The fifteenth meeting of the Council of the Corporation of
The Village of Port Burwell Ont. was held in the Municipal
Hall on Tuesday evening September 8th. 1953.
The meeting was called to order et 8 Pm. with Reeve Alward
in the chair and with Councillors, Bonner, Bugler, Hoshal,
1110 and Kaufmann in attendance.
The meeting opened with the reading of the minutes of the
last regular meeting. The Reeve noting that the Clerk had
the name Gibb, in the minutes, instead of Stubbs, as head
of the Hydro 7l-c. Co. Aylmer, this error having b-en corr-
ected, the Reeve oed-red the minutes as read and adopted.
First in order of business for the evening, ;res the rasing
of bills raybele by the Village, a motion by Chas. Bonner,
and seconded by Am Bugler, that secounts No's 1 to 21 on
Voucher No 8 hP paid and that the Reeve he authorized to
sign same. carried.
Next was a motion by J. H. Kaufmann that the Voters list
be compiled alphabetically as in the past. Motion seconded
by H. Hoshal. carried.
Next was a motion by Chas. Bonner, seconded by 'im Bugler,
that the Council of this municipality accent with regret
the resignation of Mr. D.F.Gibson, Q.C. from the position
of Village Solicitor, and that we deeply appreciate his past
services to the Council, and that the Village Clerk be ins-
tructed to write Mr. Gibson to this eefeot. Carried.
During the evening a number of subjects care up for discu-
ssion, one, was a letter from Mrs. 7.G. ?Thit- of the Home
of Incurable Children; Re. a Miss shirl-y Young of this
Village, who has been a ratient there for some time, Her
mother having taken care of her expenses for some time,
but now they were forced to write the Council, asking that
the Village place her on th^ir indigent rolls, end that
the Council assume responsibility for the raynents due the
Rome since April 1952. The Clerk was ordered to write Mrs.
White, telling her that the Reeve was going to take the
matter up with the County Council at their next regrlar ree-
ting *hat was coninr up in the very near 'future.
The Clerk was also ordered to get in contact with !`s. John
Foy, town clerk of the town of Aylmer Ont. asking his help
And advice in the selection of a Vil age Solicitor, from his
The. Clerk was also ordered to get in touch with Mr. '. McQuig an
who is now op rating two taxis it the Village, advising him
that he is subject to another license fee of c5.00, in order
to carry on him Taxi business within *h. limits of the Village.
It was moived by Wm. Bugler and seoonded by Chas. Bonner, that
the Council purchase an oil burning stove to be installed in
the Council Chambers, in tie Municipal Hall. Carried.
Next it was moved by J.H. K.ufmann and seconded by Chas. Bonner
that this Council mike apclication for interim payment of
statutory grant under the Highway Imrrovement Act. on road ex-
penditures to date. carried.
It was roved by Chas. Bonner and seconded by Tim. Bugler, that
this council adjourn until the next regular meeting unless in
cas- of emergency. carried.
Meeting adjourned at 11 PM.
Receiver General Postage Stamps $ 4.00\ 113
Comm. of Police for Ort. Salary to July 31/53 421.57\ 114
Central Pipe Line Comm. Hall for July 2.00\ 115
H. Gti.ve Pen 1.98\ 120
Chas. Warnock Co. lat. Inst. Re. Assess, -t-450.00s. 117
J.D. Thomson Cnty Clerk County rate for 1953 3605.00 116
• Municipal World Assessment Notices 3.75\ 121
Dept. of Health Ont. Insulin Pe. M. By-endow 1.06N. 122
Chas. Butterwiok Mowing Lawn 2.63\ 119
Comm. of Police Ont. Salary to Aug. 31/53 311.00\ 123 •
D.W. Cursringe Relief for Sept. 70.00\ 124
Le. May Yrs. J. " " " 20.00., 125
W. Trimble Sec. School Bd 1st. Inst. 1953 Levy 2000.00\ 118
Municipal World Appraisal Sheets (100) 3.00N 121
F. Laemers Garb. Coll for Aug. 60.00 126
"has. Butterwick Mowing Lawn 4.00\ 119
G.A. Barrie Funeral Home Amb. for LeMa.y 10.00"- 127
N-.ws Printing rnv'.1o'es Less Credit .44`• 128
A. Brooks Trucking & Spred Chloride47.00\ 129
D. F. Gibson ( Solicitor) Frofessional Services 20.32"\ 130
i.lh./► . 4r.. 4P .Reeve Clark.
The sixteenth meeting, a erncial meeting of the Village Council BE
the Corporation of The Village of Fort Burwell Ont. was held in the
Municipal Hall, on Monday ev-ning the 14th. of September.
The meting was called to order at 8 Fm by Remy- Alward, who presided
over the meeting, with Councillors Kaufmann, Fnshal . and Bonn-'r in
The meeting was called primarily to a' roint Mr. Fred Barnum of the
00* Town of Aylmer Ont. as Village Solicitor. It was moved by J.H. Kaufmann
and seconded by Chas. Bonn-'r that this Council arroint Mr. Fred Barnum
Q.C. UN of the Town of Aylmer Ont. as Vinare Solicitor; Mr. Barnum
having expressed his willingness to ant as our legal adviser, at any
time should his services as such be required. Carried.
Moved by Chas. Horner and seconded by H. Hoshal that the Village Clerk
write Mr. Barnum Q.C. ( Solicitor for this Village ) to rrerare to pro-
ceed with a tax sale of prop'.rty on which taxes are deliauent according
to the assessment Act. Also that the Solicitor be instructed to prepare
for the vote Re; this village taking over the hydro. Carried.
Also at the meeting a discussion came up regards the actions of twoAP/ .:
parties reo-iving help, one on direct relief the other on the Mothers
Allowance. The Clerk was asked to write Mr. WM. Birni- of the Ontario
Department of Pubaic Welfare, asking his advice, on the proper procedure
to follow in ca-h case, also the action that sh-'uld be taken.
Moved by Chas. Bonner, seconded by F. Hoshal that t;iis Council adjourn
until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Carried.
The fourteenth meeting, a regular meeting of the Council of
the Corporation of the Village of Port Eurw-ll, was held in
the Municipal Hall, on Monday August 3rd. 1953.
The meeting was called to order, at aprroximately eight PM
with Reeve, Alward in the chair and with Councillors, Bugler,
• Kaufman, and Hoshal in attendance.
The first order of business for the evening was the reading of
the minutes of the last regular meeting by the Clerk, no addit- •
ions or deletions to be made, the Reeve ordered the minutes as
read and adopted.
Next in order was the passing of Accounts payable by the Village
a motion moved by'J. H. Kaufman, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that
voucher lio 7 accounts No's 1 to 21 be paid and that the Reeve
be authorized to sign same. Carried.
Next was a motien,mowed by Wm. Bugler and seconded by F. Hoshal
that By-law 5 44 being a by-law to restrict the speed of motor
vehicles operating within the limits of Memorial Park, be set •
at a sped not exceeding 15 miles Por hour, be read this first
second, third and final time. Carried.
The rest of the evening was spent, discussing several subjects,
Re. the addition of three street lights, one on Robinson St.,
Ind two on Wellington St.,4,the Clerk having been advised by the
Council to write Mr. S'4'I ,of the H. F. F. C. Aylmer, that the
Council having passed a motion to have same =UM installed
and for them to install seine at their earliest nerrenience.
Next under discussion was the relief subject, Re. D.W. Cummings:,. .
The cleric having completed and forwarded papers to the Disabled
Persons 131I Allowance Branch of the Dept. of Public Welfare,
in April or May, and nothing baying come of same, the Clerk was
ordered to write the Dept. asking as to their decision in his case.
The Clerk was aslo ordered to write Mr. Cecil Hoffman, Public Health
Dept. of the County, asking that he rake a personnel visit to the
West Beech, re the sanitary conditions existing there. A complaint
having been lodged with one of the Councillors, by a resident of
the beach, property.
The clerk was also ordered to write the Clerk of the Village of
Port Stanley Ont. asking for a copy of their By-law, restricting
the erection of Cottages and other concessions on the beach.
The meeting having been disturbed ( espeoia:1y the Councillors,
Reeve, and Clerk) 7.2XIMMOIMEMOLI by the presence of numerous
flies, weeps, etc. it was ordered that the Clerk, order a new
combination screen and storm door and have Mr. A. Brown install
same at his earliest convenience.
It was £uth-r ordered that the clerk, select an appropriate card
to be mailed to Mr. & 'Mrs. D.F. Gibson, in sympathy of the death
of their son, and to be signed on behalf of the Reeve, Council &
ext was a motion by Wm. Buy-ler, and seconded by J. N. Kaufman,
that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting, unless
in case of emergency.
It was also ordered of the Clerk, that he contact Mr. Masson of the
H. F. P. C. London Ont. re the purchasing of Hydro power, under a
cost municipality system.
1 Raceiver General of Canada Postage stamps $ 7.00..Cheque No. 92
! P. F. P. C. Community Hall 4.05. " " 93
3 A & N Telephones Co. MUNICIPAL Hall 20.50N " " 94
4 Jack Hayward Lev.lin6 Sidwwalk 4.50 " " 9511111
5 " " Comm. Hall Caretakers
fee 28.00-N " " 96
6Can. Bnk ofmm Hall 6 07 " " 97
Comm..Coima.. H. P. C. \
7 Reg. offioa Cnty of Flgin List of Prop. transfers 3.35 " "I 100
8 Tnship Bayhsm Pillow eervicas 468.04\ " " 101
9 Central Pip. Lina Comm. hallfor Junes 2.00 • " " 99
— 10 W. Trimble Sec. School Bd. Bel. 1952 L•vy 3.00 " " 98
11 Cham Lima Ltd. Limestone screenings 6.85\ " " 102
12 H. T. & Cath.rs Camp. Ins. 50.00 " " 103
13 Harold Belore Wewd spraying. 123.12.. " 104
• 14 Municipal World Dog Tags rte. 28.83 • " " 112
15 Chas. Butt.rwiok Cutting lawn 4.00., " " 105
16 Cn*-y of e3lgin Spaad signs. 23.76‘.. " " 106
17 F. Ia•mers Garb. Coll for July 60.00'- " " 107
18 D. W. Cummings Relief for August 70.00 " " 1C8
19 Le. May Mrs. J. " " " 20.00N " 109
20 Ingersoll Daily S. Review Advertising 25.00\ " 110
22 Frank Lammers. We'd Cutting 110.00\ " " 111
• CO
,,,, .. ..y.f,Sr:Syr.:.Clark.
The Thirteenth meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the
Village of Fort Burwell, held in the Municipal Hall, on the eve-
ning of July 6th. 1953.
The meeting came to order at apnroximately 7.30 PM with Reeve
Alward in the Chair, and with Councillors, Kaufman, Bugler, and
Hoshal in attendance. Councillor Bonner, having been called
back to work on account of a machine having broke* down.
The first order of business for the evening, was the reading of
the last regular and Special meeting minutes by the Clerk, No
additions or deletions to be made the Reeve ordered the minutes
as read and adopted.
Newt in order, was the passing of Accounts Payable by the Village,
a motion moved by Wm. Bugler* and seconded by H. Hoshal, that
accounts No's 1 to 19 on Voucher No. 6 be paid, and that the
Reeve he authorised to sign same. ferried.
A motion moved by Wm. Bugler, and seconded by J. H. Kaufman,
that By-law No. 41, being a By-law providing for a thirty mile
anI hour speed limit in the Village and a ten Mile anI hour
speed limit in Memorial Park. and providing for the necessary
erection of signs, be read, a first, second, third and final
time, and passed. Carried.
Next in line was the reading of the contract drawn up by the
Charles Warnock Co., Hamilton Ont. Re the reassessing of the
Village by the Clerk, After much discussion on the subject, it
was moved by J. H. Kaufman, seconded by H. Hoshal, that By-law
No 42, being a by-law to appoint Mr. v.F.Hall of the Chas. Wer-
nook Co., assessor for the Village of Port Burwell Ont. for the
year 1953, for Taxes collectable in 1954, be read this first,
second, third and final time. Carried.
The next matter coming up for discussion, was the Fled situation
in the Village, The Village having done their part, in the nutting
and eradication of weeds, decided to have our weed inspector, Mr.
A. Brown, go over the Village, and advise any owner of prorerty
whose weeds were not cut, that they were to do so, in a minimum of
time, otherwise, the Village would have them cut, and'the expense
would be charged to the owner.
It was moved by J. H. Kaufman, seconded by Wm. Bugler, that this
Council, authorize the H.z'.P.C. to install two street lights, on
#19 highway, and one on Robinson St., and to raise the street lights
on the west side on Robinson St. Carried.
Moved by J. H. Kaufman and seconded by Wm. Bugler, that the Port
Burwell Legion be given permission to close off the Village streets
as per their letter to the Village, on the night cf July 29th/53.
from 7 PM to the close of the evenings entertainment. Carried.
Moved by R. Hoshal, seconded by 'Tm. Bugler, that the Clerk, contact
the Bread Comranies pedaling bread in Portc$urwell Ont. notifying
them of twenty-five dollar License
pe e year 1953. Time of
payment not later then August 15th. 1953. Carried.
Moved by H. Hoshal, seconded by J. H. Kaufman, that this Council
adjourn at 10.45 PM until the next regular meeting, unless in case
of emergency. Carried.
Moved by H. Hoshal, seconded by J. H. Kaufman, that this Council
pay to the Village Library Board the first instalment, on annual
• grant of $100.00. The amount of $50.00 Carried.
1 Central Pill. Line Gas Bill for May Comm. Hall $ 5.60 Cheque No 73
2 A.H.Smith Placing dog signs 7 Hours 5.25N " 75
3 Geo. Chute Re. Mary Vaughan Coal 5.50 " 76
4 News Printing Co. Printing • 49.15N " 77 410
5 Clerk Prep. Pension Papers, Pen & Ink 3.60N " 78
6 Municipal World Stationery 7.30\ " 79
7 Pt. Bur. Bd. Fducationlst. Instalment 1953. Levy 1000.00-N " 74
8 County Clerks Office Victoria & Memorial Hosp. 217.6? " 80
9 A.R. +fright Looks, screens, etc. Municipal hall 17.96 '- " 81
10 P.x'. Wilson Signs,(Road) 10.00N " 82
11 Mrs. *r'. Dosser Cleaning Jail Cells 3.00 \ " 83
12 Chas. Butterwick Mowing Lawn Municirai Hall 5.00N " 84
13 A. Brooks Trucking and spr..eiing Chloride 42.00N, " 85
14 C.W. Cummings Relief July 70.00N " 86
15 Le May Mrs. J. " " 20.00-s, " 87
16 F. Laemers Garbage Coll. for June 60.00N " 88
17 Geo. Bradt Cutting weeds 93.00N " 89
18 J. H. Kaufman Flags, ?xtension ladder express 106.54" " 90
19 Port Burwell Lib. Bd lat. Instalment 1953 grant. 50.00'N " 91
(--"T "
The twelvth meeting of the Villaa�c��Council of the Corporation
of the Village of Port Burwe11aji'1wW.es�gi44:frin the kitchen of
Councillor Wm. Bugl-rs Beech Casino, on Friday June 19th. 1953.
The meeting was called to order, shortly after 8P1, with Reeve
Alward presiding, and with Councillors Bugler, Bonner, Bestial,
and Kaufman in attendanoe.
The main purpose of calling the meeting was to discuss the pro
posed reassessment of the Village. Having received no word from
our letter cf June 3rd. to M. Ann Shirley, of Business Associates
Ltd. of Toronto Ont. and having Mr. Ribson of the Chas. '7arnock
Co., in town in quest of our decision re reassessment, it was
Moved by J. H. Kaufman and seconded by Chas. Bonner, that this
Council accept the quotation of Cras. Warnock & Co., to reassess
the village at $1250.00, with the understanding that this work
be started at ono. upon aeceptanoe of a contract, when presented
to the Council. Carried.
The meeting was honored by the presence of' our new summer Prov
inolal Folice Constable, who had several suggestions to make in
regard, street traffic signs, He also suggested the placing of
a bulb in the centre of main at. to work in conjuction -with the
telephone that has been placed in the lunicipal Hall. If after
calling the Municiral Hall and not being able to contact Mr. Vye
the operator could turn on this lite, which would act as a signal
to him to contact the operator re a phone message to him. During
this discussion it was ordered of the Clerk that he contact the
County Clerks office re the purchase of several new Speed and
Parking signs. It was also ordered that he contact Mr. Len Simp-
son, of the Provincial Highway Dept. in regard the height of the
stop sign at our main intersection, it being too high for the
motorist to see, and asking him to lower same.
Next business under discussion was the question of Dogs. Dogs
running at large, Dog tags, and Dog licenses. At this time it
was oddered of the Clerk to purchase from the Municipal World
S'. Thomas Ont. enough tags to finish out the year of 1953.
Mr. Alward having attended the County Council meeting of' recent
date, and having been talking :with Mr. Fred Bell of the County
'ngine-re Office, who had a proposition to make to the Village
Council. That the County would fill in the side of the road, and
lay a new sidewalk, providing the LI Village Council, would agree
to pay 50% of the cost of laying the new sidewalk. Therefore it
was Moved by J. H. Kaufman and seconded by H. HOshal that blas
Council be in agreement lith the County to assume 50% of the cost
of laying the sidewalk on the County road leading into the Village
from the west. Carried.
It was moved by Chas. Bonner and seconded by Wm. Bugler, that this
Special Meeting of Council adjourn until the next regular meeting
unless in case of emergency. Carried.
The meeting adjourned at 10 PM.
• • .. ve. lerk.
F4i.Aer,A X
The tooth meeting, a regular meeting of the Village Council of the
Vorporation of the Village of Port Burwell, was held in the Municipal
Hall, on monday June 1st. 1953.
The meeting opened with Reeve Alward, in the chair, and with Councillors
Bonner, Hoshal and Kaufman present.
The meeting opened at 7.50 PM, with minutes ee the last regular and
11111/1 two special meetings being read. The Council with nothing to add, ordered
the minutes as read and adopted.
Business for the evening opened with the passing of bills for payment
by the Village.
It was moved by Chas. Bonner, and seconded by H. Hoshal, that accounts
No's 1 to 20 on Voucher No. 5 be paid, and that the Reeve, be authorized
to sign same. carried.
While in the process of passing bills for payment, the meeting was int-
erupted by a visit from Mr. C.Hoffman of the St. Thomas, L'lgin, Health
Unit of St. Thomas Ont. He made himself aqusinted with everyone present
and also gave us a talk on his business with the Council, plaining that
it was his responsibility, to see that any
work done in the County, that would have to do with Health conditions,
oame under his jurisdiction and Health regulations.
The only other new business was a letter from the Hydro mlectric Power
Commission, advising , as to the initial cost of the Hydro System in the
Village, and also the rates that would prevail, if and when the Village
purchas-s the system. This matter entailing a lot of work and thought &
was laid over until a later date, to be worked out at a special meeting
to be called in the very near future.
Having neglected to pass a By-law to levy & collect the taxes for the
year 1953,
It was moved by IIIRIII7 NIXALOWMIUCIDIMIII Chas. Bonner,
and seconded by J.H. Kaufman that By-law No 40 being a By-law to levy
the rates and taxes for the year 1953, and to provide for the Collecting
thereof be read a first, second and third time and finally passed in open
Council, this lot day of June 1953. Carried.
Business arising out of minutes of the last meeting were next discussed,
Having had no further word from Mr. H. Ribson, of Chas. Warnock Co., of
Hamilton Ont. in regard our reassessment of the Village, it was ordered
that the Clerk, write to Y. Ann Shipley of the Business Planning Associates
Limited of Toronto, seeking a tender from them, on the reassessment of
the Village.
The subject of additional Police protection, *as next brought up, the
Clerk,-advising the Council that no answer to his letter to the Comm-
issioner of Police for Ontario had been rec.ived.
It was moved by Chas. Bonner and seconded by H. Hoshal, that VIII this
Council adjourn until the next regular meeting, unless in case of em-
ergency. Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 10.30 PM.
Accounts Payable Voucher No. 5. June 1st. 1953.
Central Pipe Line Co. Comm Hall $ 10.85 D.F. Gibson Re. Debentures $256.27
Reoeiver *eneral EINIZIEUXI stps 14.00\ B. Mo Cord Road Scraping 30.00.,
Ham. Ward Cathere Personel Bond 4.27\ J. H. Quirt Salary 61.65\
H. Grieve Prep of Relief papers 21.50\ Mrs. N. Underhill Re. Cain 15.00N
Ben Moore Clerks Sign 5.22\ Chas. Butterwiok Lawn Mowing 4.00
Township of Bayham Grading 32.00 D.W.Cumsings Relief June
Prov. Treas. Insulin Mrs. Brandow 1.75 Le May
Geo Chute Coal Re. M. Vaughan 10.70\ F. Laemirs Garb. Coll May 60.00.,
Cope Trans. Del Chge Filing Cab. 1.50., Peters Brown Aud Aco to Deo31 155.90\
Dave Kempel Filing Cabinet 83.60 Chas. Bonner Flag Comm Hall 9.00.,
The nineth meeting, a special meeting, called primarily
to set the Bud#et for the year 1954, was held in the Mun-
icipal Hall on the evening of Thursday May 7th.
The meeting was called to order at 7.45 PM, with
Reeve,, Alward, presiding, and with Councillors, Bugler,
Bonner, Hoshal and Kaufman present.
. The first matter to come under discussion was the
purchasing of a suitable flag for the Community Hall, and
also flags for decorating the streets, for the coming
Coronation Celebration.
It was moved by Wm. Bugler, and seconded by Chas.
Bonner, that a Union Jack ( Wool ) 7'6" be purchased
from the Aylmer Branch, Canadian Legion for use on the
Community Hall,Price $7.50. Also flags to decorate the
streets, for the Coronation Celebration. Carried.
Moved by Chas. Bonner and seconded by Wm. Bugler,
that sufficient rope Dor the Flag staff on the Community
Hall be purchased from A.N. Wright Hardware, Carried.
After long hours of discussion and study it was,
Moved by Chas. Bonner, and seconded by J. H. Kaufman
that the mill rate for taxes for the year 1951, be fixed
at 86 Mills. Carried.
Moved by Chas. Bonner, and seconded by H. Hoshal
that this Council adjourn until the next regular meeting,
unless in case of emergency. Carried.
(19' ..
Reeve: Clerk.
The tenth meeting, a special meeting of the Council, was
held the evening of May 14th. 1953, in the Municipal Hall.
The meeting was called for 8 PM but did not get under way
until near 8.30, owing to the absence of one of the Coun-
The meeting was called to order by Reeve Alward,
Councillors Bonner, Bugler, Hoshal, and Kaufman were also
• An appointment having been made with Inspector
Clubbe of the Ontario Provincial Polio*, to talk over
additional Police protection, for the Village, during the
summer months, Mr. Alward turned the meeting over to him
asking that he outline the necessary procedure, we must
follow, to secure the services of a Provincial Constable
for three months, ( June 15th. to September 15th. )
After much discussion, on the subject as a whole,
It was moved by J. H. Kaufman, seconded by Wm. Bugler,
that this Council reeuest a contract be drawn up with the
Commissioner of Polio, for Ontario, for the services of a
S Provincial Constable, for three months, commencing the
15th. of June, ending the 15th. of September 1953. Carr.
It was also suggested by Inspector Clubbe, that a
letter of urgency be sent, along with the motion of Coun-
cil, stating the facts and stressing the point of not
being able to secure the services of the proper type of
man locally.
Moved by Chas. Bonner and seconded by Vim. Bugler
that this special meeting of Counc .djourn until the
next regular meeting, unless in ase of ,ergency. Carr.
The eighth meeting, a regular meeting of the Village Council
was held at the Municipal Hall on Monday May 4th. 1953.
The meeting was called to order at 7.50 PM with Reeve Alward,
presiding, and with Councillors, Bugler, Bonner, Kaufmann and
Hoshal present.
First in order of business was the passing of bills payable,
Accounts No's 1 to 7, of Voucher number four. This motion was
moved by Mr. Chas. Bonner and seconded by H. Hoshal. Carried.
Next was a discussion c" the condition of the gutter along main
street. It was decided to have the Clerk, write Mr. Len Simpson
of Bayham Ont., asking his co-operation in having one of his
crews of men, take care of this deplorable condition.
It was moved by Chas. Bonner and s-conded by J. Kaufmann, that
the Clerk be authorized to order a two drawer filing cabinet,
with lock, ( Foolscap size ) from Mr. Dave Kepel, Kitchener
Ont. Carried.
Following this there was a lengthy discussion, Re: By-Law No.
20 ( a Hawkers and Pedlars By-Law ) Re: Charges to be made,
anyone entering she Village, to pedal Goode or Merchandise.
Moved by Chas. Bonner and s-conded by H. Hcshal, that By-Law
20 Claws No 2 be amended to read, as follows;
The fee for a Licence under this By-Law shall be,
( A ) $25.00 ( B ) $15.00 ( C ) $10.00 ( D ) $5.00. Carried.
The subject of a rroper turn at the top of the Cannery Hill, and
doing away with the short piece of road leading to Chatham St.,
was discussed, but was laid over to a later date.
Notices of indignent persons from Hospitals were OK'd by the
Council with the exception of Mr. Wet. Carruthers, from the
Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital. The Clerk was advised
to refuse to accept same and to notify the hospital to that
The Clerk was also authorized to purchase a new name plate for
the ( Village Clerk's Office Sign )
The subject of additional police protection for the summer
was also discussed, and the Clerk advised to write Inspector
Clubbe, asking for an arpointment with him, on Thursday May 14th.
at 8 PM in the Municipal Hall.
The Clerk was also asked to order from the Tillsonbur News,
( 50 ) Copies of Notices Re: ( Dogs running at large ) during
summer months.
It was moved by H. Hoshal and seconded by Chas. Bonner, that
this Council adjourn at 10.25 PM until the next regular meeting,
except in case of emergency. Carried.
Accounts Bayable:
(1) F. Laemers, Garbage Collection Mar. a April $120.00\
(2) Receiver General P.O. Box 1 Year
(3) H. Grieve, Re; T.B. Ronson, Rprs to steps 2.15\
(4) Municipal Yorld Debenture register 8.28
(5) D. W. Cummings Relief: May 70.00N,
(6) Le May Mrs. J. 20.00..
(7) Dair Ed. Cleaning streets 21.00\
}`--� • ALJ• .w t"4'' L •
Reeve. Clerk.
Minutes of the seventh meeting ( a regular meeting ) held in
Customs Office on the evening of April 15th. 1953.
The meeting wan called to order at 8 FM, Reeve Alward wns ;n
the chair, and Councillors, Bonner, Bugler, Kaufmann, and
Hoshal, were present.
Minutes BD the last regular,and,two !venial meetings were
read by the C1-rk, and ord--red adopted.
It was discussed and ordered ',hat the Clerk write to Mr. Geo.
Fowles, Assistant Road Superintendent, 3t. Thomas Ont. and
see if they could supply the Villag- with 11 tions of Caloium
for the streets.
It was also ordered that the Clerk, write to Mr. Clubb, of the
Ontario Provincial Poli'e regarding additional Police protection
durin€ the summer months under the O.P.P.
The matter of a Village Assessor ws:s also discussed, and ordered
that the Clerk write to Mr. J. F. Coombe, Sen. Treas. of :he
Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario, laking the approx-
imate cost, as well as ae7 advantages the Association nav offer
by having then assess the Village.
Order of business for the rest of the meeting was as follows;
Moved by Chas. Bonner and seconded by H. Hcshal that accounts
no's 1 to 12 on voucher =7 3 be paid, and that the Reeve be
authorized to sign same. Carried.
:loved by J. H. Kaufmann and seconded by H. iiyshal that this
Council give D. F. Gibson Permission to sell the full +17,000.
• worth of Debentures to the Canadian Bank of Commerce, at par.
Moved by H. Hoshal and secerdei by Nm. Bugler, that this Council
adopt Daylight Saving time, to be effective from Mid-nite April
25th. to Mid-nite September 28th. Carried.
Moved by J. H. Kaufmann, and seconded by H. Hoshal that this Council
cancel the accumulated penalties on back taxes of H: Gasparali, Keith
Stanton and Queenie Dellar. Carried.
Moved by Chas. Bonner and seconded by Wm. Bugler, that this Council
adjourn until the next re;tiler meeting, unless in case of emergency.
Meeting adjourned at 11 P1
Mrs. 1I 3randow
County Clerks Office Re: Victoria Hosp. London '1r. D. Cumrings
Memorial " Till. Mrs. 3. Temple $157.69\
News Printing Co. Account rendered 11.45e
J. P. Ball Cleaning streets 130.13
A. Brooks Sand Gravel, filling culvert washout 11.00
G. A. Barrie Funeral Home Ambulance Re. J. Le May 8.00
Municipa World stationery and 7 Sub. to M.W. 28.27
H.r.P.C. Hydro Bills Town & Police Halls 9.84
Central Pipe Line Gas Bills, Comm. Hall, Feb.& March. 31.20%
Cummings D.W. Relief April 70.00N
Le Lay J. Mrs. n " 20.00e.
Dair Fd. " " 10.00
Total 607.58-
pave. Clerk.
Minutes of the fifth meeting, ( A special meeting ) was called
March 20th. The meeting was called to discuss and arpoint a
Special Clerk-Treas. in the absence of Clerk H. Grieve, to give
this Council authority to issue a Cheque to the school contractor
through Mr. Wibb Trimble, the school IMAM, Board Secretary.
The meeting was called to order, with Mr. H.C. Alward ( Reeve )
presiding, and Councillors, Kaufmann, Bonner, Hoshal, and Bugler
were present.
It was moved by H. Hoshal and seconded by Chas. Bonner, that
Councillor J. H. Kaufmann act as Clerk-Tr-asurer in the absence
of H. Grieve. Carried.
Moved by ',Mae. Bonner and seconded by Wm. Bugler that kr. J.
Kaufmann be secretary for this special meeting. Carried.
Moved by Wm. Bugler and seconded by Chas. Bonner, ,hat Mr. Jack
Hayward be appointed caretaker of the Community Hall, Dog Tax
Collecbbr, and Dog Catcher. Renumeration at $1.00 per rental of
the Hall, 2C% of Dog Tax collected, and the amount of the fine
for Dog Catcher. Carried.
Moved by Wm. Bugler and seconded by H. Hoshal that this meting
adjourn until next regular meeting, unless in case of an emer-
gency, when another special meeting will be called.
Reeve. V Lei(7�Yerk
Minutes of the sixth meeting ( a special meeting ) was called
April 6th. The meeting gas held in the Garage of Councillor
Kaufmann and was called primarily to discuss the sale of the
Debenture issue on the School Gym. It was decided to let Mr.
Gibson take care of the issue, es per motion.
• Moved by H. Hoshal and seconded by Chas. Bonner, that, this
Council grant D. F. Gibson, Village Solicitor, permission to
sell $17,000.00 debenture issue at Par, giving preference to
to residents of Port Burwell and vioinity._Cerried.
Moved by Chas. Bonner and seconded by H. Roshal, that this
special meeting adjourn, until the next regular meeting ,
unless in case of emergency. Carried.
.- !.0.4 ...lel
--Reeve. Clerk.
Minutes of the fourth meeting, ( a regular meeting ) of the
Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell,
held in the Polio Hall on Monday March 2nd. 1953.
111111 The meeting was called to order at 7.45 PM. R eve Alward
presiding, and Councillors, Hoshal, Bonner, Bugler and Kauf-
mann were present.
The minutes of -the previous last regular, end two special
meetings, were read by the Clerk, and ordered adopted, ex-
- cept for the last special meeting, where one item •'f the
Clerk having been sworn into office, was ommitted and was
to be typed over.
Readine of Correspondence, and accounts payable by the mun-
icipality were next presented.
Accounts payable were as follows;
A.R. Wright & Son Merchandise *12.48"t
G.A. Barrie Funeral Home Amb. for i'(m Patten 8.004c
'eery Mo Quiggan Taxi Re. Mrs. Barlow 20.00N.
H.F'.P.C. Aylmer Ont. Street Lights & town Hl. 732.14
Dept. of Health of Ont. Insulin Re. sirs. Brandow3.66 t
Lincoln Worth Groc. & Meats Re R. Fulkerson 10.02'S
Hamilton Ward & Cathers, PL & PD. Ins. 106.42
County of 41gin Viet. Hoop & Mem. Hosp. 87.36<,
Bugler, Brisaw, & Fulkerson Sanding streets 9.75--
D.W. Cummings, Relief March 70.00e•
Mrs. F. Le May " " 16.505
F;dward Datr " " 20.00".
Frank Lammers Garbage Coll. Jan & Feb. 120.00".
Jack Ball Wages for cleaning ng streets 123.99A.
W.S. Laycock Readjust and balance books 75.00A.
H. F'. Grieve " " " " 50.00`&
Mildred Mole Refund on tax role 295 3.00`.
. . . OV?R
(1)Moved by J.H. Kaufmann and seconded by H. Hoahal, that
account No's 1 to 17 on Voucher No 2 be paid, and that
the Reeve be authorized to sign Voucher for same. Carr.
(2)Moved by H. Hoshal and seconded by Wm. Bugler, That
this Council pay the sum of one hundred and twenty-five
dollars for the readjusting and balancing of the Village
books following the resignation of J.H. Quirt. Carr.
(3) Moved by J.H. Kaufmann and seconded by Chas. Bonner
That this Council refund Mrs. Mildred Mole, assessed on
lot #48 Role 295 the sum of $3.00 readjustment of over
paid taxes. Carr.
(4) Moved by Mr. Chas. Bonner and seconded by Tim Bugler
That the Clerk be authorized to order seven subscriptions
to the Municipal World for use of the Council, dated
back to January 1st. 1953. CARR.
(5) Moved by Wm Bugler and seconded by H. Hoshal, That
the Council appoint Mr. Murray Stenabaugh as assessor
for the Village for the year 1953. at the salary of
two hundred apd twenty five dollars. Carr.
(6) Moved by Chas. Bonner and seconded by H. eshal That
this Council request Hamilton Ward and Cathers to cancel
the Bond on J.H. Quirt, and to place a similar Bond on
our present Clerk, Treasurer, Hugh Grieve. Carr.
(7) Moved by Chas. Bonner and seconded by Wm. Bugler.
That Mr. Albert Brown be appointed as Weed Inspector for
this Village at a salary of twenty five dollars per annum.
(8)Moved by J,H. Kaufmann and seconded by Wri. Bugler,
That Albert Brown be appointed as building Inspector for
the Village of Port Burwell for the year 1953. Carr.
(9) Moved by Wm. Bugler and seconded by Chas. Bonner
That Len Crocker be appointed as Dog Tax Collector for the
year 1953 on a 20% basis on the money collected. Carr.
(10) Moved by.Wm. Bugler and seconded by H. HOshal That
Len Crocker be appointed Caretaker of the Community Hall •
at the rate of One Dollar for each time the hall is rented
to anyone other than the Community Club. Carr.
(11) Moved by Wm. Bugler and seconded by J.H. Kaufmann
That Chea. Bonner and H. Hoshal be named auditors, to
audit the Community Hall Books. Carr.
(12) Moved by Wm. Bugler and seconded by Chas. Bonner
That H. H'shal be appointed to organize a blood bank in
the 'Tillsonburg Hospital for the use of residence. Carr.
(13)Moved by H. HOshal and seconded by Wm. Bugler, That
By-Iaw # 38, a By-Law authorizing the borrowing of $4000.00
from the Canadian Bank of Commerce to meet, until the taxes
are collected, the Current expenditures of the Municipality
for the year. Carr.
(14) Moved by Chas. Bo-user and seconded by J.II. Kaufmann
That By-Law # 38 be read a second time. Carr.
(15) Moved by J.H. Kaufmann and seconded by Wm. Bugler
That By-Law # 38 be read a third and final time. Carr.
(16) Moved by J.K. Kaufmann and seconded by Wm. Bugler
That this Council adjourn this meeting until the next
regular meeting which will be the 14th. of April, or in
ease of emergency. Carr.
Council adjourned at 12.10 AM.
Minutes of the third meeting ( a special meeting ) of the Council
of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, held in
the Police Hall on Tuesday February 24th.
4 The meeting was called to order at 7.30 P11. Reeve, Alward rres-
iding, and Councillors Hoshal, Bonner, Bugler and Kaufmann were
Order of business for the meeting was as follows]
(1) Moved by Chas. Bonner and seconded by H. Hoothili t That Mr.
William Bugler be the seoretery for this special meeting. carr.
(2) loved by Mr. H. Hoshal and seconded by Mr. Chas. Bonner,
That the application of Mr. Hugh Grieve for the position of
Clerk, Treasurer, and Tax Collector, for this Village be acce-
pted, and that he be appointed to the above offices, at the
salary of $500.00 per Annum retroactive to January 1st. 1
(3) Moved by Mr. 49. Bugler and seconded by Mr. Chas. Bonner
That By-law L36 authorizing the borrowing of $17,000.00 for
the reconstruction and equipment of part of the Public school
building in Port Burwell for school section #2 Bayham be now
read a third and final time. Carried.
(4) Clerk H. Grieve, was sworn into office by Reeve Alward,
assist d by the rorm,r clerk Mr. W.S. Laycock.
(5) Moved by J.H. Kau 'mann and seconded by Mr. rhas. Bonner
That this IIZI1$ Council adjourn this Special meeting until
our next regular meeting, monday March 2nd. 1953. !'arri-d.
Reeve. Clerk.
Minutes of the second meeting ( a special meeting ) of the Council
1 of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, held in the Police
Hall, on Wednesday the 11th. of February.
Meeting called to order at 1.30 PM. Reeve Alward presiding and Coun-
cillors, Kaufmann, Bugler, Bonner, and Hoshal were present.
Meeting called primarily for the purpose of obtaining Clerk, H. Quirt's
Order of business for the meeting was as follows;
(1) Moved by Chas. Bonner, seconded by J.H. Kaufmann. That Wm. Bugler
be secretary for the meting of February 11th. 1053. Carried.
(2) Moved by Chas. Bonner, seconded by H. Hoshal. That this Council
request the resignation of Mr. J.A. Quirt from the office of Village
Clerk, Treasurer, Tax Collector, and all Municipal offices held by
him. Carried.
(3) Moved by J.H. Kaufmann, seconded by Chas. Bonner. That this Cou-
ncil request permission, to have access to the Village Property,
which is in Harry Quirt's dwelling. Carried.
(4) Moved by J.A. Kaufmann, seconded by fie. Bugler. That this Coun-
cil understands that a survey is now being made of the Hydro Lines
and y'quiptment in this Village, and we would be pleased, if on comp-
letion, valuation of this system be submitted to us for our consid-
eration. Carried.
(6) That this special meeting ddjourn until our next Regular meeting
unless in case of emergency. Carried.
(0 Moved by Chas. Bonner, seconded by Wm. Bugler, That Mr. Hugh
Grieve, be appointed temporary Clerk of this Village.
•. • ••.• • .(`.,_'� .N.
e: Clerk.
Minutes of the first regular meeting of the Council of the Corporation of
the Village of Port Burwell, held in the Community Hall on January 5th. 1953.
This meeting was preceded by an inaugeral Dinner, held at the Lakeside Hotel
It was attended by all present and past Reeve's and Councillors, that were
able to be present. The dinner was rrovided by the nates gement of the Hotel
and vas enjoyed by all.
The meeting at the Community Hall was called to order at 8.30PM. Reeve Alward
.1111111 presiding, and Councillors, Bonner, Kaufmann, Bugler, and Hoshal were present.
Order of business for the meeting was as follows=
Moved by J.A. Kaufmhnn and seconded by Chas. Bonner,
That accounts, numbers one to five on Voucher No. 1 be paid and that the Reeve
be authorized to sign voucher for same.
(2) Moved by J.A. Kaufmann and eeoonded by Chas Bonner that the following names
be fence viewers. A.r. Brown, E. Tedford, J. Elliott, W.B. McCord, P. '. Willson.
(3) Moved by Wm Bugler, and seoonded by H. Hoshal, that the following be appoin-
ted to act as a board to adminster the affairs of the Memorial Park for the year
1953. For the Council H. Hoshal, Wm Bugler, J Kaufmann, For the Village, T. Ives
P.F. Willson, and S. Shipp.
(4) Moved by H. Hoshal and seconded by Wm. Bugler. That the following Councillor
be appointed to handle the Strut Lighting situation for the year 1953.
J.H. Kaufmann.
(5) Moved by Wm. Bugler, and seconded by J.H.Kaufmann. That the follwwing fonnoi-
llors act as a Committee to handle the Property, Welfare, and Sanitation for the
Year 1953. H. Hoshal, and Wm. Bugler.
(6) Moved by Chas. Bonner, and Seconded by J.H. Kaufmann. That the following
Councillors act as a Legal, and By-Laws Committee for the year 1953.
Wm. Bugler and Chas. Bonner.
(7) Moved by J.H. Kaufmann and seconded by H. Hoehn', That the following Counci-
llors act as a Finance Committee for the year 1963. Chas. Bonner and Wm. Bugler.
(8) Moved by Chas. Bonner and seconded by Wm. Bugler. That the following counci-
llors act as members of the Works Committee; Having jurisdiction over, Sidewalks
Streets, roads, drains, and Culverts. for the year 1953. J.A. Kaufmann, H. Hoshal.
(9) Moved by J.H. Kaufmann, seconded by H. Hoshal. That Frank Learners be reengaged
as collector of garbage for the Village, same to be collected once each week, at
a salary of sixty dollars a month.
(10) Moved by Wm Bugler, seconded by H. Hoshal that the fol'owing be named as tender
for the street lights for the year 1953, at a salary of $6.00 per month. Ross
Eve land.
(11) Moved by J.A. Kaufmann, seconded by Wm Bugler, That the following be named
Collector of Dog Tax for the year 1953 at a salary of 20% oP the amount of tax
collected. H. Quirt.
(12) Moved by H. Hoshal, seconded by Wm Bugler that the following be named as
Weed inspector for the year 1953 at a remuneration of $25.00 per annum. H. Quirt.
(13) Moved by J.H. Kaufmann and seconded by Chas. Bonner that the following be
named as Building Inspector, for the year 1953, at a remuneration of $25.00 per
annum. H. Quirt.
(14) Moved by J.H. Kaufmann, seconded by H. Hoshal. That this Council adjourn
until the next regular meeting unless in case of emergency. Carried.
ACCOUNTS VOUCHER NO 1 ware pres'nted as follows;
The News Printing Co., Adv'tg & Stationery $11.45\
D.W. Cummings Relief for January 70.00\
Mrs. F. LeMay " " " 16.50
Edward Dair " " December 20.00
Frank Laemers Garbage Collection, Dec. 60.00
2,44.41.ZZetdCL _tel 1
Reeve: Clerks