HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell Council Minutes 1951 PORT
Council Minutes
11 ; 4 , . SI
A discussion on the advisability of appointing a Pillage Solicitor
especially os we might need advise on the unemployae..t Insuriance
situation, brought an unanimous expression of approval from the
Qounsil that the vlerk should get in touch with Donald 1r.Gibson L.C.
of Tillsonburg as first euoioe, to see if he would suuept the
appointment. and what psooeedure should be gone through to
substantiate tote appointment.
Tuis to be taken care of immediately.
4 The question of the appointment of e.: Assessor for 1968 brought
. unanimous request that the Ulerk write to at a.8tenabaugh,
aukinsy him ii he would be willing to perform this duty for 4)q
at S.B.Bsown brought ..p the Y,:eetion of the street lights on the
main street as being inadequate, aieso complaints on the milk
situation, and the Mo..r .,Qi.-1a :NA, late, rt wad euggested that
these matters be note° on toe £,iuutee to be :sought up at the
next meeting.
The business of the meeting oel.:6 oonol..ded, 438 li
It was moved by 6.8.1rown see b;,- .i.H.Kaurman took. this e♦ounoil
ed,ruurn until the next regular meeti:.b erupt ih cue. of ADJOURNMENT
emergency. married.
STATEMENT OP RECEIPTS, from the last regular meeting
to Leu 61st 1961.
is.: Arrears 1.46.94 rex arrears previously reported 2769.06
4Utrent t.aes. 1741.96 aeoeived to-date 144.96
Dieoou..t Qty Bate 64.73 Total 2963.01
hamiltoa relief Uurrent taxes prey riposted 12724.00
reuovexed Nov. 13.69 aeeeived to-date 1741.95
rent relict all 14.00 total. 14446.96
debate on City ads 469.bb
Ont relief Bub Oct. 39.92
-137470 .
1. Chas Butterwio:: repro natio oaein a washout 3.20%
2. w.Bar l Smyth Speo Constaule na iloweer: 20.00%
3. n.D.Yallee ,Teas rime .ruok oaile Bayhaa 110.00%
4. Do Do Yroviuoial eolioe Services 348.42%
b. athel Smith belief December uhge on aalauide 36.00s.
.. Arthur brooks Orevel fur oatua basins 16.00 \
7. The News Printing Uo lSleutioh Stationary 13.28
3. n.A.Ostrander ae Son tuners' ee Ambulance eery ices b7.00 \
9. %;anaaie.. sank Cowwerve hydro 'Town Hall 4.O6 \
10. Arthur Brooks Snow o ie ar i.:b a saucing 42.00
11. aro i!'.Lekay neliei oanuary 194)2 14.11Z -
12. Lena neri ieve " " " 20.00.
14. Lewis Townsend " 19.00.
14. aro a. Pa.tea " 16.50`
lb. Alice a. Axford " 12.00.
14. barley Tediord N " " Cue nesenilton 24.ib\
17. athel *with " " Cage Malahide .70.00%
ls. A.B.Brown 5 e e..oe viewers 0 2.00 ea 4.00,
r.l!:.Brown.b.TeCrord.a W.B.MuCord
--00( (a , neere - ,./ - Clerk
mIIUTEB of toe I6th meeting of the fort aurwei i vu ,oil, being Lae regLi..r
meeting held in the Clerk' s office Tnuredaay evening Peoember eth 1961.
The meeting was palled to order i .d0 rM, the tceeve A.N.Wrieht 1u the Uhair.
Councillors present were ti.O.Alward, A.J.Bodeworth, D.Y.Curningha& and 3.3.Brown
The minutes of the lent regular meeting of October 2.th were read and
approved end ordered signed.
tiU8IJE S arising oat of the minutes.
The Clerk read a letter from ,rr ma.M.Galimi,ert re the waterworks situation
4 up to the present time, wherein he stated that a report had been made to
Lr Berry requesting a uupy be dent to this Council, and whioh to-date had
not been received. The old papers and some new plans were enclosed.
See resolution regarding Policing of toe Village Halloween night.
..atter wan read from the Central ripe Line Company regarding being ase eaeeea
fox wells non-existent in the Village. ••aid over.
Asseesaent charges for 1962 laid over.
Information oards on toe Algin Centenary fol iia.2 were ordered pIaoed in
Stores' where Cards were sold to the public.
The Clerk reported twat are atael with, wife of Borman Smith reueutly
eentenoec to Jail for three mouths had beuoae • coarse upon the community,
ee nelier Offices he bad take.: care of this woman and her 6 uuiidren
temporarily, and hau been notified tue.t 8iie wo..in be auuepted ew a uharga
beck on aalahide township, aur Clark Aiadle to see the Clerk.
On a report from the Auditors of the unemployment insurance Commission
woo had reuently taken an Audit in the Clerk' s Office, and the nern it of
wuiun debited this village with ueuk payments demanding ii.mediate attention
and cheques to be forwarded favour the neoeiver jeneral of Canada, the
fo , towing resolution was presented.
moved by b.A.Ounningbam, weuonded by .ti.O.Alward, that the Clerk write R33 80
th. uLe...pioJ.eeLt fa.' 0041wanwion aekaowledging receipt of letter and u1aa►PLOY,M
stating that we are not convinced that village employees are in this INSURANCE
oategor;y and that the natter is being taken up with our Solieitor, COMMISSION.
. ane on information received toe matter will be given further
uonsideration. Carried. RBS 81
It wan ,coven by a.O.Alward aeuonded by B.S.Brown twat the Auditors HIGHWAYS
report governing road expenditures for 1960 be auuepted as AUDITOR' S
presented fox eppn.Jrai gnu filed. Uarlied. REPORT
It was moved b,. A.J.Bodsworth and aeoonded :,y n.M.Cuuningnaau .
that a►r frank Loemere , the Garbage Uol lector' s osier of uo i leuting RES 42
garbage ever+ week during toe year at a salary of 00.00 per GARBAGE
calender month be suuepted. carried COLLECTION
It wad moved by d.M.Cunninghara seconded by A.C.Bodeworth that we AFL o0
pay our Ulerk g48.Ou for compiling cid age pension.' forma and TO PAY jLERX FOR
• 88.60 for mait,.ing .registers in .'tatietival boo: for years MAKING u.A.P.
1949.SO and 61. Carried. Based on g4.v0 for O.A.P. A entries 26/ ULAIm3 tsTC.
It was moved by 4.O.Alward eeuonded b; S.ra.Cunningham that this tcB3 44
Uounoil grant the request of the Ladies. Au illiary of the !BEE FtE1TAL
Canadian Legion for the holding of a Uhristmas entertainment in COMnUNITY HALL
the community gall Wiuoout admission, at no oherge and thou a ei.,.ilar TO
oonoession be granted annually to any local Uuuroh for the TOCAT UHURCHI3
holding of an annual Uoristmas entertainment. Carried. cBRISTMA3 sliTERTAIBMBIT
It was moved by n.O.Alwerd weuonaed by A.*.Cuuningham that this RES 8b
• Uounoil inatruut, the Ulerk to gaits to Brenn 624 of the Uauoaien SATLt,INSEI i
Legion voicing our t..e..ks for the effective policing of the ASSIST/AG rOL1UB
Village on balloween and that this' Uounoil make a grant of m:ANADIAll LEGION 6
.100.00 to the amid 1,e110.0n. tharriea. GRANT =100
it was moved by A..I.Bodesorth and ..uonded uy 6.3.B/own t..at AES 86
we donate 00.00 to the bibrary board, being balanus of DONATION 00.00
grant requested at rebruary meeting. Carried. LIBRARY BOARD
It was moven :yr 6.8.Brown and , eoonded b:; n.O.Alwarn that AES 87
411 eucounts Nos 1 to 67 on voueaer •0 12 be paid and the imeeve ACCOU.!T3
authorised to sign same. Carried. VOUCHER.
• 1 o furthe. business coning before the
meeting and after appropriate remarks by the retiring peeve
end his successor for the ensuing year,
it was mover by H.B.Brown and seconded by a.M.Cunninghat. that ABS bS
this' Council adjourn until the next regular nee:„ing .Yu Cpm, in .DJOURN1ENT
cede of emergency. Carried.
Aceounte over.
6TArIONT v1' atCSikT3 fru. tun Ian; re6,.ieu ...eeting to-6414*.
Tei auerearr WAS zaz ae rears previou$lj reported 2137. 62
tizzt nt t.atra 936.66 tteoeived to-vete 661.46
relief nubeid4 rept. 30.92 Total 4 2789.06
ildj permit 11-9 3.00 Ourient taxes previously reportea
1622.01 11767.34
tieueii ed to-c...• 906.4i
Total • 1274.00
1. Barley Tedford x.iie: November Che ou Hamilton 2w.66% 1110 2. Ethel Smith " Deoember " Ualahide 06.00 `
3. Tena Herriea '' " 20.00%
4. Lewia Townuend " " 19.00`
b. are Wm. 2atuen N " 16.60\
i. Ara P.twMe►y " " 16.60\
7. Alio. n.Anford " " 12.00\
U. Aarlaj reuiord ° " 2.6.66 \
9. Mere Printing Uomp.ny Auv er t is ins 5.2O\
"10.annioipal Norio 3ta6ig13.8r4 4.01' .
11.County TZOWSUZOZ noapitalisation 93.44%
12.0aaadiin Legion Yoppy Fund wreath 6.26\
13.6otle &veland nt.lba street lighting 36.36\
14.Hamilton Waru & Cattier& Prewiva ruiioy o., dell 7.92\
16.7ran;: Young nauli.:.a Uindera roaae 46.06\
16.Lloyd iauehan Laying tile 76.14\
17.Georee Young Ditubine i tile ia1ing 70.60'
19.1ien Muliaj Ditto 66.00\
19.larold Briaaea4 Ditto 60.40 \
20.Albeit Brown tilde insp 3alari hes I. 26.00\
21.A.H.Saith Weeu Inap " Res 2. 25.00\
22.boss Evela,nd Str right tender nee 4. '12.60\
23.wubliu Suhool tia1*nue irueteee letiy :;. ,l 944.4i\
24.Uont iuuat io.. School Do Do 1324.46\
2b. ■.S.Tajuouk Seuy Tread ketb,ese.tel v.10\
26. Do tial of eaiary o sloe 176.00\
27. i.11.Wriivt council we 1961 al.QQ\
28. n.O.Alwaro Do 24.00\
29. A.J.Bodeworth Do 24.00\
o0. n.tii.C,hhingha:.: Do 24.00\
41. S.S.Broen Do 24.00%
42. Arthur Horton nepra o6 roliue nall a.10\
43. are Ethel Ted:uru rOli Uierk 8.00\
64. Prank Leamera RIES 82 Garbage uo i ieution Nov-Dau 120.00 \
36. W.S.Lay000k nE.S 83 Tension appliuotione ntu 66.60 \
36. Uanauia.i Legion nES 65 isonation Asst Yoliue 00
llailoween night.
37. lira Cora mayor nES 86 Donation to Library 50.00\
p od44.os
.... Y. . were •4,.,-;:---,--:-. ., l:1erk.
1LIN'JTES of the 74th meeting of the port Burwell Council , being the regular
meeting helu in the Clerk' s O fioe Friday evening Outober tutu ibl.
'''hit meeting. Inee hole it aevance of t';a re''-u'ar reet'_nfa oto of the
first monday in november, account arrangements to be made to aocom oc'ate
the proposed visit of the senior Sanitary Ingineer' in the fo' lowing week
and other Circumstances preventing the regular meetiag I{ov bth other
than to reoeive the report of the nanitar; eegineer.
4111 The meeting '-as od' Ted to urder 7.302M the Reeve r►.E.iigriget in the chair.
Council f ors present were H.O.Alward,B.•.Cunningham,A.J.Bods:'orth and
The Minutes of the last regular meeting, also those of the Court of nevision
were read and approved and ordered signed.
BUnINE3b arisink, out of the last Minutes.
In tae matter of correspondence with Dr Berry and recent visit of the
Council with him, re the proposed water system for the Village, it was
recorded tnaL c..n.Galimbert,Senior Sanitary Engineer fru,. the Dept of Iiealtn
in Toronto, plaeeed visiting Port Burwell durir , tue sex ox u01 estn,
and tnnL it was arranged for kir Albert Brown the Building Inspector , to
accompany aim on the survey. The matter was tabled pending, the report of
the Engineer.
in the matter of Policing the Village on as low,-en nick t, the Coi„c_ittee
reported that the ;ooal Constable ...r .arl nmyth ou'd be on duty that
night to a. slat the Provincial Po' ioe, and everyt,,ing pussib'e was being
done to supplement tnis ee'p. •
Counoi1 for S.Brorn reported that the work underta,cen by the Local Legion
on the Police na' l was we/ ' under control and the repairs to the Dement
steps vas almost completed.
kr Donald nearpe on behalf of the Central =ipe Line had been cheoxing on
the assessment on their wells in the village, our Asset-sor _.r ntenabaugh
had investigated this matter nary times, and on correspondence from the
Assessor the matter was laid over until further representations are made
by the Central .Pipe Tine Company.
A Bill from the Crown Attorney for ais fees, Rei vs Aitken had been under
oerresponeenoe With B.F.n.3aneers tine "'ro--n. Attorney ant thi^ has been
cancelled by nis letter of Out 24th and billed against the Township of
Wham, thus closing the case, and we hack been advised b. the Attorney e
general' s Dept that Aitken had been released from Custody to support his
family who were in dire distress. •
A letter was read from the Woman' a Association of the United Church,
requesting tee Counoil to take some action regards children being allowed
to run the streets late at nignt, going damage and proyesting the language
used b; these children. The Clerk was instructed to answer this letter.
A letter was retie from U.A.lreadows x Associates, Consulting Engineers,
and same was order filed for future reference.
On petition oy Councillor n.S.Brown, for the usual wteath from the Village
for Nov l lth,kemembranoe Day, tee Council expresse% tneir willingness and
places their order through the T.uoa1 Branch ox the Canadian Legion.
A discussion on the Skunk menace in the Village, brought to light that AY.,tere+d
our Nathan Hayrard r•ould volunteer to rid the village of these pests, if /216/nve
the Uuunoil would ouy nim a Tra_,,eers' License. Councillor Cunningham Whb L;rsns(
ceputed to tell air Nate nayward to buy the License and present the oil/
for the cost of same to the Clerk Treasurer for payment.
The Clerk Treasurer , a'so advised that we nae received the Highway Interim
subsidy, in anount OuU2.63, and tnis had been credited to the Vi' 'age Account.
The fo' lowin,; resolutions "ere presented and carred.
i,;uved b, B.u..Cunningham sec h;; A.J.Boc'sworth that By-law No 30, RES 73
being the election by-law for 1951 municipal i lec..ions be rean ::T.1;CTIOH
the first time. Carried. BY-Tla No 30
Moved by a.O.Aiward seo by B.;...Cunnirgham that the by-law be read 883 74
a second time. Carried. and moved by . .J.Bonsworth anti : eo by LEES 7b
6.6.Brown that By-law Nu o0 be read a third and final time.Carried.
It was moved by a.J.Bueeworth seo by B.1.:.Cturningham that the Vi' rage RES 76
pay their one-tnird share amountieg to •6.00 of Special Polioeman' sSPECIAL
salary per B4-law No zq of Jen* 8th,and oombined park Bogard and POLICE
Council meeting of the same date. Carried. SI+.tAla.
It was moved b,. A.J Boosworth see by H.O.Alward that 46.50 be paid BPS 77
for trip to Port Eonan,anelo.b() for trip to lei-'mer in oonneetion TRAVETT.ING
with water systeiu information. Carried. EXPENSES.
It has moved by H.O.Al.;ard and _eo by S.S.Brown that accounts on RES 78
Voucher No 11 nos 1 to 18 be paid and the Leeve authorized to ACCOUNTS
sign the voucher for same. Carried. VOUCHER Noll
No further business ooming before the meeting,
It was moved by B.;.i.Cu:_ningham sec by 3.0.Alc'ard that this Counoil ESS 79
adjourn to meet again at our next regular meeting exoept in case ADJ0JB1&&NT
of emergency. Carried.
ST.► .W..�1PT of receipts from the last regular meeting; to-date.
Tax Arrears 156.25 lax a rears previous'y reported 1y41.37
Current taxes 121.93 1,eueived to-date 'b6.2b 11110
Bld6 permit No 6 Total 2137.64
y.rs H. 3iuipp 4.0'. C-r: ent taxes previously reorted. ' 1605.41
Interim subsidy i:eoeived to-nate Y 121 .93
Dept iiiehnays. 0u2.63 ;ota' 11787.34
ACcoJrT3 VJJCiiisR No 11.
1. B. A. Shelton Crushed stone i.0a6s. 137.o0 \
8. r.B.ailson Catch basin repairs. 60.00%
3. 11.8.Iay000k Postage oto 2.3b.
4. Wa. Dietrioh Ditohing; and layine; ti'e 40.00•
b. News Pxintin6 Company stationery & Voters ' ists 73.71%
6. Llunicipa' "'orld Tte Stationary forms. 5.89\
7. County of Llain iioad Grading '0.00'
8. Lena filer r iea Relief "uvember 20.00%
9. Twwis :u-::naend ^ " 19.00%
10..:;r s 16.50"
1 1 . " F. 'okay " ^ 16.50%
12.A' ree Alford " " 12.00
13.F. T.aemers Garbage collection 0otober 75.00 ' 5
I4.L1gin Co-operative Cement 43.00\01'
15.ir►emorial Park Com:li_.aion (One third apes; police salary) h4..00\ ir:S 76
16.B..4.0u.Lningham Nap oar Port Hoven 3.50% " 77
17.S.S.Brown " Aylmer 3.50\ 2 77
18.B.Hayward Trappers T,ioense authority . 6.00\
lir.;.+es of (O ^nth.
V 014 46
A Court of Revision was held in the Vi"at;e halt on Out 17th 19b'
aecordina to Statute and as properly advertised in toe Local. Newspaper.
110 Tne Court was ca' Ted to order 7.30 PM, the Reeve A.N.r;ri6nt in the Chair.
Council 'ors prevent to form the Court Jf Revision, were
ii.U.A sward
The Clerk, announced that there were no appeals to he I;resect ed
to the Court, and the tine for appealint, having, elapsed
the Assessment Ro' I was presented to be certified as
"The last revised assesstient Rol 1" of the y:,.nioipa'
Tho Court sat in session for an ?:,ur ani ~er: it as
Moved b;,, A.J.Budaworth and seconded b.( UI.u..alward
that a adjourn this Court of Revision. i:arried.
. . ! .•'` 6- . ,,airmane ; curt.
111 .
IIIUTSS of the 13th meeting of the Port Burwell Council, being the regular
meeting held in tee Clerk' s Office L:onday evening Oct 1st 1951.
Qounoillors present were H.O.Alward, B.k.0unninghau,, A.J.Bunsworth and 3.S.Brown
Owing to the absence of the Reeve, a.r A.B.Wright, it was necessary to a^point
the senior Councillor present to the Chair, therefore
It was moved by A.J.Bods.iorth and seconded by y.1:.Cunningham, that in RBS
the abeence of Reeve A.N.Wr ight, that Uounci' 'or n.O.Alward act as Reeve 07
pro-tem and assume the Chair. Carried. H.O.Alward , ..
. The Meeting which was oa' led to order at 7.. J PL:, now resumeu tue aotong Reeve
regular business , witu Cou.noil 'or d.O.Alward in the Chair.
111 Tue minutes of the Iast regular meeting of Sept utn were read and
approved and ordered signed.
BUSINESS arising out of the last minutes.
Before proceeding with toe regular order of business, ,..x r.::.Wiloon
was introduced as wishing to report on a dangerous open eaten basin
at the ii.n..coraer of Shakespeare at junction Vito 8rieu8. ar Milson
offered his services voluntarily tnwAr. s the repair of this oaten
basin and in oonsideration of Lu1s oiler,
It was .•roved uy A.J.Bodsworth and Seconded by S.S.Brown that the RES 48
offer of ear P.I.Jilson to superintend the raising of tuis Catch hE PAIRS TO
basin and toe necessary fillinO be a !oeptec' and the viilaee to _ . CATCH BASIL
pay au;y expenses incurred. Carried. N.R.Qor SHArR-Sp&IRE
Tue Committee on Roads reported progress, the Clerk to urge
n.A.Suelton to get the crushed atone spread on Pitt, from Lae
Yolioe Hall to toe train Street, it war a'so reported that cinders
had been placed in several needed places and that more aiunera
were available, and teat the tiling would soon be taken care of.
The sidewalk question was still open and under oonsideration.
The Waterworks question was again revived, and
It was moved by B.i:.Cunningham and seconded by 4.6.Brown that we RES e9
have toe Clerk write Dr Berry Toronto and asoertain if re could LETTER TO
arrange an interview with aim regarding dater b(O b, during toe Dr BERET Rai
montn of ocuouer. Carried. EPPOINTEINT
A letter from :.:r Suirley King B.Sc eo ' iciting the appointment
should we require the services of a surveyor at any time, was
order filed.
A letter from the Chamber of Cuvnerce, recommending that the Village
take some action to protect botn village and private property on the
oominb ria1loween night , nrou;;nt considerable disoussion as to the REIS 70
best ways and means to a'cowplish this and the following resolution PROTECTION
resulted; ...,vet: u;, A.J.Boasworth and :.seconded by H.O.Alward twat for
S.S.Brown and 13.].i.Cunning,ham be a committee to make satisfaotory riATTQl
arrangements for toe protection of the village on dalloween night BIGHT.
and any expense incurred to be taken care of by the Village.Carried
The pfoposed renovating of the Yolioe Hail by the loos' Legion Branoh
was definately placed in the hands of mr S.S.Brown, who was LEGIU
authorised to notify the President and Sireoutive of the Lesion that RENOVATION
the village would tweet the expense of the paint an any materials POTION HAIL
needed to be bought to accomplish this Mork.
It was moved by S.B.Brown and secondee uy i .b..C:..uiingham that RES 71
accounts ;,los I to 14 on voucher number 10 be paid and teal. tone ACCOUNTS
Acting Reeve be authorized to sign the voucher for same. Carried VOUCHER.
No further u..st.ness oomine before .the meeting, it was ,.oven off.
8.E.Ounaingham and sec by A.J.Bodawortn that we adjourn until the 158 72
next regular meeting, except in case of emergency. Carried. ADJOUbNEETT
STAT:1XBT uP nECEIPTB from the last regular meeting, to-date.
Current Tazee. '149.90 Ta.A a . ream prey renortru loo8.12
• arrears " a13.2a received to-date . 13.2b
Dog Tad 1 .60 Tutal 1981 .67
Relief 3a0siuy aut5ust 30.92 C,.rre.it taxes prey reported. 10b15.0
1495.o7 received to-date ' 149.90
vtt►� 110ob.41
Z. R.A:Shelton on A/c Crushed atone 200.00
X. .r.3.Lay000x o .blos salary 17b.00 \
3. Orton Suteerland Cutting Police hall Gra 2.93
4. Canadian 3anx Commerce Hydro 4.05
6. Geo Bradt Cutting weeds 13.66
6. Al Stewart ^ " 1 .30
7. Lena Berries Relief October 20.00
g. Lewis Townsend " " 19.00 %
9. :.:rs .... Patten ^ " 10.50
10. 1..rs i'.Lehkay ^ ^ lo.bU
11. Aline k . Axford " " 12.00
12. Clerk Treasurer Cty Elgin Hospitalization 176.29 \ carried over 4X1 .1,1,
-- _
STAT .ENT ACCOUNTS YOUCHR No 10 brought for and ' 7.
13. A. Brooks Hauling tile and sane. 24.00%
14. r . laemers Garba6e oo` leotion 60.00 \
TJ�aI 741 .2k
wl:iu^1,:5 of the 12th meeting of the Port Burwell Council . being the: egular
meeting he'r in the Jlerk' s Offioe lhufaday evening Sept oth 19b1. v,
The meeting was called to order 7.3029:, ther.eeve e.:..Jrit;ht in the chair. '
Counoi' lors present were H.O.Alward, A.J.bodsworth and 3.S.Brown. "-c',:'=
The minutes of the 'ast regular meeting of August nth and the special r.eeting
of August 20th, were read, approved an signed.
BUSINaaa aribinb out of the last minutes.
'3r- .ue oxnmittee on Poison ivy retorted tnpit there I ere still ocd patoaes
coming to 'ire again, hut tnese :ou' ,- he taken care of.
roe auade oommittie re,:,orteu eatiaiaOtOr,, progredc and twat n.A.oueltun a
Sone had finished Suakespeare Street, and requested the Clerk to write
these people and -cave toec., spread a layer of crushee stone on that part
of Pitt treat from the Polios dal ! to :;o 19 hic,uway, , niva is twe mail.
street. The repairs to sidewalks was still under consideration an(
awaiting; help wniou was still not available to do the work.
The waterworks question was 'aid over to the next meeting.
,.. The only new business to be transacted was the petition fox as Intec..r:I
payment on the road subsidy, if so desired, and td rake a payment on
- the County Bate.
The Clerk reported that the subsidy for rolioe proteotion ant Fire
protection for 1960, had both been received, as strewn in tae reueiptb
and that .rr A.A.Szaita had wade bis returns for Deb Tax colleotions,
and also that there wad been a donation frot. ..rs Lucretia Butouinaon
in payment of a Hospita' Acouunt fox toe late a.r Frank 14llard, per
ofiiuial receipt Eo 27 ra.,uerea for #9.90.
It was moved b; A.J.Bnnswort;: deo by S.B.".rown, tha` tnis RES i3
Council make application for interim payment of toe statutory IN!FBIA GRANT
:grant under the Highways I :provewent Act for the year 1951. HHIGHWAYS
It was moves by A.J.Boaswort.a deo b,; H.O.Alward that toe County Mb 64
• Bate of 413090.00 be_paid in full. Carried PAYMENT OP
It was moved by ti.O.Alward seo by A.J.Bodsworth that accounts EES 45
numbered 1 to 12 on Voucher No 9 be paid and toe Heeve sign ACCOUNTS
the voucher lar eawe. Carried POUCHEk.
No further business ouw .ng before the meetiu6. it was moved by ENS vo
A.J.Bodsworth sec by 5.9.Brown that this C-uacil adjourn u::til ADJOUR:ENT
the next regular meeting except in case of emergenoy.Carriea.
, STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS arum toe last regular meetic4, to-date.
Tax arrears 172.19 Tax arrears prey reported 1490.93
Taxes current 800.77 received to-daze 1'72.19
Police subsidy 1950 104. 18 ,oral 1468.12
Fire prot subsidy 1950 27.50 Current taxes prey reported. 9708.74
• Relief subsidy July 29.:54 reo.:ivea to-date :i0o.77
Bldg permit 3.Ouute 147 3. )u =oral 4 106115.51
Dog Taxes 131 .20
?)onatiuns, 3i::e a dutonin- 1'.b0
son. 1340.03 Total .
1. 7.T.Lay000k Postage w excise 3.391
2. Urias Butterwiok Cutting weeds. 0.2u�
3. Lena Herries Relict September 1o.ut\
4. Lewis Townsend " " 1.0.001/4
b. Mrs L.Patten n " 12.50L
o. erre F.Lakaj " " 1.2.00,
7. Alice 14.Aalora " " l0.0u,
R. 1S.7.S.5anfiers Certt' ins voter:' 'istP 8.7(%
9. County treasurer County nate for 19b1. 3090.0Lk
10. public School 0.: A.0 Trustees levy 1951 2000.00
• 11. Continuation 3uul " " " 500.00.
12. Franc Taemers Garbage oo ' lection August. 00.0u\
4 5732.56
:ICC .a. ' . iiEi;Yi :.�� -P/m�• lar
Vii. . . . -. . . . :OILER.
a INJTri3 of the 1lto meeting or tre rort B,.rwe> ' Ouunoil , nein; an emergency
meeting he'd in the Clerk' a Jifioe ...unday evening August 20th 1951 .
The meetin, ,:x: cal 'ed to order 7.30Pir, The Reeve A.N.Wrigot in the Ci.air.
Counoillore present were i.u.Alward, B.i:..C•,:nninghan and S.S.Brown.
The Reeve stated the purpose of the meeting, was prinoipa' ly to pass a
Be-law autnorizing the Aylmer and -alahide Telephone Company Ttd to
4 erect and maintain po'es, wires or cables or. the streets of the village
necessary for the purposes of Its ousinees,
also any otter ,agent business that :: �at ue put througu at this time.
It was moved by B.b;.Ct: ningham see by ii.J.elward, that Br-lay. No 29 RES 68-
being a by-law to permit the .4.41mer and ..alahide Telephone Cu 'td BT-LAW
to erect and maintain po'es,wiree or caoles on the niLnways in the No. 29
village of -'ort Burwell with the approval of the untario TELEPHONE m
Board, be read for the first time. Carried
It was moved b S.S.Brewn sec by H.O.A'warP that By-law ::o !'9 BES 59
Aylmer and a'alahide Tale Co, be read a second time. Carried. B„-law No29
It was moved by B.m.Lnningham seo by S.S.Brown that Bi-law 29 ELS 00
be rear a third and fins' tii,,e. Carried. B4-law f 29
It was proposed by the Reeve in view of recent deve'oprments,tnat
this Vil 'age enould appoint Fane Viewers, ..oder o�ot 3'1e,
paragrapn 47 of the Munioipal Aut (b.S.O. 19b0,chapter 243) .
Reference 11;,.nioipal World, J,.1y 1951.
It was moved by B.11.Cunningbam see by ti.O.Aly:ard , that we appoint it bl
A.3.Brown, Irwin Tedford, Burton LoCord, T.R.Ivea anc' „awed i&NCE
ael garJe yea.. lyb1. Oarrien. VIEZ.ERS.
• Tne Ruads proposition, destruction of weeds along the highways
and the :vork invo'ved showed that these matters were well under
ojntrol ooneinering the vnurtage of labor to nand at the prevent
time nue to the tobacco harvest, and no further business
cowin3 oeiore the meeting, resuriaoing of Shakespeare naving been
It was ,roved by H.O.Alw„rd seo uy 3.S.Broon that this council RES 1.2
now adjourn until the next re,-;.lar meeting. Carrieu. ADJOUEIL.iENT
a .n . /OP
^e.ve. • • . . . . . . . . . .Clerk.
AIIIIUT.{;S of the 10th meeting of the a'ort Council, being the reLular
meeting, held in the Clerk' s office ..onday evening August 6th 190 .
The meeting was oa' 'ed to order 7.30iL., the Reeve A.N.:.right in the Chair.
CJunoi' lors present were d.0.r,lward, d..J.Budaworth, B.... ' nningham, and
The minutes of tne last regular meeting of July 9th, were read , approved
and signed.
r>voiaboti arising out of tne last minute$.
I.: the matter of protection to ev:ployees of the 'tillage , and i.. ou.up ' ianoe
witn a resolution passed at the last meeting, a Compensation .urioy had ccw r H7'o"
no.r been taken out with the eneral Accident A•- eauranoe Company, e0.i90 liprrer
through fiamilton ward and fathers, and the premium of 4LO.0C orderer'
paid throu>b the accounts.
.oe queeitfon of a,pointing Fence Viewers was lair, over. F'cvrE Voris)
i.. was reported that NO 2Ariaiiiti signs had been erected adjacent to the
lakeside dote' , and were satisfactory to all.
..r Cunningham re sorted that the Toison Ivy menace was under control and p0,50/ �'
new patones p0,50/11,r,; to ign-6 reported .could be promptly dealt
iue roads committee reported progress as far as materials vere available
the weed situation was well in nand, arual l repair jobs to efaewalke etc
had been taken care of, other bad Spots leading to the beach auutu on Now
nobineon Street were to ue nixed and :wade safe from exposed roots, out
the resurfacing of 3nairespeare .treet with crushed stone for unknown
reasons hen stopped in tee last month am tue Clerk was ren.uestee to
write to k.A.8helton da Sona woo had the contract for this Mork to state
when we could expect a resumption of this work.
A letter was read from card Or Cnambers, comp tainir y about toe location
of tee line fence between her and Lar ..Armstrong, and c em.anding the CNfM8eR5
Council to send Fence Viewers to rectify and adjust the fence line. G'NE
The Counoil advised the Clerk to answer the request of .Edd Chambers by FaNcE
referring to the recent ruling we had obtained on the status ox . enoe,
Viewers, and stating that it would not help in any way to put der to the
expense of Cal l ink in I'enoe Viewers, a., tney nod no legal power to .
determine the line. '
air B.O.Alward and .ar 8.6.Bruwn toe Committee appointed to see what
could be done about repairing toe steps to tue Village Hall and other pcn-"E
work in and around tne ro l ice sial 1, they reported that the Local Branch 441wCEPS
of tae Uanadian Legion aft a gesture of appreciation for their use of the
rolioe bail rent free xor meetings, cad volunteered Vo repair dna put
in good snape the oement steps, and mould paint and otherwise renovate
the Building. In view of this offer, it ;as proposed and decided upon
toot the Village would furnisn the paint and materials for tuft work.
in a disoussion on tax arrears, it was suggested that the Clerk .'rite
a letter to toe Uraham nil Co, in an effort to collect 19b0 arrears.
;be Reeve advised tbat in conversation witn F.S.Thomas he had we:57. 74W
uentionea ta - proposes rroulevard o.. tue '.:esti Beauty and 1-'ould endeavour
at some ti le i:. the near future to meet with some ox the Council and go
over the route.
tar ci.U.Alward proposed that some work be moue tnis year on the sidewalks socmmrc J
particularly tae baa spots on :.rieus caused by the oement oloc1E8 Being
lifted by tree roots i:. .:root of toe Thomas residenoe. Tule work was
lest with the road oo:!r:aitt .e to arrange to get the neoessary labor.
On tae 'ieterworks question, a letter was read from Dr A.L.Berry i.. e.direIfwoRIC
answer to one written b; the Clerk during tae month of duly, and the
contents of tills letter brougnt very favourable oomment, and it was
deemed teet qT sore future date a representation fro►^ the gouneir
suould visit Dr Berry in Toronto and talk the matter over witu nim on
the proposes ideas he had in mind in nis letter.
Several aeoOunts }fere presented for payment and in view of tee recent
nospitelizaLion or ..ars L.ardorie Use i:. Victoria hospital at .uunioipal
expense, ambulance bill incurred in previous hospitalisation ' as
ordered paid, 8.00 and a small payment on account made by has Size
in an extort to pay ner own expenses snould be deposited to the credit
of toe Village as soon.
IL was moved o A.J.Bovswortn arra sec o,, B.r.i.Cuuningham that liE5 be
a000unts numoered one to 18 or. Voucher No 8 be paid alai tuft ACCOUNT
peeve autuorizen to sign the vouoeer for same. Carried VOuCHh13
No further business coming before the meeting,
it was moved o: ii.O.Alward sec Sy 3.3.Brown tnat tnis Council hi:6 u?
adjourn to meet again at toe next regular meeting, except in ADJOURNLENT
case of emergency. Carried.
..__'._ ...-.may-„y._.-.__._.:.. _: -.•_-. _ <. ... _ - ._ _ _ _- - __ - - -___ - ____ -- _ - - :f• - ..y_ ," - - _ _ ". .ti7 -c:. -
STATET oe RECEIPTS from tae last recu1er meet ill_ to-date.
Tax Arrears 171.44 Tax arrears prey reported 1324.49
Current taxes 6e61.68 beueiveu. 171.44
Cookson ►:.H.Taxi L 10.00 Total tax arrears to-date 149b. 93
Slay; Per#o J.Drake 3.00
Prey Ont Rel Sub June 30.92 Current taxes prev reported 3447.42 II
474-77-1777 Received 4241.32
Total current taxes to-date $ 9708.74
1. Ila 1io C on ey . Traadient Ba and room 7. 10\
L. Chas Butterwiok Gutzints weeds 2. b0\
3. Harvey Brown 3pra,yin ; poison Ivy 47.00`
4. Geo Bradt - Cuttint weeds and repr a iflewalxs 7. 740
b. A.a.Smitn Cutting weeds o.
o. Orton Sutherland C,.:tti.y, crass Police Oat i 3.41
7. Tena Her r i e s Relief' August 16.
8. Lewis Townsend l b.0C\
9. Ar a li. Patten " " 12. b0\
10. " P. I,eay " " 12.4)0\
11. Alice Axford n n 1O.0u\
12. News it int in,� Coy Stationery 10.07\
13. Hamilton Ward ec Cat i er s ::o ,pensat ion policy premium 50.00\
14. Clerk Treasurer Cty Elgin Boat repairs by Cty 220.01\
lb. r.•. Stenabaugb. Assesbor 228.48\
10. Geo You.45 Uvtt in weeas x repr sidewalks 11 .70\
1?. F. Zaemers Garbage collection July 7b.00.
18. .A.Barrie funeral Home Ambulance service 8.O
:loelAta l izat ion.
Total $ 743. 61
61 • �r E I
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Reeve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Clerk
::IBJTSS of the ninto meeting of the rort Burwell Council, being the regular
meeting, dela in the ..ler,c' o office monday evening July 9th 1yb1.
'roe meeting was called to order 7.3uri, the reeve A.b.wright in the chair.
Counoillore present were n.U.Alward, A.d.Bodsworth, s.k.Cunningbam, ane
The minutes of the last regular meeting of ..ane 4th, and toe special meeting
of .dine dth, were read, approved and signed.
Bueineas arising out of toe teat minutes.
:en* road vo mmittee reported progress oeiueS made wits one apreaaing of
crushed atone on Shakespeare otreet, 30 yds of travel saving been laid down
by n.A.Suelton a cons to-date.
The weeds had been fairly well out down throue pout the village, fur union
bills were oeing ordered pair , several small repair jobs dad been taken oars
of to catch oaeins aha covers, and 12 loads of cinders had been trucked and
spread where required in certain low spots in the streets and otner spots
would be taken care of as cinders became available.
file had already oeen procured for street drainage wnie n would us taken care
of in the coming month.
Ar Cunningham reported that the roison ivy menace dad been pretty well taken
oars of, and bilis were presented for tnie worn. me situation was well in
hand and voi.id be followed up wherever patches were reported.
rhe assessment of the property of ...r ,esley Anderson on o:.akeepeare street
wuiun was now partly used for religivas purposes . nad been settled and tue
aseeasment had been reached at nal/ being exempt, alio Luo remaining halt
liaole for taxation. ._r Anderson nad aseamed awl pain aid taxes on this oasis.
The ClerK reported having received our share of the re1m urserient from the
rrovinoe for 19b0, expended on the Cpildren' s Aid and the aumed ror toe deed.
Cuildrena Aid Payments fv,i.lU and the County nome ror the deed gt2.47.
That for tae Tire and relics protection not having been reoeivea as ye.,.
i:otnineS ziirther saving been Heard fro::: .ar r .n.Yuomaa o., tug pAupused
boalevard on toe went Beach.
The subject of Hotel parking was again brought up under new business.
The marjorie Size case was pending wits the underetandine Ludt sue was
arranging to masa paymenta on her voapital bill and expenses.
The Fred Young case was still open awaiting the visit .12 uis uaughter from
the u.S.A.
The Clerk reported the Art Vise souse had been placarded b • the local Health
unit as unfit for human habitation and ...r Vase notified.
.ar Earl Smyth' s appointment as VillaeSe Constable nab been approved.
diens bad been rlaued at too County road intersection of Chatham and nridee
A proposition outlining further coverage to proteot employees of toe Villaes
on our liability insurance, was read from the unwell insurance Agency, and
a resolution was passed as follows:-
mobed o, a.A.Cunningham, sec b; A.J.Bvdsworth that we contact the Cowan ins
Agenoy to send their representative to Port Burwell to write up an additional
protective policy as per their letter of dune lbth. Carried HES 61 LIABILITY
A discussion on property nests in tne villee;;e and as to whether
we should appoint r'enoe Viewers, broue nt the eneeeetion teat ..e
should write to toe question Drawer of toe municipal :,or14 asking
if urban municipalities were expected to appoint renoe viewers.
A letter rrom the Clerk-Treasurer of the Oty of trlgin was read,
wherein the Centennial Committee naa reoom.iended the planting of
tress in Historical Ylaoea, and in answer the Council suge;esteu
that we order 10 hard maples.
village uonatable ,.r rayl Smyth, was notified teat uie duties would
oontinue tnroughout the present month and August.
it was moved by B.M.Ou'ninghem and deo by H.C.Alrare that we RES 62
declare :uonday Aug oth 1951, a CIVIC HOLIDAY. Carried CIVIC HOLIDAY
It was moved by H.O.Alward and deo by S.S.Brown teat tuis
4 Council recommend that no parking be allowed on the r.ast side tc&S b3
ox ltobinaon Street and both sides of Wellington Street HOTtiL raRKING.
adjacent to the Lakeside notal and tnat the necessary signs
be erected. Carried
The Clerk to forward a Dopy of tuls resolution to lir W.T.Fraser
Division Sngineer, London, for cis approval and action re diens.
rir H.O.Alward and n►r S.S.Brown proposed to take the matter up do
see wnat tne could do to est work done on the steps of the
rolioe Hall and other repair jobs to tne Hall.
it was moved by A.J.Boduworth and sec by h.m.Cainingnam ;nut RES b4
Accts numbered one to E3 on Youener ilia 7 be paid and toe B eeve ACCOUNTS
authorised to signed the vouoner nor same. Carried. VOUCHh'B.
A lengthy discussion now ensued on the a aterworks question and
saute was laid over to gather 'tattler information and then
present all data at toe next meeting or cal ) a special wearing for that
spew Trio purpose.
No further business coming before the westing and tie hour beim very late
it was proposed to adjourn.
moved by 3.S.Brown and sec b.:- b.r).Aiward that this Uounoil adjourn RE3 bi
until the next regular uueet ing except in case of emergency. Carried ADJOUR UTT
S i►T ' Yi T of receipts 'rpm tae l aeL reh,ular weer i bio-sate
tax Arrears. 37.01 1287.48 1110
�'urrent Tures. 2122.46 07.01
Prov of unt ,Home for Aged 32.47 Total tax arrears to-date 1324.49
" n Uuildren' a Aid 34.10
n n Belief Subs £ y 38.01 422.50
Bldg Permit $b 3.00 2122.40
2267.0k, Total current Ti to-date 2644.96
Current taxes 'r at bunk 902.46 plus Bank Ur 902.46
Total. # 3169.51 Total. 11 3447.42
1. Can Bank of Commerce Hydro Polio' Wall 4.06\
2. W.H.Qookson Taxi Hospital 5.+04
3. Lena Herries Belief July 10.00
4. Lewis Townsend n n 15.008
b. axe w.Patr t en n n 12. 60,
6. Orton 3utaer land Gutting grass Police Hall 4.bb.
7. gig F.L464atiy Relief July 12.00\
8. George Bract Cutting grass & weeds 99.46
9. Alfred Stewart; n “ n 10.40\
10. Frank Young Trucking cinders street fill 24.00 .
Il. W.S.Iwook ietb exc t: Tele calls b.09
12. George Young Cutting weeds a Gtr eet work 21 .4b\
13. T. bitch Tile 7b.0O\
14. municipal World Sta a; 0i xice aupp 2.00\
16. Township Bayham Hauling & Spread 4alo ium 72.00\
16. n n Police Service 1Yr 1951 322. 92\
17. Clerk Treas ,Oty Elgin Hospitalization 64.62\
18. e n Use of road grader 4b.00\
19. Brunner wond Ca to iu w Cu f or ide 370.20\
20. Public Sobool 0u Ave Trustees levy 1951 1000.00
21. Prank Lamers Garbage disposal. .tune 62.001\
22. Harold Be l or a Spraying machine Po icon Ivy 87.50\
23. T.B.Ronson Help spray poison ivy. 10.40\
Total . 2347.69
" . . . . . . . . . . .peeve . . . . . . :1 ;
. . . . . . . . . .Clark.
MINIMS of the eighth meeting of the Port Durwe" l Council , being an
emergency meeting held in the Village Aar:, following, the meeting
of the 4.emorial Park ComiAss ion, an Pr iday evening .J ie E►th.
The meeting was called to Urcier x.30 Pk, and oar motion by
0ounoil l or B.A.Qzuiningham, seconded by J.3.Br own, it was it 46
moved that A.O.r►lwar d , assume the Chair and sign all H.o.Alwar d
neper s ne Acting Reeve for the qmobrgenoy meeting. A/g Reeve.
Tae business of tae meeting was to pass a By-law appointing
' .Bar l Smith as a dpeo ial Village cions table, in order
that ne mibat proceed to at Thomas the next morning
and be sworn in by Crown attorney B.F.S.Sanders of
Elgin County.
Tois appointment having been approved and salary arrangements
aav ing been deo idea upon at toe imLieaiausly preoeeaing
meeting of tae 'ark Co_Auis8ion, it was only necessary
twat the Council pass a by-law a;lproving of the
appointment 1r accordance with tae police Act of 1950.
It was moved by B.Y.Cunningham see by d.S.Brown that RES 47
By-law No 20 beings, by-law to appoint a special 48 & 49
Village voustaole, be read a =irst time. uarried. to
'toted b; 6.3.Brown sec by B.lr►.Ci i.ningbam that By-lave Pass BY-LW 28
No 28 be read a second time. carried. and moved by appointment
n. .:.Ou ningham and sec b,; .5.Brown that By-law No 28 of
be read a third ane final time. Carried. Village
Tae business for uiob tuna special eLerbenoy meeting- RFS 50
was called, being concluded, it was il:ovec by
6.6.Blc wn, Bee by B. u.Curuningham, that this ADJOUT
emergency meeting be adjourned. Carried.
• : . . . .hitiev . . . . . . . . .Clerk
MINUTES of the seventh meeting of the Tort : ' el ;oflnail , beim the regular
meeting, held in the Clerk' s urfioe, t:onday evening June 4th 1961.
The meeting was called to Order 7.30 Pk the Reeve A.B.;right in the chair.
Counoil lor' s present were ii.v.Alward, A.4.Bodaworth,B.*.Cnningham and S.3.Bxown.
The Minutes of the last regular meeting of .it&y 7th, were read, ppsavid & signed.
BudINSSS arising out of tile 14,,st xi: .nutoi.
The matter of the propose& visit tomor t, ilovan, was again Drought iorward and it
was unanimously agreed that tails visit a ti ou 1 a take p l ac a ou x fur s d air evening
June 14th, the Clerk to notify the Clerk of Port rowan to see if tale nate would
41/1 be suitable.
The Road Committee reported progress on Shakespeare 3treet , h.A.Shelton and Sons
of Ingersoll having started laying crushed stone.
Mr Cunningham reported progress on tie poison ivy menace, toe spraying to start
the coming week, and he would be responsible for hiring a man to help with
the spraying machine, in conjunction with the orner of the Spray outfit.
The quest for exemption of taxes requested b; *r Wesley Anderson account letting
his property rent free to The Peoples gospel Tabernacle for meeting purposes
brought a decision that the Clerk anould write to tne ;question Drawer of the
Municipal World for their ruling on this, and tae watter to be decided and the
owner notified upon receipt of this answer.
Blank application torme has been received to be 111 i ed out for the 1 ybusubsidies
for Fire and k'ol ice protection, and same had been completed and Iorwaraed
through the regular channels.
The Clerk reported paving received tne zinal applications zor iunoo counter
licenses morn M.]ionio o #4.0v, J.Glover fii.UU and Irma Barris #e.uu for two
bootne operated on the West side, the monies deposited to the Credit of the
Village and l ioenses applied for tasough she St Thomas Elgin County health unit.
The subject of controlling traffic at the Hote 1 corner , and parking,
was reported upon a. being satisfactorily taken care of.
The letter to La F.S,Thomas L.P.P. re the proposed Boulevard along the West
Beach was answered by it Thomas and ne would again discuss the matter with the
Minister of Highways and see what furtoer information he can get for us.
Resolution No 66 re proposed Stop Signs on the intersections of Bridge and
Chatham Streets With the County Road No 42 , caused By-law No 27 to be prepared
and passed upon and forwarded to the District t4 nicipal Engineer for approval.
There was a discussion on the Lie t,ax,jowie Size case now in Hospital , and this
was left pending future developments , and the children were oeiz taken care of.
k.r Fred Young' s case was also wentioned and tae peeve was to king into this matte
and had visited with it Young.
Because of reports on the unsanitary condition of the Ar V,,ee house , the Clerk *
was requested to report this to the Health unit an` request tt:tt the novae he
p laoarded "Unfit for uuman habitation" .
A discussion arose as to the best action to be Naxen to overcome the disturbances
on the kemoria! Park Beach caused by vandals from outlying towns and districts.
ii,x Lw.Bug1 er the owner of the Wasino was present and tne suggestion that we *moult
have Police help to assist the Provincial Police who could not stay all their time
on the Beach, brought about a suggestion that AX Earl 3jyth be appointed a special
constable; mix Sall Smyto was asked to tne weeting and offerer nis services ,
the Park Board to call a weeting and ask all the Consess ions on tne Beacn to
help finance the pro,jeot.
A resolution was therefore movea b;7, ff.O.Alward seconded by Bili.C;.nningham JIBS
that this Council request the Crown Attorney of Elgin County to take the 40
necessary action to appoint W.Earl .amyth as a Special Village constable Special
for tort Burwell . Carried. Constable.
By-law No 27 being a By-law to _ roolaim the County Road leu 42 on the RE8 41.42 .
lest end , and to have stop signs erected at the intersection of 5 43.
Bridge and Chatham Streets with the County Ru, ra6 read ,moved o�- BY-LAN
A.J.Bodsworth see by n.O,Alward for the first time, carried, wvved 27
by 3.3.Brown see by AJ.Boasworth that it be read a second time carried STOP SIGNS
and moved oy sec, by S.3.Brown that it be read a third 6: COUNTY
final time. Carried. ROAD
11111 It was moved by A.J.Bodsworth sec oy B.i..C; nningham that accounts on ELS 44
Voucher No i Nos l to 11 be paid and the Reeve authorized to sign ACCUUNTS
the Voucher. Carried. VOUCHER.
No farther business coming before tne meeting, it was moved by
A.J.Bodeworth sec by li.O.Alward that we adjourn until tne next . R83 46
regular meeting, except in case of emergency. Carried. ACCOUNTS
. . . . . . . . . .Reeve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Clerk
For accounts see over.
STATUENT U EliCEIPT3 from the last regular meeting to-date.
Tax Arrears 36.05 Total reo' d to--sate 7287.48
Taxes current 418.05 w w w 422 . 50
Luno h Counter licenses
sea minutes. 8.00
Prov Ont ,Re i ief subs *pr it 415.P01
Total b07. 9
1. Zewis Townsend Relief May lb.cD\
2. 8eww Printing Company Tax Bills ez Dog notices 2b.63
, 3. W.S.!ay000k Pstg & Sta Tax notices etc 16.20\
4. Orton Sutherland Cutting Village Hal , lawn 5.20\
b. Mrs P.LMay Relief June 12.50\
6. Vas la.Patten " " 12.50\
7. Tens kferrise " " 16.00\
8. Alice M.Lx f o r d 10.00\
9. Lewis Townsend n '' 10.00
10. Arthur Brooks Gravel & Truckingfor fill 32.50`
11. Frank Lamers Garbage disposal lay. 65.001
Total. 226.53
MIN1iTMS of the sixth meeting of the Port niurwel l Council, being the regular
meeting, held in tne Clerk' s OiIioe wonday evening Lay 7th 19b1.
Toe meeting was palled to order 7.3ura, the peeve i.B.Wright in the Cuair.
Counoi!lore' present were n.v.Alward, ...Cunningham and 3.S.Biown.
Tne minutes of toe last regular meeting of April 2nd were read and
BuOLAASo arising out of the last minutes.
she Jlar:: aeported ;nut tag ac.v4ti4..Jr :..s otenabaugh w„,:1O 0.,.....enoe tie d..tie+a
r:►i cVdn as t..- o..Gamcl OutLaz'c. s b.cre ii. res.idEe4CL , and L;:@
that the new assessment notices should be changed to read that the Court
111 of nevision would be held On ::e' nesday uotober 17th at 7.309L.
The matter of toe visit to .ort Howan was again lain over for a time to
be deoided on later.
Tne matter of toe hospitalization os mrs Dorotny Young had been investigated
and the hospital advised that ,►:r Frank Young would have to assume the
responsibility of tiffs charge Himself.
The Brunner ,gond order xor Calcium Chloride clad been plaoea for delivery am
in past years b: toe Courtesy of ma H.Godwin of Bayham Township.
Wo representative of toe Tiability Insurance Company being present, the
matter of tee eorioten' s Compensation was again tablea.
A° word nap yet bee., reoeivea from err cordon the County 7:een Inspector, and
it was reported tnat the l' bl Dog tabs nab been received and placed in
Mr A.H.Su,ith' a care, and ax Smitn was atreaay busy oo' letting the Dog Taxes
and nab nostea the regular notices around torn.
A discussion on roaa work ensuea ane plans were mase to carry on witu the
allotted work.
On the Toison ivy question, ;,:r C,.nningnam, the Chairman and oorunitte of one
in tnie matter, reported tnat ue uaa arranged witn a party woo nab spraying
equipment and tuffs man would ue visiting the Village about the middle of may.
Toe matter of free renting as requested b; ,rut' V.esley Anderson who wan let
uis propertj on Shakespeare Street to the Peoples rug ` Gospel Tabasnacle,
nee been referred to the .dseesor and was pending decision for future ruling.
Tne Clerk reported that By-law 2b to provide for 19o1 expeudituses under the
Highway improvement Act, for tne sum of #250u had been returned approved
for the full amount.
Tne Clerk also reported that auosidies uaa been received from the Department
for 1949 expenditures for rolioe and Fire Pioteotion, and it was
recommended that the Clerk write to the Department for Blank application
forms to be filled in for the 1950 subsidy.
mr rred Travis who use been on relies in toe village for some years past,
nad this date been taken to the County dome at his own request for
admission, taia ineurringr.a taxi expense os *0.00
Tile Clerk was instruoted to employ the same uelp as last year to out the
lawn around the Town will .
The Clerk Treasurer reported having received the .'ool Boom License tee from
1.x torne Poster, 140.00 for 1951, Building permits ]Io 1 Kea Coyle 43.00
Harry L.Niohole $6.00, Vincent A.Barrie "Hotel" $17.00 and due lnerson $3.00
and Restaurant ' %nob Counter licenses totalling $11 .00 for Fred ^orken,
Dorothy Brown,8dn Shipp, William Bugler, W.G.Cnalk,Linooln Werth, &.ery
iiuQuiggan,and teat licensee had been applien for to the ml gin St Tuomas
Health Unit. These items appearing in the receipts.
A discussion centred on the problematic congestion of traffic and parking
difficulties which would arise in the very near future on tue occasion of
licensed business opening in the hotel , at the corner of Wellington and
nobinson, this being a dangerous intersection in normal times,witn very obeaus
stop signs, and the Clerk was inetruotea to write to the Divisional ruigineer
asking for uis co-operation, and practical suggestions along tneae lines.
It was also suggestea tnat the Clerk should write to kr F.S.Thomae as a
reminder of a proposition he at one time talked uf, in hulloing a boulevard
along the West Beach, as a scenic attraction.
Toe question of erecting Stop Signs on the approaches from Cuatham Street
connecting with toe new County Hose and old Bridge Street witn the sane
County Hoaa wrought aoout the fo' lowing resolution.
loved by d.S.Brown and sec b_ n.0.A1w ard, tnat the intersection
of Bridge Street and County Hoad,a'so toe intersection of Cuatham Str HIyS a`
and County road be made Stop Streets and teat a By-law to that efseot STOP
be prepared sor sutniasion to the Department of Hignways for STRr,F..TS
their approval. Carried.
It was moved by ii.O.Alward sec by h.S.Brown that we reimburse the RBS 07
hey Lr Geo Downing for expenses taking Lr Fred Young O.A.P. who fell TAXI
in the street, to Ti''sonburg Hospital . the sum of $3.00 Carried. FELD iOUB(i
It was moved by H.O.Alward sec by S.S.Brown that accounts on Voucher KSS 38
No e, Nos one to 15 be paid and tne Reeve autnorized to sign the ACCOUNTS
vouoner for tne same. Carries. VOUCHER.
No furtner business to onme before tne meeting, at Lnis Lime,
It was moved by S.S.Brorn and sec D, 4.U.Al 'ard, that this meeting RES 39
be adjourned until the next regular meeting on dune 4th, un'ess ADJOUBNLEN+T.
in case of emergenoy. Carried.
STATEh.ENT OF RECEIPTS from the last regular meeting to-date.
qbr i-
Tax Arrears. $Sb.70 IRcid kd�t /Z$'4'3
Current taxes. 4.45
Highway subsidy 9e8.71
Prov subsidy Po' ice protection 1949 117.50
e " Fire " " 56.00
" " relief haroh 1951 34.34
Central Pipe Line Rent regulator nouse site 10.00
Pool Room License Torne roster 40.00
Restaurant 'ioenses "See minutes" '' .00 "Four 08.00 ea '8.00
three 1 .00 3.00
Building Permits Fos 1 to 4 26.00
i 1352.70
1 Public, School on Aoot Trustees levy 1961 200.00\
2. Mrs F.LeI:ay Relief April 8.25,
3. Mrs k.Pat ten " hay 12.bU�
4. Lena Hurries " " 16.00\
6. Alice k.Axford " " 12.b0\
6. Fred Travis " " 12.50\
7. Mrs F.Lehiay " " 12.60\
8. A.Sampson Lts GAass,e1ec bulbs,lown Hal' & Str 13.06\
9. 114,.nioipal World 'Ltd Dog Tags 1951 b.66 .,'
lU.W.B.KoCord Street Gracing 30.00\
11. George Young Culverts repairs 23.40N
12. A.H.Smitn Posting dog notioes 5.40\
13. Frank Laemers Garbage co'lection April 60.00`
I4. Toe Rev G.Duwning Taking Fred Young to Hospita'"RES 37" 3.00
lb. W.Cookson Taxi Fred Travis to County some 6.00\
$ 420.77
67_ __
.:c l:Z. 1. •• Reeve . . . . ^'Prt.
MINUTES of toe fifth meeting of the Port Burwell !:ounoil, oeing toe regular
meeting, held in the Clerk' s Office Monday evening April 2nd 19b1.
Counoillore present were H.O.Ai:7ard, B.M.Cunningham and 6.3.Brown.
The meeting was called to order 7.302M, the Reeve A.N.Wrignt in the chair
The Minutes of the last regular meeting of march 22nd resit read and
OUSINESS arising out of toe last minutes.
The Clerk reported an ansr-er from the last years Assessor, W,.r h..Steuubaugu
who Was willing to take over the work gain, out suggested an increase of
.26.00 in nis salary.
Tne matter of bile visit to rcpt Rowan was kept iresu in bile minds of the
Oounoil but again taoled to be wrought up at toe next meeting.
Toe matter of toe uospitalization of ,..rs L`orutfl Young, ras left in obeyanoe
pending any effort Mr Frank Young would offer in toe meanwhile.
in the hatter of toe Brunner gond order for ualoium Caloride, ar S.3.Brown
reported toat ne had arranged with xr H.Godwin to take care of our order as
previously. -
The matter of the Workmen' s Compensation was again taolea pending a visit of
mr Gathers and anotuer Agent to clarify the Liability insurance at toe next
Mr A.H.Sinith attended the meeting to receive instructions un nig c+uties as
Weea Inspector and Log Tax Co ' lector w Investigator, ane ue was informed to t•
beet of the information known, but that the Clerk would ooz!lmuziluate with
Kr Gordon, County heed inspector, who suigut either visit toe village or send
us precise instructions, and on the dog proposition, La Smitu would relieve
the Assessor of collecting dog tax and assume toe entire responsibility.
Tne Clerk would order a new supply of 1901 dog tags and rosters.
it was moved by .0.11.0ur_ningham sec b;; ti.O.Alaard that we pay RES 28
aur A.H.Smith 20% of all dog tax revenue for oil l lectlun of this revenue for
year 19b1. Carried. DOG TAMES
It was mover by rt.O.Alward sec b,, b.S.Browu tnat tois Co;.noil a_ pointRES 29
a.t hurray 3tenabaugh as assessor for toe Village for 19b1 at a APPOINTMENT
salary of $226.00 for toe year. Carried. ASSESSOR.
A general discussion on road rurk for toe year took place and it
was definately of opinion tnat we follow up previous arrangements ROAD
to take care of one road encu year, and tuat tuis year , WORE.
Suakespeare Street be given our full attention.
A letter was read from Kr Dom Gibson on toe serious question of
the poison ivy menace, and mr B.M.Cunningham vo'unteered to POISON
supervise this matter and he was therexore appointed to•take lull IVY
ouarge of tnis years epra;ing, and the Ulerk to write Lir Gibson to MENACE
that effect arpreciating :.:r Giuson' s interest and that ne should
interview :,:r Cunningham at nis pleasure in a concentrated effort
to eliminate tuis weed.
A letter was read from eu Viesley Anderson woo owns property on
Suakespeare Street-Lote 248626, and wnu nae rented toe nouse FREE RENTING
to a Religious Group syyled Tue Peoples Full Gospel Tabernacle, FREE
and ne ras requesting a refund on nis taxes and that same suould by
be considered TAl FREE. Tue Clerk was instructed to refer this AND..RSON TO
matter to the Assessor and toen notify :..r Anderson on toe ruling, PEOPLES
but in no case could ue get a refund on toe 19b0 taxes, as tnis TABERNACLE.
arrangement for Free renting did not take place until ieby 1951.
The Reeve reported that he dad turned over the key of the Puliue BAPTIST
Hall to are Crooker, on the request of the Baptist.,Ladie's Aid wt:o• T,ADIES AL)
wished to again use toe ball for their gatuerings, and=this was 'do
approved. POTICE HAIL
kr Barton MoCord, Cnairman of the aohool irustee Board attended the
meeting to explain the Trustees Levy for the year , and
it was moved uy s.S.Brown and sea uy 41.0.Alward that tuis Uounoil RES 40
acoept toe oohool board requisition of 44781.00 for toe Yhtblio SCHOOL
• aohool and $200b.00 for toe Continuation Sohool for the year TRUSTEES LEVY.
19b1. Carried.
it was moved by H.O.Alw and sea by n.k.Cunuingham tuat accounts on RES 31
Vououer No 4 items 1 to lu ue paid and toe Reeve autnorized to sign ACCOUNTS
the ifuuoher for toe same. Carried. VOUCHER No 4.
Tue main portion of toe meeting was to now discuss toe 1961 Budget
approve toe same and set tue Ail' rate.
The Clerk read the estimated Budget expenditure for the year 1981 1?ES 3Z;a34
and the tax rate was struck at 40 mills, toe Clerk to prepare the W 2�
tax notices and have a supply printed the same as previous years. ,139 LA
It was moved by M.O.Alward sec by a.S.BroWn that By-law No 26 - To
being a By-law to Levey the rates and taxes for 1951 and to provide
AES 32 for tue colleotiou of tile same be now read a first time. Carried 31'33.311
33 It was moved by 3.8.Brown sec by n.O.Aiward, that By-law leo a RPS 42
be now read a second time. Carried. BY-LAR 46
3 . It was moved by B.ii.Canningham sec oy 6. .Brown that By-law TO
y-Lq W No 26 being a By-law to levy the rates and taxes for 1951 and TEVY RATES
2e' -.. to pruvi'e for the oo' leotion or tue same be now read a & PA S.
9tEvy "r9'`55tnird time. Carried.
RE5 No further Vastness ooming ueiore the meeting. RIZ Of 411/
It was moved u; 3.M.Cuuaiingham, sec oy H.O.Aiward tuat we ADJOUREKENT.
flnimmwm'~' adjourn to meet again on May 7th, except in ca: a of
esuergenoy. Carried.
STATFIMIT OF RECEIPTS from the last regular meeting to-bate.
Prov of Ontario, retiei subsidy e,aucn 34.34
Tax arrears. 266.34
rotas tax arrears received to-date glelb.73
I. Continuation School Bal of Trustees levy owing 19b0 191.30\
Z. Public School On account Trustees levy 1901 200.00\
3. Fred Travis Relief April 16.50\
4. Mrs ii.Patten " " 16.50\
5. Iewis Townsend " " 19.00\
O. 'end Berries " " 20.00\ .
7. Alio* K. Alford " " 16.iiP
8. A.H.3u,ith Cleaning oatoh basins 4.20\
9. Frank paeu,ers Garbage collection 5.aroh 40.00,
10. Geo Young Cing culverts x Repro ,i.Aetlington 16.00N
:`:`:Reeve. . . . . , Clerk.
MINuTya of the fourth meeting of the :ort Burwe' i Council , neing the regular
meeting, held in the clerk' s office T:.uraday evening karon 22nd 1901.
4 Councillors present were H.u.Alward, B.A.Ounningham,A.e.Bodsworth and
The meeting was Ela' lea to order 7.3Jrk. the Reeve A.E.Wrignt in the Cuair.
The Minutes of the last regular meeting held on Feo 2nd, ani? the
8 � y
&nergenoy meeting of ::eby lath, were read and approved.
bilines., arising out of toe last minutes. •
11th regard to the assessor , and inasmuch as an Assessor had nc; ye., been
111 appointed for Baynam Townenip, and in accord with wr Stenabaughe e letter
Geld in obeyanoe, the Clerk was requested to Write to sur Stenabaugh,
asking nil_ if ne would take over the auties of Assessor for su aGain time
the waiter of visiting the Oounoil in fort Rowan, ' as revivea and it ;as
understood that tnia visit wo•tId be made later in the Spring when toe roads
were in better oondition.
Relative Emergency meeting and letter and resolution to the minister ,L
toe matter of i)epartmenta' assietance tnrouga the rrovinoe for tue
installation of waterworks. Replies from botn the minister and r:..P.P. F.S.
Tuoiue,a filed for future reference.
Nev Bueinese.
In toe matter of ltoep itat ization of u.re Dorothy Young, the Clerk to write
2'illeoubusg rioapital stating that this Oouueil oousidereu tuib was not a
proper ouarge ou the village.
iu the matter of Hospitalization of mail Chivers, in St Thomas nuepital, the
Clerk to notify the hospital that tufa was a 100 , County patient. •
To write toe Brunner gond Ltd, that ehippin, instructions wuula be the same
as last year after u.r 3.3.Brown had made arrange,uente witu Jur Harry Godwin
Road Supt of haynam Township. •
Furtuer in tie matter of liuriemien' s Compensation, toe Clerk to answer query
of toe Franc Cowan Agenoy of Woodstock Out, and arzange for kr Cathers and
representative to be at our next meeting to discuss the Liability Insurance.
Requisitions were forwarded to mr Paul Hiokey, Supervisor Auditing and
Accounting, Dept of £unioipa' Affairs, for subsidy on Pulioe,Fire Dept Expenses
for 1949 as certified to by, the Auditors Lesars &eters Brown and Good.
Aoknowledgenent was received from Mr J.R.Hsnley , Treasurer of the Deep Sea
Waterways Committee, Ingersoll for our donation of 400.00
the castors of the People& Fui . Gospel a'abernaole sent a letter to bay they
had wade utner arrangements and would not need toe u s of tue roles hall from
now on for their meetings.
A letter was- read from the Auditors stating they Elan found it necessary to
increase their onarges i2b.00 account the rapidly rising Dost ui all tneir
expenses and the extra amount of time taken up on the work.
iue Counoit a_pruved tole additional charge and wisued to convey tueir
appreciation of the work done and tneir constructive and oeneficia0 help
generously given at all times.
It was moves b. ti.O.Alwaru seconded by S.S.Brown tnat the annual report RES zl
of one auditors Petere Brown and Good for the Vil 'age and icuols AUDITORS
be acoepted and filed. Carried. REPORT.
It was moved by S.S.Brown and seconded by B.Y.Cunningnar:,tuat toe
Treasurer' s Bons uas oeen nuly approved for the ensuing year with the RES 22
Consolidated Fire and 'asualty insurance Company expiring ANIMA? APPROVAL
April let I962. Carried. . TREASURERS BOND
It was ,coved by B.L .Cu:.uinghan seconded by A.J.Bodowortn that tnia RES 23
Village go on daylignt saving time in line witu surrounding DAYTrIGHT SATIN
munioipalities from April 29tu to Sept .Ota. Carried. TIIk"E -G
It was moved by A.J.Bodsworte seconded by H.O.Alward that we write RES 24
off the fax Aiiears item against Ara Skaggs for 1949,roU1 #409 CANCEL
$9.00 for cottage on ::est Beach as it was proved to toe satisfaction IXEGG3 TAX
of toe .a sensor that tnia was a duplicate entry. Carried. ARREARS 1949
41/1 It wile rooted b; A.J.Bodswortu seconded by 5.;Y:.Cunningham twat tele DUPTICATION
Council aprrove of tue action ui tue rark Board in a,pointine RES 2b
Mr W.S.Tsyeook as 3eoretary t'reas of tae Park Board.Carried APPOINTkZNT
It was moved b. A.J.Boaawortu seconded by S.S.Brown tuat Acute PARK BOARD SEC
on Vouuner no 3 and numbered 1 to 18 be paid and toe Leeve sign RES 26
Vououer for same. Carried. ACCOUX♦TS VOUCHER
No furtuer business coming before tue meeting, toe Reeve and
Council wished God Speed and a safe passage to Councillor Bousworth
WOO ~ waxing a short visit to *suorme
in Sngland.
It was moved u;, a.O.Alward and seconded by n.k.Cu .ningham tnat this
Council adjourn to meet again April 2nd at 7.3011+ except in case of RES 27
emergency. Carried. ADJOURN:11 '1T
QTATECiE T of reoeiptz from the last regular meeting to date.
BEST of Police Hall to Peoples Taoernao1e. 2.00
Yrov uutario iieliel .►w.uary 24.71
Tax Arrears. 205.02
•$ 291.77
Tared Tax arrears reoeived to-sat 19oo.39
1. Lena Herries Peuruary Helier. 20.0u\
2. V .S.Lay000k P.O. hail Box 3.00
6. Charles Sutterwiok Cleaning oaten uaeind .9u\
4. Mrs k. Patten March Belief 16.60\
6. Fred Travis " " 16.10N
e. Lewis Townsend ^ ^ 19.00\
7. Lena Herries " " 20.00\
6. George Young Cing oaton uasins 7.80\
9. Public School Bal owing 195U Truet^*T.evy276.15\
10. W.S.Lay000k Exoise & Postage 3.50N
11. Canadian Bank Cor. eroe Hydro Bill Town Hal' 4.0o \
12. Munioipal ;;orld Tax Forms & Ru',ber Stamp 4.0o\
13. Frank Taemers Garbage coil Janyv.Feuy. 80.00\
14. Pe6erd Brown & Good Auditing 129.95\
lb. Clerk Treasurer sigin HUepitalization Patten 2y.7b�
16. Geo Y:.Alward Taxi service Hospital 4.0O\
17. W.B.MoCurd Road Gracing 28.21\
18. Boss Eveland Street 1ignt bulbs 37.20\
$ 700.41
Com-! `' .
Reeve. . . . Clef.
MINUT.S of the third meeting of the Port Burwell Council, being the regular
meeting, held in the Clerk' s Orfioe Friday eveninc "evy 2nd, 1951.
The meeting was called to order at 7.302M, the Reeve A.N.rright in the Cnair.
Counoi?lore present were H.O.Alward, B.Y.Cunningham and A.J.nodsworth.
Toe Minutes of the last regular meeting held on Jany lith were rebs and approves.
BUSINESS arising out of the last minutes.
A letter was read from kr murray Stenabauao, Assessor, stating that ue had
uf=ered uis resignation to the Township of Bayham as their assessor, and hoped we
could prooure the services of the newly appointed Township Assessor for our
Village, but in the event that this could not be done, he would do his best to
help us out. Pending the result of the Township appointment, this letter was
filed for further reference at our next meeting.
A reply from lair J.C.Gleadall , the Clerk of Port Ro.ian with refermnoe to our
query on waterworks for the village, was laid over, witu the request that we
thank kr Gleada1l for hie very substantial and informative letter, stating that
we snuuld be aleeased to u.a[e an arpointment with thie r Uuunoil at some date in
the Spring when the '-eather would be more suitable for traveling and we could
look aroung and take in the entire situation as comparable with the two villages
particularly on the assessment.
A letter was read from Mrs C.A.Meyer Secretary of the Tibrary Board, wuez e,in that
Board requested a more substantia' grant from the Vi"age of $100.00 per annum
and stressing that half that sum be made available at once.
Mr Alward on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, petitioned the Council for a
donation towards the expenses incurred by their Board in a Pub'icity programme
stressing Port Burwell as a Deep Sea Port.
The Clerk and Relief Officer reported that under the new ruling by the Public
7slfare Commission, the :owuship of Houghton repudiated any further obligation
in r speot of relief grated to Mr Tewis Townsend, and that from now on this
party would be our charge.
The Reeve read a letter from the Pastor of Peoples Tabernacle, Aylmer, desiring
to rent the Police Ha'l , one night per week for their meetings.
It was moved by A.J.Budsworth seconded by H.O.Alward, that a donation RES #13
of $b0.00 be mare to the Port Burwell Library. Carried. TISRARY.
IL was moved by H.O.Alward deo b; B.td.Cunningham that this Council RES f14
make a grant of $b0.00 to the Port Burwell Deep Sea Waterway Committee DONATION
to assist the CommitLee in their work and puuliuiLy progranme.Carried. Dr' s' SEA
IL was moved b; H.O.Alward sec b; B.L..Cunningham that this' Council
grant permission to the Pastors of the Peoples Tabernaole,.ay'mer, to hold
a service in the Polioe Hall on Friday Evenings during February and RES flo
kazoo at a rectal of $4.0%) per evening with the understanding that RENTING roialC6
the aforementioned supply their own fuel and provide their own HAIL
Janitor service. Carried. TO rEO2L32 IABLr
Toe Clerk oa"ed the attention of the Works Committee that Brunner
Canada Ja1es, would like our estimated requirements for the BRUII3R a..iHD
coming year, and he was authorized to quote the same quantity of CALUIUk
Calcium Coloride as last year, and shipping ins;.ruu'ions to be sent CHLuRIDB.
it was moved by a.J.Bodsworth sec by 3.M.Cunningham, that in the RES fli
absence of Reeve A.N.lirieut during the month of reoruary, that 3.u.ALC;ARD
Councillor H.O.Alward sot as Reeve pro-tem. Carried. RF.3V3 rBO-TE1
Mr R.W.Cathers , attended the meeting to discuss our Tiahility Ins
Policy, which expired .,any 27th with the ua' ifax Insurance Company. RES fill
It was moved by B.1.Cunningham nee by H.O.Alward that we insure LIABILITY
with General Accident , premium $106.42 , for liability ineuranoe INSURANCE.
R.W.Cathers, Representative. Carried.
It wa' suggested at this point, that tue Ulerk write to line Workmen' e
Compensation Board, re liability for oompensation of certain
employees of the Vi"age, such as Park Caretaker,Street Tight tender &
any other casual labour.
It was moved by B.M.Cunningham sea by H.O.AI -ard that accounts Nos RES fi8
one to 10 on Voucher No 2 be paid. Carried. ACCOUNTS VUUCdnR 2.
No further business ooin. before toe meeting, RES f19
It was moved by A.d.Bodsworth sec by B.,...Cunningham that we adjourn ADJuURBIENT
until the next regular meeting except in case of emergenoy. Carried.
STATE NT 11.6U1+:IrTS, froL. the last recular meetin , to date.
January lst
Tax Arrears '949 46.55
'950 644.8E
Prov Ont Relief sup
:rov and Dec 49.50
Houghton relief recov
Dec. 9.92
Prov Ont , relLbursement
75v of fees Venereal
resesse 16.50
4 767.29
1. Eardra Lleo Power Com Street Iibhting
Oot 1949 to Dec '950 inclusive. R82.b8\
2. W.S.Lay000k Postage & Revn 2.90\
3. M. Patten Relief rebruary 16.60\
4. F.Tiavis ^ " 16.50\
5. Tewin Townsend ^ ^ '9.00\
6. 7i. .Cuoason Taxi Hospital 3.50\
7. County Clerk. Hospitalization 58.49\
8. G.A.Barrie Funeral Home Ambulance Service 24.0Q
9. Municipal World 6 Subscriptions 12.00
10. L:.Cathers Tiabil ity Insurance i es fl7 106.42\
Reeve. Clerk.
RSSULu:iUN 120 :Azti:UHA.S Feoruary 16th 1951 .
Subsequent to the foregoing regular meeting, an emergent session
of Council was called together to discuss what action should be taken
regarding an urgent letter received from Reeve Chas.B:eLii"an of the Village
of Chesterville Ont, as to drafting a resolution petitioning the Provincial
Government to pay a subsidy of 33 and 1/3 jo on the cost of installing a
• waterworks system in towns and villages not separated from Countiiea.
The matter calling for immediate attention, in the absence of the Reeve,
Acting Reeve U.J.Alward caused the following resolution to be drafted and a
copy forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs,a'so the Tegislative
Member and a reply made to Reeve Chas McMillan.
Moved by A.J.BodsVorth sec by S.S.Brorn that, inereas the costs of
underground sewers,disposa' plants and waterworks in towns and villages not
separated from Counties has become an excessive burden to the ratepayers:
and whereas the publio health is endangered without a satisfactory system:
Be it resolved that this Council petition the Provincial Government to pay
a subsidy of thirty-three and one-third per cent on the Dost of construction
of sewers, disposal plants and waterworks systems. Carried.
This being the only business on hand, the Clerk was instructed to
forward the above resolution as directed, and the meeting adjourned.
.t�?: Ci .A/g Reeve . . .. . . . . .Ulerk.
£INUTES of tine second meeting of toe Port Burwell Counoil, being tue regales
meeting, held in the Clerk' s Office Tnursday evening January 11th 1961.
The meeting was (sailed to order at 7.602M, the Reeve A.N.Wrioht in the Chair.
Counoillore present were H.O.Alward, B.M.Ouuningham, A.J.Bodsworth and
The Minutes of toe last regular meeting of the 1960 Council, held on
December 16th 19bu, and toe kinutee of the Inaugural meeting of the new
Council for 19b1, were reaA and approved.
BMBIIMSS arising out of the laet ainutes.
Letters on Civil Defense were read and taose regarding our S0000ls acoommoaatim
11111 were to be tilled in and candled oy toe Ulerk, and other matters on this
question were laid over as i: tae previous minutes.
The answer from 1)sdiaeon and Maviason Solicitors , St Thomas re Government owned
property on toe Docxs at Port Burwell, ;as filed Tor future reference it
Yr Norman Stansell attended the meeting in response to a personal query put to
nim oy Councillor h.s,.Cunningham as to whether ne would consider taxing over
the Assessors duties this year. s.r Stansell tnan;ted the Reeve and Council for
toe honour paid to nim, out stated ne could not take upon nimself this work,
and noped ' e could still obtain toe services of the same Assessor as we baa
in the past.
me Clerk was instructed to oommunioate 7itn Bnr Stenauaugn, witn this end in
A letter from toe Ontario Good Roads Aeooiation, re annua' lees, conventions
etc , was read and filed.
The regular norm for ap ointing School Attendance Officer, oroutAt no response
towards an appointment wuen put to tue ueetina by toe Clerk, so toe Clerk
uttered to fill out toe corm as in tue previous years by inserting nis own
name pending a more suitable otter.
The Clerk was also instruotea to order toe usual copies of the municipal World
montnly for toe current year i-•r each of toe Council and Clerk.
A Total of six copies montnly onargeable to the Village account. HES
It was moved by S.J.Bucs..urtn see o,, S.Brown to teat efreet. Carried. 10
It was moved by H.O.Alwaro sec by A.J.Bodsworth that Byrlaw No 26 being RES
a By-law to provide ror l' ol expenditures under toe Highway Improvement 7
Act be read a first tire. Uarried. HIGHWAYS
It was moved by S.S.BroTn sec uy A.J.Bodsworth that By-law No 26 EXPENDITURE
be reaa a second time. Carried. ,RES #8 t
I. was moved 'c B.E.Cunningoan sec u;; li.O.A1 .ard tuat By-law No 25 fY-LA�, oZ
ue read a tuird and fine time. Carried. RES #9
A aisouasion on proposed waterworks ror toe Village brought up uy
Councillor B.k;.Cunningham, resulted in tae Clerk using requested to
write a letter to tee Clerk of Port Rowan, to try and arrange a
meeting at some time in toe near future, to gather all the information
possiole as to now they etartea on tae project in their municipality.
It was moved u,; B.M.Cu :uinghar: sen by H.O.Alward that accounts Nos RES #I1
1 to 13 on Voucher No I be paid and toe Reeve sign the same. Carried. ACCOUNTS
Toe business of the meeting oeing ended, it was moved uy ..J.Boaswortn
sen by S.S.Bro-%n twat re adjourn until the next regular wee„iot, except HES ff12
in Daae of Emergency. Carrion. ADJ0URN1iENT
. . . ? f-� :^:. . . .Reeve. '�� -
STATF&ENT os RECEIPTS fro'. toe +tsL regular meed
1111to toe end of December ly4y.
Current Taxes. 1652.87
Arrears " 72.93
Rebate on prepayment 21.19
County rate. 1586.99 Current taxes previously reported 11299.96
Reo' d to Dec 3ist as shown 1668.84
Tax arrears to 'Dec 31st ►you 1144.6i
3 13997.19
SEE OVER for Accounts Vououer No I passed.
I. F.E.Wileon repra street signs. 3.00
2. Geo Yvon levelling gravel Chatham Str 1.80..
3. Irma$ Harris Use o2 traotor Grading ditto 4.00,
4. City of aawiiton "Welfare" refund reoov Oot. 8.53
b. Canadian Ban-a. Commerce. Village hall Hydro 4.06' 1110
6. B.A.3helton & Sond Crushed stone Chatham 4:5.76-
7. Arthur Broods Truokine, tile & Gravel 31.00'
8. News Printing Co Nom Ads & ba! lutd 11.87•
9. Municipal World Stationery 10.33,
10. Public & Cont' n Schools Trusteed levy 1950
P.Soh 670.86 Cont'n Son 279.89 950.76,
11. Mrs M. Patten Relief January 1901 10.60\
12. Fred Travis " ^ " 16.50
13. Lewis Tuwneend " " " 19.00,
sem •
" 4110
• ..
The INAUGURAL m3 sTI11(G for the 1961 Reeve and Council of the Vii gage of
Port Burwell was held in the Clerk' s Offioe at 7P.L'. Jany 5th 1951.
The Reeve, A.Rewell Wright and Councillors H.O.Alward, B.M.Cunningham
A.J.Bodeworth, and 3.3.Brotn were sworn in as constituting the Village
Council for 1961, b; the Clerk M.S.Laycook.
The Chair was then resumes b; the Reeve and the i Lediate and urgent business
was attended to.
.1110111 The prinoipal business was to appoint the various Committees and Village
Officials for the ensuing year.
Ot aI tbKS AID ;were appointed as fo' lows:-
Works Committee, to include Sidewalks, Streets and Roads,Drains and Culverts
Chairman, S.S.Brown
Members A.J.Bodsworth
Finance Committee.
Chairman, H.O.Alward
Member B.sa.Uunningham
Legal and By-laws Committee.
Chairman, A.J.Bodeworth
Member H.O.Alwaa4
Property, Welfare and Sanitation.
Chairman, B.E.Cunningham
Member S.S.Brown.
street Lights.
Chairman and oonnittee of one, A.J.Bonsworth.
Chairman H.O.Alward Members W.G.04alk
Members A.J.Bodeworth P.$.Wilson
S.S.Brown, S. 8..ipp
It was moved by ri.U.Aiward, seconded by A.J.Bouswortu, zuav Uouueil
appoint A.B.Brown, Building Inspector for 1951 at the same salary as RES 1.
last year. $25.00 Carried. BIJ)G 1lSe SCTR
I� was moved by B.m.uunningham, sec by a.S.Y.rown that We appoint REd 2
A.H.3mith as reed Control and Dog Inspector at a Salary of 326.00 WEED & Duca
a year. Carried. CuiiruOL.
It was moved by H.O.Airrar-u, see by S.S.Brown that this Council RFS $
re-appoint Frank Lammers as Garbage Collector for 1961 at the same GAIKAuL
remuneration as last year. Carried. UV11dSUTlus
it ras moved by S.S.Brown and sec by H.O.Alward that Ross F.Iveland RFS 4
be re-appointed Caretaker of Street Tights at the same salary as .:au eteker
last year, $6.00 per month Carried. SLR. T Li(in`l'S.
It was moved by H.u.Aiwara,seo by B.m.V..nningham that we make annual Rig i
petition for the statutory grant under the provisions of the P$TiallMl
Highway ii,provemonts Act , on expenditures made during the year nlva�oaY.`i
1950. Carried. SUBSIDY.
Tue Clerk, vas requested to see wnetner the last Assessor would be
• willing to take over tnis year, providing we oould not secure a
suitable man in To u, and also to sneer the letter from Davidson b
Davidson St Tuomas re Government owned land bought from toe U.P.R.
No furtuer business comii ; before tae meeting at this time, it was
moved by B.M.Cunaingnau sec by S.S.Brown that, we adjourn tills RFS
inaurgural meetinb two call idle first regular meeting for TnursdayADJOURNIONT
night Jany 11tu at 7 YM. Subsequent meetings will be ueid on true
first mouaay evening; in tue montu,us per resolution. Uarried.
Reeve. •. .• . .Clerk.