HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell Council Minutes 1950 PORT BURWELL VILLAGE Council Minut4111 es 1,111 , 1950 MINUTES oftue Euurteenth meetin,_ of the Port Burwell Council, being the regular meeting, held in the Clerk' s Office Friday eiening Deoember 15th 1950. The meeting was called to order at 7.30PM, the Reeve A.N.rright in the Chair. Counoillors' present were, H.O.Alward. S.Molibbin and A.J.Bodsworth. The 1''_nutes of the last meeting of Nov 6th -ere read and approved. BUSINESS arising out of the last minutes. Regarding Resolution No 64, and effort to get increased approved road expenditure it was re7Dorted that our final efforts had achieved the desired results, and a letter from the Minister of Highways, had sanctioned that our approved expenditua allowed for subsidy, had been raise' from $1200.00 to $2000.00 as requested. It was also reported that the Anderson family had nog.' left the village. As regards the correspondence from the Canadian March of Dimes Foundation, it was reported that this matter oould now be filed, as it had be, n previously referred to another party, and since that other parry had replied in the negative, it was not known who could handle the matter. The Clerk also reported that The Hydro-Electric Debentures amounting to $2500.00 as a Reserve Fund had been placed for safe keep ng with the Canadian Bank of Commerce. The only new oorrespondenoe to be brought before the meeting, was a proposal from The Kitchener Fire Fighters Association Zooal 457, to sell 3 books of tickets; As we had no way of handling these books of tickets it was sn;gested that we return them intact. The other was from the Provincial Seoretary' a Dept Toronto, re organization for Civil Defense. Tais matter was laid over for future reference, since our oomriu .ity was so small we should rait and see what larger townships were proposing doing, and seek a pattern after then if considered necessary. The Highway Auditor' s report was presented to the meeting covering I34 , It was moved By Stuart UoKiubin, seo by A.J.Bodswurth that the Al.aitor' s RES 72 report governing road expenditures for 194i, be aooepted as presented ROAD AUDIT for approval and filed. Carried. It was ,coved by Stuart LoKiubin and sec b H.O.Alward that the Clerk be instructed to Write to the Clerk of tae Township of Sayuam and ask if BES 7$ we o laid borror a oopy of by-law covering half-luau li:,.11, for Spring of HALE'-LOAD the year, so as a uy-law could be dre rn up for our iillaae bS tue new LL,aIT. Council at toe first of the year. Varriea. It wea moved u Stuart mn iubin and sec uy £.J.Budssurth turat ail A/os RBS 74 on Vuuoher No 12, Nos 1-24 ue paid and the Reeve sign same. Carries. ACCOUNTS VOUCBER. The Reeve made adpropriate remarks of appreciation to tue retiring Cou.noil at tae o lose of tae sweeting, for their help and oo-operation during tae year now closing. and in answering, unanimous sentiments were expressed towards ui for cis good, and kindly leadersuip turou,uout tue year. there being no further uusiness to transact at this time, It las movea RFS by A.J.Bodsvorth seuouced b;: n.0.Alward that re adjourn. Carried ADJOURNMkZYT t2 /12 .6 & Reeve . ... • Clerk. STATEMENT of Reoeipts Brum last meeting to-date. / Current Taxes. 516.68 Rent of hall election 4.00 Hamilton relief Oot 6.53 Houghton " Nov 9.78 Prov Out Relief subs Jot 24.75 563.74 Current taxes previously reported 10763.28 Received as above o16.68 Total $ 11299.96 Tax au rears 1Pcc'ir 1131.43 Toros T.+x l'e! $ 1E431.39 SME 071M for Accounts 'toucher Passu. ACCOUNTS VOUCHER No 12. 1. 7.S.La.y000k Pstg. revn, tele ca' Ls etc 5.25- 2. A.H.Smith SnovellinG snow iru,., sidewalks 3.00- a. li.Patten Relief Deuewber 16.50. 4. Fred Travis " " 16.60, III/ 5. Tewin Townsend " " 19.00, 6. VJ.H.Ooo. con Taxi nosl)ital Fred Youug 5.00, 7. Canadian Legion Ar ath fur lltn November 6.00. 8. 1(ewm Printin.; Company "Advertise 7oters 7.ists" 3.36 9. County Elgin 3os2italisation 27.00: 10. A.E.Brown Salary Building map RES 65 2b.00- 11. Ross Eveland Caretaker Street Lights RES 4 72.00- 12. Clerk' s Salary By-lar No 1. 350.00' 13. A.N.trigint Council Tees 24.00, 14. Stuart lioKiubin " " 24.00- 15. H.O.Alward " " 24.00- ld. ♦.J.Boaswurth " " 24.00, 17. J.H.Kaaz}nau " " 24.00, 18. Mrs Btuel Teciord Po! l Clerk. 8.00. 19. A.H.Smitu Cleaning oaton basins 6.00. 20. O.S.Layoock Pstb revn, look etc 2.75_ 21. Township Beyuam Culverts and Gracing 154.02• 22. " " Fire Truck services. '10.00. 23. " " Polio* Services. 616.72, 24. F.Laemers Garoaae, Nov and Dec 80.00. Tubal. 4 1646.60 . 1 i . *INUTB3 Of tue tuirteento meeting of the Port Burwell Council, being the regular meeting bola in the Ulerk' s Uiiiue Monday evening Nov lth 1960. who meeting watt called to Order i.30211, toe Reeve A.N.Nriput in toe Chair. 0ounoillors present were S.YaLibbin, H.U.Alward, A.J.Boaeworta aha J.H.Kaufman. The ainutes of the last meeting of out dna, were react end approved. BUSINESS arieina out of tae last minutes. The disuuts8ion was renewed on tire out in our estimate for roar espenaiti.re 411 by toe Department on By-law 14 from pau0 aur only approved by the Chief sssuuiuipol Anpineer for a12u0.uu It was moved by S.YoKiubin and deuonaea by e.H.Ye;.:me.n, that we urgently plead with toe mepartment of Hieioways to isior•ase our expenditure BS-law #17 -from .1200.00 as originally approved, to #200u.U0, the rea►ron being we ware compelled to niton and drain uy laying new tile and droning on one of our most heavily used thoroughfares "Chatham Street" at a.: expense of •almoat #700.Ou to date «itu an approximate further RES 64 uoeit of 14Uu.UU for travel r•surfauind before toe frosts, because ii /toad tui work is .not none and toe road proteoted, we shall iore ueavily Upend- o.: aamaae to the tile aau expensive repairs none co far. /tures G• cave already considerably over-run our approved amount to wuioo we are entitled to subeiay. Married. A uopy of rain resolution to be forwarded to or T.3.Caldwell. AX Geo. Johnson attended toe meeting to state his position with retard to nitiuor Lice..8e for the LaLeeide Hotel, but tris proved to 'oe a atolemate at L1e pre$e.rt time, until further developments arose out of tae skate of AallOwrebion into w.lioo tuis ogre rad finally devolved. - the Ulerk wars again requested to write the *edioal Health Uffiuer in the case of the Anderson family , woico was rapidly uecoair.o untenable. The only uorreepondenoe of the meeting was ani urgent letter from -the director of The "a.wdia.. moron of Dimes Fou.:aatioa" for some aovion, and it was required of toe Ulerk to answer tuese people and suggest Joey write to sax N.Stanseil, put tueir close before rim and ark Lei As would be pilling to undertake tuts work. it war moved by A.J.Bodcworti. $•uonded by H.O.Alward, that the 01erk Trearurer be outuorison to make arraigewents for Sale ut.stody of RES Hydro-Elect;riu Debentures amounting to #2600 now in possession of 66 toe uanauiao A44 of Commeroe. Qarried. HYDRO LEC BUNDS. It was moved by A.U.Alward sec by J.H.Kaufma.. tuet Lois Uou.,oil HHS 66 reLund toe sa.,. of .16.00 to Lincoln Werth o.. toe Fee for Bldg Permit rerund in view of toe fact blot no building took please on fir Werth's Fee to premises in 1960. Married. L. Werth it was mored by 3.UoKlubin ver oy a.H.Lanimaa that By-lawf2e beim rue bleu Lion Bi-lax for 1960 Ounioipel eleutioas be rouu E1 .7 toe first time. Carried, auved by AsO.Alward sec by A.&.Bouswortu ALSoTIUB that sauzee be reau a eegond time. Married, and aoved by By-law A.J.Bonewurth Leu Ny dainiCibuin tut it be read a toird and bio 24 final time. Harrier. Un a loner of appeal fro.,. toe Library Board, it was iroveu Ly I= ud A.J.Bodsworth, leo .ay ..H.Kau u.aA t4a4, a pr'aub Qi iliZh.vv ,.e ...aue ilUaATIAN to the Yox., Burwell Library. Ua;ried. #2/.40 to _ Library. it was moved by S.YoKibbin see by e.H.Kauuiman that The Village or Lori. aurwell auoept toe Agreement for Eire rroteution with Noe n i9 III Townsuip of °aruaw at #60.00 per call eioept in oaseo of false A(Plersie42 alarms or worn equipment is not used on a call tite fee shall be UN #30.00 one Liar Lue sleeve and Ulerk be autuorised to aipn toe PIRS CALI'S Ir. ' Agreement witu toe Township. Harried. g OMARGr:3 , It was moved by.A.J.Boaeworth see by J.H.Ae..iman toot awoounts tir:.S i0 on Vouu4e1 11, ns:z:;uerd one to 12 with toe exception of No 7, aLu 6 be paid and toe mere eiipn vououer for same. Harried. y No furti.er buaineee oro uoming ;ieiore Lug ,,.ee.,ing, It was moven by ait3 A. A.J.Bodsworto sou .44 $.isuaiuuin tuau we amourn until tue nest ADJvutNuNliT. regular meeting exuepptt in. ()tide of erne..0 j . oat J ' esu. ... .4 .uF! /4. .tc ee v e. . . . . . " . . . .1/4,1 er:. S -�0E Q y E' r /P s�cE""� passed.. r OTAWAammT u6' kii0.412T6 lateig 1ort nee„ius Tax Arrears 111.74 aaxrent taxes 248.41 +a/N" C'47A"*4 k, noubntoa reliez reoov Sept,uot. 17.06 namilton relier recovered Sept 4.03 • Prov Ont,reliei subsidy 'Sept 29.67 N M reiluid Uutgens' Aid 33.64 • # 440.37 Current taxes previously re,,ori.ed #10336.14 Reeeived as aouve *46 K rzwiesir Thx alreard previously reported 1019.4i9 Ktloeived ad move. 111.74 1131.43 ACCOUNT'S VOUCHER Nu 11. 1. P.B.Wilson re Sunday Sports. relund unexpended donation Yarx Board. 10.00 2. W.S.Tay000k Postage 2.00— .. red Travis November reliei 14.60, 4. airs a.Patten o. Lewis oWueeud " " 19.00, u. news irintint, OJ Voters Lists. 70.69, se<f KoAo n+ i. Towns Bayaau Oraainp; Strts,Culverts 164. X Ywz 0. U.d.Cuodeon 'i'axi to Hospitial b. �/ 9. r.LdeUerd 0arbene uoi:Ouer vb.U0� 10. Barrie kuuera, dome Ambulance Service 28.00, .> 11. Linoolu ::erth keiund part bldg Yee 4.0Q. 11311 44 12. airs C.Lieyer (Librarian) conation to Library. 26.00,RIB 68 1411.71 Cu4aT —t hiiY 131wi A Opurt of tiezision was helm in the Pillage hail u.. uotoo r 16th 1960 for the purpose of hoarier, appeals aaaims the aeraesai,.e..L for the year 1960. the prooeediage and deoiiions of toe Court are reouroso as follows:— ' The Cour i. opened at 12M, toe Reeve a..a Council ,,eing sworn in as a ' Cour„ of revision by the tiler:: iu order ae1 iollews:- •. N. Wsi„ht Reeve Stewart mo.ibuin (Jou...o! for 11.0.Alward " ♦.J.Bodsworth J.H.iahsmau • It was moved by 1.0.Alward aeuo..oso .,, v.H.Kaufman that the Clerk • also sot as Chaises ;ma Cour.. Va.c r led. there were two appeals to Ae hrese..ted ere the Coast, both appeals presented in toe ahseisYs ui the apps l.:.ts al:a represe:.ted of the 6aa5.1411or, Mx array Ste::abaeh. sirs Ormond r.. Smith claimed y..e :.ad bee.. left o:i the assessment as owniva A plot o: 1a..0 1/o acre oh the +a.ae Score. it was r..oved by ♦ J.Bodeworth seconded of Salaaiuoin that the property on Weer Beaoh owned Ly ars urmond a. 3raita be entered on the ♦asesement Boll for 1961. Carried. This entry was duly made by the Cler.. The 'alley Camp Coal Company of Canada Ltd ooaplained that their ausinsas assessment should be rednoed from YWI. to se ;...sir ausiness was preponderantly retail, and such a ralind can beeu handed down in the Toronto Court by Judos ♦.B.Currey o.. .fins 2oth 1960. it was waved 1 S.iaLibbin seooneed by L.J.Bodworth that the business aaassaament ou tke 'alley Cau.p Coag Comps .j be seduoed frac the assessed auouut of 76, to the revised assessment of 40.acarried. Tula oorreotiou was d.14 made by the Clerk, and ugtu pasties as cove uiti ie.i. lue aenadtlor ma k.rrra., atensidauch Was present thzo-a6.u..;, ;,..e e+iiLire of the Court. AO .rruher Jelu6 brouoht oe.Ure t..0 Vo-rt, a :.►otiOn iOa • aujv..rume..,, Mad ;e sCi eu. honed JirieVlallU.a qua. ;01b VOurk. J4/ aujU.ru5N. Valrled. of Chairman, and Clefs a: ;,..e Cuurt. atINUTES of the twelvth meeting of the tort Burrell Couaoil, beim the regular meeting held in the Clerks uitioe aonday evening uu1e dud le0C. The messing was Called to order 7.uurk,tne Reeve A.N.Cright in the Chair Councillors present were S.LtoAibbin,h.O.Aiward,A.J.Bodevorih and e.h.Jtaufmau. The aieutes of tee last meeting of Sept 7te were reed and approved. BUSINESS arising out of the minutes, Teere woe a discussion by the roads oomaittee oft the reduueci grunt for subsidy and Seere was a proposal twat a conference be ueiu with 1110 MX $r.S.Thoaae ...r.P. to the ratter of the Pedlar' s *c-law and 3ono& Debentures, tee following. resolution was put forward, moved by S.1[oaiuoin anh sec by A.O.Alward teat tee Coeuuoil request the Clerk to oontaot the Solioitor at Soott *allay and enquire RES 67 whether any action use, been taken on the Pedlars ai-law and the Pedlar's debenture ieeeeue for taw School and if not we wo;:1d li;:e all papers By-law C returned do Luau dome action Allay be take., terougu dome other Souool Soliuitor. thiaXieu. - Debe..tura there was ao new correspondence brought before toe meeting. and tae natter of the Aadeeszaent on. tae Eric. Hotel was left in obeyanae, to be reopened it neoedsary on the sittihg of tee Court of Revision. ' az ]frank £,aeras the garbage Uolleutus acteaded tee meeting to see if he could oolleut gerbaee during the winter month' weekly ii he • w,.re to do the da{ae Lox uid owh uonvenienoe at tee old winter Bate. •uK$ 68 it was moved by S.Yoxiuuin and met) By .e.H.Yw.faan that we eacoept arbeg'e Asaemers' ozfer to uoileut the garbage from the Village every uolleutim week u;.rihey tue winter montes at the same rate of pay as other • Winter. winters,tue rate being 80 dollars every two weeks. Carr6Od. AGEBml3NTS drawn hp by tee towasuip of &veal*, ad party of tee • firs„ part and the Village of Yost Burwell ccs party of tee reuond • part, governing tee Village Liability iur expenae of hiring tae Bayeaty hire Aquipaent and our proportion of rrovinciel ufrioer' s Salary and expenses for policing tee Village, were rllau before tue meeting, and the following resolutions passed. moved by 3.riokiubin and seu by A.d.Bodsworth the the Agreement for the fire pryteotion of the village with tue.xownseip of r►ayeatt. HB8 69 be returned with a letter asking teat a oiause Le iasertco hawiagAgreementon a lower rats 1 .vv) Weare little or no equipment id heed on lire fire oalls. Carried. • kroteotioa moved Cy n.U.AlWard deo by A.J.Bodsworth teat this Council aouept tee Agreement for roliee rroteotion as submitted by the xownseip AE3 i0 of aawham, with the understanding that the ooete of same be on Agreement Cal tue 247. saris ad stipulated in the agseerueat. Married. Yolioe Taid Agreement was signed by the Reeve and Clerk, and the illiioialBroteution Seal applied. It was moved by A.J.Bodsworth and see by eJ.KsuLwan that the ABS h1 County Aeredsment of 1267h be paid. Carried. OTT At4t5LSSm1NT Moved by 8..kaaioain and dew by e.H.lLau man teat auuounts on Vol/toiler ko 10. items 1 to 11 be paid and the Reeve sign LAO ASS w2 Voucher. Carried. ACCTS VUU0dER Before cloriag tee meet,i.:ry, the psspositioa as to what should uedone 4640.41 the Anuerrou Iamily living in a decrepit olu house ou the . .rt of Lot 27 Ir.cilton, and tee Clerk was • directed to write to the dearth officer eaplauiag the situation and teat dome oe,.ter oars *would be given the 3 small ouildren. Yo further uudinede uominj uelore tee meeting. EES 63 it was moved by A.. .Bodsworth dew 40 d.H.Y,auIman teat we ad,iuurn ADJUUEEleillIT r.: until tee .,alt a•eGulax meetiabS eauept 1.. wade us aaeree..uy.Uarried See WEE for ittsCE11"..23 a..a ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. ti-Lxisc.e. . . . ..Clerk* STATIMMT ul Reueipta ...aatitb to-date. Taa Azrear8 632.79 Current taxes 59.81 Aloe, i az now untario deliel Buba August 29.67 Houtiutoc talie. deoov Augud; 7.20 Hamilton " " " 6.v3 445.44 11111 Ou:rent Tesied previo..8Ij iei,ur-wea. '10276.33 l sueivea w-este 69.x1 •lo336.14 Tad arrears previoc.ely reported. 4114.9v geueived to-date 53x.79 i-1T.�9 ACuou.:TS VOUCH= Bo 10. I. Yuoliu &shoo' on aoot iruateea Levi 1960 *1•00.uu 2. Conte " " A x00.00' 3. tlrton y;:therlana 4;.ttin6 ,,rase Tow.. Hall x.40: 4. 0auauia.. Bak Oocuaerue diem Bill Town Hall 4.05 6. rred Travis Haile; 0utoner 14.644 G. ,.ra a.Patte. 16•60. 7. Lewis towneelld " " 19.04, ti. 41erY •1'r eaD 0ty triein- noapitaiiaation 7.tt7. 9. stank ,was ere 4arbaoie collection dept 44.00 • 10. 4eo Young ttepairs wood atepd uoator. 4.20, 11. Uounti Clerk County Assessment 2576.00, • i 4i10.62 • • .,•.. • • I. aIBUTBB of the eleventh meet,ind of tae tort Burwell Counoil, oeinb tug E rebuler meeting weld in the Uler'z' s ofiioe Thursday evening Sept 7th 194v. the moo-tine wae3 coiled so order 7.30 rii, iu the aboohoe of the peeve who wee away attending a meeting of the 4as Uompaures and oonnumers in Toronto, the u hair was taken by Uou..o 111or Stuart aaMi a bin. other Uoancillors present were a.O.Aiwerd, A.J.Bodsworth and 4.H.Aaufman. the minutes of the last meeting, of August 7th were read and approved. .111111 oUSIBB38 diieine out of the minutes, y'uriher eorrespondenoe with az Berry, Direutor of Sanitary habineerinb, was laid over. Correspondence requesting a iazbher brant on road expenditures, was also rend and laid over, bei.., uua.+1e at tui', tilde to bet the brant extended. the letter to the Vaunt,' Supt of'roads had oleo zroueiht no response. rue metier of the 2ed1azed By-law recently having teen urged on the Solicitor *r S.Moiey , also the iee,.i.ue of Debentures for the Soeuol expenditures and 0084 of the new toilets, woe iert in obeya ue ,.ntil we heard further fro.:, the Solicitor. The only new correspondence broaeht before tee neetina was a lee,der sent to the Beene from az Thos 4.Oasey Proprietor of the Mein Hotel, Alain Out, dad tie manger was to be candled personally by t..e !reeve. A letter frog the "anaaian aero.. of Dimes Fund, was raid over. A 018eu8810u o., the Hotel situation in the Pinnae, wherein it was ioand twat the Awes e...ent had been cat ih half, i�toubht forth a resolatiou, RIB 54 .roved ..y tt.o.Alward and seoonded by A.J.Bodsworth That this °ouncil Lakeside request, the Assessor to re-assess the Ae. eside Hotel. uerried. dotel. Lotter rebaidlne tuis 4..841,e4 was forwarded to sz a.Stenabanen the Assessor. It wad .roved ..y A.J.Bodswortu ueu uy u.H.aau wan that euooi.nvee oil nr.S Ar rououer Bio 9, ..os 1 to 10 be paid and the tuairaah pro-ted, alien Ak:L'uuATS twee a ule. Untried. VuuW i R At tole point of the meeting, the Reeve arrived at the meeting, and dater biv1n6 Lad rey0X4, 440 111n4de1 uusiness 00W1L0 beim the session, It was ,roved .,y A.4.Bodsworth sec 64 w.H.hau sen that we adjourn nS3 .4 until the next reb;:lar meeting except in case of emergency. ADduURNaINT. Uarrled. 8TAT1se8,NT ul' nhourt1'S fru.0 last aeetine to date. zrov haat, relief saosiuy wane and .idly •69.14 C liar ilton relies recovered .rely 4.03 houahton " " duly 7.28 Bide r'ermits, n.11arwiok 03.00 b.A.Holm 94.00 6.00 Lod :atx 84.00 Uurrent Taxes 307.07' Y'ax arrears. 2U.b4 V 49%).011r--- . . Uurrent 9J.Oa - Current taxes previoas ly reported t'ax arrests previo17.814 reported p4::.be .9900.2ri neueived to-date 20.64 Seoeived 1. -dot 307.J 44u4.90i 10276.3 ACCOUNTS VvUCH B Bo d. 1. ttuo1io su..uo i v.. A`c i'rusteea levy 91b00400 2. Uontinaatrou Sue ' " 10u0.00. 0111 3. road isavra aelier sept 11.1•0• 4. w.Yattoea se 11.6a 6. Lewis 'i'owns eau " 14.u0` •. e.H.Areueitro..a " $b.60% 7. r.S.Lavouuo rootage rr WWII:id 2.00` 8. r.Uaemere *taboos Aua..a G0.u0' 9. e.H.Xeurreale stood Surayer 140.W,10. ileo. u. Brant Uutt;ing weedee 4.uqL T 8700.60 4.16. 7, Q n (Al* Daev.r . . . . . . . . . . . .: . .vier;. miSoTa.3 of the tents meeting of the rort Burwell Couuoi1, beim toe regular meeting, held iu the Clerk' s Jfiioe Monday evening Auguet 8th libO. the meet;iag was nailed to order 7P.M., the Reeve A.N.lri, t iu toe Chair. Councillors present Were b.AoKibbin, a.O.Alward, A.e.Bodeworth ani r.H.Yaaiman. • the minutes of twit last meeting of duly Stu were read and approved. Susiness arising oat of toe minutes. rhe Waster of the Shedden sire xruok wad ordered filed. .he avabter of the Biomle deaorave inns:. Web ordered filed for future hie. .he matter of the oatou uamin at tue b.u.Corner of Victoria a Melifinglea also the petition of the resiuente of .iu .oria Street was left inobeyanoe until work started and a proper darvei Wane. the natter of procuring a uioense for Iwo lams sieie Brion• motel was filed as tue oontentioh redardia.g tis was appaaeni;ly closed, the understanoing being that a ..luease uau finoLly useu granted. negarding the iveeiity of our redlar' s By-law, Luis matter having been put iu tae bands of the village Solioitor tar Soot; &okay, the Clerk was advised to again write to tax aoKay urging fur eeome olari.ioation and as to way the delay. By-law No 23 being passed, regulating Sunday games and sports, this matter to oe considered closed for b..e time using. 2EN CORRESPONDENCE. A letter from tue Canadian Pease Congress was reau and filed. A letter from the Department of elaau.iag and Development honaervstion nrsnah was read, ani AZ Lewis of this Department ou a personal visit, uau ueeu advised that there had been no flood uawape of any importance iu tui vi1164. over a period of the last 8b y ear m. A letter from the aiuister of Planning and Development was read gnu the book a000mpanying same was on band for perusal. A letter from ar A.B.Berry Director Sanitary £m ineering Division was read regarding ways and means of promoting a water system in the village wad laid over and the clera to envie, Mr Berry that this matter was being giveh serious attention ana further investigation. ✓ who Clerk wad requested to write to ex Caldwell the Diatriot hineer Ion a further brant wuiuu was aosolutely neuedaary to do the wont on rogue urgently regained. The Cleric was ileo requested to write to the County Supt of Roads to have stop signs efeoted at both ends of the old road at the intersections of Chatha.., and old Bridge Street ooaaeoting with the new County Coad. Letter wad read from mr T.h.Buokiaghem, i'reasurer of the Soldiers' memorial Hoepital Tilleouourg teat oar oueque No 70 .or •1,000.00 forwarued rely 7th had been lost and regaeating a dupiioate. It was moved by A.J.Boasworta set' uy J.H.Eaulmzuh tuat the Clerk Treasurer issue a duplioate t'peque for *1000.00 to xi' leo..ourg Soldiers' Memorial hospital to replace cheque No 70 of duly 7th .eported lost by RES 44 the dospital ireaeurer. Carried. HOSPITAL CHBQ It was moved uy S.MoKionin sec by H.O.Alward tua. the he turning ttES 47 Virioer for the election on Sunday Sports be paid ElO.00 and ELECTION the roll Clerk *7.00. Carried. FEES S.Spts It was ,coved o. A.J.Bodeworth sec .;; .i.H.Kaufmaa that all ACCts RES 48 1 to le ou Vououer No u oe paid and the peeve sign same.Carried Acots So 8. It was moved by H.O.Alward eeu by e.H.Kaufman tuat P.E.lilson ttES 49 be appointed to oo;.leut delinquent doe taxes and be paid •l.00 Jo oolleat for every tax oolleoted. carried. Dog Taxes. it was moved uy S.l[oXibbin sec by A.J Bodewortu that By-law No 43 As3 bO being a By-law to reaalete Sunday Spore he ..ow read a first time. bl b2 Carried. BY-Lu 23 it was moved by J.H.KauLman sou ay S.MOKiobin tuau by-law So 23 neoula"g be reau .► second time. Carried. Sunday .raved uy n.O.Alward deo :,y r.li.Kauimaa toot Sy-law So 44 be now yt,orts. road a t.uird and final tiros. Carried. The business of the meeting beim ended, RES 63 41/1 It was ,coved by A.J.Bodeworth, deo by A.O.Alwerd that we addourn ADJ.AA/ un411 toe next regular ;..seting exoept in uuse of emergenoy.uarried See over for RECEIPTS and ACCOUNTS DATABLE. • . . . .�'• ` ' �, Reeve. " ' . . . .Clerk. STATEMENT of RECEIPTS from last meetue, to cats. Pool Room Lioense, Lorne roster. 40,00 Taxi License R.Cookson 10.00 Transfer from Surplus, . 00 1000.00 Buildir Pexmits."►az '°Y�e ,J.cutherland,V4.00 Sva. riokle. x¢4.00 11.00 la Prov untario, 1949 reimbursement ♦ o Home for Aged 42.72 Pars Commission l000unt Sunday Sports vote. 73.00 Hamilton,i eller recovered r'.Travie 6.03 Taxes Arrears 103.30 " current 7300.74 Dog Tax. 6.00 f 8042.79 Tax arrears reueived a..0 previouo14 reported .363.06 tceueived to-date 103.30 ( 466.36 Current taxes previouelj reporteu '2617.32 deoeived to-uo►te ?560. 4 68 ♦VCOUNTS VOUCHER No 8. bo 1. rublio Sonoul un ♦/u Trustewd Levy iyuv 600.00, 2. W.S.7.ayouoa rostade & Reve::;ze 230 3. urtoL Sutherland Cutting brdda iowu Hail 6.00, 4. Fred Trati ie Relief A..e..d+,. 11.60, b. m. Paten " " 11.60. u. Lewis Townsend " " 14.00. 7. dad.ii.Arjaetron6 " " 26.60. 8. swim Pr int i.ia U omya.tiy rr int i ne 13.34. d. Township Bayheia Uentennial Book Anvertieind' 10.00. 10. " " Grading, & Hauling, Ualuivaa 117.60' U. n.3tenabaudh Adeedsor 212.4b. 14. Uanm4a Yitr Prod Drain ripe Tile 77.76. 13. Y./woman Garbeee uoileution 76.00. 14. Geo Youn4 Ditoning 4 laying tile 26.20. la. Mrs li.Tedford Returning UUYioer 10.00. .u. ,rrs Cox'► obeyer Poll Clerk 7.00' $ 1119.26 *INUTES of tae ninth meeting of the Port Burwell Couuoil, tieing the regular meeting, held iu the Clerk. * uffiue Teureday seeuiceg duly 6th. 1960. The meeting was called co order ;2M, the Reeve A.N.WrigLt in the Chair. Councillors present were SailoKiooin, ri.U.Alward,A.J.Bodaworth and J.H.Kaufman. the ainutee of tee last meeting dune Nth were read and approved. CORRESPONDENCE arising out of the minutes, The matter of the Shedder. Fire truok was eegesi.l laid over, and a diseuseion arising out of tui question brougat a request .hat the Clerk write slitter to Biokle-Seagrave Ltd of Woodstook, for tueir uataloeue am any particulars 111 tuie fir..' could i;:rnieu on a small fire ,iguting aparatus suitable for this Ville,ee. Counoi l lore Bodsworth and nauima:: gave au interesting talk on a deuaonataat- ten, of a alga pressure fog fighting unit tney inspected and Witnessed in operation whilst on a visit to Lansing *iouigan. tcegarding mr Paul liioksy' s letter admitting error an payment of the rrovinoiel subsidy of 1 mill .eaaeu on toe 1948 assessment for 1949, tae Clerk treasurer reported that toe final balance had now been reoeived, and tut eubsiuy completed. The matter of the oatoh basin at the S.7.00rner of Victoria and Wellington was legit in obeyanoe until worn was started. The of trying to secure a license 'rola the .,.C.B.of untario fur ..r Geo Johnson of the iakeeisle "Brick" riotel was filed pending toe result of toe latest application. Counolllor Alward brought to the notice of the meeting that our letter to the various pediars or goods coming into tee Village, had been criticised as not legal, and tgereaore some especially- the bread healers eau ibuurea our request. The proper legality of these proceedings and our Yealors By-law was to Ue put in the hands of the 'municipal Solicitor AZ MmA.ay for his ruling, along with the matter of drawing up a By-law sanotioning certain sports on Sunda,' in ooe plianoe with the vote recently cast in the afiirmative by toe Yotera of the Village on July 4th this Council also wished to go on record that the result of the Voting on By-law No 21, submitting the question re Sunday Sports to the *lectors on July 4th, polled 19c Votes all told, 133 in favour and LI against the question. The question of a debenture By-law, for the sale of debentures to cover toe cost of a new sanitary system for t.:e Sohool, the issuance oi debentures to be on a five year repeyme.nL plan, to as put in toe hands oi tue 'municipal dolioitor ,rr Scott muss'. An application was read from m.r F1.H.Cookson to operate a Taxi Service iu the Village. it was moved u;, n. ,.Alward and Seo u S.Moirioniu that the applioe.ion oz Wilbur Cookson for a taxi .bioenee be accepted one tee license granted RES subject to oomnpliauce with tiovernment laws and insurance UuuKSUN TAXES 41 regulations. Carried. LICENSN. It was moved oy S.*okiuoin sec u, d.H.Kaufman teat as construction being uommenoed on tee Tillsonourg 'memorial_ Hospital, that tee ANS ✓ grant of 8,000.00 tee Council promised be now paid from our 42 general savings account. Carried. TILJSOYAURG hOSYITAL It wee moved b,• SJMukibbin sec by d.H.Kaufman that all auuounte GRANT. on Vououer No 7 items - to 24 be paid and the Reeve sign vu,.e..er ANS 43 for same. Carried. Aocou..ta vuUCHis:R Moves by S.YoLibbiu esu by A.J.Bodeworth that Lunde Cou..Ler tafiS *44 Lioenses be granted ...re 'memorial Beach and two for nUNUH UUUNTt:R are Nreeman West t'ar::, toe Some of #2.0C and f4.00 Uavine LICENSJ;S been pain for raise. Carried. The business of tae meeting being ended, IL was moved by A.J.Bouaworle sec uy e.H.Kavfte n thee, we adjourn nrb 4v until toe next regular meetir6, or unless called f.-r emergency ADJUURIIM NT meetings toe Clerk. Carried. ' SI•:-, uVNR. ter nx C41;11'TS AND ACUUUIfTS. a. 7 , r A • I STATEMENT OF REUE PT3 FRUL iA3T Lj.TIliG '1:0-DATE. Township Houghton Helier recovered Townsend. 14.b6 halauoe final of Provincial Subsidy. '70.98 Tax Arrears. 34.32 i'axea current 2609.91 • Oounter Lie..neee,3imister,Fulkereon, Freeman 7.00 Prov untario rcelief Subsidy may 17.64 Building permit Lincoln Werth 7.00 w.R.Wiloos Taxi License 10.00 3 2771.44 Tax Arrears received tufa previously reported. p328.74 . eoeived to-date. 34.42 f So3.ue Current taxes previously reported. *7.41 tteoeived to-nate 2609.91 18;1773E ACCOUNTS VotJOHal Nu 7. 1. Jas. Armstrong relief .rune 10.00, 2. Dr PI.G.Green v.D.Control 22.00, . . 4.6.La,youok Postage for Tax notices 10.00% 4. dank of Commerce Hydro 'Town hall 4.0b_ b. Qas Armstrong ieliei .rune v.U0, _ U. i:.S.Layuouk rostabe,revenue a plain envelopes 3.60' 7. was. Armstrong neliei eune 10.60. 8. r'red.irdvie a duly 11.b0, 9. Airs m.Patten n " 11.60. 10. Lewis Townsend " " 14•00. 11. .rae.ti.Armstroug " " 26•40` 12. e.S.4:ileon Pence poste enn labor .,,;Ane 13.80 lo. U.A.3oper Lumber A/o P.r.Wilaon 6.78- 14. hews Printing 00 3tationer,e ,ny-laws notices 66.41� 16. times dournal Advertisement By-law 21 11.10- lo. V7.Soott iuoxay Fees-by-laws re S.3ports 16.10, 17. Uounty Clerk lioepitealization wune 2u.2b- I8. Geo hrudt Cutting weeds 91.20- -` 19. 4.3.Lsy000k Travelling and a:pennes u; uosno it. 2b.u0. 20. Brunner land Caloiuue Chloride 446.44. 21. George Young Digging ditch Chatham 38.40. 21. arse Athol Dosser Meaning village Will. 4.40, 23. Arthur nrooke darling and aravei.iing st,reets120.00. . 24. 1. Lamers Garbage removal 41i. 0 w0.00% d .,.01.b3 b.' Ill/ • 4 p arij1JTruS of the eighth meetiag of toe tort Burwell Council, being tae regular meeting, seld in the Clerk' s office, moneay evening wune kith 1950. AIMING palled to order 7Yli, the bteeve A.B.Wright la the Chair. Counoillurs present ware,S.MoXibbin,ti.O.Alward,A.J.Bodeworth ee J.H.B,auimau. oORRESPUNDENCE. a►IBUTE..S of toe Iabt taeetiag may let, were read and approved. A letter was read from toe impartment of rublio Welfare, regarding the Ce auiaa reraplei;io Association, gnu filed for future refete.,ue ii necessary. • The matter of pruourir>g a aaioe4,8e for toe Briok motel in toe wain Street, was disoussed, letters havinty been forwarded to the rremier of unterio, as Leslie eroew and oupies to the representative is the i.egieletive tle8eauoly ,, or 1.8. H4110 Thomas, ou authority of toe heave and Oounoil in speuial session, and a proposed interview wita toe Premier was antiuipated on .,one nth in dt . humae. the natter of the wire 'trunk at Shedden, wuicu toe Uounoil tad looked over on a vielt to Shedden oa mow 31st and had an interview mita toe trustees of toe village of Shedden was laid over fur further inveeiieatiou uy toe peeve. A leiter was read from air Paul Hiomey, Supervisor of municipal Auditing aau,itti.g the error is payment of subsidy gad teat toe belaaoe owing would be forwarded. The matter of the rile Drain oa Yiotoria Street wee again laid over, penala.g the uonstruotion of the oatoh basin: at uurner viotoria m Oellingtun. she Hydro gleotrio rower Oom:i Sonde aha been ordered may Ord for the neeerve Yund but Agra not yet been received. mr iiolibbin reported on interview with art Alder and they could uonstruot .etch basin, and in uonsequenoe it was coved of J.IlcAiubia and sec) by •.H.Kaufman twat tare ulerk stBS 44 inform. the '.0epartment of biighrays by letter that the Village will uatua bask pay half the poet of the watch basin at the S.'7.Corner of Victoria ft Yiotoria Wellington and tact the Village will auaiutaiu itpe.itwr iiaetaiiatiun. ieilingtm Carried. In oonneotion with nnawkers as 2edlars by-law leo 20, toe Clark was instructed to inform the following of their liability to procure -ioesee Aioense. Jackson' s maker;y ,, ueetone .3aker4 , uariada bread, and Hawkers ae • Sondes bread, also the butouer fru..i ualtoa gun the Hawleigh .an, reulaze. Ar Thomas Ives, temporary Caretaker of the uommuniL;y mall, through the illness of ex lorry Williams, attended the meeting to dieuuese conditions at Lae Commualty Sall, and tue ~went of expenses and Uomuluaity receipts fur tae mall, and a cosut.itte wee appointed uonsisting of nail. ..r Alward, .r Bodsworth and .ur muKibbin to interview gar reffil liams pertaining to community gall :,hatters and ar r ive at some working agreement. it wads moved b. g.u.Alward neo u, a.H.Kauiman that this Ootuioil aKa 3i 4444int ..r A.S.Brown as building inspector is the Village for 19$+) appointment at a Saler," of 426.00 for toe ,,ear. Uarrieu. bldg Insp. It wad moved by S.eeAiubin aaau dee b; n.O.Alward that petitions for Lams.. Counter lima ses,restaurants and toe creasy sale be ari8.36 granted the following and licenses be applied for Trow the medical Lunn Counter vffioer of gealth. ' tarried. nioenses • Alex Simister1.00. Geo wohnson # #2.00 arario aronico #2.00,Shipp twos #2.0O 6.G.Caralk f2.00 r.H.Dorken #2.00 Sam Swipp 0.00, ainoolu vertu #1.00, making a total of #14.00 collected to-date. tt war moved by ocanaibbin eeo by A.J.Bodsworth twat accounts on mS8 37 vouuuwr co o items 1 to 12 be paid ant peeve sign vououer for same. Auuounts Carried. voucher. A petition headed ay errs Lucy monieo and oontmining 182 signatures being more toga a tea per cent ma,iority of toe voters of this village was predw,,ted to toe counoilaesking to have tow iaovidiones of Ant alt ll., .,ei:i„ a bill to provide for certain ezoeptions to ;Le word- a may Aut, put into ioroe in this Village by icy-law, oailinb • for a v0T! on tug question. it was .Moved ay S.aoaiuuin deo by 4.H.Yauiman that 1y-law alp 21 riga 0,, 11111 1' being a by-law to euawit a gt.estiou re Sunday Sports to the by-iil% 21 aleutors, be read a first time. carried Sunday a:oved ay A.J.Bodeworth sen oy S,Iivaieuin that by-law Aso 21 ue read Spot tea. a second time, carried. Moved ay a.ti.a►a,.f:.:au sen uy A.v.Alward taut by-law to 21 be now read a third an last time. carried. it was moved ay S.MoKibbin, sec by e.H.Xa,.1wau twat bey-law do 222 nnS 69 being a by-law to appoint a day; for the ta:.ing of vote of the BY-I,dW 22 electors on toe question of Sunday, Sports, cud place where the Sunday votes are to be taken and Lep,.ty returning officer for each soon 6porLs. . 1+. place anu roll clerk for eauia sunt plaoe,ue read. a first tine.Carried Moved by e.H.Aaufwan see by A.J.Budsworth the; by-law So 22 he now read a second time. carried. ...oved by n.u.Alward, see by e.M Lau.fman Beat By-law ,Jo 22 be now read a third and final time. Carried. A letter iruu, mr u•eu hale reaeardinij ,ue mui.ean outer valley oouuol W.,8 read be.ore tug meeting, wit:wino to de included 1a tue rort bars/ell area. ride let,,,(0r was laid over pending farther acivanoes uy tit ratepayers and ad t.; waetbel a petition woi:ld oe presented. Tue wulwil would JO iaaerested in i..r',oer deveiupmea.ts. she o,sineee of tue meeting ''amts ended, .t was moved uy banoaiubij eau by v.li.xe,..waa twat tae meeting Ida 40 adjourn until tue nein reeulum meeuialg euly 3rd. carried. Adjournt,e .t41110 Statement of xeoeipts from tiie last mee;,ing to-date. Townsuip no..buton neliei recovered TOsnsend. 9.713 aamiltun u Travis I4.5ei rrov untario 1949 subsidy. 94.59 buildin. termite. 5.00 kostauraut Lioenses board oT nealta 14.00 rrov of vntario belie: subsidy 26.16 Dazes. uo.b4 Total ; 229.73 rax arrears reueived and yreviousiie reporteu .209.31 neueived to-date 59.45 SEt3.7 Taxes reo°'ived iu0. • 7.41 ACCOUNTS VuuUn..R No u. . 1. m.3.1640003( restage oo Revenue 0.00 2. m.Patten neliei gine 11.b0. 3. Nred Travis n " 11.60, 4. Lewis Townsend ie of 14.00% L . A.H.Smitn rusting Dug butioea. 4r60J:Jr u. uanada vitrixied trod Drain ripe 1.29.d0, 7. ,r,unioipal ',:orld menus and Assessment Ho11s id.57. a. :'rank Lamers tiarbage removal may 80.00. 9. burton moOord roan tiradiuts ou.00, 10. tieurge ioung Ditouing , 64.0C\ • ) 1. tran;c Young mindere not subsidized) 3.76 12. ileo. Armstrong u;.tti.i6 brass Toren Aa11 1.W\ At clV/ e0As7 J9s4es eskAs /`D iie1� Tote) . y1 .� %.1/ ,-.4-4- . , r .Q. . . i.4.l ,O.," . . Heave. . . .Q elan.. -s= ,.iNUTr3 of the eeHenth :aeetinb of the Port Burwell Council, beim, tue regular meeting held in the Clerk' s uiziue, uonaad eyeing artily let 19b0. meeting called to order 'i PM, the iteeve A.H.Wright in the onair. uouuoillors present were 1.u.Alward, S.Moii:iubin and b.H. Aaubman. minute* of toe mer eut aueetzne April 20;u read and approved. rhere was no spooled uorreapnndenue to be brought b .A.ore the meeting, with the exdeption of the notice for the lectures on aunioipal Administration in the Court House St Phomas on may 4th, and this was held in obeyanoe until the day of the meeting to see if alone uould attend. The aorreapondenoe on toe question of toe tile drain for viotoria Street • was aaaain laid over for Lather information. arr r.E.Wilson, Secretary of the Park board, presented a letter from the Deputy ainister in reply to his request on behalf of aur Cotton who rune various amusements at the beach, and t..ie was laid over pending receipt of a Uop,y of tug Ast tAill No 114) bearing on a ,, municipality passion a n .y-law to aiiow persons to engage Ior be preee..i. at any !owe:..u1ic e ox ayort tna�. is epeuified Uy such By-law. io it was moved „y Stuart , �iiubin and sec by ii.u.Aiwara twat tile clerk bontau t arr Alder oi the impartment of highways ana ask to have an M 29 unaineer 4)6'11 upon one of the Uouncil when in tali* vicinity to UAtUn ASIA disuuee possibilities of a catch basin at to corners of victoria Victoria ar aha we i li,.btou Street*, Uarried. Uei li..gton. It wad mored uy Stuart moiluiuin and see oy A.u.Alward, toot by-law io 20 being • by-law to license, ret,ulate, and govern hawkers and pedlars be read a first time. Oaarried. AAS 3O ...oved by , .A.aaufman see by Stuart uwmi uuin twat by-law so 20 si-uAR no 20 be read a second time. Carried. riawkeie Woved oy A.v.Alward and sou ay .,.n.ba...L.aa that Ay-law bio 20 be auk iealace now read a tuird and final time. varried. �'. by-law to be forwarded to the .ept oi ..,..nduipal Affairs for their approval, and oonseat. it was moved by Stuart womiuuin and seu b. v.li.xauSma n tua.t tate oeoretary be instruoeed to have printed auu uiapl.yed pro.ainently i'ES 61 a request for Uitisens to keep their duaa tied and on their own DOG property during the months of ..qg, .rune, July and August: Carried. NOTICES. Moved by SJ[oXibhin and sec by .I.H.Bauiwan that all accounts o.. AES 62 voucher No 5, items 1 to 0 be paid and the tteeve eian voucher Accounts for eau,e. Carried. Voucher. The business of the meeting being ended, nE8 36 It was aaoved u„ Stuart aro1lobin and sec by n.O.A.lward that the Adjournment meeting adjourn until the next regular meeting sung bth. Statement of aeoeipte from toe last meeting to-date. Province Ontario belief subsidy,1bby,taoh. ob.79 Yrovinoe Ontario highways subsidy 1y4y. 134.23 Tax Arrears received and City of Hamilton relief recovered Travis E1.63 previuusty relorted. •2u7.28 bent for regulator bent,. ipe Line as 10.00 duce received .A.u3 sxes. 42.03 Ed9.3 f 272.68 ACCOUNTS VOUCHER Eb b/ 1. Geo Armstrong Ogre of Detour lights 10.n6N 2. m. Patten belief may i1.60. • 3. r . Travis " " 1l.5ON 4. .,. Townsend " 14.uu, 5. A. Laemere uarbaee uottection April 40.0u• �. Municipal World Stationery 3.79' 7. doper Lumber vompaoy a/c Pete Milson marine; aetour 11.64\ end roan protection blockades 6. r.E.Wilsou repairing and Besetting str 22.06, diens m stove pipe Police hall 466 [.�-/` Zelly&-- Iteevo . . . . . . .. . . .ulezk. t mIN TBB of the sixth meeting of the Porc au:well vounvil, being an emergency meeting, held in the vlerk' a uffiue Thursday night April 20th I94)0. .he meetin wad ()ailed to order at l.30dt, the tceeve A.I.Wright iu the hhair.. hounoiliore predant were n.u.Alward, a. muttiubin anu w.A.a►a..ltaan. r 1.01/0 .he p,.rpode O. Lae meeting was to approve tue l9ot budget, and dot the milt rate for 19b0. Alec to pada a building Sy-law, tad decide upo., other important she clerk read the estimated budget expenditure for the year 194)0 and the teL rate was e►,ruuk at 60 mills, the hlerb to prepare:.the teLx notices and eau * e. dupt,ly printed the date as last year. It was moved uy b. Mua►lubin and dee b, .,.a.aa uiwa.: tuat by-law bo 113 being a by-law to levy the rates and taxes for the year nab 24 1960 and io provide for the 0ol1e061on thereof, he now read a by-JAW 16 first time. harried. Moved by n.J.A1~art, sec u;- a.moaibhin that Iv i.gvi by-law AO Ls be now read a eeeuond time. harried. 1Al._, moved by .,.ti..haul..Le and eau by o.u.Alward that by-law ::o hi be read a third and final time. harried. two aphlioations for taxi Lioenses were planed belore the meeting It was moved by attract moAibbin and sou uy a.u.Alward that taese nr.S i:4) two applioants, .,.tt.wiloox and nobt vain be branted raxi .ioended TAXI for the year 1960 after having complied with toe taxi by-law of LIOM;NMa the village of tort hurwell anti all exietinb hovernweeut laws with respect to uide.ranoe Alto. harried. it was moved oy A.u.Alward and emu uy 4.11.asuri;man that the bh.8 2u village adopt iiaylieht having time erfeutive April 30th, .JAYLIOHT terminating dept 60th 194)0. harried. SAVIlso .tma It was moved uy otuart a►caeluoin and bee by n.u.Alward that by-law go 19 being a ng-law to regulate the ereotioa of buildings hE8 27 within the munioipality of the Village of tort nurwell, be BY-TAW 19 read a r ixst time. Carried. Building moved by w.1..Kauiman see by atuart aei1bbin twat by-law iso 19 by-law. be read a wevond time. harried. roved oy w.n.asaurauau and deo uy n.u.Alward that ay-law mo ly tie now read a third and =anal time. harried. me8.O.Alward made the suggestion whioh was approved unanimously by the Oounoil ih deedion that the olek write a letter of sympathy to the aueient oounoilor ...r A .Bodsworth, who oould not be present on acoount of serious ill ee. Bio further business cueeiuu belore the meeting, ttE9 26 It was moved uy Stuart Yo$ibbin and deo b„ b.O.Alward tuat we now ADJOURNLENT adjourn to mee„ at the regular eaeeion may let at 7. M. Carried. 1111/0 a n. 4)`r�'`? Reeve //; cleric. .INUTS3 of the fifth meeting of the port Burwell Counoil held in the clerk s uffioe mondar April 3rd 1960. al oTING called to order 7 21[, the iteeve A.N.Tright in the k.hair. uounoilor• s preeeut were 4.O.Alward, ...H.Yaufoean and A.4.Bodeworth. ,minutes of tad previous meeting marou letu &eau ee,.ui apyrovee.i. the uorreepondenoe on the tile grain for .notoria Street was 11a c over and a Coiinittee would inspect the situation mace further eY:.ireiee and report, at the next meeting called for April 17th. It was moved by A..r.Bouesworth, sec by thaw ASS 18 ver Stenabauah be re-appointed as Aeseseor fur . or. nurwe; ; Lor 19L0A22u114T'ASNT at the ea.me eiaiary auoreoeived in 1949 being 4200.00 plus A3b]SSOR. percentage of dog tax ooiteuted. varried. 1t was moved b, .r.H.xaufman eeu by n.U.Alward, teat in uoaplia..ue witn le_ter of approval signed by the Dept of municipal Affairs RES 19 dated .rayon 22nd 1950, we authorise the Clerk and r•inanoe rURCHABE BOEDS committee to purohaee Prov of untario sydro-Blectrio rower A3 RESERVE Uom:iieeeion 37. debentures for the sum of .2b00 from tae Aeserve rund. Carried. It were moved by ..ii.Kaufman seen uy A.J.Bodsworth that tune RES 20 Counoil donate to the rublio Liorary of rort burweT1 the aura 1DONATION TO of .60.00 when funds available. Carried PUBLIC LIBRARY It was moved by rl.O.Alward, sec by A.J.Bodsworth that a000unts AES 21 on voucher No 4 numbered 1 to 8, in mat 41260.88 be pale and AdCOUITT8 the peeve sign voucher for same. Carried. VOUCHER No 4. it was .coved uy n.U.Alward, eeu by e.H.Eaufman that this Council AES 22 instruct the caretaker of the Community Hall to refuse to rent ASSTING COtd the tall iu the future to wenovah` a Witnesses and that if an ALM, 1'O advance rent has been paid, the same to be reiunded immediately. 'JEHOVAH' S Carried. WITNESSES. The business of the meeting being ended, it was moved by A.J.Bodsworth sec b. 1i.0.Alward that we adjourn and call an ABS 25 emergency meeting for April 17th at 7 lii. Carried. ADJUURN ENT. • STATEM NT of receipts .roes the lash meeting to date. Transier from surplueto current Loot '1000.00 City of namilton relics recovered. 8.53 Prov of untario,frum 11,48 rubiio Tax arrears prey reported .202.43 lelfare Acot,Home for true Aged. 34.87 Since received to-date Taxes. 4.46 51050.05 ACCOUNTS VOUCE Nu 4. 1. Canadian oahk of Commerce rjydro village gall 4.06 2. ,yrs m. Patten tteliei April 10.60: 3. Fred t'ravie ^ ^ 14.00, 4. Lewis 'Townsend ^ A 19.uu, 5. rublio School on A/o Trueetees levy 1900. 1000.00, 4. &eters brown and klood Audit 1949. 104.80, 7. Y. Laemers tkarbage removal 40.00` 8. ,erre Cora ..ever Donation Librarian. b0.00� #1260.86 Q h 7 Beers. %�! . . .'. .,. . . .Clerk. aiNUT4'3 of the fourth ...eetinty of the Tort 13urwell Uounoii ueid in tae tier.t a vino* iiituaday aarou loth. u unoilior• s present were n.u.ALward,a.u.Bodaworth,S.auA coin Witt .►.a.aauf+..an meeting nailed to order t2k, Luil (Jotnuil present and the tteeve A..e.Wrieht in tie Ohair. *INUTE8 of tae 2revious meetiing read end approved. Uorreepondenoe to be roma was as fo_ioww:- A letter and berms to oe filled uut a,,polntf,.a heed iusj,ectior for the ending year, his was from the Dept o: Agriculture. Letter from tae Branner Mond Uompany laid over from tue iedt meeting wee acted upon. sue mater of tiue Hospital bill from tue Victoria Hospital :.cruor regarding liau:,• Sootle, and the bill was hauoed into tue oare of the reeve to ue ta►xeu ogre of at the next Uouncil meeting. A dieuuasion Arose on a petition presented 'uy tue reaiuente of Viu.,orie St: for proper drainage facilities on that street, and tiue Ole:` wee aut,uorised to Bend the petition to ar W.1t.Alder, Division na.bineer,r.ondon requesting uie signature and a;?proval es tuia is oil a tiie,hvay no 19. nedarding the gunner ...end urder, it wee authorised tuat ewe was to ue placed for 18 .ons of vale/um Ouloride and suiijirg instiruo.ione would ue the same as last year, tuet is to ea), , the noun Superintendent ...r n.uoawin of the rowneuip of a a aha... would deliver our order at tug dame time as tueir order was delivered in the rowuauip .ruuke. it was eieo requested tuat the Olerk duould write to ar L:urray Steuabaugh asking iui:a if he would consider the Assessing of the Village ewe as last year. moved by A.J.Bodsvortu neo b;; a.O.Alward that .,.r S.MoBiobin be ttB8 1.3 appointed :teed Inspector for the Vi1i.aae of r :rt Btuwell year 1960. WEED INSP Carried. Lioved by S.loliobin lieu b;- nO.Alward that the Olerk write to the nE3 14 Dept of municipal Afieire to obtain per,uisdion to buy .4ydro-Eleo ZSJRVE FUND Commission bonds with the ...u..ioipalitiee aeeerve rund of *8600 BONDS Carried. .moved by S.loXiobin eeu oy A.J.Bodsworth that the Ouunoil grant nE3 lb permission for the .ark Board to collect rent fox the Uot s e on COTTAGE the South end of nrieue street, or to do as tuet, see fit.'Oarried. PARK BOARD loved by S.Yoliobin see by d.$.lCauftuan that tae a000uute ou n$S le 1 115 50 be ' aid and the 10 OUP TS Voucher No 3, items to COi in amount � p aeeve sign the eauue. Oaarried. VOUCiiitiR 3. The business of the meeting being ended it was moved by din 1; A.J.Bodeworth ego by H.O.Alward that ue now adjourn until the ADJOURIE:E!T next regular meeting On April 3rd 1950 at '1 Pl. STATE l NT of Receipts from tue last meeting to-date. rs►nefer irom eurplua to swept 4300.00 City of nainilton relief recovered 8.53 lax arrears prey reported 4162.55 �ownsuip nougnton " ^ 9.78 * " Rea' a to-ante 40.0$ Prov Ontario Relief subsidy 2u.l6 Total 1202.63 Prov Unt,grant Uuiidrens Aid Branch 34.12 31948) Taxes 40.08 4417.67 ACCOUNTS VOUCHER No 3. 1. are t++. Patten Relief march 16.60\ 2. lied Travis is " 16060% o. Lewis To'.!nsend If 19.00% 4. !:'rank baerier d var Wily Cu'.l Feby 40.00 O. u.2.Lay000x Sta Opti poetasae 2.00, 6. r'. Youuee sending Roads 18.60% # 112.60 4 n (--1-1 rceeve. �•'' . . .U1erk. _ ,a111UTSS of .iie ,neat of the `:!t 11 iI, held in the villas of the Clerk, Friday 1!'eoruari lith 1960. rhe full Qounnil i.. attendanua. aEnTI3G galled to order / Yl[, the L eeve A.N.Rrieht in the Chair. The Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. zirst business reading of oorrespondenoe tabled at the last meeting. Letter from the Assooiation of vntario ,mayors and beeves with referenoe to hospital for siok onilaren funds. r1Li�D. better from the untario food roads Aseooiatiou. fro atter from the St .john Ambalanoe 1960 campaign. 00 two letters from the Department of Planning and 1evelopwe,..t. 1)0 dotter frog,. the Brunner .rond Canada riles. .,AID uVEER r u1 rUTURM REFERENCE. An old petition for drainage by the residents of Victoria dtreet ratiTIua was tabled in the event of a new petition being oiro4lated. Ia►ID uVER. it was ,roved by S.Moxiubin eeoonded by A.d.Bodeworth, tact by-law 17 being a by-law for road expenditures for 1960, be read a first tine. hES MU 8. Uanried. BY-Iasi 17 moved by d.1i.xaufman seconded uy d.Moziubin that By-law No 17 MAD • be read a Beyond time. Carried. BZPB DITUE3 ..owed by n.v.Alward,eeuonded b; b.H.aaufman twat by-law no 17 1960. be read a tuird and fins time. Carried. /Loved oy A.J.Bodewortu eeoonded uy d.u.Alward fiat accounts vououer ARS llo 9 ,.0 2, numbers 1 to 11 amounting to 4270.00 be paid and toe beeve ACCOUNTS sign the saws. Uarried. VOUCHlsB. 2 Moved by S.Moaiobin and eeoonded by A.d.Bodsworth that by-law go 1 SAS Nu 10 be &Wended to read Ob0.0v in place of 4160.00 ad annual salary. BY-LAN iso 1 Carried. AMENDED. /Loved by d.Moaiubin,seuonded by A.h.Lright, that three Uounoillors and three ratepayers of the village ue appointed to the memorial EMS MU 11 Park Board for 1960. uo.a.ea11lors Al.. Bodoworth,...H.Yaufman,a.nd MmORIAL n.u.Alward, zatepayers, Samuel 3hipp, r.B.iilson.w.8.Qaslk. Carried. PABta.BuARD. The business of the meeting being ended, it was SSS m0 12 Moved .,y A...Boddworth,deuonded by •.d.xaufman teat we adjourn until Adjournment the next regular meeting in march. Oarried. STATr+.lsn't' of zeoelp.,a from tug lads mee.ing to-date. Yrovinoe of untario belief Subsidy 426.l4 douahton,reliei renovered Townsend 9.78 rax arrears reo• a ca Irene iodd,share of fuel bou,;nt reported 'January Westing. 484.46 for village hall. A/o Baptist Ijj 7.60 Beoeived to-date 18.19 rases. - 8.19 Total tax arrears •T.bb - 120.43 reoeived. ACCOUNTS v uUCRER 1io 2. 1. urs ...Ystten relief raur,.ary. 16.60\ 2. &red xray is Iu.ia0 6. Lewis Townsend " 19.00' 4. W.S.Lay000k rootage a levenue 1.90, 6. the munioipal world u suusoriptious 12.00. 6. County Clerk. hospitalisation 106.87\ 7. rose vffioe Boz ren; 6.00. 8. zoos Breland bleotrio Bulbs 48.24 '' O. m.1.3utherland hauling gravel 12.00, 10. w.Soott roams Legal eervioes fees 2.66 11. r. .,aemers ciarbage.o o l leu t ion. 7 I!i 4411111 7 htteeve. . . . . . . .Ulerk ALBUMS of tine Wain meetinb of the ror s Burwell U.,unoil, nal.* in Lne Wiliaie3 ua.i oz .-ono-Ai sinht tine loth .iaivary 1960. aeeLinb uaLLed t►u order dem, tire ueeve l.y.tsibat in sue ur.atr. the fuli Uounoll was in astendanos. the Miv Jeotee Downing of she ror,. iuraell baptist uhuroa, on invitation of ar Orien;. Nam present and opened tail t.:e fires aeetin, of the 4ear , with a very inspiring message, and prayer. no :a.aed .:is sal:: from she oonc.ert fo;:..d in the Book of ..ioah eth onayter rsth verse, and a:reseed the grace of kindness wit. ,;dssioe and to walk noaoly with lieu. as Downiniy had the auma:i Booed with ..is a.eo91e and t..a uousluil iidtenee reverently to •.,is Wcraa• the messing be now resumed in toe rebuilt. ::.a..n.s. , ..indtes ui sse laei readlar nesting held on two 14th li44, it .:eine a.. e•..et„oinos .meeting and the aeetind ui inadb+:raticn mala on Jan6.5i4 azo la.r.i, wa.d Bead and apptovea. rhe fisc„ 'fiiu.aineeb +ram the realms of oor.eapcndenue, a'izati4 a ieuaelu3i4a Wad placed before Bud r.eesine au to _1o1;:s:- r uVJi,D oy ♦.J.BodswoIL•a deoonded by n.u.Alware ;has a ne rs4 vase ui tna..ks be tendered true nev AX Dow ino Lor ::id ver; inspiring and impressive Bea 3 opening auoxeaa a.. t::e first mee6ina of the luny Uounoil. Ua.ried. opening auaress. +.cuter +nom toe £sbooiation of unbario .arose and heves, with reformats to ranee :os the dospital for diol Dhiluren. +Alia veer. rester fs acs the ..star iu %WOG hoods Assootat ion. • - Ls w ser from tae SL duan Ambulance iytw uampat6n. • • 'hwo i le;tets from Lae Department of Yla...Ang • Development, one on tae int trade salt• aau sue o1,•.er..uniiclpal rromovion oonferenoe,munioipal ities of untaric. • . Lester .rc>+► t..e Bru„Lier mond -uamada Baled .td, re indication of toe ;outlaw,' tey,.irea for L..0 o,.irent aabr:on. aeply statim %woe aa>ve ordes a loot year. neo.er :rot,: tiuv caie: mtllt iakai l n inset te6ardind B4-law to provide for s..e lent' expenditures under nionwa4 tr.►provemens .w 1.• aid ui-bt for t.br 1,11,e4i.ig. the followinb Uomidistees Weald appointed for 19b0. a,.,LLJ ar DRAINS. 8taa►rt nerAioein and 4.541n5..1a5n ravrantY a wnLFARN. n.u.A1W&.d and 9tuait'i►osibbin riALIQL, 1161. & BY-103 •.J.Dodsworth arra n.u.,lwardo the rAit5 Bu61BD to .be appointed at the Aeby meetia6. it wee :Roved by atuart i uAiubin and deoonaea by ♦.w.Bodssn►rth rtes t4 the:. Road-etvelana be appointed Jaretoker of /Street 1..t hue as dsseet the a lari of xis dollars ped :Dontn fox true yeas 19bc. ca.rieu nib..te. i tenders for ~begs Yeileotion vete read Elcom stank msemeta, rrank Young and ..ri.3u-sherland. it Mari moved by ..H.Aauiman seconded by n.u.Alward Lhm6 the Med 0 tender from Prank +Aaewers for disposal a.:,d oolleotici cf earbsge fiax'ba,je for lyw, be accepted. ea.ried. �io�l.uti� it .50 zoysia by r.u.Llwar.L wounded air ♦..►.Bodiwurth that Looeunte o.8 f� yioe 1 to 14 CA Youoher pro 1 be paid. cartieu. Aaocu:nta Youoh..•. theta being no further oustnese before toe me.eti46 is Was moved o, £...iodevur.h neo by e en.Aadlman Muau u. auuurn Mira ti until t..e next cer,uled mooting on 0.0505e a•ecy" cite& 1960. La,,outnraent. nB0a1218 to sue end of Leaember 1949, and danua.y 19CJ to-date. • 41/0 • !Beliet recovered Moughton xcwaceaip •19.b6 • " Matailbun a.03 takes previous14 • subsidy Ercv untaiic 40.16 reported. 114e.8e Biaoodnt on Vounty rate. 34.921 A64• Ch kw Leo did 1, .1Lu.ad i as aLid.di Srum aideive kuru. ,o...cc total sec• u as o..,oc; 14340.03 Bases. :lo.,.al Vi ,ea+. yotal. Deo 3ist taxes in a.:ea.a. ?e.,. •uW ..11,v1L'ir't'►d stag; limo .:o-..ase. Aloes• ♦....3o yam, vVliR. .u•:Ld..ir no,i4nton .e1iei y. ., • y'—T •• a 000000 •cJ °, l� RI }P� gyp. - £geeunts YoUska+ ad 1. 1. rnbliu .wsuui un ♦/a 1944 to y. ��•..•►•• . p. .. -. sha— OuWws+Jr Aymail ias4 CV �1 vIllo.v oll. �.vv 4. $ahool $oaru. s'ab soh. /final. ;mezt iw49 levy & D.1 l Want • • 1444.66 1940.39‘. :;< 4. xuwnahip bayham rise Una". se:vides. wr.0.J1y' b. &sou tsavia .anuary 196v 16.60% 6. .r. Patten • • 16.60% I. aswis YoWnsend • • 19.00, b. a.G.aroom bervioea 85.7d\ 9. Boyden Uathera lne yremium V9.b0` 10. municipal oorld 4i;atiunery 5.136, 11. Arthur auston kiepra Villa„e shall. 5.10. 12. the News 1rintin6 UompsAy Ballots. 4.161% 13. Arthur Brouka. aaslind Gravel. 96.04T 14. /rank Laeruere +lari ts@ uoileution Deoeiuber 1949. 4J.Ot? • • • . • • 75u C .L mT BuRW14LL darty 9th 1960. SHR £MLU0u1 . meeting for the 1960 Reeve and Uounoil of the aunioipality It of the village of Tort . uxwell, was held in the Pillage .A0.11 at 11 W 44:: the 9th last. P . xho Reeve, ♦.Yewell fright end Counoillora, St;:eart ..uL1 .bia, a.v.Llward, L.d.Bodaworth, and d.H.Ka�n, were sworn in to uffios r as oonsti;utinp the Village 0ouno11 for 19bu, •y the Clerk the Ohair was the.. resumed by the Reeve a:.d r...o _i..,ued14,;e a nh argent uusinese was a„tiended to. .he disu;,.saiu:s aekroved of palling the :irut re,;.:1ar :aeinees meeting as ea+ 1, as 8di:.1e, and with t.:is in view, At was moved by S.lIoYi.. in and aeoonded by L.d.Bodsworth, thaw ;he village of kort Burwell Oouasil at this session, Bea Bo 1 make annual petition for the statutory grant ;ander the Highways provisions of the Highway improvement Lot, on expenditures Subsidy. made d.ring the year 1949. Carried. it Dein{ necessary thaw t..e —anoeie of the Council resume their daily ocoupatiuns, It Waal moved by e.H.k nfaan seconded oy daso&rooin .thai. we au jourh t..ie in hearel meeting to neat again for the ices 8 trenea.tion of regular `ausines/a on a►onuar evenint, Lo,,.,arnnent loth at ,PY, in the Village Ball. Carried. . . .a...)2•••*Reeve Or: _ . . .. clerk.